AlAIEOON TOWNSHIP I Orders Keep Pouring i~ ADOPTS ZONINb l.AW For Dart Scribe Rules 1 SCHOOl BOARD ACTS ON TEACHERS' WAGtS 00N'l'ltACJ1'S Am: IIIGING IS- smm TillS wmm Members of Mason's board or Pel· ucn.tlon held a mcullng Wuctnesduy night to ll!lHS upon contt•ttcl~ und to fix wages for tho <'oming-· your, I While most of next yPar's loal'lt- ing jobs will catty inc•tunscs, there was no hard nne! fast 1 ule set. lSupt. James H. Vander Ven said the board member.~ clcculcd to lwcp Ithe salary schedule within bounSAL l'LAN'l' . 1.. boo~t thu gasolln~ cludeH barbecued sandwlc:lws, u~­ l''lnod rltllnngn wnH not conllnUil , ' 'l'lnn Is bacl! bcforo onlloped potatoes, lee !'l'cam rtnd to lh(• f•lllll Htreet lwidgo, waHIIinl{ \/th 'ht•avy prcHsUrc for coffee or mille. Plc!t!c l{l'ounclH will nul tlw Mli']Jigau Ceutml lrael,fl "''·nnt'''"" A den! was made on he on the l::twn cl!rcclly rtnuth of 01' lhe lloodlng ol' lmHernonlfl, I he of tho pt•npos 1~d In- Dele hall. An evening-, Iundt rtl:w cil.y r•oUJidl learned Monduy night. to win clt.y s1rppnrt, '!'he 1 will be served at. six o cloo!L l•'lond !llH( hll~znr·d dalllag" I o distribution fmmulu was ,All conceHI•ionn and !Joolhs will !he diHpo'Jul [llflliL was lis led tly S. ~s· 11; 01 c favomble to open at 10 a. m. In adthLinn to l.he I: Dcmnr•cst, operator, ~ l,[i00 I arena ttwn to cttlc11 and thus various rcft•eshm Lr•,!i1on Memorial . . . !lOll .Ia •· ' " · b' , t'J' M ··on stt•cet "nd • t' f this gland is what Iggm 1 ~ . on ~' . .. :md carlson, '16, of Daggett, who building beginning "t 10:30 on Me· Two Mason have en- •t1 busm~sscs nc I\ Y ?t I the poss1br!Jly of mstalhng ~torm 1 Levi Pants Sizes 29 lo 14 •.ceived a trip to the National mor·ia! Day. 'rhc pt·ogram inch~des tered the field of radi?, Th? Jewett 1 of thr. X-Ray has j sewers on McRoberts street to caJ~iedicT~~ 8° ~;e t!l r'tt"J Cn!'[-'f)S3 in Chicago, selectiOns by the school hand, smg- Appliance company IS usrng spot been found important, and recently rcliO.vc storm water flow on Maplet Levi Jacl\cts - Sizer. 38 48 · '•e;L ''house Eclu-1 ing of patriotic songs, reading of announcements on W. J. I. M. this medical men rliseovered that a dr•ug ~lank A. ~ester, Map!~ slr cc 1 & · · .: ·· t.cn. ' Among his the Gettysburg Address and pray- ~nonth. ~ar.t Cady. are sponsor- called thiouracil has been found ef. r·esrdent, vmced. co.mpl~mts on Other Work Clothes Specials '.~JO •. Lplish- ' cr. , mg a ,lJ·mmute mu~tcal pmgram fectivc in controlling goiter. How. sewer conditions m hts nt~a. CtH/Pl': worli: ))1l11~S, sizP HO to .JR, :~:~.GH; Whip<•m·tl c:t.'l:1 11as that of Following a short patriotic acl- week days over Lansmg station W. ever the use of this chemical must Order Meters Unco~r·rt•

Luxite Undi~s Tuxedo Park Belts and Slips:and. Panties Braces __ .. ___ $1.00 to $1.50 --~------59c to $4.98 ·Holeproof Nyl()n~ .. Lamb Knit Sweaters ... . . $' t;: ---:..-::. ___ .:._·;..$·h39to, LS::1> ______·___ $3.98 to $10.95 Bathing Suits:.·__ $4.95 to $8~95 Holeproof .Quality Sox · ______~ _____ SOc to 70~

Whitney Dress Shirts· ' Dmkce':1 OJ.E'OJitii•.~G.A l~.mr~ ...... J!lc Pcrfeclio11 .SALTHilES, ;~ lb. plq~· ...... 43c Jtoxl11o Cll,l'"" Del Monte SAtJEm::ri.AUT, 12 cllns ...... 27c Mr. nncl 1vfl'S, .JnP :;h•\'t'IHl Lanl:ilng- were! f111nd.tv :tllorJH)t 11 cullerR ol' 1olr. nwl l•lr·:r. ll:tt'JJid Del Monte PiNEAPPLE .JUlSE, No. Glynrt n;nd D.rle. ' ~ can ...... , ...... 19c Mr. lliHl ryl'J'~I .•lon ~~:di•Wr;;(j Hill! Speca~~ childt'l'll l'alJLort 1111 'l.lr·. lltul M1·: •. RICE KR!SPIESL...... :...... :...... 29c Leo 01ynn Mnnd:1y r"N'Jt 11q~·. Perey J''n1t•r' \.1/H 1 in ClJ,J r!1,i tl' on WHEATms,?, p!trcs, w~~ 1 1 comic book ...... 29c buHincos l\!onclny, ' Mr, n'ncl 1\l't'fl.'fl'••rll',l' 1~1 ollu I loll T•l1i~ r:ion LI filA ii EJI.l\1 S ...... 20c Swiit's called on l\1t•. anrl M1·.1. }\lf'r.l••;l Wllllama in Dbns·;iile 1\·hr.•l:ry aftenwon. MINUTE !1!CE, ;~ prtr:·:; ...... 25c Bac~n s~~ ur L l s Mr. and Jlo!m. Wi 1 L Betty viBited. friunriH f.'osl~l·1'0Iv!ATO Jmcr:, '1G.oz. :...... 29c Sunctny. . Mt·n. •Asn. C:rrf'llilHIII \"It; <':Jllt·d PE'f I\1ItJ(, ?. b:H t: u·.::...... 25e. 35c lb. to C:ulilhtL lrtHI. \\"Pel; d11" to IIH• cleatlt of a Hi<'L'C. · CF(~( MAPLE :J\':I:.uw ...... 39c Mr,' and 1\'lt·H. Lr•o on Mr. nml M1~. c;n: day afll't'llOOII, Long Strike, E:nded .By Phone w·w~:.:;rs • with Equipment from our Hardware Depm·tment By turning n set-screw adjustment, ~k Forrell, of Charlotte, Mich .• can qulcl,ly change his homemade bag/ldcr to accommodate dltlerent sizes of sacks, • - Farm labor specialists of the Michl~ State college extension service CAR ICE BOX, fine for picnics ...... $9.!?5 !Ike the adjustable phases of tho tlmefvmg device \~hich consists of a wooden lluse with '·"-inch pipe uprighiOlle of winch zs hinged. Curved . strap iron spreaders with pointed ndprods arc welded to adjustable B\SVERAGE JUG ...... :...... $4.95 . rods wh\ch slide wzthin the pipe uprigl. Ac!J_Ustmg set sc:cTJOs are made of ');•-inch bolts with the nut wclcle

Manicures .. ___ ,.______l F15X-!iNG RODS ..... ,...... $'7.05 tlp JUNE AVIS BEAUTY S~JOP c~:~ ~ / j \ Abo lines, hooks, flies, fish!.nrr ...... ' .,...... ,~ yc ]·'-' 17'<. tackle boxes r. :. ~\.Jl] 1 I ---- ~--·: ------0

GARDEN SPtEC~~JL£ Gelnle&"ousiy Sprhnlh:uerll With Savengs

Spading Fol'lts ' "'l '7 ...... ~···'''"'''''''''"'''"''"'···· ·'· •' .J

SD-ft, Hose ...... " ...... !;:0 ··~

Lawn Rakes ...... !JCc up

f:t1Sbish Bumers ...... $1,0~ ·------S!~ovcls ...... $., Uf"\ COi'ilPtE1'E UNE 0::" ,. ,.."'~ [. o-' Moore P V- lr

Comp!P(p li!w of ~~~·:~dn:tUon [;ift:-; fol' lmH1 hay.\ :;:~~d gfr·is.

\\'p'J! tw h.iJll·\Y ! o k1 1p ~.on r:lai;.p a :-,d;'l'ii•W. ,;~,.: :! ,}~ :m.v ot!t' u1' u·..:,


so GLA~q.~~ous ~ SO YOUN! I ' ' SO ~.XCftNG!

. / the :most gorgeous of aU !ides , . I l'":.!,IT[Pg~ ~!}':J !.:nther· geai~ case ... 6 tubes (L:d:::Enz ~'-cctificr) AC~DC or liatteq Su· offer: ·/1 p2~·i1: t ••• ::i CO-hour batteries self contained ..... P.~US ::!\1 the other features you expect OTHER POPULAR to l:c'ci in !he perfect carrying set! It's security l: Brida'l Ensembfes r.g:::L:sc boring hours on the train, in the car. i Crosley SATINS SHE,RS cr in vacation haunts. Sturdy enough to take'.. I I "zoughing it" in stride-beautiful enough to Wilcox-Gay Record.ios' CREPES I I travel graciously. with the finest luggage; Tru-Test· S.:e it-try it TODAY! Table, Portable, Console and Combina· .' . \ ~ With matchin.g bridesrmtids' dre~ses, fid~l ,~e~ls, · tion · ·

, • 1 ~ridesmaids' halo.s / · · ' · II ' ' ! ", . '•· . l ~arie's Sty!~ I 1.~ ' College Club Has tundunco at tho M~taon Tlnpl.lnt 1:nvl It tullr fill "How tn )V!nlw t,IJu ,. Hospitals church. Pflflllli.H lll'IJ t.n Jw ,;uoHIH Mw;i. ol' Yntll' l'r''J'',t~cl.," ~Iho lntll', :· ' Annual Ban Maloolrn RtrJvons anrl ,Jrty Cof· ;tnd l.ltoHo nt~onrllng aro to l.al{(l vtrlnul rncr.llngs woro ') I!Cllrl ·WI 1 ; foy, who have been pnlionts ut mtnrlwlehcH nnrl cnmJt~h lomomtdo Twenty-live mcmbcrll of. i'nllnws:' C1arclun, lfay l:t, ut. Gm·:· the Mason hospltnl, lwvo boon for l.holr own fllmlly. ' 1 son College cluh' woro 1111111 HChonli ·Mll;'/: l!j, 1 'l<'oCP1]U, 1\1111 cllsohargoc:l to tholr homes, Clutnlng," A, f:llliiW'': nnfflccl'fl of the grnnd chapter will DcmonHtmtinns \vuni glv'cu 1 fln : i year, as follows; Mrs, Allee Bell, exemplify the degree, HeHcrvn- malting of ht'cacl lly i\lt'B, \ln:JH, Ar· '' · · officer of the 6'1st M, R. U, section, "Ave Marlo" program; Mrs. Edwin Wentland, tlon.~ may be made for lho hn.n- tilth Shnw ,;nv" mJ<' nlmut clt•rtll· 1 " ways and riwans; Mrs. Charles and "Because" were played during the ceremony, quct., 'l'hc charge will he ~1.50 u ing of cnnH hnfrm: u•;ing. ' · Clil1ton, hospitality; nnd telephone,, D;9llowlng Lhc spcal<1n11 of the vows a reception was person, At the close nf the mollt.ina. rc.l' MrH. Frank Guerriero, held ,In the gold r9om of Tolryo's Kal H:nn building, Parkhurst of route Tire· Wornan'r; club will I fi•cRhrlll:nin wm·1: "''I'V<'IL Ti1c .next.' '· · and IiOWI\t'd Polloi< ~lana .were co~nplctcd for thc1l: "A't present the couple will make · · . . y, May 27, fi>r o mct1tlng will he lwltl May :n nt · · Williamston,·. were luncheon at the Aurnli-', Nm·p1a Elfct'l'H, ' parish p~cmc whrc~l will be held, their home in civilian CjUartcrs in M' tl d' t c· ,, 1).; ~: ' 1 u:>oo '"""' suwlny at the county ll!ltlc on Sunday,, Tolc n. dnnc:o nt. lhc to the guests and each was given seas duty. She left in .January for the dcvotrons. murent•. Mr. and Mrs. W. X, lng the first part or the evening, Wlwn.ltwld Gleaner hall on Satur- c:nndy and a drum major hat. The Japan, being assigned as a file Mrs. Roger Kierstead will cntm·· for the past two months, . . , day evening, May 2d, Thmu~ nt~I· Lahl!! was centered with ycllnw and clcrl< to General MacArthur's tuln members 'of 1the Ruth circle. home with his parents Installation of offrccrs for lhc com- l.c·lldiug· ,11.e tn Lalcoah1 on spiritual life and \Vill have char'gc tng carpet rags, i' whi<·h Jll'icc t""" l'cnd $R.or., now $5,011, of devotions. The Deboral1 circle members The l'unl:1emorlal day. . , ' · ," ··::." · . 1 •,' building in :Mason. Anyone Inter· A son, Curbs C., wa~·. bo:·n to :,:,':/ '\. A2.9B up ested In the junlot• group is in· Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cortlln at the vi ted. to attend. , · Mason hospital Saturday, :M:ay' 17: · Mrs, Corbin and Curtis were dis· AURELIUS CENTER : charged May 20, The Aurelius extension class A son wus bam to Mr. and Mrs, members were guests of the Aure~ Robert Robson at the Mason hos­ Brassieres llus. Center· Farm Bureau group pita! Wednesday, Mn.y 21. ,., Costum'e Jewelry which met at the home of Mr. and A son, Gary Stewart, was'born 1 · Mrs, William Jennings on Frictay, to Mr: and Mrs. Harold l{elley of May 16. The extension class is Bay City on Wednesday, May 14. Just Unpaclted Garihin 1S~1ls - Flower· Seeds - worldng on plans for an Aurelius Mr. and Mrs. E. Gaiden of Fort Onion Sets community center and,p. committee Lee, N. Y., are the parents of a . A group of Minette · and from this Fm·m Bureau discussion daughter, Vlviart Lauraine, born :Marie Dressler dresses, 'A group was appointed to worlc with on Wednesday, Mny 7. Mrs, Galden :ru1d ',6 sizes, 14% to 51 14 in I them In raising funds and complet- is the former Eleano1· Reeves of . rayon, bemberg and jersey ing building plans. Forty members Ol~emos. : '' ' . fabl'iCS were present for the evening's dis-~ Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Petty o£ cusslon, Ypsilanti anounce the birth of a · · · • • • · l' son, Timothy. Mnlcolm, qn Satur· Svl'ln~t clcn<•nncc on "''our> of collh Iday, Mil.y '17, at Eyer hospital, ')!p­ nnd •ulto, !ot·mc<'lr ur• to tr.r,, now ••il· .sllantl. Mr. and Mrs; Petty at'll tng •at· -~4. Mm·lo'• Style Sllov, Enton f • MJ ld t · nnt1111•• ,. . 2lwl Ol'lller uson res en s. . , I INGHAlvt COUNTY NEWS; MASON, MICHIGAN, 'TI·iURSDAY, MAY 22, 1947 ------.- Five ~----..__.______.__~--.------.------1 !Gauges of Cunners ~~:,'.~!;:, 1 ;~·~:~~;~'ha'1\~ n~;::.,~t"~1~:;~.~~~ IFour Are Injured · ...... / Should Be Checlcecl fltulllay, Muy :w. When Curs CollidC"·:::;: I Jlufot•o YO II HtiLI t f llfJ /leUIIOIJ'II rmllml'l'lw L•·sllnOIU'fy flunr!uyflrn rlcpltl'lnwnl. lriOI'Illllfi WILi10 Ml', ancl Mt· 11 , llnwnrcl L.' i'nllrHt"' · ' nnunlug, bn filii'(] to hnVL' lJ Ill r11 11 1 r•xllngulnh 11 llt•o in u jnop ut lhu andof WllllrtntHinn Hurry Purldtun•l rmrl Wllllnlll of Mauon,Wnr•,rl. . gurro of' yotll' [H'CS!IIII'O ennatot• roat• of tho Mm·c1t rosl.llrant. woro lnjlll'ed rtbmal 12::10 flun!lny, trmlnd fm• acour.wy, Mr•, nnd Mm. Hobm•t McCur•!oy mnrnlng when llwlr c11.rs collldod I Tf YOIII' CHIIllOI' /(lti(C IH llll·rltlllllllllH'n lhc hlrlh of ll rJnllg!tler• 011 illvery I"OUd. .,,., 1 cloprnrlnhln, your

