lEmntos ll^raUi ------'■ "

am i memgr fo r NdsvstopiM ot wtQ Hospital Notes M artin Asks at tha $$,000 will bs niBE iMt Town ths and sbnlng oommls- -ijiimtvm tt 'WonMin Voten ADMITTED YESTERDAY: Mrs. $ 5 S ,0 0 0 fo r Moo f m d T n w town plaaning on- 9 AJaMe ___ _EV«bav« w an op*n oma mMttiw mMttnc tom tomor- Hilda Petersoif, Hartford; Mrs. ^-lesr, Edward Ryboxyk, rerignad M W tt S > in . at Mott’a Mott’» Oommun-Cfemm Marilee Esada, Hebron; Mrs. Mas bsooms •Keounva dlraetor of tha Maneheater Radevelopment u t H m tty 9 2 l ' R «t M w l l^aiuilnc be Gardner, 18 Church St.; Mark S ew erF u n d s daoUMed^ by Mra.Mn. ’Dorothy Dorothy Jacob-Jac AbraiUs, 68 Doane St.; Mrs. Edith Agency, and until ths pla nning adft,(ft, prealdentpTMldent

i .

■V\ -id p H ■ W'

1IAKCBS8TEB lYENlNO HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 80, 1968 EAcnr MANGHESTEH EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, OONN^ WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 80. 1968 4». icv ^ 4.. ■ 4. •> -. j ^ r ! r Still No Report Ev and Charlie < ^ \ Columbia Military Frees As You Like It World May Witness o n OnNewsSbilte TV-Radio Tonight Add to Cast Assessor's Get Man It Held YOU -CHANGED OUR MIND! By JUDITH AHEARN NEW YORK W )-P u h lillia ra ’ DimSIIAL NOnUMP Of Their Show Double Cold Wars In Killing Case AMD DNiraVAL PLAT and prtatwfi' repreaentatlvaa Mt Television 30*Day Grace City Hall riiortly before dawn to­ Tht art exhibit of the latest wo^kis by Sy A lin aiD iKIllMWOLD NOiriH t:00 . fits a Tbeate (la proarMS) liOO (^; Potatina (OontlBned from Fnge Obo) day after m o re Uian 14 houn of I) Juvle at_$ (la progrtM) andd ^ b Iba a Coromoa inambera of the University of Connecticut (Contliiued fra n Paga Ona) Report Cards Out (OfNEttamad fn m Page Om) ' MtoM la your vaaotloa Triien the « A K I >10) Btely Sbow (la proaroM On Grand List N6m nagotiattau aaeklng to end the 64- of an atmopshere ot a party an- faculty opens Monday in the hall of the fine dummy oonaa down with unex- day-old ahutdown bf New Toik’a Rooky oad- HI, Fritnd, [o(^yp_ though one hears misgivings about nearby Bolae that he committed 0 10 I 0 I Pasiieg Notas la Muale ■:8U deavor—rather than strictly a arts building at Storrs. Artists whose works A 30-day extension has been Rqiort cards have been Burgess is directing the French economy is booming. the second qufu’ter of the aca­ ■tatement had many holes in It • Both aldas vulnaraMa 7 a Oaputy fi-13I); 'Tba------Bavarly Blllbmta and Robert KUey. show, which has Phil-Russell play­ to complete the grand, Ukt. The as­ demic year. but earlltr this month Dlokle went —King of C3ube The maintbaa Guks ntarted at Modara Alaabra 1:10 13) ■fhlibird ■ Mon" New York Gov. Nelson A. Rock­ Thera will be ^ worha In the. French business is happy—|nx>b- * p o im i' caw Ball Saturday. Bach nei 1^1 Bururns A Allan ^ rr. Our Man Hlgslna efeller plans a vlait next week. ing the lead of Biddeford Poole sessor’s Job is ustwUiy completed Manchester High School re­ before an Air Force hearing and North waned evwybody at the 1:46 I 8) Wol P'ck Von Dyka Snow Show, ranglna from large line fig- and Mary Gaudet aa Katherine by Feb. 1 but was held up this year ably all the happier now that it reltarmtad Ids cantoselon. table that ha had unusual dla- laatod almoat aa. long aa tha CronkltM However, Dirksen thought that urae on pan^ to small charcoal does not have to face BritlsI) com­ port carda will be given out (lO^sato)(10-33-801 Huatlay-Brinklay Tbl, Naw Houaa Dougherty. because of the revaluation. This next week. Dlamiaeal of the charges against tribuUon when he bid ona no- that began Tuaaday about 2:80 ma-3a-S0-<0) Naw, BporU and 110:00 ( 48) Naked aty would be a little early to try to atudlee, aiid including representa- Curtain .goes iq} on the comedy work, done by the J. M. Clemen- petition within the Common Mark­ Anderson was ordered ^ Lt. Oen. at his second turn. A play­ 5 4 g-m. and eontinuod mnnigh 8 a.m. waathar. (B-i,) Circle Tbaater get the show on the boards. ttonal and abstract works. (10-33-30) Elevantb Hour . One plaguing clrciunatance la at 8:30 p.m. in Whiton Lihrtu'y. shaw Co., was expected to be et. Archie J. Olds Jr., commander of er. who has passed originally \U\ (34) The Atom Hie ahow will be op«i through Symphqny Drive completed by Nov. 1, but' fcctually, But France has angered influ­ They need us more than we need the 16th Air Force at ICwrli Air eannot hava the 16 to 18 pointa Neither repreaentativea of toe ( 6) P ir^ U;00 i 8-8-10-13-33-80-4068) Nawa. that no sponsor has turned up. Fab. 14. The gallery la opwi to was not finished until shortly af­ ential forces among her neighbors. them.” Base, CaUf. uaually needad for the ovarcall of ■bllahera ■■ here nor LocalLoca~ 8 of the ABXr (18) Subscription TalavMon Sporta. Waathar The Republican National Finance Mrs. John Qroman, 369 Bum- 1 9 1 NT a 0 interhatlaaal Interhatlaaal Typographli (68) Film 11:16 (10) Tontfihl (C) Ckimmittee orphaned the show by the public Mondiya through Thurs- ham St., is chairman of the Man­ ter Christmas. De Gaulle’s concept of a Europe Sen. John Sparkman, D-Ala., A statement issued by the base OEM notromp. CSoariy, North was S Sings at Ball 7:38 (80) Han of DaaUny (40) Stave Allan Show daya S a.m. to 5 p.m. and 7 to 9 Ward Rosebrooks, chairman of dominated by a French-German sEdd the French blow need not be said; “Oen. Olds said that this Uddinf tha "unuaual notrump." 1 0 4 9 5 4 i Union would comment on the lo- Connie Vignone will eing with 7:80 (toS3-80) VIralnlan ( 3) Movie cutting off its budget funds. chester area drive for the austain- Edliance can be diutaed quickly as dlsEistroua. Doifeto. A l fflMi. auea dloeuaoed. Thla nilenca wno (Color) 11:30 (13) Movie Dirksen said the raising of ex­ pjn., FMdaya from 8 a.m. to 6 Ing' filnd campaign of the Sym­ the assessors, said the lists will be was a heinous crime and that any­ Many experts usa the unusual Bobby Kaye's Orchestra when it (8-13) 8alf-Portratt 11;SU (33-30) . Tonlsht ICJ p.m., and weekends from 1 to 4 completed In about 10 days. The a result of what happened lA ”If necessary,” Sparkman told one following the open hearinga notrump to ahow a two-suiter In In Une with an agreement with (34) Humonltlaa ( 8) Stave Al'en pense money would be no prob­ phony Society of Greater Hart­ Brussels. reporters, ”I believe the United Wagner. plays tor the 10th annual Valentine lem. Halleck wasn't quite as cer­ pjn. ford. flgpires then must be transferred could certainly see that there wae diamonda and oluba. A takeout ing lead. If ha bad tbraa ohiba. 8-40418) Wagon Train 1:00 ( 8) Movie Coming Up in Mandieeter to the abstract before the board The West Germans want Bri­ Kingdom, the United States and sufficient' .basla tor serious con­ double ahows Interest In the ma­ The mayor aald Tuaaday: "Both Ball, Sponsored by the Manchester BEE SATURDAY'S TV WBEH FOR OOMFLBTB USTINO tain. He said In a separate inter­ The goal in Manchester ia 1600 tain in the Ckimmon Market, sup­ Canada could form a very effeC' he would lead low rather Hum aUloa hava agreed, and I have In- view that "financing Is still a “Barahtoaa" with Anthony Quinn. this year. of tax review can begin its hear­ cern about Airman Anderson's be­ jor auita; tha unusual notrump high. Baat can hardly loaa Iqr Lodge of Elks, Saturday, Feb. 9, at Arthur Kennedy, Jack Palance and ings. port the idea of European unity, live trade bloc.” havior." ahows intereat In the minors. atoted, that no otatement obould problem.” The campaign opened Jan. 21, and above all want the protec­ Sen. Mike Mansfield of Montana overtaking. bo made about the oubatantive na­ the Manchester Armory. Although Halleck said no firm Bmaat Borgnine opens at the and will close Saturday. Girl Scout Patrol Leaden The whereabouts of Mrs. An­ If a player haa already passed, Dallv Qiwiellfai tion ol U.S. nuclear might against the Senate’s Democratic leader, derson and the coupla’a three be may bid the unuaual notrump ture of our dloounolona. Thla woa She Is considered by many aa determinations had been made State Theater today. New patrol leaders by Girl Soviet communism. Dealer, at your righL IMa oaei done apeciflcally and deliberately one of the finest female singers about the format, it seemed rath­ “C ^ th of a Salesman" will be Loucks Is Soloist Scout 'Troop 11 are: Patrol 1, clung to the hope that "there is daughters remained a myateiy. without maMhg a Jump Ud. If od holdt S p a a a a, A-K4| Radio "THE MARVEL OF MAIN STREET" Roger Loucks will be the tenor The treaty of cooperation signed still time to reach an accommo­ Anderson made no attempt to tel­ the player has not yet passed, he In order to facilitate our mediation with big bands In the east.j^ er obvious that the two leaders preaented by the Little Theater of Linda Pepin, leader; Mary Ann by De Gaulle and Chancellor Kon­ Slearts, Noem; Diamands, Q-16-8- efforta. Speculation about the posl- Tha orchestra, recently in^ted (This hating tnolndes only those news broadonats ot 10 or 15-mIaate were bending a little in the wind imncheeter Thuraday, Friday and soloist with the Hartford Civic Inzinga assistant; patrol 2, Mar­ dation for Britain to enter the ephone his wife. He said he had Jumps to two notrump to show i-Si anba, J-10-8-8-S. rad Adensuier may never by rati­ Common Market." not found the time. tlona of the partlea Inevitably by the National Ballroom A le u ­ length. Some stations carry other short neweoaste). of complaints from liberal Repub- Saturday, Feb. 7, 8 and 9, in the Orchestra tomorrow night at 8:30 tha Gifford, leader; Gall New- that he has the two-auiter rather What do yoa Udf tian as one of the country's best p.m. in King Philip School, West Berry assistant; patrol 3, Dolores fied now, even though many West “I don't think we should as­ Mrs. Anderson was last raport- than the balanced 16-polnt band. damogea theoe mediation eftorta.” Ucams that their viewpoint got no Bowem School auditorium at 8:30 Germans might wsuit devoutly to Answer: You might bid 2 NT Wagner oald he had no plan tor ballroom orchestra’s pUyed at this WD|K:—urn :46 Three Star Extra airing. p.m. Hartford. Plesz, leader; Auhyn Barstrom, sume as yet that the Common ed living in Ogden, Utah, with Oame Aa Shook if your partner understands tha Kurt Kuas\Ml :06 Convaraatlon Place IN RESPONSE TO COUNTLESS REQUESTS put a final seed on the reconcilia­ Market dr has been slammed relatives but she could not he lo­ a Joint meeting of the dloputonta year’s Governor's Ball. Raynor Bhlnea :S0 Nawa of World Quick Study The concert is open to the pub­ assistant. Despite the warning, the North "unusual notrump" ovarcall. Oth­ - The public Is Invited to attend Nawa. Bm OH :46 Sing Along lic free of charge. Briefs tion between Europe’s two tradi­ in Britain’s face,” Mansfield cated there. when talka reoume later today. :10 Pop Concert MAILMEN’S NATURAL ENEMY Playing the part of Jessica tional enemies. Reconciliation added. hand came as a ahock to Bast. erwise, usa tha ordinary takeout "We’U play it by ear," he aald. the ball. For reservations, those WHay-sie TOKYO (AP)—Mall carriers In Worthy of ;^ote Miss Betty Ann Hodges, daugh­ The slain woman’s husband was CHearly the defenders were going double. 