Big box store grows Get educated Count 'era The Real Canadian Wholesale Local society offers help and Terrace youth soccer teams won Club plans a major expansion of support to those in abusive five medals over the Riverboat its Terrace store\NEWS All relationships\COMMUNITY B1 Days weekend\SPORTS B5

WEDNESDAY $1.00 PLUS 70 GST August 16, 2000 ($1.10 plus 8¢ GST outside of the Terrace area) TANDARD VOL. 13 NO. 19

Fund tapped Eye care to pay is newest

AFTERdoctors NEARLY a de- battlefield cade of health care budget cuts, bed closures, and surgical delays, taxpayers Hospital is running our of have to ask themselves

where the money's coming money for cataract...... surgery from all of a sudden to CATARACT SURGERY That would have worked sign million-dollar fee in- has flared up as the latest out to approximately 19 a crease deals with doctors. issue in the battle over month. The answer is a relat- health care here. The plan was rejected ively unknown account By December, based on by local physicians who called the alternate pay- the current level of catar- have decided to keep ments plan, a pot of act surgery at Mills Mem- doing cataract surgery at money separate from the orial Hospital, the budget historical levels. main, fee for service will have been spent with "I will be sending you Medical Services Plan three months left in the monthly updates as to program. fiscal year. what is left in the ophthal- This year the alterna- It means people who mology budget and when tive payments plan need surgery will then • we anticipate it will run amounts to $158 million. have to go elsewhere or out," said Dr. Jim Dun- face a lengthy wait list, field, a local surgeon and [] Doctors strike And it likely means the chair of a local surgeon area's only ophthalmolo- averted - for now. and chair ,of a regional gist, who is based in Ter- medical advisory commit- Page A12 race, will be leaving. tee, in a letter to a top There's never been en- health ministry official. By comparison, there's ough money to meet the "Once the ophthalmo- $1.545 billion set aside for cataract surgery demand logy budget runs out, then normal billings under the and so the amount provi- the ophthalmology service Medical.Services Plan. , ded~ by th.e pr0yincial gov- will cease to exist in the Traditionally the money ernment for the service has ,. pacific nortliwest," said is used to contract for spe- always been subsidized by Dunfleld. The Aug. 2 letter cific medical services at Mills. And that's added to is written on Terrace and hospital and other health the hospital's deficit woes. :' Area Health Council let- care facilities such as the But this year is worse terhead. B.C. Cancer Agency and than most because Mills "At the present rate of lower mainland hospital has yet to receive its bud- utilization, we expect the emergency wards. get from the provincial! ophthalmology budget to It's also used to put government and has no be used up by Dec. 2000," physicians on salary in idea if its requests for ser- he continued. rural or remote places vice improvements will be Dunfield said an oph- where a fee-for-service ar- granted. thalmologist on temporary rangement wouldn't bring So what it is doing is duty here likely will leave in enough income to at- operating at last year's and the permanent one, Dr. tract and keep them. level. Tom Nagy, who is away The plan is also used to But with demand conti- for a year, "will not pay for temporary postings nuing to rise, the commun- return." to rural and remote places. ity health council, which Mills chief administra- In Terrace, the budge- operates Mills, faced sub- tor Dieter Kuntz acknow- ted amount under the al- sidizing the service more ledges there was a plan to ternate payments plan for than ever. reduce the amount of pro- services already in place A first attempt in June cedures per operating ses- is just over $750,000. to /edu~e the number of sion in order to slretch out The majority of that cataracts done each month the budget. amount is going toward the -essentially to ration out But now, he says, the two pediatricians here who the budget until the fiscal number has been actually are on salary and to pay year ends next March - increased from seven to for the greater portion of didn't work. eight for each operating one psychiatrist's wage. Instead of seven catar- room session because of Some of it is also being = Chest of silver I acts per ophthalmology demand: spent on the time doctors FRED MASON, the foreman of the Kitselas band's fishwheel operation, pours wriggling sockeye sal- operating session, the hos- At the same time, mon caught by the wheel into a tote. For more on the aboriginal fishery, see page A5. pital proposed cutting it to Continued Page A2 four. Continued Page A2 Power pole crash Money flowing in turns off the lights THOUSANDS IN Terrace "The vehicle had major were without power after a front-end damage," said NIsga'a territory •.stolen car knocked out a Terrace RCMP Staff-Sgt. hydro pole just after 6 a.m. Tom Forster. IT'S A PROSPEROUS time in the tioned commercial fishery for tile Nisga'a. Aug. 11. The power outage af- Nass valley as treaty cash payments from July 1-21. The accident occurred fected nearly 2,000 people. to elders have arrived and individual It was organized to allow individuals on Kalum St. near Loen According to B.C. to go out and fish and profit directly from Ave. when a stolen 1987 Hydro, the last homes and Nisga'a people are benefitting from their efforts. Buick station wagon head' businesses were connected the first-ever treaty fishery. Nisga'a fish and wildlife director Harry ing south slammed head- again about seven hours All elders over 60 years of age have Nyce said more than 200 participated. on into the hydro pole. after the accident. received one-time $15,000 payments, The Nisga'a government set aside The vehicle smashed Police and hydro work- said Nisga'a Nation president Joe Gos- 40,000 sockeye of its total 70,000 alloea. through the lower half of ers quickly closed the nell. tion for the individual fishery, while the the wooden pole, leaving street and began replacing " About 300 people were immediately rest was to be harvested by fish wheel the top half suspended in the damaged pole and' eligible, putting the total paid out at with the profits supporting the new gov- mid-air, hanging by power wires. Telus crews were around $4.5 million. ernment's fisheries programs, and phone lines. also on the scene to safe- It's one of the first tangible benefits of The whole fishery generated about $1 According to Terrace guard phone lines. the treaty, he said, and has allowed el- million, with around $500,000 in pay- RCMP, the accident was The incident also ders to make major purchases that had ments made to individuals, Nyce said. caused by the station spurred an assault on a po- been out of their reach. "It was a very exciting time for the wagon alone, which was lice officer, Terrace Some have been able to buy cars or people to participate in a long-aaillll being driven erratically RCMP say a driver impa- trucks for the first time in their lives. benefit from the treaty," Nyce saldmlil~d down Kalum St. tient with traffic delays got The Nisga'a decided in a vote at a all the proceeds from their efforts went to Police say local resi- out of his vehicle and as- past tribal council convention to make themselves," dents reported a man limp- saulted the officer who the payments to elders, with the money Some people are using the money to ing away from the seene, was searching Kalum St. coming out of the treaty settlement cash. buy new vehicles or clothes for their kids Officers then picked up a for evidence related to the The payouts continue as each new for school, he said. suspect nearby, accident, A' STOLEN station wagon crashed head-on into a elder turns 60. Seeing their own people's fish being An ambulance took him The man was taken into power pole on Kalum St, early Friday, leaving these Also pouring money into individual caught, managed by themselves, and to hospital, custody but later released. remains of the pole behind. Nisga'a hands was the first :treaty'saac. Continued Page A2

s A2 - The Terrace Standard, Wednesday, August 16, 2000 From front Why live with a diet that says no pizza, P.G. deal ope= ed floodgates no cake, no fun? (Now there's no reason to.) O Now Weight Watchers easy 1.2.3 Success Plan spend on a local diabetic ernment had hoped would increases in h~ral and re- having to do the same lets you enjoy any food you crave! program and to bring in a be an orderly negotiation mote areas. elsewhere on a communi- temporary obstetrician. with the B.C. Medical As- Those negotiations were ty-by-community basis, ~1 Every food has a POINTS® value. The plan's budget was sociation (BCMA), the to begin this fall but de- The province was able Stay within your POINTS range and lose weight! boosted this year to reflect provincial body which re- mands for more money fol- last week to return to its what the provincial nov- presents physicians, for fee lowed by a brief walk-out original plan for a provin- iiii~!i, ~i~ Now! Weight Watchers has a whole new approach by Prince George doctors ce-wide fee increase deal ...... to weight loss - the 10% difference'"l ~'I~1q% in June disrupted that plan, by hooking up again with From front says health ministry offi- the (BCMA), ~ Sarah, Duchess of York cial Jeff Gaulin. The two parties are due Cash crunch looms "We had hoped for to start talks by Friday and something on a province- doctors want a deal in wide basis," said Gaulin, place by Aug. 31. gN • , on cataract surgery Instead, the provincial The BCMA will be Join Weight Watchers and get free registration with Kuntz said the health government settled with joined by physician repre- a minimum purchase of an 8 week Commitment Plan. ministry has called the Prince George doctors, sentatives from around the "unacceptable" the tactic opening the flood,,ares to province. Call 1-800-682-8011 for more information. of operating as per usual while knowing the money Knox United Church (Terrace) will run out in December. Didyou know, ever~ day 20 to 25 childrenare heated 4907 Lazelle • Tuesday 7:00 pm at B.C.'sShildrar;s Hospital Emergency Department for "What we have done is Valid in British Columbia for a limited time only. Subsequent weekly fees apply. GST not included. write the ministry and it is i ~reventableinjuries? Children'sHospital ©2000 Weight Watchers International, Inc. Owner of'the WEIGHT WATCHERS trademark. All rights reserved. doing a study of compar- able programs m other parts of the province," said Kuntz. The health council has asked for more money for ophthalmology supplies so Spend $100.00 i it can meet the demand. Each cataract procedure costs $275 in supplies. receive a bonus... Based on that, the mini- DieterKuntz stry has promised it will three options, ration the let the health council service, keep on going SAFEWAY know by mid-September until we run out of money FOOD & whether or not there will or continue to subsidize," be more money for oph- said Kuntz if the ministry's thalmology. response is to deny a bud- "At that time we'll have get increase. From front :irst treaty fishery il l¥11gIl lllllIl! a source of pride Look for E'l,l I i nil / | LiJ ;k~] ,7;%"4ii, 1:1 :{u~7_,~/IJ || ,hVdldl [ ~1 [..~i i ~o Ka ~i,4n[n[nja going to their own benefit sockeye back down for was a huge positive, he processing. said. The Nisga'a govern- lit more great "You could see the ment had designated land- morale of the nation just. ing sites for the fish where AIR MILES ® boom," he said. ice totes were placed, milesF _.0.uo "Some people who Nyee said, and it rigorous- reward miles I were gainfully employed ly monitored the fishery took holidays to do it - and enforced all safety WITH COUPONAND A MINIMUM $100.00 GROCERYPURCHASE* just for the experience," rules and regulations. Bonus Offers • AIR MILEScoupons are onlyvalid on baseAIR MILES earned,. Base AIR MILES I Nyce said. Individual entrepreneur- offer- 1reward mile for every$20 spent. Excludes tobacco., AIR MILES ,coupons I cannotbe combineowith any other discount offer or AIRMILES coupon oner, including Canfisco, a fish packer ship is to be encouraged in throughout Cusomer Apprec a ionDay &, Senio.rsDay, ; Excludestobacco transit passes, postage I in Prince Rupert, was cho- other areas as well. stamps,event,.gin certificate sa~es ~, prescriptions,t.,oupon enective at ah 0 1 yourDart ci0ating ~aTeway b~ores, Thursaay hru Saturday, August 17-19, 2000, sen from seven bidders for Nisga'a Nation secre- ~31~, TtadelP,l{ksdARML[5 ne =alo13 old~ (~sNV ~S~( underllO!rl~ebyL0yalyManaoemell Gr0uphlc CanadaalldCa,ad~Salewayl.imded the project. tary-treasurer Ed Wright the store • It '{i'ucke'd 'ice Up~to tliel. sa~d .the .government also Nass and brought.~ caught. intends to issue forest sal- vage permits to individuals Correction who want to go into the The story "Inmates bush and salvage cedar ii~.. Fresh Carnations make Terrace beautiful" in and other timber either left ~=~~./~,~.,~. Strawberries behind or blown down. ~' .i.",?~' ~:~"~¢ " e" .' WhileQuantities Last. the Aug. 9, ,2000 edition- ~i~,~_ Product of U.S.A. ~i ..... ~:" AvailableFriday 8. SaturdayOnly! . contained a reference to "There's good money in ~ No. 1 Grade. armed guards. In fact, the cedar salvage," Wright guards at the Terrace said. "That's another area Community Correctional where individual initiative Centre are unarmed. will really help." j SAVEat least $2.30 on five Safeway Club Price James W. Radelet Safeway2 s5Club Price RADELET& COMPANYBarristers'& Solicitors I Jill I I II II II lllllll I IIII TaxLaw ° Trusts° Corporate& Commercial Chicken 1330- 1075West Georgia S~eet, Vancouver, B.C. V6E 3C9 I .':L Sliced Phone:604-689-0878 Fax:604-689-1386 "~'~~'~~'i Side Bacon .... ,~.., " ~ ,~o~.".,~ Drumsticks • .'~' "'~.:iy~~:~:~ Generic, ,~_':! .~ ~,.~ IndividuallyQuick Frozen. Seasoned. Sold : ~'~, ::~ I 500 g. .. in a 4 kg box for only 56.96.

CORRECTIONNOTICE The Toyota BC Dealers ad,,appearing in this paper last week with the headline More Toyota owners would i~ SAVE at SAVE at least ~lb, buy their car again than any other make." should have ' ~ least70¢ ; 40¢11b. ~ 79 '.74/kg read "Lease payments of $199 for the 2000 Echo Saf'eway Club Price Safeway Club Price i i BT123P (B) based on 48 month walkaway lease with i iii iii i i iii ii $1,930 down. Total lease obligations are $11,482. Lease payments oF $299 for the 2000 Sienna Safeway ZF19CS(B) based on 48 month walkaway lease with i~,~<~ SELECT Pop Orange Juice ,,~..~., ..... Assortedvarieties. 12 x 355 mL. Plus 355 mL. $4,950 down. Total lease obligation are $19,302." FIRST FOUR. Your Toyota BC Dealers apologize for any confusion ~~ depositandlor enviro levywhere applicable. this may have caused for our valued customers.

~'~..~~AVE ~_~F~II at least 2fo~ ~ 5 AVE at least ~2.56 on four ~1.98 on two Safeway Club Price Safeway4 $3Club Price

IIIII III II I IIIII IIIII IIII II Safeway ~ Stonehedge Farms O: 0' if! i!!!ii!i!ii :.!';" "' IX,%' .... Flour i'~i~! Raisin Bread l~ . .v- ~. ~.,,.,~. 10 kg. ~~!i.~i 450 g. FIRST TWO.

l!i!iiiiii~ SAVE~t least $3.00 least 40¢ IW ~ Safeway2,99 Club Price. Safeway Club Price i

? ? -:-T-- i ...... :"T" ...... ~.i ::: :': i '"".: ......

• :i'/: • :. ] ...... =1606 The Terrace Standard, Wednesday, August 16, 2000- A3

News In Brief Splish, splash LOCALS HAVE a chance to 10am more about freshwater and marine shorelines through a slide show at the Furlong Bay amphitheatrc Aug. 21 at 8:30 p.m. Celebrating Shorelines ,.,. a .splash), presentation looks ;it the connection with shorelines through 3-D models, posters and display panels in addition to slides. It's a production of a partnership of naturalist or- ganizations and other conservation groups and is financed by a federal millennium grant. B.C. Parks and federal fisheries arc helping out here. Millennium book comes A PROVINCIAL tour calling on British Colum- bians to sign a historical book marking their stay in the province visits Terrace Aug 21. The British Columbia Book is part of the provin- cial governmenrs British Columbia 2000 initiative to celebrate the millennium. Mayor Jack Talstra and representatives from the Terrace and District Credit Union will be on hand to start tile book signing at noon at Heritage Park. Everyone is invited. Tenancy act changes CHANGES TO the provincial tenancy act aim to make renters safer in their homes. As of August 1, tenants living in single-room ho- tels who were not previously covered by the act will be given the same rights and protections as DR. STEVEN SHAVER, shown with a piece of eye-testing equip- for a year. Shaver faced having his cataract surgery time cut back other tenants. merit, is newly-arrived from Ontario and is filling in for Dr. Tom just after he arrived. The matter is before the provincial govern- Landlords are also effected by the new changes, Nagy, the area's resident ophthalmologist, who has gone away rnent in hopes of getting more money to keep the service here. which require them to replace all locks after a new tenant moves in. If the new rules are not followed, the act also gives the tenant or the hlndlord the right to apply Budget crunch greets eye doe for an arbitrator. The province-wide changes stem from the five- more than 20 job offers he's received lately. been cut to four, that would have taken up year Vancouver Agreement, which focused on Waiting list for cataract "Oh my God. We can't stay here," recalled about two hours of Shaver's operating room making rental units in Vancouver's east-end safer Shaver last week of his reaction upon bearing time which is generally one day a week. surgery has ballooned for tenants. the news when he first arrived. DR. STEVEN Shaver got the bad news even "I'd be done before noon. i'd still have the It's uot so much losing the income that's the operating room, but no money to do any before he had a chance to unpack from the drive across Canada. trouble, it's not having the chance to do what work," he said. Bear complaints growing you are trained to do, Shaver says. Each cataract procedure for supplies costs From Ottawa, the ophthalmologist, his wife CONSERVATION OFFICERS are handling about "Basically I would have been limited to 16 $275, not including salary and billing amounts. and three children came west to spell off Dr. eight bear complaints a day between Terrace and cataracts a month. Some guy in Burnaby does "It's a super bargain compared to what it Tom Nagy, the area's resident eye specialist, Kitimat as peak bear season approaches. that much in a week," Shaver said. was 20 years ago when you'd be in the hospi- for a year. "We're planning a visit to Kitimat [this] week," "It's not fair to people here because it tal for five days. Now you walk in and walk But minutes after Shaver arrived over the said Bob Butcher. "The bears there tend to spend means people in the south get a different level out two hours later and the next day, the patch July long weekend, Nagy told him of Mills nights on the town, and hang around the river dur- of care than they do here." Memorial Hospital's plans to cut the amount comes off," said Shaver. ing the day." Shaver said cataract surgery is now the of cataract surgery he could do from seven When Shaver arrived, the eye surgery wait Butcher says that Terrace's hot spot for com- most commonly performed procedure for procedures per operating session to four. list was about three months. plaints recently has been the south side, close to people over 50 years of age and will continue It's now at six months, just one month after Nagy himself received the letter with the the river. Last week, officers had to se{ up a trap to to grow because of the generally greying popu- he arrived, because he's trying to ensure there bad news just days before Shaver arrived. try and capture one black bear that had become lation of the country. are slots for people with emergency situations. The plan to ration cataract surgery because addicted to garbage. of a tight budget didn't work out, but the "People are also healthier, they're living Shaver acknowledges that the budget situa- He also warned people to pick up fruit that's ...... longer, they want to drive longer, they're more tion is not the hospital's fault and that there is money Ior me proceuure is flue to run oat in . . . ,, " " fallen from trees before bears are attracted to it. Dece ber if more isii"t found . active and that all comes down to Vision, ~he a general lack of." health care money. "We're starting to see complaints about bears • ,.,...... ; ...... ~, ~:, : .~ ,,.~:,,..,,~. ,,,,,:,:,~,,~.,.-:..~;...'~,.sald..,,,,lf'~e,weren,t-.dolng.:eataract surgerym,.,,~,~, ,.And,heohopes.~he .won, t,,leave.~. ,_,.:,.a going after'fruit now," he said:' " " ~,g'~,tla. wnen...,l~ ooes,, It.liKely means,bnaver ~ -,. ,,,,~ ,, ...... ,. i~ ... -, ..... , ,,. .~ , . :,=:'...... ", . :...... t~anaoa; thei'e o oe an en0rmdus number' of * " Clearly, 'I ha h~fe' a ffd I i:ldii t :~'/m[ t0'g'6. .S9.far !]o Kermode bears have been ilwolved in Wl~ettrawVmgll; came close to re routin th; blind peot~le." ...... I'm trained tb:'do this but l might noi'b'e"ab'l'~ {o any corn plaints. .-:, .... .~:'~;...... 4 .~,^.:.-~-~ ~,,u~ If the number of cataracts procedures had do my job" fallllly ~l IIlllJb'lll~ VOII Ollg I~AIJIUlilII~ ~ 3U|III~ U~ till~

: en-- aqon : om)ou/ez's ac. 103-4716Lazelle Ave., Terrace, B.C. Ph: (250) 635-3362 Fax: (250) 365-6383 E-mail: merlin@kermode,net Web: ~ "~(tZ20f~ajqo't'l~O~rJ)OU/~-'r"~ g12C"

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~,rnokeyquartt o~'-~::~.x ~ " After travelling to more than 200 ~'::* .~,7~:~ Computer Specs: communities throughout the province, the :~' L~!:~'~:~ BC Book will close on December 31, 2000, and 600 Mhz Intel Celeron , 40X MAX CD-ROM Drive 64MB Sync DRAM • 56KV.90 Modem will go on permanent display at the Royal British 128KB Level 2 Cache • 15GB Hard Drive Columbia Museum in Victoria, where a page will be <:; Hardware accelerated 2XAGP • Internet scrolling mouse turned each day. Graphics upto 11 Mb Honourable Garde B, Gardom, J Q,C, Lieutenant-Govenlor of i Terrace & District Credit Union Member Price Here's where you'll find the BC Book: ! British Columbia, was the flrst I 24 months @ Prime Rate Floating to sign the BC Book. w/wn it rum ] August 18 (currently 7.5%) Klsplox Indian Band (Hazelton) -' presented to him by Andrew Petter, Mi.lster Respondble for BC 2000. For as little as $49.68* per month Ktsptox Community Centre August 21 .° over 2 years, OAC, taxes not included. Terrace - 12:00Noon - lferltage Park BRITISH COLUMBIA August 22 Receive 500 ~ Points with Purchasel CanadlmPhts" Gitlakdamlx (NewAlyansh) - 10:OOa.m. Recreation Centre Marking The Millennium Also, buy before October 31, 2000, and receive a $50.00 manufacturers rebatel "Monitorand speakersnot Iflclude(~ -Inquire el storefor conditions, Tel: 250.356.2000 • Fax: 250.356.5320 Canadianplus polnls becomeAeroplanDec31 st Proud Sponsors: Included Software: ] Microsoft Windows 98 2nd Ed. Microsoft Money 2000 Rio Port Audio Manager FOngST ~,~ Microsoft Internet Explorer McAfee Antlvirus Microsoft Works 2000 BRITL~H Savings and Credit Unions NetscapeCommunicator Microsoft Encarta 2000 CompaqQulckrestore OLLIMBIA o/ nr,,b Columbia R|NEWAL BC A4- The Terrace Standard, Wednesday, August 16, 2000 .... . S TANDARD i/ ..::.

