Celebrate the Fourth and the First, too! By Margie Reins Smith Detroit News and a Grosse "For the 1988 display, we're 30 to 2'30 p.m. and from 4:30 to will play from noon until 1 pm. but are required for admission. Staff Writer Pointe Farms resident. adding new red and green mag- 5:30 p m. today A vIsItIng stu- and from 3 to 4 p.m. They're available at AAA Michi- The DetroitfWindsor Interna- Weil is Detroit general festIval nesium bursts and a lot more dent group from SWItzerland, The AAA Michigan FIreworks gan offices, DetrOIt Renaissance ticnal Freedom Festival is a chairman for 1988. Peggy Kainz, Roman candles (the white balls Muslkgesellshaft Ostermondlgen, Concert will be held tonight at In the Renaissance Center, and giant double birthday bash for bank officer for the Canadian of fire the audience has enjoyed Hlstonc Fort Wayne's thu'd an- at Hlstonc Fort Wayne. two good friends Imperial Bank of Commerce, IS m .he past)," said Jim Sorgi of nual Fort NIght. Beg1l1111ngat 6 Seven drum corps representing Dominion Day, July 1, IS a cel- plesldent of the Wmdsor Execu- AmerIcan Fireworks Company, pm, the conceit Will feature the Canada and the Umted States ebration of the UnIOn of the tive CommIttee producers of the dIsplay 126th Army Band of the MiChi- Will compete tonight at 7 p.m at Provmces of Canada 121 years Most events are free. Many Hart Plaza m DetrOIt and gan Army NatIOnal Guard, the Wmdsor StadIUm in the Festi- ago, in 1867 And the Fourth of ha ve all eady taken place Dleppe Park in Wmdsor are pop- Ann Arbor Symphony Orchestra, val's annual Drum Corps Com- July IS a celebratIOn of the adop The most spectacular event of ular vlewmg spots for the fire- the First MIchIgan Colomal Fife petitIOn. Three classes of compe. tIon of the DeclaratIOn of Inde thp huge bIrthday celebratIOn, works The fil eworh will be Sl- and Drum COlp~ and the Wind- tltIOn are based Qn age and skJll. pendence 212 years ago, In 1776 the Freedom FestIval fireworks, mulcd~t by WCSX FM 94 7 and SOl Pollee PIpe Band They'll AdmISSIOn IS $5 for adults, $3 for Detroit and WIndsor have WIll be tomght, June 30 About a teleVIsed hve on WDIV-TV, perform on the parade f:,Tfounds sel1lor cItizens and children un. been whoopmg It up together fm half mIllIon guests will watch Channel 4 of HistOrIC FOIt Wayne "It's an del' 12 30 years eIght and a half tons of fire- For InformatIOn updates, call Ideal PICl1lClocatIOn and we Will The Idea for a jomt freedom More than 110 events on both works launched from three the WCSX FM FIreworks Hot- have lefreshmenb aVaIlable that festIval bIrthday celebratIOn was SIdes of the DetI'Olt RIver are ex barges anchored In the DetrOit lme 2986200 Alternate date is evenll1g It's dlso a f:,'1eat place to conceived by a DetrOIt Journalist, peeted to ath act more than three RIver Hudson's, Stroh's, WDIV- tomolloW, July 1 watch the fireworks," sald Wil- Paul Lutzeler The first Interna- mIllIon people thIS year, accord TV 4 and WCSX-FM are spon PI e fil eworh entertaInment m ham Phel1lA, curator of mlhtary tIOnal Freedom Festival took mg to LOUIS "ChIp" Wed III, SOI'S The 35-mmute fireworks Hart Pldza WIll II1clude the US history for the DetrOIt HI<;torIcal president and pubh_Iler of the dIsplay be6'1nS at 10:06 p m Arm\' Jazz Ambds<;adOls, flOm 1 Department TIckets dre free, See FOURTH, page 16A


Keeping cool With temperatures soaring into the 90s. and over the weekend. past the lOO-degree mark. residents are finding ways to cool off. At the left. Mark Rosati and Paul Kaslly. employed with Vitale Dairy Services. have one of the coo- lest jobs in town. They de- liver ice to a number of Grosse Pointe stores. includ- ing this stop at Oxford Bever- age in the Woods. At the right. Henry and Maryanne Marchand enjoyed a bike ride along Lakeshore and found a shady spot to take a break. Marchand is a former Woods public safety director. Pholo" hI Pete. A SnllnR' Local gaming commissioners discuss their votes By Peter A. Salinas Staff Writer lot the DebOlt InstItute of Alts Profe%lOnal SPOltS teams - lot of etrOlt, DebOlt could become would be one solution" The favorable vote IS 111 from There were seven Grosse Founders SOCIety, voted m favor the PI'itons, Red WlI1g~, TIger" a Jazz centel, bUlldmg on ItS Mo- He said that whIle only De- the DetrOit Casino Gammg Com. Pomte reSIdents on the 67 -mem- of gamblmg 111 DetI OIt and LIOns - al e alI-edd) popllial town reputation trOlters }Vlll get a chance to vote miSSIOn, and It looks as though ber commiSSIOn, five of whom "I thll1k the long-range direc- In dnd around DelI OIt These "Gamblmg IS jUf>t another dl- on a local ballot proposal, casmo DetrOlters WIll get a chance to voted 111 favor of casmo gambling tIOn fOl Deb OIt IS to bUlld Itself coupled WIth large draw events menslOn," FOId said "With the gammg IS a metropohtan Issue. vote on an antl-casmo proposI- m DetrOIt. Into a key enteltamment centel such as the Grdnd PI I.....and hy- proper controls and the nght He said that the services mdus- tIOn on the Aug 2 pnmary bal- They were Gatzaros, Wal 111 the MIdwest," Ford SaId droplane laces gIve DetrOIt a Il1vestors (It can WOlk.)" try, such as linens, truckmg, tel' B Ford II, Wllham Cudllp, good stmt on becommg an enter He saId that he dIdn't feel food and even computers, would Al Glancy III, Peter Stroh, DI- tamment ccntel, he SaId there would be any negatIve Im- be pOSItively affected by gammg ane Schoemth and Peter B SpI- Expal1'>lOn of thIS entertam- pact on sun oundmg commum- In DetrOIt vak The Grosse Pomte News ment environment IS not only a tIes, lIke Glosse Pomte "There would be a tremendous was able to contact four of the lOgical progre"slOn, Ford noted, "I thmk that all surroundll1g Impact from the dollars earned seven to get their views on ca- but has already begun He SaId commumtIes would gam by De outside of Michigan bemg spen> smo gambhng and why they that expansIOn plans fOJ De trOlt becomll1g a more dynamIC m MIchigan," Gatzaros said. voted the way they dId trOlt's cultural center, lIke Fox place," he concluded. See GAMING, page 16A Members of the commiSSIOn Theatl e, 01 chestra Hall and the were appomted by Mayor Cole Centel for Creative Studw", me Ted Gatzaros man Young, who SaId DetrOIt's already takmg place WIthout a Ted Gatzalos, owner of both number one prIOrIty IS Job" and ppga"us and Pegasus II restau- casino gamblmg could create as I3nts m Gleektown and the New many as 50,000 Jobs. The com- Farms, City alert Center al ea and president of the ,~: mISSIOn studied the Issue for 90 Marquette BUlldll1g Redevelop- Obituaries 2A days The Grosse Pomte Farms ment CO, I" a Park reSident Water Depaltment WIll un- GatzaIo", who SaId he went Pointes need B. mto the comllll<;Slon WIth an •. _:~.. C A Walter Ford II dettakc an extraordInary, l£./""''''J V~ Farms resident Walter B Ford unexpected mamtenance pro open mInd, voted 111 favor of ca- II, chaIrman and chIef executive Ject at ItS filtratIOn plant sma gamblIng April!, 1954 7A officer of Ford & Earl De"lgn Wedne"day, July 6, begm- "Cd"mos at e \'f.~ry1I1ten~lve m Walter B. Ford II Alfred E. Glancy III As"oclates, Inc, and preSident of mng at one mmllte after employment," GaLwros SaId "It Our Lady StaT' mIdnIght when a damaged also reqUIre" a lot of "upport of the Sea 12A hIgh-capaCIty pump WIll be The blgge<;t problem 111 the De lepalred tlolL metropolitan atea IS unem Water, water p~~~_r~ _ Due to the mamtenance ployment, ,1Dd ca"mo gamblIng everywhere? 13A proJect, re"ldents of the Street wlll be Farms and CIty al ere- Juliana McMillan quested to reduce theIr use Eating out on the level.. 14A of water from lmdmght to This bustness noon Wednesday mornll1g People ar(' eHtlng Ollt more house, along WIth many of the Gro"se POlnte Boulevard. "The By Pat Paholsky If repaIrs are completed than ever - an average of is packing 22A Editor large frame houses bUIlt then, Back Road was \\here all the eat'lIer, as offiCials e"pect three tIme~ a wf'ek, accord. When Juliana Woodhndge are now gone gal denel <; and ch,mffeur" began Meet the they WIll, notificatIOn wIll be 1I1gto a recent <;lIrvey Monng McMIllan moves to Flor- And she remembers the beau to 11ve" '1 Do Crew' 1B given on Channel 34 of The Glo,,<;e POll1te area of. Ida In August, a bIg chunk of old tlful sandy beaches tbat are no GIOWll1g IIp III old Gro<;"e Gro'ise Pomte Cable TV that fcr" a WIde vallety of ref..tau- Grosse Pomte wIll go With her longer "Lakes clean themselve<; Pomte \\1\'" \"onderful, McMlllan Happy 50th normal u~ of watel may be Iant", flom ItalI,1l1 to FIpnch At 94, ble~sed \\llth good by thell' waves and my mother "aId, hut lIfe change<; "You Village Club 2B resumed to Chll1f'se to MeXIcan to health, a razor-sharp mmd and a would 'lend the gardener every really have to adJust to that The most Important elE" Amencan For those who wonderful sense of humor, she mornmg to clean the beach" You can go ovel 111 the corner ment of watN usage that WIth thlh 1""UP, thf' Gros'oC pamts a colorful pIcture of an She "aId her mother would "et and <;ulk If you want to and peo- like fruit butter 8B 'lhould be dl'>Contmued duro POll1te Ne\\ <; WIll begm a era that IS far removed from to up long tables on the beach for ple WIll Just let you "ulk " mg thIS pellOd 1'3 lawn "pnn- new f('aturf'. Eatmg' Out It''l day's reality d 1nJ1('1partIes Now <;he\ preparIng fm a new High school klmg, e<;pf'clally "pnnklmg not Olll ll1IPnt to I f'Vlew the She remembers horse drawn :vteMIllan remembf>r" ndmg lIfe m Flonda m a small letlre all-stars 1C opcratl'd oy 311tomrltlc "y" food 01 the flelVlce We \'.111 'llelgh nde" on a frozen Lake 8t hpl' hm "e on Jeffer"on \\ hen It nwnt ap,lItnwnt on a lake Slw tem'i which often arf' "et for gl VI' you "'0111C of t he I e"tau Heat and ClaIr Tho'le were the day,> be wa'i a macadam road lllwd With "ay" II wIll be h,m! to leave hel ('arl\' mornll1g Re"ldf'n!'i aI'(' lant'" hl"lorv, wh,It'., on the fore modern refngeratlOn wh('n che"lnut trp('" "f didn't lIke to home In the F,uln" v.ht're "he your health 2C mgcd to shut these systpm" mP1H1'Illd how much It co.,t" everyone had an Icehouse ",here ride h1m on macadam, b(>causc ha" II\pd fOl (II \,NI1." hut "hp off for Wetlncf..day mOI'Il111g, a" wplI a., It" hours of opera Little League they'd "tore Ice cut from the the "tone<; \\-ould get under hI'> Il',d lIe" .,I1£' Illay rpqllll"l' 'iorne 111 order to not over burden t10n highhghts , .4C lake Those wen' the days, "he hooves and I would have to get em f' Il1 111(' flltllrp the water dehvl'l"y sy<;tpm f<~fl.1IIlg Ollt Will lun ev('rv saId, "when It stayed wmter un olf and take tll£'m out I can stIll Mo<;t of Iwr cont('mporanps dUlIl1g' rer31rs ot he1 \~f'l'k on t1w bU<,1nc'iS 'Lady Day,' tIl sprmg, not lIke It get<; now" hear him pu'>hmg the che"tnut" ,Il'(' gOl1£' and the people "hf' "0 Any oth(>l' II'!C of water pag'f''' The fil'"t III thp "ene'i, 'Red Heat' 5C Sh£> rf'members the dances In out of hIS way" clalIzp<; WIth who arC' younger th-lt can be curt31led or post featUring thp LIfe Le Chat, the up"talrs ballroom In her par- Jefferson wa'l calJpd the Front poned would be helpful. I'! on pagf' 23A Classified Be £'nl,.,,' house near the lake The Road The Back Road was Sc(' POINTER, page 17A June 30, 1988 2A Grosse Pointe News

the top fundralser In the class Ma~garet L. May Cheryl A. Nowak Chas Verheyden Funeral Home enue Busmess ASSOCiatIOn. He was albo a member of the and St Joan of Arc CatholIc He was an expert gardener Englneelll1g Society of DetlOlt, Whitney Services for former Grosse Church. Mr Fulgenzl, 83, died and had a speCial love of the out- the Shnners and the GlOs"e A comnllttal service for Mar- Pomter Cheryl A. Nowak, 34, June 22 at Bon Secours Nursll1g doors, accordll1g to hIS faml1y. POInte SenIOr Men\ Club "Dad garet L May WhItney, of Gros~ were June 29, 1988, at the Home Survivors Il1clude hIS wife, never btopped !>elvlOg," scud a Pomte Woods, wIll be held July Church of St Alan, in Troy. He was born lo Springfield, Rose; two sons, Dr William R. ddughtEOl, Dunn 2, 1988, at 11 a m. at Roselawn Mrs. Nowak died Fl'lday, June III and was a resident of the and Dr. Andrew N; eIght grand. 24, of inJw'ws rcelved in a traffic Survlvorb mdude hi" Wife, MemO! Jal Gardens In Sagmaw. area for 56 years children, and four gl'eat.grand. Fay, three ddughtel b, Be\ eliey MI'> WhItney, 66, dIed June 24 aCCident. He was a grocer for 20 years chIldren Stevenson, Jdnet and Lmda, a at Bon Secours HospItal. She was a 1972 graduate of at the Grosse Pointe Woods Mal" Burial was 111 Resurrection St. Paul HIgh School in Grosse '>On,Dr John, dnd ,>IXgl anddlll She was born In Vancouver, keto He retlrEOdat age 79 Cemetery. dren Bntlbh Columbia Pomte Farms. Mr. Fulgenzl was a member of Anangements were handled Interment \, as at White She was a homemaker. She was owner of Dunne RIte the Knighb of Columbus, the by the Chas Verheyden Funeral Chapel Cemetery SUIvlvors are a daughter, Caterll1g Co, whIch she started Century Club and the Mack Av. Home Memonal contllbutlOn" Il1d\ Shalon Hautau, three grandchtl- m 1985. be made to Ho"pI<.c of Southeast dlen, and one gleat-grandchlld She was actIve in rehglous ern !o.llchlgan All angements were handled educatIOn at the Church of St An angemenh wel e h,mdled by A H Petel s Funeral Home. Alan and worked WIth scoutmg by the Cha'> Vt'j heyden Fum'l al and the PTA at Schroeder Ele- Home mentary School m Troy SurvIvors are her husband, Leonard; three sons, Bobby, Semi --Annual John A. Dunn Marty and Michael, her mother, Frederick W. Fox Leone Erickson Bennett June Hofmann, her father, Al Wleme, and three brothers John A. Dunn Pnvate ,>erVlce" wel e held fot A memonal servIce for Leone Buri~l WA" in WhIte Chapel 1< unel a1 ..,ervlce" \, el e held Jor tormer Gra'>be POInte 1< drm" re"l- hllck::,on Bennett, 7~, a tormer SALE Memol'lal Cemetery Grosse Pomte teacher, were held John A Dunn, 78, of Gro'>se dent Fredenck W Fox, 89 Mr Arrangements were handled Wednesday, June 29, at the Pomte Farm,>, at the Cha" Ver- Fox died Sunday, June 26, 1988 by the A J Desmond & Sons FlI st U mted MethodIst Church heyden Funpral Home on Satm at Bon Secour" HospItal Funeral Home, Troy day, .June 25, 1988 Mr Dunn He was bOln III New York of Plymouth Mrs. Bennett dIed NOW IN PROGRESS (lied at Henry Ford Hospital of CIty June 26. 1988, m Plymouth. Clement J. Simon <.cincel on June 21 He {,rraduated from the DetlOlt She was born m MIchIgan. He wa" bm n m Manhattan, College of Law m 1924 Mr8 Bennett was a graduate ServIces for Clement J. Simon NY. Mr. Fox was an atto! ney for of Ishpemmg High School, of Grosse Pomte Will be today, He graduated flam Eastel n man' than 50 yearb NOlihern Ul1lverslty and Wayne June 30, at 9:30 a m. at the Further High School and wab a member He was a member of the De- State UnIversity Chas. Verheyden Funeral Home of the General :v1otorfo InstItute trOIt Bar, the MichIgan Bar As She taught school for 33 years and 10 a.m. at St. Clare of Mon- class of 1933. He was a member soclatlOn, the Grosse Pomte Sen- and was a teacher at MaIre and tefalco Church. Mr. SImon died Reductions of Phi Tau Alpha fraternIty. IOr Men's Club, and the First Richard elementary schools m June 27,1988, at Bon Secours He retIred from GM m 1974, ChUl <.h of ChriSt, ScIentIst, De- Grosbe Pamte for 26 years Hospital. after 42 years, as of parts troit He was also a former vol- She was a member of AARP, He was born m Michigan actIVItIes of the servIce section of unteer polIceman m Grosse the Study Club of Plymouth and He was a real estate salesman On Selected Merchandise GM's marketmg staff Pomte Farms the FIrst Umted Methodist Survivors include his wife, Pa- After hiS retIrement, Mr SurvlVOlS are hIS Wife, Bea- Church of Plymouth. triCIa; a son, Gerald Simon De- Dunn was a volunteer driver for tnce; three daughters, Jean SurvIvors are her husband, Montfort; four grandchl1dren; Grobse Pomte Ophthalmology, Hawkms, Beatnce Ann Mac- Robeli; three daughters, Conme two great-grandchIldren, and 500/0 to 75% OFF p!ckmg up people for outpatient Gregor and Josephine Goodman, Heidt, Carolyn and Corm, six three sisters, Leona Brown, He- eye surgery He also worked 17 grandchIldren; four great- grandchildren; four great-grand- len Klont and Marian Kelly. WIth Grosse Pomte's AARP He grandchildren; and a sister, Jose- children; and a brother, Carl Er- BurIal will be at Mount Olivet was active WIth the First Re- phine Fmk. ickson Cemetery. ALL SALES formed Church of DetrOlt, mak- The body was cremated The body was cremated Arrangements were handled FINAL SALE HOURS mg soup to take to shut-ms and Memorial contnbutlOns may Memorial contributions may by the Chas Verheyden Funeral NOMINAL 9 00 to 5 30 dally Home. CHARGE FOR Thursday tll 830 P m. viSItIng people in the hospital. be made to the Grander VIew be made to Hospice of Western ALTERATIONS He served as class agent for his Foundation, Milford, Mich or to Wayne County, 6701 Hamson, GMI cla<;s, and the class won an the Japhet School, MadIson Garden CIty, Mlch 48135. William R. Fulgenzi award for the hIghest percentage Heights. Arrangements were handled Services for William R Ful- CLASSIC STYLE of partICIpants m a fundrmsmg Arrangements were handled by the Lambert-Vermeulen Fu. genzi, of St. Clair Shores, were UNCOMMON SERVICE drive Mr Dunn took honors for by A.H. Peters Funeral Home neral Home. Thursday, June 23, 1988, at the 80 Kercheval Avenue • Grosse Pointe Farms. 882-3590 ....-----COUpON.--- --, I Why Pay More! I Finall)ja garlpent bag that.11 AET ONLVS600! TESTING I greeIYou~. openarms. c L E A R A N c E 7 Days a Week , Designer Dresses Designer Sportswear Dresses Sportswear Suits No Appointment Necessary: Jelescor'c d1lTl.5 Panels Yl"l' 5e<:urely Maternities Accessories Handbags Women's and Miss J Shoes hold panels uprrg/l l 1010 Wlde-open HARPER & CADIEUX I .slide In unda ,oosrtJon Fine Jewelry Menswear Children's Apparel, Accessories and Shoes Toys Pf~lCrW€ roo( tOf (d~!I1g (Pdftnl Pocket olCces; from MissJ Mr. J Home Furnishings Accessories for the Home ~ SHELL I P""d1Og) U15lde Of ouLsrde 0{ I -17017 Harper OOg I W.lly lock lunge' Corn~, 01 Cad'.f!u x I .5oY11em f'.I1dblcs !:Iou ~ panel, leI bOO -m'uro C4~E 881.0438 I (Q use YOU' 00..'0 Clew .11 bOO' p.Kked /w1fJCI5 clodles

l.P!"'" on lop G MjuSlolbl. tie down boIlo," 0{ bdck lJdfIel s~"I' ;crulfly hoIcl; permll dCCes,oj to clothes In place Dollslde pockel> See through mtt"flor Grosse Pointe Panel' np t(){ quJCk complete!, (or denl!1 dllOt1 News u..:mlkle frt'e padong llppered srldfJ 001 (USPS 230-400) 5 have no dulhOM; 10b,nd Ih S 1cl.Spaper ,nd r I publ cal un 01 dI aO'e I semenl Ih,1 co l>lllule t nal ae t:,Jt.H (r (,/ IN ~~.rr1c;pr " f dcr "

Keep vpur cool come~ATda¥ WlthKaplans EartyBlrd SAT prep classes thiS summer We II prepare you for tht<=; future shapmg l?xam and stll! ':1 , leave you plenty oftlmt' to 4 spdre Schools out and Ihe STOREWIDE pressures off. <;() why not put a WE MAKE AIR CONDITIONING \\ HII F 01 A\lTITIFS [ AST little of your fwe time to advan AFFORDABLE ••• lagel A ::..conngadvanla~e Be here tomorrowl Our big storewide clearance of summer apparel Dont walt IIIlthe lasl mmute Flame sells and services most makes and models, and accessories gets under way with great selections and saDingsl Sign up-now And take the heal ofT fall including the entire line of dependable Bryant aIr cond,- IIOners Call Flame Furnace, MIchigan's largest reSidential Bryant dealer, todayl Free estimates and easy fmanclng lKAPLAN available from Flame Furnace Jacob s STAHUY H UPt.AN IDUCAnoHM UHlIR ITD ons Installed for as low as Includes il ., yf'ilr pilrt, and lillHJ' In Cooperation with wilrranTy on lhfl r0mpresc;or frorn $1295 GROSSE POINTE WAR rlame rUlnace , (Mode! 565-(18) MEMORIAL THE FLAME WARRANTY the Kdplan program We back overy unit we sell With will be offered at a Iwo year parts and labor warranty the War Memorial beginning July ]4. brqant Call the War MemOrial at 881-7511 or lhl! Kaplan Cenler at We welcome Jacobson's Charge or the American Express' Card 569-5320 for delalk TROY Shop until 9 p.m. on Thursday and Friday 524.1700 Until 6 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday ------.------_ ...... ------.-.-.-

June 30, 1988 Grosse Pointe News NtM/4 3A Fire chiefs warn residents against dangerous paint-removal method By Peter A, Salinas banmng the u&e of sueh equIp fire!> m that elt) tdused by the Ignite and ooze Into cracks In. anyone Uf>Inga tOlth 01' hot gun tIt and tan ,>tam wood OJ OtlWI SlaH Wnler ment to lemove pamt. use of such eqUlpment m the sIde an attIc there IS msulatlOn, to remove paint Candella noted mdterIdl'l If thp chermca! (!lIp" As, a result of a number of FalIn'i FIre ChIef Sam Can. past two to thlee year!> cobwebs and dry wood which can that one Falin" fire wa" "tatted "I would 11('\'(') "ugW"t that ~res m the Farms and surround delia sllld that there have been Candella sclld that the prob smolder and IgnIte when enough by a hot gun hecau"e It IIa& u"ed people use tOlc!lC",' Candl.II,1 mg commumtJes attllbuted to thlee major files as a rebult of lem comes flom the tOlche& heat oxygen IS present Improperly "111 mg pamt to 1,100 del,rl'ees to sof "BII'ds can buIld nests II1slde "Even the profec,'ilOnalc, t<1n jJllan tan hale ploblemc., , m~ pamt With tOlches and elec the labt three years _ seven 111 ten and !>clape It, and that wood these overhangs and they can start a fire," C'.ll1della "aId Candella c.,ald the F 110 eaw way to Ie- be collectl11g date! flom otlwi Cl partment IS conductmg a study Pal k Deputy DII ector PhillIp Costa, longtllnc Park fire Both Costa and Candella SaId move pamt," Co"t l'nuno!, \\ 11\( h \\ nuld Clean-up begins on $500, 000 Farms fire COc.,td noted that thel e Rle hell'e to dl aft Cleet a" pll",,'hll' when we Ihmgs apalt .. Thn"tY-l1lne fil efightel" fl am night to Like tll( -,1 ufl HlI ,I V " fight ,I Ii", hut ~"nll Utnes It I" The fire produced a thIck b'1'ay. the five Grosse Pomtes dnd Hal' black smoke that was reported Report on hearing next week per Woods fought lust \\eek's file as far away as the Wood!:> The public he<\lll1g for the plO (;loc.,,,e POll1te Wood" Plcllt1) 111/: at the Tompkms reSIdence on There were thl ee layers of pObed On-c,lte eXpan'iIOll of (he COllllHl""101l Kenwood m the Farms fOl about loofing on the dwellIng, Can. Chddren'!> Home of DetlOlt m The meetmg, howeVl'1 took seven hours and probably used delia saId Thel'e was a layer of Grosse Pomte Woods and the place after the GIOC,.,C POll1te 500,000 gallons of water to put wood and asphalt that was cov. heat mg to allow operatIOn of an Ne\h Ilent to pre".., Look fO! d out the blaze ered WIth tm out patIent chenllcal dependency complete stOl y of tbe comml'i Farms Fire ChIef Sam Can The attIc wab compartmental. aftelcare clll1lC \1 as ::.theduled 101 .,lOn'e.,deCISIOn 111 ne\.t \I('ek " 1" della saId the 01st call came m ILed and had wooden floors, Tuesday befO!e the c.,up at 3'14 pm He SaId pamters whIch made thp fire dIfficult to ~ fight, Candella saId ....•.•...... were on the site when fire broke ~~.-. through the roof Though the fire was brought : NOW OPEN ,.~ ,I "There were three pamters under control m several hours, there who had btarted scrapmg there were still many hot spots I .. ~lImll • pamt usmg torches at 7 am," Candella saId firefighters had to I . PENNZ01L rH~.~ • Candella SUld "They well' work- ~o lI1!llde the bUlldmg und phyf:ll' ing on the eaRt SIde of the house cully np down the rnetul lath = 10 MINUTE l][~~~J = and that's whel e the fire broke nnd pluHter cedJng befol'c thc out. We estImated that the file hlnw could be entu'cly extin II OIL CHANGE~e~~~~~~,..be I. had been bUJ'nlng for fuU!' 01 five gUl"llwd. tOt "It all hud to come do\'\'n," he I . and . . . oilfil .. . = hOUI'S." Candella "IBIdthl" WB'!the Bel' c.,llltl."It WUHtough work In that und Buch lire m thl ee weeks In 11l'1lt " the FarmB Candellu flaid he offel'pd ;203;7M~~kt~ I A large HrGU of the attic hud thunkfl to nearby l'efndents who fh::::: been smolderIng fOi awhIle, be. brought ice water, Iced teu und fore flames broke through the pop to the firefighters. !NO APpT. NECESSARY! I roof, he sUld The fil st firemen "The polIce did an excellent arrived on the scene two mm' Job of crowd and traffic contl'ol," = Drive Thru Center = utes after the department re- he saId, "We dIdn't have any I • Change Oil ceived the first call. problems at all WIth that" AET' I "The second and th Ird alarms "OUl' Lt. Donald Giles was in = · New Filter . I went out wlthm five minutes," charge of the scene and dId an • • lube Chassis Testing '. he said excellent Job," Candella saId Candella saId insurance adjus. "He dId a great Job of dIrecting Plus 13 Essential Services tel's estImated damage to the = = the men" dwellIng at $416,000 and loss of Photo In. Pt'tLl \ ~llIIIHI'" 95 95 Candella thanked the other contents was set at $100,000. = Reg. $19 w/coupon $17 I Workmen began cleaning up the Tompkins home in the Farms departments m the mutual aId • ' 011 Hours: 8:00-6:00. 8:00-5:30 Sat • With the fire confined mainly to pact for theIr aSSIstance, the upper attic and second floor last Wednesday. the day after a fire which destroyed their roof Gas Hours: 7:00-7:30 8:00-5:30 Sat and caused extensive smoke and water damage. Water is being Private work crews were on areas, firefighters opened up the scene the next day removmg • . Other Locations To Serve You: window casements, and together pumped from the basement onto the street and into sewers. burned debns and pumpmg out with neIghbors, moved a lot of Farms fire officials said that torches used to scrape paint caused • 17500 E. Warren. Corner of 8 Ie Kelly' • a basement full of water. furmture, Jewelry and other the blaze. • (Bet~een Cadieux & Mack), EastDetroit I

Windstorm knocks out power I downs trees ( ( 7 ( . . . . Mon~~~~7'.I;"" ...'~ .. "',I Park, but the Park apparently wmds of ovel 20 mIles per ham, M=:'~:e-s . 1_ A large area south of Jefferson .t~,.-. . AET Testing Center -'_J m the Park was Without power suffered the mo!:>tdamage WIth gusts mto the 40s whIch Call 882-0294 on the hottest day of the year - Park Capt Wilham FlIItaw blew around 104 deb'1'ee tempel a- •••••••••••••••••••••••• a record.breakmg 104 degrees - saId that the dIspatcher received tures when hIgh wmds knocked down several hundred reports of Furtaw SRld that the Wmdmdl power lines and trees Saturday, downed Imes and complall1ts Pomte Park pool was closed June 25. about the power outage wben filtels qlllt 11Inl11ng due to the pml er outage Power outages, downed trees Several wooden fence fil Pb and arcmg transformers were were repOlted as a lesult of t~(> City pohce took numelOliS LARGEST reported m the City, Woods and downed wIres Fmtaw sala that cIlllR of rlowned power hnes At these were put out by patlol offi- least SIX separate mCldel"ts of House broken in cers With water extmgulshers downed wIres and one 1 cpcrt of a WINE SALE downed tree were repolted to A home on the 1000 block of A man sittmg m hIS car on that depaltment Buckmgham was broken into be. Wayburn escaped mJury wpen tween 6:30 and 8 p m. June 23 an elm tree fell atop hi" vehIcle The Woods Iecclved several IN OUR HISTORY Glass was broken on a Side The auto sustamed conslderahle repOlts of downed powel lines door and the thIef reached m to damage, pohce saId and 1m ge tree IJmbb unlock It, Two bedrooms were Most of the call!> occurred br:>- We Dare You To Find A Lower Price! ransacked Some $210 m cash Most of the hIgh wind prob twepn 1 and 6 p m There \\ ere was taken along WIth assorted lems began shortly before 2 p m no l'epOlted lI1JUl'ICS Jewelry Local weather offiCIals IecOJded ALL SALES FINAL!!! ~ Glen Ellen 1 Sutter Home < If your home isn't keeping pace with your Lifestyle • • • Chardonnay White Zinfandel • Reg. $.t49 79 Reg. $6.99 339 t.II .. I. SAVE $2.20 SA VI, 'll1.10 4 750011 "'ill Ill! ~ Wicker Baskets lhOFF ~~ W Ide "election to choo<,e t I OIll all gourmet food, glassware and many \ \1 I I ., other gift Items! I ){()\I Maybe your family is growing. Maybe your income warrants more living space. ~ Or, maybe your entertaining needs demand more space. Whatever the reason, Motor City Modernization provides quality craftsmanship, creative design and 1983 Lafon 1984 William Hill ~ ~ affordability to make your horne improvements a reality. Rochet Reserve . ' ADDITIONS - DORMERS Reg. $16.99 9 Rl'g. ~21A9 Z , Roughed-In 6r Finished - Low, Low Prices on all home improvements ' 12~~m,SAVE $4.50 16 '!'m' ~A \ I 'll,t~n trj for Bordeaux fans! ('abClnel Sau \ ignoll FREE DESIGN SERVICE $ SAVE $ - j-~ Garages Recreation Rooms 24 Hour PHONE SERVICE BUY SMART * BUY----- NOW Windows Bathroorn~ For FREE ESTIMATE -- Aluminum Siding Kitchens ~\' ~MOTOR CITY 777-4160 Vintage Pointe Wines ~~ ) r' MODERNIZATION • 885-0800 • 21612 Harper Ave. 'No Money Down , Kercheval at Notre Dame St.Clair Shores, MI. 'Easy Bank Financing M-T-W-S-9:30-8:00; TH-F <):30-«):00; SUN 12.r; , "

------.... - .. -----_...-._----

June 30, 1988 Grosse Pointe News Grosse Pointe High Fireworks, classmates sought pets don't mix The reUnIon commlttee for the Elame Phelp<.;, Ruth POtl dtt Edch yedl uvel the FOUlth of Grosse POInte High School Le Reme Roberts, SylvlJ Hun ,Juh holItldL the Jlillchlgan Hu classes of January and June Cllnan, Robel t W HLl~~ell 111.1Ill' SOL let \ "ee" dn mel ease m 1938 have been able to contact Patncla Le~e~ne SeIJl', Thom,l" thl numlJel of lo"t pet<. that al e or a~eltaIn the whereabout~ of Smith, Ann Sten.wl, CI1

p~ t h \V f I} \ H Fic;her VIrgInia Fox Final resting place Betty Gamble, Nelson Guston AlIce Harbison, Jaquelyn Mal WInTE T-SHIRT W/3 COLOR GRAPHICS G, Mennen Williams was buried on Mackinac Island June 20, His body had been temporar- galet Hauck, Russell J HIll, ily entombed in a crypt in Detroit following his Feb. 5 funeral. Jane E Howell, LorraIne Above. the funeral procession of horse-drawn carriages. led by an honor guard of Fort Hughes, Arthur Kent HurlbUlt Mackinac guides in 19th century uniforms. moves up Grand Hotel Boulevard. The family gath- Jr, RobeIt E Hynds, Mary ~~Kf~T~C~"l~~-=:? 4 4 " " ~ .. " .. ~ ers at the cemetery. below. with Nancy Williams in white. To her l",ft are son G. Mennen Wil- Holmes if ~ THE ~EAT LI1'TLE LAKE liams Jr. and daughters Nancy Ketterer and Wendy Burns. Verna B Ingalsbe ~ longtime Grosse Pointe resident. Williams served six terms as governor of Michigan. was Mary Barbour Japp Chlldrens' Short Sleeve (SO/SOpoly/cotton) 6-8 10-12 '995 assIstant secretary of state for African affairs. ambassador to the Philippines and chief justice StephanIe Krywy of the Michigan Supreme Court. Betty Lehman, BettIe Lmge Adut Short Sleeve 100%Cotton Heavyweight M_l_ Xl_ 11395 man, ShIrley Ann Luce Adut LongSleeve 100%Cottoo Heavywelght M_l_ Xl_ '1795 Dorothy MIller, Janette Natural Canvas Tote Bag 18'x2Q' '1995 Moore, Jocelyn Moore, Sheila SUb Tota M S Moore, MarIon MorrIs, WIl- Tot a ham McBrIde, DaVId H McKee, Ncme Phone _ ShIrley McGee, Robert McIntyre, SlrHl _ Mary McKmght, George Mar- oty stat. ZIp _ shall CAll Lake Gr~ iii 1642 Arlla Gr~ PoIn1e Woo&' MI48236 Phone (313) B85-M90 Anne Kathenne Nelson, John B Newhall Clara Joan Patel son, Manetta Patton, WIlham Petty, Mman

See the giant pandas Those dIsappointed due to the ImmedIate sell-out of the War Memorial's three "Panda-Mon- ium" day trips WIll have a fourth opportUnIty to see the giant VIsItors from Chma, Wednesday, July 27. The tnp to Toledo has been scheduled by the Center's educa tIonal travel department leavmg the War Memonal at 8:30 am, returning at 5 30 p,m o Trip includes a one-hour crUIse along the Maumee River aboard a pnvately chartered 50 foot yacht, which WIll dock WIthin • REDUCE HEAT. SAVE ENERGY & COOLING COSTS walkmg dIstance of the zoo Af- Search is on for beauty in the Woods ter VIsiting the giant pandas, In preparatIOn for the 1988 1988 Only Improvements whIch Woods, on a recommendatIOn of there wIll be a buffet lunch at a CVSTOM COLORS & STYLES' DECORAlDR FABRICS BeautificatIOn Awards Night, can be seen from the street are the BeautIficatIOn AdVisory restaurant overlookmg the nver members of the Grosse POInte elIgible Intenor Improvements Commission, has honored busl and a ViSIt to PoItslde, Toledo's ~~ad~ Woods Mayor's Bea:.ltIficatlOn are not conSidered for the ness owners SInce 1975 for theIr two-story rIveifront marketplace PERMANIZED WITH SILICONE AND VINYL AdVisory CommissIOn are on the awards effOl'ts to keep the city's commer- featuring more than 50 shops lookout for reSidents and bUSI- Three Mayor's TrophIes and cIal area neat, attractive and m Fee IS $41 per person; chIldren ness owners who are contnbut- three Honorable MentIOn CertIfi- keepIng with the Colomal 10 and under, accompanIed by FREE ESTIMATES Ing tv the beautIficatIOn of the cates may be awarded to bUSI- theme an adult, $37. Casual clothmg Woods nesses at the dIscretIon of the In 1979, re~ldentlal awards and comfortable walkmg shoes Through the month of July, commiSSIOn Also, several were added and In 1984 a dIS- are recommended Call 881-7511 beautifIcatIOn members are awards are given to homeowners tmctIve ceramIC tIle was de- Advance registratIOn IS neces. scoutmg the communIty to find and speCial presentatIOns may be Signed and created by the hiS- sary those bU~Inesses, churches, made for outstandIng home reno- tOrIC Pewablc Pottery to schools and reSIdents who have vatIOn. recognize and encow'age major made SIgnificant renovatIOns, re- The Grosse Pomte Wood~ renovatIOn of older homes In the paIrs or addItIOns to theIr bUild- BeautificatIOn Awards are given Woods. liThe kindness, personal care and Ings, homes or landscaping be at a leceptlOn held In November. The Landmark Award was tween Aug 1, 1987 and Aug 1, The mayor of Grosse Pomte added m 1987 special attention Ireceived at Birth Care"\1

Daytime Evenings and Saturday:> really meant a lot to me. CLASSICAL Ifelt special." Carol J. Quinn, VALUE V.V.s.

17200 Mack Telephone near Cadieux 881.1231 Celeb,ate .he b,rth ofyom chIld at Bon Secours Hospital's BIrthCare'" Unit, metropolItan Our Pharmacy Detroit's fIrst hcensed Single Stays Open for you room maternity care program Expenence the intimacy Until Midnight of our personahzed maternIty program featunng a famIly- 365 Days a Year. centered approach to chIldbirth ST. CLAIR PHARMACY that ensures your utmost com- fort, secunty and pnvacy- '1 I IlIr I'r',j, "I. n d Il'l 1<111 ~ (.r .ll peClaloccasion 11111 III I III I i1l1ldl July'~ truly exceplJonal birthstone, now at deserves '" It~ll.ll~ Ilill lr fir ) I~ll~ the exceptional price of I I, , I "III I" I' I II I, III $850 each. For mformatlon on BlrthCare''', It,>program'> and I ST.CUll AnER.HOURS ,>ervlce,>,call 313/343-1200 PHARMACY OT, wlthm area code 313,

" III I ,.~ fl II" I 'I " 1/800/331-0954, ext 1200 ( ( III l 1 I r l'l I ( fl II J lit. \d I r 111 l' I 1111 I, I II I. BjrthCare (313) 343.4720 ~~\ Single Rooln Maternity Care l 'iN r I \ \ I \ I I n ~ I I" -1".1 c~,t\RlES W. WARREN Sellnl lohn ttmpll.ll • , I (II \ \" I' I ' ~t- ~l.ISn lWJ. 1.11JI 649 HI' \111 " BON Ol 11-(<"\\'( )M[ '\,'<" IIF '\In ICARE • Il,.,1 rAS11ANll - LUE.~D£- fAI.1A.~[ c;re I;) n-tLl'[OAXS 1I,Il ( ldll 11\ Ro lrl (.to, I I'.Jlll11 \II< h'f\.l11 ,1l210 I., ", ~ ~h-ff f...... Of .., wrtto-.r ~ bp1"fN VI,. Of' 1MMtf'f(..,.. Aft/Ira/rail ,/lr nw U'1I/ "rl ollr, of \1/1 III'>;(/u '" (/1/I1(arr "'I/~/rm, fu( --<----- ,w

June 30, 1988 5A Grosse Pointe News

i fi:ne 18328 Mack Avenue In The Farms :. wines DAILY: 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. PRICES IN EFFECT liquor Wednesday and Saturday 8 a.m •• 6 p.m. CLOSED MONDAY, JULY 4th JUNE 30, JULY 1 & 2

LEAN AND MEATY FRESH COFF EES RESTAURANT STYLE $296 fresh Freshly Roasted and Custom ":, ~t~;;J...... ""' SHORT END LB ..- .. - Ground to Your Needs! - -.. SPARE RIBS $ 550 FRESH FROZEN 30 LB CA E KONA 79LB BLEND $3 ORANGE CENTER CUT ROUGHY FILLETS 9 8 KONA $399 BLEND LB STUFFED SOLE :~~ES $2 18 DECAFFEINATED SHOREMANE WHILE THEY LAST PACKAGE OF TWO MILLER 24 CANS FROZEN GROUND CHUCK 5 LB BAG 12 PACK CANS Classic Coke, Cherry Coke, Diet Coke HAMBURGER ONLY Caff. Free Coke, Diet Coke! Sprite ~~~ULAR or GENUINE $949 ~~!!~o~!$798 DRAFT +DEP or 2 to a LB $26~D" WHILE THEY LAST 2 LITER SALE LEAN MEATY PEPSI 2 Litre Sale I Sunklst, Regular & DIet Pepsi, DIet Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Pepsi Canada Dry, 97 COUNTRY STYLE Free, Diet Pepsi Free, Slice, Diet Slice, Regular & DIet Orange Slice, Diet Orange Slice, Vernors, 7 UP! Regular & Diet +DEP PORK Diet Vernors, A & W, Diet A & W RIBS NABISCO RITZ BITS 97~.0 .. POLISH $16~oz PICNIC HAM BREYER'S - WATCH FOR COUPON - WHilE THEY LAST l'The All Natural Ice Cream" •• NAf."MAI"\ .... HOMEMADE 1/2 Gal 69 ~":7:~":~- ICE CREAM $2 ~ All Flavors ~ VARIOUS FLAVORS EST!! ~E~ 1939 1/2 GALLON - k:~~Q.~ - Ii"NlL,\ $269 ~-{{i H~~~~~~~IED IC£CR~ 1~r~ 1/2 Gallon Milk __,~ PAUL'S BAKERY WHILE THEY LAST - -... f ~ . '''1'1 HOT DOG 79'" ...:."!..~- NABISC010 oz ~~~~" 99~ ~. or ~ PU\sc~\\, WHEAT THINS C~~~~E . -' / HAMBURGER BUNS 6 PACK '--~':::~....~ Original or Low Salt 99 GREAT AMERICAN ~ TRISCUIT BERINGER $ Original or Low Salt CHillY POPS WHITE ZINFANDEL .,.... 9 1/2 OZ 479 12 CT PACKAGE SA VE $2.20 750 ML FRITO.LAY $119 ERNEST & JULIO GALLO REGULAR OR RUFFLES 1.5 Litre VARIETAL BLUSH CHABLIS BREAKSTONE FRENCH COLOMBARD 39 LOWFAT COTTAGE CHEESE $3 $1 ~~z AND SAVE CHENIN BLANC $1.60 99~ 160Z THE ORIGNIAL "CADDIES" S8P9ACKe INGLENOOK U-SHA.PED HOT DOG and HEINZ 3 Litre SANDWiCH ROLLS I $559 ~ll ALL VARIETIES SQUEEZE KETCHUP ~~J SAVE $3.80 SA"- ,..-..., t .. dO If J: IDU'~ .., 1-rlll 280Z CRIBARI E-Z POUR 1.5 Litre $269 SAVE $1.60 COOKS CHAMPAGNES ~PkgTIC PLATES 99,{. i~''''<~ 11 9 15 COUNT " EXTRA DRY SAVE $300 BRUT $1.99 750ML • SOLO ALL LOOSE POTATOES. • • : • • • • 39~" (IDAHO, RED, CALIFORNIA) 9 • PLASTIC CUPS DOMAINE ST. GEORGE ROMAINE LETTUCE •• , ••••••• ~u 20 COUNT 160Z CHARDONNAY 5 PlCOGE $339 89~ CABERNET SAUVIGNON BIBB LETTUCE ••••••••••• 4.tp~ $1 00 WHITE ZINFANDEL 750 ML c:~.. ~ ,~, CRYSTAL LIGHT BAR SAUVIGNON BLANC SA VE $1.60 BOSTON LETTUCE~g.H~.~••• ~lqr. 99~ 9 ".< • 6 COUNT ~~;.~~~ . • Strawberry/Wild Cherry $139 :""1 ANDRE BROCCOLI. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 89~u ~~ ...... • Pineapple/Punch C~ CHAMPAGNES LARGE BLACK BEAUTY 89If.. • - _ -r . CRYSTAL LIGHT COOL 'N' DRY, PINK AND COLD DUCK ~ 1.~' ~ CREAMY BARS ~ SAVE PLU MS. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ,. LI $229 >-'"} ~ .:.~.-;:;: 4~ 6 COUN1' 39 ~ $1.70 750 ml ~:;~ ~.\::~~. t. • Orange/Vanilla $1 BARTLETT PEARS. • • • • • • • • • • • 69~LI CHIQUITA 371f.. • Double Chocolate ,"-1 ..~. SUN COUNTRY BANANAS. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • "LI AZTECA120ZPKG ~j1 ~~~4PACKOR2L1TRE LARGE SUGAR SWEET $639 AUTHENTIC STONE GROUND 29 I • • u 59.,1 ~ ~ $2 WATERMELON ••• • • • • • • • • • TORTILLA CHIPS y.. ,-'-' SAVE 70~

--~~ ... senIOr CItizens them::.el yeS ought to ue Lack of unity polled to try to learn their desires about any communIty projects aimed at asslstmg them. We still think such a study also in the Pointes would be valuable in connection WIth the housing study From our conversatIOn with several city halts progress offiCIals, we recogmze some of the problems mvolved with getting a consensus in sup. ver the years the Grosse Pomte port of a Grosse Pomte program or study News has often edItorIally sup- One of the barners, of course, IS that the Oported the general Idea of a smgle mumcipahtIes operate on tIght budget" mUnlclpal government for the Gros"e and requests for additional funding, espe Pomtes cially after annual budgets already have One of the arguments has been that a In effect, that means that a smgle com- cItIzen housmg m the Pomtes Two of the been adopted, must be gIven hard scrutmy "mgle government for thIs community of mUl1lty can veto a proposal that IS favored governments, the Woods and the City, Another barner to unanimity is that 111 55,000 people ought to be more efliclent by the other four, either by not acting at have approved the Idea, although only the dividual governments have theIr own pro and more eilectIve than the five govern- all or by votmg It down. That IS, of course, Woods made Its contnbutlOn and did that grams that they belIeve are as effective ac, ment':> that now govern the Park. the City, the prerogative of all five governments and With speCific resel vat IOns 1\vo others, the the jomt effort proposed That was the al the Fa! 01". the ShOl es and the Woods we'l e not arguing agamst the U'3e of the Farms and the Shores, have tabled the pro gument m at least one mUnIcIpalltlty It also ha" been a! gued that SInce the veto uj' any speCIfic government many posa! penchng mal e mformatlOn, and one, agamst cooperatmg with the '3hared fO! Pomte", make up one school dlstnct, plus a '3peclfic ca'3e . the Pal k, had not acted a" thIS was wnt- ester proposal. part of Harper Woods. It makes sense to We do recall, however, that a proposal ten It IS also true, of course, that reSident-. conSIder Gro"se POInte as one community for a dlstnct judge to sel ve all the Pomtes The st udy, to be undertaken by Gerald as well as offiCIals of the dIfferent Pomte 1 dthel than five mUnlclpalItIe<., Some also wa'3 endorsed by sevel al Pomte govern- Luedtke and ASSOCiates, Inc, urban plan- mumcipalltles may well have dlffenng have contended that a merger mto one ments, but lacked the Unal1lmIty reqUIred nets who have done work for several of the opmIOns about the value of speCIfic project" POInte would le",,,en confUSIOn about the fOJ adoptIOn. And just last week the Grosse POInte governments. would only determine as well as about any proposal to mergt' reSidentIal Mea among people who hve Pomte Shade Tree CouncIl abandoned Its pOSSIble sItes for prIvate development and then' own Pomte with the other foul' outSide the Pomtes proposal for a Grosse Pomte shared com- neIther the pbnning orgamzatlOn nor the But faIlure of present Pointe gavE" n It IS tl ue that thel e already IS good coop- mUnIty torester atter three Pomte govern. underwntmg mUnlclpahties would be m- ments to act on, or to veto, proposals thd; eratJOn among the five governments m ments had approved It, one endorsed it valved In any development that dId occur appear to have me1'1t and warrant sUPPO!t such matters as police and fire protectIOn, condItIonally and one never dId vote on the tends to revive talk that the Pomtes nught but one of the weaknesses of the present Issue The N e....s supported the shared com- operate more effiCIently, be able to do bet system shows up every time a new service N ow there IS a new Issue that seeks SUp mUnIty fore'3ter and we also thmk the pro- tel' planmng for the future and might sup I" proposed subject to the approval of all port of the five Pomte governments for a posal for a study of housmg sites is a good port more worthwhIle projects If the five five Pomte government'3 $15,000 study of pOSSIble SItes for senIOr Idea Em'her we had suggested that the governments could be merged into one

Still hope for school reform?

tis dlsappomting that the state LegIS- fact that thIS IS an electIOn year in which lature has not yet been able to agree on all House members will face the electorate, Ia new state school financing program A joint conference committee has been ap- m view of the agreements reached on es- pointed to try to work out a compromise sential parts of the proposed reform. that will be acceptable to both houses If Both RepublIcans and Democrats seem the conferees reach agreement by Sept. 9, to favor an Increase in the state sales tax the questIOn or questIOns will go on the from 4 percent to 6 percent, a boost in November ballot. state aid to the K-12 public schools of Yet the next two weeks are crucial to + about $500 million a year and a reduction the negotIatIOns. For the LegIslature plans 111 local property taxes that now serve as a to adjourn for the summmer about July 14 major support for local schools. Key legislators have SaId that If an agree- A difference of opinion about the tIming ment IS not reached before the summer ad- of any state vote on the program has been journment, the school financmg reform IS ended by the passage of tIme. Gov. James likely to dIe Blanchard and hIS DemocratIc colleagues earlIel had wanted the vote at the Aug. 2 In Glosse Pointe, and other out-of-for- pnmary, but the deadhne for puttmg the mula distncts, the hope stIli IS that the Issue on the ballot now has passed. How- legIslatIOn, If finally approved, WIll not in- ever, the questIOn stIll could go on the bal- clude a cap on local school millage Such a lot 111 November or at a speCIal electIOn. hmltatlOn would also put a cap on spend- What apparently stIll diVIdes the Repub- mg for mnovatIOns and mItIatIves that lican Senate and the Democratic House lighthouse distrIcts such as ours m Grosse now are the mechanisms for distributing Pomte have been able to provide m theIr the additIOnal state aid as well as the Sen- quest for excellence. ate Republican demand that the sales tax As we have said before, any effort to boosts to pay for the property tax rellef equalIze educatIOnal expendItures through- and for higher school aid be separate IS- out the state at the expense of districts sues on the ballot. such as ours m Grosse Pointe would tend Yet there still IS hope for agreement, de- to create egalItanamsm, medIOCrIty and spIte the long wranglmg between the par- conformity, whICh are among the enemIes ties, which can be blamed In part on the of excellence m educatIOn.

• Public snubbed Counseling In reSIdentIal commumtles ren under two on key Issues as one step toward solVing Both prospective and cur center needed OUI local day care problems rent reSIdents need to feel To ~h€ Etli~!)r: A ('1'111'1:11 prnh!pm t h:1t 11 tWIJ key decI~lOns in lecent weeks, what happens m DetrOIt and the rest of Mayor Colpman Young of DetrOIt I have noted With mtel est faces all commUnIties today, come m the commullIty the metro area Includmg the Grosse Pomtes, has Ignored or attempted to bypass the recent proposal to utlhze whele they choose to hve 0 It IS true that we lIve 111 a representative a pOlilOn of the ChIldren's l'i to msure the availability the pubhc 111 the metro al en and hIS can. Our excellent school'> and government and elect our ofliclals to act on Home property on Cook of good quality day care We ..,tltuenh 111 DetrOIt servIce" dlaw many famlllC" our behalf III makmg deCISIOns on matters Road as an altel care counsel urge re'>ldents to Jom m to thIS mea, and a vanety of One mvolvC'd the deCISIon to move the that affect us and our pocketbooks Gov mg center for young people "eekmg creatIve solutIOns to aVaIlable. quahty day care Grand Pnx races to the western end of emment now IS far too comphcated for us strugglmg WIth chellllcal de- our local day care dIlemma offels another "elv-Ice to at Belle Isle startIng next y('ar and the other to gather 111 a New England-type town pendency As a concerned A look at 1980 ceni,USfig. tract newcomel'> Good '>e, was the effort to halt the proposed Detroit meetmg to make our decisions about what father of three teenagers and me" gives u" ar. mterestmg Vlces tend to rmse propeliy referendum to han caSInO gambling m the government should or should not do. VIce chmrman of Bnghton pel "pectIve - at that tIme a value" and thu" benefit all HospItal's bomd of trustees, total of 604 \"omen IIvmg m cIty of DetrOIt at the Aug 2 pl'lmary Yet officials who act Without reference to rf''>ldent'i Nobody con'iult('d the city councIlor the I am acutely a\"are of the GIOS'ie Pomte Fal mi1, the Kay Kirby the pubhc often pay the pnce m the fu- need fO! such a facllity m Pal k and the Woods, WIth Fnends of Belle Isle beforC' the mayor an- tm e They are defeated on measures that President nounced that it would bt> necessary to our commumty chIlehen under "IX, were em- Gros'>e Pointe AAUW requlI'e approval by a legIslative body, Outpatient cOlln"ehng I" a ployed outslCle the home In move the 19R9 Grnl1d PI IX to BC'lle Isle they offer fuel to their politIcal enemies Vital palt of a f,ucces"ful Ie- pelcpntage" 41 p('rcer1'tof all hecau<,e real ('state d('veloperc, wdntpd t~ and 'lometlmps they even lose their bids covery from chemIcal addlc Glo""e Pomt~ Farms women More letters beglO comtruct Ion along portIOn'; of the fm re electIOn tlOn A coumelmg faclhty on With chIldren under 'iIX cun pnt course WIth hIS tIght control of the politICal pro- the Cook Road '>lte would WOl ked away from home, a" And It wa.., clear that the mayor sup on page SA C('ss III OetlOlt, and the strong support of enablf' recovenng young peo rhd :3.'3 pel cent of such ported, If he didn't coop('rate With, th(' at- hll-, COl1"ltltuent<;,Mayor Young IS Itkely to pie and their famJlws to ob women m Gro'>se Pomte Park and 32 percent m the tempt to har the casll10 gambhng I..,..,UC survlvP thC''le latc'it dlctatonal moves WIth- tam much needed f.,'uIdance from the DetrOIt ballot on pnmary day He and "upport [It a mo,<,tClltl Wood" Thf' number of .."ork Needless out much embarrassnwnt No l'eal chal. cal time mg mothf'r'i ha" mcrea<,ed al..,o hinted 11(' might ..,e()k Ow needpd ap Ipnge has yet appeared to the propo'ial to reo rga nizat ion proval of the Leg,slatme befol'(' the 1'i'Hle FredC'nck E. Ham'> III ellamatlcaJ1y 'imce then - move thp Grand PI IX to Belle Isle even Gro'l'le Pointe Woods OhVIOU"l)local child care I'> To the Editor: gO('" to the votCI<', a..,smmng It "'lIrVIVeSa though the 01 gaOlzatlOll went on record nf'eded J am wntmg you 10 f'X challengp In the cOUli.., back In 1985 aga 111'it any commerctaltza- AAUW ,<,upport" the can pre"" my conccrn ovel the The mayor, of COUl'C,P, clop-.not pr('tend to local child tlOn of the Island park And legislatIve ap- Cf'pt of 1 egl,>tered family day move'> of Wayne ('ollnty I-,('ek ..,ubul'lmn approval wlwn 11(' makel-, proval of cac,lllo gambling IS stIli a possIbil care needed care homc'" because not onIy The move" are III 1he gen ..,uch planl-, for the futlllt', evpn though Ity, If not very Itkely. do they offel benefit'> of a eral downtown ,lrea Some To thC'Editor: many ..,lIhtlllMn rcc,Ic!('nh work, own prop- How('wr, neither of these moves IS a home atmo"phere a<,oppo"ed offices (county) ill C m the old 'I'IIP GIO" ...P POl11[p 13, ,1I1cl1 erty <1nd p,iV tdx('''' 1O hl'i city But the to an m...tltutlOn type envi CIty County 'BuJldll1g, In the good e'xilmpl(' of tlw ..vay elect('d leadrrs of of 111(' A11H"1 lelln A""oclalIOn mayor\" hru..,h ofT of puhllc Opll1lOll on 10nl11('nt. hut they al"o ac old Fpny &ed RllIldlllg III a drmocrat IC socIPty ought to scpk out pub- o( Umvel..,lty Wnl11pn ...up many ]<,,,uc~ doec,n't ..,top ..,ublllban rpSl' cept very young chIldren, GI eektown and pf'rhap,> hc opll1lOn as well a, help mfonn It before pOII'> thp concppt of I'Pgl" unlike many day care cen. denh from hdvmg tJW!I' own VIPW..,about IllHklJlg judgnwnt" on public policy [f'red family clav rmp hOllle... Ipl''>that do not 1ake chl1d See LETTERS, pagC' SA ------

I My IdLllel ana hlb fnend epito- pass Without any of us thmkmg True mized to me the perfect Amen- the pam and struggle remall1S in ;J / about why that flag IS hel e ,. cans. They would alway~ place hiS memory However, overshad- their hands over their hearts as \ That flag IS there because It owed by all that IS hiS patriotism the NatlOnal Anthem played, Withstood the test of time and - on each one of hiS lapels on patriotism They would alwdys remember war Betsy Ross put together hi" SUItS, he wears a pm of the flag Flag Day, D Day and Vetman's some fabncs and FranCIS Scott John Hancock, BenJamlO (S~ Day, They would recall all the Key wrote Iyncs for a that In Just four days, many of us Frankhn, Wilham Floyd, John terrO! and flight of war, yet be would become our natIOnal an. will have the day off from work Adams and BenJamm Haillson btlong enough to be courageOUi> Rob Fulton them Together that combll1atlOn to celebrate, but I wonder how are Just a few names that come They undel stood the tl ue has given us a symbohc way to many of us Ieally understand to mmd when thmkmg of h ee meanmg of mdependence and represent the gl eatest nation why Freedom IS somethmg that dam. Each of them, along with a pabbed It down to each one of I appl eClate thli> country and has been around for a long time, slew of delegates to the conven thell kId" It's all due to my fat he I 's mflu- but It'S never too late to appre- tion, signed the DecldratlOn of Yedl I', ,lgO my fathel put fldg::, hfe was bomethmg I don't think on one star and thmk of him as ence, He never told us to love clUte the vdlue of the American Independence And flam the btlckel "J on the Side of hII', CUI I'd lIke to hve through songs and words are bung or spo- the flag or always ~mg songs, WdY moment It was ddopted by the At the tIme I wa::, too young to When all IS Said and done, he ken that Ievolve around fl eedom but he did teath us to appre. Flymg a flag I'> only one way Contmental Congress on July 4, get a bTJ asp on why he did that, tl uly belIeves that fightmg for and war, but I won't be able to clate My fathel IS flam what to show our love and apprecla. 1776, the complexlOn of the but ab the yedrs pa~~ed, my un hiI', country Ib pOitrayed thlough tell hlln face.to face - so 1 Will many call the old school, and I tlOn for a country bUIlt on Amer- Umted States wa~ completely an~wel ed que"tlOns "oon beldme the flag, the NatlOnal Anthem telephone him don't thmk I'd wdnt It any othel changed Icans hke my fathel It's a time c1eal and a. bdlute My fathe! I~ d part of hlstOly way HIS wl"dom and mtelh to pay homage to mllitons of peo- In four days, we \';111 celebwte My fathel IS plOud of hI" coun On the FOUlth of July, I will who battled for fi eedom To thiS gence <11 e Just two thmgs I love ple, such ai> Adam,>, Franklm DeclaratIOn Day A day of Il1de tl y He fought fOl the Ied, \\ Ilite be 111 Rhode bland on my honey ddY, he doe,>n't let a day pdbb dbout hun, but most InlpOl tantly and Hancock, but better jet, pendence and a day to f1y the and blue m World Wal II and moon I Will miss my father and Without flymg the colors m hiS I am t1~ankful I havp him \~hy not tell anothel Amencan flag proudly off flont pOIche", came home al1\ e He lo"t h lend" WIll want to tell him that I backyal d A~ a kid, people would F'lghtll1g 111 WOIld War II \\dS that you are pi oud to see the flagpoles or even Cat ~ d He lo~t tune d" uvilwn I thmk of him when I stand ask me \~hy my dad alwdys had ObvlOubly an IIldeilble expel Wille n"g, say the Pledge of AllegJa. Years ago we u~ed to celebl.lte kno\\ time" \\ el e vel) dlffel ent pi oudly 111 flont of the flag I the flag up, and I would tell for him He Ipcall" "orne of the n~e and c:;mg the NatIOnal An. the Fourth of July WIth fllend" ham what they die now, but Ill" \1dnt hlln to know that I focus them, "Becduse a day "houldn't good thll1g" dbout It, but 1l10"tly them

./ 7 4e,"'';'- "'_ .::;:.>~ Grosse Pointe News Page 7A

---~~/------_.J~ By Nancy Parmenter takes joyride McCarthy Said "Fortunately no one was hmt and plOpelty dam Take note It was shortly before 10 30 age was a lot less sellOU'>than It While Farms offiCIals are stud- a m June 15 when the dnver of could have been' ymg the use of tm ches and heat a Jeep ChelOkee took an une,,- guns to remove pamt and the pected Jog through Glosse Pomte number of files that city and Farms Murphy's Law other cIties have had, there IS a Farms officers Mike Mc- If you say there Will be plenty law on the books 111 the BOCA Carthy and Stephen Puckett BaslciNatlOnal Fire PIeventlOn said the Jeep was parked on of water, the fir~t thll1g you have to do IS tell IeSldents not to use Code, adopted m most mUllIclpal- Beverly Road, one block east of Itles, that people should be Fishel' Appalently, the trans so much Farms water plant Supel m. dware of TmSSlOn was not pl'opel'ly en tendent Darrell Schuurman. Any person using a torch gdged and when the vehicle's or other flame-producing de- owner tumed to look back, he who was mtervlewed for a pho tostory about the water plant, vice for removing paint from saw the Jeep rollmg backward any building or structure down the street Said Just two \\eek~ ago that thel e shouldn't be any problems shall provide an approved After crosslllg Lakeshore, the fire extinguisher or water vehIcle veered left It kept roll. gettmg watel to Farms and City reSIdents dunng thiS extended hose connected to the water mg backward and turned down drought supply on the premises where Rose Terrace - WIth the drIver such burning is done. In all m hot purSlllt ThiS week he had to Issue a pi ess Ielease a'>kmg re'>ldents to cases, the person doing the The vehicle contmued tl avel cllltail watel usage fO! one day, burning ..hall remain on the mg on the wrong Side of Rose p)'emises one hour after each Ten ace for a dlstdnce of about due to a pump that needs 1epall Open mouth, Imeli. faucet use of the torch or flame-pro- three houses, when It went up ducing device. over the cmb and hIt the cm ner The code also calls for the per- of a house and a tl ee befm e com Could be cleaner son who mtends to use the de II1g to a ~top vice to secure a permit from the Recel\'ed a note flam d Ieadel A woman who was cuttmg hel local fire offiCial the other day attached to a flyer lawn, came fallly close to bemg WhIle the code does allow for flam the pharmacy of a local st! uck, and was walkmg alound the use of such deVices, they can hospital extolh ng the VIl tue" of the "Ide of the hou"e about the Ulu"e fil e~ " tlll'I(' 'She \\ db \ el y "hook up,' The I(,ddel \\d" 11100eth,lI1 ,I lIttle II1censed \1hen he ,>potted a Call us soft dnnk can n('xt to lOWS of drugc:; News - 882-0294 We'l e SUIe hospital offiCIals ClaSSified - 882 6900 would lIke to 11<1\e that one Advertlsmg - 882-3500 bdck powerful nuclear weapons to bIll cuttlllg federal taxes by al cau"e Iallly \\ eathel hampel ed date With explOSIOns m the me most $1 bIllIon collect IOn effOlts Lucky they April 1, 1954 - gaton range The French cabmet I epll weren't ovel m Indochma whel e The New York Tnnes repmted PreSident Eisenhower made It manded Marshal Alphonse r<1lny weathel plovoked Com that the SOVIet Umon had of clear that the Umted Statee, wac:; Pierre Jum for speakmg agamst mUnlst guernllac:; to outbursts of THE BIG E HOME EQUITY LINE OF CREDIT fered to Jam NATO as a gestUl e firmly oppoc:;ed to any Commun the EUIopean 81 my agreement - Violence towards world peace SOVIet Fm I"t regime m Southedst A,"la and also for snubbmg a cab met The Wood'> polIce found three ~ elgn Mlmster Molotov Said he In Southeast ASia, the Com- member homes burglan,~ed and a fOUlth was "Sick of thiS cold war" The mUIll~t Vletmlllh took advantdge Pl'e"ldent Eisenhower called failed attempt at burglary, ap- Umted States refused the SOVIet of Iamy weather to launch a on I'll aeh and Arab leaders to pat ently all perpetrated by the offer md~S attack on the FI ench gdll'l- Iestl am extl emlsts and come to "ame pet "on, m five day" Pohce The Umted States Ievealed "on dt DlCnbenphu The FI ench Ieasonable solutIOns to thell dlf- had no e,uspects WE the power of Its new hydlogen "uffered hpavy lo""e" fe!ence, He alba called on the A 9-year old Wood" boy died bombs, which I,;el e the most Pre"ldent EI"enllO\\el "lgnC'd d Ul1Ited NatIOns to help pi oVlde dftel aCCidentally hghtll1g him peace for the dl ed self on fire With a toy chell1lstry "et The bla7e started \\ hen the PAY YOUR bo\ "pJlled dlcohol on a hunben hut ner and the hlll nmg iJqmd Ian onto hi" clothes Grosse Pointe, tlw '1\\ 0 10 yeal old Far Ill.., bo\ " CLOSING COSTS Cltv became Ihe last ill the blll ned ,I nelghbOl '<., pOIch loof GI'o"e,e Pomte" to cut the WOlk \1hen they acudentallv lit then IIlg haUl" of It" poltcp officPI" tov rhelm"tly "et on fill' The Jane Bond 40 from a 48 hour \\ eek to ,I boy" pal1lcker! ,1I1d thre\1 the AND ALL FEES '10l11 \\ eek Director of Home Services but nlllg "l't out .l "l'cond "till \ Tlw Bov Scout" \\ele buw Pl(' \\ II1d()\\ It ]andpd 011tlw IWlgh You don't pilY il penny! lln,m~ '0,1\ on olh,'f I!ome I (jtlll\ Calgary Senior Center IMrIng fm d "Mammoth E"P0<"l hOl'" loaf I 'Ill' of l. rl,!I! , 111\lId lip to hllndrul, of doll.lr, But .It Ih, BI~ L Ill' tlOll." \\ hlch \\ d" not an PXpO"1 BUIglal" 1 ,1Ih 0\\ nl'l" \\ PI(. lJ1 EnJOY a J!uilranteed rate cap. I hl 'liffL nl Big J. llor1ll , qllill Robel I Hedlm II ,lIl p"po"ltlOn on "Ulutlllg MOle FIOIIda and had been gOl1(' fOi Acto! Iml oll.lllilt r ItI 1\ 1] ()()""t dnnll,1i Plrlll1td~e r,11l I'lu, \\lth lhl Kal/1I11/11' fillill n th'lIl 2000a "cout" flom TV Sho\\ St I';{ 'I'll I/( It not Ietlll n e\('!1 .1ftI'I the u am' llr lrgl' 1'11I' IlJtI 111.1\,till hi dhll t" dullid 100"1. 01 \Otll hom, llllll(\ fund r!IIVP fOi ,1I1 ('xll ,I w('('k he Illtl fl ,t "II l(JlIr 1.1\ .lll\l,or tor dl'I,IlI, III"dl' thca"tPI 1'11111 HI III. (/Ii \\,1" dl"ro\el(.d rl 1,,1t IIlg 1111' 01 (nllit ,0 .I' \ "II IM\ otl 10llr 10,111 th.lt m01l1'1 ,I~d'il \ 1111111 (1// 1!1 (I{lh Magazme hI' om" dldrldhll 10 \011 .HIII h l\fhull1 Columlll"t l nml 10 \Ilur IOl,'11 111plf! ot ,\mlfll<1 ollile I" flllill .I tnl New"papel /),'111111 rl I' P, / " l,t'm"l, 01 h"" rJliI' h \otl 11 hI ,Ihll to horro" And oml lOll .Ipph MU,>lc Fa'\ {"II'IIII1M I ()(h Humane Society seeks tuna boycott lOll 11 h.ll, .Ill dn,\\, I on dpprol Il1g lOur I n.dll \\Ithm 24 hour, "l.n1 Enteltamel ('(II III nUIIIl'Il ,<1\ IIlg TlO\\ dill!, (hll(()/ale /(lh '1'11(' Iltlln" Ill' ~n< Il't \ of Ihp 1ll'1d", "0 thl'l "l't on do]phll1", l ,ill <'MI\RTLINE' oil I-SOO.TIfE RIG E i I HOD!HI 211 II Pet 01 Anlm<1) l 'mlE'd ~t,ltfo" h,I" k Il(l\\ I11g Ihr \ 1\I] I catch hot h <,MARTUNI-,' " ('Ill TI 'I \l n d I" ,I I\ll h q .1 III to 'I P III Sport lI(1( h, \ H20,OOO mr'mhPI" and (on"t ItU IUlld dllli do]phill" 11l tlwlI Iwt" Athlete \\'/1\ III (;11 Izln r nl-. to boycott tUlld to plot('''1 1'11(' pOlpol"r", \Iho

other locatIOns I am not of the community was not aware of Thanks to the only a welcome relief, but The pomt IS why has community plobably prevented more Face lift Wayne County (fifth largest fu'efJghteri> from being m the natIOn) decIded to To the Editor: overcome As part of its commitment fragmentize thell' offices and On June 21 the fJr(~f1ght We would like to extend to renovation and rededica- to locate themselves in old ers of the GI'OSi>CPOlntes OUI thanb and appreCIa- tion, and in preparation of buildmgs which have and and Harpel' Woodi> fought a tIOn to all those who next year's celebration of 15 will need much renovdtlOn difficult and exham,tlng brought out cold drinks and years of service, the First and remodelmg DId any of house fll e on Kem\ oad food dUl'lng the fire The Christian Reformed Church is the politiCians stop to thmk? COUl t 111 the Farm" show of support made a dif- getting a new look. The trim Were they concerned about The extleme temppra- ficult Job a little easier outside of the building is the Citizens who had been tUI ei:> thdt day lIlCIeai:>ed Thanb being repainted to closely able to take care of theu the Iisk of heat eXhdlli:>tlO11 The Firefighters match the original natural taxes, deeds, court~, to P<1Y and dehydr<1tlOn among the limestone. said the Rev. Wil- of the Grosse Pointes VISitS and conbult With the fll eflghtel" The Iefl e"h and Woods liam DeVries. pastor of the people they elected mto of- mpnt" hi ought hv nWl11h<,)" Harpel' church on Maryland in the fice in the Clty.County Park. Larry Hillman and Rob- Bmldmg? ert Kenyon of Pyramid Paint- I find thiS whole SituatIOn ing have the unenviable job deplOl able not to mentIOn a of painting the tower's trim, real dram on the taxpayer The Rewards of Irish Craftsmanship · . · as well as that of the entire Tlw:,... JIlUV~:;' hd V~ ueell building. qUIte costly and also necessl tated long walts to the Cltl zens, because of 1esettmg the computers and hI-tech equip ment True, I no longer !lve m Wayne County, but I am a concerned Citizen and a Photo, bj Hon"ld J Bernds former CIty and county em- ployee I know for a fact that the pubhc hked commg to one buildll1g to meet most of ItS needs My feehngs go out to the semors who must grapple With where (whlCh bmldmg) to go and for what. Wayne County reduced its workfo) ce, thus allowmg more room m the Clty- County Bmlding Are we next going to be told that the City-County Buildmg Will be renamed the Coleman Young Bmld mg? I see no solution to the needless, senseless reorgam- zatiOn, but then who a:"ked The Broga Boat Shoe - by Dubarry any of us Dubarry has beE"n making shoes on Ihe West l.O.1s.t oj Galwav lrl"!and ~mce ]937 Tradltlons and skills passed down through fhret' generaI10r.~ has. resulled Ln a beautifully bghl fabulously f[u(lble shoe Good luck to all the unsurpass..ed fut

