Chronological table

Abbreviations: (D) = drama, (P) = prose, (V) = verse

DATE AUTHOR AND TITLE EVENT 13000 BC forms as glaciers retreat

11000 Earliest records of the Bluefish Cave people (Yukon)

10000 Receding of the last ice sheet

9000 Earliest records of the Fluted Point people ()

7000 Earliest records of human habitation on the West Coast of Nomadic 'Archaic Boreal' Indian culture moves in to Arctic mainland

3000 Indian habitation in

0800 Dorset culture develops around Hudson Strait

0300 AD Village tradition established on prames

0499 Chinese Buddhist monk Hui Shen reputed to have sailed to Fu-Sang (possibly America)

0500 Beans, corn and squash cultivated in Eastern Woodlands

0875 Irish monks land on Magdalen Islands

0995 Leif Erikson sets out on expedition to Vinland 298

DATE AUTHOR AND TITLE EVENT 1000 Viking settlement at L'Anse aux Meadows, Nfld- possibly Leif Ericson's Vinland Thule culture replaces Dorset culture in Arctic

1390 Mohawk, Oneida, Cayuga, Onondaga and Seneca establish the confederacy (Tuscarora join in 1722)

1400 West Coast tribes establish trading network

1431 Joan of Arc is burned at Rauen

1497 John Cabot discovers the Grand Banks

1504 Est. of StJohn's as English fisheries base in

1513 Balboa crosses Panama to the Pacific

1516 More: Utopia

1517 Beginnings of Protestant Reformation

1519 Cortez conquers Mexico

1526 Founding of the Moghul Empire

1532 Machiavelli: The Prince Rabelais: Pantagruel

1534 Est. ofJesuit order explores St Lawrence River

1537 Est. of Ursuline order

1541 John Calvin introduces Reformation into Geneva

1544 English translation of the Bible

1556 Ramusio's Italian translation of Cartier's journal

1564 D. of Michelangelo 299

DATE AUTHOR AND TITLE EVENT 1569 Mercator's map of the world

1570 Luke Foxe explores Hudson's Bay

1572 Luis de Camoens: The Lusiad

1576 searches for the

1579 Spenser: The Shepheardes Calendar

1580 John Florio's English translation of Cartier's journal Montaigne: E.ssays

1583 Sir Humphrey Gilbert claims Newfoundland for

1588 Marlowe: Doctor Faustus

1589 Hakluyt: The Principal! Navigations

1600 Giordano Bruno burned as a heretic in Rome

1601 Shakespeare: Hamlet

1604 Founding of Port Royal

1605 Cervantes: Don Quixote

1606 Champlain found L'Ordrc de Bon Temps () First theatrical performance in : Le theatre de Neptune by

1607 .James town settlement in Virginia

1608 Champlain founds

1609 Marc Lescarbot (c. 1570--1642): Les muses de Ia Nouvelle (D,V)

1610 Henry Hudson explores Hudson's Bay in search of Northwest Passage

1611 King James version of the Bible

1613 (c. 1570-- 1635): Voyages (P; vols II & III follow in 1619 and 1632) 300


1615 Franciscans arrive in Quebec; Rcollets set up missions

1616 William Baffin maps Ellesmere Island and Baffin Bay

1619 Jens Munk leads Danish expedition to find Northwest Passage

1620 in

1625 Jesuits arrive in Quebec

1627 Richelieu organises Company of 100 Associates to colonise

1628 Robert Hayman (1575--1629): Quodlibets (P)

1632 Annual Jesuit Relations begin; Galileo confirms Copernican continue to 1673 theory, is forced to recant by the Inquisition

1633 Olivier Lejeune (a black slave) is baptised in Quebec

1635 Est. of Acadimiefranfaise

1636 Founding of

1639 (nursing & teaching order) and Augustines arrive in Quebec

1640 Bay Psalm Book (first book printed in America)

1641 Jeanne Mance and Gov. De Maisonneuve arrive in

1642 de Maisonneuve founds Ville­ Marie (later Montreal)

1644 End of the Ming Dynasty, beginning of the Manchu (to 1912)

1649 D. ofFr.Jean de Brebeuf(b. 1593) and Fr. Gabriel Lalemant (b. 1610), both canonised in 1930 301


1650 D. of Descartes

1653 opens hospital and school in Quebec Completion of the Taj Mahal

1654 Radisson and Groseilliers depart on their first exploratory journey to the west

1659 Radisson & Groseillers explore St Lawrence headwaters Laval becomes first Bishop

1660 Adam Dollard des Ormeaux and Battle of the Long Sault Royal Society founded ()

1663 New France comes under direct royal rule

1665 becomes Intendant (to 1672)

1667 Milton: Paradise Lost

1668 La Fontaine: Fables (to 1694)

1669 D. of Rembrandt

1670 Moliere: Le bourgeois gentilhomme Founding of Hudson's Bay Company

1672 Marquette & Jolliet explore Mississippi Basin

1677 Racine: Phedre

1678 Bunyan: Pilgrim's Progress

1680 D. of Catherine Tekakwitha (beatified 1980)

1681 Marie de !'Incarnation (1599-- 1672): Lettres de la venerable mere . .. (P)

1682 La Salle reaches mouth of Mississippi

1683 Fr. Louis Hennepin (1627- Brebeuf calls the Algonquin game c. 1705): Description de la Louisiane of baggataway 'lacrosse' (P) 302


1685 Birth of Handel (d. 1759), Bach (d. 1750), Scarlatti (d. 1757)

1687 Newton: Principia Mathematica

1690 Henry Kelsey reaches Saskatchewan River System

1692 Witchcraft burnings in Salem, Mass.

1697 Perrault: Contes de ma mere l'Oye

1698 Hennepin: A New Discovery of a Vast County in America (P)

1713 Peace of Utrecht (end of War of the Spanish Succession

1714 Pope: The Rape of the Lock

I 719 Defoe: Robinson Crusoe

1721 Bach composes Brandenburg Concertos

1726 Swift: Gulliver's Travels

1730 Substantial roadway system established in the colonies by this time

1735 Hogarth: 'The Rake's Progress'

1736 John Gyles: Memoirs of Odd Adventures ... (P) I 73 7 First iron foundry opens in Canada (Trois-Rivieres)

1740 Samuel Richardson: Pamela

1741 Death of Vivaldi (b. 1678)

1742 First performance of Handel's Messiah

1748 Fran<;ois Bigot becomes Intendant (to 1759) Peter Kalm's travels through America

1749 Cornwallis founds Halifax 303


1752 Est. of first printing press in and the Halifax Gazette England adopts Gregorian calendar

1754 Anthony Henday explores the prairies

1755 Frances (Moore) Brooke edits The Old Maid (to 1756) Expulsion of the Johnson: Dictionary

1757 Edmund Burke: Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful

1758 Fall of Louis bourg Nova Scotia gets legislative assembly

1759 Cook maps the St Lawrence basin Battle of the Plains of Abraham; death of Generals Montcalm and Wolfe Voltaire: Candide

1762 Rousseau: Le contrat social

1763 Treaty of (New France ceded to England at end of Seven Years' War) Cook maps the Newfoundland coast (to 1767)

1764 First printing press in Quebec; first bilingual newspaper in Canada: La Gazette de Quebec

1768 Royal Academy of Art founded (London) Royal Society commissions Cook to chart the South Pacific, observe the Transit of Venus; Cook introduces lime juice to sailors' diet to prevent scurvy (lime juice was made part of the standard British Navy diet in 1795)

1769 Frances Brooke (1723-89): The Nova Scotia and Prince Edward History of Emily Montague (P) Island become separate colonies 304


1770 Benjamin West: 'The Death of Wolfe' () Goldsmith: The Deserted Village

1771 Samuel Hearne reaches the mouth of the Coppermine River

1772 John Harrison perfects chronometer

1774 Quebec Act (protects Roman Catholic religious freedom and French civil law in Canada) Perez Hernandez reaches Nootka Sound

1776 Smith: The Wealth of Nations American Declaration of Independence (war with England lasts from 1775 to 1783)

1777 Sheridan: The School for Scandal

1778 James Cook explores the Pacific Coast Peter Pond and North West Company move into Athabasca region

1779 Captain Cook dies in Hawaii (Sandwich Islands)

1780 Jonathan Odell (1737-1818): The American Times (V)

1782 Henry Alline (1748--84): Hymns Crevecoeur: Letters from an American and Spiritual Songs (V; vol. II Farmer appeared in I 786) 1783 Brooke: Rosina (opera) Mass immigration of United Empire Loyalists to Maritime colonies and North West Company founded

1784 First Russian settlements on West Coast of North America becomes

1785 Jacob Bailey (1731-1808): 'The Watt invents steam engine Adventures ofJack Ramble, the Methodist Preacher' (V) 305

DATE AUTHOR AND TITLE EVENT 1787 American and Nova Scotia blacks resettled in Sierra Leone

1788 Roger Viets ( 1738--1811): ChiefMaquinna and Captain John (V) Meares reach agreement to turn Nootka Sound into a foreign trading centre

1789 Thomas Cary (1751-1823): Alexander Mackenzie follows the Abram's Plains (V) Mackenzie River to the Arctic Ocean French Revolution

1790 Joseph Quesnel (1746--1809): Nootka Sound Convention signed Colas et Co Iinette (D) in Madrid

1791 Peter Fidler (1769-1822): Constitutional Act (creates Upper 'Hudson's Bay Journal' (ed. Canada and , each J. B. Tyrell, 1934, in journals with its own Assembly) of Samuel Hearne and Philip Haitian Rebellion (Toussaint Tumor (P) L'Ouverture) Elizabeth Simcoe (d. 1850) begins her diary of Upper Canada life (1792--6); pub. as Mrs. Simcoe's Diary, ed. Mary Quayle Innis, 1965)

1792 Captain and Captain Galiano chart Pacific Coast

1793 Upper Canada Parliament abolishes the practice of bringing slaves into the colony Est. of Fort York as town of York (incorporated as city of in 1834) Alexander Mackenzie reaches Pacific Coast by land

1795 Samuel Hearne (1745--92): Founding of Orange Order Journey from Prince of Wales's D. of Robert Burns (b. 1759) Fort in Hudson's Bay to the David Thompson explores the Northern Ocean (P) Columbia River

1797 J McKay: Quebec Hill (V)

1798 George Vancouver (1757-98): Wordsworth & Coleridge: Lyrical Voyage of Discovery ... ( P) Ballads

1799 Discovery of the Rosetta Stone

1801 Alexander Mackenzie ( 1763- 306

DATE AUTHOR AND TITLE EVENT 1820): Voyages . .. through the Continent of North America (P)

1802 Lamarck coins the word 'biology' Dionisio Alcala Galiano: Relaci6n del Viage Hecho por las Caletas Sutil y Mexicana

1803 ChiefMaquinna takesJohnJewitt captive

1804 Napoleonic Code comes into effect as basis for law in France and in Quebec Lewis and Clark expedition to Oregon (to 1806) Thomas Moore: 'Canadian Boat Song'

1806 Mutiny on the Bounty

1807 Webster: Dictionary

1808 Simon Fraser reaches the mouth of the Fraser River

1809 Alexander Henry ( 1739-1824): John Molson builds the Travels and Adventures in Accommodation, Canada's first Canada and the Indian steamship Territories (P) D. ofHaydn (b. 1732)

1811 John Mcintosh, in Upper Canada, discovers Mcintosh apple David Thompson explores Columbia River Founding of Fort Astoria by party financed by John Jacob Astor

1812 First of Grimm's fairytales published Selkirk settlement (ends in 1815) Battle of Queens ton Heights (Tecumseh and General Brock)

1813 Battle at Beaver Dams (); Battle ofChateauguay Austen: Pride and Prejudice

1814 Battle of Lundy's Lane Scott: Waverlry 307


1815 JohnJewitt: A Narrative of the Whale oil streetlamps installed in Adventures and Sufferings of Montreal john R. Jewitt ... (P) Battle of Waterloo (end of Napoleonic Wars, 1796-1815)

1817 Est. of Blackwood's Magazine Keats: Poems M. Shelley: Frankenstein

1818 Est. of Dalhousie University

1820 Colony of Cape Breton joins Nova Scotia

1821 Thomas McCulloch (1776- Founding of McGill University 1843): publishes 'letters' of Merger between Hudson's Bay 'Mephibosheth Stepsure' in the and North West Companies Acadian Recorder (to 1823; Opening of the Santa Fe Trail pub. in book form in 1862)

1823 John Franklin (1786-1847): Cooper: The Pioneers Journey to the Polar Sea (P)

1824 Julia Catherine Beckwith Hart Est. of The Novascotian (to 1926) (1796-1867): St. Ursula's Est. of Colonial Advocate Convent (P) Completion of Lachine Canal George Longmore: The M. R. Mitford: Our Village Charivari (V)

1825 Oliver Goldsmith (1794-1861): Stephenson's steam railroad opens The Rising Village (V; in England rev. 1834)

1826 Catherine Parr Traill (1802- Est. of Acadian Magazine (to 1828) 99): The Young Emigrants (P) Cooper: Last of the Mohicans

1827 Est. of Colonial Patriot in Pictou Est. of first Mechanics' Institute in Canada (StJohn's) Second Franklin expedition to the Arctic Coast

1828 Joseph Howe (1804-73): 'Western Rambles' and 'Eastern Rambles' pub. in The Novascotian (P)

1829 John Richardson ( 1796-1852): Est. of Methodist Book Room in Ecarti (P) Toronto (became Ryerson Press in 1919, after first editor, Egerton Ryerson, 1802-82) Death of Shananditti, last of the Beothuks 308


1830 Adam Kidd (1802-31): The Orange Lodge est. in Ontario Huron Chief (V) Josiah Henson (ostensibly the Michel Bibaud (1782-1857): original for Harriet Beecher Ep!tres, satires, chansons, Stowe's 'Uncle Tom') escapes to ipigrammes ... (V) Upper Canada Daniel Massey develops the threshing machine Stendhal: Le rouge et le noir

1831 William Fitz Hawley Charles Darwin embarks on the (1804?-55): The Unknown (P) Beagle voyage John Galt: Bogle Corbet

1832 William 'Tiger' Dunlop: D. of poet Levi Adams (b. 1802) Statistical Sketches of Upper Cholera epidemic (followed by Canada (P) others in 1834, 1849, 1854) Richardson: Wacousta (P)

1833 The Royal William (Samuel Cunard a major shareholder) becomes first ship to cross Atlantic entirely by steam

1835 Sam Slick sketches appear as 'Recollections of Nova Scotia' in The Novascotian Balzac: Lepere Goriot Publication of Andersen's fairytales

1836 Anon., The Awful Disclosures Dickens: The Pickwick Papers (to of Maria Monk (P) 1837) Thomas Chandler Haliburton (I 796--1865): The Clockmaker (first series; the second and third series appeared in 1838 and 1840 (P) Traill: The Backwoods of Canada (P)

1837 Philippe-Ignace-Franc;ois Rebellions in Upper Canada (led Aubert de Gaspe (Aubert de by Gaspe fils, 1814-1841): against the Family Compact) and L 'irifluence d'un livre (P) in Lower Canada (led by Louis Pierre Petitclair (1813--60): Joseph Papineau against the Griphon (D) Chateau Clique) 'Shiner's Wars' (to 1845) Victoria becomes Queen (to 1901) becomes editor of Godey's Lady's Book Agassiz coins term 'Ice Age' Froebel opens first 'kindergarten' 309


1838 AnnaJameson (1794--1860): Winter John Lovell est. The Literary Studies and Summer Rambles in Garland (to 1851) Canada (P) Charles Fenerty makes first usable newsprint from wood fibre, in Nova Scotia British Parliament abolishes slavery Samuel Morse develops Morse Code

1839 Durham Report John Strachan (1778-1867) becomes Anglican bishop of Toronto First bicycle developed

1840 Eliza Lanesford Cushing ( 1794-- Act ofUnionjoins Upper and 1886): The Fatal Ring (D) Lower Canada, renames them Richardson: The Canadian Brothers Canada West and (P; an expurgated version Rev. James Evans devises Cree appeared as Matilda Montgomerie, syliabics 1851) Poe: Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque

1841 Standish O'Grady (c. 1793-1841): Est. of Queen's University The Emigrant (V) City of Halifax incorporated

184:.1 Antoine Gerin-Lajoie (1824--82): Jesuit Order re-established in 'Un canadien errant' Canada (after dissolution in 1763) Kit Carson serves as frontier guide on Fremont Expedition (Oregon Trail) Browning: Dramatic Lyrics Stowe: Uncle Tom's Cabin

1843 Haliburton: The Attache (first King's College (Toronto) opens series; the second series appeared Kierkegaard: Either-Or in 1844) (P) Abraham Holmes: Belinda (P) 1844 First edn of Toronto Globe (1872 becomes Globe & Mail) New Brunswick passes Indian Reserve Act '54--40 or Fight' Oames Polk's presidential election slogan) Dumas: Le comte de Monte-Cristo Captain Marryat: The Settlers in Canada

1845 Fran<;ois-Xavier Garneau (1809- Potato blight in Ireland, and 66): Histoire du Canada (P; 3 vols, to famine, leading to emigration 1848) Manifest Destiny 310


Paul Kane begins his sketches among the Indians Codification of the rules of baseball

1846 Pierre Chauveau (1820-90): Oregon treaty Charles Guerin (P) 49th Parallel established as international boundary from the to the Pacific Patenting of the sewing machine

1847 Charles E. Beardsley: The Victims of D. of the Franklin expedition in Tyranny (P) the Arctic Douglas Smith Huyghue (1816- Est. of The Snow Drop, for children 91): Argimou (P) (to 1853) Mrs Moodie est. The Victoria Magazine (to 1848) Mormons settle in Utah Longfellow: Thackeray: Vaniry Fair Turgenev: A Huntsman's Sketches

1848 James Huston: Le Repertoire national Second Baldwin-LaFontaine (A; 4 vols, to 1850) ministry (to 1851) brings about 'Responsible Government' Formation of Pre-Raphaelite brotherhood Marx and Engels publish Communist Manifesto

1849 John Swete Cummins (1811-?): Crown colony of Vancouver Island Altham: A Tale of the Sea (P) established Haliburton: The Old judge (P) Fraser gold rush D. of poet Adam Hood Burwell (b. 1790) Dickens: David Coppeifield

1850 Richardson: The Monk Knight of St. Hawthorne: The Scarlet Letter john (P) Est. of Harper's Magazine

1851 Est. of the Times Melville: Moby Dick Baudelaire: Les .fleurs du mal Parkman begins his history of North America (to 1892)

1852 Susanna Moodie (1803-85): Founding ofUniversite Laval Roughing It in the Bush (P) Verdi: La Traviata Traill: Canadian Crusoes (P) Roget's original Thesaurus published

1853 Haliburton: Sam Slick's Wise Saws and Modem Instances (P) 311


Moodie: Life in the Clearings Versus the Bush (P); Flora Lyndsay (P); Mark Hurdlestone (P)

1854 Octave Cremazie (1827-79); Abolition of seigneurial system Premiers poemes (V) Crimean War (ends 1856) Trail!: The Female Emigrant's Guide Thoreau: Walden (P)

1855 Haliburton: Nature and Human Refinement of oil into kerosene Nature (P) Cities of and Moodie: Geoffrey (P) Charlottetown incorporated Bulfinch: The Age of Fable Samuel Colt uses mass production methods to stockpile revolvers and rifles David Livingstone reaches Victoria Falls on the Zambezi First train crosses Niagara Falls suspension bridge Whitman: Leaves of Grass

1856 (1822-93): The William Notman sets up photo St. Lawrence and the Saguenay and studio in Montreal other poems (V) Mendel experiments with genetic hybridisation

1857 (1816-76): Saul Palliser expedition, recorded in (D) journal of Henry Youle Hind Ottawa chosen as the national capital D. of Alfred de Musset Flaubert: Madame Bovary

1858 R. M. Ballantyne (1825--94): Crown colony of Ungava (P) established Robert Trail! Spence Lowell Completion of transatlantic (1816-91): New Priest in Conception telegraph cable (New York­ Bay (P) Newfoundland-Ireland) Thomas D'Arcy McGee (1825-- 68): Canadian Ballads and occasional verses (V)

1859 Paul Kane ( 1810--71): Wanderings Blondin walks over Niagara Falls of An Artist Among the Indians of on a tightrope North America (P) Gounod: Faust William Kirby (1817-1906): The Darwin: On the Origin of Species U.E. (V) Tennyson: Idylls of the King Rosanna Leprohon (1829-79): Eliot: Adam Bede 'The Manor House of De Villerai' Mill: On Liberty (P; serialised in The Family Herald to 1860) 312


1860 Sangster: Hesperus and other poems Abbe Casgrain helps found Le and lyrics (V) Mouvement 1itteraire de Quebec, breaking away to found Lefoyer canadien ( 1863-6) Graeme Mercer Adam ( 1839- 1912) takes over printing company in Toronto Cornelius Krieghoff: 'Merrymaking' (painting)

1861 Abbe Casgrain (1831-1904): Grand Trunk Railway completed Ligendes canadiennes ( P) American Civil War (ends in Alexander McLachlan (1818--96): 1865) The Emigrant (V) Ignaz Semmelweis declares the Mary Anne Sadlier ( 1820--1903): need for antiseptic medical Elinor Preston (P) practice during childbirth (his Joseph-Charles Tache ( 1820--94): findings are ignored, until Joseph Trois ligendes de mon pays ( P) Lister makes them acceptable during the 1880s)

1862 Antoine-Gerin-Lajoie: Acting debut of Sarah Bernhardt Jean Rivard (P) Hugo: Les misirables Daniel Wilson (1816-92): Prehistoric Man (P)

1863 Philippe~Joseph Aubert de Gaspe (1786-1871): Les Anciens Canadiens (P; tr. 1864 by G. Pennee as The of Old; 1890 by C. G. D. Roberts as Canadians of Old, rereleased 1905 as Cameron of Lochiel; condensed by T. G. Marquis 1929 as Seigneur d'Haberville) Tache: Forestiers et voyageurs (P)

1864 Georges Boucher de Charlottetown Conference Bouchcrville (1814-94): Une de Est. oflngersoll cheese factory perdue, deux de trouvis (P) Pasteur develops pasteurisation Arthur Buies (1840--1901): Verne: Voyage au centre de la terre Lettres sur le Canada (P) Edward Hartley Dewart ( 1828--1903): Selections from Canadian Poets (A) Leprohon: Antoinette de Mirecourt (P)

1865 Napoleon Bourassa (1827- May Agnes Fleming (1840--80) 1916):}acques et Marie (P) begins to sell serial stories to Heavysege: Jephthah 's newspapers in , New York, Daughter (D) and 313

DATE AUTHOR AND TITLE EVENT Lewis Carroll: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Tolstoy: War and Peace (to 1872)

1866 Fenian raids on Canada, from the USA Organisation of the Ku Klux Klan SPCA founded Nobel develops dynamite Parnassian Movement in French begins