8:00 Nawa :06 Nigbtbeal Poole In the Uanchester Commu­ within the context of European SparkmEtn observed that there reported at Tyndall AFB, Fia. About a,000 prmtera otruck the Interested may call John A. Cag- 8:16 Paul Barvey; Or. Albert B. ;00 Newt Odate, northern Japan, have boy­ nity Playera production of "The Beethoven’s opera "Fidelio” will ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Prescott to get no heart tricks; almost tim aa, , Daily Newe, Journal lanello, 85 Crastwood Dr., chair­ Burka :16 Sporu Final Hodges of Lakeview Park, left union is one thing, says many a may be some "ultimate hope— 8:80 cotted Tokusaburo Yashiro be­ Pleaaure o< Hfe Company” tomor­ be presented by the opera depart­ German, and in Isolation from the aurmy no n a d e trick. How wa For Shelnwold’a $6-paga book­ Amerioan and World • Telegram man, or the Enks Home, Blesell Bt. X Drier ;80 Starlight Serenoda cause his dog bit one of them. WE ARE CONTINUING Monday to enter the Johnson and who knows what may happen in 8:40 :00 Nawa and Sign Off. row through Saturday night will ment of the Hartt College of Music, rest of Europe would be quite an­ one or two or five years.” they going to get three tricka in let, “A Pocket Guide to Bridge," A Bun Dec. 8. Cloaing down at 4:60 ^ lonsldlna WFor—i4ia The mailmen said they warned ba Jo Richmond, 52 Ut. Nebo PI., University of Hartford, Thursday, Wales Business School In Provi­ dlami^da and cIuhsT sand 80 cents to Bridge Book. 7:00 Bdword P. Moraaa :0U Joey Kevnoldi dence, R.I. 3he will live at the other. Sen. Stuart Symington, D-Mo., Board Considers the name time were the poet. 7;U Connhctleut P l f :00 BUI Bughea they would quit serving his house who was caUed on at the last mln- Feb. 21, at 8:15 p.m. in the Bush- De Gaulle, despite heavy pres­ Strangely enough Baat didn’t Tha Manchester Bvenlng HeMdd, Mirror, Herald Tribune, Long In­ Dtck'a Dan because the dog had threatened ota whan the girl who was cast in nell Memorial, Hartford. YWCA while completing her said the United States and Britsdn riae to the occanon even though Box 8818, Grand Central Sta., N.T. 40 lOH Members 7:80 :00 Johnny Argo OUR SENSATIONAL - RECORD BREAKING studies. sure from many directions, rtood have worked to maintain Friuice Bolton Request land Star-Journal and Long In­ 7:66 Conn. State CoUaga va. Qutn- wiNP—ms several of them several times the role became seriously ill. The 35th annual exhibition of like a rock against Britain and the hand was played in a match 17, N.Y. land Frans. The Preea contlnuea niptac . :0U Nawa. WaU Street When one finally got nipped, de­ Timothy Lytlkainen, son of as a great nation. He said he is for the Buropean championship. lyrlght, 116$ Appearing on TV 10:60 Tonight at ity Place ;16 Showcaaa Jo will have had only nine re- the Hartford Society of Women Mr. and Mrs. Gunnar Lytikalnen the United States in the Brussels beginning to worry whether De On Pupils Today to pubUab ita non-city editlona for 1:00 Sian Off ;4b fx>well Thnma, livery .stopped, Yashiro askeil the hienrmle by the time the diow goes Painters is at the Wadsworth quarrel. Gaulle is more Interested in short You expect Intemationaliata to Gener Featurea Oorp» ■uburban Long lolond. w n c—lilt :00 SbowcoM post office to send his mall to a of Rt. 87, has enrolled in St. come up with the right answer. Forty membeni of the Manches­ 8:0(j Nawa. Sporta and Waatbar -.00 The World Toalght an. She is maiJorlng in theater at Atheneum now through Feb. 10. Vincent’s College, Latrobe, Pa. as But the Western Alliance’s cold term prosperity for France thsm The printers are asking an $18- 8:80 Financial Report ;S0 ShowcoM neighbor’s house, but that request tbs Unlvenity of OonnecUout, tak- “BJllzir of Love" with Ferruccio war has only begun. The board of education tmdght You’ve seen It by now, haven't n-weOk wage booat over preetrike ter H l^ School Instruotora of the 8:86 Old. Borrowed A Blue was turned down. a freshman. long term “free world solidarity will consider a request that Bol­ youT U 00 News Tagllavinl will be presented by the and security." aoalea of $141 weekly tor day Handioapped (lOH) Club -wUl ap­ Arthur E. Landry of Old WilU ton’s ninth graders be allowed to Bast miut oveitoka the first work. The publiahera say the two- Connecticut Opera Association mantle Rd. has been promoted to WASHINGTON (AP) — Some pear on the Brad Davis Show on Feb. 9 at 8:15 pjn. in the Bushnell Democratic members of the Sen­ attend school In Manchester tor an club trick with the,ace of clubs. EI1STUIOO year wage demand, plus fringe New Many Wsor the position of general foreman of additional year. Then he leads the queen of clube. Hartford Channel 8 Saturday at Memorial. the extruding and cabling depart­ ate Foreign Relations Committee neneflta asked by the prlntera, The second in the "Family Ad­ expressed belief today that a Three Accidents The boEuxI in previous acUon de­ When West shows out. Bast leads would coat them $87 a man per 6:30 pm . FALSE TEETH ments at the Brand Rex Division cided to end the privilege at the a third club for West to . Andy OriHUh In The teen-agere are attempting DOLLAR SALE! ventures In Music” sponsored by strong Aticmtic partnership can week and offered a $10 weekly American Enka Oorp. Landry close of the present school year. Down one. "No Time For Sm-geanta^ package over two yean. to raise $60,000 to buy a special With Little W orry the Julius Hartt School of Music Joined the company in 1955 and is be formed without France. Blamed on Skids Sil6 F JL WE’RE PROUD o f OUR H l-H RECORD will be Sunday at 4 p.m. in the They called the French veto of The Bolton school boiud wants It When the hand was actuEilly in Cleveland, Ohio, ■ where the outdoor walk-in pool for the han­ IM, talk, Uush or in n u without a graduate of Norwich Free Acad­ extended th ro u ^ the 1968-64 school played, Bast played a low club Plain Dealer and the Press A dicapped youngstera whom they HIGH FIDELITY to the interests of our patrons fear of luMcuie falM teeth r I (> N' "In the last seven or eight i animal on the highway he placed are not without resources to press delivery driven on the two pa- Smith dipped a blanket around SEE years London's smoke has been I it In the trunk and proceeded to ahead with the development of a most stopped. Roy was shaken up S T A T E i n v iM m s______but did not require medical treat- pen. his automobile e n ^ e to keep It reduced about one third,” he said.' find someplace to dispose of It. strong Atlantic partnership." ,Si:.->wn Al 6:10-8:40 The Teamsters, reportedly are warm and forgfot to toll his wife *a7t?cWaeTaa»a*’^e ta a s T risAsciAt laetiTUTieiT .00 The smoke added to the natural Noise from the back of the car “ Anybody can reconsider a mis­ menL Both vehicles had extensive CURRENT ANNUAL front end damage imd had to be Local Stocks near a settlement of their con­ about it. fog In past years created an awe­ convinced Contos the bobcat had take,” said Sen. Wayne Morse, D- W 9INS WHERE tract dispute, of which wages and Mrs. Smith was driving the car DIVIDEND ON ^ 0 7 sA4ain Xnm m tt J C tfe C Larsen's some London smog. only been .stunned and was still Ore. “I hope De daulla will. If towed away. THE OTHER BIO INSURED SAVINGS Herbert R. Maher, 18, of 89 Hen­ working Improvements were the when the overwarm e n ^ e Ignit­ BRANCH OFFICE, ROUTE 81, COVENTRY HARDWARE, INC. Sir Keith congratulated Holbom very much alive. Police, consult­ he does not, the alternative may Quotattoas Fnmlabed by ONES LEAVE OPPl main Issues. ed the blanket Just as she reached on becoming a smoke-free bor­ ed on the matter, inserted an ex­ be Just to let the general go It ry St., was unhurt In a 5:15 acci­ JUST Si Depot Square, Manch eater Coburn Mlddlebrook, ln& In the guild contract dispute, a major Intersection. Three fire ough. It is (ui offense there dent when his car slid out of con­ Phone S49-6274 tension from the car’s exhaust alone in his defenses. Bank Stocks ^"''^Swring'^SnlEony "the big Issue Is now money, pumpers, two 1(X) • foot aerial Price — for anyone to bum raw coal in i into the trunk, asphyxiating the "We don’t need to stay in Eu­ trol on an Icy downgrade on Por­ Bid Asked Qninn As Barahbaa and that has yet to come up,” trucks. No. 1 rescue squad and MON..TUES..FRIDAY When You Buy One At Regular an open grata. unwelcome passenger. •rope to protect the U nit^ States. ter St and struck a utility pole Conn. Bank and Trust Also Silvana/Mangane Cleveland Mayor Ralph S. Locner the acting deputy chief were dis­ Fvtra Hmire open till s p.m. a glancing blow. The im pact Ca ...... 68. 67 Teohnlcoior Teohnirama aald after a four-hour bargaining patched to the scene. t A M Q H U U I O THURSDAY $ AJO. to 8 PAP I^W ED . CLOSED AT NOON swung the car completely around. Hartford National Statrta Sonday e -OmOT" and Of Salammbo^’ ' sesalon, which he . claimed dls- Damage to the auto was esti­ Tha Eux:ldent ooourred east of Bank suid Trunt Co. 66H 60^ poeed of some lesser Issues. mated at $25. Wyllls S tT he pole was splintered Fire Insurance Oompanlea FAMOUS NAME Buy a sweater at regular prlaa, on one side. The vehicle, with left Htfd. Fire ...... 78H 78H 4 front damage, was towed away. National Fire ...... 126 184 iniEiiniBHBnMiRsiifluin^ Shortly after 11:30 last night, Phoenix Fire ...... 126 134 get another in same price elasi^ Now VALIANT prices start Robert E. Maguire, 20, of 164 Life and Indemnity Ins. Cos. Tanner St, while driving north­ Aetna CTasualty___ 86 94 Manoheater Beglstered Norsaa^ Aasodaflon Presents The bound on Woodbtidga St., north of Aetna Ufe ...... 131 189 or lower, for just $1JI0. Jordt St., lost control of bis car SHIRTS Conn. General ...... 137 146 IMNOHESTER (NMMUMTY PUYERS GREAT MIDWINTER as it skidded on a patch of Ice, Htfd. Steam Boiler 115 123 went off the west side of the road Travelers ...... 168 176 • BROADCLOTHS * OXFORDS and snapped a utility pole. The car Pnbllo UvUIUea ‘THE PLEASURE OF MS OOEPANT then spun around in the opposite Conn. Light Power 32 84 REG. $4.25 and $5.00 direction, coming to rest 60 feet Htfd. Electric Ught Mreetor: PHILIP L. BURGESS G n A TOPCOAT north of the impact. Maguire was New ...... 41H 44H not injured but the entire front of Hartford Qaa Co. . 70 the car w u anmshed and K had Southern New Ebigland Thursday, Friday, Saturday nmmmiGS E S E N T. FOR $1 JO to be towed away. Telephone ...... 60 84 January 31, February 1, 2 Maaafactnring Oompanles Curtain Tiine—8:30 P.M, Now! Outstanding New Savings From Every Departmeat! You'll Find the Fill AIXi Your Home Faru.s,ilng Needa Bight Away—At Thrilling Low 3 for *10 From a special group of topcoats, buy one Arrow, Hart, Heg. . 66 71 Neweat In Sultea and Occasional Pieces. . .S m ^ Floor Covering. . . Prioeal Associated Spring . 15 17 Fhinoas Make AppUanoea . . . All At Extremely WMHiwIifie Savlnga. at $59 or $69—GET ANOTHER (in the Bristol Brass ...... 11 12H WHITON AUDITORIUM same price class or lower) FOR JUST Public Records Dunham Bush ...... 6)4 7)4 NORTH MAIN STRBBT $1.00. E m -H a rt...... SO 64 WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS FOR EVERY DIME YOU SPEND Warrantee Deeds Fafnir ...... 45 49 Donation $1.25—Benefit of Scholarship Fund Greenwood Inc. of Manchester Ideal Flay For The Whole FaaoUy : N. B. Machine ...... 22 MH OAST: Edwin Oniver, Bfre. Alfuy GEwdet, ITililp llnsenl, than they did last year. to Louis A. Riopel and Lillian R. North and Judd .... 14H 16)4 GET A PAIR OF Harry JeaUns, Jo Ridimoad, Robert W ah i^ Gerard Benrret Riopel of Ektst Hampton, property Stanlsy Worka .... 17H 1»V4 GET A PAIR OF SHOES at 46 Foster S t Veeder-Root ...... 