I A.S. Considers Dropping SNAP

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I A.S. Considers Dropping SNAP I" Archives LD729.6 C5 075 Outfield of dreams Ol~iQn. Women's softb:lll keeps .,' vol. 42 no. 13 ,~., season strong with the hdp Apl~. 28, 1999 Th,e' of outstanding outlielders. Meriam LihrBry--CSU Chico to dance. ~ ',.~ :: ! t{.i. _ -,' . or. 11W~\!l~V'i~ r 1 if ,l~~.'. :: I. ,.:)ib> " ' hIIP://orioll . .:su.:hico.cdu" ,~' I; muviU'9ltJ Chantal Lamers I Mal/agillg Editor A.S. considers dropping SNAP Columbine High Lisa Rivera not-so-perfect program. pulled from the uctivity fee money. who would work Thursday. liS feel like we're giving $5,UOO I cried on Sunday when I COlltriblltillg Writer Claiming that the Studcnt And according to Jessica Friday and Saturday nights. These of the students' money to police watched a memorial service Neighborhood Assistance Program Lusardi. A.S. Commissioner of SNAP ofticers would go out Oil force stuff," said Riehard ElsOlll, where 13 doves were released in It was supposed to be the per­ has failed to be the mediator it was Coml11unity Affairs, getting into the streets and handle noise Clllll­ A.S. President. memory of 12 students and one fect student safety program. expected to be, the A.S. is reluctant the activity fcc's pocket won't plaints within a one-mile radius of What Lusardi thought the A.S. teacher who were murdered last When a weekend party got the to renew iL'i now-expired contruct be easy. campus. After a year of sorting wus funding was to be an innov­ week. About 70,000 mourners inevitable noise complaint, stu­ with the progrum. "They've got to come crawl­ through legal matters, officers ative, proactive program that watched the doves t1y out into a dents, not cops, would stop by Last week, the Revenue ing if they want money from the finally began patrolling in would sol\'e problems with stu­ dark sky full of rain clouds, still and offer advice, not citations. Allocutions Committee, turned activity fcc," Lusardi said. October 1997. Their progress has­ dents talking to ~tudents. unceltain why this tragedy But two years and $5,000 later, down a SNAP funding proposal Implemented almost two years n't impressed the A.S. Instead, Lusardi said the olli- occurred. It was raining that the Associated Students may be for I]ext year and if the contract is ago. SNAP was designed to con­ ·'1 think thm the way it's being afternoon. I like to think that shutting its pocket book on this renewed, funding would have to be sist ur trained student mediators handled out on the streets makes .1'('(' SNAP p. 5 God was crying. I can think of little else to write about other than the Columbine killings. I watch the news and tears come Military to my eyes, I tum off the news ano I can't get the thought out of my mind. Go bed discusses Growing up High school is such an awk­ Kosovo ward time in children's lives. They make this transition from C%llel receives pie in adolescence to adulthood in four short years. ExpectHtions and -racer, the face from protesteJ:\' peer pressure surface between proms and acne problems. Jeff Clemetson Why couldn't Dylan Klebold Senior Writ"r and Eric Harris look beyond their experiences in high schaar? Why ~ GO! Two protesters hurled p;(',; ;:! a couldn't they see a world ahead military current affairs p;tnel from of them that isn't judgmental. the Army War College la:-it that doesn't stereotype, that does­ Wednesday at a presentation 011 n't put people down because of the war in Yugllslavi;l. Although what they look like or where they Army Ll. Co\. Jack SUI1lIllC called come from'? Well, probably the incident an assault, he insisted because such a world doesn't on not pressing charges against exist. I don't want to blame any­ the pie throwing protesters. body. We live in a society that ''\' m a soldier who gets paid to has taught us to reject a person light for the right for whal you ! who doesn't fit our ideal. I wunt just did," Summe said to a f~l1lale to blame a society that will never pmtester just after he was hit with ch.1I1ge, one that will always the pic. "Technically this is I cause people pain. assault, but [' m not going to call \ the police." \ Acting locally The military panel was invit­ After the Columbine ed to Chico State University by killings, Kathi Theile, head philosophy professor and direc­ counselor at Pleasant Valley tor of the Center for Applied High School, said teachers and Professional Ethics, Erie opened up cltlsS by allowing GUll1pel, to answer students' students to cxpress their questions on the strike uguinst thoughts. "At our school, what Yugoslavia. Gampcl said he