1867 Confederation; Canada becomes independent (British North America Act unites Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick as the Dominion of Canada) Sir John A. Macdonald becomes prime minister George Stewart (1848-1906) founds Stewart's Literary Quarterly Magazine (to 1872) Juliana Horatia Ewing sends letters home from (to 1869; pub. 1983 as Canada Home, ed. M. H. & T. E. Blom) Dr Emily Howard Stowe becomes first woman to set up medical practice in Canada First paperback book (Goethe's Faust) goes on sale in Russia sells Alaska to USA Emperor Maximilian executed in Mexico Ibsen: Peer Gynt

1868 Charles Mair (1838-1927): 'Canada First' Movement founded Dreamland and other poems (V) Assassination of D' Arcy McGee Traill: Canadian Wild Flowers (P) Arthur Buies est. La Lanterne

1869 James De Mille (1833-80): The Development of rotary snowplow Dodge Club; or, Italy in Hudson's Bay Company sells MDCCCLIX (P); The 'B.O. W.C.' Rupert's Land to Canada (P) Character of :Johnny Canuck' Joseph Stansbury (c. 1742- makes first appearance, in 1809): The Loyal Verses ... (V) Montreal magazine Grinchuckle Suez Canal opens

1870 Oeuvres de Champlain (P) First Riel (Red River) Rebellion Northwest Territories established 314

DATE AUTHOR AND TITLE EVENT enters Confederation Battle of Sedan (Franco-Prussian War, 1870--1) Italy becomes a united kingdom

1871 Alexander Begg (1839-97): British Columbia enters 'Dot It Down' (P) Confederation Est. of Willis & Co. piano manufacturers in Montreal Bismarck becomes Chancellor of a united Germany First P. T. Barnum circus opens (in )

1872 William Francis Butler (1838-- Wild Bill Hickok stars in first 1910): The Great Lone Land (P) Wild West Show, in Niagara Falls Samuel Butler: Erewhon

1873 George Monro Grant (1835- enters 1902): Ocean to Ocean (P) Confederation Est. of Grip (to 1894) by cartoonist J. W. Bengough (1851-1923) Pacific Scandal North West Mounted Police formed Bizet: Carmen Verne: Le tour du monde en quatre­ vingts jours

1874 Alexander McLachlan ( 1818-- Mennonites immigrate to prairies 96): The Emigrant and other First exhibition of Impressionist poems (V) painters in Paris (Cezanne, Degas, Howe: Poems and Assays Monet, Pissarro, and Renoir) Moussorgsky: Pictures at an Exposition Wagner completes Ring cycle, begun in 1848; first Bayreuth production is in 1876

1875 Icelanders immigrate to Manitoba Development of modern game of , in Montreal, the rules written by .J. G. A. Creighton Guibord Affair Mount Allison University is first in Canada to award degrees to women Madame Blavatsky founds Theosophical Society

1876 Alexander Graham Bell invents telephone 315

DATE AUTHOR AND TITLE EVENT Dr Emily Howard Stowe founds Toronto Women's Literary Club D. ofballadist Pierre Falcon (b. 1783) Est. ofUniversite de Montreal and Royal Military College City of St Catharine's incorporated Kropotkin becomes leading exponent of anarchism

1877 Kirby: The Golden Dog (P) Blackfoot Nation signs treaty with Canadian government Edison invents Emile Berliner invents disc recording, establishes Montreal studio

1878 Honon~ Beaugrand (1848-1906): Est. of Rose-Belford's Canadian Jeanne-la-:fileuse (P) Monthly (to 1882) Karl Benz develops first internal combustion engine automobile Gilbert & Sullivan's H.M.S. Pinafore opens

1879 Louis Frechette ( 1839--1908): Les Beaugrand founds La patrie oiseaux de neige (V) First written version of 'Alouette' Dostoevsky: The Brothers Karamazov Ibsen: A Doll's House Edison invents light bulb

1880 John William Dawson (1820-- Sarah Bernhardt performs in 99): Fossil Men and Their Montreal (returns six times before Modem Representatives (P) 1916) L. Frechette: Papineau (D) Zola: Nana Sir Charles G. D. Roberts Calixa Lavallee composes '0 (1860--1943): Orion, and other Canada' poems (V) National Gallery of Canada William Henry Withrow (1839-- founded 1908): Neville Trueman, the 'Donnelly Murders' in Ontario Pioneer Preacher (P) Sherriff Pat Garrett captures Billy the Kid

1881 Chinese workers brought to Canada to build CPR tracks

1882 Cremazie: Oeuvres completes founded (V) Est. of free library system in Withrow: Valeria, the Martyr Ontario of the Catacombs (P) Pile o' Bones est. as the town of Regina (incorporated as a city 1903) D. ofJesse James 316

DATE AUTHOR AND TITLE EVENT 1883 (1817-96): The Est. of The Week (to 1896) Iroquois Book of Rites (P) Regina made capital of North Moses Harvey (1820-1901): West Territories Newfoundland (P) 1884 Laure Conan (pseud., Marie- First Eaton's Catalogue Louise-Felicite Angers, 1845-- distributed 1924): Angeline de Montbrun (P) Imperial Federation League Isabella Valancy Crawford formed (1850-87): Old Spookses' Pass, Canadian Nile Expedition Malcolm's Katie, and Other Legal prohibition of potlatch Poems (V) ceremony Opening of Toronto Public Library Standard Time Zone system adopted (designed by Sir in 1879) Twain: Huckleberry Finn 1885 Felix-Gabriel Marchand (1832- Second Riel Rebellion (Batoche) 1900): Les faux briliants (D) executed Completion of Canadian Pacific Railroad Incorporation of city of Sara Jeannette Duncan becomes correspondent for the Washington Post Poet and dramatist Nicholas Flood Davin (1840-1901) reports on Riel Rebellion Howells: The Rise of Silas Lapham Vaccination for smallpox becomes mandatory 1886 J. E. Collins: Annette the Mitis Spy City of Vancouver incorporated (P) Toronto Conservatory of Music Susie Frances Harrison ( 1859-- opens 1935): Crowded Out and Other Est. of Canadian Trades and Sketches (P) Labour Congress Mair: Tecumseh (D) Robert Harris: 'A Meeting of the Roberts: In Divers Tones (V) School Trustees' (painting) American Federation of Labour established Hardy: The Mayor of Casterbridge Stevenson: Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde James: The Bostonians 1887 G. M. Adam & Ethelwyn International Copyright Wetherald (1857-1940): an Convention signed (but not by Algonquin Maiden (P) USA) George Frederick Cameron (1854- Cargo shipping via CPR connects 85): Lyrics on Freedom, Love and the Orient with London Death (V) Conan Doyle: A Study in Scarlet 317

DATE AUTHOR AND TITLE EVENT Sarah Anne Curzon (1833-98): Laura Secord (D) Frechette: La ligende d'un peuple (V) (1861-99): Among the Millet (V) T. Phillips Thompson (1843- 1933): The Politics of Labor (P) 1888 Buies: Anglicismes et canadianismes D. of Big (P) De Mille: A Strange Manuscript Found in a Copper Cylinder (P) John Hunter-Duvar (1821-99): De Roberval (D) 1889 (1857- 1954): Songs of the Great Dominion (A) 1890 Sara Jeannette Duncan ( 1861- John J. McLaughlin registers 1922): A Social Departure (P) 'Canada Dry' as a trademark James MacDonald Oxley ( 1855- 1907): Up Among the Ice Floes (P) 1891 S. J. Duncan: An American Girl in Empress of India arrives in port of London (P) Vancouver Goldwin Smith (1823-1910): D. of Rim baud Canada and the Canadian Question (P) 1892 Agnes Maule Machar (1837- 'At the Mermaid Inn' column 1927): Roland Graeme, Knight (P) appeared in the Toronto Globe (to George Parkin ( 1846--1922): 1893) Imperial Federation (P) donated Fort est. as a town (incorporated as the city of Edmonton 1904) Lizzie Borden axe murders

1893 (1861-1929): Low Est. of The Canadian Magazine (to Tide on Grand Pre (V) 1939) T. G. Marquis (1864-1936): Est. of Queen's Quarterfy Stories from Canadian History (P) James Naismith devises game of Roberts: Songs of the Common Day basketball in Almonte, Ontario (V) Death ofTchaikovsky (h. 1840) (1862- 194 7): The Magic House and other poems (V) Egerton Ryerson Young (1840-- 1909): Stories from Indian Wigwams and Northern Campfires ( P) 1894 Joanna E. Wood (1867-1927): The Dreyfus Affair begins to unfold in Untempered Wind (P) France Marshall Saunders (1861-1947): Est. of The Yellow Book (to 1897) Beautiful Joe (P) 318


1895 Carman, with Richard Hovey: Est. of Ecole litteraire de Songs from Vagabondia (V) Montreal (to c. 1930) Lily Dougall (1858--1923): The Est. of The Madonna of a Day (P) Quarter{)' Jules-Paul Tardive! (1851-1905): Trial of Oscar Wilde Pour la patrie (P) Marconi develops 'wireless' Edward William Thomson (1849-- Roentgen develops X-ray 1924): Old Man Savarin and other stories (P; rev. in 1917 as Old Man Savarin Stories: Tales of Canada and Canadians Withrow: Barbara Heck, A Tale if Ear{y in America (P)

1896 S. J. Duncan: His Honour, and a Sir Wilfrid Laurier becomes prime Lady (P) minister Gilbert Parker (1862-1932): The Klondike gold rush begins in the Seats of the Mighty (P) Yukon Roberts: Earth's Enigmas (P) Est. of Maclean's Magazine D. C. Scott: In the Village of Viger Manitoba Schools Question (P) Binet develops IQ test John Watson (1847-1939): Jewett: Country of the Pointed Firs Christianity and I deal ism ( P)

1897 (1848--99): An African Adelaide Hoodless founds the first Millionaire (P) Women's Institute Neree Beauchemin (1850-- D. of Cree leader Almighty Voice 1931): Les jloraisons matulinales (b. 1874) (V) Discovery of the electron William Henry Drummond (1854-1907): The Habitant and other French-Canadian poems (V)

1898 Wilfred Campbell (1858--1918): Doukhobors immigrate to prairies The Dread Voyage (V) Yukon becomes a separate Harrison (as 'Seranus'): The Forest territory; gold rush of Bourg-Marie (P) Spanish-American War Ernest Thompson Seton (1860-- Marie and Pierre Curie discover 1946): Wild Animals I Have Known radium (P) Shaw: Plays Pleasant and Unpleasant Wells: The War if the Worlds

1899 Frechette: Christmas in French Empire Day (24 May, Victoria Canada (P) Day holiday) first celebrated Francis Grey (1860--1939): The Boer War (ends 1902) Cure of St. Philippe (P) Dewey: The School and Society Pamphile Lemay (1837-1918): Sibelius: 'Finlandia' Contes vrais (P) Thorstein Veblen: The Theory of the William McLennan (1856-1904) Leisure Class & Jean Mcllwraith: The Spano' Life (P) 319


1900 Beaugrand: La chasse-galirie (P) Founding of Acadimie Goncourt Norman Duncan (1871-1916): The Max Planck develops quantum Soul of the Street (P) theory Roberts: The Heart of the Ancient Freud: The Interpretation of Dreams Wood (P) Boxer Rebellion in China D. C. Scott, ed.: The Poems of Baum: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Archibald Lampman (V) Conrad: Lord}im Dreiser: Sister Carrie

1901 Richard Maurice Bucke (1837- Johnny Burke (1851-1930) 1902): Cosmic Consciousness (P) publishes first songbook Ralph Connor (pseud., Charles Est. of University of Toronto Gordon; 1860-1937): The Man Press from Glengarry (P) Est. of University Magazine (McGill, to 1920) Carnegie Library system developed Australia becomes independent

1902 S. J. Duncan: Those Delightful Americans (P) Connor: Glengarry School Days (P) Roberts: The Kindred of the Wild (P)

1903 Carman: The Kinship of Nature (P) Seton promotes 'League of Louvigny de Montigny (1876-- Woodcraft Indians' 1955): Les boules de neige performed Sir Charles Saunders appointed (D, published 1935) Dominion cerealist, develops Norman Duncan: The Way of the Marquis wheat in 1904, which Sea (P) becomes commercially available Emile Nelligan ( 18 79--1941): Emile in 1908 Nelligan et son oeuvre (V) Est. of Canadian Associated Press Seton: Two Little Savages (P) (first Canadian wireservice) Alaska boundary settlement South Asian immigration begins Wright Brothers fly plane at Kitty Hawk

1904, S. J. Duncan: The Imperialist (P) Cora Hind (1861-1942) becomes Rodolphe Girard (1879--1956): president of Canadian Women's Marie Calumet (P) Press Club Lemay: Les gouellettes (V) Tommy Ryan devises game of 5-pin bowling, in Toronto Beginnings of German Expressionist movement Barrie: Peter Pan Synge: Riders to the Sea Chekhov: The Cherry Orchard London: The Call of the Wild 320


1905 Frederick Philip Grove {as 'Felix and Saskatchewan enter Paul Greve'; 1879-1948): Fanny Confederation Essler (P) Canadian National Atlas published Einstein publishes first theory of relativity

1906 S. J. Duncan: Set in Authority Est. of McClelland & Stewart Ltd (P) book publishers Wilfred Grenfell (1865--1940): Reginald Fessenden develops Off the Rocks (P) radio tehcnology, makes first Grove (as 'Greve'): public broadcast of music and Maurermeister Ihles Haus (P) voice Stephen Leacock (1869-1944): Elements of Political Science (P)

1907 Robert Service (1874-1958): Andrew MacPhail becomes editor Songs of a Sourdough; The of University Magazine Spell of the Yukon (V) First daily newspaper comic strip Robert Barr (1850-1912): The begins Measure of the Rule (P) Ziegfeld Follies opens in New Albert Lozeau (1878--1924): York L'fime solitaire (V) Robert Baden-Powell founds Boy Scout movement in UK becomes independent Maria Montessori develops educational methodology

1908 W. Campbell: Poetical G. S. Brett (1879-1944) becomes Tragedies (D) philosopher at Trinity College, S. J. Duncan: Cousin Toronto Cinderella (P) Canadian government takes Martin Allerdale Grainger possession of Arctic islands (1874-1941): Woodsmen of the Est. of University of British West (P) Columbia as a branch of McGill William Dawson LeSueur (became independent 1915) (1840-1917): Mackenzie (P; not McLaughlin Carriage Co. published till 1979) produces General Motors cars in Lucy Maud Montgomery (1874-1942): Anne of Green Assembly line production of Gables (P) Model T Fords Nellie McClung (1873-1951): Piltdown Man hoax Sowing Seeds in Danny (P)

1909 Service: Ballads of a Felix Paul Greve's faked suicide Cheeckako (V) Robert E. Peary and other reach Stephan Stephansson (1853- North Pole 1927): Andviikur (V, five Maeterlinck: The Blue Bird subsequent vols appeared to 1938 321


1910 Leacock: Literary Lapses (P) Henri Bourassa founds Montreal daily newspaper Le Devoir Ukrainians immigrate to prairies Mrs Humphrey Ward: Canadian Born

1911 Pauline Johnson Roald Amundsen and others reach ('Tekahionwake', 1861-1913): South Pole Legends of Vancouver (P) Sun Y at-Sen becomes first Leacock: Nonsense Novels (P) president of Chinese republic Igor Stravinsky: 'The Rite of Spring' Discovery of the atomic nucleus

1912 Hector Demers (1878-1921): paints among the Les voix champetres (V) Kwakiutl Pauline Johnson: Flint and Boundaries of Ontario, Quebec Feather (V) and Manitoba extended north to Leacock: Sunshine Sketches their present limit of a Little Town (P) Sinking of the Titanic Camille Roy (1870--1943): Mann: Death in Venice Propos canadiens (P)

1913 Rene Chopin (1885--1953): Le Marius Barbeau (1883-1969) coeur en exit (V) meets American anthropolgist Theodore Goodridge Roberts Franz Boas, and begins collecting (1877-1953): The Toll of the Quebec and indigenous folk tales Tides (P; also pub. as The Vilhjalmur Stefansson leads Harbor Master) Canadian Arctic Expedition (to 1918) First Canadian 4-H Club organised in Manitoba Est. of Le Droit, Ottawa Est. of Ligue des droits du fran~ais (becomes Ligue d'Action fran~ais in 1921) Carl J ung rejects Freudian psychological theory and advances his own Suffragette demonstrations in London and elsewhere Lawrence: Sons and Lovers Proust: A Ia recherche du temps perdu (to 1928)

1914 Albert Hickman (1877-1957): Komagata Maru incident Canadian Nights (P) Serial publication of Louis Leacock: Arcadian Adventures Hernon: Maria Chapdelaine in Le with the Idle Rich (P) Temps (Paris) Adjutor Rivard (1868-1945): First World War (ends 1918) Chez nous (P) Panama Canal completed 322


1915 A. S. Bourinot (1893-1969): Battle of Ypres (poison gas Laurentian Lyrics (V) attacks) Peter McArthur (186&--1924): Buchan: The Thirty-Nine Steps In Pastures Green (P) McClung: In Times Like These (P) Arthur Stringer (1874-1950): Prairie Wife (P)

1916 Leacock: Further Foolishness Manitoba women win right to (P) vote Robert Norwood (1874-1932): Emily Murphy (Janey Canuck', The Witch of Endor (D) 1863-1933) becomes first female Marjorie Pickthall (1883- magistrate in British Empire 1922): The Lamp if Poor Easter Rebellion in Dublin Souls (V) Beginnings of Dadaism David Thompson (1770-1857): Tom Thomson: 'The jack Pine' David Thompson's Narrative (P) (painting)

1917 Est. of Action franfaise Conscription crisis Halifax explosion Women in soldiers' families get the right to vote Est. of D. ofTom Thomson Russian Revolution

1918 Albert Laberge (1877-1960): Est. of Le nigog La scouine (P; tr. as Bitter All women get right to vote Brearf) federally; most provinces Wilson MacDonald ( 1880- extended provincial franchise to 1967): Song of the prairie women by 1925 (Quebec in 1940) land (V) Influenza epidemic Y. Y. Segal (189&--1954): Vun D. of Claude Debussy (b. 1862) Mein Velt (V) Cather: My Antonia

1919 John McCrae (1872-1918): In Est. of The Canadian Bookman Flanders Fields and other (becomes The Canadian Author and poems (V) Bookman in 1943) Jessie Georgina Sime ( 1868-- Canada becomes separate 1958): Sister Woman (P) signatory to the League of Nations Women get right to stand for political office General Strike First aerial survey of Canada Ghandhi organises civil disobedience in India Anderson: Winesburg, Ohio 323


1920 Frank Oliver Call (1878-1956): Est. of Canadian Forum Acanthus & Wild Grape (V) First '' Jean-Aubert Loranger (1896- exhibition 1942): Poemes (V) Arnold Schoenberg develops Frere Marie-Victorin music for 12-tone scale (b. Conrad Kirouac, 1885-1944): Ricits laurentiennes (P) (1868-1947): The Rapids (P) Ray Palmer Baker: A History of English to the Confederation

1921 Edward Sapir (1884-1939): Est. of Canadian Authors Language (P) Association Agnes Macphail becomes first female Member of Parliament Mackenzie King becomes prime minister (to 1948, with two interruptions) Est. of Dalhousie Review Est. of Native Sons ~fCanada Progressive Party becomes official Opposition in federal House Launching of schooner Bluenose Wittgenstein: Tractatus

1922 Lionel (using pseud. William Arthur Deacon (1890-- 'Alonie de Lestres'; 1878- 1977) becomes literary editor of 1967): L 'appel de Ia race (P; tr. Saturday Night (to 1928) as The Iron Wedge, 1986) Lome Pierce (1890--1961) editor Grove: Over Prairie Trails (P) of Ryerson Press (to 1960) Leacock: My Discovery of England Discovery and opening of tomb of (P) King Tutankhamen Paul Morin (1889-1963): Banting and Best, in Toronto, Poemes de cendre et d'or (V) discover insulin (Banting and Pickthall: The Woodcarver's MacLeod win Nobel Prize for Wife and later poems (D, V) medicine 1923) Galsworthy: The Forsyte Saga Joyce: Ulysses Mansfield: The Garden-Party and Other Stories T. S. Eliot: The Waste Land

1923 Lily Adams Beck, using pseud. E. Lome Pierce and Ryerson Press Barrington (d. 1931): The Chaste launch 'Makers of Canada' series Diana (P) Douglas Durkin (1884-1968): The Magpie (P) Tom Macinnes (1867-1951): Roundabout Rhymes (V) Montgomery: Emily of New Moon (P) 324

DATE AUTHOR AND TITLE EVENT Frederick John Niven ( 1878- 1944): justice of the Peace (P) D. C. Scott: The Witching of Elspie (P) E.J. Pratt (1882-1964): Newfoundland Verse (V) Robert Laroque de Roquebrune (1889-1978): Les habits rouges (P) Laura Goodman Salverson (1890- 1970): The Viking Heart (P; rev. 1947)

1924 Georges Bugnet (1879-1981): Amalgamation of Methodists, Nipsya (P) Congregationalists and Archibald MacMechan: Presbyterians into the United Headwaters of Canadian Literature (P) Church of Canada Sir William Stephenson develops wirephoto process Beginnings of Surrealist movement George Gershwin: 'Rhapsody in Bille' Forster: A Passage to India Hemingway: In Our Time Breton: Surrealist Manifesto

1925 Harold Bernard (1898-1979): La Est. of McGill Fortnightly Review (to terre vivante (P) 1927) Hector Charlesworth: Candid Est. of Le cercle Moliere in Saint- Chronicles (P) Boniface Robert Choquette (b. 1905): A 'Bible Bill' Aberhart begins his travers les vents (V) weekly radio broadcasts in Grove: Settlers of the Marsh (P) Alberta DiamondJenness & Helen Scientific aerial photography of Roberts: Songs of the Copper Eskimo Canada begins (intensifies during (A) Second World War, when Arctic Lampman: Lyrics of Earth (V) charting becomes necessary) Leacock: Winnowed Wisdom (P) Scopes 'Monkey Trial' J.-A. Loranger: Le village (P) Charlie Chaplin film The Gold Martha Ostenso (1900-63), with Rush Douglas Durkin (1884-1968): Kafka: The Trial Wild Geese (P) Fitzgerald: The Great Gatsby Pratt: The Witches' Brew (V) Est. of The New Yorker Salverson: When Sparrows Fall (P) Gide: Les faux-monnayeurs

1926 Maurice Constantin-Weyer 'King-Byng Affair'; Balfour (1881-1961): La bourrasque (P) Report Pratt: Titans (V) Bombadier develops snowmobile T. G. Roberts: The Lost Shipmate in Quebec (V) D. C. Scott: The Poems of Duncan Campbell Scott (V) 325


Robert]. C. Stead (1880-1959): Grain (P) Lionel Stevenson: Appraisals of Canadian Literature (P)