TELEPHONE: (250) 638-7283 • FAX: (250) 638-8432 EMAIL: [email protected] T0.H0 0 ID II g, ,, \ Methanex blues .I METHANEX HAS several problems in its cam- L,,- . _4.: \" paign for lower costs to justify re-opening its Ki- timat methanol plant. One of those is that it cannot control the price it pays for natural gas, the raw material it uses to produce methanol. It's the largest cost Methanex faces and the price just keeps going up. But unlike the rest of us gas users who have no alternative save perhaps knitting heavy socks and f.., sweaters for the winter ahead, Methanex's re- e sponse is to seek what amounts to concessions. Specifically, the company wants lower provincial royalty payments for the gas it buys, cheaper costs from Pacific Northern Gas which delivers its natural gas and lower property taxes for its Kitimat plant. Paper owner t reath of fresh air Methanex doesn't like the word concession. In- VICTORIA - A while back, at him. from "banal to energetically the NDP convention in Van- :i~i~: : Of course, there is also nasty, to the unimaginably stead it calls its plan a partnership, a sharing of couver, there was a booth sell ...... ~!~:: Black's audacity to have an pompous." the risk of doing business based on the chance to ing 'Bo~,cott the National ~ opinion that differs from the And he concluded: "to my Post' buttons, o:~. ! bland, politically-correct, enemies, some of whom have gain profits when the company's income rises as Shortly after Conrad Black ~:~ middle-of-the-road, liberal claimed they will miss me, the price of methanol goes up. announced that he was selling ~ concoction that has been mas- your nostalgia is premature and his Canadian newspaper era- -..,~ querading for newspaper con- completely unrequited." So what we have is three parts to this situation. pire, including 50 per cent of ~i~( tent in Canada for decades. It is obvious that Black The first is that Methanex is a victim of the free the National Post, to CanWest ~ That this right-wing whacko doesn't me to defend him. I do Global Communications, An- had the nerve to start a news- so only to go on record that as market economy in that demand for natural gas is thony Westell heaped con- , paper which more accurately someone who has had the time forcing the price up because of pipelines now tempt on Black in a vicious ~ reflected his views was simply of his life in this business for piece in the Globe and Mail. mm~lolt, lNl~U~io.]L,I.ji/L,l~ unforgivable in the eyes of his 40 years, I, for one, am disap- reaching into the lucrative United States market. He wasn't sorry, he wrote, to detractors. That Black gave pointed that Black is pulling Call it the result of good old-fashioned capitalism. see Black "going, going and, HUBERTBEYER this country one of the best out. The second part involves us agreeing to lower before long, gone." newspapers it had seen in de- A change in ownership al- And who, you may ask, is Yes, and? That very accur- cades, eluded their grasp. ways brings changes in the way royalties and taxes. This means, for example, less Anthony Vv'estell? Well, he's ately describes a lot of so- I can understand why die- a company operates. The Post money going to the provincial government and the director of Carleton Uni- called journalists which is, hard socialists dislike the Post suited me just fine as it was, versity's School of Journalism why I prefer to think of myself and, by extension, Black. Both thank you. less money to the District of Kitimat. This is who, in his words, has as a newspaperman, do their best to expose social- In can only hope that Izzy based on the prospect of sharing profits, another "practised journalism for 50 I have worked with ism as a failed experiment and Asper, the new part-owner of years," which prompted "journalists" who refused to socialism with a human face he Post, knows a good thing hallmark of good old-fashioned capitalism. But it Christie Blatchford, columnist divulge their home phone as maudlin balderdash. when he sees one and leaves also involves a mixture of capitalism and state in- for the Post, to advise .West number to the city editor and Having witnessed the de- this paper to hold up its unique mirror to,Cana~dians~ ;' :~ tervention. ,: . ;. ~ ell: ."don't, stop now,i practiS- got'the union ~s backing, with" rnise" of the: Soviet:UniOn¢ I ~ ing, that is:" the result that if the desk had can aitest'to the foi'mer: Hav- ',"If I i Were any younger, I The third part is tied to the second in that poten- Way to go, Christie. I, too, any question about a story ing lived in British Columbia would be inclined to kidnap tial profits will only come if the price of methanol wonder where this intense after they'd gone home, they for the last 30 years, I cannot Black and hold him to ransom hatred for Black and the Post couldn't get in touch with dismiss the latter out of hand. for a job at the Post, as long as rises, another risk of capitalism in that the pro- comes from. them. Black himself responded in he still owns half of it. mise of profits is by no means a guarantee they Ah yes, Black has a ten- I have worked with typical fashion to the outpour- And for that, he could even dency to be less than flattering "journalists" who would refuse ing of vitriol, following the an- call me an aged hack. will occur. in his description of journal- to finish a story at quitting nouncement tat he was pulling Beyer can be reached at" Methanex is trying to sell this public-private ists, having, referred to many time because the company up newspaper stakes in Cana- E m a i l of them as youngster who sub- didn't pay overtime. Black had da. [email protected]; Tel sector partnership by saying the alternative is to stitute opinion for insight or their number, all right, and In a parting shot in the Post, (250) 381-6900; Web lose hundreds of jobs and millions of dollars. It "aged hacks toiling under a didn't relish having any of he referred to the "eulogistic farewells" as having ran~;ed also says that by accepting its plan, the govern- miasma of decrepitude." these deadbeats working for ments will not be any worse off than if the plant closed forever. All this may hold together if Methanex just had its plant in Kitimat. But it doesn't. It has metha- nol plants elsewhere in the world with costs that are substantially less than the Kitimat plant. And since those costs are so much lower, their profits are that much higher. T.ougher fine stance needed MANY OF us occasionally der? As stewards of public which further borrowing will be In effect, Methanex is asking us to lower its keep a library book longer property, librarians need to say refused until fines are paid and costs here in the expectation of sharing a profit than we should. Last year we 'No' to further borrowing until materials returned. paid $15,441 in overdue fines, even minimal overdue fines After all, if you're overdue down the road while it continues to do well else- in addition to those books we are paid rather than letting paying your hydro bill, your where. To put that another way, Methanex wants sneaked back fine-free during fines add up to collection electrical supply is cut off the one week of the year when agency proportions. For three without apology. And if you our help in competing against itself. the library forgives fines. years the library has been don't keep up your cable pay- If Methanex wants to truly explore a partner- Currently Terrace public li- using a collection agency to ments that, too, will be termi- brary is owed about $80,000 in try to collect overdue fines and nated without a "Sorry,'. ship, then it should be willing to extend its profit overdue fines and books, vi- persuade patrons to return bor- For those who persist in sharing concept to include its plants overseas. deos and tapes that were never rowed materials. But that's hanging on to library property returned. That's a monumental rounding up horses after and not paying fines, their out- / amount when you consider they've fled the barn. standing debt should be added books can be borrowed for a I in • i llelllt"l, [] :! I lele,F_,l n[..~ Up front, librarians must re- to their property taxes. month, free. The $80,000 grew CLAUDETTE SANDECKI gard any overdue fine as a One borrower owes the li- PUBLISHER/EDITOR: Rod Link by 25 cent fines, $20 videos debt to be paid before anything brary $644 for the 30 books he NA' ADVERTISING MANAGER: Brian Lindenbach and $30 books. more is borrowed. The post of- borrowed ... in 1999. If he had ..20001. PRODUCTION MANAGER: Edouard Credgeur This staggering amount is venience to other readers who fice doesn't let you mail a let- possession of a stolen bike BISUE / NEWS Jeff Nagel • NEWS/SPORTS: Keith Freeman even harder to comprehend in might wish to view the mater- ter without a stamp because worth that amount, we'd send a you're short of change that i~.II]BON/ NEWS/COMMUNITY:Jennifer Lang view of the two-year old se- ial. It's theft of public property cop out fetch the bike back. under $5000. Librarians don't morning. You'd never hear a But because its books from a FRONT OFFICE: Darlene Keeping curity system which whistles wildly whenever any item not label it theft; they're too for- postal clerk say, "That's okay. public library, we treat it as an CIRCULATIONSUPERVISOR: Carole Kirkaldy properly signed out is taken giving, too grateful to see a You can pay it next time." oversight. ADVERTISING CONSULTANTS:. past the exit barrier. book in circulation. And a cut-off point should Tliis borrower isn't forgetful. Sam Bedtbrd, Mark Beaupre & Stacy Swetlikoff Failing to return overdue Why does the library conti- be established - boldly posted He's a thief and should be TELEMARKETER: Stacy Swetlikoff books is more than an incon- nue to lend books to a hoar- for all patrons to read - after dealt with accordingly. DARKROOM/C0MPOSING: Susan Credgeur . AD ASSISTANT: Sandra Stefanik & Clare Halleck SUBSCRIPTION RATES BY MAIL: it IS $54.88(+$3.SSGST) per year; Seniors $48.62 (+$3.40GST); You s~ou~P I~AV~ " ! Out of Province $61.69 (+$4.32GST) A <;f-t~10US v,/0RP Outside of Canada (6 months) $151.60 (+$10.61GST) oe... Two o.11"1I..I,,, ~ . MEMBEROF / B,C. AND YUKON COMMUNITYNEWSPAPERS ASSOCIATION, c.w~ CONMUN,..EWS'A'ERS'SSOC'ArtON ([¢~C~NA B,C, PRESSCOUNCIL ~ ...... Sewing the Terrace and Thomhillarea. Publishedon Wednesdayof each week at 3210 ClintonStreet, Terrace, BdllshColumbia, V8G 5R2. Stories, photographs,Illuslrstions, designs and lypaslytesin the Terrace Standardare the propertyof the copyright holders, IncludingCarlboo Press (1969) Ltd., its illustrationrepro se~'ices and advertising agencies. ReproductionIn wholeor In part,wllhoul writtenparm~lon, Is spadficallyprohibitS. Authorizedes seconddassmall pending the PostOffice Depadment, for paymentof postageIn cash, Special thanks to all our contributors and correspondents 1 1 for their time end talents The Terrace Standard, Wednesday, August 16, 2000- A5 I Spinning prosperity CORRESPONDENCE FOR THE TERRACE STANDARD Fish wheels are appearing in rivers across the province as Media, not public, banned from land-use plan finale First Nations capitalize Dear Sir: on the selective fishing As process coordinator tL~r the Kalum Land and Re- source Management Plan (LRMP), I feel compelled to benefits they offer respond to several inaccuracies reported in your Aug 2, 2000 story "Land-use talks to end in secrecy." By KEITH FREEMAN The I.RMP is founded on principles of broad and ABOUT 20 kilometres upriver from Terrace is comprehensive public participation. the Kitselas Canyon. It's no Hells Gate, but It should be clarified that liie :public are always wel- the rapids there are sorrounded by high cliffs come to attend all LRMP meetings including the ones with trees protruding at strange angles, and the scheduled for Aug. 21 and 22, LRMP is a truly publicly railway tracks flanking the north bank. driven process. Eagles flock to the area to enjoy the spoils There are no decisions being privately debated re- of the salmon run as the fish make their way garding any issues within the LRMP, upstream to spawning grounds as far as several The Terrace Standard, has in the past, done an admir- [aundred miles further inland. able job in providing coverage of the LRMP. It is also here that the Kitselas Band, based Several recent articles in The Terrace Standard have, near Terrace and part of the Tsimshian First however, served to present an unb:tlanced perspective on Nation has managed two fish wheels for the the activities and discussions of the planning table. PaSt eight years, This issue was brought to the reporter's attention with The wheels, an old technology that's been the intent of improving media coverage, and hence pub- rediscovered, are part of a huge trend in First lic understanding, of LRMP discussions. Nations fishery toward selective harvesting for Reporters attending the June LRMP meeting printed the commercial, ceremonial, and food catch. an article that focussed on table members' comments Harvesting from the Skeena is nothing new that were taken out of context, rather than providing a to the Kitselas who, for thousands of years, comprehensive synthesis of the issues. .... have lived off what the river offers - for suste- This article was potentially misleading and inflam- nance and more recently for their economy. matory rather than insightful Or informative. Reporting of this nature makes it difficult for some The wheels offer young band members jobs •'VICTOR WRIGHT of Kitselas Fisheries holds a prized sockeye that he netted from the and provide a sustainable commercial harvest table members to speak openly about challenging issues fish wheel holding pen. The sockeye were the only fish retained in last week's fishery, for concerns that their comments may again be taken out of sockeye, coho, or anything else the wheel other species such as pink salmon and eels were released back into the river. of context. brings out of the water. : Their catch is surprisingly efficient, often Open and collaborative dialogue among table mem- over time. Gerow, adding that the time spent on the river,' bers is the cornerstone to building trust, problem solving scooping thousands of fish a day into holding "At first, we had them [along the north helping to fish selectively beats most other and ultimately reaching agreement on the complex and pens. River water is let into the pens so the side], but we found that we'd get a lot of pink. jobs. sensitive issues associated with land and resource man- fish will survive and undesirables can be re- •over there," he said. "The sockeye like the The Kitselas, although one of the first, is agement. leased back into the river to continue their faster current, and we've been catching way by no means the only First Nation with a mod- The Terrace Standard's recent reporting on the LRMP spawn. more since the wheels have been on this side." River and the Wet'suwet'en have two fish may have served to suppress the open exchange of ideas Some of the undesirables that turn up in the • A few years back, wooden fish wheels wheels in the Hagwilget and Moricetown ca- in the quest for a consensus land use recommendation. pens include trout, eels, and even the occa- • floated on the river, and can still be seen bea- nyons on the Bulkley River. The Kitsumkalum It is with this concern in mind that it has been deci- sional tiny white sturgeon. Pink salmon that ched on the riverbank several kilometres Band also tried out a fish wheel earlier in the ded to have media-free discussions and instead prepare a fetch a small price - about 50 cents apiece - downstream from the canyon. year. media briefing that details the outcomes from the up- are also thrown back into the river. After trying the wheels underneath the old The Gitksan received about $35,000 from coming lable meetings. Every day from June to October, a crew of Skeena bridge, and on the north side of the ca- DFO to construct and operate a fish wheel in Eamon O'Donoghue about seven leave for the wheels from the Kit- nyon, the wheels have found themselves with the Gisgagaas canyon. process coordinator, Kalum LRMP selas fishery boat launch, on the old Kitselas a new, more lucrative home where they are "Other nations have come to us for help in reserve, northwest of Terrace. nOW. starting the wheels up," Mason said. Empty bins scrubbed and ready for the With a host of costs such as labour, fuel Nations such as the Taku River Tlingit, Bread-taking was approved slime of hundreds of wiggling sockeye are loa- and repairs, the wheels cost up to $75,000 per . based in Atlin and the Fort Babine Band have Dear Sir: ded onto the boat. year to set up and operate, but at two dollars wheels, and the Lheidli T'enneh First Nation I am writing to you in regards to the article Sockeye season is rapidly coming to a per pound, sockeye can be lucrative. out of Prince George have one planned. "Katimavik group used food bank" in ,the August 2nd 'close and the pink are strong these days, mak- The band also gets help from the Depart- Even more southern First Nations have, edition of your paper. ing the task a little more unprofitable, but only ' meat of Fisheries and Oceans, which this year some wheels in operation. DFO granted the I feel compelled to clarify the misconstrued facts that temporarily. -granted them nearly $14,000 for operational Siska of Lytton $15,000 to develop a presenta- make up this article. Coho are starting to show up, and in a few / expenses. tion explaining how their wheels work and how In April, a Katimavik participant, vohmteering at the weeks, they will outnumber the sockeye, and .. The workers, a group of four or five, scoop the benefits include preservation of en- Salvation Army food bank, noticed large surpluses of do- become the prime catch. out nets.full of fish from the holding pen,,ca~l!-~.... dangered stocks. nated bread not being used by local families. A brief explanation of how the aluminum ing .....out a .qh.oru.s •of .,:g.e" 1.... ,~i .p ink",,, ",jack...... ,Upp,er~ Skeena coho~is, one.such stock, so After talking to her coworkers about the !dea of Kati- fish wheel works is helpful to anyone who sockeye", as each undesirable~ is thrown back,;i the Kitselas' catch of them will "be smaller mavik using this surplus bread she brought the idea to hasn't seen one in action. into the river. Damaged sockeye, usually ei- than the sockeye, according to Mason. ' myself, the group leader. The wheel itself is four baskets, each about ther seal or eel bitten are released back into The fish wheel isn't a new concept - they I confirmed with the Regional Katimavik Project Co- six feet wide, attached to an axle. Two pan- the river. The good fish are tossed into a bin on were popular in B.C. rivers around the turn of ordinator that the taking of surplus bread was acceptable •teens float the device, and cable cords moor it the boat. the last century - but they soon became obso- and the group proceeded to make weekly pick-ups. ;to the canyon,s rocky cliffs. "The eels are real parasites," said Mason. lete in the wake of oceangoing commercial I also spoke with an employee of the Salvation Army The wheel's rotation is powered by the "What they do is they latch on to the fish and gillnetters and trawlers which raked in huge store to inquire what came of Ihe bread left over at the "sheer current of the river. Fish swimming up- suck the blood." amounts of fish of many species. end of the day. She informed me that it was given to stream end up in the basket and are scooped The species of ~ncidental, released cat- Now they've come full circle and are a people to feed their dogs. out of the water and slide into holding pens ches, including the eels, are recorded by Chad leading innovation in an age when picking and With a clear conscience, the Katimavik group has 'where they await their fate. Gerow of Tsimshian Fisheries, who hands the choosing what gets caught in the commercial used bread from the Salvation Army that was not needed ; Fred Mason, the operation's foreman said figures over to DFO for stock assessment, and harvest is crucial to the survival of all salmon by local families. that even the location of the wheels in the ca- DNA analysis. species The Katimavik participants and myself have put eight :nyon was something that had to be fine tuned "It's my second year, it's lots of fun," said months of hard work into forging a strong and wonderful relationship with community members and organizations. This July alone Katimavik participants gave over 800 High fish returns spur hours of community service to Terrace. We are bolstered by the strong support given to us by increase in native quotas the local organizations and families who have been a DESPITE RECENT grounds. part of the Katimavik experience. trends towards declining "This is one of the best If community members feel they need further clar!fi- salmon stocks, it's shap- years for that fishery," cation of this issue in any way, they are welcome to ing up to be a record year Einarson said. contact Katimavik directly at 1-877-525-1503. Justine Dawson for sockeye and chinook The upper Skeena coho project leader, Katimavik Terrace returns on the Skeena stocks are rebounding River. slightly this year. Their Coho stocks, although returns are measured al Katimavik goodwill hurt lower than desired, are the Tyhee Test Fishery Dear Sir: starting to return in mod- between Terrace and I am responding to the story "Katimavik group used erate numbers. Prince Rupert. food bank" (Terrace Standard, Aug. 2, 2000). David Einarson, of the This year's return I have worked with the Katimavik program for the past two years first as a project leader and most recently Department of Fisheries ranks as 22nd best in the as coordinator for the northwest region of B.C. and Oceans in Prince Ru- 45 years thai the test fish- Throughout my time with Katimavik and the host pert, attributes the high re- ery has been measuring communities (Terrace, Smithers, and Prince Rupert) 1 turns to "strong ocean retums. have enjoyed, with constant amazement, the resolve and survival and good condi- The brood year for this dedication with which these communities have suppor- tions." year's coho, 1997, was ted young people and their endeavors to discover more So far over 2,000,000 poor, so DFO precau- about our great nation and themselves. sockeye have escaped into • tions, such as not extend- In the Terrace project in particular I have had the the river. The commercial . ing the gillnet fishery good fortune to witness what happens when caring fami- fishery has benefited with even longer, had to be lies and individuals take relative strangers into their one of its stronger years taken, said Einarson. homes, workplaces and lives to share with them their perceplions of what it is to be Canadian and a member HARRY DANIELS and Gordon Rush of the Gitanyow Fisheries Authority help recently. Chinook returns are of a wonderful community. breach a beaver dam on the upper reaches of the Kitwanga River last year. Nearly 1.3 million coming back as the high- They'll be back again this fall ensuring safe passage for upper Kitwanga coho. Your article has done damage to the overwhelmingly sockeye were caught in est in the 45 years records positive association that the citizens of Terrace, who the gillnet fishery, which " have been kept. have come into contact with the program, have for Ihese Gitanyow clear way for coho is above both the 10 year youlh and the staff that support them. and five-year averages of THE G1TANYOW Fisher- beaver dams to allow coho able to ensure a clear "This is what we can Justine Dawson, the project leader for this group, has about 1.2 million fish. worked incredibly hard during the past ten months and ies Authority will receive to pass through on their spawning channel for coho. expect if mother na- First Nations alloca- deserves nothing but our respect and admiration. an extra $12,000 this year way upstream. "In some cases else- ture is kind," from the federal govern- Mark Cleveland, of the where, and 1 don't like to tions under Excess Sal- She has demonstrated constant commitment to en- ment to determine salmo- Oitanyow Fisheries Au- •bring this up, bounties mon to Spawning Re- riching the lives of these young people and guiding them nid populations and clear thority, says that past log- have been put on the quirements are also on "This is what we can through their lime here in Terrace. passages through beaver ging in the area has contri- beavers," he said. target to exceed last years expect if mother nature is Sucl~ passionate conlmitment towards youth is a rare quality indeed and should be nothing but fostered and darns for spawning coho in buted to blockages in the At least a dozen dams pace. kind," Einarson said, the Kitwanga River. river. are in the way of coho that adding that he's optimis- encouraged al all times. As of Aug. 1, 98,000 Your story did not offer a proper balance tc the_ljlRa~- The nearly $35,000, "A lot of the elders say use the river, so the job of sockeye have been alloca- tic about future returns earmarked for coho habitat. that when logging came •ensuring passage along the providing selective har- lion with the Salvation Army Food Bank (a .ob/Ira ted to three First Nations perceplion) nor did it offer.your readers a clea~l~pec- restoration and enhance- in, the beaver darns came 20 kilometres of the upper vesting becomes more groups - the Tsimshian, live of the Kalimavik program in general. ment, will come from the. up," h6 said. "A strategy Kitwanga in question is widespread. Gitksan, and Babine I would encourage your readers to educate themselves Department of Fisheries that might be used here is likely to take most of the Einarson said that al- to neuter some of the do- fall and continue every Lake. more completely on the very positive impact that Kati- and Oceans as part of their though some commercial long-term plan to rebuild minant males." year. The Tsimshian and mavik has had on your community. fishers are implementing Skeena coho stocks. Cleveland also hinted Last year, an estimated Gitksan have harvested We remain dedicated to the people of Terrace and for A large part of the chal- " that some beavers might 1,300 coho returned to the the bulk of the fish, that selective methods, more a continuation of this most synergistic relationship. lenge in clearing spawning have to be destroyed if the Kitwaw, a River. are well on their way to needs to be done by the Nathan Cullen channels will be breaching Fisheries Authority Is un- the Babine spawning gillnet fleet. B.C./Yukon Katlmavlk project coordinator i A6- The Terrace Standard, Wednesday, August 16, 2000 IIII CORRESPONDENCE FOR THE TERRACE STANDARD The Mail Ba

are all 25:44), and that anyone working on the Sab- our companion in the middle of the road to bath should be put to death (Exodus 35:2). suffer. Is this what is coming next? Thankfully someone in the area witnessed And what about the New Testament? Jesus the incident and reported the accident. Thanks 30% made it clear that loving our neighbor was the to that person our companion may have had a OFF governed most important commandment and He has a chance to survive and we greatly appreciate few pithy things to say about judging others as that person placing the phone call. well. We accept that accidents do happen and ALL OURSUMMER AORYL' S If we want to further family values, let's put unfortunately our companion did not survive our money and energy into finding ways to the accident. BBQACCESSORIES by values stop alcohol and drug abuse and family vio- What we have difficulty accepting is that lence. the driver of the vehicle did not stop to deter- August 19 August 19 Dear Sir: Helping people learn relationship and par- mine the state of our friend. Maureen Delrosario Lola Wonnick In regard to your July 26 editorial, what enting skills would also improve family life. The driver continued on and left Kira in the Robert Luis Leo Stephens does the phrase "separation of church and Let's help end suffering instead of creating di- middle of the road to suffer. August 19 August 26 state" really mean? vision over differences. You didn't leave "just a dog" in the middle of the road, you left our friend, our companion, Carmen Morrison Melody Newman What you believe influences who you are, Pat Carson Stewart Stephens Russ Davidson how you act, and the decisions that you make, Terrace B.C. a part of our family to suffer. whether a politician or not. The fact she may have had a chance to sur- It seems to me that the majority on council vive was taken away when you failed to stop. did not vote to ban the homosexual lifestyle, Timid as church mice We would again like to thank the witness but chose instead, not to promote the celebra- Dear Sir: for reporting the accident and giving us the op- tion of that lifestyle, probably because they Your July 26 editorial, "Gay Pride Part II", portunity to try to save our friend. We can't Skeena Mall - Terrace 1-800-563-4~ don't see it as a healthy or desirable choice, in was mostly right on! help but wonder how long she would have had the same way that drug addiction, alcoholism, Did not the majority of your Terrace Citi- to suffer if it was left up to the driver. adultery, abortion, etc. are not healthy or de- zens vote against Sunday shopping by referen- Jeannette Beauregard sirable choices. dum? But the council went ahead anyway and Terrace B.C. We all live by some standard, whether it's let the stores stay open. The churches (the biblical or religious or tolerant of everything Ministerial Association) were as usual silent and anything or self-indulgence at the expense on that issue. Market should stay put The same thing has happened again. Noth- of others. Dear Sir: ing has been heard from the Terrace churches I assume that those who voted for our town. Your Aug. 2 editorial reviewed the farmer's on the gay issue, only some individuals dared council members knew what their standards market, where it is, how congested the street to speak out in letters to the editor. A very few are. is, how unsafe it is, and what should be done that is. If not, they didn't do their homework. about it. In church they sing and dance around about N. Penner I have to disagree. We live just two houses the mighty workings of the Holy Spirit, but Terrace B.C. away, on Davis Ave. We go to the market their songs and prayers are not followed in every Saturday. We have been doing this for most cases by deeds of concern and love. Wrong to use Bible years. We know all the vendors. The whole issue of homosexuality is not We are old but we are still very observant. just a matter of religion, it is also a matter of We have seen no road rage. We have seen no against gay pride science and common sense. Dear Sir: unsafe acts. There is considerable congestion If people don't want to promote religion, let but this is something that all visitors are aware I was dismayed to read that Terrace city them at least come to their senses and pro- of. There is an atmosphere about the place council is considering an expensive legal bat- mote health. which makes the buying and visiting very en- tle against the Rainbow Coalition over a gay Bill Homburg pride proclamation. joyable. Terrace B.C. PRICEI ¸ l 1 cannot believe that the majority of Ter- There most certainly should be angle park- l race residents would want that. ing on the south side of Davis for any activi- L Why would we spend so much money just Driver left us without ties in the park as well as parking Saturday for because some people have made different the market. AUGUST 17, 18 & 19 choices than we have? trusted companion We would like to see speed bumps from Excluding Ezze Wear, Bras & Panties Many letters have used quotes from the Dear Sir: Sparks St. to Kalum to slow down speeders at Bible in their arguments. On Sunday July 23, 2000, shortly after 4:00 the times when the market is not in operation. I don't think it is valid to take these out of pm our dog was struck and killed on Kalum This market is the best of any in B.C. I can- context. Lake Drive by Frank's Field. not see how any changes, including moving, : ii After all, the Bible also says that it's OK to The vehicle involved was was an older would be for the better. sell your daughter into slavery (Exodus 2h7), model truck with a load of hay on the back. Bob Goodwin buy slaves from the nations around us (Lee. The driver of the vehicle failed to stop and left Terrace B.C.

You SE THE JUDGE My Boss is Out to Get Met Daniel sat at the dinner table, staring at his roast "" '~=K~.~ beef. Finally, he looked up at his wife and sighed. "Darling, I think my job is on the line." His wile was puzzled. "But you're the Director of BASEDON /~ff--"""'~i~'~ Education at the Galway Institute of Engineering. ACTUALCOURT IIII~JU~t,,IS~ They need youl" CASES "The Institute is losing credibility. Students heevya load for one person. entering the profession are not prepared. As Daniel didn't respond. He was too busy Director, I should have solved this problem by reading the report. now. i'm writing a report on the situation together Suddenly he leaped up. "You ARE getting rid with Bob and the board." of me. It says here that everyone now reports to "See, they. wouldn't have you write a report if Bob, not me. I have just a secretary under me. they' wanted to get rid of you." The $2.4 million budget is now to be handled by Two weeks later, Daniel bumped into his Bob. I m 54 years old. You've demoted me. Associate Director, Bob, in the cafeteria. "Hey, That's the same thing" as firing me. .I'm going,, to Bob, you look like you're in the middle of a sue the Institute for constructive dismissal. tornadol" In court, Daniel argued passionately. "Your "Just about. Crazy deadlines...and now the Honour, as the result of the reorganization, I'm board wants to see me. Gotta run." Bob grabbed losing my administrative responsibilities. I'm his papers and sprinted toward the door. losing my position as Director of Education and Daniel felt his throat tighten. "Something's my participation in various committees is wrong. The board doesn't call the Associate reduced." Director for a meeting. I'm the Director. Its MY The Institute ar~lued. "Your Honour, there's job to attend." nothing wrong with the fact that Bob no longer A month later, Daniel was called to meet with the reports to Daniel. It was expected that senior board. personnel positions, like Bab's would develop. "Sit down, Daniel, we'd like you to read this Although Daniel won't be handling the number latest report." crunching of the budget, that was only Daniel glanced at the cover. There was Bob's mechanical work anyway'. Now, he'll be involved name, along with the names of the board in important qualitative dimensions of the budget

members. that would be at least as senior as his previous , E , .: • ,, You, re getting rid of me, aren, t you?u responsibilities." "Not at all," oozed the Executive Director. "Daniel you've done a great job. We're just Is Daniel entitled to damages for constructive reorganizing the Institute. There will now be two dismissal? You Be The Judgel Then look below educational directors, you and Bob. It's just too for the decision.


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Phone: 638-0354 Fax: 635-2919

YOU.* BE THE JUDGE. DECISION "Pay Daniel 10 months of salary, held Jud~le Estelle, Daniel was constructively dismissed when he wa~ asked to become one of ~vo Directors o'f Education rather than the overseema and sole Director. of Education. His status, profileand prestige was then equaled by Bob. Daniel ~st his unrestricted and supervisory role at Director." Today~ column is basedon a case.from On.ratio. I[ you have a slm lar problem, pleqs.econtact (s~nsg.r) or another. I.awyer in put province.To providec9mpelling entertainment,w6 have ti.ctlon.ahz~ tha names, the charactersand TOTEM FURNITURE & APPLIANCES t.heFenarros in the case.Any r~emblanceto r~l pep,pie, is pur.e]~,coincidental. In lhe interestof clarity and bravil?, the legal ISSuesin me case nave r,een gr..ea,y r.eauceq ann sim'pdtl~, 4501 Lakelse Ave., Terrace, B.C. ~I~ ~] Claire Bernsleinis a lawyer and nationally syndicatedcolumnist, Copyright 2000 Haika Enterprlses,C23.8 638-1158 or 1-800-813-1158

I i i IIIII i i The Terrace Standard, Wednesday, August 16, 2000- A7 PNG extends AUGUSTSPECIALS BEARS LOVE SALMONI cost cut offer Sockeye Salmon Salmon Filet to Methanex Brushed with our secret recipe - Sweet & Tangy glaze & served with PACIFIC NORTHERN say if those price increases Rice, Veggie & Mediterranean Pita GA.t (PNG) has offered will then represent an in- Mtthanex a reduction in direct subsidy to Methanex the cost of transporting na- because PNO will be char- *1 95:,r , tural gas to its Kitimat ging it less. methanol plant in return "I'm not sure it's fair to ! "% for a long term contract. say there will be a subsidy The offer amounts to a to Methanex if Methanex Boston Blue ~'~ 55 per cent reduction of were to agree [to our Fish & Chips what Methanex would proposal]," said Weeres. Only normally pay. "We still need to file $6 99 It follows a Methanex for a rate increase in Sep- original plan seeking cost tember and the transporta- cuts in order to re-open its tion toll is but one compo- Appetizer Special ;. , plant which closed in July nent of our rate application Order one appetizer and get a second for at least a year. and we don't yet know of equal or lesser value for 1/2 PRICE. Methanex also wants what those components the provincial government will be," he said. BREAKFAST to lower the amount of PNG's rate application ~ SERVED royalties it receives from will go before the B.C. Until 4 pm Sundays the sale of natural gas and Utilities Commission, a I What is it? a break in property taxes provincial body which re- Sandy Sandhals found this welded object at an old Kitselas homestead a few for its Kitimat plant from gulates natural gas trans- months ago. It's two feet long, seven and a half inches wide and almost a foot the District of Kitimat. portation costs. high. He couldn't quite figure out what it was - anyone have any idea? To compensate, Metha- 4702 LakelseAve Terrace brings the family nex is promising to pay 635-6302 together! PNG 40 per cent of the po- tential profits and the gov- ernments 20 per cent in times when methanol prices rises. At risk is several hun- TH E GENERAL MOTORS dred jobs and millions of dollars in payroll, pur- chases and taxes should Methanex not re-open the CANADA WIDE CLEARANCE Kitimat plant. PNG vice president Greg Weeres said his company's offer of a lower V ONTIAC transportation fee through its pipeline from north- ,e':~~ii~''~ . eastern gas fields amounts • .::~:::;:.~,:::::::::::.1~ r....~,~!:...,,..;:'. .-. -.,, ... • ..... :.,~ to oniy 6.5 per cent of Me- thanex's methanol produc- " .:~;i;i:i,i:!:!~iii~W".'":: ::::~;;:::*~ .... tion costs. He said Methanex's lar- PONTIAC GRAND AM ~;IZ::~~...:" ;,-~, gest challenge remains "" ':':=:~'::.=i" .. "'~!'" ======what it pays for natural gas ~~:;"'::':':~'~"'~."~.~i:: ' :~..... ,. in the first place as it is ~'~.~~..i~i~:;...... • the company's largest cost. "We have no control PONTIAC SUNFIRE over that commodity .: ... ~...~:.>.::"~:~ ,. price," said Weeres. Methanex, as is the case with other natural gas •,:'::':':::':~'~':':':'. PONTIAC GRAND PRIX users, has faced ever-in- ...... •,~.i :i~i~!:~:.:;~;.;~ ::::.;.: ~!i,~:::!:i:~.',. creasing price increases driven by;. mand for the prodi~ct. "i;~i':i~

There" was' no." ]mmeql-!~ PONTIAC MONTANA ...... "' ...... " ...... - ate word from Methanex' on PNG's counter offer. Methanex has already said it will commit to run- COST OF BORROWINGAT J COST OF BORROWINGAT ning its Kitimat methanol AMOUNT FINANCED 9"5% 0.9% YOU SAVE plant until at least 2009 if FOR 48 MONTHS I FOR 48 MONTHS it got the cost reductions it wanted. BUICK Weeres was hesitant to BUIOK CENTURY say if PNG's definition of S10,000 I S2,059.04 I $184.64 $1,874.40 a long term contract mat- ches Methanex's commit- ment to run the plant until 2009. "A long term contract S20,000 I $4,118.08 I $369.76 $3,748.32 ~~,.x-.w. .'~;~- would give us security and BUICK BEQAI the stability of a custo- mer," said Weeres. PNG has already cut $30,000 I S6,177.12 I S554.40 $5,622.72 operating costs and will BUICK LeSABRE trim capital expenditures in case it loses Methanex which provides 40 per cent of the company's income. That's resulted in lay- MC:: offs, three of which took place in PNG's Terrace of- .~..~?.!.. fice. Weeres said PNG will ask for a rate increase in .7¢... .. September in what it :,~!i~.... •.... GMC $ONDMA charges its residential and other industrial customers to transport natural gas through its pipelines. OMC JIMMY That stems from the company's need to make up for any lost income from Methanex should its plant stay closed or if it pays less for gas transpor- GMC SAFARI tation costs. "There will be an im- pact on our remaining cus- tomers, absolutely," said Weeres, But he was reluctant to GMC SIERRA REGULAR CAB Sockeye boosted GMC SIERRA EXTENDED CAB MORE SOCKEYE will be available to anglers along the Skeena from its mouth PONTIAC upstream to the Kispiox BUICK River, until Aug. 31. The recreational daily GMr" quota to four from two was McEWAN GM 635-4941 D5893 increased in the wake of record Lake Babine sock- eye returns. --1/-. A non-retention area, m however, is still in effect For the latest information visit us at, drop by your local dealer or call 1-800-GM-DRIVE around the mouth of the 'Savings based on 0.9% Purchase Rnanclng compared to current averagefinancial rates. Yoursavings may vary. Rnancingon approved GMACcredit only for remaining 2000 Pontiac, Buick and GMC vehiclan, Kitwanga River. The quota Down payment/tradeand/u security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and sest of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down paymen~ade, Example: $10,000 at 0,9% APR. the monthly payment Is $2t 2,18 for 48 months, Cout of borrowing Is $t84,64, Total ~ligsUon Is $10,184.64, Offer applies to new or demonaVator 2000 models and applies to qualified retail customers In the BC increase also applies to Dealer Marketing Association area only, Dealer trade may be neeeS.qary Dealersare flee to set individual pdees, Umited time offer which may not be combined with otheroffers. See your Dealer for conditions most of the Babine River's ,.. °~aa='~ and de=tie, '0,9% PurchaseRnanclng does not apply to: GMC 250013500Sades Pickups,Subu~na, ParkAvenue, GMC Savanna.Yukon, Yukon XL malnstem,

t' A8 - The Terrace Standard, Wednesday, August 16, 2000 Alliance begins the search NOTICE TO ALL CONSTRUCTION WORKERS to replace MP Mike Scott IN THE TERRACE AND KITIMAT AREA represent us," said Sexton. SKEENA ALLIANCE But that's looking less The Carpenters' Union is requesting information from all resident construction workers members are officially on likely so the pressure is off Fie praised Scott, who who applied to work on the new Kitimat Hospital currently under construction. to choose a candidate here won back to back victories the hunt to replace MP INF(3 RMATION REQUESTED: in lhe next few months, as a Reform party candi- Mike Scott who an- When did you apply? nounced last week that he said Sexton. date in 1993 and 1997, as At the earliest, there'll a solid performer. Position applied for: won't be running again. Carpenter, Labourer, run Worker, Teamster, Plumber, etc. "We're looking for a be a nomination meeting "Mike has done a won- Which company did you apply to? large number of good in November, he added, derful job. He's done what people interested in repre- The betting is now on politicians should do - he Were you called for an interview? senting this area," Al- an election next spring so represented Skeena and Were you hired? liance constituency presi- the Alliance will more spoke our words to the fed- If so, in what capacity? dent Lorne Sexton said than likely have a candi- eral government," said If not hired wereany reasons given? i, last week. date in place-by early Sexton. Please fill in the blanks, and mail or fax to: "It's a pretty safe seat spring, said Sexton, Candidates for the no- Carpenters Union right now. If somebody "We can now hold off mination must also fill out P.O. Box 94, Prince Rupert, B.C. V8J 3Pa were to win the nomina- until we get a good slate an extensive questionnaire Phone (250) 624-5617. Fax (250) 624-3497 or (250) 635-4687 tion, it's a pretty good bet of candidates," he said. asking a series of ques- Leave a message at (250) 635-4747 or (250) 639.9339 they'd be going to Otta- Prospective candidates tions about their business ALL REPLIES WILL BE HELD IN THE STRICTEST CONFIDENCE, wa." don't have to be party and personal life. Alliance constituency members now but should They are also inter- Lorn e Sexton associations across the be if they officially seek viewed by Alliance offi- form party and by others country had been on a pre- the nomination. cials from its head office. seeking to expand beyond election alert in anticipa- "We're looking for any- The Canadian Alliance Reform's traditional west- tion of a fall federal elec- body who is Alliance- was formed this spring by ern Canadian power base. tion. minded and has a desire to members of the old Re- Treaty rolled over MP SKEENA MP Mike Scott spent two terms got passed by the provincial legislature fighting a losing battle against the and the Canadian Parliament and is now Nisga'a treaty to the exclusion of almost law," Gosnell said. everything else, says Nisga'a Nation pre- "He was like a man standing in front sident Joe Gosnell. of the ocean trying to stop the tide from "What has Mike Scott achieved posit- coming in. The tide rolled right over training services ively for the Skeena constituents?" Gos- him." nell asked last week. "The answer, quite Native people, the Nisga'a in particu- frankly, is nothing. Zero. Zilch." lar, felt they went unrepresented during • ciriculum design • emerging technology Gosnell made the comments after the Scott years. Native voters also shied Scott announced he wouldn't be running away from him at the polls. • office applications • digital marketing in the next federal election. Official Nisga'a contact with Scott Gosnell said Scott opposed the treaty was limited to a televised debate about vigorously during negotiations between the treaty and one half-hour meeting with 201 - 3240 Kalum St. Phone:250,635.3748 Terrace, BC V8G 2N4 Fax: 250.635.2705 the Nisga'a and the federal and provincial him in Aiyansh in the first term. governments and continued to do so right "He called that consulting with our up to the time it was ratified. people," Gosnell said. "The second term Joe Gosnell "His views didn't stand up, The treaty we didn't see him at all."