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June 30, 1988 Grosse Pointe News 9A Shores council approves commissions, committees Park passes resolution opposing group home The GlO.,::,e POll1te ShOl e<., V II Edmund M 131eldv JI, chelll deen, chau man, Gel aid C Stricker, Frank Zagelmayel, cine! The Park counul )Ms<.,ed cl Ie.., ,\ g-IOUp 011 lage CouncIl apploved tlH' leap mdn, ,John Hueltem,lt1 III, and SchlOedpr, Kurt a Tech, John PcllllCJa R GdlvlI1 hOl1le LlkppOllltc hd<" \)('PII In Op!'1dtJOIl tOJ ,t!)()ut two pomtment of C BlddtOld Lundy [)ell1lel H Bpck Pmc;ley, Stanley Otulakow"kl, Glo.,::,e POInte::JClmton Author olutlOn Monday l1lght OppO"lPg Jr as pI e::'ldent plO tem Comnllttee on Munlupdl ,1l1d Jarne::, T Wright Ity C Bradford Lundy, JI , dele the establt::,hmpnt of d state II ) l'd I " A not)wl h,1c, bt'l'n pi 0 censed reSidentIal facIlltv dt OIIIlPc! In additIOn, the LOlll1ul dp BuJldll1g.., Patll{ Icl H G,l!VII1, Public RelatIOns CommIttee gate, John Huetteman III, alter po..,cd lor a budding" by 15800 J" Am!lJ(J<.,(. ('at)w!l{ ChlJlch In proved appollltment.., to mOl (' Ch,Ul pel.,on, Edmund M BI eldy Jame<, l' WIlght, chan meln, nate Mack Ave The addl'~'><" :.,t also known ciS 143:3 Buck dc!(!ltlOn, olle 1<.,111 tlw Clt\ of De than a dOlen eld\ 1..,01 V bOdJ d.." ,J! ,1Ild .Joh n IItll'ltpl11dn III Damel R Beck, and Hose Gar Cable TV AdvI"olY Com nut ll1gham, becau"e at one tln1(> It nil 1(,<." commIttee::, and comm"'..,LOlh ,It PublIL S,dl't\ ('om rTiiW'e C land Thm nton tee John Huettpman III, chell! tlOlt Audubon, than its l'egulal month" nWl'tlllg Bl ddfol d Lund) .Jl, chall meln, Plannmg Comml,,::'lOn .Joseph man, Edmund 1\1 Breldy Jr, \Va" a combmatlOn doctor's office/ 1,GOO teet fJom the proposed lep (l,ll Il'll'.., (;] oup" Ho"e (;,III,ll1d Joan Woodhou"e, Patricia R pomted "upenntpndent and open a group home t(n "IX devel on DC\OIl"hlH' land ThOl nton T110l nton G,lh 111 Gel aId C Schl oedel, dnd tJ ed"UlCl, Ralph H Houghton opmentally dlsablpd adult" Re'>l Budget dnd Fll1dme CommIt Pdl k ,md I leI I bOl C(Jl11mlttee Mlchelel Kenyon w .I'i I eappomted cO! pOl atlOn dents pI espnted a petit lOn to tIll' :\1.1) OJ P,dnw! lIl'('ll.ill ':>,wl, ,It tee Gerald C Sdll ol'(ll! ch'lll 1),111leI H Belk, ch'lll m,lI1, Peltll Beelutlflc:ltlOn CommIttee wun.,el, Damel Healy wa" leap council two week" ago, <,latlllg the Id"t counul l11e( ling, that man, Damel H Beck Edmund u,[ H (;,11V 111 , Edmund)';l BI dd\ tlI,ll Ilvn ('ounen, ,JO)ce B1umen pOll1ted dn ectOl of pubhc "afety, (;10':>"( POIntp 1\11 k ha.., no locel! M BI ady ,Jr, dnd Ho.,c Cdl L\Ild .JI ,wd I{CN' C,ul,wd Thm nton ..,tock, tllm g,ll ('t BO!den, Connl(' ,md Thom,l'> Malson was leap theIr oppo"ltlOn to the faulIl\ becau.,e they feel It \I I(m el 01 111 Thornton Fmplo\('l''''' Hetlll'nwnt S\" Bu, dpll." EIII,tlwth ,c., Kuhlmdn, pOll1ted dlllCtOl of pub!Jc work., 111 wnllo] JlIJI.,dlCtlOll the plOpeliy values and plc"pnt "p pl,[ll'lIwl1t of g-lOliP home'''' He CommIttee on Publll \\ < I] h.~ lelll ('olllml ".,JOn Celli E lIe 13 ('01'1 tlle\ ILlllkll1, Ann to! the Sho) p., CUllty pi oblem::, ",wI. hcm e,'(,1 thdt ,1l10thel The IesolutlOn <.,tdte<., 0PPO"'I c,Llte Ilcen"l'd fd('IJlt\ would tlOn to the faClhty because thele pld('e dl1 lInfdll )nll den on

., \' I e..,ldentldl fdel htle<., 111 the Pd I h le..l(!i hd"lt"I..lll c,h,lIe ....I • ~ HER A L D WHOLESALE FINE BATH, KITCHEN, AND DOOR HARDWARE

Bates Smks are designed to line (shown above WIth faucet ./ Phow ~}VM",gll Rems Snllth enhance your bath, kitchen. and sets fr<;Jm~rtls"c Brass) An)J at Groundbreaking /' bar's style Herald Wholesale Herald Wholesale. you W111always AI the groundbreaking are. from left. Dale Kra)niak. acting carnes a WIde variety from thiS recelv~ savmgs oL2-.9%an~Lmor~ Renovation of the activities building at Grosse Pointe Park's city manager; Robert J. Hutton. foundation past president; Windmill Pointe Park was officially under way June 8. Leonard W. Smith. foundation president; Peter Bologna of Bol. HOURS: The Grosse Pointe Park Foundation's project has been ogna Contracting Corp.; Charles S. (Tommy) and Jean Tomp- 9-5:30 MON/FRI, 9-3 SAT OR kins; and Dale Ehresman. architect with John Stevens Asso- funded by donations from residents. The renovated building CALL FOR A SPECIAL APPOINTMENT ANYTIME. will be named the Jean B. and Charles S. Tompkins Sr. Activ- ciates. Inc. ity Center. in honor of Charles S. (Tommy) and Jean Tomp- The building is expected to be completed by the end of the 398-4560 kins. who donated $50.000 to the project. summer. HERALD WHOLESALE, 20830 COOLIDGE HM. JUSTNORTH OF 8 MILE RD. UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP! OUR PRICES ARE LOWER - OUR SERVICE IS BETTER

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Own a home in the most spectacular r;:J 89 KERCHEVAL on the Hill ~ r tJ.STORE HOURS: Monda turday 8:00 to 5:30 Home Delivery ~1 I Wednesda till NOQn (' _ project ever built on Lake Huron WINTERS USDA CHOICE :}(amfin ~" USDA CHOICE II •. : This is a once in a lifetime Pric~d from only $138,900 SKINLESS T -BONE $449 CUBE TOP ROUND (~.' opportunity ..• a tuxurious Act now ... 0 you won't mi.,~ thl.. condominium home on one of opportunity. Return the coupon or Hf)T DOGS ~ u ~s STEAK- ROAST ~..r'11 Canada's finest beaches. call AnReia Ward at (519) 663.5770 " (~~ $189 ~~$28L9B ~~ If .. all your .. to enjoy. A "arm $4~~~~- $2~; for more infonnation and your free ~ ~"'"' ~ LB PO 1'i,,;:,USE NQ FAT OR GRI.lZl.'E ~ morning ~troll ... fun all d.1} .. hroun'lct'i niWtt after nil(ht \~ , I CHICKEN HAVARTI KOEPPLINGERS STROHS BEER ~,~ ... the wonderful neadlpJace ,r- -;'H l>c-~h:~(.r();;p------l l.H l "ork "-treet .-.;- ORIENTAL CHEESE HOT DOG REGULAR or LIGHT !~ experience await., )'0\1. 111('(("l'i no r ondon Onlto add quality t."\'crywIH're Il"kptlOflr ( --'--/1 CALIFORNIA RED OR GREEN FLORIDA PASCAL f~1~ you look. from f1o()rin~ tll flxlurf',,", ____ -II ~:JNECTARINES LEAF LETTUCE VINE RIPENED CELERY '" I hath'i to halconic." )our homt. ie, 'iuperior. ,'\\~ I l!Ii2~.i&.. TOMATOES. rj;, BellehphlCe will lWf'er be eqURlied. PUlISe lid tUnIJ! \',~8,~~ ~5'~ ~ ,,~~~~> 7.~~~~\

~ -----~------_. ------~ ~Ii _ I.- June 30, 1988 ~~1?~~ .G.r.o.sse_.PO.I.nt.e.N.e.W.S. Arango named counselor of year S~S~ Pedro Arango, head of the up- ULS from 1981 until 1987, AI'. per school at University Liggett nago was named head of the up. School, was named Michigan per school at ULS in 1986. Chris Dely Secondary School Counselor of the Year by the Princeton AI. He is the co.author of "The Guidance Information System mingo Although we have been on umni Association at the annual Each u-eek m thlb column, we College Handbook," which Will the water for centw'les, we have dinner of the Princeton Club of wIll focw, on the uork of a stll~ he publIshed in August by dent It can be a poem, a d!aw~ Just beb"ln to explore It Michigan. Arango, a member of both the Houghton Miffiin. mg, a short blory, a picture of a Midwest Region of the College SCIentIfic experzment or a u-ood workmg proJect, a book revIew Board and the faculty of the Na- The follou)//lg was WIlt/en b} tional AssociatlOn of College Adnussions Counselors Institute Chrll:, Dely, who !ecently com- Questions? pleted the fifth grade at St Paul for Counseling, has spoken across the nation on issues sur. School He IS the son of Mary Call 882-0294 Ann and Don Dely of Gr06se rounding college counseling. Director of College Counselmg at Pomte Farm" Water Water IS not only a SIgn of "" .. hfe, It provides gleat fun But It Science winner can be a dark terrible "carv place. The ocean has been a wa- The HIGHEST Money Market Rate Stephanie M. Fisher of Grosse Pointe Woods displays the tery grave for thousands of peo- Among Major Financial Institutions $500 check and the plaque she received as the Junior Divi- ple. Boats and planes have been In the Detroit Metropolitan Area for sion grand prize winner Ip the Detroit Edison Science Fair lost m the ocean's Immense '88. Presenting the award is James B. Oliver, vice president waves I see water as a crystal of Employe Relatlons lor Detroit Edison. gem. You can do great things in 222 FI.her'e winning entry wae a science project on "Rotore the ,,'ateI', llke waterskimg, surf. and Motor•." A student at Our Lady Star of the Sea SchooL ing, boatmg, Jllt.Rkllng and swim . Chrl.Dely Consecutive Weeks •he was among 42 Detrolt.area student. who received award. totaling S3,700 in the fourth annual Detroit Edison INSTANT LIQlJ1Dlty Selenee Fair, held in conjunction with the Science and En- glne.ring Fair of Metropolitan Detroit, Edison sponlors the INTEREST RATES /JS OF: 6-22.88 conte.1. open to energy-related science prolecttl, to .ncour. Mollie Sullivan FINANCIALINSTITUTiONS MONEY MMKET RATES' C!ge.tudenta to pursue careers In !lclence or engineering. The following was wrItten by Franklin Savings MollIe Sullivan, who JUBt com. 5.90 pleted the filth grade at St. Paul Comerlca 575 School, She is the daughter of FirstFederal Savlnos Bonk &. Trust 530 Thomas and Linda Sullivan of Grosse POinte. First Federal of Michigan 540 Firstof America 565 Water Manufacturers 575 Water is a liquid jewel - only Mlchlcan Notional of Detroit 545 no jewel can compare. It was Notional Bank 01Detroit 5.80 here before the dawn of time. It Standard Federal 545 is used as a symbol of life and in 'Bnsed on S10.000 depOiIc Somo mlOlmum drao ••t requirement' may bo lowor Baptism to welcome a BOul into Hlllbcr ,ales m,y he nvnLlable or larger depa",' the church. Water is used to cleanse the soul and body. It quenches thirst and is the most Mollie Sulllvan precious gift from God to us. Franklin South art teacher to study in New York Savings A Grosse Pointe South High ondary art teachers, art depart- Ask About Our Other Full Service Products School art instructor is among ment heads, and system-wide art 20247 Mack Avenue' Grosse POinte Woods 24 art educators and supervisors supervisors. ~ (Betu,een 7 & 8 Mile Roads) recently selected nationWIde to Summers, who has taught at ~ (313) 881 ..5200 attend the 1988 Alliance of Inde- Grosse Pointe South for 20 pendent Colleges of Art Institute Eq.al 26336 Twelve Mile Rd 'Southfield years, is known in the Detroit HOUIlnl = lcnckr for Art Educators m New York metropolitan area for his work G:r (313) 358 ..5170 Photo h; Kay Photograph) City, July 7-22. m photography. HIS most recent English award Jack Summers, veteran art exhibition was at the Willis Gal- and photography teacher at lery, Apnl 15-30. Joseph HelminskI. Grosse Pointe South High School sen- South, is the only art educator Ior, won the 1981 National Council of Teachers of English from Michigan to be selected Achievement Award In Writing. He was presented the The Center for Creative Studies- award by Marlorie Parsons, right. at the recent English D\)- College of Art and Design in De. NOTICE OF LAST DAY FOR partment's annual Honors Tea. Alma Fleming, chairperson trait is providing Summers with of South's English Department. also took part In the cere- a $1,000 full,tuition scholarship. RECEIVING VOTER REGISTRATIONS mony. The Institute is designed for FOR THE PRIMARY ELECTION highly motivated, practicing sec- TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY AUGUST 2, 1988

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT all qualified electors of the City of Gr08se Pointe Woods, City of Gro884l Pointe, City of GroNe Pointe Park, City of Groue Pointe Farm. or Grol88 Pointe or Lake ~""(:,f:~355 FISHER RD. ,UP,S,P1CK.U~DAllY 882.5100 Township, who are not duly regilltered and who desire to vote in the Primary Election on Tuesday, August 2, 1988, must register with the City or Township Clerk of the appropriate Jurisdiction on or before ~~' ~~" OPEN 8 to 5 30 pm. DAilY, Wed tll Noon - Closed Sunday WE DELIVER p1t,gs Tuesday, July 5, 1988, WHICH IS TlIE LAST DAY UPON WHICH REGISTRATIONS OR TRANSFER ~ ~AR' JlJliS c7WA JU:~F;~h OF REGISTRATIONS MAY BE MADE. '.r"-.'-- -r.n. lYl.. JULY 1st. For the above purpoll88 City and Township Clerk Offices will be opn during office houl'll as follows: d City ofGroue Pointe Woods Mon. thru Fri. 8:30 a.m. to GROSSE POINTE'S LARGEST PRODUCER OF FRESH SQUEEZED ORANGE JUICE 20025 Mack Plaza • 343.2445 5:00 p.m. and on July 5 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CHOICE I FRESH WHOLE lOUR OWN SLICED SALAD SPECIAL T-BONE FRYIJ~G_ _ 14:1 I\R RA~nu Vour ~hoice City ofGrol88 Pointe Farms Mon.-Tues.-Thur.-Fri. 8:30 a.m. 90 Kerby Road • 885-6600 to 4:30 p.m.) Wed. 8:30 a.m. to PORTERHOUSE CHICKEN J ------$-1- - •POTATOEI~ACARONII 6:00 p.m. and on July 5, 8:30 BIiEAST 4 9 COLE SLAW a.m. to 4:30 p.m. STEAK$4~! '1~! LB 98 LB City ofGroue Pointe Park Mon.-Tues.-Thur ..Fri. 8:30 a.m. 15115 E. Jefferson. 822.6200 to 5:00 p.m.) Wed. 8:30 a.m to 6:00 p.m. and on July 5, 8:30 Mt~~:Rpo¥:;~c8~IPS FREE CH~~~~~~~~;:~' a.m. to 5:00 p.m. City ofGroue Pointe Mon..Tues.-Thur ..Fri. 8:30 a.m . $1099 CAli RIG. OR NO IAL T $139 WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF A 17147 Maumee. 885-6800 to 4:30 p.m., Wed. 8:30 am. to • DII' ~~:~g:g:::~' lAG 1/2 GALLON STROH'S 6:00 p.m. and on July 5, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. BAG ICE 99; DIP $1t! FRENCH VANILLA ICE CREAM Township of Oro... Pointe Mon..Tue •. -Thur ..Fri. 8:30 a.m. B & M K.C. MASTERPIECE II,r '1 1986 FIRESTONE Township of Lake to 4:30 p.m., Wed. 8:30 a.m. to BAKED BEANS B.B.Q. SAUCE ~ ~ AOSE OF MEALOT 795 Lake.hore - 881-6565 6:00 p.m. and on July 5, 8:30 =....::=-==7 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 48 99 $1 t.oz $3 7150 ML ~~~~J99~ BOTTLE OLA .. .IAA $1~A~ .DI' RIO. ONLY CHESTER E. PETERSEN RICHARD G. SOLAK City Adminisa-ator-Clerk City Clerk LARGE BUD LUSCIOUS ZUCHINI JUICY City otOro ... Pointe Wood. CityofOroue Pointe Farm. HE DLEnUCE CALIFORNIA SQUASH RED PEACHES T.W. KRESSBACK PAMELA J. KONDZIOLKA WATERMELON City Manager-City Clerk City Clerk 59~LB City of Oro ... Pointe CityofGroue Pointe Park ~.!~ 88~LB 29 LB CALIFORNIA CRUNCHY RICHARD F. FOX JAMES T. WRIGHT MARIE'S FRESH Town.hip Clerk Township Clerk BLUE CHEESE$189 GREEN WHITE CELLO Lake Township Gro... Pointe Township DRESSINO .IA" ONIONS POTATOES CARROTS COCKTAIL 3LBFOR 2 BAGS FOR LIMES 69 4$fOO G.P.N.: 06123/88 .. 06130/88 4 FOR 89 79~ Grosse Pointe News 11A Students re-enact Lutken named acting headmaster Roman election The Baal d of 'I'll/stees at Unl headmaster for the 1988-89 UniversIty Liggett School vel "Ity Llgg-ett School dnnOlln( pd school year eighth grade students, clad 111 that Petel K L 1I (ken of GIO"'>P Lutken, former assIstant head- togas, assembled recently to Ie- POlllte hel'> bl'{ 11 ndllll>d ,I( t Il1g ma<,ter at ULS, replaces John T. enact the hlstol'lcally controvel Whatley, who returned to Texas SIal consular electIOn of 63 B C to <,et up an educatIOnal consul- The festiVIties began WIth a tant buslne"s Whatley was Roman banquet, followed by, d headma"ter from 1983 processIOn of pl'lestesses who led Lutken I" a PhI Beta Kappa 111 the sa~nficlal "lamb" Pnes graduate of DaVidson College teS'ie~ Patlla Rose Stm k, Naomi He also has a maS\{~I' of arts In Katzowlt£l LamIe Walker and Ilberdl studlC~ from Wesleyan SherI I PlI1ch offered pl'dyero, dnd UIlIVPI srty At ULS, he has been led the "VIctim" to the altar Th<:> the dean of faculty smce 1986. plle~ts, Richard Bern and Peter He also taught English and Meglel, performed t hl' "acnfiLe coached CIOS..,country and track and assured the popular aS~l'm '.lI1d field hly that the omem, \\ ('I e good for The bom d set up a search holdmg the electIOn committee, headed by Jane E In the Forum (KI e"ge Audita WIlson of GIO'>'>e POinte to select llUm at the Brim chfl DII ve Cdm the next headmastel They hope pus), CIcero (Lda LaHood) ,m to announce theIr deCISIOn by nounced the two cdndldates for Peter K. Lutken Decembel Stepping up the consulship, Servlui:l SlllplCIll~ Rufus (Wlbon Wehmelf'r) and A FAMILY VIDEO ALTERNATIVE Seventh-graders at Our Lady Star of the Sea Elementary School participated in a traditional LUCIUS LIC1l1IU~ Muredn (MOnIca end-of-the-s<::hoo! yea!" candle lightmg ceremony Friday. Iun<: 10 in the ch.uch. Pduli, whu then took wen Sedl'> AT LAST!!! Each child got a hug and a candle horn his or her teacher and was passed along to next on the daIS. • Hundreds & Hundreds of Titles year's teacher. It.s called the Stepping Up Ceremony. Flanked by f,'UaI ds Pat Haye~, • Cards Gifts, Bibles, Wedding AcoessorlElS Here. seventh-graders (next year's eighth-graders) carried their candles to the front of the Jewayne Thomas, DaVId Nlccol ReligIOUS Ilems, Helium Balloons. church while younger children watched. Garhekl .Stuck on You. 1111 and Paul POZnIak, the candI- dates spoke about thClr achieve EXCIUSIV:r II MARQUIS LTD. CARDS ments, theu" experIence, theIr 18472 Mack Avenue nllhtary skIll, and theIr plan~ for (5 of Moross I Next to Fr,endly'~) Rome's futwe After a heated Grosse Pointe Farms B86-3799 Man ThufS & sal to am 6 pm debate, the cItIzens elected Mu Frl 10am .7 Dm (Closed Sun' rena as the new consul Plays and athletIc contests fol lowed the election The dISCUS throw for dIstance was won by Wesley SIms, the throw for accu Buying Air Conditioning? racy, by WIlson WehmeIer RIch ard Bern captured the long Jump The chanot race was a VIC We'll help you make tOl'Y for Beth Weyhmg, Amanda the right decision. Poland and NaomI Katzowltz The team of Lama SkrockI, SUPREMEcan Install a high effiCiency air condition Mal'Y Flldew and AleXIS Wel- lams took the relay race Ing system that can reduce your utility bills. A York system can give you long-term reliable operation And SUPREMEcan back It with their new 5-year Warranty Plan, one Four win phone calliS all It takes. Call your SUPREMEMarketing Representative Italian contest today.

Four GI'O~be Pomte South Ital Ian students dlst1l1f,'Ulshed them Prices for 2 tons of i:>elves 111 thIS year's NatIOnal Central ONLY HIgh School ItalIan Contest, ac " cOl'dlllg to Dr GlIIseppe Bdttlsta, Air $1289.00 Ph"!,, b, Kd\ Pho!"b'raph\ chau man of the NatIOnal High Planners School ItalIan Conte"t Participants in the Honors Assembly June 16 at Pierce Middle School are. seated from left, KImbell)' Tay 1m edl nee! Hon Peter Spencer, Eric Rentenbach. Jamie Elsila, Amy Greenfield. Kari Elsila. Principal C. Suz- mabIe MentIOn III Level I whIle r:tIJ ~ ~~DI~'I anne Klein. Jenna Nutter. Rachel Smith and Josh Wood; standing from left are Ch.istopher SImona Cavallo, FI ancesca Ro SUPREME Heating & Supply Co.• Inc. Marston and Assistant Principal Nancy Salamas. mano and Debby ROSSI edIl1cd DETROIT MACOMB OAKLAND HOIlOi able MentIOn III Le\ el II ~5.2400 777.8808 531.8100 DeFauw is valedictorian ' ~'" Belle Isle Awning Co. ~ - -'>1 SPECIALIST ~f~-~ IN .~~~ _' ,-' FABRIC AWNINGS ~, -RESIDENTIAL -COMMERCIAL \~.--= 22704 HARPER S.C.S., MI 77~1010 JlllmrL~* * * tar panqled * * ** * ,dl~11th ------11BIRTHDAY SPECIALS11- ~it1t PERFECT FOR EASY elt) of <&ross£ 'ointe llIlfOO(ls.MIChl!{an SUMMER ENTERTAINING!! CALIFORNIA Thad N. DeFauw NOTICE TO BIDDERS: LOCHMOOR BOULEVARD NEW SEWER AND WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT: Thad DeFauw v. <1<"onp of t\\ (I $3~~ valedIctonans at ~";otI'P uamp :':>e,l!pdpI op,,~,d,> fOl f UIllhlllllg d I labol m.lt,,] 1<11 eqUlpmellt 101 SPIRAL -- DOTATOEs19~ HIgh School He g-lddudted \\ Ith l040 Illl fl of 10 IlH h t111o\lgh 4h lIlth dlal11l'lel "e\\el pipe, 13 SLICED & G llU::ED a 4 0 grade pOInt averag(' m.Jnhole~ 24 (,llch 1)\~\l1~ 2 J1l ~q ,d~ umCJcte pavement to Ie He recelvpd acl1Jcvement mmp ,me! I Ppl.1CP 2,102 1m ft 01 tl \lIch '\ PASCAL awards m mathematIC,>, com to tonn, ct ,Illd ,111neu ,,",Il \ ,lJlplll U'!1,Il1(,(" \\ ill he receIved hy the CENTER CUT puter programmmg, <;Clence and elt, of (;IO.,,,P POlntC' \\'ood~ 20025 ~1.1ck P!,1.7a GIO""C POlnte Latm HIs extl3curllcular actlvl \\ oo(h :\ll(hlg.1l1 1...,2lf, .II Ill( "fflu> of th, (It\ Clerk unt!! 400 29 ~, CELERY 69f oclo(k P:\l Inl,ll (IInI \\,pdn"rLI\ .Iu" l.l lQRR.tl \\hlch tIme and PORK $2 tIes 1I1c1uded IllU'>IC where he pl.lte tlw lJl(j~ \, ill h,' pllhla II OpP!l<0 lIld J('dO :'\0 bId may be -, earned awards m pIano compptl LB >IIthdl ,1>1n .. ftl I "r hI dul, 0 (1"'l11g tIm, fOJ,It II .l"t thlll, day., CHOPS tIon CALIFORNIA JUMBO He plans to attend the UllIvel PI.tn" ,\lid "pI (lfl(,1110n, nl fdll to ('!p)k Baldmg ollumI(h,,:\III( HOdd <"ollthfl"ld,~hchlgan48076 MELONS $1 scholarship from V of M ,It :1 r 0,,1 of '2;:' 00 IW) ,-pI It1H't k m l'lI,ICt I ,l~h I not refu ndfl hie COUNTRY STYLE $1 He IS the son of ?'Iorm,lIl hnd BHldll1g documl 111'- \\ II I h( ;\1 \ II T' J) to ~)I(ld(,I" UpOIlreceIpt of '3000 JudIth DeFauw of Gro'>'>P Pomte p(,1 ,(.t not) (fI111d,lhl( Bill, 0101\ hi 1 rl' ll, d unh ,,> m,ldp on fOlm.., RIB S. • • • • • • ~~ Farms f\l1l1l~h((l >IIIh hlddll1g d(l( u1I1,'nh OR BUD LIGHT BONELESS \ (I \ (JIll d (hI (k Ind hond O! I.hlllll ~ (I",()., ClCU pl.lol!' to the O\\ner In thI .11nrltlnl of)', of hul l11,tdl Jl,l\ ,lillI' tot)1I' ('II y TI euIPI. mu<;t Summer reading ,lccomp,lll\ p;1ch p)oprh,tl I hI c]1 pO'11 of 1111 "llccl""fu! hHldpr '>hall PORK $289 $9!! hI..fOlfpllullf he folll, to l IIIrulf thl (Ontl,llt rind hond<" \\lthm the LB CASE OF 24 CANS Read yoU! ""V dlound ILl' fourt«'n(14101\'>olft(I,\\,1ld ROAST ~orlrl thl" <.,1IIII 111PI ,11 the H,II I h(' ('\1\ I I '-( I \ I ~ 1111 !lI~ht 10 I III (I ,111\ 01 .ill hid..,. \',,\1\(' lI1form'llJ per Wood" Publl< LiI)),\I\ (hdd 11(',> 0) ,1« "pI .111\ )nd II 111,1\ d( f m!J, ,t ren In f.,'1'ade., K G (an 10111IhI" FRESH MADE BULK PORK SAUSAGE...... $1~~ Summel RNld1l1g PI ogl ,1111 P.l'>'- CHESTER E. PETERSEN ('11\ Adm1l11<.,(l ,!lor (,1f'1)., port to Ad\(, nt U 1(' \l)J1( h J \I j\, untJ! .1ulv 26 1'\11. 1IJH\, A\'J) Bt)(Tl J 1\,( I • Once a \~eek on 01 d)o!> In h" 17000 r"p!\, :\1111 [{(/HI "'Olllhfl( Jd, :\111 h.g'lll Il,07l> Sl'i, chlldlen fill C1'1 e" of I hlil~d 1\ filii CASE OF 24 CANS $6~ Day" will IIlclude film<., 111\1..,1(, 24.160Z MIXERS maj.{lc and a plcnH OIl t 11<' II PLASTIC BOTTLES$8~ bral'Y lawn NOW AVAILABLE June 30, 1988 12A Nt-W4 Gro_ PointeNew. Temporary church is permanent for Our Lady Star of the Sea

By Margie ReIns Smith Staft Writer The church bUildIng for Our Lady Star of the Sea CatholIc Church, on Ballantyne and FaIr- ford m Grosse Pomte Woods, was deSigned as a temporary church The real church was sup- posed w be bUIlt later, on the corner of Mornmgs:de and Fair- ford "The wIdth, length and height \Ofthe nave) would accommodate a basketball court mcely," saId the Rev Ralph V Barton, found- Ing pastor of Our Lady Star of the Sea The commumty room, off to the sIde, would have been converted mto a boys or gtrls locker room "The present church bUlldmg was to become d gym - or be torn down," he saId In the '50s, Austm Cathohc Phol

Call 1.800-441.4885 or 259.3300 In Detroit. Or send In this coupon wtth your check to open your Rqenc:y CD account today! Account Name _ No matter where 'fou go. on business or pleasure. whatever your age or traveling Account Name _ style. Boyt's Century CoUectlon' Is the Ideal luggage to fit your needs. The Century Collection' CapllHe5 today's last paced spirit by combining good looks Address _ wfth functional design. Cllnstructed wfth Indestructlble Dupont Cordura~ Plus. each C1ty StiHe Zip _ piece Is designed to satlsfy every travel need. age group and traveling style in a I'tlone _ fashionable way. Boyt's Centu!)' Collection' ..• the luggage choice for all generations, Social Security Number ------Signature _ HAR.VEY'S Boyt Builds a 8efler Bag'

Compleat Traveler Term Lenglh . __ AmI Enclosed _ Grosse Pointe's Luggage Address Make checks payable 10 Rqenc:y SAvings 1Ian6l, fSll PO Box 43089 Detroit. Michigan 48243 345 FISHERRD. 881.0200 Alln Retail Savings Dept 06130/88 June 30, 1988 Gro_ Pointe News 13A One community's water supply

It's the ultimate irony. about 12 million gallons a awards for ItS qualIty. dmner and do the dishes Below the sun-scorched day, and he doesn't anticI- Peak demand occurs and turn on sprinklers, lawn m front of the pate a demand that high. around 9 p.m., Schuur- demand is the greatest. Grosse Pointe Farms wa- man said. He Said so far The next heaviest load oc- ter treatment plant at Water ISpiped into the there haven't been any curs around 7 a.m when Kerby near Lakeshore is plant from a 36-inch in- complamts about low wa. reSidents take morning 2.5 million gallons of take located about one tel' pressw'e, but It seems showet's and people turn , , fresh, cool water. quarter mile out m Lake that when people fimsh on sprinklers. ¥t St Clair. During high "4 The plant provides wa- f ter to residents in both demand periods, a large i " booster pump located at . 1 the Farms and City A pumping statIOn located Pier Park mcreases the \ 1 flow from the normally ; closer to Jefferson sends , M< water to Highland Park gravity-fed mtake. f i The Park, the Woods and Once in the plant, the the Shores get their water water IS treated with fluo- from Detroit. ride, chlorme and alum. DalTel Schum'man, The alum coagulates sus- I Farms water superindent, pended sohds and the said the Farms pumped a chlorme dlsmfects From r couple of weeks ago at a there the water is filtered. rate of eight million gal- It travels through eight lons - several million mches of charcoal, three more than usual. feet of sand and about two The extended drought feet of coarse gravel be- in Michigan has meant fore entenng the reser- the curtailing of water voir. The water then trav- services and low pressure els through water hnes to in many communities, but homes and businesses in not here - yet. the two cities. Darre] Schuurman. Farms water superintendent. stands next Schuurman said the ca. to the booster pump at Pier Park. The pump is turned on when pacity of the system is Schuurman said the demand for water is high. Farms plant is a micro- cosm of what happens at DetrOit treatment plants. Because of the huge ca- pacity Detroit has, he said he doesn't anticipate any water shortages for any of its customers. Last year, Schuurman said, the plant pumped the equivalent of a foot- ball field covered WIth water 2,900 feet high. This year, the overall pump age will be even Water which has been treated with chemicals is filtered In higher. these huge pools. The plant grows well in the well lit and hu- mid building. "We have 4,000 sere vices in the Farms and 2,000 in the City," Schuurman said. "We Photos and story serve a total of about 18,000 people. Our biggest by Peter A. Salinas water users are the two hospitals, with Cottage probably our biggest user and Bon Secours the sec- Plant operator Bill Webster tests water for contaminants. clarity and taste. ond largest."

Durmg the process at the plant, the water is tested by plant operators and engineers, who look for contaminants, check clarity and make subJec- tive deCISIOnsabout taste.

They've made the nght decislOns for the last cou- ple of years - Farms wa- ter has won several Below this large parched lawn is 2.5 million gallons of fresh water. _~...]-----_ .....","",r---,-,-~------~_=--""="""'"'------

One of the largest lawns to water is at the golf course at Lochmoor Country Club where sprinklers douse fairways nd greens with the equiv- alent of one inch of rain per week.


I 1$ '1'" "

The final result of all the effort is cool. clear water at the Ryan wens fi Is a bucket with water at Pier Park Ryan) and daughter Natalie. at rig t. tap. as Wendy ReUchlooks after her son. Nicholas. (behind

.- June 30, 1988 _14A NtMl4 Grosse Pointe News Don't fret! Park attorney They're not done yet sentenced Once the final layer IS put on Tho'>e manhole covers that are A 57 year old Glosse Pomte protruding a little ovel an Inch <,ometlme befOle July 15, the Park attorney, Robelt VJeWlg, above the new asphalt on Lake lakeSide curb., will be nme \\-as sentenced June 22 to 17 shore In the Farm" wIll be flush Inc..hes hIgh and the median months m Jail and ordered to \\Ith the pavement when the wrb'> will he e,IXInches pay restitutIOn of $93,881 after one Inch thICk fimsh Idyer IS "Also we al e dOing something pleadmg gUIlty Mmch 4 to two added hefO!e the Job IS that we haven't normally done wm wunts of bankl uptcy fraud pleted on the eastside," Leonard Said Re~ldents complained that the "We will be placing thermoplas- VleWlg \~as charged WIth em manhole covers pose d hd/dld to tiC lanE' Ilnb down Thl" Will bezzhng funds while In the ca- motonsts eliminate us havmg t{) send over paclty of a special tI ustee fOl the ,Joe Leonard, dlputy dlrectol OUI line palntmg truck over from debtOl COI'polatlOn known ae, the of the Wayne County Depmt :\1etro AlrpOIt to the eastsIde for W J Rewoldt Company He was ment of PublIc Works, salll they that Job' Parade! appomted by COUlt ordel as a are v.ell a\~J.re that the mdnhole The dry \~cather Will plobably The 13th annual Fourth of July parade sponsored by the Grosse Pointe Park Civic Associa- speCIal trustee to finish some Iltl lOvers 31 e pI otl udmg have an effect on this Job Leon- tion will begin at 2 p.m Monday. Parade participants will meet at I p.m. behmd Pierce gatlOn that had been mstltuted "Whdt has be('n put dov..n so al d "aid that because of the ex- School at St. Paul and Somerset. The parade will go down Somerset. cross Jefferson and pro. on behalf of the debtor far 1'> the levelmg WUIse," '>ald tended drought, few e,od farms ceed down Westchester to Essex and continue on Essex to Patterson Park. Leonard, ldent dre cuttmg thell product, and There will be a bne! program at Patterson Park followed by musical entertamment includ. The case \~as tned before "Whdt thdt doe" J" bnng the SUI- the lJ.ndsc..apmg may not take ing barbershop quartet musIc_ Hot dogs and pop will be sold. ReSidents are encouraged to Judge Patllck Duggan m US face of the I (Jad to d umfol m lOn- place until fall He e,ald the dry pack a lunch. There Will be games and pnzes for children as well as prizes awarded to the Dlstnct COlllt In DetrOIt The tour On top of that surface, v.e weather \~!l1 not afTect adding Investlgatlon was conducted by best floats. 11 - 't d t t t p' t place one and one quarter Inc..heb the fim"h Id)eJ or the lane lmes People interested In participating With antlque cars or oats are mVI e 0 mee a lerce a the FBI, and the prosecutIOn was of Jim:z gl due dggz egdlt: d,>plldil Tne dbphdillllg Ull we proJec..l 1 p.m. Children who wan! to partlClpate snoulci assemble wllh lheu ael..oluleu l:ukt;;:>, lIouts, conducted by Alan M GCl'shel, ThIS I" stllc..tJy like lung on the Ie, bemg done by Ajax Pavmg etc. at Trombly School at 1 p.m. For more information, call Patnck McKeever at 885.7829 or assistant Umted States attorney cah and makes for a smoother lndu'>tne=: of Madison Heights Bob Buhl at 886-7488. nde" -Peta A Sallllas ••

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June 30, 1988 Grosse Pointe News Nt-W4 15A Light up the skies! It's the Fourth Cottage changes management Home burglarized twice in one week By Ronald J, Bernas Ralph L Wtlgm de, executIve " edl 'I, hd" been named actmg works, all thanks to the dedIca- "It IS a I1Ice event because you Staff Wrller ('xeeutl\c I lee preSident WI! A home on t ht> 1400 hlot k of tIOn of a few plannel s and dona- get famlhes together wdtchmg vice preSIdent of Cottdge Ho"pl It's an old tradItIOn, one looted gmde \I III (l"C,li:>tVasi:>e dllllng Three l\llle Oll\ P In thl' I'd) k the fireworks, and how often do tal of GI o,,~e POInte, hab ac- in patriotism and pnde A tI adl- tIOns from local busmesses was hUl gl,ul/ed tll Ile l1l th,. you get famlhes togethel any- cepted the po<,ltlOn of spell a I con the tl alli:JltlOIl pellOd tlOn which draws from aUf past The yeHl of planmng 1I1clllde'> DUlmg Wllgalde's tenure, Cot same \\eek, With thl' thIef gf.t more?" she SaId "And how often "llltant to the boal d of tl ustees and gIves hope for the futUle It gettmg applOval flOm the var- tage Ho'>pltal doubled Its i:J1/.e tmg mOIl' them 'lil,OOO 111 e,l.,h do you get to see and spend time for pldlll1lng-, effective July 1 is a time of commg togethel and IOUS mUnJclpahtles and orga111za cmd added mdny new sel vIces A and sJ!vel W,II e wIth your neighbors?" Gl egory J Vasse, a vice pi ~'>I showing love of country and of tlOns, sohcltmg donatIOns flom new \lll1g wa.e., deSigned and PHI k offiucll" .,cud the fil,>t Those who show up at Pdl cells dent at Cottage fO! the past 10 fellow man - busmesses dnd CItIes, shoppmg buIlt In the I,lle '60s and the bl edk 111 OC<..Ullcd I.,0I11('tll11e be alound and gettmg the most for Middle School at 8 p m on Sun And the Grosse Pomte BU'>I oldel IMI t of the hospItal wa'> tween June 21 2'~ The thlCf the $25,000 It usudtly eO'3ts to day WII! )'1otlce a largel fire ness and ProfessIOnal A~soua Icnm'dted III the early '70s A gamed (I'tl"',' by bl e,lkll1g out d works dl,>play thdn 111 prevIOus \lVoods officials tion of Mack Avenue I'> for the put on the event 322 '>pdce p,n kll1g deck IS CUI leaf \\lndo\\ 'lI1d ledehll1g yems, Curry Mud, because the fifth time domg Its pHli to bl mg But Robbie CUll y, chan of Iently undel con"tl uct LOn dnd throu!-ih to llolo<..k d IPell dOOl comnuttee i:>lllfled pnollt Ie'> to get bonuses people togethel to celebl ate then thiS year's event and on the due fOJ LOmpletlOn thl<; fall A beateh II a" I11dde of the fi r"t create a splashlel dIsplay country's bllthday plannmg committee for the pi e The GIOl.,,,e POll1te Wood" On .Jan I, 1986, Cottage Ho'> clnd second 0001 A ffill1k UJat There are a numbel of maJol On July 3, the skies m the VIOUi:>five yeal'>, sdld the) ear of ('oullcd "ppl 0\ ed pedOl mdnee pltal aflihdted \\Ith Hemy FOld \\'a,> helleved to h,n e bl'pn tclkl'n cOlltnbutOls to the f'ilewOl ks dl'> Pointes Will be ahght with the plannmg I'> Ilell \\olth the Ie bonu'>e., .June 20 totalIng $6,400, Health CUI e COI p, makmg It The .,econd bUlgldlj O(U1llf d play every year who help hep Ied, whIte and blue glO\., of fil e ~ulh pdydble to t\IO Clt) offil1 bv the wmmumt) hospItal \\ Ith tlw bell een 1 clnd 11 p III Oil June thIS a Pomte t ladltlOlI, CUIl\ the end of thh month 23 The thIef "edlehed the ba'o "'aid They are EmplI e of Amel ,>pecldlty (onnectlOn ('It) Adl11ll1Jbtl dtm Chestel In 1989, Cottage Hospital cell' ment \\ hel e Ill' found tlw (d "h Ica, LochmoOl ChrYI.,lel, St Clau Pl'tPI ~en Ieeel I cd d '!i4 400 bo I)ldles Its 70th yem ')f servIce III dnd sllvCl \\ dl e Health Cal e Co; pOl dt LOn and nu." hi mgll1g the total bOnUbe., Pollee al e 111\ e.,t Igdtll1g Pomte Electrol1lcb Loehmoor thiS communltv he hd" Iecel\ ed thll., rem to Country Club allow the fil e 59,200, flom c1 total of ~10,OOO works to be set up on then <11101\ able grounds and the GlOs"e Pomte Tn r!PtPI mml11~~ tlw lHllol1nt Publtc SChoob donate tile .,dlOOI ~WE Robert Novltke, chairman of the and the grounds EY,d udtlon Commlttt>e, '>dld the Curry saId a lot of mdlVldual ddmllll'>tl,ltOl had done d fine help - donated by membel S of Job Ihi oughout the yecll, but ,I the Mack Avenue melchanh and full bonu., would h<1\'e meant profeSSIOnal people - IS nece" pellpellOn sary to make the festlvltlC" lun Councllm'lI1 Robel t Beaupl e smoothly, 6\.. der'5 L cense No 59' ... ",\1(1 he felt the city should have For several years befOl e the 886.0520 U\I dl clecl Petel i:>en the full Grosse Pomte Busmess and 16929 HARPER dlUount because thiS year was ~,I ProfeSSIOnal ASSOCiatIOn of Mack I one of g1eat change, Illcludmg 1 BlK. S. OF CADIEUX , A venue took on the proJect, the computel'l7atlOn, a Ieassessment Serving the Grosse Pointes skIes of the Pomtes wel e dark of the entll e Clt) , bond Issues for for 16 years with on the Fourth, after the Knval11s major unplovements at Lake Club stopped hostmg the festlvl -WINDOWS flont park, and havlllg to go part ties, and Curry saId the 1 esponse of the ) ear WIthout a comptrol -DOORS from the people, eVIdenced by IeI' The council, ho\\ ever, stuck -KITCHENS the letters the glOup receIves, 1'3 With It<; decl<;lOn fol' the $4,400 -BATHS heartening and 18 what keep., CIty Comptroller Chlf Malson her and the aSSOCIatIOn commIt -ADDITIONS reeel ved H $2,000 [lei fOl'mnncl' ted to the celebratIOn ye~r aftl'l' .SUNROOMS bOnll'l I'rom the tOllllell, the totnl yem' -SLIDING DOOR WALLS allowed "Lust year we had everyone The comnllttee expl'es'led Sutl'l- -ROOF from newbol'ns to someone who fult10n wllh Mlll'lOn und hlH wus 92 out thel'c," she !llllC! -HOT TAR ROOF performunce Hll1n' he JOIned the "Everybody can enjoy thlH type clty'k employ lute In Februury -ALUMINUM SIDING of show and that'll the niceHt - B) Ronald ,J. /31'/ /I(/~ thing about it " -BAY AND BOW The felltwit!ell beg/II at 8 p II! WINDOWS Sunday, July 3 Detroit Newil wl- Complete Home Improvement Service wnmst Pete Waldme!r 1<; the em- cee and the Austzn Moro band DeSign - Architectural DraWing - Instruction Questions? FOR FREE ESTIMATE ASK FOR Photo 1>1 Bert F'm[lnuele will perform agazn thiS year III case of r-a-I-I1, the eue'lt Will talle Call 882-0294 DON WILKING This beautiful spray was seen at last year's event. place Mondav, Julv 4


Wherever you go thiS summer-the pill k ., ~ _ 1 tI 1 _ I t 1 11 1 ) lilt: PUUI UI lJ1e UedllJ-llley lJ lit: lJlIl t ll!l watchIng Get set for rave reVlew:, \\ Ith d show-stOppIng shape Thne your body WIth specialty ll1aChlllC~ from LifecycJc;' Universal' Nautilus' and more Firm up your act With aerobiC'> '>\\'1111 mlng and Jogging It's aU avaIlable now at d pnce that's really attracting some dtlentlon ThIS is your illlal day 10 Jam Vie 'nmny and get 2 years for I or 1 year 101 SgCJ I)r) It for yourself Do 11 for yOll! lans 2 YEARS FOR 1 OR 1YEAR FOR 599

Hurry oHer ends 8t 1000 p m tonight I June 30, 1988 Grosse Pointe News 16A

l~"~it,"~'N' ,,*%~0,.<;:4'j. ,~~,,", 4,j. hA#).", #Y,.,W~~ Gaming~1ri'10 ~'$ ~ Fourth From page 1 From page 1 yachtmg, sa,hng and Iacmg m front of the Renc1If>~anCeCen He said that he wa" per,>udded the negatIve factoI''' , like cnme CIVICl,'lOUPl>tudres, most recently place In 1959, when the United Van was a reSident of Grosse tel', proceed to the Belle Isle that gammg would be good fOl and the lo~<,of ne .... economic dp- the Detimt Strategic Plan All States and Canada celebrated d Pomte He died m September Bndge, then to t!w foot of 12th the city velopment that mIght OCClll,out these f>tudles have been \vell-m VISIt from Queen Ehzabeth II 1987 after nearly 60 years of Stl eet, back to the RenCen tentlOned, but there has been ht- "I analyzed tIm, dS I \\fJuld \\ elghed the PO"lt\'e factors, .'>uch The festlvdl IS a shal ed pi 0 wlltmg about salhng He a1.'>o GIO<.,se Pomter WIlham J A analyze any bu"me% deal,' Gat a.'> Jobs and economIc develop tIe 111 the \\ ay of economic devel- ductlOn of the WIndsor Fleedom had palilclpated m 92 POlt Hu Nagel, Pd<.,t wmmodOle of Bay zaros said "I made a lhl of the nwnt lelated to gammg opment In Detlolt " Festival committee and DetlOlt Ion and Chicago to Mackmac view Ydcht Club, wdl plovlde credits and the debll~ and then He "dId the pOSSibility that Cudhp pomts to .'>lIong ecom- RenaIssance FoundatIOn Corpo- Idces "hm cf>Jde commentary on the analyzed them I deternuned nu\ bu.,mer.,s \\ ould not come to omlc f.,'l0\\ th In othel parts of late sponsors, mdlvldudl conti I- The Iace date for the George' lace and WII! answel quef>tlOns that the good POlI1t." fm out Detlolt dnd bu:ome.'>ses \\ auld \Va) ne Count) and thloughout butors and volunteell> make the E \' dn Memonal Regatta was abollt saIlmg dUlmg the race weIghed the bad pomb " mo\ (' out 01 not expand because Oakland County, and only token two week-plus schedule of sed the gammg I.'>"uef: om nomH. IInpdLt on the hotel, Ies to\\ n Dell OIt al ea "We expect mOle than thlee ,',ome of the IaCIng yachts 31 e expelted to take pmt m th( a mOlal ~tandpolnt He .,illd taw \\3., on that que., thel e al e £1bollt l-i5,OOO vacant s31d Well Events began June 8 the Stloh BI ewel y Company and Gro".'>e Pomtel Ken Meade, and lot.'>01 empty hou~e.., m DetrOIt," 0\\ tery and pan mutual hfJl '>€ IdC tlOn, - he "aId 1 looked dt It and Will run thlOugh Jul) 10 1<, expected to attract a mlnl TI ddel, ned by Glo,,'>e Pomtel 109, the bsue of bnngmg gdm ft um d blhll1e.,., "tandpomt I he .'>ald ' \\'Ith all these StudlCS, They'll mclude parade.'>, legaUds, mum of 200 sal! ydchts of £11! FI ed Det wllpi blmg to the ",tate \\as moot llldde no mOl<.llJudgment I tiled all thl'> thought, \\ h£1t hel.'>hap- hve mU.'>IC,cm I1lvals, dn antique ~l.WS - flam 23 footel s to 70 Fm mOle mfOll11£1tlOn about Gatzdrob .'>ald thdt oUblde of to S0l1 thlOugh thIng.'> lIke the pened to help t efOlm 111 De car show, a tug of \\31, ue, but finally made m) wmnmg films, a photo e...hlblt, Cl ew members The <;even and a Regatta, call DetlOlt R~nal%ance suburb" becau!X' at ledst 40,000 deuslOn on \\ hethel or not 1 C udIJp saId he \ oted 111 fd\ 01' boat Iaces for canoes, ka) ak '>, hdlf mile Idce COUlse Will bei,'ln at 2595400 people eal nmg good \\ age., thought gdmblmg \\ould help or of Cdsmo gad ,,",ould be lookmg fOl hou",mg, he hUl1 the economy and develop .'>Ion doe.,n't medl1 much If the boats, a 6 kllometel Iun, and a dIdn't see much Impdtt flom ment of the city . people of Detl Olt \ ote agamst It varIety of food, .'>pOlimg events, 1 l ...\-.,.., ... !-!(,., t~c c.'::;'1cl ~!..\ q~e~t ,~ u It h "T "'ly If t hr- ppnp)p nf Df'tt ()It J;:;c1HIIJuug 1.1.1 LUl,..- \..1\..) JanLLs, dnd act! \ :ii:ic.=, j ~lst foJ. "It would have a very po'>ltl\e out am blase.'> \\ant thl.'>, give It to them," he young children effect on busme"" In DetrOit, , he '1 thmk thele \\ere a numbel .'>aId 'It could medn 40,000 to "One event IS mtel estmg flom saId "Let\ face It, Detlolt I" not of people \vho had an open 65,000 Job.'>" a Grosse Pomte pomt of vIew," BEAUTIFUL SECURITY Las Vegas or AtlantiC City We m1l1d," he saId "I think there He saId the (lIme Is,>ue Ieally Well said "The GeOlge EVan lose a lot of conventIOn bu"mes.., were some who were firmly com l:on't an I'>sue Memonal Regatta. a The best window for less to AtlantIC CIty because there I.'> mltted and some firmly oppo:oed "Whenevel you drop 150,000 race on the DetrOit River, open • free esbmates • finanCIng no gammg here" A II 10 all, I thmk It wa.'> a good people any \\ here," he said, "you to all, IS a brand new addItIOn" Gatzaros saId that If DetrOit c.ommlS.'>lOnand the mayor dId a will see an Increase In cnme " George E Van was a long Safe • Secure • Energy Efficient ers educate themselves about good Job m selectmg ItS mem He said the commISSIOn talked tlme wnter for The De GLASS BLOCK gamblmg and the pOSSIble effects bel'S I) to law enforcement offiCIals, who trOlt News, the Dell OIt TImes on the city, they would support Glancy sald that If the people said they could handle the InflUX and Hearst PublicatIOns He was "~'" BASEMENT the Issue He said there al e a lot of DetrOIt vote unfavorably on of people and any cnme that nationally and mternatlOnally '~ '"o..I ~ ..... Q WINDOWS of mIsconceptIOns about gam- the August ballot proposal, the may result, and he felt satIsfied honored for hiS wrltmg about bhng and the gammg mdustry Issue of gamblmg m DetrOIt IS WIth theIr answers "There IS so much government dead "I bet I changed my mmd 10 control of casinos, you would "Even If the Issue passes by a or 15 times dmmg the hear- have to be crazy to try any thmg SIgnIficant maJority," he sald, "It mgs," he said "I finally shifted Illegal," he saId Will still be an uphill battle my thinkIng when I deCided if "I have talked to a lot of peo- There IS no way the legislature they metrOlters) want thIS, then Fourth travel ple Includmg legislators m Lan would approve casmo gambhng they should be allowed to have smg," Gatzaros sald "I have not over a negative vote from De- It " to .be heavy ADD CHARM TO run across anyone who IS saymg trOIt reSidents Pohtlcally, It He Sald he didn't see much The MichIgan Department of OUT [)()() R 'absolutely no' to casInO gam- would be an Imposslbl1lty " Impact on the suburbs, mcludlng TransportatIOn (MDOT) IS pre bhng_ People are open to the Glosse Pomte He noted, how- dletmg that a record-breaking LIVING AREAS idea, and If they analyze It, I William Cudlip ever, that m AtlantIC City, there number of miles Will be logged think they Will see the benefits WIlliam Cudhp, semOJ vice have been programs Imple- by MIchigan motorists ovel the TOM'S FENCE for the city» preSident and director of opera- mented, Similar to alcohol abuse tIOns at Young & Rublcam, IS a programs, for people who have Fourth of July hohday penod CO. Alfred Glancy III Farms reSident He voted mfa- become addIcted to gambling. MDOT predIcts dt Ivers Will wheel m 910 mllhon vehIcle ALL T'r PES OF Alfred Glancy, chairman and vor of casino gambling. & miles from noon on Fnday, July PRI\f\C\ SECLHIT' chIef executive officer of MIChI- Cudltp Said he uses 1967, 29, through noon on Tuesday, FENCES gan Consohdawd Gas CO, IS a when DetrOIt was In a turmOIl .}oo% lI'IL-COHEDl.Hm L1'KSI~THIS July 5 Shores reSident He voted With ItS nots, as a benchmark • flU I GUR 4'JErD That would be the most ever against casmo gammg year • RESID!'.'TIAL &. CO~lIERCIAL for a holiday in MIchigan, top- He Said that because Las Ve In the last 21 years, Cudhp Call us CALL ping last year's record of 870 gas and AtlantiC City are not said, everythmg m southeast News - 882-0294 H>R ...RU'. E"lTI\J \11-. milhon mIles set over the same comparable to DetrOIt, there was MichIgan has grown except for Classified - 882-6900 774-2045 perIOd of bme by 40 mllhon no analogy he could draw DetrOit "There ~have been nu- AdvertiSing - 882-3500 miles + He saId he asked himself if merous government, pnvate and Come Celebrate the 4th with us. Stop by the night of the Fireworks, July 3rd, and register to win up to 1 month of Toning or Tanning FREE BALLOONS FOR THE KIDS ~j, Friendly Service - Relaxed Atmosphere _" It >,,' FREE Demonstrations FREE Consultations by Marilyn to have a We're in the last phase of our bathing suit Custom Mad~ for your body I storewide remodeling. FINAL e ~~._~: , , REDUCTIONShave been taken ~{ -;~ \ \ on all remaining furniture and J•• ':J 0-"': EXPERIENCE THE BENEFITS ,< of our accessories in the store. If you'll pardon the inconvenience of shoppIng during this disorderly period, 7 you'll be rewarded with incredible values Toning fviachmes on some of the finest names in furniture. Everything is reduced to clear LOOK out before our new HOT floor samples arrive. after stepping mto one ot our 3 Tanning Booths ----

Be A Member of the Firm! Lose inches in only 60 minutes with one of our 2 types of Body Wraps

Toning JULY SPECIALS Tanning 20 Visits for 574°0 1, 3 & 6 month 20 VIe.,lh for 54900 / 12 VIsits for 539°° packages available 7 VIe.,lh for 529°° I 1 year unlImited 5399°0 20381 Mack, Grosse Pointe Woods - 882-5250

Use ~our Mastercard Visa or Scon s Charge Open Dally 9 30 to 5 30 • Mon Thurs fn iii 9p m • Closed Sunday , , •

June 3D, 1988 I 'I...~J 17A •G.r.o.ss.e.p.. O...i.".te.N_eW.S t:!vw'4

F!'Om page lA Ilpl gl dllcli.lthl'1 ral"ed hot "e", belly Ilou"e and would hold , lot'> of hOt "pc,. ,ulll "Ill' "pent ",dl'" there Mlc, Newberry gave (kpend 011 11<'1to pick them up llluch of 1ll'1 chlldhood Ildlllg I u.., till' hou"e" \\ henc'v(,l they're gOing c,ume p!bLIIgh, ('hlc,lgO ;\Il'\1 '\ o! k "'.l~ .\11 1 ,'~ht '" elto! ,md d gOVl'lllOI 01 M'c!lIgdn ,lI1d Boe.,ton .t...... Shl' ",lid 11(' \\ d" t1w fir"l go\'l' I :'I1l:'l 1III,Ill 1\ ,I'> I('cpntly pi e McMlIldn II ,I" OI1P of the 1l0l 01 MlChlgan to he elpctl'd h) foundl'l.., of till' .JU11101 JA'II ..;tJ{ '" I1tl'd II llh ,Ill clPIHel'ldtlOn thl peupl(' - Ste\ enc, T ~1.I"OI1 ,m ,lid b\ lht C,lIden Club of At thelt tlll1l" llll' 01 gdllJl.ltIOn 11,[" \llLlllg,U; 101 hl'l 66 )l' u" 01 ..,el The new Welcommg Center for the Edsel & Eleanor Ford House will be bUilt on the site of the ,Ippolllted II 11'0 1l',,1llC tc>d to 100 II ontl n lit I gl eelt gl dndmoth( I fo] \ 1L(' :-:'11(' ldllght SUndcl\ '>chool original greenhouses. Albert Kahn designed the Ford House in the late 1920s. The architectural The\ 1cl1'oed 1I10Jl('\ IlIdlnl\ fOi \1 hOIll ,,11('\ ndllled, ,]Ulldll.1 (01 1 l ) l',II" .It (;lo""e POlIlte firm he founded, Albert Kahn & Associates, designed the new facility. The building IS expected to the blInd ,lIld tli, It dhll(' I III be completed by summer 1989. I'lumbull Woodlllldgl', II,t" d plm ul h,1I1clllelpJ!1e! JllOplt 1\llIllOl I,d ( hlll l h ,we! hone 01 :'\L 1\ I';ngl.lI1del, \\ ho Cclnll' hl'll Ih ol(h,,,t 111lll1!Jl!'"> I "tdll pd cl "t Oil IOJ l IH 111 10 lndldll tl'lll[(,I\ \11th hl! "d hC'll' ,wd \Il got lu lH ,,0 good . I tl\ "nl ( 1\ e 11\l'd the 1l10"t \ll, IlI1en" ,1l1d pOlcel,lIn ~h.. Ford House to build activity center "IH' ",lid WI ...1,11It,d thl \l II II und() Iul \ t ,11 ", ,,1](' "dId \I el" d homl'op,ltllIc dOLtOI 'IiHI d By MargIe Rems Smith g"1,ll1t('d the IeqllP'ot fOl ,I buIld The dp"lgn of thl' n~'\\ I,ll 111l\ 1.11\ \ i 1 'lIld "Ill \\ on till' I e"[Jl ct , StaH Wrller ll1g pel nut elt II'> counul nw<'tll1g \\ III be UJllIpcltlhJI' 1\ lth thl Ollhl ul thl Inc!I,ul'" \I ho lldml'd lil'1 A 12,7fJO .,qU,ll e loot building In'' )] "1\ I\(' RICHARDS 1, ",1 1)Chll .. , 1,,, d d. - of th!' H, Il .. .,t \l1c'\1111111 ",lid INSU~[n will bL' ,Idded to the 1101then"t d ''I'11I "0 ploud 01 hl'l ' The ollgmal pldn", \Iluch FOI d lIo11"e I Il11blmg, BONDED ~~~1 & UPHOlS, portIOn of the l-,'1ound" of tht' 86 Cdme befOll' the wunul m Octo ,1c,ymmellledl Engll-h mcll1lH I Thl') b\'l'd III tlw gO\'l'1 nOI " acre Edc,el & EleJ nor FOI d hel 19b7 II PI C modified to Ieduce like thIN' found 111 tlll Col'>\\ old l11,Ulo.,lOl1 111 DetlOlt 11("U :-:'plmg ,,'- 772-8511 1"-9;- Bouse ,It 1100 Llkl'"hOle ('on the "lie 01 the bLlJllhng b\ one IPglOn of WOI ((".,IC'1"hll e, Eng \1 pll" ~lc;-"ll1l,lIl ",lid "he bc' CLEANING SERVICE "tructlOn will begin III July, ,mu thl! d The FOI d Hou<.,e Pdld the land Albeit ICdlll & A ""OUdtc" lleve" Illl' hOlI"P I\d" cut 111 tluep R[SIDENTIAL. COMMERCIAL the bulldmg h expee ted to )(' !l'e Iequll cd by the Shol e" OIcll uec,lg-ned thp ,lllclltllJn _'\lbel t "ectlOl\" ,lI1d I1IllVC'U to C,HI,H].l ?4 HR SERVICE. EMERGENCY SERVICE completed bv 11(:',t sumnwi nclnee (01 a <.,peudl land u"e pel Kahn, loundel of the ,1ldlltpC \1 ht'll' It" 1\011 Opl'lcltln~ d" .Ill The nl'\1 f,lCdltV, e,dled d \Vel mlt fO! tel>' exempt plOpel tie., tUldl film, dpclgnpd llll' Ed ...(' I & lnll • FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED' UNIFORMED EMPLOYES commg Centel, \1111 be LhPd fOl "!t'" d !lice buJ!dmg that \\!l1 ElednOl 1"01 d IlOIN' bet \\ cell '1'11('11 "Oil Idnd l\lcl\lJ1l,m" .10 YEARS EXPERIENCE. GUARANTEED WORK exhlbltlOll", (Oncel t", I l:Ceptlon", enhclnce OUI commul1ltv ," ~~lId 1926 and 1929 gl dndfcllbel I, Ducllev Wood • EXCELLENT REFERENCES UPON REQUEST lecltal" and fOi Olwntdtlon" pI 101 l\1Lchael Kenyon, VIllage mJ.n W,1llmdgl' ,\lcllngC'1 IHI" been hi j(lge, ,1I1d hi" \\ !fl' Mm th'l to tOUl" of the FOI u Boutoe dgel ~elected d" tl](' gellel,d conlldC were OIlC' 01 two famJlI('''' who The WPicommg Centc! \\ dl "We are very pleased to an to! Inuit) eHl lound hom('" 111 GIO""P All appointments for our 8 step carpet cleaning of living also be dVall,lble fOi use by othel nounce the constructIOn of OUI Thp Ed"Li & EblllOl 1"01 d POIntL' The Newbell)" ,1Ild the room and hall (made during June only) for anytime until non-plOfit 01 ganllallOnto ,md 1\dl new faCIlity which wJ11 be u..,ed Hou"e \\ ,I" If'll In E(hel FOl d c, le"t - tlu.., I\U" then "umnWI Dec. 31, 1988 will be only $29.95, reg. $39.95. have facJlltJC~ for lImIted lood for welcommg vl~llo)'s and plO w)(!cm ElpdllOl el.l \ For d, af t('1 home Thev thought tl1l" \I cl" the servIce. accordmg to IJ,lUI D \ Idmg an onentdtlOn on the hIe.; hl I clPctth 111 1976 to be u<"t-d fOl l'1ll1 of the '\\ 01Id " Alandt. pI eSluent of the FOI u to)'y of the E

The J.ENNOX HS-19 Central Air Conditioner One of the qUietest most rugged and effiCient units on the market Seasonal Energy EffiCiency RatiOS(SEER)up So let Kosts Energy Management SpeCialists to 12 which IS extremely effiCient deSign a high effiCiency Lennox systE>mthat s perfect for your home or buslnE>sSand then let Brown out control to protect the compressor us send you away for the time of your life 45% reduction In operating costs compared to Units 7 years old or older 0% financing available. Creators of special kitchens. 10year limited warranty on compressor ~JJVV~? 2 year warranty on parfs and labor ~~- e,,\t\~j: Extended regular service hours j~~ s.'>. from 8 a.m.-8 p.m., Mon.-Fri. New office and showroom 19839 Mack Avenue 886 5060 Grosse Pointe Woods - (between Vernier and Moross) 18332 Mack Avenue Gros~e Pointe Farm~881-1024 Kosi I~ Contracting Bus'ness 1987 Contractor of the Year June 30. 1988 18A Grosse Pointe News

• •

Grosse Pointe Business and Professional Association of Mack Avenue, Inc. presents Mack Avenue USA Fireworks and Musical Event Sunday, July 3, 1988 - Parcells Play Field - Mack Avenue at Vernier Rd. - 8 p.m. Rain Date: Monday, July 4, 1988 Austin Moro Band Pete Waldmeir Detroit News Columnist/Master of Ceremonies National Anthem - Presentation of the Colors - Band Concert until Fireworks begin at full dark. (As determined by fireworks officials.) The Grosse Pointe Business and Professional Association salutes those individuals who have taken special pride in making HMack Avenue USA" possible: Peter Behr, Lochmoor Club: Lee Meyer, This HN" That for Pets; Dr. John Whritner and Dave King, Grosse Pointe Board of Education; Sloan E. Barbour, Pointe Electronics; The Grosse Pointe Woods Police and Safety Departments; Pete Wald. meir, The Detroit News; John Prost, Grosse Pointe Cable; The Grosse Pointe Board of Education; The Lochmoor Club and Wopon (Lakeshore Chapter, Order of the Arrow) Scouts. The Grosse Pointe Police and Fire Reserves, business' and residents of Grosse Pointe. This is the 5th year "Mack Avenue USA" has taken place, we welcome you fo come ouf and enjoy with us a fine evening. Robbie Curry Co-Chairperson MACK AVENUE USA ------C'OIINTRYMEN------MILITIAMEN--- Up to $25 $50-$99 Mr. & Mrs. Hugo Ulbrich Shorewood E.R. Brown Realtv Sears Surplus Store 9272 Mr. & Mrs. James Mitts Drs. Totte, Hart & Knowlton Pointe Alber' D. Thomas Ine. Rosemary's Fashions Grosse Pointe Allergy Clinic. PC Tony's Barber Shop Coloseum 2000 Hair Care The Hot Spot Senator John Kelly AJ Meyer Pharmacy Grosse Pointe Cable Dely Travel Service CM Gallery Antiques. Inc. Borland.Johnson Associates Mr. & Mrs. Frank Penirian John R. Cobau Grosse Pointe F ye Center Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Dykstra Cueter Brothers Service Th~ Dried Flow('r Mr. & Mrs. Ned Bania Donald K. Pierce and Company The Cheesecake Shoppe Mr. & Mrs. James Priil American Speedy Printing Center Harve Memorial Animal Hospital Mr. & Mrs. Walter Russell Captain 2 Bob'" Drug Company Mr. & Mrs. A. Dale Shrie Irish Coffee Bar & Grill Mama locricchio Eastside Cab & Bus Ine. Elizabeth R. Brenner, MD This & That For People. Inc C. Baranski Mechanical Contractor. Ine. Pointe Cafe Bar & Grill Eastern Michigan Agencies. Inl Schummer's Ski Shop Amigos Restaurant Natiolldl Con('y 1"land Edwin Paul Salon Body Perfect Toning and Tanning Salon Gros"e Point(' New" Bonior Insurance Agency. Ine. D.O.C. Optical Rob('rt J Gr:ffin. MD 9 Mile and Jefferson Flia~ Bros. S & A Auto Glass Company Aitken & Ormand Insurance Company Millar Construction Laromana Hair Design Grosse Pointe Woods Presbyterian Church The School Bell Phil Pitters Coins & Stamps rnc Wan Kow Chop Suey Or. Winston Zouzal Village Lodcognlze at this publication lohl1 ..ton(' & 10hn"tol1(, • 19A june 30, 1988 Grosse Pointe News Fireworks & Musical Event in Honor of the 4th of July

Dear Neighbors, Since its rebirth in the Spring 1983, the fireworks, Mack Avenue USA, has been a very big MACK Grosse Pointe area event. Along with the Great Garage Sale, Santa Parade, Broom and Blooms, AVENUE and the Mack Avenue Sidewalk Sale, the event exposes our community in a very positive light. There's more to Grosse Pointe than beautiful houses, trees and a superb school system; there's fun and a burgeoning community-business district amalgamation second to none. This July 3rd display notifies all that we are a unified force dedicated to our country's ideal of freedom. Join the Grosse Pointe Business and Professional Association of Mack Avenue for a really positive light July 3rd. Sincerely, Your Mack Avenue Business Association Members Michael Francis lahey, D.D.S., president

A.M8ASSADOR Above $2,000

~,;'fA fESMEN $1,000-$1,999 IBII ( II In.." H\ IiIII 111m...... :•.,: , S NeE 1957 LOCHMOOR -PLYMOUTH, INC. HOME AND COMMERCIAL SOUND SPECIAUSTS W \ O£ Ul IONARiLS $500-$999

~:~I..:A: ...... ~'''':''''''alCo~ra':o .n.. I . •A.11"U'-"~. I'IQUV" "I'" u n uaflri.S We Cater Qi)ronne 'ointe <.nUn to coward~' Qi)ronne 'ointe 1J1armn 884-1320 MICHAEL FRANCIS (1)ronne 'oinle 'ark JOSEP'S LAHEY, DDS 11 ) l1~ll A P ~ 1 .... ~ • f t'Ht;N.'III.AS~RIt;S $I.rl ~~ H, c-rNJrPo"rt W.Her GEI'<'FRAI nFWT7~TRY IMPLANTS ~_ • H", ,~rJ~ ~ , , 7395100 881 9390 Qi)ronne 'oinle mOolln Qi)ronne 'oinle ~40ren

MI~~!) J t- MEN ------PATRIOTS------$100-$249 $250.$499 Optimist Club of Lake Shore Edmund T. Ahee Jewelry, Inc. The Rainy Day Company Lions Club of Grosse Pointe Woods Charles Verheyden, Inc. First of America Nora Maya Kachaturoff, MD Chesney-Leonard Agency, Inc. Little Tony's Lounge in the Woods Soroptimist International of Eastpointe Radiologists, PC Standard Federal Duane S. Weed, Attorney at Law Grosse Pointe Margarete's Hair Fashions This 'N' That For Pets Creative World Yorkshire Market Woods Optical Studio's Colonial Central Savings Bank TCBY Yogurt Kotlar Enterprises, Inc. Comerica Mr. C's Group Inc. Angela Kennedy Dance Studio The little Blue Book Manufacturer's National Bank Bloomfield Savings R.E. Harrison Company June 30, 1988 Grosse Pointe News 20A Jt~ not fad a Pup to- the ~ do4e · · · · It's a food shopping adventure at Farmer Jack

To order call 114-4511 To order call 114-3541 ~, ~, and erdU3GJ FREE GRill RECIPES AT SEAFOOD COUNTER Iced Gazpacho JET-FRESH FROM ALASKAI Fresh tomato-based soup with a bouquet of fresh seasonings. Serve chilled, Z5 Fresh pint Z 1n~ garnished with sour cream or plain yogurt. lb 4'9 ~~. Halibut Steaks Chicken Pasta Salad JET-FRESH FROM ALASKA I MESOUITE BOO So refreshlngl A burst of flavor comes from freshly roasted chicken, seashell pasta, Fresh Wood Chips fresh grapes, and a bouquet of herbs & then dressed with sour cream, our I'!>.lb mayonnaise, and lemon Juice. This Is sure ,ZS Whole Salmon ~.5" Ir";; Bag "9 '!l.lb ~ to be among your favorites. JET.FRESH FROM ALASKAI Herbed Rice Pilaf Fresh Long grain and wild rice. onion, carrots. ",6'9 peppers and fresh herbs make the perfect lb. '5 Salmon Steaks accompaniment to every meal. Z Wisconsin Wilderness LARGE GULF SHRIMP OR ORANGE ROUGHY Dtep South 110 Sluce 16-0z. Z.99 BBG Beef Brisket "Meal on the Run" Delicious CI_pfIrt BBO Sluee 16-0z. Z.'9 Mouth-watering beef brisket comes with 9 Potatoes Anna and glazed carrots. Hearty 0 (herry Country BIQ Sluee I~ Z.99 and delicious I Heat covered. 350 oven. 25 Seafood Kabobs ,.r ea. minutes. Z" (rMllerry BogI.dlnt S.uee 9-oL Z.75

To order call ahead 174-9081 For assistance In ordering party trays call 774-4577

'I,THE NORMAL SALT USDA. CHOICE BEEF ROUND COUNTRY smE Low Salt Bologna or 39 95% FAT FREE V~lb '69 All Beef Bologna '1~lb 1 Boneless Lean Boiled Ham SAVE 60 LB SAVE 60 LB ONLY 25 CALORIES PER OUNCE Rotisserie Roast lli 3" TERRIFIC OLD IlIORLD FLAVOR DEUCIOUS WHITE MEAT TAVERN mLE '/~lb V~lb Z59 U S D.A. CHOICE ZZ9 Smoked Ham Turkey Breast SAVE 80 LB SAVE 1 00 LB ~347 Beef for Shishkabob KITCHEN FRESH GREAT ON THE GRill Potato Salad Macaroni 38 Natural Casing lb 2'9 Salad or Cole Slaw tb 1 Frankfurters SAVE 50 LB NO PRESERVAT1VB ADDED

For special orders call 714-4613 • SOUTHERN GROWN CELEBRATE THE HOUDAY Red Ripe Cut PICNIC PACK IlIlTH A HEARTH OVEN CAKE CHOOSE FROM PLAIN OR SEEDED Fourth of July 111-0z JZ9 Watermelon ~115 Hamburger Firecracker Cake CAliFORNIA FPESHlY BAKED lONG CRum LOAF 9-0z lli .79 Buns IwlttSAVE 30 French (Baguette) Bread .89 Juicy Nectarines


