The President Upheld
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0 (inn Tlil» eighth nnmtnl V ChrlatniM odltlou of U|UUU till) STAK COllfliHlH Of 28TII YEAli-NUMBER 51. WASHINGTON, WA11REN COUNTY, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1895. : Bright Future for Green's Pond. DROWNKD IN TI1K DKLAWAUK. The Tool Tournament. AKOTIIKK.WKKCK ON I)., h. & To Our Subscribers. ...- ;•' I'ERSOXAIJ MENTION.;^, ;; A company has been incorporated In The Washington Athletic Associa- In tho early part of January we shal Misa Alfce Curl1B homo from •Montclalr THE PRESIDENT UPHELD Two Boys Meet Death Wlillo Slmtlns Due to tlin Pull lire of Air U rakes to : : this county known as the Mountain tion's pool tournament continues with have completed the resetting of our fora short stay. •-.•••• •:;•..- ^•if' )^^M^^-'i -: Xenr Columbia—The Bodies Re- Work—A Chicago Drover Killed, entire mailing lint lit new and up-to- HIS MESSAGE OX. TIIB VICNHZUE- and Lake Improvement Co., whoso increased interest and the lowest man l ; fcAN MATTKR SUPPORTED purpose it is to build a largo hotol up- covered nn Hour Later. still has a Bhow for. first or second —Cattle and Hogs Slain. date type. An important feature of several days past. • r.-.' The condition of Sirs. Charidtte; Mow- _ AVITU CASH AND on tho shores of Green's Lake, com- A distressing accident occurred at place. Last Wednesday night Edward Another fatal smashup occurred on the change will be the addition of the month and year to each address der re ma ins'about tho same.,. ^'C'^tv^f/^': SKNTIMKNT. monly called Green's Pond, and to BO Columbia, this county, shortly boforc Bowman and A. J. Craft played an the D., L. & W. railroad, just above tmprovo the surroundings of that at- 3 o'clock on Monday afternoon, when even 100 points and Bowman won 100 the Dover drawbridge, at 10:30 o'clock stamped upon the paper when mailed Mrs. J. T. Bowers la visiting her, parents:; tractive body of water as to make it a Warren, tho 0-yoar-old son of Edward to 84. The same evening Samuel Cy- on Sunday night. This is dono so that subscribers may at Elizabeth during the; bolidays3:>;&;#&: The House of Representatives Pusses u very popular summer resort Carpenter, and his uncle, Gilbert phers failed to get his coveted 88 and Tho railroad crossi-a the Morris ca- know at all times how their subscrip- MIswMillieSrcMurtrlola con^edtoher^ BUI Empowering Him to Appoint tion account stands. bed with inflammatory rheumatiam.; v^ ,^;- Tho incorporatore aro ex-Sheriff M. Mood, 10 years of ape, fell through tho Thos. Byrne beat him 100 to 47. nal at this point, and east and wes : a Boundary Conmilssloii Without Mrs. EUpbalet Hoover has been confined ^-: W. Wellor, of Columbia; Wm. O. Ico on the Delaware Rivor and were On Thursday evening Charles New- bound trains aro run over on a single Thoso whose subscriptions are paid u Dissenting Voice—TheSemite In : to her bed by illness for''tame Mi?9 P^^'i-S^Z Folkner, of Buttzville; ox-Surrogato drowned. ..:.v •..•...: , ...'. man was beaten 100 to 67 by Newt. track. Freight train known as regular in advance, or but a short period in 1,1 no—A Hill Introduced Appro- Wm. O'Niel, of Belvidero; Michaol The two boys were skating under Emory. Harry Chrlstino also defeated 234, bound cast, loaded with cattle, arrears, will probably bo better pleased Mr. Wm. S. Skinner, the'Frlioeu Organ ::;;: priating $100,000,000 For War McCabo, of Oxford, and Geo. Givens, the Delaware bridge, about twenty Thos. Byrne 100 to 82. sheep and hogs, duo here at 9:45, was with the change than thoie .who owe representative, is homo for the holidays.' a little late, and tho signals were sol for a long timo. It is not very crcdit- Mrs. Anna Winters haa been quite ill for; r;T Material —War Will Hardly Re- of Easton. The capital stock .is $35,000. yards from tho Jersey Bhore, when On Friday evening A. J. Craft de- against it, as Fast Lino No. 11 from ablo to anyone to have a newspa- several days past with an attack of pleurisy. sult. Tho company has purchased the 370 Mood glided over some thin ice, which feated T. B. Dawes 100 to 70 and Sam- New York was duo an had the right of per come through the post-ofllce Mrs. Lydia Hughes, of Trenton,' is at the acre farm of Wm. C. Folkner, upon gave way, precipitating him into ten uel Cyphers bestod L. C. Opdyko 80 to wny across the draw. Tho freight week after week bearing a mark home of her son, Mr. Frank E. Van Syckle.";'.'