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i / The TerraceStandard, Wednesday, August 16, 2000- A9

Band BRITISIq COLUMBIA explores WRITEYOUR WAY INT0 school MILLENNIUMHISTORY THE KITSUMKALUM !~!ili::il Terrace & District Credit Union is pleased to present a special ;!~:iiiiiii!~i+i+ 8~!:::i: band may explore the idea :~::::::::::::, i!!::~!i:i opportunity for you and your family to celebrate the new of building their own !i!iiii!i! ~i+::i~:> millennium, school on their village site ~iiiiii!iiiii iiiiiii!!i To mark this milestone, the beautifi, I handcrafted British just west of Terrace. :=x+~i ++!!i+!i++ Columbia Book will be touring communities across the province Art Collins, the band's , .:z::%::~ ::+s+s+:++~:: throughout the Year 2000. Its purpose is to record the names and capital projects manager, iiii:i!i!i! signatures of all British Columbians who witnessed this historic said the initial step would ii!!;~!i ~:~:;~;~i occasion. be to conduct a feasibility i~2!:i!iiii~[iil} study on the idea, which !!i!++!i!!You - your family, friends and neighbours - are warmly encouraged could !Tappen this fall. i~i~i~iii!iii!!iii!i~!~!;!i~ to participate. .LYiiiiiiiii::i~ He said the idea has ar- ...... The British Columbia Book will be on display fOE"signing at: isen because:many abori- ginal people feel the pub- .:iiiiiiiiiiiii !i!i!i!i!i! Terrace & District lic school system isn't . :'iii[i~ii!i! i:~::!i::::::i Credit Union adequately serving their !i!+++i+++++ 4650 Lazelle Avenue children. +:i:~ii{ili}iiiil ili~i Terrace, B.C. "When we look at our !i!i!ii!i!!! Tuesday, August 22, 2000 at 4:00 p.m. drop-out rates and our ~i:ii!iiiiiiiiiii!i~il¢~:i:!:!:!: This is your personal invitation to help us celebrate our 55th year basic academic levels • _,...,... +i~!i~i~ serving Terrace & Area. View the book - and nmke your own nmrk we're not satisfied that ;~:~/~:i:i: in millennium history. they are all that they could be," Collins said. ~:+iil;!i!!iiiiii!!!i!i!i~:!~: Terrace & District Credit Union welcomes the entire comnmnity ',We feel that if we had i~i~iii?iii!iiii?~i!iiiiiiiiiii!~i ,!!+!:!: to share in this opportunity, Family, friends and visitors will see II Glorious garden more control over how our ,.:!::::.i your name and know you were part of the excitement, hope and LITA AND TOM FLYNN pose in their Asian-inspired garden. The couple children are taught and ?i:i:.; promise of B.C. as we welcomed the 21st century. has been working on their backyard retreat for over five years and it has dealt with in the educa- !:!:!:!:!:!; finally paid off, The Flynn's won the city lot residential category in the tional process we would !~!~!!i!i! @ Greater Terrace Beautification Society's annual garden contest this year, see greater results." Other winners included, McDonalds restaurant for best commercial gar- !i!ii!i!i! Kitsumklaum, as is the iiiii~ili den; Victoria Court apartments for the multiple dwelling category; Jac- case with a number of <+:.:.:. ques Charbonneau for the mobile home category and John and Laura bands in the northwest, al- Van Damme for best large lot residential garden. The gardens were ready runs a day program ?~iiiiii?i!?! Terrace & District Credit Union judged on their colour, appeal and condition of the plants as well as for pre-school children to :~i!iiiiii!i!i!i~,'~!!!!!!!i! 4650 Lakelse Avenue, Terrace Phone: 635-7282 added artistic touches like ornaments or fountains, The winners will be help them prepare for the :iiiiiiii!iiii!++ presented with plaques. education system. !

,~ ! .'?_......

b ---- ~#~#~ CaledoniaSenior Secondary School SummerOffice Hours July 4-7: 8:00 am- 3:30 pm July 10-28 Office Closed July 31 - Aug. 25: 8:00 am- 3:00 pm DOWNTOWNTERRACE The office will be closed on weekends and public holidays. ~ Heart X Student Transcripts will be mailed o~ directly to the student home cddress by Our Cit-y the Ministry of Education toarrive in the first week or August. ,:. EV'S MENS WEAR 4605 La~else Avenue, Terrace Ph: 635-5420 Copies of Transcripts cqp be obtained { k.. ~(./' .,> ". .... ~'+~ .+'/ Enjoy the summer with clothes from the School office during Office "~~-~ "~: ~.:...... to help you Beat the Heat] Hours at a cost of $2.00 each. +":~p <~ ~/ .~ . ~ .,::.. ~~'~ ~ \ t ~"~ Shor_ts,; T.ShErts, Tanks ;+i...... ~I • Hats & Caps

i Life Skills Workshop* Available to Everyone Learll to Make More Effective Tuxedo Rentals ChoicesThrough: *Communication Skills- Sep, 5 & 7 $69~ & up .... *Budgeting- Sep. 12 ,"~'_.i~ *Copingwith Change - Sep. 14 Bridal, Grad Dresses ) *Building Self Esteem- Sep, 19 & 21 and Accessories *Stress Management - Sep. 26 4609 Lakelse Avenue, Terrace We've Got It~ ~_~\~ *Creating Healthy Emotions-Sep. 28 Ph: 635-4211 /~:~ *Understanding Family Violence- Oct. 3 & 5 t Wallpaper& Borders ~ *Anger Management- Oct. 10 & 12 Check out our great selection of hunting Paints, S,tains& Accessories ~1~:~" Time: 6:30 i).In, to 9:30 p.m. & fishing supplies & clothing. To Register Call ~ CabinetHardware Workshop Northwest Training Ltd. CustomDraperies 638-8108 i Series • Canad~ And MuchMore Sept. & Oct, 2000 NO FEE IS CHARGED 6 Hours Per Week Splice is limited ~) tall now for ,lilt tit mt)[e wolk~hop~, Sl~mSt~'ed by ]lullliLrl Rem)urte~, Devdopmcnl Ciln.qda 3217 KalumTerrace 635.6496 "We Specializein Hunting& Fishing"

i+++++++++i+++~:~+rday;++~ugust "26+i ~+ ii; prn ++.7pm Ladies "Shoe Swap" please bring items with prices on FrEda).. August 27th Nile % C a role "And'erso n Ballet " Tap • Jazz-All Levels WEEKEND? Ages 4 to Adult - Classes Start Sept 9th 2000/2001 SCHEDULE l&5+kl~Jl i~['i [lbTi [I['..IL'~I [lkvl ~ITl~me+l[g-l~tlIlll'l ll|lll~'[l[lk'l ll~'lJt~+[Ik II August INTER-JAZZ JR. 1&2 JAZZ I INTER-JAZZ JR. BALLET PRIMARY 4:00 - 5:30 AGE 4:00 - S:30 AGES 8-10 BALLET I 4:00-5:00 I . 4:oo.5:oo •:~o.AGES ,o:3o5,7 INTER-BALLET JR. 3JAZZ I INTER-BALLET JR. 3 JAZZ (REAIIVE 5:30 - 6:30 AGES 8-10 I 5:30- 6:30 AGES 8-10 MOV[ME'tAGES3-4 i 1 th& 12 th I 5:1S .6:30 I S:IS - 6:30 IO:30 - Ilr30 SENIOR.BALLET m SERIOR-BALLET i SENIOR JR. EAP COMPETI11VE I POINT (:L~SS TAP AGES 5.7 POINT CLASS j, 6:30. e:oo I 1:30 - 12:3o 6:30-8:00 i e,:3o.s:oo l 6:30-B:00 | SENIOR.JAZZ .at.. + SENIOR-JAZZ ADIILT AGESiNter-tar 6-10 Lot 8.00• " 9.30+ STRETCI!]ALL*UALL[ICLASS I 0:00 - 9:30 O:O0TAP - 9;00 12;30 . 1:30 , , I 0:00 - 9:30 I SCHEDULE IV~Y CHANGE DUE TO REGISTRATION ,, Coast Inn of the A 10- The Terrace Standard, Wednesday, August 16, 2000 Dr. R.D. Greenwood Chiropractor BusI:t ss REVIEW 4635 Lazelle, Terrace Kalum band plans building @ MSP, ICBC, WCB ACCEPTED Dynamic Gait Analysis and Lots of ideas eyed for Prescription Orthotics new business ventures Saturday Appointments Available By JEFF NAGEL 638-8165 THE KITSUMKALUM band is looking for partners to join an administrative and commer- cial building it plans to build at its village just west of town. It's primarily meant to house the band's new administrative centre. CI:IIIWIIZ But rather than build just that, they're con- sidering allowing a number of other agencies and businesses to set up shop in the same complex, says Art Collins, the band's capital Terrace Crime Stoppers are asking for your projects manager. assistance in solving theft of a motor vehicle from Right now, he's projecting a two-storey a business on Highway 16 in Thornhill, BC. building housing 50 offices with a footprint of Sometime overnight between July 20th, 2000 10,000 to 15,000 square feet, but says that and July 21st, 2000, unknown culprit(s) entered could grow to three storeys if demand is high. • ART COLLINS holds conceptual drawings for a new administrative and commercial the fenced compund at the Chevron Bulk Plant "We thought we'd soften the complex a lit- .; building to be built by the Kitsumkalum band where trailers now house band programs. tle bit by allowing small businesses in there, located at 3215 Highway 16, BC, and stole a like a restaurant, maybe a hair salon, possibly the band's long-range tourism ambitions, he "But when the smoke clears you will see vehicle that had been parked within. a small stationery store," Collins said. said. half a dozen ventures moving in the next year The vehicle was a grey 1985 Volkswagon Golf, A provincial government agency is also in- A museum to house artifacts and a cultural or SO." license ERN 267, which was later located ran- Cash flow for the new ventures is being terested in leasing a significant amount of the marketing building where crafts people would sacked and abandonned along the pipeline at the office space, he added. display and sell art are other long-range ideas. fuelled by profits from the band's gas station and House of Sim-oi-ghets store, he said. end of Paquette rd. in Thornhill. Band administration would occupy about If the administrative and retail centre goes Several items reported to have been within the half the building, with the rest available for well, Collins said, the band might look at a The band's key strategy, Collins said, is other tenants, he added. further major commercial development on ad- one of working cooperatively with neighbours, vehicle at the time of the theft are still missing. The building could cost anywhere from jacent land right next to the highway. such as the City of Terrace, and revamping Among these a/'e: $1.75 million to $3 million, Collins said, but "We do have land available for further band procedures to make doing business with • a Pentax WR 90 camera value $400 added the band hopes to limit its equity posi- commercial development but at this time the band a painless and easy experience. • a set of new brakes and tion by bringing others on board. we're just going to see what kind of response "We want to take all the mystery out of rotors for the Volkswagon Golf value $180 talking to the band about business," he said. The building would be located adjacent to we get," he said. oa Fenwick HMX 7' fishing the village's ball field, where some band of- Meanwhile, the Kitsumkalum Tempo gas He said the band has even looked at invest- ing in or buying a number of small businesses rod with a Shimano Calcutta fices currently operate in old trailers. station is also planning to expand, adding a C250 reel value $400 A number of meeting rooms could also be. :700-plus square foot addition to its building. operating in Terrace. part of the complex, Collins said, which when, That, Collins said, could incorporate a cafe "We have a very good feeling about Where oa Fenwick 11 1/2' fishing rod combined with the nearby large Kitsumkalum or coffee shop in response to demand from our economy is going - not only in and around with an Ambassadeur 5500 reel value $400 community hall would form almost a mini fishermen and other customers. the reserve but in the entire Terrace district," • a Mustang floater suit - Atlantic convention centre. The larger store could also allow the band- Collins said. "As far as we are concerned, the class value $479 "We're looking at providing two rooms that owned House of Sim-oi-ghets to shift out of the indicators are all there and we want to be po- oa tackle box with misc. fishing gear value $95 sitioned favourably when the tide turns." would accommodate 60 people, a couple more convenience store business and focus more on If you have any information about this or any for around 20, and then two more that would art and tourist sales. "As the general population comes to grips with treaties and the fallout with treaties I other similar incidents, or if you know the identity accommodate around a dozen." And even more projects are at the idea of the person or persons responsible for this, (or "We're hoping to build some architectural stage, he said. think you're going to see better working rela- features into the building that would make it "There's a lot of talk," Collins said. "A lot tionships, a more fluid economy and more any other), crime - Crime Stoppers would like to relatively unique in the area," he said. of it is speculation and we're still looking at confidence in our future." hear from you. A cultural theme would helP !t fit in with different options that are available." Crime Stoppers offers a cash reward of up to $1.000.00 for information leading to on arrest and charges being laid against an individual In this or other unsolved crime. If you have any nformation call Crime Stoppers at 635-Tips that's 635-8477. Callers wttl not be required to reveal their identity nor testify In court. Crime Stoppers does not subscribe to call display. ~ iI ::i

Sa Io n & T8 n n ing .... i 5.tlP$

,'ark .eport

You can see it from the beaver pondon the TwinSpruce Trail if you peer throughthe alders, and you can jest make I out alongthe skylinefrom the end of Ihe dock. At first, it looks V Tanner and a $10 gift ,~--x~i+i!iiiiii::i!iii!i::ii::~!:~;~...... We have something ke o giant huthlubmade of sti~s perched ol the top of o flagpole with someone,or something bathing in ill Closerinspection reveals the true nature of this monstrous _ certificatefor ~iiiiiiii!iiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiii~iiliiiiiiii~iiiiiii~:ii::::~.,,for every budget. structureand its contents. Po sed at he lop of a standingsnag besidethe lake is o large nest and e family of Osprey,or Fishhawks as they ate sometimescoiled. There is only one speciesof Ospreyin the war d, and hey are re ated o other birdsof prey that are swirl and able hunterssuch as eaglesand hawks. Powerfulmuscles large eyes,long sharptalons and bodiesbuilt for fast takeoffs and qu ck s ops c ear y showthat theseb!r.ds Ere ropto!s. The.wardrapt.or comes


times of seasona"conceutralions in someof their nestingareas, and ore sensitiveto water pdlulion that is passedto them Ihroughthe fish they eat. Despitethis, their populations have becomequite stablein BC. Thereere onlyo few known nestingsties on LokelseLake, ILUCKY DOLLAR BINGO PALACE so FurlongBoy is an idealplace to Osprey-which.Look for thesemagnificent rapiers fishing on the lake ~th theirwhite underbellyand high.pitchedcell. If you are n eras ed n learning more about what you tan do to protect and support conservalionof shorelineflora end fauna, you ore invited Io ollend o specialtravelling slideshowand live lhooterpresentation put on by the LivingBy Water Projed. ThisCanada- 3 Turo~eAnti. r~m ~tk wide partnershipiniliutive is working with communitiesto promoteownreness, protection, Poverty Group ,',ndBi~ ~lm I ,M II~ ~iey conserve on and restorolionof shorelines. Bolhpresentotioos will be held at Ihe Lakelse Iemxe 81uebxk I • S~iety K~mo&rrh,~'~kip take ProvincialPork Amphitheater, Furlong Bay, with the slideshowol 8pm on Monday, SwimClub I of,., I Te,'roceSalm0nid ~ro(e Anli. I ktrc~*I~Gr~; ~ffoot August21st, and the performanceut 7 pm, Wednesday,August 23rd. Seeyou Iherel ,m~ ~i, I ~nh~a~nl veay Group I k~fian SkiClub I S~iety s~ I ~ LAKELSELAKE PROVINCIAL Kni~h~s01 olumbus#5149 12,0 o. 11T.,=,747 Nt*d~ gi h~k PARK VISITORS PROGRAMS AirCmkts ~iely Kit',umlm~um IL tz_, t rerr=e A'~tt- Schedule: M&s-kum~ Sisleh0ndand Po~ty Group [ Thursday Auct 17 ~S~ ~iely 7_p..~ Pluenae ~lnl Come and searco~atic animals in the park. We may get wet, so be ,v..., I preparedl • 7pro Things We LoveTo Hale The SecretLives of Slugs, Bugs, and Fungus. II ~,~h~l IbdteyAs~iat~ I hole~ltve0r~oiI I ~ ,.0u,, ,.,o.o,i :,"..%~r'~ s~ Frldav Auct 18 I Tero~elIingelle I ,Te~ra(e.Kitimot I l'erro~eMti. 4pro Jerry's Ranqers "Signs of Life" 13 I'' L "'11 L~-l~r wildlife prelectedwithin the park-Dogged Detectivesticker. _ ~,&'t4~O U N C £/~l/El~r • ,'-o I I Stalklnq The Salmon ii'" I Come walk on the trail and explore salmon bearing streamsin the park. Meet al the ' 'e 0 1 2'4= I Saturday Auq 19 Family Fun Dayl . Terrace l[2era.., SandcrilterCompetifion-b.rlnq your own creative tools for the best beast on the beachl is pleased towelcome II ~o~,~ I ~ I w~'~'' I I '',."*'~'' I 2pm ScavengerHunt-you near know what you'll fjndl , ,0,,,-,- 3pro Jerry's Rangers 'qiNetHeads" . Darren Revell II "" I , i l-.., Come and learn more about boating, water, swimming and diving to their professional Automotive Sales Team. safely. 8rim Road Trlpl Family slide show presentation. Darren has been in sales for over 14 years Bring your snacks, we are going on o trip to visit some of the parks in and has been in the Northwest for a year. the regionl 7• Sunday Auq 20 Darren and his family enjoy the area and he I ~n~o I I ke=~Satm~tI I - ~ Jerry's Raqqers "History BuffS" looks forward to his new career in the Come and learn more about First Nahons people and pioneer families in Automotive Industry and invites you to see / I the area and what thingswere used in the parkin the past-History Hound ;at. Afternoon Games Doors 11:30 a,m, Games 1:00 p.m. sticker him for all your automotive requirements. Games 6:15 p.m. 7pro . Came Show Niqht , . Evening Games Doors 4:30 p,m, Testyour knowledgeof parks a'nd the things that live in themt Games 9:45 p.m. DLR.~5957 Wed.,Thurs., Frl., Sat. Late Night Games Doors g:30 p.m. Mo~ay Auq 21 Bingo Every Saturday Afternoon ~.. Uvinq By Water TERRAc E gl Hwy, 16 ost A~mily .slideshowpresentation, 635-6558 Wednesday Aua 23 . 1-800-313-6558 T,V, MONITORS AISLECONCESSION 7j~_ : , UVIhPBvWater ~1 TO¥.OT# I 4410Legion, Terrace 635.2411 A'[o-~ly Jlvetheater presenlolion, " i I I The Terrace Standard, Wednesday, August 16, 2000- A1 Big box store files a plan Did you know, in the last 12 years,the Children'sMiracle Network Telethonhas raisedneady$48 millionto fund essentialequipment, research and specialprograms for B.C.'sChildren's HOspital? (~hi'ld;bn's Hospital to become even bigger still REAL CANADIAN ded store would be more And I think this is a great Trawin said concerns Wholesale Club wants to than 10 per cent larger opportunity for us," Ryse- about the project could BROWNING -~IViARUN ~o BERKLEY.',. FENWlC__II I expand its Terrace store, than the Canadian Tire bol said. centre on its effects on Owner Westfair Proper- here. "The fact we want to surrounding neighbours, ties has applied to the city But despite the larger expand in your community through increased traffic or ~)MISTY RIVER " for a development permit size it wouldn't become a is a good example and a the addition's proximity to that weuld add 16,000 Real Canadian Super vote of confidence in ' Cramer St. square feet to the big box Store - Westfair's next what's happening in the He said Westfair is pro- / ~;t'~ht~S~ e store, largest store size. community and with our' posing a wider landscaped '~ktl~ e-'rl¢,aee TACKLE & HUNTING i The proposed construe- "It would be a Whole- company?' ". buffer between the addi- tion would take up most of sale Club store still," Construction could ' tion and Cramer, with ~ the parkmg lot east of the Westfair spokesman Dave begin as s0on as all appro- some trees on it. ~ ~ • G. LOOMIS Casting & ~, store to within 12 feet of Rysebol stud.said. "ItIt would vals are in place. HighwaHighways ,s minist,ministry offi- " ~ Ocean Rods- 40% Off Cramer St. just have Wider prodUCt st-se -~ citycity 0fficmisofficials w]lWill meetmeet ' cials; who also musmust okay ! The proposal would in- lection," this week to review the the project, initially indi- ~!~ ii : = crease the store's floor Besides more products; proposal, cated they have no objec- itS" ,: it i . G. LOOMIS Fly Rods- 50% Off ~. area by 45 per cent from new departments could "We have not looked at tions, Trawin said. z'~-~:;!h:,,,.;:' ;~i '~ the present 36,583 square also be added,,added, it in any detaild{tail at this He said expanding into ~:./' l.i ~ feet to 52,965 square feet. "The storestore's s doing well. point," city plann{planner David the parking lot means '., ~ .e Good Selecti©nSelection of fi'earmsfirearms uup to At that size, the expan- We'd like to do b:tter.better. Trawin said. Westfair has proposed to ~' ' ,~ .::.::~i~:~:'~ ,~ "- 30~300/0 Off0If Second obstetricianbstel"rl(,I "" n due i . ingreducelagreduce stallspark-stalls the from numbernurrber around of park- 180 ~~,,~~~':::~..... " ~":*~:~'::':~: ' ( now down to 128 --well well i~i/:i,:" ~i~ °• PM¢PMC AMMO-Good~MMO-C~ocd selectionseledicn i to arrtve in town this week o,ow: would normallythe164requirethe citYfor -20% Off AII RegularPriced Only _ the enlarged store. Gall Basset*-- 52.5 Ibs. e WINCHESTER EXPERT A SECOND obstetrician is might have needed a c He said having a sec- But Westfair will be --~ scheduled to arrived this were instead taken to and general practitioner, in well armed to combat that :x__~______,..7___ 22 L.R. Hollow Point week for at least two neighbouring hospitals, effect having four people objection. =~ ¢lmB f_mPs - Box 500 rounds weeks. The situation was eased who could do caesareans, Trawin said the tampa- And if things work out, when a local general prac- would be ideal, ny has carried out a study ~--~ ONLY~l~a v,,,~" - Only *1 ~°° Reg. s209a Dr. Gbade Ayoade will titioner, Dr. Willem Four- Not only could it mean that concludes the current u-'X,,,x~ take up residence here full if, was certified to do cue- requiring one night to be parking lot is way under- ~ time and fill a vacancy sareans, on-call in case of freer- used. --____..__. ~sw~t that has existed since this So now with two obste: gencies, but the departure "They kind of proved Keith ~ .s,w.c,,.~o~ Open 8ram- 110.30 pm spring, tricians on duty and a cue- of any one of the four they may not need the ~!Pohla I. 7 DAYS A WEEK Dr. Gbade Ayoade sarean-trained general would not place the ability amount of parking high- ~,~,,,,~*k~ ,t ~* " comes from studies at Me, practitioner, Kuntz Said to provide caesarean cov- ways and the city require," "" 5008AgarAve, Terrace638 1369 Master University in Ha- the area is "better off now erage in jeopardy, Kuntz he said. milton, Ontario, said Ter- then ever before." said. • v~j:r_,~ll-"l:l.-|:]~'r~.-~'_,l Xe=-II[.~[f_,,,---'ll.[e]=l-'=-fl::hVdl~[~l[e]~ ,,. race and Area Health Council chief executive Dieter Kuntz. He's been given cre- dentials for on year by the provincial college of phy- sicians and surgeons in anticipation of writing DEL'S PROPANE LTD. exams to obtain a full li- Del's Propane is proud to announceour new plant and driver located cence in B.C. Ayoade will receive in Terrace, B.C. For all your bulk propane, appliance sales or servicing what amounts to a salary needs, call Del's Propane Ltd. at 1-800-943-7678 or for the first two months. If he stays, he'll then bill Denis Favron at 61~-7~88 (Residence) under the Medical Ser- vices Plan. Del's is also pleased to announce the soon to Ayoade's presence now be opened Retail/Cardlock facility for all l means the city is fully your propane requirements. ~!iiiii!i!!ili!iiiilf!~i!:~iiiii~iiiiiili~ili~i~i staffed in terms of special- ists and there is also a full SPECIAL OFFER complement of general • FreeTank Rental For 1 Year $120- $180 Value practitioners. • 500 Litresof PropaneFree $250 Value ~iiiiiiii!iii!;iii!~iiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!ii!iiii Ayoade will take up the • FreeInstallation of Del'sPropane Tank S250Value post left vacant when~Dr. Shed~, ~('atson ,moved to "* FreeFu~'nace Protection Plan $90 '5150 Va!~e " Calgary in the spring• CHOOSE ANY 2 OF THE ABOVE. = He joins Dr. Lani Offer Expires September 30, 2000 AImas, the other obstetri- cian in the city. Kuntz said Ayoade was found using the services of a professional recruiting company. The lack of a second obstetrician since the spring curtailed services at the hospital here on nights Almas wasn't on-call. 00; USlC JA Women in labour who C :ZDULZ OF PZA 'OAMZAS Minister Sd:~,.,:ks ,, T,.,~ ,.~ d,:~. :-~f3:~ ~ tn,:~~ k~ ,,~ co.use. FAIDAY, AUGUST 18 TM ,~:::: :: SATUrdAY, AUGUST 19% COHT'D visits 8:00 pm - Hazy Hector ' :':i,~:r~3:~5 pml~ Experiment In Progress FEDERAL FISHERIES 9:00 pm- DJ "Sorren .... ::ill& 15 pm- Nascent MINISTER Herb Dhaliwal 11:O0 pm - The Kingfish.. !;:ii15:00 pm - Theresa Fenger ' ~::: r~ .... ~i;S5q 5 pm- Andrew & The Oldtimers visited the Nass Valley SATURDAY. AUGUST 18 ::~:!:,:~:v:~.:.....~:' ::i:~,;i~6:0Opm..-Many; ":~,:~:i ..... Nohons. Dancers Aug. 3 to sign the annual 11 - Terrace Pipes & Drums'~::':~'~:~ ...... ~~::::::ii ''O0 am ...... ,:.:, ' ...... _: 30 r.•..-'~.-ednef N!: rG Nisga'a fishing plan. 1 ] ''30 am - Many, - Nations, I~:inters....::::i:i:::::-' :: .:'!. .: '~...~ /:/O..l:~n.,Jeon-<,...... i:i!::. C"nrlsrlan " "" The plan outlines mini- 12 noon - Kellh Cummings ":;?...... i:::.. ~95 L'm ::!:Borderline '':' ' P mum escapement levels 12'30 pm ~'ErbiiCkifig;Sini~l~ites ;::~ii::.':8~30 :m -TB;:" "~:';':":'!';"~:":" for each species of Nass 1:1'5 pm - R~'er Benham :"::~::~::iii.... ::i::.i::::::i,.:Pi00.:P:m - ~;!:!ii"il;~!::."'..iiii'!. P I'1" River salmon, as well as 1:45 pm- Dizzy Strings ': • " " :,:i::.:~:9,45pm :~ ...... - T.B.A ...... ".i.':,:i.i:::iY.;"" . size limits and catch and 2:30 pm - Max McLaughlin & PeterHaines..i :~ n:nn n,-. C':C;n~k~l"Strlnn .,. ,:. , ....: ...... sales restrictions. 3'00 pm - Samsara Fish ....~:;:~:':: ...... : :: ~.~.~ r':::.:!:~-ste- ' '" • ~iil;iiiil;::~.:':~:: : .~::~i P 7:..... The agreement also covers harvest regulations for intertidal bivalves, STICK DANC~-~S - ~-X,i,~-I~MEKT I.N i,~OG~ESS - crabs and oolichan. UKTITLED!~ A~D MO}tE! While in the Nass Val- " ":: ." h ley, Dhaliwal toured a •DANIEL LAPP - 1893 BC FIDDLECHAMP FOUNDEIt$ LEADEROF DC FIDDLEORCHESTRA, SOLOISTWITH VANCOUVER,VICTORIA, FP.MCE GEORGE SYMPHONYCBC OItCHESTRA, Nisga'a fish wheel on the RECENTLY REPRESENTED CANADA AT EXPO 2000 IN IIANOVEB OERMANT. Nass, and met with Nisga'a Nation President Joe Gosnell and other re- presentatives of the SEE YOU THERE!!! Nisga'a Lisims Govern- ment. Rural Health The Government of Canada recognizes These investments will lead to innovative that rural communities have unique health approaches to make sure that the health care challenges. That is why we have: care system is sustainable and responsive. • invested $18 million specifically for rural The Government of Canada is increasing health initiatives such as the Office of its investment in health care and is working Rural Health and a funding program for with the provinces and territories to innovative health projects. strengthen health care. • invested $80 million in a program that includes telehealth projects connecting patients and health care professionals in ::,-~... ,...., • rural areas with specialists, A12 - The Terrace Standard, Wednesday, August 16, 2000 MacKay's Funeral Service Ltd. Doctors here shelve strike MinistryFOSTER FAMItYfor Children NEEDED & Serving Terrace, Kitimat, Smithers & Prince Rupert Families requires hernes j p for children of all ages Monuments Concerned personal p with o variety of Bronze Plaques service in the Northwest lan, oin rovincial talks behaviours and special Terrace Crematorium since 1946 DOCTORS HERE and Lake. along fortuitously and got needs. Remuneration will 4626 Davis Street other places have aban- And although provincial everybody's dander up and be provided based on doned plans to strike in fa- officials ranging from Pre- allowed us to concentrate skills and abilities. IF fA Kmefol~ Terrace,Phone B.C. 635-2444 V8G 1X7• Fax 635-635-2160 your of a renewed effort to mier Ujjal Dosanjh on on the hospital funding and interestedpJeasecall A.moOol~ 24 hour pager bargain for better pay and downward have for several we don't want to lose LeeCoxford 638-2311 increased health care ser- weeks said doctors cannot that," he said. vices, expect to gain more than :~:ii! What Redpath doesn't Talks between the B.C. the ones did in Prince ii want happening is an Medical Association George, that principle is ~:~ agreement on pay in- ...... - (BCMA), the province- now a bit fuzzy. : creases for doctors without . : : wide body which repre- "All I can say is that ~::i~ any accompanying boost "'~, ~ : ~..... ~tm~ ' 1'59 L sents doctors, and the pro- there will be discussions .I to health care. ~ ~oo~m~ '~!// " ! i!7:? vince are due to start to- and details of those will '~i That would simply r~" ...... ~ : EPARTMENT '~': morrow in Vancouver. not be discussed," said ~l mean having better paid talUs,net O , Doctors from rural areas health ministry spokes- doctors who would still be and small cities around the renan Jeff Gaulin late last ' unable to practise their =~,~ OF HIGHSPEED province will be at the week. ::: :ili craft by addressing patient 'ii' 6 INTERNET i bargaining table. The idea of a province- care, s.aid Redpath. 0- 61, 0 ~i~ ~: 9 4 5 ; Internal medicine spe- wide attempt at a pay set- i! Gaulin was unable to ,,.., ....~: . i, cialist Dr. Michael Kenyon element for rural and small ::~;!~:~ shed any light on how ':~ ~' DING TICKET i! will be representing the city doctors grew last local issues were to be :i-i:i!SPEE ~;~ Terrace and District Medi- week after a previous plan Dr. Bill Redpath handled. ::...... ,/ cal Association. to have doctors bargain Doctors have said they Doctors will be follow- with individual health au- to lose sight of the need want an agreement on pay ! ing the lead of their Prince thorities was rejected by for better medical services in place by Aug. 31 and :, George and Williams Lake those authorities, here. have promised job action ~:: ,,~X,~A C~,~{~~i! ! colleagues who earlier this And in some respects And they're worried be- if one isn't. 6 year received signing be-the province-wide bargain-cause there appears to be Kenyon, who will repre" MON[,~~ii,~ g ~~ worth nearly $12 million a province had in mind all local issues at the pro- one of two internal medi- :~:;i: TUE I~WEO ~THUI::t$ ~{FR, SAT. I~SU!~!II..::i!!!! year. along until Prince George vince wide bargaining cine specialists here. I~ ...... Smaller centres such as doctors took action in June table. But the other is away ili::" Terrace do have doctor and reached their own set- "The hospital and its for August and, with Ke- pay incentives but they element, funding has always been nyon off negotiating, that .:~.: I ('OKfl'~J~tOi&ffOIOL .t;L[IA,.$.It&'l; , iii aren't as much as the But local physician Dr. the major issue," said means there won't be any '~ deals signed in Prince Bill Redpath says he.and R edpath last week. coverage for this specialty, .~.~ ~AVELLEDi/~vF::|,~...... 0 ~t144.P.,~~~.~A, iO '~;eAt_ /C[LA& ,if George and Williams his colleagues don't want "Prince George came said Redpath. [~/CO,~ Workers get raises THE 100 members of the B.C. Government and Service ~ ~ ,~O~.~OyA[91,t~;Cx, I Employees' Union (BCGEU)working for the Terrace ~a~ ~~U and District Community Services Society have voted. 100 per cent in favour of a new contract giving them large raises. It follows a province-wide master agreement between The Terrace Retailers SIo Pitch Team wishes to 1| t the union and social service agencies across the pro- thank the following businesses for sponsoring them vince reached after an ll-week strike last year. in the Riverboat Days SIo Pitch Tournament. earner, our AOSL converts your phone line into The new base rate in Terrace will be $15.30 an hour P.B. Auto Detailing Sonny Collectables Unlike .cable " InIrllOrl~OI .... COFtlIttULIUIZ ~:.... ,^,, ,~~1 vlnnu youx conslstonllY...... t... Ins! with increases due each year of the five-year deal. Valhalla Pure Outfitters Tim Horton's a high speed ...... nv nEOnl° in your netgnooumuuu "The ll-week strike last year was about reaching CavalheiroFashion's Inc. CFNR sede equity for all social service workers across the McDonald'sTerrace CedarlandTire logsharo:a.iine, on;Nose~ondllnolsroquir AOSL is a more s ,_¢ province," said union official Carol Nielsen. Terrace honda Sales " The deal also includes a formal method of evaluating Spee-DeePrinters duties compared to pay rates and a Registered Retire- BI Steak & Seof00cl Grill TO,ORDER NOW VISIT: www,teluslnet/highspeed ment Savings Plan where member contributions are mat- Gemma'sBoutiques :.~:i~i~ii~/~!:~ OR CALL a.877-310-4NET chad by the employer. Mistann Charters "This was a huge issue in Terrace," said Nielsen of AL-C's Glass Ltd. ' '~ :iiii:(~; ELUS" the pension plan. Braid Insurance ~i-~~ W;,~.telus,net The local community services society operates a Remox of Terrace ~~!!4 :~ii!.!:i) ~.: number of agencies, including Northwest Addiction Ser- Rossco Ventures vices, mental health programs and group homes. Best Western Terrace Inn Regular employees working 15 hours or more a week Terrace Builders Do-It Centre get improved health and welfare benefits, there's a bet- ~ Northern Vacuum & Sewing Centrer tar sick leave plan and more vacation time under the r l..l~ Terrace Standard ~1. new contract. --I'

