VOLUME XXX. MATAWAN, N. J. THURSDAY AFTERNOON APRIl. 6. 1899, N U M B E R 43 - t i i i : iioiiouoii couxcii.. ItEIIIM I THE WIl'KKlY I’EltSONAL MENTION. t'O.HJIl)JIICATEI>. PilM LKGiSUTlinE, ' T h * JD U K H A t« IU flU illjrpiilillii)! uui]flrlhi«liwil> Monty Apprnprlnlnl-Hlutiirlct Mglit MhI* Bhoit i*iira|rii|ih« o f lha VriionnlialiU ot ... _ Tlui l'«!«fii»' Ifonta, • • lag } u IlMtr r w w l l f e plao-s any Item* nf lo t«m | T r u n t o .v , Mnrch 30,1859.5. ' ,! fj*r Plfial’)' IHi|m>miI Uf,' fnrushed hy llm u ri're U rln uf llio difffrontBocktlM ■ S a lllf l of atii>l'eo|il0~VHI(iirt I n T a ir i. Wc„ Mlevo tlinl ll is fair lo fitiitc thnt In view of the summary of the closi*^ here, of «Uur nwmben; '-Vi v - » 1 «■ ■ •* Matawan c/tn fc<*1 proutler tlmu nny of its 'Ibo rVgnlarmioliuR bf llio Bitrougli ’ >T, niiil M oLiinh of llt t l lln Ilk was 111 proceeding Kpnl you for Irst week’s iuius, C oim oll « n a Iil'Itl l ’ riilnv - <n-n.iij[? in V - IniliipinileiitOnlornrOililKflHiwa! size lowtiM iu tlie State of her churches, I deem jt untiecefMnry to ^ointq detuil ia town uq Biitiirilny lunt.. The ImuHtti fur worsliip lire finely iocalcil, .llib-T'owa IIiill, Treattut— Mayor Vtrn. T h ic o oaim1Moti*Bf!»<)k tlio in in to fj tliiii closing letter of the l^itilritiVcsfricK. Illm , I lm r y N il Ii hub is vimtiily bor ‘ TIilh in very iim'fisnry, ilipw im* W lokli’, Ououollm iiu Oluac, Kuiiumly,| dogroo !|i. Kiiitikorbiiokvr Lodgo on In fifltiuiiin^ up it m ay tic «nid thnt while aiattir. Mm; W. H. B'ulmll, jwrtanl that lltu hoiue of thu qongrej'n- tlie two I louses were u long tim e l» J’get* Hheplittrd uod VMmr, tliu liittor own'' {U a m ln y "n iu L t, ‘ Tburt) w o r o about tioiirt (ihould he attnicliv^ in fttvlc- nud ■ -lltiv . AV. S . lla n m r ttil .Sen111 A m boy ting down lo work,” when they finally i n g iu l»lu. : forty ‘ m cmberfl o u t, um oug* tUcru ’J)r. artjhitccliia*! Iu these motloni »uivMlii' wan'iu town Moudiiy bn his wheel,, got umle^.wnv (hey discharged husiifcM ATtur .tLie rem llim ntiili'Apprnvnl o f P e t e r 1 T , T e n E y d c aud ux«8Uorifl: ijhv.reli Miouhl in beimly aim fine* with it «nu>(iifnit?Ks/intelIigeiiecii«ui'diH- ' Ty. lln gin (if Mni:itni]iimi WI,S tbo raluuten tlm rrnnrt eT Oull"0tor Clark* two of tbo olilestmpujliurs of nesa, 'Ainl llie matfrinl fihotiM he the patch seldom if ever Hmpnwia. >“tThe nu rliiir; wtis' fi'iiil, tibitnlni; tliii follow- iho ludgo; D r,’ 'iV*n Ilvo!f lnul not been tbu fllli'h t of J . \V. Miig([fi nn.