Prices effective through Monday. July 4

Also available for your convenience: * POST OFFICE to buy stamps, mall packages. 9 Mile near Mack send registered letters. Store open Monday through saturday a a m until 10 p.m * PHARMACY with Pharmacist on Sunday, July Jrd 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. dUty 7 days a week. Call 774-9082 Monday, July 4th 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. * DINER'S EXPRESS CHECKOUT 3 Items or less hot prpoared foods to go. Instant out I 21A June 30. 1988 Grosse Pointe News ~LV FLORAL AND INTERIORS

• Alstoemeria Lilies $3.75 bunch ofS

• Iris...... $3.50 btuK-h of S

• Assorted Tropicals $2.50 perstem FTD CASH & CARRY ONLY TELEFLORA 17110 KERCHEVAL "IN THE VillAGE" 886-0300

Visit Clown Alley Glo"se Pomte'" own mabter of TIckets for A VISit To Clown We Know Where bl.iffoJncl,}, Beck) "Ralnbo\\" .\lIc) arc $250 each, $R, fRmlly SantOla, wlll present a speCIal rate The progt am IS a prelude famlly (un evelllng at the W31 to "Camp Hocus Pocus", a fun l\lemonal, Thursday, July 7, at filled mtroductlOn to the art and 730 pm techmques of clowmng You'reGoing Th.1t evenmg, Rambow wlll be Camp seslOns wlll be held at 'r OUI bJlude for a behmd.the the War Memonal from 10 am SLenes VISit to clown alley San to 4 pm Tuesday and Thursday, HUDSON'S TRAVEL SERVICE t01 d wlll 31 !'lve at the War Mem July 19 and 21, for students en We Make All The Difference In The World OIled as a cIvIhan, and WIll wnng gt.ades 2 5 Also, Tuesday Barbara Meister and David Bender transfOl m hel self into the won and Thursday, Aug 2 and 4 for Get to know U5 at Hudson's Travel derful, whImSIcal Rambow Hel students entering grades 6 8 • Conveniently located In Hudson's Eastland Mall fantastlcally funny program ""III The $40 per child regIstratIOn • Open Monday thraugh Saturday 10 a m to 5 30 p m Duo to perform be a tl eat fO! the entIre famIly fee mc1udes lunch, makeup, bal. • Your Hudson's Shopping Card IS welcome as well as Rambow has performed at the loons and other class supplIes American Express, Visa and MasterCard Bl aden flom AttK Theatl e pOl' Smlthsoman InstItutIOn, Ken- Advance regIstratIOn IS encour. • SpeclOl cruise rates ( Vocal duo Barbara Melstel , and DaVId Bender WIll be the traymg the late JaZl chanteuse nedy Centcr, NatIOnal Academy aged IndIcate age of chIld when • SpeCial Haneymoan rates featured performelb as the 31::.t Bllhe Hohday, Aug 1 and the of SCIence and the U S SUPIerne regIstermg. In Eastland Mall, come In and meet Grosse Pomte Summer MUbIC Grosse Pomte Symphony, Aug 8 Court She has also made seven For addItlonal mformatIOn, Winnie, Kelly, Renee ond Cindy or coli us (ram date, Aug 9) appearances at the White House call 881-7511 Festlval contmues Monday, July Harper Woods - Eastland Mall 521.4340 All concerts me held Hun or 11, at 8 pm on the lakeSIde Other locations Northland, Westland, Oakland lawn of the War MemOrIal shme If concerts are held m- ond Ann Arbor Cntlcally acclaimed, Melstel doors due to mc1ement wCdtl1Pr, Pur tan in kidney benefit & Bender have delIghted audl reserve tIcket holders WIll be The NatIOnal KIdney Founda- star Gene Taylor, JIm "Kasey" ences from coast to coast with seated fil st Those wIth lawn tIOn of MichIgan and the Vallety Ochs, Mark "Doc" Andrews, Col- then' vocal bnlhance, acting abIl- tlckets WIll be seated on a fil st Club of DetrOIt Chanty FOI leen Burcar, John "Ankles" Ity, charm and good looks Veter- come, first sel ved bac,ls Chlldren \\ III present Purlan's Stewart and special comedy ans of both the operetta and TIckets for all concert" Illa} he People Playhouse, a program guest star. Joe Nipote Coffee, mUSIcal stage, they have chosen purchased at the W dr MemO! Itl.l scheduled for 7 p m. Sunday, wine and dessel-ts will be served, a program tItled "From VIenna front desk 01 by mal! Check" July 10, at the NovI HIlton All WIth a cash bar available. To Bloadway" for theIr Grosse should be payable to the Grosse plOceeds WIll benefit the Na TIckets are $100, $50 and $35, Pomte appearance Pomte War MemOl1a1 and sent tlOnal KIdney FoundatIOn of VIsa and Mastercard accepted wIth a stamped self addl e"sed The duo WIll be accompamed For mformatlOn and reserva- envelope to 32 LdkeshOl e Road, Michigan on planas by DetrOIt artIsts Bel' tions, call the NatIOnal KIdney me Katz and ,DaVId Stnckland, Grosse Pomte Farm", Mlch Purtan's People Playhouse, foundatIon of MIchIgan toll-free 48236 MCNISA at e accepted on who wIll be featmed m a salute stan mg DIck Plll-tan WIll also at 1-8004821455 to Irvmg Berlm's 100th bIrth phone ordel s of $20 Ol mOle be day. tween 9 a m and 5 pm, Man TIckets for thIS secon:a Olfermg Fn For addItIOnal mfOlmatlOn, 880630 111 the six concert Summer MUSIC call 881-7511 FestIval senes are $10, reserved, $650 lawn admISSIOn War Memonal grounds open at 6 30 Autnoflzed Service on p m for p'cllickmg Concert- ReA • ZENITH • QUASAR • SONY, gael'S are welcome to bring pIcn- , • ALL I ICSor may purchase box suppers I' MAKES NOW YOU at $7 each PIcmc suppers must CARRY EXP 6 3088 I be lCserved by Fllday, July 8 at I IN I SERVICE ~ - ----' 5 pm I I Followmg MeIster & Bendel '$5 ~ (Between 8 & I CAN HAVE YOUR on the FestIval schedule are the I __ ~~~~~~~l~~£~~l~~~~_~~~_~ BalalaIka Orchestra and Neva Dancers, July 18, duo plamsts ~~ Presents the CONDOMINIUM ... The Haddens, July 25, Michl' ~. ONE STOP Barbershop harmony AND by moonlight .~rJr BUSINESS "In The Evenmg By The a Featuring SHOP Moonlight," "Stl ea01mg Down the follOWing services: GROSSE POINTE, The Rlvel" and "Here Come" • Packaging dnd Shipping • Stationery Envelopes The Showboat" 31 e Ju~t a few of • Mail Box Rpntal • Notary Public • Answering Service the more thdn 50 songs that wlll • Typing/Typp,>ptting • Fascimtle • Copying mIdI TOO. be heal d dUllng the 42nd em • Businpss Services. Businpss (ards "'U" .2" Ilh'> .md 4TH OF JULY SPECIALS lll'd It( d )...111iI, II'> Great For Live Amish Raised Poultry ()IIl'>ld( r11(\ '!'I'( II I'> tl Idllll'll.iI Summer Grilling (Ol,llll.ll IlllllH'> ,"vh It III I)...,'> r1HJl1 09 \ Plld"1l11111UIIl'>I'>Ih.lt thlll .2,.11 g.lrlgl '> • Swordfish' Halibut $1 1b Wh oIe Fryer••••• • • • • • III IOllHd tllthl 1l1lddk ill rill 1'11\ Il \ 01 • Shark • Salmon ( '>11lgl( t 11l1lh hPllll Illd 11lliH of !lIt • Tuna (when available) Fresh $1 29 Illlllltl 1l1lH, Ground Turkey...... Ib I pur,

I rOlll "121) 'IO() coupon - SEAFOOD SPECIALS - coupon FRESH FRESH Call m and we will 4ihow yOll Shark $599 1.1/2 ~b bag $1195 Tuna $695 our ver4iion of "Roots". Steaks Ib Shrimp Steaks Ib Prices good with this coupon. expires 7.7.88 'I'llI':

Hours: lues 9.5 Wed9.7 lhurs, Fri & Sat9.8 Closed Sun & Mon I~I~\I(I~ (~()~II~\,\y 16523 Harper, Detroit, Mi. 882.9030 (313) 881-6100 ( BETWEEN CADIEUX & WHITTIER) Dcvelopcr<; of Dodge Place, Windwood Poin(c, Mor.n I.U! WOOlf.; .'\ ~chcrbrook , June 3D, 1988 Grosse Pointe News 22A £~' ------Local packaging stores wrap up the business

BV Ronald J. Bernas for that packagmg tape you bve in another state) want') Is StaH Writer thought you left In the junk there an easy way to get it to The last time you were 1 un dlawer, dIdn't you wish there them? nmg aiound the hOUbe \\Ith a was ,m easier way? The answer to both questions package to send, cutting up gJ ° And what about that grand. is yes, and although It may cost cery bags to wrap It and lookll1g fathel clock your children (who a little more, many people feel It must be worth it, because pack. agmg stores are cropping up all over The Pomtes have two, and ... • owners of both say their busmess IS boommg. Mall Boxes Etc. and The Pack- agmg Store, both located on Mack Avenue less than two miles apart, are both domg fast busmess. Although they are In the same field, they cater to dlf. ferent aspects of It and both agree there IS room for two m thIS area. Owners of Mall Boxes Etc . .. .. WIlla Levm and Leah Schwartz call theIr business "a postal and business service" and say pack- agmg makes up only 50 percent . -.. of their business. The rest IS made up of what the;' call bUSi- ness and marketing services, m. eluding domg business mailings, typing, use of copymg and fac- simtle machines, mailbox rent- Matt Werner watches as Tom McMillan. foreground. and Jon Holt carefully pack their boxes. als, answering services and tak- Employees at The Packaging Store are specially trained and all packaging is done to franchise Photos by Ronald J Bsma.e ing passport photos. They have specifications. even run errands for people. WUla Levin, left. and Leah Schwartz. former nurses. found the Matt Werner, owner of The packaging business to be lucrative and fun, too, but packing is Packaging Store, said he special- WIth 600 across the nation and franchised movmg compames, are fully insured should any only a part of the multi-faceted Mall Boxes Etc. izes in the larger, hard. to-ship more gOing up every month Wernel' said damage occur. items like paintings, furniture, Packagmg has approximately "We're not trying to take busi- Levin said Mail Boxes Etc. deer heads, canoes and even a 200 stores natlOnWlde, mostly ness away from the movmg com. makes sending a package a httle roll of fabric. The main thrust is statIOned in the west, and 100 pumes. we're filling a void be- more expenSive, but it is still custom packing. more are anticipated to open tlm. tween the large loads and the cheaper than buying tape, paper "There's not much we haven't year, according to their l'espec smaller loads," Grui said, be- and running around to get the touched here," said Packaging tive owners. caU'le many companies charge cheapest and fastest shipping Store Manager John Grui. "We each serve different types one l'ate up to a certain weight possible. Both owners said their busi. Charles T. F:l8her III of Grosse Pointe Farms was elected chair- The store even shipped a one. of people," Werner said about limit, Whether the item weighs ness is "a service-oriented busI' man of the United FoundatIOn Board of Directors. Alfred R, of.a.kind experimental motorcy. Mail Boxes, "so we don't really that much or 50 pounds less. ness" and that ia what makes Glancy III of the Farms was elected vice president. Joan B. War- cle to Germany, in a specially compete. In fact they have even The Packaging Store picks up their bUSinesses work. ren, also of the Farms, was re.elected vice chairman of the board. designed crate. sent customel's here" hll'ge Items to bring to their "We take the hecticneB!l out of WillIam P. Vititoe was elected vice chairman of the Capital Fund Mail Boxes Etc. has sent "When we take a package, we 'ltare, and Will pick up items other people's hectic days," Division Committee and Dean E. Richardson was elected treas- White Castle hamburgers "pic. look for the best and chealJe'lt flam other stores, 1:10 you can urer. Vititoe and Richardson are both Farms residents. Woods resi. kles and all," and one man sent way to send it," Schwartz salo, concelveably buy something and Levin said. dent Julia D. Darlow was elected vice president and Pointer Keith two boxes of fall leaves to his "and sometimes the cheapest never have to touch It and have E. Crain was elected to the board. family down south. Nothing sur. way is the post office, and some. It shIpped across the country. prises either of them any more, times the cheapest way IS The Another plus about takmg they said. Packaging Store " your packages to be boxed and Call us Charles J. Parise of Grosse Pointe Woods was The two relatively young fran. Much of the busmess at The WI apped and shipped, aSide from News - 882-0294 elected chairman of Committee C.24 on Seal and chises are growing at a rapid Packagmg Store IS m the form of the convemence, IS that when Classified - 882.6900 Sealants. He will lead the 235.member standards. pace, Mail Boxes Etc. is one of movmg large furmture Items, they pack your stuff, they take Advertising - 882-3500 voriting committee for a two.year term. He is vice the top 10 profitable franchises, workmg In conjunction WIth the the responslblhty for It,_and th~ president and corporate consulting architect for Smith, Hinchman, and Gryl1s, in Detroit.


Marla R. Hardy of Grosse Pointe has joined Ross Roy, Inc. adver- tising agency as an account administrator, Bardy graduated from Oakland University with a bachelor's degree in journalism/advertis- ing. PrIOr to graduation, she mterned at Young and Rubicam in De- Michigan 13.Moll1 CD troit. She is a member of the American Marketing Association. 'f~ James G. O'Connor of Grosse Pointe Farms has been named executive chrector of marketing for Ford Motor Company's North American Auto- motive Operations. Prior to his appointment, he served for two years as executive director of mar- keting staff and for two years as Vlce presldent of sales and marketing for Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. O'Connor - Michael McMillin. M.D., of Grosse Pointe Shores has been promoted to dIrector of the Cot. tage Hospital Emergency Department and Em- ployee Health Services. Dr McMillin receIved his med1cal degree from Wayne State Umverslty ~ School of Medicine. He served hIS mternship m 'Tn I family practIce at St. John HospItal, and hIS resi- annual percen~e j 1eld' "nnual perlentage rale , • T'"l ~ __ _ at:ncy t11 DUll ..:>t:\.uw". .. McMillin Limited Time Offer Benjamin G. Chapman of Gro~<,e POinte has JOined the Adllan College Board of ASSOCiates Act now for an incredible rate on d depo'ilt as lo\', as $500 The board of as'lOCiates consists of leaders in busi. We're offenng thiS speCial I3-month Certltlcdte of DepOSitrate In ness, mdustry, educatIOn, govcmment, rehglOn Michigan onh - and anI) for a hmlted time and the alts The assOClUtes meet several tImes a Your depOSit ISFSLlC In'iured for up to $lOO 000 per account 1 year on the college campu'l to help manage the relationship for total secunt~ And If ~ou open a 5 /4 % checking account bus mess of the school Chapman IS a hmlted part. when you open your CD. )ou II recel\e \our tir~t order of 50 antlque- ner WIth the brokerage firm of Roney and Co. m style personahzed checks free DetrOIt To take adllantage of thiS 'ipeclal otkr. \'ISttthe Btg E office neare~t you or call SMARTLINEx at I.BOO.THE BIG E (1 ROO.843.2443l, from 9 A 11'1to q PM , 7 da~s a \H'eh

Donald M,D. Thurber of Groqse Pomte was elected chaIrperson uf the Blue Cross and Blue Shl('ld of MichIgan Bonrd of DIrectors We'll help you live your dreams Thurber 18 a pubhc memher of the' hom d of dm'ctol s appointed by Gov .James J Blanchard Hf' II' !I I£'tll (>(1 foundfll Hnd owner of a De, troit pubhc relatlOnR fit m, and II Hurvnrd I{radu!lt£, H(. has been a member and vice chairman of the MIChll{n11Crippled Chilnren Com. miSSion, a regent of the Umverslty of Mlchlj{an, trustee and chaIr. man of the Wayne County Commul1lly College, a member of the state Board of EducatIOn, a board member of the ~atlOnal Park Foundation, a member of the ~atlOnlll Park Trust Board and advi. sory counCil to the Secretary of Commerce and a con'lllltnnt to the Secretary of the Interior Empire of America FederlJl S8\lInil~ Rank Member rSLle Robert M. Surd am of GrO'lHe Pointe Farm'! 'Inureslls compolln<.!ed d~111 .InJ mUI! rt m IIn nn d bom rl Ilf Nat IOnal DETROITi 20060 \Ian D)ke 891 71HO I 77jCl \\,It \em" IIIi/h", Ij K11 KIl2 1'1'\ III \\, 26-2')46 I 12800 ~"ulhnelJ h44114411 OAK PARK lI7(XJ \\elt

NBD BRncorp, Inc I untt! hlg rf'tirement In 1982 CLAWSON, 1305 West 14 M11e 435.4410 FARMrNCTO~ HILLS: 1110(1 OTlhard lake H';l 7222 WARREN: 11710 ~.ast 14 \llle 294.6350 STERLING Surdam also served as a director for Bunday HEiGHTSI3747 East 15 ."1lle 977-09'>7 UTICA: 4';1'>76Van Oyke 71l 4'>00 Df.ARRORN: 11007 \\e'l \\arren '>84.7650 ROCHESTER HILLS: Creat Oaks Mall. 1266 Walton Boulevard. b'i6-1040 GROSSE POINTf. WOODS: 20()b'i 'I" h \\cnm AA4.(!1bl UVONIA: 13R bought out a They WIll serve from 12 people There IS an old-world charm year latm by Munelle Hy land to 500 and have done a number about the Cafe Le Chat, from Ib She, Lmda Ford and Moqum are of large, outdoor weddmgs The country French de cO! to ItS undS co owncl h of thc bll'>mesi'>e<; menu lists more than 50 hot and I>ummg entrance off Notre Moqum, d native of Wlbconsm, cold hors d'oeuvres, 20 appetlz- Dame, a few yards from the bus \\ 01 ked m marketll1g and public eJ s, 22 salads and more than 50 tIe of Kel (heval fOl the Chlwgo and entrees of fi"h, poultry, beef, veal shoPPll1g area Milwaukee "ymphonlei:>, when he and lamb Thel e at e mOlethan The Il1tlmate rel>tauldllt accepted a :,Imtlar pO'>ltlOn for a dOlcn desserts and the catermg tucked behmd the Mell y Moui'>e the DetrOIt Symphony Olchestra l>erVlce specIalizes m weddmg Gourmet Shop &eab 36 to 40 The OppOltUnity to fulfill a cakes, Moqum said people m thl ee homey room~ 10ng held dl edm of owning a MelTY Mouse hours dre from "It has a bit of elegante c1nd bll"mei'>'> Cdllle when the Mell y 10 a m to 6 p m Monday charm," Sdld Andrew MOqllll1, ;\10u&c \\ ,I'>put lip [01 hale thlough Satmday, except for one of the ownel i'>,"yet people , We ch,mged a lot of thlllg,>," Thulf>clay and Fllday when It'S oppn unt" 7 p m The Cafe Le Chat luncheon menu mcludes a chOIce of two SOUPi'>,fOUl "alad", two sand- wlchef>, five entree" dnd a Meny Mou:>e pldte of cheese" and pate generally feel comf01 table We he ",:ud "Thell \\ hen t he "pace "erved WIth fl esh frUit. Pnce" try to aVOId pretensIOn" 1I1 the back became ,wadable, we Iange h om $2 for soup, $4 50 for The restaurant, \\ hlch opened I(.novated the whole -,trllctlll e d :>j.JIlldl.-h""lcld, $5 95 fOl J c::lfc m December 1985, sel ves lunch (t01 the Ie"talll dllt) " bm gel of gI ound slliom and Monday through Satul day It om The name, Cafe Le Chat, $6 95 fOI a house pasta Cappuc 11 a m to 2 pm, tea MonddY whIch mean" Cdt 111 FI ench and CillO and espres"o aI e also aVall through Saturday 11 om 2 to 5 I'> plonollnced ..,hah, wa" sug- p m and dmner Wednesday ge"ted by an employee "We able Tpa IS sel ved from 2 to 5 p m through Saturday from 6 30 to 9 didn't \\ ant to call It the ~1f'n) dnd thete dIe 10 vanetlel> of tea 30 pm Mouf>c Call', but wanted "ome aVailable A pot of tea II>$1 25 II t. In I'll P 1I1Obk) The Cafe Le Chat hai:> a full thmg to tie 111 \\ Ith d FI ench and there are pastlles available, hquOl hcense and a wme lI..,t of flail," Moqull1 'i,ud made dally by the pastry chef Cafe Le Chat owners Andrew Moquin and Murielle Hyland SIt with heed chef Matthew Bugera. 54 wmes by the bottle 01 half 51)" month~ elftel the 1estall- ReservatIOns are necessary for seated. and sous chef Keith Supian in one of the re~taurant's three dining rooms. The fireplace in bottle as well as another dOlen Idnt opened, the cdtel mg "et \ Ice 111ghtea, which mcludes a scone the back is used during cold weather. for put chase by the gla"s wa'> mtloduced of Devon cream, finger sand The Iestaurant and the Men y "We "peclaille 111 cu~tomlled wlches, a pastry and a pot of tea, an 18th centul V "I mall P, from Keith SUpl,1I1 I» .,ou" chd .JlI"'( tn }{.hllld at Amencan Mouse are three bU&lI1e""es 111 wtelll1g dnd I'll &It down With for $6 50 Fiance Bugel d, \\ ho gl.llhtdted fl Olll Spoon Food, '1\ Pl'to"key one, Moqum said, With the the people to plan." The dmner menu changes "OUl' goal I» to sel ve the fine"t the Culmelt y In"tltute of Amen Merry Mouse a gourmet callY The 'iel \ Ice Cdn mclude the SUPldl1 1<., .1 culinary /-,'l'aduate monthly Entrees range 111 pnce food at fall' pnces WIth fJ !Cndly, can m New yO! k, \\01ked ,lt the out and catenng SCI"Vlce (hef. 1\ ,ut('I" bartenders, Chll1d from $12 95 to $1695 Reserva effiCient f>erVILC," MoqUin "Uld 0111111 Intel ndtlOnal Holel, tll(' of SLilOoll1,1ft College and has Moqum bought the Mell y dnd "lhcl\\,Ue and flowels and bons are not necessary for dm He dec;cnbe" the food dO,contcm London Chop House, the Hal om \\'01 he'd lot 1'1eat" He"taurant m ner, Moqum saId, but they are pOI at Y French Amellcan Pwr III HdrbOl Spllllg.., and fO! Olch,nrl L.lkc recommended "Our next goal," he added, "If> The cafe can also be rented for to have outdoor service" pnvate paltles and Moqum sald There are table" outside, but they have hosted corporate meet- people have to carry their food mgs and bnthday partIes themselvel>_ Moqum's WIfe, Kaye Healy, IS Thel e ,n c 22 people on the an mtel'lor deSigner who deco- payroll as well ell> other Pdlt- rated the Cafe Le Chat They time employees who help With brought back some of the acces- catermg Matthew BUgCld wa" 5Q%aF sones and furmture, mcludmg Iecentl) named hedu chef clUU [o.JOANli!~~-J City of <&ross£'ointe 'ark. Michigan NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING REZONING OF PROPERTY CUSTOf\JI

The CIty of Grosse Pomte Park Planmng Comml"<'1011 \~ III hold a VERllCAL publ1c heal mg at 730 PM on July 19, 1988, al CounCIl Chambel., 01 CIty Hall located at 15115 East Jeffel son A \ enue, GlOs"e Pomte Pal k, MIchIgan, to consldel rezoning the Southeelsl COl'llel of ,Jeftel BLINDS! \ "on ancl Nottmgham flOm B 1 Local Busmes., to OS 1 Office Sel vice Choose from a full (fDlmel locatIOn of the Gulf Gas StatIOn, 31.,0 known .1" Ioh 17,1, 18a, 19a, 20a and 21 a Dennee and McAIII')tel '" .Jeffel.,oll Avenue array of patterns & Rlvel Vle\\ Pal k Subd1V1SI011 styles, Everything's on SALE. but hurry, offer ends July 23rdl Intel e.,lcd comment') may be C"pl es"ed at the publIc hC

The exterior of the Cafe Le Chat's entrance off Notre Dame. The tables and chairs belong to the restaurant which hopes to City of <&ross£'ointe 'ark. l\fichlg,lIl offer outdoor service in the future. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING AMENDMENTS TO THE ZONING CODE e The City of Glo"se Pomte Park PI,II1Il111g lOl1lml""I011 I' Iii hold a public heallng at 730 PM on ,July 19, 1988, ]\'Icebusl ShOll''', dllnounccd that the iiI m th,Jn l\\('nly five (251 fpet elt the groulld ,tell I I, \\'\ PIII\ Id( d \1111\ ~Undd\ thrtlll('.I' r hu,.,ri,,1 ('\('1' th111(11) III '>'11 " lac dealers III the metropolitan Blof)Il1Ii('ld Hdl" 10 pClf0lll1 ad ,,11hllrl drld "1,11 Ir, IU\Ur,CHI" \ lImtort ilt the nIC,lllon" ~£'l\]( C'" Flllo.u" I" ,1 AMEND:'vfENT TO SECTION 1002 m rilL E\.J'-, [[;'\1; CODI Trophy Replica \"a" cho.,en a" Rild,,,,"ol I d"lldlh ('lu't ru('m" e,pedacular :-J ICh1g,1Il bd"C d (0) pOI ,11lOn t h,lt REGCLATINC. THE STORAm_ OF HI C1{~:A I [o!': \1 \ J. [[j( ) 1,:'" the ultimate reco/-,'11ltlOn that "PI \ Ice" C ]wnh I1llelll,ltlOl1dlh ETC AS FOLLOWS Inrloor pool dnd litre"" (('nter and lre"h <,cdfood In CadJllac could be"tow on It" III tIll' .lrea" of ('"pcull\( gIft BdYVIC\\ (. rilit. P,'rIOTdInIC \ 1\.'1\" of golden c,unc.,et,> Complete Cu<;tomel Satl<;factlO11 ,,('ll'lllOn ,lIld IIlterlliltIOl1clI ploto "No P001C'r'veland Road at CP(!,H POlrl Causeway Sandusky Ohl() 44870 from Do \\ III t HII1"fOlm pI P II Plgn compel ItlOn 01 the prl ma DALE M. KRAJNIAK (419) 627 2500 ranged model'" hedd" mto I\il' k' III III clo"tng of a plant 01 faCIlity Aclmg <';(,lrl'!1)~ For Reservatlonc; Worldwide of art The <;ene.., WIll h(' Fllday Tlw ploj..,'lam 1<, admml"tCled hy Gro')e;p Pomte' Pd.1k Pl,lnnmg ('nmml"'1011 evel1lng ....July 1, 8 and 15, hpgm th£' Emplovmpnt and Trammg G P N 06/30/88 800~333.3333 nmg at 10 pm wllh ddnLe nom Admml"tl atlon of the US De and ra<;h har open The :\Ll)C''itH' p<111n)('nlof LdJOI June 30, 19S8 24A Grosse Pointe News


1988 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX 1988 BONNEVILLE BE "MOTOR TREND'S CAR OF THE YEAR" IILOADED" LIST: '11,441 LIST: '14,578 SALE: SALE: '1R,1RO'" $15,499'" '2B19lSperGonth*1t D1 per month It .. 'R44 3800 SF! VB, rear defrost, AM/FM stereo cassette Automatic, air, rear defrost, AM/PM stereo with clock, power locks, custom tu-tone paint, cassette with clock, tilt, cruise, gauges. Option Option Package # 1and much more. Package #2 and much more. Stock #G2103. Stock #G2096. ,/ ,,~..r. / .:. 19B8'NEW"YORKER IILOADED" LIST: '18,804 SALE:' $16,500'" 7 '331 ?, pef"month It It 3 liter VB,automatic, power locks, power seats, pearl coat paint, air, dsluxs convsnlsnce package and more. Stock #C1018. 1988 BONNEVILLE LE 1988 DODGE DYNASTY IILOADED" LIST: '18,384 IILOADED" LIST: '13,389 SALE: '14,199'" SALE: '11,600'" 37 per month It It '241 /J8rmonth*1t '281.... 2.5lJter 4 cylinder EFI, automatic, air, P205/10R 14 3800 SPI VB,rear defrost, AM/FM stereo cassette stHi bBltBd ,adlsl" power look., ero/H, popular with~'~~k,,Iumlnum whH", pul61 Wlp,,,, tilt, equIpment pkg., pearl coat paInt and more. Stock crullf, Rally cluster, Rally tune suspension & #C3129. much more. Stock #G2099.

1988 MAZDA MX6 GT TURBO f'HIGH PERFORMANCE" LIST: '15,951 1988 BUICK REGAL CUSTOM SALE: '15,087'" IILOADED" LIST: '14,821 '3 OR1.per month * * AIr, 5speed, cassette and much more. SALE: '12,199'" Stock #J3003. 1 'R56- per month It * Automatic, air, rear defrost, AM/FM cassette with clock, power antenna, power locks, pulse wipers, tilt, Clu/N, POW6/'windows and more. Stock #G4049.

• BUY OR LEASE ~ • All Makes and ~1ode!s 1988 FORD ESCORT GL 1988PLYMOUTHGRAND VOYAGERLE LIST: '8317 • 24 to 60 month leases "LOADED" LIST: '17,570 SALE: '7605'" • No down payment SALE: '16,500* 77 99 '163 per month 1t* '312 per month * It Automatic, air, rear defrost. AM/FM stereo. tinted • Free AAA membership 3.0liter V6.automatIc,rear defrost, sir, AMIFM stereo glass, remote mirrors, body side moldings, pulse cassette.power locks. tilt, cruise.popUlarequipmentpkg., wipers, and more. Stock #F1804. light pkg., pearl coatpaint & morsl Stock #C2044. ALL VEHICLES IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ~:~s~'A"TRUSWliDNAME FOR OVER 70 YEARS - Churches 48 Section 8 Seniors 78 June 30, 1988 Grosse Pointe Board of Realtors 9.13 B Grosse Pointe News Wedding team sees that practice makes perfect St. Paul's all-volunteer crew keeps that 'big day' special

By Peggy O'Connor Andrzejczyk The other team members in- Assistant Editor/Feature Editor clude Mary Brookes, Grace Far- Call them St. Paul Church's "I nen, Helena Porter, Natalie Ho- Do Crew." gan, Kathleen Dlsser and In a typical year, the seven- Gabrielle Healy. Generally, each member, all.volunteer weddmg works a rehearsal tWIce rehearsal team meets with more monthly, although one, Porter, than 140 couples, telephones remembers doing a triple: over 70 brides, conducts any- "That's three rehearsals, 45 mm- where from one to three Ie utes apart And I lIke to let hearsal run-throughs per couple them go through each rehearsal and attends most of the 70-some three hmes," Porter explains weddmgs that the hlstonc SIX MONTHS PRIOR to a Grosse Pomte Farms church wedding. the engag-ed couple schedule::,. makes Its mitlal contact with St It all adds up to a busy, but Paul's. Then two weeks before enjoyable schedule, say partlcl' the scheduled ceremony, a wed- pants of the elght-year-old pIa- dmg coordmator telephones the gram. Not to mentlOn one less bnde and goes over the church's headache for St. Paul pastor list of dos and don'ts MonSIgnor FranCIS X. Canfield. "We have very specIfic rules St. Paul Catholic "PrIests are so busy these about parkmg, video cameras Church's wedding days and thIs service takes a and especially, photographs. We coordinators, from great deal ofTthell' hands Mon- go over those, ask If the bride the front. Grace signor and Father Terry have has any questions and check on Farnen, Mary told us how grateful they are for the number of parents and step. Brookes. Natalie what we do," says group coordl' parents to keep everybody mol'- Hogan, Helena Por- nator JoAnne St Dems. der and happy," St. Denis says. ter and JoAnne St. Because of the demands on "We remmd them to brmg the Denis. what has become a decreased license and we go over the num. number of clergy, most churches bel' of attendants, how they want tar boys. That got everybody And St. Paul's "I Do Crew" - both Catholic and other de- church at the time of the sched- "There's no age limit, but we them to proceed down the aisle, pretty wound up," she says stIll needs volunteers. nominations - now use the ser- uled start, It's actually very diS- really dIscourage them from hav- who WIllbe domg the readings, Over the years, St Denis and "We could use an extra girl or vices of a wedding coordinator or ruptive. I've had late-commg rel. ing anyone younger than 2. I etc. her crew have seen it all. From two," says St. Denis, who affec- coordinators What makes the atives holding up the start of the had a flowergIrl who was sup- "Then we go over the whole black dresses on bndesmaids to tionately refers to every person St. Paul program unique is its ceremony, standing m back talk- posed to scatter petals from a thing again at the rehearsa!." high.top gym shoes on grooms. in the group as one of her all.volunteer, team approach. ing to the bride," Porter says. basket. Well, she wouldn't even Every wedding is different, St. men. Then there was the wed. "girls." "So far, we've been able Those who volunteer for the "Etiquette says that wedding do it at rehearsal, she was so Denis adds, as is every re- ding with 22 attendants, the scared," Natahe Hogan explams. to have somebody at every re- St. Paul program receive a four. guests should arrive 20 minutes hearsal. One constant is that Grosse Pointe North High School Despite the hassles and the hearsal, although we occasion. page list of instructions to study, before the time on the invitatIon. each rehearsal begins with a Choir and a full orchestra. Or hectic nature of the work, St. ally cut it close when someone is then are asked to attend three or prayer written by The Rev. Ter- the one that came complete with MARY BROOKES EN- Paul's volunteer wedding coordi- out of town." four rehearsals in order to ob- ence Langley of St. Paul's. a producer ... asking where he COURAGES every member of nators say they wouldn't trade The only requirement for the serve the veteran coordinators in "It's a calming prayer. It sort could set up his "film crew." the wedding party to scrape the their jobs for anythmg. job is that the volunteer be action. of lets everybody know that this "I told him, 'You can't.' We bottoms of their shoes. "As silly "I do it because I'm an incura- available at least twice monthly "When she feels ready to go is a solemn occasion and gets only allow one videocamera oper- as thlilt sounds, it cuts down on ble romantic and I believe in the and be willmg to complete the solo, I'll schedule her to handle a them in the proper frame of ator and he has very strict the chance that they'll slip or sanctity of marriage. My parents training program. rehearsal alone," says St. Denis, mind," says Grace Farnen guidehnes about where he can slide walking up the aisle." were married here and I was "You really have to be versa- a former coordinator whose leg "Sometimes, we get some real stand," Mary Brookes says, And If you're thinkmg of ask- marl'led here seven months ago," tIle and ready for any of a num- problems have forced her to the comedians in here and it's sort of shakmg her head. "That was a ing children younger than 2 to Porter says. ber of thmgs that might come SIdelines. She tackles all the pro- disruptive" first for me." serve as flowergirls or ringbear. "BeSIdes, who wouldn't want up," St. Dems adds. "And a ref. gram's scheduling and other pa. Porter has had her share of per work. Experienced as they are, the ers, you might want to reconsi. to be involved in a happy occa- eree's whistle couldn't hurt, comics. coordinators have some sugges. del'. sIOnlike a weddmg?" either" "Really, though, one of my "I had one wedding where the girls has to get right into it and tions to make what is tradItIon. groom and the best man disap. ally a very hectic day go handle a rehearsal before she peared and came back wearing feels confident." smoothly the red surplices worn by our al. "If weddmg guests an'lve at

A rose • IS • • • Despite the intense heat and drought the area has suffered this spring and summer. organizers said that the June 11-18 Grosse Pointe Rose Society spring show was one of the best ever. More non-member exhibi- tors participated than ever before, said the Society's Forrest Geary. And the roses displayed in several catego- ries - from men's arrange- ment. mini arrangement, cycle of bloom, floribunda and horticultural - looked none the worse for the weather. Among the top winn"""l; in the show, which was held at the Grosse Pointe Neighbor- hood Club. were Bill Quin- lan and Martha Maxon. Quinlan won Best of Men's Arrangements and Maxon, Duchess of Arrangements. At right is a non-member's entry: below. a row of prize- winning arrangements.

LA NOUVELLE. LASSALE. , Sleek cmd ~muom Lm,lle deSign I'or him' IV round \\-hlte ch,ll (hspld>~ day, date, 12 hOllr ,md 24.hour tlme, dual tIme lone Jne! ph,I~C~ of thc moon Sct off With ,1 ~,ltlllYgold tonc link hracelet For her bdguctte vvlth 1\ or~ color chdl dnd wele With hl,1(.k chell Both ""lth gold.tone br,lcclct~ Poh~hcd performer~, all

edmund t. AH EE jewelers 20139 Mack Avenue, Crosse Pointe Woods 886.4600


r '>clk" T UriC ("'I' 19% \'~::OJ PhotO'! b) PO!lfO 0 Connor And17(jc7) k June 30, 1988 _2B __ Q_tJ~ Grosse Pointe News . Grosse Pointe's Village Garden Club turns 50 A go Iden day • with a look back at the past . . . and ahead By Peggy O'Connor AndrzeJczyk MemorIes of tho~ early years Rockwell comprIses a duo wIth "I remember that year very est In the club by a becond we as a small local club can do, AsSistant Editor/Feature Editor came flooding back to current the club's longest active mem- well, because It was the year my generatIOn of membcls "I thmk but we 'Ie consclOUS of the envI. Scott Ca~key Fox Bnnk. members earlier thiS month bel ShiP, wa~ asked to wnte a good friend, the late Margaret that our record of l11volvement Ion mental Issues the earth IS The membership r01b of the when the Village Garden Club hl<;tory of the club In honor of Phelps, was preSIdent And be attracts new members and the facmg and I have a feeling we'll Village Garden Club are dotted celebrated It~ golden anmver~ary the 50th anmverl>ary cause It was the year that we fact that our em ly membel s' do what we can to help," Ber- With name;, famlhar to long time WIth a dmner at the GlO"se "I didn't thmk that It was my formally decided to discontinue daughters keep coming back nard ~aYI> Grob~ Pomie!" Thai'b probably Pomte Club And last Fnday, place to do It, but I went along," refernng to one another as 'Mrs speaks well for the club," Bel' Wh h t f h t t the group gathel'ed fOl Its an Bernard says With a chuckle "1 So-and.so' and address each nard adds t t ~(B Ib paid ~ ~~ ala because the 50 year old orgamza. o b n tlOn ha~, over the years, seen nual meetmg the final actlvlty managed to gIve everyone a other by our less formal first VIllage Garden Club's m"olve. ~acfie ellnar h e c u d daughter" and daughters m-Iaw m what was ~ typIcally bu~y laugh when I wrote about what name Isn't It SIlly, that we went ment WIll contmue m the future, ~ e Ir~t p a~e, s edsays, an of Ch3ltel or early members pIck season for the club happened durmg the 1950 51 around callmg each other she says eep" el t el e to ay up \\ hel (' thell mothel s left on .Je"sw Bel ndl d, \\ ho \\ Ith Kd\' ..,edson 'Mrs ?'," Bernard Iecalls "I thmk thdt we al e gomg to "Lookmg back on the 40 years "Now, thank God, we just call be mvolved m .1 VelY defimte I've been a member, I have to each other by our names the way WIth the envIronmental SIt sa) It'S been a wonderful expen. way It should be " uatlOn and It'~ a very bellOUS Sit ence And thele'll be more to Bernald admItted that httle uatJOn, too We're not SUI e whdt come, I hope" rebelhon was a bIt ahead of It~ tIme But then, the Village Gar- den Club has pnded It~lf on remammg m the fO!efJ'ont, ebpe Newborn Baby Care clally when It comel> to hortIcul- ture and conservatlOn makes new motnerhood Th~ dub I::> Ull~ uf the ulJc3t In the state and IS affiliated WIth a complete io~ the FederatIOn of State Garden Clubs Members SUppOlt the fed- el atlOn's objectives, whIch are . • HortIculture - the study of plant matenals • ConservatIOn of naturalre- sources • CIVICand highway mprove- ment • JUnIor Gardens - asslstmg chIldren m the development of theIr own gardens In addItion, the Village Gar- N1'1\ mothers dpc,l'l've tUlle 1\ ItI! theil' h George R 882-3500 and Mrs Herbert Mamwanng of Grosse Pomte Woods. SmIth of Grosse Pomte Farms I FournJer's SUnlrner Saie! S-Piece Classic Elegance Chest, Night Stand, Panel Headboard, Vertical Mirror, Dresser Reg. $2,00200 ~:I~E$1,59500 ...?-

NOTICE: Closed This Sat July 2nd thru Wed July 6th

16421 Harper 27113 Harper Detroit St Clair Shores Fournier's (near Whittier) (btw 10 & 11 Mile) MARGARET RICE 881.1285 776-8900 Open Mon., Thur., Fri. 9.8 Open Mon., Tltw., fri. 10.1:3' 78 KERCHEVAL ON THE HILL y.,. •• & Sot. 9.5:30 TUN. & SIt. 10-• •ALL SALES FINAL Furniture CIq .. d W..... dIy CIosect Wedn • ., ALL CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED 881-7020

,, ... J June 30, 1988 Gro.,. Pointe News FMMt~ 38 5/H Guild dinner turns out to be a fun fundraiser Almost 1,700 members and Mike and Marian Ilitch are guests of metro DetroIt'" busl honomry co chaIrpersons for the ness and professional commullIty event, which will be held at the turned out for the 28th annual Hyatt Regency Fall'land Town 8t John HospItal GUIld Dmnel Center, Dearborn Proceeds wJ11 at the Westm Hotel June 2 be used to support Iesearch m Las Vegas performer Shecky findmg a cure for dIabetes Greene, the smgmg comedy duo For more mformatlOn, contact The Gaylords and DetlOlt Red the Juvemle Dlelbete" Founda- Wmgs coach Jacques Demers tIOn elt 5696171 entertamed those attendmg the $175-per-person fundI ,liSeI' Orgal1lLer" hoped to "UIpa"" the more than $130,000 Ial::,ed The Rashids are com- at last yeal"s dmnel The Guild ing: It'll be all 1elatlve at the dmners have brought In mOle No\'I Hilton July 8 when applo" than $2 7 mIllIon fO!St John 1111cltehGOO 600 membei s of the Hospital patients Ploceeds fi am Hashid tamJ1y dill ve flOm all the June 2 event \\ III go to\\ ard 0\ el the Umtcd Statee, to attend obtammg a kIdney IIthotllpter, the 60th reUlllon of the clan which offers kIdney patients an Thel e UIe 0\,('1 1,300 Ras}lId" alternatIve to surgery The m 32 i>tdte"(and 111 Grosse equIpment ISbemg purthased by Pomle) dnd another 40 familIes MichIgan Moblie Llthotnpsy, a 111 Brdlil They'll enJoy a week Getting together at the 28th annual St. Iohn Hospital GuIld shared entIty between St John end whICh mcludes a Lebane"e Dinner at the Westin Hotel June 2 were. from left. dinner co- HospItal, Dearborn's Oakwood dll1ner and entertall1ment on chairman Gerald Peck of St. Clair Shores, Detroit Red Wmgs te- HospItal and Sparrow HospItal Fllday, d busll1e"s meetmg, tour lecaster and former player Mickey Redmond. Red Wings coach m Lansmg of the DetlOlt SCience Center, a Jacques Demers, and dinner co-chairman Lawrence Scott of Har- SIster Velemce McQuade, SSJ, tenmr., tournament and a formal per Woods. b,lI1quet dmner on Saturday, greeted the guests A cocktaIl Mr. and Mrs. William H. Allard Ir. hOUl,gourmet dmner and a 111<1::'" and a brunch on Sunday chance to enJoy the musIc of the Pomte Woods, who celebrated 3, at 7 30 p m at the Boblo Pd' Det!OIt-area Rdshld" at e espe Johnny Trudell 01chestra, fol- theIr 50th anmver"ary thIS vIlIon It's sponsored by the Food clally lookmg fO! wal d to the lowed Entel tamment by Greene, month Industry Councll of the GIeatel event, sll1ce the reulllon comes to The GaylOlds, Demers and Red Bill and Hazel Allard began DetrOIt Chamber of Commerce the metlo DetlOlt aJ ea once Wing telecaster Mickey Red. the day WIth a Mass of Thanks- for the benefit of the Gleanel s every 10 years mond closed out the evenmg, glVlI1g.It St Mary's Roman CommunIty Food Bank. whIch mcluded a illawmg for TV CatholIc Church, followed by a A Boblo boat WIllbe tl ans- sets and a grand pnze, a 1988 brunch at Maxwell's 111 Wmdsor formed mto the S S Bon Appetlt, front whee! ill'lve PremIer They then greeted famIly and an elegant and UnIque lI1terna Beltaire honored: The car was donated by Pomte fnends m their home at a recep- tIOnal bazaar of 30 restaurants Grosse Pomte's Beverly Bel- Jeep Eagle, The Meade Group tlOn held 111 theIl- honor. Entertainment and dancmg on taire, preSIdent and chief execu- and Ken Meade. The Allal ds are the parents of the second deck WIllbe prOVIded tIve officer of PR ASSOCIates,Inc, Co-chall'lng the event were Joan M. (Lloyd) Bayer, Judith by Tim Hewitt and "Feelings." was honored June 8 by the Lawrence Scott of Harper A. (Pete) Genord and William There wIll also be a comic magic Camp FIre DetrOIt Area CounCIl Woods and Gerald Peck of St A. (Cindy) Allard. They are the show. for her leadershIp and serVIce to Clair Shores. Glenn Wessel- grandparents of Michele Mata- DonatIOn IS $125 per person, the commumty mann of Grosse Pomte Shores, way and Michael and Dana $250 per couple. TIckets are InTI Beltalre was recogmzed for pre preSident and chief executIve of- Bayer; and Cindi, Matt and Ited to 200 couples and can be her work WIth numerous com- ficer of the hospItal and ItS par- Eric Genord. Great-grandson IS obtamed by contactmg FIC Exec mumty and chanty programs ent St Clair Health CorporatIOn, J ames Michael Mataway. utIve Director Robert Guerrini She was co-chaIr of the Image 4th of July told the audience, "Be assured at the Greater DetrOIt Chambel Task F01ce for the DetrOIt Stra- that your efforts have helped cre- A gourmet cruise: Lov- of Commerce at 964-4000, Gene tegIc Planmng ploJect and she SALE ate a most valuable communIty ers of gourmet mternatIOnal Gonya at Gleaners, 923-3535, or serves on the boards of the De- resource for your famIly, fnends CUIsme,romantIc crmsmg and Ruth Ellen Mayhall at 774- trOIt Symphony 01 chestra, fl and members of your commun- fine entertamment don't have to 5940 Greater DetlO1t Chamber of Ity " WaIt for an exotIc tnp to the Commerce, Hutzel HospItal, Caribbean or MedIterranean Try to remember: to UnIted FoundatIOn, New DetrOIt, 30% Celebration: Since June is when they can take a crUIse on set thlS day aSIde 111 September Wayne County Commumty Col- ALL BEACHWEAR • SELECTED SPORTSWEAR the month of weddings, it natu- the "8 S Bon Appetlt," and help Fnday, Sept 30 That's the date lege, the GDvernor's CommiSSIon DRESSES Missy half slzes &. Petite rally follows that It would be the raise funds, too for the Metropohtan DetrOIt on the Future of HIgher Educa- month of anmversanes. That The occaSIOnISthe second an- Chapter of the JuvenIle DIabetes tIOn and the MIchigan Thanks- was true for Mr. and Mrs. Wil. nual d1l1mg/enteJtamment crUIse FoundatIOn's fourth annual g-nllng Pal ade FoundatIOn liam H. Allard Jr., of Grosse benefit set for Wednesday, Aug "EvenIng of Bnlhance ,.

SELECTED Petite and Missy Dresses SPORTSWEAR - Dalton. Bleyle and Junior League MORE plans Sibley Jhc shops of House benefit Walton. I'i~rc~ 16828 Kercheval. Grosse POinte. 884-1330 The World ChampIOnshIp Ten- Man . Sat 930-530. Thurs & Fri till 700 P m I1lS TaU!nament IS commg to Cobo Hall m DetIOIt Nov. 14 The Rashid family through 20. The event, one of 29 Super Senes events leadmg to the NabiSCO Mastels Tourna- In the past 3 months Gallery In The Woods ment, WIll benefit the JUnIor ~~.i"-~~ League of DetlOIt's SIbley House presen tS ~.$I'~~~. RestoratIOn Project Sales of cor- HAVE YOU MOVED? pOlate sponsorship packages for the tournament WIll benefit the project exclUSively BECOME ENGAGED? Original Stone Lithographs by OrganIzel s expect excellent player partiCipatIOn smce It IS EDNA HIBEL the last chance players have to HAD A BABY? eal n pomts and pllze money We have lots of local Information Beauty & SenSItivity that must be VIewed to be pnor to the NabiSCOevent over 50 gifts - No strings! apprecIated. Stop by the Gallery 10:00 A.M. to The SIbley Houi>e RestoratIOn 600 PM. Monday thru Saturday Thursday PIo]ect IS m ItS third year and IS PARK, CITY or WOODS 881.7956 evenmgs until 9.00 pr~tr.~i ~!y ~ f~:-:d:~~~'~:1t;cfff\rt t~ piOpelIy IestOie the hlstonc Sib I ~~ ... "'- - ley Houe,e located at 976 Eai>t ~~om~qOlL Jefferson next to Chll"t Church J 20927 Mack 4 Blks N of VernIer Grosse Pointe Woods 881-5353 Phone - even if you have only moved next door! It IS the oldee,t mtact ree,ldentlal StructUle III DetrOIt and I" CUI rently bemg lea"ed by the JunIOr LeahTlleto pioVlde low cost office "pace for other non profit 0rgam Lakefront Living zatlOn<, The .JUI1IOILeague'e, contnbu Cust.om Built Luxury Townhomes on Lake St. Clair tlOn IS $125,000 and ItS upcom mg p,lItlclpatlOn WIth WCT will hplp to reach the $500,000 goal ,

Have a question? News - 882-0294 ClaSSIfied - 882-6900 Advertismg - 882-3500

J .~ ..-~--... LAKEVIEW ('LUB The talk of Gro,,'if' With a fiv(> y(>ar warranty on p,lrh find 1,Ihor Po Intf' you' ~f' got to 'ice It Charmmg George VJ<,lt the' heautlfuJ modpi bv IntPrlor dl"lgnpr Iown "t) 1('hrown'itone home'! on th(> lake WIth a Rick Carmody of H Ild,nll" En"t land 1ll"lgn ml111011doll,lr V\e'Wat onl' fourth the price, thr!'p StudiO ()ppn l'very S ..tmdcly ,md Sllnd,lv 1 10 "tOriI''' hIgh, 2500 'iquare feet, attached garage', pm to [) 30 pm, 10'1 ]["I~ 1 P m to h p m NURSING HOME ,I trlldltlOnrson ilt II'f2 Mill' o.;oon Dr lROlf \11CH room 'illlt!' from the' IUXUrIOU'i bathroom area It l'i thl' talk ofGro'i'i!' POinte' 821.3525 !I('iltlng ilnd coolmg by Weather King 18263 10 MIle, Sh' II Ql 111II}' NlIRSIN(, CARE 01 J r JU'.I> I X( Ll "1\'1 I' nv Plku Manag(~m("nfCO. RO<;('\lJllc,MI 48cw, 13131 77~-t,J63 June 30, 1988 Grosse Pointe News 48 Local Maronites prepare for next week's visit of church patriarch Maronlte RIte Patnarch Nab. Joudeh, Msgr James Namle, A banquet Will follow at the rallah Peter Sfelr, Patriarch of Rev Anthony Gemayel, and Thomas Crystal Gardens m AntIoch and all the Ea!>t, will Rev Wakim Moubarak. The Mount Clemens, chaIred by VI<the DIocese of St Maron, Consul General of Lebanon, James Tamer. TIckets may be USA, through July 20 Follow. Fawzl Fawaz, Will host a private obtained by calling Judy Thomas 109 a tour of the United States, receptlOn. at 824-0196. PatrIarch Sfelr WIllaITIVe10 De Hlghhghtmg the three.day Dlrectmg the plannmg IS trolt Fnday, July 8 schedule of events WIllbe an out- Chor-Blshop Joseph C. Feghah. door mass at 2 pm Sunday, Welcommg Committee chairman Patnarch Sfelr, who was July 10, under the tent on the Woodrow W. Woody WIll be as- elected to the post by the Maron- !,Tfoundsof St. Sharbel Church. It sisted by Dr. Daher B. Rahl of lte Synod of Bishop!:>In 1986, WIll be concelebrated by Patn. St. ClaIr Shores, Dr. Sheffick J. WIllbe accompanied by members arch Sfelr, Cardmal Edmund Moroun and Mrs. Charles Da- of the Eastern Maromte RIte Szoka, the archbishop of the De- wood of Grosse Pointe, and Mr They mclude ArchbIshop Francl!> trOIt DIocese, and by Archbishop and Mrs Leon Joseph of War. M Zayek, BIshop Ronald Abou- Zayek ren. St. Paul plans Bible School "Keep God as a Friend" IS the old by Dec I, 1988) through .~-!l1,,~lb""- ...... ,.."....."..."¥.,..Qt'll!!!!I.31l1~-M•• '/ ., theme of the Vacation Bible grade six. RegIstratIOn forms i School at St Paul School thIS may be obtamed at the SIde en- summer SeSSIOns With a BIble trance of St Paul Church, 157 lesson, mUSIC,crafts and snacks Lakeshore Road, Grosse Pomte will be held each day, Aug. 8-12, Farms, MI 48236. from 9 to 11 30 a m The forms, along with a $10 In keepmg With the theme, fee, should be maIled to the Reh. each child WIll be asked to bnng gIuUS Education Office. 170 m a canned food Item daily for Grosse Pomte Blvd., Grosse the St Paul Food Program. The Pomte Farms, MI 48236, before Heading a welcoming committee for Patriarch Sfeir of the Maronite Rite Church are. from left. (seated) Woodrow W. Woody. and Mrs. Charles Dawood of Grosse Pointe; (standing) Dr. Sheffick Items Will be displayed in the the end of July cafeteria, which serves as the Daily themes for all children J. Maroun of Grosse Pointe. Char-Bishop Joseph C. Feghali. pastor of St. Maron and St. Sharbel morning meeting place, so that expressed on theIr own levels churches. and Dr. Daher B. Rahi. chIldren can see how their car- wIll be: God Creates, God Cares, ing takes a concrete form. God ForgIves, God Strengthens and God Saves. The week wIll St. John Episcopal forum focus: The Millenium The program IS open to the culmmate With a 10 a.m parali- for USIUSSR ReconclhatIOn, and community for children m km. turgy and balloon launch Aug. The Rev. RIchard KIm of way. The subject of the forum Grosse Pointe, pastor of St. wIll be the MIllemum: 1,000 Dr. Kent HIll, executive dllectOl dergarten (those who are 5-years- 12 John's Episcopal Church m De- years of ChrIstiamty 10 the So- of the InstItute on RehgiOn and Jubilee Marygrove, Japan dance exchange trOIt, will conduct an open forum viet Umon. Democracy Wednesday, July 6, at 7 p.m. in For more mformatiOn, Celli Sr. Celine. DCl. will cele- Marygrove College wIll particI- rent Gillet Hall. the church, on the corner of Speakers will be The Rev. Dr 9627358 brate her 50th anniversary pate m a Japanese-Amerian cul- The planned concerts Will take Woodward and the FIsher Free- Don Nead of the Conner Center • on Sunday. July 10. at the tural exchange project 1988-89 place Su~da~, July 2~, at 3 and St. Joseph Home for the between Dance Detroit!, Mary- 7 p.m. Highlighted wIll be works Aged. 4800 Cadieux Road. A grove's resident company, and by Etoile Ballet's director and Charismatic Conference is set for Pontiac Silverdome 2:30 p.m. mass will be fol- EtoIle Ballet Theater of Toyota manager Kitoshi Suwa, depart- The ninth annual All-Michi- several leaders of the CharIS- children from 3 to high school lowed by a reception. City, Japan ment chair Penny Godboldo, 12- gan Catholic Charismatic Con- matic movement. age.

Sr. Celine entered the As part of Phase One the two year DSO Nutcracker ballet ference will be held at the Pon- For more Illfrn matp111, I (jlll 'c' Carmelite community on compames will collaborate on master and choreographer lacob tiac Silverdome July 29-21 The Some 6,000 Chal'lsmatlC Chns. AM.C C ID C C H . 2701 ChICago Nov. 21. 1935 and made her two concerts during this year's Lascu and guest choreographers- theme of the weekend wIll be tians are expected for tlllS an- Blvd, DetrOIt, Ml 48206, or call first profession of vows on Festival of Dance/19th Summer in-residence from New York. "The Spirit of the Lord IS Upon nual conference A Youth Con. 865-1336 July 2. 1938 in Milwaukee. School for the Performing Arts. For further mformatlOn about Me!" The conference Will feature ference on July 30 WIll mclude • Wise. She has served the The Etoile Ballet Theater will the concerts or making dona- community in working at arrive at Marygrove on Thurs- tions, contact Penny Godboldo at the St. Joseph Home for the day, July 21, and remam untIl 862-8000, ext 283 or 290 be. Aged as director of arls and July 26. While here the group of tween 9 a m.-4 p.m, Tuesday crafts since 1969. 48, agec!lO-actult. Will b~ hou.sed thro~gh Thursday. m Marygrove's dormitory, Flo. .lACK Douglas Furs WORSHIP SERVICES 51. Paul Ev. Lutheran DIAL - A . PRAYER First English Ev. Lutheran Christ the King Lutheran FUR LAYAWAY SALE Church Church Mack a t Loch moor 88~ r,090 882-8770 881-6670 Vernier Ad at Wedgewood Dr SUMMER SCFfDULE g.oo a m Family WorshIp Grosse Pomte Woods 884-5040 930 a m FamIly Wor,hll 1010 a m Education for All Select Now & Save on our 9'10 & 11'00 SupcTVlscd Nur<;crj 1115 am Worship a m Worship entire collection of quality, Redeemer United t 9 10 a m Church School Pre"chool Call 884 5090 Methodist Church Nursery avaIlable Paul F. Keppler, Pastor Joseph P Fabry Pastor guaranteed Canadian Furs .•. Randy S Boelter, Pastor all expertly crafted & designed for comfort & flair! 20571 Vernier JustE of I 94 Harper Woods ••;. • ST. MICHAEL'S EPISCOPAL • No Interest on Layaways 'til '89 884-2035 ; . CHURCH Grosse Pointe ---- 2M75 Sunningdale Park GROSSE OPEN SUN., JULY 3 12-4:30 10.30 a m. Worship ~ Grosse POlnle Woods. 884-1820 Christian Fellowship POINTE 240 OPEN MON., JULy 4 9:30.5:30 915 am Church School 8 uu a m HoJy EucharISt 10 30 a m Choral EucharISt and Sermor UNITED ~ralfonte Sunday School (Nursery Available) would like to introduce you to Lothrop • Full Premium on U.S. Funds • Duty and Sales Tax Refunded GRACE Weekday EucharIst 9 30 a m Tuesday JESUS OIURCH 884-3075 Rector Robert E. Nelly We welmme you to come worship • Storage • Cleanmg • Repairs • RestyLLng UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST Su~an K Bock assoctate KerchevaT at Lakepointe With us • Our worship is a caring church 423 Pcli.,.,icr St., Wind.,or Lookmg For FriendshIp 1-519-977.0171 and BIble Teaching? informal and spontaneous Oppo\lte ( Ily !'Jr. n~ (, H '~l 822-3823 Sunday School and Worship Grosse Pointe South Hil!h School Rev. David KaIser-Cross, 10:30 a.m. Sf. James Lutheran Cleminaon HaJJ preaching Nursery is prOVIded SUDday Morning Service: 9:30 Bible Study, 10:30Worship Rev Harvey Reh . Church lion The Hill" McMillan at Kercheval Wednesdaf. Evening Servi~ 7:30 1000 A M SERVICE 884-0511 Chi! dreu MiniJtiy Available CRIB ROOM & KDGN AVAILABLE Faith Lutheran Church OR ROY R HUTCHEON PASTOR LUXURIOUS CHRIST CENTERED-SPIRIT LED Daniel & Tina St. Ama, Pastors REV DAVID R KAISER-CROSS, ASSOC Jefferson at Phlhp • 822-2296 SUMMER SCHEDULE CONVENIENT Grosse Pointe Sunday Worshlf - 10:30 a m. THE SUBJECT FOR THIS BEAUTIFUL Sunday Schoo - 9:00 8.m 9:30a.m. UNITED METHODIST SUNDAY IS: Sunday Wor<:;nir' CHURCH , . The 5bore ("lob communllY on Pastor Ronald W. Schmidt A Friendly Church for All Ages speaaroW ~ St. Clair may be "God" I iust what you're look1n. Cot. 211 Moron Rd., 886-2363 Pastor Rooor~ 11.. Rimbo First Church of Christ, "Salvation by Faith" Scientist CHRIST Dr. Robert W. Boley, preaching ~~~IAN Grosse Pointe Farms W~ Church EPISCOPAL 930 a m Worship 19950 Mack (between Morass & Vernier) CHURCH Nursery through 3rd Grade 282 Chalfonte Ave, 5:00 p.m. Saturday Summer Dr Robert Boley 4 blocks West of Moross Rev Jack Mannschrecl< 9 00 a.m. Sunday Schedule Sunday 10:30 A M. 11:00 a.m. Sunday Sunday School 10 30 A M Saturday Wednesday 8 00 PM 5:30 p.m. - Holy Eucharist Catchthe~t tr ntE UHrTED M£niOO6T etroRCH ALL ARE WELCOME "The Great Adventure" Rev. DaVid Weamer, guest preacher Slmday 8:00 a.m .• Holy Eucharist PRESBYTERIAN 10:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist GROSSE POINTE MEMORIAL CHURCH Mal-e your home In a 8:30-12:30 Nursery or Morning Prayer ESTABLISHED 1865 wond(.'rfully private and 9 00 Children's Education protcClcd environment. Sunday, July 3 surrounded by mature trees 61Grosse Pointe Blvd. and p;h'tenlOg water Summer Worship Hours 886-4300 885-4841 Thr peace and qUiet and sheer II 8:30 a.m. Earlybird Lakeside ServIce beauty of the .,pot Will give you a "HOME SWEET HOME" (outdoors, casual) sense of contemment not found 10 a.m. Traditional Sanctuary Service anywhere else in your hu<;y lives That's how you'll feel after visiting: (Cribtroddler Care & 3 yr. olds - 3rd grade Church School) GROSSE POINTE BAPTIST CHURCH "A TIME OF TRANSmON" 21336 Mack Ave. Dr. Constantine Trued (corner of old 8 Mile) Shore Club Apartments Sunday School 9:30 AM Monday, July 4: 8 p.m. Picnic Prelude £AST ..(Fff/lS{)N AT ~ I.U IlOJ\O • SI aAA SHOQES - 7 p.m. Carillon Recital Morning Worship 11:00 AM Call (313) 175-3280 Wednesday Worship 7:00 PM ChIldren's SummerChurch School Cob & Toddlrr Care 881-3343 16 Lakeshore Drive. Grosse Pointe Farms. 882-5330

r __ ... _e .. be ... June 30, 1988 Grosse Pointe News 58 University Angerer-Rickel slty She If> a speech-language Kmg holds a bachelor's degree pathologIst with C C C certifica- m musIc from Arizona State tIOn employed by Hackley Hospi- John Mar'>chner RIckel and tal, MUf>kegon, and Gary L Ned UniversIty and a master's degree Chrlstme Lynn Angerer dre III mUSIC flom Carnagte-Mellon erveld & Associates, a pleaf>cd to announce theIr en- plofesslOnal rehabllttatlOn com- Umverslty In PIttsburgh He IS gagement The couple's pm ent" currently the pnnclpal c1annet- pany aI e John H and ElaIne M If>tof the PIttsburgh Ballet Thea Coon If>a graduate of North RIckel of Gro""e Pomte Shole" tre The couple Wll! enter the Muskegon High School who and John dnd Ho"eann Angel er hold" a bdchelor of science de- Eastman School of MUf>ICdoc of Splll1gfield, OhIO A "ummel to! al program In January ~TJee flom Central MIchigan Um weddIng If>pl'lllned vel "Ity He IS studymg for a RICkel I" d Plll1CIPdl In RIckel md"tel"" debt} ee m social work dnd Baun, PC, attOlney" dt and If>cun ently employed as a Neil P. Dermody and Mary E. Hansen- law, ,John M HICkel, CPA, Cd'>emanager m the social work Vitale PC, Mount Ple,,",ll1t MeddO\\f>, field Armstrong 'Illd If> pll'f>ldenl of tll(' Glo"se Vitale-Dern10dy POll1te Cdble Televlf>lOn -,y"tem Former Glosse Pomte Woods ,Jo;'l'ph Vilelip 01 (,llh-.l }'olllll' Angel el I'> dl"tllCt "ale'> mdn Ief>ldents MI and Mrs Tobey Wood" ,ll1nOUI1«.-' llll' l'lIgdgl dgel 101 Wyeth Ayel"t LabOidto Hansen Jl of Carlsbad, Caltf, James W. King III and Nancy E. mel1t of hi" d,lllghu'!, \1.11 \ 1':111 llC" Dl\ I"IOn of A mellC,lll Iionw announce the engagement of Susan M. Birk and Jeffrey R. Ambrose abl'th \' ILlll', to ~I Il 1\111 II k PI oduct" CO!pOI,Itlon theIr daughter, LIsa Hanf>en, to Dpi mod\. ~on 01 till' l.ltp .Juhn Koch Jml AllnstlOng, son of Mr and Ambrose-King ,md ,\-ledl \l' Dl'lnH'lh of :'l'dllk Mrs DavId Armstlong of Reno, Wd"h An AUglht \Hddlng h Andary-Coon Dl and ;\1,-. Hobl'! t H Am Birk-Koch Nev An October \\eddmg I" pldl1lwd DI dnd 1\11" Lee And'llV of blose of GI(h"P POlntt> ShOles 1)1 ,Uld;\11 '> Habel t E BII k of planned V It,lle \\!lo I" ,d-.o the d \lll-,h Gro""e POll1te Wood" dlHlounce announce' the cngagl'nwnt of (,llh"l' Pomtl. "l1nounce the en Hansen was gt'aduated from tel 01 the leltl :\tu g,lll'l .Jodl the engdgement of then d,lUgh thell ddughtel Ndl1lV Ellen gdg(lllent of thell dallghtel, Su- {Tmver<:lty T,lggptt School dnd tCI, ll' \r1tll.J'l., 1'-) I-l (~j~; )\,.!"\nut. ... 1\: J •• }l DI:m" K,I1;: L\nd tn Amblo,>p, to .lame':> WJllJdm -.,1Il .\lell gdl et UII k, to Jell! l'y 1~ received a bachelor of artb de ~hgh Slhool gl ddudtl' :,hl' hold-. BI ddley Coon, "on of 1\11 'll1d Kll1g "Oil of Helpll Kml( Hlte KOlh, "on of:Vh dnd MIS Rob III, gree from San Diego State Ul1I a hdchelOl of pldl1lwel played by FaIrbanks Ranch of f>uenu deglll' Iiom the Un] North Muskegon A Septembel dmg I" pl,mned B II h [.:1 deludted fJ om Glo""e County Club In Rancho Santa vel "Ity of ColOl.Ido, BOllldpl :,Ill' \\ eddll1g Iq planned Amblo"e 1<, a 1980 hTJ Jduate of POinte South High School and Fe, Cahf IS employed "" leglOl1,d -.,lIl''' Andm." I'> d gl adudte of G10f>Se Pomte NOlth HIgh elt tl'nded Hope College She I~ AI mstl'ong graduated from dll ectOl fOl t 111' Adolph COOI-. Glo""e Pomte NOI th High School She Ieu'!\ ed ,I baclwlOl's no\\ ('mp]o\'t.d b\ 1"n"t of Amel Reno High School, attended the Company, hel teilitol \ 1I1lludl-' School She hold" d bdchelOl of dei,TJee III mll"IC flam the Um lld B.lI1h 1Il Holldnd University of Nevada In Reno sdle~ Ie<']Jon;,lbJlltw" fOJ ont' drt,> deglee flam Michigan Stdte VelSlty of MIchigan and a ma" [(m h dttended Gland Valley and graduated from the San fOUlth of the Ul1lted Stdte" UI1IVelsity ,md d nld"tel of dl ts Diane K. Andary and Bradley ter's degl ee 111 mU"lc fJ om the Stdle College and IS now em DIego Golf Academy In Rancho Del mod'y W,l'> gl ddUdll'd hom f10111Centl,ll Mlch Igdl1 U111vel Coon Eastman School of MUSIC, Roch ploycd by Hedth Manufacturmg Santa Fe He IS currently em Seattle UI1IVel"Ih \I Ith a bdcl1l' ester, N Y She 1'> CUrl ently on Compnl1v played as a golf profeSSIOnal at 101 of al t'> degl eC', <'11111 Idude He leave flam the Con Spnlto the Rancho Sante Fe Country IS d mdJOI dccount eXl'Clltl\e fO! Woodwmd Qumtet of Temple Club. the Xelox CO! pOl dtlOn Senior Support Services .

