Flag Day a Time for Nation to 'Pause for the Pledge' AF1S -At 7 P.M
detettalie Vol. 16, No. 24 Serving MCAS Kaneohe Bay, 1st MAB, Camp H.M. Smith and Marine Barracks, Hawaii Flag Day A time for nation to 'pause for the pledge' AF1S -At 7 p.m. Eastern setbacks, the dreams of lib- Daylight Time on Sunday, erty endured. They drove Americans around the world * * Washington's troops will pause to recite the Pledge through the harsh winter of of Allegiance to the flag. Alt- Valley Forge, inspired the Some will take time out A1c drafters of a constitution that from activities with families has endured 200 years and and friends. Many in the led Key to write the national military, well aware that anthem. national defense is not a 9- Lou Koerber, president of to-5 job, will take a short the National Flag Day Foun- break from their duties. dation, said the flag is a Together, they will honor visible symbol of these American's 51st Flag Day This year, as America Adams and a soldier- British ship in Baltimore banner still flying, a little dreams for all the world to celebration. celebrates the bicentennial of statesmen signer of the U.S. Harbor, Key anxiously tattered and torn, but still see. The "pause for the pledge" its Constitution, the pause Constitution, Fort McHenry watched Fort McHenry for flying proudly above the Those dreams will be concept was born in 1980. for the pledge will take on a symbolizes the American some proof, some sign that ramparts. Fort McHenry and verbalized throughout Amer- Five years later, President special significance. principles of liberty and free- liberty would prevail.
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