Daftar Isi Table of Contents Visi - Misi Profil Perusahaan 03 Vision - Mission 44 Company Profile

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Daftar Isi Table of Contents Visi - Misi Profil Perusahaan 03 Vision - Mission 44 Company Profile DAFTAR ISI TABLE OF CONTENTS Visi - Misi Profil Perusahaan 03 Vision - Mission 44 Company Profile Jejak Langkah Struktur Perusahaan 04 Milestones 50 Corporate Structure Ikhtisar Keuangan Sumber Daya Manusia 05 Financial Highlights 52 Human Resources Development Laporan Peristiwa Penting dan Dewan Komisaris Pencapaian Report from Significant Events and 06 the Board of Commissioners 56 Achievements Profil Tanggung Jawab Dewan Komisaris Sosial Perusahaan Profile of Corporate Social 14 the Board of Commissioners 62 Responsibility Laporan Direksi Tata Kelola Perusahaan 16 Report from the Directors 70 Good Corporate Governance Profil dan Laporan Komite Audit Profil Direksi Profile and Report from 30 Profile of the Directors 78 Audit Committee Analisa dan Tanggung Jawab Pembahasan Manajemen Laporan Tahunan Analysis and Responsibility of 32 Discussion by Management 82 the Annual Report Pergerakan Harga Saham dan Laporan Keuangan Volume Saham Konsolidasian Share Price and Consolidated 42 Volume Movement 85 Financial Statements CREATING VALUE FOR THE SHAREHOLDERS AND THE NATION Indonesia is a developing country with an abundant supply of natural resources, a fundamentally strong and growing economy, and a tourism sector with huge potential. However, there are still many places that lack the necessary infrastructure and other supporting facilities in order to maximize their potentials. Together with local governments, strategic partners and likeminded multinationals, Jababeka would like to develop these places and build integrated, independent cities. The blueprint for this ambitious plan is Kota Jababeka, which is a matured, independent township in West Java, located 35 kilometers east of Jakarta. This city is Jababeka’s flagship development and is home to about 1,650 companies from over 30 countries and 1 million people. Kota Jababeka has been built from scratch in just 25 years with manufacturing as the key driver of growth and the multiplier effect creating new businesses and opportunities that have turned a mere industrial park to a bustling city. Kota Jababeka can be considered as one of the most successful integrated townships in Indonesia and key to this success is the synergy between high quality land development and a complete and top notch set of infrastructure. That synergy will be the basis of future city developments well. With the expertise in both land development and infrastructure, Jababeka has commenced a journey across Indonesia to find suitable partners and places where local knowledge and resources can be explored and exploited in order to build more cities that create jobs, improve education and bring welfare to the Indonesian people. Setyono Djuandi Darmono President Director 2 PT JABABEKA TBK VISI | VISION Menciptakan kota modern yang mandiri di setiap propinsi di Indonesia dan menyediakan lapangan pekerjaan untuk kehidupan yang lebih baik To create self-sustained modern city in each province in Indonesia and provide employment opportunities for better life. MISI | MISSION 1. Berkolaborasi dengan pemerintah setempat dan mitra strategis guna mengembangkan dan menginovasi konsep-konsep investasi yang sejalan dengan perkembangan teknologi terkini. 2. Menyediakan sumber daya manusia dan sarana fisik infrastruktur untuk mendukung pembangunan kota. 3. Aktif mempromosikan ekspansi grup kepada perusahaan multinasional 1. To collaborate with local government and strategic partners in order to develop and innovate investment concepts which are in line with the latest technological development. 2. To provide human resources and physical infrastructure facilities to support urban development. 3. To actively promote group expansion to multinational companies. Laporan Tahunan 2014 | Annual Report 2014 3 JejAK LANGKAH MILESTONES 2013 Dimulainya operasional komersil pembangkit listrik berkapasitas 130 MW oleh Bekasi Power Start Commercial Operations of 130 MW power plant by Bekasi Power Penetapan usaha bersama dengan Sembawang Corporation untuk 2012 membangun Kawasan Industri Kendal di Jawa Tengah Establishment of Joint Venture with Sembawang Corporation to develop Kendal Industrial Park in Central Java 2011 Jababeka mengakuisisi 1.500 hektar lahan di Tanjung Lesung, Banten Acquisition of 1.500 hectares in Tanung Lesung, Banten Cikarang Dry Port mulai beroperasi dan ditunjuk sebagai Kawasan Bea Cukai 2010 Terpadu dengan kode IDJBK Start Operations of the Cikarang Dry Port and appointment as an Intergated Customs Services Estate with international port code IDJBK 2006 Peresmian President Executive Club Official opening of President Executive Club 2003 Dimulainya pembangunan Jababeka Central Business District (CBD) Start Development of Jababeka Central Business