Copenhagen Business School – Event Details

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Copenhagen Business School – Event Details Copenhagen Business School – Event Details Date: Wednesday, 24 October, 2018 Time: Check-In/Registration: 4:30–5:00 p.m., Hall B, Solbjerg Plads Panel: 5:00–6:00 p.m., SPs05, Solbjerg Plads Recruitment Fair: 6:00–7:30 p.m., Hall B, Solbjerg Plads Location: Copenhagen Business School Solbjerg Plads 3 2000 Frederiksberg Web page with details and registration: Recommended hotels: SCANDIC Webers (★ ★ ★ ★) Vesterbrogade 11B, 1620 København V Phone: +45 33 31 14 32 Ibsens Hotel (★ ★ ★) Vendersgade 23, 1363 København K Phone: 33 45 77 44 Hotel CABINN Scandinavia (★ ★) Vodroffsvej 55, 1900 Frederiksberg C Phone: +45 35 36 11 11 Transportation: Airport Copenhagen Airport (CPH) Airport to hotel Copenhagen Airport (CPH) is eight kilometers southeast of the city. By Metro, it takes less than 15 minutes to get to the city center and 20 minutes to get to CBS. Remember to buy a ticket before boarding the train. Tickets are available from the DSB ticket office above the railway station in Terminal 3 and at ticket machines on the platform. The price for a one-way ticket is approx. DKK 30. Taxis are also available (approx. fare from the airport to Frederiksberg is DKK 350). DocNet – Copenhagen Business School Page 2 of 2 Hotel to school The easiest way to get to CBS, from almost anywhere in the Copenhagen area, is by taking the Metro line M2 towards Vanløse. Metro trains depart every 4 to 6 minutes during the day and every 15 minutes in the evening. Exit at Frederiksberg Station, which is located right next to Solbjerg Plads. At the station, look for the exit signs toward Copenhagen Business School. As you come up the stairs, CBS will be in front of you. Shipping Materials Rikke Pi Storm Lind Event Manager – CBS Business Copenhagen Business School Solbjerg Plads 3, BS.04 2000 Frederiksberg Tlf.: +45 38152097 Mob: +45 41852616 E-mail: [email protected] Please plan to have materials arrive no later than Mon 22 October, 2018 Dining Frederiksberg and the surrounding neighborhoods have many restaurant and bar options within walking distance of the hotel and the Copenhagen Business School. There are numerous award-winning restaurants as well as many options for quality bar fare all within walking distance. Local Area The weather in Copenhagen around October can be brisk, windy and sometimes rainy, so remember to bring a good coat resistant to wind and rain. If you are going to be exploring Copenhagen, the obvious choice would be to rent a bike and enjoy our many green bike routes, which intersect the city. It is by far the best way to get around fast and hassle-free. Copenhagen is well known for an abundance of green space and recreational activities, an excellent nightlife, numerous museums and Michelin-starred restaurants. If you have questions, please contact: Rikke Pi Storm Lind Event Manager – CBS Business Copenhagen Business School Solbjerg Plads 3, BS04 2000 Frederiksberg Tlf.: +45 38152097 Mob: +45 41852616 E-mail: [email protected] .
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