47 61 Home Traders Exchange Inc. of The above quotations are not to Manchester to Richard L. Patten be construed as actual markets and Elinor A. Patten of Coventry, FOR $1 JO property at 33 Mather St •MUM SMELLS UKB A PBAB PANTS FOR ’1.00 Qiiitolalm Deeda TOKYO (AP) — The Chlneae Buy a pair of famous W. L. Douglas, Jar­ Louis A. Riopel of East Hamil­ Communists aay new varieties of man or Moc-About shoes, priced from ton and Merrill Thorosen of Baat chrysanthemums are among tbair Hartford to R T. G. Inc. of Gla»- revolutionary achievements. Buy 2 Pairs For $10 — $10.95—GET ANOTHER PAIR FOR tonbury, property at 215 Aduns The New China News Agency JUST $1.00. (One group only of discmi- St. reports one type that "gives off SMORGASBORD tinued styles). Chester F. Austin and Una M. the odor of pears." Chrysanthe­ Get Another Pair Austin of Mtuichester to Hulburd mums hava been cultivated in Erery Wednesday H. Austin and Jane L. Auatin of China for almost 8,000 yemw. For Just $1.00 Manchester, property at 2M BL f:30 P.M. to 8:86 P.M. Middle Tpke. Large selection— over 200 pairs In GET A HAT FOR $t N Judgment Uen every shce In this group done. Vdues Eugene Glrardin of Manchester gTAWT!=t T o m m m ALL YOU CAN EAT Buy a hat at regular price of $9.95 tgp against Caroline McOonnell of aunwisiiOE: to $8.95. $11.95—GET ANOTHER HAT FOR $1,664 Manchester, property on Bisaell St., 1196 dsunaigea and $23.50 coat Winterweight Flannels (One special group of hats only). of suH. - $ 3 . 0 0 Persoil Marriage License Dacron Blend Wash-’n-Wear Gabardines Nelson Burrowa Field Jr. of 100% Wool Gabardines B r a.l n t r s e, Maas., and Karen Cotton Cords GET A SPORT COAT No other compact at its Liouise Robbins of 27 Jarvis Rd., Feb. 9, Church of the AsaumpUon. CONN. GOLF LAND Pleated and Plain Fronts James Avery Wiley of 60 Camp- FOR $1 JO field Rd. and Mayfa Smith Briggs ROUTE 83—TALCOTTVILLB > Continentals and Spikes For Those Of 158 S. Main St.. Feb. 14, Center From a spetdal group of summer and win­ Congregational Church. Who Prefer Tight Fitting Slacks ter q>ort coats priced at $24.95, $29.95, Building Pennito Janis Labrencis, to erect one- Sizes 28 to 42 $39.95 or $42.50. BUY ONE AND GET oar garage at 148 Branford St. ANOTHER FOR JUST $1.00 (in the same $900. Not All Styles and Colors In Every Size price class or lower). H. C. Hutchinson and Son for M0H.-SAT. n i. SI-MAIL I LET'S HAVE Sizes 35 to 46. Regulars, Shorts, Longs Richard Didan, to alter one room USN IVI. AT Silt Small Charge For Alterations on seomid floor of dwelling at M Wsd. Mol. o41 : ^ . mm. el 2tM lA PARTY! ( Bolton S t, $250. FWnniia Neon for Arnold Landa- STUNNING COLONIAL TWILL bury, leasee, to erect sign at lllH Center St., $61. Enjoy Your GET A SUIT FOR SUO Femmla Neon of Colonial Coin desmers, to erect roof sign Party Here OPEN STOCK MAPLE BEDROOM PIECES From a special group of Summer and Win­ at 176 Spruce St., $275. Choose from a 8 drawer dresser base, twin poster 1 ^ an(l night table, 4 drawer chest, attractive Colonial deluxe ter suits. Buy one at $49.95, $59.95, $69.95 F re d ^ c k AnnuUl for Frederick Take our word for it, jouT enjoy ihoie big-party Choice of Any Piece Work Pants or $79.95 (many with two pants)—GET Is so completely restyled. and Dorothy AnnuUl, to aHar two- bookcase headboard bed and other attractive pieces^. A dramatic Keith January Saving on authentic Early Amer­ dinners better if you reserve a private room or ANOTHER SUIT IN THE SAME PRICE family dweUbtg at 211 MaH S t, ican Mai^e I Carefully built and detailed; 'with antique brass hardware, many more expensive details. Choose a TAN-GREEN-GRAY $ 8 ,000 . large table here. We can accommt^te pi^ es of C3L,ASS (or lower) FOR JUST $1.00. ^'Your Authorizad PI)(mouth-Valiant Oaalar’t Warranty single piece, make up a' two or three piece ensemble to suit your own requirements. Roomy, with generous drawer W Valiant offers the first big change in compacts AwartI WlaniBC M nital a n aisM f REG. $3.98 Sizes 35 to 46. Regulars, Longs, Shorts againat defects In materjal and workmanship on IM l OUtL 'S'UfcfUFUUS storage capacity, ideal for the maeter bedroom, the child’s room or guest room! ...change that hundreds of new Valiant owners cars has been axpandod to Include parts raplacamsnt Mmi^TImm. eves. Tel. MI 8-1416 For Reservations ■ ‘ ^ or repair, without charga for rsqulr^ parts or labor, BRIIX3EPORT (AP) — The Oidi. a I# laL 2ad leL liberal Keith Budget Terms, Open An Account! Macover every dayl Prices that start lower than for S ysara or 30,000 mllsi, whichever comae first, on proeeoutlan, Ha 14-yaar-old kay 4i»,M0, 4J0 IJaifiO. tJ$ Or If You Prefer: and big bonus in beauty. . . plus 33 tha angina block, head and Internal parts; transmlsalon witneaa having identified Hariia Fri-Sot. r ■ " list year a case and Internal parts (excluding manual elutch)i MiUer aa the man who kidnaped A80, AM. ifiO 4fi0, IJM, lAO SUNDAY JDINNBB8 SERVED •pecial value features. . . all combine to make torque converter, drive shaft, univsrsal Joints (axelud- and raped her after strangling her Wad. Matlaea OPEN FOR Instead' of a second suit—take s topcoat Ing dust covers), rear axle and diffsrantlal, and roar UNOONtoSPJE. CHOOSG FROM OUR Valiant the best all-around compact that wheal bearings, provided tha vahicis h ^ been serviced mother, resumed its firat degree 4.00. IJ6. I jM AI$2jM in the same price claee or lower—FOR at reasonable Intervals according to the Ftymouth- murder case againat the Noewalk Sat. Motiaaa THURSDAY Sizes 30 to 42. JUST $1.00. anybody has come up with yeti Vallant Certified Car Care sohadulas. handyman today. ifi0.4J0,4fi0 lfi0.8J$.lA$ l>OUR CRRDIT PLANS, E i t p i t h F i i v n i t u r r Gail SUlan toM a huahad court la erdortaf ^ nwU fdoMa give n u , SMALL CHARGE FOR ALTERATIONS room yaaterday ttiat K was tha $1- 2 oHonwIa Aaieet of deton ■FOCMPFOB (1) WMBoy Regular Charga a (4a^o^Ea^l eevelase. AVEY’S MVEETMOOD* yearrold inner wbp brought ter­ (S) so, eOygO-Day d-PaymeBt Charga Plaa III") M A IN 5T. MANCHESTER ror and death to her home in MAIL •RBIRSIHW (8) Up To Two Yeora To Pay MANCHESTER PLYMOUTH, Inc. Weetport last Nov. 12. The elender Seed'Clweb let (4) Yomif HonwinakerB Loy-Away Junior high aobool student wae BUSHMILL MIMORIAL 9 P.M. • Oppofiite the Barnard Junior High School-at School 8L ; ROUTE 83—TOLLAND TURNPIKE, TALCOTTVILLE oalm and composed during h«r HprlfarM 14, Cfitn^ teaUmooy.

I h 4 MANCHESTEB EVENING HERALD. HANCHESTBR, qONN, WEDNESDAY; JANUARY 80, 1968 Kill>K»E8TBR EVMimfO HiatALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 30, 1969 Grsham, Andover; Mrs. Joanne lidUle^em on Farrar and dau^^er, South, Make PolUical Activity R i^ oomptoto. the omsus on thie op- ed, to put such a program on a oroft OWp., Host Hostferd. w m a Windham; Mia. Blanche Webster, pobotod day, and that osslstanoa permanent, full-time basis-requires Gift Given LePage Pitkiii Rd., Vernon; William Newest €hiircli guMt LePage is employed at ngs SOHOOL Cturrter UnitM Ndmed hod .bo«n oftarod by Tsmple Beth a conridcrobly hes'vter expanse. Pratt and Whitney. Bridges, Shsrry Circle, Tolland; Kiolam. and dthw non-counell The oommlttM hopes that before to Address Mrs. Francis Miller, 13 River St.; Apply to All, Says Turkington Now in G iim cil At K of C Party Leo Colburn was toastmaster. A ,m «nbov churchoa. long it will nave a complete re­ supper committee Included JomM Mrs. Lioreibta Hauptman, Love­ Before Croupes Petition Tiled The Boy. K. l^ n a r Rook, pastor port, and be oesured of sufficient land Hill Rd.; Mark and Michael Rapublloan dirMtor Harold-, A .f d«nt o^«oii ola,*imld t&l* mdimiiig m># PradbytMtaai OhurOh- o f Roland LoPage, 407 Parker St, Holmes, WllUam Mazur and Frank 0 of TMnity Cdvonont Ohurrii, gavo financial sim oi’t ■<> they con look Lorola. GOP tiincoln Day Dinner Salisbury, 88 Prospect SL Turkington sold hwt night that thot tsMban may porttotpota In MWh^bastar joliiod tho M tohah oi^ was honored at a testimonial din­ V tbs aUaeaa for Better Oov-fwottM ha tha oxocutlva hood e i Vkt a rsnort oh d Ohimlalncy nommlt- for a qunhfied chaplain for the PnbUo Records town omployM shouldn’t ^.foriud-^ town pot^ioa, ouch oa holonglilg to Oriineit of Oburriiaa dt a obuiiril hospital. ner Monday night at the K of C Warrantee Deeds: Douglas W. imment to Moncheeter eeeure Oto town. too, which ho hoods. Ha sold that WATOB THE ONE WHO RMsrvattons for the Saturday den portlcipaUon In town poUtloa town oommittaea, ol. program was bring mode toward TIm voItM of the eounoh to mem­ Home. He Is a post grand knight IMraot 8««*y-Browa, form«r^ and Margaret D. St. John to Er­ MOO Onoturea tltdy are Mektof By tha tlina tha patition to suh- moating Monday digMt at Urnon- SQUEAKS! OgafNasinaa from the 2nd event are still available. Tickets BO long as board of education em­ HMy nbt run for'oCtkia. WOMEN sponsoring a tall-timo chaplain at ber churches and delegates, os well of Campbell Council, K of C. More BANTIY nest E. and Arllno M. Jacobs, Boldhging to • pottttcol party or AND m a pemoB to tovo a otaortor ro'. mlttad-to tha board at dtroeton, uol Issthoran .Church. Tha Bov. than 100 members attended the TOKYO (AP)—In their cam win be the principal may be obtained from clt8> mem­ ployee are permitted i t . Manch aster Msmbrisl Hospital. os M« signlficsnoe in Manoheater, paign te stop people from carry property off Mary Lane, Vernon; a town oommittse, a t worWng to ftotaa eemmlealQn u pototed, tlu y hewovor, tha board may sUmtty JhiBM Li. Ransom, pastor, and celebration. r At h Unooln Day dinner to bers. The su b j^ coma up during dla- IBM Koypimdh Vorifiort ■ay find that a eommiialon ’ koa iMvo appointed a charter revUion Mot on churohoo have boon heard was discussed. Suggeetlons were Ing knives and piriola, Tokyo po Football Dinner Set Nichols R. and Frances H. Daum ousslcn of personnel nuen for town ge t ou^ .the veto ta r s, party "to iBWOonpleto ^ ttaro# driegoitoa, roprobontad tha I>r. Jean-Louis Hebert past MM BVb. • a t 7 pjD. a t the to Osvaldo and Amelia Bertl, Olroady boon appdtatod; - oommisslon. from, ho added, but to date a ma­ mode as to how towiispeople might lice ore utilizing a new godge ;;. i; y. •• The annual dlxmer o f the V er­ employes. . - their light oa « otUxen," he soU. Control I ^ mI Sortor ComiNli jo rity a rt w illing to support such be mode more aware of the work grand knight, presented LePage BWCtoit Liegion Horae by the He- property oft Hartl Dr.; Center De­ . But added the teaebsM ore John' Romian, 108 Folknor Dr., The diroctora mat infomiaUy FM obytorion Church. that works like a mine detector i : i:i . M il,: OoimnlUee. non Midget Football Lieague will leral M on^or' Richard Mar­ ehalrmoa gf the eittoona group, f .Tha Rov. AlSK H. IBleeeeef, pas­ a pragrain financtolly. of the council. with a oombi nation barometer- Called a knife detector, the de be at the State Armory on Weat velopment Inc. to U * R Housing Mpposed to use dUcratlon to suoh IBM 088.088-077-08B IBM S j^ n ifi P 9 ^ to r . lost night and msnttoaad aevsnl k Af 106 Orove St, tin, in explaining the aource of a ■aid the gitMp hopw to have tho Items which ibould be ebnsidorad tor of Community Baptist Church, ' For ssvarol months last year The Rov. Harold C. Burden, in­ thermometer on behalf of the vice looks like a small transistor Jill- I I,’ St. at 6:30 pun. Saturday. John Corp., property at Vernon Center activity. council. 1!