! ; roIqq-.'llS 635 TIPSY]'


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Happy Local group birthday IT'S DUBBED the last fights abuse curved bridge of its kind in North America and on By SARAH GLEN 'ject set up shop in Ter'- Aug. 6, the old Skeena DEBBIE Scarborough tells race, which would give Bridge was rededicated to the story of a teenage girl people fleeing abusive re- note its 75th birthday. who she found passed out lationships a longer stay On hand was Don Man- in the back bedroom of a then the 30 days currently son, the grandson of area house after a party. The' .allowed at the Transition' MLA Alec Manson who girl's pants were half down ~" House. helped lobby for its con- and their were two men - "The [second:stage] struction in the 1920s. both known to the police, house would give women "It's a symbol of the standing over her. more time to gain the great expectations of the When Scarborough and skills they need to become promise of the north," said her partner arrived at the independent while still Manson in a short speech. scene - she was working giving them support," she The rededication was a as an auxiliary police offi- said. "reaffirmation of our faith cer at the time, there was But while a second- in the north," added Man- blood all over the walls stage transition house son who works at the Uni- and floor from the fights would be her "dream", versity of Northern B.C. in that took place that night. Price is pushing harder for Prince George. The girl was unresponsive a full-time child counselor. Acting Terrace mayor and had to be dragged' for the society. , Lynne Christensen said he half, naked, through the Currently, a counselor l grandfather worked on the blood and out to the police at the Transition House" structure. cruiser, works with the children. The bridge was closed : It,s unsafe, abusive si- "It is really important to traffic for the occasion, tuations like these that the that we have a specialized allowing the crowd on coordinator of the Terrace' counselor," said Price. hand to walk across it after Transition House tries to "Children who have been a ceremonial ribbon cut- etlucate people about, victims of abuse or who ting. A procession of vint- "We not only provide have witnessed abuse need THERE WAS a bagpiper, some birthday cake, just Aug. 6 to note its 75th birthday of service to the age cars followed. women and children with a to see models of healthy a few short speeches and some memories as a area. After a ribbon cutting, the crowd got to walk A plaque on the bridge safe place to stay, but I relationships-without that small crowd gathered at the old Skeena Bridge across the bridge.. Vintage cars were also on hand will mark its age. think it's also important we're just perpetuating the that we promote awareness cycle of violence." Riverboat Days about abusive relation- Price's call for a spe- ships," said Scarborough. cialized children's counse- Although•she's not too lor is echoed by Scarbor- sure what happened to the ough. Annual celebration a summer success young girl after she drag- "Children are a product. RIVERBOAT DAYS is gust 3 to August 7 were a great little place this is ning similar events for out for the meeting. "We definitely need ged her body out of the of their environment but done for another year and bustling with both local re- to live," said Clark. next year. One of her ideas in- new blood,", she said. "We house, Scarborough uses they do have the power to organizers have barely sidents and tourists. But she notes that the "With the excellent weekend wouldn't have clude a heritage car rally, only have about eight to the story to illustrate the change and with the right caught up on their lack of dangerous situations counseling we can facili- weather and the commun- gone on at all if it weren't which would pit local resi- 10 regulars." sleep but they're already people, especially women tate that," Scarborough ity spirit behind us, I don't for the support from the dents in a race to hunt out She is also organizing can get themselves in- said. hard at work planning know how we couldn't city, local businesses and specific clues around town. an open meeting for this volved in. But Scarborough goes next year's celebration. have had an excellent volunteers, "It would be a cross be- year's event hosts and park She visits local schools one step further, saying "I thought that I'd be weekend," she said. "It's a huge undertaking tween a scavenger hunt vendors to voice their and sets up displays in the Terrace also needs a se- able to get to sleep but At the Riverboat Rides [organizing Riverboat and a local history ideas and concerns to the mall to help with the edu- parate safe house for- there are so many things (a first-time event for the Days] but everyone is so lesson," said Clark. committee. cation campaign, youth. that still need to be done," celebration) hundreds of committed to making the The committee will be "We need the feedback "We have to make "There is not enough for said Karlene.Clark, chair people turned out and the days successful that it meeting near the end of from those involved," she said. abuse a public issue." youth in this community," of the Riverboat Days organizers had to cut off helps a lot," she said. September to talk about the plans for next year's The committee meets Scarborough believes she said. "People don't Committee, which orga- tickets sales because the This year saw a host of by educating the commun- want to think about it, but new events take centre Riverboat Days intermittently in the fall nized the annual affair. queues were so long. ity on abusive relation- in our sleepy little corn- stage during the festivities Clark is hoping that and will start meeting re- She said that the festi- "It was a fabulous ships, the Transition House munity, teens are sleeping and Clarl~ is already plan- local residents will come gularly in January. vities, which ran from Au- weekend that showed what can break the cycle of vio- outside because they don't lence in families, have a safe place to go." "We are already seeing If all goes well, she the second generation of plans to get the safe home black eyes and broken up and running by winter. bones but if we teach kids Another program that the difference, between falls under the umbrella of healthy and unhealthy re- the society, the Terrace lationships we're one step Emergency Shelter recog- closer to stopping the nizes the need for a youth violence," said Scarbor- safe house. ough. "Of course there is a The Terrace Transition need [for a youth safe House is just one of the house]. But what the corn- community services run munity has a tendency to by the Ksan House Socie- do is rationalize that need ty, a non,profit organiza- away," said coordinator at tion that offers counseling the shelter, Roy Atrill. services. Atrill believes the big- Other programs offered gest barrier the society by the society include the faces in creating new pro- Terrace Emergency Shel- grams comes from the ter, the Sexual Assault community's reaction to Centre, a Women's Drop the people who use the in Group and numerous services. , counseling services. "They [the community] "I'm just a catalyst," definitely have false per- A NEW to this year's Riverboat Days were river rides down the Skeena River, said support counselor at ceptions about what hap- August 7, So many people turned out to take advantage of the boat trips that the society, Jocelyn lan- pens in these programs," organizers had to cut off selling tickets early. narelli. "You never know said Atrili. "They stereo- when you are going to type those in need as KITSEKALUM CHIEF council, Diane Collins was Boat trip attracts hordes of people meet someone on their people who are on welfare, rounded up by local RCMP and put in a makeshift j0urney,',: lazy and alcoholics." jail cell outside of 7-11, Aug, 4, Collins was just one TICKET SALES for a first- tickets sold, said Terrace The tour last about 15 Iannarelli explained Atrill says that the pro- of many local residents who took part in the Jail ever Riverboat Days river- Tourism Council's Maria minutes with one boat that all programs spon- grams run by the society and Bail event during Riverboat Days. boat tour of the Skeena McGowan who helped or- operated by Fred Straw. sored by the society are need more community in- River Aug. 7 had to be cut ganize the tours. McGowan said the tours "People were there will take place again on free to the public and run volvement in order to off early because of de- the Riverboat Days week- on a client motivated break down the stereotypes mand, says one of the waiting at 10:30 a.m.," end next year. mandate, surrounding the services. event's organizers. said McGowan of the tours "We don't probe or ass- One way the Emer- At times there was an which began at 11 a.m. at "Next year, we want to have two boats," she said. ess anyone. We listen," gency Shelter is bridging eight-boat wait arising Ferry Island and lasted she said. the gap is by offering a from more than 130 $5 until 5 p.m. The society is run by a free french toast breakfast voluntary board of direc, in Lower Little Park, Au- tors and is funded by the gust 19. Ministries of Women's The breakfast is open to Equality and the Attorney the whole community. General. "Community involve- While it may offer ment helps people see the numerous programs and reality behind these pro- services, the society is grams-they can't rationa- only scratching the surface llze it away if they are when it comes to respond- part of it," said Atrill. ing to the need, said Irlan- Terrace can become a da Price, counseling coor- safer place with commun. dinator at the society, ity involvement and edu- :. .... ,;:,iili?:. "There are definitely cation, believe Atriil, gaps when it comes to Price and Scarborough, helping the community," And pulling girls from A TERRACE-AREA server makes her way through Price said. the back bedrooms of party the obstacle course during the slingers race. Local She would like to see a houses will be a thing of bar and pub servers take part in the annual River- LEN BRUGGEMAN lends his music to the Riverboat Days Heritage Park family second-stage housing pro.. the past, boat Days event, picnic, August 6. Bruggeman has been playing his accordion for a long time, B2 - The Terrace Standard, Wednesday, August 16, 2000 Georges Pub Zicensed For Good imes" l CITY SCENE !:!>From I Bar Scene Wild descent Gators Pub: Attention Rock 'n' Roll fans! Get fit and ride the hill at Shames Don't miss Crunch-Fest, Sept. 2, with identity Mountain, August 20. Entry fee is $25 or recording artists Glasshead plus special guests $15 for Torca members. Sign up early for • TU{ MoneyShot and Rewind, Tickets are $5 at the your chance to win cool prizes. Call the US door. F.T.A. appears live until August 26. McBike Shop for more information, 635- Beasley's Mix: Live entertainment with John 5225. Smiley, Friday and Saturday. Still Terrace's coolest lounge• (NORTHERNMOTOR/NN :1 • George's Pub: Bob plays Tuesday August 15 /OPEN 6am-11pm.-7 Days ~,~?,~I~; I I to Saturday August 19. Relax and enjoy great Barbecue ] GREAT DAILY SPECIALS /I :daily specials at the Northern Motor Inn. Shames Mountain hosts Berries and L SERVING BREAKFAST ALL DAY )l Barbecue, Sunday August 20. Pick your own berries and enjoy deliciously decadent I STOP IN AT THE homemade desserts. The barbecue runs from THORHHILL PUB .Nature tours Sit back and relax on our Patio. noon to 5 p.m. Call 635-3773 fro more Explore the beauty of the north with The only LOG CABIN PUB IN THE NORTHWEST. Exchamsiks Park's nature tours. This cozy information. Check Our New Menu! provincial park is located about 60 kilometres II west of Terrace. The tours will run weekly Don't Drink LD BEE on Saturdays and Sundays from 10 am to 4 Auditions " &Drive re0 .11 pm and will run until August 20. Call Sean Want to get involved in community Gregg, 615-4799 for more information. i theatre? The Terrace Little Theatre (TLT) is Our FREE 0 Courtesy Van will / ~0nday-Fridqy11a.m.- I1 p.m.I I holding auditions for their upcoming play, • take 'ou home. ~,S~turday&Sunday9a.m.'llp.m'.~I Bordertown Cafe, August 16. Director x._ Jamboree Annette Martindale is on the hunt for four Come and listen to some great music at the Park fun actors, a young male actor in his 20's, a fourth annual Rosswood Jamboree, August 18 Come out for some food and fun at the and 19. The fun starts Friday night at 8 p.m. female actor in her 30's and two older male Ksan House's French toast breakfast at and runs through the weekend. Tickets are $35 actors in their 40's. If you never acted or are a George Little park. Everything starts at 9 am. seasoned veteran, the TLT wants you! and camp space is available. For more %. information send an email to It's free, but donations will be accepted•

Thursd0v. Auu. 17 753 l. Child care planning meeting, 4 p.m. at The Family Place• Kids computer camp at the Terrace Public Library for children aged 6-10. The program is free, but please register by CANADIAN TIRE S;tturd~v. Aueust 19 phoning 638-8177. Or Email us at French toast breakfast in lower Little www.cantire.terrace@ Park. It's free but donations are accepted Skeena Family Resources will offer the ~ in support of the Terrace Women's trans- Adolescent Health Program throughout SAFEWAY ition House. From 9 a.m, to 11 a.m. the summer for youth between the ages of 10 and 18. Free and confidential one-on- Telkwa Pass mountain bike or hike-a- one and group teaching by a Registered thon starts at 10 am. It all starts 46 kilo- Nurse on issues of pregnancy, birth con- TER~" E TER~c"CE metres...... south of Telkwa and ends at the trol, sexually transmitted. diseases,. alco- @1 :HRVSLEI I (~ ~opper...... Kwer mrestry road wttn a oaroe- not...... ann 9rugs, nygzene,~puoerty, etc. tar- cue • ~ntry...... is oy uonatlon , Jonn,~...... OJ3 ":,' ents.w~icome to:./~fi~nd. ~'ith,elient, con- 2953. : : ,,~ ,,, ~:: ~ent. ~ r'child's~ edu cation shouldn't end We will matcfi any ,~,hen'=s'c'~ool does. To book sessiohg"or for advertised price, anywhere Nature tours are held at Exchamsiks info, call Cathy at 635-8370 (pager). Park, Saturday and Sunday until August in Canada on any item. 20. For more information, call Seen 615- Attention Celiacs! If you don't know "Shop locally and save" TERRACE T~ERRACE 4799. where to turn for support or meal planning information, Carol can ,help. Call her at [email protected] $¢nd~v. Am, ust 20 638-8423 or drop by 4607 Lakclse Ave- Come race and enjoy a barbecue at hue• The Terrace Standard Shames Mountain, Sign up for the race Poetry Contest for teens is being offered standard @ at McBike Shop, or just come out for the Skeena Mall ARD through the Terrace Public Library. Poets Your website/email address barbecue at 3 p.m. For more information, aged 12-18 years old can submit their (250) 635-1887 could be here! call the McBike Shop 635-5225. poetry until September 1. Pick up an in- Contact us at 638-7283 formation package at the library for more Wfd.esd0v. Aueust 23 information. Splash and Ripple, an environmental Auditions will be held at the Terrace Lit- play comes to Lakelse Lake ampbitheatre tle Theatre for its upcoming production, at 7 pro. The play is put on by the Alber- Bordertown Cafe, August 16. The play is ta-based theatre group, Precipice theatre. hunting for two male actors and a female It will focuse on the importance of con- actor. serving shoreline areas. Admission is by donation• Depression WEEKLY MEETINGS At some time or other, most of us have experienced a feel. Thgrsdav. Au~,ust 24 ing of hopelessness or the blues. Usually it passes within e WFDNESDAYS few weeks, and we feel normal again. Howeverif it lingers, it Cancer Support Group for family and may be a sign of clinical depression. This is e genuine health Baby's Name: friends meets at the Stepping Stones BODY MASSAGE classes meet every concern, which could escalate if not treated properly, Baby's Name: Jackie Jr. AbleLindsey Good Clubhouse, 3302 Sparks St. at 7 p,m, Buy Wednesday from Jan. 19 - Feb, 9 from 1-2 The incidence of depression seems to be rising lately. As J:melle Undsay Date & 'lime of Birth: daffodils to help the cancer resource p.m, at the Northwest Health Unit on many:as 1 in 6 people battle the illness on a lifelong basis, Date & 'Hmeof Birth: Kalum Street• Call Kathleen Parry at 638- Sadly, it is not always understood by our fast-paced society, July 26, 2000 at 5:02a.m. centre. Call 638-8583 for information. July 22, 2000 at 6:44 p.m. Weight: 9 lbs. 6oz. Sex: Male 2200 for more information. People most aware of the serious nature of it are often those who have endured the debilitating symptomsfirst hand, Weight: 10 lbs. Sex: Female Parents: Jackie &Pamela Good Characteristic symptoms Include feeling out of control or ParcnL'~:Ron &Diane Kleehnan PHOTO CLUB meets every second persistent sadness, often combined with lethargy. A zest for ¢ Aboriginal Child and Family Support and fourth Wednesday at the Caledonia life Is missing, Moods may change quickly, tears come easily, Baby's Name: High School Projection room at 7 p,m. Baby's Name: Group meets 9 a,m. at the The Family self-esteem may be poor, there may be feelings of apathy, lone. Elijah Braden Azak For more info call Shawn Zettler at 638- Jonathan WesleyCharles tlill Jr. Date & 'rime of Birtlu Place at 4553 Park Ave. Brian Grant at Ilness, guilt. Often there's inability to make decisions. 6398. Sleeping and eating disorders are typical, manifested as Date & 'time of Birth: July 28, 2000 at 3:35 p.m. 638-8558 for more information. Insomnia or sleeping too much, poor appetite or blngeing epl. July 22, 2000 at 8:44 p.m. Weight: 8 Ibs 8 'ADZ.Sex: Male COMMUNITY BIBLE STUDY FOR codes, The symptoms can be wide-ranging and may be mis. Weight: 7 Ibs. 9 oz. Sex: Male Parents: Keith &Anita Azak Local FAS Group is working on raising WOMEN: Bible study, child care and taken for other diseases. It's agreed that there are numerous P;wents: Jonaflmn& Trista llill awareness about Fetal Alcohol Syndrome study material supplied at the Christian causes of depression. These include stresses from internal end external environmental Influences, such as constipation Baby's Name: (FAS), The group will be finalizing detail Reformed Church, 3602 Sparks St from Baby's Name: end autointoxication, hormone Imbalances, allergies, poor Karson Patrick DeWacht. 9:30 a,m. to 11:15 a.m. Athun Dehner for a mall display. Interested? Join the nutrition, lingering illnesses, and mlnd.altering drugs. Life- Date & 'lime of Birth: Date & Time of Birth: group from 10:30 a,m. to noon at the Fa- altering events such as losing e job or e loved person can be Aug, I, 2000 at 6:47a.m. TERRACE ROD AND GUN CLUB genuine triggers, end our health can affect how and to what July 25, 2000 at 2:58a.m. Weight: 8 Ibs. 15 oz, Sex: Male mily Place. meets the first Wednesday of every Weight: 8 Ibs. 13oz,Sex: Male degree our mind end body respondto those events. Parent~: SteveDeWacht & month al 7:30 p,m. at the Clubhouse at Cigarettes, caffeine, alcohol abuse, and contraceptives can Parents: Ilardiog& Shelley Smith Aimee Peacock PUBLIC SERVICE the Rifle Range• Induce depression, Low blood pressure has been linked to this ANNOUNCEMENTS as well. As there's e strong correlation between depression PARENTS DROP IN to weigh babies and nutrition, nextweek I'll discusssupport for the condition. Canadian Cancer Resource Centre of- takes place Wednesdays from 1-2 p,m. at " d fers resource information about emer- • :7. : the health services society (formerly gency aid, the breast cancer visitor pro- Get A Skeena Health Unit) at 3412 Kalum St,) fFor information, a consultation or to1):: gram and the cancer visitor program. Public health nurse on hand to answer | purchase herbal nutrition products |51 Summer hours are Monday, Wednesday, questions, | at wholesale prices contact: |i: Free Friday from 10 am to 3 pm, To find out more, call 638-8583. I ClaudiaPerry, Barbara Emery, Darcie Annesley, /:: PACIFIC NORTHWEST MUSIC / ShellyCoxen, Maureen Gent, Wayne Gray, l : Baby Gift. FESTIVAL COMMITTEE meetings / Joan Hough (Kifimat] / ~ Skeena Valley Fall Fair Association is held every second Wednesday of the :I Bruno Belanger & Krisfa Boflyan (Terrace), I!i (Simple, huh?) looking for voluntoers to help make this month, i l ENRICH INDEPENDENT DISTRIBUTORSI ~! Just see our service desk for more information year's fair the best ever, Jobs include from setting up snow fencing to moving ~il ~ Phone:(250) 638-1541 - Terracel).:.: TWIN'S CLUB meets the third Wed- equipment around. The association Is also :!/ ~ (250) 632-2740 - Kifimat/i~il nesday of every month at 7:30 p,m. in the i/ -.t Fax: (250) 635-15651: putting out a call to registered first aid at- Family Place, Call 635-9669, ql . NI R T C 1-4" Et~,: [email protected]/:::: Overwattea tendants who could volunteer their time to be on hand during the weekend of the iq p fair, If you're interested, call Maria 635- ::~L%, L Im,].',= d,i=..v.,]u'~=.'.=.J Din One Person at a 'Time~.i~:j :ii: The Terrace Standard, Wednesday, August 16, 2000 - B3

I I Book retells local history

YVONNE MOEN 3% CashBack. That's what we give you I HAVE to tell you of a when you give us your mortgage business: new little book that many of you would like to have. Clear. And to the point, That's the message behind At TD Bank and Canada Trust you will receive The book is called, Clair our 3% CashBack Mortgage. thoughtful advice, wurm personal service and a Giggery Premier: The Boy Get a new 5.year fixed rate residential mortgage careful discussion of your options. We'll walk you and The Man, by Mrs. Lil- from TD Bank or Canada Trust. Then we'll gtve you lian Brooks. through the mortgage process step-by-step. Lillian comes from the an amount equal to 3% of your mortgage principal It's part of our cotnmitment at TD Bank and Christy family. Her family up front. On a $150,000 mortgage that's $4,500 to Canada Trust to ensure that you are informed moved to Terrace in De- use however you wish. And there's no upper limit. a~ut your mortgageoptions and that you get the cember of 1919 and her Extra cash. Exactly what you need. mortgage solution that best suits your needs. elder sister, Viola married Clair Giggery. After Clair Giggery's Savings. Flexibility. Value. That's what our mortgages deliver. death in 1983, Lillian ,~;f~:~,~ .~.,r.~. o ,,. ~...... , ..: ,,- ~ : ...... ,~. ~.., ...... gathered together all the k~g..,&:;~.;,>Mortgage Amount..::.. ;.::3 ~ CashBack.'. ..': '. old envelopes and scrapes I of paper on which he had jotted down some of his Ii:::~:;.:;]i~-:!' i:i 5: ~.7' $200 000 " '. $6 000 ", ' :: 1::::i~'7~{~i{:!i~:!::,.~V.:Szso, ooo"- ,, . $7,so0 .... experiences. She said it ; .oo, ooo .000 I was not easy trying to piece together his life story but it was a labour of The 3% CashBack Mortgage. Talk to us about one today. love in the memory of a very special person, who she had idolized as a CALL 1,877-700-29.13 child. Visit a TD Bank or Canada Trust branch or check out So now to everyone in Terrace, please look for this wonderful little book at local book stores or LILLIAN BROOKS is a B.C. author who has written B BANK IC'JI CanadaTrust phone me, Yvonne 638- a book on the history of a local pioneer, Clair Gig- 0423. I am trying to sell gery. Anyone interested in picking up a copy of the *Some conditions apply. Mortgage rmlst be bt,~ked by October 31,2000 and advanced by December 15, 2000. them for Mrs. Brooks. book is asked to contact Yvonne Moen. Offer may be changed or withdrawn at any time. 3% CashBack not available in coall'ql~atiort with arty mher offer or rate discount. Ill I ' I ' I Help the # ' all fair THE SKEENA VALLEY Fall Fair Association has a deal that's too good to !:< pass up. Simply volunteer to help out for one shift at the / fair Sept. 2-3 and receive an entry pass. "It can be for doing anything - helping out at the exhibit hall or taking tickets or anything else," says fair president Dede Bone. She said that while the fair has a small group of

organizers, it very much !~ili!i~i!: i!.:~:~i:~ i~:ii~:~:?: ~ ii i!:!!il ;ililiTM !~::i.!:!ii:i ii~: ~il]!iii! i!:ii:!]~i~< :~ !i ~¸ i~i.!i ¸:¸~: ~.~!:: 7~::~ ¸:: ~ depends upon volunteers during the fair itself for a smooth-running operation. V m w TM : ;: ::!i i::i~i:~]i:i.iTM "This year we're mak- ing a special effort with :,.°,,Purchase:~ ,i ...... !i!!i i:i!iii i ii!iiiiii i ii new events and attrac- Rnanclng tions, so we'd like volun- teers to help out," said Bone. To volunteer, call Bone at 798-2110, Jacquie Stra- than at 635-6727, Jean l-lamer at 635-2665, Pat St. Thomas at 635-7779 and, if in Kitimat, call Tracy Petley at 632-2204. Festival set for weekend THIS YEAR the organizers of the Rosswood Jamboree are building a permanent ticket kiosk to front their 2000 Taurus 2000 F-150' 2000 Explorer 2000 Windstar fairgrounds. The new building is just Canada's BEST-selling Canada's BEST-selling Canada's BEST. selling Canada's BEST-selling one example of the music car in its class line of trucks line of SUVs full size minlvan festival's growth over the past four years. • 3.0L 2V V6 Engine • 4-Speed Automatic • Available 4,6L V8 Engine, AM/FM Stereo • 4.0L OHV V6 Engine • 4-Wheel Anti-Lock Braking = Anti-Lock Brakes. 3,8L 200Hp V6 Even with the jambor- Transmission • &PassengerSeating • SecurtlockTM Anti-theft System System • Electric Remote Mirrors = Colour-Keyed Engine • 4-Speed Automatic • AM/FM Stereo with Cassette • SecurilockTM ee's popularity, organizer • Standard 4-Doors a RemoveableTailgate Body Side Mouldings • Air Conditioning• Power • 7-PassengerSeating • Air Condit'.oning Anti-theft System = Remote Keyless Entry Patty Scullion would like • Rear'Anti-Lock Brakes • PowerSteering Windows• Power Door Locks • AM/FM Stereowith • PowerWindows. PowerLocks/Mirrors • Tilt Steering • Dual-stage 'Smart' Airbags • Second GenerationDual Airbags Cassette • 15" Deep Dish CastAluminum Wheels • SecuriLockTM Anti-Theft System to keep its "small, family- • Child FdendlyTrunk ReleaseSystem • AM/FM Stereo w/Cassette friendly atmosphere," gmlted selection. But if the number of -k-k ,k,k people in the crowd and the calibre of entertainers The Taurus has earned fk,e stars- the highest Limited time. offer. Windstar is the only to earn a Five possible U.S, Governmentcrash test rating - Star Crash Test Safety Rating six years In a preforming August 18 and for front impact for both driver and front 19 are any indication, row for front impact for driver and front passenger - two years in a row." passenger in U.S. Government testing." Scullion's wish to keep the festival small may not come true. This year, the jamboree is hosting fiddling cham- pion Daniel Lapp musician who has preformed with W~S E symphony orchestras BUVEnS...... READ THE LEGAL COPY: 'Purchase any new in-stock 2000 Taurus/2000'" .... F.150/2000 Exp ore" 12000...... Winds ar and rece::"'~'';'::: ve $2 00O~ :'::': Cashback ::=:::: =A :: robe os to don or Taxes: ...... payab o on 'full :amount ...... of purchase : pr¢o before:' cashback doduc:: ::~ od "O~c'"~<":' :' "ar~e'financ~: . ing onnew in-stock 2000 Taurus/2000 F-150!2000 Explo,rer/2000 W.indstar for a maximum of ,48 montlls Ioqua0fiod retail cus.tomors on approved credit, IOffors oxc udo 2000 F- 50 SVT Lighlning and Harley Davidson Editions E G $20,B00/$25 0001530000 financed o 0 9% across the province. annual percentage rata 1or 48 monlns, montmy payment is $424.36/$5a0.45/$636.54, cos of be rowing s ~369.281~461.60/~553 92 (p us mrgono coshback) and total to be repaid is $20 369 28/$25 461 60/$30 553 92 If financina is chosen ingtnad'nr ra,:h~nrk, thn nH~*". "., of interest is 10.9*/8,9%,7.5%. This Is a sample calculation only. Downpayment or equiva ant ado may be equt od Offers include e gh o $890/$980/$835/$945 Financ ng and cas bac'k o o s' mut'ually exclusive'. Financing=and eashback of-lets'no(~va~la~io'w~h;~ol;'eer of or Some oond Dons may app y o he Gradua e Cash Back p og am. Limited time offers, afro s may be cancelled at any me w hou no co Some veh c es may not be available st s doa orsh ps See Dealer Ior details ' The h'-hesl front m ...... front passenger in the U,S. government National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Testing (www,, "Canada's Best Selling ~ based' on Relail Registrations for 1999 CY/March 2000 CYTD/May' 2000 CYTD, ' *~J I pu¢,t rUllHg Ig[ UOIn oliver eno I~inigry for (hildren & Families needs fader homes for teens in your TERRACE 4631 Keith Avenue Terrace, B.C. (250) 635-4984 (¢nmunily. If intere~fed ptease call 638.23"11,ask for I~ Coxford, : OTEM FORD Fax (250) 635-2783 Toll Free l-800-463-1128 DL #ss48

