FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1»«4 / A veraft Dally Net ProM Rtm For tiM WMk BndMl The Come Doubles Club of sued for tax free construction mann, sasodats professor of North Methodist Church will Building Permits in the amount of $4,800, for al­ Seminary Choir Old Testament at the seminary, lU ndi tt, 1964 The Wi About Town hold a square dance and dem­ terations to the town-owned vdll direct the all-male ohona. 1 «f ... onstration tomorrow at 8 p.m. Down in March Harrison St garage. He has done graduate work at TM LmUm of the Assumption at the church. Lee Pine of Man­ To Give Concert 13,931 will hold a military whist and Princeton Unlvenlty in New PARK RESTAURANT Mambtf of tho Audit chester will be the caller. Mem­ Building Inspector Thomas C. Jersey and Nsw Testamsnt ft.*-.-. setback card p a i^ Monday at bers are reminded that guests The laUMieran Theological 187 NORTH MAIN ST,—TEL. 649-810S Bartoo of OIrouUtloB t:lB p.m. in the church hall. Mr. are welcome to attend. Monahan reports that estimated K of C to View Seminary of Fhlladelpbla, Pa., ’nisdogy, and has been a fre­ and Mra J. Edward McKeever taxable construction coats in will give a concert Suixlay at quent lectura* on the Philadd- Maneheeter^A CUy of Village Charm Will supervise the playing. Tick­ Manchester last month were 28 8 in the Sanctuary of Oon- phia Orchestra series and at The Couples Club of Center per cent below those for the Film of Fair ets wUl be available at the door. Congregational Church will cctxlia Lutheran Church. the Phlladetphia Record Socie­ Opening Pina Special VOL. L X X X m , NO. 188 (TEN PAGES—TV SECTION) corresponding period last year. ty. Oub Scout Back 3«0, spon­ have a square dance tomorrow Permits were Issued for con­ The New York World’s Fair, Perhaps better known as the (ClAMlfled AdvertSrihig m e Eogo 0) at 8 p.m. in Woodruff Hall. Dick struction estimated at $125,113 its background and develop­ Mt. Airy Seminary Choir, its 'Die concert Is open to the PRICE SEVEN CENTS sored by the Manchester Asso- Zimmer of the Whirl-Aways public. In lieu of an admission ★ FREE BOTTLE OF COKE daUnn for the Help of Retard­ during March of this year, com­ ment, is the subject of a movie r ^ r to lr e includes all periods will be the caller. pared to $167,294 during March of church music, with a special charge, a free will offering will ed Children, will have a bake to be shown to a meeting of be taken. sale tomorrow at Mott's begin­ of 1963. emphasis on the Renaissance With Any She Pina To Go The Rev. Paul C. Kaiser, pas­ The total fees collected drop­ the Knights of Columbus at and Baroque periods. 'Itiose at­ ning at 0 a-m. tor of Concordia Lutheran ped proportionately, $866 last; the K of C Home at 8 p.m. tending wrill hear a diversified Twister Hits Texas Town Church, will conduct a service month, compared to $1,123.501 Monday. program with selections by Subcominittees and the exec­ Sunday at 6:40 a.m. in the for March of last year. | Allegri, Monteverdi, Gabrieli, ★ FREE COKE With Each utive committee for the Sports chapel at Manchester Memorial The movie has been prepared HEARING AID Might program of St. James’ Permits were Issued last i by Travelers Insurance Co. of Schuet* and Bach. Southern Pina Eaten On Pmmisst Hospital. The Rev. Joseph Dud­ month for only two dwellings, i Hartford, which is exhibiting folk hyms, Pennsylvania Ger­ BAHERIES U.S., Panama Move Holy Name Society will meet ley, associate pastor of Center plus two for garages, three fpr man spirituals contem­ tonight at 8 in the school hall. CongregatiOiiHl Churoh, will at the Fair. It will be intro­ Final plans will be made for business signs, and 32 for addi­ duced by Arthur Thayer, Ver­ porary works by Jennings and FINE PHARMACY SO qO A U DAY SATURDAY serve as hospital chaplain next tions and alterations to existing non, a K of C member and a Gassier will idso be incor­ the program. week. buildings. I Traveler’s employe. Refresh­ porated into the presentation. 064 CENTER ST.—049-8814 In addition, a permit Was is-' ments will be served. The Rev. Robert E. Bome- Mias Rhea Powell, daughter TOe Women’s Auxiliary of of Mr. and Mrs. G. Murray the Fire and Police Junior Ath­ Poweil, T9l Center St., was re­ letic Association will meet and cently elected co-diairman of elect officers Monday at 8 p.m. the 'Step-Singing Group” at To Re-establish Tie at the home of Mrs. Bryce Car­ WUiimantie State College. penter, 371 Spring St. Itie British American Cliib The Rev. Robert K. Shimoda, from the s i g n ^ c T that puts money to work for people Vaughn Seen wtU bold a dance tomorrow pastor of Talcottville Congrega­ from 9 pm. to 1 am. for mem­ tional Church, wdll be In charge bers and guests at the club­ of radio broadcasts sponsored LBJ Ch oice house. Hie orchestra of Dick by the Manchester Ministerial Lewis win fumiah the music. Association on Station WINF Sunday at 7:35 a.m. and daily comes this important announcement... For Diolomat Mentbers of the Ladies of St. next week at 7:30 am. and 6:30 James will meet at 7:45 tonight p.m. at the Holmes Fimeral Home, WASHINGTON (AP) — 400 Main St., to pay respects to Stephen M. Farrell, electron­ The United State.s and Pa­ the late Edward J. IXmlow, ics technician seaman of the nama are moving quickly whose Mster, Miss EUzaheth U.S. Navy, ward of Richard J. to restore normal diplo- IMmtow, is a member. Farrell of 15 Pearl St., was pro­ moted to his present rate re­ mafe relations and are ex­ Manchester Junior Square cently while serving aboard the pected to open ta'k.s soon on Dance Club will hold a dance attack aircraft carrier USS their differences over the tonight at the Waddell School Ranger, operating out of Ala­ Panama Ca.nal. gym from 7:45 to 10:30. Bob meda, Calif. He Is a graduate of A new athere are still meiny problems appearance In the West Wichita ed, and began radioing beck length ss the Thresher, which By WARD SIMS yfelt, It was slight In their areas session of the General Assembly to be solved. He said he did not information. The series, Fails community of Pleasant (See Page Three) appeared a distinct possibility want to give the impression ANC3HORAGE, Alaska (AP) and had apparently centered Valley. Swinging northeasterly, which has the announced • (See Page Two) today aftei Democratic and Re­ that "this thing is easy at this purpose of cx>Ueotlng Infor­ Now your money wqrks even harder for you at Hartford National. Another major tremor, the sec­ near Anchorage. There were no it wrought the heaviest damage publican leaders announced they stoge.” reports of unusual wave action. in the Sunset Terrace and Lin­ mation about radiation belts STUKDYI ond in a week, lent a wary air The quake began with a gen­ have moved closer to agreement None of'the leaders elaborat­ around the earth, started two to activities In the quake-stiick- coln Heights residential sections. on a congressional redlstricting ed on tho problems. Effective April 1, 1964, savings account interest increases to 4% on tle rocking motion at 12:41 p.m. Then, dipping and twisting. It years ago. The Co s im se- Constnictsd of Industry Rejects en Anchorage area today. and quickly picked up In Inten­ plan. Both parties face the possi­ rlee has been unmanited. swept across the heavily popu­ News Tidbits Gov. John Dempsey has said bility of an at-large cong^res- a*«tsoltublnn The temblor, one of some half sity. A deep, rumbling could be lated air base, hitting nurses’ Tass said the new Sputnik money kept with Hartford National one year or longer. Come in Site in Norwich, a hundred aftershocks since the from the AP Wires he will not call a special session sional election this fall should was circling the earth la heard distinctly, and people ran quarters, barracks and the civil unless both parties can agree in major earthquake of March 27, to the center of downtown engineering base. they fall to achieve redlstrict­ 90.88 minutes with a maxi­ 4% set buildings asway Friday and advance or how district lines ing. mum altitude of 245 mOee today and let us give you the complete facts about our new Pledges of Help streets In brilliant sunshine to Startled residents took refuge should be drawn. sent office workers and shop­ watch the buildings around under street and highway under­ (Jonnecticut State Motor Ve­ At-large elections for Con- and a minimum of, ISO mllea. pers scurrying Into the streets them. The leaders conferred yester interest rate—and about the more than 124 personal and business NORWICH (AP)—Local clU- passes. Some abandoned cars. hicle Department says over 70 day for the second time in a ■ens pledged $112,000 to help es­ of downtown Lichorage. Then, just as suddenly as It per cent of state’s acjridents last (See Page Three) GENERAL IN COMA AU SKEl PUT 6Y M W R H Police reported no casualties Mrs. R. V. Hendricks, whose week. After the two-hour ses WASHINOTON (AP) — services offered by Hartford National. tablish a nmr industry In Nor­ started, the quake eased off. home was destroyed, herded her year occurred on town and city sion, they told Dempsey progress wich, but the firm has decided and had no reports of major Within 30 seconds It was over, three children, ages 8, 7 and 8, streets, but only 1,326 occurred General of the Army Doug­ damage to buildings or homes had been made. las MacArthur Is fat a coma 7-n . SUM AND lAWN SWING Instead to locate in Grafton, and people picked up quickly into a clothes closet before the on controlled access highways. Agreement, said Democratic LBJ, GOP Heads W . Vo. , In this area. Laat week’s iremor where they had left off a few twister . . . . Legislative Commission of whloh 1s ’’gradually deepeu- For money on deposit less than a yoar, Hartford left 119 known dead or missing monqents before. State and National Chairman tag,” and other vital taao- An ofSoer of the’Sponge Rub- and presumed dead. "There wasn’t any noise ex­ Connecticut' Education Associa­ John M. Bailey, "may well be -AJl Smiles Again National pays the full interest rate of 3^H % fio n bw Oo, sold last n i^ that In the Anchorage Dally Times tion endorses laws that would tioas are becoming Increas­ The University of Washington BuUdlng, where equipment and cept as things started to break,” looked upon as within the realm ingly difficult to sastala, Orafton made a better offer. seismograph office said that she said. "It sounded just like guarantee right of teachers’ of possibility.” day of deposit to day of withdrawaL The newly formed oorpobation supplies were strewn over the groups to negotiate for higher By JACK BELL Amy doctors aanouneed to­ Sale 24.97 the quake had registered 7.5 on floor March 27 not a thing was hail hitting my bedroom win­ ”I think we made some prog­ AP PoUUcal Writer day. The report came from asked fw hedges to buy 1112,- the fuchter earthquake Intensi­ dows." salaries with school boards. . . , ress,” said A. Searle Pinney, Re­ Ooo worth of bonds. Tho money disturbed Friday. Pedro Avillos, 22. ' Hartford Is WASHINGTON (AP) —'Pres­ Lt. Oea. Leonard D. Heaton, RlfUURlYM.Vf ty scale, subatantlally under the Power remained throughout Bentley, the grocer, heard the publican state chairman. ”We ident Johnson is back In the bi­ who said he was glvtag "aa was pledged during a 10-day force of the massive tremor of twister take the front of his charged with mi' .er after dis­ agreed tp consider matters over drive that wound up on Thurs­ the city, and communications store. pute with tenant over noise In partisan groove, and It’s all ominous report,” but added *Owrgo-lf..sL25 wookly Good Friday, which registered were not disrupted. the weekend and talk again on smiles again between him and that "mlraelee can olwaiv day. 8,7, "Then It ripped away the back apartment house ends with Monday.’ Only the cracks in the streeU death of man and wounding of Republican congressional lead­ happen.” Heaton Is sorgeoa o Tor many Mmimen of vigorous play for the gang Ths SUts Deveiopnient Oom- The new shock was felt in of the place, and I thought we Pinney, Bailey and the other ers. mtsrion had Been Ifelng aa- and the few windows that have were all going to die," he said. his elderly mother. general of the Army and the Fairbanks, Juneau, YakuUt, not been replaced give evidence leaders met with ths governor Proving that he la a man of chief surgeon la MacAr^iiir'a o Sturdy Oalifomia redwood lawn awing s Slide atstanes from the stats and a Kodiak, Seward, Valdez and Lewis Ownsby, a pressman Report on the cause of the after their conference. The ses­ federal loan was raported In the to the destruction caused down- for the Recoil- News, went fatal plunge of the atomic sub­ no h'lf-way measures, Johnson case, His comment abeoi arir* haa idatfocm o Skyride^ 2 awinga, trapeze, gym Oordova. The last four commu­ t o ^ Anchorage by laet week’s sion was open to the press. invited both Republican and aclee caam whoa he was ask­ works. nities, as well as Anchorage, through Sunset Terrace minutes marine Tbreaher last year Is ’This sounds encouraging,” lio M ddn ban o Meaauzea 8'^ aoroea top; 7'3* legs. HARTFORD NATIONAL^Q^BANK AND TRUST The oomeany ttprif phuuiad to mighty shaking. after the twister hit. being, prepared for (public re­ Democratic leaders for a bria^ ed If there was say nasMUI- Miffered severe dsmage a week In Juneau, maanwhUe, Gov. Dempsey said. He told the lead­ ihg by the National Security put up |280.0()0. It was reported ago. "Oars were thrown every­ lease, says John Conway, execu­ ers that he stands ready to sum­ Ity of lecoveiY tw MaaAr- "CAergs-tt''...No SMnsy dsws...30 days or month, to pay toady to tocate. in an empty William A. Egaii's request for where," he said. "Some garages tive director of the Joint (Jon- Council, the first ever to mem­ thur. It seemed ohvtoaa ftmn State Civil Defense officials a $80-mllllon enwrgency bond mon the special session once bers of Ckingresa. mfene moNev ooes to work for korlk textile mlU. clustered around their' "hot were blown away. One car was gressional Committee on Atom­ agreement on a plan Is reached. his manner and spoeeh, how- issue was quickly acted upon. ic Energy . . . Richard Bbrana, The primary subject was W .T.GFR A N T CO. Plana, now are to build a new Une” an emergency circuit Unk­ Within minutes after the gover­ cked up and tossed over the Bailey and Pinney told Demp­ Johnson's announesment Uuit ■gnife* Vtont In Oranen that will am- ing the cities of south-central >use and landed on the other a S2-year-oid executive from sey they would report to him each BlinwAe hi its n^hoanl nor had qwken to • Joint ses­ side.” Wallingford, wanted In New the United States and Panama SHOPPING PARKADE VERNON CIRCLE so paraons initially and, Alaska, when the shock hit, ap- sion of the Laglalature, a bill e early next week. had agreed to resume diplo­ iDO by ths ana of the ptohenslve about tho aafa^ ot Residents of tho stricken area Hayon for questioning about a The i|iter-party talks Mon­ Mittaarlring ths bond laaue had were dazed by the etorm. $48,000 shoi^ge at a vending matic relations and to «iio<»n— MANCHESTER VERNON opsmblons. )• ’ neighboring communities. been Introduced' in the Senate. day will be Informal. the Panama Oonol ------W ------e e e MbIb Hrn t, llmclit t tr J n iRtands to msauf ao- But, o n e ^ one, the surround- In Its last momenta, the twlat- machine compos, te arrested Bailey said If an agrsemsnt Is MtmterWJUje The Senate Ftnanee Oonunlttee •r aarrowfd and appoored to in Rocheeter, N.Y. for allegedly The cctiftranoa brouglit i)«"- „ .-Jr prodiwls asRk aa eltlos eheoked in to r e p ^ nepmted to report tt book to roache^ ’’We could flnlsh up by oto RapubUcan pmv.pfWWt Ufa—' “ that whUe the quake |R | Am eteoling 75 eeata ir tm • vend the and of AprU." the Senate today. (Boa Pofa Two) log He added, howoger, that (■os P ig s Two) i 9A0M mo I^NCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANC&E8TER, CONN,, SATURDAY, APRIL i, 1964 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1964 naoiaar autaaariaa, was sohad- % r e e n l i n g ^ u M for sariiar in the day. Events Wonder $ of the Universe Tba Stinwon, named aftar tiw Events Sheinwold on Bridge U.S., Panama South W indsor form er aacretiury o f staU and 46 at M H S Menshell Named Defendant Reds At Attack Suh^ r, WIU be -tlM 87th in an UOanVEB SLAM eventual fleet of 41 polarta- In World Life on Other Worlds In Nation M s DIFFICULT IN PRACTICE NNlhar Move Fast to ToTryHand In Suit Brought by Pay T V firing submarinea. NOKIH WUUam Tnreheyk Sr. Valve Break V £ . Is m m MOSCOW (AP) — The Soviet Q ID S Leaves Ways WA8HINOTON (AP)-In the By ALFRED SHEINTFOLO COLUMBIA—William Yur- Communist party has de­ 9 D T 6 • Part 3 news from Washington: M ore than thirty years ago Restore Ties cheyk Sr., 75, of RL 87, Cheat- Bernard Menschell, 41 Mll-<9the hearing to oppoee the 11- nounced an anU-SemiUc booklet At Teaching LBJ, COP Heads JOBS: Although employment Cuts Water But Anuodbie (OnrilMMd tnoi Pag* Om ) published by the Ukrainian Theodors Ughtner Invented hU nut Hill, died yesterday at his ford Rd., has been summoned as cense for Channe!r 18, which rose and unempiojrment feU last home. was being asked for three- Academy of Sciences, the Com­ Slam Double Oonventlon: The BAST (Continued from Page One) A total of 46 Manchester a defendant In Hartford Chan­ CM M to auifaoe after a taat All Smiles Again By Dit. 1. M. LEVITT lifetim e tn the communicative month, the seasonally adjusted Mr. Tiircheyk was bom in year trial period. (Oeotiaaed t r m n F iq * Om ) munist party paper Pravda re­ double of s Siam contract asks A 4 A F T f High School juniors and two nel IS’s court fight against aa For Section ported today. Director, 11m Foto PlaaeMrIera eUto of thle advanced clvllixa- jobless rate remained at 6.4 per O J 18 9 4 tuUonal processes of each coun­ Ruasla, Dec. 31, 1888, and was a The FOC approved the Hcense dhne lai* A|>ra 10. cent of the work force. seniors are going to desert alleged conspiracy of motion (Coattoned from Page One) Pravda quoted the ideological Of ’The Franklin InsUtote Uon. SclentiBts point out that partner to make aa unusual ^ ^ 1 7 4 4 K 10 9 try.” farmer in Columbia since 1929. In 1961, however, with the in­ ty of taking advantage ot Om Hie Greenllng will be 18 feet In changes that the Bureau of their books and claasrooms next picture distributors and exhib­ Cave-In o f a water main on committee of the Communist Some yean ago I had reami thla advanced technology arose opening lead. If the "usual” or A Q I 9 7 S 4 In the esse of the United He was a member of Holy Trin­ tention of studying the per­ differences. longer before it Joina the fleet. Labor statisUcs said Friday week. itors to eliminate competition Ellington Rd., south of Miller K. Dirksen of Illinois back to party’s Central Committee as but a few short years ago tor expected opening lead will de­ ■Oft U IH State*, that simply means that ity Ruaaian Orthodox Church of formance of the pay television to examine a photograph of the were about as expected, em­ ITiey’II be away all week with from subscription television. Rd. ’Thursday morning, cut o ff j "W e did not make the Iron A fter the launching, the the White House for the first saying the booklet had helped o w earth. Man has been on this feat the contract, you past and A A J t 4 t if revision* In the 1903 canal WlllimanUc. station to determine the feasi­ Milky Way about the sIm of a ployment rose 600,000, unem the blessing of thsir subject Menschell was served a sum­ water for about an hour for Curtain,” he said. "W e did not Greenling will be towed to time since Jan. 30. Rep. CSiarles the enemies of the Soviet Union eerth tor perhape a mtlUcn y e a n take your profit without bother­ treaty are agreed on- and wide Survivors include his w lfa bility of national pay TV. and yet the duration of techni ployment dropped 300.000 and teachers and the school admin­ mons yesterday by Deputy U.8. realdentj serviced by the Con-1 build the wall. Gaps tn the cur> Quincy, Maaa., where It will be Halleck of Indiana, the and harmed "our Ideological newspaper page. As I carefully ing to double. changes have been demanded Mrs. Anns Kovel Yurcheyk; two Menschell's two firms and cal advances permitting him to the labor force increased istration— not for an early Marshal Jerome J. Sullivan, aa nectlcut W ater Co. j fitted with a ksigtr- midsecUon. House Republican leader, would education work” in promoting scruonised the irfwtograph, I East dealer by Panama—they will be subject daughters, Mrs. John Kmdupakl the anti-pay TV group joined tain are welcome, and so are probe spaee tor Intelligble elg- 800,000. spring vacation, but for a look an officer of The Manchester Contractors were doing exca- I The Navy ordered lengthen­ have been there, too, except atheism. saw literally hundreds of thou­ Neither side vulnerable l*aS * * to acUon by the U.B. Senate. o f Village Hill, Lebanon, and the others opposing the license holes in the wall, whenever they nale or signalling space is so Hard-core unemployment of at teaching from the instruc­ Drive-In Theatre Corp. and The vating when the trench caved In ing of Thresher class attack that he was out of town and The booklet, "Judaism With sands of tiny white dots clus­ Opening lead—Four ot Etoarts The March 15 agreement had Mrs. Frank Chelkonas of East In appealing the FOC decision are not hedged by traps.” couldn’t make it. recent that it UtenUly represents 18 weeks or mors rose 150,000 tor’s side of the desk. Outdoor Theatres Corp., and as and a stone broke off the valve, auhmartnes last December Disguise,” has been widely de­ tered in clouds. Each dot was The Ughtner double sound* ccmtalned a provision that the Meadow, L. I.; two sons, John to the U.S. Court of Appeals— Johnson spoke on the eve ot After the Jan. 29 meeting, a new science. It is highly prob­ to 1.8 mUUon. a member of the Connecticut according to Peley Bradford, The Greenling's b u i 1 d e r a, nounced abroad. European and a star similar to our sun. And very easy in theory and in United States and Panama Yurcheyk of Oakland, N. J„ and They are scheduled to become which denied the appeal — and the 16th anniversary of the sign­ adiich also dealt vdth Panama, able that man win continue in T h e . bureau said the most Committee Against Pay TV. manager of the Northern Dlvi-' Hectric Boat Division of Gen­ American Communists have in the context of this series one print, but it is not always so would "carry out discussions William Yurcheyk of Cheatnut teacher aides at Illing an TONIGHT at itiO a ing which has been made effec­ The funeral will be held Mon­ Recruitment Program, held an­ residents of Beelzebub Rd.. and ' stretches from Turkey to Nor­ "In fact, submarines have to 43 mUUon. When the band shown toay The summons served yesterday Against Pay TV was formed, being consulted, as they had feelings of believers and can be planetary systems possess some It baa been said that in an tive by both sides. Its omission day from the Community Fu­ nually at the beginning of the Woodland Park water pressure Miss Mary Elizabeth Perry, way. been lengthened after many was idayed, in a match between Pod Ngwrmm requires that each defendant according to the plaintiffs, ”to been previously, about either interpreted in a spirit of anti- form of animal life on a suita­ advanced society man carries Nonagricultural employment is a key to the success of the neral Home, 134 Church S t, fourth quarter since 1953. was reduced. I daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Standing before a bank of flag years of service with the fleet,” U up almost 500,000 to 64.0 the United States and England file an answer to the complaint prevent the (pay televisloq) domestic or foreign matters. SemlUsm,” Pravda said. The bly placed planet’ And if a ra­ with him the'seeds of hU own "THI PROOr' latest round of negotiations Wllllmantic, at 9:15 a.m. with a The program la designed to Town Scholarship* >Thome Perry of 4 Pine Tree in the White House Btast Room, the company saM in a sUte- million, but thla gain was offset in 1906, East doubled six spades with the court and with Chan­ trial from obtaining the mean­ ’There was some speculation committee said the booklet also tional anlm ^ life is present, how destruction. Tbday we live in a Oe-Hlt Mass of requiem at the Holy give upper classmen who feel Five South Windsor youths Lane. Gla.stonbury, was recent­ the President said that since ment. by delays la spring farming to get an unusual lead. East nel 18's counsel, A tty. H. Meade ingful data sought by the FCC ly selected to represent the that the President was miffed had erred in "trying to explain many have advanced to the world in which an unfortunate . “TWILIOHr Trinity Church at 10. Burial will they might like to become are presently attending colleges 1949 the Communist "danger Speaker at the launching cer- about some of the harsh things prsparatlona. felt sure that the expected lead, Alcom Jr., within 20 days. and to foreclose actual compe­ Connecticut Valley Girl Scout the reactionary essence o f Ju­ technological competence which and unintentional accident m ay o r H O N O V * be In Holy ’Trihlty Russian Or­ teachers a chance to sample the with the help of the South has receded, but it has not dis­ emonieB is Rear Adm. Roy & Diricsen and Halleck had been a club, would not defeat the The election charges the 20 tition between the i^aintiffa and Council at the Senior Scout daism.” would permit them to signal oth­ set off a series of tnermoouclear Backup Crash thodox Cemetery, North Wind­ profession for a week. Windsor College Scholarships appeared.” The same 16 years, Renson assistant vice chief of saying about his handling of for- TRADE STATUS: The admin­ contract; and Bast was perfect­ — SUNDAY — the owners and operators of mo­ Campus Conference. Senior er worlds? And finally, how explosions which will wipe out a ham. defendants with conspiring to awarded on the basis of grades, he , said, have witnessed "tha naval operations and direetcr o f e i^ policy matters. istration has notified Oongreas ly righ t "DEAD RJNGBB” Each student is assigned to a prevent Channel 18 from ob­ tion picture theaters.” girls from ail over the United ATHENS, Greece (AP)—Pre­ many possessing this capabili­ large segment of the global pop­ Brings Arrest Friends may call at the fu­ citizenship and need. longest upward surge of eco­ naval administration When this state of affairs be­ that it plans to grant Yugoriavia West knew that the double "Shoeli TTeatnasaV* school, subject area, and/or States will as.semble at Cazeno- mier George Papandreou’s gov­ ty would actually undertake the ulation. One of the consequences taining feature Aims for broad­ 'The writ allegee the motion A trust fund was established nomic growth that our Atlantie neral home today and tomorrow grade level of his choice where via, (N .Y .) Junior College on lha keel laying of the Hen­ came public knowledge, John- ernment easily survived its first transmission of signals to other of a catastrophe of this nature and Poland the same trade ad­ told him not to lead a club. It cast over pay television. In an picture exhibitors and exhibitor last year as a result of an Initial world have ever known.” vantage# it gives to its alUes. A 44-year-oId Spruoe St. mo­ from 2 to 6, and 7 to 9 p.m. he will spend the week with a, July 23. ry D. SUnson, a polarie-firing aon reacted quickly. He met vote of confidence In the Greek worlds? is that a cl'rillsation like ours was absurd to consider a trump ^effort to quash competition. organizations nauned In the case gift of $445 from the estate of ” We have done well,” he said torist yesterday afternoon was There will be a special service teacher observing claseea, help-' The conference, the largest Oir;.aen at a banquet and hailed Parliament today. In light of our current knowl­ can never reach the same level The action clears the way tor lead, so West had only to choose East