The Ingham County News One

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The Ingham County News One ' PART THE INGHAM COUNTY NEWS ONE AlAIEOON TOWNSHIP I Orders Keep Pouring i~ ADOPTS ZONINb l.AW For Dart Scribe Rules 1 SCHOOl BOARD ACTS ON TEACHERS' WAGtS 00N'l'ltACJ1'S Am: IIIGING IS- smm TillS wmm Members of Mason's board or Pel· ucn.tlon held a mcullng Wuctnesduy night to ll!lHS upon contt•ttcl~ und to fix wages for tho <'oming-· your, I While most of next yPar's loal'lt- ing jobs will catty inc•tunscs, there was no hard nne! fast 1 ule set. lSupt. James H. Vander Ven said the board member.~ clcculcd to lwcp Ithe salary schedule within boun<h 1 of the budget and to grant rutscs according to mcrtt. No schcdnlc providing fot· blanltct . was adopted. Ncichet wu~ ,,ny bonus granted on tcnclt·n~ con­ trucln for the current ycat·, al­ though some school bout ds lw \'U gmntcd sueh bonust•s. Sn1nc 1\1,,. 1 son teachers hu ve Hllgg eHtccl u1 closed mcetmgs lte!rl recently thal bonuses be paid out of money tu­ ceived from the snlc~ tax divorston. ·-··-·-~- -·- -~...---~. ·--~·- rAS£ IN ~"AS TAX Festival Saturday '1.1\ IJ At Olivet College SfWA'~t HOW NfrDS 'GAIN 8[f0R[ HOU(.l[ Plans at•o hblng- coniplell!d fol' A, [ J[ the nll·communlty Mrty l'ollllvnl ;LI. ,,, Olivet So LUJ'IIuy, Lnrgu c•r·owt!H lli'U 1\lci(AY cxpooted for the Cnrnlv1ll fi'Oill LI-IA.NNEl OtfPrNIN~ nearby rueua anLl commtlliltlori, .,'['')~, ~·'l''l(JAJ, MFlf'IH Barbecued mont will he preplll'ed l•'U\OD UOIGS OOS'J'J,V IJ,\JH- ·•r· ·1 ot'f o. wee!! ago 'for acrvlng at noon. 'l'he menu ln­ 1\{JI~ 1'0 UISN>SAL l'LAN'l' . 1.. boo~t thu gasolln~ cludeH barbecued sandwlc:lws, u~­ l''lnod rltllnngn wnH not conllnUil , ' 'l'lnn Is bacl! bcforo onlloped potatoes, lee !'l'cam rtnd to lh(• f•lllll Htreet lwidgo, waHIIinl{ \/th 'ht•avy prcHsUrc for coffee or mille. Plc!t!c l{l'ounclH will nul tlw Mli']Jigau Ceutml lrael,fl "''·nnt'''"" A den! was made on he on the l::twn cl!rcclly rtnuth of 01' lhe lloodlng ol' lmHernonlfl, I he of tho pt•npos 1~d In- Dele hall. An evening-, Iundt rtl:w cil.y r•oUJidl learned Monduy night. to win clt.y s1rppnrt, '!'he 1 will be served at. six o cloo!L l•'lond !llH( hll~znr·d dalllag" I o distribution fmmulu was ,All conceHI•ionn and !Joolhs will !he diHpo'Jul [llflliL was lis led tly S. ~s· 11; 01 c favomble to open at 10 a. m. In adthLinn to l.he I: Dcmnr•cst, operator, ~ l,[i00 I arena ttwn to cttlc11 and thus various rcft•eshm<mt stu nels n gt•ab r,, at with unothol' intllr·ect eoal. ol' sev- ' t:::tin HU[lJ;ort or leg'l.~latot·~ bag' booth Is being planned, n cnLI lhou~nnrl dollars. 'rho lndlreet " ~·!'1 18 t 1·I l. slcctchlng booth and n. boolc stnll. I• c s. Walton township scltool busses cost inehtdwJ the rli'edglng ol' the I '" sonttte [l~IsHIJtl I he Cloon hill have been offered t n tmnsporl Sycrunrn·o olllumel. f hut 1t. wns lumcd bnck children and will arrive in town in So much Mil wn.9 torn fi'Orn tlw · '" floor of the house, The lime for the chlldr•en's games nt Mir:IL!gnn Cenlrul right ol' way "It and bridges cmnmlttee of 10:30 n. m, Money lli'IZt'll will be rnllo 'lotllh and tlw cemetery cm·j r .... hew ,now .reported the given to the whmers. llanlunenl. a l'ew rods upslrerun out. 1 he bill won let ndd Ar·r·angements for a "[lnrltlng a11d clepo~ll.erl tlown~lrcnm lhnL in I ' ·P"'''•~'''"•''"u 11 YCI\1' to the gnsollno lot" for babies and toddlers arc nl­ high wnter tho flow ol' the water I Ho uru;Jcrway, Baby sitters will he Is I'Ovcr~el] at the disposal plant. I on hand during lhe entire clay. Water from Lhc Sycamore f!owR Auetlon sale wlll begin on· the into tho plant, instead of water lawn between the Congl'cgat.ional from llic plant flowing into the church and the lihmry. Contr•iJJU· Syr:omore. lions of goods for the sale wlll be 'l'hc channel fm· 2,000 feel <lown­ ,.) I gathered by Lions club members. sl.l'cnrn from Lho di~tposul plant 11 'J'wo Bhowlngs of movies fot· chll­ outlet ill eholwd with silt anrl 1 '",, '' drcn will begin at 2 and :!:Hi p. rlcbril;, Dcmm·est said. It \yas : m. A ball game Is Hchccluled at dredger] cui. In 1045, I I Heed field nt 3 o'clock: Demorest salrl I hat from April 4 HOf\gE 19 !