Annual Report of the Public Printer
ANNUAL REPORT OE THE PUBLIC PRINTER EOR THE FISCAL TEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1894. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, 1895. — ANNUAL REPORT OF THE PUBLIC PRINTER. Office of the Public Printer, Washington, J). (7., January 11, 1895. Sir : I have the honor to transmit to Congress a report of the affairs of this office for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1894. Very respectfully, Th. E. Benedict, Public Printer. Hon. A. E. Stevenson, President of the Senate. To the Senate and House of Representatives: In obedience to the provisions of statute, it is my duty to present to Congress a detailed statement of the transactions of this office for the fiscal year which closed June 30, 1894. The statistical information embodied in the accompanying tables, carefully compiled from the records of the office, covers a period of over ten months of the admin- istration of my predecessor in office, and of less than two months of my own charge of the public printing. In addition to this interesting exhibit of the practical operations of the work of public printing, binding, lithographing, etc., the law requires that I shall report such further information touching the condition of the office as may be in my possession. I feel it to be especially my duty at the present time to call the attention of Congress to the new and serious aspect which the question of providing safe and more commodious accommodations for this office has assumed. The following report of the result of an examination into the con- dition of the buildings occupied for public printing—which has already- been transmitted to the Joint Committee on Printing of Congress was made to Brig.
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