I B4 - The Terrace Standard, Wednesday, August 16, 2000

KEITH FREEMAN PORTS ,,,.,,,, Soccer teams win five medals

Even younger Riverboat Days sports results teams got in

on the action Riverboat Days Youth Soccer Challenge

TERRACE TEAMS Under 14 Girls: Gold: Terrace U-14 shone at the Riverboat Silver: KitimatU-14 Days Youth Soccer' Bronze: Terrace U-13 Challenge. Under 14 Boys: Gold: Terrace U-14 In total, five home- Silver: Smithers u-i4 town teams captured me- Bronze: Terrace U,13 dals, surpassing last year's mark of three. Under 12 Boys: Gold: Terrace Dragons The action kicked off Silver: Kitimat U-12 on Aug. 5 and from the Bronze: Ketchikan, Alaska U-!2 ~ word go, teams here began taking it to their op- ponents. SIo-pitch Tournament : i Two Terrace teams shut out their opponents Championship Event: 1st - West Point Rentals 8-0 on opening day. The 2nd - Back Eddy Pub under 14 girls beat Smi- 3rd - Terrace Retailers thers, and the under 1 1 boys knocked off Ketchi- Consolation Event: kan, Alaska. 1st - Outlaws (Prince Rupert) The Terrace Dragons 2nd - Raiders (Prince Rupert) : under 12 boys also hand- 3rd- Chestnut Pub ily beat Prince Rupert 7-1 on opening day - a sign of things to come for 22nd Annual King Of The Mountain Run them. Male Age Group 1-19: ' On day two, the suc- 1. Jonathan Lambert, Terr. 47:26 cess story continued with 2. Morgan Evans, Terrace 49:32 the under 14 boys crush- 3. Ashley Whittington, Terr. 50:58 ing Bulkley Valley 6-1, and the boys' Dragons Female Age Group 1'19: demolishing the Bulldogs 1. Christine Krisinger, "l;err. 56:22 from Ouesnei, 13-1. 2. Rehana Manji, Terrace 1:03:28 : 3. Danielle Leighton, Terr. 1:06:48 The under 13 boys, ! who ranked on the bot- tom of the round robin Male Age Group 20-39: standings came back 1. Judson Rowse, Pr. Rupert 40:30 strong inthe playoffs, up- 2. Martin Guido, Terrace 41:16 setting third place Kitimat ' 3, TonyISdibert, Hazelton ' 49:34 ~ to capture the bronze medal. Female Age Group 20-39: The under 13 girls, 1. Ann-Marie Conway, Terr. 54:46 powered by two key vic- 2. Susanna Ellert, Kitwanga56:47 tories over Smithers on 3. Andrea Geller, Terrace 57:22 day, captured bronze. The under 14 boys Male Age Group 40-99: and girls both won gold 1. Richard Harrison, Smthrs.40:34 with playoff victories 2. Geoff Philips, Terrace 50:44 over Smithers and Kiti- 3, Norm McMurray, Terr. 52:35 mat respectively. The Terrace Dragons Female Age Group 40-99: scored 35 goals over their 1. Sue Holmes, Smlthers 49:50 five games to win bronze 2. Marsha Cater, Terrace 57:34 in the under 13 boys. 3. Kim Barriere, Terrace 1:03:27 For a final medal standings count see the THE TERRACE under 13 girls took on Smithers twice over the Riverboat Days weekend, beating them Monte Crlato Challenge (Riverboat Days Mile) Riverbost Days results , both times en route to a bronze medal, Shown here is action from the Smithers encounter on Saturday, which Terrace won 2-0. Their under 14 counterparts won the gold. box. Children under 15: Rollerblades: Ktana Letawski Walk: Alex MacDougall Run: C.J. MacDougall

Age group 15-40: Run: Kim MacDougall

Age Group 55-69: ', Walk: Dolores Kueckle~,

Age Group 70 plus Female: Walk: Leona Smith Run: Maxlne Smallwood

Age Group 70 plus Male:

Walk: Jim MacDougall

Best Riverboat Costume Award: Louise Radford

2nd Annual Soap Box Derby

Age 9: 1st, Chapen Leblon 2nd. Evan Hamilton 3rd. Philip Canaday Age 10: " 1st. Christine Stefanik 2nd. Justin Desilva il 3rd, Graham Webb Age 11: " ~ " i 1st, Mark Stark ' 2rid. Kassandra Beaupre i: 3rd. Harry Azak Age 12: 1st, Dallas Azak 2nd.Ryan Johnston 3rd. Jay Ross : :

• i More Riverboat Days photos page B12

~ plus BOTH THE boys and girls teams fared well at the Riverboat Days with their senior allies the under 14's winning old, The Dragons ...... Youth Soccer Challenge. Here, the under 13 boys take on Kiti-. under 12 boys team were one of the srtongest hometown teams, -Junior Bambino Baseball mat, a game they dropped 4-3. They did go on to win bronze, allowing only five goals against, and scoring 35 over five games, -Speedway Results Tile Terrace Stanclard, Wednesday, August 16, 2000 - B5 CTION D The Terrace Standard reserves the right to classify ads under appropriate headings and to sel rates therefore ana Io determine page Iocalion Classifications! The Terrace Standard reminds advertisers that it is against tile provincial Human Rights Act to discriminate on the basis el children, marital sirius and employment when placing For Rent:" ads Landlords can stale a nosmoking preference ANNOUNCEMENTS 616 COMMTRCIAt ACTION AD RATES The Terrace Standard reserves lhe right to revise, edit• classify or reject any advertisement and to retain any answers directed to the News Box Reply lOS ALqhK~JNCFJ~EMS 628 FOR SALEOR RLNT I )0 ANNIVERSARIES 636 HOUSESFOR BENT Service. and to repay the customet the sum oald for the advertisement and box rental 120 SlRTHDAYS 640 MI~:~ FOR RENT Box replies on "Hold" Instructions not picked up within 10 days of exp=ry of an advertisement will be destroyed unless mailing instrucllons are received 12S CHURCH 044 MOBILEHOMES 130COMING EVENTS 64S ROOM& BOARD Those answering Box Numbers are requested not to send original documents to avoid loss 638-7283 13S ENGAGEMENT/ 6S6 SHARE All claims el errors in advertisements must be received by the publisher within 30 days after the first publication WEDDINGS ACCOMMODATION It is agreed by the advertiser requesting space that the liability of the Terrace Standard in Ihe event of failure to 0ublish an advertisement as published 14S IN MEMORIAM 660 STORAGE shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for only one incorrect Insertion lor the portion el the advertising space occupied by tim Incorrect or DEADLINE: FRIDAY 4 P.M. 150 LEG~ NOTICES 66B TOURIST ) 55 oBrlUARIE5 ACCOMMODATIONS omitted item only. and that there shall be no liability in any event greater Ihan the amount paid ,or such edveflising Display, Word Classified and Classified Display 160TENDERS 676 WANTEDTO RENT 165 THANKS 680 WAREHOUSES Name Address__ ADVERT/SING DEADL INES: When a slat holiday falls PERSONAL REAL ESTATE Phone Start Date # of Insertions Terrace Standard # Weekend Advertiser on a Saturday, Sunday or Monday, the deadline is 210 BUSINESSPERSONALS 70SACREAGES/LOTS 230 LOST& FOUND 71S COMMERCIALPROPERTY CLASSIFICATION Credit Card No Expiry Date~ Thursday at 4 o.m. for all display and classified ads. 240 PERSONALS 730 FOR SALEBY OWNER 735 HOUSES L~I VISA L~ MASTERGARD MERCHAND)SE 74S MOBILES TERRACE STANDARD, 3210 CLINTON STREET 315 AUCTIONS 755 OPENHOUSE PLEASE CLEARLY PRINT YOUR AD BELOW - ONE WORD PER SPACE 330 COMPUTERS 770 WAN~ED TERRACE, B.C V8G 5R2 355 FURNffURE 360 GARAGESATES AUTOMOTI~J All classified and classified display ads MUST BE 36S MISC FOR SAtE 810 CARSFOR SALE -1 5 38OTIMBER Sl5 TRUCKSFOR SALE PREPAID by either cash VISA or Mastercard. When 39S WANTED 820 VANSFOR SALE phoning in ads please have your VISA or Mastercard PETS/ EA~ RECREAI~INAL e! E~ 9 10 410 FARMEQUIPMENT 8S4 AIRCRAE3 number ready. 42S avES1OCK 8S8 AI~S WORDADS RUN IN Terrace Standard & Weekend Advertiser 43S PETS 862 BOATS[ MARINE 11 12 13 14 ~Week (Standurd & Advertiser) ~13.38"t~. GS13 INDUSTRY 866 MOTORCYCLES 3 Week~ (Standard & Advertiser) $25.68~(~c OSl~ 460 EQUIPMENT 870 RV'S CAMPERS 470 LOGGING/nMBER 874 RV'S51H WHEELS 16 17 1B lg 2O "Additional words Lover 25) 25¢ PER WORD PLUS GST 480 MACHINERY 878 RV'SMOTORHOMES CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ADS CONFIDENTIAL BOX SERVICE EMPLOYMENT 882 RV RENTALS 13.38 per column inch Pickup $5,00 Mail out $10,00 Sl0 BUSINESS 890 SNOWMOBILES OPfORTUNfflES 21 22 23 24 25.68 520 CAREERS $ERWCES (BIRTHDAY/ANNIVERSARY/CARD OF THANKS/OBITUARIES / 530 E[XJCATION 9)0 BUILDINGSERVICES 13.91 14.1B 14.45 14.71 540 HELPWANTED 912 CARPENTRY la.6~ 2e.48 26.75 2702 IN MEMORIUM/CHURCHES/NON PROFIT GROUPS) $7.70 cJn 570 TUTORING 914 CHILDCARE 25.95 2G.22 580 WORKWANTED 920 CONSTRUCTION Fol Io,)uor lid, I')lnrt~n tl'~O ~'l t~opnrnto shoot LEGAL ADVERTISING ...... $14.14 per column inch RENTAl 932 HANDYMAN Clip & Mall This Form To: I i ~I:I~I:~H =If-- 604 APARTMENTS 936 JANITORIAL Phone Fax For regional coverage place your display ad in the 60e BASEMENTSUaE 944 MISC SERVICES Terrace Standard weekend edition of the Weekend Advertiser. 612 CABINS/COT;AGES 3210 Clinton St., Terrace, B.C. V8G 5R2 STANDARD 638-7283 638-8432

FLYNN SCHOOL of Ballet. IS ALCOHOL a problem? Many BP,r:rL~;H NOTICE TO ROAD CONTRACTORS .~,~,a @ COLUMBIA INVITING APPLICATIONS FOR ..... Registration for yr 200-2001. find a solution one day at a time CONTRACT EO1-22-geg9 Teaching 3yrs -adults. Classes with Alcoholics Anonymous ATTENTION S ealed Tenders Ior the construclion of 2,040 lineal metros, more or less, el subgrado Robert James Hackman beginning Sept. 12. Registration 250 635-6533 on the Deep Creek Branch Road and Spur Road will be received by tl~e District times Sept. 5/7 3:00-7:00 pro. Wedd# Announcetttertt Manager, Kalum Forosl District, #200.5220 Koith Avecue. Terrace, Rritish Columbia, (aka Sutcliffe) Your atten- Carpenters Hall (corner of V8G 1LT, up to 11:00 a,m, on September 1. 2000. arrd will be opened in public at dance is required for court Sparks & Davis) or call 250- Hans aruf g~liottda FeL~ler.q'nafTer, at'e, B,C.. Camzda that time. at 350 Barlow Avenue, 638-0920 to register/for more Tenders are invited from qualiliod contractors only, A qualified cam,eclat is one who are pleased to anmrunce t/h' tnarriage of ttieir son £ennard has successfully completed work of a similar size and nature within Iho past five Quesnel, B.C. on August 30, information. fe~fersen to Jermifer ~, :,lvenj. Bie dm~hter af Pete and years, and is in goad standing with the Registrar el Companies and Pro Workers' 2000 at 9:30 a.m. for pro- Compensation Board. Amrafisa 'lien Avenj of ~ew ')br~ State, U.S.A. 'lCbardit~ ceedings involving your FRANCES BIRDSELL Plans may be viewed and/or obtained for a non-relundable toe of $25.00 (including daughter with the Ministry zoas hel'don At~ust 5, 2(DO in Terrace & the reception was PST & OST) after August IS, 2000 from: Kelum Forest District Office, ff200 • 5220 CONSULTING Keith Avenue, Terrace, British Columbia VSG tLt. All inquiries should be directed to for Children and Families. • Facilitation ,Mediation heldat Kalitm Lake." G,e-¢tscame from New yor~ arian Bailey, at the above address, Phone (250) 638-5100 or Fax (200)r: 638-5176. Please contact Lyn Lunny at Wi,mip~ Manitoba, An~orage Alas~b Sant~ ~ A mandatory viewing will be conducted on Friday, August 25, 2000, leaving the junc- • ConsensusProcess lion of Merkloy Road and Spring Creek Road at 8:30 e.m, Contractors musl attend (250) 992-4267 • Spanish Translation Cru2 Californhz atd Terrace, ~.C. the viewing to be eligible to submit a tender offer. .... Call 635-2184 Bidders are required Io submit 10% of the Tendered price as a bid bond or cash deposit. This will be rolunded to the unsuccesslul bidders. In addition, the successful The Terrace Kitimat LL bidder musl supply a podormance bond el 50% of the tendered price, or a cash /~ NIRVANAMETAPHYSIC security of 10% In a form acceptable to the Province. Partners for Salmonids /~ & HEAUNGCENTRE '] ~ Was your campfire Tenders must be submitted on the Iorms and In the envelope supplied. No )ondor (TKPS) is completely out? shall be considered having any qualifying cl~u'sos whatsoever, and the lowest or any tender will nol necessarily be accepted. ,. Repeal wlldflre.I Contract award Is subject to funding being available at the time, ACCEPTING Open Channel,Tarot & AuraReadings 1.0o0-663.5555 B,D. Downio, District Manager, Kalum Forest District Lsurell Ballard, Ms¢.D.,Phd. Ministryat Forests PROPOSALS Palmistry Readings- MonnaDriedger DAN DALFUOCO ;'.'14 ~ I, for the Fisheries Renewal By Appoinlmm). Classes,7:30 pm. May 2,1959 - AUg.16,1997 •. ! Mo~. - ThuR. 0utlffm Available BC Sahuonid Renewal Can You stig See Us? Progr;itu. Fnnding in the Do You watch Us Grow? INVITATION TO CONTRACTORS amount of $16,886.00 h;ts Can You Still Hear Us? CALLS FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST been made available for wig We Ever Know? community projects that VIVA CLIN,C: Just To KnowThat You Are NOTICE TO WORKERS' COMPENSATION BOARD enhance local sahnonid (~ Recover ~our healtl) in a Happy, OF BRITISH COLUMBIA stocks, restore habitats and natural integrated way " CREDITORS is AH That We wig Ask. IN THE MATTEROF THE ESTATEOF promote public awareness LIFE ENERGY ASSESSMENT Our Memories Of You Live On, MURIELEGLINTON of the need for fish includesenvironmental Of What Was in The Past. O'BOYLE also known as renewal. The de:ldline for and foodallergy testing For You GaveTo Us Your MURIEL O'BOYLE, The Workers' Compensation Board of British formerlyof TerraceBritish Columbia application is August 30, AROMATHERAPYMASSAGE Friendship, Columbia proposes to construct an addition to 2000. All applicants must :IEFLEXOLOGY,EAR CANDLING Creditorsand othershaving c aims AcceptanceAnd ll'ue Love, against the above estate are the existing office building in Terrace, B.C. The receive a proposal p:lck:lge AURICULARACUPRESSURE As lime Goes By And Stlg We required to send full particularsof Prelect is a 2500 s.f. 1 storey plus basement FrancesBirdsell, such claims to Warner Bandstra addition to a 6000 s.f. existing structure. from Cecilia B.'ttagelj at Natural Health Practilioner Feel Brown, #200-4630 LazelleAvenue, 635-5449 or 1-800-663- Call 635-2194for an appointment Your WatchingFrom Above. Terrace, B.C., VBG 1S6, on or A maximum of six General Contractors will be before the 15th day of Seplomber, 6396 ([email protected]). 4506 Lakelse (~sl~ To~ ~=~roi 2000 after whichdate Ihe assetsoF invited to bid on the project which will be All approvals are subject to Forever Loved Clara Jason Nick the said estatewi be dislribulod constructe.d under the provisions of a CCDC-2 this filnding. having regard only to Ihe claims that Stipulated Price Contract or an amended ( Notice have ~en]~en received, CCDC-2 Stipulated Price Contract. cG~orvin O'Boyle,Executor Between 6:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. on 19th August Warner fiandstra Brown, ~licitors for Ihe Estate, Contractors wishing to be considered should 2000 The Rough Acres Bible Camp Society will i submit their credentials, comprisin.q of at least conduct a MOUNTAIN BIKE-A-THaN on the information contained in CC,~ Document Hwy. 16 from Barret Hat Rd. via the Telkwa River No.11 "Canadian Standard Form of BOOKKEEPING SERVICES: FSR and the Copper River FSR to Terrace at the Contractors Qualification Statement". Closing Set up and maintenance of your small business requirements. junction of Hwy. 16 rd 37 date for the receipt of submissions is August Serving the Northwest for over and Bailiff Sale 21,2000. Deliver to: years. Phone 250-635-9592 Between 10:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on 28th 1997 PontiacGrandam 4 dr. ,V6 Auto, A/C, loaded Dan Condon Architect August 2000 the Society will conduct a BIKE-A- 5-5008 Pohle Avenue Did you knou, that...? THaN and a HIKE-A-THaN from Milk Creek 1995 GMC Lightduty, 2 WIlD Terrace, B.C. via the Telkwa Pass to the Copper River FSR. 1997 GMC Safari Van, V6 Auto,4x4, loaded V8G 458 Brain waves can be Details available from: 2000 YamahaModel "R6" Motorcycle 250-635-1578 recorded in the preborne The Rough Acres Bible Camp Society, Fax: 635-1578 child, six to seven weeks John at 1-250-635-2953 or fax 635-2958 Forapp0inlmenl to view,c0nlad the undersigned.Bids will be after conception. acceptedunlil lhe hourof 12:00noon Augus124, 2000. The highesl %.rnLce I'ml.ife Education AF,s(rc. offernot necessarily accepted.Highesl bid not necessarilyaccepted. lk)x 852 'rernLce CALEDONIABAILIFF SERVICES RogerSmilh 250-6354649 Ru h & t Gravelle Kitsumkalum Band Council & am@ Invite their friends to join ttiern in CeLebrating their 60 Wedding Anniversary CALLS FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST TO LEASE Take notice that Tahhan First Nation intends to make appli- RETAIL/OFFICE SPACE IN KITSUMKALUM t an OP£NHOUSE in their Home, cation for a Licence of Occupation of land generally situ- Sunday, August 20 at 2 p.m. ated at Dease Lake, B.C. or more specifically described as The Kitsumkalum First Nation is developing a commercial centre two parcels of land along the northern boundary of D.L on Highway 16, three miles west of Terrace. The centre will .% -"o, ifts lCea e 7187, the first having dimensions of 40.00 m by 10.00 m accommodate a mix of administration offices and retail outlets. and located some 150 m east and south of the northwest- ern corner post of D.L. 7187, and the second having We are now proceeding with securing financin~ and ~:q dimensions 15.00 m by 10.00 m and located some 860 m undertaking architectural rendering. It is anticipated that the east and south of the northwestern corner post of D.L. 7187. The purpose for which the lands are required is the facility willbe open in the Fall of 2001. installation of drainage culverts to prevent erosion of the is the" vacation: We have already received significant interest from •" It "2 bank due to runoff from a proposed subdivision develop- ment on D.L 7187. individuals/businesses and organizations. If you are interested Comments concerning this (ipplication may be made to the in leasing space it is important that you indicate your Senior Land Officer, Brilis~ -olumbia Assets and Land commitment to the development since space is now limited. Corporation, P.O. Box 5000, Smithers, B.C., VOJ 2N0 rioctorlisi:i If you are interested in leasing retail/office space or wish Telephone (250) 847-7331. additional information, please contact Art Collins at the Be advised any response to this advertisement will be con- !' Y Or Kitsumkalum Band Office at 635-6177 or John .. . "5... ;. sideredpart of the public record. For information, contact FOI Advisor, British Columbia Assets and Land Kafka or Marcel Vandersluys at Cornerstone • , .. , , , Corporation, Skeena Region, (250) 847-7352. Planning Group at 250-655-9191. • " ,.;, :. I File No: 6406787 :.You:dOO!t:Sp~ak .' j Dated: August 2, 2000.

• ,: :~ . Yes, t at's Denise ,. ~.:;: 71 Sight & Sound,Skeena Mall ] Life is short, 0et a. e × t e w si0

:www,me'dl~aiert ca:: • v~,peflicipodmn cam /I i B6 - The Terrace Standard, Wednesday, August 16, 2000

LOOKING FOR a home for Kouvasz breed, 5 yr. old neu- TEST DRIVE1 Unique oppodun- tered male. Preferably working ,,k~k ity to own and operate a 2000 acreage. To give away. 250- CITY OF TERRACE MOVING SALE 2 table & chair Pete with zero down. You must 635-2664 We would like to thank everyone who responded to our sets, $75 each, 6' buffet, $75, have min. 2yrs flatdeck highway SKATE SHARPENING CONCESSION 60 glass blocks, 7 1/2" (used) ROTTWEILER PUPPIES Pur- experience, able and willing to ad for an owner/operat0r courier in Terrace. We received $75 GC 2-2'6" Oak veneer ebred CKC registered. Excel- run Canada/USA and possess The City of Terrace is seeking proposals for quite a number of resumes. Interviews have been doors w/jams and hinges $35, 8 lent lineage. Conformation. In- good references. Tom or Andre. operation of a skate sharpening concession at sheets gyprock, $5 each, swi- telligence. Health. Approved 800-663-0099 completed. At this time we would like to let the interested veil rocker $35, TV table, 2 otto- homes only. Ready in Septem- WELL ESTABLISHED, inde. tl~e Terrace Arena for a three-year period mans, queen size box spring & ber. Call: 250-847-3110 or 250- applicants know that the position has been filled. pendently owned Variety Store commencing September 2000. mattress. Phone 250-635-1321 847-1591 on main street in Vanderhoof, SELECT PUREBRED Reg. BC. Part of Tru*Serve Canada Proposals must include the following Rottweiler puppies, Champion Co-op buying group. Turnkey in formation: ! wish to tllank my many friends and loved ones for show and working lines. Phone operation. Call Larry Bangs their many cards, letters and prayers hoping for my NADINA ENTERPRISE, wood- 250-656-9696 or website 250-567-5909 • Intended hours of operation http:l/ ...recovery, Yonr kind thoughts have given hope for a working: T&G 1'x4" $0.31 . • Type of equipment to be installed lin.ft]l "x6" $0.39 lin.fU2"x6" abensbur.ql • Rental rate to be paid to the City ::i. better way of treating this illness in Terrace, and $0.59 lin.ft Logcabin siding i::ii::~"hopefct[I);a di,llysis trait :It Mills Memorial Hosl)ital. I am 2"x6" $0.69 lin.ft. Cabin logs, T INLAND KENWORTH Parker for approximately 180 sq' ft. (18 sq. m.) ~!:~:t'~:overing, altliough I need dialysis three times a week, &G 4"x6" $1.29 lin.W6"x6" $2.10 Pacific, Quesnel is currently taking resumes for, a Heavy • Other serviCeS .... :!:,..:i'mhopiog to have a unit installed in my home within a lin.ft. Flooring, pine, 1"x6" BRAND NEW Lge. 24" Back- Duty Equipment Me:chanic and $0.65. Prices by lin.ft.Call Albert hoe bucket, cost $1500, open to ::{!~mnth or two, so 1 can return to Terrace and those Heavy Duty Truck Mechanic. Proposals marked: "Skate Sharpening 250-695-6954 offer. 909 Bobcat Backhoe Concession" will be received at Terrace City ::things I do, and be back with my family and friends. Truck applicant sheu!d have a ::::/i " Again, thank you for your many kind thoughts. $3500. 743B Bobcat Loader good engine and electrical hall, 3215 Eby Street, Terrace, B.C., V8G with spare bucket, $12,500. background plus MVI certifica- Phone 250-624-5964 2X8, until 4:00 p.m. August 25, 2000. WANTED FREEZER burned tion. Equipment applicant must meat, fish or bones for sled THUNDERBIRD RANCH and have hydraulic and electrical Steve Scott dogs. Will pick up 250-635- farm equipment. Quality used background for forestry swing Superintendent of Parks and Recreation 3772 sales & Iocators. Hauling avail- applications. Competitive wage able. Dave Crossan 250-567- and benefit package. Send WANTED LOG buildings. Will 2607, 6 km Mapes Road, Van- resumes in confidence to: In- pay cash. Call 250-692-7402 LAPTOP COMPPUTER, Penti- derhoof, BC land Kenworth, 3150 Highway fax 250-692-7474 INVITATION TO CONTRACTORS um 133, 80 Meg RAM, 1.3 gig 97N, Quesnel, BC, V2J 3J4, FOUND - Pendant at Riverboat HD, 3.5 floppy. CD Ram, PC Attn: Roy Cherry Days Parade. Description need- CALLS FOR EXPRESSIONOF INTEREST Card modem & network card, LOOKING FOR a new career? ed to claim. 250-635-4803. Windows 98 & MS Office in- Train to become a professional WORKERS' COMPENSATION BOARD FOUND AUG, 7th in front of OF BRITISH COLUMBIA stalled plus other software. LOGGING TRUCK loads of diver in the heart of the Carib, Saan's store. Pair of black $800 abe, Phone 250-798- GOOD QUALITY Late Model bean. Go straight to work after framed glasses. To claim phone Birch firewood for sale. Phone 2551 after 8PM. Equipmet for Sale. JD 7700 638-7290. graduation. 12 week courses 250-638-7741 start June and September. For COMPUTER TROUBLE- Tractor, Dentz Round Baler/si- LOST JUNE 17 at 9:30pro at more into. visit www.dive- SHOOTING & PC Repair. Soft- lage and opticut, Tarrup Mower the Bingo Hall in Prince Rupert. or phone 345-949. The Workers' Compensation Board of British ware, hardware, networking, full Conditioner, Gehl Forage Har- a black leather wallet. Please 0321 Columbia pro~ooses to construct an addition to support for all systems. Free vester w/pickup head, corn 7.5 KW Onan 120/240 single return, no questions asked. I.D. header, metal alert, Large ca- phase gen.set 4000 hours, TRAIN TO work in the comput- the exist ng office building in Terrace, B.C. The very important. Please call consultation. $25 per hour. On- Project is a 2500 s.f. 1 storey plus basement site service, Terrace & Kitimat. pacity feedwagon-mixerwagon, good running ondition. $3300. er industry. Network Technl- (250)624-2002 extension "0". 7 ton Ag Truck-1991 w/brand Call 250-624-1033 clan, Computer Technidan; addition to a 6000 s.f. existing structure. Reward offered. PACIFIC NORTHWEST Buy new front and rear unload cattle Programmer Analyst, Office Ad- A maximum of six General Contractors will be LOST: SET of car keys on and Sell. Free online ads. tailgate etc. Phone Julius at ministrator. For program or Chrysler Electronic key fob. E- 250-547-2084 or Charlotte at student loan information, from invited to bid on the project which will be mail ads @pnwbuyandselLcom. Near Caledonia Sports field. 250-547-2382 our CDI College (Abbotsford constructed under the provisions of a CCDC-2 Mail to Box 2102, Smithers, BC. Reward. 250-638-0354 Campus) Call toll free today 1- Stipulated Price Contract or an amended V0J 2N0. Serve Burns Lake to 13 PAD Mobile Home Park (6 CCDC-2 Stipulated Price Contract. Queen Charlottes. acres) Telkwa, BC. Mountain- 888-229-1555 ous valley. Grosses $30,000 a Contractors wishing to be considered should CAGEN CONTR. LTD. HAY CANADA'S BEST 24 HOUR 1 AND GRAIN SALES. Glen, year. Future expansion poten- submit their credentials, comprisin.q of at least 250-638-0254 tial. Asking $285,000. Phone the information contained in CC,~ Document on 1 (18yrs+) 1-88S-913-8122 250-497-7193, R. Beaubien, No.11 "Canadian Standard Form of from $2.00/min. Credit card bill- HALF ARAB Black Colt. Arab #9-1410 Cedar Str. Okanagan Contractors Qualification Statement". Closing ing. 1-900-870-7647 $3.99/min GARAGE SALE. House hold Mare. Arab Gelding. Half Arab Falls BC V0H 1R0 ATLAS INFORMATION Man- Website: items, tools, building supplies Pony Mare. Half Andalusian agement has an opening for an date for the receipt of submissions is August Gelding. All registered, all 9 ACRE deepwater lease. Won- HYPNOSIS-HYPNOTH ERAPY. and much more. 3503 Old derful oysters and manila experienced Microstation Tech- 21,2000. Deliver to: Lakelse Lake Drive. trained. $1200 and up. 250- nician. Forestry related experi- Rewarding career helping 846-5583 clams. Established 12 years. Dan Condon Architect others or self-empowerment. Longlines securely anchored. ence and knowledge of GPS 5-5008 Pohle Avenue Registrations being accepted HAY FOR Sale, Round bales, Room for expansion, Courte- data cleanup would be an as- Terrace, B.C. for September. Free brochure. $75 per ton. Delivery available. nay, Vancouver Island. Informa- set. Please email, mail or fax V8G 4S8 Contact: Meridian Institute. PO Round Lake Ranch, Smithers. tion package call Purtzki 1-888- resume to: Atlas nformation Box 753, Duncan, BC, V9L 250-847-4733 668-0629 Management, 102-1383 McGill 250-635-1578 3Y1. 250-748-3588 DEREGULATION IS creating Road, Kamloops, BC, V2C 6K7, 5 HP Craftsman Lawn mower fax 250-851-9840 email mike Fax: 635-1578 MALE ORGAN enhancement. the greatest shift of economic used only 1 season. FJC. 30" FDA approved. Medical vacuum stove, in good condi- wealth in history. Learn how pumps or surgical enlargement. Errglisli-Wester # ~3addlcry YOU can benefit from the de- ATTENTION: TRAINING pro- tion. 1 pair of boys 550 ccm , , Harness.Siipplies,7: gram for long haul trucking, job ' Gain 1-3". Permanent and safe. tacks skates. Size 4 1/2. Good regulation of the Telecommuni- • . *:ClOHi}ng ?.:!:. ".: placement a~ilable, On the job Resolve impotence. FREE condition. 250-635-3796 cations and Utilities industry. brochure. Call Dr. Joel Kaplan. .Evenjthingfor the i. }: Call 604-792-5149 training, call 783-8040 or 1-877- i SCHOOL CLASSROOM Dispo- 763-8040 to start your new ca- • 312-409-5557. Insurance reim- . ' Horse t, bver..-:. :":, EVER DREAM of owning your bursement. Visit website sal, 24'x40' portables, near • Glasses * TShirts:::,:' reer today. MJ Bloomfield Con- new, Salmon Arm/Sorento. own business? For sale high . !.: .. ,.:. KbOiali: :2L ::;: class fashion retail opportunity tractinq Ltd. Easy to move. Excellent value. :: = LeaMng.Trbei..Arisfa :. BABYSITTER WANTED for ° THANK YOU Immediate sale. First come. in Campbell River. 7 years es- ~[AIL ORDER~Sl~,=.LCOME-- tablished. Excellent clientele. Sept. 5th. Needs child first aid. EVMfff.EM$ Where is. All Seasons. 250- Ndn-smoker. 250-635-7470 675-2749, 250-656-7922. Serious inquiries. 250-287-3938': ' !FREE' 200O CALEttDAR rwe now nave~ EARN "$200, $300, $500 'per SUMMER CLEARANCE Sale. FAMILY OWNED Taft'c0mpa- SRV39.99 c0Uedors edition ny in beautiful northern Be. Ex- ., week,,'assembling product in ratudbest service and mostaccurate Hemlock & spruce fencing ma- your own home, send a self ad- terial. Call 250-635-5981 or cellent local business and major o. c~.~.,t 6~f,. ~o tf, o,, ,Me f,,tp,d ,, oa tf,, fi, td, psychicsin Cdain 1998+1999 Ecl]u|pme t = contract. Owner wanting to re- dressed stamped envelope to: 250-635-3409 k We areb~k t° °ur summerhours a O.P.H. 6-2400 Dundas St. : Career bTues. - Sat. J tire due to health. House aail- Relationships able if needed. Send replie to West, Suite 541 ref 683 Missis- sauqa, ant, L5K 2R8 Spouse habits, ~ Bx B c/o Quesnell Cariboo Ob- _%,,so,, ,,,, a, 4"d. % MaE. Custom EXPERIENCED YARD person Picking Lotto # s server, 188 Carson Avenue, ,o%, o~o,,~e,~,,,0, 9 ,~ dz,~lap~zo,,~,, ~o,,, =f, dd~,j. Quesnel, BC, V2J 2A8 for vehicle dismantling at an • ~ in 2000 Cut Mouldings Auto Recycler in Vernon Be. 1-900-4 51-4055 REAL ESTATE Brand New Phone 250-545-2104 or fax Concept. Exit Realty offers 250-542-3335 24 HRS. $2.99/min . 18+ BE ICES IN HAY FOR sale: Square Bales. Franchise opportunities $3.25 in field. $3.75 in barn. HOUSEKEEPING STAFF re- B.¢-!! throughout Be. Call Annette NORTHERN__...._ Hwy 16 1 mile west of 37 junc- quired, Bumpers Inn, Banff, Al- Roehlig Toll-free @ 1-877-604- tion. 250-849-5329 berta. Accomodations available. 3948 (EXIT) Fax resume to 403-762-8842 or SOLID PINE OMINECA LLAMA - Alpaca SALES/DISTRIBUTION Fran- phone 1-800-661-3518 Ranch, Breeding stock, fiber IMIOUi.DINGS chise for Premier Canadian per- animals, pet quality animals, IMMEDIATE OPENING for Specialize in log cabth siding, ishable foods product company. wool sales, Alpaca duvets & pil- waiter/waitress. Experience pre- lx4 strapping, fencing & morel Quality/leading brand names lows, manure sales, 250-695- ferred. Apply in person with re- ensure success with this excit- 6584. Email dmontald@future- sume applications available at f ing opportunity. Area: Terrace, front desk. Bear Country Inn, ! O0 °/° (~UARAIMlrEE Prince Rupert & QCI. For fur- CANADIAN On all Products customized to 4702 Lakelse Ave., Terrace, ther information please contact BC. meet all of your needs! TIRE Steve, Norwest Dairy Products JOURNEYMAN AUTOMOTIVE CKC REGISTERED Black La- Ltd. 250-624-5954 after 5pm Technician required Imediately: 5100 HWY. 16 WEST brador Retriever pups, to ap- SMART HOLLYWOOD photo Chrysler experience preferred, booth - approx. 4 yr. old. Gross 635-7178 renew or add proved homes only. $400. good pay & benelit back pack- a touch of class Phone 250-635-3265 for more over $8000 last year. $9000. age, Call Jine, Bruno or Lyle TOLL FREE 1-888-317-8473 • to any room. into. 250-847-9289 for serious inqui. Russett 250-374-4477 Kam- OR FAX US AT: ! (250) 635-6964 ries only. loops. I Phone: (2501 845-739¢3 REGISTERED BORDER Collie Toll Free: 1-888-845-3399 pups. Papered, dewormed, vac- LADIES RETAIL Clothing LOOKING FOR cleaning lady. Fax: (250) 845-3599 cinated. $350 breeding, $250 Business for sale in Terrace. Located in Thornhill. Call Paul, Well established. Excellent 250-635-4802 Located on 3rd Ave, In non-breeding, Approved farm Terrace Houston Industrial Park homes only. 6yr Bet/QH, 17HH, opportunity, Serious Inquir~es LOOKING FOR live in Nanny to $2000 abe. 250-847-2224 only. Call 1-877-215-8780 care for 2 young children, housekeeper, and to cook for family of 4, must be patient, lov- his circular tree seat will make it convenientto r ing, affectionate, understanding, relaxand enjoythe atmosphereof your yard. It is ..~ terrmce.louilders@osg,net I1~1~11 non-smoker. 250-635-6222 ~ large enough for treesup to two feet in diameter.,.>. , ooa,oDo,, Generations of skilled union carpenters have built ~You can build it from pine, cedaror treatedlumber and ..% FAX (250) 635-5093 ::iii!ifinishwith a natural appearanceor paint brightwhite to the cities and towns around us. We have built ....accent the baseof a tree.The roundbench frame Is built.... 3207 Munroe, Terrace 635-6273 HELPWANTED :.~.~inself-suppoding halves, making it possibleto split and ,< something else as well.., a union that has upheld ~ removsthe seatfor mowingor relocationto anothertree. ~: The Back Eddy Pub ii~;:iConstructionis quicksince most parts are duplicatesand ~...... standards of decent wages and benefits for working is accepting ~traceable patternsensure accuratepail outlines. Pails O !.~fastenwith glueand screws.Size is 68" wideby 31" high. ": applications for the ~#1610 ($9.g5plus $2.50 shipping& handling). people and continues to be a strong voice for construction workers. Following positions: BARTENDERS, '3 Terrace Co-op ~i~ Thiscatalog shows over 400 ~~ plsnstar indoorand outdoor~:~ Home Centre COOKS& SERVERS ::!~!::i.~~:::~ furniture,outdoor structures, 2912 Molitor St., Terrace 635.9595 ~~l play gyms and playhouses. Toll Free 1-800-848-0347 Apply within with ~;~ ~j~ children'stoys, lawn & gar- resume. ~: ~'~Ji~ den and homeimprovement. : ~~ 154.00 REBATE INCLUDED Ask for Paul