Personal Assistance Light Housekeeping

Transportation Dependable -Affordable ____braIdedw~------crown of pearls held the POll1te, the bl lc.le~lOom'-. In al hl'l .June 11, 1988, In Marmen;' bnde's fingertip length ved She m law, Todd Tre"e of Glo""e ChUlch carried a bouquet of whIte roses, Pomte, and Gal''y FP!llbel g 01 The Rev Rlchm d Ingalls offiCI 647.9010 t:-" 886.1600 gardenias and stephanotis Lake Onon ated at the 11 a m ceremony, A program of Harper Hospital The matron of honor was the The bnde'f> nephew", Jl'1 em) \\hlch \\a,> followed by a garden bnde's SIster, CamIlle Fraga and Mal c Fragd of Roval Orrk, IeceptlOn at the Halver Woods Jones of ChIcago, III ushered the JUl1IOl!mde"mdld" 110nlP of the blldegroom',> Bridesmaids mcluded PatncJa The bllde IS -.tud) lI1g 101 ,I dp bIOt!H'1 Brophy of Bloomfield HIlls, the gree 111 mal ketmg management The bllde wore a tea length bl'ldegroom's SIsters, Valene The bndegroom 1" a ".,les H'p gown of lacl" Its c!o'>efittmg bod Brykalskl of and resentatlve 1'01 Oakland Dodge Ice accented With Vpl1lce lace Linda Trese of Grosse Pomte The newlywed" honey mooned dnd pedlls Vel1lce lace also Coach flouse Park; the bride's sIster-In-law, m La'> B11C, ruftled, JulIe Fraga of Royal Oak, the hve 111 WcllelfOld '>weetheal t necklme The bllde's CUSIOM UPIIOh'I>1'EQY bride's cousm, MiChelle Vernel hdt waf> lace over acetate tafTetd m:,'l,ICNU) ti\l'JQIC~ of Mount Clemens, Diane Lucas WIth peal I tnm dnd a f10WeI at of Alell.andl'la, Va" and Ste the "le1e. It held a short veil and Ilidudins <~\.,lronClm 0 Romulln + phame CarnaccI of Dearborn curly poof of nylon net scattered dnd mllny mNe Jumor brIdesmaids were the WIth peJII" bnde's nieces, Kristen and Dan FlcHlelgll1 \\af> the bride's 'I,," I" 9 30 j 00 ~dl 9}O 2 <-Xl 88209'l Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. lelle Jones of ChIcago, III daughter, Chene-Mellie Kllmow. Brykalski Flowel gtrl was another mece, III She wore d whIte dnd flO! al Fraga-Brykalski CamIlle Chrystllle Jones of Cll1- pI lilt lclfTcta dl eh" tIed With a cago bhH' -.alm bow Momquc LenOl e Frdga, daugh The attendants WOle full The bllde IS a 1980 Grof>se tel of Ml dnd MIS Paul R lenhJth, off the-shoulder dt esses of POInt!' NOI th High School gl'ddu Fraga of Bloomfield Ht/Is, mm mldmght blue taffeta Each Cll!- 7 Carats of Diamonds ate She I'>pmplo\,ecl by St Clan ned Joscph Ca'>lmel BrykalskJ, ned a bouquet of long-stemmed 00 Hc,l!lh CO'lJOIatlOn, on the ntn s can be yours for ONLY $1 • son of Dr and Ml f> Julms BlY whIte roses • • lI1g "tan at St .John HOhpltal kabkl of Grosse Pomte Woods, The best man was the groom'" Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Brush on June 10, 1988, 111St Hugo of brother, Robeli Brykalskl of Re- The hlldegloom I" a 1981 Livermore-Brush gl aduatl' of GIO<'''P Pomte NOIih the HIlls Church, Bloomfield dondo Beach, Calif Ushers 111- Hdls eluded the groom's brother, MI M'lllC LOUhl Chelll ],1\('1 HIgh School He 1" 111 manage The Rev Ronald E"sman offi chael Brykalski of Grosse Pointe, mOl e, d,lllghtl'1 of I{ll",,(.ll ,Uld nwnl \11th ('on,>unwi PI06'1"am<, clated at the 6 pm ceremony, the bnde's brothers, Anthony Mdl) Loul-.e II\l'IIllOII of IIll ,11ld alte I1d" LOliege 111 FIOI whIch \\a" followed by a lecep Fraga of Royal Oak, Ddl1lel Glo.,,,e Po.nte \\'ooc!" Il1dllled Ida \\ hel e Ill' I" finl"hlllg work tlOn at the San M,lI1110Club Fraga of St LOUiS, Mo, and Bl lice AIl'\..lIJdl'1 HIthh '-on 01 on J degll'l' ll1 ulIllputel technol- The bllde \\ 01 e ,I Renmssance Paul R Fraga of San Diego, fOlmel GIO,,-.l POlnl(' \\'0()(1-. I ( -'1 0).;\ style gO\\ n of pem led lace, ,>tyled Cahf, the bridegroom's cousm, dpnt-. Albl'd .lJ1d (~(,I,lidl111 '11ll' IW\\!v\\Pc!" \I'd I hve ll1 With a cdthec!l ,11 lel1f,rth tram A Robert Scarfone of Grosse Bl ush of el(',l1 \\.11('1. Fl.l on Bl.ldl'llion Fla UPER When Gertrude Gerrish was a young woman she set out to UNGLASS carve a niche for herself In SAVINGS the bUSiness world Courage, Independence and determl FRAMES WITHOUT FORTUNE nation gUided Mrs Gerrish, up to 65% off ALL FRAMES co-owner of Thomas Hard ware, through the Great ~ () (p) Goggle G-15 DepreSSion and a World War ~~ -I)an SALE OutdoorsmalJ G.IS Outdoor~man II G.I5 Goggle II G.I5 reg 165 SALE $52 reg IiI SALE $56 reg 554 SALE $44 D.O.C. ALSO CARRIES ... Time has not diminished her deter- mination to strive for the best In life TA\1/I0N FyrWfAR SO It'S not surprising that she chose Whittier Towers to call home C~ The Whltfler prOVides the services ~ and actiVities that allow people ,1Ild ,I IltllE' hit 01 Ill( k l'tIr( h,)',E' el r,lflll' 'I( kE't Irom u~ 10 !wIlt'!rt till' like Gertrude Gerrish to enJoy the (,qlll( hm "(HIP "II( 111'11.11)(1 \111I II h,!VP,l (hc1IHf'tO\\;1n Ihl' bpcllliitul active. Independent life they are I=tLO [JORDACHE'] dlellllOl1d IW( kLH (' ,lilt! Ii 11111" I f,ll E'1f'1 It (Olhl"t, 01 HO bnlll.lnt (ut dl,}IIlOJ1CI" WI Ighll1g .tJlJlfO\1111,111 I) 7 (elr,lh 101,11 ()r you f11dy 1)(' tJw accustomed to It ISa reward that ~ lu( kj \\111111'f lit OIH' ot ,"\l'rell oll1l'r !.JalE' prl/(," tot,llll1g Ovf'r she has more than earned ~2(l (l()() (H)

)loP 111 .111(1tdkl' ,l look ,ll 1111'prill'" dl,plclV<'d clne! wh~ nol ,pend Dr Donillrl L Golrlen Ofl'omeln~1 Director ~1'J1 to \\111 7 (.ir,l" 111dl,11110nd, ItlO"" ollHket proct'pd" Apartments from $730. go 10 11ll' ( ,lpll( hm )OIIP Klt< 111'11 (Includes 2 meals and EYE EXAMINATIONS • EXPRESS CONTACTS maid service 1 100's In stock • Major credit cards accepted edmund t. AH EE jewelers WHiniER TOWERS Grosse Pointe Woods Where excellence is a tradition 193/9 Mack Ave 20139 Mack Avenue, Grosse Pointe Woods 881.3249

I ! II I l l ~ l l' r I" ( 1 886.4600 CALL 822.9000 ., , I.W~~ ,... GrosseJ.U.ne_30.,.1.9_88Pointe News 68 were of the same lace WIth soft of Rutland, Vt., and Jeffrey Gray grandmother's veil of sheer IVOry rosebuds of Silk charmeuse and of Francoma, N H lace, held by a tulle headpiece Langhoff- hand.sewn pearls. She carned a The mother of the bnde wore trImmed WIth crystals and SWISS rosepoint lace handkeI' a street length dress and Jacket beads The bride cmTled a bou- Vorhees chIef whICh had belonged to her of penwmkle blue sIlk She car. quet of blush roses, hlIes of the great.grandmother Her bouquet ned a nosegay of summer flow LIsa Momque Langhoff, valley, heather and IVy was of roses and mixed summer ers daughter of Mr and Mrs Peter The maId of honor was Peggy The mother of the bndeglOom Langhoff of Bloommgton, Ind, Barrett of Salt Lake City, Utah flowers The matron of honor was the wore a street length dJess of Jade married Russell James Vorheec;, She is engaged to the bnde's bnde's SIster, Mrs Robelt S. Ev. green WIth a matchmg Jacket son of Mr. and Mrs Roy Vorhee" brother, Jeffrey EIsenberg ans of Norfolk, Mass. Bndes. The bnde holds an absoclate's of Grobse Pomte, on June 25, Bndesmalds mcluded the bride's maIds mcluded former Grosse debTJee from Pme Manor Jumor 1988, m Santa MOllica, CalIf cousins, Mrs Todd Kwalt and Pomters Mrs Donald Wyckoff of College and a bachelor of ammal A receptIOn III The Velllce Joan Rosenthal of Lyndhurst, Oakland, Calif., and Mrs Ste. science degree flOm the Ul1lVel Beach House, Santa MOllIca, fol OhIO phen Kent of Cmcmnatl, OhIO, slty of Massachusetts She IS lowed the noon ceremony The attendants wore two piece, and Ms CamIlla Lockwood of owner and du'ector of Hm many The bnde wore a cathedral tea lenbrth dJ'esses of Ivory silk Weston, Mass. HIll Fa! m, a bl eedmg tl amll1g length dJ'ess of Ivory lace styled styled With bead tnmmed bod- FlowergJrl was Jane Jackson faclhty for dl essage and com With an open back and draped Ices Each carned a bouquet of of FI ancestown, N H bll1ed trammg hOlses With pearls hlacs, ))'IS and IVy The attendants and flowergIrl The blldegroom holdb an un The maid of honor was the The best man was Robelt Mrs. Derek H. Fritz wore tea length dJ'esses of apn del graduate degree flom the bride's SIster, Alhson Langhoff of June of Ann ArbOl Ushers m. Mr. and Mrs. William J. cot mou'e, styled With long, Ivory Unverslty of Vel mont, a ma<;tel Bloommgton Bl'Idesmalds 111 eluded the bride's blOther, Jef. Belluomo Heaton-Fritz Vemce and ChantIlly lace collms of ammal sCIence debTJee from dude another "Ister. Kl'I<;ten frey D Elsenbel g of Salt Lake whIch cascaded over puffed the Umverslty of New Hamp Langhoff of Bloomlllgton, and City, Scott MendJ'ek of Ann AI'- Jenmfel BlaIr Heaton, daugh- Hagg-Belluomo bleeves Each wore a flower cov. shire and IS a gJ aduate of the LOri Lafond of Manteno, III bOl and former Glosse Pomter ter of Mr and MIS Eppa Hun DIane Mane Hagg, daughter ered comb m her haIr New Y01k State College of Vet They wore tea length dl esse" Thomas H Keatmg of Ann Ar. ton Heaton of Grosse Pomte of Robert 3.!1d D""l"" 4Rgg of The best man was the br'de- e"mary l\I1pc\wme at ('rnnell He ot mauve Silk accented Wltll lace bor Fium", manlCd Dr Derek Hal' Gros'>e POlllte Woods, marrIed groom's brother, Dana Fntz of IS practIcing veterinary medICll1e The best man was the bllde The bnde IS a gJ'aduate of the old Fritz, son of Mr and MI s Wilham Joseph Belluomo, son of Frenchtown, N J Groomsmen WIth Tenney, Fritz and Combs m groom's brother, Randall VOl UnIversIty of MIchIgan. She IS Donald Harold Fntz of Peterboro WillIam and ShIrley Belluomo, Included Charles Ingalls Jr of PeterbOl ough, N H hees of Grosse Pomte Park Ush employed as a profeSSIOnal chef ough, N H , on June 25, 1988, m fO!mer Grosse Pomters who now The Old Meetlllg House, Peterborough, N H , Peter Tol:-m ers mcluded two other brothers, In :\few York CIty hve m Palm Desert, Cahf, and Roy Vorhees of Grosse Pomte The bndegI'oom IS a graduate Francestown, N H St Clmr Shores, on Feb 5, 1988, and Kenneth VOlhees of Spo of Gi osse Pomte South HIgh The bndegroom's father, Dr m St Lucy Church, St ClaIr Donald H Fritz, offiCIated at the kane, Wash School and the UllIverslty of CJ@al ShOles 4 pm. ceremony, whIch was fol- The mother of the bnde \\ 01 e ~hchlgan He IS employed as a The Rev Bohdan KOSICki offi. a tea length dress of taupe sllk pohtlcal fundraIseI'm New York lowed by a ceremony at the clated at the 5 pm ceremony, accented WIth beads CIty brIde's home, Harmony Hill GEstate which was followed by a recep- The mother of the bndegI'oom The newlyweds lIve m Brook Farm, m Francestown tlOn In the Crystal Ballroom of wore a tea length dJ'ess of Ice lyn, NY The bride wore a classlcally- the Grosse Pomte War Memo By lliOMAS D. STEEN, G.R.I. mmt, accented WIth pearls styled gown of silk charmeuse rial REAI.TOR Kenneth Vorhees and Roy over chinos SIlk, accented WIth The bride wore a gown of Vorhees read SCripture at the Miller- BelgIan bobbm lace and pearls white satm and beaded Alencon SHOULD YOU ACCEPT FIRST OFFER? ceremony. The brIde's headpIece and combs lace, styled WIth a Sabrina neck- The bride IS a gI aduate of the Harrington Many people who sell a house market The depth of that know lme, low scalloped V.back WIth UnIVerSIty of IlhnOls, \\here she encounter the "first offer" dl' ledge WIllhelp protect the seliC! bow accent and cathedral length Amanda Alger MIller, daugh. received a bachelor of fine arts tel' of MI s SIdney Trowbridge ~~ lemma It can mvolve a trymg against the natural leluctdnce tram She carrIed a bouquet of to accept the filst offer and III graphIC deSign She IS em MIller III of Keene Valley, NY, decision Sellers often turn It whIte gardemas, stephanotis, down, hopmg for SQmethmg bet- agaInst regrettmg a deCISIOn ployed as a freelance graphic de- and the late Mr. MIller, marned whIte roses and dendJ'obIUm or. ter, only to find It turned out to that was not based on sound signer III the Los Angeles area ChIds. Robert Hem}' Han-mgton, son of ~p~ be the best offer thev received Judgement RemembeJ , most The bndegroom is a graduate The maId of honor was the Mr and Mrs Robelt V Harrmg. ThIs IS where th~ adVice of a good offers come early 10 the of MichIgan State UniverSIty. He Miami University's spnng de- bride's SIster, Karen Anne Hagg ton of Cranston, R I , on June 25, real estate agent can be partICU- sellmg game If It'S a fall one works as a project manager III gree recipients included Jenni- of Grosse POInte Woods. Brides. 1988, In Keene Valley, NY. larly helpful The agent can tell why pass It up? busmess development for Rock- fer Anne Owen, of Grosse maids mcluded Mary Donahue The Rev Van Santvoord you how lealtstlc the offer IS well InternationaL POInte Park, bachelor of science and whether the depoSIt that and Jeanne LudWIg of Grosse Merle-Smlth officiated at the cer- The newlyweds are honey- In home economICS and con- accompames It represents good * * * * * * Pomte Woods, and Lon Wurm of emony whIch was followed by a moonlllg in Europe. They will sumer SCIences; John Francis faIth If there ISanythmg I can do to receptIOn at the Au Sable Club help you In the field of Real Es DetrOIt Rooney, of Grosse POInte, bach. Smce there ISno way to know live in Manhattan Beach, CalIf. In St. Hubelt's, N.Y. tate, please phone or drop In at The attendants wore tea how many offers WIll be reo The bride, who is the grand- elor of SCIence in business; Peter ADLHOCH & ASSOCIATES length dresses of burgundy vel- celved or the order of value, the daughter of Mrs William Gale Joseph Strek, of Grosse POInte REALTORS We are located "I~ vet, styled WIth V.backs and Woods, bachelor of SCIence in offer should be Judged on the the VIllage" at 16845 Kercheval cuffs edged in VenIce lace. They CurtIS Jr of Grosse Pointe and seller's and agent's knowledge bUSIness Phone 882 520() I'm hel e to carned WhIte cymbIdIUm orchids the late Fay Alger Miller of of the house 10 questIOn and the help Grosse POInte, wore an off-the. • and babIes'-breath , shoulder gown of blush SIlk The best man was Scott A Sharon L. Whritner, daugh- Bowles of Chesterfield., MlCh trimmed with ivory Alencon lace ter of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Groomsmen were Michael Sand- and pearls. An Alencon lace + Whritner of Grosse ~inte BEAUTIFUL NAILS •ALWAYS(" =-- mall' of Grosse Pomte Woods, headpiece held a cathedral Farms, was awarded the Hilda RIchard Casmelli of Fraser and length veIl trimmed WIth pearls. Bashevkm Betten and Man-is H The matron of honor was the • Acrylic Nails ~ ~\~ Robert Fraser of St Petersburg, Betten Award In Social Work at brIde's SIster, Karen MIller '\l ~ Fla Ringbearer was the groom's Skidmore College's April 20 con- • Fiberglass Nails '"~ r;l Boynton of Burlmgton, Vt. son, Blair Belluomo of Rochester. vocatIOn banquet. The prize IS BrIdesmaids mcluded the bnde- • Wraps C3 ~,~ "" The mother of the bride wore gIven to the graduating semor • Artwork ....., ~ a tea length dress of pale pmk groom's sister, Donna HaITIng- who has shown outstanding in- silk WIth a matchmg beaded ton of Hampton Falls, N.H , and terest and achieVement in the • Manicures ~ ~ - ,- Jacket to whIch she pmned a Barrie FIshel of GreenWIch, study of social work at Skidmore • Pedicures :j (J: \ ~ double orchId corsage Conn College The best man was the groom's • Hot Wax Depilation The bndegroom's mother wore Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Young Jr. • \:'1:)\ ( \J a tea length dress of dusty rose COUSlll, Todd Barry of East GreenWich, R I Ushers included Custom Double orchIds formed her cor. Michael E. Meredith, son of sage Eisen berg- Young the groom's brother, Patnck Mr. and Mrs. James Meredith of Nail Salon, Ilnc\ Harrmgton of Cranston, and Reading scnpture for the cere. Beth Ann Eisenberg, daughter Grosse Pointe Woods, receIved a Kevm McGoveIn of WarWIck, mony were the groom's SIster, of Mr and Mrs Paul A. EIsen- bachelor of science degree in R.I 11 Karen Belluomo and the brIde's berg of Moreland HIlls, OhIO; aeronautical SClence from Em. % 1t The bnde, who was gIven m any service over '5 for new customers brother, Steve Hagg. BarItone married Robert Bruce Young Jr., bry-Riddle AeronautIcal Umver- 10 ° man-Iage by her brother, SIdney 1t David LudWIg of Grosse Pomte son of Mr. and Mrs Robert B. sity this sprmg 0 0ff any service over '5 on your next VISit when you refer Woods was accompamed by Vio- Young of Grosse Pointe, on May TrowbrIdge MIller IV, IS a grad- • 25 /0 someone to our salon. 35% for 2 or more hmst ConnIe MarkwlCk. 15, 1988, m Harkness Chapel, uate of New Hampton School, • Nullo be ued with any other special olrer appointmenll pleue . expires ~.a8 The brIde holds a bachelor of Cleveland, OhIO. New Hampton, N.H. She at. Harold Colby, son of Bruce arts degree m telecommunIca. Rabbi Fred Eisenberg OffiCI- tended Rhode Island College, and Lestma Colby of Grosse Hours tiOn from MIchIgan State UnI- ated at the ceremony, whIch was where she majored In art Pomte, has been mducted to the versIty followed by a receptIOn m the The brIdegI'oom IS a graduate AlbIOn College Chevron Chapter Monday-Wednesday Thursday-Friday Saturday The brIdegroom is vIce pleSI- Cleveland Playhouse Club. of LaSalle Academy, PrOVIdence, of Mortar Board. Colby, a 1985 8 30 a m -8 30 p m 7 a m 830 pm 700arr-400pm dent of Belle Isle Awnmg m St- The bride wore a dress of IVOJ}' R I He attended Roger WIllIams UnIVerSIty Liggett School gradu- ClaIr Shores. summer satm styled WIth an off- College, Bristol, R I ate, IS a Junior majoring III eco- The newlyweds honeymooned the-shoulder neckhne and ac- The newlyweds honeymooned nomIcs and management at Al- 17003 Kercheval 886-8100 III Jamaica They hve m Grosse cented With handmade satin roo In Bermuda. bion. Pomte Woods ses. She wore her maternal I I Canadian Fur Specialist for Over 61 Years ! r? .' Uld \ - OOATHERWOOD r In,I/'C~!!! .~1~0"' •• • Duty & Sales • Full Premium On r ~~ _~ Tax Refunded American Funds ~)' '~~-?~' ATTENTION SENIOR CITIZENS 484 Pelissier St. • Windsor You are cordially inVited to Inspect the Heatherwood, an \~./ ~ k5 0;- eiegant new rental community of resldenlJal suJles 1-519-25l-5612 -_-../~~, ~ .r -- deSigned for today's aCllve seniors Centrally located In Southfield on CIVIC Center DrIVe between Tele~raph and Lahser Roads, Ihe Heatherwood Cutting hair is only part of our job. offers fine dining In the Rosewood Reslaurdnl, a full "Best move we've SOCialand enlenalOmenl calendar, housekeepmg Cutting your hair the way you want and olher personahzed services such as complete ever had." it is everything. overnlghl accommodatlons for your personal guests . all delivered to you In sly Ie by our Wheaton Van Lines. Our experienced staff is trained to couneous and dedicated staff The mover people talk A limIted number of apartmenl~ are available Call us about. NIcely. listen first . . . then cut. WORLD-WIDE MOVING al 350-1777 for more mformdtlon or SlOp by and see ~ ( \ No Mr R 711 J ""lfll,'l • ,.....-----~ iy this revolutionary new our beautifully furnl~hed modcl~ from 10-5, MonddY f"rl\~.' . ! .. \ ..... • ~ through Salurday, 12 unlil 4 on Sunddy W. II':~A I~Good HouMketpll'9'" experience at _ ..~ \ ....'},,'I .~IS ~

('flh Ill' ~.~ • e: =.,I RENTS FROM $1,069 PER MONTH '(:') .: - - -' Northport Plaza FREE ESTIMATE 19609 Mack Avenue I ------flU THORIZE D AGF NT ------Grosse POinteWoods 0'. 32887 Hayes at 14 Mile (313) 350.1777 r------I Please call to make reurVQtlOns Warren 22800 Civic Center Drive I I for a complimentary lunch and I EXPERT MOVING AND STORAGE, INC. 294.0280 Southfield, Michigan I ______lour of the HEATHERWOOD. J 881-0010 I I 542.2777 p -

June 30, 1988 78 Grosse Pointe News S~M AARP focus: Comprehensive, long term health care

By Marian Trainor the surface. (lMAs), a savings plans simIlar Special Writer The bill prOVides for costs In- to IndiVIdual Retlrment Ac. When more than 32,000 mem- counts (IRAs) IMAs calls for CUI red In such Illnesses to be bers of the Amencan AssoclatlOn paid by Medicare recIpients by makmg a portlOn of a person's of Retlred Persons gathered In contnbutlOn to the plan tax de. Cabo Hall for AARP's blenmal premIUm mcreases, but It IS not clear who would be covered and ductlble, so that people are en- convention, U S Rep Claude how much they would pay couraged to bUIld a nest egg that Pepper (D Fla) at 86 the oldest OtiS Bower, Secretary of could be coupled with private, member of Congress, made clear Health and Human ServIces long-term care msurance that the most cntICal problem does not agree WIth thiS form of Former Social SecurIty Com- facmg the elderly IS the cost of fundmg Semors are stlll reehng mIssioner Robert Ball says he IS long-term health care from Janumy's premIUm hIke of not 10 favor of the lMA approach It IS a problem that concerns a 38 5 percent Bower says that because It would be used pnmar- large segment of our populatlOn the current $24 80 monthly Ily by those in higher Income By 2010, more than one In four pI emlUm would double by 1992 brackets Ball favors a broad persons wIll be at least 55 years ened Medicare program whIch old - one In seven wIll be at would cover long.term care fi. least 65. nanced pnmanly by additional WIth nursing home cost aver- p~ payroll taxes. agmg $23,000 a year, It IS ob. A" for prIvate Insw'ances. such VlOuS that a large maJonty ot polICies are unhkely to be afford those who need long-tel m Cate _T~ able to the majority of the eld will not be able to afford It A and that It employs a user's fee edy, according to Ahce RIVIen Senior Men honor achievers study released last November by and dumps the entire cost on and Joshua Wemer, authors of the U S Select CommIttee on Outstanding achievers from Grosse Pointe North and South high schools were honored at semors the Brookmgs report They con- Ab1]ng found that the average the May 24 meeting of the Grosse Pointe Senior Men's Club. Ten seniors from each school Such legtslatlOn doesn't stop tend that those who are at gt'eat. smgle person 65 Ol older plunges were sel~cted for their top accomplishments: each received a plaque and a book on the his- With Just a flat pI emlUm hike; it est risk of need 109 nursmg home Into poverty after only 13 weeks lory of MIchigan. Robert Trinklein was the presenter. also Imposes a "supplemental care could not afford the pohcIes North High School students (above) honored included Joshua Abbott. Paul Bedard. Gregory In a nursmg home. Aftel one premIUm" - a speCial bIll from They suggest a combmatlOn of year, 90 percent of Single elderly Cooksey. Jeffrey Earl: ~ohit Krishna. Francis Markey. Caitlin Murray. Anthony Patek. Angela the Intel nal Revenue ServIce. A higher payroll taxes, hIgher es. Rus~n and Jeffrey WIllIams. pictured with North principal John Kastran and school Supt. John are poverty stncken. semor WIth an adjusted gross m- tate taxes, higher MedIcare Last year, both houses over. Whntner. come of $10,000, for example, premiums and an mcome tax South High School students (below) included Mariella Cavallo. Carole 1. Donaldson. An- whelmmgly passed legtslatlOn to would be slapped with a supple- surcharge to pay the bIll drew C. Eckert. Laura E. Grego. Dunrie A. ,Greiling. Douglas C. Lucas. Dino A. Markus. Chris- deal WIth one aspect of the prob- mental tax of $369 Wayne Tanner, a regulatIOn lem catastrophIc Illness Both topher Sherwood. William B. Thompson and Jennifer VanHorne. with Whritner, South princi- Ideally, the government officer m the state msurance bu- pal Edward Shme and South's Russell Luttinen. houses want to cap costs MedI- should pay for long-term care, reau, predIcts that pressure by care users face and make It eas- but WIth the defiCIt toppmg $150 senior citlzen groups WIll lead to Ier for them to get benefits WIth- bllhon, the government will group msurance plans whIch out spending themselves mto spend $600 more per person carry lower premIUms poverty. Both also want coverage than it takes 10 It will take tlme to cure long for the cost of prescnption drugs Thomas Burke, a top aide to term problems. But the proposed and both want more coverage for Secretary Bowen, beheves that legtslatIOn IS a start and a model long.term care much more should be done to for more comprehenSIve pro- According to Rep. Hemy Wax. cultivate the private Insurance grams later on. man (D Cahf), the bills contain market An mfluentlal factor 10 help real benefits and meet real Last fall, a speCIal task force mg bring about a comprehenSIve needs, but they don't go far which studied pnvate, long-term program wIll be the 52 mIllIon enough to help care msurance polICIes recom- members of AARP "WIth their Sen John Chafee (R R.I ) mended to Bowen's department vast membershIp, they have vast agreed He saId hIS greatest fear a senes of steps such as tax in- mfluence," Rep Pepper SaId IS that once the bill on cata- centIVes, to boost the role of pn- "They have money and they strophic Illness coverage IS vate msw'ance, pensions and have power," passed, Congress will think it other methods of paymg for thIS And they can back that up has solved one of the country's type of Insurance WIth a "vote Jolt" One out of most troubling health problems Another Idea bemg looked at every four regtstered voters be- when we WIll not have scratched IS Insurance MedIcal Accounts longs to AARP Exercise for seniors Saratoga Commumty HospItal After the class, those who at- Seniors offers "ExerCise for the Young at tended may WIsh to eat dmner Heart," a free community educa- 10 Saratoga's Rossim Dmmg bon class for older adults, on Room at dIscount pnces Thursday, July 7, and agam on To regtster for the class, call story Thursday, Aug 4, from 4 to 4'45 245-1555. Saratoga Commumty p m The easygomg Sit-down or HospItal IS located at 15000 Gra RSVP honors local volzJnteers stand up exerCIse can get partIcI' tIOt Avenue between Seven dnd pants on the road to good health EIght MIle roads RSVP of Mcl(..omb IRetll ed use mOl e The \'olunteer~' 35 000 worked, according to pI 0"'1]am idea? SemOl Volunteer PI o/:'1]'alll)hon. hours of servIce 1epresented a director Nancy Spllski ored some 100 volunteer.., at It" <;avmgs of at least $117,250 to For mformatlOn on Jomlng recent RecogmtlOTl Brunch fO! the agencIC<' fOl whIch they RSVP, call 468-2616 01 573 0530 mOlethan 35,000 hOll!" of "er Call 882-0294 VIce dunng the pa"t yedl to the county's 50 nonplofit agenclCs Among those honol cd for mOle than 1,000 hOUl" of ,,{'IvIce \\ 3" MIchele FortucLl of Harpel Woods. Fortuccl, <1 \ olunteel at Mount Clemen" Genel ell Ho<,pl Notes in a garden tal, devoted 1,432 hoUl'" to \'01 unteer ...el vice I"..,t }< eell He Eastside Wholessle's By Lynn Zwickey earned an RSVP gold .l\\clld RSVP of Melcomb \\<\.., e..,telb hshed 111 :'\Tovembcl 1985 to plO SIDING From September 1959 to December 1972, Grosse Pomte Vide meanmgfu I commul1lt v ..,Cl artist, gardener, teaeher and Writer Lynn Zwwkey, served as vice volunteel OppOl tUl1Itw'> f()] edltor of "Garden Pomters," the monthly bulletm of the indIVidual'> 60 01 olcle) It I'> WORLD Men's Garden Club of Grosse Pomte. Occasw nally, those spon"01 ecl by C'.ltholll SPI \ Ile ...of pieces were reprinted m 'The Gardener," the natwnal maga- Mawmb ___ OUt' Convenience zme for the Men's Garden Club of Amerlca. Vo)unteel.., '>l,lplt thell 0\\ 11 OPEN '1he Grosse POlme New~ u, pleased tv b£gm ;,{;pr:ntmg a asslgnmenh flom 1ll0l (' th'lI1 !.')l) '.'.INV. L ~Inlll~ Wednesday Evenings tit serres of ZWlckey's "Garden Pointers," on an occasional ba- chOIce... and al{' ){'Imblll,>pd for lIIIl.,••• " SiS. Here's the first, tated "My Garden'" mileage They <\1(' ,11"'0 {()\l'1 ccI 7 COLORS ONLY 7:00 P.M. Nobody will ever see your garden as you see it, nor mine by liabilIty ,md a( ('J(!pnl IIl..,UI AJllocatkiiJs as 1. It IS because the mind's view rolls out, now back, now ance Free Instruction Books The pI (It.;1 1m h'h 1ll0l (' th.lI1 forward, and we see both what was, what IS and what will 50 YEAR 95 ~ ~ ...... ;.-., :300 \olm!f! I'> hut ((lliid dh\ 1\'> $29 /-) G.P. Woods WARRANTY ~~~ ~ be. We know the history of each patch and each cranny and .... how thIS species once sought to mtrude there, and then that Seniors play cards other, and how we dawdled and wondered whether to "let be" or to mtrude With a stern "no" to both and a pat and a The Grosse Pomte Wood" Sen ALUMINUM • FIRST QUALITY !Ors meet at Woods Lake Flont $5995 welcome for some flamboyant newcomer. And then how the •40 YEAR WARRANTY Park for cards and lunch on the .8' H.B.S. WHITE PER SO newcomer came to be at last an old frIend - maybe even first and thIrd Thursday of each SIDING an over-obstreperous old friend, with the confidence to el. month Run To Any Length bow back his flanking neighbors. The group IS planmng to While You Wait We learn at last to know each seedling by Its speCial kind "pend a weekend at Mackmac I" SEAMLESS -13 CoJorl- of baby leaves and, m the early morning when the dew IS land's Grand Hotel Oct 29-31 \"et and before the clutter of going-to-work noises intrudes Cost IS $285 For reservation') or 027 GAUGE from beyond our neighbor's privet hedge, we push aside the mformatlOn, call Irene Sutton at GUTTERS 79~ft. leaves of the parent plants, look down with a godparent's 884-2942 ecstacy on some newborn planthngs m whIch we take a spe- @fot!i;x SHINGLES VINYL OVERHAN Cial hostly pnde and whose future nursery we proJect, and R.O.M.P. will meet 95 MATERIAL "Recovery of Male Potency," All Colors $17 95 whose vague, remote adult glory we envisage. Cssh snd Csrry per .q 50 Yr. Warranty (R 0 M P) a support group for $46 We mmgle this VIsion, whIch nobody else can see, with Delrolt. Ponllec & Inkst.r Only Color. + 1.00 per IQ males who have had or are con the whIstle of a nestmg orIOle, who IS lookmg down, may- templatmg pemle or <,phmctel Custom Trim Available hap, on hIS nestlmg OrIole heirs with some SImIlar sort of Implant surgery, WIll meet at St DETROIT 911t'Wilj~ your me.'Uf~t •• 1"Mf LIVONIA .. wi' c;"'ltom!ll yOtor jrlm 29455 W. Eight Mile Rd. pride of ancestry and posseSSIOn. And the whIstle becomes, 6450 E, EIGHT MILE RD. .10hn Ho"pltal's audltorillm Sun Any Color-Any shape (1 BIt. W. of MlddIebeft) in our mind's eye, the brilliant black and orange of the ori- Corn~. ~()(._ 0. A.CC*UOf~' day, .July 19, from 7.10 to 930 891-2902 47...... ole's nuptial garb, as though we saw a sound pm In a garden, thus, in the mornmg - but in our garden Sphmcter implant "urgery PONTIAC FLINT INKSTER only - we see the sounds and hear the textures and smell may help those who "uffel from 1t 539 S8g/t'l8w Rd. 3000 MIddIebeft Incontmence or los<; of hladdN 5437 Oilde Hwy. the colors and remember and project and transform and Waterford, MI 48095 Clio, MI 4&420 (1 BIt. S. of Michigan) syntheSIze a reality whICh never was and never will be. control The group meet... the 687....730 But, which, nevertheless, bnefly, transiently -fOf a mo- thIrd Thursday of each month at the hO'lpltal For more mforma Michele Fortucci of Harper ment only - beyond question, IS. tlOn, cal) 332-7036 Woods. A~~JI J_U_ne_30_,_1_98_8 l,;v~/1 Grosse Pointe News 8 Fruit butter - reaping a healthy, tasty harvest

By Gretchen Schumer num bducepan .... t 11' 111 flll1t pec Spoon mto 4 hot. stenlIzed pmt Special Wrrter tm and lemon JUIce Over me Jl1ls. allowmg 1/4 mch head When you pop yoU! naked dlUm heat cO\.)1,.15 to 20 III lIlute" , .,pace Process 10 mmutes In boll. bread mto the toaster In a half stllTlI1g const,ll1tl~ untIl fnul I'> mg water bath Cool befO!e star. <1\\ake '>tate m the mOlmng, of de::-In:d thlcknl''''''; Remove mg Make:.. 4 PlOts Calones per what IS It that you reach fOl? from heat. ,.tII 111 "'lh~.ll ::-ub,.tl table.'>poon 15 Butter? Margellne? Jam? Jelly? tute Pour pm mto cont,lIners. How about wmethmg healthier? Sugar-free Plum Butter covel' and clul1 J,Ull C,1I1 be FrUIt buttel'> are the bounty of 2 pounds medium-sized ripe ~afe ly refngel,lted up to thll'e plums, pitted a '>ummer'b hal ve..,t Containing wpeks Sel"\ mg..; 3 I 2 cup ... Cal no baIt and being l(m er In bUgdl 1 pa('kage (l 3/4 ounces) pow- O!le!> 5 per t{',bpoon than traditIOnal Spl eadb, the'>e dered fruit pectin condiments are an alternative to Apple Butter 2 Tbl!>p. sugar substitute or 20 the hedlth conscIOus 01 calorie 6 1/2 pound!> tart baking ap- individual packets counter'> Simmered slowly until ple!> In contamel of food processor thick and !>mooth, frUIt buttel!> 3 1/2 cups unsweetened apple fitted \\ Ith .,teel blade. coarsely chop plum!> to mea!>Ule about 4 '>edl m flavor Without all the fdt juice present 10 dairy butter Juice and grated rind of 112 cups, dram excess Juice Place plums m heavy, medIUm. Lower sugar means fewer calo lemon I Ice 'It '" Ip,l !1nn alum mum <;aucepan. Tlppm;; the '-cak' In2 ("\1 ~ Iii L!>p. glouml dnu ...mon OlICS per table!>poon, dall)' butter 1 1/4 tsp. ground clove!> !>tlr In pectm Over medIUm hIgh heat, cook 15 20 mmutes, stir I'> a co!>tly dietary chOIce The 3/4 tsp. allspice bame serving of apple butter 2 Tblsp. sugar substitute Img constantly. untIl frUit IS of weighs 10 at only 33 calones Peel, core and ..,!lce apples deSIred thIckness Remove from And Jams have 50 percent more Place m large pot or Dutch oven hedt, stir m sugar substitute calOries than apple butter wlth apple JUice Cook covered Pour Jam mto contamers; cover /Proudly We Hail' awards Most health food ,>tores and over medIUm heat until tendel, and cbill Jam can safely be kept Exchange Club of Grosse Pointe/St. Clair Shores president Ralph DeFour (center) presented supermarkets have selectIOns of about 30 mmutes Pw'ee apples, 111 I efllgemtor up to three "Proudly We Hail" awards to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wall of Grosse Pointe Woods. their grand- weeks Servmg,> Makes about frUIt butters that are made With a few cups at a tIme, 111 a children and to the Keith Battjes family (right) of Grosse Pointe Park. at the Grosse Pointe two cups CalOries 5 per tea. no added sweetners Produce blender or food procebsor Return Woods Memorial Day ceremonies. stands along the roadblde and to pot and add remammg mgre spoon The Exchange Club has awarded more than 32 plaques to deserving citizens over the years farmer markets are also good dlents except sugar substitute Souneb for thebe {rutt butter as part of its many citizenship projects. Recipients are those who display the American flag sources of frUIt spreads Cook uncovered, over low heat ree/peb mdude the "Sweet 'N regularly. "This kind of love for our country is what truly makes America great." DuFour said. The use of fruit butters need untIl thIck and dark 111 color, Low Cookbook," "Spreng Maga- For information on the Exchange Club of Grosse Pointe/St. Clair Shores. call Mike Reynolds not end at bread, they can be about 2 1/2 3 hours Stn occa- zllle," "Woman'> Day Magazme," at 336-4300. creatively combined With other sIOnallv to prevent stickmg A U!?u.st 1987 foods . • MIX With cottage cheese, yo. gurt, or ncotta cheese for natu. ral sweetness • Smooth over pancakes, muf. fins, or crackers . • FIll crepes and omelets . • For subtle flavor, whIsk into salad dn;ssmgs Try 2 1/2 tea- NBDs Convertible A.R.M. spoons fresh lemon JUIce and five tablespoons of sam ower 011 over greens. Recipes to try gives you low Cook the frUlt until soft, then press It through a sieve to re- move skins and seeds. Cook thIS fine.textured, strainted pulp WIth honey (and sometimes spices) un- interest rates now••• til thIck. Fruit butters need less • sweetener than jams and jellies because they rely on evaporation during cooking to thicken Jams and jellies, on the other hand, require a precise ratio of frUIt, .50%* .07%* Interest Rate Annual Percenta~e Rate sugar and pectin to jell. Peach Butter Place 112 cup almonds WIth 112 cup of water In a blender; pro- cess untIl reduced to a lIqUId paste Add 6 peeled, pitted peaches, 114 cup honey and 2 •••and the option to tsp. lemon JUIce. Process agam until well blended. Store covered m the refngerator. Mixed Fruit Spread convert to a 1/2 pound dried pears 1/2 pound dried apricots 1/2 pound dried, pitted prunes 1cup of raisins Honey Fixed Rate Mortgage later. Rinse fruit and soak overmght WIth water to cover Cook the prunes in the soaking water and annually or more than six percentage points mer the initial rate put all frUIt through blender on With a Convertible Adjustable Rate Mortgage from NBD, you a fine blade Stir in enough start with the guaranteed low rates of an Adjustable Rate for the life of your loan. honey to bind and sweeten. Mortgage for the first year. Then, any time during the next ••• Lock in a fixed rate later for only 8100. Easy Strawberry four years, you can convert to a fixed rate mortgage- If rates go down, or yOU want the security of a fixed rate Preserves quickly, ealiily. mortgage, just nmify our NBD Mortgage Office and they will -'~"" yc)ur A R 1'<.f ., " r:. ,.-I D"., l',,1''--'rl,vlg'~O";r-I,I,, .~",,;I. I pint strawberries collVCll • .IVI. IU ,t I Ih\..-U r"n~ unJJ 'b' \.- jU'\.-'''J' \.-"..lIIJ' 1 cup cold water Take advantage of low rates now••• and at a COlitof only 5100. ybu can even do it through the mail! 4 serving size regular or low- calorie gelatin dessert mix The NBD Convertible A.R.M. gives you interest rates signifi- There are no title searche~. no waitlllg, and you can convert Crush the strawbernes m a cantly below current fixed rate mortgages of comparable tern1. any month between the t1th and 60th month of your loan. saucepan Add the water and the Here's how it works: Your rate is set on the day your completed gelatm mix Cook and stir untIl Find out more about it. application is received and it's good for one year from your gelatm IS completely dissolved NBD's Convertible A.R.M. could help you buy more home SImmer gently uncovered for 2 closing date. Then every 12 months your rate will be adjusted than you thought. For more information about NBD\ Con- mmutes Pour into three Jelly up or down with the market. If interest rates go down, your vertible Adju~tahle Rate Mnrtgage, or the other loan option~ Jars Cover and store m refriger- mortgage payments go down accordingly. If interest rates ator Makes about 2 cups Per we have available, call or \ i~lt the NRD Mortgage Company continue to rise, your payments will increalie. However, to pro- table!>poon 13 6 calOries Office nearelit you. tect you from any large changes. NBD guarantees that your No Sugar Pear Jam -rh"e l\I1lT1.lt"d dl1l1l1dl plllll1ld-" rdll\,lr, \llhl,(1 t"II1,r,d\l or teel blade, coar<,ely ROL hc.,tL r \11 lKOll l 1 ro\ M I lKOllK chop pear!>, dram e.(ce'lS JUIce Bentlln H.trhnr ~11 .NOn flinl MI 4X"l02 PI)molilh. MI 41'1!70 .106 "oulh M,11I1 ~Ireel 1 ll) :VI'l\11 \lfCl't 1)i)(J rll\\Cr Dmc "1IIfC Ion 41K) RIVCPdC\\ Dn\c 4!11 J loor One I d.,t f Ir." ~'rect Place m heavy, large non aluml I II II (1"12-1". 7() 1'1 I) /'i2K 22K() PO Box "\01'1 ~llItC 1700 ()(~l1e.,cc TO\\cr., 1111) l"..,-K21) 1111) 766-KIOO IhI61l)26.716fl ".11.!1I1,l\\ M I 41'1110" \\-\d!llloIlC \1( 41'1192 About wills 201'14I kmmcllT R(l,ld "\2m Biddie \\ClIllC Bloomfield II i1h \11 lKOll (JTO""C Pomtc, MI 41'1210 The Whittier Towpr,; Retire PI} Box (}l\ 1 III II 2Kt Kkm Illh WC"1 LongI . IOIW) I ,I'" CI r,md Rl\Cr 11'100Wc"l 1')171 44"10 I1111 ')..,() 1010 qUlere's topIC I!> "Do You Need a "11111' lXKl 121 WJlI,?" 11111 221)-O.IKI WhIttier Tower'l lfi located at 41.5 Burn" Drive All are wel come There IS no adml8,>lon charge

...... ------I June 30, 1988 98 Grosse Pointe News

,illllllllllllllll I Grosse Pointe Board of REALTORS. REALTOR' EQUAl HOU"NG _ .. OPPORIIJNI)V THE PROPERTIES LISTED ON THESE PAGES ARE OFFERED EXCLUSIVELY BY MEMBERS OF THE GROSSE POINTE BOARD OF REALTORS Adlhoch & Assoclate~, Inc ChamberlaIn Realtors James R Flkany Real Estate Co John E Pierce & Associates, Inc Sine Real F:'itate Co Aldridge & Associates ChampIOn & Baer, Inc Grosse POinte Real Estate Co JIm Saros Agency Ine Tappan & A'i'>ocldte" 1m Borland Johnston Associates of Earl Kelm Realty Coldwell Banker Real Estate Hendncks & Associates Realtors Schweitzer Real Estate Inc Wilcox Realtor'> Century 21 East In the VJ1lage Damman, Palms, Queen Realtors HIgbie Maxon Inc Realtors Shorewood E R Brown Realty Inc Youn~blood & Finn 1m Century 21 Lochmoor R G Edgar & AssocIates Johnstone & Johnstone Inc

Grosse Pointe A Unique Community

A RomantIC; Past As a Grosse Pomte resIdent, you 1I walk upon ground, th~t \\eH Ollll 1)1( ",\,11111'Illdr,h ,inti meadow haunts of deer, buffalo and beaver II was thIS profUSIOn 01 wildlile-pill" fl~h If

DUring Ipe cenltll)' Ih?t Ihey h.,ned f~r'11ecl ~nd 'Tl,1ecl \",/1, the 1(,(', I In,l,,.o< " ,n, I "I I, \ I "j

mfamous locatIOns were mdehbly named Fox Creek graveyard of the lox InJldn 111t10I1 IlI,h,dl !{\ltI \ 11(It .1 company of British soldwrs from Fort DetrOit were ambushed and kdled HAVE A HAPPY 4TH OF JULY WEEKEND From Pnstine to Prosperous After a brief penod under British rule the area btg.1l1 11<.,hhlo/ \ .1<.,111 \l1)['II'.1n settlement Its beauty and bounty made II an Ideal resort area for famille<.,from the gnl\\lng <11\ ,)1 Ihlf<\lt 'Be FIRST OFFERING - Trombley Road - Delightful FIRST OFFERING - Ul1Iver~lty - Three bed tween 1875 and 1925, Grosse Pomle became the elegant summer resldence-~nd then rum.lnu)1 h"l1l( "I 1,11111111" four bedroom, three and a half bath Colomal loom, one and a hdlf bath Colomal Pass who had amassed fortunes m lumber and automobiles In the midst of the lil\ I~h man",on<., Idrm «lll 11," ,1IId rl FamIly room With wet bal Dnd fil eplal.' thlOugh hdll to kItchen With bi eakfast drea sort ambiance, there gradually grew a year-round commumty of quality hom(~ for f.1Il1r!", Irom .111\\dn, ,,1 IIII Model n kItchen RecreatIOn 100m WIth walk Flonda loom Reci catIOn room Two cal ga out to gardens Wood deck overlooks clay ten lage 30x133 foot lot $122,000 ms court Two car attached garage 160x175 foot lot FIRST OFFERING - Notre Dame Three bed. loom, one and a half story reSidence on 60 foot lot Newer fUi nace With centlal all' Two car gal age Includes kitchen apphdnces at $124,000 JOHNSTONE & JOHNSTONE DREAMS CAN COME TRUE Umque and atTorda ble Ianch on the water WIth available dockIng NEW ON THE MARKET! faCIlitIes from your own dock Call us for par. tlculars 681 HAMPTON - OPEN SUNDA yt ThIS CAPE COD CHARMER hd" been I edone till ollghollt J!1d ud lIlg new kItchen, gleamlllg hardwood floors, carpeted lecreatlOn I Dam, IW\\ ('I 1111Jl,l« ,1Ilcl ;\IO!{EI FAIR ACRES - Substantial price reductIOn on SpacIOus accommodatIOns Include four Ill! ge bedrooms, two full bathlOOIll.., IlIL!' I,lllll h loom ,me! thIS charmmg SIX bedroom Farms Colomal handy back staIrway plus great closets and stordge space I Don't ml~'" thl.., In"t opl'n hOlhl,1 881 I eSldence Large rooms al e encompassed In 6300 over 5000 square feet of space It I~ one of the best buys m Grosse POInte, In a ternfic loca- 513 PEMBERTON - OPEN SUNDAY' NICELY MAINTAINED TUDOR lIllludp.., fnp 11l'd100Ill'> Ihlpp tlOn and IS one block from Lakeshore DrIVe and a half bathrooms, library, famtly room \\lth fireplace :\Iut'>chl. \ I ,,'I Ii I, "I, I ,I,,,, d'" I, Many extl as ImmedIate occupancy natural woodwork and new fUInacl' all on ]ovplv lal ~(' lot' 8R 1 O()I)O THREE MILE DRIVE - Beautiful I1c\\er home custom deSIgned fOl cunent owner Dt'n plu'> a 28 S ROSEDALE CT - Thl ee bedroom 1 anch Jl1 St IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY IS aVailable In thl'" :0 'elv, IUlge, centel CI,II,I',t( I" ,1\ Ii I" Iltll, foot family room With fil eplace FIve bed I oom", Clair ShOl es Great locatIOn otT Marter Raod four bedrooms, two and a half bathroom~, den and fdmdy room plu'" l\\o I' )lld, ilul II' H lound four baths and two lavatOlles Three cm attached 20 foot family room WIth fireplace Central porches - 3,000 square feet of fine accommodatlOn~1 Detatls at 884 0600 garage Large lot With tennis court Cent! al all' all Two full baths Two car attached gardge d many other amemtle~ WALK TO THE VILLAGE from thiS newly decorated thlee bedloom, one dnd a hall b,ltlllOOlll EIl~II',h LAKE SHORE ROAD - SpacIous semi ranch on Colomal offerIng updated kItchen, den, FlOrida room and filllshed ba<;pment plu" ne\\pl 1\11 Jl.l'P dnd McMILLAN ROAD - Dehghtful three bedloom 112x171 foot lot In Grosse Pomte Shores 23 roof NIcely pnced' 881-4200 Colomal Updated kitchen Unusual entrance foot family room WIth fireplace plus a 14 foot den First 11001'17 foot master bedroom Three and staircase 23 foot famIly room Newer roof SPACIOUS TWO.FAMILY has three bedrooms In each umt mcely updated With quality thloughout III large bedrooms on second Three full baths Alarm system Central all' Two car garage eludIng leaded glass and hardwood Ooors Excellent for owner occupancy (Jowel V,lt,lllti 01 1l1\ e..,t Shows pride of ownership KItchen WIth bUllt.ms including a Jenn-Alre ment 881-4200 ~FInIshed basement ~centraraIr Two car at tached garage Covered tel race STEPHENS ROAD - Great famtly home In the OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 heart of the Farms FIve bedroom ColonIal ST CLAIR COndOmInIUm With three bedrooms on Famtly room plus a paneled den Lovely gal second and fourth bedroom on thIrd First 681 HAMPTON - See dd db()\p lllld('1 NEW ON dens Inground pool Three natural fireplace" 11001' lavatory Two full baths Neutral decO! THE MARKET' 1 Two car garage New deck Two car garage

WATER FRONT RESIDENCE on Windmill POInte 271 MORAN - English COIOlll,t1 on .I f,,\ ollte Drive 150x400 foot lot ExceptIOnal Enghsh Fat m'> 'itl eet ha" IW\\ lonf III \\ (h II I \lId 1]('\\ deSIgned by Hugh Keyes WIth magnificent wa two and a hdlf cm g lJ .1/-(", 1111I Idl , 110('t' Iwd tel' VieW Two story hVlng 100m NIne bed loom", one dnd " IMII b Itlll 00111' 1.11gl' I'llml) rooms, eight baths and two lavatOries FamIly loom, kitchen \\Ith hi dkl,,,t nook lillhll('d room 20 foot Iibl aI Y Many more amemtles bdsement and 11e\\ 1'1 e1( I k R8 ~ OliOll Call for particulars

TWO F AMIL Y FLAT on BuckIngham Just outSide 513 PEMBERTON - Sl'[, ,Id ,1hmp uncl('1 NEW Grosse POInte In DetrOIt Two bedrooms In ON THE MARKt/1' ' each umt Exterior recently paInted Separate furnaces & diVIded basement, two car garagc 154 LOTHROP - GROSSE POINTE FARMS A Immediate occupancy on lower pnme Farms locatIOn offenng a well mallltamed 956 PEMBERTON - Check till' MA,JOf{ PRJ('E four bedroom, two and a half bathroom one and a ADJUSTMENT on thl" 10111 hi dloon,,, tlllce S COLONIAL CT In St ClaIr Shores Three bed ON QUIET LAKECREST LANE off Lake Shore half story WIth hbrary, large kItchen and bleak and d hall b,lthloom ('"lonl,11 \\ Ilh p'IIH'led loom, one and a half bath ranch bUilt In 1967 Road m the Farm'i SpacIOus five bedloom, fast room, 21 foot terrace and lots of lovely amem den, lil,>t 1100l l'llIlHh v .Ind 1hod n"nl qll,ll t Step down famIly room With fireplace PatIO WIth three and a half bath reSidence With umque ties' 884 0600 er'i - tlDle to <;Jll "d d out' 1--"11 12WJ floor plan 20x39 foot famIly room WIth bar awmng L shaped recreatIOn room With gas fire First floor laundry Alarm system Green. place Space for first floor laundry Two car at tached garage Price reduced house Great storage throughout SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT J SYCAMORE LANE - Built In 1983 thiS 3500 STEPHENS ROAD - GracIOus foUl bedroom, two MERRIWEATHER - AttractIVe English Colomal on larger lot olfel Il1g till l'l' lwdlOOIll'> nlH' ItHI 1 h,dl square foot Colomal offers four bedrooms, and a half bath Colomal near RIdge Road bathrooms, den, bIg kItchen WIth eatmg area and generou'i SCI!'pnpcl pOiL11'1m 11Iclt, ill II' ,11 bath" plu'i charming two room children''i extra room for nursery, 'ieWIng or Just slttmg' HEATHER LANE - FIVe bedroom, three and a 'iUlte 0\ a car attached garage $249,900 $142,500 881 6300 half bath Colomal on cui de 'iDC near North OUTSTANDING LAKE SHORE ROAD reSIdence High Famll; room has fireplace Privately ar ranged den or office Two powder looms Cov In Gro'i'ie POInte Shore'i Beautiful panoramIc QUAINT TREE LINED STREET offcrs four bed cred porch StudIO at I ear of garden Two car IT'S A GEM' Thl" Ce Large fam bedroom, famIly room - over 2,000 'iquarc per'ional re~ldence cvery step of the \V'l.\-I CIl,l1m I'> lom!llllld \\Ith Jly room Library With fireplae 33 foot garden feet of famIly !lVIng 881 6300 room Playroom, fir'it floor laundry Ma"ter comfort and COnWl1ll'I!t(' Illl IlIdlllg (, nil ,d III, bedroom ha'i two drc'i"mg room'i and two MT VERNON - Engh'ih 'ityled two btOly re'il electronic an CIP,11]('1 !l('dllllllli !l,1II1lotlll1" ,\11,1 bath'i Four dddltlOnal bedloom'i With three dence WIth three bedroom .. and one and a half 1ll.."lIatlOn and MORt' 1';\111111<'cI'IIl'" " ""1 bath" Three powder room" ThH'e car garage bath" 'iltuatcd on a nicely land'icaped double 4200 De,>lgncd by Hugh Keye,> lot Two car garage Pnce reduced to $ 1.15,000 PICTURESQUE COURTYARD, FRESH DECOR HANDY LOCATlO:-./ \lFW ) ()\\ PH)(' \Vh It

NEFF ROAD - Five bedroom, three bath condom more could you ask for III a convement CONDO? Th I'>one h Eng!l"h 'I (m n h",,'>, "I \ I. \I IIh 111111 III d DEVONSHIRE - BeautIful four hedroom, t\\O and IIlIUnJ townholl'ie With Florida room 27 foot rooms, two full bathroom'i (pltl'> lavatory In ha"rmenU, lir<'placp, 1]('\\ ,,II p' Illll g II I," ,1111Pill, d a half hath Colomal 20 foot f..mily 100m \\-Ith liVlllg room WIth fiz('place Np\\er kitchen for qUick ;,ale' 884 0600 fin'placl' nnd built m bookca"e Kitchen hn" cnblnetry Leaded gla'>'i wllldo\\,> Ternlic pla'i hreakfa<,t rrJom 80x167 foot lot T\~o cal at tel' moldlllg" and wood floors WIth marquetry LOVELY LARGE ROOMS III four bedroom, t\\O and a half h,lthlOOI1l (,,1"111,11 \\111 11I1I11I I",,'n 1111 tached garage border'i place and extensive fenced yard Great '>pace at $114,i500' 881 1200

HANDY CrTY LOCATION for four bedroom, two ann n h,df holthroolll BOIH: do\\ \I IIhi'll' h' " , ,t 1I1g ~ area, fireplace, fenced yard and two c,lr ~nra~p - could Iw olill/((I \\Ith "Ilil "I In 11\\ "I ,,,II, ,'P HC)MEQUrrY 'itudent apartment $109,000 881 6:l00 RELOCATION CENTER ' mIl 886-3400 83 kercheval avenue • grosse pOinte farms • ffiGBIE ',H ',11l1 I, michigan 48236 ~----@-y-@~~~~ ~m ~=;~~\ci WIlli __ ( ~ ,...._ ~ MAXON EMPLOYEE REA l TOR S RELOCATION GROSSE POINTE PARK GROSSE POINTE WOODS REALTORS(R) COUNCIL 16610 Mack 881-4200 19790 Mack 881-6300 I. ,..a '2n 10AA 10B ",\A •• ..,. ","v, ..... 'Wow Grosse Pointe News

~AMERICAN I"InV HOME SHIELD- ArnerICO s Home \IIIoIronty Company

~ 20439 MACK AVENUE E,~, 8'tMM ~t4tt, Grosse Pointe Woods "Where Baks and Fnends Are Made" 886.8710

GROSSE POINTE SHORES Large spra",hng OPEN SUNDAY 25 - 7 SYCAMORE Bland new 84 MAPLETON, G P FARMS Enchanting New '" FIRST OFFERING '" 977 ROSLYN, G P ranch OtTerlng three bedrooms, two bathrooms, - completIOn Ju!>t a few months away' FeatUles England style Colomal 111 the heart of the Farms WOODS - Sharp, clean, contemporary ranch fea - beautifully decorated m traditIOnal style - four family room, library, dmmg room, updated Include four bedlooms \Ioi Ith extl a large mastel turmg a super floorplan and locatIon, very well kltth( n RecreatIOn 100m Central air, !>pnnkler bedroom !>ulte contammg fiwplace wet bal, whul bedlooms - 101 mdl dmmg loom - hal dwood floors mamtamed and freshly decorated Features m 'ly!>tem pool tub Two story famdy loom, fil"t floor laun - fireplace - convemently located to "the HIlL" clude three bedrooms, formal dmmg area, natural dly GOUImet kitchen Not fal from the lake BUilt Price reduced to $139,900 Plan to stop by on Sun fireplace, central all', new landscapmg, and more' by BayPolnte De;,lgn Company day - Open 2 5 P m or call 882 0087 OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 P.M OR CALL 882.0087 '-" LAKESHORE DRIVE Spectaculal "One of a Kmd" reSidence WIth a commandmg View of the shorehne, .' thiS exclUSive home IS complete WIth a library, two master sUites WIth balcomes and prIvate baths, "r spacIOus entertamment center With wet bar and built-m stereo Gourmet kItchen With a connectmg deck patIO LIvmg room and famJly room WIth two way fireplace and wet bar Call today for a prI vate shOWing 882 0087

395 NOTRE DAME, G P CITY - Completely renovated condommlUm ready to move m - features m elude a new deslgnel kItchen, new furnace and central all', three bedrooms, two full baths, a den, and an enclosed balcony tel race, stop by for a personal mspectlOn - Open Sunday 2-5 p m 882-0087

WALK TO THE FARMS PIER - ThIS four bedroom Tudor IS aval1able for movmg m now! Totally re modeled and decorated from top to bottom - new kItchen WIth oak cabmets - hardwood floors _ prCTURE PERFECT INSIDE AND OUT Located GROSSE POINTE WOODS - Price Just reduced lead glass accents - call today for detal1s and a pnvate tour - (88KER) 882 0087 near the lake m Grosse Pomte Farms Budder's Very mce two bedroom Colomal Appliances m own home Only one year old! Decorated to perfec- cluded Family 100m RecreatIOn room Newer '" FIRST OFFERING x 863 BEACONSFIELD, G P PARK - "Land Contract Terms" - Quamt and cozy tIon Large gourmet kitchen 25x17 6 feet, wIth ad- Items II1clude fence, carpet m family room, storms two bedroom home - avaIlable for ImmedIate occupancy - appliances mcluded - substantIally ren JOll1l11gfamily room Three fireplaces Library, and screens, garage door, kitchen floor, disposal ovated and updated m last seven years - Open Sunday 2.5 p.m - 882-0087 first floor laundry room Master bedroom wIth fire- Assumable mortgage place, whIrlpool tub plus stall shower Marble CHARMING FARM HOME - Newly remodeled mtenor m 1987 Three spacIous bedrooms, formal dm. foyer, ceramIc tile In kItchen, laundry room and mg room, country kItchen, cozy den, and Ideally located Just a short walk to the Farms pIer. Call to~ powder room PartIally finished basement Bnck day 882 0087 patIO and garden walls Spnnkler system LAKESHORE DRIVE - BUIlt m 1987 thIS excitmg reSIdence must be seen to be apprecIated Spectacu. lar balcony style entry hall, gourmet kItchen With oak cabmets, four bedrooms, four full baths, four GROSSE POINTE WOODS - Approximately 2,700 square feet, meticulously mamtamed by the ongmal fireplaces, first floor SUIte, master sUite WIth JaCUZZIand sauna, prlce reduced to $580,000 - call to owner Features mclude four bedrooms, two bathrooms, powder room FamIly room With natural day for detaIls - 882-0087 fireplace, office on the first floor RecreatIon room Two car attached garage. Roof approxImately seven years old Furnace, central air and humidifier approximately three years old $134,00000 - BUYS a super Colomal on McMIllan m the Farms - Large faml1y room whIch leads to a NEW CONSTRUCTION - Ground breakmg scheduled Custom bUIlt by "BayPointe DeSIgn Co" Four bnck patIO - three bedrooms, formal dmmg room, updated kitchen and more, call today for a per~ bedroom Colonial located m choice Grosse Pomte City locatIOn Two full bathrooms, half bathroom sonal tour - 882-0087 First floor laundry room Fireplace m great room and master bedroom 20232 WOODCREST, HARPER WOODS Attractive custom built brick ranch With a great floor plan HARPER WOODS - Sharp two bedroom bungalow WIth large expansion on second floor. Bnck WIth alu. Three bedroom, natural fireplace, fimshed basement with recreation room, bar and lavatory minum tnm. RecreatIon room. NIcely decorated and clean, clean, clean BeautIfully landscaped Generous room SIzes and an attached garage All thIS and more for under $90,0001 Put thiS one at yard One and a half alummum SIded garage Grosse POinte School Dlstnct the top of your hst. 882-0087

ST CLAIR SHORES - One floor condommium Large balcony. Walk-m closet m bedroom Mamtenance HAWTHORNE, GROSSE POINTE WOODS. Move m now to thIS marvelous Dutch Colomal Totally re- fee mcludes heat. Walk to church, library, park and city office Amencan Home Shield warranty m- modeled and just waiting for your family I Beamed ceilmg m the famIly room, new glowmg kItchen, • •. eluded. Pric~ll'i:.""_ ~- ~ ..,.....r.'-~. ~~ new deok •.first floor laundry. new wmoows and-utaJtY"Il'!Ore amemtIes found in thIS three bedroom,- two full bath home. 882 0087

PRICE REDUCED FIRST OFFERING YOU WILL BE CAPTIVATED by the classic beauty of this French Chateau style residence The master sUite features a sIttmg room With fireplace, hIS and her closets, prlvate bathrooms and a private bal- cony. There are a total of four family bedrooms plus two servants rooms and a large fimshed thIrd floor Cherry paneled hbrary WIth connectmg patlO terrace, large hvmg and dmmg rooms, butler's pantry and breakfast room. Spnnkler and secunty systems Many wonderful amemties. Call today for your pnvate tour (93CLO) 882 0087.

TUDOR IN THE FARMS' Old world craftsmanship and detaIl hIghlight thIS extra speCIal home Five bedrooms, three and a half baths plus a lovely famIly room, formal dimng room and natural fire- place 111 the hvmg room Fire and alarm systems ThiS lovely, warm home ISjust made for a famIly (64LEW) 882-0087

GROSSE POINTE SHORES RANCH: EnJOYone floor hvmg! Three bedrooms, one and a half baths, lovely famIly room leadmg out to an adJommg deck, all on a large scemc lot Many lovely features mcludmg a salte foyer, bUIlt inS m the kItchen, extra full bath m the basement, sprmkler system You won't find all of thIS at a comparable price. Cnsp & clean three bedroom bnck ranch, large and paneled study m the basement ThIs one won't last long! (85LAK) 882 0087 FOUR bedrooms, TWO full bathrooms, newer oak hvmg room WIth natural fireplace, comfortable cabmets In the kitchen. A true famJly home With eating space m dmmg room With cellmg fan ENGLISH STYLE TOWNHOUSE CONDOMINIUM This gracIOUS umt has been very tastefully deco- beautlful hardwood floors on the first floor. Tel" Family room otTers a vIew of lovely shaded yard rated and mamtamed. Gourmet designer kItchen, large master sUite featurmg a private bath and rlfic study area on the second floor for the home Nice and tIdy neIghborhood m great locatIOn of three closets. LIbrary, formal dmmg room, four total bedrooms, plus three and a half baths Call to office Industnous student or creatIve artIst A Grosse Pomte Woods day for detaIls and to arrange your prIvate showmg (14StP) 882 0087 great home and a must see on your list $112,900

BEST OF BOTH WORLDS You can rent an almost new two bedroom condommmm m Wmdwood POInte for a year and If you deCIde you want to purchase the apartment condommmm, one half of the rent you have paId may be cred Ited to the purchaser price Rent now, buy later and have your landlord help you With your down payment

EAST DETROIT ranch All bnck, three bedrooms, one and a half bathrooms Lots of closet space m thiS well bUIlt home Year round Flonda and large country kItchen. The attached two car garage has 19615 Mack Avenue door opener and leads to a two car workshop WIth electnclty perfect for the handyman Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan 48236 882-0087 BRING OFFERS on thiS three bedroom bnck bungalow With newer roof, aluminum tnm and secunty system Wonderful updated kitchen that Includes the stove and refngerator Refil1lshed hardwood floors, a clean and bnght home that IS sure to please TWENTY FrVE THOUSAND dollar pnce reductIOn makes thiS petite Chateau even more deSirable A filtered lake View and lake breezes WIll help you to keep your cool Why there's even a sWImming pool Ready for your family In tIme for school POIITRAIT BRAND NEW DUTCH COLONIAL I GREAT AMERICAN INVESIDR Tzetzi Ganev came from Italy 15 years ago. Today she believes in Amenca She buys U S. Savings Bonds. Bonds pay Be the fir<;t family to live here No one else before A four bedroom. three and a half bathroom Dutch you' Four bedroom'!. With large closet'!, two and a Colomal WIthin walkmg dIstance of the VJllage competitive rates Tofind out half bathroom'l and ne....'lod that hac;Just been put Garden room. glassed and screened porch, butlers more, or to buy Bonds, call down A large kitchen }ou've al\loiays dreamed p,lI1lry and second floor laundry and more The 1~800-US~BONDS about WIth oak cabmetc; The dmlng room has nat. f.lmily room hac; a natural fireplace, random ural wood floor, .-lntlque chandelier and !>tamed Iwggl'r! floor<;. and vaulted cellmg Ma'!ter bath ~ .. g'la<;c;door" loom h.l'! heen recently remodelrd WIth a JaCU771 , ~,~~._~~~~I~~~'~~1 We're a team !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you can count on! 114 Kercheval 886.6010 G=l

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I'll"" ....._OWl"" U June 30, 1988 118 Grosse Pointe News

121 RIDGE ROAD - GROSSE POINTE FARMS GROSSE POINTE WOODS BUNGALOW - Very - Completely I'edecomted Semi Ranch WIth IIlce three bedroom home, fimqhed ba"emellt fOilI bedrooms, one and a half bathrooms, Flor- With wet bar and lavatory, updatl'd kltthl'll, Ida loom, filllshed basement WIth wet bar and large master bedroom OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 ~ CONSIDERING A lavdtOly, new kitchen With bUilt In apphances 3858 YORKSHIRE - Oil Mack Avenue thl'> Colo LOCH MOOR 20529 Van Antwerp, H. Wds. dnd skyiJght, plu:, more Call fOl details Open lIlal has three bedrooms, one dnd a half bath REAL ESTATE CAREER? SUllddY 802 Sunset Ln., S.C.S. rooms, updated kitchen, family loom, fire Come and talk to us place, carpeted basement With boo k<..a ...e" , 884-5280 1324 Aline, G.P.W. 19204 ROLANDALE HARPER WOODS 21043 Mack, about your RANCH - REDUCED - Three bedroom home Grosse Pointe Woods OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 plan!:. and aSptratlOns \\ Ith Flollda loom, attached garage, central 121 RIdge Road, Grosse Pomtp Farm" ,III Ii! cplace $74,900 Open Sunday 21128 Hunt Club, Harper Wood" 19204 Rolandale, Harpel' Wood, 1324 ALINE - LARGE thlee bedlOom, one and d hall bdthlOom lanch In a great locatIOn of Gro~"e 21128 HUN1 CLUB - HARPER WOODS BUN. POinte Wood'> VelY 1mge fanllly loom \\ Ith natUl al fil epldte, upgl aded kltthen Call 101 detallb (iALOW - GROSSE POINTE SCHOOLS - Cute homl:.' With thlee bedruoms, plus upstmrs YOUNGBLOOD & FINN, INC. 1541 HOLLYWOOD - MOVE IN CONDITION on this appeahng three bedroom ColoUlal 111 GlOsse ...Ittlllg loom, newel loof dnd furnace' Call to POinte Woodb Very lmge family loom \\Ith fileplace and cathedral ceding, upgraded kitchen ddY Open Sunday R E A L T o R s 19975 FAIRWAY DRIVE - APPEALII\G thll'e bedlOom, one aDd a half bath executive ranch In a qUIet BRICK COLUNIAL IN HARPER WOODS - Close 20087 Mack Avenue ~ (313} 886-1000 tul de bac 10 GlObse Pomte Wood'> Ldl ge loom biles, fn eplace, dttached gm age and much more to ,hoppmg dnd schoob Thl ee bedlooms, fam- Gm", Po,"" Wood' ~ Jiy 100IlI one and a half hathrooms, newer fur 1215 AUDUBON - ELEGANT five bedloom, three and a half bath EnghshTudor Colomal 10 the mObt nnte 19266 Edgefield Call fOl mOl e informa- de"ll eabll' lOCatIOn of GI OSbe POll1te Pal k Almobt completely refurbished and decorated Thlq home tion IS m mo\ e III lOn(l!tlOlI LUI ge l'lom SIze" Excellent 11001pldn" Call for all the detuI!b

22853 ALLEN COURT - OUTSTANDING LOCATION, UNIQUE one bedroom apartment style condom IIIlum 111 Lakebhore Vllldge VelY clean, move In conditIOn With apphanceb Immtdlatl' oc<"updnC)

802 SUNSET LANE - AMPLE t\\O bedloom, one bath condominIUm 111 a great locatIOn of S C S FavOl ably JUtdwd WILhlll the <..omplex, thl,>Ulllt hab dll apphances and very lal ge room sizes"

20529 VAN ANTWERP - IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY on thlb thlee-four bedroom, one and a half "tory bllck home 10tdted In the Grobse POInte school dlStllct of H Woods Oversized gardge, brick patIO

Ichweitzer.~Better Real E,tate, Inc. I I WIllH<:2m~~~

.' . ,"., . ~', ',.:'," t I', '. ',"~""'.':."'~- .~~:.". '~, "," ~. •

An inViting Enghsh Cotswold style home set In lovely, becluded gal dens IS the ultimate fanuly home offering SIX bedrooms and five baths All of the fine details you've come to expect al e hel e where old WOIld charm meets With updated convem- ence An old fashIOned bnck dnveway leads to an elegant pOIt cochere The l,'l and entrance hall WIth ItS gracIOus staIrway Invlteq you to settle In The bunken IIvmg room and the mastel sUIte offer bredth takmg views of the golf course. You'll love the newer kitchen With the IIlterestmg tiles and an eatmg "pace, the four fil eplaces, and the cozy library Please note the t!'d'i cl...e room With qauna and bath, the glassed fdmlly room \\ ith separate JaCUl:Zl, and the third floor playroom WIth two b( d100ms and bath Thlb 11> a home to be tl uly proud of Call today for yoU! pllvate showmg (H 54PRO) 885 2000

FIRST OFFERING' To be completed m Augu;,t, FIRST OFFERING' Walk to the HilI from tJlIS ell' FIRST OFI~ERING' You'll fall III love With thiS el- FIRST OFFERING' A lovely patIO off the ter 1988, thiS Glo,>se POInte Fal mq Colonl,l1 \\111 fea gant Glo'>'ie POinte Farms Engll';h Tudor boastmg eg,mt family home III the Park offenng a 1m ge lot. race hlghhghts the back yard surrounding thIS two ture custom woodwork thloughout, and beautiful of a cu"tom kitchen \llth white tile 110m and oak fir"t 1100l m,l ...tcl "u Ite, fin;t floor laundry. and bedroom Grosse Pomte Woods ranch With h'lI d mastel "'lllte With JacuzzI and one of foUl natm al cahmet'i, lead('d glas,>, beautiful hardwood floOl <;, falmly loom Call toddY on thl,) custom budt home wood floors. lots of storage, t\\O car attached ga fil l'place" Plan... avalldble fOl m"pectlOn (F and mOle' $167,500 fH 78MOR) 885 2000 $217 500 IH 2:lBUC) 885 2000 rage, and prime locatIOn $148,900

FIR~T OFFERING' fhlS "paclOu" family home In A DEEP LOT With attractIve landscaplllg IS homp NEWLY DECORATED Side entrance Colomal III DON'T MISS OUT on th .. opportulIlty to own thl'> Glo,,<;e Pomte Wood'> fr,lture<; an updated kItchen to thl' \lel1 mdllltal11ed foUl bedloom Eng-hsh style 11111111' F,II m'i locatIOn boasts of three bedrooms. completely updated Cox & Baker ranch With ,1 finJ<;hed IJ,I'E'ment \\ltl1 \\et har and half bath, ,ec home ofTf>nng two full baths, custom recreatIOn one and a half bath lOoms dmm~ room famIly nE'\\< kItchen, ope'l l!,'mg" "rea ovellookll'g be? !..!t , I ond flool l,wndIY, h\lIIg loom \\Ith natural file room, eat 111 kitchen, and filllshed baspment loom, I cr! ('at 1011room In baqement, and new car- fully landscaped yard. two Cdr dttached gdl age, placr, clnd ne\\ garagr dool $142900 fG 89HU~) You'll Im,l' the bpace' $124,500 fH 78HAM) 885 petmg Sel' It now' $155,000 (F 18MTV) 886 5800 and mamtenance free extenor $187,500 IF I 8864200 2000 39LEX) 886 5800 FIRST OFFERING' Tlw \\dl nJdll1l'l1IlPd Colomal HADNOR CIRCLE Charmlllg three 01 foUl hed ALL THE AMENITIES you 'ieek come With thlq YOU OWE IT TO your 'SLF to cdll on thl'> 111 Glosqe POinte Farm, I'" fl r<;h ,1lId clean \\ Ith room, t\\O hath, one and a half 'itory III pI mw quwt '1nd Ip...tflll thl pe bedroom ranch With se beautiful three bedroor- ~ ~anch With "111 pn f' 1110 Ill'd room ", OIl{' and a half hath , dmmg loom, Farm" locatIOn Featureq all new dl'cor, updated cludpd p,ltlO, ne\\el kitchen, air conditlonlllg, un back yard setting Or ~VlUde a finJ"hed ba e faml1~ loom ,md ga" gIll! 111 plOf( lOnalh land b

ROO~lY COLONIAL 'let near Ford E...tntl' In St Ui\lIQUE '\:\'1) IMPRESSIVE four bedroom Colo FIRST OFFERING! ExceptlOndl hVlng C,III he CI,lll Shof('<; fl'flture" a finished IM"( mpnt, family m,ll 111 thp Park boa"t ...of three bath'i, vaulted two- your'! In thl<; sharply decordted four bedroom Coin room \\lth ndtulal fileplac(' and d()()lWdll to p



19 OFFICES SERVING OVER 85 SUBURBAN COMMUNITIES June 30, 1988 128 Grosse Pointe News


SHARP bnck Tudor on Cadieux Three lal ge bed OPEN SUXDA Y 25, 955 W CRESCENT LANE, GROSSE POINTE WOODS Contemporary Cox & roomb with first floor bUlte, updated kitchen With Baker ranth featunng three bedrooms, beautiful bay window, fOlmal dining loom, den, and becunty REDUCEDI - Beautiful three bed I oom kitchen with bUilt In appliances and parquet floor, system QUIck possebslOn bnck Ranch, two and a half bathrooms, THIS ELEGANT FOUR BEDROOM cathedral ceilings. large sun dec.k In yard with gas full finished basement with "aloon Cape Cod features IIbral y, attached ga barbeque. and attached two car gal age QUick oc- style bar Two cal attached gdrage, rage, two mastel bedloom sUites with cupancy' lalge corner lot, pnme locdle Pllced at tull bathlooms Bonus loom on second BY APPOINTMENT only $220,000 11001 All the dmenltles Pllced to sell' Call tOl appointment GROSSE POINTE WOODS GROSSE POINTE FARMS

OVERLOOKING shippmg NEWL Y decorated one and a THREE bedroom bnck ranch channel, thiS duplex mcome half story residence In the In Grosse POinte Woods' Two property features two Units Farms Ideal famIly home of natural fireplaces. hardwood with three bedrooms each, for. fers two full baths, kitchen floors throughout, and com mal dining rooms, separate with breakfast room, musIc pletely fimshed basement With LOVEL Y THREE BEDROOM Colomal room, two car garage and wet bar and half bath Close to In chOIce locale. Newer furnace, Florida utilities and waterside plcmc BEAUTIFUL three bedroom, one and a area on beautiful Harsen's Is. more! schools room, two car garage, full basement, half bathroom Colomal FamIly room, one and a half bathrooms Home IS landl finished babement, pnme location Too truly a pleasure to see many featul es to mentlOn.