I~onrl tlilty gel. loo1 lillie lwnt for I ~·,,·ldPncc " Jur !mwn ° u- nJHI tho fmtt' wcz•o In hen lll their• ll'lr~ Jweplng·, 01 it llmy he OVCl'- oOJl, • hOHW,'I. c ,[,Jwd turd lo:rc vll.amhm and · ------~ r::r.. Pollolr hud r•rtiH ahonl. It!~ fora· n.woz·. ALh~tEDON CENT· n flomn foodii r~rm be cunncd mtr,•ty MrkjEim"r C. llrowu head and lip!!, Mra. l'ollr•lr recclvn!l lor;- nnd fttcl' lnjuriP!f, Word hml only ln 11 atmun pressure cannm·. ';' hla hanrl and noHe, Pnrltlnll'lrl had These are the tow-acid foods such Dnmo [ 'Awct•y, illlcnnor• Bt·own, 1\H tuHLJl berms, cmn and nlhca• Mlll'ion '•~"'ttler nnd ,Ioyce Swnlm !loop g"n~thos In hl•1 fm·ehond common !jhop G. Ht•nmlcy Oxnazu, of cilllninr; scale which you should M1·. nnd Mrs. Mnrlmd :met. Allen N •w ·Ym·l< ty, will give the 1 c1 write up rttHI altrwh In the canner. or llw Nmmrcnc chtu·c•h nl _Ma- bacr:rtlaut•<•ntc sm•nton fot• the 80th Ir the gage rc:His 1 pound high, snn cnlcrt amorl the pup! Is nl the umrlnatinl( claHf! or Michigan pmcerm at 11 pounds; 2 pounds Almodon Center ~:chool wllh s.Jng-r; Stnlc college on Sunday, .Tunc l. high, process at l~ pounds; :J 1'l1urr.rluy. His HUbjed will he "Wo Slmll pounds high, proccBs at 1:1 poundf!; Mm. Chat•lcf! Ilnviland, Mra. Build On," 'l'he bar:ertlaurerttc will 1 pouurls high, pzoccr;s nt H !Inrvoy Swaim, Mt'f1. Pnlt~r and he held in the college auditorium, pounds. If the gar,-c n•orls 1 pound Mar·llyn, Mrs. Sails nnd Dawn anrl beg-inning at 2 p. m. low, proccp,,<; at 9 pounriA; 2 pounds Mi~s Maruarct 'Baldwin visil.crl 'rhJs event will oren the finn! low, proccse ut 8 pounds; 3 pounds sdtool lnst week. wccl< of cnmmcncemonl rwllvll.y low, pmr.o~s at 7 pnunds; 1 pounds lvr 1·s. Lel~lln Arend cntm·Jninl'd I for the appmximatcly l,:JfiO gmfl­ low, proc&ss nt 6 pouJHle. 'l'his the West Alnlcdnn Ladles i,id nt I'I'ILCH who will rt'C'civc dlplomrrs s<;alc apphcs In foods Which you her home Thursday. fmm l.lw collc~c !.htR year. About would ordinarily process at 10 ______1 860 Rlurlontll will cnntplote their

pounds, tJNLlJCn:v 13 1 wnrl< this tonn. T11r~,. hunrlrecl . j nthors completed l.lwrr worlr at EDEN · . First Ilnrglar: Somoonc'3 ltnoek•-' the end of fflll or wintr•r terms, 1 lllf~ at tlw

of Mr.Okemos and Mrs.wcz·o HenrySatunlay Schcppcrlo callers ~-1'••=-••mlllliiiL'I!I••••••••••••••••••••••'III of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Morris. I.Ir. and M1s. mlmer IIufflno of I Vandercook lahe call,•d .on Mr. and Mrs. m. A. Brattain and Mr. rrnd Special! Mrs: Eugene Caton Sunday.

1Cltildrcn who have not been ab­ sent or tardy the cnth·c school This Week Only. year are Donald and Gail Mar-~ • • quedant and Virgmm DePriest. Members of the fifth, sixth, IHcvcnth and eighth grade : accom- First Aid Kits 1 p.1.nicd Mr~t. Kmmer and Mrs. I 1 I Corner tb Maso'n Monday. 'l'h:~y at- : ur aulu, tended court and visited 'Dn 1 l I, N~tionul banl[, the Ingham Coun- , ty "'cws, and lhc Mason balwry. 1. 1 The mothers who arc to accom- ' pany the toucher and pupils to : Detroit met Friday at the school to decide about dinner.

LESLIE Edward J. Cross

Cool or. warm air for train• vestibules is the newest comfort Couple to Mark I Biacl, Garden Hose, 4-ply, 50 ft ...... $5.95 item olfcrcd to the train-traveling public by the Vapor Car Hea.ting Golden Anniversary/ Hose Hangers ...... '...... 65e Company of Chicago, Key to drlvice is specially designed thermo· Firestone Deluxe Quality Hose Reels, stat, above right grill, which automatically provides proper tem­ Mr. and Mrs. Artie Wood Will peraturc,for passengers passing from car to car, Vestibule is in­ celebrate their golden wedding an­ 100 ft. capacity ...... $6.95 sulated against outside temperature. niversary on Mny 27 at their home Hose Nozzles, chrome and b1·ass, from ...... 69c at 3305 Woods road, Leslie town­ ship by lreeplng open house for Lawn Sprinlders, from ...... $1.49 their frleds' and relatives. 'l'hcy Doo·l\11]1 were mart·ied on May 27, 1897, within a mile of their present res­ GRASS SHEARS idence by Rev. J. Wesley Fay, Methodist minister of the Housel $1.75 FOR GRADUATION neig-hborhood. - I With 1PillflCI'l!d steel blades New Pm•mancnt Wave ft•nm the Mrs. Wood was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Wilbur and Soil Soalw1·s ...... $2.20 , Bcauly Salon Mr. Wood was the son of Mr. and/ Topping Shem·s, from ...... :...... $1.98 I Mrs. Truman Wood. Mr. Wood is a farmer and has sold implements/ Lawn Mower Tires, p1· ...... :... ,...... $1.40 and also automobile insumnce. I They have six chtldren, all of Los­ Dobbins, 3'/2 gal. Sp!·aye1· ...... $6.25 lie, and six grandchildren. Broom Rakes, from ...... ,...... ,...... $1.35 Linus Club Mo·ets Hand Cultivators (with plow attachment) ...... $4.75 9 n. m. to 5 p. m. 'fhc Leslie Lions club held its Cultivator Weede1·s ...... '...... $1.35 Evening& by Appointment regular meeting Monday evening Owners nncl OpCI'lltaro at the GAR hall. M. C. Ward gave Individual hot house fo1· eve1·y plant a demonstration of magic and a HOT KAPS \ 25 for 49c report of the Lions club state con· vcntion held the last week end at 5 lbs. -.45c; 25 lbs.- $1.50 Grand Rapids was given by Irve VIGORO Helmey, The election of offtcers 10 lbs.- 85c; 50 lbs.- $2.5Q for the year commencing July 1' See the new, modem LAZYMAN HOE will be held at thfli next meeting, Monday evening, June 2. Also at this meeting a decision will be made as to the number of summct• meetings the club will have. Installation Rites SUPPLIES A public installation of the of· fleers of the Leslie chapter of the , Rain bow Girls was ' held Monday Baits evening at the Masonic Temple. Casting Rods 'fhosc so installed were: Sally Minnow Pails Chapman, worthy advisor; ·Bar­ Tackle Boxes b~tra Armbruster, associate worthy advisor; Martha Wood, charity; Hooks, Lines, Sinke1·s Joyce Taylor, hope; Patricin-War-' Nets, Ret;ls net•, faith; Joyce Graham, treas­ urer; Anne Chapman, , chaplain~ Doris Edwards, drill leader; Laura' BASEBALL need vitamins·, p~o­ DeLeeuw, love; Helen Laclcey, ·re­ ligion; Galeta Stevens, nature; SOFTBALL . teins, and minerals £or fast, ·sturdy Lois CNt,l; immortality; Yvonne growth, Master Mix Chick Starter Aldrich, hdelity; Geraldine Kqons: patriotisni; Joyce. . Armbruster, contains all these essential nutrients service; Althea Porter, confiden­ in correct proportions-it's balanced by research. Follow our tial observer; Mary Ann Latter, outer observer; Betty Tennison, for musician;. Janet Gearing, choir director; Betty Hendges, promp­ ter; ancl Wanda and Jeanette Evans, Ma1·y Corts, Emma Good, Jaclde Morea, and Betty Engeart, cholr mem bl)rs.

New Alllllloncc Sholl 1 The Andrews Electric company is , erecting a ne\YI• shop on East Bellevue street at .the corn~r ol Covert &treet. - ~~ ntI 'E RATES:-Advcrti-.emcnls in this clcpm·tmcnt: 30 cents fm· 30 words o.r loRs 1 ' HI qunnlll 1' nl for cuch inse~·tion. Fo1• more than 30 words, one cent .1 word fo1· each IIFCi'• tior~. Advertising may be mailed Ol' tc!cphonccl, Dinl lYla:,nn DOll, Hoy I fobal't

I J.tll lVJIIc

19:111 CIIEVROLET-r-;;;--;;;lc Way!J(~ G1 nmly, 1 V:. miles wc•Jt of Mason on Columbia 10ad, so­ com! place cast of Plnlt school Custom Grinding 2lwl truclts and Mixing f01 sale Cecil Httdklris, phone fltocltbrldge 35F21, 719 E. Main, J'(JlJL'I'P.Y AND DAIRY Ji'illll:D Stocltbrldge. 14wtf 1037 FORD t11dor car for sale In good condition. Ray Lott, 1675 Mcilcllan Rd Phqno 6081 Mason, 21wlp

Misccllaneou~ STABLE MANURE, free fi'OJ11 COLEMAN FUEL OfL IlEA'rER Phnnr. IIowt II weed seeds Also gardens plowed for bale. Also Titan cl< ctnc Call George .Rtes or •red Davis, heater, Ohvm typ K alb Hyb1·icl Seed about them Bailey's at Holt Com 8wtf Now AvnJirrhlc Ji'rn Lntc Pl

Flowerphone 21231 MASON

Clements ,------~------Also Flower Shop Mounta•n Kmt, Lump Coal Holt Auctioneering Cement and Lime Farm :o;aic~s - Hous~huhl Guods Plow Pomts, CultJvato1 Teeth All 1\uuls nl' A IU'1wn ''t•lt•H nncl Implement Bolts J~Xi'I~I~'I WORK I 1 l'honc nr \\'ril n aR Onouclaga Elevator Phone Onondaga 25F1 ,72c Burton Wedk:er J.eslle Meadowbrook l'honc 4001 Hatch my 1------======-· =·==,...-======ASPAR~GTJS fm sale, 111 lm ge ~------·------· Potted Plants and small quantllJcs L B Barr, FOR MElMORIAL DAY 2'/:, nulcs south of lllason on Dcx· ter Tr ml Phone Mason 2201i4. Ruffled Petumas and Gewnlums 21wJ 50c each SMALL ELECTRIC watm heater Ageratums, Vmes and for sale. Also 1 c•ethng and two stde wall fixtures for cluung 1oom Bedding ?lants Phone ¥ason 7471 Call at Rflth­ burn's Hardwmc or 901 W. Colum­ Carroll Gardens bia Kdam Snyder. 21wl Corner of S Lansmg and South St Phone 1711 DELUXE baby carrwge, ncaJ­ Jy new, for Role, baby strollet, youngster's pm ch swmg and up­ rtght pJano. W11I clehve1 ptano E 1 B Loughlin, 2 miles no1 th ofJ' US- 16 on Mertdtan road, house number,1 RlJGISTERmD- HOLSTEINbtill 5144 Phone L~n~~48~. ~~~1 pI for sale, bred by state prtson TIRE SPECIALS-0 n c ~50x1G j of soulhc1 n llftchJgan, born .June tractm front $0 16 two 1lx:J6 2, 181<1. Sac Osbordalc Ohvcr Phone 4961 tractm·, each $62.25, three 750x2Q S1r Orm>by, dam. M S C Km n­ 21wlp truck, 8 ply, each $39 25; and one dyke QtJccn M H Oesterle, 1 525-550x19 tire, $10 50 AI Rtcc mtlc south of Mason on Eden 1 oad Chevrolet Co 21 w1 NEW 6-INCH wood planer for 25c sale. Kendall Howe, 317 Russell St , Leslie. Phone 2052. 21 wtf 5 for $1.00 HOMES AND FUTURES

