Entry Point North Student Guide

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Entry Point North Student Guide ENTRY POINT NORTH STUDENT GUIDE ENTRY POINT NORTH - ATS ACADEMY x WELCOME TO ENTRY POINT NORTH ATS ACADEMY Warm welcome to Entry Point North’s training site in Malmö! As one of the largest global ATS academies, we are excited to have you at our facilities on one of the many training courses we offer daily. Aside from the site in Malmö, Entry Point North training facilities are located in Ireland, Hungary, Denmark, Spain and Belgium. Our multinational staff originate from more than 20 countries and our students and course participants come from more than 35 countries all over the world. We would like to assist you during your time at Entry Point North and your stay in Sweden to make it enjoyable and memorable. This student guide presents practical information about our academy, facilities and local transport, and also provides some tips for your stay in Sweden. Both we and our future students will appreciate any suggestions you might have on how to improve this student guide. Please tell us what you think by sending an email to [email protected]. We wish you good luck with your studies at Entry Point North and also a wonderful stay in Sweden! x2 TRAINING WITHOUT BOUNDARIES CONTENTS > LOCATION AND CONTACT DETAILS 4 Location of Entry Point North 4 How to contact us 4 > TRANSPORT 5 Public transport from Copenhagen Airport 5 Public transport from Malmö or Lund city centre 5 Travelling by car/taxi from Copenhagen Airport 8 Travelling by car/taxi from Malmö or Lund 9 Parking at Malmö Airport 9 > GETTING AROUND AT ENTRY POINT NORTH 10 Building description 10 Building map 11 Building facilities 12 House rules 13 Food & refreshments 14 Student support and confidentiality group 15 > IN CASE OF EMERGENCY 16 Evacuation instructions 16 Emergency contacts 16 > LIVING IN SWEDEN 17 Practicalities 17 Local transport 19 Things to do 20 > STAY IN TOUCH WITH US 23 Student guide 2019 version 2.1 ENTRY POINT NORTH - ATS ACADEMY 3x LOCATION AND CONTACT DETAILS LOCATION OF ENTRY POINT NORTH Entry Point North is located at Malmö-Sturup Airport in the heart of the beautiful southern Swedish province of Skåne (Scania), which is connected to Copenhagen in Denmark by the Öresund Bridge. The academy occupies more than 6,700 m2 of specially equipped training facilities. Right next to the Entry Point North building is the control tower for Malmö-Sturup Airport as well as the Air Traffic Control Centre for the southern part of Sweden. HOW TO CONTACT US Telephone: +46 40 69 44 300 Web: www.entrypointnorth.com Email: [email protected] Address: Entry Point North AB Flygledningsvägen 2 23032 Malmö-Sturup Sweden Lund Copenhagen Airport Malmö Malmö Airport x4 TRAINING WITHOUT BOUNDARIES TRANSPORT The proximity to Copenhagen International Airport makes Malmö, Lund and Entry Point North easily accessible by train, plane, bus and car. This chapter advises how to travel between Copenhagen Airport, Malmö & and Lund city and Entry Point North by public transport and car/taxi. PUBLIC TRANSPORT FROM COPENHAGEN AIRPORT Taking the train to Malmö or Lund You can take the train (called Öresundståg) from Copenhagen Airport to Malmö Hyllie station, Malmö Central Station, Malmö Triangeln Station and Lund Central Station. Please check before your arrival which station is closest to your accommodation. The train journey takes only 20-25 minutes (Malmö, depending on your destination station) or 30 minutes (Lund). However, prolonged travel time may occur because of regular ID checks that take place at Hyllie Station in Sweden. A one-way train ticket costs 120 SEK* (to Malmö Central Station) or 150 SEK* (to Lund Central Station). You can purchase one in the Skånetrafiken app (see page 7), at the ticket booth or at the Skånetrafiken ticket machine at Copenhagen Airport before you board the train. Both credit card and cash are accepted. Please note that it is not possible to purchase tickets on the train. Taking the train/bus to Entry Point North To go from Copenhagen Airport to Entry Point North, you can take the train to Malmö (see section above) and then continue your journey by bus. To learn more about travelling from Malmö to Entry Point North, please see the following section. PUBLIC TRANSPORT FROM MALMÖ OR LUND CITY CENTRE Taking the bus to Entry Point North A bus called ‘Flygbuss’ goes regularly to Malmö Airport. You can check the company’s website or app for departure times and routes from your location. www.flygbussarna.se/en Bus stops travelling from Lund to Entry Point North (40 minutes) Lund Central Station - Staffanstorp - Malmö Airport Bus stops travelling from Malmö to Entry Point North (50 minutes) Malmö Central Station - Studentgatan – Triangeln – Södervärn – Persborg – Jägersro – Svedala E65 - Malmö Airport) *All prices provided in this guide are valid in August 2019 and are subject to change. ENTRY POINT NORTH - ATS