The Cityring - Even Better Metro

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The Cityring - Even Better Metro FAKTA: The Cityring - even better metro Since its opening in 2002, over half a billion passengers have travelled with the Metro – a number that will increase steadily with the opening of the Cityring. The Cityring is expected to double the number of passengers, so already by 2020, 122 million journeys will be by the metro. A fully-automatic and driverless control The Metro is made with three system specific goals in mind: The technology has evolved a lot since 2002. The It must be safe for people – both those who control system of the Cityring is fully- automatic use it for travelling and those who work in it. and driverless just as the existing metro’s, but the It must be a nice place to be for people – so Cityring uses a communication-based control they like to use it. system, which includes means a shorter distance It must be effective – so that customers can between trains and thus the possibility of more be sure to arrive as planned. departures, higher capacity and shorter waiting time for passengers. photo: Ditte Valente User-friendly metro The Cityring’s 17 new stations are equipped with two elevators instead of one, which is the case with the current stations. The experience from the existing metro has shown that increased ease of use will benefit especially passengers in wheelchairs or with strollers. Also, the incline and slope of the stairs to and from the new station areas have been reduced, making the stairs easier to walk up or down. Four stations have escalators all the way from street-level down to the platform. METROSELSKABET I/S Metrovej 5 2300 København S Telefon: 33 11 17 00 Page 1 af 3 FAKTA: The Cityring - even better metro Passenger information With the opening of the the Cityring (M3) and later the Nordhavnslinjen (M4), the metro should be viewed as one unified system by the customers. Therefore, new platform screens have been installed in the existing subway, similar to those installed on the M3/M4 among many other measures. The consistent customer experience is also about creating good interchanges between metro, train and bus. Therefore, Metroselskabet works closely with the other traffic companies under the auspices of DOT creating optimal conditions for the passengers at the interchanges and also at the larger points of interchange between bus, train and metro, which are established with the opening of the Cityring. By the descent into all the Cityring’s stations, there will be exit screens with departure times for the metro as well as relevant bus and train departures by the main staircase. Also, pressure-sensitive screens are installed at the ticket vending machines underground, enabling passengers to search for trips on Rejseplanen and get access to other passenger information on, for instance, travel rules, prod- ucts, etc. At all the Cityring’s stations on street-level - both by the main stairs and adjacent stairs - there will be station markers shapes as large, illuminated M’s that make it easy for passengers to find the Metro. Did you know that: • The Metro runs around the clock for all 365 days of the year. • The Cityring is the largest unified construction project in 400 years since Christian IV founded Christianshavn. The contracts to build the Cityring were signed in 2011. • With the Cityring, Copenhagen Central Station will overtake Nørreport as the country’s busiest station with 150,000 passengers a day. • In the beginning of 2020, two more metro stations will be added in Nordhavn. These stations will be on the new line, the M4 between Copenhagen Central Station and Orientkaj,foto: which Bax Lindhardt has a total of eight stations. • Five new stations are under construction in Sydhavn and are expected to open in 2024. • Virtually all excavated material from work on the Cityring has been reused for filling in Nord- havn. A total of 3.1 million tons of soil has been moved from the Cityring to Nordhavn. This is equal to an area the size of 41 times the Town Hall square. • The operation of the Metro yields a profit, which is used to pay for the construction of more metro lines. • The operation of M1 and M2 is outsourced to Metro Service, while Hitachi Rail STS has the con- tract for the operation of the Cityring (M3) with Metro Service as a subcontractor. METROSELSKABET I/S Metrovej 5 2300 København S Telefon: 33 11 17 00 Page 2 af 3 FAKTA: The Cityring - even better metro The capital gets 44 metro stations Upcoming new metro lines With the Cityring and the metro line to Nordhavn and Sydhavn, Copenhagen will get 24 new metro sta- tions. From 2024, the capital will have 44 metro stations tying large parts of the city together. Driverless transport around the clock The Metro runs around the clock, seven days a week and is powered by a fully-automatic (control) sys- tem. Sustainability The Metro is a sustainable means of transport – and since 2011, the Metro’s CO2 emissions have been reduced by 72 per cent. The capital’s fastest mode of transport Top speed: 90 kilometres per hour. Average speed, including stops: 40 kilometres per hour. Efficient and user-friendly More than 99 per cent of the many metro departures run on time. In customer surveys, 96 per cent of the Metro’s customers state that they are satisfied with their journey. Since its opening in 2002, the Met- ro’s trains have completed more than half a billion journeys. The Metro’s passengers Once the Cityring is open, the number of journeys in the Metro is expected to double to about 122 million passengers by 2020. By that time 85 per cent of the citizens of the most central neighbourhoods and Frederiksberg will be less than 600 metres from the nearest metro or train station, and nine out of the ten most busy stations in Denmark will include a metro station. foto: Bax Lindhardt METROSELSKABET I/S Metrovej 5 2300 København S Telefon: 33 11 17 00 Page 3 af 3.
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