GROSSE POINTE SHORES FIRST OFFERING GROSSE POINTE FARMS REDUCED' Lovely turn of the century ThiS chal mmg three bedroom bnck farm Colomal, prestiglOus 10catlOn, bungalow features a cozy atmo- master bedroom wIth French doors, sphere, half bathroom m master walk out deck Newer furnace, Sid- bedroom ProfessIOnally land mg, CIrcular drive, refinished scaped, very well main tamed Call floors, too many features to men- fOl detaIls ST. CLAIR SHORES two bed. NEW carpetmg, new stove, RIVIERA TERRACE one floOl tion. Call for an appomtment. room brick ranch Large fenced Mutschler kitchen wIth washer condominIUm offers two bed- yard, finished basement, and dryer, central air and rooms and two full baths Plu~ FIRST OFFERING first floor Idundry facllitles, heated FlOrida room, and two more m thiS two bedroom HARPER WOODS car garage! Also, LakeView apartment style end umt m carport, boulevard VIew, exer- ESTABLISHED restaurant, five bUIld school distrIct and immediate Lakeshore Village' PrIced in CIse room, and storage area Ings, five apartments Excellent 10 occupancy the low 60's Immediate possesslOn' cation Great cash flow Call for detal1~


CALL 886.4444 - 24 HOUR SERVICE gntu121 THIS LOVEL Y three bedroom brick MEMBER INTERNATIONAL ranch features two car attached garage, EAST IN THE VILLAGE REFERRAL SERVICE 1.SDO-523-2460 EG02 family room, kitchen wIth bUllt-ms, 16824 Kercheval Ave .• G.P. natural fireplace, full finished base Lllh otrl

FIRST OFFERINGS ************************ OUTSTANDING CONDITION and specIal FIRST OFFERING Hats 0tJ toAmerica features mcluding Mutschler kItchen, famIly room, extra deep lot, newer fur- nace With central air ThiS one owner On the 4tIt home shows years of care mSlde and out- Side Won't last

WOODS FOUR BEDROOMS WONDERFUL SUHPRISJ<, awaits you upon Well mamtaIned 2,100 square foot Colomal entermg thl~ three bedroom. two and a half SINE REALTY near all school'>. two fireplace'> mcludmg bathroom Colomal on a deSIrable "M" 'itreet IT'S WORTH VOliH TIME large famIly room, newer carpeting and de In the Farms Large modern kitchen With TO CALL SII':E ... cor throughout SpaclOu<, Wide lot, two car eating space, a state of the arts master bath garage room New WIndows, hardwood floor'>. up GROSSE POINTE PARK dated electrical and plumbmg systems

FIRST OFFERING - BIshop at 1«('1 ell( v,ll. c('ntel entrance. Tudor GROSSE POINTE SOUTH IS Just a few steps NEAR BROWNELL - Completely renovated ,>tyle. two ,>tory. hllCk, thl ('(' bedloom." one and a half hath'>. away from thl'> LINCOLN ROAD En- RIV ARD FARMHOUSE - Charmmg home three bedroom Colomal Hardwood floor'i, large formal dmmg loo-n. lle\\('! kltdH'n ....llh nook. '>un room. glish style home Four bedrooms, three adaptable to your needs Thl ee bed natural fireplace, remodeled kitchen WIth all t\\O car gal nge. TIltht '>ee and a half bathroom'i, beautIful famdy rooms, two full bathlooms. modern new appliances Beautifully decorated m the room WIth fireplace and 120 foot Wide kItchen WIth bUIlt InS Recent Improve la~t year Updated bathroom WIth new van GROSSE POINTE WOODS lot ments mclude ga'> forced air furnace, fin lty Large beautIful deck Bnng your flls,>y l'>hed ba<,ement, roof. ,>torms, and FIRST OFFERIN(, - BOllrnemout h off :\fack three hedloom". one buyers' '>CIeen'" dnveway and ,) half b,lth.,. bnck. ('olonHll updated kltchf'n. fir'>t floor la\ aton. fim,hpd ha,>pnll'nt g.t1 19l' SPACIOUS FAMILY ROOM rt5xI.'3 feetl and OPEN SUNDAY 2-4 PM. other fealure., .,uch a., ,I drep lot, a roof GeorgIan Colomnl. gH'.lt Wood" IOCdtIon fOlll bpdloom'i. tv. a and a new In 198') . .,prlllkier o:;y,>temand new CONDO - Luxury < I/O bedloom condoml 21212 Newca~tle, Harpel Wnod'> - Super half bathloom.,. fir'>t 11001 l'lllnc!n. Ill,hlll bed I oom \\ Ith hnth nlum on the golf course In St Clair dnvew8) make thl<' three bedroom Cola Colomal features three bedroom." one and a Shore'i One story umt With large patIO, room and Ore.,,111g ,II ea <'plll1kil'l .,\.,U m front ,lI1d I ear nlal a mu.,t on your 'ihoPPlng list half bathroom'!, formal dmmg room, natm al double garage and many deluxe features FISHF:R ROAD 10c.ltlOn and great curb fireplace, PLUS central 81r and ql1lck occu mcludmg fireplace, crown molding,> and appeal pancy beat the heat and don't miss out' OPEN SUNDA Y 2 .'30 TO [) - RO'ih 11 :\1.11 tel . .,evpn loom, hllCk all ceramic tIle bathroom and lavatOly ('olomal. thl ce hedroom.,. f,lI111h loom. eatll1g "pnce In kItchen, LINCOLN ROAD - Lovely th'ec Iwdroom. formal dmml-( 100m. nnlmal filf'pl,!lp t\\o car g.llrlge RANCH - $$ HEDUeED - In Gro~qe one and a half hath room Tudor ,>tyle VAN BLVD - Lovely large Colo111al In at Pomte Wood'> Home feature" four bed home m great locatIOn Newer kItchen, lrrlctlve area of St ClaIr ShOll''> Family rooms, two full hnthroom'>. kitchen With roof. gutter'i and many more updnted GROSSE POINTE FARMS room WIth natural fireplace. fir'lt floor bUllt.m appll" t hrl'(, bedroom, hrlck. l,lllCh 1<11 gl' family kIt rhpn cal pet family room. ne\', land'lcapmg Fall 1988. mce yard Near '!chool'>. 'ihoppmg Hnd 1I1J.(.two cal. lrieal ~tartel homp two car attached garagl' and more tI An'lportHt Ion finished ba'lement

Manor ChalfontI'. PRICE REDlJCI-~J) nIL(' (hi PI' })('d, oom two hath room, hllck. bungalo\\. form,tl OIl1Il1J.(loom f\lll ha<,emlnt. t ....o car, o\\nl'r an,\IO\l" 16845 KERCHEVAL SINE REALTY I'IN THE VILLAGE'1 882-5200 MULTILIST SERVICE FARMS OFFICE 18412 MACK 884-7000 , June 30, 1988 138 Grosse Pointe News

~ I • tI'_~ ~ ,11111'aI II . Grosse Pointe Board of REALTORS'" REALTOR'IB EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY- - THE PROPERTIES LISTED ON THESE PAGES ARE OFFERED , EXCLUSIVELYBY MEMBERS OF THE GROSSE POINTE BOARD OF REALTORS r*TAPPAN*AND*ASsociATEs**~ : of : ,.. ,.. FABULOUSL Y A NEW OFFERING A NEW OFFERING REDECORATED ~,.. 90 KERCHEVAL • 22604 MACK AVE. ~,..* :: GROSSE PTE. FARMS, MI48236 ST. CLAIR SHORES, MI48080 :: 313-884~200 313.nS-6200 : REAL ESTATE : : HOMES WITH FLARE!! : ,.. * : DECLARE YOUR INDEPENDENCE m thIs lal ge SPREAD THE NEWS ON THIS REVOLUTION : Elegant GeorgIan style Colo- ,.. t\\O bedroom home \',lth n:ltUl:ll firepbce :md <\RY "ooel ill' 11 II' (~I 0""" Po,ptl' Woocl" Thl" ,.. mal olfd'" fi"" ueehVVJlI" With ,.. first 1100r laundry Vote for thIs affordable two b;droom bnck r,lnch has lovely deck off : 309 MORAN - SpacIous walk.m closets and three and a : bungalow kItchen and more ,.. half baths The master bed- GIObse Pomte Farms Colomal 655 S ROSEDALE - SpacIOus * ,.. featuleb a lalge hnng loom, room mcludes a full private ,.. BOMBS BURSTING IN AIR ::c.Llldn't draw emlUgh LIBERATINGLY LOW PRICE on thIS four bed ,.. Colomal offerb a family room bath and large balcony famIly loo'm, 1m mal dinIng With I aIsed hearth fireplace, : attent10n to thIS Albert Kahn Vlctonan home room, two full bath bungalow In the WOODS : loom, model n kitchen WIth FamIly room WIth natural fire ,.. WIth four famlly SIred bedrooms Combines updated kitchen, natural fireplace, new ce- ,.. huge kItchen, formal dmmg place and wet bar, lIbrary, for evel y convemence, flmshed loom, four bedrooms, two and ~ ~~~~~nlo;;~~on modern convemences Superb ramlc 11001 In dinIng room Owners trans : mal dmmg room, spacIOUS bdsement \' ,th half bath and a half baths, centl al all, recre ;: ferred Must sell' ,.. kitchen WIth generous eating natu! al fil eplace, newer roof, dt10n 100m m basement, brand fUl nale and water tank A area, finished basement, three : A REVOLUTIONARY GOOD IDEA' Would WIn : new cal petmg dttached garage must see' car attached garage, central ,.. the war WIth the competIt1On on this condonn SIGN YOUR JOHN HANCOCK ON THIS DEAL ,.. dnd mOle' vacuummg system and more' ,.. nium lotated on a qUlet cuI-de sac Offers cen OF THE CENTURY No compromIses' No ,.. ~ tral all', carport, full basement and more shm t cuts' LIve lIfe to the fullest m thIS four : A FIRST OFFERING A FIRST OFFERING ::: Hurry' bedloom quad level SpeCIal attent10n to easy ,.. ;: mamtenance,.. GROSSE POINTE ,.. MAKE LOTS OF NOISE about the money you'll ,.. WOODS ,.. save m thIS attractIve two bedroom, two bath HISTORIC GOOD VALUE can be found In thIS ,.. : condommlUm WIth contemporary decor beautIful turn of-the century four bedroom Col : ,.. Elegant basement WIth recreat10n room and omal one half block from lake Tastefully deco ,.. wet bar rated home WIth large yard ,..* *,.. ,.. CELEBRATE YOUR SAVINGS ANNUALLY In WIN YOUR FREEDOM m thIS three bedroom: : thIS lovely three bedroom bnck I anch WIth starter home WIth neutral decor, electnc ga ,.. ,.. newer furnace WIth central all', carpetmg and rage door opener, alarm system, large wol ,.. ,.. roof Recreat10n room WIth wet bar and more mamzed deck overlooks backyard ,.. 19901 LOCHMOOR - Harper ,.. ,.. Woods beauty features Grosse 592 CADIEUX - FantastIc ,.. ,.. Pomte schools Three bedroom ,.. ,.. foUl bedroom, thl ee and a half bnck ranch WIth Flonda room, ,.. ,.. bdth condomInIUm Huge mas finished basement, modern tel' bedroom SUIte, IIbl az y, nat : Have a Happy and Safe 4th of July : MARTER.8 MILE AREA kItchen WIth bUIlt m apph- ,.. ural fireplace, modern kItchen, ,.. ances, two car garage, more ,.. ,.. and formal dInmg room A Decelvmg lal ge bnck two Won't last at $79,9001 Call for ,.. ,.. bTJeat buy at $189,900 Call fot stOl y WIth four bedlooms, one an appomtment an appointment dnd a half baths, fimshed base *********************************************************** ment, cllcular dnve, den, huge GREAT CAREFREE LIFESTYLE kitchen and great neighbor hood, :1>145,000 Call for an ap pomtment INCOME POTENTIAL


•\ 23031 COLONY - Spauous 2190 92 VERNIER - BeautI- St Clair Shores CondomInlUm ful 616 two famIly bnck mcome • offers a 20 foot liVing room located m Grosse Pomte and one 20 foot long bedroom, one and a half bathrooms, din Woods Both umts feature a spac10us hVIng room, kItchen 109 area, modern kItchen, car port, gym and JacuzzI dll 10 WIth dInIng area, two bed- rooms and separate electrIC cated on a pnvate streetl * FIRST OFFERING * * FIRST OFFERING * and furnace meters, two car garage and fabulous aI ea A great buy, $139,900' SHOPPING CENTER IN 365 LAKESHORE - Fabu WATERFORD MICHIGAN loubly renovated "Vlctonan" $897,000 m pnme, pnme 10cat1On aCloss HERE'S A BUY from Grosse Pomte Farms plCl' 370 foot lot Four natural 24722 MEADOW CREEK TrIple net leases, fabulous 10 iiI eplaces, one In the master Located In Harl'lson Town- catIOn, assumptIOn terms bedloom sUIte_ Ndtural wood ShIp thIS sharp two bedroom available, call broker for Pro and leaded glass Updated townhouse condominIUm of Forma Mutschlel kItchen WIth sub fers a kItchen WIth built-In zelo and all bllllt illS Great appliances, central all', one $3 MILLION DOLLAR Oldster bathroom complete and a half bathrooms, fin APARTMENT COMPLEX WIth JacuzzI The thll d 1100r IS Ished basement and attached bedutIfully finished off IOtO an garage EXTRAORDlN ARY GEORGIAN COLONIAL de EXCEPTIONALL Y CHARMING CAPE COD on elaborate c,eICI<,e faCIlIty SIgned by Robert Dernck Truly magmficent detaIl qUIet Glo<;se POInte Farms cui de sac Featured m -Excellent Sterhng Heights FlI;,t 1100l l,w ndt y loom, wrap In the moldIngs, fireplaces and woodwork The hv the DetllOt Free Press and Grosse POInte House 10cat1On 64 umts WIth room aJ ound vel .'> not one of those lly bedrooms With appropnate bathrooms fect httle house WIth bIg entertaInIng potential beauty salon, very large central all' and prestigIOus functIOnally oh<;olete manslOn<; Addlt10nal bedrooms and bathrooms are III the c;er gI os<;, great m ve'>tment fell" 10cat1On' I vant WIng along WIth a convement apartment The New <,tOIms and <;CIeens, IMPECCABL Y MAINTAINED HOME near Star owner operator, $150,000 newel roof, highly cnel gy em laVish use of m&rble, outstandIng chandelIers and of the Sed has jmt been REDUCEDl Large IIv Ask for Paul Dchem cIPnl dno only ,11100 square sconces plus the Sizeable double lot make thiS the mg mom, fOJmal dIning room, new kitchen A REAL TREASURE I feet most deSirable property offered on a pnme v, Ith bUIlt mc;, family room WIth natural fire GROSSE POINTE FARMS street Phone for add place, cozy den, three bedrooms, two and a UNBELIEVABLY REDUCED t10nal detaIls half bathrooms two car attached garage, cen TO $139,9001 tral an and much more Call for further de GREAT F AMIL Y LIVING features In thIS four tails and an appomtment today bedroom, two and a half bathroom center en trance Colomal Hardwood 1100rs, ceramIc PERFECTION' Wonderful three bedroom, two and $1,9 MILLION DOLLAR tiled bathrooms, breezy screened porch and a half bathroom Farm Colomal In the Wllld WAREHOUSE FACILITY outstandmg condItIOn are only a few of the mIll POInte area close to the lake Manyexcep Important details tlOnal fedture'l - Mutschler kItchen, hardwood 105,000 square feet plus an and parquet 1100nng, central all', and cheery addI twnal 15,000 square foot 791 WESTCHESTER - Mag mficent four bedroom, two and NEAT AND ATTRACTIVE best descnbes thl<; gal den room Phone for further details hIstone office bUlldmg. 65 three bedroom, one and a half bathroom bnck acres, Detroit waterfront area. a half bath bnck Colonial fea Colomal In the Woods Natural fireplace In A WEALTH OF LIVING IS In <,tore for you In thIS Ask for John Costa_ tures a spacIOus and modern hVIng room, cozy den are Just a few of the five bedlOom Colomal, three full bathroom'!, 4R4 ALLARD - Thl'> 1<;Gro<;.,e kitchen, liVing' room, formal dining room, famJ1y room, at amemtle'l of thIS move nght In home large modern kItchen, Flonda room and a Pomtp Fm m<;' he<;t buv' Thll'e tached garage, huge lot and beautIful wood deck Don't ml<;<;thIS one' bpdloom, two dnd a half bllth terrIfic price OPEN SUNDAY 2-4 bl'lck ranch om'l <; a family REDUCED FOR 275 ROOSEVELT - A HOLIDAY SPECIAL YOU WILL BE DELIGHTED to see thIS outstand room With n.llural flr<>plar<>, QUICK SALE Substantial pnce reductIOn on thl'l elegant Inl{ and Impeccably maIntained four bedroom, fir<;t 11001' laundry, full ba<,e MACK CADIEUX AREA condominIUm All the spaCIOUSnC'lS of a homc three bathroom French Colomal combinatIOn ment, FlOlldd room, hllge Cld<,<, C Liquor Llcen<,c In MANY great hou<;c<, from and none of the maIntenancc wornes Stop In overlook<; a deck and well land'lcaped yard kitchen v,lth buIlt Ill<' - undel Warren, Michigan $:l5,OOO, $29,900 to $50,000 to choose Sunday' pnced at $1 '19,900' ('.111 today ca<;h only' Call for more de from Super 11.1'<>8- great for a prl"" lC' <,howlllg lall<, pnces'

MEMBER CHAMPION~BAER ~ EMPLOYEE Jim Saros Agency, Inc. RELOCAllON REALTORS COUNCIL 17108 Mack, Grosse Pointe, MI 884-5700 886.9030

...... ~ June 30, 1988 Oro_ Pointe New. 148 blc, bachelor of general studies; McFeely Jr., bachelor of science administration; Elaine M. Glu. - Among University of Michigan Paula A. Milhion, Jennifer M. Other bachelor's degree recipi. Kurt S. Halsey, bachelor of in engineering in electrical engi- sac, master of business adminis. students who received degrees at Amel, Kelly M. Champion, ents are Pointers Paul J. Bau- tration; Michael J. Guest, Doc. tista, bachelor of science in engi. business administration, Janie neering; Kevin D. Murphy, April 30 commencement cerem()- Ranya E. DeJani, EUzabeth A. tor of Dental Surgery; Carey A. neering in aerospace F. Holley, bachelor of fine arts; bachelor of science in enginering nies are Grosse Pointers Nora Dennehy, Kathryn M. Eckel, Kelly, master of architecture; engineering; Todd A. Bin- Andrew E. Johnson, bachelor in mechanical engineering; Y. Abessinio, James R. Aley, James F. Gillooly, Thomas F. John D. Martin, master of busi. kowski, bachelor of science in of science in computer engineer- Bradford G. Peterson, bache- Monica Drane, Catherine M. Hatcht Jennifer A. Hoetin" ness administration; Katherine computer engineering; David R. ing; Brenda M. LaChapelle, lor of science. Caruso, ChriBtina L. Cramer, Carolyn J. Huebner, Maryjo L Bradley, master of arts; Mi. Boyle, bachelor of science in bachelor of science in nurs- Grosse Pointe residents who Peter C. Cubba, Kevin P. Kalmar, lJnda E. Keyes, Mat.- chael D. Hershey, master of computer engineering; Edward ing; Robert L Lillich, bachelor received advanced degrees from Duffy, DomeDic J. Ferrante, thew W. Lane, Eric D. Pear- science in engineering; John A. W. Buchanan, bachelor of sci- of science; Scot R. Allen, bache- U of M on April 30 include, Ben- Daniel S. Follis, Richard J. SOD, Jean M. Pfaendtner, EUz. Markus, master of business ad. ence; Paul F. Decker Jr., bach. lor of science; Kimberly A. nett C. Birgbauer, master of Garnon, John P. HeDlien, abeth J. Prost, Kai &erin" ministration; and Suzanne elor of science in engineering in Hudson, bachelor of science; business administration; Ste- Frank T. Hilble, Mark Holley, Jennifer L. Ward, lJndley H. Smucker, master of science. mechanical engineering; Karen Jeffrey E. Kline, bachelor of phen N. ControuliB, master of Eric W. Kratochw1ll, Frank J. WhIte, and Martha R. Young, J. Fellows, bachelor of business science in engineering in me- . busineBB administration; Lewis Martilottl, Katherine J. Maa- bachelors of arts. administration; Gwen E. 0010- chanic9Jengineering; WWiam J. B. Fisher, master of business • troianD!, Jamel W. McHenry,

By Points Pat Rousseau Unique birthday gifts for the creatIve child ... HATCHER. MOORMAN'S-- TRAVEL-- Visit Leningrad, USSR in See the brand new ~ indoor and outdoor items style on Royal Viking's cruise ultra suede fashion~ HtMi4l 'O~ for summer fun, plus to the Great Capitals of the from Count Roml "'-...... -- travel activities. Closed North. Ports of Call also in- including smart skirts, blazers, and coats Mondays in July. Summer Imagine a comfortable spot where the clude Denmark, Norway, Fin. . . . also Count Romi rainwear. From an- hours 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m .... 21423 Mack tots can be out from under your feet on land, and Sweden. Call us for other designer there's a handsome reverSl- Avenue, 777-3535. Free parking in front. rainy days ... where the school-agers further details, 882-2327. Stop ble coat in amber ultra suede at Marw * * '" can do their whooping on holidays ... by 19869 Mack Avenue. Open Saturdays Dinon. The Summer Clearance Sale con- where the teens can take their friends tinues with up to 50% off . . . 16839 Ker- 9 a.m .. noon. SPECIAL ON and their blaring transistor sets ... and ...... cheval in the Village, 882-5550 . CUSTOM PIC- where the whole family can enjoy infor- ... '" '" TURE FRAM- mal, happy times together. A CARE- ING: Until Sep- FREE FAMILY ROOM! The way to get it You'll enjoy Summer- edmund t. AHEE jewelry co. tember 1, we are . .. is to call CUSTOMCRAFT. They'll time even more when WI'~ help you with skilled workmanship and )I'lll )~~I xtlll I~I offering a 10% discount on any custom you're feeling fit and The Capuchin Souper Summer Celebration frame for current 1988 hlgh school diplo- . . . a room you'll be proud of. If your healthy. Summer is an excellent time to VII will be held at 8 p.m., July 15 at the home has shortcomings, don't go through begin your Vital Options exercise pro- Thomas Crystal Gardens. Raffle tickets are $1 mas, class photos or certificates. Just mention this ad ... 18743 Mack Avenue the chaos of moving. Instead, discuss gram. Our air-conditioned studio is con- each with 1~ of the proceeda of the raffle goin, to the Capuchin Soup Kitchen. First (three blocks south of Moross) . .. 881- your needs with CUSTOMCRAFT, the veniently located in G.P. Village. Call us prize Is a diamond tennis bracelet with a dial 3030. remodeling experts who do everything at 884.7525. mond necklaceo7 caratl total weight. Raffle Summer hours: Monday-Friday, from idea to move-in on any home im- '" ticketl available at 20189 Mack at Oxford, provement, inside or outside. For any ap- 8864800. Open Friday. until 8 p.m. Admi •• lon 10 a.m.-S p.m. Thursday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m., i. free. Ca.h bar, compementary hore d'. Saturday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Closed Fourth of pointment, without obligation, call today, 18332 Mack Avenue between Moran and METROSKI & SPOIlS oeuvre •• uMUllc, MUllc, MUlic" i. the theme July weekend. ,.. Low, low prien ODall our .hoe •• with two banda, Sun Me.sen,er. and Smllin, McKinley, 881.1024. Facel. It's alway. a peat party for a very tine Now you've lot lome more to choOR '" ... '" Either for the boat or for the peeD. cause. Better than you've ever HeD III III Adding to your wall decor? Now you can Lisa's suggests you celebrate the Fourth If your old .hoe. are di'll'acing Special from Almay save 30% off all prints, You know they're way beyond replaclng- hypoallergenic eye ~-;}A!t. oil paintings, rem- of July m red, white, Try our.; we think you Ihauld arques, classic repro- makeup remouers ... and blue ensembles. (Hey, at Iealt cOD.ider the neighborhood.) duction prints all beau- Choose cotton shorts, 20848 Mack Ave. at Country Club, 884-6860. four different kinds plus Apothecary Shop tifully framed at 17844 Mack Avenue between tops, and skirts to ...... an eye makeup corrector Rivard and Waabington. Don't miss seeing (smudge-free), now spe- r;...... them and saving ... 885-8817. mix and match . .. some with nautical dally priced, $1.99 each ... * ... themes. Sizes 14-26. The sale continues at Trail Apothecary, 1~1 /:' ~ wlth up to 75% off at 19583 Mack Ave- [LAMIA] Kercheval on the Hlll, . e nue,882-3130. SALON FOR MEN AND WOMEN 881-5688. * * * ...... '" lZf1'60LD'n61flS month51: o~ir::~of FACTS YOr MAY NOT KNOW: HAm July is the ruby. We have an excellent Jewel Tone prints in selection of ruby and diamond earrings, CONNII'S . STIYI's PUCI Natural blondes are more susceptible to Jhc. shops of tM \t ~ silk, poly and challis rings and pendants at 23402 Mack Ave- Super Summer Sale! Save J,.2 off all sun damage because it has less pigment are arriving daily from wa OI\.rt~rC~ nue, south of Nine MIle, St. Clair Shores, summer merchandise for infants, boys, and to protect it. Adrianna Papell. Elizabeth Barrett and An- 772.4220. girls and teens. Tank tops, t-shirts, swimwear, thony Sicari. to name a few. See a glimpse of shorts, and more. It's worth the drive to Mack our fall dress collection and pick up a summer * * * Average hair loss a day is 60 to 80 Avenue one block south of 9 Mile, 777-8020. bargain at the same time ... 16828 Kercheval, '" * * Residue from conditioner can cause dull, 884-1330. Dream of living on the lakefront? LAK- lifeless hair '" * * EVIEW CLUB makes your dreams come true. You can live in one of the charming Hair, Skin and Nails on the Hill La Strega BoutIque LA STREGA One-shot water animals are a de- Georgetown style brownstone homes on 884-1710 A ... Summer Sale at BOUTIQUE lightful way to beat the heat. Perfect Lake St. Clair with a million dollar view 131 Kercheval on the ... for pool or bath, they are a new treat ~ at one fourth the price. Your home will Hill! All summer fashions 20% off. Our '" '" from the School Bell, 17904 Mack be spacious, 2,500 square feet with at- old location at 63 Kercheval is now .' Avenue, 886-1159 . tached garage, a traditional fireplace in closed ... 884-8663. - Open Monday- , For the traveler we * * * the living room and a see-through fire- Saturday 9:30 p.m ..5:30 p.m., Friday un- Ii have leather shaving kits, place dividing the master bedroom suite e S til 7 pm. z; , travel shoe shine kits, from the luxurious bathroom area. Heat- * * * ~ cloth travel garment, ing and cooling by Weather King with a travel alarms, travel coffee makers at epowte gOS~iOt\'S five year warranty on parts and labor. 17140 Kercheval in the Village, 882-8970. Save on a good selectwn of fashion's for Visit the beautiful model by interior de- ... '" '" summer at 20% to 50% off in 23033 Mack signer, Rick Carmody of Hudson's East- EDWIN PAU1. SA1.0N Avenue, St. Clair Shores, 774-1850. land Design Studio. Open every Saturday Summer Special! If you're too * '" '" and Sunday 1:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m., Friday busy to get a tan, Edwm Paul lS Let us cat.pT your Th_ M""rry Mouse 1 offering one month of indoor summer p~rties. 111'-' 1 Iv p.m.-6 p.m. Other times by appoint- ment 774-6363. Visit LAKEVIEW CLUB, tanning for $50. Evening ap- ~eur al~~cn~:n Lamp Sale save 20% off and more on , Jefferson at l11h Mile soon It is the talk pointments available at 20329 b:Caf~ LfJ Chat most lamps over $50 at Wrlght's Gift /., kets with delicious treats. And for boaters ... of Grosse Pointe! Mack Avenue, 885-9001. try our bag or box lunches .• , Notre Dame and Lamp Shop. 18650 Mack Avenue, free parking next to the building, 885. '" * '" and Kercheval in the Village, 884-9077. * * * ... '" ... 8839. '" '" '" S M T W T s Jacobson's ' has a great selectwn of 9?J~amt $teUlJ &Il~ 3 4 5 6 7 8 ~ Dates to note: Wednes- EUf!llszewski CohflU.ct 1sabelleS moderately priced separates. Neo-classtc clock, stgned dl Martt, Pans 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 day, Ju1y 6 eIlJoy. a com- Also dresses, petite 4-16, regular 6-20 at 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Just Arriued! New shipment of hand 18611 15414 Mack Avenue, Grosse Pomte ", 25 26 27 28 29 30 plementary makeover by 20148 Mack. AMPLE FREE PARKING. woven Dhurrie rugs, on sale 25% off, Park, 886-7544. Lancome or Christian Dior. One Wednes- '" ...... 21435 Mack Avenue, 776-5510. day, July 7 makeovers are available by '" '" '" ... Estee Lauder or Chanel ... 10 a.m. . '" '" 5 p.m. For appointment call 882.7000 ex The Notre Dame Pharmacy has a wide SUE'S BRIDAL formal fash. 136. Jacobson's in the Village. selection of sun tan products, sun blocks, Y'~~ ~J1!4 Fourth of July Spe. ions, brides and brides maids gowns, 8pecial cocktail dresse8, prom dresses ... all new de. sun screens up to 50 Sol-Bar paba free. cial! Brand new at Personally Yours. Martex '" '" '" and Royal Velvet, twelve colors - the com. signs at 24609 Jefferson between 9 and 10 MUe There are also special ones for infants plete IIne8 and NOW we will m\lnogram them Roads, S.C.S. 774..()404. and young children, Kercheval in the Vil- FREE at 18747 Mack Avenue, 882.3680. '" '" '" Thank you note. to write? lage ... 885.2154. The Leape Shop ha. a lood '" '" ...... '" ... "1k lie selection of note paper. Rytex GROSSE POINTE MOVING" STORAGE CO. ~ U, "r i. havin, their July lale of Ie. Let us orchestrate your lected .tationary item. at 72 Kercheval on the next move, local, long dis. HUl, 882-6880. Open Thursday evenln, •. Perfect Closet Tired of those bats and balls out of place? Tired of tance or worldwide, small '" '" ... Deux AmlS shoes and Bocks on the floor? The Perfect and partial shipments wel- Needlepointe come Closet company can help. 885-3587. Show eiM#uJ ~ Vavoom by Matrix! '" '" '" COMING July 822-4400 Farewell flat hair. Volume generator 11 thru July 16. that lasts for six weeks. This is a perm Superior qual. for volume only. Brand new ity Christmas stockmgs, ornaments, flo- '" '" '" We now carry office sup- Ouietie To advertise in this column, discovery ... 19463 Mack Avenue, 884- plies at 16837 Kercheval, ~ntrr!Q rals, fruit, vegetable patterns - known 8858. Hair styling appointments are 884-7990. CClP.'ShcP world wide. 397 Fisher Road, 882.9110. call Pat Rousseau 886-7474 taken early morning and late evenin~. Section C Fitness . . . . . • ...... 2C June 30, 1988 Entertainment ...... 5C Classified ...... 6C Grosse Point~ News

Pointers enjoy 'once in a lifetime' at Tiger Stadium Wysocki, Neiman play in all-star game

I By Rob Fulton Sports Editor ! " Marcus Wysocki and Steve NeIman repre- Another thought sented Grosse Pomte South and North, re- spect1vely, at the MlChlgan HIgh School Got to thinking about some thmgs the Baseball Coaches' ASSOCIatIOnEastiWest All- other day: Star ClaSSICon June 23 at TIger StadIUm • Does anybody know the Detroit DrIve's Wysocki, a stout nght-hander who batted record? .420 for the Blue Devils, started the game at • I would like to see the Grand Prix third base and later moved to the mound and come to Grosse Pointe and call it the Tour shortstop where he penormed qUIte well NeI- de Pointes. man, on the other hand, wmted out the first SIX innings and then slipped m behmd the • Is it too much to ask that major league plate to catch for some of the finer East All. umpires don't get dirt thrown on them? Or Steve Neiman, Star hurlers over the last three innmgs. better yet, is it too much to ask that only "It's just such a great feeling to be here," adults be admitted mto managerial posts? left, and said Wysocki "It's a great expenence." • Why does It cost a family of four at- Neiman agreed tending a Tiger game, over $70? Marcus "It's a once-m-a-lifetlme chance to play at • How Will 41,000 Pistons' fans fit into TIger StadIUm," he said. "I'm just glad to be the Palace next season? Wysocki stand • Does anybody know who the DetrOlt here ... even If l1'S just one turn at bat." Drive is? proudly in the NeIman referred to his only at bat in the • Did anybody notice the tmpartml eighth mning. It was only one swing of the commentating durmg the LakerslPistons outfield grass bat, but drilling the ball off the nght field championship series from Dick Stockton at Tiger fence on a hop made that plate appearance and Billy Cunmngham? memorable. • It's mce to know that South's Marcus Stadium . "When you get to the plate, It'S very intml- Wysocki and North's Steve Neiman were idating because the stadium looks so bI~," Photo by Rob Fulton selected to play m the East-West high said Neiman. "Then after you thmk about It, school all-star game at Tiger Stadmm. It'S Just another park that's totally enclosed. I Just tried to relax and hit the ball.". . • Why do people inSist on constantly get. ting up at games and distracting an entire Wysocki, who didn't have a hIt m four row of energetic fans? Better yet, why do trips to the plate, had a similar feeling. they do it while there's a play going on? "You get to the plate and everything looks • Do kids still swap baseball cards? so big that It'S dIstracting at first," he said . • I still think Grosse Pointe should host "But hke Steve said, you just have to realize the Pl'lx. it's another baseball field." Playing in Tiger Stadium was v~ry ex~it- • I understand that the major league ing for both players, but somethmg With umpires have their own baseball cards. more Impact was meeting some of the finest Think Pete Rose and Billy Martin collect baseball players throughout the state. them all? • When do the Lions start the pre-sea- See GAME, page 2C son? • Do you really think Stockton and Cun- ningham knew the Pistons were in the fi- nals? Eagles conclude their season Grosse Pointe The Grosse Pointe Eagles par- and John Woods. Seafood • If apple pie is 80 American, why can't I Inside: ticipated laet weekend in the Sunday morning m the semI' Fish & Seafood get any at a baseball game? post-season Waterloo Interne. final round the Eagles plagued 19531 Mack, Grosse Pointe Woods, 885-3884 • I was going to be the fIrst buyer of a Heat feels tional Youth Soccer Tournament by mjury (Ptasznik, Frederick- Detroit Pistons 1988 World Champions hat, held in Waterloo, Ontano. They son, and Verhnden) could not SERVING THE POINTES FOR 42 YEARS but now all I want is the chance to buy a finished first in Group A compe- contain the strong Bourassa piece of the court they played on at the Sil- good, but is it titlOn with a record of 2-0.1. Quebec Side In SpIte of their gal- HEALTH AND GOURMET FOODS verdome. What will become of that floor? The Eagles first played a 1-1 lant effort, particularly by goahe Great Ways to UBeatThe Heat" good for you? tie against Aylmer Quebec (goal Matt Schultz, the Eagles fell be- • Is there a professional soccer league in by RIcky Weinberg), then de- hind 3-0 Fresh Fish on the Grill & Cooked Shrimp the United States? feated succeSSIvely the Waterloo The Eagles played very well m • Why can't we have a professlOnal soft- Two stories Marauders, 1-0, on Todd Freder- spite of the semI-final setback ball or basketball league for women? An- lckson's goal and rolled over the Coaches Jean Claude Ehe and We Now Have Soft Shell Crabs! swer' We can't because of the lack of on page 2C Maumee Express (OhIO) by a Tom Smith said they repre- ,..1\'2 Ib bag Medium Fresh I money that would be generated, not the score of 4-1, on goals from RICh- sented Grosse Pomte WIth CaUl' ------,r------~ I Raw1eeled & Deveined I I Yellowfin $ 29 I lack of interest ard Berri (2), Todd FrederIckson age and poise • Why have sunflower seeds become the 25 look at f Shrimp $13 : : Tuna 5 lb I new big league chew? I w/coupon exp 7-2-88 .J L w/coupon exp 7-2-88 ..J • Think they'll serve Little Caesar's heat therapy pizza at the Fox Theatre? HERE'S THE SCOOP r--~~~~~~------f9~----1------• I think European soccer fans are trymg and exercise to show us the true brand of Big Time FROM UNCLE SAM'S MICHIGAN LEGAL l__~~~_~~~~~~_~~~~~~~~_J Wrestlmg. • Name two running backs for the De- in hot weather. FIREWORKS Mako Shark-Norwegian Salmon-Eastern Swordfish trOlt LlOns. • Cash & Carry - While Supplies Last • Think Kirk Gibson stIll suffers from COLLECTOR razor stubble? • Hello - LIttle Caesars? Yes, I'll take BASEBALL CARDS two pan pizzas WIth everything Dehvered? • Yes - to sectlOn 211 m the Fox. NOVELTIES For a "Grate" Fourth See FULTON, page 2C

weST SEND. ~: ~ I Adult tennis It's Summertime A,.N....-c:»~~-~- program set and the barbecuin's easy! IR2500.18 Deluxe Three The Grosse Pointe Farms Burner InfraRedlWWagon Parks and Recreation Depart- Easy with the convenience of Natural Gas Grills. ment is organizmg an adult rota- No heavy tanks to run out of gas or refill. tional tennis program for Farms Suggested S8 995 residents ...... _ .... Delivered in time for the fourth. retail price 7 This program has already proved popular in the other ...... - model 12028 Grosse Pointes. RotatlOnal tenms • 310 sq In Actual • PYRaMID Bnquettes and get a FREE IS set up so that participants Cooking Surface • Up-front, Infinite SALE $599 play other mdividuals by rotat- • LA.VA-GRATE Range, Chlld.Safe Arkla Grill mg players after each match. 00 • TOP.PORTED Removable Burner $239 This allows players a chance to MaIn Burners Conirol Knobs retail value $169" play different players With differ. • Stamless Sleel • FIVeYear Warranty ent abihties. SEAR-GRID It 18 set up to be primarIly a recreational tennis program and a commitment to be there every TUNE-UP ACCESSORIES time is not necessary. It is also perfect for tennis players who do SPECIAL TO ENHANCE not have someone to play agamst on a consistent basis. ....525 your hou.e ANY BARBEQUE IndiVIduals who are mterested $449°0 515 brought-In ALL L.P. GRILLS in the program may call Dick Or Goode S New Huhn at 343.9050 The antici. Plu. part. FREE DELIVERY pated starting date is Monday, ASSEMBLED WITH July 11, at 7:30 pm Games will be played at the Pier Park ten. FULL TANK!! nis courts The Hotspot Guarantee By the Fourth _ 20784 Mack Avenue 20784 Mack Av~nu~ Gross~ Pointe Woods Questions? fiIBl..(fJftf!DKTilR Grosse Pointe Woods - 885-4670 885-4670 Call 882-0294 - June 30, 1988 2C Grosse Pointe News Sweating it out: Heat as health therapy By Gretchen Schumer more potential for overdoing It. made studies of sweat and en- in Your Health magazme uncov- Tips for safe Special writer At the same bme, they stifle the ergy consumptIOn: "A moder- ered another benefit of heat It Sweat bathing IS not a new sweat - whIch IS, after all, the ately conditioned person can eas- has been found that under tern- sweating practice. For centuries people be. whole mtentIOn to sweat bath- I1y sweat off 500 grams, perature extremes, the body re- • Sauna. Limit exposure to lieved, WIthout sclenfific evi- ing. (approximately 17 flUId ounces) leases hormones called endor- 10 to 15 minutes and always dence, that sweatmg was an ex. StudIes have shown that sweat m a typICal session ,consummg phins, the body's natural pam leave sooner if uncomfortable. tremely healthy therapy to baths are qUIte benefiCial. Re- 300 calOries m the process" kIllers Endorphms, secreted • Steam room: BegInners cleanse the body of toxms, to search has demonstrated that Dean also states that the body from the back lobe of the pitUl- should limit exposure to six stimulate CIrculatIOn, to convey a the sauna and the hot tub help uses up about three calories for tary gland at the base of the Exercising mmutes 01' less, 15 minutes for fresh and youthful appeanlnce to remove ImpurIties from the each teaspoon of water lost That braIn, raise the thresholds of veterans the skm, and to prevent Illness blood The sweat glands aSSIst does not seem hke much, but pam throughout the body, WhICh • WaIt at least 30 minutes in the heat Many cold and flu sufferers the kIdneys' Job of filtermg urea surprIsmgly, 10 to 15 mmutes m make unpleasant phySIcal ex. after eatmg or drinkmg Alco- today still take to the covers to from the blood, the problem is the sauna IS equal to the calorIe tremes more tolerable The tran. hol expands blood vessels, as of summer "sweat It out" as a techmque to that under today's sedentary and usage of a mIle or two of Joggmg qUlhzmg effects of heat and Its does sweatlllg The two to- qUlcken recovery But the ques air-cooled conditIOns, we Just - WIthout all the effort abilIty to suppress the pam of gether can be dangerous tIons remam. Can sweatmg It don't perspire enough to give A sauna also condItions the arthrItIs and other alIments may • Drink plenty of water or Heat Illness can be danger- out m a a sauna or steam bath thIS sweat-hnked pUrificatIOn heart, espeCIally when separated be attrIbuted to a temporary frUlt JUIce before or after en- ous, and not to only those who help you lose weIght, reduce system an OpportunIty to work by cool showers Each time you boost m endorpm levels termg a sauna or steam room are m poor physIcal condition. stress and condItion your heart, But when we make ourselves qUIckly change temperature, Although steamed heat ap- • Never wear Jewelry (to Even the hIghly tramed mdl- or are all these health claims a vulnerable to an extremely hot whether from cool to hot or back pears to be advantageous to a avoid burns from hot metal) vidual can suffer from a heat- lot of hot air? environment such as a sauna, agam, your heart rate goes up great number of people and prob- • PrIOr to POPPing mto a Ic1dwu UlbOi del. Both tht: t:X- Accordmg to reports distnb the amount 'of urea that Ib lObt by 60 precent or mOle, equal to lems, there are those who can't hot tub, make sure It has erclse load and the uted by Los Angles TImes syndi- can be slgmficant. that of moderate exerCIse. take the heat. PatIents who have been chlormated and has environment can place a large cate, the answer depends on ExceSSIve sweatmg addItIOn- When you run, swim, or play a history of heart problems proper pH levels as well as heat load on the exerciser, re- which method of sweat therapy ally flushes out harmful mmer- tennis, your breathmg becomes should consult a physiCian before frequent water changes. Hot sultmg In profuse sweatmg you use. Due to the fact that als hke lead. In research at the heaVIer, your heart beats faster, usmg a sauna or steamroom. tubs can become hot beds for which can lead to dehydra- heat and steam affect the body University of Connecticut School your pulse feels stronger, and The sudden temperature change bacterIa - leading to skm tIOn, which can lead to circu- and skin dIfferently you receive of Medlcme It was concluded your blood vessels expand so creates stress and could actually mfections latory collapse and death. different benefits from each that "sauna bathing mIght pro- that addItIOnal oxygen- rIch preCIpItate an attack. • Apply a mOIsturIZer be- Now that 1 have your atten- In a sauna the air is heated. by vide a therapeutIc method to m- blood can get to the muscles that Others who are Ill-adVIsed to fore entering the sauna to pre- tion, let's talk. We're havIng hot, permeable rocks that emIt a crease ehminatIOn of toxic trace need It. WIth repeated exerCIse vent the skm from becoming constant long lastI'ng heat wI'th . I" your heart and cI'rculatory sys- utIhze sweat therapy are people an unusually hot IntroductIOn , - mlnera s dehydrated. low humility . In the sauna the WhIle the idea of losing harm- tern, like your muscles, Improve WIth diabetes, vascular problems, to summer and many of us • Take a towel to the sauna energy IS evenly distributed over ful mmerals IS not on the mmds m strength and efficiency hypertension, kidney dysfuntIon, continue to exercise during to wIpe off perSpiratIOn and this hot weather. the body. of the general population, losing Repeated sweating does almost metabohc condItIons, and preg- place a cool cloth across your A h th te nant women Be alert to symptoms of ov- n t e contrary, m e s am weight IS. It IS commonly, and the same thing Heat is the op- forehead to prevent head- erexertion: nausea or vomit- room, it is the aIr. rather than incorrectly, thought that a steam ponent now To stay cool, your Durmg pregnancy, women aches ing, extreme breathlessness, the vapor that carries the heat. bath is the quickest way to peel breathmg becomes heavier, your whould avoid long periods of • A cool shower following a dIZZiness, unusual fatigue and Even though a steam bat~ may off pounds. The problem with heart beat steps up, your pulse heat Ammal stulies indIcate sweat bath can enhance ef- headache. As always, listen to feel hotter than a sauna, mac- this approach is that few calories feels stronger, and the blood ves- that an elevated body, tempera- fects of CIrculation and close your body. tuality it IS several degrees are used up in the steam room. sels in your skin expand in a co- ture from 98.6 degrees to 101can pores. It's difficult sometimes to do cooler: 120 degrees for the steam Most of the weight lost in a operative effort to get the heat induce birth defects, particularly • AVOId sweat baths If you that 1 know I've suffered room versus 170-180 degrees for sauna is water - weight that out. by a decrease m brain size. are on medication hke antIhis- some symptoms of heat illness the sauna. WIll be regained as water is re- For overall fitness, you can't tammes. when running during the The dry heat of the sauna may placed. top good old-fashioned exercise, As a person adapts to hIgh • If you are over 50 years of summer months. One of the be somewhat less stressful and One benefit of the sweat bath but, says Dean, the sauna pro- temperatures blood pressure age, make sure a doctor ap. symptoms of heat illness is conceivably more beneficial than is the working up of a good vides an excellent complement to drops. ThIS shIft goes unnoticed proves phySIcal exerCIse for hair standing on end at chest the mOIst, humid environment of sweat. As a person's sweat in- any workout Sweat baths con- for most people, but for some It you In physiological terms, or upper arms. This is fol. a steam room or hot tub. Accord- creases (even if at rest) the tribute to cardiovascular condI- may cause a period fo momen- sweat therapy is the same as lowed by chilling, headache or ing to recent evidence published body's metabolism also speeds tioning, and the deep heat can tary faintness. If precautIOns are jogging around the block throbbmg pressure, vomiting in Spring Magazine, rates for up. The result is that a person help recondition tired aching taken, many find sweat bathing • Always make sure an at- or nausea, labored breathing, both evaporation and J?tlrspIra- burns up calories faster through muscles so you'll be able to add to be a relaxing way to cleanse tendant IS within earshot who dry hps or extreme cotton tion go down as the mOIsture of sweating than by lounging in more time and less teeth-clench- pores, rid the body of tOXIns and knows when you entered the mouth, faintness or muscle the skm rises. In simpler terms, the comfort of air-conditioning. ing toil mto your fitness pro. enhance good CIrculatIOn. Sauna sauna or steamroom. You cramping and cessatIOn of mOIst surroundmgs - such as How many calories can be gram. and steam baths also can rev up could fall asleep or need aSSIS- sweating. the steam bath or hot tub - melted away m a single sauna? If losing weIght or sweating your metabolism, Improve car- tance Of course you want to get somewhat suppress the body's Research done by Army flight up a storm IS not your primary dIOvascular conditIOns and sup- TlPS complied from Spnng in those miles. But If any of cooling mechanism and pose surgeon Ward Dean, who has goal, medIcal research publIshed press muscle cramps. magazzne . the above symptoJJ1S occur, stop immediately and get into way she created all of our went through a perIod of time less the unecessary preserva- I the shade as the risk for de- grain:::. But modern man decided when some bread manufacturers tIves, colormgs and sugars veloping heat exhaustion or By Mary to go one better, and perfected resorted to placmg high alpha- that are part of most prepared heat stroke rises dramatICally. Busse the process of separatmg the cellulose m theIr bread product, products Seek fluids! whole grain and then "whIten- m other words, wood fiber! You're also at a greater risk But if you are concerned about ing" the flour ThIS processing A nice and easy method to if you've previously suffered all the chOIces that are now made for a more umformed mtroduce your family to the heat stroke or you use medica- avaLlable, Just remember to shop flour, prevented rancidity, but pleasure of eating some of tions such at antihistammes for whole foods - this means also aIded in the robbing of im- these "natural" foods IS by or diuretIcs. Also, If you have that your diet should mclude un- portant VItamins, mInerals and mlxmg up a batch of oat bran a heavy hand with the salt refined grams, beans and fresh ~ fiber, or as grandma called it, or oatmeal muffins. Fresh and alcohol you're at hIgher "roughage." Around the tIme of frUIts and vegetables risk of heat injury. frUIts may also be included World War II, bread manufactw"- for extra flavor and ennch. Have you ever pondered ers were reqUIred to "enrIch" whether to exercise when you Grains: The 'staff of life' ment Agam, don't be mIsled breads, m other words, put some WIth the prepared products have a fever? Don't, as your Grains are the seeds of var- Whole gram flour contains the of the nutrients back m the ious grasses, such as wheat, Read, read, read! and fancy packaging on the core body temperature could germ of the gram, whIch po- bread that they had taken out In market today. You can make be elevated to dangerous lev- rye, oats, rIce, and barley sesses the most nutnents, and the processing of whIte flour. When It comes to cereals, many of the dIfferent kinds of els They are often referred to as must be refrIgerated to prevent breads and pastas, read the the staff of hfe because they muffins from "scratch," not rancidity. The bread from whole Then m 1972, a report m the mgredlents on every package, prOVIde the bulk of the only cheaper, but better for Here are some suggestions graIns should either be stored at Lancet, a Bntish medIcal JOur- you WIll be glad you took the world's food supply Common your health for preventing heat injury: room temperature, (if used fairly nal, focused on the studIes of extra tIme and effort There foods made from these grams 1. Drink plenty of water quickly,) or frozen until used. British physiCIans, led by Drs are many products on the prior to activity and fre- !ll'e flours, breads, breakfast The structure of a whole-grain BurkItt, Trowell, Walker and market that promise you hIgh cereals, and macarom. Oat bran muffins quently during activity. may be separated into three dif- PaInter The report focused on fiber, and good health, but by 2 1/2 cups oat bran (un- 2. Decrease the mtenslty of ferent parts. The germ IS the the dIscovery that southern AfrI- readmg the ingredIents we Breads and cereals cooked) exercIse if temperature or heart of the grain, which sprouts cans were free of dozens of Ill- can become more educated 1/2 cup shredded apple, humidIty IS hIgh (76 or The main constituent of when the seed IS planted. It is and sophIstICated to what the nesses that were major problems (skinned) above). breads is flour Flour is the end rich in the B vitamins, vitamin to more affiuent white societies product actually will add to 1 tsp. baking powder 3. Avoid a hIgh intake of product of the milling process, E and also contains some pro- This research surmIsed that the our overall well-bemg 314 cup skim milk protem as protein requires a which involves the grinding and tein, unsaturated fat, minerals fiber of the South African diet, With our modern day cook- 1/2 cup honey large amount of water for sifting of cleaned grams. The and carbohydrates. The endos. one made up of high vegetables mg faCIlIties, don't be afraId 2 tblsp. corn oil digestIOn. I'\~ type of flour frem ..."',,,hich:t c~~gi~ perm, which IS the largest part hnf._ ...... '" 1",..,.au., ;0. "'..1.4"", n.,..1,'vl_._ ...._ ..."'1---,...... &...... ~..JI t(> hlly the unadulteratpn. 4. Increase carbohydrates as nates determmes the color, tex. of the gram, is composed chIefly tines to absorb water, and help "real" thmg Oat bran cereal, they contaIn a hIgh water con- ture, flavor, and nutrItIOnal of carbohydrates in the form of the lower bowel tract to functIOn, rolled oats, and whole wheat tent and help mamtam flUId value of the breads. Cereals can starch, with some incomplete not only more effiCIently, but cereals, all WIthout uneces- balance. be made from a vanety or combi. protein and traces of VItamins apparently healthIer. ConstIpa- sary added mgredlents, can be 5. Wear approprIate cloth. natIOn of the vanous grains. and mmerals The bran portion tion was almost unheard of In cooked up m as little as five Spray muffin pen WIth vegeta mg Light clothlTlg does not So what IS the bIg deal about of the grain is the coverIng It IS the prImitive cultures mmutes Yes, It takes a httle ble spray, such as Pam Lm absorb as much heat as dar- eatmg "whole-grams," and IS composed maInly of cellulose, longer than throwmg together each cup WIth paper muffin cup ker cloth mg. that Just another "buzz" word to whIch gIves us the fiber we need So, we began our quest for re- a bowl of dned, prepared cer- Blend dry mgredlents, mIx gen 6 Expose as much skm sur. make us all feel gullty for eatmg from the gram. turning to "natural" foods, and eal, but you WIll be glad you tly honey and mllk Add to face as poSSIble. white breads? Let's take a look Mother Nature, in Her WIS- WIth It, high contents of fiber in put m the few extra mmutes. mgredlents Blend well. Po 7. AVOIdsynthetiC materials at what whole grains really dom, provided all the nutnents the diet. For those of us old You WIll be m control of ex- mto 12 muffin cups. Bake m pre and rlothmg with pamt mean and the necessary fiber m the enough to remember, we even actly what you are eatmg, heated 4250 for 15 mmutes, cool screens as they do not absorb sweat fl'v,L"I// ~'" # /,.h ~,;,,w~~~'7~M~~\ !illlll'- 8 Never wear a rubber or Sports people in the news sauna suit. Fulton Tourney champion Another letter winner natIOnal coaching staff 9 Forget usmg salt tablets From page Good luck' Ie Stephame Schulte, a graduate and remember hIgh intake of John Yancey, a Prince All- water • Please renew Chuck Daly's AmerIcan tenms player who of South, earned her letter m Game • July 16 marks another run- tenms from Western MIchIgan ~~ These rules apply to people ning of the Port Huron.to-Mack. contract graduated from ULS thIS sprIng, Umverslty thIS past sprmg From page of all ages. ExerCIse phYSIOl- • I think John Salley's humor- won the No. 1 smgles flight at Ie mac race Hope to see you there. Schulte compiled a record of 10. ogy is not an exact science • 1 still haven't been saIlmg. ous comment about parting hiS the Duke UniverSIty Inter-Scho- 22 at No 4 Singles and played "To me It'S an experIence Just and IS ever changing as reo • The next thing I do on Lake hair in the mIddle so he could lastic TenniS Tournament In some doubles as well to get here, but It'S an even search continues Keep St ClaIr WIll be to attempt wind. line up his free throws better, Durham NC greater experIence to meet these abreast of what's gOing on surfing. should apply to Rodman. guys," saId NeIman, who hit Yancey, who won hIS first na and make sure that your • I really do hke the WORM .400 With mne home runs and 37 • Do you need waves to do tIOnal tournament WIth scores of children's coaches do as well (Rodman). A soccer tandem RBI for North that? 6-1, 6.3, 6-1, fimshed on top of EnJOY the heat ThIs IS • Bet you couldn't hit a free "You play against some of the field of 64 players NICk Karabetsos and Cns MichIgan, and It Will soon be throw WIth 20,000 fans scream- these guys durmg the season • A frIend of mme constantly Dowe, two of the PomtR<;' fine fall mg at you The 18 year-old champIOn also asks me to wnte a story on youth soccer players, were only and you know of them, but thiS won the doubles competitIOn two of 36 players to make It to gives you the chance to know Deana Hawthorne IS co- rugby So, I Will - It's not a fi. • Why do baseball players put WIth Jim Rogerson, In straIght them even more," Wysocki said owner of Vital OptumR Exer- nesse game and It's not a sport the State Select Team, part of a battmg glove in theIr back sets of 6.2, 6.2. the Olympic Development Pro "It's an all-around expenence " CIBe since 1976. She IS a certl- for wImps It's simIlar to the be- pocket an rarely use It? Yancey wJ11 be plaYing at the gram The West All-Stars beat the fwd PhysU'al Fltnes,'l Specwl!st haVIOr of the EnglIsh soccer UniverSIty of Kentucky thIS fall, The tandem partIcIpated m East, 8.6 and welcomes your comments crowds, only With a ball • Wlthm a calendar year, the TIgers, Pistons and Red Wmgs but over the ~ummer, he will be five days of Region 18 camp m WYSOCkIwas coached by Dan and questwnB do the Grosse trymg out for the Junior DaVIS Gncsbaum and Neiman by POinte News .LUls Snl87,sr gets my vote for won theIr dIVISIOns OK, who Gnnell, Iowa hopmg to be se. TIger of the Year mentIOned the LIons? Cup Team lected to the regional team by a Frank Sumhera

, ; ...... ------_._----_._-~---- ...._-~--~ I

June 3D, 1988 Grosse Pointe News 3C s - Grosse Pointers face off In• Canada Cup By Cristina The one-ton yachts Challenge The Challengel' Senes IS a the Meade Group Jam Uzms In last year's ChIcago-Mackinac '88 and Trader will match race point selection senes whel e 30 the effort, brmgmg to the chal- race. "Trader has been modified _ Staats in the 1988 Canada's Cup Chal- percent of the pomts from senes lenge theIr bus mess expertise quite a bit over the past year," lenger Senes, June 26-July 1, A (5.10 races) wlll be carned to and enthUSiasm for racmg he said. "She was 2 years old The waves of racing July 23-July 26 and July 31- senes B (5 10 races), and 60 per Fred Detwller, president of a when I bought her, but qUite an You have heard the term, practlce makes perfect. It's an old Aug. 5. The three sessIOns of cent of the pomts from B wIll be large barter orgamzatlOn called accomphshed racmg boat We chche, yet one that nevel grows old. Smlors find that the more elimmatlOn sallmg, hosted by carned to the final challengel MIchigan Trade Exchange, has are dedicated not only to making they plactlce saJ1mg, the better they get at It. They also find DetrOIt's BayView Yacht Club senes The final senes will be a owned Trader for two yea! s Trader as fast as possible but that racmg theIr bOdt helps perfect theIr skIlls, whIch builds and sailed on Lake St Clair, de best four of-seven match race be Among hIS salhng accomphsh- also to making our team unbeat- confidence as well as competence termme the official U S. chal- tween Challenge '88 co owned ments IS fin,t place overall at able" In our area there I~ evelY level of racing avaIlable, from JIb lenger for the Canada's Cup - a and skippered by John Uzms of and mam racmg for nOVlC.es,to CIews handhng spinnakers; famed yachting event between Grosse Pomte, and Trader, Park tennis tournament set from doublehanded racmg to fully crewed yachts. There IS the U.S and Canada that has owned and skippered by Fred Detwller, also of Grosse Pomte somethmg for evelyone Glosse POinte has a wealth of opportu- been sailed on the Great Lakes Grosse Pomte Park wlll hold under, 12 & under, 16 & under. Both one-tonners are approxi mty for the SalIm Iacer to fine tune theil' skills. smce 1895 ItS annual tenms tournament GIrls and Boys Doubles - 16 & Below ISa lI~tlng of the racmg taking place m or very near The Challenger Senes IS spon mately 40 feet long, rating 30 5 July 16 to July 23 Apphcations under, mixed doubles. Men's and Grosse Pomte sored by The Meade Group, a undel the lOR rule are now avaIlable at the mam Women's Smgles, Men's and John UZlllS, a Detroit.al'ea Grosse Pointe Farms Boat Club: DetrOIt-based holdmg company gate of Wmdmlll Pomte Park. Women's Doubles, Mixed Dou- ThiS local club sponsols d tWIlight senes on Thwsday eve- for auto-related busmesses and budder with numerous mtel na- These apphcatlOns wl1l be ac bles, Father and Daughter, tIOnal champIOnshIps to hIS mngs m June and agdm m August, Just off the Grosse Pomte dealerships The Canada's Cup, cepted July 5 to July 12 from 12 Mother and Son, Mother and CIedit, skippers Challenge '88 Farms Mumclpal Plel Rdces are open to anyone Boats are diV- set to follow the senes on Aug noon to 8 p.m at the mam gate Daughter, Father and Son. Ided mto racmg fleets by PHRF handicap system There IS a 20-28, IS hosted by the Royal Uzms, who recently skippered 01 by the recreatIOn coordmator Entries are only open to reSI- chOlceofJIb and mam, or spinnaker fleets Contact Sonny or Canadian Yacht Club (Toronto) the boat to third at the One Ton ApplicatIOns will not be accepted North Amenca ChampIOnship, dents of Grosse Pointe Park and Donna Gorenflo :.lt 882 1117 for mOl e mfOr!'13.tlOn

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June 30,1988 ....V)IIIJ.,~ Grosse Pointe News 4C s~ Local swim programs~------consider merger In a move that promIses to "Our goal IS to create a pro- mat The new club will be spon- improve the qualIty and quan. gram to provIde an opportunity sored by a board composed of tity of opporturutIes available to for all mterested SWlmmers to elected parents and the Com- area sWImmers at all levels, the achieve their full potentIal, con. munity EducatIOn Program of boards of the All Pomtes SWIm slstent with the tIme and effort the Grosse Pomte School System Club and the Grosse POInte they are WillIng and able to com- The two clubs currently oper- Swim Club have announced that mit to sWlmmmg," saId Wtlhams ate mdependent programs, al. they are developIng a plan to and DeGuvera though thIS summer sWImmers merge the two programs The new program WIll include from both clubs are practICmg a schedule of practices to meet together m a move to share the CommIttees of the two boards the needs of all club members, expense of pool time and to have been meetIng both sepa. providing a range of stroke m. make most effiCient use of avatl. rately and JOIntly to work out structlOn, condltlOnmg and dura. able coachmg the detaIls of a plan whIch will tlOn The new club WIll be affilI. "Although both programs be presented to all mterested ated WIth both UnIted States have been successful," SaId WII. sWImmers and parents at a SWlmmmg - MichIgan and the hams and DeGuvera, "a smgle meetmg scheduled for 8 pm, MichIgan MetropolItan WInter program, buddIng on the Thursday, July 7, at Central LI- League, gtVIng members the op. strengths m the two clubs, can brary, Grosse POinte Farms, ac- portUnIty to compete In both provide slgmficant advantages cording to DICk WIllIams and dual meets, against other teams, whIle not lOSIng the team SpIrIt Pandy DeGuvera, the two and In state, regtonal and na. mherent m smaller member. boards' presIdents tlOnal meets, m the OlympIC for. ships." Champions - again An overtime goal by Craig Treppa lifted Shorewood Realty to a 3-2 victory over Jac's Detour Grosse Pointe Little League Bar in the championship game of the Grosse Pointe Men's Senior No-Check Hockey League. Shorewood Realty. which won its second straight title. played a man short in the final min- Farms-City AAA Rangers 17, Angels 0 Yankees The Rangers demohshed the The Yankees face the Orioles ute. after Mike Rinaldi's stick curvature was ruled in excess of the half-inch allowed. How- Blue Jays-Giants Angels, shutting them out 17.0 thIS week m the league World ever. netminder Darin Borza held Jac's in check. Jeff Smythe pItched 4 score- Enc LIndsey and Paul Hadad Senes. The Yankees finIshed Todd Fugiel tied the score for Shorewood after trailing 1-0. but the line of Chris Lewan- less mnlngs to help the Giants to each went two-for.three for the strong after a mId.season slump, dowski. Tim VanEckoute and Pete Guzzardo carried play and allowed leading-scorer Tony a 9-6 WIn over the Jays. Good Rangers, WIth Lmdsey takmg With 60 runs scored m theIr final DeFalco to tie the score at 2-2. fieldmg by Matt Ehch and the wm on the mound two games. Pitchers are Sean After the ceremonial skate around the rink. Shorewood Realty presented the trophy to spon- Chace Ware ended Jay ralhes. Recht, Todd Drake and Kevm sor Philip Patanis. Todd Sandercott relieved for Brewers 10, Rangers 7 Schroeder. Hot bats are Kevm Team members included. front row. Ed O'Malley. Tony DeFalco. Darin Borza. Pete Guz- the Blue Jays, whtle TIm San- Tom KoloJeski allowed Just and Corey Schroeder, Justm zardo. Denny Kahle. Back row. Mike Rinaldi. Chris Lewandowski. Todd Fugiel. Craig Treppa. dercott went two-for-two With four hIts while stnking out eIght Brown, Todd Drake, Carl Mel- Tim VanEckoute. Steve Luongo. Andy Vince. Kit Meade. Greg Cosens. Not pictured. Scott two runs batted m David Scrace as he paced the Brewers over the chior, Mark Campbell, Terrance DeHooghe. Jim Doftis. Bill Jones. Marino Giulianelli and Jim Sonaglia. and John Wel also scored, Wlth Rangers. KoloJeskl, Steve Solaka Campagna, ChrIS NIxon and Wei batting in two runs and Brandon Lulis each had two Recht of Jeff Adams and Rob Bolak m two to pace the Denver attack hIts for the Brewers. Sean Mc- INSTRUCTIONAL Giants-Cubs the TIgers' VICtory. Donny Tocco Doug McCracken, Carl Bommar- Cann struck out SIX for the Army- Troopers had two hIts for the Cardinals. ItO and Scott Spmdler had two The Giants marched past the Rangers MINORS Army defeated the Troopers Cubs, 11-8, with a solo homer by Dodgers 9, Yankees 5 hIts each for Omaha 23-19 WIth doubles by BIll Den. Derek Ottevaere struck out 13 Brian Beck and a grand slam by Pirates 23, Rangers 13 Notre Dame 16, Michigan 11 Austin 26, Tucson 8 John VanFaasen, Don Stroble, ner, Chns Herter and Chris and gave up only four hIts m Ben Peters, Ans Lambropou- Matt Elich leading the attack Calm Moore had three hIts Cote. Justm Holmes, Jan Kuc- JabOn Adzlman and BIlly Van- pItching the Dodgers to the wm. los and George VolIs had three Jeff Smythe gave up only one and eight RBIs as he helped the zynskI and MIke MIedema all run in the first four innmgs. Faasen pItched for MichIgan Teammate Emmett DeGuvera hIts m Austm's victory. Peters PIrates defeat the Rangers 23-13 had triples and JImmy Welhng- helped out WIth three hIts. Shortstop Michael Gehrke went Rich Reynolds had three hits Adzugian and Whitehead each and Lambropoulos also drove in had two hits ChrIS Farkas went ton had three home runs for Kevin Rae had two of the Yan- five runs each Rob Tomassl re three-for.three. and Charles O'Laughlin had Army. The TI'oopers had doubles all the way on the mound for kees' four hIts. tIred three hittel's In a row after For the Cubs, Andy Smith four singles for the Pirates. by Pat Bright and Jesse Walker Notre Dame, striking out eIght Braves 12, Cardinals 1 relievmg ValIs WIth the bases gave two InningS of good pitch- Adam Hogan was the winning and tnples by Pat Fitzgerald, Mark Dely hit safely at bat and Frank Zimer pitched two shut- loaded m the fourth For Tucson, ing, was two-for. three at the pitcher Eric Lmdsey had a Pat Manion and Cohn Mor- Patrick Morrell hIt the game. out innings and Mark Brewster CraIg Tracy hIt a three-run dou- plate and stole home. Glovac and home IjUIl for the Rangers awskI Home runs by J.C TIb- Paul each contnbuted RBI. wmnIng RBI struck out eight in the final four ble, MIke LaHood and Bobby bitts, Pat Scallen and Steve to lead the Braves to victory. Rahaim each hit a two.run dou. Pirates 5, Royals 2 Lochbiler added to the score. Brewster also had two hits while Len CuHarI and Colm Moore Ohio 11, Michigan State 10 ble. Sean Brady went three-for-three, pitched the Pirates over the Roy- Geoff Kimmel led off the first Wichita 25, Dallas 5 Farms-City Class C Enk Foust had two hits and Er. als 5-2. Rich Reynolds had two innIng WIth a home run for William Stephens had three Miami-Erie Woods-Shores ick Maks scored two runs. Steve hits for the Pirates. Tom Best State, followed by a single from hits, including a homer and a Erie squeaked by Miami 11- Meathe was two-for-three and and Rob Tiede each had two hIts Paul Yeskey and another homer double; Paul Hathaway had two 10, with six players contributing scored the Cardinals' only run; for the Royals. by John Wise. Paul Serra, Ian MAJORS hits and five RBIs, and MItch doubles or triples and singles. Rollison, Bnan Everham and Coos Brennan and Chris Sau- Rankens homered for Wlchlta Steve Davis and Jonathon Shock Juhan Zebot each had two sin- Reds 21, Blue Jays 11 cier had a hit each. MIke ThIll homered, MIke Van- both went three.for-three, with Park gles. Chnt Carpenter had three Geoff Kirles went five-far-five, Tigers 8, Ori~!es 0 degtnste was two-for.three and Davis and ChrIstian Auty both RBIs and Joe Calarco had two. mcludmg three doubles, and Jeff Adams and Rob Bolak JIm Paterka doubled for Dallas. gettmg triples. Devon Allard, Chns McKechnIe singled in the ChrIS Coates and Andy Lauhoff combmed to pitch a no-hItter for Memphis 12, Syracuse 11 Kevin Messacar and Clay Van- the Tigers, who clinched the MAJORS game-wmning run for OhIO in had three hits each to lead the Matt Fox allowed only one run derpool all had a double and a Amencan League title. David Orioles-Cardinals the bottom of the seventh. Reds' offensive barrage. The m two innmgs on the mound, single. Guaresimo had four hits and The Orioles defeated the Car- Blue Jays had two hits apIece Andrew MamacI had three hits Five players stood out for Mi- Chuck &hervish three for the dmals 7-4 as Joey Michael Indiana 19, Purdue 4 from Nick Chapie and Andrew and three runs, and Paul Dyk. ami. Walter Belenky, BIlly Tigers. The Orioles mfield pitched 13 strikeouts. Pat NIven For Indiana, Doug Jabara hit HUlge. stra had two hits and two runs Gmeiner and T J Lennon each played well defensively and batted in four runs, Alex Bieri three doubles and had five RBIs for MemphIS. Scott Holcomb was hIt singles, and Mark Aronson Matt Mozer had four hits (two Brett Burghardt was tough in had three hIts and two RBIs, Orioles 6, Braves 2 four-for-four for Syracuse; Dave and John StamszewskI each got triples and a double) and pitched the final four innmgs on the while Michael had one hit and Chris OneskI pItched a four- Keenan and ChrIS Cooper scored a double and two singles three innings, stnking out seven mound two RBIs. Andy Forstar and Dan hitter and helped the team with three runs each. batters. John Hondini had three Paull pItched for the Cardinals. with a two-for-three penormance Dodgers 6, Reds 5 Buffalo 14, Dayton 13 hits, mcluding one double. at the plate. Coos Gazepis also Forstar had two hIts, Jim Dalley Emmet DeGuvera drove m Rob DeCosmo had two doubles had three. had two hits and scored a run brother WestleIgh DeGuvera and a triple and NIck ZeIdler Babe Ruth Prep League Purdue 6, Ohio State 5 for the Onoles Sean Brady led WIth the wmning run in the bot- also had three hits for Buffalo Purdue beat Ohio State 6-5 the Braves with two hits and an Pirates 20, White Sox 6 White Sox-Mets tom of the sixth as the NatIOnal For Dayton, Kevm O'Malley with a double by Aaron Wudyka RBI, and Matt Thibodeau drew Colm Moore, Charles 0'- With pitching by Jason David, League champIOn Dodgers slammed two hIts and scored and a good defensive play by two walks and scored a run in Laughhn and Rich Reynolds led the WhIte Sox defeated the Mets pushed theIr record to 16-1 Jon three runs the PIrates over the WhIte Sox 11-7. David and Paul Coyro each John Van Hoek Dan BUJchert his major league debut Opdyke had a game-tying hit for had a double for OhIO State. with three hits each. Moore scored home runs in the second the Dodgers in the fifth and Miami 7, Tampa 3 Tigers 11, Cardinals 3 pitched a 'strong six innings for mning. For the Mets, Jason Jod- Steve ChampIne's good defenSIve Mark Foust pItched all SIX m Purdue 6, Indiana 2 the PIrates, scattenng seven way and Andy Crowley pitched Chuck Schervlsh, David Man- play in centerfield prevented a mngs to get the wm for MIamI, Purdue defeated Indiana, 6.2, hits. Dakmak, DILaura and Crowley doubled in the third cml, DaVId Plerno and Tom Pa- run Ryan Rauls pItched well for getting defensive help from With John Van Hoek pItchIng Sanon each had two hits for the and Jodway followed with a ho qUIn made offenSIve contnbu- the Reds and had two hits Andy VInce Meh and Jason Van the whole game tIons to back the strong pitching Sox. mer. Lauhoff had two doubles Gorder. Joe Huaram had two Blue Jays 9, Yankees 4 hIts for Tampa while teammate Frank Senter, Gabe Baron and Andy Khurana doubled and Thrifty Belles capture softball championship Nick Chapie had bIg hits in the scored a run Dlue Jays' e;ght~iUn fou.rth-ln- Paced by two home runs and a Wichita 13, Omaha 2 mng rally Todd Schorer hIt a Ryan Ruttan had three hItS, 20.hit attack, the Thnfty Belles / three.run homer in the sixth for defeated the Maroons, 12.11, for mcludmg a homel, Paul Hatha. the Yankees way and Joe Wernet had two the NeIghborhood Club MIdi- League Girls' Softball champIon. MINORS hIts each and mltch Rankens homered for Wichita. Scott Spm- ship at MaIre Field. Denver 31, Omaha 16 dler and Carl Bommanto had Joe Damel laced three SIngles The WIn was the thIrd straIght and a tnple, Paul Huhn had hIts for Omaha playoff victory, agamst no de- three hits and Ross DurkIn had See LEAGUE, page 18C feats, m the double elimmatIOn tournament In earher rounds, they defeated the Tompkins Ter- rors and the Maroons to advance to the finals The Midi-League is Community soccer compnsed of Sixth, seventh and eight grade girls The Maroons jumped out to an team heads for Europe early 7-0 lead m the second m. How WIll MIchIgan's brand of Included on the agenda In nmg, but the Belles settled down soccer hold up to Europe's? That France are the Afc de Tnomphe, and tightened their defense; 11m. questIOn and more will be an. Versatlles, the Louvre, the Bas Itmg the Maroons to only two swered In July when a group of tdle and the Normandy beach runs m each of the final two area soccer players travel to Eu- where the D-Day mvaSIOn took stanza'! rope for games and history les- place The team WIll also be In sons From the second mnmg on, Pans for the fireworks and fes- DaVId Backhurst, chaIrman of the Belles scored m each Inmng tiVItIes of BastIlle Day the hl'ltOry department and var. as they put together an explosive In England, the group WIll slty coach for both the boys' and hlttmg attack. TIed 9.9 In the tour Parhament, BuckIngham glrls' soccer teams at Umverslty Sixth, the Belles used a three. Palace and the Tower of London Liggett School, WIll I('ad a group run spurt to take the lead for They plan to walk on the famed of 19 hlgh.school.aged boys on a good The Maroons threatened, Hadnan's Wall and Will attend a The ThrUty Belles. champions of the Neighborhood Club's Midi-League. are: front row. Amy two-week tour of England and but the Belles got the final out Shakespeare penormance 01.oughlln, Sarah Lenard. Molly Wright. EmUy Shapiro. Jennifer Bunn. Tracee Spencer and France The boys are students at With the tying and ~o-ahead "ThIS IS a wondenul opportu- Kelly Breslin. Back row. Coach Pat Wright. Christy Reed. Kim Higel. Laura Pochmara. Suzanne North and ULS Ulty to learn more about other runs In sconng poSItIOn. Jabara. Rory Conway. Erika Pluhar and Coach John Burdock. Not pictured are Katie Brown and From July 8.23, the AmerIcan LeadIng the Belles' hlttmg at- cultures," said Backhurst "Not Coach Patrick Wright. soccer players WIll engage m SIX tack With three hits each were only WIll we 'llghtsee and play earn the WIn. Conway and Tracee Spencer games - one III ParIs and five In ChnBty Reed and Erika Pluhar Jabara, O'Laughhn, Laura Poch. soccer, but we will al'lO get to Playmg key roles In the play The Belles were coached by Pat England know people from other coun- Sarah Lenard and Amy 0'- mara and EmIly Shapiro col. off's were, Kelly Breshn, Katte Wnght, John Burdock and Pat. They WIll also have an oppor. tnes better We're eXCIted about Loughlm homered for the wm- lected two hits each. Molly Brown, Jennifer Bunn, Rory nck WrIght tumty for extensive SIghtseeIng the trIp." ners, while Kim Higel, Suzanne Wnght pitched the dIstance to