1927 Deacon: The Four Jameses (P) Canada sends first ambassador to Mazo de Ia Roche (1879-- Washington 1961):Jalna (P) Labrador-Quebec boundary Grove: A Search for America (P) settlement Basil King (1859--1928): The Lindbergh's non-stop flight across Spreading Dawn (P) the Atlantic Premiere of the first talking motion picture Werner Heisenberg proposes 'uncertainty principle'

1928 (b. 1903): Aird Commission Report on Strange Fugitive (P) broadcasting Constantin-Weyer: Un homme se Est. of Chatelaine penche sur son passe (P) Helen Creighton begins to collect Frank Parker Day (1881-1950): Nova Scotia folk songs (to 1942) Rockbound (P) Fleming discovers penicillin Grove: Our Dai(y Bread (P) : Canadian Short Stories (A) Dorothy Livesay (b. 1909): Green Pitcher (V) B. K. Sandwell (1876-1954): The Privacity Agent and other modest proposals (P)

1929 M. Callaghan: A Native Argo.ry (P) 'Persons' case (privy council rules, Alfred DesRochers (1901-78): A on appeal, that women are l 'ombre de l 'Orford (V) 'persons') Raymond Knister ( 1899--1932): Est. of minimum wage law and White Narcissus (P) old age pension Seton: Krag, the Kootenay Ram and First frozen fish becomes Other Stories (P) commercially available in Maritimes Wall Street financial collapse Faulkner: The Sound and the Fury Woolf: A Room of One's Own

1930 Bernard: La ferme des pins (P) Cairine Wilson becomes first Gonzalve Desaulniers (1863- female senator 1934): Les bois qui chantent (V) Toronto doctors develop Pablum Thomas Gill (pseud. 'Sabattis', Crane: The Bridge 1865-1950): The Heart of Lunenburg Eluard & Breton: L'immaculie (P; his translation called L'itoile de conception Lunenburg) 326


Harold Adams Innis (1894-1952): The in Canada (P) Pratt: The Roosevelt and the Antinoe (V) Charles Yale Harrison (1898-- 1954): Generals Die in Bed (P)

1931 Jovette-Alice Bernier (190~1): Est. of Universiry of Toronto La chair decevante (P) Quarterly R. Choquette: Metropolitan Museum Statute of Westminster creates (V) British Commonwealth Leo-Paul Desrosiers (1896-1967): Cather: Shadows on the Rock Nord-Sud (P) Wetherald: Lyrics and Sonnets (V)

1932 Merrill Denison (1893-1975): The Establishment of Canadian Radio Unheroic North (D) Broadcasting Commission (1909-57): Est. of Masses (to 1934) Ultramarine (P) Founding of Co-operative Pratt: Many Moods (V); The Fable Commonwealth Federation (CCF, of the Goats and Other Poems (V) later NDP or New Democratic Stringer: The Mud Lark (P) Party) Founding of League for Social Reconstruction Game of table hockey is patented Discovery of neutron

1933 (1898--1978): Village First Dominion Drama Festival of Souls (P) Est. of Banff School of Fine Arts Chopin: Dominantes (V) Joe Shuster and Jerry Siegal R. Choquette: Poisies nouvelles (V) develop Superman comic strip Alain Grandbois (1900-75): Ne a Quebec (P) Claude-Henri Grignon (1894- 1976): Un homme et son pichi (P) Grove: Fruits of the Earth (P) Leo Kennedy (b. 1907): The Shrouding (V) Oscar Ryan and the Theatre of Action Collective: Eight Men Speak (D) Eva Senecal (b. 1905): Monjacques (P) Patrick Slater (pseud., John Mitchell, 1~80-1951): The Yellow Briar (P)

1934 Jean-Charles Harvey (1891- Olivar Asselin founds L 'Ordre 1967): Les demi-civilises (P; tr. as Saint-Denys Garneau founds La Fear's Folly) Releve 327


Niven: Triumph (P) Roy Thomson (later Lord Simone Routier-Drouin: Tentations Thomson of Fleet) buys Timmins (V) Press, beginning a newspaper (1861- empire that would later include 1944): Collected Poems (V) the London Times Medje Vezina (b. 1896): Chaque Gideon Sundback is legally heure ason visage (V) established as the inventor and patent-owner of the modern zipper

1935 Archibald Stansfeld Belaney, Aberhart leads Social Credit to using pseud. Grey Owl (1888- power in Alberta 1938): The Adventures of Sajo and 'Bloody Sunday' riots in Her Beaver People (P); Pilgrims of Vancouver the Wild (P) MGM film Rose Marie codifies pop Bugnet: Laforit (P) film version of Canada M. Callaghan: They Shall Inherit the Game of Monopoly first marketed, Earth (P) in USA Jean Charbonneau (1875-1960): Arthur Waley translation of Lady L 'ecole litteraire de Montreal (P) Murasaki: The Tale of Genji Watson Kirkconnell (1895-1977): Canadian Overtones (A) Marie-Victorin: Flore laurentienne (P) Niven: The Flying Years (P) Pratt: The Titanic (V) Francis Sherman (1871-1926): The Complete Poems ... (V)

1936 (1888-1955): Maurice Duplessis founds Union (P) Nationale party (holds power in M. Callaghan: Now that Quebec, with short interruption, April's Here (P) until 1959) W. E. Collin: The White Est. of Canadian Broadcasting Savannahs (P) Corporation and Radio-Canada Louis Dantin (pseud., Eugene Est. of Magazine Seers, 1865-1945): Conies de Est. of New Frontier (to 1937) noel (P) Est. of Sir Ernest MacMillan Fine McClung: Clearing in the Arts Clubs West (P) William Arthur Deacon becomes Jean Narrache (pseud., Emile literary editor of the Globe and Coderre, 1893-1970): Quand Mail (to 1960) j 'pari 'tout seul (V) Spanish Civil War (ends 1939) C. G. D. Roberts: Selected D. of Lorca (b. 1898) Poems (V) Patent for nylon issued A.J. M. Smith & F. R. Scott: Prokofiev: 'Peter and the Wolf New Provinces (A) Cocteau: La machine infernale Herman Voaden (b. 1903): Murder Pattern (D; pub. 1980)

1937 M. Callaghan: More Joy in Governor-General's Awards Heaven (P) initiated (for books published in 328

DATE AUTHOR AND TITLE EVENT John Coulter (1888-1980): 1936); the first prizes for French- The House in the Quiet Glen (D) language works were awarded in D. G. Creighton (1902-79): 1959 The Commercial Empire of Gratien Gelinas begins radio the St. Lawrence (P) sketches 'Fridolinons' (to 1941) Hector de Saint-Denys Trans-Canada Airlines founded Garneau (1912-43): Regards (later Air Canada) et Jeux dans l'espace (V) Emile Legault founds Les Floris Clark McLaren: Frozen Fire Compagnons de Saint-Laurent (V) Duplessis imposes Padlock Law Felix-Antoine Savard (1896-- (rescinded 1957) 1982): Menaud, maitre-draveur D. of Brother Andre (beatified (P; tr. as Boss of the River, 1982) 1947, and as Masterofthe River, 1976)

1938 Desrosiers: Les engages du Gelinas begins annual revue Grand Portage (P) Fridolinades (to 1946, with one Kenneth Leslie (1892-1974): further revue in 1956) By Stubborn Stars (V) A. M. Klein becomes editor of The Niven: Coloured Spectacles (P) Canadian jewish Chronicle Ringuet (pseud., Philippe Founding of Winnipeg Ballet Panneton; 189!>-1960): Trente (becomes Royal Winnipeg Ballet arpents (P; tr. as ) in 1953) Disney animated cartoon Snow White Brecht: The Good Woman of Set:;,uan Sartre: La nausie

1939 Irene Baird (1901-81): Waste Canadian Harold Foster develops Heritage (P) Prince Valiant comic strip Child: Village of Souls (P) Establishment of National Film Franklin Davy McDowell: The Board Champlain Road (P) Canada enters Second World War Sir Andrew Macphail (1864- (ends 1945) 1938): The Master's Wife (P) Rilke: Duino Elegies Anne Marriott (b. 1913): The Wind Our Enemy (V) Howard O'Hagan (1902-82): Tayjohn (P) Salverson: Confessions of an Immigrant's Daughter (P)

1940 A.M. Klein (1909-72): Hath Claude Hurtubise and Robert Not a Jew ... (V) Charbonneau found Les Editions Antoine-]. Leger (1880-1950): de l'Arbre Elle et lui (P) Canadian William Stephenson Pratt: Bribeuf and His becomes British intelligence agent Brethren (V) 'Intrepid' Est. of unemployment insurance in Canada 329


Rowell-Sirois Report on federal- provincial economic relations Pound: Cantos

1941 Emily Carr (1871-1945): Klee Alan Crawley founds Contemporary Hyck (P) Verse (to 1952) Robert Charbonneau (1911- Kenneth Millar (1915-83) 67): Ils possideront Ia terre (P) emigrates to USA and a career as Hugh MacLennan (b. 1907): the mystery writer 'Ross Barometer Rising (P) Macdonald' Pratt: Dunkirk (V) Est. of Service du (b. 1908): As cinephotographie a Quebec For Me and My House (P) (becomes Office du film du Sullivan: Three Came to Quebec in 1961) Ville Marie

1942 (b. 1904): Conscription plebiscite (Quebec David (V) opposes by 72%; other provinces Carr: The Book of Small (P) approve by 80%) Ronald Hambleton: Unit of Dieppe raid Five (A) Est. of First Statement and Preview Anne Hebert (b. 1916): Les Internment of Japanese- songes en iquilibre (V) Canadians A. Laberge: La fin du Est. of Bloc Populaire to oppose voyage (P) conscription Leacock: My Remarkable First atomic chain reaction Uncle (P) Guy Sylvestre: Anthologie de Ia poisie quibicoise (A)

1943 E. K. Brown (1905-51): On D. of critic Camille Roy (b. 1870) Canadian Poetry (P) First Rodgers and Hammerstein Bruce Hutchison (b. 1901): musical The Unknown Country (P) Lampman: At the Long Sault and other new poems (V) Felix Leclerc (b. 1914): Adagio (P) A.J. M. Smith (1902-80): News of the Phoenix and other poems (V) A. J. M. Smith: A Book of Canadian Poetry (A; rev. 1948, 1957) A. E. van Vogt (b. 1912): The Weapon Makers (P)

1944 Carr: The House of All Sorts (P) Beginning of the CBC 'Stage' (1913-79): Storm series (to 1955), involving Below (P) playwrights Andrew Allan (1907- ( 1913-65): 74), Fletcher Markle, Len (P) Peterson, Joseph Schull, Lister 330


Grandbois: Les fles de Ia Sinclair, Gerald Noxon, Mavor nuit (V) Moore, Reuben Ship and others Grove: The Master of the RCMP vessel St. Roch completes Mill (P) first two-way Arctic crossing A. M. Klein: Poems (V); The First CCF government elected (in Hitleriad (V) Saskatchewan) F. Leclerc: Allegro (P) landing Uune 6) Roger Lemelin (b. 1919): Au Borges: Ficciones pied de Ia pente douce (P; tr. as TheTown Below) Livesay: Day and Night (V) P. K. Page (using pseud. 'Judith Cape'; b. 1916): The Sun and the Moon (P) Yves Theriault (1915-83): Conies pour un homme seul (P) 1945 Will R. Bird (b. 1891): Here Est. of family allowance Stays Good Yorkshire (P) First edn of Dr Spock's Baby and Birney: Now Is Time (V) Child Care Child: Day of Wrath (P) Aaron Copland: 'Appalachian Robert Fontaine (1911-65): Spring' The Happy Time (P) Atomic bombs dropped on Grandbois: Avant le chaos (P) Hiroshima and Nagasaki Germaine Guevremont (1893- 1968): Le survenant (P) MacLennan: (P) de Montigny: Au pays de Quebec (P) (1909--83): Bonheur d'Occasion (P), wins Prix Femina, tr. as F. R. Scott (1899--1985): Overture (V) Elizabeth Smart (1914-86): By Grand Central Station I Sat Down and Wept (P) Miriam Waddington (b. 1917): Green World (V)

1946 Winifred Bambrick: Est. of Les cahiers de Ia file Continental Revue (P) indienne Grove: In Search of Myself (P) Luc Lacourciere begins publishing Roderick Haig-Brown (1908- studies in comparative folklore 76): Starbuck Valley Winter (P) John Morgan Gray (1907-78) Gilles Henault (b. 1920): becomes president of Macmillan Thilitre en plein air (V) of Canada Innis: Empire and Dora founds New Communications (P) Play Society Leacock: The Boy I Left becomes editor Behind Me (P) of Peterborough Examiner (to 1963) 331


A. R. M. Lower: Colony to Nation (P) Joyce Marshall (b. 1913): Presently TomoffOW (P) Christine van der Mark (1917-69}: In Due Season (P) Robert Finch (b. 1900): Poems (V) 1947 Robertson Davies (b. 1913}: The Canadian Citizenship established Diary of Samuel Marchbanks (P} Oil discoveries in Alberta Claude Gauvreau (1925--71}: Bien­ Test flights break the sound Eire (D) barrier Grove: Consider Her Ways (P) India and Pakistan become Guevremont: Marie-Didace (P) independent Paul Hiebert (1892-1987}: Sarah Binks (P) Livesay: Poems for People (V) Lowry: Under the Volcano (P) Edward McCourt (1907-72): Music at the Close (P) W. 0. Mitchell: Who Has Seen the Wind(P) Pratt: Behind the Log (V} D. C. Scott: The Circle of Affection (P,V) Jean Simard (b. 1916): Filix (P) Raymond Souster (b. 1921}: Go to Sleep World (V) John Sutherland: Other Canadians (A) Ethel Wilson (1888-1980): Hetty Dorval (P)

1948 Pierre Baillargeon (1916-67): La North Magnetic pole located neige et le feu (P) James Houston sets up co­ Paul-Emile Borduas: Rifus Global operatives, encouraging (P; tr. 1986, ed. Ray Ellenwood) development of Birney: Strait of Anian (V) Gerhard Herzberg joins National Eddy Boudreau (1914-54): La vie Research Council (wins Nobel en croix (V) Prize for physics, 1971) Jean Bruchesi (b. 1901): Canada F. R. (Budge) Crawley: The Loon's (P) Necklace (film) (1902-79): Deeper State of Israel established by into the Forest (V) United Nations Gelinas: Tit-Coq (D) Assassination of Gandhi Grandbois: Rivages de l'homme (V) Kinsey Report A. M. Klein: The Rocking Chair and Other Poems (V) Henry Kreisel (b. 1922): The Rich Man (P) Paul-Marie Lapointe (b. 1929): Le vierge incendii (V) 332


Lemelin: Les Plouffe (P) Douglas Le Pan (b. 1914): The Wounded Prince (V) Franc;oise Loranger (b. 1913): Mathieu (P) Jean-Jules Richard (1911-75): Neufjours de haine (P) : A Play on Words and Other Radio Plays (D)

1949 Birney: Turvey (P) Newfoundland enters Coulter: Riel (D; printed 1962; Confederation rev. 1975) Mao Tse-Tung comes to power in Napoleon-P. Landry (1884-1956): China Poemes de mon pays (V) (Norman Bethune is involved as a Len Peterson (b. 1917): Chipmunk doctor on the 'Long March') (P) : Le deuxieme James Reaney (b. 1926): The Red sexe Heart (V) Orwell: Ninteen Eighty-Four Saint-Denys Garneau: Poisies Miller: Death of a Salesman completes (V) Wilson: The Innocent Traveller (P)

1950 Catherine Anthony Clark (1892- Est. of Cite libre (to 1966) 1977): The Golden Pine Cone (P) Horace Gold (b. 1914) founds Donat Coste (1912-57): L'enfant Galaxy magazine nair (P) The Beaver bush plane developed Davies: At My Heart's Core (D) Korean War (ends 1952) Robert Elie (1915-73): La fin des songes (P) Anne Hebert: Le torrent (P) Livesay: Call My People Home (D) Thomas Raddall (b. 1903): The Nymph and the Lamp (P) G. Roy: La petite poule d'eau (P) Bertrand Vac (pseud., Aime Pelletier, b. 1914): Louise Genest (P)

1951 Charles Bruce (190&-71): The Founding of National Ballet of Mulgrave Road (V) Canada M. Callaghan: The Loved and the Potlatch ceremony allowed again Lost (P) by law Dantin: Les enfances de Fanny (P) Est. of Canadian Folk Music Davies: Tempest-Tost (P) Society Rodolphe Dube (pseud. 'Franc;ois Hertel'; 1905-85): Mes naujrages (V) Sylvain Garneau (1930--53): Objets trouvis (V) Innis: The Bias of Communication (P) 333

DATE AUTHOR AND TITLE EVENT A. M. Klein: The Second Scroll (P) Andre Langevin (b. 1927): Evadi de la nuit (P) (b. 1912): The Black Huntsman (V) MacLennan: Each Man's Son (P) Roquebrune: Testament demon enfance (P) Kay Smith (b. 1911): Footnote to the Lord's Prayer (V) Roger Vi au (b. 1906): Au milieu, la montagne (P) Anne Wilkinson (1910--61): Counterpoint to Sleep (V)

1952 Ted Allan (b. 1916): The Scalpel, Canadian television begins The Sword (P; rev. 1971) Vincent Massey becomes first Birney: Trial rif a Ciry (D; also Canadian-born Governor-General pub. as The Damnation of Fred Cogswell (b. 1917) becomes Vancouver) editor of Fiddlehead and founds Ernest Buckler (1908-84): The Fiddlehead Books Mountain and the Vallry (P) Raymond Souster founds Contact Layton, Dudek and Souster: (to 1954) Cerberus (V) Norman McLaren: Neighbors Lemilin: Pierre le magnifique (P; tr. (film) as In Quest of Splendour) Barbara Pentland: The Lake Norman Levine (b. 1923): The (opera; lyrics by Dorothy Angled Road (P) Livesay) Nelligan: Poisies completes, 1896- Est. of Quarry 1899 (V; comp. Luc Lacourciere) Lester Pearson becomes President Aime Pelletier: Deux portes ... une of the UN General Assembly adresse (P) Universal Copyright Act Pratt: Towards the Last Spike (V) Fanon: Peau noire, masques blancs Theriault: Le samaritain (D; pub. Beckett: Waiting for Godot 1958) Paul Toupin (b. 1918): Brutus (D; pub. 1955) Wilson: The Equations of Love (P) George Woodcock (b. 1912): Ravens and Prophets (P)

1953 R. Choquette: Suite marine (V) Miron helps found Editions de Anne Hebert: Le tombeau des rois l'Hexagone (V) Est. of National Library of Henault: Totems (V) Canada A. Langevin: Poussiere sur la ville Est. of C/V/n (to 1955) (P) John Beckwith: The Night-Blooming Layton: Love the Conqueror Worm Cereus (opera; lyrics by James (V) Reaney) Le Pan: The Net and the Sword (V) Est. of Gaston Miron (b. 1928) and Edmund Hilary and Tenzing Olivier Marchand: Deux sangs (V) Norkay conquer Mt Everest 334


1954 Fred Bodsworth (b. 1918): The Alex Colville: 'Horse and Train' Last of the Curlews ( P) (painting) Bruce: The Channel Shore (P) Jonas Salk developes polio vaccine Davies: Leaven of Malice (P) Hubert Evans (1892-1986): Mist on the River (P) Saint-Denys Garneau: Journal (P) (1919-82): The Fall of a Titan (P) Layton: The Long Pea-shooter (V) Page: The Metal and the Flower (V) Malcolm Ross: Our Sense of Identity (D) Reuben Ship: The Investigator (D) Theriault: Aaron (P) Wilson: Swamp Angel (P)

1955 Birney: Down the Long Table (P) Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: Le Thomas B. Costain (1885-1965): phinomene humain The Tontine (P) Davies: Hunting Stuart (D) Marcel Dube (b. 1930): Zone (D) (b. 1918): Europe (V) James Houston (b. 1921): Canadian Eskimo Art (P) PatriciaJoudry: Teach Me How to Cry (D) Carl Klinck & R. E. Watters: Canadian Anthology (A; rev. 1966, 1974) Layton: The Cold Green Element (V) (b. 1921): The Lonely Passion ofjudith Hearne (P) (b. 1931): Son of a Smaller Hero (P) G. Roy: Alexandre Chenevert (P; tr. as The Cashier); Rue Deschambault (P) Sandwell: The Diversions of Duchesstown (P) Wilfred Watson (b. 1911): Friday's Child (V) Wilkinson: The Hangman Ties the Holly (V)

1956 Leonard Cohen (b. 1934): Let Us Est. of The Tamarask Review (to Compare Mythologies (V) 1982) (b. 1922): The Other L. B. Pearson devises UN Peace Paris (P) Force system (wins Nobel Peace Layton: The Bull Calf and other Prize 1957) poems (V); The Improved Binoculars Hungarian Revolution (V) Elvis Presley initiates rock-&-roll 335


Elizabeth Loosley: Crestwood Civil rights protests begin in USA Heights (P) J. Simard: Monfils pourtant heureux (P) Lister Sinclair (b. 1921): The Blood Is Strong (D) Wilkinson: Lions in the Way (P) (b. 1928): The Sacrifice ( P)

1957 Patrick Anderson (1915--79): Est. of Canada Council Search Me (P) Louis Dudek founds Delta (to Northop Frye (b. 1912): Anatomy of 1966) Criticism (P) Ellen Fairclough becomes first Grandbois: L'itoile pourpre (V) female federal cabinet minister D. G. Jones (b. 1929): Frost on the USSR launches space satellite Sun (V) 'Sputnik' Jay Macpherson (b. 1931): The Boatman (V) John Marlyn (b. 1912): Under the Ribs of Death (P) Richler: A Choice of Enemies (P) Dorothy Roberts: Dazzle (V) F. R. Scott & A.J. M. Smith: The Blasted Pine (A) Pierre Trottier (b. 1925): Poemes de Russie (V)

1958 Gerard Bessette (b. 1920): La Est. of bagarre (P) reprint series Ronald Despres (b. 1935): Silences Richard and Mary Bonnycastle anourrir de sauf (V) buy Harlequin Books of Dudek: En Mexico (V) Winnipeg, and transform it into R. G. Everson (b. 1903): A Lattice an international Romance for Momos (V) publisher Ralph Gustafson: The Penguin Book Michel Brault & Gilles Carle: Les of Canadian Verse (A; rev. 1967) raquetteurs (film) Anne Hebert: Les chambres de bois F. R. Scott wins the Roncarelli v. (V) Duplessis case F. Leclerc: Le fou de llle ( P) Levine: Canada Made Me (P) Colin McDougall (b. 1917): ( P) Desmond Pacey (1917-75): The Picnic and other stories (P) Pratt: Collected Poems (V) Theriault: Agaguk (P) Michel Van Schendel (b. 1929): Poemes de l 'Amerique itrangere (V)

1959 John Buell (b. 1927): The Pyx (P) Opening of Saint Lawrence Marie-Claire Blais (b. 1939): La Seaway belle bete (P; tr. as Mad Shadows) Founding of Canadian Literature 336


