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Ru'sk Assures' West Germany Iol, Washington SC4'idarity University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 6-27-1968 Kabul Times (June 27, 1968, vol. 7, no. 82) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (June 27, 1968, vol. 7, no. 82)" (1968). Kabul Times. 1783. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. t' ... \, , ' .' ~;.,.,' sa~ERJ ~ ~.. ,~,,, '/1; I, FOR , l.;;' .1 .'. '··E,·f" . w, DELIGHT ~.:, 7f ·,1 "1 ."~=_=I VOL., VII, NO. 82 KABUL, THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1968 (SARATAN 6, 1347 S.H.) . - PRICE AF.'. 4 Plpnning Minister UN Command Takes Up North 100,000 Nigerians U.S.R.E'PEAfS'CALL' . Answer~ > Question$ , KABUL, June 27, (Bakhtar),,­ Korean Sinking Of Spyshlp tarving ~o Death; • FOR DE·ESCALATI'ON Planning Minister Dr. Abdul PANMUNJOM, June 27, (Reuter) Park earJier' in the meeting charg­ Samad Hamid, Deputy Planning - Tbe United Nalions Command ed that the United Stales sent the Mfnister" Abdul Wahab Hai­ (UNC) said yesteroay that a prelim­ sel in to North Korean ·coastal wat­ 14 To 20 Die Daily But Hanoi StiUDemands der and Hainidullah Hamid, inve~tigation inary into the alleged 'Spy Ship' disguised as fishing yes­ (AFP).~The president of the Afghan 'ElectrIC sinking of a "spy sbip" by North ers near Pukpo Island last, Saturday. LAGOS. June 27, Nigerian freighter "Opuso" is Institute, appeared beforp the Korca on June 22 "revcaled insuf­ He said the North Koreans imm­ UnConditional' Bombing Halt Financial and Budgetary Commi_ steaming full speed to Calabar to ficient evidence 10 substantiate it."' ediately relurned fire and sank Ihe U~ited ttee of the House of Representa. start an emergency operation to PARIS; June 27, (Reuter),-The States made', an"ther American Maj, , Gen, Gilbert H. boat, "with all her spies aboa~d as tives to 'answer Questions on the save the lives of nearly 100000 ""sueeessftll bid ,Wednesday to ,draw Hanoi into what she' calls Woodward, senior UNe 'deleRate to the boat was preparing for "espio­ S 4,5 million loan from the Uni­ people starving lo death in one reciprocal steps to "cale down the Vietnam war" and said the Military Armistice 'Commi~;jion', nage and provocative acts," ted States, They also answered of the Nigerian war's latest bat­ t(,ulp be no complete hall to American bombing oi North iielnarr. promiSed at commission meeting to The North Korean ,General said questionsab'lut the $12 million tle zones. • conduct a "lhOl:ough investigatiol)" Ihe boat reprieved afterward two while Hanoi's escaJatlOn continued, American loan for the Kaiaki hy­ had Reports reaching international of the North Korean allegation. highspeed motors, three fuel tanks . U.S. delegate Cyrus Vance said at the 10th session of the dro-electric power project. relief organisations in Lagos say ~ad But Maj, Gen. Chung·Kook Park. J.1 eliminai'y peace talks that the U,S, hoped, that Hanoi would The Legal and Legislative Af_ an American-made radio equipr:nenl: that in Ikot Ekpene nearly asked Ihat the meeting' be have re.sponded by now to American unilateral restraint to rn1k~ f::iii's Committee discussed vari­ a machine gun, a submachinegun 81,000 adults and child'ren, dis­ recessed so thai Woodword an American·made ammunition box it an appropriate timc to halt all bombing of the north, ous articles of the law I egula­ placed from their homes are could look al lhe' "Spy and life jackel< supplied by U.S, But HanQi: he said, had ans- on to other majnr Questions: ling judicial organisation and au­ dying at the rate of 14 "~ 2q " Ship" which the co-mmunists disvla· Marine Corps, wered by escalation of the war, At the 'same time, he devoted thorily. day from starvation and m:t!nll­ ycd outside the conference roolT' Saying that the ship itself, 8 to 10 trition, ond infiltration ot North Viet- a large part of his fnrmal state- ,The committee on Internatjun~ namese regu'lar 'troops into 50- menl at the four-hour seSS;lJ,l to foot long, would be made in Japan, The present situation is not al Helutions discussed thp. agre­ Park termed the vessel as 8 iom t_ I,lth Vietnam to jOin Hie lighting explaining Hanoi's views on till' known as during recent days lktlt ments on 20,000 and 40,000 tons Lone Atlantic U,S, im­ 1954 Vll~t- product of and Japanese Ekpene, 24 m iI"s east of AD" there had reached an all-time Geneva agrrement on of whe~t and 4,000 tons o( vege­ perialists." has been the scene of heavy f,~ high of 29,000 men last mnn,h, nam, table oil