I ., .. June 30, 1988 Grosse Pointe News 5C Lady Day vividly recreates the fading of a star

By Ronald J. Bernas card whIch would hdve allo\\ed mto on her road tllPS with Altle Braden's vOice IS stunlllng, Slaft Writer her to smg m Ne\\ York, a final Shaw's band, and her fight with and just a little deeper than Hal "Lady Day at Emel bon's Bm blow to the once pi oud smgel' dl ug addictiOn Iday's She tries to make her and Gnll" 1<.,a tllbute to the hfe As Hohday, MIchl.' Braden fills The tnumph~ In her life are VOIce sound ragged out, an echo and loves of the legendary Billie out a "Cllpt which mUbt read somehow hollow, as told by a of Holiday's former self, but .It Hohday It IS not pi etty to watch lIke the ramblings of a mad tired Holiday, sprmf:,'1ng out of times it's hke trying to cage a - It Ib ciepi e..,smg, It IS touchmg, woman, wIth a nux of de::,palr hornble injustIces she expen- tiger and she's unable to and ultlJncltely, a satlbfymg eve- and teals and laughter, but enced by vutue of bemg black, The backup mUS1C IS proVided nmg of theater never wIth hope By now, Hoh and bemg a woman by Harold McKinney on thf' The one dl t play (although day IS too beaten down to ell. Braden IS mesmerIzing as Hol- plano (who also has the job of pldY I<.,n't the light wOld) IS set pies,> any hope, and her only sol IddY The tWltchmg and scratch. keepmg HolIday together on the just a fe\\ months befO!e Hob ace lies III drugs, dnnk and hel Ing of her arms, because of her stage, makmg sure she smgb dd,y'S death h om CII1hosis of the musIc what she IS supposed to), Gay hvpr But no longer docs she blllg for lynn McKlI1ney on the drums, the enjoyment, she smgs becdube Ray McKmney on the bass and By no\\, <"he IS no longel the that's all she knowb how to do Thomas H "Dr Beans" Bowle<" excltabl(', edger kid who just Even hel musIc has become a SI' on the saxophone They pro wants to smg dnd be heard She bUl'den for her, espeCIally when, vlde the nght accompalllment IS a defeated <.,oul,dt agged down as a conditIOn [or her to appear for Braden by hel helolD hdblt, time spent III varIOus clubs, she must smg The endll1g, a qUIet one much In J::l. I, Lacl ell".""" In Iv\ Land her cornerstones like "God Bless d.t ug habIt, dnd her drugged.out like Hohday's own ending, wraps the ultHl1dte mjustlce - bemg a the ChIld," and "Strange FI lilt" btupor ale hard to watch, espe. up the show m a moment of bla<.k woman 111 d white man's She tells hel' story between clally at the begmmng when the hght, then a total vOld It makes WOIld the songs, her rape at 10, her le- Vlewel thmk~, "How dId she for a stlrnng and fittmg conclu The set IS r~mel'son's Bar and spect fOl her predece!:>sOls like evel let herself get lIke this?" At SlOn GIIIl III Philadelphia m 1959 at BeSSIe Smith, her love for her the end, howevel, It'S obvIOUS "Lady Day at Emerson's Bar one of HolIday's final pelfor- parents, her man Iage to Jmlll1y how she got where she dId, and and Gnll" runs through July 31 mance<., Due to tIme bpent m Monroe who mtroduced hel to 111 hel own words, she makes It at the AttIc Theatre For tIckets Miche Braden plays Billie Holiday in "Lady Day at Emerson's JaiL "he was Iefused a cabaret hard drugs, the raCI!:>mshe Ian all the mul e hemt-wrenchmg and mformatiOn, call 875-8285 Bar and GrilL" at the Attic Theatre through July 31. Chicago cop teams up with Soviet counterpart in 'Red Heaf resemble !:>mall oak trees, then Ivan Danko (Schwarzenegger) wlt.h hIS ChIcago eqUIvalent, Art dealing with cnmll1als, explam- By Marian Trainor "Red Heat," rIvets the attentIOn SpeCial Wrller of the audience WIth the first the camera travels upward stop. is a Sovlet polIceman asslgned to Rldzlk (James Belushl) mg to hIm that thIS is not the Al nold Schwarzeneggel, supel shot of the credIts plllg to glVe the viewer a close- keep drug traffickmg out of Mos- They make ({Ulle a pan way It'S done m AmerIca, h~ clo. hero of the actIOn adventUl e FIl'st we see a pdlr of legs that up of Jus enormous chest and cow. As one character puts It Danko IS a desclplllled stOle He ses the argument wIth "The arm muscles. When It finally "Moscow IS begmlllng to look can't belIeve the take-lt easy at. RUSSIan way IS more economi- comes to rest on hIS block.hke tItude of Rldzlk He soon comes caI" face and plerclllg blue eyes, we f~ to realize. however, that hIS ov- In a quiet moment, East meets are convll1ced that he IS equal to I, erweIght, sloppy partner IS hIS West, as the two get to know any confrontatIOn equal each other To drIve home thlS pomt, the Although they have dIfferent They discover that the life of a

camera follows hIm into a Rus- ~ ¥ .t. I methods and dIfferent philoso- polIce officer IS pretty much the Slan steambath where the burly phles, the two are there for each same whether it's in Chlcago or customers stand aside to let hlm like Miami." Danko manages to other when the gomg gets rough the Soviet UllIon They lament pass One of them challenges track down the international as it does most of the tIme thelr lack of famIly life hlm WIth' "You don't have the drug goons who are bringing the Much of the humor of the film Drug busts, car races and kIll- hands of a foundry worker," and drugs into Moscow, but they es- is caIned by Belushl who mas- mgs preval1 111 DIrector Walter presses a hot coal mto Schwarze- cape in a major shoot.out m terfully tosses off wise cracks He Hill's scnpt It IS a senes of cap- negger's hand. WIthout changing which Danko's best friend is is funny when he IS flustrated at ture, escape, mayhem and demo expreSSiOn, he closes his fist on killed. Schwal zenegger's II1dependence onstratlOns of Schwarzenegger's It, grabs the would-be bully and Danko now has two ImpOltant and hiS dlsml!:>!:>alof proper pro- amazmg physlCal strength throws hIm through a glass wall reasons to find Vlcktor (Ed 0'- cedmes Schwalzeneggel' has 111s ThiS mformal remake of Hill's 1I1tOthe snow Ross), head goon of the group comic moments dlso When 1982 hIt, "48 Hours" starrmg With that, VIewers are given a When word comes that they asked how Soviets deal WIth Eddle Murphy and NlCk Nolte, tau! of Moscow as a reminder have been arrested m ChICago, stre<;s, WIthout mu:;smg a _beat or IS a lesser verSiOn than It'S pred In an action-packed bus chase. Art Rldzik (James Belushi) tries that thIS IS the first Amencan Danko sets off for the Windy changmg expreS!:>lOn,he answers, ece::,sor, but It has a lot gOing for to pull the wheel away from Ivan Danko (Arnold Schwarzeneg- productIOn authOrIzed to use Red Clty to bring them back When "vodka" When Belu!:>hI protest!:> It WIth SchwaI zenegger and Be.

ger). Square as a locatIOn. he arrlves there, he IS paIred up hIS head.~mashm T method of lushl They make a great pall 'Bull Durham' is entertaining baseball story By Michael Chapp the film's early gOing Her diSCI SpeCial Wrller d quandaly, she wants to hook IS fascll1atll1g and seductIVe The charm of "Bull Durham" pleshlp m the Church of Ba"e up With the older, smmter MeanwhIle, Robbms gIve" IS that It takes vIewers behll1d ball consumes most of her wak DaVIS. hut It'", agall1st her "reh LaLoosh such a solId foundatIOn mg moments. She has an altar the scenes at the ballpark, be /:,'1on as a smalt alec kid, it's hm d to hll1d the scenes and mto the 111 her home, made up of base. That's an mterestmg plot., to swallow hiS transformdtlOn mto heads of the men who play a ball memorabJ1w, and she be sUle And It'S mIlked for all a thmkmg man Arguably the boy's game fOl a lIvlllg spends her evenmgs at the ball. the comedy, drama and love m film's most down-to-ealth charac- park, lookmg for ehglble play eI sl tel est It can provide Thrown m ter, he's also the most one di- Though It'S a real challenge to studentsllovers for Vlewel mterest are moments mensional pmpo111t the mam Idea of "Dur of chdracter mSlght, whIch allow DaVIS, conversely, IS "Dur ham," It'S wOlth the effOlt to do us to heal the thoughts of a bat- ham's" most fleshed out so No film slllce "The Natural" ter facmg a tough pItcher and a thoughtful character Costner'<., has put baseball on such a hu- pitcher facmg a tough batter readmg of the sllent sage 1<;cred man level And on such a philo There aI e some amusmg mo Ible, though here, as III Sdran sopll1cal level Indeed, the piC Her mterest for thIS <.,eason I.., ment<; m whICh we're pnvy to don's part, there IS sometlung tUI e IS jU-,t d:.. cancel ned about Nuke LaLoo'ih atlon between player and less than a full explanatIOn of the metaphySical and rellglOu", rookIe pitcher \\ Ith a fa<.,tball umpnc m a squabble and be what motivates the charactel slgl1lficance of baseball as It IS clocked at 95 and an IQ to t\1 een mfieldel s and pItcher dur That's the only complamt about the chm actel It follows match What he lach <.,111 bl dm,> mg an on the mound conference though, With an otherWise de. Photo exhibit Anl1le SavOI (Su<.,an Sarandonl he makes up for Il1 hed, and t11lllts Anl1le ju<.,tfine h(m ('\ el , I" It<., chat acters mOVIe, no doubt about that But about 70 photos m an exhibit at the Detroit Institute of Arts affaIr \\ Ith one player on the 10 Fme, that 1<",until ~he geh m Th(Jl.gh 11(1)(' of them are devel. for anyone who loves Amenca's through Sept. 4. cdl m1110I league baseball team, telested m Crash DaVI~ (Ke\ ll1 oped a" completely as viewers pa&tlme and knows thel c must "On ASSignment." by staff photographers and photo jour- the Durham Bull'i. each season, CO'itnerJ, a 12-yeat vctel an ,>('nt \\ ould \\ I"h, thel e\ no denymg be more gomg on behmd the nahsts such as Annie Leibovitz. Douglas Kirkland. Ira Wy- ba",eball I'" hel Iellb'10n and hel to the Bulls to tet3\<.,off-cent.eI and dl<., to, this IS a perfect piece of cntel -;cr:;;::H;.c:r:.c:; =:; ~h~ p:'~sidential campaign tria!. !ife in the enough to make It to . the t,lIlt, "0 \\e nevel redlly figure tamment Soviet Umon, scenes in Chicago housing project. interna- "J Illhp I" 'lild what hel motIves It may confu~e you at tune,> tional terroism and warfare. Americans at work and home. and the) m,lhc me feel safe," CommItted to LILoo"h hut ,11(' S,Il ,\I1<1onglve~ the charac But It'll wm you ovel III the JlI() and well-known personalities in off-beat poses. 'ih£' e plavful quahty that ce'>s The exhlblt will be shown in the DIA's Red Carpet area durmg regular museum hours: 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Tues- Midler, Tamlin star day through Sunday: closed Mondays and holidays . •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • Story idea? : New Orteans Dixieland : : CHET BOGAN :Z~~ : 'Big Business' is double fun Call 882-0294 • Ctrlobeh. : EveryTuesday 9 30 pm: • THE LIDO Dining. Cocktail. • S.ldJe <.,It'>h,l(k I\,ullng fO! dn P)ot(,..,t dg,lIn..,t ;VIOldm3l1. SadlC the "mte for hidden mlClO By Manan Tramor : 2402e E. "'"..-on Just Nofth 019 We ~ SpeCial Writer OppOltUlllty to e<.,c,ljw lu"t ..,pule,> 111 to el1Joy the luxulv phoneh, dl"guI<;e<;hel -.elf <\<.,a ho : 773-7770 : It...,douhl( the ple,l<"lIIe 1\hpn When the \IOId gO(''>oul thdl ..,Ill'h,l.., ,11l\1IY'>dr('amed of tel maId and plant'> note,> of JlI0 •...... • Bette ;V!1<1lPI ,me! Lily Tom 1111 tl1l' Shelton" ,11 (' ,Ihout to "'1'11 In 11](' me,ll1tlmp the Ncw test III the room<; of the' bo,1Id

!\\O ,>( :vtorama" 10 an ItdllP('(1I1.t YOlk 1\\111" ,lrJlV(' after a fiery members and IS generally d('fpn pl'l' Ie, of ](!pnllcal t\\Il1'> ~ 111. Big nll'>ll1(''>'> \\ ho aI c "cpa. tOi who plan'> 10 tpar down thp oulhul,>t flOm Sadle for glvmg !:>Ive She IS both funny ,md ,Ip ,1\\ ,I) thp ..,ulte meant for them, pealing as New York Ro,>p who ldtu! Illp 111111<'the 1001n, if (Jl .Ill' 1<;out of place III thp WIpOI,Ite I1UI"e \\ho p,lIl" up tlw \\Iong !{O,>l'0) gam/e,> th( \\ 01 kel' dlld pl,lll.d Ill'xt dOOl 10 the coun PI "p.1 rl'd h .. 0\1 I' {.old Medal RAM'S HORN b,I!)]( " nominate" h(,1<,(,Ifto go to Ne\\ t I \ 'l..,tr'I'" '>ettll1g and longh fOl peace A\\ard Winning' Chl.f at thE' RESTAURANT YOlk and confront th(' (,(.t 1I A..,till' pl,)t Iwcome'> more com- qUiet, good food and to he I(.ft ('o)ulllhu .. Food Show 885.1902 ,,",,ldl(' 1:\lldll 11 ,ll1d 1{0"P (Tom tlve" .JlIpltel SddlC gOl''> ,dong. p1J(,lted. tlw logl..,tIC" of the ar alone by her overbeal'lng <;1,,1l'1 822-0266 17410 MACK AT ST CLAIR lln) ,.,hl,llon ,Ill' ) ,Il..,pd III :--JI'W IWI 11\al ,md drpartllre of the four Mldler J'>a not as both t\\ 111'> DAILY DINNER SPECIALS tuk mg all of /)plongl11g.., hI' WEl(UME SUMMER YOlk 11\ 11Ch pdlPnh Sadw he call<.,e "h(' pl,ll1<" I1pver to (ome women bl'wme<., even more <;() As .Juplter Sadie she C<1vort" I 101m I,' lip m only HOMEMADE SOUP DAILY coml'''' 11ll' 0\ I I hl"lIll1g ruth II''>'' b,lCk TI1l' t P\ oil 111g doOl<.,of the ho around m outragrou<., clot h( <." 5 COURSE DINNER .I AIlE f AMOUC; '0' OUR If '> .,fire; hp,lI (' 1111'" dO(JI" ,lllrl door'> t.o the "llIU'" as though "he own'> them, ,ll1d • ( 11I,1!fI I'flilifl \p,lli "'I'll WEIGHT • '1"" "II IIHI rOillllo, ,Ii Id WATCHERS St,"'lof1l0r ( l~lPn VOIVl.dhut \hu,tlh (nd., up con Llkl'n fm t.h(,11 eltv COllnt('1p,ll h Opt n ,me! ,hut on cup "0 that nel. even yodel'! accompanll1ll'n1 to .I Aqe 6'> \\ III ",j "lint ..., ( d ..,0 (,me H' ntl y ,11I,mg('d that nut It I:" f1amboyant N(,\\ BrOllllllf La Cal ,\1'11" 111 Olll • BlfJO~ Irolll ROIlII HI! Thl ..""Ill'> '),HIIl' ,me! R(J'-,(' YWe A \\ IWI f' thl'v m,llip 1('''1'1 a ,lddled IMnh,lI1dler front of yO! k Salhe who really ge'te, pi II i'iII" il, \ (orne to \I .Igr' comc out" FrenetIC and fast-paced, "Big S3000 per couple Breasts Chicken or Tuna Salad Vag Ham Hollowmade FlIl'llltllre Co Hrrf', \\ar, 1<;SU"pICloue; t)11.,tCI'and hemg hllhed Il1to droPPll1g tl1<' ClOU'>Ro<.,eRatliff who "carchefl edy and great summer fun "unci,IV' f\lnnd 1) Tilt "Lly' line SandWiches •

June 30, 1988 6C Grosse Pointe News

901 Alarm InstaJlatlOOIRepalr 952 L.ocJ(smIlh 114 Schools 505 Lost and Found 707 Houses- 902 Aluminum SKiing 940 Mirror seMce 115 TransportatJonlTravel 506 Pet Breeding St Clair ShoreslMacomb County Call 882-6900 903 Appliance Repairs 946 MovIflg/Storage 116 TutonnglEducatlOll 507 Pet Equipment 708 Houses Wanted to Rent 953 Musk: Instrument Repair 904 Asphalt Paving Repalr 117 secrelanal SeMces 508 Pet Grooming 709 Townhouses/Condos for Rent DEADLINES 905 AutofTruck Repair 954 Paln1lf9'Oeooratlng 710 Townhouses/Condos Wanted 954 Paper Hallglng • Monday 4 pm-All BORDER and 711 GaragesIMlnI Storage for Rent 906 AWning 5e1V1Ce MEASURED (special type, bold, caps 907 Basement Waterproofing 925 PatJos/OeckS HELP WANTED AUTOMOTIVE 712 GarageslMlni Storage Wanted 956 Pes! Control etc ) must be In our offICeby Monday 4 713 IndustnallWarehouse Rental 908 8ath Tub Refinishing 600 AMC 953 P,ano Tuning/Repa!r pm 200 General 714 LMng Cuarters to Share 909 Bicycle Repalr • Monday 4 pm-All CANCELS or 201 Help Wanted-Babyslner 601 Chrysler 917 PIasIenng 715 Motor Homes for Rent 910 Boat RepalrslMalOtenance CHANGES must be In our office by 202 Help Wanted-Clencal 602 Ford 957 Plumbing/Healing 716 Offices/Commercial for Rent 911 Brick/Block Work Monday 4 pm 203 Help Wanted-Oental1Medlcal 603 General Motors 958 Pool S9Mce .12 Noon Tuesday-Regular liner ads 717 OffICes/Commercial Wanted 912 BUlldlngIRemodeling 204 Help Wanted-DomestiC 604 Antique/ClassIC 959 Pnntlllg/Engraving No borders, measured cancels or 718 Property Management 913 BUSinessMachine Repair 205 Help Wanted-Legal 605 Foreign 903 Refngerator servICe changes on Tuesday 719 Rent With Option to Buy 914 Carpentry 206 Help Wanted-Part.Tlme 606 /4-Wheel 912 Remodeling CASH RATES: 10 words $385, each 720 Rooms for Rent 915 Carpet Cleaning additIOnalword 354 $1 DO ree lor btlling 207 Help Wanted-Sales 607 Junkers 960 Roofing seMCe 721 VacatlOfl Renlal- 916 Carpet InstallatIOn OPEN RATES: Measured ads, $9 DO per 208 Employment Agency 608 PartslTires/AJarms 917 Ceiling Repair 961 Sc1ssorlSaw Sharpening Inch Border ads, $1000 per Inch Add.. Fionda 609 Rentals/LeaSing 918 Cement Work 962 Screen Repair lIonal cha'ges for photos, art work, etc 722 VacatIOn Rental- 610 Sports Cars 919 Chimney Cleaning 963 5epbc Tank Repair CLASSIFYING AND CENSORSHIP. We SITUATION WANTED 611 Trucks Out of State 964 sewer Cleaning selVlCe reselVe the nghl to classify each ad un- 920 Chimney Repair 300 Babysrtters 612 Vans 723 VacatIOn Rental- 965 SewIng Machine SelVICe der ItS appropnate heading The pub- 921 Clock Repair 301 C1erlCal 613 Wanted to Buy Northern MIChigan 966 Slipcovers lisher reserves the fight to edit or rejeCt 302 Convalescent Care 724 VacatIOn Renlal- 922 Computer Repair copy 614 Auto Insurance 967 SoIor Energy submitted lor publICatIOn 303 Day Care Resort 923 Construction 5e1V1Ce CORRECTIONS ANO ADJUSTMENTS. 924 Decorating 5elVlCe 950 Snow Blower Repwr ResponSibility for display and claSSified 304 General 943 Snow Removal 305 House Cleaning 925 DeckS/PatiOS advertiSing error IS limited to either a 962 Storms and Screens cancellatIOnof the charge lor a re-run of 306 House Sitting 926 Doors RECREATIONAL 927 Draperies 968 Stucco the portIOnIn error NollflCatlOnmust be 307 Nurses AIdes REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 969 SWImming Pool SeIVICe gIVen In time for correctIOn In the follow- 650 AIrplanes 928 DressmaklngITatlonng 308 OffICeCleamng 970 T VJRadIOlCB Repair Ing ISSue We assume no responSlbllrty 651 Boats and Motors BOOHouses for sale 929 Drywall 309 sales 801 CommerCial BUIlchngs 971 Telephone Repair for the same after the first insertIOn 652 Boat Insurance 930 Electncal selVlCe 310 secrelanal SelVIC8S 802 Commencal Property 653 Boat Parts and 5e1V1Ce 931 Energy Saving 5eIVJCEl 972 TenniS Court 803 CondosiAptsIFlats 654 Boat StoragelOockage 932 EngravlOglPnntlng 973 Tile Work 804 Country Homes 943 Tree sel'VlC8 MERCHANDISE 655 Campers 933 Excavating 656 Motorbikes 805 Farms 934 Fences 913 Typewn1er SeMCe 400 Antiques 806 Flonda Property 657 Motorcycles 935 Fireplaces 938 Upholstery INDEX 401 Appliances 807 Investment Property 974 VCR Repair 658 Motor Homes 936 Floor SandlnglRefinlshlng 402 AuctiOns 808 LakeJRlVerHomes 659 Snowroobiles 937 Furnace RepalrllnstallallOn 975 Vaccuum SaleslSeMC8 403 BICYcles 809 LakeJRlVerLots 660 Trwlers 938 Furniture RefinlshlngIRepalrs 976 Venblatton SeIVlCe ANNOUNCEMENTS 404 GaragelYardlBasement Sales 810 LakeJRlVerResorts 954 Wallpapenng 100 Personals 405 Estate sales 939 Glass - AutomotIVe 811 Lots for Sale 940 Glass - ReSidential 9n Wall Washing 101 Prayers 406 Firewood 812 MortgageslLand Contracts 903 WasherlOfyer Repair 102 Lost and Found 407 Flea Markets 941 Glass Repairs - StalnedlBeveled 813 Northern Michigan Homes 942 Garages 907 Waterproofing 103 Legal Nollces 408 Household sales REAL ESTATE FOR RENT 814 Northern Michigan Lots 700 AplslFlatslDuplex- 943 Gardeners 978 Water Softening 104 Obltuanes 409 Miscellaneous Articles 815 Out of State Property 979 Welding 410 MUSICalInstruments Grosse PomtelHarper Woods 944 Gutters 816 Real Estate Exchange 945 Handyman 980 Window Repatr 411 OfflCe1Busln8SSEqUipment 701 AptsIFlatslOuplex- 817 Real Estale Wanted Detrortl8alance Wayne County 946 Hauling 981 Window Washing SPECIAL SERVICES 412 Wanted to Buy 818 Sale or lease 982 Woodbumer Service 702 AptsIFlatslDuplex- 947 Healing and Cooling 105 Answenng 5elVlces 819 Cemetary Lots St Clair ShoreslMacomb County 948 Insulation 820 BUSinessOpportuOllles 106 Camps 703 AptsIFlatslDuplex- 949 Janltonal 5elVlce 107 Catenng Wanted to Rent 921 Jewelry/Clock service 108 DrIVeYour Car ANIMALS 943 LantlscaptnglSnow Removal 500 Adopt a Pet 704 Halls for Rent 109 Entertainment 943 Lawn Matntenance 501 Birds for sale 705 Houses- 110 Heahh and Nutntlon 950 Lawn Mower/Snow Blower Repair 502 Horses for Sale Grosse POlntelHarper Woods 111 Hobby Instruction GUIDE TO SERVICES 951 Linoleum 112 MusICEducatIOn 503 Household Pets for Sale 706 Houses- DetrOIt/BalanceWayne County 900 Air CondltlOnmg 113 Party Planners/Helpers 504 Humane Societies

, 117 SECRETARIAL SERVICES 200 HELP WANTED GENERAL 200 HElP WANTED 'GENERAL 100 10J PRAYERS 109 ENTERTAINMENT 116 TUTORING / EDUCATION , 100 PERSONALS PERSONALS I SHISH.KE.BOB House hir- TEACHERS needed for fall CARICATURES by Jlmbo. EXPERIENCED, certified LETTER FOR LETTER CALLIGRAPHY. Invltatlons, DATA Processing teacher NOVENA teacher Will tutor grades Word Processing 109 experienced Irne session, lead and assIs- announcements, certlfl- Will help you put that PC TO ST. JUDE Weddings, corporate cook, also aftemoon wait- tant teacher for pre. picniCS, bar mltz. 1-6, all subjects. Call n3- Resume Consultallon - cates Anything, fast and to work- WordStar, Apostle and Martyr great In 3377. Preparation ress. 885-1481. school, experienced pre- vahs, Let me make your reasonable Call 884- WordPerfect, Lotus, virtue, rich In miracle, General.Personal Typing ferred 881-3460 party a success. 882- CASHIERS- part time, ex- 6720 dBase, DOS and more krngsman of Chrlt, Inter- TUTORING Perhaps the Medical, Legal, BUSiness 9528. penence preferred, eve- CIRCULATION MANAGER MASSAGE Nurture yourself 882-1360 cessor. o~ ~I who Invoke problem Isn't your Child, Cassette Transcription nrngs and weekends For newspaper office l0- In a posItive way Re-' CREWt:D' Charier tflPS"-'-your aid' m"llme of need, I CLASSICAL musIc tor any but the Public education Harper.Vernler available. Apply In person cated near Grosse Pomte celve a massage I House available aboard luxun. pray to you to use your occasion Solo, duo, triO, method. ComprehenSIve 774-5444 at: Evergreen Home & Outstanding opportUnity calls and gift certificates ous 38 foot sailboat 824- g~eat God gIVen power to qumtet, gUitar, Winds, basIC CUrriculum tutOring VILLAGE OFFICE Gardens, 16145 E. 8 Mile for aggressive, take. available Betsy Breckels 6983. aid me In my urgent petl- vOice 354-6276 Limited opentngs avail- SERVICES Rd. East DetroIt. No charge person with com- AMTA certified massage ------tlon In retum, I promise able. For futher Informa- Word Processing, Typing, puter background and Cir- therapist 884-1670 DOG Grooming and silting to make your name PIANO entertainment- Phone calls please! tlon 881-8246 Personal, BUSiness, Le- culatIOn expenence Good ______With the personal touch. known Pray for us who ClasslcaV Contemporary KINDERGARTEN teacher gal, Letters, Labels, Mail- salary and benefit pro- JACKIE'S Pick-Up service. BB6- ask for your aid St Jude. Weddings, Anniversaries, needed for prIvate lOgS, Transcnbmg, Term gram Start as soon as PET & PAL SERVICES 6324. Say 3 Our Fathers, 3 Hall Occasions. Grosse POinte TUTORING school, certificatIon re- Papers, Resumes B86- possible. Call Mr. Stanton Anrmal Sitting, houseSlltlng, TAXES Prrvate, Confiden. Marys and 3 Glonas thIS Yacht Club, DAC, Coun- ALL SUBJECTS quired, experience pre- 0798 at 881-9554 or bnng re- try Club experiences GRADES 1 THRU 12 ferred 881-3460. chauffeur serviCes, doctor t1a1 Anthony Busmess Novena has never been sume to 17820 East War- appointments Shoppmg Service 18514 Mack Av- known to fall. Say Novena 885-6215 PROFESSIONAL WRITE-IMAGE SECRETARIAL SERVICE ren, Detroit, MI 48224 and airport shuttle enue. Near Cloverly for 9 days Thank you for MAGIC shows- available for FACULTY HUMAN SERVICES Word processing! consulta- WANTED 100 people to 884-1516 8B5.2111 Serving you since 1968 favors recleved St Jude birthday parties, ban- WE CAN HELP Looking for mature, respon- tion BUSiness, personal, loose up to 10 to 29 ANYONE CAN APPL yl 882-6860. J G quets, your SOCIal affairs GROSSE POINTE Sible person who wishes academiC, resume theses, Call Jim Shannon, n9- LEARNING CENTER to re-enter or change pounds In the next 30 Guaranteed ViSa! MC, PROFESSIONAL Massage reports, labelS! mailings days. 884-7472. 102 LOST AND fOUND 6913 131 Kercheval on the HIli work field, or college stu- US Charge Even With for Women. Certlfled 882.8300 bad credit No one re- 343-0836 343-0836 dent Interested In Human ROOSTERT AIL caterrng fused Call (213)925-9906 Therapist Eight years LOST PreSCriptlon lens 110 HEALTH AND COLLEGE BOUND? FAST ACCESS Services Field for part facllrty, special proJect, ext U749 Grosse Pomte experi- sunglasses In brown NUTRITION We're fast, we're accessI- time. A.M [l to 9:30), five large 4,000 person out ence Judy 882-3856 case Kercheval! Notre Let Scholarship Connection WANTED 100 people 10 ble BUSiness, legal, let- days a week positIOn to cater job, 2 weeks work, PERSONAL PET CARE Dame area Reward, 884- gUide you through the loose up to 10 to 29 maze of finanCial aid ters, memos, mailings, work In east side area average $400 to $700 per Dog and cat Silting, feeding, 3596 pounds In the next 30 personalized, repetltlve group home with develop- week. General help re- exercIsIng Lovmg care WANT sources LOST gold Selko LaSalle days 884-7472. letters, reports, disserta- mentally dISabled adults quired Apply in person for your pet when your ADS Guaranteed match ladles Wrist watch at 822-0085 tions, theses, term pa. Also aftemoonJ weekends 100 Marquette Dnve. away from home 886- CALL IN MASSAGE In your home. pers, statistical tYPing, re- and midnight shifts avail- Wmdmlll POinte Park by $4.50 HOURLY 1284 By expenenced certified sumes, cover letters able. Will Iraln. Benefits. EARLY the pool on June 17th Part time, evening! week- therapist Lesley 563- 117 SECRETARIAL SERVICES Cassette transcriptions Must have good driving BREEZIE CUSTOM THURSDAY Reward 352.9080, 823- ends. No experrence nec- 5887 PROFESSIONAL record Opportunrty for 3354 essary. Applicants must FLAGS FRIDAY RESUMES, theses, term SECRETARIAL SERVICES advancement Call MISS Boat, bUSiness, home, elc, papers, repetitive letters, be able to read and talk MONDAY REGISTERED nurse- You 112 MUSIC EDUCATION 774-9270 Wasil for more mformatlon ~2994 778-1181 left your keys at our ga- . WORD PROCESSING 965-1145 please write, POBox 882-6900 Quality work 521-3300 WAITSTAFF needed, part 175, St Clair Shores, MI _ rage sale caU886-0456 PRIVATE lessons Plano, II S INSURANCE VOice, organ University CONVERSION. Zerox BOO BARMAIDS and Waitresses or full-time, Pointe cafe, 48080 10S ANSWEIlING 885-0925. AUTO Recondltlonmg 885- SERVICES musIc education degree tapes to PC disks Also wanted. No expenence I3Q1? rlPl'l~ Ipave mes- Mrs Junker, B23-1721 most other conversions I HEALTH I D1SABIUTY I UFE I np(,(,A~~::lrV Excellenl ___I 1\11: ~"'''.U''\~''''J'V\__ "',...-'1..- ...... tn ,..arQ__ TENNIS anyone- Need help disk to diSk, tape to diSk, LONG.TERM CARE tips POinte' AthletIC Club, sage. TELEPHONE Answerrng VIOLIN lessons for Elemen- for elderly lady for long with your game or some- disk to lapel Laser print- INDIVIDUAL OR GROUP CBS Office Services tary and Middle school 527-0700. weekends and for several one to hit WIth ($8 OOlhr) PERSONALIZED dog Ing, repel11lve letters, CALL TODAY FOR YOUR 884-n34 students by South High weeks dunng summer or a raquet s1ung boarding, tramlng and mailing lists, data based FREE ANALYSIS Concert Mistress Call DRIVERI UTILITY References required 824- ($1200) Call Jennifer. condltlOnrng Highly quali- enlries, desktop publish- 331-4058. ~ECT MAINTENANCE 4647. 343-0170 fied care call 765-4187 106 CAMPS mg call Data Depot at 651.6992 Type IndMdual for Eastslde VOCAL and plano lessons MARK VAN DEN BRANDEN Allen services, n9-7680 Auto Market Company PEGASUS Banquet and CAMP ARBUTUS Grosse Pomter with Uni- eenftled Fin.nel.1 Planner YOUR HOME OR PET Many areas for future Conference Center now PRIVATE CAMP versity degree now fur- A WORK OF ART company Involvement If accepting applications for GIRLS 5-17,BOYS 5.10 thering mUSical education 200 HELl' WANTED G£NERAL PenCil, Ink, Walercolor you're an honest, de- all positions Apply In per- GRAND TRAVERSE AREA at Wayne Slate offenng To place a Busmess or Boat GRILL Cook expenenced pendable, mature son 10 a m to 3 pm JUNE 19-JULY 16 claSSical and popular les- a classified ad, person By Carol A Smclalr Apply In person Wlmpys reliable transporta- Monday. Fnday. 400 JULY 17. AUGUST 13 sons Phone 824-7182 882-6900 wrth 886-8468 CALL 881-9442 Bar and Grill, Easl War- tion Contact DaVId 882- Monroe Street, DetrOit PIANO teacher With degree ..- .... -notecards and rIOts. WRITE ren and Outer Drive 3900. DELIVERY drIVer, part.llme MAYFIELD, Ml 49666 has open 109 for begin- M IL NG LISTS TEACHER'S ASSISTANT n1ng or advanced stu- A I Full and part time needed EXPERIENCED Full time days, familiar with Grosse dents Expenenced 10 RESIDENTIAUBUSINESS 107 CATERING for Fall 1988 Some ex- cashier, St Clair Shores. Pointe area Scrrbner claSSICal, pop, ragtime, Complete mailing ser- perlem;e With children n8-8~81 Jean Florist, 88&0600. SUNSET Catering- Let us and Jazz 343-9314 VialS, southeastern and/ or an educational do your backyard parties GUITAR Lessons- 25 years Michigan area. background preferred thiS summer We specIal. experience 884-2573 MAILBOXES Call 881-2255 for Inter- INTERESTED IN SELLING lze to Pig Roasts" Please ETe.USA View REAL ESTATE? call SCott 755-3740 or lU SCHOOLS Linda 372.2716 We spe- 884-8440 COORDINATOR of Mem- ASSOClATR WITII1WO GENHRATIONS or SUCCnsSI Cialize and cater to your bership Service for world- JACK" JILL WIde ministry office, ex. WelllJamed salespersons have an advanlAgel needs at reasonable PRESCHOOL BU8INE88 AND perlenced In word Excellent traming programs including: pnces KERCHEVAL .. TlCHlOCAL SERVICES processing, tyPing, tele- "FREE to Qualified Individuals" PRE-L!CENS E classes LAKEPOtNTE phone answering Send ANTI-CRUEL TV ASSOCIATION J09 ENTER1AINMENT Art, Music, Stories Business. Technical Meh Camr>au • Detroit. MI 48212 ••.PLAY EARN 94% WITH NO HIDDEN COSTSI Letters' Memos Office, 2701 West ChI. A CLOWN CO. 881.3011 824-8008. Cassette Transcription cago, DetrOit, MI 48026 FEATURING Featuring: rARMS OfFICE IIlL!. OI'fICE LOVING Chrrstlan Child Personalized • /"\'lImAI adoptions Into lOVing homes Rainbow the Magic Clown EDISON Boat Club now ac- MARK MONAGHAN NANCY VfiLHK Care, 3 openmgs Ages Repetitive Letters • Humane education cepting applications for 886.5800 885.2000 The finest profeSSIOnal en- 2.5 527.5435 Envelopes' Labels • Resc"ds and sheltenng WIth T L C tertainment part time waitresses and • Legislative aClIOn • local, state, federal All Happy OccasIons Reports • Dissertations bus person Please call WOODS OFFICE OTIlI1R orrrcl3S • Ae.unltlng lost pets With their family 116 TUTORI NG / EDUCATION Term Papers. Theses 331-5055 for an appointment, Mon- GHORCH SMALE LLOYD HOWARDS • Cruelty investigatIOns Foreign Languages day. Friday, 9- 1pm, 886-4200 268.1000 LIGHT-HEARTED COMPUTER- based Iutor. EquatIOns' Graphs 237-8531 Adoption tlOurs 10 30 a m to 3 p m ENTERTAINMENT 109 offered by certified StatistICS' Tables' Charts COOK wan1ed, full or part. Monda,..Saturday MAGICIAN teacher Language Arts- Resumes. Cover Letters Itme, noon till 8p m Light ROBERT COOPER Reading- Math Aeason- Application Forms Ichwe.!~'fkm~. menu, Pomte cafe, 885- 20 OFFICES ALL AGES, OCCASIONS, able rates can Cathy at 822-4800 885-4210 884-3964 0925

I l -

7C June 30, 1988 Grosse Pointe News 305 S U 203 HELP WANTED 207 HELl' WANTED SALES 202 HELl' WANTED ClERICAL HOUSE WANING 200 HELP WANTED GENERAL 200 HELP WANTED GENERAL 200 HELP WANTED GENERAL 202 HELP WANTED CLERICAL DENTAL/MEDICAL J&J CLEANING Service, ATHLETIC secretary, late REGISTERED NURSE With ARE YOU THINKING PAINTERS needed 40 to PAINTER wanted, experi- SUPERMARKET experi- SECRETARIES. Suburban dependable Two sister August thru early June Chemotherapy experi- ABOUT 50 hoursl week $4 50 to ence necessary, call 6- enced stock people, top firms looking for bright leam for homes, offIces, Please send resume to ence wanted for relief In SELLING REAL ESTATE? $7 501 hour Contact 8p m Monday- Fnday, pay and various benefits beginners Entry level to etc 882-9624 ULS altn Robert Wood bUSy Oncology office Free tralnmg for qualified Sean Gregory, AM Stu. 778.4175, 731-2536 available, must have su- 3 years experience Sal. 1045 Cook Rd Grosse 778-5880 Call between 9 indiViduals to make MOVING? Call us to cleanl dent Painters 1-800.543- permarket experience ary from 12K to 17K Fee SUPERMARKET Dell Man- POinte MI 48236 and 4 money qUickly on our 882.9624 3792 ager, experrence of a lest Apply In person Harbor. paid, 964-5300 B Hans generous commiSSion LADY Wishes housework In 5 years Benefits Include town Market, 3472 East Becker and ASSOCiates PERMANENT, part- time MEDICAL tranSCriptionist, CASHIERS needed Days program Call Mark Mon. the Grosse Pomte area health disability and life Jefferson, DetrOit secretary needed for experienced, full time, or evenings RestauranU aghan at 886-5800 NOWI Call after 5p m 882-5257 liquor knowledge preferr- Insurance, and vacatloln OFFICE SKILLS lovely Ren Cen office benefits. 779-7610 SCHWEITZER REAL pay Starting salary GREEKTOWN Typing, SWitchboard able The Rattlesnake PAYOFF! LPNs, RNs for In. home In- ESTATE CARMEN'S $25,000 Call 626-3163 PASTRY SHOP Word procesSing experi- Club Eileen, 5674843 surance phYSicals Vena- BETTER HOMES AND CLEANING Monday thru Friday Needs counler help, full and Can you work 1 to 5 days ence preferable Contact PAINTER. weekends pos- puncture reqUIred Set GARDENS SERVICE part- time Good pay No per week? Put your office Mrs Floyd 259-4800, Sible full time, alrless OVERSEAS JOBS Also own apPointments Exam- No time for housecleaning? experience necessary skills to work With CDI Monday through Fnday. 9 SALESPERSON for wom. spray helpfUl 777-2468 Crulseshlps $10,000- Iners needed for Grosse Let our team come and l AM 10 5 PM $105,000/ yearl Now Call 259.1352. Temporary Servlces Pomte and east Side en's resale shop Sales do It for youl AIRLINES NOW HIRING! experience reqUIred 881- Hlflngl 320 plus LIStlngl SELF starter for deliveries, OFFICE person- part time 775-4133, call 9- noon Flight Attendants, Travel We are In need of people (1 )805-687.6000 Exten. repairs, assemblies, or full time errands. 1202 • Reasonable Agents. MechaniCS, Cus- With the follOWing expen slon OJ1626 (Fee re- maintenance Must have some office background, 204 HELl' WANTED SALES/MANAGEMENT • References tomer Service Listings DOMESTIC qUlred) good driVing record Im- ence some superviSion some $75K to $150K • Experienced Salaries to-$105K Entry mediate opening 875- muscle 259-2208 contact 18 year old company seeks 584-7718 level posilions 1-805-687- FLORAL DeSigner. part. RECEPTIONISTS GROSSE POINTE 6452 Norm Schwartz between agresslve sales rep and 38 YEAR old MALE, par- 6000/Ext A-i626 (fee re time, 3 years experience TYPISTS EMPLOYMENT 11 and 2 dally manager for opening of tially handicapped, non- qUlred) SCribner Jean FlOrist DELI help wanted Apply WORD PROCESSORS AGENCY new office Call 886-0600 Within, Alger Deli and li- SECRET ARIES PART-TIME Clerical for fme domlnent hand, UD/ BA LAWN SERVICE 1.800-231-4310 Ext. 884 quor, 17320 Mack furniture store, bUSiness 885-4576 Degree, Willing to work OPPORTUNITY A GREAT OPPORTUNITY Long and short term assign- office Apply In person at 50 years reliable service full or part-time to supple- Barefoot grass lawn service IN REAL ESl ATE IMMEDIATE opening, full ments With top com- office 2 to 5p m Scott Needs experienced Cooks, ment disability mcome IS current excepting appli- OFFICE expanding We are time counter person panies Earn good pay Shuptrlne 18850 Mack Nannies, Maids, House- SHOWROOM Call 779-6302 cations for poSitions as looking for a sales person wanted at the Camera keepers Gardeners, '''Hth hpnpfl1~ Avpnue Grosse Pomte RELIABLE Polish woman's territory manages I hiS who wUUld liKe the oppur- Center In the 'vllldgtJ Cd!' Chauffeurs Butlers, Cou- SALES Farms willmg to clean your positions prOVidesthe op- tunlty to grow Into a man- Ken at 885-2267 for an CALL NOW' ples. Nurse s Aides, Com- Lighting fixture show- agement! ownership POSI- appointment home Own transporta- portunity to combine sales 203 HELl' WANTED panions and Day Workers room sales Ideal for tion Contact George DENTAL/ MEDICAL tion Grosse POinte Refer- and customer contact MEAT Culters- apprentice for private homes woman, sales experl. With out door work Turf Palms or Bill Queen for a ences 892-0722 or Journeyman Please eDI DENTAL Hygienist wanted 18514 Mack Avenue ence preferred. '4.75 confidential interview CLEAN-Squeak Services knowledge and sales ex- apply In person Harbor- full or part time In Fisher Grosse POinte Farms per hour plus com. perience IS a plus but not 886-4444 Registered, dependable town Market, 3472 E Jef- BUlldmg 871-0465 nurses aide and wash lady miSSIOn, 3 days per reqUired ApplicatIOns COLLEGE students gOing Temporary Services, Inc and reasonable rates ferson, Detroit needed for elderly per. week, Incluchng Sat. need to be self motivated to school locally wanted "The Can Do It MEDICAL Receptionist With Available evenings and LOCAL BUSiness seeks reli- son 779-3760 urday. POSSiblefull- Goal Oriented and In good FleXible working hours Company" some billing experience weekends for your office able, ambitiOUS IndiVidual time available w~h phySical condition Attrac- dUring school year Apply for a sub speCialist sur. or house cleaning needs for Art Framing Full lime, SEAMSTRESS and house- benefits, includes tive compensation and at Mr C's Deli,16830 100 Renaissance geon s office In Warren Call Ms. Cotey, 885-2891 Will train Please respond keeper wanted 885-6443 Saturdays. Apply 10 benefit plan Please call East Warren (Detroit), SUite 2004 Call 759-5440 for an ap- to Box G-15, Grosse a.m, to 1 p.m., Mon- WE Will come In and clean 758-4290 ask for Kurt 20916 Mack (Grosse 259.7516 pOintment and Intervelw POinte News, 96 Ker. day through Friday, your home. apartment or POinte Woods), 12337 Equal Opportunity LIVE.IN companion for cheval, Grosse POinte AIDES, HOMEMAKERS, Exway Electric, office, do errands Excel- Morang (Detroit), 20032 Employer HOUSEKEEPER Grosse POinte invalid 48236 LPNs, RNs 20234 Harper, lent references 881-7216 Kelly (Harper Woods) SECRET ARY - Excellent Light housekeeping plus Free room and board In Harper Woods 884- HOME Cleaning by Mlch- WAITRESS. Bar-B-Q secretarial skills reqUired cooking for two adults. exchange for meal prepa- WANTED- vocal musIc BON SECOURS 4330. eUe EffiCient, reliable House, 20515 Mack, by busy downtown law of- Tuesday, VVednesday ration and light house- teacher, Kindergarten HOME CARE Call 771-0972 for mter- keeping 264-8058 atter Grosse POinte Woods fice Accurate typlng- 70 and Thursday. 300 SITUATtON WANTED through eighth grade, fall view 5'30p rn 1988, St Paul's School 886-7755 wpm Must have 3 years References reqUired. IlAIlYSITTEIlS Affiliated With POLISH English Woman Contact Mrs Burns 885. MATURE Women experi- of experience and word 885-6743. RESPONSIBLE college stu- TELEPHONE SoliCitor, part- BON SECOURS 40 years, Will refresh your 3430 enced In sales, part! full processing skills Apply to dent available for eve- time mornings no week HOSPITAL home With her European time, references Call Thomas P Brady, 962- ning/ weekend babyslt- ends, Ideal for college DRIVERS NEEDEDI 206 HELP WANTED style of cleaning Experi- 881-0134 8255 tmg April, 884-7442 student $5 00 per hour Good driVing record Will Be one of tile FIRST to be PART. TIME enced In home health the BEST Jom our team North Ind 774-7050 train Excellent money SILK Screen Printing Com- WORD BABYSITIING In my lOVing care for your loved ones of dedicated proViders of COUNTER Clerk for local A Homeowners dream' making potential Apply In pany hiring full time print- home Monday thru Fri. Errands, companionship, PROCESSING quality home care Earn dry cleaners, part- time Work from hamel own person ers 881-9360 day 839-5616 housekeeping and cook- SECRETARY top wages In the pnvate Full benefits Call 882- hours Own boss/ Great 15501 Mack Ave HARDWARE man full time Ing 365-1095 ThiS IS your chancel POSI- duty home care field 8120 EXPERIENCED, non smok- pay No Investments HARDRESSERI ASSistant, Apply at 17020 Mack tions now eXlsl for IndiVid- FleXible scheduling to ing adult wanted for part Free HawaII triP We part time, 2 to 3 days a Ave Grosse POinte Park STAR BRITE uals With 2 years office meel your needs ChOice MOTOR Route drivers for time infant care Refer- have It all for youl 775- week, excellent opportu- CLEANING SERVICES EXPERIENCED full or part- experience who type 60 Iive.m assignments avail- New York Times Early ences and own transpor- Homes, Offices, 7511 nity to learn 881-6833 time floral deSigner Ask wpm Prefer experience able Minimum one year morning hours, part- time, tation reqUIred Call 885- Apartments, Condos GOVERNMENT JOBS for Jim 885-3000 on any of the follOWing experience reqUired For 3 am- 630 a m Mature 4532 and leave message HONEST AND $16,040 - $59,230/year WORD PERFECT and responSible need Interviews Will begin July SWIM Instructors needed mformatlon call 886- DEPENDABLE Now Hiring Your Area MULTI MATE only apply 1-800-631- FULL for YMCA program, begin CARE or 343-1441 11 Wall washing 805-687-6000 Ext R-1626 XEROX 860 ASAP Must have life 2500, 534-0005 BABAR'S House- Licensed and much more for current Federal list Training available on spe- POSITIONS available In saving and CPR cards child care, has opening, CIfic software Call todayl Ophthalmology practice 839-1423 {fee required} OR Must be 17 years old 207 HElP WANTED SALES age two and up Educa- ENTECH SERVICES for receptionist and tran- 881.7416 POSITIONS Open for Paint- 778-5811 SCriptionist Communica- tional program, full time - ersl Foreman Wages $6- preferred 881-7522 ENGLISH. Polish lady will WILL train pizza cooks, LTD tion and secretarial skills $8 hour Call 881-4855, 100% refresh your reSidence PART cashiers, dell clerks Must 567.0050 preferred send resume 9- 5, Monday- Friday Will COMMISSION PROGRAM A RELIABLE Grosse Pomte With her European style be 18, Willing to work to Box Grosse Pomte conSider students CAREER TRAINING Woods teenager, avail- of cleaning, uses rags m- days, evenings, week. SECRETARY News, 96 Kercheval, TIME CENTURY 21 AVID able afternoons and stead of mops Does the SEEKING an organized, ends Apply at Mr C's PUBLIC RELATIONS Grosse POinte Farms, MI ST. CLAIR SHORES week/ends Good reputa- motivated, responsible Seeking well organized, mo- 48236 Box G-20 floors on her knees Ex- Great opportUnity to gen- Dell, 16830 East warren tion, references, Loves person to work In our tivated secretary to work 778.8111. cellent housekeeper, With erate "or supplement" an (DetrOit), 20915 Mack young children Call 882- busy St Clair Shores ser Irt our busy publiC rela ORAL Surgery TechniCian her own transportation Income - full or part time (Grosse POinte Woods), 4096 vice centers Must enJoy tlons office qualified can- part time needed In busy References available Call as our bUSiness IS pro- 12337 Morang (DetrOit}, working With the public, didates must type Medical Center Dental of- RETAIL anytime 365-4335 ductive until 9.30 p m. 20032 Kelly (Harper 303 SITUATION WANTED handling busy phones 60w p m and have at fice Wednesday and Sat- THE HOUSE.KE.TEERS daily. ThiS 20 year old Woods) SALES POSITIONS DAY CAllE baSIC office procedures least 2 years secretarial urdays Experienced With CLEANING SERVICE manufacturer of top qual. FULL & PART TIME and cashiers skills helpful 201 HEll' WANTED experience The ability to sedation necessary Call LOVING MOM in licensed Ity, sought after products ProfeSSional, Bonded and BABYSITTER use a PC IS preferred 832-4580 St Clair Shores home to but not necessary Neat seeking POiSed, enthUSI- Home Furnishings Insured teams ready to Competatlve salary and care for children 2 to 6 handWriting a must Ap- astic "sales Oriented" in- MOTHER'S Helper, babySit- LPNs Specialist clean your home or busi. benefit package IS avail- Part lime 774-0308 ply In writing to POBox diViduals If you have ter for 2 and 3 year old (Experienced) ness 805991, St Clair Shores, able Please submit a re determination, Will- boys In Grosse POinte BON SECOURS Gift Certificates Available sume With salary history The Nanny Network, Inc MI48080 Ingness and are depend. Park Monday through 10% Off With ThiS Ad to Personnel Department, HOME CARE LAURA Quality profeSSional child able please call. Full Thursday, 9- 1, Friday, 9. First Time Callers Onlyl HAIR Stylists- one of the Detroit Macomb Hospital ASHLEY care In your home Call training - hourly or high 5 823-4557 Affiliated With 582.4445 POlntes finest Large sal- Corp 7815 E Jefferson Grosse Pointe Shop us NOW for Information commission with cash MOTHER'S Helper, Ideal BON SECOURS ons, top commiSSion, Ave, Detroit MI 48214 739.2227 HOUSE cleanmg, excellent bonus and incentives for teenager, part time, HOSPITAL chOice of work days, EOE FULL and PART TIME poSI. references, days and eve- Pleasant Eastside office fleXible morning and eve- tlons as well as HOME 304 SITUATION WANTED nings. Call 526-9351 hours, and vacation ATTENTION JOin our team of dedicated Mr Pilkington. ning hours, own transpor- FURNISHINGS SPECIAL- GENERAL times 19565 Mack Ave STUDENTS & TEACHERS1 prOViders of quality pri- 306 SITUATION WANTED tation, 2 boys- 9 and 12 IST In the store that PERSONAL Bookkeeping between 7 and 8 mile 881-1000 Short and long-term assign vate duty home care HOUSE SITTING 881-6390 stands alone for romantic service IndiVidual seek- ATIENTION busboys, dish- ments available for the Work when and where fashion In women's ap- Ing Bookkeeping service MATURE responSible washers, full and part NAIL Technician, full time, NANNIES NEEDED summerl you want while earning parel and home furnish- Please call 445.2686 house sitter available AVila, 773-2660 ask for Experienced mature rella NEEDED AT ONCE TOP WAGES For mfor- time POSitions available, Ings, Laura Ashley, open- Longer periods preferred days and nights, paid va- Maryanne ble Good salary and ben- • Typlstl55wpm matlon call 886-CARE or RETIRED Handyman- Minor Ing at Grosse POinte Monday thru Friday be- efits Live-In or Ilve-out • Secretaries! repairs, carpentry, electri- cations, medical insur- LANDSCAPE/ Gardening 3431441 tween 10 a m and 2 pm Call us now for an ap- legal & Executive cal, plumbing, broken ance, apply In person, foreman needed Experi- DENl AL Hygienist deSired Applicants should have 335-7690 Monday- Friday, 2-4p m pointment • Word Processors Windows and sash cord ence only Must be for Northeast suburb sales experience In either PROFESSIONAL mature 20273 Mack 884-4144 739-2227 • Data Entry Clerks replaced, etc Reason. knowledgable In plant Excellent salary In re- fashions or home furnish. athletiC couple avallble to 8ARV!=:ITTER needed • Receptlonlsts/45 wpm ::lhlp Rpfprpnrps 882- c..are and luer.tlfrcatn:;i. Idxed fee for serv,c& lng::». dliU jk;,5Uiia\ tCiS:c; Sit Imme<:lIately ~IX to !:l days, some evenings 2 CALL TODAY 6759 DIRECTOR OF Progressive Company group practice, Just hy- compatible With our monlhs Expense ac- Children, ages 6 and 8 RUTH PARADISE TEMPS 757-5352 giene, no other responsI- unique styling Excellent EUROPEAN Handy man IS count 465-2279, Tom DEVELOPMENT 10 Mllel Jefferson 776- 1772 PENOBSCOT SLOG bilities Office totally salary and benefits seekmg live-In poSition Non profit agency inVites ------WAITRESSES or w8llers 964-0640 HOUSESITTER Available 6273 Infection protected Please send resume to Long time experience expenenced fund raisers wanted some expenence Experienced In gardening CARING person needed to Please send resume to Excellent references with sucessful record to necessary For Informa. ACCOUNTS Receivable and lawn care Non- care for our 3 wonderful Box W-75 , Grosse LAURA ASHLEY Own transportatIOn Call apply for the pasIlion of lion call Therese or and billing clerk With gen smoking college gradu- children In our home Pomte News, 96 Ker- 2845 Somerset Mall 366-5262 Director of Development Steve 527.7240 eral office duties Looking ate Excellent references Monday thru Friday Ref- Troy, MI. 48084 Send resume to Chll------for mature dependable cheval, Grosse Pomte NEED SOMETHING AUn: Ms. Lee Call Gan, 885-7106 drens Home of DetrOit, NOW HIRING erences 882-5554 employee Must type 50 Farms MI 48236 MOVED? 900 Cook Road, Grosse Government Jobs, skilled HOUSeSITTER Available MATURE, lOVing and rella wpm and have experl 203 HELl' WANTED Two Pomte reSidents Will POinte Woods MI 48236 and unskilled In your 203 HELP WANTED Experienced In gardening ble woman to babySit for ence Irt baSIC accounting • DENTAL/MEDICAL . DENTAL/ MEDICAL move or remove large or ______area For current list of and lawn care Non- newborn In my home functIOns and computer small quantities of furnl. EAST Side ASSistant Man- Jobs and application call smoking college gradu- need 5 days a week year usage Excellent frmge ture appliances, pianos agerl Sales, Gourmet (602) 995-0682 ext 749 ate Excellent references round, beginning In Au. benefits Office located In or what have you Call for foods Planning and coor------Call Garl, 885-7106 dlnatlng catenng fo spe. PHONE girls pizza makers gust Please call after 5 downtown area Submit PhYSICianHeat Thy self free estimate clal events Benefits delivery boys Little Italy resume detailing all prior 822-4400 HOUSESITIEA Available 30 881-4769 We are lookmg for a family practitioner of mature employment education Experienced In gardenmg Please forward resume or Plzzena 526-0300 years who IS ')eekmg a little slower pace, a qUieter life RELIABLE Woman for child salary reqUirement and AURA'S and lawn care Non- leiter of expenence to WORD Processor for down- style The Doctor we have m mmd IS ready to step m care In my home for a 20 references Send resume HOME SITIING SERVICE smoking college gradu- Box -G-18 Grosse POinte town DetrOit law firm and assume the leadership of a new medical cliniC month old boy, 7a m to to Box S 12 Grosse T L C of children, elderly ate Excellent references News 96 Kercheval Three years experience that IS affiliated With P'Jr1Huron Hospital Our cliniC IS 4 30p m Monday thru POinte News 96 Ker Hourly overnight and 24 Call Garl, 885.7106 Grosse POinte Farms, MI Pleasant working condl- located m the charmll,g resort Village of LeXington, Friday Non smoker ref- cheval Grosse POlnle hour rates 12 years With 48236 tlons for non-smoker perched on a sandy Lake Huron Shore 20 miles north 307 SITUATION WANTtD erences reqUifed 882 rarms MI48236 Mrs Hammon, whose Competitive salary and NURSES AIDES 7523 of Port Huron and 75 miles from Grosse Pomte Your agency served Grosse benefits Send resume to BOOKKEEPER wanted part GROCERY merchandiser patients Will range from oldersters to youngsters m a Pomte over 30 years LI- COMPANION Aide wants Box A-18, Grosse POinte BABYSITTER needed In time for dental practice for retail supermarkets Wide rangmg family practice LeXington offers sallmg, censed Bonded active full time lob Call News, 96 Kercheval, my home for 2 year old experience necessary Buymg and seiling Ex. golfing tenniS, beaches and an mventory of stately 697.5625 evenings, 343-0076 perlence a must ('illl GroS5e Pomte Farms and 8 month old Must be 8825600 older homes farms, and lake front cottages for every 626.3163 Monday thru 48236 non smoker, very de. ta5te Callus or write, for more InformatIOn EXPERIENCED Nurse's pendable, references STUDENT Will dO all your Frrday MANAGER'SI CASHIER'S CUSTOMER Sprvlce Rep aides available Reason. Monday through Thurs. M C Reinhard, Executive Director home chores Call Mark wanted, full or part time A temporary help com able rates Fraser BE ON T V Many needed day 8 to 430 Friday 8 to 885.2656 Agency, state licensed Apply in person Amoco pany IS 11'\ need of a ca 7171 Huron Street for commercials Cas;lng 630 Seven Mile and Gas station, Mack and reer mlndf'd Indlvlduill If LeXington, MI 48450 RESPONSIBLE college stu. and bonded 293-1717 informatIOn (1)805 687 Kelly 839-6011 1.359.5357 6000 Ext TV-1626 (Fee Rivard In Grosse POinte you have il background dent available for boat RELIABLE Woman seeking MATURE, experienced In workll'\g With peoplf' cleaning April, 884-7442 ReqUIred) 886-3133 companlonl A,de Days, woman wanted to tare and want a chRllenge ATTENTION Grads Mov RELIABLE college student references 839-0526 for 4 month old Infant 3 downtown Detro,t area YOUNG man needed to Ing Company needs • ~ I<'xington for almost any odd Job HOME Health care nurse days a week In my home, Send resume to 2110 15 wash and wax 38 foot strong young men Willing I.!.iJ.!I Health C l'I)tcr BabySitting, gardening, experienced and 'ellable, nonsmoker only Begin- Mile Road Sterling boat weekly Some exper- to work No experience light housework CARO. ning August 10 884- Heights, 48310 or call references available- n4- Ience reqUired Percy necessary 884.8380 8 L!N E, 8B4- tu'e wood rocker 886-5270 (313)429-9303 Froday, 9-5p m, Closed NEAR 10 MILE Kelly bedroom set twin beds I< '~r.cr :; ~ -:,cs s:tf' ESTATE PALE Taupe sofa 3 cush- SOLID Chr::rry dlr'lrtg suite Saturdays and Sundays AntiqUes furrllture crllrca SIX family garage sale Mahogany dining room r.arg"es' Tnls that and another AND d!'-<:: I""'\"'<:~ '"'1Ofe $125 TWirl bed teak chairs sideboard mlfrQf prICeS pa'd ',\oroal thing- 1953 Oxford HOUSEHOLD bed, Wicker sel/llng frame mattress Included and highboy S4 000 n2-9385 Saturday 11-6 ONE Da, 'J'1r/ Salurdaj Grosse POinte Woods rocker, Wicker table, __ I 2 9 am- 3 pm LIQUIDATIONS From house of Denmark 4fJ3-06 76 After 6p m WE BUY AND SELL 772-0430 Thursday thru Saturday, Wicker planter, antique sil- BY $100 Leave message F ....'1 • /e children s 6/30- 7/2 ver lea sel and tray, odd AGE-OLD ANTIQUE CN'''€S t:lys Sorr>etmng DUMAR chairS, Ladle's 1950's 8844416 ANN ARBOR ANTlQUES ANN ARBORJ SALINE ''l e "::;')'t:JCld I 1984 Lan- bike, now Ilres excellent MARKET M JEWELRY 405 fSUn SAlES SYLVIA 981-1625 PECAN dlfllng room sel 6 ANTIQUES SHOW :::~.", Gr0C;SQ POinte I'nr."l,Ilnn M;JhnClnny EARL Y BUYER ENTRY' BHUt:lHt.H MANAGEi1 June 17 thnJ July 1 ,',<:;<:X,s desk, end tllblo'i, round 772-5412 Friday, July 1 Sunday, JUly 17, 20th Victorian Nou ,eau De:':: marble top coffoo table 2p m to l1p m season 5055 Ann Arbor 4183 Balfour-Thursday Sat- TWO air conditioners, 5,000 Silver - GckJ Pia" 'i,.J~ books, clolho!> ,:>hoo':> $20 admlSSlO(l per person Saline Road, EXit 175 off .-rea, 8- MOI'e DIShes, BTU, 881-7842 Rings and .A,I;C,I"ssor €"S C.Ct!1eS Fans Miscella- purses, IlIlOn!>, kllc.hon dunng deale!' set-tJp In- 1.94 300 dealers In qual- Many \'11thColon,d S''j(''€"S CRalJ1bow 8~tategaQ~ Ilems, much, much mornl NINE piece Duncan Phyle Ity antiques & select col- r1€O'"S formatIOn (313)429-9303 ESTATE AND HOUSEHOLD LIQUIDATIONS Sale comJuclod by Vir mahoganey dmmg room lectibles, all under cover ANTIQUES ON MAIN 115 S 'Aal" RaJa Oa-< YARD Sale- 5109 Bishop glnla ~ot, excellent condition 5 a m 4 pm, AdmiS- Compllte s-N1ce Man-Sat , G-5 ~5-4M3 Lots of miscellaneous 'f,750 solid cherry Chip CLASSIFIED ADS sion $3 00, Third Sun. Excellent Glen Ind Sharon Bulklll ESTATE Sale Sofa Lhclil'> pondllie block! front bed CALL 882-6900 days The Onglnall ~us bofS clolhesl toys .References 8850826 dlnetto sel, ml':>e.mlILlll'> 401 Friday July 1st only 930 Friday, 10 to 3 2181~ room set (superb condi- to 4 00 OConnor 51 Clolr tion) 882-5622 TWO excelief1t refrqera!Q(s ORJENTAL RUGS 1 GARAGE Sale Men's, Shores THOMASVILLE light ma- 885-8156 of all kHlds and sizes Nomen's and children's ESTATE Solo Antlquu lur plo spoon foot, 52' FROST- free refr'geralOf clothing, new and used, FRIENDLY I'1Iture glass, clockb l1y round table, two leaves WANTED BY A COLLECTOR i name brands, all In excel- tiartz~ flvo Hitchcock chalfs, stole /lasner dryer Hoosehold Sal~ PROFESSIONAL droplane With ChriS Craft refr,get'aw S65 lent conditIOn, toys, mlsc $750 Harden cherry dry PAYING THE MOST 0Iclef YOUR SPECIAL SERVICE outboard, Speodway and car 12233 Wayburn, Sink, $450 Pair of formal 882-50581 POSSESSIONS snowmobile 39047 Du 1-663-7607 oH Morass, June 30tn light green lamps REFRIGERATOR 18 cubIC ARE MY SUSAN HARTZ luth, off South River through July 2nd pleated shades, $200 _------. foot frostfree $250 Gas SPECIAL CONCERN 886-8982 Road, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, June 824-6464 range, 30 Inches S50 MOVING Sale Friday and Grosse Pointe City 331-6157 Saturday, 9 to 4 488 La 450 Satisfied Clients in I 30th to July 3rd, 9 to 5 MC LANE reel type 7 DU MOUCHELLES Belle Road, across from the past 8 years, blade mower, 3 1/2 HP 409 MISCElLANEOUS GAS STOVE green, pilot the Woods Theatre Bnggs and Stralton en- less Kenmore $100 ARTIClES MOVING Sale, furniture, reo gme, for bent grass, 3 HP 881-7621 DINING room, 2 bedroom flgeralor, pmg- pong ta. Briggs and Stratton edger sets, end table and cof- SEARS Kenmore electnc ble, etc Saturday and engines, gasoline edger DU MOUCHELLES fee table, all mahogany, dryer, 4 years old, $75 Sunday, July 2nd, 3rd good cond Itlon, $100 We buy for cash or take on consignments, In-1312 884-2709 3592 GUilford 884-0319 527-6128 antiques, onental rugs, pamtlOgs GARAGE sale, Fnday and and fine furnrture 403 .ICYCUS 405 ESTATE SALES Saturday 1Q. 4 Air condl- 405 ESTATESAlES " AUSTRO-DAMLER 12 honers, toys, children's speed, 23", excellent clothes, Women's sport We buy for cash or take on consignments, clothes, snow plow conditIOn, quality compo- antiques, onental rugs, paintings freezer, washer and nents, 1 year old, $200 or and fine furniture HOUSEHOLD best 547-6280 dryer Other big and small Items, 321 Kerby NEW schWinn varsrty 10 and speed, 26", $120 or best GARAGE SALE With some ESTATE SALES 409 E. Jefferson offer 884-5007 furOfture and antiques Thursday only, June APPRALSA1.S 963-Q.2,55 t.ADtE'S bike; bIke baby 30th 10 to 4 1319 Bal- ANTIQUES PURCHASED seat, 2 car bike racks four between CharleVOIX 372-0692 and Vernor 771-1170 402 AUCTIONS 402 'AUCTIONS MEN'S 3 speed, 2 Ladle's MOVING Estate sale Furni- 409 E. Jefferson L KATHERINE ARNOLD ANTIQUES 10 speeds, SchWinn and ture and all household 963-6255 Huffy All excellent $95/ Items Morang and Rox- BIG ANTIQUE ESTATE & each 884-7871 bUry, St Brendan's area CONSIGNMENT AUCTION LADIES 10 speed, Spnnt, Please call 521-3520 19" frame, used twice GARAGE Salell, Thursday CHAPMAN, WILLIAMS AND ~ SATURDAY, JULY 2,1988 SaCrifice- $125 777-2802 June 30th, Fnday July 1st, 12 noon to 5 pm KLINGENSMITH ASSOCIATES 404 GARAGE/YARD at Saturday July 2nd, 10 to ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE OUR SERVICES 11 :00 .\.M. IIASEMEHT SALES 2, 1353 Grayton, Grosse Included will be the estate of Margaret J. Webb, Pitts. BOOKS Donations needed POinte Park, 2 blocks SALES - ESTATE & HOUSE field Township as well as other partial estates and for St Clare used book south of Mack APPRAISALS - ESTATE, II lO(lIvidual consignors. Grosse Pointe Estate Sales, Ine. sale, 343-0957, 343-0285 GARAGE SALE June 30- INSURANCE, PRIVATE FURNITURE - Super tiger maple two part stepback MOVING Salel 9-plece din- July 1and 2 10t04 Lots Estate - Household - MOVing cupboard, tlQ8r maple htgh poster bed, unusual Ing room set, 7-plece of clothes, mlsc Items, PRICING SERVICE - An OptIon For The MARY ANN BOLL PATRICIA KOLOJESKI tiger maple folding spread rack, 18th century Chip- ~~1~8 8~~04 pendale architects desk with sliding top on marlbor- kitchen ~et bedroom set something for everyone Individual Wishing To Conduct Their 823-3086 or 331-2107 4129 Devonshire ough legs, Queen Anne game table with dnnk cor- Own Sale, Be It Garage Or House Sale ners and gUlO9a pockets, set of 5 (4+1) 18th cen- KIDS and parents Will love LARGE Variety Garage 409 MISCULANEOUS 409 MISCELlANEOUS tury Chippendale dining chairs with marlborough thiS sale- Toys, games, Sale- Boys b,kes Thurs- Etc. uncus ARTIClES legs, George 111mahogany linen press, George III clothing, and household day, Friday, 9 am 852 chest of drawers, walnut two piece st~back cup- For A Modest Fee, We WIll Advise You board, Queen Anne gateleg table. Four drawer stuff, too Friday, Satur- Canterbury, corner of Concerning Proper Merchandising Tech- day, 10 a m to 4 pm, Wedgewood Sheraton chest, 18th century small oak hanging niques, Security Provisions, Advertising corner cupboard - banded with a star inlaid In the July 1st, 2nd, 458 Clo- YARD Sale, Saturday July AZARS door, Waterloo county dry sink - 1 drawer and a verly, near Friendly Ice 2nd, 10 to 3 103n Bri- and Pricing. backsplash with shelf, walnut spindle bed, numer- Cream tlan, Cadieux/ Harper TELEPHONE: 882-2299 We pay top dollar for old Oriental rugs ous stands - one and two drawers, one IS birdseye Any Size, any condition and tiger maple, Japanese Tansus, walnut wish- "SECOND time around" area used furniture One of a E. bone dresser, great VlCtOnan dern! arm pariOf' chair, MOVING Sale, June 30th, LAUREN CHAPMAN, )Ill S. WILLIAMS, palr of ball and claw fooled wing chairS, cast iron kind pieces, deSigner fab- July 1st, 4343 Grayton, CHARLES P. KLINGENSMITH 1-800-622-RUGS 644-7311 s1CNe,oak 8-<:urve roillop desk, grain painted on riCS, some antiques, all 18h p pine chest of drawers, patented walnut seWing table excellent condition 2 - 1B71 ahavlng mirror WIlh two drawers. fancy d~\!~ 0nl~, -,,-,Iy 1st ::lnd MOVING sale, G E 30" HARTZ HOUSEHOLD SALES, !NC. carved armchair wrlh cherub and rams heads, four second 17826 E Warren electnc range, almond, door oak china cabinet - curved glass on top, Sa- near Allemon Flonst 10 like new $195 No frost The Missing vonarola chair, etc... LLNel-) to 4p m Admiral refngerator, al- ESTATE SALE mond, like new $270 PAINTINGS. Coast painting of a man and dog with APPLIANCES, remodeling 47 ROSLYN sh1J>sin the background by Joseph Heard, small Solid brass and glass cof- Linking IndIViduals to Needs In the Community IS a Items, bikes, mlsc 12- 4 pamtlng on tile of eats Signed B B.103 (Betsy fee table. $165 Sears 3 GROSSE POINTE SHORES non-profit organization whose purpose IS to coordi- 1415 Grayton 882-7546 Bamber), lIVe round miniature paintings of IVOry of speed 20" Wholehouse JUST OFF LAKESHORE BETWEEN 8 nate needs With resources ThiS IS accomplished by dogs 100tlaied G H Mounted collectIVely 10 a brass MOVING Sale' 3410 Ken. Window fan With remote MILE & MACK placing goods no longer needed by indiViduals and matting, etc. . slngton between Cadieux! thermostat, used one bUSinesses Into the hands of Metropolitan DetrOit Whl"ler on Mack Avenue season, $95 527-3190 Charitable agencies Operating since 1971, LINC IS MISC • Seth Thomas shelf clock . wooden worJts proud of the accomplishments rt has made and Saturday, Sunday, 1Q.5 FRIDAY & SATURDAY wrlh paw feet C, 1828, 19th century French "MagIC GARAGE/ MOVing Sale strIVes to increase rts resource base If you have Furniture and miscella- Lantern," surveyors level 00 trIpOd base. bent panel 1858 Kenmore, Grosse JULY 1 - 2 recycable Items, no longer of use to you, Operation lamp wrlh fllllgree motrf shade, ooIlectlOn of Chinese neous household Items POinte Woods Thursday 10:00 A.M .• 4:00 P.M. L1NC knows who can and Will use them Please call rose medallIOns, antique pistols, Ithaca shotgun, LlNC at 882-6100 With our donation KEEP IT decoys, cut glass stemware including Baccarat, HUGE Backyard Sale- and Fnday, 12 to 2, Sat- clothing, Jewelry, appli- urday 6 to 12 Air condi- ThiS picture perfect home IS full of Items all WIth MOVINGI copper and brass, col1ect1Ofl of horse hgunnes, an Italian flair. We have a handsome 1950's lamps, coll9dloo of tin types, IVOfYnetsukes, porce- ances, furniture, new la- tIOners, furniture, appli- Swedish modern bedroom set, tnpod glass table, CAMP KNIGHT OF THE PINES has requested a lain celery plates, mah lOng game In ornate box, dies shoes 7 1/2 4109 ances, lawn and ski tradrttonal family room furniture, a library full of ROWBOAT with oars and motor, outdoor FOLDING picture frames, pair 01 Chine .. cachepots, tools, Bedford, Friday, Satur- equipment, toys, lots CHAIRS and CHAIRS and non-breakable dishes upholstered furniture, 4 upholstered club chairs, a ete . day, Sunday, 9a m -4 more and flatware for 60-100 Camp Knight offers a 30pm pair of maINe velvet lIVing room chairS, 6 piece light camping experience for emotionally Impaired, lear- GARAGE Sale- 21135 JEWELRY - Many estate pieces and other fine Jew- mahogany dining 58t, trestle table & 4 hlQh back ning disabled, phySically abused and economically elry (costume through dlamoodt). MOVED- too much safe Country Club Thursday chairs and more deprIVed The Items listed would help these speCial Bookcases crystal, furnl' and Friday 9 to 3 needs so cam{>ers Will enJoy the summa' BANQUET OR lENT AL RUGS - Estate ruga; 9'5"x11'8" Hafiz, ture, boys clothing, toys Clothes, rugs furniture, TABLES and FOLDING CHAIRS are needed at the some C8UC88Sl4n,plus others. We WIll also have ladles clothing & accesSOries Fnday, July 1, Saturday, tires, bikes, tools and mcludlng a mInk coat and 58veral persian lamb STATE FAIR SENIOR CENTER This audton Is once again a very general type with July 2, 9 30- 4 741 Mid- much more (2 free par- coats, Oflental carpets, dozens of flgunnes, lots of many rtems not lISted Please come to the p'....lew dlesex, Park keets With cage) useful krlchen rlems, dozens of 58tS of barware, Telephone message pads, paper ClipS, staples, scotch lape, postage meter, legal pads, any and ! beginning on Sunday, June 28 and take your time cement garden decoratIOns, dozens of framed Inspecting the merchandISe ALL BASIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT IS needed at he prints, wrought Iron porch furniture, floor model office ser'llng KIDS IN NEED OF DIRECTION Th~e 81e mostly estate lIems, which will be sold STARTING OVER SALE Gundtg stereo and much more absolutely No buyers premlum. fr.. cetaloQs with The YOUTY LIVING CENTERS Wish list Includes a estimates gIVen on each lIam whICh are all listed Everything In perfect condrllon and prICed to selll paper shredder, water cooler, a tractor With or With I and cataloged VIsa, Mastercard, cash, check, 6 piece bedroom set, miscellaneous furniture, drum set, clo1hlng, appliances, housewares, brand (Jut snow attachement and for the Foster Care play- Auctions made SImple, NUMBER ARE AVAILABLE AT A M (FRIDAY room COLORED SLiNKEYS new grft and craft Items and much, much more, g.oo Caterers on the premises ONL V) TO ESTABLISH YOU PLACE IN LINE WHEN at PLASTIC TOYS THAT FLOAT, tumbling mats, cray- JULY 1.2 THE SALE OPENS AT 1000 A M FOR MORE Schmldts's Antiques, Inc. INFORMATION, DIRECTIONS OR DETAILS ons, coloring books, T-ball equipment, saddles, bn- 10 AM. 4 PM CAlL THE 24-HOUR HOTLINE 885-1410 dies, and haners, have been requested by the 5138 West MIclHgan Ave 5314 YORKSHIRE, DETROIT YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION YpSilanti, MI48197 SALE CONDUCTED BY Phone (313)434-2660 YOU'LL BE SORRY IF YOU MISS ITI CONTACT L1NC 882-6100 TO SCHEDULE DROP OFF Open 7 days a week 9-5 Daily and 11.5 Sunday SUSAN HARTZ. 886-8982 , l •