^ tanner U.8. oonsreanMut. wlU Heights; 'Tower Marts Interna­ number o f rules whlRead Herald Advs. Players on both the Midget forbidding town employes from personnsl dirMtor and a poaoMe Boturaa, he ooid. DougUui Hayea, Tunnel Rd. D. Smith to John and Martha mediation board. IBM 1401 Cwnpotor IBM 1401 computer- Tha revirion oommlaalon ooukt ^3ia;toaai committee, at a meet- Pioneers and Pony Bronco’s will taking part in political activity In The eitlxetu group woata a be .guests and will be presented Aneilo, property off Rt. 83. Anotbar. item on toot night’a Proframminf Proframminf also oonrider such proposals os ^MwlSIbiiday, voted to Increaae Manchester.' •, •hortor reviaton oommlaalon to that from tho cittoons group. with warm-up jackets. Director iWklnjgrtoh said then agenda wa4r Uw pieposod tagulo- at oommlttee membeta from Vernon news Is handled by The tlon for waiter and oewer ssieas IBM Aptitudo Tootinf—Froo ■tody tho poaatbUlty of roplaetng A ny ravislons proposod by > ta. arcoordins to George Ma> Tickets are available to par­ that the board of education em­ ents of players ai>d the general Herald’s Rockville Bureau, 5 W, Toastmaster ments. M preaait qratam of gpremmaat such a oommlaalon oould be put be­ committee chairman. Main St,, telephone TRemont Andrew Anoaldi, Manchester ployes should also be forbidden to Martin said tha tegutotton puta with adtotrtet r apraaentatlve aya- fore town oioetoirs to a spaotol rsT* ipidDllc from Ken Rich, 8 Cedar take port In political actl'vlty.- TUITION LOANS AVAILAMtl . ' tem. Tha preamt ayatam provtdaa lUUaUy. It waa teconunutded SL, Rockville, or MelA^ Gallup 5-8186 or MItcheD 9-6787. contractor and 1m t president of into writing what has been the orendum, to which 16 por oont at . the dues be inereoaed from $1 Town Counsel Irving Arimscn FREE FLACEMENT SERVICE fty ntoa toraotera oleotad at largo the oloctorate would have to give Country Lane, Vernon, or from the board of fire commissioners of custom in the depottmento on a recommendation that was asked ’Turkington whether he in­ assessments. who to turn oloet tholr eholnnan. their approval to voildato the re- any coach or league official. tended to say that the rd ll^ on IIM E9UIFMENT ON FREMtSiS or mayor, and appoint a genorol because it was felt this RAFOA to Meet Coast Guard Halts the South Manchester Fire Dis­ He objected to a. propoaal from virions. 'Gr the revisions oould bo M create somerwhat o f a hard- town emplojw should be rsadnd- Dlreotor David B ai^ to rsfer the Day CliaaMO 8:80 A.M. to 12:80 PJB. m d..l to B manager oa the executive head of RAFCA Chapter of the New trict prior to consolidation with ed . ; > prosentad to the eieotorato in a for younger or older mem- regulation to the fieoct charter re- Eveiiinf CbusoM Mon.*Wed. and TnM.«Thun. the town. rsforendum hold at the oomo tlms England Family Campers Associa­ Missionary Ship the Town of Manchester, will be ’Turkingtoh said yes, that ttnm of the town committee, Ma- tion w ill meet at 2:30 p.m. Sun­ 'vlsloa commission' ta r Study, The 8:30 to 9:30 / The eitlaena orant a oouncO as a loeal or national alectlon to said. toastmaster for the 9th annual employee should be -permitted to regulation Should ha adopted now, ■m piatog repraaontatlvoa Bnm 19M. Than, only a otoq>Ie day, St the Lottie Fisk Memorial Ladies Night dinner-dance of the take pfirt In somd poUOcol activity. W rite For Free Booklet or CWI 89B-9188' He said the increase in dues will Building. James Lynch, president, L08 ANGELES (API — Tho and changed toter, U neoessory, the fiva diatrleta, and a fUU-tlma Jority at the vote would b# nood- tenable the committee to reduce a Coast Guard has halted a mis­ Town Fire Department. "I think a laae bit of political he said. mayor, alactod by the paepla, who od to voridato the roTlrions. The Romantic will report on the recent council The event, to be held Saturday, activity on the port of town em­ PLUS SCHOOL of BUSINESS 'deficit InciuTed during the last meeting in Holden, Mass. The sionary band’s plan to sail to Haiti The dlrehtora' la H eentoder R Feb. 9, at the Garden Grove off ployes doesn’t do a hit of barm,” at the FSb. 5 meeting. 721 MAIN STREET, HARTFORD. CONN, ilectkma, and also w ill start to location of the NEFCA’s Spring by declaring its 101-foot home­ ild up funds for the coming town made boat unseaworthy. Keeney St, starting at 6:30, is un- he said, and added they will do it A third itoin on,the agendo, the Otbar Sohools Safari, and RAFCA’s commit­ der the chairmanship of Frank anyway. proposed rcKwhStrootlon o f many city dectlona this year. ments, w ill also be announced. But the Rev. Howard A. Smith, nootoo. FarHoad, Bioliia, PMvldeiMa and New Bavoa 2 Churches Skating Report Maharan said tte names of those leader of the crew of nine adults Schelbenpflug. Martin said he bad ipade the roads In town, woa dUpooad at Silk Toile Members are reminded that dues A steak dinner will be followed ruling only on town employes be­ with a Itaitln to find Dinted to t w o committees are payable at this time. Parents and three children, said he'll ap­ fed with recommending nom- peal ’Tuesday’s ruling to higher by dancing to the music of the cause "I’m not reapensible for out the oost of profeaslonal advioa Aid Cubans are asked to bring materials so Du Baldo Bros, orchestra what the employes of the board of on a study at tha town’s needs, ^ Qstiolons for borii elections will be their children can make Valen­ Coast Guard authorities. ^!!|knnounced later. Already named Tickets are on sale at all fire- educatioh do, whereas L am of ths -As many os 40 to 60 roods tines for the Newington Home Smith, 61. is pastor of the Cal­ others.” North Methodiot and Cantar P r in t o these committees ore Cenuth- housea and reservations deadline is might be Involved, said Moyor Congregational Churchoa arairtan- for Crippled Children. Anyone in­ vary Church of the F\ill Gospel, a William H. Curtis, superlnten- Francia Mahoney. ^ ITS, for town electicm candidates, 250-member offshoot of the late Wednesday, Feb. 6. A special com­ nlng to old the rooettlenwnt of two terested in family camping is wel­ mittee meeting w ill be held on that ^ lad Lsither Trouton, for city elec- come to attend the meeting. Aimee Semple McPherson’s Four- Cuban fom lllM in Monobooter ^Brion candidates. qiiare Gospel organization, at Wil­ date at 7 p.m. at tho Pine S t READING aoon. Bach of tha cburchea wlU f-'A Maharan alim reported that the Legion Notes firehouse. Weathor pormitting. good skoit- is a dressup that A scrap paper drive, for the mington, Calif. ooeume full reoponolblllty for one taig hours a t all three pork de- oommittM wtU be faced with "I made a trip to Haiti t Voters 8worn will be postponed until the fol­ built tho vessel. Cash donations of W oody’s, 755; Four Upsets, 718; The national P A R program covets reading comprehonaUm o a f ; XSght new voters took the eleo- Four Dimces, 698. o f Churchoa, plane loads o f these tor Springs - Pork from 8 ;80 to lowing Simday. $25,(XX) went for cedar planking, REGULAR HOURS INCONVENIENT? Our Manehatlw •pood, outlining, notetaking, listening, phonics. Vocabuls^ dork . oath Wednesday at the flrst marine plywood, two diesel en­ H igh single, SchendeTs, 125; sec­ people ore being brought to many Thirty-five veterans of the two office It open every Thursday evening from Ai30 f M . equipment, eomeru and fUma. Im prove etudy habita an4 eklUo. American ctlies, where they may The Ice skating areas at Canter’s seeaton o f 1963. World Wars or the Korean War gines and other materials and ond, Clippers, 117. Thoueonds of etudente oerosa the U. 8. have proven the effeo*. v^ou r of the eight were Democrats, to 9 P M . and Saturdays Until noon. begin life anew. opens afternoons at 8, and a t 1:80 Thi# fa a lovely very new print that are sdieduled to become members equipment. tlveness at this nationwide program. at Charter OeJc and Robertoon tSiridle the remaining four were of the Rockville post at initia­ Smith said It looks like "a glori­ UNINTENDED CASUALTY North Methodlat <3iuroh win you’ll want to wear right now, even y^hnafflkated. lowm DIagMend Teottog Free Park. tion oeremonles at the Legion fied PT boat.” SUVA, Fiji (AP) — The town W rite F or Free Booklet or Call 586-91W rovide food, clothing and a i>laoe : ^ Chain Beaotloa before spring arrives. Note the long Home at 8 pun. on Monday. Coast Guard officers went council of Lautoka, F iji’s second S> live until ths family becomes sleeves and jewel neckline, the tiny A charge of following too cloee- Roy Butler, natioital executive aboard *ruesday and cited Smith largest town, put out thousands of Atornttera New YoHc Slodt bskangs PLUS READING INSTITUTE aelf-supportlng. Specific plane was lodged against Loretta committeeman of Bloomfield, wUl "fo r Inadequate and unsatisfac­ pol.soned baits for the packs of ■m M A IN S T , H ARTFO RD — PHONE S28-91M cannot be mode olnce the slxe of bow at the softly gathered waist. It 38, o f Glenwood Rd., El- head a team of ofrioers who will tory lifesaving and fire-fighting homeles.s dogs that roamed the the family will not be dfitermlned Hospital Notes ia lined and the zipi^er is in back. Sizes yesterday after ah acci- conduct the ritual. Senior Vice equipment.” streets at night, keeping the citl until a few days before arri'vel. T to 18 in turquoise tuid green. i Union St. She is due at the Commander Dick Magdefrau, Smith said his crew spent $32 zenry awake with their yelps. The church Is gathering Informa­ 'VIritiag boon ore 2 to 9 pjn. 19 Rockville session cf Cir- membership chairman of the post, for 11 new life Jackets and $36.75 Mayor R. B. Ingleton headed tion about available apartmenta, for oil oreoa, eoreept matoinlQr> J 3 ^ t Court 12. reports any eligible veteran may to refill the present two fire ex­ the dog-killing campaign. clothing, possible empl03rment fo r when they ore 2 to 4 pjn. and Patrolman Robert Kjellquiat ra­ join this class of candidates by tinguishers and buy four more. At midnight on the second night, the man of the family and a Span­ 6:80 to 8 pjn.. sad prlvoto roono, ted that the Brahm vehicle was returning his application to the ’The plan Is for Smith to retmu Mayor Ingleton heard a scratch­ Famous Foods ish Interpreter. Anyone wishing to where they ore 10 oJix to 8 pun. iveUng east when it struck the post before Monday. from Haiti In two months and for ing at his front door and let In assist may call the church office Viritors ore reqiwted not to NEW IDEA ABOUT ROUNDNESS of a car driven by William Girl Scout Advice the crew to be replaced there In his own pet dog. It looked up at HEARTY NEWEN&LAND STYL| mornings. moke in patient’s room. No more Wcykowskl, 59, of 34 Park PI. The On Jan. 21 Mrs. Ralph Goodale, about a year. the mayor, then fell dead at his Center Congregational Church than two visitors a t one tfane per “PRIVATE LIFE” by TRU BALANCE Wcykowski car was in turn push- district adviser for the Connecti­ "We’re a faith-operating feet. CLAM CHOWDER lle a e e . 29c hoe asked fpr a fomUy of not patient. into the rear at another car, cut Valley Girl Scout Council, will group,” he said. The campaign killed 200 strays. more than five, Including a moth­ to turn left onto FTos- visit at the home of Mrs. Joseph HSH CHOWDER lle a e o s 29c er, father and three children. ADMITTED TESTBSIDAY: ct St., driven by Donald J. Wal- Yon have 86«n it in Vogue, thia new look of delicately rounded curves. It’t McManus, 8 Crown St., to discuss Clothing and furniture Is being Beth Sands, 10 Gem Dr., Rock'vllle; oe, 35, o f N ew Britain. Timothy Whiting, 12 Lydall St.; the new fashion silhouette achieved via this givable bra of Helanca(R) troop problems with all interested FOOD ^2 ^ STORES CORN CHOWDER u - . e e . 