. It took the House of Itepresentativ&s which a hotel capable of accommoda- feet of water. He shouted to Warren 70, Opdyke being required to get 100 train stopped, and, it is said, a ling was from two to five years back, to be seen ifissLizKle Lunger, of Jersey City, is only twenty minutes to consider and ting eighty boarders will be erected at to bring him aboard. Tho little follow to win. sent out, but its extra, from Port Mor- by neighbors and friends, but so it visiting Mrs. Emma Vannatta on Broad pass without a dissenting voice the a cost of about §12,000, to bo known as did so and endeavored to save his On'Saturday night Thos. Byrno con- ris, with a mixed train of coal and will bo in many cases if an early pay street. '. ' ' • ' • .-' "' c£>";. ." •.' bill offered by Mr. Hitt, orillinoia, to tho White Rock Hotel. Thosurround^ unele, but in doing so, ventured upan empower the president of theJJnited tho thin ice, fell through, and both quered Robert Holmau 75 to 03, tho freight, came rushing down the grade merit is not forthcoming. MIKH Carrie Gordon, of Bayonne City, Is ;"'. ing grounds are to be beautified and latter requiring 37 moro balls to beat States to appoint tho Venezuela Bound- wore drowned. behind it and, with hardly a moment's This improvement is in tho lino of the guest of,5tr. and Mrs Ilibbard Beotty, ; ; tho lake front made attractive for fish- his opponent. Frank Andrews and ary Commission recommeded in his Tho only witness to tho accident was warning, crashed into tho rear of tho business principles as applied to the on Broad street. ing and boating. Tho purchase includes W. J. McLiughlin pluyed 100 to CC ; message and to'approprinto $100,000 or a small girl, who immediately gave the regular, as the air-brakes would not publishing business. It is mado at a Miss May Jacobus, who has been pas-, more than two-thirds of tho lake. McLaughlin got but 42. Tlieo. B. so much thereof as may he neccsnary alarm. The shore was soon lined with work. considerable cost, but we believe the .sing two months at Keckertown, ^will re- The projectors of the enterprise feel Dawes got but 8(1 to John Flint's 100. to pay the expenses of such commis- people, who mude every effort to fish All the mi>ii in thu caboose escaped change from tho present form will turn home today. confident that it will develope rapidly It was a "Star' night. sion and the investigation it is to un- thorn out. The ice retarded the work with tho exception of William E. Cald- Mrs, 12. C. Slater and son arc spending and that the resort will become very prove mutually advantageous to pub- dertake. The proceeding wns by un- of recovering tho bodies as it had to well, of 218 Water street, Chicago,who two weeks with Newark,Orange, '.r popular, not only with people residing On Monday Theo, B. Dawea won Hsherand subscriber. animous consont and OVPV step waa bo cutaway before the bottom of tho over Newt. Emory by a score of 100 to was taking a carload of poultry to ndotlior places. ' . in tho county nnd vicinity, butat largo. Mrs. Francis Slack has been very low for punctuated with applause, from mom- river could bo seen. John 0. Kitchen 50. Emory wanted 78 to win. John New York. Caldwell's skull was Cliurcli Dudieutlon Todny. boraofboth sides of the House. The some lime past with a severe attack of succeeded in finding the bodies, lying Flint also defeated Robert Holman crushed open and his brains were The handsome new church which the brief but convincing appeal of Mr. Hitt Deatli of .John 11111. louomotor utnxia. ' Methodists of Port Murray have erect- in behalf of tho bill, was repeatedly in- Mrs. Charles Piekel nnd daughters, , John Hill died at tho homo nf bin ed, to their great credit, will bo dedi- terrupted by cheers from Democrats as Misses May and Addie, spent last week sister, Mrs. Georgo Miers, on Lower cated today. This morning a sermon well as Republicans, and it was no with Newark friends. Washington avenue, at 0:30 o'clock last will bo preached at 10:-J5 by Rev. Henry oflbctive that he experienced little dllll- Mrs. Joseph Vann has been in failing Thursday morning, which fact was \. Buttz, D. D.^ President or Drew culty in damming tho torrent of debate csz. icaltli for several months past and does briefly mentioned in last week's STAK. Theological Seniinnry. Rev. A. H. which was struggling to break looao not seem to improve. , Tho deceased was tho son of Wm. Tuttle, D. D., of Newark, will preach and engulf tho IIOUHU in a Hood of pat- Mr. Howard Bnrron has been confined Hill, SrM or ML Bethel, and was 20 at 3 p.m.