Windsor COannel 18 alleges the con- tried to keep first run movies the late Harry E. Famham and in summation, but added: "The cited by poHce after he backed at the funeral home tomorrow Ing to supervise, correct pa­ non-camping event the .scouts him as "my friend.” He added With all other parties either edge it appears that astrophysl- enjoyed today. If the combina­ f«atoratlon of awst-favored-na- between hearts and diamonds. epiracy acts to restrain inter­ off pay television by threaten­ since augmented by gifts of temptation to relax most always DRlVE-IN ' ■ 5 out of his driveway and into the at 8 p.m. ’The Rev. Arcady pers, plan lessons— and perhaps have ever held, will laM a week that "you’ve always been my abstaining or out of the parlia­ cal considerations provide some tion of possesaion of thermonu­ tion status to the two Beat Eu­ That word "only” somstlmea state trade, has the Intent of ing reprisals against movie $145. Plans have been made to be resisted.” friend and always will be.” ropean Communist nations. The side of a passing car. Svltlch, pastor of Holy Trinity to get a taste of actual teach- and a half. During this time mentary chamber, Papandreous of the backgrotmd from which clear devices and international covers a lot of territory. West creating a monopoly on motion producers or distributors who increase the fund to provide a Then came the oi^rtunlty to N o one was hurt in that Church, will officiate. Infr. the girls will learn about the Cabinet won endorsement of its the above numbers can be de­ stressea is characteristic of an trade concessions were taken took seven minutes by the clock picture distribution, snd has r ^ supplied current moviee to sub­ large annual scholarship. FORllOItTCACE have Dirksen and other Repub­ from them by Congress in an crash, and three othera involv­ To participate, the students and future of the out-of- program, 168-0. The balloting rived. Other numbers can only advanced civilisation, then all to find his opening lead. During suited in eubstantlsl flnanclal scription television stations, by ing motor vehicles, investigat­ Mrs. Jamea A. Marker had to get permission to miss ”11 1 0 organization's plans call doors, homemaking and the licans summoned to the White came after a five-day debate, be arrived at by series of con­ over the universe we may find amendment to the 1963 Trade that tlms be mopped his face losses for the plaintiff. conducting anti-pay TV public­ Expansion Act ed by police yesterday aind Mrs. James A. Marker of classes from ail their subject for awarding $2,000 in scholar- j arts. PROTEQION House to sit in on the making Including emi^iasls on the Cy­ jectures and still other numbers the radioactive ashes that were with three different handker- The pay T V channel was es­ ity campaigns, and lobbying Livestock Killed of a bit of history. Last December, under admln- early this morning, but some Hartford, daughter of Oharleton telchers; and in addition had ships this year and doubling of Miss Perry, a junior at Gla.s- prus issue. are speculations whose limits once advanced flourishing soci­ chleves. He finally came up with tablished in June 1662 by the against pay TV in national, the trust fund. San Life of hat a Press Secretaiy George IstratioB prodding, Congress vehicular damage was reported. Clark of 272 Charter Oak St., to arrange to make up their I tonbury High School, has been can vary within a wide range eties. the right answer, but it wasn’t RKO General Phonevision Co., state and local legislatures. Reedy said the conference had agreed to restore the trade Adolph A. Quey of 65 Spruce died late Thursday at St. Fran­ work. During the week they High school student volun- j a Girl Scout for 10 years and by lightning WINNIPEG, Man. (AP)—U.N. Y et despite this apparent handl' worth it West was a wreck tor apeoia] poliojr that wiO pn>- By the same token we might Bt. was charged with failure to cis Hospital. after hearings before the Fed­ Hartford Channel 18 intro­ teers, under the supervision of i Is a member of Troop 820 in been called "in accordance with Undersecretary Ralph Bunche cap it is still feasible to derive benefits to the two countries if the next five hands. must conform to the rules for the President’s desire to keep be able to survive international the President toimd It in the na­ grant the right of way at a Other survivor* include her the faculty for the school to eral Communications Commis­ duced pay television in this adult area captains will make | Glastonbury. Two years ago teot yonr homa lor yom says too many people think of numbers which can’t be devoid stresses until global organisa­ Real Problem sion in I960.' leaders of Congress fully In­ tional interest private drive and was ordered to husband, four sons, a daughter, which they are assigned. area in June 1962. RKO Gen­ door-to-door appeals today and i she attended the Senior Girl LiyhtlUl^ Wftiirh international peace • keeping of meaning and significance. tions function to remove the West's problem was that he formed.” appear in Circuit Court 12, and a sister. On Friday, the program will Menschell’s two theater com­ eral PhonevisiMi, the station’s tomorrow. Adult members will ' Scout Roundup at Buttonbay, fas famdy. Toar hoaae wffl be forces as a solution tor any kind On October 29, 1961, there risk of annihilaUon. With this as bad a seven-card diamond suit Everybody, it turned out, was VAOC3NE: Scientists search­ Manchester, April 20. The funeral will be held Mon­ close with a luncheon for the panies and the Connecticut parent rflrm, says it has 83.5 direct appeals to local busi­ Vt. of dispute. took place at the NaUonal Radio a background, how long can an and that his partner might very deand of afl iemainiii( debt happy about the experience of ing for a vaccine against Police said that Qtiey, at day at 8:30 a.m. from the Dillon teacher candidates at Illing Committee Against Pay TV million Invested in broadcasting nesses. Industry and civic or­ Bunche also told a public Astonomy Obeervatory in Green advanced civilisation last? If well have no diamonds at all. being Included in what Johnson syphilis are studying a disease about 1:15 p.m., was backing Funeral Home, 53 Main St., Junior High School, at which were among those to appear at and receiving facilities. ganizations. Contributions may ifo M U t ia dbe aw w t o f yom deadi. meeting at the University of Bank, West Virginia an imprec you are a pessimist, then we Against that was the. fact that in the canvass. Contributisss IIUIa called a "truly great day for in rabbits to see if it can be out of his driveway and ran Hartford, with a Mass of re­ school officials will discuss the take three forms; Regular con­ Dins Si N fiii • •• Manitoba Friday night that the edented conference on extrater­ might indicate that this is a the opponents had not-bid no- into the side of a northbound quiem at St. Peter’s Church, may be mailed to Mrs. David the American people.” restrial, intelligent life. It was used to make humans Immune, profession’s rewards and some tributions, contribution.* of S25 » • t a l yoa, wUao&t United Natlona does not tevor short time, say less than' 1,000 trump, which they might have East Hartford Spruce St. car driven by Ben­ Hartford, at 9. Burial will be in Evans, Box 84. East Windsor ctvMs I t in cM at this conference that sclen as cowpox is used in production of the students will report on or more to the Scholarship eetabliatunent of a permanent years. On the other hand if we done early or after the double DRIVE-IN Ti 5 jamin T. Scruggs, 36, Rockville, Mt. St. Benedict’s Cemetery, Hill. Migtaioo, about Soa U e ’a tists in many disciplines applied of smaUpox vaccine. their Impressions of the week’s Trust Fund, and contributions U.'l. force to carry out peace­ can survive the first 1,000 years, if they had all the misalng dia­ causing extensive damage. Bloomfield. Overthrown Goulart The father-son Communion CD Wm Offer Bu^rb reasoning and astute Dr. William J. Brown, chief experiencM. of $100 or more. Upon request M tafgago ftplBcUon Pbbcy. keeping assignments. Buncha we might persist for 100 miUion monds between them. Scruggs drove the car away. Friends may call at the fu­ breakfast sponsored by the St. judgment in arriving at the of the- PubUc Health Service 'TeacherT Recruitment Week these will become separate Francis of Assisi Men’s Guild received an honorary degree years. A conditioned estimate If West had guessed wrong, The Quey car had minor dam­ neral home tonight from 7 to 9 EdCknk* 8-Week Course from the university. meaningful elements relaUng to venereal disease branch, told a is being sponsored this year by scholarships with the name of will be held in the church hall might be a million years so let House Appropriations subcom­ there would be 'good reason to age. and tomorrow from 3 to 6 and Tel. 643-1126 "W e do favor standby torcas, the number of ^ces where us put Y equal to one million Manchester High School’s new- On Uruguay Ranch the donating business industry, tomorrow after the 8 a.m. SVN U P l ASSURANCI mittee Feb. 10 the rabbit studies blame East. A t his second turn, A N SF!EL DC A t 1:45 a.m. today, Charles 7 to 9 p.m. ly-foimer Future Teachers Club 175 East Manoheater a v il Defense Di­ with individual counMea de­ communicative life may be years. civic organization, or private have given the quest tor syphUls East might have bid three F. WflMams, 24, of 12 West St., which organized in January. Center Street COMPANY OP CANADA- rector John M e n has an- signating individual units which found. H ie conclusions of that donor. If all of tbes enumbers ar in­ protection "somewhat different hearts — preparing a defense was driving along Burnham St., Mrs. l.ulii Goldl>erg Advisor to the club is John De­ (Contimted from Page One) Dr. Paul van K. Thomson, Charles J. Van Densen noimced tliat a Shelter Man­ would be available when the conference permit this question Oates Open 7d)0 P-M. Any South Windsor resident serted into the equation, it can emidiasls than in the past." against the slam that ha could just west of Windsor St., when Mrs. Lulu Goldberg, 78, of laney. professor of English and chair­ ager's Inatiuctor Training U.N. calls,” Bunchs said. of other life to be viewed in Show a t ItSO Hospital Notes who is a high school senior or now be written: His testimony was made pub- expect the opponents to bid. If s oar in front of him stopped 108 Helalne Rd., widow of the Participants in the program of the 8135 million promised in man of the honors department ODorae wUl be held at the C8vU clearer perspective. TONIGHT thm SUNDAY college student may apply for N equals 4x1x2x1x1x0.0x1,000,- Uc Saturday. the opponents then bid six short at a stop sign. Williams Rev. Charles Goldberg, died with their schools and grades at Providence College, will Defcnae headquazten in Wind- SAIGON, South Viet Nam The number of other societies Visiting hours are 8 to 8 pjn. aid for this year. the scholarship. The applicant 000 equals 4,000,000. "We are now undertaking ex­ spades. East could sit back and pulled his vehicle to the left yesterday at Crestfleld Con­ or subjects include: speak on “ A New Catholic (A P )—South Viet Nam com- in our galaxy can be determined In all areas excepting maternity Mazzilli announced these min­ need not be a student at South MOTO’S Locka tor eight we^ce ’ITius from this type of analy­ periments to determine if the wait for his partner to read the FIRST RUN HIT and off the road to avoid a col­ valescent Home and Hospital Nikf Asuestas, Bennet, mato; Generation.” Tickets may be atarUng next Thunday at 7:80 pl^ined to the International Con- by means of a schematic equa­ where they are 3 to 4 p.m. isterial appointments; Windsor High School to be obtained at the door. sis it appears that in our Milky treponema cunicuU, which meanlAg of the heart bid. lision. after a short illness. Chery'. Beebe, Waddell, Grade eligible. p.m. trol Commission today that Viet tion. L et’s put down a simple W ay there should be about 4,- and 6:30 to 8 p.m. and private Tax Collection causes syphlUs in rabbits, can Dally Question • t ( I I I Williams drove Into an open The Rev. Mr. Goldberg was 2; Edward Ooltman. Bennet. Justice and Education—Luii Ditensted paittee are re­ Cong gusrriUas had attacked 6 equation and explore it to see 000,000 places where an intelli­ rooms where they are 10 p.m. Application blanks are avail­ Town Manager Terry V. FUEL C O . be used to produce immunity to As dealer, you hold: Spades, field, and thinking the ground pastor of the Pentecostal De­ social studies; Janet Cook, Antonio de Gama e Silva. queued to apply or phone the civilian buses since March 5, the startling and inescapaUe gent society exists vdiich has to 8 p.m. Visitors are requested able from the guidance director Sprenkel announced that more 367 MAIN ST. the treponema paUidum, which A-J-8-4-3; Hearts, K-9-S; Dia­ was too soft to stop his vehi­ nomination, now known as the Bennet, music; Sue Dauber, 648-4804 CD headquarters at the Munic- killing 31 passengers and kid­ consequence it produces. reached a state ot tedmology not to smoke in patients’ rooms. War—Gen. Arthur da Costa e at the high school or from the than $200,000 ha.s been collected EAST HARTFORD naping and robbing othera causes human syphilis,” he monds, 0; Clubs, K-19-S-3. cle, he decided not to stop, and Church of the Nazareqe, for South. Grade 1; Fran DiCioc- IpaC BuilAng tor application be­ N equals RxflxTxUxVxWxY “capable of Interstellar com­ said. No more than two visitors at Silva. secretary of the SWCSO, Mrs. In tsoces in South Windsor. Ap­ 748-6801 The complaint also listed de­ What do you say? tried to make it across the field seven years. 'The couple left clo, Nathan Hale, Grade 4; tween the hours of 1 and 4 p.m. In this equation we In^cat'e munication and are willing to one time per patient. Navy—Vice Adm. Augu.sto Donald Bancroft, 1117 Main St. proximately 12,000 tax bills sent struction of a primary school by that the number N, which U the Answer: Bid one spade. You and onto Burnham St. He then Manchester, and returned here Rocco Erardl, Illing. English- on Monday, Wednesday or Fri­ communicate” . In terms of stars got hung up in a two-foot drain­ after his retirement from the social studies; Stephanie Fogg, Rademaker Grunewald. Applications must be submitted out this year Including those for FUEL OIL day, M en said today. Communist guerrillas and at­ number of places where com LBJ to Start Season have 11 pointi^ in high cards and by May 1. in the Milky Way it means that age ditch and his car had to be ministry in September 1950. He Illing, homemaking. ADMITTED YESTERDAY: Air—Brig. Francisco de As- j real estate, personel property tacks on civilian road-building munlcatlre, intelligent life can 3 points for distribution. With a Selection of scholarship re­ one star out of every 20,000 pos­ towed out, police said, with but died Aug. 25. 1950. Also, Janice Ford. Buckley, Laszio Boszormenyi, Montauk sis Correia de Mello. and motor vehicle. equipment. exist in our universe, can be WASHINGTON (AP)— Presi­ total of IS points you have an cipients is made by a committee sesses intelligent life like ours minor front end damage. No ar­ Mrs. Goldberg wa.s bom on Grade 4; Winthrop Ford, Bow­ Dr., Vernon; James Brigg.s, 32 Finance—Otavio Gouvela de I Mr. Sprenkel also said that The Control Commlsalon, determined as a produce of sev­ dent Johnson w ill keep tradition optional opening bid, and in this consisting of the superintendent which who may be searching rest was made by police. Sept. 25, 1887, in New York ers, Grade 6; Elsa Gustafson, Nye St.; Mrs. EMith Cavagnaro, Bulhoes Lthe "w elfare cost to the town made up of India, Canada and en numbers. Now let’s examine and attend the opening n m e of case you cbooee to bid because 89 Tanner St.; Mrs. Marguerite of schools, the high school prin- ! has increased considerably: LAST DAY TODAY! for neighbors in space. Williams was unhurt. City. Nathan Hale, Grade 1; Linda Foreign—Vasco Leitao de Poland, was created in 1984 to theee numbers the American League baseball of th* good five-card major suit Coleman, 108 Lockwood St.; Cunha. ci{>al, the guidance director, The town has assumed the re- check military and political WIU these systems eommunl- At 11 p.m, yesterday, a three- She ia survived by a son, Hackney. Bennet. math; Bar­ R equals the rate of star for^ eeason April 18 and toss out the and good high-card structure. Laurel Dandurand, Tolland; Labor—Amaldo Lopes' 'Suss- four members of the board of .sponsibllity of IS children from violations of the truce by either mation in our galaxy. From eate with one another? Tba an­ first haU. ear rear-eod collision occurred Marvin Goldberg of Stony bara Hamilton. Waddell, Grade 1; Katherine Herman, Bowers, Charles Hoffman, Ellington; kind. directors of the SWCSO, and a broken families or parents com­ North or South Viet Nam after previous columns it was indi­ swer is a fascinating one and Through the years this has F or Shelnwold's 86-page book­ at Center and Broad Sta. with Brook, L. I., N. Y.; two grand- Grade 1; Karen Howard, Buck- Calvin Kirk, Phoenix St., Ver­ President of the Bank of Bra­ local clergyman selected by lot. mitted to state hoiipitals." ■ G ALLO N the Indochina war. cated that life can only be next week w8 ’will explore P n ^ been a standard presidential let, !‘A Pocket Guide to Bridge,” only minor damage and no ar­ c'..ildren and a nephew. ley, Grade 3; Christine Joyner, non; Clifford Jefferson, 270 W. zil—Amaldo Valter Blank. ' The South Windsor High f.und around sta n which have ect Oxma—man’s first attemjh p^edurs, ydth misses occa- send 00 cents to Bridge Book, rests reported. A slmpar two- Funeral services will be held I CASH 5° SUNDAE SALE Ililne. social studies. Center St.; Carole Kerkin, Tol­ President of the Petrobras School students who will be Manchester Evening Herald long lifetimes. The average life­ to detect InteUiglUe signals Manchester Eve. Herald, Box car accident happened abortiy tomorrow at 3 p.m. at the ■ 158 Oal. Minimum from outer space. Also, Carol Kompanik. Bow­ land; Mrs. Audrey Richards, 36 Oil monopoly—Marshal Ademar collecting for the South Wind­ South Windsor correspondent, time of a star in the class con­ Tha Washington Senators will 8818, Grand Central BtaUon after midnight on Spencer St., Church of the Nazarene. The ■UY ONE AT REOULAR PRICE Twister Hits ers, Grade 2; M ary Lou Kowell, Barry Rd.; Mrs. ^rbara Story, de Queiroz. sor Scholarship Association this ' Brownie Joseph telephone 644- sidered suitable for life is on Oopyrtgbt 1884 play the in New York 17, N.Y. just east of the Bast Hartford Rev. Robert Shoff, pastor, will weekend are; TEL 289.1219 town line, police said, with no Illing. English-social studies; East Hartford; Herman Ranlett, AH the Cabinet members are 0148. I t e the order of 10,(XX> million years. Qeaend Feature# Oorp. ' the District of CMuraUa Stadi­ Copyright, 1866, officiate. Burial will be in Mt. Main Street— captain. Bonnie ■ 24HOI24 Hour Burner Service OET ANOTHER FOR A NICKEL David LItrico. Bennet. English; Wapping; Mrs. Isabel Nevers, considered men of moderation, Now there are about 100,000 mil­ um April IS. General Features Ooiii. arrests and little damage re­ Pleasant Cemetery, Center Jones, Susan Zagorski. Rose­ Texas Town Janice McMillen, Illing, Eng- 24 Hilltop Dr.; Roland Cunning­ rather than die-hard conserva­ lion stars in our Milky Way. If ported. Moriches, L. I., N. Y. mary Wholley. Anthony Bor- BANANA s p u n and PABFAITS EXCLUDED USSR Loses Zone Bid liah-soclal studlea; Janet Milea, ham, 23 Union St.; Mrs. Helen tives. (Ooattned from Page One) we divide the total number of There will be no calling dieri and Patricia Allen. Green, Grade 1; George Nicker­ Simon, 17 Legion Dr., Rockville: About Town stars by the average lifetime hours. The fam ily suggests j Mazzilli said the government Famham Estates - ~ captain, WASHINGTON (AP) — The son. Bowers. Grade 6; Joanne Mrs. Doris Snow, Hubbard Dr., pinch in the middle. Then it dis­ of a star, we discover that jSaperbI Daily News—^Roosing! N .T . limes that, in lieu of flowers, memorl-1 w oul' use all "effective means” Don Hatfield. Ann Shuteran, Soviet Union has lost its battle Bureau Reports Nielson. Lincoln. Grade 2; Di­ Vernon; Mrs. Rose Ferrante, The Couples Club of Center DAIRY QUEEN No. 1 DAIRY QUEEN No. 2 sipated, like a heavy wisp of roughly ten stars a year should at contributions may be mdae j to bring stability to the Brazil­ Ellen Dorsey, Suzy Staubach, to buUd a multlmillion-doUar That Rare Thing! anne Novakouski, Bennet, so­ Hartford; Mrs. Dorothy Tar- Church has canceled Its square smoke. be born. Not all of these ten to the Church of the Nazarene. ian economy. As a first step, Cheryl Aiken. Diane Salonia, WALL embassy and chancellery in A GBEAT MOVIE, FROM A GREAT BO<«! Cases for Year cial studies. vans, 11 Maxwell Dr.. Vernon; dance which was scheduled for O wM i and Operated Owned and Operated Cold air which has plagued would be suitable tor the for­ ’The Holme* Funeral H om e,! he said, he was asking Bulhoes, Kate Frost and Carolyn Bowers. m h iw Joan Cataldi, 33 McKinley St.; tonight. by nred A by A1 EUdn mation of life. In a statistical Washington’s swank Chevy 400 Main St., is in charge of a r Also, Sarah Olmstead, Nathan a noted Brazilian economist, to "Jirights” — Captain, Robert TO the northern two-thirds of the Chase area. William Shuteran, Wapping: 4M Hartford Read 587 West Middle Tnrapibe country continued a slow march study which the writer made in Mrs. Arm ella Baker, social rangements. Hale, Grade 1; Stan Ostrinsky, submit a list of suggestions. ‘ Krawski, Joyce Wehren, Andy Bennet, music; Sharon Palmer, Frederick Hartensteln, 144 Un­ Manchester Community Play­ southward today, bringing snow 1960, he found that about 40 per A five-member board of Bon­ worker at the Manchester ion St., Rockville; David Stem, Under the Constitution, Con^, ; Howat, Cindi Sleeper, Peter ing adjustment voted 8 to 3 Fri­ South, Grade 3; Farrell Sandals, ers will meet tonight at 8 at the flurries, strong winds and frees- cent of these stars fell in the branch office of the Dloceaan 366 Oakland St.; Mrs. Judith gress must elect a president and 'tjugler and Paul Kugler. day to deny Martin Decker, a Bennet, social studies; Gall Seil­ home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin WALL Ing rain. class in which we are interest­ Bureau o f Social Service of the Rothe, Windsor Locks; Henry vice president 'within a month, A very St. — captain, Frank Philadelphia builder, permission er. Highland Park, Grade 3; Culver, 181 Vernon St. Final Severe thimderstorms struck ed. ’Thus the number R —the Archdiocese of Hartford, has re­ F u n e ra ls Massey, RFD 1, Manchester; filling out Goulart’s unexplred Wells, Ed Ota, Alan Goess, to sell the le-acre Bonnie Brae Amy Shorrock, Bowers, Grade plans for ’Come Blow Your CARPET the town of Stroud in eastern number of stars forming each ported that during 1963 a total Mrs. Catherine Geluska, 23 Dud­ term which ends January 1666. Rich Bqrron, Paul Therriault, yecu’ suitable for the beginning estate to the Russians. 1; Claire Southerlen, Bentley, Mazzilli, however, said he did Horn.” to be presented April 24 Oklahoma, dripping hall de­ of 1,866 families were served In Edward Dimlow ley St. Leslie Wenz, Anita Rupner, of life—is about tour. Grade 2; Ruth Strickland, Lin­ not know when Congress would and 25 at Whiton Memorial and scribed as the size of hseeballs. Although President Johnson the diocese. Also, 148 new chil­ ”1716 funeral of Edward Dim- A D M ITTE D T O D A Y ; Susan John Creagan. Bill Sturdevant 8 equals the fraction of the coln, Grade 6. act. sponsored by the Newcomer’s CLEANING Snow flurries swirled by had expressed approval of the dren were placed, 245 children low of Griffin Rd.. South W ind­ Bishop Wapping. and Patricia Jones. new-born stars which possess Also, Judy Taylor. Bentley, Club, will be discuss'ed. Those strong winds Impeded travel tn proposal, residents objected on were under supervision and 129 sor, was held this morning from ■ BIRTHS YESEatDAY; A son Shortly after his first meeting Ellington Rd. — captain, Grade 1; Brooke Tedford, High­ Interested in joining may attend TEL. DEL KNOWLES the Northeast. planetary systems and this num- the ground that the project BURNSIDE children were placed in board­ the Holmes Funeral Home, 400 , to Mr. and Mrs. John Perryman, with reporters at the War Min­ Doleres Deluco, Susan Finkle er is one. ’The reasoning behind land Park. Grade 4; Donna Ted­ and Joyce Rinaldi. i the meeting or contact Mrs. Locally heavy showers and would ruin the residential as­ ing homes prior to placement in Main St., with a Mass of re­ Ekist Hartford; a daughter to istry, Mazzilli flew back to this is that the very process of Pleasant Valley -- - eaptain I Mary Gaudet, 42 Gerard St., 643.0012 scattered thundershowers pound­ pect of their area. adoptive home. quiem at St. Catherine’s Church, ford, Bennet. English: Janet Mr. and Mrs. James Huey, 117 Brasilia, the inland capital. star formation indicates that Denni.s Wheeler. Claire B^th. membership chairman. ed the southern half of the The agency, a member of the Broad Brook. ”rhe Rev. An­ Towler, Waddell, Grade 3; Carol New Bolton ftd.; a son to Mr. Among the congressmen, the I matter must be thrown off by Lyn Friend. Jackie Miles and MANCHESTER country. United Fund, conducts a com­ thony Bombaluaki was the cele-1 Turkington, Lincoln, Grade 5; and Mrs. (Jordon Mead, Hazard- consensus appeared to be that the spinning protostar and in . Ralph Russo. Sunset Council, Degree of The eastern slopes of the cen­ Come—Join In The Fun plete fam ily service and child brant. Mrs. Mary Catino was | June Uzanas, Bennet, science; \'llle; a son to Mr. and Mrs. Brazil’s future course would some, as yet undetermined man­ Some people residing in out- Pocahontas, v^dll meet Monday RUG CLEANING tral Rocky Mountains were vic­ welfare program regardless of| organist and Mrs. Patricia I Pamela Volkert, Nathan Hale, Lawrence Gilligan, 67 Brent have to wait the installation of ner planets are created. Thus : lying areas may not be reached at 8 p.m. at Tinker Hall. C O M PANY timized by vicious northern SELLERS'SEBE^ the ability to pay. It serves fam-1 Tracy was soloist: both are o f: Grade 2; Susan Waterman, Rd.; a son to Mr. and Mrs. We.s- a new president next month. winds coupled with freezing rain if every new bom star is blessed DANCING Added Spedal AttraotloB Hies, unwed parents, children Washington, Grade 3. Broad Brook. Burial was In i ley Van Kuren, Overbrook Dr., The leader of the conservative 15 HANNAWAY STREET and snow. with a planetary system, this 8 STOOGES FUN-O-BAMA and individuals, and offers pro­ Also, Evelyn Wayland, 'Ver- A GREAT FUN SHOW! St, Catherine's Cemetery, Broad Vernon; a aon to Mr. and Mra. ] wing. Herbert Levy of the Na- A severe thunderstorm and an number must be one. TONIGHT fessional counseling services and planck. Grade 1; Patricia W il­ Doris Day—James Oaraer Brook, with Father Bombaluskl,] Richard Martens, Blast Hart­ , tional Democratic Union, the unconfirmed tornado ripped T equals the average number guidance. Its goal Is to strength­ reading the committal service. liams. Bentley, Grade 1; San­ ford; a daughter to Mr. and of planets in a planetary sya- "MOVE OVER DARLINO” ^ third largest party in the lower through an area near Graham, en fam ily unity, prevent family Bearers were Robert Daly. dra Williams, Bennet, math; Mrs. Robert Sanborn, Andover; tem on which life can develop. (In Color) 8:25-8:80-9:85 ' house, said Brazil may break Tex., some 70 miles west of Fort breakdown, and help each in­ Frank Klskunes, William Gun­ Barbara Wohlgemuth, Bennet, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Charle In our solar system we found relations with Cuba. However, Worth. plus: "SURF PARTY” dividual attain his maximum po­ ning. Edward Eresnahan Sr.. physical education; Barbara Kappert, Coventry. PARK RESTAURANT A RE YO U IN that there is life on the earth M A N C H tS T E R Doutel de Andrade, leader of TTiunderstorms drenched Ten­ with Bobby Vinton Mosle B y tential in his life and work. Edward L. Dimlow and Joseph Zubrow, Highland Park, Grade B IR TH T O D A Y : A son to Mr. nessee and westward into cen­ and vegetable life on the plan­ 5:10-8:16 Drtivc 1; Judy Agnew, Waddell. Grade Goulart’s Brazilian labor party, the Popular The three Catholic Dioceses of Barstiz. and Mrs. John Boll, 71 Nilea Dr. declared any change in the 187 NORTH MAIN ST.