Probe: Cohn Toll 91 Dead

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Probe: Cohn Toll 91 Dead \ \ '■ \ V \ CACE TWBNTY-rOUB WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1954 Average Daily Net Press Run The Weather iiattrliMtfr lEwtilttg ■ f For the Week Ended X' Foracast of C. S. Wentbar jtanaa Mny 22, 1954 f.. Oloiidy tonight. Not aa eoiol aa Playschool Plan§ '■ 1 . AboutTown Cotnniis8idned 11.245 laat night. .Low near he. Friday, Member of'ttie Audit cloudy witn> arattered ahowers An Important meeting of^the For Fourth Ytear Rurenu of'Circulation likely. High ki 80a.. H oly Ghost Mothers Circle will be held at the home o f M rs .^ e o rg e Hdnchester~^A City of Villane Charm , The Manchester Y W C A an­ UST 3 DAYS DeCormief. 20 Steep Hofjmv Lane, tomorrow night at 8 nounces plans for the fourth year of its playschool' for children, VOL. LXX III, NO. 208 * (Claaalfied AdverUalng oa Faga 18) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MAY 27, 19.54 (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE nVE CENTS OF The Oonnectlcutv'Stfte Button which will open in the fall on !let>t. y T Society's annualfecnlc. and auction 20. Advanced registration can be will be held June 1 at the L. B. Riding Club House. Arbutus nude this week at the YW C A of­ Street, Mid^'etown, starting at 11 fice at 79 N. M ala St. between 9 to Free 71 s. m. a. m. and 3 p. m. FOR BATHING SUITS. TOWELS. ETC. HALE’S The school is open to children WATERPROOF '\ I Air.v Jean MacLachlan of Glas- who will be four years of age by ffow, Scotland, who i.s vi.sitinc rela­ Jan. 1, 19.55, but there W ill be a Probe: Cohn LINED IN SOLID AND GAY COLORS tives in towTi and' was a guest at limit of 20' children accepted for ____ ems Hinted MAY WHITE SALE jthc installation ceremony of Raip- the group. The playschool la con­ ' ' ■*.. ■ •• bow officers in the Ms-son'lc Terh- du ct^ . Monday through FTiday ple, Monday evening, wa-s^called from 9:30 to 11:30 a. m. from Sept. L»WMt iwiets in ytan in shtnts, easts, mottrtss upon for remarks, hjirs. Macl<ach- 20 to May 20. $ 1 . 0 0 lan, a ' past mdst worthy gmnd By U.S.fRed China Mrs. Martin E. Alvord, a gradu­ matron of the Glasgow Chapte'r,' ate of the Wheelock School in Bos­ ______ \ , pods cmd covtrs, tf e. stated that they have no Rainbow ton, will again be the director. She By THE AAStKTATED PRESS or similar organization for girls has a background of considerable really has the Intention to dlscusk in Scotland, and 'she would .have nursery school and kindergarten ^ Authoritative sources hint-j the question, they should enter into Toll 91 Dead, much to tell the Eastern Star expercience. There will also be a ed today in Geneva that the direct contact with the Chinese members about her experiences delegation he're." Gufford W. dohnaon qualified assistant working with United State.s riiay be willing here. "si her next year. Elsewhere ill Geneva, The United to enter direct talks with the States was reported, determined to Vincent J. Jcandelia. 20, 14fi S. Clifford W. Johnson, son of Mf> 'The object of the playschool is stand firm against any settlement and -Mrs. Axel Johnson of 31 to provide a place where a child Communists at Griku Scenes Aboard Ill-fated .Aircraft >Z)arrier Main St,, yesterday Joined the Geneva for release of about of the Indochina problem which Fire, Blasts U. S. Air Force and h^s proceeded Cambridge St., was commissioned can meet other children of his own would partition territory of the As­ to Sampson A ir Force Base, N. Y. a Lieutenant in the U. S. Air age, share in supervised group IN A W IDE a s s o r t m e n t O F 71 Americans held in China. sociated States. Force recently. He 'Js attending activity, and becom'e better pre­ Sources cloxe in the American Th is view was reported by au­ the Aircraft Observef School in Epworth Leapie members of pared for the broader experiences STYLES FOR CHILDREN AND GROWNUPS ' delegation at the Geneva Confer-, thoritative quarters as the 9-party In Catapult the South Methodist Church will Waco, Tex. of public schooL Although group ence aaid they .agw* no reaaoft to Indochina Conference prepared to meet in front of the high school Lt. Johnson graduated as an participation - will be stressed, as prevent, direct negoUationa over meet again in secret session to tomorrow at 7:30 and proceed in a honor student and president of the muck opportunity ns possible will prisoner.