Chronological table Abbreviations: (D) = drama, (P) = prose, (V) = verse DATE AUTHOR AND TITLE EVENT 13000 BC Niagara Falls forms as glaciers retreat 11000 Earliest records of the Bluefish Cave people (Yukon) 10000 Receding of the last ice sheet 9000 Earliest records of the Fluted Point people (Ontario) 7000 Earliest records of human habitation on the West Coast of Canada Nomadic 'Archaic Boreal' Indian culture moves in to Arctic mainland 3000 Indian habitation in the Maritimes 0800 Dorset culture develops around Hudson Strait 0300 AD Village tradition established on prames 0499 Chinese Buddhist monk Hui Shen reputed to have sailed to Fu-Sang (possibly America) 0500 Beans, corn and squash cultivated in Eastern Woodlands 0875 Irish monks land on Magdalen Islands 0995 Leif Erikson sets out on expedition to Vinland 298 DATE AUTHOR AND TITLE EVENT 1000 Viking settlement at L'Anse aux Meadows, Nfld- possibly Leif Ericson's Vinland Thule culture replaces Dorset culture in Arctic 1390 Mohawk, Oneida, Cayuga, Onondaga and Seneca establish the Iroquois confederacy (Tuscarora join in 1722) 1400 West Coast tribes establish trading network 1431 Joan of Arc is burned at Rauen 1497 John Cabot discovers the Grand Banks 1504 Est. of StJohn's as English fisheries base in Newfoundland 1513 Balboa crosses Panama to the Pacific 1516 More: Utopia 1517 Beginnings of Protestant Reformation 1519 Cortez conquers Mexico 1526 Founding of the Moghul Empire 1532 Machiavelli: The Prince Rabelais: Pantagruel 1534 Est. ofJesuit order Jacques Cartier explores St Lawrence River 1537 Est. of Ursuline order 1541 John Calvin introduces Reformation into Geneva 1544 English translation of the Bible 1556 Ramusio's Italian translation of Cartier's journal 1564 D. of Michelangelo 299 DATE AUTHOR AND TITLE EVENT 1569 Mercator's map of the world 1570 Luke Foxe explores Hudson's Bay 1572 Luis de Camoens: The Lusiad 1576 Martin Frobisher searches for the Northwest Passage 1579 Spenser: The Shepheardes Calendar 1580 John Florio's English translation of Cartier's journal Montaigne: E.ssays 1583 Sir Humphrey Gilbert claims Newfoundland for England 1588 Marlowe: Doctor Faustus 1589 Hakluyt: The Principal! Navigations 1600 Giordano Bruno burned as a heretic in Rome 1601 Shakespeare: Hamlet 1604 Founding of Port Royal 1605 Cervantes: Don Quixote 1606 Champlain found L'Ordrc de Bon Temps (Order of Good Cheer) First theatrical performance in North America: Le theatre de Neptune by Marc Lescarbot 1607 .James town settlement in Virginia 1608 Champlain founds Quebec 1609 Marc Lescarbot (c. 1570--1642): Les muses de Ia Nouvelle France (D,V) 1610 Henry Hudson explores Hudson's Bay in search of Northwest Passage 1611 King James version of the Bible 1613 Samuel de Champlain (c. 1570-- 1635): Voyages (P; vols II & III follow in 1619 and 1632) 300 DATE AUTHOR AND TITLE EVENT 1615 Franciscans arrive in Quebec; Rcollets set up missions 1616 William Baffin maps Ellesmere Island and Baffin Bay 1619 Jens Munk leads Danish expedition to find Northwest Passage 1620 Plymouth Colony in Massachusetts 1625 Jesuits arrive in Quebec 1627 Richelieu organises Company of 100 Associates to colonise New France 1628 Robert Hayman (1575--1629): Quodlibets (P) 1632 Annual Jesuit Relations begin; Galileo confirms Copernican continue to 1673 theory, is forced to recant by the Inquisition 1633 Olivier Lejeune (a black slave) is baptised in Quebec 1635 Est. of Acadimiefranfaise 1636 Founding of Harvard College 1639 Ursulines (nursing & teaching order) and Augustines arrive in Quebec 1640 Bay Psalm Book (first book printed in America) 1641 Jeanne Mance and Gov. De Maisonneuve arrive in Montreal 1642 de Maisonneuve founds Ville­ Marie (later Montreal) 1644 End of the Ming Dynasty, beginning of the Manchu (to 1912) 1649 D. ofFr.Jean de Brebeuf(b. 1593) and Fr. Gabriel Lalemant (b. 1610), both canonised in 1930 301 DATE AUTHOR AND TITLE EVENT 1650 D. of Descartes 1653 Marguerite Bourgeoys opens hospital and school in Quebec Completion of the Taj Mahal 1654 Radisson and Groseilliers depart on their first exploratory journey to the west 1659 Radisson & Groseillers explore St Lawrence headwaters Laval becomes first Bishop 1660 Adam Dollard des Ormeaux and Battle of the Long Sault Royal Society founded (London) 1663 New France comes under direct royal rule 1665 Jean Talon becomes Intendant (to 1672) 1667 Milton: Paradise Lost 1668 La Fontaine: Fables (to 1694) 1669 D. of Rembrandt 1670 Moliere: Le bourgeois gentilhomme Founding of Hudson's Bay Company 1672 Marquette & Jolliet explore Mississippi Basin 1677 Racine: Phedre 1678 Bunyan: Pilgrim's Progress 1680 D. of Catherine Tekakwitha (beatified 1980) 1681 Marie de !'Incarnation (1599-- 1672): Lettres de la venerable mere . .. (P) 1682 La Salle reaches mouth of Mississippi 