Built by savings and careful economy, an in­ tegral part of which ts a rolia'blc bank as custodian Fan Rose Trilllis ...... $1.35 of the family's income. Baby Auto Seats ...... $1.49 Jacobs' Store The Farmers Bank ------.:;.ven ------...... _ ------~class~fie~ Painting·

Ol' 01 Sp1·ay B1·usl1 1Advertising !~en free c•ffmnlr.fl plume OJI~ DU}(NJCRR R<'rvleed PY nuth· Mnson !lH71 I mlr.r•rl Dun Therm dcnlcJ Home ------I f'qulpmcnt Co, I loll I'honq 7· W ll fhllfllllflll t'nnlrncfm 1111 Dur i11g tho evonlng cnll I n t'll. • ao-tc Wyeth IncOl'lJOl ated I 1·ro------

Mlchlgr!n lOwtr

CI,IJ k & Clarlc C'ont1 actms

Sptdy and Brush Pmntmg

Stpam Fittmg· & ! Jtmrlr nnx 200 Ma•on, nt Maple I Plumbing Hepail'ing Po1nt on Ufl 127 21wl

Fntz Kinville Wanted 1 ! ' Hnyncr m .H c nunt lnb l\fl on phnll< 2 I 121 Dl'ainag·e Work Incorpm a ted Sec Ma~nn Orlen Arrrts

Trlc Dr rtlnngc Contractor 17 yun r s cxper rcnco Sun eymg- Free K1r by St Leslie Phor.c Lcslrc 2071 4~wtr Paints fn Ide olllcl OulsJC!t• L1n >nml amt l~oof Paints Guy C. Royston 122 m Oalc St Mason phone fi271 l9wtr

Taken in every dny James Thorburn Alley r car of JUII Beckwith's Phone D261 Res~rlcnce 12G W Centm St. Vvomcn's Shop Hestdence phone 7774 4bwtr colton and

R<.-Jl estate or your Bu~mess to Lost and Found sell anywhere 111 the st tte I co­ opemt~ wrth other bwkcrs I need some houses m Mason to sell Hrwc bttyet s WJJtc me and I wrll C

Attention Farmers! Wanted To Buy or Sell Agricultural Limestone sprcatJ, per ton $4.20 PROIIIPT DELIVERY Washburn Limestone Co.

that I buy !leaeon c•ahcs up to 2 \I CCII~ ohl at the MASON STOCKYARDS, 1\fONHAY ONI,Y Or EACH WEEii: We ar11 hrr~ lng from llOO to 400 cah I'~ each wecl1, more at any nnc11on stde in the st,\tc. ,Just (lilt hlm In your cor ant) come on ovct. \Ve guarantee ) ou the same price each weelc. WJoJ BUY TIII~M WE \VAN'l' 'fii.EM WE PAY TOP MAIU\ET PRICES Frank Thomas at tltc 1\laHOD Stocl,yarcl 800 FARMERS A WEEI( CANNOT 11E WRONG

Our stoa·e will be open six days a week, including THURSDAY., FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENING • UNTIL 9 p. m • Eit:ht ,.. _...... ;;; ______;_.....;,______c-- ___:___;__.:...;.~:.:.:;:;,:::.:...... ;.:....:..~_:_::_.:.:.:_:_:~ CLASSIFIED l•'Ort HF.JNT-Wnll popot• utoamor, $2,0fl per rlity. Ot• will he !find to Weather ·~Large Strawberry ADVERTISING trade ll1o Wlc nt II. for auleuhlo Observations nullquc:J such nH old toy tmnlrH, Crop Is Expected (Cantlnuod /ram f'nuu ~n l''llnrcr.l r::lnllswru·o, pr•etty Oguroncs, 'l'lw Syclunor•c cljmhcd up to If I'Utlflrmnhly gnorl wnuthor prt:· ot• old rhliH, Mn1. Wcbh Durling. llood stuge ugain thla wcclr wlth CONS'I'IWC'I'ION, reprtlr ttnd rc· f'hnno Mnson 22201, 1Wlt Vllilll for tl1h'ly claya Rtruwbuny modeling wrll'lt Wftntcd by tho almont two Inches of raln on Mrm .. g-rrJWCI'/1 will be huuy ba:·vcnl.in•{ lwur or· hy lho job. JDallmn.lcH free, WOrt HEN'l'--·8 rwrca gnrr.lcn ln.nd duy night nnd •rueacllly, The creel< tholr crop,. ropol'ta Clutt•lcu f•'lf~Y. John Slmtrlmuu, IJ20 S . .!Dlt to Gunn ronrl, V., IJm·en veri, lr1 nnod of pmycr or Snuthcrn Michigan's Ecven re­ inspection system, This Is one of m lie north ot' % mllc south of Wil· spiritual help? Exporlenccrl, Scrip- BtrlctccJ.tlshlng trout ponds fur· the most dlrflcult dl.9oaaca in lb; loughby road on Gunn road, house turnl !'dvlcc offered, Nothing nishod fi71 anglers wlth 1,280 hours early stages to Identify, one ln· No. 22117. Phone Holt :JGHi. 20w1p fa.lRo, Jnnntlc or fantflAtlc, Free of fishing and 503 tl'Dut ln 11 single spectlon Is mndc at blossoming ----·- ---- 1md no Hlt'hl~S attached. Cull pus- wcolr's fi!lhlng, tllJ1C when presence of the dis­ WH!TJJ] Sl!JWJNG mrwhine re· tor 1 ll""O "'rlt · " 0 07 Mill ' · ·I" or " e · "" or 'l'hey threw back 267 of the euse Is easiest to identify nnd the · prtlr man will he in your• com- mad, Lansing Hi, Michigan. trout, not· because they were under other at the end of. the growing inunlty lvfny 20 lo repair and ad· lflwtf the ponds' cJuht·lnch slzo limit, season in August nnrl September. just rill makes of mach ill on. If you 1 " Michigan wns the Ht·nt alate to would lilw him to can dmp a card r;· 8,\ n.. ~·- -· ~rr:----c· -·- .. -·-;r-··-·· r ror rew of them were, but because I J, ,J~ o..D ./\. o,JU .AN VE. ]l)R· il.ho pond.~' m·eel limit is two fish esta)Jilsh this l'lglrl inspection worlt to H. D. Sterling, .ll!:lO Devon- , State I• cclrl Snrvwc OfriCer, a day, '!'he con crvutlon depart· an~; 3 to control Hc:eh' lllll nuhonl bom•rJ rrwtnbors and aldermen for Immediate action, ll'icldhousc, with a sealing capacity qunlntcd, playing cards nnd tallt· way nnd htmcl your· plnlc ticlceta or more than 1:J,OOO, The exercl'ses Mr. and Ml'll. HruTifJon Gale, 1 ·----·------:------lng, we still weren't rQady for bed, to the man on the gangplanlc." Tho Mr. and Mro. ClmrlcH GalbreaLh will start at a p. m; Main speal~er (We forgot to mention that our bus trip home wns very quiet, Then for the occasion will be Dr. James have 11 bnhy r,·it'l·Which IH In the M1·. and Mrs, Howard Gillott of stater·ooms were 6' 10" and con· at 3:10; tired, happy, sun-burned Lew!~ Morrlll, president of the Unl· Incubator at Rowe Memorial hos- Norlhwc.~t Ingham lUll! Mr·, and hnrdsteln anrf Mr•. ancl Mn1, Ward talned a 2 declter bed, a wash­ and overjoyed to see Mason, wo Alchin of Webberville Saturday vor~ity of Minnesota. ' bowl, a waste-paper bnslcet and 3 dragged om· suitcases up Jeffer­ pltnl. Mn1, Mar·cus Hanna ancl family of evening, Mm. Ernest Sehr11•lmw nnd Mt'll. A lll'l'iiu'J \H~r·c Sunday callers at _ Thq graduating .class opened its seniors). A few eccentric indl­ son street. Have we only been 'I Wllliflm Garner· altcnderl 11 nwel.- tho Jwnw or Mr. and Mf'H, J<'1'etl Mr. and Mr.1. Archie House, mdllth-long program of actlvltlea vlcluals went to bed, gone four dnya lng of t.11e claughtrmt nr !lntr•J'ica Br·own and family, F'riclay evening­ Ivan Homrc unci Beulah Strayer on May 7 with swing-out, Prcsl· On Wednesday morning, nearly ----- at Nor-thville Wcdncmlny cvcnlnr:. r:nlll't'fl at lhc Brown· home were took Mrs. Jacobs or thiH vlt:inity to dent .John A. Hannah will hold r•c• everyone wolw up feelin' mighty CHILDS S'CHOOL ccptlons for the seniors on Tuesday . Mr. and Mr·s. Willitlln r:anwr· M1·, anti Mr~. ,Jnhll Pcl.ers or Lan­ Owosso Sunday. Mrs, Jaeobs will low. Some of the ones who weren't DISTTUCT and Mr. anti MrH. Jilr'tH,Hl Sdwdww rJiiiJ:. remain in Owosso for some time, and Wednesday, Mny 27 and 28, ! slclc woke up cheerfully, smlled spent Sunday afternoon i11 Pol'!'y. ------Gcor·g-e Mot·gan nnd daughter, Baccnlnurcate services wlll be held f out of the window (pardon me­ Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hencler­ Caller's on Mr. ant! MrH. Loal HERRICK NEWS Dora of glltnn R:tplrls, Mrs. Mary in tho' college auditorium on Sun­ port. holt), turned a lovely shade of shot are the paron ts of a boy Townsend Sunday wem Mr. and 1\lt'H, J.eo Gerhard~toln Ring of Lansing nnrl Mr. allCl Mrs. clay, June 1, with Bishop G. Brom­ green and staggered out to bmnlt· born at Foote hospital Monday, ley Oxnam, of the New York city Kathryn Grayson and Peter Lawford find romance, In "It Hap­ fast. The water was taller In places Mrs, Lloyd S!Hu·innrl n11d family nr M 1·. nnd Mr·s, Clml'lc~ r;;t.afforcl Otto l•'omman tincJ sonu of Webber­ May 19. ville were Stmduy guests of Mrs. area of the Methodist church, de· pened In Brooklyn," Sunday and Monday attraction at the Fox. l"mnlf than It wa.9 the night before. Otis Townsend and a friend ... Plymouth, Mr. :~ncl Mrs .. _E, F. called oJJ Mn:. f11.affnrd's mother, livering the sermon. . · Brickman and chtldr!'ll nl Iktn•JI., I Mrs. ,John Sulhoff, nom· Dansville Lucy HcrrlcJ,, Sinatra and Jimmy Durante nrc others in the cast. Waves, they call them. We .sailed spent Sunday In Hollnncl at the Other spring activities at tho col­ through St. Mary's Lalrc, into tulip festival. Mrs, Samh Proctor ~nd Vmr, Mr•, Sunday. SOUTH AURELIUS AND White Fish Bay. At 7:55 p. m. we nnd Mrs. Tml T•'ay nnd. c:llilrlrcn, Aurl'rcy Gerhnrdstcin attentlcrl NORTH lege will be featured by the return 'l'hc c. C. club meeting for M11y to the campus prog-ram of the went through the loclcs nt Sault wa.s held at the home of Mrs. Miss Marlon Cobh :~nrl f~tr;nd, Vcr~ Ithe nnnunl ulumni banquet at 'the ONONDAGA Two Mason Youths Ste. Mnrlc, non Proctor and Mrss L1llmn Rob- Community hall I•'riday night, Mrs. n. II. FJeld water carnival, one o4' the most .The Michigan Collc~c of Mining w.·n F'FA Awards Lena Pouluslcl Wednesday evening, unique college events In tile coun· and Technology chapter of the 'l'he next clay wns calm, We May 11. There were 11 member8 lnaon, 1 ,lane Nel~on, Vernita Strobel, try. This will be held along the Red American Society of Civil Engln- Louis Denning and Loren Spink reached Mackinac Island at 11:45 present. The club presented Mrs. Mr. anrl Mrs, Charlr:H Nelson. of Hnlt:n and Auclmy Gcrhar·dstcln Mr. and Mn:. Lawrence Dalbec a. m. The natural flcauty of this Lansing spent Sunday cvcn1ng- anrl Mr·s. Grace Strobel nncl Vir- ancl Mr. anrl Mr.~. Melvin Swanson Cedar river the nights of Mny 29, eers will have as Its secretary won the hm1ors as the outstanding Davis Abbott Jacobs with n bas­ with Mr. and Mm. Guerdon Usher·. ginia, all attended the Webberville visited friends at Houghton lalw 30, and 31. Lantern night, trucll· William Dean Bullen of 107 N, FFA members in the vocational 1sland I~ as splendid as the archl· sinettc. Lunch wns served, high school picnic at Walled lalgs. He has Calldns, Haslett; John B. Clnus~n, 'T J k · p • · started a partnership' which will Mrs. Lloyd Wheeler Hnd snns anrl King of Howell were callers during Carl Warnc1· han bought his Mary m. Curtis and Marcia A. Mr, and Mrs. Elmer ncynolrla and I the week of Mr. and Mrs, Michael brother·, George \Narncr's far n o ac s.on r1son be on a full-time basis when he New Wagon" on Rubber $185 Webster, Wlllinmston; Mrs. Junes Undersheriff .Jaclr Lechler and gradua,tes next yenr. He has been '" - - .- - - - L. --- son were Sunday callers at the [King. E. H. F'icld ami wife ,;ere 1Mnn­ Hewitt Collar, Audrey M. Green, Deputy Fred ·Fryo transferredlnctlveln