...... BUS: (250) 638-8700 4632 Lakelse Ave. ~ CRAFT PATTERNS Home Workshop, Dept. R6C 3545 Stern Avenue St. Charles, IL 60174 ;~; FAX: (250) 635-4465 :~::i ~:iI ,, IVl~ll *1~'I I fl:'lll Ifl IKHI I I IP/J I: I I *l I lIKe][H "~li I ril~B Iq l[ II111'/' rA rJ P~: ~ OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Q 1610 Round.the-TreeSeat Plan...... $12,45 i~J Q 2105 Tree Seat Plan Packel...... $23.70 DO-IT-YOURSELFBOOKS & VIDEOSAVAILABLE (#1610 plus plans for another round seal and triangular Itee seat) MANY INSTOREPLANS & IDEAS ~ 98 "YouCan Make It" Catalog...... $4.00 :~;~ (Shows over400 projectplan Ideas plus $4.00 tel:~le oiler) i!!~ IL residents add 8.5% sales lax -- prices Include delivery charges ~,,., IRLY BIRD BUILDING CENTRE Progressivemlon located in i~ Name: Smithers has an opening for a 4425 Keith Avenue, Terrace V8G 1J7 ~ Address: stylist. Very busy salon with ~ Clty: .... State: Zip: established clientele. Ongoing eduealion provided, Minimum 5 yeats experience required, c,ttl (250)847-5515 Send or fax retulne to (251)) 847-I,t M F0u rl h Ave i lair!Design :i:,£ .... i l]ox 3i.0; Smilhers, B:C:VOJ 2N(1

i() i t The Terrace Standard, Wednesday, August 16, 2000- B7 : 540 HELP :~:. • WANTED , • ". ' i; :':,' ! ' : REPORTER NEEDED to start immediately at the North Island Gazette in Port Hardy, BC. IMMEDIATE OPENING Cameras and vehicle a MUST, We require 2 permanent part-time Journalism education OR re- employees. The successful appli- Ideal camlictale will l)l)ssess Stl'nng interl}erst)nal altd contnttn- porting experience to comple- nication skills, :is well as tile ;thility to l~eU'fl)ru] tltdckly trader ment creative creative and criti- cant must be mature, motivated, cal lhinking skills. Forget com- neat in appearance, personable pressure. Other prel'etluisites incltl(le being conscientious ~ultl puters. Take great photos. Sal- and able to work weekends and able to work without SUl}ervision. aried position requires re. Sundays. Previous sales experi- Applications ,are now being accepted for our sourceful, diligent and tearless newshound with initiative and ence is an asset but not required. Terrace location for Minimum grade 12 education. the ability to write accurate and CASUAl, PART TIME interesting stories about- any. Apply in person with resume to: thing and learn from feedback Lori CUSTOMER SERVICE PROFESSIONALS every week. Let's be thorough, Ricki's innovative, award-winning. App- whose respor~sibilities include renting cars/trucks ~dong with ly to editor Jay Latkoczky. 250- Skeena Mall ()tiler office duties anti Ihe washing anti cleaning of cars and No phone cctll,'; please 949-6225, fax 250-949-7655 trucks. Applic~uUs nit|st be able to work evenings ~ut(t weekends with resume a.s.a.p. as required. Qualified c:mdidates are requested to fom,ard their TSAYTA CONTRACTING Ltd in Ft. St. James is accepting ap- Huckleberry Mines Lt~L is curn~ntO' recru#ing for the fi~llowing resume in strict confidence by tn:dl or f:L',: tO: plications for full time seasonal tempora@ position: log truck drivers for our fleet of d,b.a. Budget Car and Truck Rer,tals 6 and 7 axel highway log trucks. Budget , v=o, , , Applicants must have at least 3 Plumber ¢,.b,.%3~:~;~.~L~w~:~.. " Site 16 Cont 1) 10, ItR#4 years log truck experience. Reporting to the Mill Maintenance Supervisor, the successful Please fax resume and abstracl candidate will be responsible for tbe |nainte||ance of a 2,10 man camp RLx: (250) 635-7722 to 250-996-8742 or phone 250- Millwrights 996-8522. and assisting in mill maintenance as required. Duties include plun'~bing No PI)one 6'alls I'/ease Athl: Dawn Magliocchi for attractive communities aml gas repairs, pipe lilting and sorne carpentry work. Applicants must possess a jotirrtcyman plumber's tiekel and have a in BC Southern Interior minirnurr~ors Class B gas fitter's ticket with electrical endorsement. HuckMxrry Mine is a rcn|ote ndne where its employees live in a Pope & Talbot Ltd. a major forest company with camp environmeru on their days of work. This position works a 4 x 4 manufacturing facilities in Grand Forks, Midway and schedule (4 days in. 4days out) or 4 x 3 schedule (4 days in 3 days Castlegar is recruiting millwrights. out). While at the mine site all meals and accommodations are provided free of charge to employees. Transportation is provided from Operations Analyst Houston. Applicants will have a minimum of five years in the Interested candidates can forward a resu|ne to: lumber manufacturing industry, welding experience Fort St. James, BC and strong hydraulic skills. A well organized self lluman Resources I)ep;IrtmenL iluekleberry Mines lad. Cantor is one of Canada's largest integraled forest products corn panies with principal starter and a highly motivated team player willing to 1'O Box 30011, llouston, BC VOJ IZ0 operations in British Columbia and northern Alberta. Located 1V2 hours west of Prince work a shift schedule are essential. Wage and George, Fort St. James ( offers a wealth of Fax: (6114) 517-4701 outdoor recreation including water sports and golf. benefits as applicable in the IWA Southern Interior Envlih ltR @iluekleberrymines.eom Master Agreement. As a key mernber of the Prince George Region's administration team you will be responsible for reporting, analysis and support for the Fort St. James manufacturing facilities as well as providing direction for the day-to-day work of a Data Administrator. If you are interested in a millwright position in one of You will assist tllroughout theRegion with such functions as standardizing/simplifying our facilities, please indicate preference of location reporting, accounting and administrative processes. Specific responsibilities include: when submitting your resume by August 31,2000 to • coordinating and providing accounting services • ensuring compliance with corporate Human Resources, Pope & Talbot Ltd. Box 39, policy and GAAP • reviewing/approving financial statemenls and reports ° coaching personnel on financial matters • budget control and annual business plan processes Grand Forks, BC VOH 1H0 or Fax: 250-442-8655 or • managing the Fort St. James building. e-mail: laverne_semenoff@ EmploymentOpportunity An effective team-player who preferably has completed a recognized accounting program, you bring to this role at least 5 years' relevant experience as well as computer proficiency Nisga'a ResourceOfficer and outstanding interpersonal skills. We thank all applicants in (Full Time P0silion) advance, however, only those We thank all applicants for their interest in Canfor: however, only those selected for an selected for an interview will be Theclosi~ daleto submitapplications for this positionwill be interview will be contacted. Please submit a resume in confidence by August 24, 2000 to'. contacted. 4:00 P.M. Friday,September 1, 2000 Nisga'a Lisims Government is seeking ,Jpplications from individuals qualified to fill the above position that will be based in New Aiyansh, BC. Canadian Forest Products Ltd. The Nisga'a Resource Officer (NRO) will have some Bryan Lockhart forestry related field experience and a minimum PO Box 6000 ~ COAST MOUNTAINSSCHOOL DISTRICT 82 forestry related training of technical diploma. The NRO Prince George, BC V2N 2K3 will provide Project Management support to the Forest Fax: (250) 962-3325 Resources Manager of the Nisga'a Lisims Government. E-mail: blockhart PRINCIPAL VACANCY Web: M20748 Duties will include implementation of Forest Resource Stewart is a small northern coastal community, Managemen t plans as developed for Nisga'a Lands. surrounded by mountains and is located in a beautibl The incumbent will be expected to research and setting at the end of the Portland Canal. Outdoor enhance resource management plans both in the field activities abound in the area such as boating, fishing, and in the office~/~Dther duties include crew hiking, hunting, prospecting, etc. Stewart is located manc~ement 'ahcr"'supervisiori wfi'eie required, approximately three hours north of Terrace. This is a responsibility for time management and accountability unique opportunity for a skilled professional with a to efficient and sale work practices. pioneering spirit who would enjoy working in a remote The position requires a good working knowledge of area with strong community support. Forest Resources Management and the desire to work Applications are invited from qualified persons for as a team member developing management practices the Principalship of Stewart Elementary and Stewart The North West Community Health Services Society is inviting applications for the Nisga'a Lands. Familia,rity and knowledge of to establish a casual "on call" list for the position of Office Assistant II for our Terrace Secondary Schools in Stewart, BC. The elementary and the Nass Valley and the: Nisga a culture would be an office. S,alary range: $16.23 - $17.36 per hour (BCGEU). secondary programs are offered in two separate asset. Reporting to the Supervisor of Administration, these position(s) will be required to carry buildings but under the direction of one principal. The Salary will be commensurate with education and schools have enrollment of approximately 80 out a variety of clerical functions as needed for holiday/sick leave coverage. experience. elementary and 60 secondary students. Grade 12 and successful corn pletion of an office procedures program with one year of Please forward your resume, references and clerical experience is required. You must have typing of 55 wpm, thorough knowledge Qualifications are: covering letter to: 1. Successful experience as a teacher and of computers and be proficient with word processing and spreadsheets using MS Word Director of Lands and Resources and Excel. This position requires good knowledge of routine office practices and administrator at the elementary and/or secondary N ISGA'A LISIMS GOVERNMENT procedures, and the flexibility to work in various programs with varied duties. levels. RO. Box 231 2. Having or working towards a Master's Degree in A valid Class 5 BC Drivers License is necessary and you may be required to use your New Aiyansh, BC own vehicle on Society business. Education Administration or other relevant fields. V0J 1A0 3. Excellent interpersonal skills. A job description may be obtained upon req uest. Your application must clearly identify Fax- Lands & Resources: (250] 633-2367 All applicants must have or obtain membership in how you meet the posted qualifications. or Email: [email protected] the BC College of Teachers and must meet the Please direct all inquiries quoting competition #NW00:054 to: Sue Samuelson, Human conditions of the BC Criminal Records Review Act. Resources Administrator, North West Community Health Services Society, Closing Date: Friday, August 18, 2000 3412 Kalum Street, Terrace, B.C., V8G 4T2. Tel: (250) 638-2205; Fax: (250) 638-2251; E-math sue.samuelson@ Please submit resumes complete with references in I~ COAST MOUNTAINS SCHOOL DISTRICT 82 applications to: Applications and resumes must be received no later than 4:30 p.m., August 25, 2000. Mr. Herb Fader, Superintendent of Schools North West Community Health Services Society thanks all interested applicants, Coast Mountains School District 82 PRINCIPAL VACANCY however, only those applicants who are selected for an interview will be contacted. 3211 Kenney Street Mount Elizabeth Secondary School Terrace, BC, V8G 3E9 Kitimat, BC Fax: 250-635-4287 A principc with strong leadership qualities is required for Mount Elizabeth Secondary School, l~/jp [] Public Service Commission Commlulon de la fonctlon publlque Kifimat, BC. MESS is a multi-cultural, comprehensive [] of Canada du Canada school which offers a wide range of programs to JOB POSTING approximately 1050 students in grades 8-12. Kitimat is a coastal community located at the end of the Douglas Census Area Managers Channel. A variely of outdor activities exist throughout COORDINATOR the area, including boating, fishing, biking, hunting, Statistics Canada The Terrace Women's Centre (TWRC) Society is seeking etc. "ERRACE; BRITISH COLUMBIA an independent motivated, passionate, friendly individual Required Qualifications are: who will see themself as part of a feminist Collective,'Ille 1. Master's Degree in leadership, curriculum and/or Open to persons working or residing within a 140 km radius of Terrace, B.C, TWRC is a dynamic and exciting drop in centre that is related field. loud in its lobbying and advocacy for the social, economic 2. Strong interpersonal, oral and written Persons who have previously applied under reference number STC0104BC16need not and legal equality of women. This is a 25 hour a week communicalion skills. re-apply. unionized 2 year position working with members of the 3. A student centered philosophy. TWRC Collective, Flexible scheduling of work hours is This term position, from November 14, 2000 to August 10, 2001, will see you recruit, expected. 4. Administrative experience at the secondary level. hire, train, direct and superviseapproximately 10 field supervisors. In addition, you will 5. A clear philosophy regarding expectation of manage al field activities in a given geographic area. This will include monitoring, In this position, you will be responsible for. students and leadership of staff. analysing and controlling the colledion of census data. The salary for this position is • Organizing and participating in community events $39,585 per annum prorated for the term of employment. to increase the visibility of theWomen's Centre 6. Understanding of secondary education • Developing and implementing an action plan to To qualify, you must have successfullycompleted two years of post-secondary educa- address the issue of feminization of poverty, The principal will have the ability to: tion in a related field or have an acceptable combination of education, training and . Overseeing project staff and students and encouraging 1. Lead the staff in the implementation of programs at experience.A background in recruiting, hiring, training and supervising a diverse work- meaningful volunteer participation in the centre. the secondary level. force within a project or operation that has strict deadlines is required.Additionally, the . Initiating strategies to address human rights issues, 2. Relate well with parents, staff, and senior staff. new candidate must have experience using and interpreting management reporting , Advocating for women and tlteir families systems.You must possess a valid driver's licence recognized by the Government of BC • Providing support and crisis management to women 3. Work in a collaborative manner. 4. Establish a strong and respectful rapport with and have Unrestricted access to a motor vehicle, as some travel may be required. You will possess the following qualifies and skills: students in order to optlmize learning. Proficiency in English is essential, . Knowledge and understanding of political oppression 5. Manage all aspects of the school's operation. and institutional discrimination Note: Costs for relocation and travel to an interview will not be paid. • Strong advocacy skills with the ability to deal 6. Maintain and continuously improve the comprehensive vision for Mount Elizabeth If you are interested in this position, please apply on-line or forward your resume, clearty effectively bureaucratic systems and infrastructures demonstrating how you meet position requirements, stating your citizenship and quot- • Excellent public speaking and presentation skills Secondary School. ing reference number STC0331BC16, by August 25, 2000, to: Public Service • Ability to supervise projects and their staff * ExceUent written and computer skills All applicants must have or obtain membership in Commission of Canada, 210-757 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC V6C the BC College of Teachers and must meet the 3M2. Pleaseaccess our Web site on August21, 2000, if you want to apply electronicallz.~ If this position sounds exciting to you, please for- conditions of the BC Criminal Records Review Act. ward an application to: We thank all candidates who apply and advise that only those selected for furtrl'~ Hiring Committee Closing Date: Friday, August 18, 2000 consideration will be contacted. Preference will be given to Canadian citizens. 4542 Park Ave. Please submit resumes complete with references 'n We are committed to employment equity. Terrace, B.C. applications to: VSG 1V4 Mr, Herb Fader, Superintendent of Schools We encountge applications from members of the les- Coast Mountains School District 82 bian, Flrs~ Nations, ethnic, disabled and youth communi. 3211 Kenney Street " ties. Closing date August 18, 2000, A strong cover letter is Terrace, BC, V8G 3E9 recommended, Fax: 250-635-4287 iobs.gc,ca J Canad