M. Callaghan: Morley Callaghan's Founding of Liberti Stories (P) D. of Maurice Duplessis (b. 1890) Edmund Carpenter: Anerca (A) Fidel Castro takes power in Cuba George Grant (b. 1918): Philosophy Unexpurgated version of in the Mass Age (P) Lawrence's Lady Chatterley's Lover Henault: Voyage au pays de mimoire published in USA (V) Grass: The Tin Drum Michele Lalonde (b. 1937): Geoles (V) Layton: A Red Carpet for the Sun (V) MacLennan: The Watch that Ends the Night (P) Raddall: At the Tide's Turn and other stories (P) Richler: The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz (P) Savard: Le barachois (P,V) J. Simard: Les sentiers de Ia nuit (P) Sheila Watson (b. 1909): The Double Hook (P)

1960 Margaret Avison (b. 1918): Winter Jean Lesage becomes Premier of Sun (V) Quebec; beginnings of 'Quiet Bessette: Le libraire (P; tr. as Not Revolution' for Every Eye) succeeds Alan Blais: Tete blanche (P) Jarvis as Director of the National Patricia Blondal (1926-59): A Gallery Candle to Light the Sun (P) Kenojuak: 'The Enchanted Owl' Jean-Paul Desbiens (b. 1927): Les (print) insolences du Frere Untel (P; tr. as Passenger jet service links The Impertinences of Brother Vancouver and Toronto Anonymous) Est. of Alphabet (to 1971) Gelinas: Bousille et les justes (D) Robert Duncan: The Opening of the P.-M. Lapointe: Choix de poemes­ Field arbres (V) (1926-87): This Side Jordan (P) MacLennan: Scotchman's Return and other essqys ( P) Claire Martin (b. 1914): Doux-amer (P) B. Moore: The Luck of Ginger Coffey (P) Theriault: Ashini (P) Gerard Tougas: Histoire de Ia littirature canadienne-fran(aise (P) Frank Underhill (1889-1971): In Search of Canadian Liberalism (P) Gilles Vigneault (b. 1928): Conies sur le pointe des pieds ( P) Voaden: Emily Carr (D) 337


David Walker (b. 1911): Where the High Winds Blow (P) : The Oxford Book of Canadian Short Stories (A; three further series followed) Wilkinson: Swann and Daphne (P)

1961 Pierre Berton (b. 1920): The Secret Est. of Livres et auteurs canadiens World of Og (P) (changed to ' ... auteurs Bessette: Les pedagogues (P) quebecois' in 1969) Sheila Burnford: The Incredible Est. of Tish (to 1969) journey (P) L. Cohen: The Spice Box of Earth (V) Diane Giguere (b. 1940): Le temps des jeux (P; tr. as Innocence) Jacques Hebert (b. 1923) and Pierre Elliott Trudeau (b. 1919): Deux innocents en Chine rouge (P) Daryl Hine (b. 1936): The Prince of Darkness & Co. (P) Laurence: The Stone Angel (P) Layton: The Swinging Flesh (V) Jean LeMoyne (b. 1913): Convergences (P) Lowry: Hear Us 0 Lord from Heaven Thy Dwelling Place (P) MacLennan: Seven Rivers of Canada (P) W. L. Morton (1908-81): The (P) Yves Prefontaine (b. 1937): Pays sans parole (V) John Reeves: A Beach of Strangers (D) G. Roy: La montagne secrete (P) Wilson: Mrs Golightly and Other Stories (P)

1962 Ralph Allen (1913-66): Ask the Lesage election slogan 'maitres Name of the Lion (P) chez nous' Birney: Ice Cod Bell or Stone (V) Completion of Trans-Canada Coulter: Riel (D) Highway Dantin: Poemes d'outre-tombe (V) COMPAC telephone cable links (b. 1923): Running Vancouver Island with Australia to Paradise (P) and New Zealand George Elliott: The Kissing Man Opening of Trans-Canada (P) Highway Jacques Ferron (1921-85): Contes Canada's first communications du pays incertain (P) satellite, Alouette I, launched in Arthur Hailey: In High Places (P) California 338


Henault: Semaphore (V) Shaw Festival begins at Niagara­ Hugh Hood (b. 1928): Flying a Red on-the-Lake Kite (P) Neptune Theatre opens, Halifax Jacques Languirand (b. 1931): Les Michael Snow: 'Walking Woman' insolites (D) series (painting) Gatien Lapointe (1931-83): L'ode Jamaica becomes independent au St. Laurent (V) Crick and Watson determine the Lowry: Selected Poems (V) structure of DNA Marshall McLuhan (1911--80): Discovery of quasars The Gutenberg Galaxy (P) Gilles Marcotte: Une littirature qui sefait (P) Martin: Quandj'aurai payi ton visage (P) W. 0. Mitchell: jake and the Kid (P); The Kite (P) Eric Nicol (b. 1919): A Herd of Yaks (P) AI Purdy (b. 1918): Poems for All the Annettes (V) Reaney: The Killdeer and other plays (D) Wilfred Watson: Cockcrow and the Gulls (D) Phyllis Webb (b. 1927): The Sea Is Also a Garden (V) George Whalley: The Legend ofjohn Hornby (P) (b. 1934): Peace Shall Destroy Many (P) Woodcock: Anarchism (P)

1963 M. Callaghan: That Summer in Paris Jacques Ferron founds Rhinoceros (P) Party L. Cohen: The Favorite Game (P) Est. of Parti pris (to 1968) Frye: The Educated Imagination (P) J. Tuzo Wilson posits 'hot spot' Garner: Hugh Garner's Best Stories theory of continental drift (P) Discovery of Contes d'Acadie Laurence: The Tomorrow-Tamer (P); manuscript The Prophet's Camel Bell (P; Am. Est. ofCharlottetown Festival title: New Wind in a Dry Land) Bill Bissett issues blew ointment (to Layton: Balls for a One-Armed 1968) juggler (V) US President John Kennedy Gwendolyn MacEwen (1941-87): assassinated Julian the Magician (P) Roy Thomson becomes Baron Louise Maheux-Forcier (b. 1929): Thomson of Fleet Amadou (P) Stegner: Wolf Willow Suzanne Martel: Quatre Montrialais Robbe-Grillet: Pour un nouveau en /'an 3000 (P; tr. as The Ciry roman Underground) Farley Mowat (b. 1921): Never Cry Woif(P) 339


Rich1er: The Incomparable Atuk (P; Am. title Stick Your Neck Out) George Ryga (1932-87): Hungry Hills (P) Trottier: Mon Babel (P)

1964 Birney: November Walk Near False Don Owen: Nobody Waved Good-bye Creek Mouth (V) (film) Roch Carrier (b. 1937):Jolis deuils Maple leaf flag adopted (P) 'Beatlemania' reaches North Paul Chamberland (b. 1939): America L 'a.ffuheur hurle (V) L. Cohen: Flowers for Hitler (V) Gallant: My Heart Is Broken (P; Eng. title: An Unmarried Man's Summer) Haig-Brown: Fisherman's Fall (P) Claude Jasmin (b. 1930): Ethel et le terroriste (P) Layton: The Laughing Rooster (V) Le Pan: The Deserter (P) McLuhan: Understanding Media (P) Eli Mandel (b. 1922): Black and Secret Man (V) Suzanne Paradis (b. 1936): Pour les enfants des morts (V) Jacques Renaud (b. 1943): Le cassi (P) Jane Rule (b. 1931): Desert of the Heart (P) F. R. Scott: Signature (V) Souster: The Colour of the Times (V) Van Schendel: Variations sur Ia pierre (V)

1965 Hubert Aquin (1929--77): Prochain Nicole est. La barre du jour episode (P) (becomes La nouvelle barre dujour in Bessette: L 'incubation ( P) 1977) Blais: Une saison dans Ia vie Stan Bevington founds Coach d'Emmanuel (P) House Press Jacques Brault (b. 1933): Mimoire Citadel Theatre opens, Edmonton (V) Gilles Carle: La vie heureuse de Diane Giguere: L 'eau est profonde Leopold Z. (film) (P; tr. as Whirlpool) Jacques Godbout (b. 1933): Le couteau sur Ia table (P) Grant: Lament for a Nation (P) Carl Klinck (b. 1908): Literary (2nd edn, 1976) F. Loranger: Une maison, unjour (D) Lowry: Selected Letters (P) Martin: Dans un gant de fer ( P) 340


B. Moore: The Emperor of Ice-cream (P) Mavor Moore, Donald Harron & Norman Campbell: Anne of Green Gables (D; musical adaptation of Montgomery) Claude Peloquin (b. 1942): Les mondes assujettis (V) John Porter: The Vertical Mosaic (P) Purdy: Cariboo Horses (V) Francis Sparshott (b. 1926): A Divided Voice (V) Vigneault: Quand les bateaux s'en vont (V) Joe Wallace (1890-1975): A Radiant Sphere (V) Webb: Naked Poems (V)

1966 (b. 1939): The First volume of Dictionary of Circle Game (V) Canadian Biography/ Dictionnaire Avison: The Dumbfounding (V) biographique du Canada published L. Cohen: Beautiful Losers (P) Medicare legislation passed (all Ramsay Cook (b. 1931): Canada provinces join scheme by 1972) and the French-Canadian Question (P) Barth: Giles Goat-Boy Coulter: Deirdre (D) Rejean Ducharme (b. 1942): L 'avalie des avalis (P) Raoul Duguay: Ruts (V) Madeleine Ferron (b. 1922): Coeur de sucre (P) M. Ferron: La fin des loups-garous (P) Finch: Silverthorn Bush (V) Christie Harris (b. 1907): Raven's Cry (P) Harold Horwood (b. 1923): Tomorrow Will Be Sunday (P) Laurence: (P) MacEwen: A Breakfast for Barbarians (V) Martin: Lajoue droite (P) Richard Outram (b. 1930): Exultate,jubilate (V) G. Roy: La route d'Altamont (P) Paul StPierre: Breaking Smith's Quarter Horse (P) Tremblay: Contes pour buveurs attardis (P) Vigneault: Contes du coin de l'oeil (P)

1967 Austin Clarke (b. 1932): The Report of the Bilingualism and Meeting Point (P) Biculturalism Commission 341


Eugene Cloutier: Le Canada sans Est. of Voix et images passeport (P) Est. of House of Anansi by Dave George Clutesi (b. 1905): Son of Godfrey & Raven, Son of Deer (P) Centennial celebrations (Expo 67) Coulter: The Trial of Louis Riel (D) Harry Somers: Louis Riel (opera; Ducharme: Le nez:. qui voque (P) lyrics by Mavor Moore and Dudek: Atlantis (V) Jacques Languirand) Bernard Epps (b. 1936): Pi!garlic Paul Almond: Isabel (film) the Death (P) First human heart transplant Jean Ethier-Blais: Signets (P) (b. 1930): The Last of the Crazy People (P) Frye: The Modem Century (P) Godbout: Salut Galarneau! (P) (b. 1938): Death Goes Better with Coca-Cola (P) Eldon Grier (b. 1917): Pictures on the Skin (V) Robert Gurik (b. 1932): Le pendu (D) John Herbert (b. 1926): Fortune and Men's Eyes (D) Hiebert: Willows Revisited (P) Hood: Around the Mountain (P) Layton: Periods of the Moon (V) Livesay: The Unquiet Bed (V) MacLennan: Return of the Sphinx (P) Mandel: An Idiot joy (V) Page: Cry Ararat! (V) Peloquin: Manifeste infra suivis des Emissions paralleles (V) Peterson: The Great Hunger (D) Heather Spears: The Danish Portraits (V) Scott Symons (b. 1933): Place d'Armes (P) Audrey Thomas (b. 1935): Ten Green Bottles (P) Vigneault: Les gens de mon pays (V) 1968 Aquin: Trou de mimoire (P) Pierre Elliott Trudeau becomes Blais: Les manuscrits de Pauline prime minister (holds power, with Archange (P) short interruption, to 1984) (b. 1935): Rocky Death of composer Healey Willan Mountain Foot (V) (b. 1880) Buckler: Ox Bells and Fireflies (P) Theatre Passe- Muraille opens, Carrier: La guerre,yes sir! (P) Toronto L. Cohen: Songs of Leonard Cohen Robert Fulford (b. 1932) becomes (with music) editor of Saturday Night (to 1987) J. Ferron: Conies anglais et autres Est. of Radio-Quebec ( P); Contes inidits ( P); La charrette Opening of Rochdale College (P) (closes 1975) 342


Garner: Cabbage/own (P; Joyce Wieland: 'Reason Over unexpurgated edition) Passion' (art work) Gelinas: Hier les enfants dansaient European student riots (D) Grandbois: Alain Grandbois (A) Gurik: Hamlet, prince du Quebec (D) Don Gutteridge (b. 1937): Riel (V) Red Lane (1936-64): Collected Poems of Red Lane (V) Lowry: Dark as the Grave Wherein My Friend Is Laid (P) Jack Ludwig (b. 1922): Above Ground (P) (b. 1931): Dance of the Happy Shades (P) Alden Nowlan (1933--83): Miracle at Indian River (P) Paradis: L'oeuvre de Pierre (V) R. M. Patterson (1898-1984): Finlay's River (P) Jean-Guy Pilon (b. 1930): Comme eau retenue (V) S. Ross: The Lamp at Noon and other stories (P) W. W. E. Ross (1894-1966): Shapes and Sounds (V) Adrien Therio: Soliloque en hommage aunefemme (P) Michel Tremblay (b. 1942): Les belles-soeurs (D) Pierre Vallieres (b. 193 7): Negres blancs d'Ameriques (P) Woodcock: The Doukhobors (P)

1969 (1923-86): I've Canadian Official Languages Act Tasted My Blood (V) Neil Armstrong becomes first man Aquin: L 'Antiphonaire (P) on moon Atwood: The Edible Woman (P) Woodstock concerts Elizabeth Brewster (b. 1922): Violent anti-Vietnam protests Passage of Summer (V) American draft-dodgers continue Carrier: Floralie, ou es-tu (P) to emigrate to Canada Ducharme: La .fille de Christophe Colomb (V) J. Ferron: Le ciel de Quebec (P; tr. 1985 as The Penniless Redeemer) Marya Fiamengo (b. 1926): Overheard at the Oracle (V) Findley: The Butterfly Plague (P) Joan Finnigan (b. 1925): script for film The Best Damn Fiddler from Calabogie to Kaladar 343

DATE AUTHOR AND TITLE EVENT R. A. D. Ford (b. 1915): The Solitary City (V) Lawrence Garber (b. 1937): Garber's Tales from the Quarter (P) Kent Gooderham: I Am an Indian (A) Phyllis Gotlieb (b. 1926): Ordinary, moving (V) Grant: Technology and Empire (P) Ralph Gustafson (b. 1909): Ixion's Wheel (V) (b. 1927): The Studhorse Man (P) Michele Lalonde: 'Speak White' (V) Laurence: The Fire-Dwellers (P) Livesay: Plainsongs (V) MacEwen: The Shadow-Maker (V) Ruth Nichols (b. 1948): A Walk Out of the World (P) Zebedee Nungak & Eugene Arima: Stories from Povungnituk, Quebec (A) Laurence]. Peter (b. 1919) and Raymond Hull (1919-85): The Peter Principle (P) Jacques Poulin (b. 1937):Jimmy (P) Reaney: Colours in the Dark (D) Beverley Simons (b. 1938): Crabdance (D) Ray Smith (b. 1941): Cape Breton is the Thought Control Center of Canada (P) Waddington: Say Yes (V) Wilfred Watson: Let's Murder Clytemnestra, According to the Principles of Marshall McLuhan (D)

1970 Atwood: The Journals of Susanna 'October Crisis' (FLQ bombings; Moodie (V) kidnapping and murder of Pierre Monique Bosco (b. 1927): La femme Laporte; War Measures Act) de Loth (P) Ken Gass establishes Factory Davies: (P) Theatre Lab in Toronto J. Ferron: L'amilanchier (P) Formation of the sound poetry Alan Fry: How a People Die (P) performance group The Four John Glassco (1909-81): Memoirs of Horsemen Montparnasse (P); The Poetry of Don Shebib: Coin' Down the Road French Canada in Translation (A) (film) Godfrey: The New Ancestors (P) Report on the Status of Women in Jacques Grand'Maison (b. 1931): Canada Nationalisme et religion (P) Germaine Greer: The Female Eunuch Anne Hebert: Kamouraska (P) 344


Percy Janes (b. 1922): House of Hate (P) George Jonas (b. 1935): The Happy Hungry Man (V) D. G. Jones: Butterfly on Rock (P) Nairn Kattan (b. 1928): Le riel et le thifltral (P) Laurence: A Bird in the House (P) Andre Laurendeau (1912-68): Ces chases qui nous arrivent (P) Levine: From a Seaside Town (P) Lowry: October Ferry to Gabriola (P) Markoosie (Markoosie Patsauq, b. 1942): Harpoon of the Hunter (P) John Metcalf (b. 1938): The Lady Who Sold Furniture (P) Gaston Miron (b. 1928): L'homme rapailli (V; tr. in part as The Agonized Life and as Embers and Earth) bp Nichol (b. 1944): The Cosmic Chif(V) Nowlan: Playing the Jesus Game (V) (b. 1943): The Collected Works of Billy the Kid (V) Fernand Ouellette (b. 1930): Les actes retrouvis (P) G. Roy: La riviere sans repos (P; tr. as Windflower) Rule: This Is Not for You (P) Bertram Warr (1917-43): Acknowledgement to Life (V) Woodcock: Canada and the Canadians (P) Richard Wright (b. 1937): The Weekend Man (P)

1971 Berton: The National Dream (P) Est. of Canadian Fiction Magazine Bessette: Le cycle (P) Tarragon Theatre opens, Toronto Birney: Rag and Bone Shop (V) D. of theatre critic Nathan Cohen Bill Bissett (b. 1939): Nobody owns (b. 1923) th earth (V) William French becomes literary Michael Bullock (b. 1918): Green editor of the Toronto Globe Beginning, Black Ending (P) Claude J utra: Carrier: Il est par la le solei[ (P; tr. (film) as Is It the Sun, Philibert?) Founding of Inuit Brotherhood A. Clarke: When He Was Free and (later Tapirisat) Young and He Used to Wear Silks (P) Dudek: Collected Poetry (V) Frye: The Bush Garden (P) Gauvreau: Ouevres criatrices completes (D); Les oranges sont vertes (D) 345

DATE AUTHOR AND TITLE EVENT Glassco: Selected Poems (V) Hood: The Fruit Man, The Meat Man and the Manager (P) P.-M. Lapointe: Le riel absolu (V) MacEwen: King if Egypt, King of Dreams (P) George McWhirter (b. 1939): The Catalan Poems (V) Antonine Maillet (b. 1929): (D) Munro: Lives of Girls and Women (P) Martin Myers (b. 1927): The Assignment (P) Pitseolak: Pictures Out of My Life (P) Richler: St. Urbain's Horseman (P) Ryga: The Ecstasy of Rita joe and other plays (D) Chris Scott (b. 1945): Bartleby (P) Leo Simpson (b. 1934): Arkwright (P) Ronald Sutherland (b. 1933): Snow Lark (P); Second Image (P) 1972 Acorn: More Poems for People (V) Anik I inaugurates Canadian Atwood: Survival (P); Surfacing (P) communications satellite system Alfred Bailey (b. 1905): Culture and Barry Callaghan founds Exile Nationality (P) Founding of Green Thumb Victor-Levy Beaulieu (b. 1945): Un Theatre for Young People, reve quibicois (P) Vancouver Carol Bolt (b. 1941): Buffalo jump Gilles Carle: Le vraie nature de (D) Bernadette (film) Juan Butler (1942-81): The Est. ofLennoxville Festival (to Garbageman (P) 1982) Carr: Fresh Seeing (P) Est. of a federal ministry (b. 1942): Columbus responsible for Multiculturalism and the Fat Lady ( P) Davies: (P) J. Ferron: Le Saint-Elias (P); La chaise du marichal ]errant ( P) David Freeman (b. 1947): Creeps (D) Gustafson: Selected Poems (V) Robert Harlow (b. 1923): Scann (P) David Helwig (b. 1938): The Best Name of Silence (V) Henault: Signaux pour les voyants (V) Ann Henry (b. 1914): Lulu Street (D) Houston: Songs if the Dream People (P) George johnston (b. 1913): Happy Enough (V) 346

DATE AUTHOR AND TITLE EVENT Harold Sonny Ladoo (1945--73): No Pain Like This Body (P) A. Langevin: L'ilan d'Amirique (P) Rina Lasnier (b. 1915): Poemes I & 1/(V) Layton: Engagements (P; ed. Seymour Mayne) Dennis Lee (b. 1939): Civil Elegies and other poems (V) Livesay: Collected Poems (V) MacEwen: Noman (P) Maillet: Rabelais et les traditions populaires en Acadie (P); Don l'Orignal (P) Metcalf: Going Down Slow (P) John Mills (b. 1930): The Land of Is (P) B. Moore: Catholics (P) Nichol: The Martyrology (V; further volumes in the continuing series appeared in 1976, 1982, 1983) Ouellette: Poisies (V) Joe Rosenblatt (b. 1933): Bumblebee Dithyramb (V) Andreas Schroeder (b. 1946): The Late Man (P) Sparshott: Looking for Philosophy (P) John Sutherland (1919--56): 1<-ssays, controversies and poems (P, V; ed. Miriam Waddington) Theriault: N'Tsuk (P) Trottier: Sainte-Mimoire (V) Waddington: Driving Home (V) David Watmough (b. 1926): Ashes for Easter and other monodramas (D) J. Michael Yates (b. 1938): The Abstract Beast (P,D)

1973 Atwood: Power Politics (V) Est. of Writers Union of Canada Constance Beresford-Howe R. Murray Schafer: 'North White' (b. 1922): The Book of Eve (P) (chamber music) Clark Blaise (b. 1940): A North ClaudeJutra: Kamouraska (film) American Education ( P) Watergate hearings Maria Campbell (b. 1940): Haljbreed (P) Lovat Dickson (b. 1902): Wilderness Man (P) Wayland Drew (b. 1932): The Wabeno Feast (P) Calixte Duguay (b. 1939): Les stigmates du silence (V) J. Ferron: Doctor Cotnoir (P) 347

DATE AUTHOR AND TITLE EVENT Gallant: The Pegnit;;:junction (P) Roland Giguere (b. 1929): La main aufeu (V) Reshard Goo! (b. 1931): Price (P) Gutteridge: Coppermine (V) Herschel Hardin (b. 1936): E-Sker Mike and His Wife Agiluk (D) Kroetsch: Gone Indian (P) (1927-77): A Prairie Boy's Winter (P) Maillet: Mariaagilas (P) Sid Marty (b. 1944): Headquarters (V) Fredelle Bruser Maynard (b. 1922); Raisins and Almonds (P) Judith Merril (b. 1923): Survival Ship and other stories (P) W. 0. Mitchell: The Vanishing Point (P) Nowlan: Various Persons Named Kevin O'Brien (P) Reaney: Apple Butter and other plays for children (D) Stephen Scobie (b. 1943): The Birken Tree (V) .J. Simard: Unfaron de parter (P) Peter Such (b. 1939): Riverrun (P) John Thompson (1938--76): At the Edge of the Chopping There Are No Secrets (V) Tremblay: A toi pour toujours, ta Marie-Lou (D); Hosanna (D) Wiebe: The Temptations of Big Bear (P) Helen Weinzweig (b. 1915): Passing Ceremony (P) Yates: Nothing Speaks for the Blue Moraines (V) Robert Zend ( 1929-85): From Zero to One (V) Dale Zieroth (b. 1946): Clearing (V)