. Occasional Chairs, Davenports,· Lampa . . with the distinctive mark 'of . handwork Two ·------~--~----~--· ' ·- '""''"I omrmo Point. nnd Dei.J'OII. 111Hl lHtR p l'll1Clpa . · ]· 0 :fl H 0 It · •rJ l,(Jiuh t' J1Jh'!l1HNoblfi OlflrAn'HOrnnrj club · or - ..... -...... ••• • • 0 1 ,., r H 0 L n brortf]l mlulrdc School Hesigns tho met o.t homo of ·r • h~t ~lfW1 :.n~~rr~:.'~;~1 ~obo't,~~hfl th~ · t Will lnll!O 1 R Jllll ' ' Ml'R Nollie Illllj~ Wedncll!}ay fo~· '''L t nnco outstanding lo musle lovm',9, Wosloy JQ, Binnie, pt•ln01pnl or It~ ,;ogu)nr ll)OtJtll)y m~otlng, Illloc· lllary Dixon t d r I t t.Jw Holt high snhonl Jm• he pllHt tlon of for the coming yeur 1 , , 1 ofrtco!•~ '", ' ' - th~~t.'::l' i:~.," ~~,\ ~ .. '.1~11~1 '1 '" 1~"1i~ ~~:.~~'"~:::~~ ".~;;!; ~·· ploo, '""IUog ·" ' ,,,• ., With enJinent poople as Percy Blaelc eun , Holt In Prcsldetlt,, Aletl)l.\ ,Ahlo))ij,, socre. ·, , l b mlch 1 ~~;J~ois, 11 10 I H'Qlt Woman f.l C U amngcr8 nnd Fercle Gror '• 0Ute~'~'t" l!J:Hi rw 11 ~"loJH'o J.onf•hcl', umJet· ~j 1'~, M~! ~/'~/i,at:~~ t~ri~j;:~~ Plans Entm·tainment f1~ ~ 11 ~rnt~~~~~:~n;))J?fc,'~,~· ~n~~~~ ;1: ~!~~,~~~~~~''';1 ,';t~~~:~1 t'';~;~m~rY :~~~~~ ~:,~eo. pm~en't.1 A potiJ,IMo~c ~:r,uet• ,... r t rlochon Ml!Hk Cnmp nml WAH ' • • t · , . was sm·vml 1~t noon. 12. ,, loa h. TLieaduy cvonlng, May 27, me1mJ nn 1 ~cm)Jor of 1i1r. senmlnnavlnn ~{'Llvo/! !J;j~~~~ 1 ';f.n~t~~~1 1 {Lde~1 ~ec~:1 r~lllllot'llflllX waa co·l)oaten~. of the llolt cf':;ll Symphotly orchestram Dlltl'oll, II" 1 l.hQt J'uHJtlled I --- v;·~CI'4 vyol~~~~':.'sa 0 eJ~:; ;~edi'J.:Illl·l ·intellll'ont of son ol' M1•, o,nc.l l\l!rs, Frrmlc Lnmor- 1 1 j 1 voice, l\1lss Donna or Kuln- the high euux of Holt, were wed Saturc.lay 'Chapp~ll. Bluet~ .a.t100 e~·s '~~~;:;: Llmtuttltn~ t wlll assist UR violinist .1r. • • ~ • ' evenlt1g In a cm·emony perfOI'IIJell ..• · The program Is urrungod In wo ~~;~oro ram will op~n with 1; ~ciJOol. !Jus lncreo?etl i!1 size fmn; at l.hfl Mlller roac.l BlJJle church, ,.J>nrta, ,. Suite pol four· movmncnts, "Pre- 2 1ill.~n 1\l>ollt .' 1 ~Hl ,;t.uc!Lni.H nrt~n~.1 ~~ the Hcv. m. A. Holoff offlclallng, ·1'' '):'ho first pnrt wlll )Je a paper on lutle · Adagio, Light Waltz rtncJI fl'nohlnif .~lnfl 1 '' 01 '\/ 1 ::~ J~ 'l'ce~ln1 mrty guestu witnessed the rites, ' l;;ua!c o.pprocif1llon, In which Mt·s. IF!ndle." M1•s. MlllTll.y wlll Ring,\ er:s·. l-~~. 1 1°lcJ~ 11 t1/.~~' ~ 1 0·,~·cp fr, 'u ]. Mt·.~. Dean Parlcer suns; "Oh .Je. Blaclt11 will enckavor to nlmw why· "Soft Is Thy Voice," Sultn for ~c~~'"""•· 0 :~~~don~ nc.l~a10 ;,ed wot•lt0 1 stts We Have Proml6ed' nnd M1;; mu 1c Is not. lMilvcl'sally enJoyed chlldrcn, ami a violin number, c.a 011 nne 1 n ,. ,.11 ITiculum Parlwr sang "The Love of God, )Jy many chlldt•f!n 'IIH! their par- Perpetual Motion," wlll follow. 'J'he 111 vlm~nl nlc.l.. nn 11 •1 1 · with Miss Maurene l{l'egar us ac- .....,nt8· and how thiH eon he rom- model'll Idiom wliJ he ~hown In n building, companlst, Mrs. Parker also sung ' edl~l. She hns nino Jll'cpareci a list Lalln-Amerlcnn "'rango" ond tlw Blnclt's chief lntcrcst2 have been "'rhe Lord's Pruyer" dUring tho 1 of recorcls which an• suitable for program will end with "Now Yor·k In guidance nnd vl~ual ccllt('(ltlon. ceremony. , ' the enlirl) · f'amlly to enjoy an~ li'antasy," Palmer Is not a Hlranger· Owr· .11 per·locJ of ~e~rs 11 8fi',d~J;t 'rhe bride was gownec.l In white : whtch wlll help build n music to this vicinity, as he linH plnyecl C'OllliCll h,ns been clcvc.lo.J:~~ 111 ~ satin and a fingertip vel! and wore , baclcgrouncl for lho hnrll<'. 1 ovct· WKAR, It Is hoped that the IIWat•c oJ lls J'ospon~t~lt t :0 5,s a/~r a string of pearls, the gift of the ; . The chalt·man will Jll'cscllt Mi'H, members and their· ft'ic•JHls will' has done I ~~~r'lh-w~l ~cc~n;t~iatlve1 1 bridegroom, Her maid-of-honor I ' Dollnld r~. MuJ•t·ay in a gmup of ava.ll tlwmselves or l.IJiH oppor- i~l!~s s{~~~~ ·. bc:~;~one:;lal;lished J'ot· . was Miss . mvu Dell Rubevg of DR \VJ ALTER KONRAD. • love songs. Jim· l"'"grnm will be tliiHLy. , ;1 b nnci giJ•I in high sclwol. Osco, Jlllnots, and l')eJ• bridesmaids OPTOMETRIST ' hJghllghted by ~lingillg "My Heart Music lovers who nrc interested ~1~'~~,, ~1es f'ontain rcr·rH·ds, Jnte •• werl%jMrs. Mildred Miller and Mrs. ; at Thy Sweet. Vr!lce-Soillt-SaPns", In attending are requcslecl to noli- Ps'"'a;Jd al>illiy tests, and other· in-1 MaJ•guerite Pop~, both of M~ler ~li('('I'SStal' to Ur. 1~. Jt~. ,Jewell 1 from the opm·a Sr1111pson nnd De- fy any member· of the commll.lc•e. / fot~nation that is vnlnn.ble to road. Miss Rubetg was gown~ In ~407 Ronlh Cc•,lm· Sf, J,anMing I,lmnr. 277Rl1 ' Jl\all. M1·s. Blrtelr Will nC'company. Lig-ht reft•esh 1nenls wfll he served. lr.achm·s in their· hnclemtnnding of pink, while the brldesmalc.ls chosde - ' •' ·The seconrJ part of l.ho prog1·um student~· ' ..nnll lc~ stu den t s 11· mar-1 Umoreauxyellow und attendedblue gowns.his brother Bu ------~------. -- • wlll be devoted to the ot·lginlll Jng V "ol-wl!t o """'"• "'I<- ' Loo Ml lloo, '"\>how of tho bolde, yom• Tho A mm·l eo" [ '" o d m·O "g "'" "'"""' P' PPY p~m·, ~"" 111 0 ·~~ Sweet, Sweet .... , u Spring I Palmer or Gmss" Pmnl, Who Is entertained ut a cllnnc•1' Sunday g use of 16m. 111. fllm, film sluJos d Darryl Cl~ver a nephew of LegiOn hir·ed hospituli~ed-wnt• vel-! "'·t for l.h1s weelr-•md, May 22, c • ' ''"""" g "' tho p> mmd '' m" '1 h "" "'1" g hm· ""''" '"· M ,. , mol , "" , L>·O p mm, Mm·o 1h "" LOU ,,.,_ ,;,,,Jng '""" , """' ""' m"''">·I ol pop- ,1 'L "'"' re "·""'I L ;~ bddo~wm ho~o 1 ~ Is· Het·e At Last!' : W"'''" MO< '''""" """ '"'"r Md"- M, ,, IDl" ' tim< will bo ""''" "" "' " o0 0 hi """ J Y '"'""" "'" ~ '''' ''> n , ·,.tloo ot Kol """'""· M ,. , PoI'""' wr> ld "' mm 1 'Y, "" " """ "'""" "' ;, '",. . Mog ;,.,. "" woo!<_., d , '"'Y oom m" , ,r y I"""" ""· '"" '" lml p . "'~ 1 ":.,.~ ~," 00 ,.,y "'" 1 mom~' And we are filling appointments fast 'Is the son of l•'mnci;t G. Pnlmcr of Black hope~ to wor!{ tl101'e exton- sed T ny Wieland nieces of the tht·oughout the stale. Shown nbovc t11c Legion0 Chil

. ,Junlol·JSenim• Banquet. THESE USERS KNOW . Qn Saturday night the juniorr, will entertuin the seniors nt n banquet· 111 the cafclerin, which CHORE-BOY'S VALUE wtll be servell by tlle junior moth- flo held in U~ers of the following traded .j,1 their equipment on Chore· Boy bal.anced low vacuum pipe line milkers.

2 Surge Units (New In Dec1ember) Vows Spoken At 2 DcJ,n.val ~[ngnetlc Units: complete (used three wee11s) Mary Sabina Chapel Miss Joyce · Dearmal), daughter 2 ·Unlvcrsn.l Units of Mr. nnd Mrs. T. E. Dearman 2 Shot·t .•ruhe Universal Units 2 Rlteway Units 2 Farm !\faster Units 2 Perfecllon Units 1 Doubln Intcmmtlonal Unit 1 . Yz H. 1'. Intcl'lla.tl~nnl Vacuum Pump Yz H. l'. Univcwsai Vacuum Pump

These users have in· creased miJic production Council mc•t. nnd Wn!i cmlled tn Ol'llf'r by •MnyoJ' Jt~Wtltl., Pt'P:lfllll AIIPJilH 11 up to 10% and ·have re· HnJ'J'iaon, UolJhinx, Shot>mnJ,e: 1', SiiHI1 Y duced millcing time up to und Robbins. AbHcnt AldP1mun Slu•I,Ui'd, 'Jlhe mlnutcH of tho lnflL meetinl.{ Wt'l'e UH rend nt;d llPilt'ovc•cl. SO%. coriNid~l'fld1 I '1 lte flnnn('f! committre I'Ppo,•tx tho foilowinn c:lnimH nlHI J't·r·nmrnt>nd:t I h(•it· Healtl]/ylit · nllownl'H•n: • FREE TRIAL Dni'L Motm· SaleA ...... ~ oHtfUIII Ann At·hor COl)liLI'lH'tion no. .... ·l ~ .lir. JYudJcy Ptlllet' Co...... ·1 .m Macnii". s_H oats Mil!h, Bt·aa:! & Elc>clt•ic G.1...... :l.::!li Let us install a ~tew Mich. Bell rl'el. Co ...... - k 't cotton short Somr>t·yilln SfH'vice ...... '\ fine ·nt . Chore-Boy balanced low No other . Canulever vacuum pipe line milke1• Mich. S1.1ltf• Fit•t.mwn's A:·w'n ... .. clus1ve . in your barn on a. free has the ex It automat!· trial, "' Action ~eature. entle lift, g,ves g ca 11 Y bunch, no Mllll with ·only 10 inches' of bind, no \IILCIIIUU, ll.SSI!l'illg IUII.XhUlllU no buttons to .. . ~fcty to the cow's 111lder• chafing! No Designed to ?e break or lose. tr t-Ups shut. . l the. ,-..ll worn Wltl , cl· <;otton ~·...rn. Made f~crn conl )C .