25c collected, and a volimteer Is need­ ESdwln Lavitt of Upper Butcher Miss Moranret Zorskls, 92 Htl- Girl Scout leaders. ed to hoqse. the fam ily until a auit- stretch nylon lace that oomea to life on you . . . gives you a look so natu­ Emington, a passenger in the Ctib SOS W E FEATURE DiCT DELIGHT DIETETIC FOODS Hord S t; Daniel Roiola, WiUiman- rally beautiful. The bra holda jrou a tittle . . . mol^ you a little . . . pleases car, complained of Injur- able apartment Is found. The tic; Mrs. Jane Glenney, 81 Strick­ An appeal for aduK participa­ SNOW’S MINCED CLAMS churdi office may be colled tor jrou a lot. It truly gives you the comfortable feeling that you’re not wear­ AJso complaining of injuries tion on committees covering four land S t; Mrs. Ruth Rcumey, Elost Wicykowski. THURSDAY ONLY! 7IA St. can 29c further Information. Hartford; Mrs. Mary Jane Lyons, ing a bra at all. For lounging, sleeping, gardening, golfing, bowling, shop­ projects planned by Cub Scout Thle is not the first time either To Hear Mrs. Miller Pack 221 at Lake St. School, has MY-T-FINE 10 Blaine Dr., Rodcvllle; Frank ping, driving, or whatever. (Why not?) This pretty bit of beauty comes A communion breakfast, spoo- Tobin's "First Priso" CENTER CUT Vermont Maid church has aided the resettlement Clark, 58 Pine St.; Jefitaey An- been madb by Roger Clark, pack MANHATTAN CLAM CHOWDER...... 15 o*. 29c of refugees. The Rev. John E. Poet, in black and white. Two cups A-B and €-D will fit all sizes 32 to 40. "'Aoired by the Ladies of the Sacred master. drosS, W applng; Mrs. M eta Anmi, iiHeort, has been scheduled for PUDDING SYRUP former pastor of North Methodlat Andover; Kenneth and Stephan Clark said the assistance — e WELSH RAREBIT ...... 10«/i oz. 33c Church, ^>onBored a fam ily o f jll:16 sjm., Feh. 10, at the Par- pecially males, but also open to York, Wambig;, Paul Courey, ONLY .dkh Center, Rt. 30, Vernon, after Dutoh*Indone8iana,'-«B - did Center women and retired persons — it PORK 4 For 41c 12 Oz. Rot 31c Wapplng; David B x t r , 19 Clyde ^ ffa s s . Congregational Church. Methodist Rd.; James Lyner,\ W applng; Miss needed to handle work on a blue CHICKEN of tho 8EA Men ^xmsored a family, and the S p ^ e r a t the event w ill be and gold dinner on Feb. 28, a rac­ c TIDY HOME Dolores York, 81 Spnioe St; Mrs. Ross Miller, West Hartford, church added Its support to aid a Mary Blssell, 804 School St.; ing derby involving "spaoe vehi­ lb UGHT MEAT TUNA Hungarian man. member of the New Slngland cles” made by the scouts (to be CREAM OF RICE EHLERS LUNCH BAOS Charles Anezis. 95 W. Middle littee of the National Ldtur- CHOPS The former refugeee sponsored Tpke.; Nicholas WUhulm, 8. Grove held sometime In May and June), by the Manohester churchee have al Conference. Parish women a picnic in June, and a contingent St., Rockville; Miss Sharon Jodh- LIMIT 8 LBS. PER69 CUSTOMER CEREAL Ground Block Peppar 80 Pock 2 5 c Family Size 4 9 c been self-supporting for years, and DUld make reservations as Imsen, 41 Jarvis Rd.; Earle from the pack which will travel have assisted other members of as possible. Tickets may to Hartford in May to participate Everett, 168 S. Main St; Soott obtained after aB Masses this their families to come to the Unit­ Hampton, 200 E. MOln St, Rock­ tal exhibitions by area Cub Scouts. 18 Ox. Pkg.. 43c 1 Oz. Tin 2 F or 29c ed States. ..^unday. Gbaicman of ths break- Ihose who will assist are asked 'vllle; Peter Morcue, 96 School St.; ;;{bst is Mn. Ed McNichol of Iron- to contact Clark at 11 Russell I>r., HILLTOP MARKET Brian Wheeler, Montauk Dr., 'Ver­ '. wood Dr., Vernon. or William Gilroy, Washington St, NABISCO OREO CREAM LIBBY Thousand in Creche non; Steven Merovonich, 22 Ridge­ vie for 8ao4)nsea Basketball Resnlts 234 OAK STREET— Ml 9-7567 SAND W ICH field St.; Francis Zinker, Windsor , Names of 11 contestants in the Midget basketball will start at 1 ib. cello bog 4So LOHMANN’S CORNED BEEF U Os. Tin 5 5 c 'Rt>ME—In Italy, where C^hrist- Rd., R o ^ v ille . Ano-4iueen contest, part of the an- 10 a.m. Saturday at Vernon Ele­ maa. trees ore almost unknown, BIRTH YESTERDAY: A son to /^ual winter candval of the Alpine the preseplo, or creche, plays an Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stemann, 444 mentary School with a game be­ PIC K LE D BEETS 16 ox. 21e B EEF STEW 24 o«. Tin 5 3 c ■Bkl d u b , have been announced. tween Aldon Spinning and Zahn- Important Christmas role. Many W. Middle Tpke. They are: Adde Archer, MlcheUo eris. A t 11 am . the Vernon Italian families give over on en­ DISCHARGED YE8TB1RDAY: CampbeU, Sharon Ceisl, Cheryle Dancers will play Charest Esso, HARVARD BEETS 18 ox. 28o CHILI CON CARNE 151/i Ox. Tin 3 7 e tire room to the Nativity scene. Mrs. Mary HUrley, 176 Green Glodysz, Laura Granville, Joan and at 12 a.m. Vittners w ill play MAIN ST. STORE The preseplo may contain not Rd.; Miss Hazel Russell, 46 Flor­ Kemet, Sioux Llpman, Ariine Oue- Bury Shopping. RED CABBAGE li ox. 28e CORNED BEEF HASH 18>/2 Ox. Tin 4 3 c only the flgurea'of the Holy Fam­ ence St.: Mrs. (3erllnde Mothes, 87 :}ette, Ann Scheuy, and Shirley Scores from last weekend show ily and the animals of the stable, W. Main St.. Rockville; Mrs. Dor­ Sherman. ONLY but SM many as a thousand fig­ othy Chaves, 7 Oval Lane; George the first place Aldon team beat VIENNA SAUSAGE 4 Ox. Tin 2 7 c ’.^Ihe contest will take place at a CTharest, 18 bo 11. Bury Shopping ures. Bryan Jr., East Hartford; Mrs. puffe* dinner tomorrow night at outscored the Vernon Dancers, 26 Jean Batz, Ellington; Mrs. Judith Jbe American Legion Hall. Win­ to 9, and Vittners beat Zahner’s, Kitchen Charm KRFTCtfMEirS POTTED MEAT WANTS FRONT ROW SEAT Corrigan and daughter. East kers w ill be announced Friday 25 to 22. PADERBORN (AP) — The first Hartford. riH gening at the bandstand in Rock- Hospital Notes W AX PAPER WHEAT GERM S<4 Oz.Tta r s c 8 ^ Ox. Tin 2 Fi»r 41c West German visitor to the 1964 DISCHARGED TODAY,; Stei5!«i yille center. Prizes donated by lo- Admitted yesterday: Clarence SPECIALS Tokyo Olympics has left for Ja­ Trauber, Storra; Brian Wilkie, 19 ^i^al merchants will be presented, Mertcalf, Main St., Ellington; pan. Welcome PI. and the queen and her t^ra attend- Joseph Przewienda, Weat Rd.; THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY ONLY 108 F t 21c U Oz. l o r 37c LIBNER'S Heinz Stuecka, 22. pedaled off ■ M ts will be crowned at 9 p.m. The Mrs. Adeline Yankee, Kli^:Abuiy ■M.- from here (m his bicycle on the U MORE THAN TWICE 6 iig>Uc is Invited. Alpine Ski Club Ave.; Jamie Wentworth, Anthony WILD BIRD FOOD, 1 LB. BOX 69e long trip that wUI take him vim TORONTO — A qxuce tree - Jnembers, before tte crowning, Rd., Tolland; Mrs. Elizabeth Pa­ France, Spain, Africa, South foot thick weighs far more than' jd ll participate in a torchlight pa- quette, Box Mountain Rd., Bol­ INTRCJVIGNE America, the United States and twice as much a « a tree 6 Inchea gade on Fox Hill. ton; Richard Palozej, RFD 3« LOVE SEAT Canada to his destination. thick. Forestera, using special Inclement weather w ill mean Rockville; FauSto DeAlbo, Bii- FLAVORED BREAD CRUMBS. 9 o x .^ 9 . KOTEX For the sea voyages, he plana scalea, weighed 160 black spruce tponing the crowning until Sat- fieW. to hire out os an apprentice sail­ and found that 6-lnch-thtck trees sale! ly at the Kosciuszko Club, Discharged yesterday: Mark GRATED PARMESAN CH E W V Feminine Napkins er. Loaded on his Meycle ore ISO averaged 280 pounds and 12-inch- ITemon Ave., where a dance will Flucklger, Rt. 1, EUington; Wayne pounds of HigfOge. ers 1.800 pounds. nd 2 ARM CHAIRS 2 Of. |or 25e— 4 Of. jar 41(9 y 12a 2 for 89e — 24a 87c held and a buffet served. Therrien, 11 West Rd.; Mia. Betty DELSEY nSSUB 48s $1.78 DURABLE PLASTIC UPHOLSTERY 2roHs29e COLORS—BROWN, TANGERINE, GREEN HERSHEY Weedbsry S9ap luxury fabric FAMILY COCOA u s a l e Kleenex*'—*-'')*** KLEENEX $ 4 BARS FACIAL W ASH-‘CLEAN 3-Piece m27c FACIAL TISSUES H Lb. Till. 32c SIZESSe Complete e •##•••• O'* o e * l n M m w SOOe 2 3 C COATS VICTOR iTable.Server Box: 400e 2 9 C at tha GREEN RIDER M CE WO'o«oooooo6onooo«oaooo««*4«*G 580 EAST MIDDLE TURNPIKE SEA gWEFT SHRIMP MEMUM DEVEINED Q-TOAKE trimmed with genuine NEXT TO W. H. ENGLAND LUMBER CO. Just Arrived—3,000 Yards COCOA MARSH 1 Uk Pkg- F o r 3 9 e 4H Os. Tin 6 9 c AUTOMATIC DRY CLEANING 12 08. Jdr 17e FR0CT1N8 REMNANTS NIKE LIVES 22 O l. Ja r S9e WE DO EVERYTHING FOR YOU Carolina Rice Doe»n’t she know MINK! WOODCRAFT—SOLIDS—PLISSB ALL TUNA CAT FOOb ATTENDANTS ON DUTY AT ALL TIMES CREPES—BATISTE—MADEMOISELLE 2.0.29c CHUNKING she can look younger? . > u. ffc*. ,21c CHICKEN CHOW Me in , 303 t in 47e PRINTS—SATEENS 12 oo.27c ‘‘REDEEMA” • • • • caew eoemetie discovery dramatically VahMi SPECIAL WED. and THURS. to NEW! atoMMWlte aldto is just 2 wmtksl $100 (TANUARF taAl—W RH THIS COUPON FEMS CLOROX ^ FEMININE NAPKINS—12a 45e If ^ 6 years havai begvm to show . . . “Redeema” if what BOTTLES A *****<*e*tohd ongagamoM ring, grocataHy 'you’ve been Imping for. New “Rsdeema” gelee dramatically Sof+ett wool in a 3-bu+ton coat with smoothed skiii in over 80% of hundreds of cases tested. And ONE LOT^3 Yards $1.00 ato, and Uw diomonda to our praoiein Trooouro slash pocketf, topped by a wedding band o m L O Reynolds Wrap ’’Redeema'’ did it safely—-with no hormone activity. “Re- Chao* quoMy. Tiua Vatoo Priood at U K . collar of genuine mink! Black or baiga. S P O N O K / HEAVY DUTY Quarti 23 c G ale-65c deema” ia different. It’s not a greaay cream, not a surface 4 SHIRTS Fadaral tox todudad. Easy Paytoawto. masque . . - but f unique , gejee that’s greaseless, irieasant, S w a ib o 8be 41c M Ft 55c i G a l. 3 9 c K in g 8 3 c easy to use. Try it. In just 2 weeks, you 'will see how much Simply Say Charge It! LAUNDERED youngM- you really can look. »!r' AND “Redeema”, 1 oz. $5*; 2 oz. 1 NNISHED 7 0 ^ W. T. GRANT CO. DOLE KEEBLER $8.60* “Crwune EmolUa’*. . . STARLAC rich, deep moiaturizer. Perfwt 815 MAIN ST. STORE ONLY OPEN THURSDAY aid FINEAPFLE JUICF SPAGHETTI COCONUT DROPS Mwftf«8- iurg*8«ir«8 aftor” Radeema”. 2 oa. $8*. A protlocl •! M viM Pr^ducU, Im . FREE PARKING ON MAIN ST. iaqt'93c 968 M oto JM , Maarito *AH prkaa, plua tax. FRIDAY NI6HTS till I «a Oik 31c ' '.-V 1 Lh. M m . 2 | n e e ‘ 11*. Fkf. 4 9 c rh e m M I S-2741