1974 Aquin: Neige noire (P; tr. as Est. of Essays on Canadian Writing Hamlet's Twin) Est. of Studio D (women's Jean Barbeau (b. 1945); Citrouille production studio), National Film (D) Board Yves Beauchemin (b. 1941): F. R. Crawley: The Man Who Skied L 'enfirouapi (P) Down Everest (film) V.-L. Beaulieu: Don Quichotte de Ia Richler's screenplay for film dimanche (P) version of The Apprenticeship of Bolt: Red Emma (D) Duddy Kravitz 348

DATE AUTHOR AND TITLE EVENT Nicole Brossard (b. 1943): Michel Brault: (film Micanique jongleuse suivi de masculin dramatisation of the October grammaticale (V; trans. 1980 as Crisis; Cannes Festival first prize) Daydream Mechanics) Twelve new subatomic particles John Robert Colombo (b. 1936): discovered between 1974 and 1977 Translations from the English: Found Poems (V); Colombo's Canadian Quotations (A) Michael Cook (b. 1933): The Head, Guts and Sound Bone Dance (D) (b. 1940): The Clallam (V) Michel Garneau (b. 1939): Quatre a quatre (D) Gustafson: Fire on Stone (V) Hardin: A Nation Unaware (P) Joy Kogawa (b. 1935): A Choice of Dreams (V) A. Langevin: Une chaine dans le pare (P) Laurence: (P) Lee: Alligator Pie (V) Macpherson: Welcoming Disaster (V) Andre Major (b. 1942): L 'ipouvantail (P; tr. as The Scarecrows of Saint-Emmanuel) Daphne Marlatt (b. 1942): Steveston (V) Munro: Something I've Been Meaning to Tell You (P) Ouellette: Journal dinoui (P) Sharon Pollock (b. 1936): Walsh (D) (b. 1950): The Coming of Winter (P) S. Ross: Sawbones Memorial (P) Ray Smith: Lord Nelson Tavern (P) Peter Stevens (b. 1927): And the Dying Sky Like Blood (V) Anne Szumigalski (b. 1926): Woman Reading in Bath (V) Thomas: Blown Figures (P) Kent Thompson (b. 1936): Across from the Floral Park (P) Tremblay: Bonjour Ia, bonjour (D) Wiseman: Crackpot (P)

1975 Acorn: The Island Means Minago Greg Gatenby becomes co­ (V) ordinator ofHarbourfront Hrant Alianak (b. 1950): The Readings in Toronto Return of the Big Five (D) Ann Mortifee: Klee U)ck (ballet) 349


Birney: Collected Poems (V) T. H. B. Symons Report: To Know J. Brault: Poemes des quatre co tis (V) Ourselves Pierre Chatillon (b. 1939): Lefou (P) Cook: Quiller (D); jacob's Wake (D) Davies: (P) Gutteridge: Borderlands (V) Anne Hebert: Les enfants du sabbat (P) Hood: The Swing in the Garden (P; first of the continuing 12-vol. New Age cycle) Kattan: Adieu, Babylon (P) Kroetsch: Badlands (P) Lampman: Lampman's Kate: the love poems of Archibald Lampman (V) Levine: Selected Stories (P) Livesay: Ice Age (V) Lowry: Psalms and Songs (P) Florence McNeil (b. 1937): Emily (V) A. Major: L'ipidimie (P; tr. as Inspector Therrien) J. Marshall: A Private Place (P) Metcalf: The Teeth of My father (P) Miron: Contrepointes (V) B. Moore: The Great Victorian Collection (P) Pierre Morency (b. 1942); Le temps des oiseaux (V) Peter C. Newman (b. 1929): The Canadian Establishment (P) Reaney: Selected Shorter Poems (V) Richler: Jacob Two- Two Meets the Hooded Fang (P) G. Roy: Un jardin au bout du monde (P; tr. as Garden in the Wind) Rule: Lesbian Images (P); Themes for Diverse Instruments ( P) W. D. Valgardson (b. 1939): God Is Not a Fish Inspector (P) Stephen Vizinczey (b. 1933): In Praise of Older Women (P) Bryan Wade (b. 1950): Underground (D) Tom Wayman (b. 1945): Money and Rain: Tom Wayman Live! (V) Woodcock: Gabriel Dumont (P); Notes on Visitations (V) Yates: The Qualicum Physics (V) 350


1976 Susan Allison (1845-1937): A Rene Levesque and Parti Quebcois Pioneer Gentlewoman in British win power in Quebec Columbia (P; ed. Margaret Est. of Studies in Canadian Literature Ormsby) Jean Beaud:j.-A. Martin, Walter Bauer (1904-76): A photographe (film) Different Sun (V; tr. from German White: A Fringe of Leaves by Henry Beissel) Louky Bersianik (Lucile Durand, b. 1930): L'Euguilionne (P) Ducharme: Ines Pirie et /nat Tendue (D) (1933-85): Bear (P) Gary Geddes (b. 1940): War Measures and other poems (V) Margaret Gibson (Gilboord) (b. 1948): The Butterfly Ward (P) Godfrey: I Ching Kanada (P) Gotlieb: 0 Master Caliban! (P) (b. 1938): Spit Delaney's Island (P) Hood: Dark Glasses (P) Layton: For My Brother Jesus (V) Leslie McFarlane (1903-77): Ghost of the Hardy Boys (P) Alistair MacLeod (b. 1936): The Lost Salt Gift of Blood (P) A. Major: Les rescapis (P) Ken Mitchell (b. 1940): Cruel Tears (D) Nichols: Song of the Pearl (P) Ondaatje: Coming Through Slaughter (P) Reaney: The Donnellys (D, pts. I & II; pt. III appeared in 1977) Rosenblatt: Top Soil (V) Rick Salutin (b. 1942): 1837: The Farmers' Revolt (D) (b. 1935): Small Ceremonies ( P) Andrew Suknaski (b. 1942): Wood Mountain Poems (V) Tremblay: Sainte Carmen de la Main (D) R. Wright: Farthing's Fortunes (P) Yates: Fazes in Elsewhen (P)

1977 Bessette: Les anthropoides (P) Charte de Ia langue fran<;aise Blaise & Mukherjee: Days and (French becomes sole official Nights in Calcutta (P) language of Quebec) G. Bowering: A Short Sad Book (P) Est. of Union nationales des Louis Caron (b. 1942): ecrivains quebecois 351


L'Emmitoufle (P; tr. as The Draft­ Berger Commission Report, dodger) Northern Frontier, Northern Homeland Jean Charlebois (b. 1945): Hanches neige (V) Franc;ois Charron (b. 1952: Propagande (V) Findley: (P); Can You See Me Yet? (D) David French (b. 1939): Leaving Home (D) Gustafson: Corners in Glass (V) Hodgins: The Invention of the World (P) Jones: Under the Thunder the Flowers Light Up the Earth (V) George Kenny (b. 1952): Indians Don't Cry (P; rev. 1982) W. P. Kinsella (b. 1935): Dance Me Outside (P) Myrna Kostash (b. 1944): All of Baba's Children (P) Lee: Garbage Delight (V) Livesay: Right Hand Left Hand (P); The Woman I Am (V) Pat Lowther (1935-75): A Stone Diary (V) Mandel: Another Time (P); Out of Place V) Marlatt: Z6calo (P) K. Mitchell: Everybody Gets Something Here (P) John Newlove (b. 1938): The Fat Man (V) Sheldon Rosen (b. 1943): Ned and jack (D) G. Roy: Ces enfants de ma vie (P) Salutin: Les Canadiens (D) F. R. Scott: Essays on the Constitution (P) JosefSkvorecky (b. 1924): The Bass Saxophone (P) Smart: The Assumption of Rogues and Rascals (P) Thomas: Ladies and Escorts (P) Tremblay: Damnee Manon, sacri Sandra (D) Vigneault: Gilles Vigneault (songs) George F. Walker (b. 1947): Zastrozzi (D) Wiebe: The Scorched-Wood People (P) 352

DATE AUTHOR AND TITLE EVENT 1978 V.-L. Beaulieu: Monsieur Melville Est. of Social Sciences and (P) Humanities Research Council of Birney: Fall by Fury (V) Canada Denise Boucher (b. 1935): Lesfies Asian immigration to Canada ont soif(D) increases Caron: Bonhomme sept-heures (P) Home computers begin to become Cecile Cloutier (b. 1930): Chaleuils common (V) Ann Copeland (pseud., b. 1932): At Peace (P) George Faludy (b. 1910): East and West(V) Larry Fineberg (b. 1945): Stonehenge (D) Godfrey: Dark Must Yield (P) Hood: Selected Stories (P) Basil Johnston (b. 1929): Moose Meat and Wild Rice (P) Kroetsch: What the Crow Said (P) Gilbert Langevin (b. 1938): Mon refuge est un volcan (V) Maheux-Forcier: Appassionata (P) Kevin Major (b. 1949): Hold Fast (P) Marty: Men for the Mountains (P) Robin Mathews (b. 1931): Canadian Literature: Surrender or revolution (P) Munro: Who Do You Think You Are? (P; Eng. & Am. title: The Beggar Maid) Ouellette: Tu regardais intensiment, Genevieve ( P) AI Pittman (b. 1940): Once When I Was Drowning (V) Pollock: The Komagata Maru Incident (D) Purdy: Being Alive (V) Richards: Dancers at Night (P) G. Roy: Fragiles lumieres de la terre (P) A. J. M. Smith: The Classic Shade (V) John Thompson: Stilt jack (V) Michel Tremblay: La grosse femme d'a cote est enceinte (P) George Walker: Three Plays . .. (D) Watmough: No More into the Garden (P) Wiseman: Old Woman at Play (P) Yates: Esox Nobilior Non Esox Lucius (V) 353


1979 Bersianik: Le pique-nique sur John Beckwith: The Shivaree (opera; l 'Acropole (P) lyrics by James Reaney) Bessette: Le semestre (P); Mes romans Anne Claire Poirier: Mourir atue­ etmoi (P) tete (film) Carrier: Les enfants du bonhomme dans Ia lune (P; tr. as The Hockey Sweater) M. Cohen: The Sweet Second Summer of Kitty Malone (P) Gallant: From the Fifteenth District (P) Dave Godfrey & Douglas Parkhill: Gutenberg Two (P) John Hare: Anthologie de Ia poisie quibicoise du XIXe siecle (A) Wadaw lwaniuk (b. 1915): Dark Times (V) Kattan: Le rivage (P) Pat Lane (b. 1939): Poems New and Selected (V) P.-M. Lapointe: Ecritures (V) Maillet: Pilagie-la-charrette (P; wins ) Erin Moure (b. 1955): Empire, York Street (V) Ondaatje: There's a Trick with a Knife I'm Learning to Do (V) Madeleine Ouellette-Michalska (b. 1935): La femme de sable (P) Paradis: Miss Charlie (P) Reaney: Wacousta! (D) Andre Roy (b. 1944): Les passions du samedi (V) Vigneault: Silences (V) Sheila Watson: Four Stories (P) Wayman: A Planet Mostly Sea (V) Ludwig Zeller (b. 1927): In the Country of the Antipodes (V)

1980 Bersianik: Maternative (V) . Quebec Referendum on Bessette: La garden-party de 'Sovereignty-Association' Christophine (P) '0 Canada' becomes official G. Bowering: Burning Water (P) national anthem Marilyn Bowering (b. 1949): Sleeping with Lambs (V) Mary di Michele (b. 1949): Mimosa and Other Poems (V) David Donnell (b. 1939): Dangerous Crossings (V) David Fennario b. 1947): Balconville (D) Kristjana Gunnars (b. 1948): One­ eyed Moon Maps (V) 354

DATE AUTHOR AND TITLE EVENT Hodgins: The Resurrection ofJoseph Bourne (P) Margaret Hollingsworth (b. 1940): Alii Alii Oh (D) Hood: None Genuine Without This Signature (P) Kinsella: Shoeless Joe Jackson Comes to Iowa (P) Kroetsch: The 'Crow' Journals (P) Gilbert LaRocque (1941-84): Les masques (P) David McFadden (b. 1940): A Trip Around Lake Erie (P) MacLennan: Voices in Time (P) Maheux-Forcier: En toutes lettres (P) Jovette Marchessault (b. 1938): Tryptique lesbien (P) Marlatt: What Matters (A) Tom Marshall: The Elements (V) Metcalf: General Ludd (P) John Murrell (b. 1945): Waiting for the Parade (D) Ouellette: La mort vive (P) Duke Redbird (b. 1939): We Are Mitis (P) Richler: joshua Then and Now (P) Erika Ritter (b. 1948): Automatic Pilot (D) (b. 1934): Fat Woman (P); Cry Evil (P) Rule: Contract with the World (P) Scobie: McAlmon's Chinese Opera (V) Tremblay: L'impromptu d'Outremont (D); Thirese et Pierrette a l'icole des saints-anges ( P) Webb: Wilson's Bowl (V) Derk Wynand (b. 1944): One Cook, Once Dreaming (P)

1981 Edna Alford (b. 1947): A Sleep Full Studio D, NFB: Not a Love Story of Dreams (P) (film) Atwood: Bodily Harm (P); True Gille Carle: Les Plouffe (film) Stories (V,P) A. Bailey: Miramichi Lightning (V) Y. Beauchemin: Le matou (P; tr. 1986 as The Alley Cat) Michel Beaulieu (1941-85): Visages (V) Anne Cameron (Cam Hubert; 355

DATE AUTHOR AND TITLE EVENT b. 1938): Daughters of Copper Woman (P) Carrier: Cirque noir (D) Davies: The Rebel Angels (P) Findley: Famous Last Words (P) Gallant: Home Truths (P) Godbout: Les tites aPapineau (P) John Gray (b. 1946): Billy Bishop Goes to War (D) Gunnars: Wake-pick Poems (V) Ray Guy: Beneficial Vapours (P) Hodgins: The Barclay Family Theatre (P) Kogawa: Obasan (P) Gordon Korman (b. 1963): I Want to Go Home! (P) Rachel Korn (1898--1982): Generations (V) Kreisel: The Almost Meeting (P) Kroetsch: Field Notes (V) Robert Lalonde (b. 1947): La belle ipouvante (P) G. Lapointe: Corps et graphies (V) Maillet: Cent ans dans les bois (P) Marilu Mallet (b. 1945): Les compagnons de l 'horloge-pointeuse ( P) Mandel: Dreaming Backwards (V) Marchessault: La saga des poules mouillies (D) Marriott: The Circular Coast (V) Seymour Mayne (b. 1944): The Impossible Promised Land (V) W. 0. Mitchell: How I Spent My Summer Holidays (P) Ouellette: En la nuit, la mer (V) Page: Evening Dance of the Grry Flies (V,P) Alice Parizeau (b. 1930): Les lilas fleurissent a Varsovie ( P) Pollock: Blood Relations (D) Duke Redbird: Loveshine and Red Wine (V) Richards: Lives of Short Duration (P) Rooke: Death Suite (P); The Magician in Love (P) F. R. Scott: Collected Poems (V) Elizabeth Spencer (b. 1921): The Stories of Elizabeth Spencer (P) Theriault: La .femme Anna et autres contes (P) Thomas: Real Mothers (P) Sean Virgo (b. 1940): White Lies and other fictions (P) 356


Fred Wah (b. 1939): Breathin' My Name with a Sigh (V) George Walker: Theatre of the Film Noir (D) Zieroth: Mid-river (V)

1982 Sandra Birdsell (b. 1942): Night Applebaum-Hebert Report on Travellers ( P) cultural policy Blais: Visions d'Anna ou le vertige (P) Constitutional Act 'repatriates' Roo Borson (b. 1952): A Sad Device Canadian constitution, replaces (V) BNAAct Robert Bringhurst (b. 1946): The 'Okanada' Exhibition at Academic Beaury of the Weapons (V) der Kiinste in Berlin Brossard: Picture Theory (P) Pier Giorgio di Cicco (b. 1949): Flying Deeper into the Century (V) Keath Fraser (b. 1944): Taking Cover (P) Frye: The Great Code (P); Divisions on a Ground (P) Gallant: What Is to be Done (D) Graeme Gibson (b. 1934): Perpetual Motion (P) Haig-Brown: Writings and Riflections (P) Anne Hebert: Lesfous de Bassan (P; tr. as In the Shadow of the Wind) Jasmin: Maman-Paris, Maman-la­ France (P) Kinsella: Shoeless Joe (P) A. M. Klein: Beyond Sambation: selected essays and editorials 1928-1955 (P) Layton: A Wild Peculiar joy (V) MacEwen: The T. E. Lawrence Poems (V) McWhirter: Coming to Grips with Lucy (P) Maillet: Christophe Cartier de la noisette dit Nounours (P) Metcalf: Kicking Against the Pricks (P); Making It New (A) W. 0. Mitchell: Dramatic W. 0. Mitchell (D) Munro: The Moons ofJupiter (P) Susan Musgrave (b. 1951): Tarts and Muggers (V) Nowlan: I Might Not Tell Everybody This (V) Ondaatje: Running in the Family (P) Gwen Pharis Ringwood ( 1910-85): The Collected Plays ... (D) 357

DATE AUTHOR AND TITLE EVENT Rooke: The Birth Control King of the Upper Volta (P) S. Ross: The Race and other stories (P) C. Scott: Antichthon (P) David Solway (b. 1941): Selected Poems (V) Tremblay: La duchesse et le roturier (P) (b. 1951): (P) Wilfred Watson: Mass on Cowback (V) Webb: Sunday Water: Thirteen Anti­ Ghazals (V); The Vision Tree (V) Wiebe: The Angel of the Tar Sands (P) Rachel Wyatt (b. 1929): Foreign Bodies (P)

1983 V.-L. Beaulieu: Discours du Samm (P) Claude Beausoleil (b. 1948): Une certaine fin de siecle (V) Blaise: Lusts (P) M. Callaghan: A Time for judas (P) Chamberland: Aliatoire instantani & Midsummer 82 (V) Beatrice Culleton: In Search of April Raintree ( P) Christopher Dewdney (b. 1951): Predators of the Adoration (V) di Michele: Necessary Sugar (V) M. Ferron: Sur le chemin Craig (P) Lucien Francoeur (b. 1948): Rockeurs sanctifies (V) Harlow: Paul Nolan (P) Maria jacobs (b. 1930): Precautions Against Death (P,V) Jones: A Throw of Particles (V) A. M. Klein: A. M. Klein: short stories (P) Philip Kreiner: People Like Us in a Place Like This (P) Kroetsch: Alibi (P) Rene Lapierre: Profit de l 'ombre (V) Layton: The Cucci Bag (V) Nowlan: Nine Micmac Legends (P) H. R. Percy (h. 1920): Painted Ladies (P) 358

DATE AUTHOR AND TITLE EVENT Penny Petrone: First People, First Voices (A) Pratt: E.]. Pratt: On His Life and Poetry (A) (b. 1953): Home Game (P) Rooke: Shakespeare's Dog (P) Susan Swan (b. 1945): The Biggest Modern Woman rif the World (P) Wiebe: My Lovely Enemy (P) Woodcock: Letter to the Past (P) Eric Wright (b. 1929): The Night the Gods Smiled (P)

1984 Blais: Pays voilis/ Existences (V) Marc Garneau becomes first Pierre (P) Canadian astronaut G. Bowering: Kerrisdale Elegies (V) Assassination of Indira Gandhi; Brossard: Double impression (V) Khalistan independence Carrier: De /'amour dans La ferraille movement (V) Jean Charlebois: Present! (V) Gilbert Choquette (b. 1929): La jlamme et Laforge (P) M. Cohen: The Spanish Doctor (P) Jean-Paul Daoust (b. 1946): Tax (V) David Day (b. 1947): The Animals Within(V) Normand de Bellefeuille: Le livre du devoir (V) Francine Dery (b. 1943): Le ntryau (V) Findley: Not Wanted on the Vtryage (P) Madeleine Gagnon (b. 1938): La lettre infinie (V) Geddes: The Terracotta Army (V) Paulette Jiles (b. 1943): Celestial Navigations (V) Lionel Kearns (b. 1937): Convergences (V) Susan Kerslake (b. 1943): Penumbra (P) Suzanne Lamy (b. 1929): Quandje lis je m 'invente (P) La Rocque: Les masques (P) Michel Leclerc (b. 1952): Ecrire ou La disparition (V) Livesay: Feeling the Worlds (V) Maillet: Crache apic (P) W. 0. Mitchell: Since Daisy Creek (P) 359


Pierre Olivier (b. 1943): Les militaires ont envahi Manhattan (P) Ouellette-Michalska: La maison Trestler (P) Paradis: Les Ferdinand (P) J. Poulin: Volkswagen blues (P) Purdy: Piling Blood (V) Richter: Home Sweet Home (P) Kevin Roberts (b. 1940): Nanoose Bay Suite (V) G. Roy: Ely! Ely! Ely! (P) Jacques Savoie (b. 1951): Les portes tournantes (P) Skvorecky: The Engineer if Human Souls (P) Thomas: Intertidal Life (P) Tremblay: Albertine en cinq temps (D) Tremblay: Des nouvelles de l'Edouard (P) Elise Turcotte (b. 195 7): Navires et guerres (V) Louise Warren (b. 1956): L'amant gris (V)

1985 Anne-Marie Alonzo (b. 1951): The Canadian Enrylopedia Bleus de mine (V) : My American Cousin Atwood: The Handmaid's Tale (P) (film) V.-L. Beaulieu: Steven le hirault (P) Ted KotchefT:joshua Then and Now Neil Bissoondath (b. 1955): Digging (film) Up the Mountains (P) MacDonald Commission Report Louise Bouchard (b. 1949): Les on Canada's Economic Future (72 images (P) vols) J. Brault: Agonie (P) M. Callaghan: Lost and Found Stories (P) Charron: La vie n'a pas de sens (V) Lorna Crozier (b. 1948): The Garden Going On Without Us (V) Davies: What's Bred in the Bone (P) Patrice Desbiens (b. 1948): Dans l'apres-midi cardiaque (V) Rene-Daniel Dubois (b. 1955): Being at home with Claude (D) Engel: The Tattooed Woman (P) Francoeur: Exit pour nomades (V) K. Fraser: Foreign Affairs (P) Jean-Paul Fugere (b. 1921): Popa moman et le saint homme (P) Gallant: Overhead in a Balloon (P) Stephen Guppy (b. 1951): Another Sad Day at the Edge of the Empire (P) 360

DATE AUTHOR AND TITLE EVENT Kreisel: Another Country (P) Hollingsworth: Willful Acts (D) Kroetsch: Advice to My Friends (V) Marie Laberge (b. 1923): Deux tangos pour toute une vie (D) Layton: Waiting for the Messiah (P) Paul-Chanel Malenfant (b. 1950): Les noms du pere (V) B. Moore: Black Robe (P) Bharati Mukherjee (b. 1942): Darkness (P) Ouellette: Lucie ou un midi en novembre (P) Paradis: Les Ferdinand (P) Paradis: La ligne bleue (P) Maryse Pelletier (b. 1946): Duo pour voix obstinies (D) Andre Roy; Action Writing (V) Smart: Necessary Secrets (V) Richard Stevenson (b. 1952): Driving Offinsively (V) Pasquale Verdicchio (b. 1954): Moving Landscape (V) Villemaire: La constellation du Cygne (P) Wah: Waiting for Saskatchewan (V) George Walker: Criminals in Love (D)

1986 Blaise: Resident Alien (P) Denys Arcand: Le die/in de /'empire M. Cohen: Nadine (P) amiricain (film) Findley: The Telling of Lies (P) John Polanyi wins Nobel prize for Pierre Gravel: La fin de l'histoire (P) chemistry Hood: The Motor Boys in Ottawa (P) Munro: (P) R. Smith: Century (P) Wilfred Watson: Poems: collected unpublished new (V)

1987 G. Bowering: Caprice (P) Meech Lake constitutional Hodgins: The Honorary Patron (P) agreement Further reading

The following list constitutes a selective guide to general booklength works concerned with Canadian writing. Readers should also consult the large number of studies concerned with individual authors and artists, local and regional history, and particular ethnic communities. Articles in scholarly journals provide further critical and biographical information. Among the major journals are the following: Atlantis, Canadian Children's Literature, Canadian Literature, Canadian Poetry, Canadian Theatre Review, Dalhousie Review, Essays on Canadian Writing,Joumal of Canadian Studies, Lettres Quibicoises, Liberti, Line, Livres et Auteurs Quebecois, Malahat Review, La Nouvelle Barre dujour, Open Letter, Queen's Quarterly, Room of One's Own, Studies in Canadian Literature, Voix et Images, Universiry of Toronto Quarterly. Annual bibliographies of Canadian writing appear in , Canadian Literature Index, Canadian Periodical Index, Journal of Commonwealth Literature, and from ECW Press.


