Ptolemy's Maps of Northern Europe, a Reconstruction of The

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Ptolemy's Maps of Northern Europe, a Reconstruction of The ^^ ^A#. #^^'*i. 'v,'^ \ '^- I' " ,>. , iPc^-^: UsPiM^ ^'^m. 13 .J 6 ' Qlorncll Muiueraiti; Hibrary Jllljata. SJjm Inrk BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME OF THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND THE GIFT OF HENRY W. SAGE 1891 The date shows when this volume was taken. To renew this book copy the call No^snd give to the libra--"—' ^^^^ RULES -rA-fga#'"^)-A-n-8- ^ All books subject to recall All borrowers must regis- ter in the library to borrow ' books for home use. All books must be re- turned at end of college year for inspection and repairs. Limited books must be returned within the four week limit and not renewed. Students must return all books before leaving town. Officers should arrange for the return of books wanted during their absence from town. Volumes of periodicals and of pamphlets are held in the library as much as possible. For special pur- poses they are given out for a limited time. • Borrowers should not use their library privileges for ' the benefit of other persons. Books of special value and gift books, when the giver wishes it, are not allowed to circulate. Readers are asked to re- port all cases of books marked or mutilated. po not deface books by marks and writing. Cornell University Library GA213 .S38 + Ptolemy's maps of northern Europe, a rec 3 1924 029 954 868 olin Overs .''"""'^m^ PTOLEMY'S MAPS OF NORTHERN EUROPE A RECONSTRUCTION OF THE PROTOTYPES BY GUDMMD SCHOTTE PH. D. PUBLISHED BY THE ROYAL DANISH GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY KJ0BENHAV,N ' COPENHAGEN H. HAGERUP . PUBLISHER 'mM«mmmsiatKmiimi=:' PTOLEMY'S MAPS OF NORTHERN EUROPE PTOLEMY'S MAPS OF NORTHERN EUROPE A RECONSTRUCTION OF THE PROTOTYPES BY GUDMUND SCHUTTE PH. D. PUBLISHED BY THE ROYAL DANISH GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY KJ0BENHAVN COPENHAGEN H. HAGERUP • PUBLISHER f^-h— (^-Ir '> <, ^~\ CV. Copyright 1917 by Gudmund Schiitte. COPENHAGEN — PRINTED BY CR/EBE 1917 EDITORIAL NOTICE. IN 191 I, the Carlsbcrg Fund granted to the author of the present work a subsidy for the elaboration of a work dealing with Danish geography from an ethnic point of view, to be published by the Danish Society for Teutonic Philology (Selskab for germansk Filologi). In 1912, however, this Society ceased to exist, the Royal Danish Geographical Society taking its place as editor of the work. At the same time, the subject was altered so as to embrace the Ptolemaic geography of northern Europe, while the subsidy granted for the elaboration was employed for the publication. The author's studies have also been subsidised by the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences. The blocks of most of the accompanying figures have been kindly lent by the Editor of the Scottish Geographical Magazine. TO PROFESSOR yOS. FISCHER S. 7. THIS BOOK IS GRA TEFULL Y DEDICA TED CONTENTS. PREFACE p. XI A Brief Survey of the Manuscript Problem - I Ptolemy's Predecessors in the First Century A. D - 12 Marinus, Ptolemy's Predecessor - ^ 3. Immediate 13 - § 4. Ptolemy's Lifetime, Importance, and Principles 14 - § 5 Ptolemy's Successors 18 § 6 Misreadmgs of Latin Words - 20 Misreadings of Barbarian Names - 23 The "Milieu" as Key to Interpreting Distorted Barbarian Forms - 25 The Case of Metathesis - ,^ 27 The Case of Apocope - 28 The Case of Parasitical Additions - 29 The Case of Onomatic Disguise - 30 The Case of Making Fictitious Repetitions - 32 The Case of False Identification - 37 Theoretical Arrangements - 40 The Question of Prototypes - 42 Synopsis of Prototypes - 45 Collective Prototype A = Europe and Environs - 48 Local Prototype A = Germania • 67 Local Prototype Aa = North-western Germania, Chersonesus Cimbrica, and Scandia - 72 Local Prototype .-!/> = South-western Germania - 83 Local Prototypes Ac, Ad & Ae =1 Dacia and Environs • 84 Local Prototypes Bi & Bs :^ the Mercantile Road from the Danube to the Mouth of the Vistula - 88 Local Prototype C = Western Gaul, Belgium, and North-western Germania - 100 Local Prototype D = Swabian Tribes about the Elbe - 107 Collective Prototypes E Si F = Eastern Germania, Sarmatia Europaea & Asiatica, and Scythia 112 Local Prototype .9^ r= the Scandinavian Peninsula - 127 The Position of the Cimbric Chersonese and the Scandian Islands within the Ptolemaic Germania - 138 § 29. Conclusion - 139 APPENDIX - A. § 30. Additions to § 19, Prototype A 141 B. § 31. Additions to § 22, Prototypes Ac, Ad, Ae - 142 ; (A) X CONTENTS. LIST OF MAPS BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTES P' '*'' ^ 32. Introduction ' ^'^ § 33- Editions of Ptolemy's Geography Ptolemaic Maps - '45 ^ 34. Editions of tlie Ptolemaic Atlas, and of Single - or Based upon his Statements H" § 35. Researches Dealing with Ptolemy - Sense ... 1 4" a. Researches Dealing with Ptolemy in a More or Less General b. Geographic or Ethnographic Compendia, etc 49 c. Topography of the Cimbric Chersonese " 5 LIST OF MAPS. Synopsis. Fig. I. Ptolemaic Prototypes in Northern and Middle Europe. General Urbinas 2. Germania, the Cimbric Chersonese, and Scandia. Version A (Cod. 82). - — — B ( Burney III). 