ACADEMY 5x From the bus stop to Entry Point North The bus stops in front of Malmö Airport’s terminal entrance. To get to the academy, you need to walk towards the ATC tower, where you will see the Entry Point North building across the street. Turn left into Västerlånggatan and after approximately 50 metres turn right. It is just a 5 minute walk from the terminal. Buying your bus ticket There are several ways of buying tickets for the Flygbuss: > At Pressbyrån shops. There are many of these shops, including some conveniently located at Lund Central Station, Malmö Central Station and inside the departure terminal at Malmö Airport. > At Skånetrafiken Customer Centres, which are located both at Malmö Central Station and Lund Central Station. > On the bus. Tickets can only be bought by card: no cash is accepted. > In advance via internet. It is often cheaper than the options above. www.flygbussarna.se > By using your jojo card (public transport card) loaded with “Län Skåne plus Sturup 30D”. You can buy a jojo card at a Skånetrafiken Customer Centre (located at Malmö Central Station or Lund Central Station), though in some cases Entry Point North provides it: please check the course information you obtained from your course administrator before purchasing one. Please note that you cannot use your jojo-card for the Flygbuss unless you have the Sturup 30D ‘top up’: without it you should buy a ticket instead. For more information about this ‘top up’, see the following page. Terminal & bus stop Entry Point North Parking *All prices provided in this guide are valid in August 2019 and are subject to change. x6 TRAINING WITHOUT BOUNDARIES Bus ticket pricing Ticket Price Online Ticket Price Return Ticket 209 SEK 199 SEK One-way Ticket 115 SEK 105 SEK 10-trip Ticket1 945 SEK (10x one-way) 945 SEK (10x one-way) 30-day Ticket2 1250 SEK (only at Skånetrafiken Customer Centres) 1 The 10-trip ticket can only be purchased at Malmö Airport Visitor Centre or online. www.flygbussarna.se/en/malmo 2 The 30-day ticket is valid from a start date of your choice, and is the most economical option if you are travelling to and from our academy over a longer period of time. The jojo card ‘top up’ you need to buy is called “Län Skåne plus Sturup 30D”, which you can use to travel on all busses and trains within the Skåne region including the Flygbuss to the airport. The first time you buy the card has to be at Skånetrafiken Customer Centre located at Malmö Central Station or Lund Central Station. At the counter you will need to show your confirmation of employment letter. You will receive a jojo card and a receipt which you both need to show to the bus driver when entering the bus. Photo: Gustaf Brundin *All prices provided in this guide are valid in August 2019 and are subject to change. ENTRY POINT NORTH - ATS ACADEMY 7x TRAVELLING BY CAR OR TAXI FROM COPENHAGEN AIRPORT Travelling by car from Copenhagen Airport to Entry Point North Entry Point North is located 52 kilometres from Copenhagen Airport, a drive that will take approximately 40 minutes by car. Please note that you might need to show a valid ID before entering Sweden, which can prolong your travel time. > Take the E22 motorway over the Öresund Bridge and continue along the E22 for 19.3 km > Then turn onto route E65 towards Ystad and Malmö Airport (called Sturup) > Drive for 17.2 km, then turn left at the roundabout towards Sturup onto Södra Sturupsvägen and continue for 3.4 km > Turn right at Västerlångvägen, where you should be able to see the ATC tower and Entry Point North’s building For information about parking at Entry Point North, please see the section ‘Parking at Malmö Airport’ on the following page. Travelling by car from Copenhagen Airport to Malmö Malmö is located approximately 30 kilometres from Copenhagen airport, a drive that takes about 30 minutes by car. Please note that you might need to show a valid ID before entering Sweden, which can prolong your travel time. > Get on the E20 from Ellehammersvej and drive over the Öresund Bridge > Continue for 24 km and take the exit toward Tygelsjö/Centrum/ Lindeborg from Annetorpsvägen > Continue on to the centre on Pildammsvagen Travelling by car from Copenhagen Airport to Lund Lund is located approximately 50 kilometres from Copenhagen airport, a drive that takes about 45 minutes by car. Please note that you might need to show a valid ID before entering Sweden, which can prolong your travel time. > Get on the E20 from Ellehammersvej and drive over the Öresund Bridge > Continue on the E20 to Lund for 45 minutes > Take exit 19-Trafikplats Lund S from the E22 and continue on to the center on Malmövägen Travelling by taxi from Copenhagen Airport to Malmö or Lund It costs approximately 800 SEK* for 1-4 people to take a taxi from Copenhagen Airport to Malmö city centre and 1000 SEK* for 1-4 people to take a taxi from Copenhagen Airport to Lund city centre.
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