— TEL. 649-8105 or out of tral Kansas. et Mara. If we use our solar Connecticut, through 20 strate­ 4; Kathleen Johnkon, Lincoln; DISCHARGED Y E S T E R- fhystem as a criterion, then the SUNDAY SHOWTIME TONIGHT—ENTIRE WEMt country’s ’’independent’ foreign Stockmen’s warnings contin­ gically located offices, carry out Grade 1. DAY: Frank Zlelewicz, 8 Re­ F IR S T R U N policy would be a backward H O T W A TER ? ued in effect for western Okla­ number of planets around a "D arling” 8:80-8:20-9:80 MISTY MEN an active program. During 1963, newly formed planetary system MMH to Shift gent St; Laura Prentice, 110 step. Opening Pizza Special homa and parts of northwestern "P a rty ” 8:00-5:06-8:06 "Choice Beverages” 7 WALNUT STREET on a state level, 8.254 families Campfleld Rd.; Mrs. Margaret Texas as strong! winds, rain, capable of supporting life is Just S'/iC** a day for fuel two. were helped and 852 children Leaders C 1 o s e r Gradante, South Windsor; Mrs. snow and raw weather stung the NEXT were placed in homes for adop­ To New Power Concetta Felice, 120 Eldridge can get you out of U equals the probability that "STRAIT JACKET" tion. S t; Mrs. Lois Young, 22 San- i r FREE DOHLE OF COKE trouble! ! The Southeast had showers intelligent life will evolve on the On Redistricting favorably placed planeU in a ^ Manchester Memorial Hos­ tlna Dr.; Donald Eagleson, 63 OPEN ALL DAY j and thunderstorms while a cool­ "THE L-SHAPED ROOM” ( pital will switch to its emer­ Walker St.; Mrs. Ottllie Hille, With Any Size Pizza To Go ing < trend prevailed from the planetary system. In light of the If you live in a typical gency generators tomorrow fof (ConMnned from Page One) 6 Charter Oak St.; Thomas I Virginias and Carollnas west­ experiments described in the State Law Brings SUNDAY house, you could easily run second article bowing how from approximately eight hours while Blanchard, 106 Francea Dr.; out of hot water, several ward to the southern Rocky gress are beig sought in a suit the primodlal gases and radia­ electrical circuits are being Mrs. Janet Strauss and aon. PINE PHARMACY times a week. Mountains.. Fund Plan Shift filed in federal court, New Ha­ i r FREE COKE With Each tions the amino acids evolved hooked into newly installed pow­ Quarry Dr., Vernon; Mrs. Bon­ Now you can have all the The Far West had. generally Tbt Most Asclaimsid MotioR Pistyrs ven. Jack Zalman, political 664 Center 8L—549-9814 in this series, it appears that on er transformers. nie Sanders and son, 78 Birch hot water you need at one fair skies and warmer tempera­ writer for the Hartford Cour- Pizza Eaten On Premises suitably positioned planets with Faced with the possibility of C. B. Wilson, hospital engi­ St.; Mrs. Donna Ryan and time for anly 9V4c* a day. tures, but the Northwest was COMING ant, asked the court to order resi ct to their stars it is In- Of Our l\m\ running afoul o< state law, the neer, said the switchover will ' daughter. East Hartford; Mrs. Think of It—only 9%c* a dampened with scattered show­ April 20 thni April 26 them unless redtstrictlng is ac­ ers and some snow. evitabls that Ufa will begin. To town administration has de­ be the first of two such periods I Jeai^ Kelly and son, 26 Fox Hill GOOD ALL DAY SATURDAY day! hold to a contrary point of view cided not to use Community of curtailed power necessary to complished. Dr., Rockville; Mrs. Joan Cook Yes, thanks to Mobllheat Is to posuUate that terrestrial ••BESTPmstr College surplus funds to finaince complete the $50,000 job which Zaiman claims in his action and son, East Hartford. —and an oil-fired hot water life is unique and most scien- additional appropriations for will more than double the hos­ that constitutional rights are heater of correct capaclty- tiaU will insist that life is not WmmtJH M — - ^ . garbage collection and (or elec-1 pital’s electrical capacity — violated by the continued exist­ your family can take care imlque. ’This means that we can tions. I from a 1,200 to a 3,200 ampere ence of disproportionate con­ of all their washing needs place U equal to one. k m i t l Instead, the board of di­ rating. gressional districts. at one time. WESTOWN rectors will be asked Tuesday; The second power switchover Democratic negotiators yes­ V equals the number of ape- Mom can, do the family to take the |4,500 appropriation i terday, besides Bailey, Included PHARMACY cies wlcb have evidved on a to emergency generators should wash, Sis can do the dishes planet which are capable of be- funds from money originally' come In about two weeks, Wil­ Senate Majority Leader Louis at the same time Junior 4M Hartford Bd,— 848-M48 cwnlng technically competent to aet aside for the cost of is- son sitid, and will also be slated I. Gladstone of Bridgeport, Lt. ^Pre^Season” takes his bath, and you en­ communicate with other life. BUing bonds. |for a Sunday when use o f hos­ Gov. Samuel Tedesco, House joy a shower. To malatain oar eoattanlty H m only epeciee in the aolar Town Counsel Irving Aron- pital equipment is usually low­ Minority Leader William T. PRICES Don’t delay—phone us to- WHITON LIRRARY AUDITORIUM of nedloal eervtee we a n system is found on the earth and *SnsT5a!SToa!|^M8!y* aon said that state statutes er than normal. Shea of Meriden and Leo Pars- NOTICE day. Find out how easy it la he la man. Thus it may be as- forbid the town to use board Then, after completion o f the key, counsel to the state Dem­ ON to switch to a Mobllheat- WEDNESDAY. APRIL 8. 7:30 F.M. •umed that V can be put equal o f eduoation appropriations (orj electrical hookup, removal o f ocratic organization. flred water heat. Open All Day to . one. Dr. John C. L illy in ■Jgprthand municipal purposes, and that | the old transformer*, and test­ ALUMINUM •Average family of four. M q w c i w f r Flushing of the wjoter mains of some recent algnlflcant and ex there is a question of whether i ing, the power project will be citing experiments has ahowed ikMareD the ocrilege funds are in the I finished, Wilson said. • DOORS SUNDAY that dolphins have a high ue aame category. | The work is being dons by the Highway Crash S l E D R O O M S the Town of Manchester Water 1 0 WAYS THIS COmSE WILL lENEFIT MEN md WOMBi: free of intelligence with a Mwed Rather than force a court Mitchell Electric Corp. of Man­ • WINDOWS MORIARTY of leam iqg compkrable to that ruling, Atty. Aronson has sug­ chester. It was made necessary Brings Arrest gested that the board of di­ L iKiMM Mm m4 tMtom. 4. n u Mi iftsk M IMC iMi o f.a human belnjg. But because SHRINE because the power circuit has Low taxes, high scenic • CANOPIES Department will begin April 7, t lnAMMlIidi dolphins lack the dexterity and rectors not attempt to use the been taxed to capacity during Robert L. Gay, 48, of 238 BROTHERS t. CtMnl rtv Hi Stny manipulative abilltiee assoclat I X 1 KA A 1 I RAC I ION ' anticipated surj^us college' location. Ideal for IMtaodlMftafUMi CIRCUS hot weather when equipment Boulder Rd., Maiiahester, was • AWNINGS I. Is 1 taSH CtaNTHMSHW PIZZA RAY’S ed with hands, dolphins could money. use Is increased by air eondl* unhurt early this morning when horses. One car garage 1964. 643-5135 4 It Ms Ini M* tar Imp I. tanlis IMS WiM 4MMm posseas a far greater intelll- STATE ARMORY, Hartford I f an education surplus tlonera. he dosed st the wheel of his osr or stable. Located on llo SPRUCE ST. Thla la aa aetlvltgr s f CtaiUax OKlata after the end of fits fla- fln d HOW NHsn Ital MM IA ton IM gehce than a human being but 'j» £ S e e i£ S snd drovs through throe fence desirable South Road. 301-31B Cmiftr St. etm be tncapable of Implement Tasaple aad Bot tor the bM ^ •al year, the money may then posts on Rt. 84 in WlUltogton, Aluminum SIDING tng that tntelUfeiiee to taittlate ■t sf the flhrlaan HeapItBl e o m io v im r revert back to the town's gen­ Pieta Leaves Vatican Call for an appoint­ T«i^ S43-0031 tor Crippled Childnsk sooordlng to Btsto PoHcs rs- WE GIVE ZrfC HARTFORD ebnununleattons. eral fund, an<} may then be ports. ment. -FREE ESTIMATM- Hufllilnf win eontlnuu Tuutdayt Hirou^k Prl- TUESDAT^APRIL 7 used tor any purpose voted. VATICAN CTTY (AP) — The 7iN PA. W equals the fraetton of tedi* Osy was phsigsd with fall- s EASY TERMS a GREEN STAMPS ~ **y*® ® " *• Bldg., 588 Famklngton Ave,, Hartford PIZIAS GRINDERS EVES, at 8:18 Moau thra Sat. Although the 190,000 appro­ precious 465-ye*r-old Pieta of ntcally advanced civiUiationa urs to drivs in an sstahUshsd Call Now and Save doys until complutud. Next Te Mark Twain Diner that would wish to comrouni- MATE, at 1:80 Toes, thru Sat priated (or Junior college use Michelangelo left the Vatican n m s SH O W N Ians, snd was orderod to sm>sar Free Parking la Bear SPAGHEHI cafe with other planetary eye- and Son. at 8 p-m. was not part of the board of today for the first time, head­ in Manchsstsr’s Clrouit Court Ohaplin Agsnty tfin a TtUe Is a pure speeulatkai g e n e r a l ADML—fl.60 Toalte Saa. education’s 1063-64 budge:, only ing (or the New York World’s Bill Tun$ky I1W99 •ENOS TONICUT* 18 on A | > rU 80. MobilliGaf . ^*J^AGJ!3aOTDCViaA)PMENTINTOTCT* 10 MfimtB S «rvk « aw H can range from sero to Reaerved Seata Extra *Ti|ht Aahiya U i U StM m court ruling, or an Interpre- Fair. Pope Paul VI wished It s B. MiflHAFJ., FRANOOEUB, A na TIekela New at Hotel Baal "be voysgs.” Oay was wsatbound riiortly * 4 f . 9 0 9 5 Tewii uf M d chuHfur W olur DufMrtmunt M M d b Let os aam a tkat W la NiW Yfl1[’’s^]|tia ' Dt8D i m tatton by the state commls- VW P^rlher lafoimalim OsB ean eli 8J. 8J l D a j a . « s « | afoner of education, can deter- Unclosed In Hs wooden snd bsfoiw • sju . whan tho wool- TM. M I4 M 1 Ito e lty I a Omwdir Meg «aBadar At Mha CMMfP at 4MU * 7tM wstm wbathar they are or are steel esses, the ststue left Hie dosA saoutrod. Tho oar w m T not one and the aama. Vstlesn by tniek for Ns|5es. r"'( IT:

FACE FOUR MANCHESTER' EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1964 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1964 pA O Ji Khruahehsv prescribed the good life as foltowa: Area Churches Taleottvllle St- Bsniard’a Ohnnsk "The important thing is that ws Osngregatioual Chnreh St, Barnard’s Tar^ Raekvilla should have more to eat—good goulaAh Churches Rev. R4iberi K. Shimoda Rsv. Patrick P. MakoMT, A. —Bchools, housing, and ballet How much n re t Chnreh of Chriat, Center Congregational Cliureh St. Bridget’s OhHrok Minister P i^ o r ^ ' ' J ____PCBUmiKD BT THIS Sclenttat notALD mfmNo co.. oia more do these things give to the en­ United Oiurcta of Christ Rev. John F. Doinnegr, Pnator iX BIM«1I Strecl Masonic Temple 11 Center St. Massaa at 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 . Maarhciter Conn largement of man's life! It is worth Rev. Stnniey T. H ^ I lo 8 a.m„ Men's Club breakfast THOMAS r rkROOSON Rev. eWford O. SImpaon Rev. Dennis R. Huseey alii have Andover men as a.m. WALTBR R. rERGUBON fighUng and working for these things.” It a.m., Sunday Service, Sun­ IMInlater guests. Speaker is the Rev. Ray­ Piibll«her> In the Herald Tribune’s version of day School and nursery. ’These Rev. Joseph H. Dudley St. .Manriea Cirarcli; BaHon ______Foanaxl OetobT 1. IWl two Damages, Ps. 12S: 1, and Masses at 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 mond Bradley of Andover (Con­ Khrushchev's formula for the good life Aaaodate Minister a.m. gregational Church. Rsv. Barnard L. MeOark. Fubllalitd Ev« 7 BTralni Bxeapi Sundaya p. 76: ISy In "Science and Rev. rm ncls C. Hnwea, MlnUter 11 a.m.. Morning worship Paator id HoHdajra. Sntarad at ttia Post Ufflda at book had been substituted for ballet And Haalth with Key to the Scrip­ Of Cliristlnn Edncntlon Bancliastsr. Conn., as 8«cond Class Hall St. Bartholomew’s Church service will be led by laymen. n tures" by Mary. Baker Eddy, Slattsr.______moved up one notch, as follows: Rev. Philip Hnasey, Pnstor Everett Castetter, chairman, Masass at T, 8:80, 10 and "We also need a good plate of gou­ establish the theme of the Les­ 8, 9:15 and 11 a.m.. Morning R«v. Richard C. Bollea Lienonard Bayllss, preacher. 11:30 a.m. SUBBCRiPTIUN RATHB ’ son-Sermon entitled "Unreal­ Ing Worship. The annual Hart­ Payabla in Adyanca lash, good books and good housing. ity'’ at Christian S c i e n c s Assistaat Paator Others participating are Wil­ Ona Taar S32.00 When you have these, then you know ford Eaat Association pulpit ex­ liam Rau, Paul Jackson, Gerard S t Fraaela of Assisi dwinli Ste XCofitba 11.00 ohurehea this Sunday. Bli^Is change. Guest preacher; ’The Masses at 7, 8, 9, 10:15 and Thraa Hontbs ...... KAO why you are fighting.” re ad ily will include passages (Chapdelaine, Morgan Redfitid South Wlndoar Ob# Hontb 1.8a Rev, Allen S. Lehman, Glaston­ 11:15 a.m. and Morria Slmoncelli. Rav. OardoB B. Wadhains All of which makes us wonder If, way from » o dus and Deuteronomy bury. Topic: "To 'Turn the MANCHESTER telling A'x>ut God's deliverance 7 p.m.. Youth fellowaWp meet­ Paator MANCHESTEI OUNLIITE H IG H GRADR HEMBUR o r back sometime, those reporters who World Upside Down." St. Janiee Church ing. THK ASSOCIATED PRESS of the children of Israel from 9:15 and 11 a.m.. Church Rav. Edward J. WailBk Tba Asaociatad Press la exclusively entitled heard NiklU making a certain threat left the land of Elgypt. Magr. Edward J. Reerdon, Tuesday, 11 a.m., Ladies Mis­ Asntstant Pnat4>r AUTO PART MOTOR SALES to tba use of rapubllcatJon of all news dla- school. Crib Room (9:15 only) Pastor sionary Society. PRINTING padchea credited to it or not otherwise credit­ out A certain ingredient namely that It Reading Room hours at 749 through Junior .High. Rev. BugCste E. Torpey Wednesday, 8 p.m., (Jolden SEAFOOD EXPERT AUTO BODY and ed tn tbts paper and also tht local ntws pub- Main St., excepting legal holi­ 7 p.m.. First in series of five Mssaaa at 7, 8, 8, 10:80 and V 7(i BROAD S], FENDER REPAIRS Uabed bera. was goulash he was going to bury us Ke\'. Joeeph H. Meoann Rule Club. 11:80 a.m. CHOICE VARIETY Job and Commercial All rights of republlcatlon of special div with. days, Monday through Satur­ new members classes to be led Rev. John O. Regan Thursday. 8 p.m.. Laymen’s PRECISION ENAMEL and LA(X|UEB Printing patches berain are also reserved. day, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Thurs­ by Rev. Mr. Simpson in the Fed­ School of Religion. MACHINING day, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. eration Room. Refreshments. Sacred Heart Ohnreh Qualify REFINISHINGS Tba Herald Printing Company. Inc., as- Masses at 6, 7, 8, », 10:15 R t SO, Vamon e Cylinder Hoads Prompt and Ellleleat aumes no financial resiwnsiDlItty tor typo­ 8 p.m.. Social Action commit­ and 11:30 a.m. Vernon Methodist Church e Engine Blocks and REASONABLE PRKjES Printing Of All Kinds graphical errors appearing In advertisements tee meeting in kindergarten Rev. Ralph Kellejr, Pastor FREE ESTIMATES u d other reading matter tn The Manchester Time And The Stars Church of the Nazarene Rt. SO Other Surfaces On Seafood Bveaing Herald room. Foreign and American tSt Main St. Church of the Assumption Masses at 7:30, 8:30, 10 and RT. 88—VERNON, COSIf. jrull aervica client of N. E. A Service, Inc. Rev. Robert J. Shoff, ,>linlater 9 and 10 a m., Morning wor­ Cars and Trucks Just Above the Tralllo CofflBiHiiity Press Publishers Representatives — The Julius jyithout trying either to ssk or an­ AdAim SL and Thompson Rd. 11:15 a.m. 43 O A K ST. Matbasm Special Agency — New York Chl- Rev. R. Alfred Swain, The PreehyterUn Ohnreh Rev. Francis J. Mlhalek ship. Child care. Sermon by the Open Saturdays Until 5 P.M TEL. 649-9937 * d rd e 9 East Middle Tpke. aago. Detroit and Boston. swer the question "What Is time?" we AMocUte Minister 48 Spruce 8f. Pastor Rev. Stephen Callender. TEL. 648-0018 MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCmJl- Rev. James L. Raneom, Minister Wappli^ Community Ohnreh Telephone 643-5727 TION8______should all be aware that something hap­ Rev. Ernest J, Oopp* 9 a.m.. Church achool, nurs­ ^ongragatlanal 9:30 a.m., Church school ery, Grades 1 and 2, Senior Display ttdvartlsing closing hours: pened to It the other night, Tuesday classes for all ages. 9:30 a.m., Chutvh school with Tho R4»v. Roy R. Huteboon Manchester For Monday — 1 p.m Friday. night at 7 o'clock Eastern standard to Masses at 7, 8, 9, 10:15 and high. Minuter For Tuesday — 1 p.m Monday. 10:45 a.m., worship service. classes for all. I'l ;30 a.m. 10 a.m.. Church school, nurs­ CAR LEASING Rug Portobk TV Rentals be precise. 10:45 a,m., Morning Worship. The Rav. Theodore Bachelar For Wednesday — 1 p.m Tuesday. The Rev. Stephen W. Nease ery through junior high. Minister Cleaning For Thursday — 1 p.m. Wednesday. What happened to it amounted to one- from Eastern Nazarene College, Sermon by the Rev. Peter 7 p.m., Methodist Senior Motorola and Zenith Sales GLASS For Friday — 1 p.m Thursday. guest speaker. Ipema, guest speaker. Special . Trinity Covenant Church and RENTALS Company and Service For Saturday — 1 p.m. Friday. tenth of a second. That was the way Hackmatack St. near Keeney St. Youth Fellowship. 9:30 and 11 a.m.. Morning e For Anto WIndshieMs Classified deadline: 10:80 a m. each day of 6 p.m., Youth service. children's church program dur­ 15 Ilannaway We Service All Makes of TV, • For Store Fronts and all publication except Saturday — 8 a.m. clocka that really count were set back ing morning service. Nursery Rev. K. EJnar Rask, Pastor Worship and church achool. Ser­ First In blanchester. New Street Plen Expert on Transmissions 7 p.m.. Evangelistic service. St John’s Episcopal Oinreh mon; "Space Ags Resurreotlon." This is ths time of year whenf> Radios and Phonographs sizes of windows on that date. Message by the pastor. 'Theme: for pre-schoolers. Two Chil­ ' Rt. SO, Vernon oars, full maintenance, fully Del Knowles, e For Table Tops dren's Churches for Grades 1 9:30 s.m., Sunday school with Prop. your car needs a spring tune- The clocka being set back were the "Regreta for Deciding Against Rev. James L. Grant, Rector Insured to reduce .your prob' up and so many people are tak­ for It will protect every part of Saturday, April 4 Christ.” through 6. classes for all age groups, kin­ Union Congragatloaal Call 643-0012 your car. Why can you b* *ure MODERN OPEN 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. clocka of the satronomera, and the very 5:45 p.m.. Youth Fellowship. dergarten through adult. Church, RoekvUls terns andfworries. For full In­ ing advantage of the fine work Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., Pray­ 7:15 a.m., Holy Communion. done at Reuben Plen's Texaco of this? Because Marfax was SATURDAY 8 AJL-NOON finest and moat reliable timekeepers er, Praise and Bible study. 7 p.m., Evening Service with 10:45 a.m.. Morning Worahlp. Rev. Paul J. Bawmaa, Faster formation call 3-DAY tested time and time ag«.iit> to Sermon: "Within the Doors." 9 a.m.. Morning prayer, ser­ Station, 881 Main St., that you TV SERVICE Generosity Will Be Controlled ever made. the Rev. James Bonnema, guest mon. classes. SERVICE! insure a better lubrication job speaker. Nursery facilities available. 9 a.m.. Church school for Paul Dodge Pontiac should plan to take your car for your car. Havoline all- 99 SU M M ER ST. J. A. WHITE But the time these perfect timekeep­ Sooond Congregational Ohuroh 4:30 p.m.. Eightieth anniver­ 10:46 a.m., Holy Communion, Grades 5 through high achool. — also — over before the spring rush is With great diaaatera, the first instinct ers keep la their own, not the earth's 845 N. Main St. sermon classes. INC. on. Mr. Plen opened his station weather oil is another tested S Blocks From McKee St. South Xlethodist Church sary service at Bethany Cove­ 10:30 a.m.. Church school for 873 MAIN STREET FI'RNITURE CLEANING product and ia just what your G U S S CO. everywhere with everybody is to tear time. Rev. Felix M. Dnvis, Minister nant Church, New Britain, with 7 p.m.. Young People’s Fel­ Infants through Grade 4. on July 16, 1962 and his busi­ Tel. 848-2206 Mrs. Rlohnrd H. Plnney, Rev. J. Manley Shaw, D.O. lowship meeting. Phone 649-2881 ness has expanded greatly Mnce car needs, so head for Reuben 81 Bissen SL—TeL 849-7822 down the red tape, tear down precedent, The earth's time is. after all, the time Rev. Ray C. Hollis Jr. Dr. Clarence A. Nelson, presi­ 10:45 a.m.. Morning worship. Plen’s Texaco Station for satis­ AMoetate Minister dent of the Evangelical Cove­ Monday, 8 p.m., E^lacc^pal Sermon; "Where Do Wa Go Wo Urge You To Support that time, proof of the satisfac­ and go straight and generous and dl- It takes the earth itself to complete one Gordon W. Olson tion customers have enjoyed faction. Rev. James M. Gage nant Church of America, speak­ Church Women’s meeting. From Here?” Members of Tho Lutz Junior Museum Texaco Is proud of all Ita ,rect to the bustneas of heiping the vic­ rotation. 10 a.m.. Morning Worship and ing. Tuesday, 7:30 p.m,, Nslgh- Rockville Assembly, Order of here. ohuixli school. Nursery. Ser­ products and particularly of its tims restore their property and their Real time, then, is not on any clock, 9 and 10:45 a.m., Morning 5 p.m.. Inquirer’s class meets borhood Group committed meet­ the Rainbow for Oirll, will be y n itu l Ratt-CUiA Mr. Plen does front end work, gasoline and whether you use PONTIAC MANCHESTER living. but something measured In accordance mon by guest minister, the Rev. In Fireside Room. ing. guests. re-buildlng ball joints tie rods Sky Chief, the high test gas or Roger S. Nicholson; "The worship. Service of Holy Com­ Wednesday, '10 a.m., Holy on all makes of cars. If your AND And so it was with Alaska. For a with the apparent passage of stars over­ munion. 7 p.m.. Evening service with 4 p.m., Wayne Pitkin will Fire Chief, the regular gas, your Rent Garden Tools from United MEMORIAL CO. Struggle of Faith.” Sacrament of Communion. Medi­ Commimlon, share with members of the Jun­ C A S A LO M A 358 BlIKNSIUE AVE. car has excessive vibration, car will know the difference — few days, everybody was for giving head as the earth turns on Its axis. 11:15 a.m., to 12:15 p.m., 9 and 10:45 a.m., Church This is the time of year When‘S school for nursery through tation; "Calvary’s Afterglow.” Thursday, 7:30 p.m.. Adult ior High Pilgrim Fellowship as EAST HARTFORD ahimmes or has a tendency to and so will you. TEMPEST Opposite Eaat Cemetery everything possibie to anybody. The And what has been happening, to Oturoh schMl for Gradee 7 Monday, 6:15 a.m.. Men's Confirmation class. they consider the age-old ques­ WINE wander on the road. It may need Need new tires this spring? everyone's thought turn to people, air mattresses provide through 12. Grade 7. Grades 8 and 9 attend­ 289-6333 front end work done on it. thing to do WM to be fast, to be gen­ make a change in the setting of the ing church. Senior High Forum. Prayer Fellowship at 31 Castle Saturday, 10 am., Junior tion, "Why Does God Allow Q U ART $1.02 Reuben Plen's Texaco Station starting a new lawn, plunihg sleeping comfort as well as am­ SALES and SERVICE Quality Memorials erous, to use our great wealth and re­ clocks necessary, is that the earth it­ 6 to 8 p.m.. The Pilgrim 6 p.m.. Youth Division Coun­ Rd. with breakfast. Confirmation class. Suffering?’’ Power and Hand Tools When it comes to working on carries Goodrich, Firestone and a garden u d the over-all work ple head room, even a tall per­ Youth Group will meet at the 7:30 p.m., Men's meeting for 7:30 p.m., Couple's Club 6 p.m.. The Senior Pilgrim V G AL. $2.01 an automatic transmis.sion, this Goodyear tires—all good tires source to prove that we could turn thli self has been slowing down. It doesn’t cil. Library. 2 Painting and Decorating that must be done outside. In or­ son does not have to duck. The Over SO Years Experlenee church with Mr. and Mrs. Mar­ 7 p.m.. junior High Fellow­ all men of Mancheater with F. meeting. Fellowship will have a work­ Tools is work that only a highly that are rugged u d depend­ campers have screens to keep PAUL DODGE earth-shaking disaster into a bright and twirl past those stars overhead as shall Layton. Nelson Blount, owner of Steam- G A L. $3.84 skilled person can do and Reu­ der to make this work as easy ship. rooni.s 'J1 and 22. Senior shop on worship in which they Port, Sherry, Muscatel Garden and Ijtnd Tools able. Let Reuben Plen check all insets out and yet they are Can 649-5807 handsome renewal project. swiftly as it used to. In fact, unless the 7 p.m., The Mu Sigma Chi High Fellow.ship. Wesley Hall. town, U.S.A., as speaker. First Congregational will consider the ways in which Baby, Household, Party ben Plen specializes effi auto­ your car for you, you c u de­ as possible why not contact light enough so that the family PONTIAC, INC. Now the second, and the soberer con- clocks had been set back that tenth of Group will meet with Mr. and 7:30 p.m.. Membership Semi­ Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.. Mid­ Chnreh we worship and why. and Banquet Supplies matic transmissions, particular­ pend upon his advice. He will be United Rent-Alls, 385 Burnside car can haul it easily. Why not A. AIMETTI, Prop. Mrs. Stanley Matteson at the week service. Invalid Needs ly specializing on GMC hydra- glad to furnish estimates and Ave. u d see the many tools ■iderations, have begun to poke their a aecond Tuesday night, we wduldn’t nar. Susannah Wesley Hall. United Chnreh of Christ p lu to have twice the fun thla 878 Main 81—ToL (M9-28S1 church. Friday, 7:30 p.m.. Business Andover First. Oongregatlonal. drarch VICHI’S matic transmissions. You are not only will you get the best that you may rent at moat mod­ year at half the cost with a Harrison St,, Manchester Inquisitive, bothersome little questions know where to look for a given star at 8 p.m.. The Twenties and meeting of the church. absolutely certain of guaranteed erate prices? In fact, when you Thirties will meet In Room 21. Rev. Raymond H. Bradley Jr„ ^ Vernon PACKAGE STORE possible service but you get an Nimrod C u t per? Full details Into the situation. a given time—not within a tenth of A Calvary Church Mrs. Eleanor Crane of the Pastor Rev. John A. Laeey, Minister results at Reuben Plen’s Texa­ extra bonus in the form of S A are in need of anything, why will be gladly given you by Mr. What troubles and complications do second, that is. (Assemblies of God) Travelers World Fair Informa­ St. Mary's Episcopal Church to BISSELL ST. Custom Made co Station, so why not let a spe­ H Green Stamps. ndt contact United Rent*AIIs, Pratt. 