2 . - 'jf 'he Roman editions, ^ — Type designed by Donis. 5. Prototype A^ Germania, according to L. Schmidt. 6. Cimbric Chersonese and Scandia, according to the Cod. Urbinas 82. 7. Prototype ,Ja; North-western Germania, the Cimbric Chersonese, and Scandia. 8. Prototype -4d\ South-western Germania. 9. The Limes Transrhenanus. 10. South-western Germania according to the Tabula PeiiUngeriana. 11. Comparison of details surrounding the Vallum Hadriani. 12. Dacia according to the Cod. Urbinas 82. 13. Prototype .-Ic; Dacia, compared with a modern map. 14. Prototypes .4i/ and Je\ Dacia. 15. The Ptolemaic Dacia, compared with Fig. 16. 16. Dacia, according to the Tabula Peutingeriana. 17. The Ptolemaic names of Dacian tribes and places redistributed according to their presumed correct localisations. 1 8. Surviving ancient names in Dacia. 19. Prototypes ly/ and j5^j the mercantile road from the Danube to the mouth of the Vistula. 20. Prototypes B/ and Bj, compared with a modern map. 21. Prototype C; Western (jaul, Belgium, and North-western Germania. 22. Belgium and North-western Germania according to the Tabula Peutingeriana. 23. Ancient Belgium and North-western Germania with the names from Prototype C, 24. Prototypes £ and /-"; Eastern Germania, Sarmatia Europsea & Asiatica, and Scythia comparison of duplicates. 25. Prototype £ from the Cod. Urbinas 82. 26. North-eastern Germania and Western Sarmatia with the names of the Prototypes Ji and /-'. 27. Prototype Sk; Scandia. 28. The demarcation of Germania according to some modern representations. 29. The Cimbric Chersonese and Germania according to the Cod. Athous Vatopediensis. 30. A rectified Ptolemaic map of nationalities. 31. A reconstructed map of nationalities in Ancient Middle Europe. PREFACE. PTOLEMY'S Geography, and the "Germania" of Tacitus, form the main foundation of our knowledge concerning the barbarian north of Europe in classical times. It might be taken for granted that such extremely important documents and their sources had long ago been seriously examined. Rut the Ptolemaic description of northern Europe is still practically a "terra incognita". The present book is an attempt to supply the wanted research. It is based upon studies which have been carried on for many years. Our principal investigations concerning the different prototypes of Ptolemy's maps were already made 20 years ago, so the publication can scarcely be called precipitate. Of course, we do not pretend to have solved one half of the riddles offered by our complicated problem. If Ptolemy's Geography were to be examined thoroughly, it would take a lifetime, but as we have made some observations which at any rate shed a new light on several points, we thought it wiser to make an end of hesitation. For even if further delay might have led to still better results in certain details, the study will be more profitably advanced by subjecting our preliminatory obser- vations to revision by expert critics. The publication of a provisional study may possibly still be objected to by scrupulous philologists, but the undertaking certainly assumes a very different appearance, when we regard it from the geographical or ethnological point of view. Geographers and ethnologists, far from fearing the absorbing philolo- gical problem, have used Ptolemy's work as the foundation for large reconstructions, and still do so. We may name numerous publications XII Ptolemy's maps of northern EURonE s from later years, containing either entire reconstructions of Ptolemy Atlas, or detailed statements based upon his work. E. g.: Mullenhoff's "Deutsche Altertumskunde", vol. II, with map designed by H. Kiepert 1887, republished 1906. Gerland, "Atlas der Volkerkunde" (Berghaus, "Physikal. Atlas", 3. ed.) 1892. Perthes, "Atlas antiquus", by A. v. Kampen 1892, g''" ed. 1916. Miiller's edition of Ptolemy, vol. Ill, atlas, 1901. V. Erckert, "Wanderungen und Siedelungen", 1901. Meyer's "Konversationslexikon ", map of Germania designed by K. Wolff, 1904. M. Schonfeld, "Worterbuch der altgermanischen Personen- und Volker- namen", in Streitberg's "Germanische Bibliothek", 191 1. R. Kiepert, "Formae orbis antiqui"; e. g. reconstructed Ptolemaic map of Europe (191 1) and map of Germania (1914). We may specially mention the latest publications of ethnological compendia. Caspar Zeuss, "Die Deutschen und die Nachbarstamme", ist ed. 1837, republished 1903 (unaltered). O. Bremer, "Ethnographic der germanischen Stamme " in Paul's monu- mental manual "Grundriss der germanischen Philologie ', 1899, republished separately 1905. In all these publications, Ptolemaic data are used as a basis without any serious attempt to solve the philological problem. In order to prevent scientists from continuing such a preceding, it is riot merely allowable, but necessary to publish the results of a research in which the attempt is at any rate made, — whether the outcome is satisfactory or not. The necessity of revising the traditional ideas about classical geography is specially urgent within the region of the author's native country, i. e. Denmark. Although Ptolemy's work offers an attractive base for such a study, it has, since the middle of the 19th century, been lamentably neglected.
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