AURELIEN BOIVIN, Le Conte littiraire quibicois au 19e siecle. Essai de bibliographie critique et analytique (Montreal: Fides, 1975). The Canadian Encyclopedia (Edmonton: Hurtig, 1985). JOHN ROBERT COLOMBO et al. (comps), CDN SF & F. (Toronto: Hounslow, 1979). EDITH FOWKE and CAROLE CARPENTER (comps), A Bibliography rif Canadian Folklore in English (Toronto: University ofToronto Press, 1981). R. COLE HARRIS (ed.), Historical Atlas of Canada, vol. 1: From the Beginning to 1800 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1987). DAVID M. HAYNE and MARCEL TIROL, Bibliographie critique du roman canadian­ fra11fais, 1837-1900 (Toronto: University ofToronto Press, 1968). ROBERT LECKER and JACK DAVID (eds), The Annotated Bibliography rif Canada's Major Authors, 6 vols, continuing (Downsview, Ont.: ECW, 1979-d). MAURICE LEMIRE (ed.), Dictionnaire des oeuvres litteraires du Quebec, 4 vols, continuing (Montreal: Fides, 1978-d). 'Letters in Canada', annual review, Universiry of Toronto Quarterly (1936-d). DOUGLAS LOCHHEAD ( comp.), Bibliography of Canadian Bibliographies. 2nd edn rev. and en!. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1972). PHILIP STRATFORD, Bibliography of Canadian Books in Translation: French to 362 English and English to French. Bibliographie de livres canadiens traduits de L'anglais aufranfais et dufranfais a L'anglais (Ottawa: CCRH, 1977). WILLIAM TOYE (ed.), The Oxford Companion to Canadian Literature (Toronto: Oxford, 1983). ANTON WAGNER (ed.), The Brock Bibliography of Published Canadian Plays in English 1766-1978 (Toronto: Playwrights Press, 1980). R. E. WATTERS, A Check List of Canadian Literature and Background Materials 1628-1950, 1959; rev. edn (Toronto: University ofToronto Press, 1972).


MARGARET ATWOOD, Second Words: Selected Critical Prose (Toronto: Anansi, 1982). MARGARET ATWOOD, Survival (Toronto: Anansi, 1972). A. G. BAILEY, Culture and Nationality: Essays (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1972). CARL BALLSTADT (ed.), The Search for English-Canadian Literature (Toronto and Buffalo: University ofToronto Press, 1975). viCTOR-LI1vY BEAULIEU, Manuel de la petite litterature du Quebec (Montreal: L'Aurore, 1974). GERARD BESSETTE, Une litterature en ebullition (Montreal: Editions du Jour, 1968). E. D. BLODGETT, Configuration: Essays on the Canadian Literatures (Toronto: ECW, 1982). ANDRE G. BOURASSA, Surrealisme et litterature quebecoise (Montreal: Editions L'Etincelle, 1977; trans!. Mark Czarnecki as Surrealism and , Toronto: University ofToronto, 1984). LORRAINE CAMERLIN et al. (comps), Lectures europeennes de la litterature quebecoise (Ottawa: Lemeac, 1982). BARRY CAMERON and MICHAEL DIXON (eds), Minus Canadian, special issue of Studies in Canadian Literature, 2 (1977). CECILE CLOUTIER-WOJCIECHOWSKA and REJEAN ROBIDOUX (eds), Solitude rompue (Ottawa: Editions de l'universite d'Ottawa, 1986). FRANK DAVEY, Surviving the Paraphrase (Winnipeg: Turnstone, 1983). PIERRE deGRANDPRE, Histoire de la litterature franfaise du Quebec, 3 vols (Montreal: Beauchemin, 1968ff). RENE DIONNE ( ed. ), Le Quebecois et sa litterature (: Editions Naaman; Paris: Agences de co-operative culturelle et technique, 1984). MAX DORSINVILLE, Caliban Without Prospero: Essay on Quebec and Black Literature (Erin, Ont.: Press Porcepic, 1974). JAMES DOYLE, North of America: Images of Canada in the Literature of the United States 177!"r-1900 (Toronto: ECW, 1983). ANN DYBIKOWSKI et al. (eds), In the feminine (Edmonton: Longspoon, 1985). , The Bush Garden: Essays on the Canadian Imagination (Toronto: Anansi, 1971). NORTHROP FRYE, Divisions on a Ground (Toronto: Anansi, 1982). FRAN CESS G. HALPENNY ( ed.), Editing Canadian Texts (Toronto: Hakkert, 197 5). 363

DICK HARRISON (ed.), Crossing Frontiers (Edmonton: , 1979). D. G. JONES, Butterfly on Rock (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1970). w. J. KEITH, Canadian Literature in English (London & New York: Longman, 1985). WENDY KElTNER (ed.), 'Surveying the Territory' and 'Staking Claims', Canadian issues of The Literary Criterion, 19.3-4 (1984), and 20.1 (1985). CARL F. KLINCK (ed.), Literary History of Canada, 3 vols, 2nd edn (Toronto: University ofToronto Press, 1976). Vol. 4, ed. W. H. New, forthcoming. MARCIA B. KLINE, Beyond the Land Itself: Views ofNature in Canada and the United States (Cambridge, MA: Harvard, 1970). ROBERT KROETSCH and REINGARD M. NISCHIK (eds), Gaining Ground: European Critics on Canadian Literature (Edmonton: NeWest, 1985). CAMILLE LaBOSSIERE (ed.), Translation in Canadian Literature (Ottawa: , 1983). ROBERT LECKER and JACK DAVID (eds), Canadian Writers and Their Works, 6 vols, continuing (Toronto: ECW, 1983-d). DENNIS LEE, Savage Fields (Toronto: Anansi, 1977). LAURENT MAILHOT, La littirature quibicoise (Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1974). ELI MANDEL, Another Time (Erin, Ont.: Press Porcepic, 1977). ELI MANDEL (ed.), Contexts of Canadian Criticism (Chicago and London: University ofChicago Press, 1971). GILLES MARCOTTE, Une littirature qui se fait. Essais critiques sur Ia littirature canadienne-fraru;aise (Montreal: HMH, 1962: 2nd edn 1968). ROBIN MATHEWS, Canadian Literature: Surrender or Revolution (Toronto: Steel Rail, 1978). GAILE McGREGOR, The Wacousta Syndrome: in the Canadian Langscape (Toronto, Buffalo, London: University of Toronto Press, 1985). JOHN METCALF, Kicking Against the Pricks (Toronto: ECW, 1982). CLEMENT MOISAN, L'lige de Ia littirature canadienne (Montreal: Editions HMH, 1969). LESLIE MONKMAN, A Native Heritage: Images of the Indian in English-Canadian Literature (Toronto: University ofToronto Press, 1981). JOHN Moss (ed.), Future Indicative: Literary Theory and Canadian Literature (Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 1987). w. H. NEW, Articulating West (Toronto: New Press, 1972). w. H. NEW, Dreams ofSpeech and Violence: The Art of the in Canada and New Zealand (Toronto: University ofToronto Press, 1987). SHIRLEY NEUMAN and SMARO KAMBOURELI (eds), Amazing Space: Writing Canadian Women Writing (Edmonton: Longspoon NeWest, 1986). WALTER PACHE, Einfohrung in die Kanadistik (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesselschaft, 1981). GEORGE L. PARKER, The Beginnings of the Book Trade in Canada (Toronto: University ofToronto Press, 1985). LAURIE Rrcou, Everyday Magic: Child Languages in Canadian Literature (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1987). DIETER RIEMENSCHNEIDER (ed.), The History and Historiography of Commonwealth Literature (Tiibingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 1983). 364

MALCOLM ROSS, The Impossible Sum of Our Traditions: Reflections on Canadian Literature (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1986). GUILDO ROUSSEAU, L'Image des Etats-Unis dans la littirature quebecoise, 1775-1930 (Sherbrooke: Naaman, 1981). RALPH SARKONAK (ed.), 'The Language of Difference: Writing in QUEBEC(ois)', special issue of Yale French Studies, no. 65 (1983). LARRY SHOULDICE (ed. and trans!.), Contemporary Quebec Criticism (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1979). A. J. M. SMITH, Towards a View of Canadian Letters (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1973). WARREN TALLMAN, Godawful Streets of Man, special issue of Open Letter, 3, no. 6 (1976--7). GERARD TOUGAS, Histoire de la litterature canadienne-Jranr;aise (Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1964. Trans!. Alta Lind Cook as History of French-Canadian Literature, Toronto: Ryerson, 1966). ROBIN w. WINKS, The Myth of the American Frontier (Leicester: Leicester University Press, 1971). GEORGE wooDCOCK, Ocfysseus Ever Returning (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1970). GEORGE wooDcocK, The World of Canadian Writing (Vancouver: Douglas & Mcintyre; Seattle: University of Washington, 1980). GEORGE wooDcocK, Northern Spring (Vancouver: Douglas & Mcintyre, 1987). PAUL WYCZYNSKI et al., Archives des lettres canadiennes (Montreal: Fides. No. 2 ('L'ecole litteraire de Montreal', 1972); no. 3 ('Roman', 1971); no. 4 ('Poesie', 1969), no. 5 ('Theatre', 1976), no. 6 ('L'Essai et Ia prose d'idees au Quebec', 1985).


JACQUES BLAIS, De l'ordre et de l'aventure. La Poisie au Quebec de 1934 a 1944 (Quebec: Presses de l'Universite Laval, 1975). GEORGE BOWERING, A Way with Words (Ottawa: Oberon, 1982). w. E. COLLIN, The White Savannahs ( 1936; rpt. Toronto and Buffalo: University ofToronto Press, 1975). FRANK DAVEY and ANN MUNTON (eds), 'Long-liners Coriference Issue' [the long poem in Canada], Open Letter, 6th series, nos 2-3 (Summer-Fall 1985). EVA KUSHNER and MICHAEL BISHOP ( eds), La poesie quebicoise depuis 1975, special issue of Dalhousie French Studies ( 1986). GILLES MARCOTTE, Le Temps des poetes. Description critiques de la poesie actuelle au Canadafranr;ais (Montreal: HMH, 1969). TOM MARSHALL, Harsh and Lovely Land (Vancouver: UBC Press, 1979). JOHN MATTHEWS, Tradition in Exile (Toronto: University ofToronto Press, and Melbourne: Cheshire, 1962). AXEL MAUGEY, Poisie et Societe au Quebec (1937-1970) (Quebec: Presses de l'Universite Laval, 1972). CEDRIC MAY, Breaking the Silence: The Literature of Quebec (Birmingham: University of Birmingham, 1981). CLEMENT MOISAN, Poesie des frontieres (Montreal: Editions Hurtubise, 1979. 365 English version by the author, A Poetry ofFrontiers, Victoria: Press Porcepic, 1983). RALPH RASHLEY, Poetry in Canada: The First Three Steps (Toronto: Ryerson, 1958).


PIERRE GOBIN, Le Fou et ses doubles:figures de la dramaturgie quebecoise (Montreal: Presses de l'Universite de Montreal, 1978). JEAN-CLEO GODIN and LAURENT MAILHOT, Le TMdtre quebecois. Vol. 1: Introduction a dix dramaturges contemporains (Montreal: Hurtubise HMH, 1970). Vol. II: Nouveaux auteurs, autres spectacles (Montreal: HMH, 1980). w. H. NEW (ed.), Dramatists in Canada: Selected Essays (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1972). TOBY GORDON RYAN, Stage Left (Toronto: Simon and Pierre, 1981). E. ROSS STUART, The History of Prairie Theatre (Toronto: Simon and Pierre, 1984). RENATE USMIANI, Second Stage: The Alternative Theatre Movement in Canada (Vancouver: UBC Press, 1983).


PAULINE COLLET, L'hiver dans le roman canadianfranrais (Quebec: Laval, 1965). HALLVARD DAHLIE, Varieties of Exile: The Canadian Experience (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1986). DOUGLAS DAYMOND and LESLIE MONKMAN ( eds), Canadian Novelists and the Novel (Ottawa: Borealis, 1981). Vol. 2: Towards a Canadian Literature (Ottawa: Tecumseh, 1985). D. J· DOOLEY, Moral Vision in the Canadian Novel (Toronto: Clarke, Irwin, 1981 ). JEAN-CHARLES FALARDEAU, Notre Societe et notre roman (Montreal: Hurtubise HMH, 1967). VIRGINIA HARGER-GRINLING and TERRY GOLDIE (eds), Violence in the Canadian Novel Since 1960 (Stjohn's: Memorial University, 1980). DICK HARRISON, Unnamed Country: The Struggle for a Canadian Prairie Fiction (Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1977). PATRICK IMBERT, Le roman quebecois contemporain et dieM (Ottawa: Editions de l'universite d'Ottawa, 1983). MARGARET ANN JENSEN, Love's Sweet Return: The Harlequin Story (Toronto: The Women's Press, 1984). MAURICE LEMIRE, Les Grands Themes nationalistes du roman historique canadien­ franrais (Quebec: Presses de l'Universite Laval, 1970). GILLES MARCOTTE, Le Roman al'imparfait: essai sur le roman quebecois d'aujourd'hui (Montreal: La Presse, 1976). JOHN Moss, Sex and Violence in the Canadian Novel (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1977). MARGOT NORTHEY, The Haunted Wilderness; the gothic and grotesque in Canadian Fiction (Toronto, Buffalo: University ofToronto Press, 1976). 366 suzANNE PARADIS, Femme fictive, femme delle: le personnagefeminin dans le roman jeminin canadien-frant;ais, 1884-1966 (Quebec: Garneau, 1966). JAMES POLK, Wilderness Writers (Toronto: Clarke, Irwin, 1972). GABRIELLE POULIN, Romans du pays, 1968-1979 (Montreal: Bellarmin, 1980). LAURENCE Ricou, Vertical Man/Horizontal World (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1973). BEN-ZION SHEK, Social Realism in the French-Canadian Novel (Montreal: Harvest House, 1977). ANTOINE SIROIS, Montreal dans le roman canadien (Montreal: Didier, 1970). PHILIP STRATFORD, All the Polarities (Toronto: ECW, 1986). RONALD suTHERLAND, The New Hero (Toronto: Macmillan, 1977).

Anthologies MARGARET ATWOOD, (ed.), The New Oxford Book of Canadian Verse in English (Toronto: Oxford, 1982). MARY ALICE DOWNIE and BARBARA ROBERTSON (eds), The New Wind Has Wings (Toronto: Oxford, 1984). JOHN GLAssco (ed.), The Poetry of French Canada in Translation (Toronto: Oxford, 1970). DENNIS LEE (ed.), The New Canadian Poets 1970-1985 (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1985). LAURENT MAILHOT and PIERRE NEPVEU (eds), La poesie quebfcoise des origines anos jours (Sillery: Presses de l'universite du Quebec, 1980). MARGUERITE MAILLET et al. (eds), Anthologie de textes litteraires acadiens (Moncton: Editions d'Acadie, 1979). GILLES MARCOTTE et al. (eds), Anthologie de la litterature quebecoise, 4 vols (Montreal: Editions La Presse, 1978--80). w. H. NEW (ed.), Canadian Short Fiction: from myth to modem (Toronto: Prentice-Hall, 1986). MICHAEL ONDAATJE (ed.), The Long Poem Anthology (Toronto: Coach House, 1979). PENNY PETRONE (ed. ), First People, First Voices (Toronto: University ofToronto Press, 1983). A. J. M. SMITH and F. R. scoTT (eds), The Blasted Pine (Toronto: Macmillan, rev. edn, 1967). RICHARD TELEKY (ed.), The Oxford Book of French-Canadian Short Stories (Toronto and New York: Oxford, 1983). ANTON WAGNER (ed.), Canada's Lost Plays, 3 vols (Toronto: Canadian Theatre Review Publications, 1978ff., continuing series). JERRY WASSERMAN (ed.), Modem Canadian Plays (Vancouver: Talonbooks, 1985).

History, geography and social comment

CARL BERGER, The Writing of Canadian History (Toronto: Oxford, 1976; 2nd edn 1987). CATHERINE CLEVERDON, The Woman Suffrage Movement in Canada (1950; 2nd edn, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1974). 367

SERGE GAGNON, Quebec and Its Historians, 2 vols, trans!. Jane Brierley (Montreal: Harvest House, 1982, 1985). ROGER HALL and GORDON DODDS, Canada: A History in Photographs (Edmonton: Hurtig, 1981). HERSCHEL HARDIN, A Nation Unaware (Vancouver:].]. Douglas, 1974). R. COLE HARRIS and JOHN WARKENTIN, Canada Bifore Confederation (New York, London, Toronto: Oxford, 1974). DESMOND MORTON, A Short History of Canada (Edmonton: Hurtig, 1983). JOHN PORTER, The Vertical Mosaic (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1965). MALCOLM REID, The Shouting Signpainters (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1972). MARCEL TRUDEL, L'irifluence de Voltaire au Canada, 2 vols (Montreal: Fides, 1945). JOHN WARKENTIN (ed.), Canada: A Geographical Interpretation (Toronto: Methuen, 1968).

Art, music, film

J· RUSSELL HARPER, Painting in Canada: A History (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1970). HELMUT KALLMAN et al. (eds), The Encyclopedia of Music in Canada (Toronto: University ofToronto Press, 1981). BARRY LORD, The History ofPainting in Canada: Toward a People's Art (Toronto: NC Press, 1974). PETER MORRIS, The Film Companion (Toronto: Irwin, 1984). PIERRE vERONNEAU (ed.), Histoire du cinema du Quebec, 2 vols (Quebec: Musee du cinema, 1979).


WALTER AVIS et al., A Concise Dictionary ofCanadianisms (Toronto: Gage, 1973). LOUIS-ALEXANDRE BELISLE, Dictionnaire nord-americaine de la langue franr;aise (Montreal: Beauchemin, 1979). R. E. MCCONNELL, Our Own Voice: Canadian English and how it is studied (Toronto: Gage, 1979). G. M. STORYetal. (eds), Dictionary ofNewfoundland English (Toronto: University ofToronto Press, 1982). RONALD WARDHAUGH, Language and Nationhood: The Canadian Experience (Vancouver: New Star Books, 1983).

Interviews and biographical information

DONALD CAMERON, Conversations with Canadian Novelists, 2 vols (Toronto: Macmillan, 1973). Dictionary of Canadian Biography, 12 vols, ed. Francess Halpenny (Toronto: University ofToronto, 1966-d). 368

Dictionary of Literary Biography, Canadian Writers. 6 vols, ed. W. H. New (Detroit: Gale, 1986--) GRAEME GIBSON, Eleven Canadian Novelists (Toronto: Anansi, 1972). MARY QUAYLE INNIS (ed.), The Clear Spirit: Twenry Canadian Women and their Times (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1966). DONALD SMITH, Voices of Deliverance: Interviews with Quebec & Acadian Writers, trans!. Larry Shouldice (Toronto: Anansi, 1986). CHARLES TAYLOR, Six journeys: A Canadian Pattern (Toronto: Anansi, 1977). ROBERT WALLACE and CYNTHIA ZIMMERMAN, The Work: Conversations with English-Canadian Playwrights (Toronto: Coach House, 1982).

Children's literature

SHEILA EGOFF, The Republic of Childhood (Toronto: Oxford, 1967). LOUISE LEMIEUX, Pleins flux sur la litterature de jeunesse au Canada fraru;ais (Montreal: Lemeac, 1972).


JEAN-CLAUDE DUPONT (ed.), Melanges a l'honneur du Luc Lacourciere: Folklore franr;ais d'Amerique (Montreal: Lemeac, 1976). EDITH FOWKE, Folktales of French Canada (Toronto: NC Press, 1981). EDITH FOWKE and CAROLE H. CARPENTER ( eds), Explorations in Canadian Folklore (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1985).