1683 Fr. Louis Hennepin (1627- Brebeuf calls the Algonquin game c. 1705): Description de la Louisiane of baggataway 'lacrosse' (P) 302 DATE AUTHOR AND TITLE EVENT 1685 Birth of Handel (d. 1759), Bach (d. 1750), Scarlatti (d. 1757) 1687 Newton: Principia Mathematica 1690 Henry Kelsey reaches Saskatchewan River System 1692 Witchcraft burnings in Salem, Mass. 1697 Perrault: Contes de ma mere l'Oye 1698 Hennepin: A New Discovery of a Vast County in America (P) 1713 Peace of Utrecht (end of War of the Spanish Succession 1714 Pope: The Rape of the Lock I 719 Defoe: Robinson Crusoe 1721 Bach composes Brandenburg Concertos 1726 Swift: Gulliver's Travels 1730 Substantial roadway system established in the colonies by this time 1735 Hogarth: 'The Rake's Progress' 1736 John Gyles: Memoirs of Odd Adventures ... (P) I 73 7 First iron foundry opens in Canada (Trois-Rivieres) 1740 Samuel Richardson: Pamela 1741 Death of Vivaldi (b. 1678) 1742 First performance of Handel's Messiah 1748 Fran<;ois Bigot becomes Intendant (to 1759) Peter Kalm's travels through America 1749 Cornwallis founds Halifax 303 DATE AUTHOR AND TITLE EVENT 1752 Est. of first printing press in Nova Scotia and the Halifax Gazette England adopts Gregorian calendar 1754 Anthony Henday explores the prairies 1755 Frances (Moore) Brooke edits The Old Maid (to 1756) Expulsion of the Acadians Johnson: Dictionary 1757 Edmund Burke: Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful 1758 Fall of Louis bourg Nova Scotia gets legislative assembly 1759 Cook maps the St Lawrence basin Battle of the Plains of Abraham; death of Generals Montcalm and Wolfe Voltaire: Candide 1762 Rousseau: Le contrat social 1763 Treaty of Paris (New France ceded to England at end of Seven Years' War) Cook maps the Newfoundland coast (to 1767) 1764 First printing press in Quebec; first bilingual newspaper in Canada: La Gazette de Quebec 1768 Royal Academy of Art founded (London) Royal Society commissions Cook to chart the South Pacific, observe the Transit of Venus; Cook introduces lime juice to sailors' diet to prevent scurvy (lime juice was made part of the standard British Navy diet in 1795) 1769 Frances Brooke (1723-89): The Nova Scotia and Prince Edward History of Emily Montague (P) Island become separate colonies 304 DATE AUTHOR AND TITLE EVENT 1770 Benjamin West: 'The Death of Wolfe' (painting) Goldsmith: The Deserted Village 1771 Samuel Hearne reaches the mouth of the Coppermine River 1772 John Harrison perfects chronometer 1774 Quebec Act (protects Roman Catholic religious freedom and French civil law in Canada) Perez Hernandez reaches Nootka Sound 1776 Smith: The Wealth of Nations American Declaration of Independence (war with England lasts from 1775 to 1783) 1777 Sheridan: The School for Scandal 1778 James Cook explores the Pacific Coast Peter Pond and North West Company move into Athabasca region 1779 Captain Cook dies in Hawaii (Sandwich Islands) 1780 Jonathan Odell (1737-1818): The American Times (V) 1782 Henry Alline (1748--84): Hymns Crevecoeur: Letters from an American and Spiritual Songs (V; vol. II Farmer appeared in I 786) 1783 Brooke: Rosina (opera) Mass immigration of United Empire Loyalists to Maritime colonies and Upper Canada North West Company founded 1784 First Russian settlements on West Coast of North America New Brunswick becomes a colony 1785 Jacob Bailey (1731-1808): 'The Watt invents steam engine Adventures ofJack Ramble, the Methodist Preacher' (V) 305 DATE AUTHOR AND TITLE EVENT 1787 American and Nova Scotia blacks resettled in Sierra Leone 1788 Roger Viets ( 1738--1811): ChiefMaquinna and Captain John Annapolis Royal (V) Meares reach agreement to turn Nootka Sound into a foreign trading centre 1789 Thomas Cary (1751-1823): Alexander Mackenzie follows the Abram's Plains (V) Mackenzie River to the Arctic Ocean French Revolution 1790 Joseph Quesnel (1746--1809): Nootka Sound Convention signed Colas et Co Iinette (D) in Madrid 1791 Peter Fidler (1769-1822): Constitutional Act (creates Upper 'Hudson's Bay Journal' (ed. Canada and Lower Canada, each J. B. Tyrell, 1934, in journals with its own Assembly) of Samuel Hearne and Philip Haitian Rebellion (Toussaint Tumor (P) L'Ouverture) Elizabeth Simcoe (d. 1850) begins her diary of Upper Canada life (1792--6); pub. as Mrs. Simcoe's Diary, ed. Mary Quayle Innis, 1965) 1792 Captain Vancouver and Captain Galiano chart Pacific Coast 1793 Upper Canada Parliament abolishes the practice of bringing slaves into the colony Est. of Fort York as town of York (incorporated as city of Toronto in 1834) Alexander Mackenzie reaches Pacific Coast by land 1795 Samuel Hearne (1745--92): Founding of Orange Order Journey from Prince of Wales's D. of Robert Burns (b. 1759) Fort in Hudson's Bay
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