t B8 - The Terrace Standard, Wednesday, August 16, 2000

3 BDRM top floor, FS, WD, 1 BEDROOM to rent. Utilities NEAR NEW, bright, spacious 2 1 BEDROOM basement suite, OUR BUSY Dental Practice is K&D Logging Ltd. in Ft. St'. • LUNDROMAT ' A'T'I~ENDANT 12x12 outdoor storage. Close to included. $400. Close to col- required for full time position. bdrm apt. Onsite caretakers, 5 suitable for one person. Bright, lege, available Sept 1st. 250- currently seeking a full time Hy- James is accepting applications clean and fairly quiet; fridge, town. Large yard, no smoking, for an experienced buncher op- Seniors welcome to apply. appliances, NG fireplace, mini 638-7214 leave messaqe. genist. Exc. hours. Please fax stove and utilities incl. Must be no pets. $700 ruth. 250-635- orator. Please fax resume to Please bring/mall resume to storage, NO pets, references resume to 604-792-3790 or call required. $750/month. 250-635- N/S non.partier. $550/mo. 250- 5459 604-852-7848 250-996-8742 or phone 250- 4637 Lazelle Ave., Terrace, BC, 3 BEDROOM townhouse on 996-8032 V8G 1 $8 6248 638-8436 PREFERABLY EXPERIENCED 1 BEDROOM bsmt suite, bright, Molitor St. In Terrace. Fridge, WANTED SERVICE station at- ONE BEDROOM apt, Cable block layout compasman need- TOUCH WOOD Industries Co- ground level entry, NS/NP, stove, blinds, included. Refer- operative is accepting applica- tendants. Positions full time, and laundry facilities. New man- ed for 2-3 months of work. Call agement on site. No pets THornhtll bench. $400 month, ences and security deposit re- LOOKING FOR roommate to tions for a full time position. part time available. Experience or leave message at 250-635- please. 250-615-5441 avail. Immediately. 250-638- quired. Walking distance to share trailer in Thornhill. No Those applying should possess In cashiering, serving fuel, pro- 0534 1341 downtown, Ask $750 month. pets. Call 250-635-4260 to ar- THE CHIOCES Program (Ter- woodworking skills, basic com- pane preferred, but will train 2 BEDROOM economy apart- Phone 250-632-2261 ranqe interview. puter programming, small busi- suitable candidates. Fax re- ment in quiet location near 1 BEDROOM, spacious suite race & District Community Serv- for rent. No smoking, no ets, 3+1 BEDROOM house 1350 ROOM FOR rent to reliable, ices) Is looking for Casual/On- ness accounting, self motiva- sume to 250-949-7367 or bring town. Pets welcome. 250-635. sq,ft, large fenced yard, large mature, working person, Must tion; Preference will be given to resume to Swiftsure Petroleum 9102 Suitable for student or young Call employees. Applicants couple• In horseshoe area. 250- shop, Very quiet, secure area. be clean. Senior welcome. applicants with CNC router ex- 8755 Main St., Port Hardv. 3 BEDROOM apt., 5 applianc- must be 19 years of age. If you 635-1103 Lots of other extras. $810 per $400/month includes utilities have Grade 12 and are interest- perience and marketing skills. WANTED: ASPHALT shingler, es, avail, Sept. 1. Minutes from month. Call 250-635-1981 and cable. One block from Zell- 2 BDRM basement suite. Well ed in working with people who Deadline August 31,2000. Fax, must have 3-5 years experi- downtown, non-smokers pre- 4 BEDROOM executive home ers. 250-615-5433 lit. $550 month, no pets. 250- are developmentally delayed, email or mail: Touch Wood IN- ence. 250-992-8534, Quesnel, ferred. Sac. Deposit $360, $725 near college available Sept 1st. and you are willing to obtain a: dustrles, c/o Ketth Spencer, Box BC. month. No pets. Call 250-635- 638,8138 ROOMMATE WANTED Imme- $975 per month - references re- diately. Male or Female room Level 1 First Aid Ticket, Class 4 1638, Vanderhoof, BC, V0J 5954 2 BEDROOM apartment, newly WORK WORLD Is now taking qulred. Ph. 250-638-0808 days, mate for Thornhlll basement su- Driver's License, TB & Tetanus, 3A0, fax: 250-567-3909. black resumes. Please present in per- renovated. $500/month. Hot 250-635-7732 eves. Criminal Record Checks, [email protected] water included. Recreation and ite. Newly renovated, Utilities in- son at Work World, #7B-4717 APARTMENTS-TERRACE 4 BEDROOM house in horse- cluded, laundry facilities. Lakelse Ave. next to Bank of laundry. On site manager. No Please pick up information at LOSE FAT, Inches & Cellulite. NEWLY RENOVATED 2 BedroomApts shoe area, 2 1/2 bathrooms, $300/month. Call 250-635-8462 4916 Lazelle Avenue, Terrace, Wanted 36 Serious people who Commerce. No phone calls pets• Ref. Required. Available $500 per month F/S included. Closed garage• SINGLE FEMALE Working or BC. For more information call want to lose up to 20 Ibs in one please. June 1st. Rent to purchase Fenced back yard. Sundeck. • Freehot water/recreation available. 250-635-0662 or 250- student to share 2 bedroom apt. the Choices Offices at 250-635- month. Free Sample. 1-877- • Close to schooland hospital Near schools. $900/month. Ref. 7863 389-0311. 615-6762 No parties. Clean, quiet, $350 Call collect (250) 877-6773 . required. 250-635-7939 month. Utilities included. 250- or cell (250) 847-1016 TWO BEDROOM basement su- FOR RENT- Adult oriented, 638-8387 ite in Thornhill. Close to very large 2 bedroom town- EXPERIENCED CARPENTER schools, laundry facilities on house• Quality construction. Im- 3 BEDROOM ground level premises, no pets. Recently Lake Babine Nation Richard Thornton Construction. apartment. No smoking, no macutate, oak & tile finish. 3 ap- Available for renovations, re- renovated, with new appliances. pliances, W/D hookup. Maxi- Health Services pets, no parties. S/F, W/D in- $500 month. Phone Rob: 250 pairs or new construction. 25 cluded. 250-635-9684 mum storage, fenced & secure. 638-7290 No pets. $750, 250-638-0661 PROFESSIONAL COUPLE Community Health Nurse years experience.Call Richard AVAIL. IMMED. attractive 1 One (1) Full lime & One (1) Part ~me Nursing Positionsare available 638-8526. TWO BEDROOM basement su- FULLY RENOVATED house/ seeks rent to purchase 3+ bdr bedroom suite. $425/month, + ite on the South Side. Dead end home. Large fenced yard or immediately. EXPERIENCED CARPENTER. deposit. Utilities included. 250- trailer w/large addition, 2 bed- Jurgen Mattheis. 635-7810. street, close to schools, big rooms, bright, spacious, 4 ap- acreage preferred. Inlaw suite a QUALIFICATIONS 638-8482 bonus. Call 250-635-0147 any- RegisteredNurse within British Columbia Housing, renDs, office remodel- back yard. $600 per month in- pliances, 2 are new, quiet, se- ing. Independant distributor of AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY cluding utilities. Phone Robl time. Nursing Degreeby a RecognizedCanadian University, preferred one bedroom apt in an adult ori- cluded setting on Thornhill Valid Driver's Licence Sun-Free vinyl products. 250-638-7290 Bench, $585 ruth. Hydro Includ- PROFESSIONAL FAMILY ented 4 plex in Thornhill. No seeks rental house in bench Current BTLS and CPR Certificates EXPERIENCE D PAINTER, 9 TWO BEDROOM bsmt suite for ed Ref. Req, 250.635-2839 pets. Phone evenings 250-635- area for September 1. Call 250- Min. 5 Years Experiencein Nursing CommunityHealth Nurse years experience, commercial, rent. Immediate occupancy. MAIN FLOOR 3 bedrooms, 5 experiencewithin First Nations are assets 3166 residential, interior, exterior, Close to school. All the utilities, appliances, sun deck, jet tub. 638-6513 after 6 pm Proficientwith word processingand spreadsheet CLEAN, QUIET, 2 bedroom du- cable, sofa, dining table includ- Must be highlymotivated, reliable, possess excellentHeallh drywall repair, wallpaper, clean, plex. 112 block to Copper Moun- Gas fi~eplace, and 2 bedroom fast, affordable & good. For in- ed. Ref. required. $550 per suite, 4 appliances, gas fire- Assessment skills tain School. Non-smoking. month. Call 250-635-5411 )eadline: Aug 16, 2000 formation phone Lea at 250- Laundry hookups. Fridge, place. Or will ,rent both at rea- 635-0177 sonable rate. Close to down- Send Resumesto: Cindy Heslop, Health Director stove, Gas furnace. R40. $550 WELL LIT spacious 1350 sq.ft P.O. Box 297, Bums Lake, B.C. V0J 1E0 FULLY CERTIFIED & regis- + deposit 250-635-4200 Basement suite. Separate en- town. No dogs or padies. 250- 160 ACRES at Rosswood NOT Fax: (250) 692-4792 tered builder available for cus- DROOM APT. in Thornhill. trance, 2 bedrooms with new 638-1476 in ALR. For more info call 250- tom homes, renovations and $325month & damage deposit. carpet, shared laundry, very NEW 3 bdrm home, c/w fridge, 635-3265 quiet location on bench. No additions. Call Doug Matthews Phone 250-635-7025 eves or stove, washer, sdryer, quiet 39 ACRES on Nulki Lake. 650 pets, no smoking. Ref. required. at 250-635-0646 250-638-0438 days. street on bench. Non-smoker, gorgeous lakefront and 400 PRECISELY RIGHT MOVING. $650/month plus utilities• 250- no pets, refs req'd. $1000 per creek frontage. Good access. FURNISHED 1 bedroom apart- 615-0107 • A" "- t II " I" TRUCK and 28' trailer en- ment, in Thornhill. $380 per month. 250-635-7459 Ready to build on. Call Niho closed, and new 32' trailers, will Land and Cattle company• 604- Northwest Community College, Terrace Campus is seeking applica- month plus damage deposit NEWER EXECUTIVE duplex protect your goods across town $190. Utilities not included, no for rent, 2100 sq.ft. 3 bedrooms, 606-7900 tions to fill a temporary part-time position to instruct Biology 211: or across country. Will assist, or pets. 250-635-6851 3 BEDROOM, 8 plex apt. $700 1 1/2 baths, 3 appliances. Close 7 LOTS 33'x120' each. Laurier Principles of Ecology (45 hrs.)commencing September and terminating load for you• Reasonable rates. to schools ad hospital. Prefer St., New Hazelton, BC. Phone TWO UNITS avail immed. A month, Dmg dep, no pets, F&S, December 2000. Salary will be in accordance with the College Agreement Terrace at 615-0002 or 638- non-smokers and no pets. 204-832-2383 or 250-635-4940 small 2 bdr basement suite in laundry facilities, 250-638-1094 with the CUPE Instructor scale. Northwest Community College is an equal 6969 (cell)• $850/month. 250-635.2280 af- town, utilities incl. $450/mo. A 2 " GREAT SITE to build a home opportunity employer.. STRONG, HONEST, Depend- br duplex in Thornhill utilities ter 5 p.m. or move your mobile to. 2.26 Biology 21 ! - In depth examination of basic ecological principles, including able young man looking for extra, $375/mo.250-638-8639 acres in Jackpine Flats, paved population and community ecology, food chains, succession, species diversity, work. Painting, mowing grass, TERRACE FOR rent 4 bed- road, hydro, cablevision & tele- genetic strategies, genetic diversity and impacts of management and distur- cleaning, etc. References Avail- room upper duplex $850/month. phone available. Asking bance on populations and communities. May include field lectures to illustrate able. Call Eric at 250-635-4379 4 bedroom lower unit $700 $42,000 + GST. MLS. Call 250- ecological principles as applied to natural and disturbed populations and or 250-615-8707 "PARK MANOR APTS • month. Natural gas heat & hot- 635-6361 or 250-635-5754 water included. Deposit and ref- communities. 2 bedroom apt., LARGE FULLY serviced build- Qualifications/Skills - Sueeessfid applicants will have a miaimt,m of a erences required. 250-798- $600 mth, includes heat. ing lot in new executive subdivi- Master's degree in the course discipline or related field (PhD preferred) and ALMARLIN BUILUIIN~ 9554 Close to swimming pool & sion on the bench. $38,000. teaching experience at the post-secondary level; and, excellent interpersonal UPPER LEVEL 3 bedroom 250-635-0646f downtown. 3219 Eby Street andcommunication skills. 1,2, 3, bdr apt. Availimmd. On house, F/S, W/D, DW. 1 block No pets. Tel: (250)635-7191 We thank all applicants for their Interest, however, only those selected for an site management. Ref reqd. from college. Nice yard, $750 interview,~illbe contacted. 635-6428 or 638-0015 or 615- References required. Ground FI6or: month, utilities not included. 2 bedroom basement suite, 1 Resumes should be submitted not later than August 22, 2000to: 0345 Ph. 635-3475 2,625 sq. ft. " block from college, ideal for 2 BEDROOM (1/2 block from Second Floor: students, $500 month for single 5000 SQ.FT. commercial build- town) F/S, W/D, blinds. Security CompetitionO0.101C ~i 445 sq. ft. occup., $650 ruth for double oc- ing. Prime downtown location, Director, Ituman Resources ..:~:., entrance; No pets, no smoking. CUNTON MANOR cup. Utilities incl, Call 250-638- Quesnel BC, $350,000 OBO. • ' " !' .... Box 726,Terrace, B.C. VSG4XZ ~ • :; .:' ~L~ 250i666--0046:'':'": :" ~'" ...... Call for more info. 250-398- WE ARE TAKINGAPPLICATIONS 1164 8728 FAX: (250) 635-3511 2 BEDROOM apt• available im- FOR A BACHELORSUITE REASONABLE NORTHWEST COMMUNITY" COLLEGE mediately• New carpet. No pets. Security entrance. Ref. re- s420.00 month. RATES quired. Close to downtown. AN0 ONE BEDROOMAPT. $550/month plus damage de- month. posit. 250-635-6824 ss00.00 One block from swimmingpool. 2 1/2 year Did 3 bedroom house PART-TIME INSTRUCTOR ONE BEDROOM furnished No Pets, references required. at 4832 Walsh, with 3 bath- Foster Parent Training Program apartment in Thomhill. Single rooms,(ensuite), walk in war- occupancy only. Sorry, no pets. Phone 635-3475 drobe, large deck, double ga- Northwest Community College, Terrace Campus is seeking appli- References required. $360 + rage, garden plot, fenced, 4 ap- cants to fill a part-time position to instruct Foster Parent Training, $180 security deposit. Phone plinamces, reduced from Series I (36 hours, evening and Salurdays) commencing 635-2065. $180,000 to $170,000. 250- September 27111and terminating November 25, 2000 (subject to PAY NO RENT UNTIL OCT. 111 635-9123 minimum enro Iment). Salary will be in accordance with the at Terrace Manor Apts. 3 bdr Co ege Agreement with the CUPE Instructor scale. Northwest townhouses from $595/month. Property Manager, ,5 Communily College is an equo opportunily employer. Close to downtown and schools years experience,• familiar at 4520 Scott Ave. Clean, neat with RTA, includes adver- Foster Parent Training, Series I- consisting of 9 modules designed interiors, fridge and stove in- to thread core themes of teamwork, child and youth development, cluded. Days 250-635-4980. tising, screening, collec- communications, guiding children's behaviour, family support, QUIET AND clean, 2 bedroom tions, maintenance diversity and inclusion. ground level apt. available Sept. Would you like a landlord checks/reports, first arbi- who treats you as a Qualificafi~ 1. Laundry facilities, on site tration, small claims, ~s will have a Master's degree in a related field manager, no parties. Referenc- valued customer? some maintenance. and teaching experience at the post-secondary level; working es and damage deposit re- If so, try ud Call Lea (250) 635-0177 knowledge o7 the BC Child Welfare System and the Family Care quired. Ph. 250-635-1126 or 250-635-6991 Available immediately. Home Program; experience working/caring for children in the 2-BedroomSuite. Bright 2 BEDROOM house w/guest area of child Welfare (i.e. Early Childhood Education, Youth QUIET CLEAN 2 bdrm. apt room and loft, natural gas heat, Work, Social Work, School Counselling); excellent interpersonal close to town. Laundry facilities• and Clean.Washer/Dryer. 1A 1 Bedroom cabin, furn. or MOBILE HOME pad in Skeena 2 bay garage w/workshop, and communication skills; ability to co-~cilitate with a foster par- $500/month. Ref reqd. 3 bdrm Nice fencedyard with unfurn. Avail Immediately or greenhouse & storage shed, ent and content experts when necessary; and, be flexible and townhouse avail. Sept 1, NG Valley Trailer Park, $220/mo. 2 treesand garden. Sept 1st. $395 month. 250-638- bedroom apt,, avail immediate- 75x200 ft.lot, located Lakelse responsive to learner and curriculum competencies. heat, F&S, hookup for W/D, $650/month (ufil.incl.) 8052. 250-638-8052 Lake. Asking $120,000. Phone $600/mth. 250-615-7665 or ly, $350/mo. Phone 250-635- 2 BDRM townhouse. Clean 4894 250-798-2523 We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those 250-635-5653. Call 635-4261 quiet. Fridge/stove. Suitable for selected for an interview will be contacted. Resumes should be TERRACE MASONIC Hall is 3 VERY large bedroom rancher, professional couples. No pets. submitted by August 25, 2000 to: available for rental, suitable for Fenced yard. Close to down. Ref. required.Phone 250-635- 60 diners or 80 sitting in rows. town. Asking $99,900. Musl Competition 00.095C Summit Square 3796 Details from Hugh, 250-638- see. 250-635-4162 Director, Human Resources 2 BEDROOM duplex $475/ 7798 any time day or ni.qht. 4517 CEDAR Cres. View prop. Box 726, Terrace, B.C. V8G 4X2 Apartments month. 1 bedroom house $395/ Fax: (250)635-3511 arty - 2.8 acres Executive 1700 1 & 2 Bedroom 2 BEDROOM basement suite month. 1 bedroom trailer $350/ sq.fl, home Price $259,000. Call month. All in Thornhill. No pets. NORTHWEST COMMUNITY COLLEGE Units available for working, mature 250-635-1543 or 638-1977 adults with quiet lifestyle, Ref. required. Phone 250-635- CABIN ON Hudson Bay Moun. • Quiet & Clean 9530 • Nb Pets $550/month utilities included. tain, wired, propane stove, t 2 BEDROOM house, out of • Ample Parking N/S, no pets. Phone 250-635. bedroom with loft, kitchen, living 8277 town, 500 month, dmg dep. re- 2 BDRM Double wide in quiet room, balcony, great view, • Laundry Facilities adult park in Thomhill. 4 ap- 2 BEDROOM basement suite, quired. 250-635-2898 or 250- $38,000. 250-845-2181 • Close to Schools & 638-1212 • pliances, NG heat, no pets. Non Hospital sap, entrance, close to schools smokers, Ref, Req. $500 ruth & CHARMING HERITAGE home, T7•RRACE and hospital, no pets, w/wash- 2 BEDROOM, 1 1/2 bath town- Four bedrooms, Douglas Fir • On Bus Route dmq dep/250-635-7411 IIBj' VOLUNTEER house on south side. Stove and • Security Entrance er and dryer, quiet professional flooring, high ceilings, fenced V BUREAU Fridge included. W/D hookups. 2 BEDROOM 12x68trailer Sun- yard, Glassed in verandahs, full • On site Building Manager non smoker. $475 month. Avail immed. 250-635.6222 leave No pets, $600 month, 250-635- ny Hill Trailer Park. S550 month basement. Close to town, • Basketball, Volleyball & messa.qe. 5213 & dam. dep• 250-635-7025 $144,900. 250-635-3020 Racquetball Courts eves or 250-638-0438 days• SENIOR CITIZENSWELCOME 2 BEDROOM basement suite. 2 PLUS 1 bedroom in Horse- CHARMING SMALLER home Ask for Monica Warner Good for couple. Available Im- shoe area. Available Sept. 1. 3 BEDROOM mobile with large on Skeena River• Large lot, gar. mediately. No pets allowed. No smoking, no pets. $750 addition, f/s, w/d in Thornhlll, den, shed, 4 appliances. Natu. Helping Handyman Program Call: 635-4478 Close to downtown, 250-635- month plus utilities and damage Damage deposit and references ral gas, heat/hot water. Won- Lo@ng for Men, Women and Young,Adu~ who are 2153 deposit. 250-635-2484 required, Serious Inquiries only, derful neJghboure. Asking dedicated fo helpi,ngthe elderly/disabfedwho live in 3 BEDROOM suite. 4 applianc- 2 UNITS 3&4 bedroom. Hall St. Available Sept, 1, 2000. 250- $97,000. Phone 250-635-1674 es, all utilities included, down- furnished fully, close to school 635-1393, $75 O/month DOUBLE SIZED Deeded lot, their nei~lhborhoodto maintain a comfortable and safe town location, no pets, no par- & hospital, Avail. Aug, 15 & 31. Zoned Tourism Commercial MOBILE HOMES Large rental overlooking Bablne Lake in independence. Volun!eerto help with: ties. 250-635-4642 or 250-638- Phone 250-635-0055 lots available. Low lot rents In Grantsle, Land & buildings 2600 R.akingof [eaves 1586 and ask for Phyllis. new mobile home park. Lake 3 BDRM duplex Thornhelghts, sq.ft, Serious inquiries only, Cleaning o1"eaves :111A PARTMENT5 BRIGHT, SPACIOUS 2 bed- f/s, n/g, fenced yard, near bus & side Lac La Hache, Info call', III Taking Applications : 250-396-7270 Asking $47,500. Leave rues. Cleaning outsidewindows room basement suite. 5 ap- store, damage deposit, refer- sacle 250-697-2433 III Now , , pliances, separate entraance, ences, by eppt. only, Avail Sept, Minor home repa..irs cablevlslon, utilities, no smok- 1st, $650/month plus utilities. FOR SALE or rent to own, ,4 Snow shovelingof sidewalks and stairs III !or:l a, 2. Ing, no pets. Raf required, Dam- Leave volcemall 250-638-5423 bedroom home on 4 1/2 acres, Bedroom suites Close to town, Owner motivated Ill age deposit• Available Sept. 1 AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER 1, Ill quietrenovated suites $600 month. 250-638-8459 TRAILER PAD to sell. Call Dave 780-991-3800 Volunteers for Seniors Program in town, three bedroom lower LAKELSE LAKE Property, III ' Amp~teparking . half of house, It's nowly reno- Can ~ou give a coup.leof hoursa week on a regular NEWLY REND. 2 bdrm base- highway side. Year round ac- III ' Laundryfacilities on eachfloor vated with frldge stove, washer FOR RENT basis. ,Help those who ne~ help to go shopping, to ment suite, $500 month heat In- cess. Approximately 3 acres, , Closeto schools& downtown cluded, 250.615.4747. Avail- and dryer, Asking $600 per in quiet park in medical appoin!ments, or for ~cial outing. You could month, Call Patrick at 250-638- Very private. Zoned for 3 dwel- lll'°n bus route able Au.q. 15. lings. Ideal for strata title, 135' 1135 Thornhill. also be a triendly visitor. II1' Secur entrance ONE BEDROOM suite ground beach frontage• Year round well Ill' On site management CLEAN, WELL maintained No pets or no parties. Other volunteer positions are also av=ilable. level, For single person. Nice water. Small 2 bedroom winter. /11' N0pets and clean. No pets, No smok- small 2 bedroom house in Call after 5 p.m. ized house• W/D, F/S and satel- 'Ill ' Referencesrequired Ing, Damage deposit, ref. re- Thornhlll. Stove, fridge, washer, Iite dish. 3 garages. Large work. CALL :III To view ca, quired, Available Immediately• dryer, N/G heat, No pets No 635-7467 shop. Horse barn, 130' dock, F/S, cable and utilities Included, padles. Call after 5pm. 250- Assumeable mortgage at 638-1330 $400 month. Close to down- 635-7467. $575 per month, $230.00 per month 5,g5%, Asking $249,000, .:II: .638.17,48 Available Sept. 1. town. 250.635-6730 J Phone 250-798-25t0

1 I , The Terrace Standard, Wednesday, August 16, 2000- B9

f-;so,ol For Sale By Owrce

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FOR SALEBY OWNER 4117 YEO STREET REDUCED $15,000. MOVING AND MOTIVATED 9.88 treed acres. 1540 sq. ft. on main floor plus Horseshoe - 4737 Straume Ave This 2 br. executive rancher has a panoramic 6x44 front porch and 12x20 rear deck. Main floor $108,000 view, plenty of parking and low maintenance. includes 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Comes with wrap around glassed railed sun- kitchen with nook, main bath with 6 foot jet tub, deck, lots of outside and inside storage, view ensuite, laundry room. Full basementincludes finished +/- 1,040 sf with partial basement, 2 bedrooms, from every window, gas fireplace, 2 baths living room, 2 unfinishedbedrooms and garage. + 1 down, fridge, stove, washer, dryer, fenced yard, small shop, shed crown mouldings, blinds, dishwasher, & more. $199,000. 5250 Anna Street, Terrace Reduced to $174,500. View Anytime 635-3494 Phone 250-635-8284 Phone 250-638-1672

3 BEDROOMTOWNHOUSE 1555 sq. ft. MOVING END OF AUGUST- REDUCEDTO SELL ":""~...... :.:..:!E~!:!k::~:~::::~:::::~:~,.....;:::~:::..:$~::~x~×.. : :: ~; :::::: .::::~ :....~:::.:..-- ,.... ,...~::,.~ • ''" :::i::..: ...:..... 3 floors, 1 1/2 baths. Hydro/NG. New Windows. Exceptional Decor. Dining/kitchen. Livingroom. Lg. Rec. & utility rms. Wtw Immaculate Rancher -4907 Lambly carpeting. Parquet flooring. Treed front yard, backyard + v. RANCHER ON 2 ACRES. In Horseshoe. Many renovations within 4 years, 3 large children's/picnic area, all fenced, near all amenities/bus bedroom, large master bedroom with ensuite. route. (Assumable mrtg.) 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Carport and plenty of room for parking, Fenced yard s72,200 - View to appreciate. Private Sale ' Located, in park like sett}ng near Woodland Park with shed. Close to schools and downtown, includes •~ 'Built'In Dishwa~her:N/G Heat, paved driveway. Will OPENHOUSE 11 a,m. - 4 p.m...... Subdivision'. Pri~ate road access, i~ ' ~ Con'sider trade .... 3530 Kalum St. (#117). $170,000. Asking $134,000. Call 250-638-8320 or 250-635-0789 Phone 250-638-1587 August 17, 18 & 19

...... --- ~. "~-;~ "..*~ < , ." ----


FOR SALE Excellent Neighbourhood In Horseshoe 2 STOREY COTTAGE LOCATED AT 1 1/2 STOREY, 3+ BEDROOM, 2100 SQ. FT. HOME AT LAKELSE LAKE Immaculate condition, 3 bedrooms, 4 pc. main bathroom LAKELSE LAKE natural gas heat, 2 baths located at Lakelse Lake on private plus 2 pc. ensuite. N/G Heat & hot water. Fireplace, brick 10/s5 on private park like setting. Beautifully landscaped on park like setting. Beautifully landscaped on 75'x200' fenced lot. patio & new treated wood deck. Updated carpet & large 75'x200' lot. Downstairs: kitchen, diningroom and Upstairs: 2 bedroom, bathroom, family room, sun room with balcony flooring. Includes security system and 3 major appliances. Downstairs: 2 bedrooms, kitchen, living room, Laundry, bathroom. Partially finished basement. Large private accessible fenced bathroom. Upstairs: master bedroom. A great retirement Includes all appliances. Workshop: 20'x40' fully wired and plumbed yard with storage shed on cement pad. home. Large greenhouseand gazebo. Reduced to $149,500 REDUCED TO $159,900 3210 Clinton Street I Asking $70,000. Located at 4904 Lambly. For more info call 250-798-2456 638-7283 d For more info call 250-798-2456 Call 250-635-5371 for details or to view.

Bring In A Picture Of Your Home Along With Its Selling Features*

and we will run your HOME FOR SALE AD COL. in this special REAL ESTATE SECTION of the Terrace Standard. As well, your ad will be listed as a word classified ad in our Weekend Advertiser and our

• Internet Classifieds http ://www. bcc rn

Aft this for only S------week(fU/ GST) Discount for. multiple weeks. Your ad is distributed to thousands of homes in the Greater Terrace area every week! .... *50 words maximum PRIVATE SALES ONLY TERRACE STANDARD, 3210 CLINTON STREET, TERRACE, B.C. 638-7283 FAX 638-8432 MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8:00 - 5:0O

730 • FOR SALE BY ' OWNER ~ '.- .. 1150 SQ.FT, 3 bedrooms up, 2 bedrooms down, 2 .l.Z~idlm~ NEW LOG Cabin with metal REDUCED: 3 bedroom house RIGHT ACROSS Hospital and TRADES WELCOME. Triplex - 2 BDRM Apt. new paint, car- with 5 appliances, family room, Elementary school. 3 bedroom 3 bedrooms, 1250 sq.ft. 2-2 Exceptional condilj~l~ REDUCED - 2 acres in Jack- foor, new windows, 17'x26' plus flooor freshly painte~f"~g'B new loft. You remove. Reduced to pets, upgraded bathroom, over basement, deck, carport, shed, starter home. Corner lot with bedroomsuites, 720 sq.ft each.. pine Flats on main road, fully 800 sq.ft, balcony, southern ex- fruit trees, mini fish-pond, gar- greenhouse. Must sell this year. UpdatedInside. Naturaloutside. bath. Cabinets refinished. Base- serviced w/underground wiring, $19,900. Phone 250-877-9089 posure. Get out of the renting den plott. $123,000. With ex- $95,000 OBO. Call George R4O perfect home offlce/busl- ment 80% complete with out- natural gas, guest cabin, sheds, REDUCEDII MOVING Must rut. Good investment too. Call pensive furniture, $125,000. 250-635-4783 ness. Near school. 3972 Dobbie side basement entrance. In- landscaped w/a 1996 3 bdrm, 3 Sellll 4 bedroom renovated trail- 250-615-6762 or 250-635-0662 Call 250-635.0855 St. $140,000.250-635-4200. cludes 5 appliances, gas stove appl. 14'x70' mobile home w/a er on 5.636 acres 7 mln from • i .... i -r ..... & dryer. Extra large lot on out- 3 room 14'x43' addition. Asking downtown, Move In as early as YEARlocated ROUND2at Lakelse bdrmtraller Lake on a i~ ~.-~~ ~AI~0tD Wa~ ~ ~ ! ~ ! ~vithIk'd,,ced,ehcnld'=dsksn~s0ch,tedl~.._l_._T..¢xc¢. tv¢ight. Live I~ettcr 'Ill skirts of city. Presently renled. $117,000 OBO. Ph. 250-635- Sept 1/00. Great Potential. 80X200 lot. N/G, beautiful year I and Ionter...l(ihcer. ~| II Asking $109,000. Interested 7364 evenings or leave a mes- $93,500 OBO. Call 250.635- round creek. For further info =tJ~--.~'i ~ I ' ,I, i ~1= 1 ~°-~.~-I~'~ d= = " ,- "'~1,,~,,,,"~"°¢=II parties call 250-961-2298 or sage. g233 to view. 250-798.9586 250-561-2102. 1310 - The Terrace Standard, Wednesday, August 16, 2000 .,,,,o,',,,. 1978 CAMARO nice paint, TERRACE chrome roaDs, runs well, winter stored. Real head turner. Fast & mmm sweet. Asking $3500 Call 250- 845-3150 Outstanding/=chievement 1978 F250 4x4 Extra Cab au-" |H |l:Vg'] I ='-d tomatic rebuilt, like new, $2900 OBO. 1984 Delta Royale old- '98 Grand Cherokee Re/Max of Terrace Laredo, 6 cycl., Auto, IJ Free Estimates .~::' smobile, 54,000 kin. $3000 obo. r s___ou r AL, Ii ~'~'~" • Across town or the country Call 250-635-0671or message Air, Tilt, Cruise, Windows, ,J~L__ " Willassist or load for you Locks & More congratulates Reasonable Rates at 250-615-8182 Larry &Debbic Smith ~....I,. ~ , Bondable 1984 600SE Mechan- $25,995 ! Terrace, B.C. 63~-17~0 Ph: 615-0002 Cell:638-696 ics Special, runs, set of summer Shells Love & winter tires & rims. Phone '96 Jeep Grand Cherokee 250-635-4763 Laredo, 4door, 4x4, 6 cycl., 0/1 1989 TOYOTA Supra Turbo. Auto, NC, Tilt, Cruise, R L Asphalt Sealing Jenmng s Black fully loaded, targa top. Windows, Locks "Outstanding Specializing in residentialdriveways & parking lots. OUTDOOR SPORTS Leather. 164,000 kin. Cassette. $21,995 Protect your pavement, ml~ ,,~ i~ For all your Firearms Work stereo, 6 speakers. $7995 obo. Achievement" Keep it looking like newt ~r--i~ 250-638-1765 '98 Dodge Quad Cab 4x4 FOR SALE 1985 Ford LTD Laramie SLT,VS, Auto, for the month of July. In recognition of Free Estimates Crown Victoria 4dr, V8, auto, Air, Tilt, Cruise, Windows, Sweeping Parking Lots ~1' 11 body in good condition. Needs Locks & more this accomplishment, Sheila is pleased P.O. Box 29, Prifchard,B.C. V0E 2P0 some motor work. Asking $950. $27,995 Roland Lagace w ~ I~ Ph: 250-577-3244 Fax: 250-577.3249 Call 250-635-6688 after 6 pro. to make this month's donation to the i 3661 HawthornAve, Terrace Phone:635-3516 REDUCED[ 1988 Pontiac '98 Jeep Cherokee Terrace Child Development Centre. Tempest, no rust, new brakes, 4 Door, 4x4, auto, air V6 standard, NC, automatic $20,995 SMOOTHMOVING COMPANY windows, etc., 110,000 km, Ex- Licensed-insured Residential-Commercial cellent condition. $2400 OBO. '96 DodgeClub Cab DEEDED LAKEFRONT proper- "Free Estimates" 250-635-9592 or 250-615-5551 NC, Cruise, Tilt, Canopy. Reasonable Rales Reliable Service ties. Rustic cabin, road access, RESTORE ME~ 1979 Camaro $18,995 0.8 acres, Quesnel Lake, $75, ~. Across Town or Across Ihe Country Berlinetta, all original except CD 000. 3.0 acres on Clearwater Ph: 250.615-0315 Ce11:615-7954 -- Makqygur Next Move o Smooth Move player, perfect project car. En- '98 Dodge Ram QuadCab Lake in West Chilcotin. Excel- gine runs like new, body needs 2500, 4x4, V8, Air, Cruise, Tilt, lent fishing, $35,000. 250-989- minimal work & new paint. Pow- Windows, Locks & More 0453, butter @sos-connect.corn er windows Must sell. $1500 $29,995 HOMES - Family & re- OBO. Call 250.615-0126 and tirement manufactured home leave message. '94 Dodge Ram sites, Salmon Arm & area, 14 d :t ,7:1 :] ! :11 d I,t: I I 2500, 4x4,VS,5 spd. wides from 39,900, double Work Channel * Cabin Rental • Trail Bay wides from 49,900. 1.877-604- Quality ServiceWith A RateYou Can Afford ONLY $9,995 6637 DL 11043 $100 / 24 Hrs. Unit 305-3221 Munroe St., Terrace, B,C., V8G 3B4 [¢ ', 1;1 ',l t 4:1 4 '] d l"J ', I I ~ [~ i :| I ~'J '93 Dodge Dakota Club Cab EAGLE HOMES Shuswap's lar- LE, 4x4, V8, Auto, Air gest exclusive moduline dealer. 2 Days, I Night, 3 People $700 ON SITE SERVICE 1979 FORD 800 S/A Crane Order new double wide from Compuler Hardware & Software Sales, Installation, Truck V8, 5+2 trans. Atlas 3006 $12,995 ,, (You Supply Food, Drink & Bed Roll) ~, Configuration, Troubleshootingand Upgrading $49,000, check today 1-877- ALL FISHING GEAR SUPPLIED crane, 16 ft deck, rebuilt motor 604-6637 toll free 250-833- ~:;,~'...... ,:..:;.. ~..: •.... Tel:(250)638.8127 OPEN 7 DAYSA WEE,K with 600 hours. Good condition. '97 Dodge Neon NO FISH .... NO PAY ,~.:~.~/ Fax: (250} 638-8169 4 Door,Auto, Air 4758 DL11043 E.moil:, Pager:{250) 615.4276 $13,000. Call 250-624-1033 THORNHILL BENCH home in PHONE635-2641 PHONE638-0233 C~I:615"8576 1986 NISSAN King cab ST. $11,995 nice neighbourhood. 3651 Bal- 5spd SR, PW, PL, canopy, liner sam. 3 bdrm, 2 bths, gas fire- GREAT TPDR, $1500. maintained, new FORD place, full basement, sundeck, NEIGHBORHOOD clutch. 250-635-6673 '94 Ford F150 XCab enclosed carport, paved drive- Walk fo lawnfrom thishome 1987 JEEP Cherokee, white way, large lot. Asking $158,000. designedIo take fulladvantage o[ V8, Auto viewand privacy,3 bdrm,, w/black stripe, ICBC Certified. $9,995 250-638-8345 basemenl,large counVy kitchen, V/G running condition. 4WD 6 fireplace,gas. heat and muchmore ply tires. $5500 firm. 250-635- WE'LL MISS our beautiful MLS $159,900- 6124 '91 Ford F250 unique large home on .48 acre 4 Wheel Drive, V8, Auto, Air, river frontage with lovely flower Call Rush/or Bert 1989 FORD F150 2x4 302 en- Cruise, Tilt, Canopy beds, lush berries, fruit trees & 635-5754 gine Automatic, P.S., cruise and $6,995 garden. 7 bdrms, 3 extra rooms, GaduK air. Propane and gas. Good 2 fireplaces, patio deck over- ~----r21 condition. $4500. 250-698-7379 '94 Ford Tempo Wightman& ~mith Real,y Ltd. looking beautiful river & moun- 4 cyl., Auto % 635-6361 • tain view. Quick Sale Reduced Hq"4Ti PTi'WIlW4il PI~Wi a $6,495 Price $149,000. Call 250-635- 9359 '98 Ford F250 XL ~:.:.~.,~3 ?~:~ ,.:::::.y:~::: ~:: :~.~:-x-:.:.', '" """>:':':::::::?.~.ii:?.~ ~i~.:: 'FThe Perfect Gift !.... .:::.:..: .~:....:..... x.::::~.y..:~:.~:'.: for your golf Lover 4x4, ReD Cab, V8 1990 F250 Ford 4x4 in good N~;, 5 spd • $32.10 gives reduced and flee green condition. $7000 obo. 250-635- $24,995 OPEN HOUSE ~,:~: .... .:.::~?..L.¢: tees at 281 B.C, and Alberta courses 3707 or 250-6353265 Anytime. -- and more • Two Ior one admission 1o the 1991 MAZDA MPV Family Van '97 Ford Mustang GT GC EXC interior, high mileage, 3304 JohnstoneSt, .- " " "1' Vancouver Golf Expo V8, AirConditioning, Windows, ...... !~:.N?:" (Benchbehind the arena * Automatic entr/in a prize draw for 4WD, $5800 OBO. 250-635- Tilt, Locks, Cruise tickets to the 2000 Air Canada 1319 after 5 pm .:~::::: ii~ i~!!i:i:: ;:i~i:. r.!:;!~:~!~:~: i~.. Thursday Championship" $20,995 •'::::::~::~:;:.i:i::!!i::~ii !i::~i!i~:::!: 'i i~i~i~i!~:::::;~!i~:i..... SEAPORT LIMOUSINE LTD. *No purchasenecessae/to enter prize drew 1995 GMC $15 Jimmy 4x4 August 17th auto. 4.3 L Fully loaded, 69,000 ; PASSENGERAND EXPRESS SERVICE ,~ ,, ., Ca11T~etmaste¢at280-4444 . .kms. New tires and .brakes. 7 pm.8 pm or1-800-863"3611 $19,000. 250-635-1333 (even- Daily .~cheduled bus service from Stewart to (no sozvicecharge, prices include GST). inns) '95 ChevroletTahoe LT If youwant qualily, Ihen be surel0 viewthis 8 yearold custom ~_ ^,,,~,J,g e,ol=,o, V8, Auto,4dr, 4x4. Terrace and return, and all I~oints in between. Pick- :~ BRITISllCOLUMBIA ALUMINUM WINCH bumper built home. Stunningopen foyer wilh spiral slaircaseIo up and delivery of goods in Terrace, C.O.D. and / LUr~ASSOCIATION ~L made by Neid Enterprises. $28,995 bedrooms.Modern kitchen wilh g0zebo nook and familyroom Comes witll 8000 lb. Warn with fireplace.Vaulted ceilings in livingand diningroom. This courier service. Winch and fits F-150. $800. '97 ChevroletXCab homeoffers privacy and conbe yoursfor $ ! 98,500. 250-635-3265 4x4 Silverado P.O. Box 217, Stewart, B.C. V8, Auto,A/C, Tilt, Cruise, Sheila Love 635-3004 PIs: 636-2622 FAX: 636-2633 81OCARS FOR Window Locks, Leather Sportside • Terrace Depot:. 635-7676 Was $27,995 of Terrace ..... :SALE : NOW $25,995 '90 Chevrolet Suburban 4x4, V8, Auto, Air, Cruise, Tilt, 7 fr'I BBVB~ ~J Dry Passenger Seating SERVICES LTD. $10,995 $2990 DOWN on Summer Spe- cials. All homes priced to clear. SPECIALISTS IN CLEANING 14x70, 2"x6" walls, shingle roof. • CHIMNEYS & FURNACES .SEPTIC TANK & DRAINS '99 Pontiac Sunfire $39,000 or $318 per month. • AIR DUCTS *SEPTIC FIELDFLUSHING 4 Door, Air, Auto Call Valley Ridge Homes at 1- • BOILERS *CATCH BASIN & SUMP PITS $13,995 800-301-2288 ,*FIREPLACES .REST. GREASE TRAPS 1983 14X70 Mobile Home. 6" • ATTIC INSULATION REMOVAL .ELECTRICSNAKE '96 ChevroletCamaro Z-28 walls, sunken living room. • AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEMS *FOOD CLEAN UPS 1998 Honda Civic EX 1999 Honda Accord LX • PAINT BOOTHS .VACUUM EXCAVATION T-Top, NC, Tilt, Cruise, $24,900. 1979 14'x70' $18,900. How 5 spd,4 cyi,Low km Auto,4 cyl, Low Kms, Cass., pw, pl Free delivery. Call Leon 250- $16,995 $23,995 $21,995 692-3375 Industrial VacuumTrucks 635-1132 2 MOBILES - must sell now. 1996 Chev S10 Blazer 4x4 1997 Pontiac '98 Chevrolet Located in Prince Rupert. Can are V6, Auto,NC 4dr, Grand Am GT be moved. 12 & 14 wide. was $21,995 4 cyl,5 spd,NC, fullyloaded, spoiler Cavalier Z-24 5 Spd., Sunroof, Air, Loaded $10,000 obo. Phone 250-635- Canada's toll-j%e breast cancer information and $19,995 $16,995 $15,995 0147 leave messaqe. we support lines are working together to bHng you the BUY FACTORY direct custom 1990 Mazda 1988 Grand Caravan SE right information at the right time. Available as a ~~ 6 cyl.,Auto, 7 Passenger '92 Pontiac Chaparral modulars, park mod- Grand Am GT els, industrial structures. Sho- personal bookmark for you or someone you know. $4,995 whomes now dlscountedl Call doing?, Tilt, Cruise, Window Locks Sheldon Custom Homes, 3075 For j~ee bulk or single copies call 1-800-665-8820 $7,995 1994 Pathfinder LE $9,995 Sexsmith Road, Kelowna. Toll When we fall short of or email [email protected], Orders can also be made 4x4,Leather Interior, Auto, V6 Free 1-888-765-8992. DL10146 3~u r expectation, please 1998 Dodge Ram $22,995 '94 Chevrolet Cavalier SRI HOMES now on sale at tell us. " online at www, cbcn. ca. Quad Cab Auto, Air & more Pine Ridge in Burns Lake. Dou- When a newspaper story SLT,4x4, Short Box, 318 Auto, 1995 Honda Accord EX-R $8,995 ble wides starling at $58,9001 does not seem to reflect If you or someene you Imow Is worded fullyloaded V6, FullyLoaded, Automatic Limited time offer. Call Leon at $27,995 $19,995 250-692-3375 fairly what was sat(l, let about breast cancer - we can help, IMPORTS I our editors know. B~lace your won7 ~ conffort, 1994 EXPLORER XLT 1996 Ply.o~u~ ~er LE When we are unable to '97 Suzuki Sidekick oonfusi~ ,with inforntati~, 4 Door,4x4, Auto 6 cyl,,A~~wner JLX, Sped, 4Dr, 4x4,windows, solve your complaint, we IsolalfM with support. $16,995 $18,995 locks & more HOMES encourage you to submit NOW $16,995 tt to the: CALL US TOLL-FREE 1997 Subaru Legacy GT ,witk ]-Ie rt Sedan,AWD, Auto, CD, 1(~~ 0nly40 0O0k $7,995 '95 Hyundai Sonata B.C. Press Counctt CANADA-WIDE SERVICES $24,995 Auto, Air, Cruise, Tilt, 201. 1290 Broad St. 1992 T61 Windows, Locks Victoria IL C V8W 2A5 $OCIEW ,DU CANCER 1991 Volkswa AllWheel Drive $10,995 7~1 (250) 384.3344 $9,995 Fax(250) 384-3346 '93 Toyota Camry !. 2 stoney CanadianCancer Society's Willo~Breast Cancer $8,995 199~~ Auto, Air, Tilt, Cruise, . MODULAR CancerInformation Service Support& ResourceServices Power Locks, Windows • SINGLE WIDES The B. C. Press 1-888-939-3333 1.888-778-3100 1990 Pontiac '~'$1~995 $12,995 ~ Modular Council was created Englishand Frenchservice Englishservice provided by survivors. Sunblrd GT ' ...... ~' Home providedby InformationSpecialists Frenchservice available upon request. Turb0,5spd, 1994 GMC SLE 1/2 Ton '95 Honda Civic I Store tn 1983 as an Corner of Hart $6,995 4x4,Auto,8 cyl.,Canopy, Loaded 4 door, Tilt Hwy & Bellamy independent review PROVINCIAL SERVICES $14,995 $11,995 1987 Honda Civic Zl PrinceGeorge board to protect the public from press GL Sedan 2000 Honda CIvl DX Hatchback '94 Toyota Camry LE .0/962-1 733 4 Door,5 spd.4 cyl. Tint,Alloy Wheels, 5 spd.,CO, LowKms. 4 door,Auto, Air & More inaccuracy or CancerCare $4,995 $16,995 MANITOBA $16,995 BreastCancer Centre of Hope 1.888-660-4866 1999 Honda Civic 1992 Eagle Premier 0arryi.g the weight Englishservice provided by nurses.Available in Manitobaonly. Automatic,4 Door,Sedan FullyLoaded, Atr, Cruise, Tilt & More of the world bdow $17,996 $6,995 R6seau 1992 Chev Blazer Tahoe qudb~cois 4 Door,6 cyl.,Auto,Full Load, 1997 Chrysler Cirrus LXI your shoulders? FONDA OtUI~B#COISE pour la sant6 DU CANCER VeryClean Unit 6 cyl,,Auto,Low Eros, Eat sensibly, be physically du sein $12,995 $16,995 INFO CANCER 4916 Hwy, 16 West635-7187 active and consult 1.877.844-9777 1.800-363-0063 your doctor. ~I~® Frenchand Englishservice provided by Frenchand Englishservice provided by 1-800-313-7187 5958 survivors,Available in Qudbeconly. nurseS,Available In Qudbeconly. The developmentof this bookmarkwas supportedby fundingfrom 4838 HWY16 W,TERRACE Dw. w~z 1-800-665-1990 638-8171 www.parficipoction.corn HealthCanada via the CanadianBreast Cancer Initiative, The TerraceStandard, Wednesday, August 16, 2000 - B11