District in Kota Jababeka 2001 Peresmian Education Park di Kota Jababeka Inauguration of Education Park in Kota Jababeka 1996 Peresmian lapangan golf, The Jababeka Golf and Country Club Inauguration of Jababeka Golf and Country Club in Kota Jababeka Jababeka mengakuisisi Menara Batavia yang terletak di kawasan CBD Jakarta Acquisition of Menara Batavia in Jakarta Central Business District (CBD) Jababeka mengakuisisi 1.000 hektar lahan di Cilegon, Banten Acquisition of 1,000 hectares in Cilegon, Banten 1994 PT Jababeka Tbk menjadi pengembang kawasan industri yang pertama kali go public di Indonesia IPO – Jababeka becomes the first publicity listed industrial estate developer in Indonesia 1992 Dimulainya pembangunan Kawasan Perumahan di Cikarang Start Development of Residential Estate in Kota Jababeka 1989 Berdirinya Perseroan dan dimulainya pembangunan kawasan industri di Cikarang Year of Establishment & Start Development of Industrial Estate in Kota Jababeka, Cikarang 4 PT JABABEKA TBK IKHTISAR KEUANGAN FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS Dalam Jutaan Rupiah - In Million Rupiah HASIL USAHA | OPERATING RESULTS 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Penjualan dan Pendapatan Usaha | 597,420 1,148,296 1,400,612 2,739,598 2,799,065 Sales and Service Revenue Laba Kotor | Gross Profit 249,087 613,565 860,094 1,171,467 1,251,991 Laba (Rugi) Bersih | Net Income (Loss) 62,124 326,131 380,022 100,896 394,055 Laba (Rugi) bersih per Saham (Rupiah) | 7.54 29.78 19.18 5.01 19.82 Earnings (Loss) per Share (Rupiah) POSISI KEUANGAN | FINANCIAL POSITION Jumlah Aset | Total Assets 3,335,857 5,597,357 7,077,818 8,255,167 8,505,113 Jumlah Pinjaman | Total Loans 1,258,973 1,496,783 2,046,500 2,572,356 2,704,693 Jumlah Kewajiban | Total Liabilities 1,662,894 2,095,654 3,102,417 4,069,135 3,843,434 Ekuitas Bersih | Net Shareholders’ Equity 1,668,578 3,501,702 3,975,401 4,186,032 4,661,836 RASIO-RASIO KEUANGAN | FINANCIAL RATIOS Tingkat Pengembalian Aktiva | Return on Assets 1.9% 5.8% 5.4% 1.2% 4.6% Tingkat Pengembalian Modal | Return on Equity 3.7% 9.3% 9.6% 2.4% 8.5% Rasio Kewajiban terhadap Ekuitas | Liabilities to Equity Ratio 100% 60% 78% 97% 82% Rasio Pinjaman terhadap Ekuitas | Loans to Equity Ratio 75% 43% 51% 61% 58% Rasio Kewajiban terhadap Aktiva | Liabilities to Asset Ratio 50% 37% 44% 49% 45% Rasio Pinjaman terhadap Aktiva | Loans to Asset Ratio 38% 27% 29% 31% 32% Marjin Laba Kotor | Gross Profit Margin 42% 53% 61% 43% 45% Marjin Laba Bersih | Net Profit Margin 10% 28% 27% 4% 14% LAIN LAIN | OTHERS Jumlah Saham | Number of Shares 13,780,872,551 19,816,894,728 19,816,894,728 20,121,371,043 20,235,279,075 Pengeluaran Modal | Capital Expenditure 260,353 1,011,219 1,289,795 1,122,040 631,102 Laporan Tahunan 2014 | Annual Report 2014 5 LAPORAN DEWAN KOMISARIS REPOrt FROM THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS In dealing with the fluctuations and weakening trend of rupiah exchange rate and the increasing amount of the Company’s loans denominated in US dollar, the Board of Commissioners requested the Board of Directors to respond with caution and to anticipate and assess measures appropriate steps to mitigate the risk of the weakening the exchange rate, such as carry out the hedging. Pada tahun 2014, perekonomian global masih In 2014, the global economy still experienced mengalami perlambatan dan ketidakpastian a slowdown and uncertainty while the rupiah serta fluktuasi nilai tukar masih berlangsung exchange rate was still moving in fluctuation menyusul langkah Bank Sentral Amerika following the policy of American Central Bank Serikat mulai mengurangi program stimulus to taper off the financial stimulus package. keuangan (tapering) secara bertahap. Situasi The strengthening US dollar against the perekonomian global dan efek penguatan nilai other currencies has affected the global tukar dolar Amerika tersebut memberikan economy, including Indonesia which was still tekanan terhadap kondisi ekonomi Indonesia experiencing current account deficit. The di tahun 2014, ditandai dengan semakin global economy situation put pressure to the melebarnya angka defisit perdagangan dan Indonesian economic condition in 2014, marked turunnya nilai tukar rupiah serta tekanan by the widening trade deficit and weakening kenaikan inflasi. exchange rate of rupiah while the inflation was increasing. Ditengah kondisi perekonomian yang In the midst of less conducive economic masih kurang kondusif, Indonesia berhasil condition, Indonesia successfully managed the menyelenggarakan pemilu di tahun lalu dan general elections last year and went smoothly berakhir dengan lancar walaupun secara although historically caused the economic historis berdampak pada menurunnya kegiatan activities to slow down and decisions to make ekonomi dan penundaan keputusan investasi investment became on hold especially at the dunia usaha utamanya di skala korporasi corporate scale
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