ASOCIAŢIA ARHEO VEST TIMIŞOARA ARHEOVEST I -IN MEMORIAM LIVIU MĂRUIA- Interdisciplinaritate în Arheologie şi Istorie Timişoara, 7 decembrie 2013 * * JATEPress Kiadó Szeged 2013 Editori: Andrei STAVILĂ Dorel MICLE Adrian CÎNTAR Cristian FLOCA și Sorin FORŢIU Coperta: Aurelian SCOROBETE TROI, Foto copertă: Ioana CLONŢA Această lucrarea a apărut sub egida: © Arheo Vest, Timișoara, 2013 Președinte Lorena VLAD Responsabilitatea pentru conţinutul materialelor revine în totalitate autorilor. GEODETIC-STATISTICAL ANALYSIS, DOAR UN CLASIC GIGO1?! Sorin Forțiu* * ;
[email protected] “Losing family obliges us to find our family. Not always the family that is our blood, but the family that can become our blood. And should we have the wisdom to open our door to this new family we will find that the wishes we had for the father, who once guided us, for the brother, who once inspired us, those wishes ... The only thing left to say will be: I wish I had seen this, or I wish I had done that, or I wish ... I realize that the one wish that was granted to me, so late in life, was the gift of friendship”*. Am fost binecuvântat cu/de prietenia ta ... Îmi lipsești teribil, Liviu ... Fie ca Zefirul să te mângâie în Elysium iar nectarul râului Lethe să-ți ofere alinarea ... * Abstract. Geodetic-statistical analysis, just a classic GIGO?! After a brief overview on geodetic-statistical analysis, a method developed by an interdisciplinary team from the Institut für Geodäsie und Geoinformationstechnik, Technische Universität Berlin to identify the ancient locations without a certain modern counterpart mentioned by Klaudios Ptolemaios in his Geōgraphikē hyphēgēsis, we move over to a detailed analysis of its results for the poleis from Dacia, coming to the conclusion that the method failed because the authors have in turn failed to manage properly the historical data-base on which their approach is based.