^111 llilil}'. ■ hest of ilft him! mul everv* Inch of llie eo«usii\tecs reported bill» rapidly, uille^ yo'at work ilonc in workimmshlp iiianimr, hu- it wan n dear nisc of tinwiKdoui to take up iufj b il 11 mma: NViivh nml Menus, $(1Q8 ■ to town flinco liin remunil u ng<i ' Aim. U. E. OrlHltli o| nriinulipnrt in it is the Iionrs 'i’ltc church 73; Iltmclx, 8373.17; lJnor, 878.08; nuil bu recolTed friendly grcctlugB vln itln g -liiir'» lH tu r, Mr#. O . U. Hbup th e ‘lime of the l<vgiMnlnre for. their lo be rotnjbrlM. Somctimru Uie further'eoiiKidcrntion, rfml in juntico to ' niaklug a totnl.of dl,l2l).t)0. y ; , ■ from' 11)) bo rtfi‘*t,\ ’Ho remained ot»t lii'rtl , ['ovurntiiL'Hl of the church iMoocouncrvu* M r, O lnw (ilTnreil ii roBoliilfnn tlm t tWO b d llff Mllfl RUHHt o f \\T, E , the minority it ntny he ndded theydM . 'frinV Tjiipton, Jr.,' lefl un Montliy livo uml fnilrt io tiu'iiHiirc up to the pro- not have peifiisteiit'iceoui»e to dilatory S^OOnI.tUv munlii# unw in lmuililio AuuNVBinUh Wuii lU elm nl IknUu wliilo ( l ie o f fur a trip tu X^iw lliiiii|iablru nnd Vor' firctw nf science mul advancement practices,1 They "pnid up'* Republican* licro* ! .-v‘­ aot nofile tnwinl lighting tbu ntruuta of n iu iil............................... lliu liospcl, Dr. John Wnl.suii him siid fc»r w i l lih o ld iiig witiiL* o l Ih e h ' c l u p -t m p Mstanou Fur tbu uueuing year. Cat' .ihnl MlUd nirund imcnnifarlnhit' churchfH hii!?) hy latkiug ngaiust thueoecflfdoiMtly, . KnlfilKit of I’j lMii*. ■ fl Mina ityluiatfin of Imug Driumli Oily nro imxiliaiicH of Sutuii mid accotmlH for rioil, . V./: .. ■■ Imt upon tho wliole "held In" pretty, i Oliociiuilliliili’. wiiB.eln'lotl iii M iilu- » ioiit Eualot Biiudny with tlmn \rnn -. A m o tion wun uurrlud Hint 81110 1)6 ouo iluin HleophiK,.for another fal^Ulnu, w e lt, _ ;... ,;}.< * ; wan Ijoilgo at llio iliuoii i i k tif lutl wink W lciili'. for another detecting n pcrwimil attach ill applied f r o m Ilia iiui'XiiuuiU'il bnUiini’K The record of (he I.cgiHlatnrc, which in iiuti m iotlm r nt lliu nii’iitiiig last iil«lit, tliu fjurmoii.-for- kmuio- one nntcllixi>* her* •' to pny tbo ut rout liKhliug bills Of Iu t J i ii u o u a t i o n of lwtontuwn a v iis iu of ennrmv the ivconl ut' tho UcpubUfitLu' Th o , rank,; ol T u h o h I I ) I i u L'unfurrvil wy,".—whilu it renlly wiisearbuuicacid itwjo'rlly, |rt one o f ncrupnhniH eoiiMrv’At- y ear, ■■■■ '■ : * ‘ l I q iv . i i 1 liiat ,Tliiirm ln;i culling upuu 11 Iti linou bolli oauillilutoa nuxt Wmliiuntluv can, or u hoiirto or a ilrat^hl he felt. Ih ii i ; iml u ningle ultra patty menNiirc wnn A nluiilnr inutluu prcvnil.iul llntt frleiiiln,i , |) ' Siinm (inu haR Kiild ' ’Tlmt tVfHti uir ntnl Ulgllli,< ,nj|; 'ij.'V v'l'' p tit t h r o u g h , • ' •"i i •• JlM .liS' bo iippllm! lor tlio''wn,va nnd Tliwitloro F.' Kunlun ol.Nymik aponl' ^rllKHloxy lo}/tMlier M wl*II uh ^ood Scimtor IVrtiici* iiilroduced the follow. U‘iii|icr ninl Hiurity," Many p-ojde aiv moitiiH recu 'in tr A] mo Unit $ 17, 2(1. bu - -Jv f: y»r.II. jaT*Itf,.yrl’Vh-J f ' B iiu iliiyiw illi hiv n ifu ut tliu MutliuilIfet litK hills, vl/.: Non. 3^ 37, 55, 6 6 , fl.