9:28 and 10:85 a.m., CSiurch cialist do the work for you ? the chuces are they will be you run into if you begin really helping | This knowledge of an earth slowing 17 E. .Middle Tpke. tion Center will be the guest Church and Park Sts. 9:45 a.m.. Church school and spot TOURAINE The Rev. George F. Nostrajid school. Everyone knows the value of able to help you. John Pratt. To help get the house »poi- STEVENSOH’S people, that la by making good to them I down is not new. It has been slowing for Rev. Kenneth L. Gustafson, speaker. pastor’s confirmation class. Window Goverm{s who has the franchise In this' clean, rent a floor scrub- Pastor Rector 11 s.m., Worship service and 9:30 and 11 a.m.. Church experience when doing practi­ Ferguson Road for the damage and loss they suffered almost 18 months now, and nobody The Rev. John D. Hughes services. Youth membership to CUSTOM MADE area will be happy to help youyou! . Concordia Lutheran Church Communion. Sermon: "His Re­ * Window Shades cally any job but when It ed, for with their help your floor PAINTS In the great natural catastrophe? knows why. That earthquake up In 9:45 a.m., Sunday school The Rev. William F. Gender III turn.” be received at second service. CANVAS AWNINGS comes to the repairing of cars, In any way possible, just dial ESSO 40 Pitkin St. 6 p.m., Junior Pligrim Fel­ s Vertleal and Venetian Drain Planned 289-6333 or drive in to the store. will shine. To clean your rugs Have we done the same thing in other Alaska may have given it just enough classes for all ages. ^R ev. Paul C. Kaiser, Pastor The Rev. Ronald E. Haldeman 7 p.m.. Pilgrim Fellowship. Blinds, Drapes and experience cannot be stressed FOR BEST RESULTS lowship. too strongly. When It comes to For those who are starting a - Professionally, pick up the rug 405 MAIN ST. disasters T of a shove Impetus to speed It up so that, 11 a.m.. Worship service. Tuesday, S p.m., Board of Hardware The town is asking bids on :w lawm or are planning a gar- machine that makes Bible message by Pastor Gus­ 7:30 a.m.. Holy Communion. Deacons. 7 p.m., Senior Pilgrim Fel­ experience, Reuben Plen surely new lawTi or are planning a gar TEL. 649-8290 Actually, in most disasters, the usual next adjustment, we may have to go 9 a.m,, Holy Communion, 9 a.m., Morning Prayer with lowship. the construction of a series of den, rent a roto-tiller and save old rugs look like new. This tafson. church school and nursery. Wednesdav, 8 p.m.. Social ac­ has had plenty at experience rental includes another machine limit on any official generosity from for^vard 'rit-o tenths bf s second. Who Instruction by the Rev. Mr. Nos­ Monday, 8 p.m.. Adult class for he has been working on all storm drains for Ferguson Rd.. yourself backbreaking work. PAUL'S * Tune-ups 4:30 pjti.. Evening Prayer. 10:30 a.m.. Holy Communion, tion committee. FINDELL'S from Mountain Rd. to Porter There are two sizes, the regu­ to use after the rug is clean to government sources consists of making knows, since nobody knbwi? 7 p.m.. Family Gospel service. trand. Classes. Nursery and Friday, 6:30 p.m.. Family for those joining on Oonfession 185 MIDDLE TPKE.. EAST makes of cars for better than church .school and nursery. kindergarten In the Children's of Faith. St. lar for smaller jobs and the pick up the su^s. Morq and PAINT SUPPLY * Engine Cleoning It possible for individuals and interests The main Idea is not to let it go to Hymn sing And Bible preach­ 2 p.m., Luther League Dis­ Night supper. 21 years. He was employed by more women are depending "up­ ing. Chapel. 8:18 p.m.. Ways and means Phone 648-4865 a General Motors firm In Man­ The bids will be opened at 11 new and large professional type who have suffered loss to borrow money our heads, either way, not to go either trict Assembly at Christ Lu­ 11 a.m.. Holy Communion show committee. a.m. on April 15 at the Munic­ that Is self-propelled, a 16 h.p. on this wonderful rug shampoo 645 Main Street * Miner Repairs . Monday, 7;30 p.m.. Women’s theran Church, Middletown. Unitarian Universallst R. A. PEARL, Prop. chester for ten years and dur­ job that is so eeisy to hudle, yet I ™^chlnemachine to keep their rugs at long term low rates. This is a help, giddy or drowsy, and try to remember with sermon by the Rev. Mr. Tuesday, 8 p.m., Ways and ing this period specialized on ipal Building heading room. Tel. 649-0.300 Missionary Council meeting. 8 p.m.. Sacred concert, the Gender. Baby-sitting nursery In Fellowship means b ^ d eommlttee. The project calls for the in­ it does a wonderful job. All you • “*®utlfully cleu at a terrific * Stamps but it Is not real generosity. The in­ that, whatever time is and however It Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.. 'S p e ­ Choir of the Lutheran Theolog­ 2A39 Main St. Wednesday, 8 p.m.. Church hydromatlc transmissions. do is start the motor u d steer saving. It is .so easy to use that ical Seminary of Philadelphia. the Children's Chapel.- He was. of course, a fully train­ stallation of a pair 0/ catch dividual or the concern still pay the cost may be measured, one Of the best things cial Evangelistic service. Guest 7 p.m., Choral Evening Pray­ Glastonbury school teachers meeting. SEE US FOR: w h*M H'U M m u t o basins on eiter side of the road­ It, It will go through the tough- woman can use It with ease ministry in music, song and ed mechanic even then and in est land. United Rent-Alls has every rug In the of the disaster In which they were quite one can do with it is look at those stars er followed by the November to Thursday, 8 p.m.. Layman's s Aluminum Roll Up due time he was promoted to way In four separate locaUtms, Upholstery blameless. preaching with Evangelist Low­ Community Baptist Church Easter Series. Subject: "The 10:30 a.m., Sunday school School of Religious spring ses­ Awnings all finally emptying onto town- a trailer available that hooks on ! one day. an(] IV I Shop overhead. We find it more peaceful to ell Lundstrom and the ''Mes­ 5A1 E. Center St. and morning program. Rabbi foreman. Because of his vast YKTS PIZZA SHCP But suppose you do try to figure out Ways and Teachings of the sion. s Door Canopies owned land abutting the street. the back of your car to make It For the basement, a commer­ indulge in the conceit that they are the sage for America” team. Rev. Alex H. Elssesser, Church.” Marc Brown.steln of Temple s Storm Doors experience as a mechanic, Mr. more convenient to transport cial basement vacuum cleaner RE-UPHOLSTERINO 158 W. Middle Turnpike ■ome way to be really generous, and set ones who are moving. Friday, 7.30 p.m , Family Minister Wednesday, 10 a.m., Holy Sinai. Newington, guest .speak­ Plen decided to open his own this large tiller. which sucks up dust and dirt, Phone 049-3700 United Methodist Chureh s Combination Windows place of business. This venture * Mednrn Furnlturn up, Instead of a system of loans, some Night. A program presented by Communion. er. Topic: "Reform Judaism." Rt. 44A, Boltan. Manchester Awning Co. Power mowers are available,______washes the floor then sucks up the Sunday school. Fellowship 9:.30 a.m., Church School for Daily, 7 p.m.. Eh-ening Prayer. ■xp*r«r« O A L.L has proved a most popular ear. 9:45 a.m., Bible drill for ohiU Masons. (Consider carefully: Wotphip, Francis X. Terhunc himself. With Finest Facilities REFRIGERATION CO. Khrushchev had a formula for the good —W.F.G IN THE MERIDEN RECORD of the state’s attorney's report be moat unjust to hold Ivea re­ dren. Now read this paragraph. ph '-sea. It will help If you focus to increasing speed life, over In Hungary Wedneiday. In so far aa anybody might sponsible for the wickedness of teaching, fellpwehip, social ac­ on the tiny dot above each (comprehension, too) Judge them to be important, 9:55 a.m., Bible classes for all 10 Years Ago tion. mlaaions, or what Is need* Phono 649-4986 While you are reading it, count We are not sure which particular rights of way, underlinga way agea. out loud till the end of the pani- phrase as you read. and self-enrichment. concerned the very top of the down in the department hier­ ed? Now . . . will you bo the —PICK UP TYPE ...... The very precise rersion of the Khrushchev good life ap­ 10:45 a.m.. Morning Worship. South African, student Bar­ one to fill tlie need? Do not be “Fact of History” depArtment, not Its' right of way archy. Sermon; "The Genua of Chris­ bara Willis visita town Girl Wc don’t have to tell you that aim of this exercise peals to us most. underlings It was obviously the resolvt tian Worship." Scout Troop l; speaks to class- afraid or Umld for the Holy you must practice. So. go back is to eliminate The one ingredient common to all ver- Senator Fulbright’s central proposi- What has been going on since of the state's attorney’s report ss at MHS. , Spirit will help you. We have with your friend over Oie pre­ as many eye fixations tion—that there has been a "radical the report has been a sort of 6 p.m.. Evening Worship. His promlss. Just suppose that fm mme ttit jo b . . . w t |wvs just Uii right Du Pont ■loiU, all right with us. It to report such facts as it felt Sermon; "The Proi^st of Mir­ High School's drama aociety, ceding paragraph and work for as I possibly can. relations between and cross-ruff between these two had to be reported and then let 25 of you that era not now ac- P iM lor It . . in colon to mitch myttuhgl How • improvement. In the following This requires practice la goulash, a good thing to be fqr in acles. Elisha." Sock and Buakin, wins Con­ quMtion on colort. . . whit to ms?. . . how to do It? Painting—^Decorating ' Try 'em today Within the Communist and the fres Sections of the report. the chips fall, or be picked up, necticut State Drama Featival Uvey singing, taachlng, or paragraph, make the phrases so that I may combine Hungary. ‘"^.‘'“•‘•putable. It U a fact of Republican State Chairman Thursday: 7:30 p.m.. Midweek working did, Thsra U no bet- C A LL US lor o p u l M P on your M xt paintini iob. aa the conscience and judgment service. Lcaaun to^c: Roman 11. Contest; will go on to New yourself. Put diagonal lines be­ speed and comprehension. According to the Associated Preas, history. It seems only reasonable to hasrle Plnney and Republican of the rest of the state might England Festival in Malpfi. ter awwer to the sUtement COM M nCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • RESIDENTIAL tween phrases, then read that (You should have completed wgue that policies that wert adopted State Senator Robert Bliss, for •omtthlni^ oufht to bo paragraph ' in phrases, making this reading In 73 seconds.) Khrushchev defined the good life this dictate. EnMnnel L uthm u Ohnreh Mr. and Mrs. Sydney W. hamburgers before this history unfolded should be Instanee, have named the sec­ So far, there aeems to be a Strickland feted with two f«- done" t l ^ for tha pertoii him­ ^gjohnsonPAm OOi Interior—Exterior—Color Consulting Service use of that peephole. way; re-examined in the light- of this un- ond section of the report as Rot. O. Henry AndeiuM, Pnstor self to do IL Now try thla. Focus on the NEXT: Slow Is Not ITiorough. certain curious division in the Rmr. Melvin T. Petersen ceptlons on occasion of thalr we could promise people nothing foreseen development. The Senator, trumpe, and have been using it state's responses, almost as if golden anniversary. m yer: O Ck»d, make me an 723 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER—PHC»NE 849-4601 Complete Insamnce Coverage third word of the next line. You hotter ^ than, revolution they would throughout his speech, really argued in thstr call for tbs ousting of Assistsst Psater instrumenta of thy will, saw also the second and the For your copy of “Stop Read­ that we ought to accommodate our there were some connection be­ Eat. 191S ocrateh their heads and aay: ‘Isn't it Highway Comsnlsslonsr Howard tween what aide of the poUUcal through Jaaua Caulst our Lord!' BUY THE PAINT THAT’S WORTH THE WORK fourth words, right? So your ing Word by word," send your poHciea to new situations. He did not Ivaa. And It is this saction of 8 a-m„ Service lof . Holy 0>m- 67 Firmt Make WheeU Aman. eyes naturally take in more name, addrass and |1 to "Stop hotter to have good goulash?’'* fence you ere m and what side munkm In the ehapsL Ikrmon endorse the situations, or applaud them; tha atats's attornay's report of the state’s attorney's report Submittad by th'Ji a word at a time; ao let Rei)ding Word , by Word,” Tho look for tko iolden arches. . . McDoiild's he Juet cited their exletende u a fact by ^ t o r Petaraon, "Paaea and Detroit — Slxty-aeven United them. Bealdea,. phrase-reading la , Aeoording to the New YoFk Timeo, which, obviously, the Rej^blican you apply to tha Highway Com* CWiulBty.’’ ^ Rav. aUTord O. Mmpdon, WM. DICKSON SON Manchester Evening Herald, f ■ of life. —WASHINGTON POfT atats laadershlp would love to miesioner. State* oompantes make .wheeig ^ t a r qongregaUoMd a more Intelltyent way to read P. O. Box 489, Dept. A, Radio 4 4 WIST CINTIR STRUT 9 a.m., and 10:80 a.m., Divine for tha aiftomobile industry. Church. lllii® PAINTS Tel. 649-0920 — Manchester, Conn. since we don't think in partial City Station, Now York 18, SILVER LANE \ ideas. N. Y. ' f IXTINSir" « V •

PAGE SIX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1964 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, M^CHESTER, OONN„ SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1964 - iK - ■ i *-M;r . tlTTLE SPORTS BY ROUSON OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE SPRING HOPES ETERNAL \ ProvleiN Plmlo \ ■wjfiP T - . 1 Antwar to Celtic Swefe' / t o m e u n t. [ieSf^EATCAECAfr/ Islands ■mis IS AN YOU KNOW HOW W* ADt) PlECM TO A « 1Dwe< EflOCHAL OlS- P1P6 TO MAKS rr LON6 EH,MA3 0 « ?TH AT« ACROSS 2 Climbing flanU COV/6RV/TME / 3 Island In Malay THE Wa v MV MOOEL CAR WCWK4 / IT 1 MedllcrranMil T U i «AM E IDEA ' illllMi archipelago Very Remdlfe! SEPARATES RI6 HT IKl TUt MIDDLE •~-7 MEM COULD 0EU4ED' 4 Conjunction S ou 3UST ADO SECTIONS TO MAKE IT S River iilet 5 Improve (ZOOKlEl LONSen/ AND EACH SECTION SEATS THREEJ FOR flASSENOER $ ------IiUnd, PLANES TO ADO New York 6 Island in the PEOPLE/WITHOUT THE SECTIONS, IT'S A Hebrides BUGGS BUNNY «EAT 4 / 1] Camivorou* BOSTON (AP)—Celtics’ (^Ckptkin Fnuilc BainseY SftoRts CAA ADO 'EM AND VOUNE mammal 7 Sample

Business Services MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1964 THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW By FAGALT sihI SHORTEN ApartmlBntfl—FIflhF— Offered 13 —To Btqr 58 Tenements 63 Houses For Sflk 72 W H i l z i t r ? WB BUT, IBU. or trad* aa> Hof Phr Sale 72 Hooms For Solo 7S HAVE TIME. Win work. Will W a^ 8TR^_2% rooms. Housss For Ssis 72 Hoosm For flak 72 HooMaForflah 72 CLASSIFIED "T ie oMiy ipcnr f o r v l o c k i and b l o c n i « MMtrn on tlque and uaod ftmlturo, eliina, FOUR ROOM apartment, fur­ ‘ ‘ ^ItCRBSTBR - Year old • do most anythinr, «I«1 Jobs our glass, oUvor. ploturo trainsi cfttpeUn*. elsctriclty, hsat BOL/rON—Veterans opportunity, VSniNON CENTER — Older • specialty. Call .us, e33-M77. THE OTHER, SIDE OF THE 6TREET 5 nace heat, hot water heater, n tm ranch, buUt-tn kftohea. TWO FAMILIES Look no MANCHESTER — Attraottva la BOLOUN-^Anaohll Acree. Near and old eolni, old doUa and central location. Phono 848-6111 $86. Glastonbury •SftWi. ^ no down payment required on rooms, 104x200 lot, oU furnace, further. S ft S In Bowers aec- B O U te m t - OMeaW WtfpRlmT^irt the word for tMs BH room being open. Raadiae, releed large rooaae, fldi i OP THE FAMILY • guns, hobby eoUeetlaas, atUc or 648-8262. thiav* room ranch . on Cook |Q,t(0. Rockville Realty, 87B- tlon, both units vacant; a 4 ft4 BEDROOM and kitchan, fur- ^ $«■ Drive, or can be purchased ranch with waU-to-waU car­ raaoliee end Ooloniale, acre lot mer. Cbll BiAdMA Household Services NiWO 'HM P6A0 oontanta or whcHo aatates. Fur­ Hayae Agency, 2827. (older, but naat) off Main pet, flreplaca, garage. Alu­ ADVERTISING niture Repair Service Talcott- LARGE te r n room apartment nlAsd, for two adults, Includ­ with 10% down. Ooroer lot. (appraxtinat^) wtth troaoi ASIH' GETriHG1«t Straet under $20,000; and many minum oombtnatkiil^ All con­ Offered 13-A i'/ la ing i»s, rtsctriclty. hsat. hot Selling tor only m,700. An ex­ b u t l e r ROAD-S bedroom Quidlty kuOt homea by Aa- HE'*I PUPfN « "WE villa, Conn. Tel. 643-7442. with private front and roar en­ new anas from $20,b00 on up veniences clooe by. $18,600. El­ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS trance, also atUe and base­ wnt«’. OsU •tt-76M. cellent value. Start paddng ranch, ckiaa to aboppltig araa ealdi. For further tn4n«^i««4«nn Fanaa For Stia 76 REWEAVINO o t . bukos, moth ra # mMO AL'MA'iS in all locationa. Even one In lsworth Mitten Agency, Reet- call (Yiariea Leepereace, 84»- 1265/58 DOUBLE die Uncoln ment, oil hot water heat. Park­ MANCHESTER k and can T. J. CroeketL R eJ- and achooCa. Phone 849-7924 Bowers School area. T. J. 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. holes. Zippeia repaired. Win­ tor at •4ft-U77. after 6. tors, 663 Middle 'Turnpike, E., 7820. cent X F or better. Will pay ing available. OeCI 848-2202. Crockett, Realtor, 84S-1877. BOLTON—too acre fane pioa a dow Shadedonade to measure; $130. 8U-8326. Busin ess Locations ViaNTTY 643-6980. all sixes Venetian blinds Keys LAKEWOOD HEIGHTS, Ooven- n»VB8TMBNT PROPERTY— lovely recent]^ room ocbiilal, COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. BEAUTIFUL brand new Town For Rent 64 $U,a0O Baat BArttocd — f u WEST SSDE GAPE—Siz rooma, made while you sralt Tape Re­ $ or 4 bodtooma, flreplaoa, try—8 room ranch, 8 bedrooms, SIX ROOM Cape, 12x16 en- $3,200 groee income, 10% net. with tour bedroome. Soma MONDAY Thru FRIDAY 10;S0 A.M.—SATURDAY • A.M. Hpuse Apartments (8 avail­ room R a ^ , g (uu cloeed porch, new furnace, alu­ barne, all equ^meat etayau corders for rent Marlow's 867 Rooms Without Board 59 able), sound reeletant, 4 large STORE FUR RENT with a t porch, rao room, new wood new kitchen with buUt-ln oven, b Ri CK RANCH HOME or live fai hixuriaue 8 room Main. 648-S231. hatha, radiant hot watar aUnglo aMIng, eloae to bus a ^ ' rnnge, and dUhwaohar, oak minum siding, one-half acre apartment tor free. 0911 748- Idoot tor the ‘*gsatlamaB (ana* TWO OONNBCnNG rooms, rooms, 3 bedrooms, bthludes bent, oarpoct, flnpU ce, overlooking Coventry Lake, 8726. or’ ’, phia BB opportunist to oall PLEASE READ YOUR AD individual cellars, heat, hot wa­ oai W. Middle Turnpike near aohool,il, IU.aocIl4,r" Phllbrick------floors, attached garage, |14,- first floor, private entrance, I ^ i^ e ^ O s U B. d X wo. ooBvanlrait locatton. Aganoy, (tO-MOt. 000. Phllbrick Agency, 849-8484. $ Sta^ian Stiwat, Manches­ $11,900. Pasek Realty, 289- some lou in ttM futura. T. J. CteuiflM or Ads” are taken over the phone a« a Building— Contracting 14 one or two gentlemen. . 148 ter, Q. E. appUancee—range, 6906 MtWMn 1*6, Saturday 6-6. ter Green area—2 blocks 7476, M9-S176. kCANGHESTBR — New cuetom Crockett, Realtor, 648-1677. oonveaience. The advertiser should read his ad the FIRST refrigerator, disposal. Individ­ U,900 Mancheater — | n om $14JW0 — FAIRLY priced 6% VERNON—Lovely older 7 room Colonial deeigned raleed Center Street. 648-2130., from East O nter Street. A NORTH COVENT R Y — acre DAY IT APPEARS and REPORT ERRORS In time for the QUALITY CARPENTRY— ual laundry hookups, ooln-op C ^ , ona car garaga, room home, laige kitchen with Dutch Colonial, 2-car garage, LONDON PARK, Hebron. Four ranch, non-devriopment, half 8 w m . RBIMODBL for prates- weU constructed functional farm about twenty iwtnotwt next Insertion. The Herald Is responsible for only ONE Incor­ Rooms, dormers, porches, COMFORTABLE ROOM for laundry, parking, loeated In siotial offloss. Rent includes Rr^laca, oombtnadoi dining area. > badrooms, liv­ 2 baths, near acre lot. Fino 8 bedroom home In One resi­ room Cape, with two unfin­ acre wooded lot, 7 • roome, 8 rect or omitted Insertion for any advertisement and then only basements refinished, cab­ entleman, parking, 373 Main quiet residential nalghbortiood. elsctriclty, heat and ample wlndowa, city utiUUaa, neighboihood. Hayes A^ncy, ished, fireplace, aluminum twin Bleed bedrooma, formal from Mancbeetar. Older 8 ing room With fireplace, smaU dential , nelghbortiood with room house wtth all Improve­ to the extent of a "make rood" Insertion. Errors which do not inets, bullt-lns, formica, tile. treet. $146. monthly. Model apartment good oondltian through­ wnroora, full ceUar, 2-car ga­ 648-480S. storms and screens, fully in­ dining room, finished rec Opposite 8 h o $ ^ excellent nearby school fa- ments. Owner anxkne to selL lessen the value of the advertisement will not be corrected by No Job too small. William g open dally. 66-61 Oongreee St. Center, Bolton Notch. Inquln out. Good locaUco. rage, almoet 2 acree. Wolver- ciUUes. Flexible floor plan sulated, % acre lot. Only 16 room with fuU wall flreplaoe. "make food " Insertion. FURMISHBD ROOMS tor gen­ Contact Rajrmond Damato, 643- OOVEfJTRY — Beautiful 8% minutes from Manchester. Ariring $12,900. Agent, 742-7878. Robbins carpentry service. McKinney Lumber. ^ 16.600 Mancheatar — • room ton Agency, Realtor, 649-2813. may easily be adjusted to IH baths, 2-car garage, S-ecne 649-3416. tlemen, tree parking; also, 7091, 648-2481, 642-3063. room ranch, full basement on 643-1448. baseboard heating, aluminum cabins with efficiencies. Call flniAed Cape, flro- the small or large family. YOUR COOPERATION HILL SEVEN ROOM older home, 4 2 8/10 acres of land, many Priced In the low twenties siding. Excellent financing. CARPENTRY WORK-32 years’ Scranton Motel and Cabins, THREE ROOM apartment, placa, comMnatioii wfai- shade and fruit trees. A con­ BOLTON LAKE—4 room ranch, Wanted— ^Real Estate 77 BE APPRECIATED D IA L STORE, 460 Main St., •49-8229, bedrooma, 2 batha, lot TSxUL for quick sale. To Inspect, Moneto Construction Company, 643-2711 experience, ceilings, floors stove and refrigerator fur­ 6*6. dowa, amaatte driva, oversize garage, patio, oil heat, 642-0838, between 6-7. Marian E. Robertacn, Risaltor, tractor’s personal home. Ask­ please contact Inc. <3all 944-0786, 644-1782, tiled, porches, rec rooms, ga­ nished, excellent neighborhood, city utumaa, good lo­ •48-6988. ing price, reasonahCe. FYed- lakefront privileges, boat'dock, OUR EXPANDING real eetata rages, additions, attics fin­ THOMPSON HOUSB - Cottage completely redecorated, $80. cation. erick M. Gael, Broker, 648- large wooded lot, excellent con- MANCaiES’IE R — Rolling Park service offers the homeowner ished. I.,ake and shore cottage Street, centrally located, large monthly. Call 644-8184. Houses For Rent 65 2882, 643-0281. dlUon. Only $10,600. Goodchfid- prompt, efficient s e r v ^ in 16,9(M Slas9 Hartford—• room Cape, excellent condlUcn, 8 work. No job too small. Im­ pleasantly furnished rooms, ROBERT J. SMITH, INC. Bartlett, Realtors. 289-0939, M9- bedrooms, 1^ baths, breese- selling, trading, or outright Trouble Reaching Our Advertiser? mediate estimates. 643-2629. parking. C|dl 842-3858 for over­ MANCHESTER — Deluxe Four THREE ROOMS, furnished or Rftuch, $ or 4 bed- CENTER HALL Colonial—St. 4266. way, garage, recreation room, cmrii for residential or invest­ night and permanent guest room apartments in modem 4 unfurnished, reasonable, pine rooma, large living SOPHISTICATED James Parish. Porter Street ment properties. For results 968 Main Street beautiful lot, $16,900. Owner MASONARY—Flreplace.s, chlm rates. family house on Weet Center p o v e , aduKs only, pleasant room with fireplace, area. 8 years old. • large 6^4 R(50M RANCH, newly paint­ 640-8662. call Wesley R. Smith Agency^ large kitchen, carport, ed, near Buckley School, fire­ 649-11^. 24-Hour Answering Service neys, patios, and brick veneer. Street. Ample off-street park­ location eaM Manchester. MS- flldlt level home on a laige rooms, 1 J baths, huge recrea­ •49-8241 Brick, block, etc. Workman- SIX ROOM duplex house, fully ing. For appointment to In­ 6889. MO one car garage. tion room with fireplace, bullt- place, attached garage, wall- VERNON—5'4 room ranch, ga­ ‘furnished for gentlemen, dish­ treed lot, I bedrooms, large to-wall carpet In hall, living •ship guaranteed. Call 649-2402 spect call Mr. Werbner, Jarvis No baaement, but plait- family room, has walk­ lns, breeseway and attached rage, ameslte drive, near new washer, «dl modem conven­ FUUR BEDROOM single home, and dining area, two huge bed­ anjHime. Help Wanted—Female 35 Help Wanted— Male 36 Realty Co., 283 East Center ty of Morage apace, out cn a rear concrete 2-car garage. $26,900. Phll­ school, well shrubbed, $26. BUYING OR SELLING Free to Heraid Readers Articles For Sale 45 iences Included, plus house Street, 643-4112. centraKy locate^. In excellent complete city utllltiea, brick Agency. M9-S4M. WALKER STREET — 6 room rooms, plus den or third bed­ monthly takes, less than 10 ADDITIONS — Retaining walls, WOMAN for light housework cleanihg services, parking condition, available May 1st. patio, kitchen bullt-lns, In­ room. Price $16,900. (3all owner EXPERIENCED carpen­ convenient loeatlan. teresting floor plan, $17,600. Cape with one car garage, fire­ minutes from downtown Man­ A HOME Want information on one of our classified adverttsements 7 No cement floors, garages, bath­ and care of children aged 10, UNDERWOOD portable type­ available. Inquire 118 Pearl St. THIRD FLOOR 4 room apart­ $160 monthly. Call M9-4881, HEBRON — 10 minutes from place, cozy rear porch, nice 643-4017. ter wanted. Call Forbes, Inc., writer, good condition, new rib­ chester, one mile to Highway answer at the telephone listed T Simple eall the rooms tiled, remodeling. Roof­ 8, 6, twice weekly, North 649-5392. after 4 p.m. ment. Heat, stove, and rMrig- Saturday and evenings M9 17,900 Mancheater — 9 room Manchester. CXistom built lot, near schools, toppin g 15. 643-5762. Have asBurance of exper­ bon. new roller, $86. 649-8456. LJCENSED Real Estate Sales­ ing. Call 649-4291. Coventry vicinity. Own trans­ erator on bus line. Call 643- 1421. * or * bedrooma, WARREN E. HOWLAND ranch, 8 rooms, on« acre land, area and bus. S. A. Beechler. ienced service. For Infor­ portation. 742-7833. NEWLY DECORATED room 7773. formal dining room, wwk-out cellar, breeseway, ga­ Realtor, M3-6969. man desires position with ac­ EAST HARTFORD — O’Ckxinell mation call Stanley Bray, MANCHESTER - ROCKVILLE THREE A. O. Smith glass next to bath for refined gen­ tive agency selling new homes Uvlng room with fire­ Realtor, 848-1108 rage. CaU M9-3614. Drive area. 4-bedroom (3ape, Realtor, 643-6278. Roofing—Siding 16 CASHIERS—We have a few lined 30-gaIIon hot water tanks. tleman, central, parking, phone Resort Property or apartment rentals on Sat­ ANSWERING SERVICE ALL ’ROUND 649-3175. EAST HARTFORD—New apart­ place, convenient kltch- 5V4 ROOM RANCH, Green sewers, sidewalks, near po.sitions open In our stgff at on floor. 643-5831. ment. Oombinatlrm living room For Rent 67 jn, IH batha, partially MANCHBST^HV—Huge S room Manor, aluminum combination urdays and Sundays. Salary or schools, park. Owner, 688-0430. 649-0500 — 875-2519 A. A. DION, INC. Roofing, ranch, 2 baths, double garage, the Manchester Drive In The­ USED FLUORESCENT fixtures bedroom, large kitchen with f 1 n 1 a h a d recreation windows,'-metal awnings, clean commission. Call 649-1246 after BRAE-BURN REALTY aiding, painting. Carpentry. Al­ ater. Contact Mr. Wilson, 649- MACHINISTS appliances, wall-to-wall car­ GARDNER LAKE. Conn. Mod­ family room, recreation room, throughout. Immediate occu­ 6 p.m. COVENTRY—Just over the Bol­ and leave your message. You’ll hear from our advertiser In Jig terations and additions. Ceil­ —Approximately (80) 2 ll^ t 4 room, one car garage, VERNON — Mitchell telephone 6000, 649-6900. 8LEEPING ROOM for gentle­ p in g , tiled bath, irumiriied or em housekeeping. Lakefront. acreened porch, con­ many extras. Carlton W. pancy. $14,850. (3all 649-4234. ton line. Ckistom built homes, time without spending all evening at the telephone. ings. Workmanship guaran ft. futures; (3) 4 light 8 ft man, parking. Call 643-4372. exchange, spacious 8 room MANCHESTER, RockIedg:e—At­ Only experienced men need unfurnished. J. D. Realty, 648- Boating, swimming, fishing. In­ venient location, com­ Hutchins, Realtor, M9-6132. non-development, wooded lots. teed. 299 Autumn St. 643-4880. futures; (2) 1 light 8 ft. fix­ ranch, deep treed lot, w a lk -o u t------FTVE BEDRCX5M ranch, 8 fire- tractive — — 8 room«>^.,ii pricedi^hucu min SELUNO YOUR Home? (CaU RN OR LPN, Friday and Sat­ apply. Good wages, fringe 6129. spect weekends. Gifts, bro­ plete city utUltles. 