
John Owen (1616-1683) John Owen was born in 1616 in Stadham, , the second son of Henry Owen. He entered nearby Oxford University at age 12 and studied the classics, finishing in 1635 with a Master of Arts. It is said that during these years he studied for between 18 and 20 hours each day. When he was 26 years old he began to write. He became a popular and prolific writer and in 41 years would complete over 80 works, many of them becoming Christian classics. In 1644 Owen married Mary Rooke. She bore him 11 children, but, sadly, only a daughter survived into adulthood. In the same same year he married Mary he also openly converted from to Congregationalism. Through his writing and preaching, Owen gained a wide reputation in England. After the execution of King Charles I and the appointment of , a Puritan, as Lord Protector, many new opportunities for influence opened up to Owen. He accompanied Cromwell on trips to and Scotland to help reform religious institutions and to convince the people of the rightfulness of ending monarchy in England. Back in England, Owen was installed as vice-chancellor of Oxford University, while still serving as a consultant to Cromwell. Owen lost favor with Cromwell in his last year as Lord Protector when Owen opposed him becoming king. And soon after, when Cromwell was replaced by his son Richard, the many prominent positions Owen had held began to be distributed to others. Even so, he continued to , write and preach as he had opportunity, and his library of works continued to grow.

Owen died on August 24, 1683 and was buried in , London.

Unique Contribution With such a diversity of gifts, and with such a large library of works, it is difficult to isolate one contribution by Owen that stands out above the rest. Some have dubbed him the “theologian’s theologian,” which is memorable and fitting. But the fuller legacy of Owen is perhaps best summarized by Beeke and Pederson in their wonderful introduction to the : The wide range of subjects treated by Owen, the insightfulness of his writing, the exhaustive nature of his doctrinal studies, the profundity of his , and the warmth of his devotion explain the high regard he has among those acquainted with his works.

Source: https://www.challies.com/articles/the-puritans-john-owen/