Aboriginal culture

OLIVE PATRICIA DICKASON, The Myth of the Savage (Edmonton: University of Alberta, 1984). R. BRUCE MORRISON and C. RODERICK WILSON (eds), Native Peoples: The Canadian Experience (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1986). ZEBEDEE NUNGAK and EUGENE ARIMA (eds), Eskimo Stories from Povungnituk, Quebec (Ottawa: National Museum of Canada Bulletin 235, Anthropological Series 90, 1969). BETH souTHCOTT, The Sound of the Drum: The Sacred Art of the Anishnabec (Erin, Ont.: Boston Mills, 1984). BRUCE G. TRIGGER, Natives and Newcomers (Kingston and Montreal: MeGill­ Queen's, 1985). Index

Aberhart, William 153 Barbour, Doug 280 27, 38, 99, 122, 141, 174,272, Barr, Robert 104 275, 277-8 Barreto-Rivera, Rafael 280 Acorn, Milton 239, 258 Barry, Robertine ('Fran<;oise') 106 Adam, Graeme Mercer 95 Beauchemin, Neree 102, 126, 141 Ahenakew, Edward 9 Beauchemin, Yves 215, 218, 280, 287 Aird, Sir John !52 Beaugrand, Honore 9S--9 Aitken, Max (Lord Beaverbrook) 167 Beaulieu, Michel 262 Alianak, Hrant 287 Beaulieu, Victor-Levy 282-4 Allan, Andrew 183 Beavan, Emily Elizabeth (Shaw) (Mrs Allan, Ted (Allan Herman) !54 Frederick) 53, 74 Allen, Grant 104-5 Beck, Lily Adams (Moresby) ('E. Alline, Henry 50 Barrington,' 'Louis Moresby') 140 Amprimoz, Alexandre 283 Begg, Alexander 85 Anderson, Patrick 185 Began, Elisabeth 56--7 Animals 10--19, 114-16, 130, 234, 26S-- Belaney, Archibald Stansfield ('Grey 9, 277, 292-3 Owl') 114, 140 Applebaum, Louis 152, 155 Bell, Alexander Graham 102 Aquin, Hubert 249, 284-5 Belleforest, Fran<;ois de 3 Arima, Eugene 16 Bengough,J. W. 103 Amason, David 279 Berger, Carl 87 Asselin, Olivar 66, 216 Berger, Thomas 214 Assiniwi, Bernard 8 Bernard, Harry !54 Atwood, Margaret 78, 150, 201, 222, Bernhardt, Sarah (Rosine Bernard) 98 225, 230, 245, 255-7, 262, 280, 286, Bernier,Jovette-Alice 139, 191 289--90, 292-5 Bersianik, Louky (Lucile Durand) 264, Aubert de Gaspe, Philippe, pere 67, 26S--9, 271-2, 283 77, 78, 98, 272 Berton, Pierre 144, 197 Aubin, Napoleon 66--7 Bessette, Gerard 190, 204-5, 207-8, Avison, Margaret 223-4 262, 265 Bethune, Norman 153-4, 203, 255 Bibaud, Adele 106 Baden-Powell, Sir Robert 114 Big Bear, Chief 84 Bailey, Alfred 148, 185 Bildungsroman 241, 264 Bailey, Rev. Jacob 36--7 Bird, Florence 214 Baird, Irene 155 Birney, Earle 19, 153, 168, 183-6, 204- Baldwin, Robert 30 6, 238 Baltzly, Benjamin 117 Bishop, Billy 134, 253 Banks, Sir Joseph 40 Bissett, Bill 224-5, 258, 280 Barbeau, Jean 287 Bissoondath, Neil 241 Barbeau, Marius 4, 149 Black, Conrad 167 370

Blais, Marie-Claire 218, 227, 241-2, Cameron, Anne ('Cam Hubert') 8, 13, 249, 263, 271-2 235, 264 Blaise, Clark 213, 235, 258-9, 291 Cameron, George Frederick 118 Bland, Salem 91 Cameron, William Bleasdell 84, 129 Blennerhasset, Margaret 37 Campbell, Maria 235 Blodgett, E. D. 256 Campbell, Wilfred 106, 118 Bloomsbury Group 122 Canada First movement 85 Boas, Franz 4, 6-7, 276 Cardinal, Harold 8 Bodega y Quadra, Capt Juan Francisco Carle, Gilles 192, 211, 213, 215 de Ia 25, 257 Carman, Bliss 88, 96, 118-26, 129 Bodsworth, Fred 174 Caron, Louis 274 Bolt, Carol 237, 254, 269 Carpenter, Edmund 15 Borden, Sir Robert 134 Carr, Emily 8, 46, 145 Borduas, Paul-Emile 209, 284 Carrier, Roch 275-8 Bouchard, Georges 142 Carroll, John 90 Boucher de Boucherville, Georges 77 Cartier, Sir George-Etienne 30, 67 Bourassa, Henri 85, 134, 216 Cartier, Jacques 3, 25, 27, 39-40 Bourassa, Napoleon 75 Casgrain, Abbe Henri-Raymond 67, Bourgeoys, Marguerite 50, 141, 186 75 Bourinot, Sir J. G. 87, 92, Ill Casgrain, Therese 107, 151 Bowering, George 187, 223-4, 256-7, Chamberland, Paul 210, 217-18, 226 271, 281, 283, 286 Champagne, Claude 149 Bowering, Marilyn 8, 238 Champlain, Samuel de 25, 30, 39 Brault,Jacques 210-11,216,240 Chapman, William 98 Brault, Michel 213, 215 Charbonneau,Jean 102, 142 Brebeuf, Father Jean de 48-9, 148, 200 Charbonneau, Robert 173-4, 182 Bringhurst, Robert 8, 12, 142, 240 Charlesworth, Hector 145 Brochu, Andre 217 Charron, Fran~ois 226, 284 Brock, Sir Isaac 29, 69 Chatillon, Pierre 230, 274 Brooke, Frances (Moore) 57-60, 70, 76 Chaurette, Normand 127, 237 Brooker, Bertram ('Huxley Herne,' Chauveau, Pierre 67, 76 'Richard Surrey') 153 Chevalier, Henri-Emile 67 Brossard, Nicole 259, 262-4, 268, 289 Chicago,Judy 264 Brown, George 30, 34 Child, Philip 141, 168 Buckler, Ernest 172-3 Childhood, children's literature 6-7, Bugnet, Georges (Henri Doutremont) 30, 33, 55, 88, 96, 99, 101, 104, 112- 100, 140 14, 120, 162, 174-5, 178, 181, 189-90, Buhkwujjenene, Chief 10 197, 207-8, 226-7, 232-3, 241, 269, Buies, Arthur 89, 216 27 5, 279, 289; see also Education Bull, William Perkins 149 Chisholme, David 34 Burke, Johnny 65 Chopin, Frederic 127 Bush, Douglas 138 Chopin, Rene 142 Bushell, John 34 Choquette, Adrienne 139 Bussieres, Arthur de 102, 126-7, 141 Choquette, Robert 142-3, 182 Butler, Edith 65, 278 Choyce, Lesley 225 Butler, Juan 236,271 Citi libre group 151, 215 Butler, Samuel 52 Clark, Catherine Anthony 269 Byng ofVimy, J. H. G., Viscount 137, Clarke, Austin 241 194 Class 149-50, 201, 204; see also Labour Cloutier (Cloutier-Wojciechowska), Cabot, John (Giovanni Caboto) 25 Cecile 282 Callaghan, Barry 165 Clutesi, George 8 Callaghan, Morley 160-1, 163-6, 175, Coderre, Emile, see Narrache, Jean 202, 243 Cogswell, Fred 119, 186 371

Cohen, Leonard 194, 241, 249, 254 Daulac, Adam (Dollard des Ormeaux) Cohen, Matt 234, 252, 261, 271 93, 123, 154 Cohen, Nathan 196 Davey, Frank 223-4, 253 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 40, 88 Davies, Robertson 78, 183, 230-1, Collins, J. E. 84 256-7, 280, 287 Colombiere, Joseph de Ia 34, 36 Davies, Thomas 41 Colombo, John Robert 15,224 Davin, Nicholas Flood 103, 255 Combe, William 44-5 Dawson, Sir William 90, 91 Communication theory 173 Day, David 8, 240 Conan, Laure (Felicite Angers) 93, Deacon, William Arthur 103, 138, 148 106, 254 Defoe, Daniel 40 Connor, Ralph (Rev. Charles William de Ia Roche, Mazo 134 Gordon) 8, 113, 143 De Mille, James 103-5 Constantin-Weyer, Maurice 100 Denison, George 85, 87 Cook, Capt. James 20, 25, 28, 40, 43, Denison, Merrill 140, 163 193-4,209 Derome, Gilles 23 7 Cook, Michael 234, 274 Desaulniers, Gonzalve 102, 142 Cooley, Dennis 253, 286 Des biens, Jean-Paul ('Frere Untel') Cooper, James Fenimore 78 216 Copyright 95-6 Desilets, Alphonse ('Jacquelin') 142 Corriveau, La (MarieJosephte) 93, Desmarchais, Rex 154 274 Despres, Ronald 187, 275 Coste, Donat (Daniel Boudreau) 174 DesRochers, Alfred 142-3 Cotes, Mrs Everard, see Duncan, Sara Desrosiers, Leo-Paul 141 Jeannette Dewart, Edward Hartley 80 Coulter,John 183 Dewdney, A. K. 270 Coupey, Pierre 226 Dewdney, Christopher 252, 270 Couzyn,Jeni 238 Dewdney, Selwyn 10, 174, 270 Cowasjee, Saros 219 Dickason, Olive 17 Cracraft, Sophia, Lady Franklin 51 Dickens, Charles 51, 96, 132, 283 Crawford, Isabella Valancy 118-21 Dickinson, Emily 205, 254 Crawley, Alan 185 di Michele, Mary 238 Creighton, Donald 138, 201, 207 Dollard des Ormeaux, see Daulac, Cremazie, Octave 67-8, 97 Adam Crevecoeur, Hector de Stjohn 55 Donnaconna, Chief 27 Criticism 7, 9, 34-5, 42-3, 45-6, 66, Donnell, David 239 72, 80, 89, 91, 95, 102, 104, 111-12, Dougall, Lily 99, 112 119, 135-9, 150, 155, 160-1, 164, 170, Drainie,John 181 173, 175-7, 189-90, 197-8, 200, 204- Drew, Benjamin 33 5, 208,211-12,217,222-3,226,228- Drummond, William Henry 97-8, 282 9, 236,242-3,247,257,259,262-3, Dube, Marcel 183, 236, 249, 282 278, 283, 290-1, 293 Dube, Rodolphe, see Hertel, Fran<;ois Crowfoot, Chief 84 Dubois, Rene-Daniel 289 Crusz, Rienzi 240 Ducharme, Rejean 127, 241, 280, 288 Culleton, Beatrice 8, 235 Dudek, Louis 185-7, 223 Curie, Marie and Pierre 122 Dufferin, Hariot, Lady 52 Curtis, Edward S. 117 Dufresne, Guy 274 Curzon, Sarah Ann 106 Duguay, Calixte ('Dede Lalarme') 275 Duguay, Raoul 210, 280 Dafoe,John 152 Dumont, Gabriel 254 Dandurand, Josephine Marchand 106 Duncan, Norman 105 Dantin, Louis (Eugene Seers) 127, Duncan, Sara Jeannette ('Garth 142, 174 Grafton', Mrs Everard Cotes) 107- Darwin, Charles 40, 91-2, 105, 115-16 12 372

Dunlop, William 'Tiger' 55 Findley, Timothy 149, 169, 237, 262, du Peron, Father Franc;:ois 47-8 267, 288--92 Duplessis, Maurice 151, 153, 155, 158, Finnigan (Mackenzie), Joan 272 167,207,215,237,253,281-2 Fisher, Peter 68 Durham, John George Lambton, Lord Fleming, Sir Sandford 88 29-30, 63 Florio, .John 25, 39 Durkin, Douglas 139, 160 Folk literature 17, 38, 65-7, 82-3, 98-- Dutton, Paul 280 9, 130, 149, 269, 272-8, 281; see also Song Ecole litteraire de Montreal 102, 127, Foon, Dennis 227, 241, 269 142 Forgues, Michel 127 Edel, Leon 146, 160 Fournier,Jules 66 Edenshaw, Charles 7 Fowke, Edith 272 Education 30, 33, 53, 61, 87, 89-90, Francoeur, Lucien 224 93, 104, 108, 119, 123, 131-2, 138, Franco-ontarien and franco- 146, 149, 154, 183, 197-8, 202-3, manitobaine literature 275; see also 213-15,218,223,227-8,244,265, Roy, Gabrielle 273, 290 Franklin, Benjamin 36 Eggleston, Wilfrid 157 Franklin, Sir John 25, 42, 51 Einstein, Albert 122, 149 Fraser, Ray 235, 289 Elgin, James Bruce, Lord 30 Fraser, Simon 25, 42 Elie, Robert 173, 188 Fraticelli, Marco 223 Elliott, George 250 Frechette, Achille 68 Engel, Marian 230, 234 Frechette, Louis 67-8, 97-8, 102, 124 Epps, Bernard 273 Freeman, David 237 Essayists 87-92, 98, 111-12, 114, 194, Fregault, Guy 138 198,201,207,209,213,215-17,222, French, David 237 228,236,244,289 Freneau, Philip 36 Ethnic minorities 31-3, 53, 79, 83, 87- Freud, Sigmund 185, 190, 202-3, 208-- 8, 99, 105, 107-9, 123, 133-4, 155-6, 9, 263, 272 159, 162-3, 165, 168--72, 174, 187, Frye, Northrop 228--30, 232 194-7, 207, 212, 214, 218--21, 223, Fulford, Robert 256 227, 238, 240-2, 248, 252-5, 257-61, 265, 296 Gadsby, Henry F. 145 Evans, Hubert 140, 234 Gagnon, Madeleine 226, 264 Evans,James 6 Gallant, Mavis 181, 242, 244-6 Ewing, Juliana Horatia (Gatty) 51, 56 Garber, Lawrence 258 and travel literature 24-7, Garcia, Juan 210-11, 240 38--46, 50-7, 92-7 Garneau, Alfred 98 Garneau, Franc;:ois-Xavier 66 Falcon, Pierre 38 Garneau, Hector de Saint-Denys 98, Faucher de Saint-Maurice, Henri- 148, 161, 173, 184-90, 194,282 Edmund 93 Garneau, Jacques 230 Fawcett, Brian 238, 271 Garneau, Michel 210, 254, 280, 282 Fennario, David 237 Garneau, Sylvain 98, 187-8, 199 Ferland, Albert 102, 141 Garner, Hugh 156, 168, 251 Ferland,J.-B.-A. 68 Garnier, Charles 49 Ferron, Jacques 151, 242, 265, 281-2 Gass, Ken 227 Ferron, Madeleine 274, 281 Gastaldi, Giacomo (Jacopo Gastaldo) Filip, Raymond 240 18--19 Film 101, 117, 143, 149, 152, 154, 184, Gatenby, Greg 213 191-3,207,213-17,231,243-4,247, Gaudet (Gaudet-Smet), Franc;:oise 139 284, 286, 288 Gauvreau, Claude 183, 209-11, 282 Finch, Robert 147, 196 Gedalof(McGrath), Robin 15 373

Geddes, Gary 225, 240, 255 Gunnars, Kristjana 273 Gelinas, Gratien 182-3, 203 Gurik, Robert 216, 237, 283 George, Chief Dan (Teswahno) 8 Gustafson, Ralph 186, 203 Gerin-Lajoie, Antoine 38, 67--8, 78 Gutteridge, Don 254 Germain, Jean-Claude 237, 253, 283 Guy, Ray 181 Gibbon, John Murray 149 Gyles, John 50--1 Gibson, Douglas 226 Giguere, Diane 235 Haeck, Philippe 226, 265, 272, 282 Giguere, Roland 210--11, 284 Haig-Brown, Roderick 174 Gilbert, Sir Humphrey 27 Hale, Horatio 7 Gill, Charles I 02, 116 Haliburton, Thomas Chandler 60--5, Gill, Thomas ('Sabattis') 141 67, 70, 73, 130 Girard, Rodolphe 103, 142 Hambleton, Ronald 174, 187 Giroux, Andre 169 Hardin, Herschel 237 Glassco, Bill 227 Harlow, Robert 169, 213, 233 Glassco, John 160--1, 185, 282 Harris, Claire 265 Godard, Barbara 268 Harris, Chief Ken 9 Godbout, Jacques 198, 216, 265, 271 Harris, Lawren 144-5, 149 Godfrey, Dave (W. David) 173, 213, Harris, Robert 89, 117 222,226,250,258,261,265,274,283 Harrison, Charles Yale 139 Godfrey, Ellen 226 Harrison, John 20 Godin, Gerald 210, 217, 280 Harrison, Susie Frances ('Seranus', Goldsmith, Oliver 68-70 'Gilbert King') 99, 105--6 Gordon, Charles William, see Connor, Hart, Julia Catherine Beckwith 75 Ralph Harvey, Jean-Charles 157-8, 235 Gouzenko, Igor 184 Hayman, Robert 31 Graham, Gwethalyn 169 Hearne, Samuel 25, 27, 43, 46, 254 Grainger, Martin Allerdale 88 Heavysege, Charles 68-9 Grandbois, Alain 141, 184, 186--8, 210 Hebert, Anne 98, 148, 173, 184-8, Grandmont, Eloi de U.-E.-A. 190--2, 194, 210, 254, 264, 289 Grammont) 182 Hebert, Jacques 152, 283 Grannan, Mary 181 Heide, Chris 227 Grant, George Monro 87-8, 91-2, 221 Helmcken, John Sebastian 82-3 Grant, George Parkin 216, 221-2, 254 Helwig, David 216, 235 Grant, John Webster 21 Heming, Arthur 114 Grant, William 89 Hemingway, Ernest 160, 188 Gravel, Pierre 253 Hernon, Louis 100, 140, 156, 199 Gray,John 253 Henault, Gilles 172, 198, 210--11 Greene, Lorne 155 Henday, Anthony 25, 42 Grenfell, Dr Wilfred 105, 112 Hennepin, Father Louis 18, 40 Grey Owl, see Belaney, A. S. Henry, Alexander 42 Grierson,John 192 Herbert, John 227, 237 Grignon, Claude-Henri 157, 160, 175, Herbert, Mary Eliza 52 182, 216 Hertel, Franc;:ois (Rodolphe Dube) !54 Grinnell, George Bird 7 Hickman, Albert 104 Grise (Grise-Allard), Jeanne 139 Hiebert, Paul 204 Groseilliers, Medard Chouart, sieur Hime, Humphrey 117 des 26 Hincks, Sir Francis 30 Groulx, Lionel 141, 154, 158, 208, 216 Hind, E. Cora 102 Group of Seven 144-5 Hind, Henry Youle 27 Grove, Frederick Philip (F. P. Greve) Historical writing 61, 65, 66, 80, 92, 158-60 137-8, 141, 173,201,233--61 Guertin, Berthe 139 Hodgins, Jack 193, 226, 275--8, 280, Guevremont, Germaine 174, 254 282 374

Hogben, Lancelot 146 Kane,Paul 51,116 Hollingsworth, Margaret 264 Karsh, Yousuf 198 Holmes, Abraham 76, 79 Kattan, Nairn 219 Hood, Hugh 235, 242-3, 265 Keller, Betty 8, 114 Hopkins, Elisabeth 263 Kelsey, Henry 25, 42 Horwood, Harold 7, 233 Kennedy, Leo 146--7, 154 Houde, Camillien 171 Kenojuak Ashevak 15 Houston, James 15, 234 Kerouac, Jack 2, 283 Hovey, Richard 121 Killam, Izaak Walton 150 Howe, Joseph 29, 34, 37-8, 61 King, Carlyle 198 Howells, Annie 68 King, Mary Perry 121 Howells, William Dean 68, I 08 King, William Lyon Mackenzie 46, Hubert, Cam, see Cameron, Anne 135, 137, 148, 166, 253, 281 Hudson, Henry 25, 40, 140 Kinsella, W. P. 181, 213, 234, 271 Hulsius, Levinus 18 Kipling, Rudyard 12, 51-2, 87, 96 Humour, satire 13-14, 31, 36--7, 52, Kirby, William 87, 91, 93-6, 272 60-6, 93, 97-8, 102-3, 106, 108, 131- Kirkconnell, Watson 156, 158 3, 140, 148, 158, 170, 186, 196,204-7, Kitagawa, Muriel 162 227, 234, 236--7, 239, 243, 246, 263, Kiyooka, Roy 258 278--9, 280 Klein, Abraham Moses 146--7, 154, Hunter-Duvar, John 97 166, 168--73, 175, 194-5, 289 Hurtubise, Claude 174 Knister, Raymond 160, 163-4 Hutcheon, Linda 278 Kogawa,Joy 162, 238, 242 Hutchison, Bruce 198 Korman, Gordon 279 Huyghue, Douglas Smith 75 Korn, Rachel 168 Kreisel, Henry 168--9 Innis, Harold Adams 173 Krieghoff, Cornelius 98, 116 Innis, Mary Quayle 52, !55 Kroetsch, Robert 213, 260, 262-3, 280, Irwin, Arthur 192-3 287, 289--91 Kroller, Eva-Marie 52 Jacobs, Maria 168 James, Henry 52, 96, 108, 146 Laberge, Albert ('Adrien Clamer') 142 James, Thomas 40 Laberge, Marie 236, 264 Jameson, Anna Brownell 51 Labour, working classes 30, 33, 35, 83, Jarvis, Hannah (Peters) 53 88, 92, 113, 134, 139, 148--56, 159, Jasmin, Claude 216, 236 162, 166, 179--80, 182, 185, 196, 207- Jerome, Jerome K. I 04 8,236,240,244 Jewitt,John R. 51, 254 Lacombe, Father Albert 84 Johnson, Emily Pauline Lacombe, Patrice 76 (Tekahionwake) 7-8 Lacourciere, Luc 127, 278 Johnston, Basil 8, 181, 273, 280 Lafontaine, Sir Louis-Hippolyte 30 Johnston, Lynn 262 Lalemant, Father Gabriel 49, 112 Joliet Oolliet), Louis 25, 98, 141 Lalonde, Michele 21 7 Jones, Alice 99, 105 Lambert, Betty 264 Jones, Douglas G. 186, 203, 228--9 Lampman, Archibald 118--26, 129, 196 Josephson, Hannah (Geffen) 179 Landry, Abbe Napoleon-P. 141 Joudry, Patricia 183 Lane, Patrick 238 Joyce,James 161,170,172,231,283 Langevin, Andre 190, 199, 202, 271 Juchereu, Paul-Augustin 34, 36 Langevin, Gilbert 211, 280 Juliani, John 227 Language 4-6, 14, 30--2, 52, 64, 69, 73, Jung, Carl 121, 160, 228, 230 89--90, 98, I 04-5, 135, 142, 154, 158, Jutra, Claude 192, 213 162, 170--1, 180--1, 201, 209--12, 214- 15,216--18,237,249--50,252,261,265, Kamboureli, Smaro 264 267-8, 272, 284, 286, 289-90, 294-5 375