8 room (^pe, 4 rooms iuid urday, 11-8 a.m. Grcenlawn tures; (1) 4 light 8 ft. fixture; CLEAN, COMFORTABLE, hekt- baMment, aluminum storms LUCKY? You may be, to get places, heated patio, full base- Home has many fea- Paul J. Oorrentt Agency, 643- BIDWBLL HOME Improvement benefits. (1) 3 light 8 ft. fixture. 649- ed room for gentleman, cen­ chures. Arrowhead Grove Cot and screens, oil hot water heat, bath finished, basic price 5363. Qualified buyers waiting Convalescent Home, Rockville FOUR ROOM heated apart­ 20.600 Bdton—6 room Ranch, “ • ' this lovely 8 tedroom ranch ment. recreation room, acre! tures to delight and surprise $14,750. Options. Model home Lost and Found Automobiles For Sale 4 Company — Roofing, siding, al­ 4817. tral. Apply 4 Pearl St., Apt. 8. tages, Colchester 4M, Connec S generous bedrooms, paneled with beautiful rec room—re­ (or multiple dwellings. Don’t 875-4291. ment, stove and refrigerator, ,1H batha, finished rec lot. Vln Boggini. Bel Air Real owner 876-3960. at corner of Brewster and terations, additions and re­ Call 643-9383. tlcut. 242-9278. living roon^ epic ’n span duced-vacant. E. J. (Jupen- delay—call today. FOUND—^Black and light tan I960 BLUE FAIRLANE sedan, THE CARLYLE 16 Depot Square. TeC. 648-8660. Estate, 648-9332. j .------Swamp Road.s, off Route 44. modeling of all types. Excel­ COOK WANTED for rest home, W o lv e ,^ ter. Realtor, M9-8061. ------$14,400—T E R R in C value In a puppy, white pews, male. Call 6 cylinder, low mileage very lent workmanship. 849-6496. Boats and Accessories 46 FURNISHED ROOM for gen- MISQUAMICUT, Rhode Islartd garage, otia acre w(x>d- Realtor M9-2818. Moneto (Construction Company, Lee Fmcchla, Dog Warden, 360. weekly, live in, Thursdays JOHNSON MACHINE CO. ATTRACTIVE 6 room apart­ summer resort—Now is the ed lot. PICTURESQUE setting—7 room '■ * room Cape, 4 bedrooms, good condition. 1900. 649-6672. off. 875-3141. .tleman, with or without pri­ a__ i«_ .____ -« . wrw^A/lwooded yard with fencing; Inc. Call 644-0786. 644-1732, 643-80M. 1961 OUTBOARD cruiser, 1962 ment, in Vernon. Hot water, time to make your reservation brick ranch, family room, l>/4 289-6667. 52 Main St., Manchester vate kitchen, near bus line, adults only. 649-1467. 28,800 Vernon—4 year old 6 MANCHESTER—Large modern baths, double garage, wooded bus line, .shopping nearby. Ob­ INVITATION BIDWEI./L SIDING and roofing. CLERICAL TYPIST position 75_ h.p. Johnson, stand-up head, parking. CaX after 6 , 649-6914. for your summer vacation. We immaculate ranch on 100x224 TWO-FAMILY FLAT room Ranch, complete­ lot, Manchester. Carlton W. tain maximum financing or VERNON — $11,300. Immediate Auto Driving School 7-A 643-5379, 875-9109. available, local insurance com­ full galley, many extras. Coast have cottage renUls by the landscaped lot, full basement, ROCKVILLE — Sunny, remod­ week, month or season. Lewiss ly air condition^, Choice two family 6-6, 2 car Hutchins. Realtor, 649-8132. a.s8ume mortgage. Wesley R. occupancy. (Convenient to park­ TO BID Announcements pany. pleasant working condi­ ______Guard approved equipment. FOR RENT—Front room, half eled, second floor 4 room flat, recreation room. Vln Bogglnl, Smith Agency, 649-1894. UORTLOCK’S Driving School DOUGHNUT BAKER, exper- ^all 742-7903 after 4:30. block from Main, parking. 69 and Stanton Realty, phone large finished rec Bel Air Real Estate, 643-9.332. garage, Alum, comb’n win­ way. Sound 6 room older home, Sealed bids will be received Inc., offices, classroom located tions, competitive salary, merit private parking, with hot wa­ t'oom, 2 fireplaces, dows. Walking distance to FUUR BEDROOM Ctolonlal garage, good sized rooms, ALBCTROLUX aalM and serv­ Roofing and Chimneys 16-A, excellent fringe Birch Street. 649-7129. Mlsquamicut 848-8117. at the Office of the Genetml Manchester Parkade. lower Si^GHTLY us^d73.A'hTp.-W^ ter, one or two children, full G.E. bulH-ins, 2 baths, $14,900—UNBEATABLE ranch Main St. Call early, this selling below appraisal at $16,- screened porch, high lot, trees, ice, bonded representative, A1 benefits, hours 8:16-4:16, Mon­ 900. Like new condition Inside Manager, 41 Center Street, Man­ level. Beginners, older, nerv­ ROOFING — Speclalixlng re­ Bend outboard motor. 643- COMFORTABLE room for gen­ attic for storing, very reason­ wall-to-wall carpeting value 6^4 rooms and garage, on« won't last. ameslte drive. Easily financed. fred Amell, 206 Henry St., Man- day through Friday. Evening Center Street, Manchester. able. 876-0906. and outside, best of financing ANSALDI HEIGHTS chester, (Connecticut, until ous students, our specialty. pairing roofs of all kinds, new 6707. tleman, separate entrance, Wanted To Rent 68 throughout, one car ga­ aluminum windows, high as­ Lawrence F. Flano, Realtor, ehseter, 648-0400. roofs, gutter work, chimneys interviews by appointment. available. Be first In lin e - April 10, 1964 St 11:00 AJd. for Teen-age driver’s education parking. Call 649-2656. rage, large lot. Excel­ sumable mortgage, finest con- 643-2766. (Charles Nicholson, the Demolition o f the BuUding course. State certified 649-7398 cleaned, repaired. Aluminum Please call Mrs. Liibas, 643- MANCHESTER Garden Apart­ NEED 8 OR 4 bedroom house lent location. call Wesley R. Smith Agency, 5 room Ranch, 2 fireplaces, 742-6864. INCOME TAX Returns prepared 1124, 64S-1125. Salesmen Wanted 36-A ments—8•^ room apartment dlUon. Wesley R. Smith 6 ROOM SINGLE— 14,500. 649-1894. at 19-21 Maple Street. Rockville office, 80 Ward St.. aiding. SO years’ experience. Diamonds—Watche»— FURNISHED ROOM for rent, to rent, with or without option Agency, M9-1894. ’ garage, recreation room, r auditor. Business and in- available April 16, $110, In­ to buy, E, Haitford, So. Wind­ combination windows, Bid fom u are available at the 875-4911. Free estimates. Call Howley, Jewelry 48 lady only. Mrs. Morse, 109 26,300 South Windsor—Owner ______Older 8 room, 2 bath home. GLASTONBURY — (Quality 6 Svldual. Raymond Girard. 0«u 643-5361. 643^)763. WOMAN WANTED for general REAL ESTATE SALES cludes heat, hot water, stove, sor, Manchester, Vernon, MANCHESTER—Move right In! doors, tr.e bath, city util­ Controller’s Office, 66 Cotter •oUect, 87B-7882. Foster St. transferred on this BOLTON—$16,000. 440 foot front- Nice yard with trees, house room Ranch plus basement housework in rest home. Call (Manchester Area-I refrigerator, and parking. O il Rockville areas. CJall collect Convenient to bus, shopping. ities, ameslte drive, trees, Street, Mancheeter, (Connecti­ 649-8990 after 3. WATCH AND JEWELRY re­ Iwely 6H room raised age. approximately 8 acres. is In nice condition. Walk­ recreation room, oversized ga­ Expansion-minded company, pairing. Prompt service. Up to PLEASANT ROOM for gentle­ Ted Goodchlld, 16 Forest 8t., Kensington VA 8-8867. Ranch with paneled Real value. $14,000. H. B. good condition throughout, rage, fireplace, % acre, patio, cu t INCOME TAXES p illared In E-Z LERN 6 years old, selling reaiden- Neat 6 room house, brook, e ! ing distance to Main St. Grady, Broker. 643-8009. Radio-TV Repair 120 on your old watch In trade. man, parking. 643-8208 , 31 Ed­ 643-0000. rec room and fireplace, J. (Jarpenter, Realtor. 649-6061. hot water, oil heat. plastered walls, hot water TOWN OP MANCHESTER your home or by app^tment, tlal property at the rate of MIDDLE-AGED woman em­ Should finance easily. eocperienced tax work, 24 hour Driving School Services 18 ClodM Mondays. F. E. Bray mund St. 2 full baths, 2-car ga­ heat, many extras. By trans­ CONNECnCCUT CI.,ERK for dry cleaning store, over $17 million annually, SECOND FLOOR 4 rooms and ployed desires 8 or 4 room SIX ROOM C3ape, one room RICHARD MARTIN. service. Call 643-4728. full-time. Tel. 643-7264. 787 Main Street, State Theater rage, sun deck, glass BEAUTIFUL 6 rooms, 2 baths unfinished, near schools, bus, ferred owner. $18,500. 648-0942 CONNIE’S TV and Radio Serv­ offers challenge to self-start­ Building. FURNISHED ROOMS, complete bath, heat furnished, rent $100 rent, central location pre­ sliding doors, bullt-lns, In St. James district, fire- CHARLES LESPERANCE for appointment. GENERAL MANAGER Qmnectleut’e largest, aut1956, 2-door Custom, 8 If no an.swer, 643-9043. Vernon area, lower level Includes! We.sley R. Smith Agency. 649- Tanner St.. Desirable Bow­ Business Services specialty: also, boarding. 643- orated. Adults only. Inquire Gaal, Broker, 643-2682, 648- room, den or office, utility i 1894. (Colonial worth $16,200. 2-car cylinder, radio, heater, auto- HOLLYWOOD TWIN bed. Iron- 649 Main Street. Phone 643- 0281. ers school a block away. 6 garage, lot 200 feet deep, bet­ matic. Call 649-0345 after 6 p.m. Offered 13 INTERIOR and exterior paint- ___ Help Wanted—Male 36 6427, H. C. Oiase, Harmony rite Ironer, bookcase, coffee 2171. - 2-FAMILY RANCH room and garage, oil hot wa­ room ranch, good condition. Hill Kennels, Bolton. ter heat, 1% baths. Owner MANCHESTER—$14,900. 6 room ter call now to get partlciilars. ing, wallpaper removed, fully DRIVERS for school buses table, rollaway bed, desk. 649- Furnished Apartments 63-A Either 2 or 8 bedroom plan. Wesley R. Smith Agency, 649- 1964 MERCURY Monterey~T- MAOTINBS repair OVERSIZED CAPE — Manchee- heading west. Wolverton brick Cape, fireplace, garage, insured. Rene Belanger, 643-. Manchester-Vemon area, 7 :80- 9816. ATTRACTIVE • room duplex, 1 acre treed lot. Swim­ ter outskirts. An immaculate 4 Basement with garage, 1894. door sedan Hardtop power I Whirlpool and Ken- 0512 or 644-0804. ATTENTION hunters and peo­ Agency, Realtor, 649-2813. excellent condition, trees, near 8:45 , 2:16-3:30. Call 643-2414. 8 bedrooms, large cabinet HEATED APARTMENTS, some ming pool, tiled bath in bedroom home. Plastered deep lot, trees. Excellent driv# and brakes, automatic Piaranteed. ple with children! AKC reg­ bus, shopping, school. Carlton 8x10 WIL’iUN RUG and pad, kitchen, basement and attic, furnished. 6 rooms, first floor, each a]^., heated garage walls. Aluminum stornjs, value for only $17,000. Onr tranamission, $126. 643-6061. 643-4913, EDWARD R. PRICE - Paper­ EXPERIENCED Painters want­ istered Labrador retriever pup­ two small rugs, good condition, W. Hutchins, Realtor, 649-8132 OPEN pies with shots, 6 weeks old. steam oil heat, copper window fireplace, $100; 4 rooms, sec­ and Rec Room, patio. One screens, doors. Asking $16,- BETTER THAN N E W -6 room sign Is In front, drive by hanging and painting sendee. ed. Call 633-7766 between 8-7 or $80. 649-9722 after 6. screens, opposite Center Park. ond floor, fireplace, $l(W; 3 r e p a i r s on all makes of re­ 649-1003. Phone 643-6169. 4-room, one 8-room. Ideal 000. Will consider any reason­ Ranch, garage, 2 batka. dish­ MANCHESTER—Six room split and can lor an appoint­ COVENTRY cat; in person, 44 Bayberry Immediate occupancy. Adults rooms, $86. Garfield 9-9928. In-law setup. Call Ann able offer. Belfiore Agency, washer, many extras, cdiven level home on a deep, well ment. 1*66 PONTIAC station wagon. frigerators, washers, ranges ____ Road, Glastonbury. EVERYTHING IN sterilised rs- and dryers. All oil burners TWO LADIES will do Interior m i n i a t u r e p o o d l e puppy, preferred. 649-7629. Hunter 649-6806, 649-4849. 648-8121. lent location. Only $19,900. landscaped lot, garage, oil hot Call 743-8516. condltloried used furniture and TWO ROOM furnished apart­ NOTICE TOMORROW cleaned and serviced. All work painting and papering. 649- black, female, shots, beautiful appliances, high quality - low Call Romar Realty, Inc., 648 water heat, 2 full baths, 3 bed­ and friendly for pet or future FUUR ROOM apartment In­ ment, stove, refrigerator, heat, SPLIT LEVEL — Spacious 7 2844. 628-2007. T, J. Crockett, Realtor ZONING BOARD 1957 CHEVROLET Bel Air. guaranteed. 649-00(55. 9615, 528-0182. pricea LeBlanc Fiimiture, 196 cluding heat, hot water, gas rooms, living room with fire­ automatic transmission, excel­ breeding. 649-1382. hot water. Apply Mariow's, BARROWS & WALLACE room split with cathedral ceU- place well designed kitchen, EXPERIENCED MEN South Street, Rockville, 87B- stove, and refrigerator. Oall 867 Main St. 648-1577 OF APPEALS lent condition, $596. 649-1768. TYPEWRITERS - Standard 2174. Open 9-8. Manchester Parkade, ing, wrought fti-un Iron balcony,uMcuny, 1% — ------— ---- walking distance to schools ancl Electrical Services 22 ADORABLE GERMAN Shep­ •49-7884 or •49-6779 between There will be a public hearing and electric. Repaired, over­ WANTED Manchester, 649-6306 baths, kitchen with bullt-lns, I BELOW $12,(XX)—Cute 4 room shopping. Wolverton Agency, April 18, 1964 at 8 P.M. in the hauled. rented. Adding ma­ herd Collie cross, two months 6-7 p.m. 1V4 ROOMS furnished light expandable home on the bus R(XHLEDGE, Garth Rd. Ex­ WANTED — 1967 Chevrolet, 4- FTIEE ESTIMATES. Prompt aluminum e t o r m e, ecreens, Realtor, 649-2813. ceptional quality, custom built Town Office Building to take up door Bel Air, sedan, must be chines rented and repaired. service on all types of elec­ old. $8. Call 643-0296. 17’’ TABLE MODEL TV. $80 housekeeping, centrally locat­ doors. All city utilities, desir­ line. The Ideal starter home clean. 643-6467. loathe men, Bridgeport op­ ROC5CVILLE — New 2-room ed, reasonable, suitable for MAH(X3ANY paneJed 15x36 8 bedroom luxury ranch, the following appeals: Pickup and delivery service. trical wiring. Licensed and In­ 649-6624. - apartment, heat, hot water, ap­ able location. Belfiore Agency, or for a retired couple. Wes­ OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 P.M. Yale Typewriter Service. 649- erators, .surface grinders, one person. Call 12 noon-8 p.m., heated recreation room, patio, 648-6121. everything from radio con- (1) Tadeusz and Shirley M. sured. Wilson Electrical Co.. pliances furnished, off street ley R. Smith Agency, 649-1894. ■ 43 Forest Street trcfiled ga):age doors to swim­ 1967 PLYMOUTH Savoy Hard­ 4986. al. around machinists. Must Articles For Sale 45 WESTINGHOU8E automatic 640-8404. garage, eV4 room ranch, excel­ Sseluga o f Route 31,. (Coventry. Manchester. 649-4817. Glaston­ parking. Immediate occu­ Attractive Cheney estate ming pool, below cost. Owner, Variance requested from con­ top, 4-door sedan. 649-9337 af­ bury. 643-1888. be experienced In Aircraft washer, 6 years rfd. Call 649- lent condition, only $16,900. PITKIN STREET—Big gracious all ter 6 p.m. SHARPENING Service — Sawa quality. LAWNMOWER8 - Arlens, 3603. pancy. Call 878-6409. TWO ROOM furnished apart­ Carlton W. Hutchins, Realtor, older 6 room home on 200 foot Vernon beautifully maintained, con­ 643-8110. forming model home and dis­ knives, axes, shears, skates, L*wn Boy. Toro, Bolens Orbit 649-8182. veniently located on acre play office to Non-conforming FUUR ROOM cold flat, second ment. Including gas, lights, hot lot. Ample kitchen, attractive (COVENTRY—Five room ranch, 1964 VOLKSWAGEN sedan, 1,- rotary blades. Quick service. Floor Finishinir 24 Air, and riding mowers. Wheel- REFTUGBRATOR to r sale, water, heat. Reasonable. Call com er fireplace In Uvlng room, WHISTLE CLEAN park-Ilke grounds. 10 spa­ ivsldence. myron's 800 miles, fully equipped, own­ Capitol Equipment Co., 38 Wilco Machine Company horse and Bolens 4-wheel floor, two family house. See MANCHESTER — Off Sliver cious rooms. Ideal for the year 'round home with water­ good working Condition, $36. Mr. Colby, 54 Birch St., 643-7480. formal dining room with 6% room Ranch, perfect for (2 ) WUllam J. Johnson, West er forced to sell. Cali 643-2396 Main St., Manchester. Hours FLOOR SANDING and reflnlsh- offers good wages, over­ tractors. Parts and service. Call 643-8698. Lane bus line. 6 room older large active family. 6 bed­ front privileges, price reduced Shore Drive, (Coventry. Vari­ ing (specializing in older unique alcove, 2-car baaement buyer desiring fireplace, to $8,500. for quick sale. Fred­ bake shops After 5. daily 7-6. Thursday T-B. Satur­ time, and excellent fringe Capitol Equipment Company, home, KXtxieo lot, garage, S rooms, 4ti batha. Priced ance requuM to convert sum­ floors). Waxing floors. Paint­ benefits. Stop in and see FUUR ROOM apartment first garage. Selling for profession­ garage and bullt-lns. Rich­ erick M. Gaal, Broker, 643- day 7-4. 648-7968. M Main St., Manchester. RUGS, never used, 9x12 leo^ bedrooms, ceramic bath, oil ally appraised value. Belfiore in 30’s. Appointment at mer cottage to a year round 1966 BUICK Special, 2-A)or ing. Ceilings. Paperhanging. : our facilities or call 649- Open dally 7-6, Thursday 7-9, floor. Adults only. Cail 649- ly paneled living room wall, 2682, 643-0281. ard, $87; 9x18 gold broadloom, 6162 between 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. heat, excellent condition. Per­ Agency, 643-6121. other times call Mrs. residence. Hardtop, veiy clean, power l a w n m o w e r s , aharpened No job too small. John Ver- 5288 for an interview at Saturday 7-4. $86; 9x12 braided. 289-6966. fect for young family. $14,900. desirable location. Surpris­ Shorts, 643-8886. / Jeering, rebuilt automatic and repaired, aales and serv­ faille, 649-S750. ' your convenience. Septic Tanks ingly priced at $17,000. MANCHESTER Vicinity—$14,-i (3) Grant xuvumnerToothaker jr. Jr vWolverton Agency, Realtor, JENSEN STREET — New 9 J. W ATSON BEACH 6(X). 8 bedroom ranch, large Richmond Roarf, Coventry. Varl transmission, radio, heater all ice, rental equipment. L ft M SCREENED loam for the best AND 849-2818> Roger Walker 649-6306, 876- FLOOR SANDING, finishing, room Ranch, near schools and & CO. family size kitchen, 16x18 llv ance requested for permission *.to new,, rubber, 73,000...... original6— I .^ulpment Corp., Route 88, In laivns, delivered from our Antiques 56 shopping center, all utUlUea, m i l . miles. Will demon.strate Man- Vernon, 876-7609, Manchester waxing. Interior and exterior WILCO MACHINE TOOL screening plant. Andover Co­ PluKwI. Sawart NORTH COVENTRY - Near Realtors Ing room with fireplace, alu­ add a commercial building on “YOU HAVE NOT SEEN EVERYTHINU” painting. Expert workman.shlp. PART-TIME FHA financing. Will consider minum storms, garage, wood­ Roilte 44-A adjacent to property Mester-East Hartford area' exchange. Enterprise 1946. CO., INC. lumbia. George H. Griffing, MANCHESTER GREEN An­ Parkway. Like new 8% room trade. Builders, Charles Pon- 21 Centipl Row, Hartford 228-9440 anytime. William E. Saglio, General Inc., 742-7836. tiques. Open every day except SODA CANVASSERS Ooloolal-Ranch, 6 acres, 2-car SARROWS & WALLACE 822-2114 ed 150x300 lot. Owner trans­ now In use as Toothaker’s Esso ------IG ft W LAWN Maintenance- amtractor, 649-3240. Free es­ Machlsa ClaaRad' tlcelU; Barney Petenran, 649- Servlcenter. Route 6, Bolton, Conn. Mondsy. 481 E. Middle Turn­ for Mimchostor forage, early American. Hayes 9644, •48-2468. Mancheeter Paricade, ferred. Priced for immediate AUSTIN-HEALY. 1962, Mark n low ing, spring cleanup, (er- timates. FARM LOAM, fieldstone, fire­ pike. 643-7222. Septio Tanks. Dry Walls, Agency, 643-4808. Manchester, 649-6806 GERARD STREET—Lovely co­ sale. Gerard Agency, Realtors, (4) Nicholas Faenza, Route 31 UNTIL YOU VISIT ful^ly equipped, good c(m- Ullzlng, rolling, rototllling, gar place wood, and chain saw Homo Dolivorios Only Sewer Linas InstaUed—Oel- lonial, four adequate bedrooms. 643-0366, 644-8325. ft Daley Road, (joventry. Re­ dlfion. Call 649-3434 after 5 p.m. dens plowed. EJxpert workman- Bonds— Stock.c work. Max Rank!, Columbia. Inr WatorprooUng Dons. LONDON PARK - Six room Enclosed porch and a nice questing variation to transfer PAYROLL ACCOUNTING clerk. MANCHESTER AREA BOLTON CENTER — Vacant 8 •shlp. John W'lliams, 643-8946, Small local office. Give de­ 228-9323 after 4 p.m. Wearing Apparel— Furs 57 — APPLY — C i ^ , 6 rooms finished, 2 years treed lot, two car garage. MANCHESTER - $600 down, $ .liquor...... license from Cove Res- 1K7 FORD, the white pearl, in Cyril Ouerrier, 429-6846. Mortgajjes 31 MANCHESTER BOTTLING cud, large wooded lot, $13,090 room ranch with basement and Drive by, our sign on the prop­ bedroom iwch, spacious Hv- taurant to premises now occu- tails. Write Box BB. Herald. DARK, RICH, stone-free loam. Inoe awwM-M .Ji __1 ______. t . _ _ NATCHAUG DRIVE custom CLCTHINO size 14*16—suits, COMPANY McK in n e y b r o s . PhUbricK Agency, 649-8484. attic. Attached two car garage. erty. See the excellent neigh­ Ing room with fireplace, dining pled by Zollo’s Market. t Ised body, 20 coats white lac- STEPS, sidewalks, stone wails, A BETTER ARRANGBnCENT Also fill, graveC, sand and skirts, coats, dresses. Good OPEN FOR INSPECTION An acre of land, birch trees, PART-TIME experienced floor 10 Henderson Road borhood, the central location, room, attached garage, brau- AU Interested persons are In­ ★ ULTIMATE AREA ★ DISTtNOUISHED HOMES q u ^ rolled and pleated white fireplaces, flagstone terraces. of your finances will make stone. •43-8«03. condlUqn. Reasonable, ft Sewerage Disposal Co. FULL SHED DORMER — Six etc. Choice aetUng. Owners more of your income available waxer, 8 a.m.-12 noon. 40 Oak Manchester fftS-TOgS then call us and we’ll gladly tlfully shrubbed yard with vited to attend. mtertor, new tires, battery All concrete repairs. Reasons, 9816. 180-1S3 PenrI S t—44S-SS08 nom a, 2 baths, remodeled SUNDAY 2-6 want this house sold. Their loas for personal use Lump debt St. 649-6334. take you through. T. J. Crock­ brortc and willow trees. Paul Grant E. Toothaker Sr. new chromed engine 312! ably priced, 643-0851. FUR SALE—8 quart steam pres­ Utohen, fireplace, rec room, could be your geJn. T. J. ett, Realtor. 643-1677. Flano Agency, •4S-0468, An­ Into one monthly payment of sure cotter and canner, nearly Chairman quads. 1,000 TURRET LATHE operator. screened porch. Bowers School, Crockett, Realtor, 643-1877. thony Flano, 649-4«67. MANCHESTER AREA HAVE SMALL pickup truck— $22.26 for each thousand dollars new: also miscellaneous items. Six room ranch, buUt-lns, original Must be able to set up and Wanted—To Buy 58 Phllbrick Agency, 849-8484. full basement, garage, WEST SIDE ranch, 6 large will do odd jobs. Attics and Including repayment over five •49-0669. PRIVACY PLUS. Country ranch work from blueprints. Aver­ large lot, $2,100. down as­ rooms, 2 bedrooms, garage, cellars cleaned. Rubbish re­ years. Prank Burke, 24$-8807, ______WANTED TO BUY-Antlques 114,960—Air conditioning, dleb- 4 years old, 8 bedrooms, din­ 876-3698 after 6 p.m. age work week 80-66 hours. sumes 4% per rcent VA aluminum awnings, extras, RANCH; moved. Reasonable. Call 649- OoonenUcut Mortgage Ex­ s a l e — Every- j sood used furniture. VU- washer, fireplace, large kitch­ ing room, living room with price reduced. 649-1434. 1043 after 8:30 p.m. change, U Lewis St., Hartford, Good pay and fringe benefits tolng reduced at the Morrison Peddler Auction House, mortgage. Selling tor $16,- New 8 room Contemporaiy on 2-scre lot with magnlflcent ^®SOTO 4-door sedan for qualified man. Echo Ma­ en, roomy 8 bedroom ranch, fireplace, basement garage, Ootm. Paint ft Wallpaper Store, 386 Route 83, IH U ng^. STftftTll, 900. MODERN IMMACULATE 8 bed­ 2-state view in one of the most preferred areas of homes fo ^ c o n d itlo n . Bargain. Cali chine Oo. Tel. •43-7627. MB OPPORTUNITY 106x280 lot Don’t wait Carlton acre treed, shaded lot, VA no ranging from $30,000 to $60,000. This home offers 2,200 wraer after 6:30 p.m., 643 VACUUM CLEANERS, toasters. Center Street, Manchester. Bob FlucUger, and Son. W. Hutchlna. Realtor, 649-8182 money down. Paul Piano Agen­ room ranch, full basement, Irons, ,amps, drills repaired. SECOND MORTGAGES - DB- 90x160 lot, garage, convenient A/ow Available sq. ft. living area, 4 bedrooms, 2 fireplaces, S bathft 2-«ar limited funds available tor sec­ MAN TO LEARN molding cov­ BARBARA WOODS cy, 848-0468, Anthony Flano, Free estimates. Free pickup SERVICE STATTON suppUes t a a a r r o o m s for $i7,90o-we 849-4897. location. Vln Boggini, Bel Air garage. Extensive glaased areas are used for full advan­ and delivery. 629-3365. ond mortgages, payments to ers on . 5-day week. and equipment—going out of WE HAVE AN IMMEDIATE OPENING POR A NEWLY CREATED OFFICE tage of view. Priced $37,000. IMMEDIATE OCX3UPANCT. *«^~S**®2-door Apply Tober Baseball Manu­ have oae listed. Old but eoUd. Agency Rea: Estate, 643-0382. Hardtop, power packed V-8 suit your budget. Expedient business. CsU 643-212S. New beat, paint, etc. Vacant BOLTON — Modem 8 bedroom r a p i d RUBBISH removal— aenrlce. J. D. Realty. 943-6129. facturing Co.. 114 Brooklyn St.. AND DESK SPACE p w e r brakes and steering, ex- Rockville. ^ Is 100 by 270 with a big ranch on 160x160 lot, naeumable COVENTRY — Beautiful year eellent condition Inside and Attics, cellars and yards. Spe­ h y d r a u l i c controlled Me WANTED bam. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, 649-7702 $118 monthly mortgage. Vln 'round home on waterfront GARRISON COLONIAL: out. Owner must sell. Call 643- cialising in cleaning houses, Business OpportaniUies 32 Cormick-Deering 3-row oocn CLEAN LATE MODEL • LINOTYPE OPERATOR 848-1877. Boggini. Bel Air Real Estate, property, price greatly re­ 8 rooms, 4 bedrooms, 2H baths, fireplace, family room, apartments and flats. Handy BIXPESRIEINCED driver. Apply planter tor Farmall Model C •960. William Peck Lumber, 2 Main Direettons; From North 643-9332. duced, 6 rooms. IH baths, 2 2-car garage, beautifully high wooded lot 266x388. Price nian service. Call 649-0218, 648- tractor. ExoMlent condltian, U S E D C A R S I7 h hoar week, paid vacation, Blue Cross and S2 F(X>T RANCH, Porter Street fireplaces, 2-car garage. FVed- PYRAMID BUILDING $31,000 im iE D IA T E (XXUPANC7Y. 7479. Street. Manchester. $186. 5S1 Parker Street. 941- Manrtiester take Oakland DBILUXE Vtdkswagen MANCHESTER area, boomed calling, 2 tlre- Street to TeXand Turnpike, BOLTON—Custom qiUt of 7 ertek M. Gaal, Broker, 648- 357 EAST CENTER ST., MANCHESTER Camper, cost over $3,soo, $i.. 7804. Major Msdical sovsrags, Psnsion Plan and other Btooee“ ’ ‘ oea, 1% baths, bullt-lne, • r a m s plus garage. Built in 9682, 648-0281. YARDS c l e a n e d , bruab and take next torit In road •00. Many extras Including TOP PRICES PAID —laifa rooms, double garage, nd has the best of every- s OraiFLBtnCLY MODERN s fAeW FAriW Jrnrja '2 trees removed, lawns -re­ EXPERIENCED painters want- WADEWSLL Hodgeman wad-' (Tayk>r St.), tlien first right DUTCH COLONIAL: Mde tents, top carrier, radio. Package Store tor Sale—re­ sd. Call 646N26. bensfits. frontage. Carlton W. thl^. 1% acres,aorM, too, tro. 'wlth'plen- wit. r—.. BUJNCKrON ROAD, So. Wind­ Near completion. Do your own decorating. 8 rooms, 4 bed* CaU •43-6890. paired, Jight trucking. Refer- srs, sUa 10 boot. Oall after POR ALL MAKH to 28 Haiti Rd. Sign on s IDEAL LOCAIYON AND PARKING encea Free turn o t investment in one 3, 94«-6S76. Butehlns. Raottor. m ^ U L W o t trees, etc. Ideal location. sor—4 bedroom ranch, 1% rooms, 2H baths, 2 fireplaces, 2-car garage, picturesque aatlmatM. 742- year. POLICEMEN $8.18S-N.- proparty. T. J. Crockett ReeCtor, 843- wooded 142x368 lo t Price $32,000. •160. baths, kitchen has bullt-lns, s ANSWERING AND BTENOGBAFHIO SERVIOB $••1 CHEVROLET 4-door ae- •69—BensflU. Cttisan, 0 »m . Apply In Person n x ROOM Cape, near aohool, 1677. attached garage, half acre Oartir Chwraitl bus, shopping. 2-car garage, f cylinder, autooiaUe, residsiB. 22 through >4 yaiwi, AM-nc radio, walnut, Mks yard, original coat $19,100, AVAILABLE ON PREMISES •roaHent condition. $100 plui •’9’’, minimum wsigN lio aluminum elding, combina­ 18,800 - WELL KEPT 8% room MANCHESTER—4, 8 and 7 bed­ g a r d e n s ptowad and liar- ' J. D. R E A lirY Ois*0Bi B o o n m r T- sale price $17,600. Owners •*• orcr pajrmmti. u i-$83M. 2 y / N w,o. Ytessss. O M Ssrr- 0 « . ' i s f t tions, JmotW pine kitohfo, fire­ ranch. 8 badrooma, attraottva room houses on special Hot- moved to Callfomia. P.S. He’s INQUIRE AT BUILMNO Towne Homos, lnc.-443-1373 r v t n i . Can •40-ION. n s Center St., 84S-(1M T, a-F I. A K-nc Mdlo, beat »ea. Town HaU. Hamden, Conn. 1«M Mala fliandintrr Cnrnbig Ipmilii place, wall to wall oarpet, 46S,. An- Agsnojr, 84M4«L ttwny Fls&>, •49-4«97. ' I 'l

\ .

SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1964 P A G E T E N ^anrb^Btfr lEvrttins IlFralii

Dennla E. Koslnakl, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Koainski, Social Worker About Town 246 Hilliard S t; and Gary C. Band H eard Mitkus, son of Mr. and Mrs. To Address SA The R^na DTUIia Society Charles Mitkus, 103 Congress In Concert Business Bodies will meet Monday at 7:30 p.m. St., both airman apprentices,in Capt Joseph Viola, assistant at the Italian American Club. the United States Nayy, recent­ By JOHN GRUBER >4- ■iiAdpaa manager of the Salvation ly graduated from the Aviation The annual MHS Band Con­ V e w o w n e r Army Social Ssrvlos Depart­ The Gilbert and Sullivan Mechanical . Fundamentals cert, heard last evening in Ernest H. Larson, native ment at Hartford, will be the Workahop will hold a rehearsal School at the Naval Air Techni­ Bailey Auditorium, was notable ManchesterRe who resides at 39 guest speaker tomorrow mom- tomorrow at 2 p.m. at the Wad­ cal Training Center, Memphis, Andor Rd., Wednesday took Ing at the CCitadel. dell School. for the varied solo offerings on Tenn. the part of its members as well over ownership-management of ^ a captain was bom In the Manchester Plumbing A Salem, Ohio, and graduatad The board of directors of the as the work of the Drum Ma­ Lance Cpl. Ronald D. Cook of jorettes, captained by Kathy Supply Co. at 877 Main St. from from the Salvation Army Manchester WATTES will meet the United States Marine Corps, Fred T. Blish Jr., whose father School for Officer’s Tratnlnt, Monday at S p.m. at the home Burke. . son of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Cook. The program opened in what founded the busineas just 50 New York City, in 1951. He of Mrs: Rocco Francoline, 16 87 Chambers St., recently com­ years ago next month. was a corps officer at Fulton, Duval St. we have become accustomed to pleted a nuclear, biological and expecting as the usual manner Larson first came to the firm N .T., and Hempstead, L.I., chemical warfare course at the in 1938 as a stock clerk and, N.Y., before being transferred The VFW Post will sponsor —a number played in the dark Third Marine Division Schools, with the majorettes twirling except for his years of service to the Social Service Dmart a dance tonight from 9 to 1 Camp Hansen, Okinawa. with the Army in World War ment. He attended the Aoehhi for members and guests at the lighted batons to excellent ef­ fect and manifest enjoyment of II climbed the business ladder University of Garden Cfty, post home. Charlie Varrick's The Friendship Circle of the to the general manager’s post N .Y. and la presently studying orchestra will furnish the the audience. The group was Salvation Army will meet Mon­ when he returned from service at the University of Conneo(i- music. more subtle, and more imagi­ day at 7:45 p.m. at the church native however, in the three in­ ih 1952, a position he held with cut, Hartford, where be Is for a worship program which the firm until he bought H. majoring in sociology. Tickets for “ Yeoman of the terpretative routines they did will be led by Mrs. Florence Ste­ to pumbers from "South Pa­ Fred T. Blish Jr. joined his Guard,” which will be present­ venson. chaplain. Mrs. Tony cific," using special costumes father's firm In the early teehs. ed April 10 and 11 at 8:15 p.m. Simard and Mrs. Thomas Blev­ and routines. Incidentally, the He has been active in retailing at Bailey Auditorium, Manches­ ins will be co-hostesses. music department of the high and has served as chairman of ter High School, are available at school will present a complete the retail division of the Cham­ CASH FUEL the E. A. Johnson Paint Co., 723 The Come Doubles Club of production of this Broadway ber of Commerce in the Man­ Main St. All profits will benefit North Methodist Church will not classic next month, as an­ chester American Red Cross the Instructors for the Handi­ SERVICE hold a square dance. this eve­ nounced by Mr. Roijert Vater, Drive in 1952. capped. ning as erroneously reported in conductor of the band. He is also a peist president of Save $8.00 On $00 Gallons the Manchester Chamber of yesterday's Herald. It will be Of the strictly band numbers, $4-Hour Burner Servtoe (l Cana Conference will be held on April 11 at 8 p.m. at the an “ Andantliio” by Debussy Commerce, the Manchester held tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. at church. was perhaps the best played, Country Club and the Connecti­ St. James School Hall. The con­ featuring excellent tone colors. cut Hardware Association, the. ference is open to all married The Loyal Circle of Kings Imaginative use of woodwinds latter of which he still serves McKinney couples. Catholic, mixed mar­ Daughters will meet Monday at and horns such as only this in an advisory capacity. Blish’s Lumber and Supply do. father was the founder of the riage and non-Catholic. The Rev. 7:45 p.m. in the Federation French Impressionist could do. F. T. Blish Hardware Co. and John P. Blanciuield of Water- Room at Center Congregational “ Holiday for Winds” and a Est. 1947— Bolton the family name has been prom- bury will conduct the session. Church. group of Dvorak’s "Slavonic Inent,^, statewide, in the hard­ Tel. 643-2141 Dances” were notable for their ware "industry. sense of style, but the Debussy Larson is a lieutenant colonel number was really the most in the Army Reserves with the beautiful. 76th Division. He joined the Di­ THE ARMY AND NAVY Arthur LeClaire acted as stu­ vision in 1965 and was a supply dent conductor for two num­ officer for the 418th Regiment bers, a Concert March by Koep- prior to being named command­ Notice ler and Moussorgsky’s brilliant ing officer of the 2nd Bn. of the ‘Hopek,” acquitting himself in regimeiYt in 1961. WE HAVE DAILY competent style and eliciting Larson has more than 20 good from the mem­ years of continuous service on bers of - the band. DELIVERY TO THE active. National Guard and Ar­ F. Allyn Hawes provided a BINAND GO my Reserve, status. He is a real novelty in the matter of Ernest Larson and Fred Blish. (Herald photo by Satemis.) solos; he offered the rapid and former commanding officer of BOLTON Dancing Every Saturday Night intricate phrases of ‘Nola” on the National Guard Co. In Man­ merce, and served as chairman of Rogers Corporation of Rogers room of the eighth grade at St 8 O 'C L O C K an ungainly Instrument, the chester. baritone horn, the whole thing During the war he served in of the residential section of the and Manchester, Thursday left Rose School in East Hartford. AREA coming off very successful. the Aleutians and EXiropean Manchester Red Cross Drive on a two-month business trip to In more serious vein Michael Theater with the 28th Inf. Div. in 1960, to name a few of his eight Far Eastern countries, Shareholders of Rogers Corp. Johns was heard in a Concert He was awarded the Combat In­ townwide actlvlUes. I Siiverstein will be the only of Rogers and Manchester elect­ Piece, Op. 94, for French Horn fantry Badge and Bronze Star Heavisides and Krasenic.s now American participating in a ed two new directors at the LENOX and Piano. This work employed for outartanding military ser­ both head two of 60 Shearson, I four-day seminar in Seoul, firm's annual meeting held last practically the full range of vice during World War n. I Korea, to be attended by 60 week at Southbridge, Mass. PHARMACY Enjoy Sunday af the the Instrument which has the Blish said that he will stay leading business executives from Norman L. Greenman.^formerly togei largest compass of any of the with the firm for a short period 10 Southeast Aslan countries. vice president-operations, was 299 E. CENHR ST. Oom Breakfast Speciai Parkade winds and is very difficult to to assist Larson in the owner­ Sponsored by the Indo-Paciflc named a director and executive play either in its extreme lower ship transition and familtarize Council of the Comite Interna- vice president, a new position; Delicious or extreme upper registers. the new owner with the work­ , tional de I'Organisation Scienti- and Harry H. Birkenruth was TEL. 649-0898 Diann Platt was his accompan­ ings of the entire business. I fique (CIOS 1, the parley is the elevated from assistant treasur­ PANCAKES ist and did a fine job at the first of its kind to be held in er to secretary and treasurer. piano, so the whole effort was MANAGEMENT CHANGES that country and the initial one dandy. Robert C. Heavisides of 8 to include both Asian and non- James Armstrong and Gerald Christopher Dr., Vernon has Asian discussion leaders. Cambria were featured in an been named manager of the On his return to this country, excerpt from a Suite for Per­ HEAR * 2 eggs Manchester office of Shearson Siiverstein will lecture at the cussion by Brown, titled for Hammill A Co. at 913 Main University of Hawaii. He is ex­ Lowell Lundsirom Two.” Armstrong on tympanni St., replacing Edward W. Kra- pected home from his 15th over­ * Toast and jelly AN D THE With Maple Syrup and Cambria on snare drum senics who,Wednesday took ov­ seas trip on May 29 after sev­ * CofFee * Cof!^ tee obviously enjoyed themselves, er management of the nation- eral days in California on "MESSAGE FOR and while the work is not a company business. great one musically, it made a AMERICA" LIGGETT DRUG STORE powerful Impression. BRIEFS As crowd pleasera there were Manchester residents who TEAM SHOPPING PARKADE, W. MIDDLE TPKE. Long's ‘Three Bears" narrated have Joined the Pratt & Whit­ ALL SUNDAY PAPERS, TOO ‘by Bruce Taylor, and a short­ ney Quarter Century Club in re­ Wednesday, April 8 OPEN 7:45 A.M. to 9 P.M. ened version of Gershwin’s ‘Rhapsody in Blue.” Other num­ cent weeks include Joseph A. 7:30 P.M. Martin of 68 N. Elm St., pro­ bers included a ‘Colonial Rhap­ duction foreman (March 14); sody” by Madden. Vernon Edward W. Krasenlcs Duke’s “Autumn in New York,” Stephen R. Grotta of 79 Ansaldi Calvary Church Rd„ senior experimental engi­ and the marches ‘Proud Heri­ Hammill Offices located in F6r Youth after service: 647 E. MIDDLE TPKE. 1 Manchester Gilbert and Sullivan Workshop tage” by Latham, and inevitably some 32 states. neer (March 17); and ’Thomas J. T Russell of 51 Spruce St, truck FREE COKES ! Sousa’s “ Stars and Stripes For­ A resident of Manchester for operator (March 29). v FREE H0T-D008 t ALL WELCOME Presents ever.” almost 20 years, prior to mov­ i Balance seemed very good. ing to Vernon, Heavisides a ia Richard S. Carpenter, CLU, of GILBERT A SULLIVAN'S Whether this was due to the 1951 g^raduate of Manchester use of an acoustic shell or not 285 Henry St., is one of nine High School and received a B.A. Greater Hartford area life in­ would be impossible to say on degree, while majoring in mar­ one hearing. Apparently the surance men who have recently CHRIST IS RISEN keting, from the University of earned membership in the Mil­ “YEOMEN OF THE QUARD” effectiveness of the enclosure Hartford in 1957. varied in different parts of the lion Dollar Round Table, the life Heavisides was co-captain of . The importance of Eoiter lies in the fact 1i hall, at least to judge by com­ insurance Industry’s 3,500 mem­ the first U of H tennis team in 1 8:15 P.M. ments of different people in ber elite International organi­ that Christ rose triumphantly from the i 1957 and today is secretary of |v. different locations. In any zation of milUon-dolIar-a-year tomb. By accepting Christ we, too, hove Friday and Saturday—April 10 and 11 event, it is apparent that this the University of Hartford sales producers. He is with is not the complete and final Alumni Athletes (UHAA) fel­ Phoenix Mutuail of Hartford. victory over death. i lowship. He is married to the answer to the acoustical prob­ Robert O. Heavisides « <; i MANCHESTER HIGH SCHOOL lems of the auditorium. former Sally Farley of Hart­ Francis Dickenson, president **... f am the resurrection, and the life: i ford. , wide brokerage firm’s office at of the Auto Discount House on' he that be/ieveth in me, though he were i BAILEY AUDITORIUM Sarasota, Fla. Center St„ on March 26 donat­ ’The new manager joined GOING ABROAH. ed a television set for educa- j dead, yet shall he live.” John 11125 Proceeds Be modern with Sheau'son in June 1958 and was Saul M. Siiverstein, president tional television use in the class-' For Benefit of Instructors Of The licensed by the New York Stock Handicapped; Swimming Pool Project Exchange to sell mutual funds THE CHURCH ol tin NAZARENE * In Connecticut after completing , 286 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT a training course at the firm’s “A CHURCH WITH A MISSION” K eg New York offices. In October, ’ HOT BLUEBERRY ROBERT J. SHOFF, Pastor Heavisides was named assist-' ant manager under Krasenics' SUNDAY SERVICES and held that position until his Y H H B K Sunday School ...... 9.80 manageriEd post was announced this w e ^ . Worship Hour ...... 10:46 I^senics, who resided at 69 SUNDAES Preaching CHRICT Youth Fellowship ...... 6:00 PETE’S QArth Rd. prior to moving to Crucified i Evangelism ...... 7:00 Florida with his family, was the first manager of the Shear- Crowned WEDNESDAY son office here when it opened Sat its doors for the first time in Coming | Mid-week S ervtoe...... 7:80 GROCERY February 1957. * Phor to that + CORNER PITKIN and EAST CENTER time, he owned and operated the Suburban Realty Co., and I was active in town government. ERNEST ZAHNER He is a former director of You Can Taste The Qilality PLUMBING • HFJIlTING i Civil Defense in Manchester, 180 UNION ST. ROCKVILLE served a directorship on the SOUTH OPEN SUNDAYS Phone 875-5047 Routes 6 & 44A Manchester, Conn.' I Manchester Chamber of Com- FRESH ROLLS AND PASTRIES METHODIST WE FEATURE QUAUTY GROTE and WEIGEL PRODUCTS CHURCH AN INVITATION 1229 MAIN STREET

\. REV. J. MANLEY SHAW, D.D., Senior Minister TO MEN ONLY! REV. RAY C. HOLLIS, JR., Associate Minister MISS MARJORIE WILLIAMS. AN EVENIN6 OF FELLOWSHIP Director of Christian Eklucation GORDON W. OLSON, Youth Director JACK B. GROVE, Director of Music MONDAY. APRIL 6—7:30 P.M. REV,'JAMES M. GAGE, Counseling MISS PEARL L. EBLE, Deaconess - Ret. ( N I E ^ ^ R a An unusual story by an outstanding OPEN Christian businessman, F. Nelson Blount, President Invites You To Worship of Steam town, U AA ., Steam Locomotive Museum in 9:00 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL Bellows, Falls., Vt. 10:46 A.M 9:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP 10:45 A.M. TOMORROW ENJOY: GROUP SINGING SUNDAY SERMON— April 6. 1964 . -\ SPECIAL MUSIC REFRESHMENTS The Point of Return’’—Mr. Hollis, Caching

" t Junior and Senior High Youth Peliowshlpe Sponsored By Men 0 / 7:00 P.M. all TRiNiTY C o v e n a n t C h u r c h Membership Seminars— 7:80 P.M, myron's Jfoung Adulte at 8:00 P.M. HACKMATACK's t r e e t NEAR KEENEY bake shops ___ Call For Further' Information CHURCH OP "DIAL-A-UPr’--64a.2761 Office 648-8884 .Home 648>40U

•v^-’ '',: "1 1 .. . 'i / i ' A,. ' ' I APtlL4lfcniAPtlLlO TV Week lEu^tting ^ n v l\ h OHAlfNSLJS

VIDIX) EVKRV WBBK—AIX BIOHTS BMmVKD, H. T. MCKIN80N * OO. bM. 25 Shows . TV J^otehook Miss Lord Drops a Spouse Co Limping Bv DICK KLBINBR By BUTH B. THOMF8<»r NBW TOKK (NEA)—Nick *^#0. you oea quote me. Split­ Vanolf atoppcd off in New York ting with Denny is tantamount To Oblivion to report on the great dog act to dlvoroo—and you oan bat Pm oompetitton. not going to be a wife again. NEW YORK (AP) *- Televl- Vanoff U. producer of the Unleas, of course ..." sloa’a IMS-M season has only midden, eurprielng hit, Holly­ Spaaldiig was slender Miar- six or eight weeks to go and Um wood Palace, which stepp^ Jorte LorfL the dariingest miaa- network achedules Include at In where Jerry Lewie faUed us since Myma Loy (whom she least 36 shows limping toward to click and made ABC very resembles) stopped being the oblivion. happy- blithe, faithful "Mrs. Thin Boms bom weaklinga, Hka He wae on hie way to Europe M sn." "Ths Jerry Lewis Show" on to shop for dog acts and other "But Just the same,” she ABC, "Glynls’’ on CBS and novelty performers. And, he twinkled, "some reportem are "Harry’s Girls’’ on NBC, sx- says, between the scouts for really rushing things. After all plrsd early and unmoumed. HoU^ood Palace, Internation­ we haven’t finished shooting Othera, like NBCTa "Richard al Smowtirne and the Ed Sulli­ yet. There are still new episode# Boone Show," have suffered van Show, it keeps getting com ing. bravely throui^ chronic aerlpt harder and harder (and ex- “Why w«’U be on the ak Mon­ trouUe. "R oute 66’ ’ on C M pensiver and expensiver) to find day n l^ t a until O ctober wMh flopped after coatar George M»- new variety acts. the primary OPB “Danny Thom­ harlB left the cast. In fact, the beat way to crash as Show’;” (atMl probcd>ly for­ Several programs are vtcUnia American television these days ever with the re-runs dal)y else­ of circumstance. NBC’e "Espi­ la to be a smart European dog. where.) onage," a well-produced, apy se­ Tou can practically name your "Norw mind you, though there ries wlU be dropped because it own terms—even, residual dog are plenty of things for me to occupied a Wednesday night biscuits—because the demand Is do, rm not glad to aee our niche in competition with two of tKH t. series ending. Danny and Shel­ television’s most popular pro­ But back to Nick Vanoff, the don (Sheldon Leonard) give us grams, "Beverly HlllbUlies” ax-dancer, ex-Steve Allen and each suah freedom. If we think and "The Dick Van Dyke Perry Como producer. On Hol- a soene will play better in a way Show.’' lywoM Palace, he heads a team other than written, we oan g o ABC’s "Arrest And Mai** of former New York technl- ahead and try It." Maggie (no might have survived almost daas, most of whom worked true friend would call her Mar­ anywhere — except opposits together on the Allen and jorie) added, "I’ve learned so NBC’s "Bonansa." "The Trav­ Oomb shows. Vanoff thinks one much about total boncept I’m els o( Jaimie McPheeters,” alse reason the show has clicked la sure it should reflect in future on ABC, was designed to appeal because his crew is so experi- stage work,^ to younger viewers—but had too enoed. much competition from the well- , "Why- Is Danny ending the established Wait Disney -pro­ ■ "I think," Vanoff thinks, show m October? Well, there "that there was room for an­ grams on NBC. are so many other things for - Marjorie Lord and TV husband, Danny Thomas CBS’s "Jody Garland Show” other good variety hour. You him to do and I guess he wants can tell It's b success beoadse seems to have succumbed to m to wind up this series while Its rumor true that Danny Thom- confused such worldly types as combination of troubles — "Bo­ of the studio audience. At first, rating and appeal ore still registration clerks. we had to work h a rd ta corral vignette for his special? nanza’’ as competltioD, foilow- t o p s / "Oh. You’ve heard It too. WeU, "When the show travels—even ing Ed Sullivan’s variety hour enough people to nU the seaU. In Europe—we’ve really had to Blit now there's such a demand And if A e’s so understandtoig it's Just one of those things no­ with another 60 minutes of much about the eeries coming to a argue -it out at the desk explain­ : the same thing, and dlsagree- for seats that we have to hire body's sure about yet Perhaps a band play on the street and close why is she bitter about ing no, we're not really married I ment among the show’s pro- wifelinessT She isn’t. "U’s Jiut even Danny himself doesn’t and please give us our separate I ducers on its format. entertain those who atre stand­ know. But if It does work out, ing around waiting to get in." that I'm now so Identified with accommodations. And you can |. .§ince the season started in the oharaoter of Cathy Wil­ then I’d appear in a reprise of Just imagine, my poor husband ! September, 10 prime time even- Nurse Crosby liams that I don't think either my present role." ' Within a few weeks, the cry gets some pretty chUly glances I ing network shows have flopped. the vletwera or I oouM make so Which means that ahe and when we check into hotels.” N ^y more will soon reach the may go out over a loud speak­ qufcSc a transition to m y being her real-life husband, Randolph er In Los Angeles hospital: It was the juicy wife role in end of the road. This is a higb somebody else’s screen wife." Hale, and Dimny and Roaemaiie “Anniversary Walt*’’ (in which mortality rate. But, like the un­ "Nurse Crosby^ wanted la All ri^it. Then what did she surgery.” I (the real' Mrs. Thom as) wlU folding of the first daffodil, It mean about "except . la the never unsnag the image that'a (Bm Page Three) happens every spring. Hint wlH be nurse Katiiryn Orant Crosby. Mrs. Bing. *T stlH have to take my state board exams,” Katfiy says. "And they stlH may wash me Burton Talks SATURDAY Television PROGRAM out.” UiM ( S) Mir kim: ( S> Brad davls Shew 11:00 (MS-*MS) Mews.\ Spesta aad But you oan tell that she On the Bard (IX-M) ■ Serxesat Preetee •( (S) Weather Weather doesn't reaUy briierva that She The Kehea (»> BUI Daaa Shew U:1S ( » Movie IMS worked too hard too long ( S-M) Han Baaajr (M) High Scheel Sparta BeBad- t'Son of Dracula," Lea VaaSlexla newllax (l> Ctese Up Oa Sports U :U ( t) Satardiur Speclaealac ^- "It's taken me six yeans to Bard," an extensive Interview U dS ( «> De Tea JUew ( S) My*s "Darby's Ranger^” Jaasas W three years' work," she says. with the British actor which ex- Cmldren'a Informational ae­ (M> Weaderfal Werld sC Gamer, Btchlka Cnoureaau ries. Weedwerhlag (M) Cnrtala Tiau f f . wasn't stupid. It was Just ploraa the unparalleled plaoe in (1X-M> Ballwlakle Shew (C> (W> Wsahiagtea Bepeit "They Came to Oordura," B queation of time, or lack oif English drama, culture and Cartoon serlea. I t t> Brehea Arrow Gary~ Cooper,- Rita ''ayarora.Hay yL Alao, they didn't believe I language held ^ by William ( t-M) Am ^caa aaaSitaa4. (S> Laramie (M> Chai^Bg Times sinoere about It for a long Shidceapeare on the 400th An- IMck Clark. Mualc and inter­ (M) Compass HdS (t) Late Shew view from ' Hollywood. (M> iBleraatieaal ShawUma ^^^pe^rfect Lady," Terean &-time. I had to oonvinoe themun I nlveraary of hia birth, will be (M) Teleyterte (M> Cheysaae 1:M ( » B.r.l>7 Me. • li:se («t)''MedalllsB Theater was. I think they know it now." presented on "ABC Newa Re- ExploriBBIxploriBB (Celer)(I (M) Street of Daager porta" Thursday from' 10:30-11 ( t> The iMcr Shaw U:M (4) Movie X As a child, Kathy loved both ^oueton la the sub­ (M> B)g PIciare "Frankenstein Meets Waif- mirsing and acting and it was p jn . ject. Oeorge Iton^mery nai^ (41) Wanted Dead er AUva man," Biela Logost, loM a tossup which career th e would Burton’s portrayal of "Ham­ ratee; - Oscar Brand, Rltts liW ( » Jacklo Oleasoa Shew Massey. Puppets. Tep Star BewUac slne. Featuring: Frank Fon­ 1:M (l> Mews, Weather for her. temporarily at least, the same evening as the “ABC <4S) Daaee Party taine, Barbara Heller, June (W) Movies Till Dawn when she was an undergraduate News Reports” program. 1 ( I) Year Ceagreesasaa Taylor Dancers. "I Was a Male War Bride," I ( t> BIx I Theater (»-M> The UeateBaal (3ary Grant. "Canyon River," at the University of Texas..She Ho will be Interviewed by ’ Tarsaa Triumphs," Johnny Gary Lockwood. Robert George Montgomery. "Dosnt '1^ Into the drama cleas, found Walter Wager, editor of Play­ Weissmuller, Frances CHf- Vaughn. Rice discovers that to the Sea in Ships." Richard SM liked the work and the peo- bill, and by ABC News Corre­ ford. the mother of the sergeant he Widmark. 