1998 DRIFTER by Travelaire f Looking for USED CANOPIES For salel MUST SELL 19' flatbottom ,el 5th Wheel, bunk beds, sleeps 8. 1999 Ford Super-Duty shortbox boat. Tunnel, windshcild, winch, Child Care? and 1999 GM shortbox canopy. Fully loaded. Includes hitch. CRIMINAL RECORD? Cana- dual batteries. Trailer with surge Skeena Child CareResource and dian Pardon seals record. $785 ea, obo. Ask for Brent. $18,500 OBO. 250.638-1200 brakes. 2 hrs on rebuilt 140 HP American Waiver allows legal 250-845-2244 or 1-800-665. Referralhas informationon 3151 Johnson. 250-638-7976. $6300 ch=ldcare optionsand on entry. Why risk employment, OBO. choosingchild care. business, travel, licensing, de- Drop by The Family Place portation, All Canadian/Ameri- :~,, 870RWS4 , at 4553 Park Ave. can immigration applications. 1- or call 638-1113. 800-347-2540 CAMPERS • .. :~; 1976 27FT Dodge Pace Arrow Your Welcome i ' ,%' SkeenaCCRR is a programof the FREE CREDIT Counselling. Motorhome class A fully sell TerraceWoman's Resource Centre Consolidate debts, One low Wagon Hostess for 1971 DUTCHCRAFT Trailer. 21 contained w/built in Onan gen. and is fundedby the Ministryof Social monthly payment. Eliminate or Terrace, B.C. IS: [.;,st year, Max tllldcrwcll¢ KEN'S ft. Stove, tridge, furnace, toilet, set Asking $11,500.No reason. =.Developmentand EconomicSocuri~;,/ reduce interest, rebuild your shower. $2500. Call 250-638- able offer refused. Phone 250- credit rating. Credit counselling ~,[it'gury '0 il,|~lliHt| il I|I2•V 7730 635-2421 Society of BC. A non-profit kJlltt of paVel,takl.'r. (,11¢ with 1983 BONAIR Tent Trailer 1979 LEOCRAFT Triple E 27' PART TIME Child care needed Service. 1-888-527-8999. Eileen MARINE sleeps 6, 2 way fridge, stove, Dodge 440, Fully self con- in our home, starting Septem. lechl,ological ildva,l¢l~llll-'ll l~ furnace, exc. condition. $2000. ber. CPR and criminal check re. tained. 5 kw. generator, awning, 635-7468 u.;,vailalde ,just 5 ),ear~ ago. 250-635-4560 etc. $17,000 OBO or will take qulred, Children 3 months, 8 1993 20' Nomad Travel Trailer, boat or camper as part trade, and 10 years. Call 250-615- .. BusinessStrategies I.:ve W ti,,le .v(,u give ti~ Ihe 0153, Located near E,T,Ken- YR2000 Yamaha sleeps 5, tub/shower, mi. 250-798-2229 • PracficalTaxAdWce nev, I Ic;,rt and Stroke Fnlin(latioth XT 350 Dual PurposeBike crowave, awning, etc. Asking PACE ARROW 33' Class A • RnancialPlanning $11,500 OBO 250-632-2997 Motorhome 1984. Good condi- THE Lrn'LE School House • Trust& EstateSendces If you ore new to yoII I'tllld re~e.'lrcil ihat leads 1994 SKAMPER Tent trailer, tion. $27,000. Phone 250-638- Preschool has opened another Terrace please ,month afternoon program to help meet ¢o medical breakthroughs, like *173.49 excellent condition, F/S, fur. 8386 the needs for preschool. If you Demers & call Your ,,,,. ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ~,,,.~,lM,'.,'~ Im,i nace, awning, $5900 OBO, are interested please call ASAP 250-638-7745 Brodie Welcome as spots are limited. Ref. avail. CERTIFIED GENE]~i,L ACCOUh~AHTS 16' Misty River 1996 DRIFTER Travel Trailer, Call Karen at 250-635-6650 or CERTIFIED RNANCIAL PU~NI~S Wagon hostess ,~',,,,.h,, ,,,,, ,i,,,,,I ,,,,',, ,,",' 23 1/2 bunk beds, microwave, Brenda at 250-635-6593 (250) 638-8705 or for your free gifts with his Xr,,,,,!l;i!hr!; : : 40 Mere &Trailer A/C, shower, tub, exterior w~wv.deme rsa nd b rodle.bc, ca $~lte 201..4716 L~le Am.. and information. wash/shower. E/C. $16,509 call " 944 : :: Tc~ B.C.VSG1~2 250-649-5589 1998 SRX 700 w/ 141 inch : ..,. , '3,199.00 track. $7000 obo. Call 250-635- MISCELLANEOUS 8 112' older model camper. 3 0671 or mesa.qe 250-615-8182 Please give to the Heart way frodge, stove, furnace, van- and Stroke Foundation, icy. Very good condition. $3500. S Rv,c S .: ::.:. 1993 Yamaha ~/)~LCOME~' Call 250-798-2529 evenings or ACQUIRE CASH $$$$ Take Wave Blaster weekends. adwantage of your investments j, 700 cc WE NEED clean RV's, buy or RRSP, LIRA, LIF, or a pension consign campers, 5th's, trailers, EXPERIENCED CHILD Care- fund from an ex-employar of s2,995.00 motorhomes, fencedccmpound giver will babysit your baby 10K required to be approved. ["' 635 and separate use sales staff, and/or toddler in your home. Free consultation. Private finan- (:l|l|Vil; TIPSl ltEAl{'I The Interior's largest Rv Deal- Very reliable. References avail- cial assistance. 24 hours. Call AND STROK[. ' ~ Seadoo er. Peter 250-558-8635 or 1- able upon request. Please call toll free 1-888-800-0085, fax 1- q;rOl)l=i.-ii=; fOUNDATION : GSX 800-811-8733 Brenda at 250-635-3771 eves. 877-754-5251 s4,995.00 681 -WEEK OF 2352 Bayliner Network Classifieds AUGUST 14/2000 ~opSy COMMUNITYNEWSPAPERS ASSOCIATION V8 kicker,full load These ads appear in approximately 100 for 25 words To place an ed call $45,995.00 British Columbia and Yukon community newspapers in B.C.and Yukon $ . 90 $ 6.00 each this paper or the BCYCNA at and reach more than 3 million readers. additional word (604) 669-9222 ' :Johnson BUSINESS BUSINESS DRIVERS WANTED EMPLOYMENT SALES • :Short:Shaft OPPORTUNITIES OPPORTUNITIES ARNOLD BROS. OPPORTUNITIES /4 hp:: YOUR DREAM JOB! INVENTORS- PRODUCT WORLD'S FASTEST TRANSPORT Ltd. BANFF INTERNATIONAL Earn unlimited income, $soo.oo IDEAS WANTED! Free GROWING Internet Teamsl Teamsl Teamsl Hotel, $8.50/hour plus 40% commission! Join in We have schedules Information Package. franchise opportunity. tips, housekeepers. the fun with the winning, available nowH All areas!! supportive team of Please BOAT Develop and Complete e-business Immediate full-time Competitive rates & Mum, a quality Canadian RENTALS professionally present solutions. Full training and excellent equipment. permanent. Subsidized your new product idea to ski passes and designed and AVAILABLE support. Protected Company drivers & owner manufactured children's manufacturers through accommodation. territories. For details on operators. Call 1-800-567- and women's wear :: :18!Angler: Davison, an award this exciting venture 1- 3656. Experience or English not company. An' opportunity winning firm. Patent 888-605-0088 or 604-204- required. Phone 403-760- of a lifetimet 1-800-665- assistance available: 1- EDUCATION :::: ]50 hpMariner 2540. 3282, 403-760-3278. Fax 9644. I 800-677-6382. BE A SUCCESSFUL 403-760-3287. I *6;495,00 ::: CAREER WRITER . . . write for ARE YOU .... Career- CASH IN/CASH OUT I money and pleasure with JOURNEYMAN GLAZIER OPPORTUNITY Minded Result-Driven Coke, Pepsi, Frito Lay, our unique home-study r..equiredfor glass shop in Ready to take a new ,Mars,. Re-fill unique .....,W,ANT.,,A'N E,XCI'TING, "'~b~drs'6?'~6U• ' get in'dividU~l";' ~ecnelt,. BC. Please send direction in life? We are .... vendors in your area. F/T, Part-Time Job or a Great tuition from professional resume and/or letter of What Women Weafl The P/T. No selling. Min. New Career? Discover writers on all aspects of intent detailing experience makers of Please Mum investment $13, 980. Call C&M Gifts' unique line of writing - romances, short and expected wage. Fax are looking for you. Join 1-888- 577- 5376(24h rs) Home Decor, Kitchen stories, radio and TV to 604-885-4276. our winning team and Mernber of A.V.A. and Accessories, and scripts, articles and FOR SALE MISC. earn 40% commission! children's stories. Send 15' AVON inflatable with con- D&B. Christmas Treasures. Call Quality Canadian today for our Free Book. SAWMILL $4895 SAW sole. 50 HP merc jet with prop INCREDIBLE BRAND 519-258-7905, Fax 519- LOGS into boards, designed and leg. Fish finder, rod holders, Toll Free 1-800-267-1829 manufactured women's and galvanized trailer. $5000 NAME Product. 258-0707 for free planks, beams. Large OBO. 250-638-8879 Fax 1-613-749-9551 The and children's wear. To Distributors required catalogues and capacity. Best sawmill 16' CANAVENTURE 90 h/p & Writing School 3413- 38 information. Visit our value anywhere. Norwood start your independent 9.9 hp steerable kicker, trailer, immediately. 100k year McArthur Ave , Ottawa, consultant business, call VHF radio, fish finder, depth potential. Min. investment w e b s i t e ON K1L 6R2. Industries, manufacturer sounder, rod holders & down of sawmills, edgers & 1-800-665-9644 todayl rigger. $5000. Call 250-638- $10,950 guaranteed. A THINKING ABOUT E- 0638 before 9 pm. few needed in your area. skidders. Free information SERVICES Exciting well paid careers UNIVERSITY? Acadia, 1-800-566-6899. 20 HP Merc in good condition The Blue Corp. 1-877- CRIMINAl. RECORD? with fuel tank. $500 OBO. 250- in computer programming one of Canada's best 635-3707 or 250-635-3265 any- 448-7744 (24hrs). primarily undergraduate HEALTH Canadian pardon seals time. and internet website Canadian Company. universities, offers MENOPAUSE/HOT record. U.S. waiver ALUMINUM RIVER boat, design. We will prepare 18'x6'x2'. Flat bottom 1/4 inch FASTEST GROWING distance courses in FLASHES Natural permits legal American thick. Complete with custom suitable applicants. entry. Why risk FRANCHISE in $500 business, computer Freedom of Choice with built tandem axle trailer. Condi- Ministry of Education employment, licensing, tion .qood. $5300. 250-624-1033 Million Industry. Liberty science, the arts, and Woman to Woman Registered Home Study morel CALL 1-800-565- travel, arrest, deportation, Tax Service. We make it Progesterone Cream. A Diploma Program. 6 5 6 8 , property confiscation? Easy! Marketing, Training, natural alternative to HRT; Financial assistance, a remarkable gift of nature Canadian U.S. IMarine Surveysl Support, Software. 220 ~, 250-622-2966 loaner computer systems for symptoms of Immigration specialists. 1- Locations in Canada. WORK FOR THE largest Toll Free menopause and pre- 800-347-2540. CALL for your Free Video. and job placement tools employer in the world! 1-888-330-7878 menopause. For 1 -877-902-7086. available. No experience Travel & Tourism. Train STEEL BUILDINGS necessary. 1-800-477- for jobs in: information, call toll-free 1-877-655-7888 or visit FUTURE STEEL 9 5 7 8 Hotels/Resorts, BUILDINGS - Durable, INTERNET FRANCHISE- our webs,re: Adventure/Eco-Tourism, Dependable, Pre- Airlines/Travel. Call BUSINESS Opportunity. engineered All-Steel How CAREER TRAINING Canadian Tourism World's Fastest Growing HELP WANTED Structures. Custom-made Internet Franchise. Over OH! WATER CARRIER! College Today! (604)736- 8000 or 1-800-668-9301. INLAND CONTRACTING to suit your needs and are we 450 franchisees in 70+ Learn to repair outboards, LTD. has several full time requirements. Factory- countries. Call now Toll- inboards, etc. Marine ELECTRONICS positions available for Direct affordable prices. doing?. Free 1-888-678-7588 or mechanic one-year A REAL HOME experienced crusher Call 1-800-668-5111 ext When we fidl short of your e m a i I : certificate program, THEATRE. 36" T.V., VCR personnel. 132 for free brochure. exl)ectath~n , please tell its. franchise Fairview College, HiFi 4head, 5 speaker benefits. Contact Joe Whet, a nett'.~7;aper Morp TRAVEL does ttol seem to reflect Fairview, AB. Enrol for surround sound mini Barry at cellular # (250) GREAT CANADIAN TIMESHARE RESALES. flllrly tt,hat u,as said, let .tit Dollar Store franchise January, 2001. 1-888- stereo system, +DVD 490-6034 or autotel # editors hnou.: player...$124/month. (250) 492-1910 or fax World's Largest Reseller. When we are ,triable to opportunity from $80,000. 999-7882 or Instant Credit. 1-888-722- resume to (250) 493- Era Stroman since 1979, solve your comI)lahtt, we including stock. Member t~ncoltrage yott to stll~lttll II 9 0 0 .9 4464. Call Nowl Buyers call 1- l. the:' of Canadian Franchise 800-613-7987. Sellers call Association, #302-31 COMPUTERS PERSONALS B.C. I'res.~ Colm ctl 1-800-201-0864. E-maih 201. 1290 IInJad St. Bastion Square, Victoria, INTEL PENTIUM 733 EMPLOYMENT ASHGROVE CHRISTIAN i nfo Victoria B.C VSW 2.,15 BC, V8W 1J1, Fax 250- mhz, colour printer, colour OPPORTUNITIES S I N G L E S 1L'1 (251)) 38,1-]344 TRUCKS Fax(250) 384.3346 388-9763. 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t BI 2 - The Terrace Standard, Wednesday, August 16, 2000 SIc-pitch tourney spawns Terrace winners FOR TIlE second straight year, West Point Rentals of Terrace won the cham- pionship event at the Ri- verboat Day,s Slo-pitch tournament. They took home over $1,000 in prize money as well as sweatshirts. Back Eddy Pub again finished second...... This year's tournament drew 19 teams, more than ever before, and most en- joyed the off-field activi- ties too. "The beer was flowing in the garden," said orga- nizer Denise Hendry. "It went really well and the PROUD TEAM: The Terrace Bambino AIIstar Baseball team, was named most weather was - of course - sportsmanlike during the Cal Ripken Division Babe Ruth League Champion- wonderful." TEAMS FROM around the Northwest, including New Aiyansh (above) came ships in Campbell River a few weeks ago. The Prince Rupert Out- here to participate in this year's Riverboat Days SIc-pitch tournament. The 19 laws won the consolation teams playing were the rest ever. West Point Rentals of Terrace won the tour- Bambino AIIstars shine in Campbell River event, bagging $500. nament, with Prince Rupert teams placing well in the consolation round. THE TERRACE Bambino complete blowouts though, against Cranbrook, a 5-4 Allstars were in Campbell the final game "was the comeback triumph. Other River two weeks ago, fa- best," according to player games included an 11-2 cing stiff competition, but Shawn Gunnlaughson. loss to Cowichan Valley, providing both solid offen- In it, Terrace dropped a and a 7-4 defeat at the Sports Scope sive and defensive efforts. 1-0 decision to Castlegar, hands of the hometown The team, comprised of despite having a prime op- Campbell River team. Headwinds a factor at 11 and 12-year-old boys, portunity to jump ahead in Langley went on to win came away with the Most the sixth. They had runners the tournament, becoming Houston bike race Sportsmanlike award after. at first and second With champions of the Cal Rip- CYCLISTS FROM around the Northwest converged recording a win and three one out, but couldn't quite ken division of provincial on the Houston area Aug. 6 to take part in the 120 ki- losses. capitalize. Babe Ruth baseball in Iometre Houston Road Race. The losses weren't Terrace's win came B.C. Only ten showed up for the event, but according • t'" i ...... to organizer Nipper Kettle, the racers that participa- ted did well to finish the challenging course in 28 de- gree temperatures. Strong I~eadwinds in the second Terrace Speedway half and exhaustion took their toll on the racers. Race Results Terrace's Mike Christensen, 31, finished on top Aug. 5,6 2000 of the pack both overall and in the senior category with a time of 3:14:40. Smithers' Michael Jordan, A Hobby 15, topped the Junior category, while Nipper Kettle Heat: topped the masters, clocking in at 3:28:45. Gary MacCarthy Danielle Gourlay of Prince George was the only Main: female competitor, finishing fifth overall with a time lan Black of 3:20:42. B Hobby Heat: Skating club registration Debby Reinhardt Main: to hold second sign-up Aulie Holman REGISTRATION FOR the Terrace Skating Club's annual schools was held on the weekend, but it's not A Street 1 Peddling into headwinds Mike Christensen won the Houston Road Race too late to get in some skating lessons. Main: A second registration session will be held in the Randy Chalifoux Aug. 6, despite gruelling heat and strong head- winds on the 120 km course, See the Sports Scope arena lobby on Saturday Sept. 2. for more details. The registration will be for the club's fall and B Street winter sessions of the Canskate, Seniors, Juniors, Heat: I Young speedsters Pre-juniors, and powerskating programs. Randy Chalifoux Veronica Paupst Jaret McCabe Park Avenue was the place to be to witness the The fall sessions begin on Sept. 5, the winter Main: Heat: sessions start on Oct. 1. For more information please Randy Chalifoux Grand Prix drivers of tomorrow. The second annual Sunday, August 6 Casey Vandenbroek derby was held there on Riverboat Days. call Debbie at 635-2477 after Sept. 1. Main: Stan Sweet A Bomber A Hobby Heat: Kevin Pongracz Shootout: B Bomber Main: Ken Legros Shootout: Kevin Pongracz Heat: Ken Legros Yves Thibodeau Main: Heat: Kevin Pongracz B Bomber Gary MacCarthy Main: Kevin Pongracz iiii 'iiii I,'I,'II,I'I'II'I'IIIIII'I'III'I'II'Ii'i]i'i'i I Heat: Casey Vandenbroek A Street Main: Jaret McCabe Shootout: Lyle Miner C Bomber Heat: Lyle Miner Shootout: C Bomber Main: Lyle Miner Veronica Paupst Heat: Heat: Corina Erickson Main: Veronica Paupst A Bomber Veronica Pauper Main: Shootout: Subscribe Today

TERRACE The TerraceRod & Gun Club 1 Year ...... 554.88 (+ $3,85 GST) is proud to offer another Within B.C.) 3210STANDARD ClintonStreet Terrace, B.C. V8G 5R2 (250)638-7283 Fax(250) 638-8432 1 Year ...... 548.62 (+ $3.40 GST) SENIORS) Youth Program Keep on top of all the news and views that 1 Year ...... 561.69 (+ $4,32 GST) are important to the northwest with the (Outsideof province) Fall Session 2000: August 21-26 paper that leads the way in USA and Europe ...... $151.60 (per 6 too,) Program: QualityNews Coverage (+ $10,61 GST Firearms Safely and Handling Cost:

Firearms Care and Storage $30.00 includes: ll llllllllllllllll lllllllllllll Illllll Marksmanship i Informal Competition • Membership in TRGC , clip & mail to I~1 Yes, I would like to receive the ' l I r,..,c, I StudentsMaximum) * I I Requirements: (15 Membership in the 1 10 yrs. to 15 yrs. i BCWF ImmSTANDARD Terrace Standard every week• 1 Safety Glasses, Hearing Protection 1 • Firearms and 3~'0 CI't~ ~' T..... BIC'~G '"~ (2~) 6~1~=3 'a' (~} ~'4]~ Enclosedis $ (GSTincluded)for a one year subscription, I Monday Ihru Friday, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Ammunition 1 3210 Saturday, Noon to 2:00 p.m. Supplied I Name, I Team Shooting Competition I Clinton Street Address I I I Barbecue and Awards to follow Terrace B C I ~ • • Town Postal Code i Call Bill Watson @ Day 635-5639 or "I V8G 5R2 Phone I | Eve. 635-5109 to register II Illllllllll I1 lll Illllllllllll llll lllll

~jp T~A by Jamle Wayne and Graham Chevreau ]Vo~ "s A uto TERRACE Hockey Schtick: Off-Season EM FORD ReR~ishing ,/,~ao,.,.oa • wa., ~ ,o k,--. | ~'~~,~~ y;;u.~..~al--;o~ IVY-. ,~t',~--~a,;~n.--- ~ I<~a,'.----~great~,an.'"~--b~--',% "Quality Care at [~'t~T Yolk~tUh~g~lkTJl~=,-~lk the walk. ~ j i~.., ~ ~ l(~ir'it s a shame you haven~n't t ~} i *COLLISIONcENTREREPAIR& PAINT your service" I~_-." ~'--.~ ~ I~ r-~'-~'~-~-~l_~__.2- " ~___.-~_ I ~f!9ured out how to ~ ! *UNITIZEDBODY REPAIR New & Used Cars/Trucks I • • . >" -- ~ the ace, ] REPAIRS Complete Service & Parts Dept. I I.'~--IW', ~.-I :]E: i 4631 Keith Avenue ... "}~ :...... ;~ . 635-3929 ' ." .... "'x. ~ • -- "x"2'\~ Out of Town •...., .. .. _-~ ... .: ,.~ ..-. 4630 KEITH,TERRACE. NEXT TO GREYHOUND @ 1-800-463-1128 1 FAJIi63S-30RI