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Elimination of Two-Session Day in High School Up for Public Hearing; Parents, Taxpayers Urged to Attend I am your newspaper reporter. approved by the State Department of Education, would be- Benson group listen to the demands of the vanquished mem- most feasible at this time; (7> the adoption of this plan must You know me well, because I am your second self. While come effective next September. At a previous session, the con- bers to hold a public hearing In the high school auditorium, be effected.' your jobs and responsibilities keep you busy, I serve as your trolling panel on the board assured Its minority-colleagues that The hearing will take place Monday night, June 24,1916, at R Opponents of the majority's measure reveal that < I > while 'eyes and ears. I see and hear for you the many things you a public hearing would be held on the proposed project. •'clock, in the high school auditorium. Testimony and argu- the double-session is not as good as the single-session it has 1,'uve. neither the time nor means to see and hear for yourself, Plan Is Costly ftments will be presented by the board members, As the new been approved by outstanding educators; <2> Woodbrldge High I See and hear—and Impart to you information upon which Commissioners Andrew Aaroe, board president, Maurice P. " program effects the entire township, all parents and taxpayers School has been turning out graduates who had no difficulty you may form your own judgment. I am free to write as I Dunlgan, Dr.
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