'T ea For Two." "Cast a I^ os Shadow," Audio has recommended for officer Doris Day, and stuck with H. The spondent :i^b Young. Murphy, Terry Moors. training is a member of the 1:14 (S) Saa Fraaeltee Beat led her to Hollywood, a They will discuss the great­ (I) Oragaet American Communist Party. 1:44 (4) Newacope, Memeate s( career and a major mar­ ness of Shaksspsare’s plays, (M) - ■■ (S -I^ > Mootenaanr Cemfert and Hymn <«> 5S2i?c‘ aa From Purdue Unlveraity. 4:44 (4) Moment at Meiltatlen ge. Now she wants to sam- and their continued Impact 3:M (I) The Deputy Guests: New Christy Min­ both of her intereets. Burton, regarded as one of the SahsorlpUea TV strels, . Staple Singers. Stan (it) (Saturday Alteraeea Pea- Gets Pat Jairlngton Jr. Lis great Shakespearian acton of tare the day, will also discuss hOw Seneff, others. "The Giant Behe Moth." 8:M (S> The Defenders ths Bard Is being interpiet^ Gene Evans, Andre Morrell. E. D. Marshall. Robert Reed. these days by leading acton. (W> Watch . Mr. Wlsard Love is destroyed for a man JOHN L lENNEY Don Herbert. Today "StahU- and woman on trial for mur­ "ABC Nevn Reports" wlU der. : also inehids scenes of Shaks- Challeags OeU (Oolor) Arnold Palmer and Jeer BIshep Shew (0> AOENCY spsare Festivals in England; Gary Player vs. Byron Nel- A1 Fisher, Lou Marks. A com-1 ^ratford. Conn., and Stratford, Bon and Ken Venturi at edy team helps Joey recall ^ m n e k hia showbis start at a Cat- Ontario. And it will show aosnse Desert Inn. Las Vegas. skill Resort Hotel. Champieaship BewUac (S-M-4t> Lawreace Walk Shew ELECTRONICS of the April • opening night tiM (8-N) Pra Bswiera Tm f crowds at Broad^y's Lunt- "Denver Open,"-Denver, Colo­ Musical hour. Featured: rado. Norma Zimmer, the Lennon LABORATORIES Fontanns Thsatrs, w h s r a (M> MM late Ssaee Bisters. Barbara Boylan. Bob­ "Hamlet” begbis its run. (Ml Mevla by Burgess. "The C oat VoloaBO," Johnny t:M «ZM> Saturday Might at the ShenielA MovIm . , 277 BROAD a LBBOV NOmUB NOW ON SUNDAYS |4t> OhMp^^MewUac "Fourteen Ho«|ra^ Richard Preeident Channel 34, OonnscUout's 4iSS Gall Clahaie BaMhart, Pauf^llougUs. - A fin t non-oonunerolal sduoatlon- tournament in horrified city watches as a Itasaranm sj^ Blade .4 tesma of pro golf- man wrestles with Kle prob* al tslsvieton statkm^ will begin a.MM n via'wldk^ forffhM ^M,(W0 ia priso terns from a skyscraper ledge, Service MB B. Center B L otM -im brosdoastlng On Sunday* statt- money. OWl). Ing tomorrow at 4:30 pju. ( t » The lavtsMe Kaa • iM < t> PkB BUvsrs Shew 4iM (lt^> Sjmtta 6 a ^ . Harry and hie crew aootdant- Bud Palmer, hoat. " Base ly lock Uiemaelvea hi a 40- Bowl" NatloBal and Amerl- below Insulated room used to ■» eao Lmcuo baseball stars teat mUitarr equipment ATUNTIC FURIUOE OR. compete at bowline: Inter- (4-M44) HeWirweiJ Palaea QnlifiMl national■ ~Fenslag TouTournament mar Tony Martin. Cyd ChanM , ^ cia a , NY AthlAio3 Club.) oo-luMta. Guests: Louia Arm- 14 HOUR CUSTOMER SERVICE — 649-3701 (« > Aa&ahsant______UaderwUaderwator _ aUotw, Vakigiui Meadar, Bart TtehiMaM iS(S4A4S) a A M )W Wida id a WasW af SaesSs~ ' "Mad Riliiiifsn’* Gordoo. atk- Grant National Bteepleohaae. Ajnlree, Bnalead: - BUIIarda M:(M L T. WOOD CO. Ciiamplonsbtpk Ownmodoin 14 iW sp The Mam Hotel. N Y a “ M r. T A ” MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, OONN, SATURDAY, APRtL X 19W PAGE TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1964 Money, Alas, Is the Root PROGRAM 8:88 . ^ ) Yea Dsa’t day tot SUNDAY Television PROGRAM PbM ClHiaBSl •om Kennedy, emcM. ( 8-8848)------"eHaU’e Navy Of Stars in G>mmercials 8:88 ------8tS8 88) KipUag^ dUuL « BiIrneet Borsnlne. Jeeee nine Ckaaael (88) Championship Bridge :88 Oatolavt ■on. Top slnzinK acnaatksi ■ 7:4B ( 8) Baered Beart (48) Prolitessl< lonal. Bowlera > fee a asaicned to the equadro^ • :M ( S> The Chaaaian Earth Tour (88) Alamai Fan S:48 Na . 4:88 8:16 I ( 8) Time Out ter Sports (84)’ The Editors •mgit modern (tyiing Mid ot* By BOB THOMAS ’Saturday la our own garden 8iM TawB'_- (M) Tho Marriage^** Vlyeee (8) Meralac Mnuna* 7:88 (8) lly Favorito HOLLYWOOD (AP) — "Why Prayara 8:88 ( 8) I^ tH e ^ » 8:15 (88) Americaaa at Werh (88) FUm and the girls don’t even miss .. Karrtac* _____ Jaek Bea Benadaret. Bhady Rest 8:88 ( 8) The Chrtetaphen 8:88 ( 8) Sports Spiml^rtar Ray Walston. Tim and M i^ to llto you mom for your moi^ scluxd. I. get a very nice fee. 7:88 ______Tiattaraster Auto Thrill Driving Cbam- tin face eviction when a high In ttita new Ttble Model IV do thsy do it?” Many a tele- 8848)_8) Taday- • 6kaw seems doomed when Hmner ( 8) Daver and Oellath I) Ba FraaM X 8 i » (88n> News hiu on a new piM to nqol- (88) Axriealtnre ea Parade pionshipa. Las Veaps; wom­ pressure aalesman talks Mrs, ftom SYLVANIA. Big tcretn view vlston viewer asks the quesUon The girls get union scale (about 8:88 ( 848) Hevto _ . . en’s World Field HiKikey Brown Into selling her house. on seeing dlstlngulahed actors $300), but with the n p lay s last date tho Cannonball line (48) Bible laetitate toi pleewto wHh‘ 2 r ~ ^ ” S i (88) Malw Beeia Far Daddy (8848) Diehard Beeae Shew 8:45 < 8) Davep aad Oellatt Maryland; NaUonal and (88-88) Wonderfal World of end 277 tqutie making a pitch on a commer year they earned $1,000 a^ece. ■ t88 ( •> The W a a M ____ . < 8) Ll(ht Time World Wide—Water Canoe Color . . . (Coin) "" jli j j j —« (8-18-M) Greatest Shew a* Champions, Vermont and (Part U) ” Groyfriars Bob­ !y»*— O? vlewlnn ires. Excluzlve otal. There are some irho believe Karth (Color) 8:88 ; 8) Talee el the WTerbaak, l i f t *{ ii^tola Haa^ltorra ^ 8ti jgT iJ iteJ r" Jack IPalanco. Jamea . W «t- ( 8) Thia U the Life Austrbuitria. by.” Bobby's vlrtln to ^ Chassis with Pih The answer appears to be ele that it is undignified for stars (M )Th e AdaUral aad Swabby Opiaieauted Man master's m v e bring official tnj Ponding Circuitry brings yoa more. A fatherwoo hatred (88) Dial Boat Sehoal (8) mental. They do It for money. to sell products. Spencer Tracy, plAys hAToc iHtli olrcuu (88) The OhrMaphen (18)I The Christophers TVni met# 8(^nced pTctura Cary Grant and others have • i l i (SSTtbe Frieadly Obtat (48) hacrad Heart I For Your Infons ? i » ) “"iL p lr . (Colsr) ^ ***•<> f86tur8i Include How else could an actor earn ( 8) JaBi ■ ----- “ soiuel. _ f:U (88) Saered Heart (88) Bverymiaa’a FaaUly Richard Bgsn. CSiarlea Bron­ P«M8f Treniformer, frame grid $60,000 for one day’s work? Ad- turned down fabulous offers for • iS8 (8) Jack Beaay Mtow 8:88 (8) Scleace AH Stars son. Ranchhands threaten to "STtfissr w ; USA Jack vlaltB a wacky allorglM (48) The Chrlstophen walk but rather than work Super Distonce Tuner, HorhonttI verttserh wUl pay that much for commercials. Da:Nnra \ (84) What’s New in tonight’s sketch. 8:88 (8) Saartee Semerter (IS) Sabseriptlea TV • i~erfty_ Circuits, Out-front TalBMvae ( 8) The Aaewer _ (88) PageaatPageant with a man cleared of a top names. Miss Lookhart admits there SliS} li ured: Dennis Day, Don TvB- (88) Dead B murder charge. _ 0, r^aat Volume Control. are arguments against stars In r A \ 1m> 6hSS?*J«l Oeeblae ■oo, Bddte Anderson. (88) ThIa ia the Ufa Thke the example of Edward 8148 W ShS"aad 'cOdia Mmw (48) Oral Heberts 8:88 (81 Champions^ Bridge (84) The Fraach Chef Selector Wlf O. RoMnson. He remains one of ads, but she offers this rebuttal ffi) S 'T S e'S i.S S U 18:88 < »> Meora 18:88 (8) Lamp Date My Feet (88) Yenng World StN ' 8) Bd SalUvah Shaw --J UHF Convertibility, D8< ^ liy w o o d ’s most employed Once she was on a panel show Coinedy-varlety, wUh Doe- Bellgloue aerlea with Dr. (48) WreaHtag OuesU: Italian Mouse; 8 ^ eeMnet graln-finithed on ward Kirby. Oua^. Georre Crothera. 4:88 (8) OaU Classic . . . or Wencea: Nlpsoy. RumU; actors. Yet he can be seen all vrlth H. V. Kaltcnoom, who (8848) Telepheae Hear (88) Mertflee af the Maaa EliminaUoo tournament, Dan Towan ai^ Dick Mar­ TV lUILT TO KltroRM W TTP WWmit% m W . * over the televUdon channels sa- stormed over seeing Henry Fon- Ill) OVomwr’e FlayhMW* 2,1S< LHe ef BlKr KluicUi"'llcBride.~ H o * « i (48) Faith Far Taday stranger changes Orlndl a g j ^ ) naatley NileMey Carmi(ttiael, Helen O Connril I (S) Camera Three . • • (88) Passage to Bermuda Inf the same pro Beitera Beraard News "Perfect Strangers OtSfer 'San Antonio,” Errol Flynn. sold (Continued from Page One) ftS8 ( * ) le » k j W«rid 11:U (88) The Uviap Ward Ben's nephew and a sum of "The remuneration was very 1:88 ( 8) As Tka Tarae Rogers, Dennis Morgan. 18:88 ( 8) laslyhts Alexis Smith. money / disappear from the (88) Wild BDI HIckek (8848) Mr. Nevak Noreen (24) la Scheel Preview (8) All America Waats ta (88H8) Trailmaeter . . . Pnie use of well-known actors (!^) LeiSfti Yeaaz <»«>(84) Sir aeaeeiaKsaaeth vmwm wm ^------(88) Featnre rope?” Guests: Secretary of notorious mobsters out of in commercials has been In­ was engaged. (48) Air Force Story State Dean Rusk; Sen. Frank (Hrculation. MR. OEOROE r. WHNSON JB., BUnager Real life took a lltUe longer, creasing. Some performers 18:46 (48) Lift Bp Yonr Voices Lausche- New York Times’s (8) Rattleliae but she and Hale met when 18:56 (8) Yonr Congressman From David Binder. (86) N.Y. Confidential FRIENDLY AND HELPFUL TRANSAOTION8 HANDLED ON with Instantly recognizable Television Conneclieat (88-38) Meet the Press (C) (48) Dick Powell Theatre ALL EXCHANGES LISTED AND UNLISTED—BiUTUAL FUNDS "Waltz" played Maggie’s home WEDNESDAY PROGRAM Guest: Dr. Milton S. Elsen­ facas—Joe E. Brown, Buster 1:88 ( 3) Perception 18:88 -Vhnt’s My Uae Keaton, etc.—do their selling town of San Francisco where It (18) Navy Film of the Week hower. John Daly, moderator. P^el- 689 M A IN STREET 648-1106 was booked Into the theater he (8848) Oeaertf feepltal (8-8848) The F arm ar’ a (88-48) Discovery ’64 (88) Charlie Chan Ists Dorothy Kllg^Ien. Ben­ Membera of New Toric Stock Exchange unbilled. Others get credit for Tims Ohaaael I ( 8) To Tell the Trath Daaghter •'The American Cowboy” (48) Wanted Dead or Allvp nett Cerf. Arlene Francis. their names and, as added in owned. 8:88 ( 8) Saartae Bsmistar (8848) Yea Deat Bay Inger Stevena. 18-yeaiMild (Part n) modern cowboys 8:38 (8) Featnre “I commuted for five years (88) Big Plctoro ------a Day Steve has a violent case of (88) Star Showcase (8) News ■ _ .. ccntlve, the movie or television 8:18 ( 8) Memsats ef Cemfert (8848) Qaeea fm shown In action In Arizona. 11:88 (3-888-88-48) News. Bporto aad from Los Angeles to San Fran­ 4:89 ( 8) B aim r Aady Show puppy love for hie governeaa (88) Scklne 18 Pin Bowling (88) Have Qua Will Travel Weather aeries they are appearing In. 8:86 ( 8) NewsesM (Si)Ml Lyrlos- ' sad Legend (88) Sunday Matinee (84) Lyrics aad Legends 11:15 I 8) Movie Masterpleecs_ cisco . . . and though it worked 8:48 ( 8) Tewa Orter 8:88 ( 8) Beverly HUIbilUsa "Ballerina,” Violet Verdy. (88) Air Power "B owing Wild.” Gary Coop­ Some etare are paid a flat fee ( 8) OeaversatleB th e l*fe“5S?j2ir Juddy Bbeen. The Clempetta (48) Gallant Men out fine, we’re all settled down CDaagiag Otar^ (I8M> Trallmaster 1:85 ( 8) Year Congressman tram er. Barbara Stanwyck. IT DOES Make A Difference 'Where Yon Savel for their work, others receive a In one place, thank heavens. My 4:88 (l8-il> Newa oonfuse a dignified bank Conneclieat 7:88 (8 Lassie ■ ■ ■ , , ^ (8) Movie > ( 8) Lirtag Ward "ground-breaking’ ceremony Jon Provost. June Lockhart. paykient for each play. This can husband Is opening the wonder­ 7:88 ( 8) (leiritn 4:88 ( 8-88) Mevle _ . . 1:88 ( 3) Face the Natlea ■'The Entertainer,” Laurence (88) Make Beom 8m Daddy with Ozark "barn ralain'.’’ (8-88 Issues aad Answers . . . Lassie and Timmy try to Olivier. Joan Plowright. amount to big money, even tor ful new Valley Music Theatre in (88-88) DapISBue Noted Personality Interview. bring a blind man’s guide (881 Movie /orteA M /ok' - ft - ft A unloiown performers. One ito- y ^ B e S lS ra Ceim. 6ta( 8:88 < 8) BUIm m Patrick Trougnter. An Irish (18) Oft To Adventure dog out of shock and back (48) Featare 48 June. Janet B lair will do Oenege ^ (88) Hawkeys revolutionary puts the cause (48) Winniag Pins to usefulness. trese, hae failed to make ‘Sound of Music’ then Jayne (88) W o j ^ , (88) Three Bteoges before his wife's love. (R) (8) Symphony Concert 11:88 (88) Late Shew „ ^ „ ■ a mutnexfor herself In the dra­ (m ! The Adazlral aad ISwabby 8:88 (3) Your Community "Let's Face It. Bob Hope. Mansfield will come in with < 8-8848) Ben Casey (8-88) Direction's ’M (38) Pill Dana Show vS A \ I M G vS 4% matic rehim, hae earned 890,(XW ’ ’*• ( 8) Ml Get inncemt Edwards, Irene )0 ^ Report by Dr. Bldwln, Espy. Gary Crosby. JOee recalls 1:88 <81 Newteope. Memento ot ‘Gentlemen Prefer Blondes.’ " 8:U oHl’rhe Frieadly Olaal ley. Career woman put* his first day at Park Central Cemfert and Hymn • year from a eoap (ximmerclal. General Secretary Of the Na­ 1:88 (8) News, Wentbor. Memeats ci ?i(/ Iv O A IV Ourreat "We also have hopes for a 8:88 < 8) Bariqr aad Friends Casey In difficult position tional Council o^ Churches. Hotel when he was mistaken Annual June Lockhart and her two SIS (J{ toSSm ^hSet (88) Mevle when she wills firm's aasedi (18) Herald, ef Truth for a South American come- of Medltatloa A s •- t ) J I \ I » < > V children's theater and I’d do (84) irhat’s New Dividend daughters ikiU be seen on the to the hospital. Academy Awards telecast April lot of work with that, but for (88) Maverick (M) MetraMU Rate the moment I’m ripe for a non- (88) BharUf ef Oeehlee , . ,8:88 < 8) Dick Van Dyke IS making a pitch for a t(x>th- 88) iSese the Oswa 848 (8) Hews, W e ^ rj .Bperts muaical stage comedy. Nothing M 4 tI ( 8) Draay Kay# Shew vision *ff>aeatrrg?8eIag8V riaaweiAt maTiTayif t. .8:18 . . . ( 8) DepatyPepqty.Pawi^^^^_ Dawi (18) la Ihe Fablle iaterest Comedy-variety. GueeU: Bea MONDAY PROGRAM "It’s really eaey,” says the hea'vy- I wont me— aa well aa 8:88 ( 8) Leave It »e .-j^ -- . (14) Sarvival la Ih e Sea Benaderet, Jim Nabora. 1001 MAIN 8T„ BOUTE 81. COVENTRY the au^enoes— to have fun." ( 8) (iaesB Far A Day (U ) News MANOHyiTiat • octree#. “The film le ehot on a 8:46 (48) Ktag aad Odie Shew 8:88 (48) I nramle («84t> Btoveath Hear ftBM Gkftpnel (8848) News (88-88) Heliyweed aad the itolph Bellamy, Paul B u i* e ^ 18:M News 8:18 ( 8) Bperts. Newa aad Weath- remoraetul mlnletor seeks 8:88 ( 8) Snarise Semester ( 3-88) Mevle Jm ^h Gotten, hoot. The Sec­ •WEST* GOES EAST (ti^ > Bay.Whea .. . (88) Agrionltnre ea Farads (38) Make Reem for Daddy (f) Oeaeral HMPital - Starke'a advice after break­ 8:86 ( 8) IramentB et Comfort 8:88 ( 8) The Biflemaa ond of two programs review­ -The Real West,” NBC-TV (48) O’Hoary’o Ffcheoea t:U ?^) Newa ing a Commandment > lit) Matt Older Market ing the history of the (88) Otabhooee ^ ( g-S840> ChaulM 8:48 ( 8) NewsooM "Oscars.” Our SPEEDY documentary narrated by the (48) Merolag Merle 8;|g (88) Speelal Depart 8:45 ( 8) Tewa fMer (St) Three Steefes late Gary Cooper, has been ac­ 18:88 ( 8) Mevle _ . Henry Jones. SUr athlete ( 8) CoBservatlea ea t b e (48) Tke Admiral Sad Swabby < 8) The Detectives . TR U LY D B U ( 8:88 ( » IJ e ^ ^ threatene to throw away hie Chaagiag Chnrcb Show (tS-M) Slag Along wHh Miteh OrilCAL,^ j quired for showing in .Czecho­ ( a ii) The Fries la DIghI < 8) 87 FreelBie earner. 7:88 ( 3) Dadentaadbig Oar WeiM (84) Tho JPYieadly Oiaat (Colon _ . . (MVWkat’i Wkat’ a Nrw lege (8-88-18) inMlBg Llahs 8 :0 (88) Hews (tt> Weatbeg (48) Bapermaa Sports ' brother of the former President 18:88 ( 8) Love of Ufe . , Weather 7:88 ( 8) Perteettoa 8:88 ( 8) News aad Weather (88) Big News (88-88) Tear glret_lmpreeetoa 748 ( 8) Lltttest Hebe_, (88) News aad Weather TRe world’a "ftoeet e a t o ’ and chairman of the Critical (U ) SebzcrlgUea TV ( •> Friends ef Mr. Geeber (18) la the Fablle laterest ehleken" with Inoomparable (84848) M h o r Kaewe Beet “ ’“ ■‘'K *L*i?;r*¥ioS^,M y (84) Dieoevery ( 8) Meaday BtarUghI Issues Council sponsored by the I 8) Search far ^m errew (88) iBtor^.CelUng Hands.” Burt Lancaster, Joaa 7:U ( 8) Let’s Talk Abeat "Woman's Prison." Ida Uh U itt j------(88) Weather, L e ^ Nows 8:88 ( 8) Captain Esuigarse (48) News tM te. Republican Citizens Commit­ Fontaine. (4#) ptoo. Jan Sterling. 763 M A IN STREET— TBL. 643-1191 iSS.,*72."i5r7sr (M) The Hamaalt^ (86) Tealght t:M (48) Operatiea Alphabei ( 3) Sports. News aad Woalb- (88) Toalght tee, w ill be IntervieWbd on N B C - (8848) Newa rad Weatoer 8:88 ( 8) Hap Uobaids (48) Steve Alien CALL IN ORDER (48) Steve ABea ( S) Jaek La Laao Show et Plek Up 10 Mtantea Later TV’e "Meet the Preee" tomor­ I 1*8) Best'seiler 1:16 < « ) Weatera Mass. MIgUighta U :M (38) (88) Clab Hease 11:86 ( 8) Movie (—88) ‘ Sperts (8LS8) Bemrar Beam 11:88 row from 6-6’.S0 pjn. News ( S> W i Mevle_ (48) Bess lae Clewa ; (18) S ^ ia l Boport Battik cTreus.” Humphrey Otorion SUPER-9 World's nmt (48) "InvltMioo." Vra Johnotn, S:U ( 8) Depaty Dawg I ( 8) Iraws Bogart. June Attyson. H ^ l ’ M^Beme wMh KHty TV KtHRitt Dorothy McGuire. ( 8) Follow the Saa DECI’S DRIVE-IN mniterValb Llppman, Pulttaer U :U (48) Lerd’a Frayw______8:88 ( 8) Leave It To Beaver (18) LHo of.lUtoT^ „ (881 T o n i g h t P ri^ w in n ln g Journritot, oon^ ( 8) qaeea For A D u (48) Lerd^s Prayer powerful eyegidss hocuring aid 463 CENTER ST.— 648-3660 WE BELL and INSTALL 1 (SSi *SSbara Bera^ Shew lit t (8) Neweeeao. MoaeaBte " 8:88 (48) Blag aad Odio Skew (8848) HaaUoy BrlaUey U:45 I ( 8) Ae.the WeiM TVrae menu on peroraalWoe ^ Oemfert aad Hyma Boport U:8S ( 8) Nows and Weather (88) Wild BUI nekek forces at work In the worid ( 8) Nows, Weather “ lt:W ( 8) Newt (tdVWhat’fl Now 1:88 (8) Newssbepe, Memeata ef From Otarion Laboratories the last word in eyeglass h irin g aifls. The (8848) Say TThea RESIDENTIAL (M) Movie meato et ' 1 (88) Nows „ , Cem fert and Hym n l i l t (88) ~ (88) News (8) Oeaeral HospHal » ( 8) After Dlaaor Movie (88) Nows Super-9 corrects very severe losses even up to 86 decibels, tnanks to a ('„ (48) O’Henry’s Playheate \ Lee "Sirocco.’' Humphrey Bogart, new super-power battery and super-sensitive amplifier. Lightweight, OARAOE DOOR Ita__ A widow u _ for help 18:88 ( 8) Movie . ^ ^ Marta Toren.' __ _ < * » '^ L^ e.M a h e a Deal wlwhen the learna aoaneone la ALAS (8-48) The Price b Eight (18) SnbocrtpjloB TV trim styling, adjustoble for perfect fit. For a free demonstration, sw^ tor custody of her son. (8848) Word for Word (88) Mall Order Mukol In a Pinch — OPERATORS ra et 11:88 (88-88) Oeaoeatfstiea in or call us soon. . 8 4 ^ ) The Ad (88) Weather. Local Nows 8:88 Oaiie aiM Haniet NEW YORK (AP)—Normn (8-88-88) Ge4 The Message (84) HaautalUoa Key eperatod or radle eoa After the fraternlU___ - brothers Corcoran, etOl around on 11:88 (8848) Jeopardy , . <8848) Nows aad Weather A Handy Clutch trolled from car. (^ S isT ^ S a y la Oeart ______Inatrugt IBeir (diwbyi L ^ , Y* ~ « (M) Sir KahasUi Oaik ra Art Father,” wUl pop up oa the (8-18-88) Father Kaews Beet NBC’s United Natlona corree- 1 (8848) Mealay Night At The ( g) Tranmaeter 848 (84848) Fatty, DjOe ■bew April 1 epieode of "Mr. Novak" 11:88 ( 8) Search for Tsmerrew Movies „ _ poodent, flew to WaehinFton, Milton Berle Turns to Drama Again in an attempt to impress her (8848) Trath or Ooasoaaeaet (Color) ” The Virgin Queen. aroh-enemy. Patty bays —aa an unWo Taemas Show Berle’s Mrformanos Just Tf»»4-*~*i8e eeleottoB of Mohavrk 8:88 < 8) The Edge el Night Marjorie Lord. Marilyn M u I carry my folding bedroom suicidal tendenclea. I have often makes the mlevtslon Academy ■how business who has launidi* Don W ILLIS Gevoge or Bigelow ow pet right to yonr 64S-10U (88-88) L ereA Yeaag well. Danny's plan to exploit sttlipers. It had a gold dra'W- died onstage but thia will be the deadline—April U. This Is a sd more panel and game ahows opni home. Make yonr Nome ( 8) Trailmaeter a noted beauty's grammar fbzn Helen (rf Troy launched specialists i n ___ sohool crush on him, back­ afaring. I decided this would have tlrat time that I ever tried dy­ plus factor because good pei> WHEEL ALIGNMENT AMD oarpotOonifortablo! 1:88 |T W S ^ “'isi!r fires.- to do... Bo armed, I aalUed ing offatage. It’s called ‘EHe formances early in tae season BRAKE SERVICE (8848) Yea Ooa’t Say (84) ViUage CeancU Laughing’.’’ are often forgotten. ^^MtestanU wtu be mlllkm- NEW or USED •:8 8 t 8) Aadr OriffHh Shew forth ohitohing my unuauai eve­ GENERAL AUTO REPAIR ____ MoRcliMtor Corpot Ronny Howard, Jim Nabors. ning hag. N o one aeemed to no­ It always surprises people What doea Berle think of Ms •tree—^wlth the winners reostv- W 8:W •iJa,‘lr w e i _ i 8 b i a IN ST., M ANCHESTER Barney and Homer try to tice the curious article or, at that Berle can be so good a ser­ chances? ing “up to $800" for charlttaii^ tU Mata 9«. — DO-UM help when Ople gets caught not much for mllHonalraa up In a phony saiM •chema. leaat. aaid anything about tt.” ious aotor. “X gave up predicttoshi ever