.We 11011' CD!'ry U COIU• Jllete line of replnce­ ment l'ubber parts for Cann.tlian Odd Fellows all mlllwrs and new Rebelmh Lodge No, 146 of Holt held Its regular meeting Monday JllllllJ>S 'In all night, with Noble Grand Martha Menhlnick presiding, A class of eight candidates was initiated, three from Dimondale and five from Holt. Eighty-four 'members and' visitors were present Mrs. Lorraine Rocltwood, general chair· Let us take care of your aervice problem · MncDee Mids.- 95c at INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MU::I·IIGAN, 1'HUJlSDAY, MAY ·22, Hl47 Tlu•ce ------~------·------~----·------Gathm·ings Made rL nhlld and Ml'. l.•'ielrl Willi hol'n · LnHL 'l'lll.lllt!rty nvnnlng, Mt·a, Jllllll' LnHIIn, 'l'hoy wm·u 1\\lll'!'lud Hohm•l. A~.eil.on ILI.I.mrrlod U10 CW)'·• ·).JU""· .. ,;'~S.~o. c~t;a. ~,e./j 6~('./"":)~'e~n.·~t·~.) ~~- ._a~~n. ~~.'Te~r(!/i)J. oro..:!. n,·~~. aLj.~., ... _,·_'1~~ :~~;!~:~J:~;~;;~~~h~~ Golden W edcling M11y fi, l8fJ7 by Itnv, .r, Jrl, Mrr:ncd tho lnblc dccorn- To Order of Rainbow prosldccl, .MI'S, Olnrl( returned .Ph•J Golden lhomn wn:J u~ed In lhe Htend nt Hm•l'len Spr·ings on Sun- nt lire North Aml'ilus !!hlll'ch Mlly Whltc snrtpdrngorr!i, palms and lions In the dining romn where the homo Snlurday hut i.~ planning tl! docomllnn~ 1 Yellow dttl'l'oriiiH, while ,day, 1:1. Suppur· wm; Hlli'Ved In Ofi • While lighted lnpcr·s in tall enn- tlcr~d brlue's cal10 nnd the br!dc­ 'rhe Mason Assembly Ordur of 1110111 Halnbow for Oirl~ wlll rccolvc their retur·n visit to Mason ,In tho nmu· :mnp(lrrt>:nnH und yellow eantllcH In/' Mr• nrHI Mr·•; Arllrrrr· Mcl~nrrcn bors nnrl their· CmnlilnH, A pmgr•nm dclabrn formed an utlrncllvc set• gr•oom's enlto and icc cream wore charter at a meeting which wjll be futm·c. cr,ysl~l holder~ gmc~d 1he tflhlo, ·nnd ;inughler~ 'of O!wmn:J vi:ritnd I nt' rmrHicnl Holed lor!H hy l•'m•n tin"' for lhc mflrrlugc of Mil}~ Elsie served the guests. Miss Mn.r·tha I A largo wedding cd!W, covered Mr. nncl Ml':i. Rnlwrl. Dullard nrul Owon, lDHther Btralmell ll!Hl nrty- held at. the Mnsoaic: hall Saturduy' "' * • 1 ., M nr·y Hamilton served the bride's 'rO .A'rTmND SEnVICICS nnrl no amnii, HOIIH , Slllrtlny, Mr. and MrH. mond I lolnwCJ wns _l'nllowed by Mr·H. M, Taylor, dllll!fhtcr or Mr. and Clllto whllc the darl< cnltc was uftcrnoon at 2:30. All members of \~lth Y~llow1 rose~ 011 hI 'Tho Woman'H .·.ux;:;:u-y ·ot tho was cut Olls DrtilRvlllu WOI'Il crtllerH Hrrc•Irl, KruHr•, Prt'HHiont of llrn lilt:'· Mrs . .T, Floyd Taylor of Mason, served hy Miss 'Ilcene F'leld of Mason Chapter No. 150, 0, E, s, .~~~t~~;:v%cf ~~tu~~lllc~:~~ts m. or nrc Invited to attend. .Anroricnn Loglrm hns noocpl.ocl nn · g. ' at the BaiJnrtl home Monday, i hum Counly.. Counell, lnslnlllng the and Charles 13. Cllclmcr, son of Holt.. Othnrs assisting were Miss 1 Mr~. EJ. Albert Coburn, supremo invitation from nov Mrtrslmll A n!oco, .Joann F!Ohl, provl20 .Julllln street, Plans nrc being completed for On Saturday evening Mr. and I Otsego turd S. n. Cotrcll nf Wynn­ of )Jy her father, was gowned In Lansing, nfter May 2fi. tho May hrcaltfast which wJII be Mrs. Alfl'l'fl km·chn ontertninecl dntlc. I•'our the guests, Mm, Weel{·End Specials Mr. and Mr·s. '!'heron Bnrtlwlomew ,Cornelia Waggoner, Miss Mil!'Llu white, mnde with a bodice of white ''' * '1' hold1 by the Mason WollHUJ's Golf rinUn with high ncclt line nne! n M1·s. l'l!ler .T. Hohlnson spent associnllon Snturday, Mny 21 .. of El Dorndo, California. Irhnycr, Mm. Wells CliclO years ago. Mr·:1, li'ielc!'s in u point at the hnnd and her Buffalo, N. Y., who wns in Detroit Leo Kelly and Mrs. Raymond Me· Dr. nncl Mrs. Robert Braden, .Tr. I parents brnu~;ht her Lo 'A mel ius ns finger tip length veil was held wll.h on business. Mr. and Mrs. Alford Powelson Lean; prizes, Mrs. Ray Cotton, Dr. and Mrs. Willinm 'm, Clnrl1 -1 announce the mnniagc of their Mrs. George McArthur und Mrp. D. ancl smm spent Saturday in Hoi- I - a llam nf white roses. Her arm Mrs. Irwin Dusehnnc anrl daug'h­ daughter, Alfreda M., to Lyle D, C. Dart. land. On Sunday they were guests I bouquct was or white roses and. ter·, Diane, and Mr. and Mrs. .Arehart of Davison at the Mctho- Members nml guests must have sweet pens. Her maid of honor, Charles Prince spent Sunday eve­ of: Mrs. Clari('S parents, Mr. ,and SPENCER dist parsonage, Angola, Ind., on rcscl·vntions mndc hy 'I'ltu•·sdny, Mrs. F. A. Kuenzel at Grand Rap· 1 Miss Sally Mall of Lnnslng, wore nlng In Lansing with Mr. llnd Mrs. dusty rose jersey while her brides- Hoger Collar. Mny 15. 'l'hc bridegroom Is lhc May 22. At the meeting held last ids. . INIJMDIIAUY DBSIONED I son of Mr. ami Mrs. D. D. Arehart Wednesday, Mr·s. Edward Ward Mr. and Mrs. G. c. Berger and s· UPPORTS '\' . maid, Miss Proctor of East L~~;n- Miss Pat Vlasccl< and Otis Town­ of Davison. The bride was grudu- and Mrs: Paul Mudgett were :Mr. ·and Mrs. Michael I, .. $4.05 ,past presidents. spend ,next weel,· In Chicago, Ill.,. I, . Mr. and Mrs. Ruehl Kr,use . and with their son and wife, ·or. nnd ·.more in delicious flavor! Try it today! .. \YHiiE JERSEY family were guests of Mr. and M~s: Lyle Aseltine, and grandson, .. PAJAMAs ...... $6.05 I Mrs. Frank Rugg nt Willinmston Philip. EIGHT O'CLOCK ~ I on sunday. Mr. and· Mrs. C, E, Robinson and mild· aml mellow...... lb. 3 7C ,; J.OUNGING I~NSF.MBr.E Mr. and 1\Irs. Victor Milier were sons of Holland were visitors of JBrsrJ.V prt.lamnM, fmttur·Jng IL dinner guer;tr; of Mr. and i\1J'S, Her- Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Karr and sons RED CIRCi.E 4 lH'lnled jerMJn PURE ~RD 23c and family visited Mr. . . . ,. Son of 1\lr, antl Mrs, Clmrlcs' Greenough OLEOMARO~IINE Charles E. Gorham at Dimondale lb. on Sunday. .. • · KEYKO 2 bunchoa Watch this· Mllllee each wccl• ~'<•r I•lcture!l of othor C. G. Himes, who has been fl£111 WISCONSIN Lultc City, Fla.; since last Octo- lb. babies brought ,up on Launstclu's 1nlll,, CHEDDAR ~HEESE ,. I 1 Whileber, returned spending home the winterth'is week. '-~-~-..o------11...------~------""'------..;,.---~--~1 ~ ·Mr. Himes built a summer home.· Mr. nnd . Mrs, · Harold · j3arnhlll ·Launstein's. Dairy, 'and Mr.- and Mrs. MauricA Rlcldy . spent Sunday 11t Shingle la~e. I Mr,. nnd ·Mrs. Clifford ·Douglas ·of Grand Rapids • visited Mrs. Pearl Harden burg Sunday.· - · Mr.· and .Mrs; Fred Strobel Dimondale~. Mrs. .Ida Bevington· Cleveland, Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs:. C; L. Baspford were Sunday callers · "~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~-~-~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~ . M.fu~~~~M~MdX~B~tL .. G;rccn. . · · · ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NEWS 1 T E M g pluqne, )Jlll'CilnHr•cl ll,Y l.ho HIIIW•IIc ' body, h11r1 boon [llrwml In I hll fJ•nnc '\ 'l'hc Srrovllle w·hool nloHod 'Jo'rl­ I lll'lllll Ytumg llllli'nnce ol' thu school. ~'h11 [)(),I'll ,,ny with a plcnlo nt RIIHHcll .Jllll'lt, r,oRoy H:ohneH wna Satm•duv .. whnac nnnws nr•o on tho phH[IIn fll'o t ,, i rJcllllo, OVOI'-nighl gncHI; or D11ano DnviJ, J•'lnhl 'l'rltt '' 1- I , flf1111 Wllllumri WOR o1 01! II'IllH wer•c HCI'V!Jd hy llw lesson "Buyrnff r,nrgn ~;leelr·r-, WnNhlnglon, D. c. Mr. Dlohi is a '· FUR INSURANCE ' lwyH on tlw L1·1p nnli Chnrles Well· tlw hoHieqReR nl the eoneluqlon ol' en! HouRclwll'csidenf. in honor of M''l', nntl Mr·fi ..Toe McCann of FIRE AND WIND 1 six g"l'nrlunles of I. '1'. A. S. who l.he birthday annivct'.~ary of MrH . .Tn:·l.of 83 years. MEMORIAL DAY Anderson, 1\Trs. Forrest Wan,ci•, CharkH Oti~. Mr. nnrl Mrs. Ivan '• ' Mrs. Avcron Ackley, Margie An- Perltins of Lansing and Mrs. Otis school, ,'I'here will be nr, school and Robert and Riclla.rd nnd Anna FRIDAY, MAY 30 dm·son and .Joyce Shcntlwlm n.~­ <' sistcd Mr.~. F. C. Anderson. Pe1·lcins of Gmnd Rapids 1and Mr. Thursday in order that cards can Jane Ambs attended eighth p;mde I m11l Mrs. .Tam-es Hathaway of be marlted by the teachers. Buses graduation exerqises at' MFwon . ~ Willinmsl'on were' Sunday visitors will run on schedule on Friday Monday evening-. Ridmrd Hinkley Rnlwrl Guud~ 'Sail! nf M1·. anrl M1·s. L. E. Otis. Mr. morning and students will be v,ivPn was nmong those receiving his We:u· t;niforms if yon can, it will add to color of the 1 The Dansville Girl Semrl s arc l'olt·lll•, ~' 1 and M1·s. Clyde Abilott of White their cards, after.which buses will uiploma. ' 1 ~~ .n ;,j, Tj~nac•e ...... ifill,30 having a hnkod gon


Sam Williams, who has been ill Roscoe At;nold attended the polio Mr. and Mrs. Floyd.-· Hinkley, ., .....'7._ ' ·~ • nncl unable to operate his saw mill prepnredness program at Hotel Mrs. Martha · Beathem and Mrs. for 17 weeks, .in now able to be .at I Olps in Lansing Wednesday: H. A. Nell of Stocltbridge cnlle~ Of'all cars; only the new 19~7 Chevrolet gives you worl< again. • Mr. nnd Mrs. Paul ,Card were at the· Fred ·Belswingtitl 11bm~ Ius~ •Mrs, Victor Palmer and :Mrs. wack cnrl gueslR of. the former's weelt. · · · · .: '• ' · : BIG·CAR QUALITY At LOWEST COST, .Tennic House . of Mnson spent n~other, :Mrs. Mabel Caru, of Case- Mr. nnd Mrs, 0. #: Dnvls of with all that this means in Tl)ursdny with Mr.· and Mrs. VIlle. Michig·an Center . spent Sunday Only Chevrolet oives,you the combinou George Vofft, .Tr!' , Mr. unci Mrs. Dale Erter were with Mr, and Mrs. Cnrl !\:nob~ extra motoring satisfaction~ Big-Car comfort and safety of t11e Knee· :Mr .. and Mrs.. Tames Norton and wcclt end guests of the former's lnuc.h. - __ _;,_.}f...... -- Actiori Rido and Pdsitivo-Aotion Hydrau• family of Lansing were Sunday p:ir·ents, Mr. and Mt•s, .Harvey evening dinner guests of 'the lnt- JDrtcr, of Clare. Donald ·m.rter lie Brakes , • • together with suet! ':'•7•K"''·''''''·'' tcr's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Roll- spent the week end with lila extremely !m!, operating cosl~ I •.,..,..,., .... ,... ert Smith. grunrlmothcr, Mrs. Lilly Potty, of Mort I\:ecne · of. Ypsilanti spent Mason. a few days last Week at the home Mr. ariu Mrs. Mer!~ F~ee1• and of Mr. aml Mrs. AlfPecl Shormnn. family were Sunuay dinner guests ,, Mr. and Mrs.· A. 0. Greenough or M1'. nml Mrs. Dale Gaffner of · were wcclt end guests of ,Frances Perry. · · ' r and, Annette Greenough of ' Ralcml Gnocls Sato NEW194~ There will be n bo.ked goods snle Mr. and Mrs. Irving Sanford of Saturday, May 21, at-1:00 p. m. Mason and Mr. and Mrs. Charles at the Red and ·White store spon­ Siege! of Williamston were guests sored hy the Past 'Miih·ona Club Sunday of Mr. aml Mrs. Roy !-Jo­ . CHEVROLET!: \ ·, : bo.rt. . · . for the benefit of the ,Masonic halt Anyone wishing to talte dO(Iatlons Virgil 1I~ chris of Detroit spent to the sale will find tliem welcome. the weelc end at the A . .T, Mlller home. Mr,q, Olson, Mina Otis and Laura 1 Harrison arc.. the · committee In Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Manning of charge, .. Ypsilanti were Sunday visitors of Mr. unci Mrs. G. E. Manning. · ~chool CloHes 'l'l1ls Wr.ek Mr. and ll.frs. Ralph Battles· and S\-hool closes this woclcFrido.y family of Flint~pont Sunday at with a picnic nt Hanlccrd's Resort Rice Chevrolet Co ' ' t'1c ·home of M1·. nnd Mrs. Evert j Pleasant lal<.c for nil chlldt•cn from AI Petteys, · . · .. i 1 _ • • the fourth gmde tl!rough the hl!fh . / \ . . \ ,'' . ' CANAAN DISTRICT olrl Hilla and family and M1•, anrl 1\fl H. Willie Hill~ of Mafion, M1•, and Mr~ ITurold Dlli'I'OW and NnJH y of Mn~on nnd l¥11', nnd

WHEATFIELD DISTRICT NO. 3 Lilll.lll l•'m•• man

r.. ~ 1r f-:hm wnod nms IN f'AUfo'OftNJA FELT PLAINS rilllllf'l' I!, ill H(H of 7 MJ'M, Uuhert T~t'll I frll \'P,Y BPIIr'lfiJ;••• 1111 'l't llitmial Um1111 D1(1gn ------Jllsl lll't ~T-1011, '" il tlli}Ps 11111 llu asl ol Munilh, '"' OKEMOS AND VICINITY Fartmers Elevator TUESDAY? MAY 27 Mrs. A. IJ. Whiting MASON

17 Head of Holstein Cows fmm 2 to 6 years old, ~one of 1 the•n fresh and others to f1·c~.hcn soon 10 HEAD OF HE!FEf~S, COMING 2 YEARS OLD Af-i,.iend 26 HEAD OF HEIFERS Fr-I.OM 4 TO 14 MONTHS OLD 'l'hls hm•l •rn :uul llau~;s l<'sh·d. llou'l Nome nf tlu•so• 1;111111 )OIIJJg lu·JI• IS lor lh< y in Meed! wlll /;'I'll\\' on I his , ht•,tp g J',tss.