i MANCHESTER EVENING BESjU^, HANCBESTEB, com ti, WEDNESDSr, lAifUABX M. MM MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 80, 1968 Johnaon'and tha wlvao o t moot ad B a i B o y h A Thonght fin* To4a|’ Joluistottlk) QiH abroad and the lacq ot contact certain special qualities to do a of the American bumpkin loot and the VM. aaMnat mambara, o t agents ovarsaaa. Tha number is most part, they do the same kind a oloaely guarded saoret. of worit they would do at bases with toe people by some Foreign good job at representing America. bewildered toa moment he stonped ■evaral Btato Dapartmant affldala hgr Ew In 1959, a Syracuse University out of toe United Statea. OouaeO o t Obmtcbm A t Danqe Feiithrali These overseaa Amarlcaiui help to the United States. Service officers who prefer to hob­ and avwi o t aoma JoumallaU. Aa Gliess Who Picked craste tha Imagps that ^foreign But some have different work. team headed by Harlan Cleveland, MartnMT ThoiMands help the south Viet nob with the privileged classes of now asBlstant secretary of state, WtENOK LUTE BBTinSB boatoaaea there ware Mmo Aadra Hart Jobnatita the regular aall* So AM . IE 1P.M. p a o i ^ have bf me United States. “ lU ealva with mitokhaM tha aa- IVn’ bettor or worse, they become Nam government to Its battle the foreign country. studied Americane at work over­ PARIS (AP) — The number ot TRAVEL M D nV Malraux, wtta of the French cul­ w ter thG MuoliGitii' against communists. Others serve On the other hand, the seaa and listed five of these qual­ Frenchmen owning Items such aa ffwttod word, which la ahia to AU | 0 EHCESBAY EYBNINEE f to a symbols of America to local popn- State Department’s representa­ Aatiiorixad AtMits For AB tural mlnlater, and Mma. Herva The Big City Life Danes Ctulk baa baso aOlsotad to lations tittoughout the world, as m llita^ attaches to U.B. em- ities: cars, refrlgsratOTs and vacuum ■ava your loula. But to# yo doan No Country Clod tives overseas often win praise 1. Technical skill. cleaners Increased over 1961, a re­ Rail, A ir asd SteaaMMp Alphand, who ia almoat aa much Call at a n a tio n a l famoiia aijuara Tho figuroa show that tha g n at faassisa, or as msmbers of U.S. ot tha word, and not haaron only, military asslstancs teams. for their work. 2. A dedication to work, regard­ cently published survey shows. Linaa the ambassador of Prance as h w By HAL BOYLE We have a little TSO-fmre place a danoa faat^val in dalUornla. bulk oftha repreaentetlon la mU- deceiving your own aelves.” Jamaa SHEARSON, HAMMILL & COl itary parsonnal—poaribis tha laaat to toe past few years, the In a recent report, the Commit­ less of geography. The 1962 .• figurea show 86 per huaband. The occasion— and oh, few milea out ot town, and—.” Mr. and M ra JoHnatofi w ill toava 18 Aaylum St„ Hartford NEW YORK (AP)— The menu "What do you have on It?” In­ 1:12,22. trained of all ovorseaa Amarlcans State Department’s representa­ tee on Foreign Affairs Personnel, 8. The curiosity to study another cent of families own an automo­ jras, the hubbands were present too rrlday bjr plaaa far U oatom y, I Kcfor Task Stoek! (President re-#man its offlcee and ttbtmriea In for today, dear reader, is a true- quired Mr. Metropolla forlornly. In the hearta and minds of many in tha culture of the lands tives overseas have been the butt headed by former Secretary of fellow’s way of thinking without bile, compared to 88 per cent in TaL 247-S867 Calif.) wiiara JMsaktoB will oall at 1 laai aantly that one million Americans foreign nations. Oto9 —was the official vlait to this "You mean besides my herd ot ■Incero Christiana a neodloao con­ live In. The mere praeence of such of much criticism. State Christian Herter, said the judging it bad simply because it 1961. Present esttmatM Indicate life success story with a puzzle tha AidMmar Baiett a t a aauara •UMAIK are iarving outride the United 8. Other agencies, including tha HAROLD EELLS uonnM luTKs country o f the lady known aa Mona 360 cattle?” replied Mr. Home fusion tangjos the thougtato and . Itatea. This AP Bpaotal R r i ^ largo numbere ot American trom to IMO, for example, the Brook- vast majority of government of­ is different from American think­ car Bsdes will be up appreciably at the end. dance apcnaarad bgr a nauenal UJS. Arms Ooiitrol and Disarma­ MI 9-7442 ii« i»2dvaiiM Town casually. "Not much really feellnga—a confurim which boils ^ l^ w h o they pr* and where mey may be irritating to local popula- togs tostituUon reported that some ficials abroad "are extremely de­ ing. this year. Other increases shown Qirriai iteu Usa. The puzzle is whether you can ■quara danoa ptibltoatioa “ Bato-ln* ment Agency, the Treasury Da­ —unless you count the hones I Itself down to the sge-old question U J . embawy staffs seem large voted and able public servimts; 4. A sense of politics. In the survey are; radios, 86 per Manchester Agent ...... 08.60 moo "Some people,” the Journal edi­ guess which—but first, read on: Order." partmant, and tha Department of •••••••••••• 7.78 11.00 keep for show purposes.” ot the relative importance of faith U.8. military penmmel live at enough to cause Irritation. The tn- they should be a source of pride 5. Organizational ability. cent, over 84.5 per cent; refrig­ Once upon a time—about SO Johnston is the oallsr. ever Agriculture, have partutpa 1,000 to 8.90 8.80 torialist continued, “ might think As he reached for the restau- and works. oifiy V ay STANLEY MXULICB basae to Btoupe, Cuba, tho Phllip- etltutlon also noted problems to the American people.” Not all Americans abroad have erators, 87 per cent againri 82 per years ago — two young fellows 2,000 Americana In forrign lands. E a lavish affair. The foie gras rsitt check and opened a wallet H ie Holy Scriptures leave na to be chosen from tta East to oaH ptoaa. South Korea, Turkw, and caused by the> ostentatious living Whether military or icivilian, these qualities. But enough do to cent, and vacuum cleaners, 85 per *;8 roomed in the same boarding doubt: Salvation’bomea to Ua only at this featlval whlifr Ortll attnMt % WA8HINOTON (AP) —In the In addition, the Central Intalll' overseas Americans must have wipe out forever that old image cent over 82 per cent. was followed by a filet de boeuf stuffed with $50 bills, Mr. Home other areas of the world. For the of some U.S. embassy people Read Herald AdvRC house at a Midwest university. ^1 IMh oentury, the American abroad ganca Agracy bad American Town remarked: through faith and th« Grace of Muare dancers from aboiit M ^joS^nuB a B Charolals sous kt cendre garni America was stilt in the stubborn God, by Jesua Chrlri. Whatovar Western states. JohtMtcn mdda a * was ao rare a sight ha saamad « CM — lll,l■■^^ln Pnaa Ia exclustrtly grip of the greatest depression of "You know, I envy you the cul­ 935 MAIN ST.. TEL Mi 3-5171 - OPEN 9 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. - THURSDAY FRIDAY TILL CLOSED MONDAY! m h S ^ t* tile UM oPrmbllcatioii M renaissance and concluded with works hre may perform, they are calling tour in CUifocnla laat aum* ' Ilka a country wmpkln loot in the 20th century. tural advantages you’ve gained by •U Btwa dbqiatchea ct^ ted to it or polres Mona Lisa. Accompanying living in a placc^ like New York nothing without It. Having taken mer. ■M otbarwiie credited In thla paper Times were really rough. You Him as our Saviour, however, and Em Mg city. ■ad «lao the local new* pabUshed here. this was a Chateau Gruaud-L,arose, all these years. I ’m still a country itahts ot rapablteatlon of special— could eat on 35 cents a day if you having received the great gift ot MEDIEVAL SERIES An Amarloan novelist built a 1952, and a Dom Perignon, 1955. had to. You never bought a new bumpkin. My wife and I get to PIANO and OBOAN ETUPIO oaroor on exploring the oonfUot wpetefies herein are also reserved. take in the shows and concerts the Holy Spirit, we are expected A series af 90 paintings, .eom- pair of shoelaces until the ones te use it for His great glory. As 17 OAK «T.. K AN C BE Enm r batwaao tha innocent Amarlcan sdrrioe client of N. B. The service was impeccable and a enly when we pass through here mlasioned by the National G ^ you were wearing had been brok­ James continues his epistle above: ff abroad and old, aophlaticatod BU' wonderful time was had by all. each summer on our way to Eu­ p ta b ic Society, depicts mediaval intattras. The en and knotted together in at least ” For If any be a hearer o f the ; tope, A European cartoonist drew JUlu~Ksitbaws^ lal Axencjr—New "Lavish or not. to the French rope to pick up a few modern Europe from Rome’s withdrawal four places. word, and not a doer, he Ig like at traaps from Dacia tn 974 A.D. American diplomats aa lanky, Lin- Tctfc. CMcano. Detroit and . taxpayers, we think, it was all paintings.” colnaaque, and blindfolded. lOtllBBR AUDIT BURBAD OF When the two young fellows unto a man beholding his natural to the fla rm tn canqubri M Eng­ OmCDLATIONe. graduated, one said: The two men arose, shook hands jface in a glass: F o r ^ behoideth Today the images have ohangedi well worth whatever M. Alphand and parted. land in 1060., Painstaking authen- "There’s nothing in the way of himself, and goeth his way, and Amariciana abroad are such me The Berald Prlntinf Company, Inc., put down on his expense accotmt. That is the story, dear reader. Ucatlan was mada af every 4latall . these: issomaa no financial responsibility for opportunity out here. I ’m going to I straightway forgetteth what man- in tha .pictures. nxwrapbioal errors appearlnf In ad- So, aa an American taxpayer, we Now comes the puzzle; I ner of man he iwis/’ ' ' The A ir Force pilot flying his what you get at low rartuements and other readlM matter seek fame and fortune in the big Can you guess which of these Tha project was under tha dl>. U / a i k U t d . think it worthwhile that Mrs. Ken­ city. I hear there’s a dollar to be { We cannot separate faith and ^ holtcopter over bnuh hiding Com- I a The Hanchester Brenlna Herald. two young men was,the one who rectlen af DrJ Kenneth M. Sattsn. t mpnlsta In South Viet Nam; the nedy went along with the Presi­ made there for every light on came to the big city SO yean ago works. We need to say, with Jesus, an authority ',af medieval hlstary I Display adTertisInK closlns hours; dent when he visited General de Broadway." that Father worketh and I 4 pibtty Peace Corps girl tfariilng Ihr Monday—1 p.m. Friday. to make his fortune and enjoy the at the Untvaralty af Pennsylva­ ' ohomlstry and biology In the heat Hsr Tuesday—1 p.m. IConday. Gaulle In Paris and Mr. Khrush­ The other fellow said: finer life—me or the other fellow? work.” But first we must, be sure nia. Chief srtista were Andre Nor Wednesday—1 p.m. TPesdsT. " I think I ’ll go back and settle —^t least once a week—to behold , of Ghana; the debonair diplomat nor TTrareday—1 p.n^ Wednesday. chev in Vienna. Indeed, having Think real hard. Durenceaii o t New York and sale prices that counts ripping a cocktail with a minister Ibr Friday—1 p.m. Thursday, down in my home town where our "natural face tn a glsss.” And Btrney L et^ of New Hayto, been an observer on both those oc­ ^ ia Paris. nor Saturday-1 p.m. Friday. people know me. Something’ll MODERN ART DEBUT the church is the best riaas we Classified deadline; 10:90 a.m. each casions we suggest that Mrs. Ken­ turn up sooner or later.” LONDON (AP) — For the first can turn to, to be reminded what The American abroad no longer lay of publication except Saturday — ia a rare sight. I a.m. nedy’s contribution was more Well, both these young men— time, moderr American painting manner of man—through Jesus let’s call one Mr. Home Town and Ourlst—We are. "W e have one mUllon Amerl* SEMI-ANNUAL "Price" alone doesn't mean you're getting a bargain. Ask yourself will be exhibited at the royal fruitful than the conversations of the other Mr. Metropolis—carried Rev. Arthur D. Leaker a»»«r e *rv Se lew ’ cans today serving outside the Wednesday, January SO Academy. the men-folk. out their decisions. Thirty years Buckingham Church United Statea,” President Kenne- "How is the merchandise made? Will it give me the years of enjoyment I A collection of 102 pictures by Spice for your bedroom . . . a "Now you might suppose,” con­ I later Mr. Home Town phoned Mr. Don't be a - dy said in his Dec. 17 radio-televi­ boudoir chair in floral-pat- expect? In years to come, will the store from which I purchased it still W hy N«t? Metropolis and said, " I ’ll be In living American painters will be IN TUNE sion Interview. "There la no other FURNITURE tinued the Journal, warming into shown from Feb. 16 to March 17, temed, washable plastics I be around to service it?" For 88 years, generation after generation of Floating Bomewtiere in the nows Manhattan next PMday. How HOMESTEAD, Fla. (AF) — ; country in history that has carried its own good time and beginning about us getting together for din­ 1963, In the academy’s main gal­ Identical twlna Patricia and San­ this kind of burden.” Fabric shown in tan-and- Watkins customers have been genuinely satisfied with their investments —we have heard It somehow biit lery. to bask in Its own creative cheer, ner?" dra Clark not only look alike — ''Johnny one note" I Kennedy's rough estimate of a brown, or rose-and-purple on The collection Is not