
Celebrate the Fourth and the First, too! By Margie Reins Smith Detroit News and a Grosse "For the 1988 display, we're 30 to 2'30 p.m. and from 4:30 to will play from noon until 1 pm. but are required for admission. Staff Writer Pointe Farms resident. adding new red and green mag- 5:30 p m. today A vIsItIng stu- and from 3 to 4 p.m. They're available at AAA Michi- The DetroitfWindsor Interna- Weil is Detroit general festIval nesium bursts and a lot more dent group from SWItzerland, The AAA Michigan FIreworks gan offices, DetrOIt Renaissance ticnal Freedom Festival is a chairman for 1988. Peggy Kainz, Roman candles (the white balls Muslkgesellshaft Ostermondlgen, Concert will be held tonight at In the Renaissance Center, and giant double birthday bash for bank officer for the Canadian of fire the audience has enjoyed Hlstonc Fort Wayne's thu'd an- at Hlstonc Fort Wayne. two good friends Imperial Bank of Commerce, IS m .he past)," said Jim Sorgi of nual Fort NIght. Beg1l1111ngat 6 Seven drum corps representing Dominion Day, July 1, IS a cel- plesldent of the Wmdsor Execu- AmerIcan Fireworks Company, pm, the conceit Will feature the Canada and the Umted States ebration of the UnIOn of the tive CommIttee producers of the dIsplay 126th Army Band of the MiChi- Will compete tonight at 7 p.m at Provmces of Canada 121 years Most events are free. Many Hart Plaza m DetrOIt and gan Army NatIOnal Guard, the Wmdsor StadIUm in the Festi- ago, in 1867 And the Fourth of ha ve all eady taken place Dleppe Park in Wmdsor are pop- Ann Arbor Symphony Orchestra, val's annual Drum Corps Com- July IS a celebratIOn of the adop The most spectacular event of ular vlewmg spots for the fire- the First MIchIgan Colomal Fife petitIOn. Three classes of compe. tIon of the DeclaratIOn of Inde thp huge bIrthday celebratIOn, works The fil eworh will be Sl- and Drum COlp~ and the Wind- tltIOn are based Qn age and skJll. pendence 212 years ago, In 1776 the Freedom FestIval fireworks, mulcd~t by WCSX FM 94 7 and SOl Pollee PIpe Band They'll AdmISSIOn IS $5 for adults, $3 for Detroit and WIndsor have WIll be tomght, June 30 About a teleVIsed hve on WDIV-TV, perform on the parade f:,Tfounds sel1lor cItizens and children un. been whoopmg It up together fm half mIllIon guests will watch Channel 4 of HistOrIC FOIt Wayne "It's an del' 12 30 years eIght and a half tons of fire- For InformatIOn updates, call Ideal PICl1lClocatIOn and we Will The Idea for a jomt freedom More than 110 events on both works launched from three the WCSX FM FIreworks Hot- have lefreshmenb aVaIlable that festIval bIrthday celebratIOn was SIdes of the DetI'Olt RIver are ex barges anchored In the DetrOit lme 2986200 Alternate date is evenll1g It's dlso a f:,'1eat place to conceived by a DetrOIt Journalist, peeted to ath act more than three RIver Hudson's, Stroh's, WDIV- tomolloW, July 1 watch the fireworks," sald Wil- Paul Lutzeler The first Interna- mIllIon people thIS year, accord TV 4 and WCSX-FM are spon PI e fil eworh entertaInment m ham Phel1lA, curator of mlhtary tIOnal Freedom Festival took mg to LOUIS "ChIp" Wed III, SOI'S The 35-mmute fireworks Hart Pldza WIll II1clude the US history for the DetrOIt HI<;torIcal president and pubh_Iler of the dIsplay be6'1nS at 10:06 p m Arm\' Jazz Ambds<;adOls, flOm 1 Department TIckets dre free, See FOURTH, page 16A ....., Keeping cool With temperatures soaring into the 90s. and over the weekend. past the lOO-degree mark. residents are finding ways to cool off. At the left. Mark Rosati and Paul Kaslly. employed with Vitale Dairy Services. have one of the coo- lest jobs in town. They de- liver ice to a number of Grosse Pointe stores. includ- ing this stop at Oxford Bever- age in the Woods. At the right. Henry and Maryanne Marchand enjoyed a bike ride along Lakeshore and found a shady spot to take a break. Marchand is a former Woods public safety director. Pholo" hI Pete. A SnllnR' Local gaming commissioners discuss their votes By Peter A. Salinas Staff Writer lot the DebOlt InstItute of Alts Profe%lOnal SPOltS teams - lot of etrOlt, DebOlt could become would be one solution" The favorable vote IS 111 from There were seven Grosse Founders SOCIety, voted m favor the PI'itons, Red WlI1g~, TIger" a Jazz centel, bUlldmg on ItS Mo- He said that whIle only De- the DetrOit Casino Gammg Com. Pomte reSIdents on the 67 -mem- of gamblmg 111 DetI OIt and LIOns - al e alI-edd) popllial town reputation trOlters }Vlll get a chance to vote miSSIOn, and It looks as though ber commiSSIOn, five of whom "I thll1k the long-range direc- In dnd around DelI OIt These "Gamblmg IS jUf>t another dl- on a local ballot proposal, casmo DetrOlters WIll get a chance