HAROI.D 1\l;\ l'Jm, I lf•JI, 1ilwr1ys fresh t~nd leut!er! The Kroger Tcnderay method m:tkes fresh beef tender without "ageing". 1 .. Auction Sale S~~lOIM S1.i,EAK~: Saturday, May 24, 1947 lb 6S(C Kroger's 12.:10 fl. 111, CHUCK ROAST Tendr.rLJy lb 2 milt•s • .1•,! ul i-i!01 ldllul1:•• on 1\f-IOii WONDERLAND lean Freohly -- ~rn~. William J. Clarice ------~------Ground Cattle No 2 llolsl~•n Cow, .I .l Pars TllMI\'l'O JUICE l1bby's F1 In IIUI.f l I lin ,. llolstf•in ( on, tJ yPn 1h nld, ch!P ,JuJu• I G!c Cut ,No 2 TOMATO SAUCE Hunr's 4 cans 25c llolst .. in Cow, 1 .V''"''q 11!d, luPtl DeltCIOU5 can May I MAR GlUI it~ E Numtud lb 35c llols1~•n (on, r") .~Pals nl1l~ fl'l':"'h COOI(iES Strawberry 7 oz Ilnlst••iu ( 011, .f \'f':tl'S nl•l, ,.,.,.,] ' Morshmollow Blossoms pkg 19c 1\laldJ 10 Vnn11ia 7·oz Jfolsteiu Coli, G Y''"' s ulhf, 1\l,ty I Df!Oi'Jrv'iS Creon Handle each 83c Foncy 16 DZ llolsh•iu f'm1, :~ ~ ••:u s uhf, •I liP GJ) 1'511 WAX PAPER Cui R1te .July 15 Libby'~ ~®®~:$ Who/a :£. jars 3ic roll 20c llnls!t•iu Cnw, 7 ~ Pa: s old, thlf• ,Jun,. ao For Fmo No 21h ALUiiE FI.P.I(ES Fubncs pkg 29c Jlolslelu Cow, 7 y<•:u s L•bb 7 p ~~ m H

TERMS: CASH C::li'HlNCi~ BRAND Was 43c Now lb I --~~~~-~~-~~-=-~-=~~=~~. Was Now I Dr. R. P. Azelton C~iASI5 6t SANSO&lN. ' 49c lb GEORGE MALCHO, Prop. VET!::itiN A."1~AL'\' , 1\IASON MAXW!:U HOUSE Was '19c Now lb R. H. Mitter, Auctioneer 450 W. Ash St, Phone 8791 ND-~90 CRA.CKISRS Sunshine lb pkg

Experie~c:ed Dairymen Say-. Red Ripe "M·o R£~ MI t K fA ·s T-E-R Juicy Sweet Quart Sweet, FRESH PEAS Full Pods McCormick-Deeriilg1, Millers·" CUCUMbU~S ~ur'!;~r 2 for ~ if C: With 1 ,T~ousands of satisfied dairyme11 are finding that McCormick-Deering' Mdke~s help them get. maximum milk prodll~tion_with less Jabor.J Come m and let us show you the records., --...c:_ New Po·t~toes We have .McCormick·D~ering Milkers in_~to~:k_now_for_ your.:.ilnmeal.· 1te eelectao~. May J:!'~ see you soon?J - • Williamston Noz~e:-Pnul D1·ummonU, llUKtnt, Chmch Hchool 10 n. m. Wm·~ Hhh1 Hetvlce 11 n m. und 7•30 11. m. Silsby_ l.,pJement Co. Prnym· Hot vice WedneKdny 7.30 11. m. Mason \ "" ' ,,, INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, M ICHJGAN, 'I'HUHSDA Y, MAY 22, 1947 ,.,._ -..--..... _ .. ·--· --..... ·~-.~,--- ' Munrm Wtlll o!!lld.od gi'itnd mrwl.or ot' llw lii'Fit vnli, tho lh•Ht ntop In FITCHilUR.G r·A~:~·::~···i-i;;;;;~·I nl~o Jcrfrlny evening rttl.enrllng l.liu I.Jw line r11' l!ller~C!HHirm lourllng· to r·;·~6--~~;;~;;;;ll Rendezvous ttlnJr Wol'e Villll.m·u or !.lin I'OI'IIlnt''ll ., 1'111'1., tlnught.ur• nf Mr. und- Mt•a, lho nll'lcn or fl'l'lllld \lllll!tor, HI n l.n mnnt.lng- oi' llw LntlieH J\ Ill{• ·~ GIJJ1111111iJ frnm N11wt F'llas ol f · JllrH. lllllou Iloomun Mr. nnd Mt·a, Lloyd ~lt•ct tillro held nl tho nudiilll'illln ~lUIH/;Iy. ·• Clurcnce VruHierLindun, pr·intlprd Mr. nnd Mt'rl. ::-1. V. Lawrence sp"cnt of idH falhct·, D. Btn'l McKcm:lo, 20 Y 1'-lii'H A gn .foshun concjuctcd by Pnr]tcr Mur­ of l.ho Mrwon uchool on Monrlny' H<'ltnoi dmtefl In I he Button diu· 'I'Jf 'the LcsJ Je HC/100) fn1• lhc pnHt Stuulny ut Hollrtnd. anrl hrothcr, Dunlo! McKenzie, and MnHICCI'Ct gi:-; (~:Hi!' . li'ullnn, Lo!!lw: Mt•s. Wnurt mv~ry, nlng, condition became worse. cent caller of Mrs. Maml \~'atltins "'rOi\3 :11 ..,' Dogsu~; 'l ALI.-'J'Ir\JJ~ lli'I,S" I ,, lnir.rlon: Mrs. ill, M. Moore, Me· The 53rd commencement pro- Mr. and Mrs. Churlcs Leonard of of Musnn. · Fr·anl< :·H:Jalm, ,Ju Slal'fnl'll anti the 1 1 rirlinn: Mr~ ..TAmes C.lar·Jw. Anrcli- ,;n;m was held U'hursciny .evening. nrovonhm·~ wore callers of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. noy r;ac 'Were i PiPII l'ipl'l'S us; Mt·s. All ic Raymond, Ing-ham; 'l'h1rty-two. membc~s of this year's Anna LcScncy Sunday. Sunday yisitors nl' Mr·. and Mrs. I n nd Mrs . .1. 1'. Bntjmgras, Lansing. class rccmvcd diplomas. Three Mrs. Robert Dr:tvison of illat.c n Jerry Stl!l!;ley of Mason. ;,110'!' l'ilmtle und J·'al' Wallt'l' ancl IJulw l~lllngtnn 'rlwrc nrc 16 in the Lfll1Bing hig-h who diCl not receive them provt- "'"to•·. Mrs. Fred Bullen, Monduy Billy and Mr. and Mrs. Lr:tw ·once "ON 'l'l!l•; i'oiOONIII~i\1\1" scilnol t!l'llF;i'l·~'' ££& and rope jumping of double dutch · i•:dd:,r Hn\\ a rtf and single. The funds for this day '"l'i 1/\'J''cl 1111\V 7.!UC!.! I LOVE were earned by the children, col­ '"CWUNl~ll '1'0 A MEI\l<)ity" lecting and selling waste papcir. Miller's Grocery !'lrlt!h· /l.molc! FoJ'I!Jr•r·i,y Cat•! Miller's Slatiun Club Guest Dtty . "N f';Ofi·~SH! ·~·~·" Last Friday evening tho nnnual "HOW- A!:i•; 'l'IIINGS 1N GLOCCA I'ICJNIC .1!:\~IS Guest Day of the Home Cnltm·o JIIOHiV~" ...... , ...... 15!! club wus 'held ut tho Presbytel'iun CIIUCI~ ltoli.S'I' Go·orght (~ihhs ...... ll!hl church dining rnom, with Mar­ .l'RI•;H:t GIWIJNil guerite Sibley, May Bell Howlett, ''JHUP, IJHII', n~:IP,. (fU.O]?PY ...... lllle L/\GC90N), NO. :! !:AN H'I'RII\'Il IIK>\NH, :! IPOH ...... , ...... 2/ie Marte Sharp and Margaret Milnor ns hostesses. A dinner was served "U~.H'J: 'l'IH~ IHSim::,; IN 'i.'UE' SINJ{, OAI\Il'lll~l.i.':S '1'01\lt\'1'0 HOIIl' ...... !Be at 7 o'clock at three tables decor· .... JIUN'l":S l•'lt\11'1' 'lm WOOilCl!IJCI{ ISONG" in albums,, • silent automatic record changer Mr. and Mrs. Fran!t Felton spent npft..H~·HNG BY" Tuesday afternoon and evening , , . full bodiecl tone ••• brilliant record and 'i't~x HmwiH~ with their son, Max, and f~tmlly at OUR HOUSE will always look fresh and white when mdio pcrformance ... hand· · Ann 2\.rbor. Ypainted with Du Pont House Paint. For dirt and '"l'OUUI H\i!~-NO'i'" Dr, Culver and Horb Collins left walnu.t, maho~any, ' $1]9 95 '"l'!ll~ m.D I,J',I\1 l' UGU'l'Eit" grime don't become embedded-the l'ains just wash ot' lmotly p,mc cabmcts. m for Canada Sunday for trout fish· Sa.:11H1y. H:a,Ye in g. them away. The paint remains sparkling clean and new­ Mrs, Marietta Brown, stumblccl looking! on some uneven sidewalk unci fell, i_ , _ Crea~, r .:.~ -- ·- Eggs, Poultry severely bruising her face and left VERY SPECIAL·-~A· PRICE YOU shoulclct· last week. 'Self-Cleaning DuPontHousePaintissoformulated that~ Mr. 1tncl Mrs. James Frew, nee Farm PicknUp Service Patricia Dancer, of East Lansing as time goes by, a microscopically fine white pow9-er N'T SEE· ANYWHERE· ELSE •••.. announce the birtb of a son, James forms on the surface .. Heavy rains wash the powder Robert II. away, taking dust and dirt with it and Ieaving the sur­ Mrs. G. D. Culver attended a Call or Write meeting of tbe medical auxiliary face clean and white again. Excessive accumulations of Shower Cabinet $59.50 of Jackson county executive dirt (particularly in sooty industl'ial communities or in board of which she is the secre­ tary, ut tho Dr, Balcer residence heavily shaded locations) and stains from copper screens 'All-steel cabin~t with enam~l fini~h,·all chl'omc b·im. Incindes soap diHh ~nd curtain. at Parma, Ten was served, may delay or interfere with this process. Because this LAWRENCE ·HYATT Dr.· F. G .. Behner, assisted by "self-cleaning" is gradual, the wearing qualities of the J. W. Wimberly, offclated at fun­ 1105 Ball Stt·eet, Eaton Ra!lids eral services, for Dr: Shun non Grlf· paint film are not abnormally affected~ · ftths mother of Jaclcson. Available in white. and popular tints, Self-Cleaning Cen1ent Mixers Phone 4-4521 .r. G. -McEwing hus donated u ftrst.-aid'kit to the local Boy Du Pont House Paint is as durable as it is beautiful.· troop:: >J .. , It protects against rust, l'Ot and decay:.._giving lasting $68.50 - Mrs;· ·Helen Farmer entertained • I the bridge'' club. Honors went to beauty and protection. Yet it costs no more than other Mesdnme~ ,Ophelia Culver, Wlnna- good paints. Call on a reliable painter for your painthtg lee Dancer· and Lorna Wasson. jobs. He'll be glad to use Du Pmit House Paint•. • The following attended the "Stu­ KITCHEN SINKS dent Prince" at Jackson lnl:jt week: Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Collhls, Mar­ ROWENA lon Collier, Grace Colllns, Mr. and $37.95 Mrs. Hubert Dance•·, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Powell, MJ•s. Joe Mas·on, STARTER. & GROWER · Mrs. Robert Bishop and llfrs, Helen 'fwo-compm·tment with' swing fii)OUt . Fnr·mer. · stminere Dennis Collier spent. the week faucet and two basket ·~&uilds OllOILE~S end. at Ann Arbor. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Colller and -THAT--- sister Diane went Sunday to bring ~.. I. him home. · · Tlie Child Study club held Its PRODUCE PROF-IT,S unnual husband's . night_ Monday I evening, the Rebcltahs serving theil• dinner. · Each ·member took DART & CADY a ,white elephant gift wrapped In brown paper. . . THURSDAY,MAY22,1D47 THE INGHAM COUNTY NEWS PART 1. ______...:__ __--:... ______--:-----:------THREE America Living In Shadow of Queue Society, Professor at University of Michigan Claim ·Mayor Jewett Proclaims Michigan !\viation Week· FOX TlllllATRE raise snowbnlls · it into $250, Mother-Dnughtcr bnnquet nt tho , I No mayor in Michigan showed more enthusiasm than · Promptly, her friends decide then Congregntionnl ohuroh, Amcric11 is living in the shnrlow Prof. Pa.ton doscribod 11a "among nne! there thnt Dngwood should Mr. and Mrs, Andy doVrloa and Mayor Arthur W. J ewctt of Mason in proclaiming ncK.t f I l M N at 11 "queue HO agn.inst monopolies and (3) ccon- and festival was held at tho nard Fleming. development of an airport, there are now 50 warmth for grand opera. Lnwford I 011 20 omlc rewnrds In a'ccordanco with churdl Mny · A Tom 'rhumb members of two flying clubs and scores of· is the shy, English who . efort, weclcling was stnged hy the begin- Many of the veterans who took their young, men are learning to fly under GI spon- has never heard of jive. And .. Mnrl10t price, if freP. fr·om rcgu- Iuers Rnd first graders. plane rides Sunday signed up for the GI sorshlp, : Durante has the time of his lifo in l_ntion, directs the distribution of I Mr. an~ Mrs. Burton Baldwin course-a course where the Veterans the role of a hospitable school goods and services and cletcrminc,9 an~ family spent Sunday With Therefore, it is fitting and proper that a " janitor who taltes them all under the attitudes of producers and IMI. nnd Mrs. Walter Mulvaney Administration pays the cost. More are "Yeek be set aside to emphasize aviation right his w l n g and tempers their consumers, the economist notes. land. family of B_attle Creek. expected to enroll within the next week, Here at home, on local fields under instruction troub!Qs with his sunny disposi­ But prices can he free only if com- Diane Zarzccln of Jnelmes of Mr. and Mrs, son Tuesday, tion. They are actual case studies "STAR DUST" Larry Doyle, M1·s. Edna Glover Mrs. John Eldridge entertained of ways of dealing with discipline, "YOU ARE TOO BEAUTIFUL" and Mrs. Isabelle Glover and a sister and family' Sunday. sex education, health, chnracter Dick Hn)'tnea-23750 Friday, May ~0 through Monday, June~ Billie. Mrs. Fran!< Barnhart and Mrs. nnd other phases of child develop· 11 MAM'SELLE" I Mr. and Mrs. Cliff McKcq and Carroll Barnhart and little daugh- ment. · "STELLA BY STARLIGHT" Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Vedder of Rives ten of California Rttcnded church Dick Hnymcs-23BOI Junction were in Detroit Sunday. here sunday. WHO HAS SEEN THE WIND "IVY" In an effort to conse1·vc sugar and ·other scarce and "THAT'S MY DESIRE" Mrs. Orpha Sammons, who h~ Bible school will be cond!l'cted will be one of our favorites for Woody HernlQn-37329 been staying with her daughter ul the Van town church for one some time, we feel sure. It is· the essential ingredients. "SAME OLD BLUES" and family, Hcv. and Mrs. Dudley week commencing ·June 2 from 9 story of. a small boy · "OLD. DEVIL MOON" Mosure or Deckei·villo, has rc- o'cloclt ·until 11:30, All children a small town on the Sask11tche··l Gcno Krupa--37270 turned to her home. are invited to nttend. wan prairie. He is keenly aware of "WOULD YOU BELIEVE ME" ' Henry Shellenbarger of Kala- .Mrs. Bertha Sims . was in .De- all living things, wild and · tame, "WE KNEW IT ALL THE TIME" Open Tuesday morning, June 3 mazoo, :;pent lho week end at the trolt Wednesday, and the ltind of land nnd the na- Claude Thornhlll--37325 · home of Ml', and Mrs, Will By- ture of the elements where . he "PEG OF MY HEART" rum and family. GROVENBlJftG lives affect his strongly. All types "BLESS YOU" With out· rcgulaa· line of f1·esh baked goods Sherry Grow of Vandercook lalw arc found in the town-the iras- Clarke Donnlll-346 is visiting at tho home of Walter )Irs. HowRrd ,North ciblc farmer, the frutsrated shoe- "BIRMINGHAM JAIL" Munro and family. malter, preoccupied doctor, and "MANDY LEE" Mr. and Mrs. J oc l<'l'flnklin and Mr. and Mrs. William Mitchell hypocritical judge. Brian Is lllte Claude Shnrpo--37254 family were In Jacltson Sundny ofB Webberville b d and· R Mrs.f Clal'ltH It most small boys, yet he is nn in- "BABY YOU CAN'T GET ME • CllII ing on tl· !Cir . mece· M'ISS Mary ar11 der J an t son,1 ay, o d M o dl'vi.dual. Prob"bly~ one of the most DOWN" · "YOU BETTER CHANGE YOUR Johnston. ca e RS wee t on Mr. an rso. moving bits is his visit to church WAYS" r Henry Shellenbargcl' has nc- GuMy McCue, to. visit God, for he wants to get Ted Dnllau-37267 ccpted a ,position to teach in · rs. Emma Wilson of Holt spent after his grandmother who has "AS LONG AS I'M DREAMING" Stockbridge this coming year. last week Sunday afternoon with been bossing him. When a new "STELLA BY. STARLIGHT" Mason City . Bakery Mr. and Mrs, Harold Wilson and puppy bothers the grandmother, Hurry Jnmca--37323 WHEATFIELD CENTER they all called on Mrs. Edward his parents decree that the puppy "WALKING THE FLOSJR OVER UNDEitWOOD & HALL YOU" · Mrs. Erma .JahiiHou Burke. will have to le11ve. Brian quite "I'LL ALWAYS BE "GLAD TO · Rev. L. H.' Higehnire and Mrs. reasonably suggests that perhaps TAKE YOU BACK" Higelmh·e of Youngstown, Ohio, grandmother should do so. · Erneat Tubbll-46006 and Mrs, R. V. Canedy CRlled "I'LL NEVER CRY OVER YOU'' Sunday afternoo11 on . the Norths. Taylor C aId w e II apparently "I WONDER WHY YOU SAID Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Hnrt were writes quickly, for this year we GOODBYE" Sundny guests of Mr. and Mrs. have THERE WAS A 'riME, fol­ E1•noat Tubba-16007 • Elmer Gee in Lansing. 'lowing closely on her last year's "I'M BEGINNING TO FORGE'f ' YOU11 .Complete Line of Mrs. Willard Fernberg and no,vel--THIS SIDE · OF INNO­ "YOU WERE ONLY TEASING 1 Mrs, George Conarton were co- CENCE. This too is the story of a ME ' hostesses Wednesday evening at young boy, sensitive to beauty and Ernest Tubbo--46013 a shower for Mrs, Joseph Ostro- words particularly, ,but whereas ·"FILIPINO BABY" 1 "DRIVIN' NAILS IN MY COF- Booth Frozen Foods sky. · Brian had 11 happy home life, FIN" · The May meeting of the w. Fran!< does not; His parents are El'lle•t Tubbo--46019 C. S, was lleld. Thursday . mediocre and. completely IRcldng "THEM HILL-BILLIES ARE Peas ...... ~ ...... :...... , ...... 29c at the home of Mrs. Asel in understandmg of his aspirn- ' MOUNTAIN WILLIAMS NOW" Mr. and Mrs. F!'ed Strobel tions. 'Their petty saving to ac· "DIVORCE ME C. 0. D." Rhubarb, 1 lb. suga1·ed ...... : ...... ; ...... 19c ent~rt'ain Friday evenjng at a .mis- cumulate enough money to return Hoooler Hot Shota-460'23 cel!Rneous shower In honor of Mr. "dear old. England" from their "RUBY.. I and Mrs, Mntthew Rens, Jr, in Bison mal