June 30, 1988 9C Grosse Pointe News 601 AUTOMOTIVE 602 AUTOMOTIVE 603 AUTOMOTIVE 409 MISCUlANEOUS 409 MISCELLANEOUS 409 MISCELLANEOUS 412 WANTED TO BUY 50 I BIRDS FOIt SALE CHRYSLER FORD - GENERAL MOTORS ARTICLES ARTICLES ARTICLES 1984 BUICK RIViera, excel- DENTAL with health insur- YOUNG healthy bluefront, 1986 CHRYSLER New FORD Bronco 4 wheel DREXEL bedroom set, TOYS Fisher Pnce, Plays- CASH paid for stamps, lent condition, loaded, ance available for Indlvld. Amazon Parrot With new Yorker 5th Avenue, drive, blue and white, cherry, kmg size bed, koo I, t ran sfo rme rs, cOins and baseball card Sable brown, must see uals We also have Tem. cage and stand, talks, $9,995 Tamaroff Acura, many new parts, $3,000 dresser With mirror, ar- games, lots more 1476 collections 469-0906 $6,800 Call 885-5751 porary Health Coverage East Detroit (4 blocks or Bestl 296-0288 after 6 mOire, two night stands South Renaud Thursday CASH FOR playful, affectIOnate, available and Medicare $500 886-4383 South of 10 Mile) 778- 1986 Flreblrd, stick Shift, $1,200 885-2390 ~~~Frlday 12 to 4. 881- 8886 Supplement pograms KIDS CLOTHES 1986 LINCOLN Towne ex- 26,000 miles, call Sharon MAHOGANEY Duncan John E Pierce & Asso- 502 HOItSES FOIt SALE 1984 ecutive car, 39,000 miles, 567-3700 or 884-6257 Phyle dlnmg room set, CZECHOSLOVAKIAN C EXCELLENT CONDITION ciates, Inc 884-4750 " rys CURRENT STYLES Turbo Bright red, beauti- good conditIOn, loaded $1,500 or best offer 882- tal chandellere, 22 dlam- VERY CLEAN BETTER 1980 Sunblrd, air, defogger, FORMAL dining room table, ful condition Every op- 886-3505 automatiC, power, 4 9910 eter, $2501 best 886- BRANDS, INFANT 6 chairs, hutch, china BOARDING tIOn, needs nothing Un- EXP 19,000 miles $6,000 seater, tires like new, 1505 THRU 14 cabinet by Drexel Cherry TWIN bed, box sprmg, mat- known miles Must sell, or best offer Must see to 62,000 miles, very good wood, $1,200 468-6612 tress, brassl wood head- SHOWER doors With mirror, MUST BE ON HANGERS Hay, Grain cleaned, $3,500 or best 881-1387 appreciate 885-4770 be- condition, $1,995 886- board St Clair Shores, 9 Bring In Monday, Tuesday $150, antique Duncan turned out dally .70 1983 Dodge Mirada Good tween 10-6, 881-4716 af- 7582 DREXEL Iherllage furniture, 1/2. Harper, $23 plus ad or Thursday, 10-4pm. couch 3 piece wall Unit Phyle mahogany dining condition $2,400 or best ter 7 Ask for Suzanne 1978 FIREBIRD, lroc blue, 445-0810 Several fine pleasure coffee tables, best offer table, $75; costume Jew- LEE'S RESALE offer 821.5220 Iroc rims and tires, pi- horses for sale 1985 FORD Escort, 4 door, call before noon or after USED carpetmg 772-4677 elry 881-2619 20331 Mack 881-8082 oneer stereo, 4 Infinity 1980 Le Baron, 1 owner, Sedan, $2,995 Tamaroff 6 PM 885-2139 ALWAYS bUying old cOin. speakers, air condltlon- FORMAL dining room table CANE sofa With matching loaded, good condition, Acura, East DetrOit (4 operated machines such 749.3217,749.9848 FIREWORKS Michigan Le- and 6 chairs, chma cabi- rocker and wmg chair, asking $1,400 or best of- blocks South of 10 Mile 109, 60,000 miles, $2,300 as Jukeboxes, Soda- 527.1011 days, 884-0341 gal Uncle Sam's, Mack net and hutch by Drexel $700 Two velvet love- fer 884-1004 Road) 778-8886 Pop, Pinball Arcade, etc at Bedford You must be Cherry wood, $1,200 seats, brown, $5001 pair 503 HOUSEHOLD I'ETS evenings Any old magazines 875- 1988 PLYMOUTH Reliant 1986 ESCORT L, am/fm, 18 468-6612 881-4629 fOR SALE 1984 ELDORADO , me- 2154, Mark LE, 4 door, maroon me- power steering, brakes, MIXED mutt. 1 1/2 years DINING SUlte- table, chairs, NINE piece dining room talliC, air, 10,500 miles low miles $4,000 839- dium blue, mint condition, 410 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS BASEBALL cards and old female, to good 71,000 miles, $6,800 165 chma, and server $800 set, 10 piece Chippen- $8,400 Trade accepted, 0820 sports memorabilia, Topp or best offer Mlsc ta- dale set, Victorian sofa, 3 home 366-5069 775.3739 Kerby, 886-1097 after cash for collections 477- 1987 LINCOLN Continental bles, pictures, etc, call piece overstuffed 1920's RED Mahogony p'ano, 39" LHAPSO Apso pups, 2pm 2580 1986 Dodge Omnl, air con- 4 door sedan, $14,995 after 5 PM 778-4739 Mr and Mrs Victorian tall, $500 886-1505 A K C Will be ready July ditiOning, stereo, crUise Tamaroff Acura, East De- 1984 FIRE BIRD SE, full chairs, Art Nouveau PLAYER PIANO With WANTED to bUy old cos- WANT Old Clocks, Wrist 6th 366-5069 control, power brakes, 5 troit (4 blocks South of 10 power, HQ- V6, automatic cha'r Sp''!et desks, sofa bench, Story 8. Clark, tume and Rhinestone watches and pocket COCKER Spaniel, female, speed, good condition, Mile Road) 778-8886 With overdrive, AM/F,....' table, Ivory', glass, Jew- good condition, $250, Jewelry, brass lamps, ceil- stereo cassette With watches (any condition) black, A K C, 4 years good tires, $2,6001 best elry, pottery, brass, etc moving must sell 884- Ing fixtures, wall sconces 1982 COUNTRY SqUIre equalizer, air, rear deicer, Collector 772-7434 Also pups 366-5069 offer 372-0692 Master and Visa wel- 9107 882-0396 evenings statlonwagon, loaded, crUise, alarm, and more FLORAL Sofa $150, plus come 16358 East War------1983 DODGE Aries, excel- $3,800 884-3635 SHOTGUNS and rifles 30LDEN Retriever pup- Very clean, completely ocr:asslonal chair With ren, between Courville lent condition, rust wanted, Parker, Brown- pies, AKC, male and fe- 1979 FORD Fiesta, air, AMI maltamed, $6,000 881- cane, $50, excellent con- and Audubon SOJIN GRAND proofed, 42,000 miles, Ings, Smith, Fox, Win- male available $200- FM Runs well, needs 2092 dition, 372-0673 The finest grand pianos, $1,600 779-3664 ONE bollie operated coke chester and others Pri- $250 828-3535 body work, $475 After bUilt In Korea, awarded 1978 CHEVY Malibu, body LARGE selection of boys machine $100 or best vate collector 478-5315 1972 CHRYSLER, 2 door 6p m 823-3709 Must grand prize for quality by BOUVIER puppies, AKC, damaged, dnveable, clothes- Infant to 2T, Girls 882-6240 hardtop, V-8, extras, very Korean Government Males and Females, see $4001offer. 777-5387 Infant to 4T Toys, sWing, 500 ANIMALS clean, 70 year old Ladle's SEARS Window air condi- above all makes July beautiful blondes 752- 1979 MERCURY Capn RS, 1979 CHEVY Monza, runs carseat, playpen, and ADOPT A PET car $695 885-4706 tIOner, 18,000 BTU's, speCial- Beautiful 5'2" 9459 red, 302 Excellent condl- good, new brakes, bat- morel 824-7887 LOST black and white brand new, stili In box, profeSSIOnal grand, 1980 LEBARON, $1,500, lion 886-5425 tery Make offer 822. short-haired cat, neutered BEAUTIFUL BOUVier pup- good condition, 772-3898 $300 371-7234 bench, concert tuned, 8133 leave message ORIENTAL rugs (2) 3 1/2 x male Black chin that pies, 7 weeks, shots, ex- 1986 THUNDERBIRD, high polished Ebony 1985 PLYMOUTH Carav- 5 Call mornings 774- WINDOW air conditioner, looks like goatee Lost cellent temperament, black, loaded, extra 1984 CADilLAC SeVille- elle- Four door, automatic 9064 used only a few hours $4,956 night of June 9, VICinityof great With kids 881-4166 clean, extras, 884-4825. Puchased new November Call 778-0460 O1her finishes, aU high pol- transmiSSion, power 1984, Wife's car, white COUCH and 2 matching Anita & Marter RE. COLLIE pups, AKC, cham- 1985 MERCUR XR4TI, Ished, IVOry, mahogany, steerlngl brakes, air, With white convertible chairs, glass terrarium, COUCH and loveseat, WARD, 393-6212 pion Sired, sable and $8,995 Like new Tamar- oak, walnut pnced only $5,1951 best offer Ga- roof, red leather Intenor, coffee table and end ta- spruce, peach and NEED home for lovable white (LaSSie) First shot, rage kept, Wife's car, ex- off Acura, East DetrOit (4 slightly higher wormed. Available July 1 leather steering wheel, ble; dining room set, cream, $200, gold trash adult orange male cat, cellent condition 792- blocks South of 10 Mile) compactor, $25, dark oak ALL FOR IMMEDIATE Mates- $250, females- wire wheels, 14,500 wrought Iron bakers rack neutred, good With child- 7996 778-8886 oval table and 4 chairs, DELIVERY miles Must see to appre- 777-6227 ren We recently adopted $300 754-6459 MARQUIS 1978, excellent TERMS AND CREDIT 1987 DODGE Lancer ES, ciate Immaculate condi- $200 885-5471 him, but our other cats AKC Weimaraners, cham- CARDS loaded, $8,500 526-9866 mechanical condition, tIOn Best offer 886-8506 WATER Cooler, (G E), like MOVING- bedroom set, dm- won't accept him 882- pion blood line, $200 or many miles left, 881- SMILEY BROS days, evenings 882-1037 new, $95, Ideal for home mg, dinette, all excellent 6817 best offer 949-2587 after 0674 1982 CADILLAC Sedan DETROIT 875.7100 or office Oak Lmcoln condition 777-9384 6PM 1984 Reliant, air, AMIFM DeVille, excellent condi- BIRMINGHAM 647.1177 GROSSE POinte Animal 1979 Mercury Zephyr sta- rocker Painted rocker stereo, rear Window de- tiOn, low mileage, $6,9001 CliniC has a beautiful I HAMMOND Cadette organ, fogger and delay Wipers, tlonwagon, fully best offer 881-8693 Mlsc antiques 885-2932 BLACK wrought Iron table, selection of young dogs 505 LOST AND FOUND automatic drum rhythym, power steering, power eqllipped, $1,500 886- CANNON AE-1, tenses, 3'x5', 6 chairs, $125 available thiS week for 1983 CADILLAC TOUring, bench Included, $500 brakes, $2,800, 779-9321 8851 many acceSSOries, 522 881-3912 adoption We have 2 FOUND- male Samoyed must sell 886-9527 777-1312 1981 MERCURY Couger, Sun Pack strobe 881- adorable puppies, a little type dog 626 Grosse 1984 E CLASS, loaded, ex- LARGE Insulated dog great condition. Best of- 1986 Capnce ClaSSIC 9644 after 5p m HAMMOND Organ model female, blond terner, and POinte City 776-6834, cellent condition, $3,600 houses, $50 331-0986 fer. 884-7444 after 6 Brougham, loaded, excel- M-3 Ebony console With a beautiful female aire- 772-6531 757-4602 KING size bedroom set- lent condition, low miles, ADVANCE commercial , In excellent dale pup A lovely young 1980 FIESTA 68K miles, complete Bed, triple LOST black and white Male 1987 Plymouth Sundance $9,500 or offer 885-4653 shampoo cleaner Ladles conditIOn Needs repairs. and plump female tri- yellow, AMIFM, air, very dresser, mirror, night cat on Anita 343-0959 4 door Extended war- clothes, most of them are $500 885-9139 color shepherdl temer X good condition $1,200 1970 COUPE De Ville con- stand, springs, mat- ranty Automatic, stereo, new, size 16- 18 All sum- A darling little female ter- LOST male cat, dark gray 885-2212 after 5 30 P m vertible, redl white top, tresses Very good condi- LOWREY organ, spinet, air, plus more 372-5044 mer clothes, pants, tops, rier lap dog And last, but and black, white stomach leather mtenor, excellent tion, $700 823-2045 excellent condition, many ESCORT 1985, power sweaters, SkirtS, blouses not least, we have a very and paws, raccoon tall, 1982 Champ, stick, stereo, !Ires, $2,0001 best offer. extras, $800 884-0862 steering, power brakes, Two new evenmg bags HENDREDON dmmg room ugly but extremely affec- Michael, reward, In the 60,000 miles, clean, 881-9192. rear defrost, cloth mtenor, open to offers 773-3912 set, buffet, server, oval TRADITIONAL Mahogany tionate little female black VICinity of Marterl Jeffer- $1,275 773-8611. 1978 CADILLAC, blue, very AMIFM stereo, excellent table With 2 leafs, 6 cane console, excellent tone, spaniel! bulldog X She son, 779-4287 good condition, $2,700 great for beginner $500 1979 DODGE Coil, well condition, $3,200 822- JAMES A. MONNIG back chairs $1,600 881- unfortunately got the bull- 882-4008 KITIEN free to good home malntamed, reliable $895 5091 BOOKSELLER 4382 499-1344 dog's face, but what she Found Alterl Kercheval 885-2192 after 6 P M 1986 SUNBIRD GT Turbo, 15133 KERCHEVAL BABY Grand piano, Busch lacks In cute she makes AIR conditioner, Frigidaire, Male, 3-4 months old Lit- 603 AUTOMOTIVE black, loaded, low mi- 331-2238 & Lane, (Mahogany case) up for In loveable For 11,500 BTU, $150 885- ter box tramed Very af- 602 AUTOMOTIVE GENERAL MOTORS leage Call after 5 30 Selected books more mfonmatlon please 2023 882-5622 fectionate 886-4764 fORD pm, 775-3358 bought and sold call us at 822-5707 1980 Corvelle, automatiC, LOST tan Persian male cat 1978 MERCURY, 6 cylin- stored winters, looks new, Vintage Video Rentals ANTIQUE seven piece solid 1978 Monza Wagon, new USED PIANOS KITTENS- friendly, long (shaved) If seen call 882- der, good transportatIOn, 20,000 miles, $11,900 or EXCELLENT condition wal- walnut dining set Includes brakes tires and battery, AT BARGAIN PRICES hair tortOise, 1 year 0425 $399 882-0757 between best offer 775-3578 beautiful buffet- excellent $750 779-9321 nut furniture, console ra- Used Spinets-Consoles 6 and 8p m Shots 923-0548 GOOD homes needed for 1980 COUPE De Ville, diO record player $100, Asking $1,200 or best Uprights & Grands 1986 Celebrity Eurosport beautiful kittens Found 1987 MUSTANG LX, 91,000 miles, first $1,500 matching ThomaSVille 40 Fisher stereo- receiver, ABBEY PIANO CO ANIMAL HOSPITAL V-6, Immaculate condi- stray cat With kittens $7,000 446-5618 Monday 824-6086 Inch round coffeetable turntable and speakers, ROYAL OAK 541-6116 Helpl Helpl Aren't we ever tion $6,800 Must sell Black! white Will deliver thru Flday 9 to 5 and endtable $130 Easy good $125 885-2717 gOing to get out of thiS 1983 Lim- 751-6552 PIANOS WANTED cage? We've been here Phone early morning, chair, neutral tones, TEN speed bike, gas stove, 1987 TURBO Thunderbird, Ited, loaded, excellent 1986 Celebrity Eurosport TOP CASH PAID since we've been 2 821-6829 $125 Almond kitchen day bed, trash compac- loaded, everything auto- condition, $3,900, 884- V-6, Immaculate condi- PIANO beautiful ebony weeks old, we need love cupboard doors, drawers, tor, 2 double bed frames, FOUND CaliCOCat on Hunt matiC, extended warrenty, 9009 tion $6,800 Must sell counter, Sink, stovehood, gloss upright, TOKAI 5- so much, we'll be good Club and Canton 882- 14,000 miles, $12,900 car top camer 343-0400 1985 PONTIAC Trans Am 751-6552 $250 886-6353 year old Brilliant tone, around the house and so 8980 822-5791 TWIN foam mattress and magnificent bass, mov- grateful for homes Two Air, T- tops, casselle 1987 CADILLAC SeVille, OFFICE desk 34x60', steel spring, $50 Fisher Ing, must sell $3,300 little brown Tabbys, Male LOST Pseudo, Siamese T-BIRD 1980, red, auto- stereo, deluxe Interior, 15,000 miles, white exte- $50 881-7915 stereo, $45 Maple book- Make offer 757-2338 and Female, 8 weeks old cat, on 6/19/88, m the matiC, power steering, 2 30,000 miles Mint condi- nor- black Interior, case and nlghtstand 771- area of Kercheval and door, new brakes and tion LeBra Included. $17,900 886-4682 HAMMOND organ T582, Please call 882-8660 PECAN bedroom set, mat. 8262 LeWiston 885-8803 tires, $1,575 885-2932 $9,800 884-4914 tress, box springs, good walnut, separate 145 Les- FREE to good home- eight PONTIAC LeMans SE, 4 1979 LTD, 4 door, no rust, 1978 CHEVY Luv, best of- condition $400 Call 875- 25" RCA color TV, floor lie, Bose speakers, mis- killens, variety colors IF You have lost a pet any- door, air, 5 speed, 6,000 power steering, brakes, fer, call 886-2764 leave 2175 model 772-3884 cellaneous profeSSional Adult male (Tabby), fe- where In the Grosse miles, $7,250 886-4682 microphones, Ampex and male (CaliCO) 824-1072 POinte area please call air, nice stereo Runs message NEWLY upholstered daven- APRICA stroller, 1 1/2 well $700 or best Call 19n 2 door Chevy Malibu, Tandberg recorders 881- The Grosse POinte Ani- 1984 BUICK Skylark Lim- port chose wrong color, years old, good condition, Sue at 884.9716 40,500 miles, one owner, 8566 after 10 a m LOVEABLE adult dogs and mal CliniC ThiS week we Ited, 4 door, excellent Will sell for $100 less than $70 885-2999 excellent condition, new cats, 1 year and up (need have an older male tan TEMPO 1985, 32,000 miles, condlllon $2,700 or best cost of reupholstering KROEHLER sofa and love- parts, $1,500 or best of- 411 OFFICE I BUSINESS good homes) For adop- shepherd-X With a brown automatiC, air condition- offer 885-2044 Salmon color valour Call seat, blUish green floral EQUIPMENT fer 779-0403 tion informatIOn call leather collar and DetrOit 109 power steermg and after 4p m 885-1104 deSign, $295 Push lawn 1981 Cadillac Sedan de LAMINATING hol press 18' Northern Suburbs Animal tag, found on Alter Road brakes, rear Window de- 1977 OMEGA, runs well, mower $25 88{H)444 Ville 90,000 miles x 24' $450 or best offer Welfare League Volun- A female blond temer togger $5,500 or Best $6501 best 882-9294 af- POWER tools for sa'e, $2,3001 best 381-1190 772-2949 teer at 777-5110 or 463- puppy, found In Grosse 777-0443 ter 6p m Grosse Pomte Public MAHOGANY 7422 POinte Park A female air- 1985 PONTIAC Flereo GT Schools. wood lathes, INTERIORS edale puppy, found on 1986 ESCORT wagon Low automatiC, air, like new, 1985 BUick Electra T-type, milling machme, belt and 412 WANTED TO IUY Antique and Fine Mack m Grosse POinte mileage (15,000 plus) $7,995 Tamaroff Acura, 4 door, loaded $7,900 diSC sander, shaper, lOST black and white fe- Furniture Shop Woods A male COllie-X, Excellent condition Lug. East Detroit (4 blocks 885-2028 spray booth and dust male cat, spayed, wear- Estates from Chicago With found on Kerby and Ker- gage rack $4,995 821- South of 10 Mile) 778- collector Sold, as IS, to BOOKS Donations needed Ing ID tag on red collar 1984 CADILLAC Eldorado, bold 011 paintings Baby cheval In Grosse POinte 4035 8886 highest offer Available for St Clare used book Named 'MISSY', lost 6- excellent condition, Grand plano (Mahogony Farms For more mforma- 52,000 miles, $12,500 for Inspection Wednes- sale, 343-0957, 343-0285 13-88 In VICinityof 9 Mile 1980 Mustang, 4 cylinder, 4 NEW 1988 Chevy Cavalier, case) Chippendale bed- tlon call us at 822-5707 526-9288, leave mes- day, July 6th, 9 a m to and Mack REWARD speed, low mileage, 4 door, 4 cycllnder, all room set (block-front type) 12 p m For mformaltOn 778-9773 FOUND Large dog, aire- bodyl Interlorl runs excel- power, air 881-1054 sage Queen Anne tea tables, contact Jay Jeffrey, 343- dale type Found In lent condition $1,7001 1984 PONTIAC Fiero SE, Georgian type credenza! FREE Shepherd mixed CADILLAC- 1972 Eldorado WANTED Shores 884-6818 best 885-8352 white, 4 speed, loaded, 2180 dresser, Chippendale puppy neutered male convertible Excellent FOUND all black 6 week reasonable Call 823- Camelback sofa, Onental USED POWER excellent temper, must 1979 FORD Granada, good condition Best offer, not COMTEMPORARY sofa old Female kitten, litter 3365 rugs 9X12 (Karastan) give up 465-7645 eve- condition, reliable, AMI cheap Days 777-5964, bed, bedroom dresser SEWER AUGER tramed, needs a home Love.seat With carved nings FM casselle, air, $995 evenings 881-9470 See 1987 Pontiac Safan station With mirror, twin bed 314" or 1/2" SIZE Good With children and wood and swan necks 882-8089 at 950 Moorland, Grosse wagon, low mileage, ex- pets, very healthy 822- frame 884-9566 and paw feet Chippen- 1988 lincoln Mark VII, POinte Woods cellent conditIOn, 884- 412 WANTED TO IUY 9850 BANDSAW Craftsman 3 dale ball and claw Side- Call. 824.6399 loaded, moon roof, 6134, 1985 OlDS Cutlass C,era wheel With bench and board, Duncan Phyle $21,500, after 6, 884- Brougham, 4 door, full 1986 RIVIERA graphiC con- motor, $80 Wood lathe 506 I'ET IItEEDtNG 9498 :ovc seat Mahogony din- BUYING THE BEST BOOKS power Leather, vmyl top, trol center computor, wth motor, $65 881- Ing room set With SIX leather, 28,000 miles. ex- STUD SERVICE- for York- 1986 ESCORT L 2 Door, 4 24,000 miles, cleanest 2441 chairS, corner china cabl- QUALITY BOOKS DESERVE QUALITY PRICES cellent condition, stick- shire and poodle 296- speed, AMIFM, new tires, one around $7,895 Call net With curved glass Tuesday-Saturday Answering machine ered over $25,000 ELECTRIC STOVE top and 1292 low miles, excellent con- 881-4793 doors, Govenor Winthrop responses w,thln 24 hours dition, $3,950 882-7421 Loaded, $11,800 881- hood, built ,n oven, Sink 1987 Toronado low miles, 2 snow tires, assorted secretary, Mahogony bed- GRUB STREET BOOKERY 4442, 548-1040 room set With custom '01 AUTOMOTIVE 1986 FORD Escort, 18,000 blue metallc, all options, trailer hitch's 822-8349 (HltmEIt miles, Silver, 5 speed 11,500 miles, $14,750 glass tops, Chippendale 17194 EAST WARREN, DETROIT, MICHIGAN 1980 BUICK Skyhawk, new SIX wrought Iron patio 1978 DODGE Aspen loaded, $4,9001 best trade accepted 775- Walnut conference tablel 882- 7143 clutch, brakes, 4 speed, chairs, pale yellow, $250 desk- 4x6 Set of SIX ma- L- _ Wagon. automatiC, air, Evenings, 343-0330 3739 $9501 or best offer, 681- Folding ping pong table, hogony shleldback dining 67,000 miles $850 884- 1982 Escort- 4 speed, stick, HAVE your car clf::'aned by 5356 like new $75 Big black room chairs, Queen Anne 8582 good condition, 776-0121, profeSSionals- like the leather chair, $50 Grey drop.leaf coffee table, BOOKS/USED AND RARE 1983 BUICK Skylark, power 1983 LEBARON- power $1,250 new car dealers do, full metal desk, $35 Brass Chippendale ball and purchased for cash or appraised steering, brakes, air, amI sun roof, loaded $29951 1981 ESCORT, $795, 331- reconditioning $65 Call ktng size headboard, $55 claw coffee table Maho- estates also deSired fin-home consultations fm stereo, 28,000 miles best offer 885-8552 7846 Sevoe Enterpnses 776- 884-7871 gony nlghtstands, brass 294-3200 and marble lamps, stu- JOHN KING BUY GOVERNMENT 1980 FAIRMONT ....agon. 0690 8' WHITE alummum porch dent lamps, French and 961-0622 seized vehicles from good condition, clean, 1987 IRoo Velie engine 19n BUick Skylark black, aWning With 2 aluminum Capo 01 Monte lamps $100 Fords. Chevys, Kenwood slereo system, 15,000 miles, fully 100,164 miles obViously Michigan's Largest Book Store decorative supports, good and more Corvelles, etc Call (602) $1 200 Call Steve after eqUiped , no T-lops Must great transportation, condition, $45 or best of- • Clip and Save thiS Ad • 842-1051, ext 749 5p m 822-8498 sell 886-4232,822-5778 $500 886-0617 fer 884-4576 882-5622. June 30, 1988 10C Grosse Pointe News

/ / 70 / 700 APTS/FLATS/DUPLEX Detroit /Wayne County 603 AUTOMOTIVE 60S AUTOMOTIVE 613 AUTOMOTIVE 6S I BOATS AND MOTORS Pointes/Harper Woods Pointes!Harper Woods Pointes/Hlrper Woods WANTED 10 BUY GENEllAl MOTORS fOREIGN RESTORED 100 year old ST. Paul and Wayburn, PARK. Lakepolnte near Jef- BEACONSFIELD large 6 I want your beat up car, 1976 24' Searay Bundan- West Village house 3 1986 black Euro Sport, 1984 PORCHE 944 Alpine nice 2 bedroom town- ferson, large 2 bedroom room upper, appliances, Jim 372-9884 Days cer, twin 140 engines, ex- bedroom apartment $495, great shape, loaded, air, white, 5- speed, air, fac- house, bath, basement, upper, oH street parking, parking $500/ monthly tras, $12,900 772-8917 1 bedroom apartment power steenngJ brakes, tory alarm Very good WANTED 1958- 1971 Cor- seperate utilities, $375 apphances Included, own Available July 1st 823- $395, plus electriC, secu- best stereo! eqUilizer, condrtlon $14,500 223- vette 884-3724 evenings 1983 IMPERIAL 23', t70 EastSIde Management, utilities, rent $425 unfur- 6562 crUise, rear defrost, h P , trailer, excellent con- nty, references 331-4407 3650 or 885-1061 UNWANTED Cars wanted 372-2220 nished, $460 furnished SUBLET 2 bedroom, sunny bucket seats, automatic dition See at Windmill 822-9850 TOYOTA 1979 two door, PaYing more than the 1375 Somerset- lower three tower flat July, August MORANG modern 1 bed- transmiSSion, tinted glass, Pomte, well 126 $tO,900 room apartment, stove, $350 886-4802 rest 882-8564 bedroom, newly deco- GROSSE POinte Park on $250 823-3607, 996- tilt, 44,000 miles, $6 300 822-7207 Wayburn, charming 1 refrigerator, air condi- 1986 ACURA Integra 5 TOP $$ PAID rated, appliances in- 0964 884-3732 BOAT Owners Custom tIOner and heat Included door sedan, $9,495 Ex- For Junk, wrecked and un- cluded, $700 monthly bedroom upper unit, With FLAT for rent In Grosse 19n BUICK Electra 350 made cockpit covers, $350 monthly 331-1610 v- penence Perclslon Ta- wanted cars and trucks 331-5102 new kitchen and bath, POinte Park Maryland 8 all options, air, 2 door, $199 and up Eighty dif- kitchen appliances, car- maroH Acura, East De- BULL AUTO PARTS BEACONSFIELD! Ker- near CharleVOIX 5 rooms, LOVELY, spaCIOUS, newly black on black, very good ferent colors and patterns peted throughout, $275 a troit (4 blocks South of 10 894-4488 cheval, 3 bedroom upper, 2 bedrooms No pets decorated 1 bedroom In- condition $1,200 776- to choose from 10% off month plus utlitles, call Mile Road) 778-8886 carpeted Lease, $550 $325 1 month plus secu- come Heat, appliances, 4520 With thiS ad Jones and 343-0569 for appoint- hS I 1I0ATS AND MOTORS nty Northeast Realty, alarm system $400 1984 Honda Accord 2 door WatkinS Boat Tops 882-9847 FIREBIRD 1984, black ment 771.7100 Northeast Detroit 371- LX loaded $5,700 773- 24867 Harper- South of LUXURIOUS, Large, fower 55,000 miles 1/-6, auto USED t 6 foot speed boat, UPPER Unit In 4 family, 2 8758 6282 10 Mile, St Clair Shores flat Neff Road, Maumee WINDMILL POinte area- air, power steering, 70hp, EVlnrude and bedroom, $350 per 777-3810 3 bedrooms, newer half duplex, decorated, CADIEUX! MACK area, stereo cassette, excellent 1985 SCHOCCO- Red, trailer, $1,400 681-9650 month plus utilities, off kitchen, carpeting, Im- new kitchen, must see, clean lower 2 bedroom condition, one owner, loaded mint conditIOn, SOUTHCOAST 22' sail- street parking Call 822- 1960 ChriS Craft fiberglass, maculate, central alf, etc 331.4306 flat, stove, refrigerator, $5 995 881-8214 make an offer 949-9047 boat, motor, trailer, fully 2351 after 5p m near transportatIOn, $280 50 horseepower Johnson Available Fall 1988 EXECUTIVE LIVING 1983 VOLVO 760 GLE 4 eqUipped, last 7 years In plus security 775-5388 19n Flreblrd- First $200 With trailer $1,000 776-- $1,0751 monthly 882- NOTTINGHAM, SpaCIOUS, SUITES door sedan, automatic storage Needs work 1980 Honda motorcycle 4520 8332 furnished upper apart- TWO bedroom apartment and leather, $8,495 Ta- $4,0001 best oHer 881- CB75OF- $900 862-8564 1971 PEARSON, 22, 5 ment LIVing, dining, above store fronts, 35252 maroH Acura, East De- 0368 LOVELY newly decorated MONTHLY LEASES salls Includes 10 h P kitchen, large bedroom, Nottingham corner of PONTIAC T1ooo, 4 speed, troit (4 blcks South of 10 spaCiOUSupper flat, $725 Furnished Apartments, Utili- Johnson 779-8890 HOBIE 16, yellow hulls, ex- walk-In closets New car- Mack, $295, heat in- very clean, am/fm radiO, Mile Road) 778-8886 monthly 668 Neff. Avail- ties Included, Complete a'Hent condlt'on With peting and paint Ideal for cluded 881-2540 6conom.call ask:ng 17' Fiberglass 1971 Per- able Immediately 882 With Hou5e~'vara5, Linens, 1984 4OOOS,4 door, trailer 545-6082 after 6 non-smoking indiVidual $1,300 774-5893 former, cuddy cabin, 5070 Color T V And More Call NOTTINGHAM between $5,995 Automatic air, No pets Available July 75HP Johnson, trailer, BALBOA 20, sWing , For Appointment Mack and Warren 2 bed- 1986 CADILLAC sedan de- cassette TamaroH Acura, PARK- lower 2 bedroom flat 1st $425 plus utilities extras, $1,700, call after 10 hp Honda, VHF radiO, 474-9770 room upper- 2 bedroom Ville, tnple black, 36,000 East Detroit (4 blocks for rent Secunty depoSit 331-8211 7p m , 886-7953 compass, fully eqUipped, lower, split heat, $250 miles, $11,900 or best of- South of 10 Mile Road) reqUIred 824-4539 EXCEPTIONAL two bed- sleeps 4, trailer Have 2 CLOSE to Village- Nice two and $275 LaVon's Prop- fer 882-4944 778-8886 SCARAB 400, 1987, last room upper on Somerset boats, need to sell thiS LARGE one bedroom up- bedroom upper, screened erty Management 773- 40' bUilt, loaded, 70 In the Park LIVing room 1978 MERCEDES 450SEL, 1985 WI GOLF $5,795, 5 one 885-6916 evenings per, refinished hardwood porch, garage, $675. 881- hours, $99,900 824- With natural fireplace, for- 2035 sunroof, fuel injectIOn speed air, cassette Ta- floors, appliances, heat, 4306 16' CRUISERS INC Wood mal dining room, good TWO BEDROOM apart- California license plate maroff Acura, East De- 3546 garage, $385 343-0255 Runabout, 35 H P EVln- HARCOURT 2 bedroom kitchen, bath and garden ment, appliances, heat, $16,000 n2-6407 trOit (4 blocks South of 10 SCARAB 400, 1987, rude motor, Holsclaw BEACONSFIELD South of upper available July 1st room $525! month Ideal water, security No pets Mile Road) 778-8886 loaded, 70 hours, 604 AUTOMOTIVE trailer, extras Illness Jefferson, one bedroom All appliances, etc $700 for adults, no pets $99,900 824-3546 885-5638 ANTIQUE / CLASSIC 1980 TRIUMPH TR-8 con- lower apartment With stu- a month Adults pre- CHAMPION & BAER,INC. forces sale $1,500 774- KENSINGTON Chandler vertible New engine, SHAMROCK 1987 20 foot diO space, liVing room, ferred, No pets, 237-9202 884-5700 1962 LINCOLN Continental, 6887, after 5p m Park area SpacIous 5 tires, wheels $8,500 pilot house, 220 h P seperate dining room, 8-5, 884-8524 after 6 4 door, convertible, pa- room upper, carpeting, sWim platform and bow kitchen and bath Appli- rade condllton, $6,500 372-oB77 65S CAMPERS SOMERSET, 1350 Two NEFF transfer leaves spa- pulpit 259-1877 or 393- ances Included, seperate stove and refrigerator, 772-8917_ 1986 MAXIMA, white, sun- bedroom lower Fireplace CIOUSuPP two bedroom, $400 a month, heat In- 5331 utilities, wood floors, leve- roof, loaded, Immaculate, 1972 29' Holiday In liVing room Kitchen sunroom, two baths, stall 1967 DELTA 88, red con- lors, parkmg In rear, ac- cluded 882-7510 $10,400 824-8086 travel trailer, self- con- With eating area and shower, Two porches vertible, onglnal, auto- 1961 Chns Craft Sea Skiff, cess to Park, cats only. tamed, good condition, frostfree refrigerator Off- Carpeted, large, liVing, ALTER. CharleVOIX,Grosse matiC, air Excellent con- 27 foot Full mahogony $350 monthly With one NISSAN sentra, 1967, 5 881-3954 street parking for two dining room, breakfast POinte Side. 1 bedroom, dition $4,500 881-7236 interior, swim ladder, months secunty 822- speed With air, am/fm smaller cars Large laun- room Pnvate entrance $250 Includes heat. First depth finder, Manne ra- 5324 please leave phone 60S AUTOMOTIVE tape deck, 23,000 miles, ResponSible adults, 110 month free 885-0031 diO, compass V-8 185 6S6 MOTORBIKES dry room With hookups In FOREIGN excellent condition, ask- message pets, smokers Large HP Single mboard en- basement $625 monthly ONE BEDROOM apart- Ing $5,900 774-5893 GROSSE POinte, Maryland kitchen With appliances 1981 HONDA Accord LX, gine Excellent condition HONDA Spree 1985, 3,500 Includes heat 884-2706 ment, appliances, heat, near CharlevOiX, 2 bed- Separate basements, fur- 81,000 miles, good condi- 1984 BMW 3181,slate grey, Call Jeff at 331-2265. miles, excellent condition HARCOURT. central air, water, secunty No pets room lower Unit, bath, naces TWo garages tiOn, $1,300 778-0895 fawn leather Intenor, 775-0626 spacIous and pleasant 685-1538 SAIL Boat- fourteen foot, basement, appliances, Good references a must loaded 57,000 miles carpeted lower flat Two NEWL Y Decorated apart- 1984 HONDA CIVIC DX plntlal room for 4, main seperate utilities, $400 Walk to pnvate beach, $9,700 Or best offer 6S7 MOTORCYCLES bedrooms, one bath, ments starting at $270 1500, excellent condition, sale Jib, trailer, used EastSide Management Bon Secours $650 822-6459 spanking new kitchen Includes heat and water 5 speed, sunroof, new twice, must sell $2,000 Co 372-2220 monthly 885-2209 after 1987 HONDA 600 Hum- appliances, family room, 1-94 and Whltter area tires, amlfm cassette, 606 AUTOMOTIVE 751-8705 12 noon 372-1704 JEfPS/4-WHEEL caine, black and red, HARCOURT- 2 large bed- garage Adults preferred Call 771-0471 for rental TIARA overnlghter, 1977, rooms, hVlng room, dining 3,000 miles, warranty's No pets $800 per month HARCOURT spacIous three information 1980 HONDA Accord, sun- FORD Bronco 4 wheel 25 foot, Includes well, room, small library! den, and extras $3,100 Bob, piUS secunty depoSit and bedroom two bath upper roof, very good condition, dnve, blue and white, 477 hours on engine, summer porch, kitchen CLEAN 2 bedroom upper 296-3066 utilities. Two year lease Includes appliances, fire- $1,100_ 824-8654 many new parts, $3,000 $17,500 or best offer With eating space, stove Ideal for senior cltzens 1985 Honda Nighthawk 885-8574. place, deck, lease $850 a 1987 YUGO, 6,700 miles, 4 or Bestl 296-0288 after 6. 774-1555 or 886-0985 and refrigerator, 2 1/2 $200 monthly, $200 de- S700- One month old, NEFF. Attractive one bed- month plus security, utili- speed, stereo, $3,500 baths. New carpeting POSit 862-0654 call be- LIGHTNING Sailboat 19-ft 600 miles, must sell, room upper, newer car- ties, available July 1st, 881-4444 throughout, 2 garage tween 10- 2 CAN you buy Jeeps, Cars, fiberglass With trailer Alu- bought boat, $2,700 886- peting, appliances, ga- 823-3206 spaces No pets $900 5117 NOTTINGHAM, Up- DATSUN 1980, 280ZX, 212, 4x4's, Seized In drug minIUm mast and 2 sets 8481 after 6p.m rage $575 Lease 882- per month. After 6 pm. GROSSE POinte park. 1 per 2 bedroom, air condi- no rust, automatic, air, v o~ ~ilsl.-v 1. ~ew.._Baqe/ 4988 raids for under ~~OO? YAMAHA - 1986, YZ-125, bedroom apartment Pri- tioned, fully carpeted, ga- many options, very clean, cruise ready. $2,500 or 824-1508. Call for facts today 602- $975 882-4944 SPACIOUS three bedroom vate parkmg. Utlltles not $3,675 885-2932, persist- best offer. 331-6286 rage and alarm $325/ 837-3401 ext 233 LOWER flat on St Clair, lower flat, updated Included. $340 per month Call 882-8272 for ently 1984 HONDA Aero mint, SAILBOAT 1987, Cape kitchen, $1,200 monthly, 610 AUTOMOTIVE 650 miles Best oHer near Village Three bed- month 881-1802 appointment. 1980 FIAT Spider converti- Dory, 22', full keel yacht, rooms, liVing room, dining heat, electnc Included SPORTS CARS 886-2724 LOVELY modern one bed- ble, low mileage, excel- 8 h.p outboard, VHF, room, sun porch, car- Secunty depoSit Three 701 APTS/flATS/DUPLEX room apartment- car- lent condition 882-8521 ALFA ROMEO 1967, Cali- many extras, well in- peted, appliances In- year lease. 224-1019 Detroit 1Wayne County 1975 HONDA Super Sport, peted- air condltloned- after 6 p m fornia car, convertible, cluded, $17,900. 939- cluded, garage Available like new, only 9,000 HARCOURT- MACK and East Outer parklng- Whittier near $7,500 or best offer 882- 0993. mld-July $725 plus secu- MADZA 1982 RX-7, 5 miles, $1,000,881-4793 2 bedroom upper flat Fam- Dnve SpacIous 3 bed- Kelly Road $320 per 0800 771-3827 nty depoSit and refer- speed, air, rustproofed, JUST Bought a new boat, 1975 KAWASAKI 900, Ily room Dining room 1 room upper, Iivmg room, month Including heat 1986 CORVETIE white, ences. 882-8281. glass sunroof Alloy must sell a 1966 Lyman- 10,000 orglnal miles, new 1!2 baths Separate utili- dining room, natural fire- 881-3542 wheels Nice car. $3,975 blue leather interior, MARYLAND 1358 1/2 2 ties No pets Adults only place, dogs, $350/ month 28' Surveyed at $6,500- tires, excellent condition. 310 ALTER near Windmill 881-7456 loaded, Bose stereo, 772- bedroom upper $325! $700 monthly plus secu- plus security, available thiS week $5,5001 882- 758-1831 POinte Includes fresh 9584 rity depoSit and refer- Immediately Chns 540- BMW 1972- Bavana, 4 0800, 771-3827 month. 884-8080. decor, carpet, appliances, ences 9030 speed, runs well Best of- 1971 Lotus Europa, almost JET SkI, Kawasaki, X-2, 1987 HONDA 600 Hum- NEFF near Mack, newly garage With door opener HIGIE MAXON, INC. fer. 884-2420. completely restored, 1986, good condition, caine, black and red, constructed 2 bedroom SPACIOUS Upper, 5 sharp newer bUilding 3,000 miles, warranty's 886-3400 1984 Jaguar- only 26,000 $7,000 or best offer. 885- boat DaVit Included, upper, bath, basement, rooms, large closets, Ideal for one adult- no and extras $3,000 Bob, NEFF CharleVOIx 5 room mIles, like brand new, 5480 $3,000 firm, 886--9071 appliances, carpeting, porch, wood floors, appli- pets $350 Includes heat 296-3066 seperate utilities, 4 car lower flat, garage, $550 ances Working couple or Phone 886-2496 after 6 grey, must see to belelve, 1977 Porsche 930 Turbo CHRIS Craft Sea Skiff, 1982 HONDA Ascot 500, garage, central alT, alarm per month 881-0001 seniors East Outer Dnve, pm call Mr Casey (owner), Carrea, FlOrida car, 1961, 30', tWin 185, re- , system, $800. EastSide south of 1-94 $350 ! 885-1800 days, 886-7507 58,000 miles, red With condrtloned, mint, con- new In 1984, low miles, NEFF. Attractive two bed- VERY Nice modern 1 bed- Management Co 372- month, plus security 286- evenings and weekends Palammo leather mtener, vertible top, extras, good conditiOn, extras room lower, large rooms, room apartment- car- $900 or best 822-2787 2200 newer carpeting, appli- 2549 or 886-9506 1987 WI Golf GL, 5 speed, new tires, $28,000 or $16,000. 372-5558 peted, parklng- Chalmers, best offer 885-5480 after 6 pm ances, ample storage, MACK at Nottingham Utili- Near East Outer Drlve- 19,000 miles, loaded, air, FORMULA 1986, 242LS, BEACONSAELD! south of garage $775 Lease 882- ties, appliances, one bed- $260 per month Includes remainder of warranty, 1965 CORVETIE Coupe, 4 excellent condition, Jefferson, 2 bedroom flat, 651 MOTOR HOMES 4988 room starting at $315, heat 526-8010 or 881- perfect, must sell, $8,500 speed, 327, 350hp, loaded, 260 Merc, 93 Will decorate, available studiO $280 Call Monday 885-5956 $18,400 886-4682 hrs, extras Must sellI PARK Maryland! Wayburn, 3542 TRAVCO 22' Class A, like $450 , 886-7647 through Friday, 8a m • 792-1364 1 and 2 bedoom, 25% off LARGE lovely 2 bedroom 1987 Volkswagen, Gulf, 4 611 AUTOMOTIVE new, 755-0100, 771-7671 HEATED upper 5 room flat, 5p m 885-7191 1st month $360 to $420 upper flat LIVing, dining, door, 5 speed, air condl- TRUCKS CHRIS Craft, 40' sedan, days, 884-8694 evenings newly decorated, stove 886-0657 ONE bedroom apartment, breakfast nook and lIonlng, sun roof, $7,500 1937 onglnal, days, 755- and refngerator Refer- 1983 FORD Ranger pick- Whittier! Harper, kitchen With appliances 886-5746 0100. n1-7671 eveOings, ences and deposit Ideal UPPER- lWO bedroom, up, good condition, no 660 TRAILERS appliances, carpe1ed, Fireplace, basement and 1981 DATSUN 280ZX, 884-8694 for adults, no pets 1-828- newly painted, Park pnvl- rust, $3,000 firm. 774- leges, no pets Near bus- $325 monthly Includes garage Very clean, Hav- 2plus2, showroom condi- 1M7 1975 24' Renell Weeken- 1839 heat 882-7897 HOLS TANDOM boat !:~e S:PO, pluS $-'VlO <;p. erhill and E Warren tion, never driven In Win- der, needs minor repair, trailer, 24' or smaller $360! month plus security FORD High Cue Van 1979. cunty, references 331- ONE bedroom apartment ter Low miles, black With $5,200 or best oHer 884- boat, $1,000 776-7568 SPACIOUS Grosse POinte New tires, new exhaust. 0335 and one eHlclency on and utilities 628-7772 leather InteriOr, 5 speed, 3635 Park upper flat available Good conditIOn 296-0288 Cadluex In Detroit 331- UPPER flat, 1 bedroom, T- tops, AMIFM cassette, COMPLETE car trailer 4 July 1st Two bedroom, 1469 WAYBURN evenings WANTEDII LASER sail 0581 heat Included Haverhill air, and many more fea- foot x 6 foot 2,000 new bath, large frontroom Lower three bedroom, new boat parts. 886-9454 $260 a month plus de- tures Mint condition 1985 TOYOTA pIck up pounds axle, used tires and dining room, carpet! decorating BABCOCK Semor's Apart- $12,000 Call John Gam- screened porch, garage throughout, dishwasher, ment $435 885-6863 POSit 884-4190 4X4. $7,595 Clean Ta- 1976 SEARAY 24 FT $400 885-6815 bino, 792-8211 $450 monthly plus 1 1/2 stove, refrigerator and ga- maroff Acura, East De- Loaded, good condition, 700 APTS/FlATS!DUPLEX month security Refer- rage $475 monthly plus 1980 FIAT Spider 2000 troit (4 blocks South of 10 Must sell, best offer 885- Pointes/Harper Woods ences a must 884-5238 utilities Call 962-4790 convertible, 5 speed Mile) 778-8886 2121 51,000 miles, light metal- days, 886-1353 evenings 612 AUTOMOTIVE FOUR Wlnns 195 cuddy, lic blue, 4 new Perlill UPPER 3 bedroom With fin- HARPER WOODS, 1 bed- VANS excellent condition, With tires, new exhaust sys- Ished attiC, natural fire- room upper flat, newer trailer, $10,800 391- place, appliances, 2 car GROSSE POINTE tem, new brakes, very 1983 STARCRAFT Conver- MOVING AND STORAGE appliances and carpeting 2369 garage Available July good condition $3,600 sion GMC van, $7,500. COMPANY $375 839-7894 after 5 1st 824-1364 886-7976 886-0903 1986 BOSTON Whaler Reasonable Rates MERCEDES Benz 450 ES 1985 GMC Safan Van, Sport, 40hp Yamaha, NEWLY decorated, partially Reliable ServICe VILLAGE CONDO 1973, 84,000 miles Has 1987, 15,000 miles, ?Ower tilt, trailer, 10 furnished, large one bed- Local & Long DIstance LUXUriously furnished In everything, looks and loaded, excellent condi- hours, $6,700 886-4682 room apartment, sky- 822.4400 adult community rent In- dnves Irke new $12,000 tIOn, $13,000 882-5650 FORMULA. 25' Thunder- lights, $700 plus secUrity, cludes all but clothes and 882-1655 bird, 19n, looks and Will conSider work toward Free Estimates 1987 Astra CL, 8 passan- perishables Available for runs like new, must sell, rent 689-3940,9-5 1984 SR5 Toyota Corolla ger, loaded, low mileage, eight weeks Days only $13,500 or best offer, Will hatchback, 44,000 miles $12,700 774-1292 Please call 882-2415 sacrifIce 882-8235 5 speed, air, AM/FM APARTMENT in the Park, stereo, 2 door $5,000 613 AUTOMOTIVE 8 FOOT dinghy, good con- , WANTED TO llUY TIlE 1000 block, 2 bedrooms, r Excellent condllion 526- drtlon, $60 778-8n4 carpeted, appliances and 3761 WANTED good used cars WELLCRAFT 1983 NOVA heat furnished, no pets, JAGUAR and trucks also wrecked 23XL, fully eqUipped, well BLAKE $450 a month, $450 de- or repatrables, 771-8953 POSit, Ideal for adults, BMW Included, $18,900 294- C()~IB\.'\1' 2876,839-8116 available July 1st 823- MERCEDES Newly renovated ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS With trailer, 0953 available In Harper Woods, St. Clair Shores, and I BRITISH mint, ready to race, PARK completely redecor- East DetrOit Freshly painted, new carpet, Auto repair service Large ated 2 bedroom apart- $23,000 Lake St Clair hnollum, and appliances. Close to shopping and parts Inventory Drop off ment Including, heat wa- JUNK well available The Boat transportatIOn, well maintained grounds and downtown DetrOit and Pad, (216)949-8123 ter, stove, refrigerator, CARS & TRUCKS prompt management Grosse POinte, 21 years new kitchen, new carpet- 22' CRESTLINER, 1978, 00 00 - 10 mechaniCS Wanted Rents from '450 to '475 Ing, new bathroom, ceil- Fr.. TOWing WlIh or Cuddy cabin, loaded, all J & l CUSTOM AUTO For your appOintment, please call our office Ing fan, private parking, Without wh •• l,. AI,o acceSSOries, radiO, 225 CENTRE Monday-Friday 8 30 - 5'30 COin laundry, basement bUYing good running hp, Inboard! Outboard, 10960 GratIOt, DetrOit storage $455 monthly cara. OMC engme 150 hours 881-6100 plus secunty 886--2920 839-6940 526.8615 $7,9000 882-3366 Ask for Dean

... _-~- _.~_._- I

June 30, 1988 Grosse Pointe News 709 TOWNHOUSES/CONDOS 716 OFFICES/COMMERCIAL 723 VACATION RENTAL 701 APTS/FLATS/DUPlEX 701 APTS/FLATS/DUPUX 702 APTS/FLATS/DUPLEX 706 HOUSES FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT NORTHERN MICHIGAN Detroit / Wayne County Detroit / Wayne County . S.C.S/Macomb County Detroit/Wavne County THRt:t: room oTTIce sune, HARVARD 3 bedroom bun- LAKESHORE Village 2 ~o THREE bedroom Harbor JEFFERSONI Alter- Share IMMEDIATE occupancy HARPER/ MasoniC area square feet, Warren/ 514sq ft Includes utilities, galow, kitchen With ex- bedroom terrace on lake- Cove condo, Harbor upper flat, all utilities in- 6134 Grayton Large 3 Two bedroom apartment Cadluex area Ideal for In Jenzen Office BUilding, tras, large FlOrida room, shore Drive, appliances, Springs, $750 Available cluded, $175 plus secu- bedroom lower flat, hard- Immediate occupancy Manu Reps - At1orney- 21711 Harper St Clair finished basement, 2 1/2 washer and dryer, pool weeks of July 2nd, 9th, rity 821-9582 wood floors, washer and Ideal for mid-age or Sen- CPA Immediate occu- Shores, between 8 and 9 car garage, ready to and clubhouse, $600 per 16th Call after 3p m , dryer, garage $450 plus Ior Cltzen No Pets $515 pany 882-9300 Mile Ad BASEMENT Apartment, In, $650 a month month plus secUrity de- 272-8099 utilities Call after 6p m 881-5802 move GUilford near Mack, fur- plus security 882-9023 POSit 886-5564, before 4 PRIME commerCial space READY for occupancy. 885-4689 HARBOR SPRINGS nished, $200 a month, 1 9 MILE ROAD/ available Office/retail, lo- qUiet, clean office 8/kelly THREE bedroom brick PM Vacation homes, cottages, person only 886-0102 MORANG. 1 bedroom JEFFERSON cated In Grosse POinte area 839.7000 horne, Kelly Rd Between and condominiums for apartment Carpeting, Luxury 1 bedroom unfur- WINDWOOD POINTE on "The HIli" For more SPACIOUS newly deco- 7 and 8 Mile FInished rent by the week, month, drapes, appliances, aIr nished apartment Imme- CONDO- SpaCIOUS,newer InformatIOn please con- 720 ROOMS FOR RENT rated 1 bedroom apart- basement carpeting, ap- or seasonally For rates conditioning, laundry fa- diate occupancy $460 second floor, two bed- tact Mr Layman at 884- ment, dining room, pliances, garage Sorry and dates call Kennle Cilities $350 Immediate per month 6 month lease room, two bath, eat In 8334 or Ms Le Mleux at ST. Clair Shores on water, kitchen with appliances, no pets Ideal for adult, or GRAHAM REAL ESTATE occupancy 776-0413 and security depoSit 885- kitchen With bay, library, 283-8300 between 8. 9 Mile PrI. living room With simu- profeSSIOnal persons 19B E MAIN 1900 natural fireplace, central vate entrance, bath, ga- lated fireplace, walk- out 963-7040 Grosse POinte Farms HARBOR SPRINGS, MI 702 AJtTS/FlATS/DUPLEX air, attached garage, rage Employed gentle. terrace, garage parking, S.C.S/Macomb Count V 703 APTS/fLATS/DUPUX deck Immediate posses- 'ON THE HILL' 49740 share use of basement, WANTED TO RENT BEDFORD- Three bedroom, man References 616-526-6251 sion Office space for lease above RIVIERA Terrace- Jeffer- liVing room With fireplace, Available July 1 775- heat Included, $345 per UNIVERSITY Administrator CHAMPION & BAER, INC National Bank of DetrOit HARBOR Springs. lUXUri- son/ 9 mile One bed. formal dining room, 7168 month, no pets, please wants house, large flat In 884-5700 Carpeted, heat, air In- ous, fully eqUipped room, newly decorated kitchen With breakfast call 978-5492 between 3 POlntes, Shores, Harper cluded Janltonal service NICE neat room With house homes and condomi- PM and 4 30 PM or 757- Heat, air Included, $650 nook, $425 plus secunty GROSSE POinte City, com- Woods Need basement, bl-weekly prlviliges 884-1944 niums, 3 mmutes from monthly 774-8722 886-1462 pletely furnished, one 7465 between 730 and garage, use of washer! 886-2240 881-6402 Boyne Highlands golf, 15 bedroom, newly deco- ROOM for rent, second 9'30 PM NINE Mile and Kelly Lovely dryer Prefer central air NEFF/ Mack area Clean, 1 SMALL bUSiness/ office minutes from Petoskey rated condo, $650 floor Includes utilities, 1 bedroom upper apart- Prefer very qUiet area bedroom house With ap- space, 800 square feet, Natural seiling, heated UPPER and lower flats for monthly Includes heat! share bathroom, kitchen, ment, Ideal for retired or 882~30 after 7 p m pliances, garage $350 new bUilding, 9 Mile/ Jef. pool/ spa tennis Ideal for rent- 2 bedrooms, excel- air, one year lease, laundry. $260 Non. mature working lady, Needed In next 3 plus security depOSit Po- ferson area 294-2316 family vacations, golf out- lent condlhon Good area adults, no pets, refer- smokers 822-4457 $425 LaVon's Property months References session July 1st 526- Ings, bUSiness confer- Far Eastside Seperate ences, after 6p m Days GROSSE POINTE WOODS Mdnagement 773-2035 ROOM share home priVI- utilities, $340 each per 8261 535-1118 or 274-5380 af- ences Rental and Safes, leges, garager Pnvate Land Masters Inc - Real- month 775-8855 NEWLY decorated fur. 704 HALlS FOR RENT SANILAC off Moross Ser- ter 6 RETAIL.OFFICE entrance $240 885-8212 nlshed 2 bedroom base- vice Drive west of 1-94 21308 Mack 2,100 sq ft tor 1800 678 2341 1- FIVE room lower, two bed- STILLMEADOW CONDOS references ment apartment, all utili. PROFESSIONAL seeking a Five 14'x17' panelled 616-526-264 1 rooms, stove/ refrigerator, Nice 3 bedrooms, base- Clinton Township, 15 and ties Included $400 roommate to share 4 exceptional flat, security ment, appliances, rent offices 721 VACATION RENTAL HOMESTEAD ,Lake MiChi- Between 11 and 12 off bedroom tudor In Grosse Harper area New luxury depoSit, $400 monthly With option, $475 negotia- 2 bedroom ranch, town- plus one large conference flORIDA gan south beach, 3 bed- Gratiot Ideal for mature POinte area, $300 per ble LaVon's Property or storage room Days 771-7671, evenings houses, carnage houses room, 3 bath, Hawks working lady or retiree month Includes utilities, Management 773-2035 CLEARWATER, Sand Key Nest 1 bedroom plus 884-8694 Private antrance and ga- condo on the ocean Call LaVon 773-2035 call 354~26 or 884-1537 MEDICAL SUITES queen sofabed 2 baths, GROSSE POinte City, Neff and leave message IMMACULATE three bed- rage All appliances and Available now until Janu- ATTRACTIVE qUiet 1 bed. 20861 Mack 450-2,000 sq (313) 852.8443 Road Upper flat, near room bungalow. Finished air conditioning Starting ary 1st Best time of the room, heat, carport, ft Village, carpeting, appli- 70S HOUSES FOR RENT basement, two car ga- at $550 per month With 1 year September, October, HARBOR SPRINGS condo, $450 St Clair Shores 20825 Mack 1,500 sq ft ances SUitable for cou- Pointes / Hlrper Waods rage, appliances in- year lease Hurryl Call November Call 881- sleeps 8 tennis near 296-1912 Large Rear Parkmg Area pie. 885-1411 FARMS- 3 bedroom Colo- cluded Available July 882-2555 between 7 5013 golf, 8868924, 882-9069 TWELVE Mile off Little 6th Located at 12109 30a m - 7 30p m OUTER Drive, north of nial, central air, hard 884.1340 886-1068 HARBOR Spnngs. summer Mack Newly decorated 1 Wayburn Call for ap- - Flonda Mack Large lower 2 bed- wood floors, appliances, PRIME Grosse POinte office rentals, fully furnished 3 bedroom apartment, ap- pOlntment, 774-6202 GROSSE POinte. SpacIous Resort room flat Natural fire- washer, dryer and lots space for lease 828 bedroom condo, 293- pliances, heat Included, 7 Mile/Beaconsfield, 2 bed- 2 bedroom condo New place, more, adults pre- more, 421 Moran, $1,000 square feet ReceptIOn Condominiums 8139 Ideal for mature working room $450 a month plus carpet, dishwasher, apph- ferred 882-1571 after 6 per month Please call for room, 4 offices, file room WEST COAST lady or retiree, $395 details 845-9428 or 886- security and utlltles ances, dining area, can- LUXURY 2 bedroom Condo PM Parking, fully serviced, all 1, 2, 3 Bedroom LaVon's Property Man- Available July 15th 777- tra! air, garage, storage on Round Lake between 5425 utilities $1,500/ month Beachfront NEAR Grosse POinte newly agement 773-2035 6296 after July 5th area Immaculate bUlld- Petoskey and Harbor ______mg $750 heat and water (Renovated former AM From $375 Weekly decorated 2 bedroom THREE bedroom brick bun- Springs TenniS, Indoor BETWEEN 11 and 12 mile bUilding) 15415 E Jeffer- CALL TOLL FREE upper, appliances, $285 galow Kitchen appli- 707 HOUSES FOR RENT Included Call LOUIse at pool and suna 884-0370 off Gratiot, completely fur- S.C,S./Macomb County son, Grosse POinte Park, 1-800-237-9831 343-0255 ances Grosse POinte 573-0011 nished, newly decorated, Schools Available August 824-4710 CLEARWATER Beach, 440 724 VACATION RENTAL THREE bedroom ranch, St CRANFORD Lane Town- HAVERHILL lower 2 bed- 2 bedroom basement 1st 779-6200 or 372. GROSSE POinte Office West, two bedroom, two RESORTS Clair Shores Fireplace, 2 house- 3 story, 5 bed- room, new paint, appli- apartment, non/smoker, 2097 Plaza, 22725 Mack be- bath, luxury condo on car garage, finished rooms, 3 baths, fireplace, WHISPERING Pines resort! ances $325 plus secu- Includes all utllltJeS also tween 8 and 9 Mile Road Gulf, 90 minutes to DIS- THREE bedroom house, basement, large lot, Lak- kitchen appliances, cov- hunting and fishing, thiS rity 465-4028 washer and dryer, $400 ney World 823-7042 after Grosse POinte Woods eView schools $695 a 1,225 square feet office IS Just the place you've Lavons Property Manage- ered garage. Newly YORKSHtRE, spacIous 2 Allard near Mack Immac- month piUS security SUite, 1st floor Rent In. 6 looked for to get away ment 773-2035 painted. Immediate occu- bedroom upper flat, ulate, $975 monthly 259- Lease oplion available cludes aU utilities With air pancy $1,200/ month 722 VACATION RENTAL from the city life The shares garage and base- 296-1066 conditiOning and janitOrial 8 MILE/Beaconsfield Area 6555 days References 885-6301. OUT OF sun U P and the midst of the ment Available July 1st Two bedrooms, first floor services Call Michigan beauliful Hlwatha Forest GROSSE POinte Woods Off Frazho between Kelly LAKESHORE Village, 2 Ideal for couples $450 apartment Adult com- Realty, 296-7602 MYRTLE Beach/ South of Thunder lake In ManiS- Pretty, clean house and Gratiot, large 2 bed- bedroom townhouse, new Includes heat Call 828- mUnity $600 per month SMALL office, 17901 East Carolina 2 and 3 bed- tique Relax on a modern Good light, qUiet block, room house, appliances, carpet, appliances, air, 4374 Includes heat Available Warren Answering and room, ocean front and lake front 2 bedroom central air, fireplace, fin- newly decorated, new $575, call 562~. ocean Side condos, in- ;; GRATIOT 7 area, Immedi- July 15th Call after 6 pm secretarial service avail- cabin With boat $175 per. Ished basement, large at- carpet, $550 LaVon's door and outdoor pools ate occupancy, 2 bed- 884-6898 able 885-1900. week Also offered IS one tiC, nice grounds All ap- Property Rental Manage- 712 GARAGES/STORAGE F Mac Farland 756- room upper mcome, se- larger cabin With deck WATERFRONT Condo, 400 pliances, drapes, new ment 773-2035 WANTED ST Clair Shores, 9 Mile/ perate utilities, ask for 0362 and fireplace $250 8B1- ON THE LAKE In Ham- carpel. Automatic 2 car WANTED garage space for Harper. 150 square feet, Dorothea 777-0383 or BOSTONI CAPE COD 0819 or (906)573.2480 son Township 2,100 garage $995 per month. BRICK BI level, large, new one car Kercheval/ Cad- air conditIOning, carpet, 771-8222 Only a few left One year square feet, kitchen appli- 881-8031 carpeting, many extras Ieux area 885-Q775 Janitor, near expressway, old two bedroom condos, HAVERHILL near Mack ances, 3O-foot boat well, 12 and Jefferson 2 1/2 $165 778-0120, 881- 100 HOUSES FOR SALE SpacIous one bedroom 2-car garage $2,200 garage, near lake, 6436 completely furnished No CLASSIFIED ADS RENT ONE garage space pets $3,000 per month upper, appliances and month Leased opliOn to $1,200 778-4876 12375 East Outer Drive, CALL 882-6900 Call after 6 p m 775- 15001 KERCHEVAL Ocean, pool, tenms, golf garage. $250 a month buy Days, 778-7680 8281 Steel and brick construc- TWO bedroom brick ranch, 2,400 square feet, office or Call (313)647-0316 Jeff 775-4901 ONE bedroom apartment, CHARMING 2 bedroom allached garage, newly tion colOnial, tile roof, 5 retail 884-2257 HILTON Head/ South Caro- TWO bedroom apartment, new drapes and air con- home In the Farms, 2 carpeted, central air, no 714 LIVING QUARTERS rooms, tiled bath up, liv- TO SHARE MACK! RIVARD lina Ocean front condo, Ing room With natural fIre- \. Wayburn 1300 block, ap- dlliOning Immediate oc- blocks to The HIli or lake, pets, security depOSit re- 5 ROOM generall medical Olumprc size pool, tennis place, bar and tOilet In " pliances, split basement, cupancy Good localiOn ample closet! storage, full qUired, $700 per month, HOUSE In Grosse POinte SUite,share reception, prr- F Mac Farland 756- basement, appliances $400 823-1003 m Roseville, near public complement of appli- Call days only 772-0981 Woods, $250 monthly transportation, $425 in- vate lav vacant 0362 Cute fur starters or retl- TWO bedroom apartment ances. Available July ask for Nick Includes utIlities 882- cludes heat 779-2807 2nd $645/ month 881- AUTUMN In Vermont, -pes On bus line Harperl Cadieux area, re- MARTER 9 mile area, pres- 6897 FISHER MEWS 2554 after 5p m Trapp guest house, Sep .»26000 or offer 885- frigerator, stove, car- LAKEFRONT apartment, tigiOUS area 3 bedroom FIRST FLOOR- 1182 sq ft tember 24th week 885- 6093 Serious buyers peted, $380 a month In- stove, refrigerator, new FOUR bedroom, 3 baths, brick ranch, natural fire- ROOMATE needed Profes- Two pnvate offices, recep- 6794 only cludes the heat 884-6080 carpeting, utility room, Grosse POinte schools, place, 2 full baths, Sional to Ilve-m large tion, work room, full bath picnic table, bedroom, appliances, fmlshed base- Lakeshore home, $4501 1555 HAWTHORNE Rd In ATTRACTIVE upper flat, 2 kitchen, cathedral ceiling SECOND FLOOR qUiet LAKE Huron near Sarma $450 per month plus utili- ment, $750 881-3802 month including utilities the Woods, attractive bedrooms, fully carpeted, and appliances, huge two- room sUite Parking Three bedroom cottage ties, security depOSit, Must have good personal semi-ranch, 3 bedroom, 2 drapes, stove, refrigera- THREE bedroom 1 block tiled basement With half 75 minutes from Grosse 949-4824 habits and references No VERNIER! EASTLAND full baths, deam country tor, new washer and from Village, all appli- bath, and 2 car attached POinte $250 per week pets, 886-5300 kitchen. appliances In- garage/door opener, SIX- room general office, pri- 882-8167 dryer, $400 heat In- NOTHSHORE apartments, ances, 2 car garage 881- cluded Flolda room, $1000, EastSide Manage- ONE nice person needed to vate lav, 5 day Janitor ser- cluded, Cadieux and Jefferson/ 9 1/2 Mile 1 9687 basement rec-room, ment Co 372-2222 share really nice 3 bed- vice 1252 ft 723 VACATION RENTAL Mack area 294-2646 and 2 bedroom luxury EXCUTIVE Rental, Grosse deck, 2 car garage, cen- room flat, washer! dryer, NORTHERN MICHIGAN apartments With private POinte Center enterance, ST. Clair Shores, $650, GROSSE POINTE tral air, many extras APARTMENTS huge attiC, 1!2 garage, COTTAGE on main branch basement, from $560 to 4 bedroom, Iivmg and near Jefferson, exclUSive HARPER WOODS $153500 Open Sunday OPEN SATURDAY 210 5 leaded Windows, fire- Ausable, near Grayling, $665 Carports available dining room, fireplace, two bedroom duplex, Three 1 or 2 person sleeps 2 p m to 5 p m 884- 943 Alter Road, Just off east place, cat, bordering sleeps 6 $350 per week, 771-3124 fountain room, 2 car ga- Pullman kitchen, garage, 8930 Jefferson- Charming four Grosse POinte Park $195 884..()969 rage Lease 1 year or spnnkler system, no pets Virginia S. Jeffries story elevator bUilding ST. CLAIR SHORES, 91 and 1/2 utilities 881- HARPER Woods ranch, more $1,500 per month 294-2642 Realtor 882-0899. MACK, one bedroom, 3337 HARBOR Springs, fully Grosse Pomte Schools, plus 1 month depoSit BEAUTIFUL brick bl-Ievel SpaCIOUSone and two bed- qUiet surroundings Car- 15326 MACK- Not1lngham, eqUipped homes In beautiful InSide and out, 884.7171 after 6 pm or 22528 12- Jefferson rooms- rent Includes heat, pet, appliances, blinds, NICE house to share, Cad- Grosse POinte Park wooded setting, near rec- $82 900 By owner Open early am Large, new carpeting, water, range and refnger- heat and water $4301 Ieux/ Harper area Call 1,700 square feet, com- reation areas Call Lay Sunday 2 to 5, 20871 ator Near both bus- lines many extras 2 1/2 ga- merclall retail, adjacent to man ASSOCiates Lynn Lancaster 886-1766 monthly Chapoton Apart- THREE bedroom bungalow 526-9351 references and secUrity rage, near lake, $975 ments 777.7840 ...... ,.. l-. Park Place Cafe 884- McGann Realtor Asso- :lY O\'Viiai~:3 bed i0Uiii I 1 1/ deposit required ..rHO' ••n ....r "I "' tJU ,'. 778-4876 716 OFFICES/COMMERCIAL 2257 Agent Ciate, 886-9537 2 bath Colonial, corner WALKER REALTY, LTD AnENTION $625 monthly 1528 Brys, fOR RENT \ GPW No pels 963-9155 PRESTIGIOUS OFFICE CHALET on lake near Cad- lot Panelled library, large 886-0920 EXECUTIVES 701 HOUSES WANTED TO R(NT GROSSE POinte Park SPACE AVAILABLE Illac Fireplace, large eating area off kitchen, FLORIDA RETIREES FARMS- Moran three bed. CLEAN, well kept, 2 bed- One and 2 bedroom 15324 Mack IndIVIdual Forsyth Office BUilding II deck, 4 bedroom 2 full dining room, recrea- room, 1 1/2 bath, $975 UNIVERSITY Administrator room lower flat, Morass- apartments Completely office SUites wrth win- near completion, Jeffer- baths, game room, sandy tion room Improvements lease Available July 1st wants house, large flat In 1-94 $425 per month, gas furnished $30 00 per day dows, receptIOnist, con- son south of 9 Mile Road beach, $450 a week last 3 years new garage 881.8941 POlntes, Shores, Harper and water mcluded 656- one month minimum ference room, private At1ractlVe traditIOnal d&- 731-4905 With automatic door Woods Need basement, 2693 or 293-5394 469-1075 771.4916 GROSSE POinte Woods, 2 storage area Ample sIgn to SUIt Prestigious opener. new roof, fur. garage, use of washer! BEAUTfFUL Petoskey Cha EASTLAND, 7 Mile/ GratIOt bedrooms, fireplace dm- parking 150' away 884- location, $1650 per sq ft nace, disposal, front ST CLAIR Shores. Marter dryer Prefer cent ral air let Heated pool or area lUXUriOUS,qUiet, ter- Ing L newly decorated 2257 Agent walk, porches rebUilt, Road 2-Bedroom Duplex Prefer very qUiet area spring- fed waters gall close 10 public transporta KERCHEVAL PLACE Pella Windows, Siding, In- race garden one bed. $525 Available July 559- 882 6830 after 7 p m 15001 KERCHEVAL n8-4824 room apartment $330 lion $650 per month OFFICES sulation In attic Moran 2982 Needed In next 3 2,400 square feet, office or 886-6400 Grosse POlnteMtlaoe foca- CASEVILLE sandy beach Road, Grosse POinte plus security depOSit retail 884-2257 months References tlon New, attrac1wefy de. good fishing, sleeps 8, Farms Call 884 7786 No 521-2612, 979-3965 ~ •• YI!l!E.AI!I!R.A..R~O~U~N~D.IIlliI.... GROSSE Pomte Farms 700 square foot s10refront Signed 1 to 4 room sUites $3751 week 469-2967 brokers please EAST Warren, Cadieux RESORT LIVING Executive leaSing new 4 EXECUTIVE Family, both available 15038 Mack, Pnvate parking lot $1650 517-856-3375 area, effiCiency apart- ON LAKE ST CLAIR bedrooms 4 baths 11 former Grosse POinters Grosse POinte Park $350 per sq ft TWO FAMILY rooms hot tub, appll. HARBOR SPRINGS, Har. ment, range refrigerator B Wish 4 to 5 bedroom monthly Call for appoint- R.R, SFIRE 776-7260 OPEN SUNDAY 2- 5. v,..: ""T TROY 4000 Square Feet of- Attorney, CPA, or other heat mcluded, washer, 882-6460 Ask for DICkWalker :0 ~ ~ ~~ rooms, country kitchen fice or retail, prime corner professonals 882-1470 dryer, Ideal lor mature SCENIC SCHWEITZER REAL <'iCHT ~p. some appliances fenced on Maple, 230 car park- workmg lady, $300 Call yard no basement $365 70' TOWNHOUSES/CONDOS OFACE or Storage 350 HARBOR ESTATE, INC. ing, carpeling, air condi- LaVon 773-2035 BOATWELLS a month 521-3300 or FOR RENT . square leet $150 / 8B5.20oo. tioning 778.0120 and SPRINGS SENIOR Citizen Apart- ReSidents Dock AI 776-7828 month Mack at Not. 9550 WHiniER near 1-94 881-6436 Three bedroom home MOVE In condition two ments- Morang. Cadieux tlngham 885-7191 Your Door Step -HAVERHILU Mack, 3 bed One bedroom With large available for vaca- bedroom home In the Road, $280 to $325 792. Private Boal Harnor room colonial, fireplace. closets air condlliOnlng COMMERCIAL Building for CADIUEXI 1.94 x-way 4 tion rental Two Woods large liVing room 2163 CLUB BOll TS garage updated bath fresh decor, laundry lease. 4,800 square feet room office approximately baths, JaCUZZI, With natural fireplace, ror Rpsldpnt Usp kllchen $485 plus de- newer appliances and 19271 Mack, Grosse 1,000 square feet Ideal sauna, fireplace kitchen With all appli. DEVONSHIRE at Mack, 2 LAKEVIEW POSit, references 777. carpeting plus balcony POinte Woods Adjacent for real estate, Insurance, Completely fur- ances Included. sun bedroom upper, garage, Apartment Homes 0752 882.9374 and prrvate parking $360 to St John Hospital new or manufactures rep nished Convenient room new furnace and $350 plus utilities Call development 885-6876 Includes heat 886-2496 Large parking lot All utili- downtown locatiOn central air, two car ga- 822.2351 after 5p m 791.1441 - 'OUTER Dnve and Mack 2 evenings after 6 p m or 881-8300 ties and central air In. close to shops and rage, newly decorated 36000 EAST JEFFERSON bedrooms, large kitchen cluded 885-1220 SHORES 2 bedroom TWO room, 300 square restaurants through out, 1891 Hunt \ BE WISE Mon. - Sat. 10-6 dining room, liVing room Club, call for appoint- Sunday 12-5 Available Immediately condo, garage cathedral foot Sublease- utilities 900 square feet. Luxury of- Leave Menage. ADVERTISE ceiling, appliances, new pald Mack! Vermer area fice space Carpeted ment, 886 1629 open Anti l1y Appolnlmenl $500 per month 547. 313-668-0276 Sunday 1 to 5 CALL 882-6900 5379 $635 885-6863 885-9450 after 7 p m 824.3546 June 30, 1988 12C Grosse Pointe News