as also the $ 800.00U Am­ Yachtswoman ('hid U,S delcgatc Ave... ,11 The North Korean delegate acc­ ghting, erican loan fDr building a diesel used the UN command of senJinfl Hano, Chief Delegate Xuan Harri'11an, \vho is in the U.S anJ power plant. in Kandahar. Rescued Tn the - nearby to\l,!n of AJak. mi~sC'd yestetday's session, ,,;Ii I 9 armed spy boats to North Korean about 15 miles to Ihe south lb'- Thuy rejected the 'latest U,S, at· Decisions of the commJl tet' TOULOUSE, June 27, tAFPI- tempt to obtain recip::"'1cal r~st­ ell Im;t week's meeting that the waters off the east coaSt since May r. are 4,6UO displaced peop)" were submitted to the House The West German vessel MagdclenR 19, raint and repeated demands ror II S. favoured.1 Vietnam set­ also sick and starving. T\1n..:t 'seC'retariate for considetatir:!l l)V Lunen picked up lone Atlan1ic yal..:h­ an unconditional and immedi~.Jl(' t1c.-ment on tht: l;>asis of the Gl'. Park also charged UN Command are :"ember~ nf the minority Ibl­ tnl' general session, .. tswoman Edith Baumann last night Kor~ai1 n('va accords. with 3 violations of North bio tribe. halt to American bombinl';' so The Planning Committee in its about 800 km. of the Azores. m~)VI.' air space by an 105 fighter bqmbcl A report from reliable sourt'\?~; that the conference could Thuy said that the basic prm­ morning session delibera~(d on Eariler, Saint Lys Marine :-adio and 529 other aircraft since June 5, in Abak says children are dYlllg clple of the 19:')4 agreements ',1,,':-1'; the budget for the ' station technicians Ilold A FP they Woodword admitted one violat­ there at th,. rate of five a day "to recognise the - independc:lce, Bank, The committee. confirmed Comments had made a series of radio ..:on'al,:ls ion, He said the UN command air­ and adults at I he rat~ of ten dai, Izestia sovrrei,gnty, unity and territo,'i;J1 the decision passed in this con­ with Edith Baumann in the C01J1"se craft inadvertently flew over (he mi­ ly, nt'otion by the Senate, di!li~ illlcgnty of VietnHnl, and to p""­ of the day. after she sent -..Iut litarised zone on June 5 and wa!' fi­ International r~}j('f dgencics The At. 20,000,000 budget for hlblt foreign intcrfercll<"(' Ir. tress signals reporting she WitS in di­ red upon by automatic weapons firt: are meeting in Lagos today t,l On NATO Call For the Industrial Bank was rl~ject<,'d Vietnam's internal arTairs." fficulties. A violent storm was rag­ from the, North Korean portilln of diq'U5S this latest emprgency IIp said American statemprt:-. b.." the Senatp. The matter was ing with the approach of typhut\1l the DMZ, The freighter Opuso will Ull'­ handed over to the commltttt"C' now on the Geneva accords "Brenda", Woodword protested that lhe pre­ .Dad food supplies at Calab~r anu Reductia,ns VIC! the House secretariat for Troop \\.'(·re "hut a new method of i Ill' Technicians said that the West senoe of automatic weapons i:l the begin a shuttle relief. SerVl':C sabota~t· further l'onsideration. U,S. to continue its of German vessel had spotted the lone DMZ was a violation of the <"-1 mi­ which seems the only hope Ill' f\!o....t ·OW, June 2.7. (Reuterl--~ Other committees holding se­ Ih~ the Geneva agreements." yachtswoman, participating in stice agreement and demanded their kecpi ng these nearly 100,000 st,",· A Sll\llt't \.'oml1wnlatnr described a<; ssions yesterday includl,j the ra~ . The Hanoi delegate 3!:-;':' for England"-America-Trans-Atlantic removal from the buffer wne, ving Ibibios alive, ·',hypucrisy·· yesterday the Nonh t~e committee for Cultural Affair!;. first time read into the ('(In_ ceo in her Trimaran Koala III, d few ------ --'-" ;'oJ bnlll' frcaly Organisation'., 0[(­ ference record large portions en National Defence, of Mines ar,rj miles away, ~r to Join in rnu:ual troop r~dul'· the National Leberalion F,' ',-t Induslries, Public He6ith Affairs Weather conditions had made (jn lions in Europe, I political arm of the Viet Ctlllg ­ and InternaJ Affairs, exact navigalional fix difficull, they World News In Brief "()n~ l:an onl)' be aSlonished <il fill' a Vietnrlm settlement. The Senate in a general ses­ added, LONDON, June 27. (AFPI.--~' NEW DELHI. June 27. fReuler) the hypocrisy of certain atlantic po­ Sion continued discussing the She had kept up constant radio C;,)­ The Greek and Turkish foreign· ":""Oirect presidential rule IS liticians who scatter phrases abou' Thuy said that it was only cn draft of the Municipalities Law, ntact with Saint Lys.
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