f1,.....,,.., .. ,,.,.., .. ,...e ...... tl .. o~··•·• .... -~,~ .. "''~MIJ•ofl•'*·-t lng Mr'rl, Wrluy, IIHHIHftJPill',fH Hldnc.v Fnlton nl' Belt Ortll hns l'lllll 1111ll t\1'1\ lluHtH In I' tho 111<~1nllol'll' moLIHli.'H nml In· I hJ•nrrgh liwt tlw pul.nnln iH lho sf:mlw !nat Sutljrclny evening whllo I The brier onll hnlmy w;Llel'fnwl or '1'1 being- hclrl ncr·n~M thtJ oo1111try I{""H" pmtr.ctcr(, Uw BllOWfl nnd J,l)iJ'lll',V (!lnh ~!P,"IH If t 1 'lt't 1 fl il"'""'"d , lin wet' hf Wllllnmslun. utlcncilng u party nt the I, 0, 0. lti give str1lo eonsorvnllon 111llr!lnh1: lrlliOH trllwn nmountml to lean lhnn 'l'ho Willlamst•Hr th•c dopnrtmnnf. v :r·li guuH H, ' Y en.lO.VI!f ll> 'l'lr"m 11 ,·" Hu\•pr·nl l1intla In llHJ lomrl Ji', hnll, She WIIH removed by 111nbu: hunting 1wn.son nr :t!He ylt~lder! 'l'lw WllllurnHinn J.lln·nr',V C:nlld wrw h: hint::"" gardPning-, !Jm:tosH, nsniHlcrJ hy Mnr.Jnrtc T•'nx, l'iroplnrn: liJOrnns Pylcm;m, ncr- : Dinner will he Hervcd from ;. lwrc roftcr! fllr fi'Om shore nn l!nlm ;\lmnnl !Ui'ds Ln.VrJIJc Willi~ n n rl .Tnncplilnn geanl. nl. fll'n

1 • ___ > to 11 an oa ~ or ar ey • f'ir1w you cnn help pr~vent serious trauhle ond / · (,a I'( len I lants Sold Corn reqUJrcs a gooeen discovered ot Down· VIKING l\llt AND ~InS, !G~IKP.SON G. riEil;RENS 'l'he peluma, Wh!Cli; hns. hcen /at lhc home of Belle Cror:i

: 40 Head of Buff Leglwm Hens . Only requit·ement is to fill in ~oupon below and present it at the field when you col'{le for your ride• .,.. IIYIPLEMENTS- AND TOOLS - McCot•mick-Dccring- Model H Ttactot• with / ' ..·: ,• ... ;: : · Hydt·aulic Cultivatot• and Cot•n Plantet· . '"' G. H. Manure. Loasler, new I . :Oliver Radex Double-Bottom, 14-in. Plow · :; 7-ft. Olivea· Trnctor Disc .,; 4-Section Spl'ingtooth Drag NAME ...... ,...... :., ...... : 2-Secti~n Springtooth Dt·ag •''" Milwaul{ee Corn Bindm· FIRM NAME ::: Massey-Hm·ris J.Viower ...... :-" .1. H. ,C. Side Delivery Rake . . :.;:. Massey-Hanis Manu1·e Spreader NO. OF.P~EVIOUS' PLANE ~IDES ...... : ...... ·~· Montg'omel'Y Ward Hammet· Mill, 15-iuch . Bring This Cou~on With Y oq '· ..

I ' ~--~------...... , .,._

• AMY E>tcavatin·g



BODY AND FENDER Call Coli cct REPAIR ' I L:msing

Boa ··l r1f County Road C0mmissioners Taking Rocks, Reds, Lcrho'!,s, Se ,, Cl•icke, S:r.eGL~ .:- s County Roads. April 30, 194 7

Nnw U. S. J'pptow•,! Potc1•e1y rc1 rrl y nf nr1 Llll1 n rv11 o- ln~hrrn CHrnl~

LO~lDEN F A!R:MS IIi It ln G2R nr 11) j to I 177 tn 22"n In Arr nvl nl P.oJJ 71 ~

Huron Hill llrl\t!

Fr rnl lin ~lr1c I 404 Phcne Leslie 4422 Vme Slr or t S!IO

InS II• Hh.J ](j(j In ]\IJrlrn~ Blvd 7.,1j In r nS Ill r: r df'n 1 Sftl JlrlltH sl, Ave nuc Hili ] rr:t I1 0 IUOI/l

(n tnd Vr w AVf'nl JnG, Pt orr.pt Service r.sn to Good Wod1 64 2 4 '7 to 2RI3

Mohtwl no ul R'l 77- C: llll~h01 OU).';Jr Tl!l\ I to I 131 Wolf Cnu1 ~ w up lmowlcdgc I RI \Voo•l1rwhnm 1>11\C! w l ~I G C: N nvl(nv A' rmt 0

R~2 Shr>1 wood A\Cri\W 11.7 C,Jfcl r:~t Avr nr1e l87R Pump Repair F unn A\f!IIIH &17 Ft·ec Estunatcs - 24-Ht·. Set vice GIO IT~r 1cl~ Dr h o lo E Call 617 South Dern [i,JJ ;\\ rn ~ N. .. li 10 Rex Fineout South Cnthmnw Stiff I '" I to N 2 fll~3 01 Dro(Jlln.nd nlvd JTnmrlton Av{ nun 10.! Cliff Watt- 22951 7111 to 973 l 093 Plymouth nuvo 1 11 fi'i Alden 1322 A!lln~ton to 2fll0 Cumh~1lnnrl Ronrl or to 280G Afton Pltco to 1r.o FARM ANIMALS COLLECTED PROMPTLY Pcrnhtol,., R11'n 1 to 713 HORSES - $4.00 Tccum!tf'h Rlv(!t Roncl cows 2 J3!1 FoH'st r.Jcn 421 PIGS 2c lb. Cit nHmt n.f)ncl