to voted 111 favor of casmo gambling tIOn fOl Deb OIt IS to bUlld Itself coupled WIth large draw events menslOn," FOId said "With the gammg IS a metropohtan Issue. vote on an antl-casmo proposI- m DetrOIt. Into a key enteltamment centel such as the Grdnd PI I.....and hy- proper controls and the nght He said that the services mdus- tIOn on the Aug 2 pnmary bal- They were Ted Gatzaros, Wal 111 the MIdwest," Ford SaId droplane laces gIve DetrOIt a Il1vestors (It can WOlk.)" try, such as linens, truckmg, tel' B Ford II, Wllham Cudllp, good stmt on becommg an enter He saId that he dIdn't feel food and even computers, would Al Glancy III, Peter Stroh, DI- tamment ccntel, he SaId there would be any negatIve Im- be pOSItively affected by gammg ane Schoemth and Peter B SpI- Expal1'>lOn of thIS entertam- pact on sun oundmg commum- In DetrOIt vak The Grosse Pomte News ment environment IS not only a tIes, lIke Glosse Pomte "There would be a tremendous was able to contact four of the lOgical progre"slOn, Ford noted, "I thmk that all surroundll1g Impact from the dollars earned seven to get their views on ca- but has already begun He SaId commumtIes would gam by De outside of Michigan bemg spen> smo gambhng and why they that expansIOn plans fOJ De trOlt becomll1g a more dynamIC m MIchigan," Gatzaros said. voted the way they dId trOlt's cultural center, lIke Fox place," he concluded. See GAMING, page 16A Members of the commiSSIOn Theatl e, 01 chestra Hall and the were appomted by Mayor Cole Centel for Creative Studw", me Ted Gatzaros man Young, who SaId DetrOIt's already takmg place WIthout a Ted Gatzalos, owner of both number one prIOrIty IS Job" and ppga"us and Pegasus II restau- casino gamblmg could create as I3nts m Gleektown and the New many as 50,000 Jobs. The com- Farms, City alert Center al ea and president of the ,~: mISSIOn studied the Issue for 90 Marquette BUlldll1g Redevelop- Obituaries 2A days The Grosse Pomte Farms ment CO, I" a Park reSident Water Depaltment WIll un- GatzaIo", who SaId he went Pointes need B. mto the comllll<;Slon WIth an •. _:~.. C A Walter Ford II dettakc an extraordInary, l£./""''''J V~ Farms resident Walter B Ford unexpected mamtenance pro open mInd, voted 111 favor of ca- II, chaIrman and chIef executive Ject at ItS filtratIOn plant sma gamblIng April!, 1954 7A officer of Ford & Earl De"lgn Wedne"day, July 6, begm- "Cd"mos at e \'f.~ry1I1ten~lve m Walter B. Ford II Alfred E. Glancy III As"oclates, Inc, and preSident of mng at one mmllte after employment," GaLwros SaId "It Our Lady StaT' mIdnIght when a damaged also reqUIre" a lot of "upport of the Sea 12A hIgh-capaCIty pump WIll be The blgge<;t problem 111 the De lepalred tlolL metropolitan atea IS unem Water, water p~~~_r~ _ Due to the mamtenance ployment, ,1Dd ca"mo gamblIng everywhere? 13A proJect, re"ldents of the Street wlll be Farms and CIty al ere- Juliana McMillan quested to reduce theIr use Eating out on the level.. 14A of water from lmdmght to This bustness noon Wednesday mornll1g People ar(' eHtlng Ollt more house, along WIth many of the Gro"se POlnte Boulevard. "The By Pat Paholsky If repaIrs are completed than ever - an average of is packing 22A Editor large frame houses bUIlt then, Back Road was \\here all the eat'lIer, as offiCials e"pect three tIme~ a wf'ek, accord. When Juliana Woodhndge are now gone gal denel <; and ch,mffeur" began Meet the they WIll, notificatIOn wIll be 1I1gto a recent <;lIrvey Monng McMIllan moves to Flor- And she remembers the beau to 11ve" '1 Do Crew' 1B given on Channel 34 of The Glo,,<;e POll1te area of. Ida In August, a bIg chunk of old tlful sandy beaches tbat are no GIOWll1g IIp III old Gro<;"e Gro'ise Pomte Cable TV that fcr" a WIde vallety of ref..tau- Grosse Pomte wIll go With her longer "Lakes clean themselve<; Pomte \\1\'" \"onderful, McMlllan Happy 50th normal u~ of watel may be Iant", flom ItalI,1l1 to FIpnch At 94, ble~sed \\llth good by thell' waves and my mother "aId, hut lIfe change<; "You Village Club 2B resumed to Chll1f'se to MeXIcan to health, a razor-sharp mmd and a would 'lend the gardener every really have to adJust to that The most Important elE" Amencan For those who wonderful sense of humor, she mornmg to clean the beach" You can go ovel 111 the corner ment of watN usage that WIth thlh 1""UP, thf' Gros'oC pamts a colorful pIcture of an She "aId her mother would "et and <;ulk If you want to and peo- like fruit butter 8B 'lhould be dl'>Contmued duro POll1te Ne\\ <; WIll begm a era that IS far removed from to up long tables on the beach for ple WIll Just let you "ulk " mg thIS pellOd 1'3 lawn "pnn- new f('aturf'.
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