IJOO Houm FOR SALl < IJOO HOUSES lOR SALE 100 HOUSES FOR SALE 800 HOUSES-FOR SALE 300 HOUSES FOR SALE 100 HOUSES FOR SALE 800 HOUSES FOR SALE 800 HOUSES FOil SALE PARK. Four family, two WATERFRONT Condo, 400 BISHOP Grosse POinte GROSSE Pointe Woods NEAR Grosse POinte, 3 FIRST Offenng Sprawling HARPER WOODS, Grosse ST. CLAIR Shores- Up- bedrooms each, appli- ON THE LAKE In Ham- Park Ranch, three bed- spacIous 3 bedroom cole: bedroom brick Colonial, 1 4 bedroom ColOnial In POinte Schools, two bed- dated bnck bungalow ances, parking, $127,500 son Township 2,100 rooms, three baths, two nlal, 2 1/2 baths, new /2 baths, natural fire- deSirable location of room, 1 1/2 bath, 2 112 Four bedroom, 2 1/2 square feet, kitchen appli- fireplaces, large closets, kitchen, family room, 2 885-0031 place, leaded glass Win- Grosse POinte Woods car garage, large family bath, natural woodwork, ances, 3O-foot boat well, finished basement, cen. car garage, 884-4818 REDUCED 4 bedroom Colo- dows, new furnance and Features mclude 2 full room editions With fire- $74,900 U.Snooze-U- 2-car garage $259,000 tral air, car and a half ga------nial, Grosse POinte water heater, 2 car ga- baths plus 2 half baths, place $66,500 By Lose Take time to call rage, many extras Call Days, 778-7680 TODA V'S Schools, newly redecor- rage Call 885-9094 for liVing room, dining room, owner, 20624 Fleetwood "ART" Century 21 Kee, Sunday for appointment, BEST BUVS ated, 2 1/2 car anached appointment updated kitchen, family 881-8143 573-0622 FIFTH Street, St Clair No brokers $91,500 Or GROSSE POINTE garage, many extras room, central air, natural Shores 12 Mllel Jeffer- BY Owner, Harper Woods, Make Offer, 881-7184 6-3 Income bungalow, full 881-6448 COLONIAL located Grosse fireplace and more Re- NEW Park home, bUill son area Private park on POinte Woods, three bed- 4 bedroom ranch, 2 WOODBRIDGE East basement, Side drive, ga. cently completly re-deco- 1981, four bedrooms, 2 11 lake for owner use 2 rooms, 1 1/2 baths, fam. baths, 2 car detached ga- Condo Immaculate Dor- rage, city certified In- OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 rated Move -In condition 2 baths, first floor laun- bedrooms, family room 1816 HAMPTON ROAD Ily room large liVing room rage New heatlngl air set Unit, many extras. come $850 monthly Only ApprOXimately 3,000 dry, large kitchen and With fireplace, 2 1/2 car Meticulously maintained With natural fireplace, for- conditIOning Grosse Must see 445-9439 $54,900 Great Invest- square feet For sale by breakfast room, two fire. garage, nice secluded three bedroom, 1 1/2 bath mal dining room, large POinte School District INCOME PROPERTY ment or home Owner- No Brokers places, central air, large area, $59,500 Extra lot brick Colonial Two car kitchen, finished base- $85,000 885-5268 Grosse POinte Woods GROSSE POINTE please Shown by ap- family room, deck, and available J R Bennage garage In pnme area of ment, new Side drive ga- Beautiful 2 family home New Ilsling 4 family brick, pomtment only' Call be- attached garage 568- Tappan and ASSOCiates Grosse POinte Woods rage, vacant, $126,900, 62 MEADOW LANE near Lake St Clair SltU- fully renled, gas heat, ga- tween 630-9 OOPM 881. 6914 (bUSiness) 824-2415 775-6200, evenings 775- ProfeSSIOnally land. 296-7473,882-3483 Grosse POinte Farms ated on large lot In a rages, Priced at $95,000 9682 (home) 3739 Beaullful 3 bedroom 2 full scaped Must See BY Owner 365 Lakeshore country like setting All Mortgage terms reqUITed GROSSE POINTE Woods baths, new 28x14 foot NEW LISTING Call 882.5694. Drive, Grosse POinte separate utilities Great EAST DETROIT Colomal With three bed- family room, !lew kitchen, HARPER WOODS Farms Recently reno- In(,Ome potential Don't Macomb county, 3 bed- rooms, liVing room With bath and Stammaster, fin- Super starter home East of vated claSSIC Victorian miss thiS onel fireplace, formal dining Ished basement With sky- room, alummum Sided Harper Extra large liVing farm house on a 367'x70' Phone: room, family room Fm line Newly fenced private STIEBER REAL TV bungalow, Side dnve, 2 room With fireplace, spa- lot With a view of the Ic;hed basement Deck off y:>rd W?Il<. '0 tt,e lal<.e n5-4900 car garage, nice lot, only c'ous formal dmmg laKe approxlmalely 3,500 AA2-9142 family room 2 1/2 car ga- and HIli $197,500 885 CONTEMPORARY ranch, $39,900 Glassed, screened sun- square feet With base- rage 2142 Lennon 885- 3593 Immaculate condition, CROWN REAL TV room Grosse Pomte ment and 2 car garage Complete Home Inspections Inc. 0721 for appomtment Open Sunday 2 to 5 central air, many extras TOM MCDONALD & SON schools QUick posses- First floor enclosed L U Jr pre purchase home inspection may save shaped veranda, parlor, Priced In low $100,ooo's 821.6500 Sion you a lifetime of problems and expense n9-9223 CALL GIL WITIENBERG liVing room, 2 natural fire- Inspections performed In accordance With SEVEN/ 1-94, 3 bedrooms, CENTURY 21, AVID places, library, large din- American Society of Home Inspectors gUide CASH for homes, Grosse finished basement, Flor- 778-8100 463-7513 EVES Ing room, lav, kitchen lines Immediate written report Call today for POinte, St Clair Shores, Ida room, slove, refngera- With walk In pantry, laun- BUY NOW & SAVE $ a free brochure or to schedule inspection Hamson Twsp J R Ben- GROSSE POinte Farms Col- dry Second floor 3 bed- nage, Tappan and Asso- tor, washer, dryer to stay Onial By owner. Three rooms, master sUite With BEFORE WE LIST THIS 3-STORY Ciates, 775-3739, 775- o % down FHA $28,500 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, Ask for Rosemarie, slnlng room and 2 natural FARMSENGUSHTUDOR 6200 Iivlngroom With natural Mackey Realty 773-9100 fireplace, family room, re- fireplaces, 2 baths, 1 With CUTE and clean 2 bedroom JaCUZZI, large shower 514 ST. CLAIR ranch In St. Clair Shores 6000 Neff, DetrOit 3 bed- finished hardwood floors, and vanity, extra large room bnck, fireplace, ex- recreation room In base- GROSSE POINTE CITY Remodeled throughout, walk In clothes closet, new furnance and hot tra Insalatlon, privacy ment, two car cmder Three-four bedrooms, one and one.half baths, linen closet WIth cedar large four bedroom condominium townhouse. water heater, many more fence, 2 car garage, block garage. $135,500 Third floor huge dome- new plush carpeting, new custom kitchen, Modern oak kitchen with ceramIC tile floor. extras. Good finanCing much more Assume 273 Ridgemont Open roofed room presently wet plaster walls and mouldings, leaded Two full baths, two haM baths. Newly re- terms $41,900 Call for Land Contract $26,500 house Sunday, 2- 5. 882- used as a gym/ flttness glass windows with custom window modeled recreation room, air conditioning, further details century 21 882-2838. 4044 No Brokers area, SUitable for a large treatments. 16'x16' custom deck. Tastefully many extras too numerous to mention. East 979-1600 ST. Clair Shores Elegant 3 LARGE Cape Cod, 3 bed. 4th bedroom Updated decorated. You won't find this much house Move-In condition. Oocupancy at closing story home, prime area, rooms, family room, large electrical, plumbing, new 65 MOORLAND, Grosse for so little $, $210,000, completely remodeled, lot, DetrOIt's finest area. storms! screens, gutters, POinte Shores, custom Call 881-3712. Serious buyers only. like new $115,000 By 343-0400 insulation and exterior 885-1220 built 1969, 6 houses off No contingencies, please. owner No agents n6- paint, 1/2 block from HART REALTY Lakeshore 4,100 square INCOME properties, 2 and 881-1927 5167 Grosse Point Farms Pier feet. Large rooms, hVlng 4 units, quality brick Park, $425,000 or reason- room, dining, family With TWO BEDROOM brick bUildings, high rents 10 studiO ceiling, library, able offer, 882.7803. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY ranch on University near good area of Grosse master bedroom, powder Mack SIX rooms, finished POlOte Park Special fi- room, foyer, ranch oak nancing available. Bor- BUYING OR SELLING basement, many extras spacIous kitchen With land Johnston ASSOCiates A HOUSE STATELY COLONIAL Nice neighborhood 885. breakfast room, laundry of Earl Kelm Tom 881- I Will prepare all legal docu- This home has all the extras I Finished basement 0396 926 ROSLYN room, all on first floor 3 5878 ments, $200 complete with knotty pine paneling, den, natural fireplace, bedrooms up, 5 baths, 4 ASSUME 9% mortgage, to- Also Wills, probate and in- central air, new 80% efficiency furnace with Newly redecorated four bedroom English Tudor In GROSSE POinte Woods In car garage, extra large tal monthly payments corporations humidifier and air cleaner, bui~-in dishwasher plus one of the Woods nlCElstlocatIOns. This home Deeplands, 558 Thorn finished rec-room Central $253 3 bedroom bnck THOMAS P FHAIVA terms. For only $49,900. Call today. f~atures a new kitchen, updated baths, a spa- Tree Quality bUilt , Circle dnve. Also seil- bungalow Cadieux! Mor- WOLVERTON, CIOUSfamIly room, refinished hardwood floors Cod, excellent conditIon, Ing my 38 antique cars 1 ang Newly redecorated, ATIORNEY LEASE OPTION AVAILABLE new central air, new deck and two car garage. ' over 3 400 square feet, Call for terms on thIS Detroit starter. Three car goes With house natural fireplace, high ef- 285-6507 large lot, attached 2 car bedrooms, finished basement, two car garage, for $389,000 Shown by ap- fiCiency furnace. 1 1/2 car , garage, automatic spnn- garage First f1oor- bed- OPEN House Sunday June Just $19,900. $189,500 .. polntmenj 8~~f!67 I{ler, lmmediale' occ'u.-' room With full bath and !9tJ'l.l~2to 5. T!lr~e .~jl:_ , HARPER WOODS S1ARTER 881'-1036 room bnck ranch located LAKEFRONT and canal pancy. By owner, 372- walk In closets, large IIv- This three bedroom ranch has a finished basement ... homes wanted for sale, at 19701 Sunnyside, St 9205 109 room With fireplace, attIC storage, two car garage, only half block fro~ Clair Shores Homeown- anxIOus buyers ready to walnut paneled library, Beacon schooL Call for appointment. Only $49,900. ers Concept n6-HOME purchase Immediately. COLONIAL 3 bedroom, 1 wormy chestnut paneled Call today J R. Bennage, 112 bath With large family family room With beamed ATIENTION Hospital or EXECUTIVE CONDO Tappan and Assoc n5- room, updated kitchen, ceilings, fireplace and City Employees- TIred of One of Clinton Townships flOest condo's with all 3739 liVing room With natural built In barbeque, large paying high rent? Check the features you would expect I Two natural fireplace, deck off family famhly style Mutchler out thls- 3 bedrooms, ga- fireplaces, central air, prIVate patio, formal dining 1464 Yorktown, Grosse room, 2 car garage kitchen With bUlltrns, util- rage, basement, 7 Mile/ room, built-in appliances, partially fimshed POinte Woods SpacIous 5 bedroom Colonial on Prime Woods area Ity room With half bath Kelly near the Saratoga basement with full bath, two large bay Windows large lot, 2 car attached Pnced right 886-5141 Second floor- 3 bedrooms and SI. John Hospitals skylight, first floor laundry, lots of closets and garage, liVing room, for- With walk In closets, 2 full Assume mortgage Close storage, plus two car attached garage, for $99,900. mal dining room, modern BUYING baths, extla storage clos. to bus, St Jude's and kitchen With eating area GUNS, SWORDS ets plus walk In attic Fin- schools. Call for informa- and newer cabinets Ished basement- fire- tion Pat-Mar Realty 371- ANYTHING opens to family room With place, wet bar, pool table 7909 MILITARY 631 WESTCHESTER fireplace, finished 1,379 Sprinkler system plus 774-9651 many extras ApPOInt- WARREN. 10 Mile and GROSSE POINTE PARK square foot basement, 2 1/2 baths, central air, ment only 885-0428 By Ryan 3 bedroom tn- Outstanding Williamsburg Colonial. Gracious stair- electronic air cleaner, ESTATE SALE owner No brokers level, family room, 1 1/2 296-3240 case, six bedrooms, three baths, three lavatorys, maintenance free exte- Cute 2 bedroom suburban GROSSE POinte Woods baths, cathedral ceiling In new kitchen, large den with wet bar and fieldstone ranch home must be sold liVing room, slate foyer, fireplace. New furnace and central air. Three car nor, $198,000, by ap- Colomal qUlckl Basement, garage large corner lot, covered garage. Rnished basement, newly redecorated pointment 885-6772 OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY Neat and clean QUick patio overlooking In- Excellent floor plan. '329,000. BY OWNER Harper Woods, 4 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath, new move-In Asking $48,900 ground pool, 2 1/2 car Grosse POinte Schools, central air, finished base- OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 ST. CLAIR SHORES garage, Fitzgerald School three bedroom brick ment, new kitchen, 823-3509 Move up to thiS spacIous District, $64,000 No BY APPOINTMENT ranch, updated kitchen, $108,000 Call 8 to 4 executive ranch With 3 Agents please 755-9818 finished basement, two 881-8999 Past 4p m large bedrooms, finished car garage, lot 50x134 885-7943 GOVERNMENT HOMES basement With sauna, first Low 80's 20292 Beau- GROSSE POinte Woods, all from $1 (U Repair) DelIO- floor laundry. anached ga- fal: Call for appointment, new inSide, must see quebnt tax property Re- BANG! BANG! rage, large backyard Lak- 882-8220 Immaculate Three bed- 1 possessions Call 805- eView Schools $93,900 room 2 baths bnck bun- 687-6000 Ext GH-1626 SAVE TAXES HAPPY 4th JULY! galow, flnlnshed base- t for current repa list (fee HARPER WOODS RUYlng thiS cute 5 room St ment, aluminum and reqUired) Custom bnck ranch sltuate

914 CARPENTRY 820 BUSINESS 911 BRICK/BLOCK WORK 912 BUILDING/REMODELING 912 IlUILDINGIRfMODlLlNG 303 CONDOS/ APTS/FLATS 101 lAKE/RIYEI HOMES OPPORTUNITIES' 905 AUTO/TRUCK REPAIR CARPENTER work, panel. ENGINEERING Company, J&F CONTRACTORS, servo LAKESHORE Village RAY'S FOREIGN CAR GRAZIO DOUGLAS SHAW lng, partitions, doors cut, 4,200sq ft fully eqUipped ing Grosse Ppainte area 22913 Allen Ct $63,000 ST. CLAIR Best velw on GARAGE CONSTRUCTION HOME RENOVATION repairs, small jobs 882- the river Five years old, With 280ft of vertical 35 years Rootmg repairs, New stove and refngera. We service any and all for- • Cement drive, floors, Remodeling or Repairs AI. 2795 custom, 3 bedrooms, 2 11 boards and machines eaves troughs, back- tor Included, finished eign cars specialiZing In patios most Any Need Done- 2 baths, large deck, en- plus 16-4ft vertical boards, masonry tuck basement with lavatory, Mercedes, Volvo, VW, • Old garages raised and Kitchen, Bath, Rec Vemco machines, 27-8ft pOinting chimneys, 915 CARm ClEANING stair glider Negotiable ergy eHlclent, exceptIOnal E=ngllsh and Japanese renewed Rooms, Library, Small flatboards, blueprint ma- porches, flat roofs new Delores Zambonl appointments 364-5334 vehicles 42 years experi- • New garage doors and Jobs Welcome Quality IS chine, Xerox machme, and repairs, hot tar 331- EXPERT CARPET Schweitzer Real Estate, ence, free pick-up and reframlng First Call 839-4030 BIG Wolf lake Jackson etc Ready to walk m and 2057 BHG 886-5800 delivery, 8-6 p m Mon- • New garages bUilt CLEANING County Lake front year start draWing Grosse COSENTINO Truck Mount Extraction HARRISON Township New day-Fnday, 8-noon Satur- Family operated since 1962 round home, sandy POinte area Call from BARKER CONSTRUCTION Residential - CommerCial Hidden Cove ranch con- day, 884-8874, 15040 Licensed and Insured beach, concrete sea wall, 9a m to 3p m 886-4190 CONTRACTORS New Construction and Re- Upholstering Cleaning dominiums on beautiful East Warren 774.3020 772-1771 Modernization. Alterations. Ad all appliances Included, pairs Additions, Kitchens, Drapery Cleaning Lake St Clair at the cor- DO You have a small bUSI- dlllons.Famlly $89900, for more mfor- 907 'ASEMENT J. W. KLEINER Bathrooms, Porches, DAVE TEOLIS 779-0411 ner of Shook and Jeffer- ness? Would you like to Rooms.Kltchens & Rec- matlon call Nancy Knight, WATEIPIOOFING MASON CONTRACTOR Decks, Doors, Windows Family owned.Operated son 2. bedrooms, 2. have more busmess? I'm reation Areas 517-787-1964 or Caldwell LICENSED & INSURED 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE INSURED baths and many deluxe looking for services such JAMES BARKER banker the Jackson CAPIZZO CaNST. Serving the POlntes FREE ESTIMATES FREE ESTIMATES featu res Starting at as picture framing, baby- BASEMENT 886-5044 Group 517-787-8300 for 27 Years $140,900 with optional SlUing, transportation, WATERPROOFING 885-4609 K-CARPET (20D3EWB) All types bnck, block and boat wells available Mod- plant care, party plan- WALLS STRAIGHTENED CLEANING stone work Including brick JACK D. TOTTY HADLEY HOME els open dally and Sun- ning, maid services and AND REPLACED and flagstone patios and Complete home repairs, IMPROVEMENT COMPANY day, 1-5p m Closed 111 lOTS FOil SALE so on Potential bUSI- DONE RIGHT walks, tuck pelntlng and kitchens, bathrooms, CARPET SPECIALISTS Thursdays Call 791-6191 ness enormous Call 824- 10 YEAR GUARANTEE INC. repairs Custom color basements and dens 882-0688 for more InformatIOn IN Canadian Lakes 2 0687 soon LICENSED INSURED COMPLETE BUILDING mortar blending Additions 886-5600. Sales by Shorewood E R chOice lots for sale, 1 off AND REMODELING CARPET CLEANING INVESTOR(S) Wanted for TONY 885-0612 and foundation set-ups Brown Realty golf course 1 oH lake, CORNERSTONE SERVICE $11 50 PER AVER SIZE must sell, call 778-2844 patented, exclUSive ortho- CHARLES F JEFFREY fireplaces, custom garden Additions/Dormers RM INC Pre-spet, scrub- HARPER Woods end unit paediC Item Mass Medi- 882-1800 walls, etc CONST. CO. Kitchens/Baths bl ng-steam/ext ractlOn condo In move-In condi- Kitchens-Custom DeSign . ~III NQ~TtI.E'N M,KIUGAN. cal Market Appeal Per. BASEMENT 882.0717 Ree Rooms/Attlce; so'a-S22 50, ch,"r ""I<;ofa tion has It all With three Family Rooms HOMES centage pell1ts available WATERPROOFING Porch Enclosures $5 Other cleaning ser- bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths Minimum $20,000 Write MASONRY REPAIR Window Replacements ROSCOMMON area, 3- • Underpin footings Replacement Windows vices-wails, Windows, gut- central air, carport Just to Investor, POBox Chimneys, Porches, Steps Commercial Remodeling bedroom, 2 bathroom • Cracked or caved-In walls Aluminum Sldlngrrrlm ters, Siding, cars free es- steps from rear door, gas 80734, St Clair Shores, RebUilt-Repaired Intenor/Exterlor Chalet, 28-ft x 36-ft, fully • 10 year guarante Gulters/Downspouts timates 372-6966 gnll and updated kitchen MI 48080-0709 Tuckpomtlng Additions Insulated, neWly car- Licensed Insured Storm Windows/Doors With GE stove With self CALL DAN 777-1868 Custom and Quality Always MISTER MAINTENANCE peted, new country style Roofing/Shingles cleaning oven, GE Spa- R.R. CODDENS LICENSED AND INSURED Fantastic carpet cleaning kitchen, 8-ft x 92-ft wom. 900 All CONDITIONING BRICK, stone, block, con. One Ply Rubber Roofing cemaker bUilt In micro- ESTABLISHED 1924 JIM LAETHEM 10% oH Spnng speCial anlzed deck Also two crete brick patiOS, chlm. Wood Decks/Fences wave, GE refrigerator, All types of basement water- 882.9310 Call for free estimate story pole barn, 28-ft x ARTCRAFT HEATING & neys, fireplaces New and Aluminum Siding and Whirlpool dishwasher- proofing 15 year guaran. 521-3837. 40-ft, also Insulated On COOLING repairs DeSender, 822- Gutter Cleaning plus Grosse POinte tee References 886. 10 acres of mixed hard- Installed, repaired, central or 1201 Call any1lme CUSTOM wood and For- REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS Schoolsl $84,900 (G. 5565 916 CARPET INSTAllATION woods Within half hour Window mica counter tops Spe- Licensed and Insured 69WIL) Call Cathy Keg. of Grayling MIO, and LICENSED & INSURED AQUA-STOP CialiZing In Corlan prod- 886-0520 ler, 886-4200 Schweitzer BRICKWORK JERRY'S CARPET Roscommon Must see to GUARANTEED Wet Basement Company ucts for kitchen and Real Estate, Beller small Job., tuck point- EASTVIEW app reclate 1-517 -275- MIKE 882.0747 Leaky basement repairs baths References LI- SERVICE Homes and Gardens Ing, chlmn.y. porch.s,. censed Call 759-2121 installation - repairs, all 5732 Asking $74,900 Without digging violation. repalr.d. ALUMINUM, INC. CO-OP Apartment, excellent 902 ALUMINUM SIDING LIFETIME WARRANTY ALCOA PRODUCTS kinds In-home sales PERMALOG Home for sale 'r.asonable. reSidential area Between ALL Carpentry- PartitIOns, Awnings- Sidings Over 25 years experi- by owner on Crooked 778-6363 Allard/ Vernier, off Mack EASTLAND 886--5565 drywall, spray texture, Combination Storms ence 776-3604 Hours Lake, Atlanta, Michigan 24 HOURS Large two bedroom sec- ALUMINUM acoustical ceiling, repairs Screens-Doors-Rooflng 9am - 7pm ApprOXimately 2288 ond floor, extra storage, PRODUCTS Licensed Free estimates Seamless Gutters square feet, 2 car garage 912 BUILDING/I£MODEtlNG CARPET LAYING appliances, carpeting, 882-6068 B.F. Goodrich VlnylA NEW AND OLD and storage barn Siding, tnm, roofing, seam- $225 per month pays R.L. • AttiCS Products Repairs of All Types $89 ODD 517-785-4413 less gutters, storm doors taxes, Insurance, heat, , • Porch Enclosures 17301 MACK AVE NEAR ALSO and Windows, railings, STREMERSCH water, maintenance • Additions & Kitchens CADIEUX CARPETING ,VINYL aluminum shutters, perch St Clair Shores exceptional EASTPOINTE • CommerCial BUildings DETROIT, MI 48224 HARDWOOD enclosures Free cour- one bedroom unit Extra Samples Shown In MOVING AND teous estimates BASEMENT SUnON 881-1060 527-5616 closets, new appliances/ 26 Years Exp L1C & Your Home STORAGECO~ Office/Showroom WATERPROOFING CONSTRUCTION carpeting, carport, Imme- Walls Repaired Insured BOB TRUDEL 29315 Harper BRYSON SUnON diate occupancy Straightened SEE SHOWROOM 774-7590 Days S C S 774-0460 1324 Bedfo"d Babcock Realty Company . 884~8380 ---_._---- Replaced CARPET ;, ~ /';. :;", '. C'. ' - - > ~' 8['\4-2942 862 2436 DOUGLAS SHAW 777-3310 LEONARD'S ALL WORK HOME RENOVATIONS INST ALLATION 'WEEKLy'TRIPS rd' GUARANTEED GROSSE POinte Park, Mar- SIDING Remodeling or repairs of all Sales and Service NORTHERN MICHIGAN LICENSED CARPENTER work, panel- yland, by owner bnck flat, Alumll1um and Vinyl sldll1g interior and exterIOr No job too small' Ing, partitions, doors cut, 5 - 5, City certified, lower Complete custom trim, needs From new to old 17 years experience 884.7139 repairs, small Jobs 882- vacant In July, appOint- PERSONALIZED soffet areas, gutters and DeSigned Remodeling specialiZing In Finish Car. 527-9084 LICENSED" INSURED replacement Windows LI- 2795 Custom Kitchens ment only, 821-6728 pentry, KItchens, Baths, 917 PLASTER/CEIliNG LOCAL .. MICHIGAN censed and Insured Free Bathrooms & Additions Recreation Rooms, LI- estimates FOUR family units, south of SMALL .. LARGE KITCHEN SHOWROOM branes. Small Jobs Wel- SPECIALIZING In repa\rs- 884-5416. Jefferson, Grosse POinte PACKING & MATERIALS AMERICAN come Servmg the Grosse clean, prompt service Park. Century 21 East ANTIQUES .. PIANOS BASEMENT 21711 Harper POinte area since 1975 Grosse POinte refer- 903 APPLIANCE SERVICE St Clair Shores 48080 881-2540, ask for Bill FREE ESTIMATES WATERPROOFING where quality ISfirst ences Free estimates Lakeview CLUB Million Hours 839-4030 Call Lou, 882-2294 CALL GEORGE Man, Wed, Fri 9-5 pm dollar view for one fourth Low Prices Bob Breltenbecher Tues , Thurs. 9-9 pm KITCHENS ALL PLASTER the price and live right on NUTTO Free EstImates Sat. 9-1 pm Lake St Clair You can Owner APPLIANCE 10 Year Guarantee BATHROOMS REPAIRS now own a brand new LICENSED 777-6840 FREE ESTIMATES BRUCE CLEMENS custom 2,500 square foot M.P.S.C. #L21290 • Washer - Dryer Service #053908 Since 1946 LICENSED INSURED MASTER PLASTERER home With 2 car garage • Vacuum Service and FULLY INSURED 822-5666 882-0005 Located on Jefferson at 114 NOIITHtltN MICHIGAN Sales Senior Citizen Discount Leave Message CALL 8 m to 5p m DAILY 11 1/2 Mile Furnished lOTS • Used Stoves-Refngerators PLASTERING, ceramic tile model open Friday Sat- MODERNIZATION 526-9288 and drywall, exterior urday and Sunday 1 to 6 WE SELL REBUILT HARBOR SPRINGS "" ~ M.T. CHARGOT stucco AU work guaran- pm Plku Management, WASHERS BIRCHWOOD BUILDING CO. teed 30 years experi- 774-6363 FARM ESTATE AND DRYERS 911 BliCK/BlOCK WORK PERSONALLY DESIGNED ence Call Valenllno P M Resale SpeCialist 372-3462 LAKESHORE Village 2 bed- Excellent homes, golf • Krtchens - AttiCS 445-0776 LA CROIX Mason Contrac- room townhouse 9 Mile/ course and/ or wooded • Basements - Porches PLASTERING and drywall ARTCRAFT tor, 35 years experience Jefferson Central air, lots available Ken Rabl- • Bathrooms - Rec Rooms Nell Squires 757-0772 REFRIGERATION Brick, block and stone, remodeled kitchen, club doux, ASSOCiateBroker AND FREEZER fireplaces and chimneys Outdoor deck enVIronments CODE Violations Repaired house pool, $65,500 772- Heminger REPAIRS Reasonable rates Ask for CUSTOM CRAFTED Interior/ Exterior Free 4175. PEDERSEN All makes and models Russ 521-3259 • Cabinets - Formica inspection check over REAL ESTATE, INC. CommerCial and Domestic • Woodworking-trim work can save you time and 107 INVESTMENT PROPERTY 194 E Main Street Guaranteed R.R.CODDENS 445-9601 • Replacement Windows money Insured, experi- Harbor Spnngs, MI 49740 MIKE 882-0747 CEMENT • Interior - Exterior Doors enced, references APARTMENT bUlldmg. 8 616-526-2178 Seaver Home Malntance one bedroom Units, 9 CONTRACTOR FULLY LICENSED AND 882-0000 Mile Road (between Kelly HARBOR Spnngs, Lake Family bUSiness for 63 INSURED ALBERT D. THOMAS, INC. PLASTER and drywall re- and Gratiot) $250,000 Michigan frontage, 122x years GENERAL HOME REPAIR DOC'S We are General Contractors pair, textured ceilings 10 Terms available For par- 665 (6 mile pOint) Prime • New and repair work Free Estimates - 882-6842 years experience 271- ticulars call 886-2767 location 616-526-2234 APPLIANCE • No job too small One call takes care of all your problems • Driveways and perches DeSign service available or we Will work With your 5196 914 CA"PENTIY SERVICE our speciality Architect or Interior decorator PLASTERING alld drywall 801 LAKE/RIVEI HOMES .,5 OUT OF STATE PROPEITY ESTABLISHED 1949 • Patios QUALITY Carpentry and repairs TextUring and Fast, courteous, • Chimneys stucco Insured Pete Tar- BAVARIAN Chafet- by KIAWAHI SEABROOK Is- 882.0628 Formica work New or re- prflfp~~I()n;j1 e;prvlce • Waterproofmg ('mIne .169-2967 owner On Lake Huron s land Charleston, SC idL.W Culllrllt:n:'la:l. Re51- • Washers • Dryers • Dish- • Violations repaired Gold Coast Beach In Port Lovely homes and Villas, denllal Store fixtures, ALL types drywall and plas- washers • Refrigerators • • Brick Sanilac 3 bedrooms, 3 one to four bedrooms, displays, counters, kltch. tering, spray texturing Ranges • Garbage Dls- • Stucco ens, Vanities, recreation and tapllng New and re- baths, first floor laundry, exclUSive AtlantiC Ocean pesals • Microwaves • CALL ANYTlfvlE Specla/lZlng In quality custom work at sffordsblt pnces rooms, hang doors All pair 25 years experience 2 car attached garage, locatIOns Fran Welch More large deck and balCOnies, Real Estate 1-800-845 886.5565 repairs and finish work Free estimates Insured patio off walk- out family RENT Reservations and 296-5005 247-4454 ADDITiONS-KiTCHENS-BATHROOMS 17 years experience 773-4316 or 689 5114 room, wooded lot, paved color brochure Also ask • BRICK WORK Free estimates Vito Sap- dnve No bluffs 1-622- about properties available • TUCK POINTING Ienza 774-8933 LET • PORCHES 9349, or Box 559, Port for sale ~-j1 R.D. Priest CARPENTER. Interior/ exte- FREE ESTIMATES i • CHIMNEYS Sanilac 48469 nor, renovations and res- • REBUILT AND BUILDERS, Inc. Rochester HOUSE PAINTING CANADIAN PROPERTY L~e(~~~o~J torations Experienced REPAIRED CAULKING MASTER REMODElERS 652-2255 MILLION $ VIEW Nor1h Shore of Lake craftsman Call Tim 779- PLASTER REPAIRS APPLIANCE REPAIR • RESIDENTIAL. COMMERCIAL Grosse POinte But thiS exciling St Clair Erte One hour dnve ADVANCED 9257 SERVICE 881-8019 Shores lake home can be from Wmdsor 30 MAINTENANCE acres running from Washers • Dryers LOW PRICES yours for a lot less De- Dishwashers. Disposals 17319 EAST WARREN WE DO CARPENTRY Signed for entertaining Highway 3 to lake. LICENSED 900 feet of lake front- Refrigerators 884-9512 Village Lock and Homll With finished basement, age Parllally land- Microwaves Replllr Company covered boat hOiSt,break- scaped Good No Service Charge It ANDY'S MASC .Y AND 18554 Mack 774-2827 water and lot's more bet- elevatIOn Rep8lred CHIMNEY R'_PAIR Grosse POinte Farms ter liVing features (519) 674-3733 J Guaranteed Parts 881-8603 CALL ANYTIME CANAL and Service All masonry, brick, weather. EnJOy more summer fun In 885-1762 proofing repairs Special. - thiS stylish St Clair 117 ilEAL ESTATE WANTED . 916 CAIPET IN1TALLATION 916 CAIt'ET INSTALLATION Geo Stults Smce 1965 IZlng In tuck pelntlng and Shores home King size small jObs Licensed, In- family room, 3 large bed- CASH 904 ASPHALT I'AYING/ sured Reasonable Free KELLY BUILDING rooms, country kitchen, FOR HOMES estimates 881-0505 882- RELIABLE CARPETS IUl'AIIIS • Quality Remodelmg Fieldstone fireplace, land Serving Area Since 1938 3006 14950 E. Ten Mile Rd. C & J ASPHALT • Custom Kitchens, Baths contract terms Adjacent Corner of Hayes STIEBER REALTY BRICK and cement repairs • Additions of all Types lake lot also available "Th9 InstallatIOn Specialists" Improve the value of your Porches, chimneys, tuck • Custom Wood Decks $168,000 775-4900 Clean, Courteous, ProfeSSIOnal home With a profeSSional pOinting Experienced CENTURY 21 AVID, INC. 882.3463 3 Year Guarantee 120 IUSINESS lob Over 20 years serviC- Reasonable Neat work 778-8100 LICENSED - INSURED Ol'l'OIlTUNtTlES Ing Grosse POinte In Insured Seaver's 882- Sales and Service of All Kinds SMALL or large Investment, dnveways and sealing 0000 n3-4022 n3-3360 LAKEFRONT Property- your chOice Average per. Parking lots repaired Residential Commercial QUALITY work reasonable R & U WINDOW 3 11 acres, Shook Road sons best chance to be- Free estimates Owner/ sales & service sales & Service prices Repair bricks, and DOOR CO. and JeHerson area, Ham- come finanCially indepen- supervisor References mortar, stone Replace HOURS: MONDAY.FRIDAY 10-6 son Township Excellent dent, If above average, Included Insurance COMMERCIAURESIDENTIAL precast steps, small walk- SATURDAY 10-5 condominium property above averaqe chance NEW & REPAIR INSTALLATION ways Free estimate CLOSED SUNDAY Ask for Rosemarie, Call 1800211.4310 ext CALL ANYTIME - 774 0141 _. 773-8087 Jerry 882-3837 Mackey Realty, 773-9100 884 June 30, 1988 14C Grosse Pointe News

9~ I LIINDSCIII'EIlS/ 928 DRESSMAKING! 9311 FURNIJURf '"n HANDYMAN 913 CEMENT WORK 911 CEMENT WORK 919 CHIMNEY CLEANING TAILORING REflNISHING/lUrlllRS . GARDENERS • WEEKLY LAWN MAl NT. HARDWORKING young SPEEDY Hauling- Rapid QUALITY work reasonable TRIPLE T AL TERATIONS and Dress- FURNITURE refinished, re- making SpeCiality, Bndal • SPRING CLEANUPS man cleans and repairs removal of garbage, dirt, prices Repair bricks, SAFE FLUE paired, stripped, any type CONSTRUCTION, Parties and Headpieces • POWER RAKING De- gutters Intenor and exte- concrete, brush, appli- mortar, stone Replace CHIMNEY SWEEP I of caning Free esti- INC. Norma 293-1252 thatching rior painting Garage ances, almost anything precast steps, small walk- mates 474-8953, 345- • LAWN AERATION Garage, basement, attic Driveways, Walks • Chimney Clean~lng painting Tree tnmmlng ways Free estimate • Caps and AAA ProfeSSional Dress- 6258 cleanouts, With care Garage Floors Install stockade fences Jerry 882-3837 Screens making, hemming, spe- RED RIVER RUN Tom 885-6744 Also, construction debns Porches Installed CialiZing In welghtloss al. DERY Construction, cement LANDSCAPING removal Low Rates Call Steps • Mortar and teratlons Jeanette 773- UPHOLSTERY HOME Remodeling, mall1te- contractor Porches, pa. 843-3597. Footings Damper Repair 8567 10 Mile and 1-94 CLEANING Free Estimates Insured nance and handyman tIOS, garage floors, drive- Block & Brick • Animal Removal FREE ESTIMATES service Including clean- HAULING Garage tear ways 774-1637 Flag Stone CUSTOM dress deSign 884.9768. Ing, organizing, attiCS, Certified Master DAVE TEOLIS downs, construclion de- Original deSigns or cop- basements, garages, rub- THOMAS KLEINER LICENSED & Sweep briS, concrete, dirt, ga- Ies of your favontes accu- 779-0411 bish removal, light haul. MASON CONTRACTOR INSURED TOM TREFZER DUBAY'S rage and basement junk, rately reproduced Call R Ing 886-8096 BRICK, BLOCK STONE 881-7917 882-5169 LOUIsa Spina, 527-6646 LANDSCAPING SERVICES brush Can remove or Porches, Chimneys, Steps, 941 GLASS RE!'AIRS - move almost anything STAINED !IEVUfD Insured. LICensed JACK D. TOTTY Walks, Driveways, Tuck. TESOLIN 930 mCTRICAL SERVICE Complete home repair, VIO- Phil Wassenaar 920 CHIMNEY ItEPAIRS po,nling Glass Block BROTHERS GLASS replacement. putty, Hedge-Shrub Trimming lations corrected Free es. 823-1207 sash, thermo-pane win- Brick, Stone and Tile ELECTRICAL wIring and Gardening tlmates WILL haul anything demo- Patios. CEMENT R.R. CODDENS All types dows, doorwalls, screens repair washers, dryers, Weekly Lawn Cutting 886-5600. lish and remove garages, CONCRETE! CONTRACTOR chimney repairs 886- Reasonable 771-0014 doorbells, also telephone Re-Soddlng and Grading break and remove con. BASEMENT Speclallzmg In 5565 lacks Licensed Linck & ENERGETIC HANDY Man crete Have front end WATERPROOFING waterproofmg 943 LANDSCA!'IRS! Landscape DeSign DENNIS Jerome Preventa- Miller 881-8829, 881. would like to refresh and loader and backhoe B C INSURED LICENSED 46 years In bUSiness GARDENERS tive maintenance Chim- 0748 Free Estimates repair your home All Cartage Co 776-2308 FREE ESTIMATES ney repairs and porch re- A1 WORK ELECTRICAL work, Installa. LAWN SE>'VICe, experi- home repairing Wall pairs 773-3544 296.3882 777-0642 777-6263 tlons old or new Shawn enced, careful reliable, 885.3024 washing, Window wash. reasonable Call 947 HEATING AND COOLING SAFE Flue Chimney and 882-0395 885- lng, painting and dry wall DENNIS JEROME Home Repair Service 8836, Dave Grosse POinte area refer- REPAIR WORK ONLY CHIMNEYS, PORCHES S & J ELECTRIC ARTCRAFT HEATING & 882-5169 ADVANCED ences Reasonable rates Brick, Block. Porches, Res Identlal.Commerclal MAC'S TREE AND COOLING STEPS, TUCKPOINTING Guaranteed satisfaction Chimneys, Broken Steps, MORTAR COLOR TINTING No Job Too Small SHRUB TRIMMING HORTICULTURAL Furnaces, air conditioning Tuckpolntlng, Waterproof- 892-0722 repairs, installation. CHIMNEY SCREENS 923 CONSTRUCTION SERVICE 885-2930 COMPLETE WORK 109 Walls LANDSCAPE LICENSED & INSURED GLASS BLOCK QUALITY Electnal repair Reasonable rates, quality MAINTENANCE 294.4216 HANDYMAN Call Bud for GUARANTEED BASEMENT WINDOWS and Installatlon- Reason- service Call Tom 776- INSTALLATION reasonable pnces and MIKE 882.0747 CHARLES F. VIOLATION WORK T&M able rates, Free Esti- 4429 PRUNING CORRECTIVE AND prompt service Home FREE ESTIMATES CONSTRUCTION mates- 884-0787 CUSWORTH JEFFREY GREEN THUMB COSMETIC. PESTICIDE SPRAYING repal rs! m alnten ance! CONTRACTOR 773-3544 Cement work. All kinds . SERVING THE SOD LANDSCAPE PROBLEMS odd jobs House painting, AIR All types of brick and DIAGNOSED & TREATED CALIMAZZO Bros Cement • Additions & Gar.ges GROSSE POINTE TOP SOIL Garage and fence paint. CONDITIONING cement work Company Drives, patiO'S, Ask For Rick Ing Violations corrected • Porches, block, step SINCE 1965 FREE ESTIMATES REFRIGERATION BASEMENT steps, walks, porches work 839-7033 839-1924 Free Estimates No job 886-9441 HEATING WATERPROOFING • Basemont water- CUSWORTH SHRUBS hedges, small BEST for less Extenor too small 739-2837 If no proofing COMMERCIAL Pre-Cast Steps, Walks ELECTRIC and medlum- Sized trees palnllng Free eslimates Driveways answer please call 792- Call Jerry, 882-3837 RESIDENTIAL GUARANTEED Family Owned and removed Stumps re- Cement, Brick 7048 ARMBRUSTER Operated moved Insured Free Es- D.J. HANDYMAN: Painting, QUALITY WORK Flagstone Patios Licensed & Insured LANDSCAPING TESTA CEMENT Licensed and Insured timates 521-3964 electncal, plumbing, ce- Tuck Pomtlng Builders 774-4696 881-4664 Electncal Contractors • Lawn cutting ramic tiling, drywall, car. Chimney Repair CO., INC. MAC'S • ReSidential - CommerCial • Shrub trimming pentry Complete home Porches And Serving The POlntes • RadiO dispatched Units In SPRING CLEAN-UP • Planting renovations Call 535- KEAllNG All BTlck Work For 41 Years 924 DECORATING SERVICE Complete yard work, lawn, Dnveways, garage floors, your area • Sodding 8674 A Specialty shrub and tree trimming, HEAllNG patiOS, porches • Fast Emergency Service • Gardening Licensed Insured etc Reasonable rates, THE AIR OF QUALITY Garage Straightening JOANNA WESTERN SENIOR CITIZENS 882-1800 quality service Call Tom • Power Rake!Dethatch 946 HAULING L1C -18560 INS. DISCOUNT WINDOW SHADES 776-4429 St Clair • FREE ESTIMATES Furnace Replacement FREE ESTIMATES New Installations CAPIZZO CONST, PAINT, SHUTIERS, BLINDS 886.4448 Shores MOVING-HAULING QUALITY WORK KAUFMANN Custom Duct Work 881-1016 IF BUSY, CALL 881-4664 DEPENDABLE ALL TYPES OF STORM DOORS AND OZZIE'S LANDSCAPING 331-5599 Air Conditioning 15215 MACK Sprlng.Fali clean-up EXPERIENCED CEMENT, BRICK AND NINO 01 GRANDE WINDOWS Tnm shrubbery-new shrubs LOW RATES 15133 KERCHEVAL LOCK WORK CONSTRUCTION COLVILLE PRO-SEASON Removal old shrubs INSURED (AT REAR) Garages raised and set GENERAL MASONRY MAINTENANCE ELECTRIC CO. Top sOlf.Delsgn service NEW - 526-7284 GROSSE POINTE PARK down on new ratwall and and CEMENT WORK GRAfTOP Ranges, Dryers, Services, floor Waterproofing Dependable-Quality Service • Porches - Steps SALES AND SERVICE Doorbells 5Mbs 331.3520 LICENSED & INSURED 772-9195 FREE==rtmmedESTIMATES • Walkways - Patios 15011 KERCHEVAL VIOLATIONS • Driveways - Chimneys, East of Aller In the Par~ FAST EMERGENCY PHIL PITTERS CO. COMMERCIAL-Rf:S1DENT1Al TONY 885.0612 GROSSE 949 JANITORIAL SERVICE etc TU 5-6000 SERVICE Shrub Tnmmlng 774.9216 R.L. STREMERSCH PAVING BRICK Closed Mondays Gardenmg POINTE CEMENT CONTRACTOR 774-9110 SPECIALIST Planting 944 GUTTERS Cement Resldenllal & Commercial Sodding MOVING & GROSSE POINTE Driveways 925 DECKS!PATIOS 446-6574 or 527.2996 GUTIERS and Downspouts JANITORIAL Patios 571-8509" STORAGE after 5 p m Cleaned and Flushed ." Brickwork " I CVSTOM DECKS SOD Cutting- $40 any area LOCAL & lONG DISTANCE 886-1330 Call John, 882-3579 Basement waterproofing Siding and Trim under 200 yards Rototlll- AGENT FOR WE'RE CLEANING UP Steps Gutters 109 886-5793 GLOVAL VAN LINES Just call US Complete Carpentry COMPLETE home repairs, Tuck POinting GARDENING and trimming, Agent for Hertz/Penske Call For Free gutters cleaned, repaired, 1 Way Truck Rental No job too small Paul 881-8424 weeding, grass cutting. Estlmatelll Grosse Installed Jack Totty 886- Free Estimates Spring Cleanup Reason. ReSidential - 5600 SPECIALIZING IN Pointe News PHIL PITTERS CO. able prices Call DenniS, 822.4400 CommerCial DRIVEWAYS AND 7n-1473. • Large and Small Jobs For Any Or All 882.6900 Custom Decks GUTIER CLEANING Most • Pianos (our speCialty) Your Cleaning BASEMENT M&G homes $20- $35 Free es- • Appliances Needs • Saturday, Sunday Service WATERPROOFING 919 CHIMNEY CLEANING 571-8500 TREE SERVICE timates J's Window LICENSED FENCES steel, wood and Tree and stump removal Cleaning Service 574- FREE ESTIMATES TrirlIlning. years ex- 1299 John Steininger 9S3 MUSIC INSTRUMENT 884-7139 J&J 927 DRAPERIES privacy Wood decks 10 Harry Kurtz REPAIR CHIMNEY Free estimates Repair or perience Insured GUTIER cleaning, plus odd new work G & J Inc 25 Reasonable rates 773- jobs, profeSSIOnal, 11 850 E. Jefferson PHIL PITTERS CO. SYSTEMS CUSTOM Made slipcovers MPSC-L - 19675 COMPLETE plano service. and drapenes Guaran- years expenence LI- 3890 reasonable, free etlmates Tuning, rebuilding, refin- Dnveways MICHIGAN LICENSE 5125 teed workmanship Ex- censed and Insured TREE Removel, hauling, 885-0122 Licensed - Insured Ishing Member P,ano Walkways Fireplace, wood stove clean- perienced Call now- Please call George 885- concert work AU done al TechniCians GUild, Slgls- Patios mgs Chimneys repaired, Bernice 521-5255 5097, Joe 977-5864 reasonable rates Call mund Bossner 731-7707 571.8500 rebUilt, relined New fire- 945 HANDYMAN 521-7436 places, gas logs, caps CUSTOM DRAPERIES 936 flOOR SANDING! PIANO ii'9rvlces. Tunmg REFtNISHING JattIL.S 9r£. 1((eitur and screens. Balloons, Mini Blinds, Verti- TRIMMING removal, spray- E&M Home Improvements and repair 10 years ex- Certified, Insured cals, Carpeting, Wallpa- HERITAGE Floors Hard- Ing, feeding and stump and Repair Painting, wm- penence FleXible hours ALL CONCRETE/BRICK WORK 771-7678 per, Bedspreads wood floors Installed removal Free estimates dow cleaning, gutter Reasonable rates 881- • Waterproofing Compare our prices With Sanded, stained ReSI- Complete tree service cleaning, brass polishing, 8276 • Aagstone & Slate department store 'sales' dential, commerCial 294- Call Flemmg Tree Ser. landscaping, etc 822- • Asphalt. Patching & Sealing COACH LIGHT before you BUY 0024 or 563-4281 Vice, 774-6460 5010 • TuckpOlnbng & Patching CHIMNEY SWEEP CO. FREE ESTIMATES DRAPERIES BY PAT KELM 943 LANDSCAPERS! 943 LANDSUP'ERSI REPAIR SPECIALIST CHIMNEY 772.5440 Floor laying, sanding, refin- . GARDENERS GARDENERS 865-2097 CLEANING Ishing Expert In stain Caps.Screens DRAPERY Old floors a specialty We Installed CLEANING also refinish banisters Animal Removal 779.0411 535.7256 State LlC8llsed PROFESSIONAL floor #5154 BE WISF ~df1(jlng and finishing ADVERTISE Cerllfied & Free estimates W Abra. ~ie

    ~p 011"\ jaM p...~n No Job too small, new and ~our h"d 1r-t'H' \ g"l (.;" ~.. hel' ~.:)LJ ~ kfl.. '0 handrails, vanities, panel- an unbeatable price Call small References Free ROOF REPAIRS GROSSE POinte Fireman caulking, putty and glaz- repairs, Violations howt 0 I~ o_e Do \ _J 'l" ""~)' go 0_0)' Ing, doors trim and mold- NEW GUTIERS will do wall washing 821. )'Ou 0 ro- ..... now to take advantage of estimates Ing Vinyl wall covenng Set" c..oc l"J.).,. 293-3181 GUTIER CLEANING Ings our special summer refer- BOB TED Free Estimates Call any- 2984 Licensed Insured FREE ESTIMATES ral offer 885.2770 331-5825 time NORM'S References Free Estimates 911 WINDOW WASHING GRANO.SON Painting and DENNIS JEROME PRESTIGE PAINTING CO 365-4550 PLUMBING PAINTING Home Repair, Intenor, AND 773.3544 DAVID ROLEWICZ MELIN'S PAINTING INTE RIOR/EXTERIOR Extenor, Insured Leave COLLEGE 296-2249 778-5025 Interior-Exterior SEWER CLEANING G.P. AND S.C.S. message for Mark, 885- WINDOW CLEANERS Patchmg, Plastering My prices won't take you ROOFING Repairs, chim- KARM'S PAINTING 1937 Guaranteed service, lowest Stucco, Varnishing down the dram ney, screens, basement pnces around For a free Licensed & Insured Pamt- M & J PAINTING Window Glazlng.Caulklng 521-8349. leaks, plaster repairs estimate call lng, wallpapenng, wood Wallpapenng Sale In Home ALL WORK AND COMPLETE PLUMBING Handyman work Insured 822-8972 refinishing, staining, pias- THOM¥BRUCE Free Estimates MATERIAL Seaver's, 882-0000 ter and dryNall repairs SERVICE PATTERSON Window 881-8531 GUARANTEED Reasonable Price Grosse POinte references 886-2521 Cleaning Commerclall INTERIOR. EXTERIOR References, Good Work ALL PRO 26,000 hours of reslden- .------New work, repairs, renoba- ProfeSSional roofs, gutters, ReSidential Free EstI- We repair damaged plaster, MELIN 759-5099 tlal expenence tlons, waterheaters, sewer Siding New/ repaired mates Call Tim at 881- drywall, and peeling paint, fe morle nio mot on tN' U( NEIGHBORHOOD cleaning, code Violations Reasonable, rehable 15 0725 791-4811. wallpapering, Window WHITEY'S PAINTING Licensed master plumber years experience, li- QUALITY Master Pamtlng- puttying and caulking We - Wallpapering All work guaranteed censed and Insured John K.WINDOW t. Intenor/ exterior speCial- COMPANY also paint old alummum - Intenor Pamtlng CLEANING ~ American Heart - Reasonable Prices Williams ISts Repair work guaran- Siding 960 ROOFING SERViCE teed References Free Very Reasonable - Good Work 885-5813. COMPANY ~ Association 881-4855 - Call-No Job Too Small Storms, screens, gutters, of Michigan estimates Insured John INTERIOR/EXTERIOR Free Estimates CASHAN JACK D TOTTY 771.1412 or 366-1411 aluminum cleaned. In- A Unlled Way Agency WALLPAPERING 368-3540 774-0414 ROOFING CO. ROOF REPAIRS sured Free estimates OVER 500 HOMES SMALL Palntmg Jobs Inte- EXTERIOR. Painting, ga- Resldentlal.Commerclal ICE BACK-UP MAZZOLA GUARANTEE nor/Exterior Plastenng rages, trim, wmdow glaz- Shingles. Tearoffs CARPENTRY, 882-0688 PAINTING REASONABLE RATES Also, Garages, etc Refer. Ing and palntmg Quality Repairs - Hot Roofs ELECTRICAL D BARR FOR TOP QUALITY ences 882-6344, 886- work Call 774-8288 1 ply rubber system PLUMBING, CEMENT CLEANING SERVICES All Work LET CommerclaUResldentlal 2920 COMPLETE HOME SECOND GENERATION GREAT WESTERN Guaranteed - Insured MODERNIZATION WINDOW AND GUTIER Guaranteed Satisfaction OUTSIDE clean-up painting FOREST PAINTING PAINTING Free estimates 886-3245 LARGE OR SMALL CLEANING OUR References garages Home glass re- & CONST. CO. Great Western Pamtmg of- ADVANCE LICENSED AND INSURED DALE 777-8497 _ Carpentry- BoughFIOIs.h. pairs m ISC service fers the ultimate In resI- ALL WORK GUAAANTeE:D MIKE 884-6706 Reasonable prices 771- GUIDE _ RemodelingKitchens Rec dential pamtmg Great MAINTENANCE GEORGE OLMIN BART 751-3038 0014 886-5600 Rooms, Basements Western speCializes m STONE ROOFING WINDOW CLEANING ROOFING and repair Shin- - Pill/ltlng Intenor/Exterlor JARVIS Pamtlng Intenor/ INTERIOR/EXTERIOR 884-9512- Resldenllal SERVICE TO gles are flat Aluminum - Any Plastering Repairs Extenor Free Estimates pamtlng We offer the -CommerCial -Industrial 35 YEARS IN THE Siding and trim Bob 526- Licensed and Insured Low Pnces All Work best In preparation before -Flat Roof -Reroofing POINTES GOOD -Recoatlng -Single Ply 0666 882-2118 Guaranteed Fully In- pamtmg to give long last- 372-3022 sured 543-1704 In9 results We also use -Tear Offs -Hot Tar Shin- SUNSHINE only the finest matenals gles -Slate -Tite -Decks GROSSE POinte Fireman SERVICE MICHAEL'S IMPROVEMENT Will do wmdow washing. GREAT LAKES Great Westem people are -Copper Metal PAINTING & quality minded and cour- -FREE ESTIMATES -Ice CO. 821.2984 PAINTING BE REFINISHING teous All at reasonable dam - -Heater 'OUR ROOFS ARE TOPS' A-GK WINDOW INTERIOR & EXTERIOR rates Call today for a Tapes Installed -Gutters 885-3230 Licensed - fully Insured CLEANERS Drywall and Plaster Repal FREE estimate by Installed, cleaned, re- 822-5589 Service on Storms and YOUR Free Estimates 331-6138 Great Western Painting paired - LICENSED-IN- Screens 839-5154, 882-0926 SURED ROOFING - SIDING GROSSE POINTE REFERENCE~ BRUSH STROKE TRIM AND GUTIERS Free Estimates GUIDE KEN GOIKE 772.2559 THE COMPLETE QUALITY HADLEY HOME Storm Windows and doors 775-1690 PAINTING SERVICE PAINTING SERVICE IMPROVEMENT Replacement Windows TO • Intenor/Extenor INTERIOR - EXTERIOR FREE ESTIMATES INC . and doors One ply roof- J'S Window washing ser- • Staining Work NEIGHBORHOOD 822-3322 25 years of Ing systems 1o-year flat Vice, free estimates, very GETTING COMPLETE • Flag Poles PAINTING profeSSional experience floors Ice back-up prob- reasonable 574-1299 ONE.CAll Palntmg Com- ROOFING • Wallpapenng/Removal In your neighborhood lems solved COMPANY pany - CommerCial/ResI- SERVICE POINTE profeSSional Win- GOOD • CommerCial/ReSidential All repairs before pamtlng dential, Interior/Exterior, COMMERCIAL RON VERCRUYSSE CO. dow cleaning Specializ- MATT FLETCHER 774.3542 • Power Washing Free Estimates NICK, RESIDENTIAL Ing In screens, storms, SERVICE. 881-4855 4151 Buckingham • Texture Ceilings 365-4036 gutters Guaranteed low- 886.6102 LEONARD'S • References INTERIOR/EXTERIOR TEAR-OFF est rates For free esti. WALLPAPERING PAINTING INTERIOR Palntmg, Plaster RESHINGLE ROOFING mates call 372-1969 Specialize in repainting Shingles, flat roofs, com- OVER 500 HOMES repairs Water damage alummum sid mg. No plete tear ofts, bUilt-up DAVID SUPAL GUARANTEE code ViolatIOns repaired CERTIFIED chalking or peeling. Labor Expenenced, references APPLICATIONS OF roofing, gutters and all REASONABLE RATES and material guaranteed Weather sealmg, msula- MODIFIED SINGLE kinds of repairs 445-6948 FOR TOP QUALITY for as long as you own tlons, leaks found Seav- PLY,MQCURETHANE Work guaranteed Free esti- WANT ADS your house. er's Home Maintenance FOAM- mates Licensed and in- CALL IN EARLY sured Member of the Exterior/Interior Mike 777-8081. 882-0000 RUBBER ROOFING THURSDAY FRIOAY SYSTEMS Better BUSiness Bureau Painting. Decorating BETIER Home Decoratlng- MONDAY TONY'S Painting Servlce- plaster repair, painting VENTS 884-5416 882-6900 Charles "Chip" Gibson cu"tom Interior/ Extenor GUTIERS 18 years eX~ellt:lll<:tt 885-3652 beeper 328- REPAIRS 964 SEWER CLEANING SERVICE CUSTOM RESIDENTIAL PAINTERS WITH Paul 773-3799 1711 GROSSE POINTE REFERENCES LICENSED-INSURED V: I PAINTING, wallpapering 886-0520 COMPLETE SEWER INTERIORS and wall washing, Senior COMPANY 884-5764 BY DON & LYNN discounts, Jan 884-8757, .. ------. "We Clean Them All" PLASTER. CODE WORK - Husband-Wife Team Glenda, 293-0166 guaranteed DRYWALL REPAIRS INSURANCE WORK GENTILE 'qh.Bu\\dlt\Fttif~~d3i\ - - Wallpapering 886-2521 - Painting ROOFING 957 PLUMBING/H(ATING SAME DAY SERVICE ~ Improve · MARCO PAINlERS 885-2633 • Re-Rooflng SEWER Cleanmg, $45, INTERIOR,EXTERIOR. TEXTURED CEILINGS • Small Jobs INTERIOR and exterior 526-9288 WALL PAPERING, STAINING. WALL WASHING PLUMBING • Flat Decks painting and paperhang- ~~\,\~\ Use the CHECK OUR PRICES REPAIRS • Gutter Cleaning FREE ESTIMATES INSURED Ing Reasonable rates, 30 Grosse years expenence Ray & • Gutters ~,~ Grosse Pointe 1 -.-<1!I:::...... ;939-7955 • Repairs Barnowsky, 372-2392 af- SEWER CLEANING Pointe News ter 6p m Reasonable Rates For All LICensed - Guaranteed Jntrrior '-ntlqul 1fimll~ £xttrlor \ News Mike Potter - Licensed 882.6900 JOHN'S PAINTING 882.1558 774-9651 Q) Intenor-Exterlor SpecialiZing Service Ads 111 repairing damaged EMIL THE .Anbrew QIameron~obbnrt & ~on plaster, drywall and PLUMBER to get the help

    \ f June 30, 1988 Gro_ PointeNew. 16C LittleLeague------From page 4C RBI double for Tampa. Jason ning RBI. Marty Miller, Mike Denver 11, Austin 10 Schore struck out 10 in five in:" Case and Chris D'Angelo all had Paul Hahn slid home with the nings and had Dayton's only hit doubles and RBIs and scored. winning run in the sixth as Den- and run of the game. For Phoenix, Anne Morris was ver handed Austin its second three.for-three and scored twice, loss of the season. Ross Durkin Syracuse 31, Buffalo 11 while Max Martin, Holly Wel- was three-far-four, Chris Morkut Chris Cooper struck out eight lard and Peter Huthwaite all had two triples and three RBIs m three innings, Scott Holcomb connected. and Joe Daniel had two hIts for hit three homers, dave Keenan Denver. Frank Irwin was four- scored six runs and Nathan Wy. for-four, scored four runs and dick had three hIts for Syracuse. Farms-City AAA drove m two for Austin; Scott Danny Lamkin homered and A' s-R angers Gregory had two hits. Nick Zeidler had two hits for Terry Brennan hit the game- Tucson 20, Dallas 12 Buffalo. winmng RBI in the seventh in. Robert Elizondo pitched two Miami 12, Memphis 11 ning to give the A's a 3.2 win strong innings and hit a trIple, Greg Ryan, Tom Remhard and over the Rangers. Good defensive and Craig Tracy hit a double Mark Foust had key hits for MI- plays by catcher Jeff case forced and triple to pace Tucson to the ami FrItz Schlppert pitched well two out at home to help the A's. win. MIke Vandeginste was two- and Andrew Mamaci and Matt Ryan Robson brought in the J. / Fox scored three runs each for tymg run. Whitney Holmer 1/ for.two and second baseman Rick Helm made a good backhand Memphis. pitched well with five strikeouts play. m three innings. For the Rang. Farms-City Class C ers, good pitching by George Tampa 6, Dayton 1 ChristIanson and Brad Holfeldt Andy Khnraml pitched a one- Phoenix.Denver kept the score low. Casey Ho hItter and struck out 11. Jeff Denver handed Phoenix a loss, " ripped a double, a single and Vollmer and Tibor Szabo had 8.7, as ChrIS Cassetta went two- two hIts and Jeff Profeta had an for-two and hIt the game-win- scored. L\ ..

    Play ball! n "II~ool "m c-1nernev

    Photos by 1988 Seville 00 Rob Fulton was '29,976 SAVE $616200 00 now '23,814 , lIdd laX, Iltle and plate lee

    Marcus Wysocki of South High School and Steve Neiman of North repre .. nt their schools at the Ba.e- 1983 Eldorado - 47,000 miles '8995 1986 Seville. Like New '14,995 ball Coach.s' Auoclatlon East/We.t All-Star Classic: at Tiger Stadium 1986 seville - Loaded '14,995 1986 Brougham - Loaded, Leather '14,48 Jun. 23. Above, WyltOcki takes the 1985 Coup. d. Ville. Black Cherry mound for the fourth and fifth In- 1984 Eldorado Touring Coupe '11,995 nJngt. Right, Neiman Icorel a run for SHARPI *9995 Ealt. He hopped aboard with a dou- 1984 Brougham Coup.-Low Miles '8995 1985 Clmmeron - V6, Sharp '7995 ble off the wall In hll only turn at bat. Below, N.lman II the c:atc:her for the Unal thr.e Innlngl, East lost, 8-8. 545.0800 -OR- 463.9000 ,\i-.I. ON GRATIOT NORTH OF 16 MilE IN Mr. CLEMENS lli.r'iJI 37777 GratIot Avenue

    Vanden Plas began bUilding of the front seats The V0I1<1{'11 Plos " th{'-most coaches al a lime when elegance In Ihe best coachbuddlng tradl exclUSIVE'Jaguar sed'11 II hrlnq, and craftsmanship were hallmarks 110'1, the Vanden Plas cossets Ihe togplhpr renownE'd Jaguar Pf'1 af exquIsite custom carriages driver and passengers With a host formance handling and lu'ur, \\ II Today, the most honored coach. of special amenllles Fleece like a 'loble coochbu.ldl'1g tradlt on budding traditions are carried for throw rugs cover Ihe passenger I, experlenle all t~ot '5 Vander ward by Jaguar In the 1988 footwells There ore high ntens,', Plas 't"e your Jogullr dpaler I j, C,ln prc,\ dE:' dptol!, (', J lqUOI , Vanden Plas sedan Inmps tor reeding henled front Rich, redolent leather covers the seats and compL,l",r reguloted .::1 thre.., ~t"or 36000 mile 11mted ',el' specially contoured Vanden Plos 'TIole control for comfort an 80 ranty applicoble In Ihe USA ond sealing Resplendent burl walnut walt stereo system for your Canado ond Jnguor " comprehf'" graces the dashboard, door pan I,stenongpleasure an Ingenious s,,,e Ser\ Ice On S te Road5ld~ els center console and the fold washer system and ASSistance Plan down picniC lables fllted to bocks mLch f110re I • I' t From a country rich in royal tradition comes a motorcar born of a noble coachbuilding heritage: Jaguar Vanden Plas.

    1988 Chey. celebrity V~ 1987 Olds Delta 88 Brougham - All the buttons, Warranty was 11450 Nowl10,99S Air W81 '6495 Now '5995 I •, 1987 Ponl Grand Prix. V-8, Auto 1986 Chev. Cavalier. 4 door, Auto, , .' Air, Warranty was 18495 Now '7995 AIr, Warranty was '5995 Now 15495 I'

    I 19 Buick LeS8bre Estate Wagon 1985 BuIck century 4-Door I Full Power 15,000 Miles all the buttons W8I '6495 Now '5995 W8I '11995 Now '1 )L..~ ..... 15175 E. Jefferlon Oro... Po/nit P,,1e I I subject to prior sale 821-2000 .0".,. Man I r/JUfI. 'rill'p.m. IN THE TROY MOTOR MAll K HURRY Beat the • price increase 250 c.,. .nd truck. 1815 MAPLELAWN TROY, MICHIGAN 48084 }A~I 0) 643-6900 IMAH." MAH." MAH." MAH." MAH." MAH." MAH'" I