S-: PAGE POUR MAMCHE3TBR EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. OONW, SATURDAY. APRIL 4. 1944 A Viennese Cinderella THURSDAY Television PROGRAM TUB* UkasaM SiSS { S> SsBrl** B*a*e*I*F (g W ) *•« D*s'l Bay oovar . Who Hasn’t Made the Ball Qsess Ur a Day ih v> * bMRMna too S.SS Sr**' oSxris BiBB . „ _ volvadt with______each othaa_ Sf5 . l l *•■■•••• •< ComtmH (1B-BS> ------MEW YORK (AP) — Today’s HMr" “ SiBB (Im B ) ^ . ■ndKa*’ *** Dld her fortunes change? • < » T*wa Drier > B) ASaUnU Jaek Richard . Chambarlaln, Doug, CSnderella story concerns a Vi- ’No,” she sAys. "Last year I <■) Prajrer laa FalHianka Jr. Klldars mnese architect turned actress one co-starring role in ‘The ?:M <$) Of M*a sad M*Mv*s lsc M Meat* OriaU Jrred UacMuUuMurray. Robbia and had come to America.’’ ' Thr** 8U*cm hhi ,___ not yet made tt to the oall. But things seem to be picking '^Th* Admiral sad gwahhy |iala torment a pretty A fortnight ago the Academy 7:U ($) t*|-s Talli A b J iir ^ subaUlute teacher. up. Stanley Kramer has said he >- The O oeur -night April is will t-e Lass* Shaw daring her hURband'a nees was Lllla Skala for her bring her more attention. Will <: •>______ner whom •he accuseled of JS “ nun In she be in Santa Monica for it? a tm S*s* CUwa !!SI Bwindle. **LJIie81.1 of the Field.” < •> pepsty Daws a.M S ^ !**«?* fJaehtaa I^BS-tS)I^BS-IS) BaalgaBaslga O’TeaU "Only if they send ^e,” she Doan Jonea, Dick PowalL She recieved congratulations •ays. "I can’t afford it myself.” . ... Fw • Day Visiting — Iriea to at New York’s City Center orphan s bBnaAt show I $} M*w* isi (root m eater, where she works In the Sajr loet and found department. She ( S) a*a*rat H*raiti SIS :SI S .-5 l«w . aad Me. BiBB (BBBB) Baasl (Oalaw) w still there among the neglect- G>mic Hero FU» |B IBB) Clahbaaaa . fnlorties and forgdtten „m- W:BS ( S) Mari* MuMcai-T^My. Oueats: Mol- • brellas, toiling for fl.BO per IfiBB* W*rd_ r*r W*nl ll.® f* * ,iV « k TtuNnpson. hour. In ^Petticoat’ U.SS S.* '*'*• iiiaM mm Her reaction to the nomlna- If aa t._B^BB*M) Gel the McMas* (BBJW) naJOerBflakUy ■ < B) Tarsy Meals tionT ***f^ Uak*^ For close to SO of his S3 years ... Bll la-m FrovUw 10 raoitey-making Western, Nawa aad Waalhas 1B:BB I S> Laa Marvls life to count on anything.” '•re Nawa Rapatt- stars of motion pictures. i j : « mshHsbU CBiakaapaare on lha •M>w long ago. (4*) Naway*^^**®*** tmm arm lvan^ of hla birth. through his woric in' 171. full- (JBl Raw U Marry a MHII^ l^la longed to act as a girl, length Westerns, 16 serials and . ^ " “ F I ' B) Paaaward but her parenU had other ideas. O ^ e ^Show. Allen • Luddaa UiBB «_^ B h ^ N a w s. Waathar four--- -- short V subjects. In manylltc of I boat.. Gueata: Carol Chan- aad Saartr She studied architecture and en­ them— 31 with Cene Aut.^, v . Sydney Chap'ih. <»> Blir N ^ . ^ gineering at Dresden University ~ ...... ' ■ ■r^ 94 JS> W d Bill Blrheck (n) Temple Haaalaa with Charles Starrett and sev­ Jeff Hunter. CoiUn Wlloos. ••.la r e ! ! ? " » . Waathar ■nd graduated with honors. ” I en with Roy.Rogers—as a char­ JiJJ !J!{ poiTle hlrea Houston to da- **>*• ,( »„Tlnraday Starlight was the first woman e n ^ e e r in acter n a m ^ Frog Milhouse, HHr *’*•■ hrolhera accuaad of B’hrst Austria,” she says proudly. batrachitm-voicril side-kick of a dninken spree. . T .’ '* . B'hHataaaa <0) SRVXf”-(«•) iteya Allan Shaw After her marriage to a hat Autry, ,'^rrett, Rogers InhabiianU of another lAanat, 11 :M (f) Sparta manufocturer, she appeared whomever. l.** Qrbsoli* all of whom look like Fred, *■** I o*a»t antre In Bedrock. (R) 11:BS m i^ a ljrh l ^ t h Max Reinlutrdt And in Aiu- But IPs never too late for a ( « Rli"KVto trian Aims. She came to Amer­ change, Biirnette says, and he B:BB L»* Elwiitte*" ** _"Dark------x-aasagePaaaase/ nuiHumphrey ica after the Hitler takeover, Eric Fleming, Oltot Baat- 1s proving it to the non-cactus ------Favor must track iBia srfird'=ri?Sy.^‘ "- and her acting roles were inter­ iiBS (•) Nawsaape, Memento af role or'TAilroader Charlie Prhtt, < •> TrallnuMler djnyn B wild bull befol-e ha OamfaH ■ spersed with jobs as waitress, operator.of the creaking Hoot- . . . iBS-4S> 0«aersl II**Blta| , , (Id) Nawa saleswoman,, babysitter, etc. B:N < S) T* Tell the TniMi* ^ J M i ) Daaaa Reed Shaw erville Cannonball, on CBS-TVs The Btonaa and Kelaej^ dU- 1:1B (B). News. Weather and Ma- Sh“ had successful times — "Petticoat-Junction” Tuesdays. manta af MedltotUn fMtwed roles in "Call Me Although he has traded his Madam” and ’"The Diary of horse and battered Stetson for iUuie, Frank” on Broadway and a wood-burning locomotive and FRIDAY Television PROGRAM Important parts in television. Mue-striped engineer’s cap But you gather that there were Burnette has Uttle fear that Tima Chaaari c also long periods of idleness. Bias (M> Agrionltara an Parade < S> New Bread Baach va. pragoria Faralth Frog hUlhouse will be forgotten <1B) Ufe af RUey Buonoa Al^rea. g r o u n d light M ^ Skala was enduring such completely. ■ •IS 1* a i S r ***** Sem eater (BB-BS) HaaMer-Briaklafr ■ ■m f Mameala at CaaOM . (B4) What’• Naw hoavywelght— V g W viipata VMUUnUlQfUirUBchamplonahlp «P ««< x l * year and a half ago J.tS I S) Nawsoapa B:U (tS) New* oohteaL Municipal Auditor^ when she was called about a At least ilO .of his Western S)U I S) Tawa (^ar him. Naw Orleans. pictures are still running on 1-M }*5?miT!!*. ®b^laphafa 7 m ( B) Death Vallay Days L touring company of television stations all over the jg ) Mall Ordar M m n » t “p*** A Far Country." Chrlslaphara (f*l Watahar. LannI Nawa Top^•v LxUIII|yCiecompete lOWfor Meanwhile, she read a news- country, and he is also the star <*}> Bdbscripllan TV of a transcribed radio series 1-ta *w e r ^S.) t t . •* P«per item that Ralph Nelson V.fs i s r e *!•*• Weather 11:88 ( ^88-U> Newa Weathta T was casting for a new Aim' to broadcast on more than MO j B) Fram __ $arta stations. the ^*** whJay ilf**" Maaaachasetta (88) lAg Newa nte Sidney PoiUer. “ Lilies o f m gparta News Nelson on the ” I Remember maklng soon after the advent ’ ll* Ormt Adventaro m u '* * ! / Btortlght Slid of television, but he has kept ! ’S 2b**t!i*f Bmkahet Peter Graves, Andrew Dug­ Call North Side TTT,”* Mama television series, and RIcharda gan. (Part II) Boone attem ^ A I she sent him a note that she *>*ve with the syndicate to p revent an Indian asaault fisr^aSfgY.*^’ *^** ’'■ the I pictures and an exhaustive per- J H re Roamar Beam by negotiation. would like to be in his film. r e 5 ^ tK CUwa u m {.TsUSi:*"- two - BPP^rance ■■ schedule. (BS) latonmtlaaal ShawMaSa Faced with the dilemma over a.m ! P*P«*y Dawg Don Ameche. boat Tonight; U:88'tl8) Tapight who8 a sure job and a nebulous one, More than 7,000 shows have "Clrcua of lha Vlklngi.” ( 8) Big Mavla deep] Mias Skala did adiat she always token him to every state but (B-lddS) Dtalry DW* Bomter.” Errol Flysta his d Alaska. John Garin, (^ rlea MoOaw. Fred MacMurray. «>«s in times of trial. She ibIJJ t'li 5lTw‘.*-^ 18:88 (48) Laid’a Prayer Thi prayed. l**-M) Say Whaa Desiry pursuea ^ k bandlTs Gaaaral Haapilal wlw have killed Ms friend i-** ."5.**®V®- Mamanta at sent Nelson came through with the and employer ©•tafart aadRyma elder iBiB. r . ‘) Sa“ 'i:'^ ’* 15! f **beria Matnh WMa . „ i !* * Nawa plum role of the mother super- *1 1:88 (8) Nawa Weather aad Me. Mlnli <*Md) Word far Ward B:88 ISl taaMa af Oamfart repr* Com ina Shows (81) Rita U:ta 1 ^ } Ja'S.a'.SSi.l* • i8t ( t) Rant* 88 funei u rn jSSaiS; Jamea Dunn, Nina Foch. Tod ” I Pundit Waiter Lippmttn wlU rinds unexpected undercur- achie make his fifth exclusive hour- U:N 1 8) Lava Of Ufa rwils In the rooming houiw whera he thouflit lau^ter rebul long appearance oh "CBS Re­ impriMwiMi dominated. .y S H O P ashei ports, Walter Lippmann, 1934” iB.BS (_B) Search far Tamarraw <**lSB> The Teaaessae Brnie ” D Ferd Hear (Calar) ' S A V E Wednesday-firom 7:30-8:30 p.m. ar Cassanseneaa | abort .. .. <»:*•-«•) Teaa. Ernie Fard -1“ * Benny, ^hinek 1B;U (*B) News .^dy Wllliama, Dorothy Pro- WHERE of 01 I Hoagy Carmichael’s ’’Johnny 1:BB ( B> Best Sellar ■ .1 ?"!“ * I^'unlceilo. Bocia Appleseed’’ suite will be pre­ ( t) Mavie < B-88-M) Bnrke’a Law r a r s m Y o u s a ELECTROmiCS (IB) Film JK S S tW J t h i s Insec sented on NBG-TV’s “Beil Tele- 2 52 Arthi laboratories phime Hour” Tuesday from (IS) News K«*y plM‘' ;e ll".?r&".‘r a net 10-11 p.m. B:ta SIGN l.SS (8 ) As The Warid Tama B:I8 I 8) Twilight Sana (M) Wild BIH Hlehak Jackie l-ooper. Oown-at-tha- 277 BROAD Scenes from the acclaimed , (48) Mavie 'be vie !•!! ?*riiara Bernard um of both hill dummy and production • -. eennan •>n, Di 'of Verdi’s "Fslstoir’ will be l:BBa m ( *J{ 8) 2P®«'«* Paaaward , presented tomorrow on CBS- (88-8S) Lal’a Make a Deal Thai w;.- - **•«' Satirical review of tropical A V / Z / f “v "‘^ *” **'* Three ” from II- < 8) Qaeaa Per A Day 11:30 tun. S! If""-'* ' ’ ■•Bhy commern. Elliott Hied. KSt B{ 8.88 ( 8-tA48) Day la Canrt d ISTn^ . ' ^ ^"***’ f u r n i t u r e (B> Hensa Party < BJ;8-t8) The Price la Right 1116 MAIN STRBET Audience participation. Bill La OLIVA'S ESSO 8:88 IgiSI ®"f® .af Night Wyatt.' ®“ ***- ^“ * (BW^ Laram ■ Taaag I (*> .'Bred Rllchcack Banr 411 HARTFORD RD. BR PETS (8 ) Tralimaalar Roddy McDowell. X Ruth Mc- (B8-I8) Oeaaral Deritl Elderly ipKster to Belgl M ^ d e d by a deaperado. I TEXACO physi I 1475 SUvar Lane, B. Hartftwd PET F O O D S (Oailaa/*'^ Pregrnm of a 1 TV-Badlo. Shies uri| Service LMB-BB^lght af the Weak Btrikc Willie Pastrano of Miami S®RV. STATION Woi PET A TTIR E 184 B. OBNTBR ST. testin t t y m a n o i l c t i - faiUni C o m p l e t e GordeH Supplies SIS r a 34 MAIN ST. manli r e Maha B<______Daddy The FertUfaMra BN8 ( 8) MaglUa GaitDa M 8 j___lall OiD ^ ‘ riia rk a t WBL PECK LUMBER, laa. held S e n r ic e (B8) Thraa PAINTING a MAIN a r T ^ elalm We Attend to latetiar. Exterior fitaiw*^ Bwabkf Ized I • v e r y detoU MoinfwMnee W allpa^ Booka FLEN*8 TEXACO Belgli a!ia re !b..»«a?“r.a*(«t PapeiwaagipiBg that keeps Lowe Mowers 881 MAIN ST. tern. you looking nawrs and CMlIiigs Pre Repoifed, Sliarps t d Mavatlok NASSIFF ARBdS your best Bya*ar u d Spaito yerkiMaaalii^^GuajnMttoed Ing t( rifi nf. lata^' O o / u g o Beoufy U T T L E & re, FUm Pragtam DICK’S ODLF SERV. ■oive to to. SIS} Howo 4T6 HARTFORD RD.w' ehanc Sfudio €:Gi fii) lArnaMo In < M cK i n n e y B:18 18) Sparta. Nawa aad WbaBb- LEO PELLETIER RUO CLEAN ___ M3-374S the n U WOODBRIDOK 8V. Btlg .( •> News M9-3SM 8 GRISWOLD ST. and a •m Mhla S t, Mswcltastar Mshchester Stt msS _ - ftt) OtnhhoMM SBRV. STATION S: {”.1 T70 MAIN ST. G

CBU ■an. i U da; ploaiv BOW 8 are m oentro B iithe Tha o f tha A vcn tt Dally Nat Praaa Rm For tlM Weak Ended AprU 4, 1964 13,937 Mmbar of th« Audit Bnraau of Circulation lEti? mng l^ralh Manchetter— A City of Village Charm

VOL. L X X X m , NO. 169 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 6, 1964 (CUwalfted Advertlataia on Paco 16) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Body of General MacArthur » T Reposes in New York Chapel To Lie in State Events In U.S, Capitol In State Alignment Plan NEW YORK (AP)— Flags flew at half staff todav as the body of General of the Army MacArthur reposed Trims 16 Towns in a funeral chapel attired in a simple khaki tropical uniform without any of the medals and ribbons earned Off 1st District jn his military lifetime. HARTFORD (AP) — At the general's coffin was an honor guard of all the military services. Twenty policemen stood outside while Connecticut’s first congres­ many men and women, on their way to work, paused sional district, comprising briefly in front of the funeral home where they knew 29 towns in Hartford Coun­ the body of the Old Soldier reposed. ty, would be reduced to 13 cities and towns under a It was part of the nation’s homage to the 84-year-old plan being discussed by warrior who died Sunday at 2:39 p.m. at Walter Reed Democratic and Republican Army Hospital in Washington,- D.C., after a gallant i leaders. struggle to survive three operations. Democratic Chairman John At the chapel today, only the^®* M. Bailey and Republican family and close associates Chairman A. Searle Pinney will could view the body. The cas­ resume negotiations this week, ket. the upper portion open Nikita Blasts probably Wednesday in an ef­ half-way, rested on a black- fort to reach accord on a con­ draped catafalque. gressional redistricting propos­ Tuesday, at the 7th Regiment Red Chinese al. Armory on Park Avenue, the The aim is to abolish the pres­ casket will remain open from ent post of congressman at 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. so the public View of War large and divide the state into can pay their last respects to six districts of nearly equal the man who helped make his­ KAZINCBARC3IKA, Hungary population. tory at St. Mlhlel. Rattan, Cor, (AP) — Soviet Premier Khru- Since the ideal formula is a regldor. New Guinea. Manila, schev declared today only a population of 425,000 for each Tokyo and Inchon. district, the present first di.strlct child or an Idiot does not fear Mrs. Douglas MacArthur rides in the motorcade which carried the body of her (AP Photofax) At noon today, the traditional war and that people who think with a population of 689,000 Gen, MacArthur in 1962 in New York. IB-gun salute for a five-star Chinese leaders husband from the Walter Reed Medical CenteT in'^Washington yesterday With would have to be reshaped to eneral booms out over New about war "do not show an the widow is her son, Arthur. (AP Photofax.) transfer more than 200,000 peo­ f ork harbor from Ft. Jay on overabundance of brains. ” He ple to another district. Governor’s Island, facing the said he thought U.S. President The plan under consideration Grieving Japanese southern tip of Manhattsm. Johnson had similar views to by poliUcal and legislative On Wednesday, the body will those of the late President John rwoK Coll, Fjagg at Half-Staff leaders would; —*- be returned by train to Wash­ F. Kennedy, which he called —Reduce the first district to reasonable. ington. From 8:30 that afternoon a population of 422,000 by nar­ until noon Thursday it wlU lie in "The Chinese leaders say ^^ A rm y JMurse^' ^ rowing the district to 13 com­ Lead W orld Salute state in the Capitol rotunda, would not be a bad thing to munities including Hartford where so recpntly the body df have a war — one-half of the West Hartford, East Hartford, the martyred President John F. people in the world would be de­ Gives Thanks 'For Dead Warrior Manchester, Glastonbury, Weth­ Kennedy also reposed. stroyed and the other would" sur­ ersfield, Rocky HiU, Newing- TOKYO (AP)— A saddened Japan led the world trib­ vive,” Khrushchev said in a WASHINGTON (AP) — She twi, Bloomfield, Windsor, South ute today to General of the Army Douglas MacArthur, H»en, by military plane it will speech to several thousand- Windsor, East Windsor, and be flown to the'~Baval c l^ ^ woc6_a. swea ter oyer her. .White By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ,,Jts war-time conqueror who led it to peace, pfosp^ty W8rkeri.’0r-a' chemical plant in nurse's unlfofiri against the Marlborough. __ _ Norfolk, Va., for funeral- serv- this northeastern Hungarian in­ .Tributes have been paid in all parts of the country ahd democracy. e>—------iess in St. Paul’i Episcopal coolness of the late afternoon. —Remove from the first dis­ dustrial center. Her eyes were red with fatigue to General of the Army Douglas MacArthur— called by trict and transfer to a propos­ A aense of sorrow also Swept source of our nation’s prosperi­ church and burial in the Mac­ the Philippines and South Korea, "They say that after some andI— sadness.ooui.coo. .President Johnson "one of the most distinguished sol- ed new sixth, district Enfield. ty today.” Arthur Memorial nearby. All time women again would bear two other Asian naUons in along the funeral journey there Since March 6. 2nd Lt. Bonnie diers in th e history of the United States.” Suffield. Granby, Hartland, In a message to President children and mankind would be Windsor Locks, Simsbury, Can­ whose destinies MacArthur was Johnson, Prime .Minister Haya- will be the military pageantry Ritter had cared for the ailing Johnson, ordering the nation’s?''— ------deeply Involved, at the news of as before. People who think like ton, Avon, Farmington, Burl­ to Ikeda said the Japanese re­ reserved for the nation’s great. that do not show an overabun­ Gen. Douglas MacArthur as re- flags flown at half-staff until ^ ^ ^ „ his death. covery room nurse—and for the after the funeral next Saturday,! tradition of this na- ington, Bristol. Plalnville, New spected MacArthur "not only as The general had expressed a dance of brains, but rather a Britain, Berlin and Southington. The Japanese government wish to be burled in Norfolk, lack of' them.” past two weeks, thefo had been said MacArthur was "a living' a soldier but as a friend." Em­ TTiese 16 Hartford County sent the nation’s most beloved peror Hirohito and Empress b ause there his mother, for­ lltUe rest. embodiment of the code he bo Vice President Rich- elder statesman, former Prime Khrushchev said he had been ard M. Nixon said MacArthur towns along with Waterbury Nagako also sent their condol­ mer Mary Pinckney Hardy, was accused by the Chinese of being Now. she and her husband, ^ eloquently expressed — duty- was "a true giant on the Amer­ Minister Shlgeru Yoshida, to traid of war. ' . Capt. Richard Ritter, an Army nonor-country.” > and virtually all Utchfleld ences. bom, reared and married. ’The afraid of war. ican and world scene—liberator represent Japan at MacArthur’s city has fashioned, out of a “ I say it is only a child or an iu will ippines, where he had stopped imperial household," said com­ pared text. that wouldwouId_ take take her her husband’s husband’s | bei be remembered remembered as as one of thr the during a world tour The third district in the New Insecurity of men's hearts, Mac­ were his trademark. mentator Shigeru Arakl, 62. “ The United States is an im­ bodvbody homehome' to to Neu, New Voel, York. ereat great militarvmilitary meo men Inin our his hi.. Tributes also came from two I Haven region would lose Chesh­ Arthur laid the foundations for There, too, above the tomb ire, Milford, and Bethany to a In the Philippines, where perialist country, but its govern­ There were only a few min- iuey-” a new Japan which became the that will receive him, is this in­ other former presidents, Her­ ; revised fifth district. Also add- MacArthur’s wartime pledge "I scription : I..Cment111. JudgesjuuKCB theuie wonaworld suuaiion situation utes to wait before the olive Sen. Barry Goldwater, R- bert Hoover, who named Mac- shall return" gave hope during soberly,” he said, and added green Army ambulance brought Ariz., called MacArthur “ one of ed to the fifth, would be sev­ "In twenty campaigns, on a the Japanese occupation. Presi­ eral towns from the fourth dis­ hundred battlefields, around a that President Kennedy’s ^ the flag-draped coffin. In those America’s greatest soldiers and (See Page Thirteen) dent Diosdado Macapagal de­ speech at Washington Unlver-'few minutes, Mrs. MacArthur of its finest citizens. trict which now has a popu­ Doctors Held, thousauid campfires, in long sitySitV last summsummer er Inin wKIrhwhich Wen.Ken­ Onw fViA nV*Ai4\r VerMtmeW Jee MVV-J 1.1- 1. lation of 663,000. These towns clared a period of national years of peace as well as war— Baw the pretty, young nurse in "Had his advice been heed mourning. nedy demanded a peaceful solu­ include Stratford, Trumbull, a soldier who tried to do his the crowd. ed,” said Goldwater, “ victory "A source of courage in our tion to East-West problems was . Easton, Redding, Ridgefield, Baby’s Death duty as God gave him the light Despite her own sadness, would have been ours In Korea. Bhutan Aide , Danbury, Bethel, Newtown, darkest hour, Oen. MacArthur to see that duty.” a reasonable one. Mrs. MacArthur asked to speak Had his admonitions and warn- symbolized the highest degree of "Some people have criticized Monroe, and Shelton. Messages of sorrow 'at Mac- to Bonnie Ritter, , ings about the Southeast A.sia Laid to Strike Philippine - American friend­ me for praising this speech,” She came forward hesitating- ^ been listened to and acted on, Is Murdered The present fourth district In ship and affection,” Macapagal Fairfield County now compris­ (See Page Ten) we would not now be faced with ing more than 20 towns would said Ini a message to Johnson. (See Page Three) (See Page Nine) the loss of so^ much of that BRUSSELS, Belgium fAP)— "Your loss is our loss. His name GANGTOK, Sikkim (AP)—An be reduced to 10 including important part of the world to unknown assassin gunned down Bridgeport. Belgian authorities arrested two is deeply engraved in the hearts communism.” physicians today after the death of all Filipinos.” Bhutan's Prime Minister Jigme The more than 10 towns that of a baby as Belgium’s doctors’ The Philippine Senate re­ Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller of ■ Dorji Sunday night near the would be lost by the fourth dis­ Strike went into Its sixth day. cessed after unanimously adopt­ New York, an opponent of Gold frontier of the little Himalayan trict would be transferred to Workers paraded in Liege pro­ ing a resolution expressing the water for the Republican nom­ kingdom which has become a the revamped fifth district. testing that the doctors were nation’s grief.' ination for president, said Mac­ buffer zone between India and Rep. Emilio Q. Daddario (D) falling in their duty to’ hu­ Oen. Carlos P. Romulo, pres­ Arthur’s “ brilliant leadership Red China’s ambitions. is the incumbent first district manity. ident of the University of the and heroic patriotism were in There was no indication congressman, and would pre- ’The 10,000 striking physicians Philippines, former diplomat whether personal or political held fast to their position and and one of MacArthur’s war­ motives lay behind the slaying (See Page Ten) elalmed they were being victim­ time aides, said: "F or the Fil­ of the 48-year-old prime minis­ ized financially by chuges in ipinos, to mention him is nearly News Tidbits ter, who has been described as Belgium’s health Insurance sys­ to say all in Phllipplne-Ameri- strongly anti-Communist despite tem. can friendship.” from the AP Wires Chinese pressure. Premier Theo Lefevre’s coali­ MacArthur returned \tor a The prime minister’s son Pal- Bulletins tion Cabinet scheduled a meet­ sentimental final visit to the Jor, 20, who is studying law in London, told newsmen there he Culled from AP Wires ing today in a new effort to re­ Philippines in July 1961, receiv­ Hai Chung-hsiui, a vice pre­ solve the deadlock. ’Their had no idea who might have ing a tumultuous welcome and mier and secretary-general of wanted his father killed. ehances of success seemed slim. honorary Philippine citizenship. Red (Jhlna’s powerful State Dorji had been reported con LODGE LEADS POLL In Olen, in northern Belgium, South Korea’s President the mayor, who is a physician, Coimcll, p u rg^ the opposing cemed that the thousands of NEW YORK (AP)—Am­ Mao Tze-tung’s internal poli­ bassador Henry Cabot Lodge and a second doctor were arrest- (8«s Page Thirteen) refugees from (Jhlnese-occupied cies, university professor from Tibet in Bhutan might include has moved into first place la Red China reports. . . Threat of agents from Peking. the prefereaoe of the nation’s flood damage during high tides Sketchy reports reaching the Republiran voters, the Oellup In sunken coastal areas faces neighboring kingdom of Sikkim Poy reports. In a nationwide Controls on Pentagon Alaska as action la hastened to said Dorji was struck by a sin­ survey eompleted before his raise 8100 million to help re­ gle bullet in the back as he sat victory in the New Hampshire build earthquake-ravaged state. in a travelers' bungalow in the prlnutry. Lodge was first town of Phuntsholing, near the choice of only 16 per cent of Pieta rides high seas aboard Indian border. Weak, Fulbright Says luxury liner on way to N e w the rank and fUe of his party. The assailant fired through an Today he polls 42 per cent of York World’s F a ir ... South the vote of this group, na­ Viet Nam strong man Premier CHAPEL m U j, N.O. (See Page Three) tionally. George Gallup says. (AP)—^aad the Man; National Security Nguyen Khanh faces increased ■•n. J. W. Fulbright, who only and the Aims of a Free Soei- IS days ago touched off an ex ety." ( opposition from civilian mem­ CYPRUS SnUFE bers of his government for ploelve debate on foreign policy, nilbright said tl)p military ee- GOP in Arkansas PAHYAMMOS, Cyprus BOW says "the American people tabUshment has S vested inter­ heavy reliance on niUitary men (A P )— This small all-Greek afe not now exercising effective est in the continuation of the his regim e... Engineer killed Cypriot vlUage hastily evac- eontrol over the military, and ci^d war and its high military and eight other pereons, intrud­ Hi ts RockefelleH uate- tlon of the growing Republican fourth day ’of coatinuem His comments on the military the need tq "guard against the poee any Greek Cypriot attempt strength in the South. v flghtlng betweea Greek aad came in a keynote epceoh to aoquisltkai uawarraBted In- cotu^house'in Norfolk, Va., is the General Douglas MacArthur Me- to evlet Turkish troops from But the Arkansas Republican 'Turkieh Cypriots In aorthweet SiM Carolina l^ixMnai, a flusBsa, w ^ im e r sought or ira- rnorial, i i ^ ^ ^ e ^ m e r a l will be buried in a crypt in the rotunda. 'The 114- Qyprua,.. Caroline and John F. chairman, William Spicer "tf Cyprus. U.N. British para- m»-day narlaa « ( laoitairM at tba jrear-oM the papers, d e c ^ t i ^ and mementos of the dead Keimedy Jr. leave Stove, Vh, Fort Smith, eaid barely four voopers who had beea l^ ia f after 6-day sasaloa on rid afoosa to aegottoto a IneWiM siii#- «f i U . ifanriHriil j (066 P606 liw6) MM8 lWlli9^9 ■1'

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