Lapointe, Paul-Marie 209-11, 268 Lord, john Keast 53 Laroche, Armand 127 Lorne, J. D. S. Campbell, Marquess of LaRocque, Gilbert 236, 283 116 La Salle, Robert Cavalier de 40 Lovell, John 34 Lasnier, Rina 186, 188 Lower, A. R. M. 138, 195 Laurence, Margaret 167, 193, 235, Lowry, Malcolm 172, 175, 187, 193, 242,244,246-8,255,258,262,265, 230--2, 250, 253, 258, 283 275, 277 Laurier, Sir Wilfrid 82, 84, 87, 97, 134, McArthur, Peter 103 201 Macbeth, Madge ('Gilbert Knox') 140 Laval, Bishop Fran«;ois de 56 McCaffery, Steve 280 Lavallee, Calixa 85 McCarthy, Joseph 184, 205 Layton, Irving 185-7, 194-6, 198, 258 McClung, Nellie 100--2, 106, 152 Lazarus,Joa 227 MacConmara, Donnach Ruah 31 Leacock, Stephen 89, 131-4, 181, 230, McConnell, William 185 243, 251, 283 McCrae,John 89, 134 Learning, Walter 282 McCulloch, Thomas 34, 60--2, 90, 183 Leclerc, Felix 182 Macdonald, Sir John A. I, 30, 82, 84, Lee, Dennis 222, 225, 269 118, 200--1 Lefran«;ois, Alexis (Yvan Steenhout) MacDonald, Wilson 122 284 McDougall, Colin 168 Legault, Emile 182 McDowell, Franklin Davey _ 141 Leger, Antoine-]. 141 MacEwen, Gwendolyn 229, 253 Leif Ericsson 24 McFadden, David 234, 240 Iejeune, Father Paul 47 McFarlane, Leslie ('Franklin W. LeMay, Pamphile 38, 67, 93 Dixon') 192 Lemelin, Roger 174, 182, 285 McGee, Thomas D'Arcy 68, 76, 117 Lemieux, Alice 139 McGregor, Roy 144 Lemoine, Wilfrid 187, 271 Mcllwraith, T. M. 6 LeMoyne, Jean 151, 173, 188, 216 Mcintyre, James 103 le Moyne d'Iberville, Pierre 27 Mackay,]. 68--9 Leonowens, Anna 102 Mackenzie, Sir Alexander 25, 27, 43--5 Lepage, Roland 255 Mackenzie, William Lyon 29, 34, 71, Le Pan, Douglas 168, 196, 198 135, 253 Leprohon, Rosanna (Mullins) 76, 78 McKillop, A. B. 87 Lesage, Jean 212, 215, 218 MacLachlan, Alexander 68 Lescarbot, Marc 31 McLaren, Floris Clark 148, 185 LeSueur, William Dawson 91 MacLaren, Ian S. 42 Levesque, Rene 217-19, 285 McLaren, Norman 192 Levine, Norman 168, 258 MacLennan, Hugh 158, 199, 201-4, Lewis, Wyndham 2, 143 207, 213, 215, 230, 281 Life writing 8, 38--46, 48--57, 70-4, MacLeod, Alistair 241 101-2, 114, 141, 145-6, 154, 161-2, McLuhan, Marshall 173, 221-2 193, 199, 201, 213, 244, 252--69 MacLulich, T. D. 42 Lighthall, William Douw 99, 113 Macmillan, Sir Ernest 149 Livesay, Dorothy 116, 146, 148, 153-4, McNeil, Florence 146 160--3, 166, 185-6, 196, 265 Macphail, Sir Andrew 87-9, 99, 134 Lochhead, Douglas 168 Macpherson, Jay 226, 229-30 Logan,]. D. 138, 198 Machar, Agnes Maule ('Fidelis') 99, Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth 38, 287 112 Longmore, George 68 Maheu, Pierre 217 Loosley, Elizabeth 197 Maheux-Forcier, Louise 250, 267 Loranger, Fran«;oise 216, 237 Maillard, Keith 241, 250 Loranger,Jean-Aibert 142 Maillet, Adrienne 139 376

Maillet, Andree 280 Mistry, Rohinton 219 Maillet, Antonine 269, 272, 275, 277- Mitchell, John ('Patrick Slater') 140 8, 287 Mitchell,Joni (RobertaJoan Mair, Charles 85, 91 Anderson) 65 Major, Andre 217 Mitchell, Ken 240, 255, 282 Makpaaq, Vital 15 Mitchell, W. 0. 181-2 Mallet, Marilu 241 Mitford, Mary Russell 55 Mance, Jeanne 50 Moliere Oean Baptiste Poquelin) 34 Mandel, Eli 187, 238, 259--60, 266 Monck, Elizabeth, Lady 52 Maquinna, Chief 51, 254 Monro, Harold 146 Marchand, Jean 215 Montaigne, Michel de 22 Marchand, Olivier 210 Montcalm, Gen. Louis Joseph, Marquis Marchessault, Jovette 8, 235, 254, de 28, 67 262-3, 271 Montigny, Louvigny de 98, 102 Mariauchau d'Esgly, Fran<;ois 34, 36 Montreuil, Gaetane de (Georgine Marie de !'Incarnation (Marie Belanger) 117 Guyart) 33, 50 Moodie,]. W. Dunbar 34-5, 54, 72-3 Marie-Victorin, Frere (Conrad Moodie, Susanna 34-5, 46, 54-6, 60, Kirouac) 141 71-4, 76, 79, 118, 183, 255--6 Markoosie Patsauq 15 Moore, Brian 215 Marlatt, Daphne (Buckle) 223, 259-- Moore, Dora Mavor 108, 182-4 62, 265, 267 Moore, Mavor 183-4, 203 Marlyn, John 169 Moore, Thomas 66 Marriott, Anne 148, 185 Morency, Pierre 210, 282 Marsden,Joshua 51 Morgan, Henry 85 Marshall, Joyce 157, 181, 264 Morin, Mere Marie 49--50 Martin, Claire (Claire Montreuil) 175 Morin, Paul 142 Massey, Hart 149 Morriseau, Norval 9, 12, 272 Massey, Raymond 144 Morton, William L. 138, 201 Massey, Vincent 89, 140, 144, 149--50, Moussorgsky, Modest 189 197, 213 Mouvement litteraire du Quebec 67 Mathews, Robin 180 Mowat, Farley 216 Maynard, Fredelle Bruser 216 Moziiio Losada Suarez de Figueroa, Mayne, Seymour 168, 194 Jose Mariano 40 Medley, Bishop john 88 Muir, Alexander 86 Meigs, Mary 263 Mukherjee, Bharati 213, 241, 258-9 Melan<;on, AbbeJ.-M., see Rainier, Munro, Alice 181, 226, 242, 250, 280, Lucien 282 Mercator, Gerardus 19 Murphy, Emily ('Janey Canuck') !52 Mercer, Michael 253 Murray, Gov. James 58 Merril, Judith 270 Murrell, John 236 Merritt, Catharine Nina 108 Murtha, Thomas 163 Metcalf, John 235--6, 252, 280 Music 65--6, 85--6, 97, 105, 125, 127, Metcalfe, Charles, Baron 30 149, 155, 162, 167, 184, 186, 189, 192, Michon, Jacques 175 205, 207, 232, 248-9, 253, 278, 280, Micone, Marco 219 289; see also Song Military conflict 21, 26-9, 33-8, 53, 69, Myth, mythology 4, 6-23, 39, 45, 99, 77, 79, 83-4, 87, 93, 96, 99, 105, 134, 119, 121, 145, 160, 172, 200, 228-33, 139, 150, 153-4, 162, 166-72, 176, 235, 240, 291, 296 179, 183, 197, 200, 202, 236, 242, 244-6, 252-5, 281, 284-6, 292 Narrache,Jean (Emile Coderre) 142 Mills, John 279 Native peoples 2-23, 39, 45-6, 48-9, Milne, David 144 51, 73, 74-5, 78-9, 83-4, 92, 99, 107, Miron, Gaston 210-12 114, 117-18, 123, 129, 140-1, 145--6, 377

Native peoples- continued Parkin, Sir George 87-9, 123, 221 148, 171-2, 174, 176, 178, 181, 194, Parkman, Francis 46, 92, 200, 215 214,227,234-5,237,240,247-8, Parti Pris movement 217 253-5, 269, 272-4 Pearson, Lester B. 167 Nature 10--14, 16-17, 19--20,22,31, Pelletier, Aime, see Vac, Bertrand 39--46,52,54-6,59--60,70--2,76,78- Pelletier, Gerard 151, 215 80, 90--2, 98, 102--4, 112-18, 120--8, Peloquin, Claude 210, 280 131, 136, 140, 142, 144, 154, 157, 174, Pennee, Georgiana (Ward) 77 177, 193, 196, 199,226,261,265,290, Periodicals and newspapers 8, II, 34- 292--4 5, 45, 54, 57,61,63, 74-6,85, 87,89, Nelligan, Emile ('Emile Kovar', 'Emile 94-6, 99--100, 102-6, 108, Ill, 113, Lennigan') 46, 102, 122, 126-9, 190, 119, 121, 127, 129, 131, 134, 137-9, 199,208,253,285 142, 145-7, 151-2, 154-5, 162-5, 167, Nepveu, Pierre 226 170, 173--4, 181-3, 185-7, 192, 197-8, New, W. H. 260 205,210,215,217,223--4,226-9,244, New love, John 235, 254 268, 275, 285, 289--90 Nexus 205 Peter, Laurence 216 Nichol, bp (Barry) 224, 226, 240, 258, Peterman, Michael 54, 73 280, 283, 288 Peterson, Len 155, 183 Niven, FrederickJohn 129, 140--1 Petitclair, Pierre 76 Norwood, Rev. Robert 112 Photography 117, 198, 260, 271, 288 Notman, William 117 Pickthall, Marjorie 112 Novel 8,56-60,67, 70,75-9,84,93-7, Pierce, Lorne 138 99--104, 107-11, 113, 116, 129, 239-- Pilon, Jean-Guy 198, 211, 262 42, 153-5, 157-61, 163, 165-6, 168- Piotte, Jean-Marc 217 70, 172-82, 190--1, 198,201--4,206-8, Pitseolak Ashoona 15 215,217,222,230--2,233-6,240--4, Plaunt, Alan 152 246-8, 251, 253-95 Poetry 15, 31, 34, 36, 66-70, 91, 97-8, Nowlan, Alden 8, 250, 282 101-3, 112-13, 118-28, 134-6, 140--3, Nungak, Zebedee 16 146-9, 153--4, 156, 161-3, 168-72, 182, 184-96, 198-201,205-6,209--11, Odell, Jonathan 36, 37 217,222,229--30,232,235,237-41, O'Hagan, Howard 172, 234, 273 252-69, 273, 275, 280, 282--4, 286-8, Ondaa~e, Michael 253, 259, 267, 286- 290, 292--4 8 Political parties 28-30, 36, 52-3, 61, Ostenso, Martha 157, 160, 175 63, 103, 110--11, 125, 134-5, 148-56, Ouellette, Fernand 198, 211, 216, 262 159--62, 169, 184, 196-7, 199, 205, 210--12, 215-19, 262, 281, 284-6 Paci, Frank 242 Pollock, Sharon 254 Page, P. K. ('Judith Cape') 185-7, Pope, Alexander 59, 170 192--4 Porter, John 197 Painting and other visual arts 9--10, Poulin, Jacques 216, 241 16-18,22,41,86, 89, 98, 103, 116-17, Poundmaker, Chief 84 143-6, 149, 153, 155, 167, 185, 189, Poupart, Jean-Marie 287 192, 195, 198, 209--10, 232, 239, 242, Pratt, EdwinJohn 147, 186, 199 257, 262--4, 269--70, 280, 284, 286, Prefontaine, Yves 211, 284 289 Prewett, Frank 122 Paley, William 90 Publishing industry 56-7, 67, 94-6, Palliser, John 27 101, Ill, 141, 174, 185, 187, 197,210, Papineau, Louis-Joseph 29, 85, 97-8 213, 223-6, 241, 283 Paquin, Elzear 84 Purdy, AI (Alfred W.) 187, 215, 226, Parent, Etienne 34 239 Parizeau, Alice (Poznanska) 168, 219 Parker, Sir Gilbert 96-7, 140, 163 Rabelais, Franc;:ois 276, 278 378

Racine, Jean 34 Ross, Sinclair 155, 175--7 Radcliff, Rebecca (Mrs William) 89 Ross, W. W. E. 187 Raddall, Thomas 141 Roth, Evelyn 263, 280 Radio and television 101, 145, 151-3, Rousseau, Jean Jacques 59 155, 162, 173, 181-4, 187, 227, 269, Rousseau, Normand 230 275, 283, 289 Routhier, Adolphe-Basile 86, 98 Radisson, Pierre 26, 140 Routier (Routier-Drouin), Simone 98, Raguenau, Father Paul 49 186 Rainier, Lucien (AbbeJ.-M. Roux, Jean-Louis 253 Metan<;on) 142 Roy, Andre 226, 262, 284 Ramusio, Giovanni 25 Roy, Camille 138, !54 Rand, Silas T. 7 Roy, Gabrielle 175, 177-81, 190, 199, Reaney, James 121, 196, 229, 232 208,254,289 Redbird, Duke (Gary James Royal Society of Canada 8 7, Ill, 135 Richardson) 8 Rule, Jane 236, 263 Reeves, John 183 Rutherford, Ernest 122 Regnaut, Christophe 48-9 Ryan, Oscar 155 Reid, Bill 8, 12 Ryerson, Egerton 90 Reid, Malcolm 218 Ryerson, Stanley 160 Religion 8-11, 17, 1~22, 28, 33,36--7, Ryga, George 234, 238 39,46--50,55,61,76--8,80,84-7, 90--3, 97-100, 103-4, 112-13, 115, 118-19, 127, 129, 134, 141-2, 148-50, Sagard, Gabriel 6 152, 154, 158, 165, 168-70, 175, 187, St. Pierre, Paul 181 194-5, 19~200, 207,209, 21~20, Salutin, Rick 227, 253 223,228,230--2,240,243,249,252, Salverson, Laura Goodman 155 263, 271-2, 282, 288, 292, 294 Sandwell, B. K. 149, 163-4 Renaud,Jacques 217-18 Sangster, Charles 69 Richard,Jeanjules 168, 174 Sapir, Edward 4 Richards, David Adams 235 Saunders, Sir Charles 92 Richardson, John 78-80, 232 Saunders, Margaret Marshall 112 Richelieu, Armand Jean du Plessi, Sauvageau, Yves (Yves Hebert) 237 Cardinal 26 Savard, Abbe Felix-Antoine 157 Richter, Mordecai 181, 194, 204-5, Schafer, Murray 280 207-8, 216, 234, 249 Schroeder, Andreas 253, 271 Riel, Louis 46, 83, 98, 183-4, 253-4 Science, medicine and technology 4, Rilke, Rainer Maria 203, 283 14-15, 18, 20, 32, 40--1, 43, 83, 86, 88, Ringuet () 158 90--3, 98, 102, 105--6, 111-12, 115, Ringwood, Gwen Pharis 183 117, 122, 124, 131, 139, 141-3, 166, Ritter, Erika 216, 279 192, 199, 214, 252, 270, 281, 293 Rivard, Adjutor 135, 141 Scobie, Stephen 226, 253 Roberts, Sir Charles G. D. 77, 88, 99, Scott, Chris 283, 287 114-16, 118-26, 140, 163, 199, 234, Scott, Duncan Campbell 118-26, 12~ 289 31, 135, 163 Roberts, Theodore Goodridge 99, 114 Scott, Frank R. 112, 116, 146--8, 151, Robertson, Heather 167, 253 16~70, 185--6, 195, 201, 203, 281 Rogers, Linda 235, 264 Scott, Frederick George 112 Roncarelli, Frank !51 Scott, Sir Walter 78 Rooke, Leon 276, 286--7 Secord, Laura 29, !06 Roosevelt, Theodore 114 Segal, Y. Y. 168 Roquebrune, Robert Larocque de 137, Senecal, Eva 139, 191 141, 175--6 Service, Robert 100 Rosenberg, Ann 226, 264 Seton, Ernest Thompson 114-15, 140 Rosenblatt, Joe 224, 241 Shawnandithit (Shananditti) 3 379

Sheard, Virna (Virginia Stanton) 140 Sullivan, Alan ('Sinclair Murray') 114, Shields, Carol 234 141, 143, 150 Ship, Reuben 155, 184 Sullivan, Rosemary 292 Shipman, Ernest 143 Suite, Benjamin (Joseph Amusart') 98 Short fiction 8--14, 16, 55, 60--6, 72, 74, Sutherland,John 147, 185 79, 93-4, 98--9, 105--6, 114--16, 120, Sutherland, Ronald 201, 233 129-33, 135, 140--2, 154--5, 157, 159, Swift, Jonathan 19 161, 163-6, 168--70, 176, 178--83, 191, Sylvestre, Guy 138, 197 198,206,222,226,232,235--6,241, Symons, Scott 149, 222, 262 243-8,250--2,258--9,265,267,270--1, Symons, T. H. B. 149, 214 274, 276-7, 279, 281, 287, 289, 291 Shuster, Frank, Joe and Rosalind 155 Tache, Joseph-Charles 67-8, 75 Sifton, Sir Clifford 87 Tallman, Warren 223 Simcoe, Elizabeth Posthuma 52-3 Tardive!, Jules-Paul 103, 106 Simcoe, John Graves 52, 125 Tausky, Thomas Ill, 161 Sime,Jessie Georgina 135, 139, 168 Taylor, Charles 222 Simons, Beverly 237 Tecumseh 29, 91, 254 Simpson, Leo 280, 283 Tekakwitha, Catherine (Kateri) 186, Sinclair, Lister 181 254 Skelton, Robin 187, 226, 283 Theatre and drama 31, 76, 84, 97-8, Skvorecky, Josef 241 102-3, 106, 108, 112-13, 121, 127, Slade, Bernard (B. S. Newbound) 279 140, 146, 153-6, 162, 164, 181-4, 191, Slater, Patrick, see Mitchell, John 203, 205, 207, 209, 215, 227, 229, Smart, Elizabeth 172, 175 232-4, 236-8, 241, 244, 248--55, 264, Smith, Arthur]. M. 146-8, 170, 185, 267,271,273-4,277-80,282-3,287- 195--6 9 Smith, Goldwin 85, 88--9, 119 Theoret, France 226, 262, 264 Smith, Ray 235, 252 Theriault, Yves 169, 174, 182, 234 Song 8, 15, 38, 65--6, 82, 85--6, 182, Therio, Adrien 226 248 Thesen, Sharon 238, 264 Sorestad, Glen 238 Thibaudeau, Colleen 232 Souster, Raymond 185, 187, 223 Thomas, Audrey (Callahan) 258, 262- Southcott, Mary 9 7, 282, 289 Sparshott, Francis 186, 283 Thompson, David 25, 27, 43-6 Spencer, Herbert 91-2 Thompson,John 267 Spenser, Edmund 69, 232 Thompson, Paul 227 Spettigue, Douglas !59 Thompson, Stith 7 Spry, Graham 152 Thompson, T. Phillips 92, 197 Spry, Robin 215 Thomson, Edward William 99, 105--6, Stansbury, Joseph 36 112, 119, 163 Stead, Robert]. C. 157 Thomson, Roy, Baron Thomson of Stein, Gertrude 161, 268, 283 Fleet 167 Stephansson, Stephan 156-7 Thomson, Tom 144 Stephenson, Sir William 167 Thoreau, Henry David 52 Stevens, Peter 163, 238 Tilley, Sir Samuel I Stewart, George 87 Toronto Women's Literary Club 102 Stowe, Dr Emily Howard 102, 106 Tostevin, Lola Lemire 265 Strachan, Bishop john 90 Toupin, Paul 183 Stratton, Allan 286 Traill, Catharine Parr 54-6, 78-80, Strickland, family 54; see also Moodie, 118, 183, 255 Susanna and Traill, C. P. Transportation 32, 81-4, 87-8, 117, Stringer, Arthur I 00--1 133, 139, 149, 173, 197,200--1 Suffrage 106-7, 133 Tremblay, Gemma 210 Suknaski, Andrew 226, 238--9 Tremblay, Jules 142 380

Tremblay, Michel 180, 217-18, 242, Wallace, Joe 196 248-50, 271 Walsh, James 254-5 Trevanian (Rodney Whitaker) 249 Ward, Artemus (Charles Farrar Trigger, Bruce 21 Browne) 61, 63 Trottier, Pierre 187, 210, 216 Ward, Mary Augusta (Mrs Trudeau, Pierre Elliott 148, 151, 215-- Humphrey) 204 16, 218-19, 253 Warland, Betsy 261, 263 Trueman, Albert 192 Warr, Bertram 186 Turgeon, Pierre 287 W atmough, David 241 Tyreli,J. B. 92 Watson,John 91 Watson, Sheila 172, 226, 273-4 Uher, Lorna, see Crozier, Lorna Watson, Wilfred 209, 253 Underhill, Frank 151, 216 Watters, Reginald Eyre 64, 197 United Empire Loyalists 28-9, 52-3, Wayman, Tom 238, 258 78, 108, 219, 222, 289, 294 Weaver, Robert 181 United States of America 28-9, 33, Webb, Phyllis 187, 258, 266-7 36-7,61-3,68,77,83,94-5,105, Weir, Robert Stanley 86 108-9, Ill, 119, 121, 137, 139, 141, West, Benjamin 86 143, 147, 150, 158, 164, 166-7, 184, Wetherald, Agnes Ethelwyn 95, 119 203, 211, 219, 221-3, 253-4, 274, 287, Whalley, George 186 294-5 White, Nancy 227 Urban communities 67, 78, 86, 88-9, Whitehead, William 289 97-8, 103, 105, 117, 132, 139-40, 146, Whitman, Walt 52, 205 156, 179-80, 201, 205, 207-8, 221, Wiebe, Rudy 234, 240, 254, 256-7, 291 226-7,248-50,276 Wieland, Joyce 263 Wilkinson, Anne 150, 187 Vac, Bertrand (Aime Pelletier) 168, Willson, David 90 174 Wilson, Sir Daniel 91, 138 Vadeboncoeur, Pierre 151, 216, 221 Wilson, Ethel 185, 204-7 Valgardson, W. D. (Bill) 213, 235 Wiseman, Adele 174, 263-4 Vallieres, Pierre 151, 217 Withrow, William 92 Vancouver, Capt George 25, 41-2, 257 Wolfe, Gen. James 27,85 Vanier, Denis 226 Women 33, 52-60, 72-7, 79-80, 89, Van Rensselaer, Stephen 37 100-2, 106-11, 117, 120, 132, 134-5, van Schendel, Michel 198, 284 139, 145-6, 151-2, 157, 162-3, 175, Vaughn-James, Martin 280 179-80, 190-4, 201, 206-7, 212, 214, Vezina, Medje 139, 188 221,227,229,233,235-6,244,246-8, Vigneault, Gilles 65, 225 255,258,260-9,271-2,274-5,277-9, Villebois de Ia Rouvilliere, Michel de 286, 289, 292-5 57 Wood, Joanna E. 106 Villemaire, Yolande 226, 264 Woodcock, George 187, 198, 216, 254 Villeneuve, Cardinal J.-M.-R. 158 Woodsworth,J. S. 134, 150 Virgo, Sean 271 Wreford,James (Wreford Watson) 186 Voaden, Herman 146, 153, 155 Wright, Richard B. 233 Voltaire (Fran<;ois Marie Arouet) 22, Wrong, George M. 92 59 Wyatt, Rachel 234

Waddington, Miriam 185 Yates,J. Michael 156, 270 Wah, Fred 223, 258 Young, David 287-8 Walker, George 288 Young, Rev. Egerton Ryerson 7-8