~lNG: MACKINK lqLAND gr!lANGE C~RC-0: JU9T SHOW THE Coronation of thn carnival Jdng unlil May 10 tho overflow valve jg ONE 'PlACE WllERE T~~FfiC IS NO MOUJl.l OF !HE DETROIT 1llVEr\,WHERE nml queen Is schodnled for 4 ::JO In co11id not be opened because crcelc PROBlEM. tlO AUTOMOBILE9 ARE IT JOINq LAKE 1:111E, REqTg THr fJTEAMEf\ the college campus square. The water· woulcl rush in. AllOWED. YOU ro YOUR 'llGHTGEflNG- 'ClARION' 1</ITtl TilE SmANGE9T OF II ccr·cmony will be followed hy n Ul'.llllirs Nr.cdr.1l 011 fOOT 0" YOU HI~F. 4 HO~qE, S'UNHEII CARC..Q£9 : LOCOJ10TIVf!l, Muy pole dance hy gr!)clo school Because of the raising of the children unci a squnrc tlnncc dem­ ground water level, the,powcr cut­ P'•·/:v,t.f o/ t~'Mw:H lili.I11N &v:~e onstration. Between fi :30 and 6 ;;JO off resulting from the blir.zard in calwwnlk contests arc planned, Mareh and lhc flood damage, plant At 7;30 p. m. carnival gocrs will efficiency has fallen off, Dcmm·cst clcclarcrl lie had no in­ on hi" IJnwling nllcyR. Cily Anl.nmn ""'"''. prcfer<•nccs fll!' rleclarecl. He told the council that ~ecs· I what IIIc lr•gi:,Jn t 111'1' has have an qpportunity to sec "Mid· Another Vote Fixed Clerlr C:onrg-e I<cltog-g reportL•d 1 1nor.t p~nplr: sw1ng· ln llct·r ri<'i1 is doing-. Mr:Kny said the Hummer Night's Dream" in O S I T S I' fmczing of walor plpe9 and filters that the cily hrEi $:~!i enming- fot• 1!-!hrllh:H ol rucl, hrown, green Uiid of the f:OV!'li!OI' ROUnd duction by college [llnycrs. ll a es ax p It A. Glatto, former chef at the , ):J {!l I 1 ~~ 10•16 liePnsc~1 on the howling- allcyH. i pnrple. of silly." Dancing will begin in boll) Jugh Lansing Country Club has pur- noon FISIHN:G Hatchel.' ll••lnK WlwU 1•d· school and colleg-e gymnasiums at Ily a vole of 2:! to 9 the state chased the Family Restaurant 1 Sixteen Jlsh ranging in size 8 S ,, · Ill ) t scrmtr. Tuesday voted to resubmit RuMors u r·p r•rrJTent around the ;30. quare ... ancmg w Je a from Mr. and Mrs. George Budd ·~eatfll from 3 to 10 inches have been house that Lhc big- show or Lhe high rwhool and round clancmg lhc controversial sales tax issue nncl will tai<e over the business on removed from ·the disposu l tlgation" will begin all over at MacKay, One admission will ;ld- lo L1.1c penplc at the November Friday. Mr. and Mrs, Budd, who plant filters the past few r~s soon as lite legislature mit the purchaser to botb evcnls. ' electiOn In 1918· Lm;t November have· operated tho Family Rcstan- wccl~s because water from the ------- the people adopted llm sales tax Sycamore runs into the plant! diversion mt•asurc by n. hig rna- mnt for the past six months, arc N~SI Off M • A d ~lnc ot' the big fish was er erit War S 1jorily. Then after wn:mg!es in tho planning- to tal'e a trip to Arizona. trapped in the distributor For Work Methods legislature the rlivm SLI)Jl matter The Masrm City Balwry will bo mcehani~t and the filter had . , went to lite Hllprcmc co~Art. The closed !rom Memorial Day Ll1rouglt tn be shut down until lhe fish 1-H club members 111 MJC!uga.n I altnmey general hnr! elaimed the .June 2 to give employees a week Goiter~L ~ "'y.r ''"' " ,, f · conld be releascll. again have an opportunrty . t.h1s measure had not been legally end vacation and to conserve on year to win spoc1al recogmtwn ncloptccl because of l'cchnicnl cr- sugar rations. .Pr~~~~·~ts ai·e very bright for ot:e ca~1 ;~d-by -~~~],--;;i-~iiJ;-;;t"ci~ri;:;~ for developing methods that WLll rorri in the wonling. The supreme hundred per cent control of toxrc the blizzard resulted in an cxplo · ... simp!lfy their farm and home conrt tlid not agree with the nt- Mm. Jean Norton has joined the goiter, ' sion which blew the exhaust valve jobs. Recognition. in the form ol tnrney ·gcncml, and the first nl' sales slrtff at tho Pitristyle ShopJlC. Thi.s announcement :vas made 1 of!' the boiler, The ground water mcr·it awards w1ll be. given on the <livcr·sion money has ah·catly Bob Moon arid Jim Inghram of just recently~~ .a rec~gmzed m:m- raise has cooled off the digester d t 1 1 I 3 county, state an na wna s been paid tho schools and mimi- the Moder'n Cleaners were in ber of the M:t~mgan S~ate M~dic 1 tanlc and new pumping equipment 1· In the -t-H Better Methods f<.tec- Cipalilrcs.
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