King John's Attack on Man in 1210
King John’s Attack on Man in 1210 Ian Beuermann Anno [...] iohannes rex anglie classem quingentarum nauium ad yberniam duxit, eamque sibi subiugauit. Et mittens partem exercitus sui cum comite quodam nomine fuco ad manniam, eam in una quindena fere omnino deuastaureunt & suscipientes obsides ex ea reuersi sunt in patriam suam. In the year 1210 [...] John King of England took a fleet of five hundred ships to Ireland, and he subjected the place to his sway. He then sent part of his army with a certain earl called Fuco to Man, where in a fortnight they laid waste almost the whole island. 1 They took hostages from there and returned to their own country. 1 Cronica Regum Mannie et Insularum (Chronicles of the Kings of Man and the Isles), ed. G. Broderick, Douglas 1995/6, f.41r., 41v.; henceforth CM (Brod); cf Cronica Regum Mannie et Insularum, The Chronicle of Man and The Isles, with historical notes and additional documents, ed. P.A. Munch, re-ed. Goss, Publications of the Manx Society vols. XXII, XXIII, Douglas, 1874: 83; henceforth CM (Munch). Cf also Annals of Furness s.a.1210, in Chronicles of the Reigns of Stephen, Henry II, and Richard I, ii, ed. R. Howlett, Rolls Series 82, London, 1879-94, ii: 511, Early Sources of Scottish History, AD 500-1286, ed. A.O. Anderson, Edinburgh, 1922, revised edn. P. Watkins Stamford, 1990 (henceforth ES) ii: 388 n.1. Cf Annals of Loch Cé, ed. and trsl. W. Hennessy, Rolls Series, London, 1871 (henceforth ALC) i: 242 for the information that John sent a fleet to Man after occupying Carrickfergus.
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