this brought to light is we have was emharrassed by the inci­ to kccp the doors open to C0111- dent hut realized that it was not munication." Anger, cmotion representative of the majority management and growing puins or the students who attended have becn on Theile's mind the conference. since she heard of the murders. "I am surprised and She suid two campus pro­ impressed by the way it was gnlms help students resolve hundled by the panel and the problems peacefully. Peer coun­ audience," Gampel said. seling and conflict mediation Above, Delta Sigma Phi fraternity members race their "Piece of races him down the track. The bed races, part of Greek Week, is John Segev, a freshman al often successfully resolve tough Shit Calj" based on an Adam Sandler ~ng, in the ~nd and an event in which 18 fraternities and sororities compete in events Chico State, said the panel did·· teenage issues like fighting over Chestnut streets paoong lot in the annual Greek Week bed rdces, helping out the community. In the Community ChaliengtJ, held n't convince him to change his un ex-boyfriend or resolving Sunday. Above rigllt, Chris ~kman of Beta Theta Pi throws Saturday, various campus organizations also competed in events position un being against the raciul differences, she said. snowballs at the crowd as his ··dog sled," pulled by three men, to raise money for the Chico Boys and Girts Club. war, but said that throwing pies But even with the local high at the military doesn't solve school's incl'euscd cumpus anything either. supervision und con stunt police "If people want t(lthraw pies, prescnce, high school safety '. they should throw pies at the peo­ may be il conccm from now on. ple who make policy," he suid, Theile called the Columbine California launches teacher recrpitment campaign During the discussion, the killings U real loss of American I • panel answered the audience\., culture innoccnce. "You WUllt to Shannon Darling job search to be an casy one. the tellching profcssi~n. for alllo sec, said Ruchel Sense a questions about why the United pinch yourself und say, 'pleuse Staff' Writer In the next 10 years "The urgency for tcachers represellLUtivc for CalTeuch, States is involved in the Kosovo don't let this be our wol'ld.''' California's public schools will right now is re~dly high," said Sincc this is the first year of conflict. The demand for ·teachers is hire 300,000 ncw teachers. And to Kris Murubuyashi Associate existence for CalTeach cxact One of the main concerns of C. Lalllers call be reached at: growing, class sizc is being comb'lt this problcm the State of Director for CalTeach. numbers arc hard to predict, but lhe audience waS whether the dial [email protected] reduced, more students me Califomia's Center for Teaching C'llTeuch is an information Web site visits have increased NATO strike is about strictly enrolling in school tlnd tetlchers Carcers (CaITe<lch) is launching a servicc thut provides u web site drumutically, up to 65,000 hils in humanitarian concerns fl)r the are becoming u hot commodity, ncw teacher recruitment cam­ fol' prospcctive tenchers and onc day, since .their ad campaign Albanians or if it is uboutec()­ Inside so gmduating students from paign. Cal Teach was established counselor-assistcd services. The started, Sense suid. nomic conccl11s for the NATO Chico State Univcrsity looking ane!" a bill was passcd in 19')7 to Web sile allows a prospective for jobs us teachers will l1nd their recruit qualified individuals into teachcr to paste a resume online see CalTeac:h /,. 4 see Kosoyo p 5 I Opinion 6 Being 11 WUHSY boy isn't so bud. Sports 9 Heroic students apprehelld house bllrglar CSUC roller hockey teum hungs with Jerry Springer in Chicago. Mia Clngolanl luted. Thut day Cllme foi' foul' roommates wcre ut a sorority Entertainment :13 Assisfcltlt News Editor roOl11l11ates 011 Wcdnesday night function. The women said two or Not urtistic with 11 pllintbrush'! when their home was burglarized ,their neighbors were wulking by Try using u mouse Insteud. Must students tuke secul'ity on the comel' of Wcst Third anf.j their house when they suw the for gl'llnled living in II s111ull col­ Chen'y sll'ccls. ,~"f~o'nt,:door cI'l\~~9(b,op'e,1l .~lI1d a Calendar 16 1 There's plenty to do in thlM town. lege town like Chico. They don't "We never locked ollr dool's. 11ght on. Thcl'ewns"1I lru:go black lhink to lock their duOl's wilh Classified:; :1.9 No one on OUt· street did. We ull mUll litunding in the living 1'00111 friends lind ncighbors coming ill know ellch olhel' so we nevc!' shoving CDs into II backpack.
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