Six , .., ...,,, '"'' INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1947 .. ,...... ~------~------~ JHLI'tmont exp"':LH l.o hn.vo II. ready lnhor nnu lnx' billa, Will ho veto or fol' tliHirillllli"n unrly In ,july. Ouly Hig-n 'I ~'hrtt qlwat.'ion con only llo 'l'hc Robci(flha held l.heh• rcglllrlr l' 1meeting 'l'nosu11y ovoning, The Sea Lampreys Study ynHrs In the mud of Cl'cclt bQtlomll , WASHINGmN NOTfS · r1 Jlmllml nurnhcr• will no nvnllahlo anawm·m! lly lhc pt·e~ic]cnt. If ho ]Jcfm'" nwtunlOJ'JlhC>slng (as a tnd· j WJJ,J,JAM \\', llf.i\(JI{NNY for rll'ltrlhut.lrm lly the members or nt'Rt nmnlnc>t.tC>n of 'officers wus Hlg-nu tho labor hill, fm• , lnstrLnco, Being Made by State proltJ mot/LillOJ'pho~oa Into a, frog) >OongJ•csNmnn Slxlh Millhlgau JJlHl. eon gross, I Him II, I hct•cfore, no moHt of nil tho lnbor lenum·s will hclrL ' \. Conservation. dop•1rtment fiaher· lni.o the form tlmt swlma, out Into compollc11 fnli lni.n either of thofJC groups, served. but he druws the Uno, lil'llii,Y, ttl ltllcxplnrml scientific. torrltory in are to hnve comparative lnllor~ln­ nt the Mnsonto hall rtfter eating one of them, I hell' sea 11Lil1fli'OY research. In ,/properly being Hold In !.he U, fl. So nnrl d"slrc n eopy, please Hone] me ciustr•y peace, will feel tho rresl· which the women wore cntet'lnined .'ftu·, more thrtll 7 mililnn clollru'H a £H>Htenrci giving your nridrcss and at the Alchin home. Stories of how lillllfH'eyH were lenmtnr.;- the lamprey lifo history, ucnt has let them down, Politlcrllly, llw invcstlgltlors arc senrching for :Worth ol' mutcrinl hns hce11 k whet' who cuts thom upcn hy lire "''zen liwse enemies of the finest Grc11t )1rnporty J'tlmnii!H to bo sold, Ai)l)llt mcnt or the other, Hcgat•rlloss, the iiics Sunday, the nmmslon hoing L:r iws food llllhcs. they a1'o nvnilnblo, prcslrlcnt i.~ ''on the spot" nnd muflt Mr, Branch's birthday nnnlvcr­ dully. He IHn't having- ·nny. ,l/3 or It in In Gcrmfmy. In uddi· , 1'0 VIC'I'O O!i NO'r •ro VETO, taiw tile responsibility for hla rle· snry. ' The ~limy lmnproyH gi Vtl oft' 11 llnm1 lo n,· thcr'c Is I.IIC problem or ells­ ahury tisl1y odor 11 l'••w rninnl.u:J HIJ'lliii)IH, 111'0 prcdominiiTitJy or posing of 1 hllilon 1lolllll'H worth ol' Being 11 public offke holder Is not einlona, Some suggcHtlhat it would Mr. and Mrs. Elmer L. Alehin ltlwnys a hod of roHcH and that nftm· they come nul of lhe Willet'. lllltir~H; strngglcrs toward tht end l·oturnccl Jcnrl-lense crJuipnwnl ami he lhe part of wisdom for the prcs­ spen I. Sundny at the home or her g-oeR for ihc pi'Cflldcnt of the lcicnt to confer with the congres· Llico tmlmon, they al'C llulluvmi l.o of tho run Rbould bo moHtly fe· ·.;,l'hatevcr rcprtralions lhu 11. f:l, bl'Otl10r, .J, D, I•'ranl(s, and fltm­ quit outing before they move tnt o United Stutes, ns well nH for the slimnl leadm·s or hoth parties and lly, of Howell, nmluH; stragglers toward tho end :p1ay ycc:clvc. , eounly Hherlfl', Hight now, PreHI· allcmpt to compromise the proh· the stream to spawn anrl die, De­ oqunl al the peak of the run, ex­ ';; 1017 YEAflROOIC, A rtcr a lrtpHc 1 generation of internal organs Is dcni. ·''rrumnn IH J'a,Yt approaching !ems In some wuy, Such ~ugcsttons Mr. nne! Mrs, Ji'rcd C, Neuendorf m!lrlwd by change in t.he color of pedr~d t hiH season tn tho last ~r five yoam, the d<'[lllf'l.mcnt of Ulf· I. he dnte wh11t to pnllll."h H "up ng-trln•Jt the gun'' in making the time congress acted on the Mr. <~nd Mrs. T. C. Hail, M1 rm(l In nccumulalirm of waHtn Jli'Othwts, 'i1ew ycar·Molc Jl will be '"tiled dceiHions r·clr,ling- to JcgiYirttion icgiHintirm. It• now seems too Into, 11 Mrs, Dormnce Risch and Mr. ancl,Jjund In shrlnlmgo or the climnotcr , Sclcnec In I•,;n·ming,n nnd will he fl/IAHC 107, With the pas- Crossley, Vergll Adams, Laurence The W. A. C. en tcrtalncd the baseball team lost to Gaines Fri­ *i1l?'?"Wi!!tit31QKIWI6W sage of this hill, our nation takes a Alehln, .Joyce Vtnccrit and Auurey County Federation at the Melho- day 7 to 5. The girls won their Hewitt's Welding and Machine Shop new position on foreign policy, Gerhnrustein. cllst mpiocopal church last WcrJncs- (softball game from Laingsburg 1 softball game from Laingsburg which step time alone wlll answer --- ' tiny. 'fhc r~gu!11r !Jusiness meet- - as to it being right or wrong. RALPH HEWITT FOI' ing. \VIIS held in the mo_rnlng after Without attempting to enter into sel'VI'ces Helcl FULTON SCHOOL whtch a potluck chnnor was 0 Uorncr of llunlwr antl Eifert roads an argument of the merits or de- Karl Aug·ust Huschke served in the dining room ~f the' Mrs. ndicn Franldln l'hone Aurelius 2113 .. merits of the bill at this point, the church. A large crowd was m at- ' intensity of the debate and discus· Funeral services were conducted tonciancc. In the afternoon the Joyce Comlls has been ill the SPOT CASH-! sian were at fever point all_ the from the Fowlerville Lutheran session incluclerl a pageant of past week with an Infected throat . way through and made a great im­ church for Karl August Huschke, quilts put OIL by the WilliamBton and atln.cks of appendlcttu5. pression on the membership. I have Saturday, May 17, at 2:30, Hcv, club which was written and di­ Mrs. Ida Combs has returned Cows-$7.00 never before witnessed n time when Stcincrt officiating. Interment rectccl by Miss .Tulia Dr. home from Burt after Cllring fm TomoiTOW May Be Too Late feelings between members were was in the Fowlerville cemetery. Richard N. Dorson of the hm· mother, who Is ill. Hogs- $3.00 per cwt. more tense or straineu. No one can He was born October 17, 1881, department at tho Michigan S Mr. and Mrs. Walter Franklin Insut·c Now sincerely question the motives or at the farm home now owned by college was guest speal1or, his and family were callers at the 8 convictions of either the propo­ Freel Huschlw, Wehbcrvil!e, and topic being ".Michigan Folldore." Hunter home Thursday evening. AUTO-FIRE-- LIFE .IJ:'his is our final week of school Calves :uul slu•t·p- Hemov•·d Fmc nents or opponents of the legisln· passed away suddenly Wednesday, --- lion. Franlcly, on this all-Important and expect to have exams a! I :State Fnrm lnsumnce Comptmles Ca.rc·as~j nn1st he frc:-~11 and sound May 14, · I Van Uijlcr-Alellin Vows Spolwn I question, tho state dcpRrtmcnt and On March 27, 1007 he was united Betty Luc Van Hiper, daughter wcclc. Those graduating are house foreign affairs "ommittee in marriage to Kate Matlhelsen of Mr. ancl Mrs. I·Iiii Van Riper, .Joann Ambler and Josephine Hart­ Emery H. Jewett failed to malw out a good case for well, • and to this union three children I bccnmc the hrido of Everett AI· and l'lrorm f•olll:ct to l\Ja~un :lJ41 the bill. They did not present good were born, Fred, of Saginaw; Roy I chin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Thet•e was no school Monday be­ and factual information nor give of Ann Arbor and Mrs, Marie Aichin, Saturdny, May 10, at 3:30 cause of the Illness of the Rex D. Jewett & a clear picture as to the future teacher. DARLING COMPANY Balter of Pcmerton. He was a i at the farm horne of the bride's 220 State St. from which one might he able to member of the Fowlerville parents. The double ring ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Andt·cw Dalman l'honll Mnson 22571 1'ho original company to IHLY for t1cn several selections. The high school . Oil Burne1· Speciali::t ...... 1 band presented several selections. The couple left for a trip through And Mr. Rnd Mrs. Gene Rice called Cement and Mortar t I It was sponsored IJy the Band the northern part of the stn.tc. Sunday.. F Ul'llace and Boiler Repair t WEBBERVILLE t Boosters. A collection was taJ(cn Mr. and Mrs. J, C. Nelson arc Myrl Grahom t which a'mounted to over $10. Selwnl Alumni Meet the pa.rcnts of a d11ughter born May 11 at' the Rowe Memorial L...... ~.~ ...... J Last FJ·idny evening tho Alumni hosnitftl. StocJ(hriclge. It you are phwnint~ to Imilrl, conHnlt witil us nbout your heat• Past Matrons Meet members and guests gathered at • Tho Helen A. Huston Past Ma­ Millviiie school closecl last Fri­ lng plant before J'on start your building. the community hall. 'l'hc president, day. Amold-Bement tron's club held Its regular meet­ Vernon Hodge Jr., called the meet­ Ing at the home of Mrs. Harmon ing log-ether and welcomed the Mrs. Wanda Horwoorl and throe Vows Are_.Spoken Connin, with Mrs. M. ,J. Briggs ,.as senior class of 194 7 into the Alum­ children of West Mm•ion were \\"1 ln8t 11fi eonvcnl iunal - panel heating - ultra-modern :.. standard. Blo~k &Supply Co. The Lewis Bement home was the co·hostess. , callers of Mrs. Burden, Mrs. Mor­ ni. Tho foiJowing ofl:'icers wore forced air toy"tmus in IHmw~ iviiltout basemcntM ,Cinder Blocks Cement scone of a beautiful weuding when elected: President, Mrs. Laura g-an and Everitt Horwood Sunday Morta1· Mr. Bement's dnugptor, Lou Notte, evening. B1·ick and Till! New Business Vent urcs 1 Douglas; vice president, Mrs. Bon· became the bride ot Jay Arnold of Hichard Carlson has opened n nie Oesterle; and Mrs. Edith West, Lansing Pthone Lansing 50111 Webberville on Wednesday eve­ sporting goods store, "The Gun sccrctary-trcasurcJ•; Mrs. Eltnor ning, May 11, at· 8:30. The cere­ Shop," In the former printing of­ Glover and Mrs. Ella Foreman, mony was performed by Rev. fice, The Spngunuolo company of corresponding secretaries. After a Clyde Onyett, pastor of the Meth· Fowlerville has opened n store in short program, dancing furnished odist Episcopal church of Webber· the Schneider lluilding. the entertainment. The Dassance ville, in the presence of 60 friends orchestra furnished the music. · and relatives of the couple. Mrs. Sauntlers·Wcst Mildred Hawley, sister of the ·LeRoy M. Saunclem of Lansing, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer G. Alchin bride, acted as bridesmai~j and son of Mr. and Mrs. George Saun­ were guests of her pnrcnts, Mr, ,Complete Vining Hawley as best man. The ders, and Liilian J. West, daugh­ ancl Mrs. Frank Qcsterlc, Friday. bride was attired in a gray suit ter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernice West, The senior class, accompanied Set·vices and wore a corsage of sweet peas were united .in marriage April 26 and red roses, while the bridesmaid at Lansing, by Mr. Dunavin, left last Sunday cliose' a corsage of carnations and from Detroit on the S. S. Noronic • f:or Mackinaw Island, returning for red roses. Wed At Farm Home home last Tuesday. . The bride was given in marriage On Sunday, May 11, at 3 o'clocl! The high school held a picnic by her father. Mrs.• Juanita Nel· Miss Martha Look became the son plnyed "I Love YC>u Truly/' at Walled lake last Friday. The bride .of Jack Panko of Detroit at lower grades ,held picnics at the BRAKES The house was beautifully decor­ the farm home of h~r parents, Jifr. ball diamond. ated with bouquets of sweet peas, and Mrs. Gust Look, with ·Rev, daffodils and wisteria, Mrs. Yvctta Allan and Miss Y11, the •o. P." Coal Burnor givot you ... Karl F. Krauss of th~ Emanuel Mar·i11n Monroe attended the tulip MOTORS convonlonco- no coal or athtl to After the ceremony refreshment~ First Lutheran church of Lansing fofltival at Holland. thovol- no clinkoro to dig- automatic of ice cream and wedding caite officiating. The bride wore a blue control• do all your lurnoco•tondina ... Mr. and Mrs, Hubbard are were served. The cakes were cut suit with matching accessories and moving into the Elmer G. Alchin CARBURETORS comfort- hoohhful, uniform hoot of by Mrs. Vining Hawley and served ·carried an arm bouquet of coal throughouJ your hou10 ••• @nil residence on East Chestnut street. by Mi·s, Cleo Chas·e and Mrs. Juan· orchids. Miss Mary Ann Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mattheisen dopondabil/ty- co.ol 1! oaft- th• ita Hasltill. The, cm1ple received Detroit was bridesmaid, and car­ WHEELS tupply of cool it inoxhciuuiblo. All th11t left Sunday to attend the conflr· ~ many lovely gifts. Tli.ey left for a ried an arin bouquet of. red ros~s. advontooos oro you11-plua tho tcanomr mation services of their niece, Miss trip through northern Michigan. ~eter Meuch .of Eckerman acted: a~ Nancy Kern, Into tho Lutheran of lntiollollon and operation. •o. P." fill Mrs.·Arnold is a graduate of the MOTO)J TUNE-UP . any furnace and lxl1nt low. cot I, lin• best man. The .llrlde was_ glvqn 'in 'rhe guests were taken ·to Webbetville high school and was ·a!! , 11111 of caal. marriage by her father Mfs's for dinner, employed· in LB;nstng. Mr. Arnold Henriettfa Stalte played tiJ,e · . wed~·J·~======~=­ ts employed in the Corner Grocery dlng march. The house was be'nuti-c as a clerk and is a veteran of the fully decomted In a color ·scliem!JI,--;.....------: European war theater. of pinlc and white, with large bouquets of t•oses and ·datfolli!s be: tng used throughout the home. Aftet• t)l.e ceremony. a ·wedding dlnnel' was served to 65 friends and relatives. ·The n{other of the Smooth, safe ·vacation· driving ~ails for a car llrlde wore a corsage of red roses. that's in top condition. We're equipped tq The couple left for a trip'to New 'I ! Yorlt. set·vicc- your .ca1· quickly and efficiently regard- leiS of make o1• model•

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