|, t l j , ' n|i|diud fur thn your.' ii . A non council i»'litiliiK or(jiiulr.Ail iil ViirinlUHgo,"' .' J f r ■ SO WL'ilhitlvu ll) dfmijHH'HH III)'} cuhl (tint Hfi, K7, K.4 , I |H, 119, 1311, 1 3 1 , ta a , t«|lV 155, ;■ A ! w ii h tliiSyTor heidtli cuiiAfdurutiotiH miht stay 178, i M , ll).| llilil IO.H. ; ni'ulliui "-|MWpil Hint 8 100 lm Oooimpori. : 'Last- wooli "tluiro wero :■ iT o n o p b * f i , .'■•( 111(10 ' rolnriiod ! Iroiii nwav Ooni Iho ho»»« of wowldji, . ’ pot imlilo fnr tliii |K'nr ueaom il, 81(1(1 o Of iheni? the blow ing wenr pflwed. clglitfuu anpllttkut* fnt olmrtor..: Tlm llnviilili l»nt Siiliirilny, nliuru lio liml ' Tficru iM'iiti mure difllouli jmibleiu in Imvo heeu approved hy thu (iuvoruor aiul ' for roinln nm l. 808,H!lj■ fur, wnyii.nnd non obiitioil will tin ‘kiiowiir aa Htivor- bt’o'u fur n’uitriil luiinllia, vn 1 llie tlum.iiti (.flim iinii tiirnitM Um n to U t |> heconiL* luvvm ■ vl'l-; j mentin, iming nil lliu nil ox |>u lull hr l)nl- ald0,00U B0llv% fV-fr.A. ” 5 i. , M r a , A. 1 ).' ilondoritiii nf lirooklyn a . church comf(irln)iK*. The coiidilioun No. ,S5 nilHCH the amount lioro(oforn Minwi iv ' ■ ^ . -..., , ' i imtslik* and tho mndilloii.H williln arc -When Joliu 8, Hiim if l’rcclioiil illmi la «|ivlldliiijf i|iii>iiiii(' w llli Im r |inruiiti, nppro|iilnled lo llm Stntu llorticultiiin} JiHiid'i If, H oriinr pri'Hunli'il bin liittul ^•ery haul to owioouuv The urtimn of 11 kliurt tlmu m ii I111'wiiii n iniimlior «f li.lid H rl/ O ,' A', p o r i i u V . 1 rtoelele tVuiii to ^700 ptfrminutn,-*. tliu dm ivlt will h w U'i1 llfly Ht^^i’Hiioim n lu r {n,l)DIV nn Oulloutnr ivIIli 1 Umn, W, llm orilur nuil lila trliluiv Inn molvntl No, K| provided for Iho nunexidlmVofii M r.. it m l M i h , l\ K. i ’rnmili nf Urn yenf .liow hi enn? j i drmiRlit, yut U km'o Dayton, Hlntildtni 11 nriior, ljanrimmi putt or wutl TowimUlp 10 ihu llounm h‘o! tho 851)0 iusiirituiiii tliiii lint fnmi tlui' n u v e r I iiih heim «iu» cured,-> A Unrtiin. W lllliuii V 1) 11 nl0(I Mli'l II. II llillill.iipL'itl'Bii,liilny lu tim 'ii, k u u h I o o l physical Niirtll Spring l,idie, 1 fi'iiornl lionullt iiiwuoiiitiulia.uuiiiiuiitiid cllltich dramOtl cnuitid ha rim 'd liy miy Louym ri'ot im wiri'lli'H, H ivna iiotmpli'd lliu (liriutir'a ni’utliur m nl m int.

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