* ■T^e United States dealt consider the problem of defining Manchester High School Class of be made 'for the individual devel- R o o m A r e a body to the South Methodist .98 directly with the Chinese at Pan-: asaembly areas into which the mili­ 1930 and was the recipient of the Church to attend the funeral serv­ opnient of each child. inunjom on the release of Korean tary forces of the two sides would Beatrice Fox Auerbach, scholarship ice of Miss M ary E. Bonn, w'ho Since the YW C A office closes war prisoners. be regrouped after a cease .fire. upon his entry into the University ^uonset Point, R. I., May died yesterday. for the summer on May 28. those These sources noted there was I Viet Nam sources said the pro­ pf Connecticut. He was a junior desiHng information about the no apparatus set u)> for direct deal-! posals, submitted Tuesday by Com­ 27 (/P)-—The word "catapult” \Va.5hington, MaV 21 (/P)— Roy M. CohnW ore tGday Secre­ in the School of Pharmacy at the The Choir Club of the North' playschool after this date may Inga with the Chinese and that any I munist-led Vietmlnh definitely bobbed up today in eyewitness tary Steveii.5 and Army coun.selor John G^ Adams tried to block University when he enlisted in the Methodist Church has elected the contact Mrs. A. P. Wylie, 605 N. Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales order to undertake them would be would result in the partition of Air Fore* in April, 1953. accounts of the horrible the McCarthy subcommittee’s probe for Communists in the following officers for the ensuing Main St. entirely up to the State Dept.. Viet Nam and would be strongly The question of the Imprisoned i opposed by the Vietnamese. disaster which killed at least Army and .quoted Adams as saying itwould be "a^|^eather in year: Mrs. Frances Wieheat. presi­ 91 men and injured 201 yes­ cap" if no hearings were held. ---------------- -------- — . .... dent; Mrs. Vivian Stewart, vice 'The cloisteder Dominican Nuns Americans came up earlier this Informed quarter^ said the week when it was learned the Under oath, the 27-veae-old _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ president: Harold Dickinson, see- of the Monastery of Our Lady of United States had not yet taken a terday on the aircraft carrier chief ^de to Sen. McCarthy also . United Stale.* had aake<l the Brlt- retary-treasurer and Emmons Grace in North Guilford in\dted REPEATED definite position oh the Vietmlnh Bennington. said it was ''triie,'' as the McCar­ Fales, publicity. the public to offer with them a ■V 'i»h, to approach the Chinese Reds propo.*ala. but that the first re­ ■ And the catapi>lf room ixf the thy camp alleges,^ that the Arm. W h i t e F B e ^ on the matter. eucharistic hour of gratitude to BY POPULAR REQUEST action of the U. S. delegation was big ship may come under investiga­ officials tried to' "discredit” the The Golden Age Club will hold a Our Lady of Grace at 3:30 p. m. Yesterday an official -Cliinese that the proposals go a great deal tion after the Navy BoSrd of in­ subcommittee. spokesman indicated the best way meeting, in Orange hall tomorrow Sunday. farther than the U nite^ States Is quiry meets for the flist time this Cohn aaid that soon after afternoon at 2 o’clock. The u.sual U O N E C E N T Ic sMANcmmi Conn* the United States could arrange prepared to go. / afternoon at this naval air base. Adams wa.s employed as Army C h a l l e n g e s pastimes and refreshments will be for of the A'oericans was Rrench Foreign M a s te r Gorges Last Oetber, 37 men died in an counselor last Oct. 1. Adams told enjoyed. by direct negotiation. Bidault, who returned this fore- explosion on the Carrier Le.vte as him it would be a "feather in his SALE The spokesman. Huan^ Hua. told / w F DO T x s S t ^ ' J sh* ws.* being overhaul.e<i at Bos­ cap" and would "solidify his job" reporters "if the U. S. government (Continued on Page Eight) ton. A naval board of inquiry con­ if he could persuade the subcom­ In W a r Ultra-modem . completely WALLPAPER cluded that the blaat happened mittee not to, hold either public different. Wear It to shake { PIANO tUNINO i when someone accidentally ignited or executive___ hearings on alleged Albany, N. Y., May 27 your world a little! hfot One roll of our large selection oil in a catapult tube. subversion at Ft. Monmouth, N. J. — long-<!bnteSted showTi: of stocked u allpaper—a t regular The 800,000 t KEMP'S, Inc. \ price—EXTRA ROLL Ic. Below Third Deck No Direct Request shares of New York Central Purse Perfume— $2.00 ^ Tto Main St.—5«-8-5^^ ^ Crowds Jam^ome In explaining the location of the He said Adams made no direct ALL SALE.S PT.NAL explosions and Are which e'hook the request that the subcommittee Railroad stock owned by the Stick Cologne— $1.00 Bennington while she was 75 miles drop its inve.stigation but made it opposition forces of Robert For A Limited Time Only! HID 1 5 0 Prices plus tax.
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