Eye New District Plan Jr., Left, of Matawan,.Chief Scout Executive of the Boy Scouts of America, and Irving by CHARLES A
North Shore Assembly District Distribution Weather Today Snow today ending during to- night Cloudy uid continued cold 26,325 tomorrow, high today In mid Ms, Red Bank Area tomorrow In upper 3ta. Sunday'* outlook, fair and cold. Copyright—The Red Bank Register, Inc. 1967. DIAL 741-0010 MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 88 YEARS VOT RQ NO Ifil luuti itUy. Mond«y through Friday. S<cond Clan Poatagt FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1967 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE VUU O», NU. 100 PtW al £ed aujj Md at xddftlonai -Mailing OlUcu. State, County Experts Urge Conservation Geologist Warns of Bog Pollution MARLBORO — Undesirable landfill materials 1,730-acre swamp and woodland in Monmouth and said that even this date may not conclude the hear- could pollute the waters in Burnt Fly Bog in less Middlesex Counties. ings. CASE SENT BACK than a year if the water level changes, a state Three representatives of the state Department of Conservation and Economic Development, and the Superior Court Judge Elvin R. Simmill last De- geologist warned last night. planning directors of both Monmouth and Middle- cember remanded Mr. Manzo's • variance request, Dr. Kemble Widmar, state geologist for the sex Counties testified their agencies favor preser- which was approved by council last June, back to Bureau of Geology and Topography, Department of vation of the bog for open spaces and water con- the Board of Adjustment when it was discovered Conservation and Economic Development, declared servation purposes. that neighboring Madison Township Was not noti- that the bog was a "critical area" because of its More than 175 spectators attended the meeting fied of the board hearing.
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