A Canada Life
. I BANKOF MONTREAL r-""""""""""""""- I "4 1 Bank of Montreal Please send me, without obligation, Public Relations Department, copies of your foldcr on the E P.O. Box 6002, Bank of 3lo;ltreal University Edu- I Montreal 3, Que. I Volume 16, No. 4 - IT inter, 1962 Contents EDITOR 4 Editorial Frances Tucker,BA’50 “Frunklin E. Walden, BCom’38 5 The University BUSINESSMANAGER I) Undergraduate Views Gordon A. Thom, BComm’56, MBA (Maryland) 10 Report on Canadian 1Jniversity Libraries ”Joun Selby, BA’44, MS(Col.), MLS (Wash.) EDITORIAL COMMITTEE 13More Sports not Sporting Events “Wilfred E. Ruzzell, BA’52, PhD (Illinois) Cecil Hacker,BA’33, chairman 14 Teacher Training in British Columbia Inglis (Bill)Bell, BA’51,BLS (Tor.) “Leslie R. Peterson, LLB’49 Mrs. T. R. Boggs, BA’29 16 One-Man News Service “Fred Fletcher, ’63 David Brock,BA’30 18 Then - and Now AllanFotheringham, BA’54 -John V.Clyne, BA’23 John L. Gray, BSA’39 2 0 Alumni spcak out on Junior Colleges -Tim Hollick-Kenynn, BA’51, BSW’53 F. P. Levirs,BA’26, MA’31 22 Forty-two Alumni Scholarships Eric Nicol, BA’41, MA’48 24 Alumni Association 29 Alumnae and Alumni 42 Alumni Association Directory Publishedquarterly by the Alumni Association of the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Can- ada.Business and editorial offices: 252 Brock Hall, U.B.C., Vancouver 8, B.C. Authorizedas second class mailby the Post Office Department,Ottawa, and for payment of postage in cash. The U.B.C. Alumni Chronicle is sent free of charge to alumni donating to the annual giving programme and U.B.C.
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