borrowed in Watkins furniture. They know they get ( I ) Fine styling, (2) Long- liaven’t managed to find It in “that by now the usefulness of la­ When Friday came, feeling he’d they think alike tea. mUUon Americans abroad in­ from galleries and private own­ white; and five small floral print ansrwhere—^there la a rather dles would be self-evident. Yet surely be stuck for the bill, Mr. Both esuned an A - minus high Safe • cludes only U.S. government per' /! lasting quality, (3) Service beyond expectation, and (4) Fair prices. I Metropolis borrowed some money ers. It was purchased by the school average and both achieved springed patterns and colors wild Mory which says that Fresl- apparently there are some who aonnel and their dependents. Per­ Why no’t come in tomorrow and see for yourself? from his wife and went to the firm of S. C. Johnson A Co. ot 12th grade test scores ef 450, Jain tha fun the Hammond Organ owners haps no,0(XI other Americans on white grounds. Makes aa dent de Oaulle has been making think otherwise. At any rate, the Racine, Wls., to show throughout ' restaurant. which made them eliglhle for find in being able ta play. There ia no such , work or study abroad,, employed excellent srift, too! fweepiiig and revolutionary pro- officials of the Internal Revenue ! He and Mr. Home Town rem­ the world "as an act of faith In Florida State University's heosrs by American firms, ' sent by ‘poeals to lOirushchev which would Service are now off by themselves inisced about old times on the American art.” program. werd as “ian*t,” fer with the instructiphs churches and relief agencies, or campus as they gulped and A SMlRltoElGstoU >tnvolve the diearmament of the wreaUing with the metaphysical M M l» «l given with the Hammond, you’ll be able to financed by American educational chewed their way through two M Aee MV pM Hty #to Auaalan European satellites and EStoMtUa ) foundatlona. question of whether tadies are use­ highballs, steaks, after dinner play the kind ef music you like the way you The government, however, ac­ tthe withdrawal o t Russian troops brandy—Mr. Home Town really ful at a meeting of busineaamen, like it. With the Hammend features such ad counts for the overwhelming per­ 'from them, the uniflcatlon of the and if so under what cdrcum- seemed to want to live it up, and centage of Americans overseaa. Mr. Metropolis felt rather sorry SltSwlZ'SnHri Take 2 years to pay ,twe Germaniee, and the withdraw­ Btances. . . . the hannonic drawerbars, selective vibrato, Twenty-eiUit federal agencies em­ for him—and coffee. FalElJmiE«pOrI/JUae dUAG ploy Americans in 127 foreign al o t the tliiited Statea military mi* QB mmmmrn gNv P4rtil *‘t«uch-respanse” percussion, you’ll be able-te "A ll this concern taout wives "How have things been going eeuntrlee luid colonise. doroe from West&n Burepe. Is not an eruption of misogynism with you?” asked Mr. Home achieve variations you never thought pos­ 1. Aa of December, the United The newscast we heard making Town. •"Helanca is the registered IM in the Revenue Service. In part it sible, The Hammond never needs tuning! Sea States had 640,407 servicemen WKh such a weird r^>ort seemed arises from the fact that some Fingering the bills in his pocket af the Heberlefn Patent Oorp.” overaeae. Another 14,000 were on io know precisely how outlandish and wondering whether they’d the world’s largest selling organ, the Ham­ sea duty or in transit to foreign smart operators have charged cover the tab, Mr. Metropolis said poets. In addition, 461,000 depen- ta d Impoeeible and ridiculous it K C BINGO mond, at Watkins tomorrow. Join the funi their wives’ expenses to business he had one child, lived in a small Every Friday Night At B P.M, ' dents of servicemen lived in for­ must sound, and made haste to when all they did was go to Miami but comfortable apartment in an Prices start at |1040, Chord Organs at $98S eign lands. The Defense Depart­ tachide the news that French gov- area where there hadn’t been a U M d o / i ment also employed 22,000 U.S. and lie on the beach; and the Gov­ KffIGHTS OF COLUMBUS HOME delivered. •nunent sources had roundly de­ knife stabbing in six months. He DRUG COMPANY olvlUans at military Installations. ernment always thinks the only said he didn’t drive a car, rode nied It, M tf they too knew how 138 MAIN STREET — MANCHESTER 2. The State Department, as of way to catch termites is to burn the subway, had a pretty good M l Ntoln St— M I t-M U laqt June 80, had 6,686 Foreign unspeakable such a thing would down everybody’s house.” job and hoped if he could hold it Service officers working in em- Student’s desk from the new ke. Now the Journal has begun mak­ to 66 to be able to save enough to basries and consulates. version of the Old Ipswich But we wouldn't be surprised if retire and move back to his own 8. The Agency for Internation­ solid maple group. It has ing Its point, and indulges in some old home town. a name of our readers, now that we al development employed 8,969 philosophical weaving around It. "And what about you?” he then tochniciane, many of mem epeclal- big 42 X 18-inch top and four have put the rough outlines of this "There is something more.” H asked. Ista In agriculture rmd education, drawers. Colonial thumbnail Mattress ■uppoaed deal down in type, would observes. "The new IRS-sponsored "Oh, I've got seven kids, said . X;, for its foreign missions, as of laat drawer and top edges; scroll­ have the same limtlnctive reaction Mr. Home Town. “ I Invested in a June 80. law and the regulations it is now transportation company that did ed bracket base. The ever we had when we heard it. A 4. The Peace Oorpe, as of last spawning reflect some deep-seated |20 million last year. But, of Dec. 5, jhad 8,458 volunteers serv- popular thumb-back Windsor with a secret provides What would be so foolish about attitudes in our political folklore. course, that’s not my main inter­ kig in the underdeveloped lands chair (right) is used through­ est.’ ’ •t? "First of all, there Is the Puri­ ot Africa. Asia, and Latin Amerl- out the home as well as a desk! Why would It be ridiculous? “ What is your main interest?” Plan ahead tanical attitude that business ia asked Mr. Metropolis. chair. Satin black with gold you with better rest Why should it automatically be business, pleasure is pleasure and "Oh, I ’d say it probably was stenciliiig. Pick a jumho sofa from 4 styles! .denied? banking." never the twain should meet. A ployed 1,84 American citizens to More refreshing, relaxing tlumbar than you tver And what other kind of scheme, "How big is your bank?” ■ .-.s >:<. man having lunch at New York’s ',.'V m'ay tell, does anybody have for "Which one? I ’ve got four.’’ dreamed possible for $39.90 . . . because these mat­ Stork Club or Chicago's Pump “ What do you do in the way of . the settlement of the problems In 1. Colonial Wing 3. Slimline Modern tresses have an exclusive Eclipse feature usually Room cannot possibly be doing a hobby?’ ’ asked Mr. Metropolis. lih: .M'.illiuit viiini'ii found in their $59.00 to $79.00 bedding. It preventa Europe, and the restoration of "Oh, I’d say maybe its farming. ■ .x-:. '■X:' p'’ y ' anything useful; he must be en­ ^ ' X-- 2. Skirted Traditional 4. Tufted Modern edge sag, gives you Vi more sleeping Murface, assure* European stability and normalcy? ’M f i ' V '- ' K X 149. joying himself and thua defraud­ How rise can there be any final correct firmness I ing the Government. Since having *■ * TRAVEL •etaemant o t ths Worid W ar n a lady present ahviously Increases ■ dx X \p J ' nphsAVSl in B u r ^ , except by the the enjoyment. It must ipso facto R. E. WANDELL EXPOSITION Msftrsss or withdrawal o t bath American and — Increase the fraud. . . . Is yours a large room ? Like big com­ Box Spring Rusaian aeeiq>ying forces, and the "What is involved h«:e is a fun­ Building : S' ; fort? Need more seating? Then reunifloaition o t Germany? damental misunderstanding o f there’s a sofa here for you. They’re So, if this is what Prealdent d« how the worid's work gets done. Contractor m% FEB. all jumbo sizes . . . styles to go with 39®® Oaulle is trying ta get, why, in­ In the real world it la done not all decorating schemes . . . with stead of being condemned and only at formal meetings but when Residential>Comm«rcial chairs to match. The Colonial wing treated as if he were some horri­ a life insurance salesman alpe Alferatiens-Remodeling sofa shown is 91 inches long, and, like ble traitor, isn’t he being saluted, cocktails at a neighborhood party, all pieces in this group, has genuine for being the only statesman of when an ambassador nibbles caviar **Bu8ine8s Built On 3 ^ 9 foam latex rubber seat cushions. real vision and common sense in at a Soviet reception, when news­ Customer Satisfaction** the picture today? In addition there are: an 84-inch paper reporters eat high ait a Wal­ Full Insurance Coveragre iBROADIXARmORVl crescent-shaped traditional model And, although the French gov­ dorf dinner. .X" MfRintRPytONII. ernment makes haste te deny this TeL MI 4-0450 with lined and weighted kick pleats; "Fortunately,” concluded the present awful rumor, is it not After 5:00 P.M. ^ ’ x- 88-inch slimline Danish modem with Journal editorial, "the ladies under­ true, just the same, that President stand this: the League of Women 82 BALDWIN KOAD round, tapered legs; a 92-inch modem de Gaulle has many times Indicated c ? that borrow deep biscuit tufting from Voters serves tea and cookies to For big family dining his belief that just such steps are the speaker come te explain the the past for a comfortable, distin­ necessary to any possible liquida­ Matching chairs mysteries of the Common Market. guished look in a sleek off-the-floor tion o t the cold war? And we suspect that if Mr. Cap­ design. And, we repeat, how else can lin acorns them too much in his 7 pc Daystrom Group 119. ’These low prices include custom cov­ World W ar n ever be liquidated W H E E ! W A T E R ’S forthcoming regulations he will V. . ’ ■’f'■' rh. ’.St' and EJurope told to begin living a ering in your choice of fabrics! get an Inkling of what it la that HOT--HOT... AJ^D niia MMce Smart new Daystrom gtyUng from its California fac­ 79. normal life? hell' hath no fury like.” ■Aisle’ Weil, it is par for the course, in j T H E R E ’S A L O T I tory ! Time honored Daystrom quality: Plastic U N D E R The Journal’s serious plea for a aur times, when the precise thing the top to balahce the Dayiitromite non-mar top; pre­ j Uttle common sense about expense that might be the only thing that I [PGRAD vents warping,’ peeling. The 86 x 48” Lindenwood accounts was no less effective for makes sense is treated a« if it | Nowl For only a grained top M^tida to a big 86 x 60 inches. Chip- having been presented with wit were the one thing which has to ' resistant bronze Coloramic legs. Six foam-plump^ and imagination and som^ obvious day for water be automatically and unanimously oversize chairs included. delight, on the part of tm writer, for a ll—-all the time! rated as unspeakable and tmpossl- Watkins in the frisky way his own mind We. was leading him on. To give one I f you Uva in a typical horae, But the faint posslbUity, the Budget Terms reader’s reaction, we proclaim our­ you eould easily run out o f hot Last of lingering chance that de Gaulle sssssssiF- Oval braids for that selves convinced, and ready to do water several times a week. 10% Down; up to 2 may be the snly statesman of our business at any winter spa and in Now you can haue a ll the hot years to pay. time who can read hlstary and any bewitching company a proper­ wafer you need o t one time for Old Ipswich know what really has to happen only a y U * m day. Think of it— oldtime look ly chaistened Internal Revenue — this is what keeps ua watching •wly a day! Service will now stand ready to « ie man, no matter how crazy Tea, thanks to Mobilheat— approve. soil'd maple averybody saya he is. He may be smd an afl-ared hot water heater afoarrecteapacity—your family Em aane one. DOG n GOOD SHOT eon take care of oti their washing CUNEO, Italy (A P ) — Giusepps needs at one time. The popular open stock Old Ipswich Maple you’ve The Joy Of Writing Dutto, 34, set out happily for a Meat can do the family wash, known for years is being replaced with an entire^ day’s hunt. But his eager hunting K s can do the diriue at the same Occasionally, in some partial dog got in the first and last sh(S new version of this Early American style. So, if you Junior takes his bath, of the day. Dutto put both the dog time Award and reward to our readers you ^ o y a shower. want to fill in your present group, don’t delay. Or, if f w their patience with eur dull- and gun in the back seat of his you want an entire bedroom of this charming furni­ car. The dog’s foot touched the Daai’t delay—phono na today. we Ulm U preait them trigger, and. Dutto was shot Vnid out how aaay it ia to Bwitdi ture, choose tomorrow at these special price* . . . WMh a aampla of editorial writing thnxigh the thigh. to a Mohilhaahdbrad water heat» and while our limited quantity remains. In addition la which iha Joy of witting trl- How long has Kb^h f^ytw im spefit m iiimm to the pieces sketched, there’s a dresser baa# ■iu|dia over ttw topic and thua, by with your 8oD? On(y y»u a n tEEch him 1IM reai^ impvHMit I k S M and mirror, single end double chest, two bodsid* ■Mining aimeat to loae it, achieves 0 IM W 6 1 '•dwraw fM» ^'i Ml 3-5135 898 Main S t 16 N. Main St. Mancbestar Paricada are rivar*ibla for doublo woerh Choico of color­ Reg. $11.95 4x6 ft. .. 10.95 Full or twin siM beds wRh paneM U . * ■ I \ ^ • I, r, « n '*'Uuii(»‘H ful hit-or-ml** mixturo* with Brown, Groan or Reg. $ 7.95 3x5 ft. .. 7.29 headbosrds, low foot rails, $84.91. AV 301-315 C m Iw St. CREATING A BETTER TOMORRGW GY M E L P i U G A H R A t o Bolgo prodondnating. One of tho bo*t looking Reg. $ 4.49 2x4 ft. .. 4.19 ideees are soundly mad* e f sOttd iM h rug* or Ht kind for tho pricol Reg. $ 3.69 2x3 ft. .. 3.29 mairilc In nutmeg finish. IfANCm STER.llVBNINO BSRALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 80. 1968 UAKCHESTB)Et EVEN1N6 HERALD, MANCHtmi!tt, tor* vF.v-w-v - , I-;’ -:5*( and tbs class with which the ap- A n d o ver of Manchester, who will be ad­ Bltoworth Oovell to the naw Tosm EiectloB.of oCOcto ,Wll be iboant antsrsd high school i must visor to the Andover league. Clerk’s office on R4. 0. The move and CheMer R. Woodford of Avon pate Announced Bolton iva graduated. Chairmen o f commlttoea needed to expected to be ootn|>Ieted by to- wlU give an tUuidratod talk on Ms c ;• -.r; Thiia is s $8.00 toe tor first ap- at present were appointed; Mrs. tnorrow. recent trip \a Russia. For Diploma T^t Registration Set k D m fas for retake teats Andrew VerprauSkus and Mrs. As yet, ttaara haa bean no an­ T W annuAl meeting of the Bol'i ; N o fas to required o f vet­ Francis Haines, the UN and for­ nouncement on flUing tbs vacancy it^ahes Skating Qub Applioatiaa forata arm now avail- For Cub Scouts ton CemoUry Aasoelation hga beon , i -IsThitYMirPipbkmf m erans or mambars o f the armed eign poHcy; M n . George Munson, caused by the resignation of Town set fo r Feb. 9 at 2 p.m. a t the Corn‘d abla' firom tbe fitato Diq^artmont of toroaa or thalr auxUlariea education; and Mrs. Thomas Clerk EUsworth Coveil effective Awarm Readies Snow munity HsiU. LaBiMine-Silvcratein AssoclaUs, Inc., tho DYNAMIC In­ Bduoattoo in Hartford for t^#s In general,’'the fields covered by Richard Eadto, president o f tho Birmingham, election laws. Friday. On Friday, tite first one o f the surance Agency, has made arrangbinfiiitB per­ Mr UCHABD r.f LONG ^ o ( the taU. ’nus indicates that the the teats include BngUata, mathe- PTA, sponsors of the Cub Scout Mrs. Paul P h a n ^ riil was named month, -thOra w ill be Holy Oom- wishiiig to eam a high school Many Bolton residents will take mitting drivers, in many cases, to Jeavs the AastiMi FORT PORTAL, Uganda nM munlcu in St. Mauric«.Churoh at dipknaa by sxamiwatten. Candl- dover oorreepondent, Margery part in the Skating Club fif Bol­ —Taka cut- a $6$ Uoanaa, add a and that the hunter wlU raturii atudlaa. registration o f Cito Scouts will Mrfi. WllUam P r ^ t, budget; Mrs. , w M ft double winner fi and Maas at 1:30 p.m. Mass Risk Pool and at LOWER RATES than they werwgtytalf-' for the tusks. datsa must submit thslr applica­ Andrew Gasper, Know Your Town Montandon, telephone 742-601$. ton’s fourth annual ice show Sat­ on Saturday, ;Qandlemas Oay, will at tnaaaura of effort and; aklU, and tions and a transoript of ahy high take place Friday at 7:30 p.m. at •nnuftl Hotel end R«e- urday night and Sunday afternoon Call MI 3-1156 DAY NIGHT. Rememlwfi, 'it may'he Next day, whan Young oama to RAaSOAD LIABUB booklet; Mrs. Alien Yale, publica­ b« ceW m tad at 9:80 Am. Candles ■you too can be an ateiduuit hunt- school work they have dona not the schopl. MOUTHB-OF-BABES DEPT. dnd CuUnnry Arts at Sperry's Glen. Don Brennan is to your advantage to call NOW, regardkae'of when yow^ have the tuSks extricated, he LYON, France (AP) - Railroad tions; and Mrs. Edward Yeomans, will bft blessed before the Mass you coma to tba middle found hundreds of vidturaa hpd later than Fab. 21. Don Warner and W alter Park- membership. PORT WASHINGTON, N. Y. the StfttIer>HUton Ho- direotor and Mrs. Ruth Arendt, co- am) may be obtained anytime after infinrance expires. oontotatoa are reaponaible for In Hertford. Meedor won sec- dimeter. Mrs. Althea Roberta, gen­ been eating at the carcass. ’Ik s testa will be given on bottlta thrown out of train win- ington, Blackledge Diatrict scout 'Ike next regular meeting of the j (A P )—The mother of a stx-year- OPEN 7 DAYS that. Throata wiU be blessed after >One tusk waizhad 44 poundarthe nturaday, Fab. 28, at the U.8. executives, wlU show films and provisional LW V ia slated Mon­ plftoe W illi his entry, “ Spring eral chairman, is being assiated by W n ia tiia atartiiig for dowa, the court of appeals at , old daughter waa asked by her 11 MAPLE ST. aU the Sunday Masses. other tf. This la average in llast Army Reaarva ’Training Center in opeak to the group. day, Feb. 25 at the elementary ; offspring what the word "con­ It in Flowersb" which was Eleanor Galli, Everett. Carlscm and Ski lasBons wlU bs. hsld to­ “ ••jy.buntara aoeking aoma of the Lyon has decided. AorcNte From First NsMansI Africa. Soma tuaka go to 100 West Hartford. They are scheduled LW V Note# echool. Mrs. Curt Beck, state edu­ science” meant. judge^Jliftonoet ftrtlMic in Frances Marchisio. night from 7 to 0 o’clock at ths The French national railroad Parking Lot “^ y f * * * * elephanta. A fa- pounds each, but these elephanta form 9 s.m, to S p.m., with one has been ordered to pay damages The first executive board meet­ cation-finance chairman, will be show, The first act shows a German corner of WiUiams Rd. and Rt. 4 ■jUjM Bight in the atraeta of Fort “ Well,” said the mother, "a COIN OPERATED Flnit plftos went to Kurt Rein- beer garden with Wendell -Jacobs, are now rare. hour for limoh. to a lady traveler who was hit on ing of the provisional League of guest speaker. Ik e next CKecutlve conscience is a thing inside of you WASH-’N-DBY CLEAN and 44A. PoetiU to a Jaen-Uka Land Rover Young ^ok the tusks to a dis­ chef at T raveler's' Insur- Woody Martin and Lou Block as Back from the hunt and darriring To qualify for the tests, iq>pU- the hMd by a battle in a Lyon Vfoimen voters, held at the home board will meet F ^ . 11 at the I that tells you when you are do- 16-Lb. Wash— 25c trict commiastoner'a office where railroad station. The lady was of chairman Mrs. Raymond Houle, home of Mrs. Andrew Gasper. Co„ for his "Gftla Buffet.” waiters; Betty Dsiadus, Anne Mancheeter Evening Herald Bol­ the place to h im ivory tuaka aa trophlaa. cants must bs at toast 19 years old, 1 ing something wrong." _ vdio is the Statler-Hilton ,thw were registered and stamped standing on the platform when a was attended by Mm. Errol Hor­ 8-Lb. Dry q«an —-|2 Peresluha and Eithel Carlson. as ton ooitespondent, Grace McDer­ To the north ia Murchlaoa Falla must have bean out of h l| k school Town Offloe Moved I The child Uiought this over for sfOief, won first place last year. waitresses. Appearing in a folk wiOi hla license number. bottle coming nrom a passing ner o f Mansfield, state director The selectmen are now in the a minute, and then said: mott, telephone MltOhell 3-6566. ^ r k where elephanta, hlnpoa and Thiare are only two legal ways at least one year, a Connecticut „ rooal point of his entry is a dance specialty will Phil Rob­ resldant for at least six months train hit her. She suffered two in charge of oiganizing new proccM of transferring records " I guess you’re "mostly” my call for g i r ^ a are aeen. To the aootb to ship raw ivory out of HImrt towering, fruit cake cathedral, erts, Myles Biardi, Fred Mandly, NEW STATOS SYMBOL Park iwhara praoadlng the data of application, broken veriebrae. leagues, and Mrs. John Knowiton and equipment from the home of conscience, Mommy.” .whose “stained glass” windows of BUI Arendt, Pat CaldweU, Eleanor Africa, The hunter who legally Read Herald Advs. DUBSSELDORF (A P ) — Cheese ^•l^himtB, Jabpkrda aMOt' OM alatahant can do It. Or spun sugar are lit from within by Gain, Nancy Guadano and Bally nnd . the. taataeato trea-U£nttng a four-foot fluorescent light tube. Brown. Carol O’Hara will do a Is a status symbol in West Ger­ jtoiyone'oan btay tuaka at diatrict many. This is the conclusion Uona r ^ the great p l a l i w . ^ oommlastonera' sales of tusks '' Ueador reports he spent three "Fraulien” specialty solo ’ and *?• ncroaa the anoW'Oappod t. ifiiiiiiljTili rnonths working on the entry in Scott Roberts will do an “Accordi- reached by market researchers of wbloh bawe bean conflacatad from the P*niiAl|'.|lairy OanijUti'dairy industry in ai lo- Ruwenaori Mounfaina, are the poachers or taken from elephanta hta spare time. "The cake took me solo, aselsted by Gary Jeski, Congo teaata, toeming with big poll. S ifii]^ . results; of 100 shot by the game department. ipore than 100 hours,” he adds. Jim Veitch and BUI Mickewlca^ , of idl aortii; AUk> nearby la ■ tlhe show which doses tonight The Bolton Dancers, 16 club mppv-T .Wjh school ^ b ^ t e s , 68 havs The elephant population la ' in- cheese on thrir di^dy menu. For the minvteywnmAit Park Albert, the major wild Ufa ersaatng In Bast Amca. Thera are Four Day Sale Starts Tonight... Through Saturday! .at' 10, contains nine entries and a bers, will do a waltz act. praaerve of the OongS. an estimated 25,000 in Uganda jdnlor «*ef table displaying worit The second act Is set in th4.'Ori­ people with only grade school ed­ The a n i n ^ are firotaoted in and many more In Kenya and of four elephants. . children, Sarah, 15; Eranc«i. 12; Sloesberg, DrbMe Sears, Greg 12 eontecutivc monthly Inttellmente ef $iO.M MCh. Roy, 8; and Regina, m . Sears, Mildred Arendt, Skip Mrs. Alice Boyle and family. I Young took aleng a friend oriw Arendt, Nanette Arendt, Kim is an experienced hunter, plus Staff Announced lA H i Dimr . SOME FOR EVERYBODY Leventhal, Steve Freddo, Candy three Africans used as trackers. ', WBTTHERSFIELID ( A P ) —Pon­ Caldwell, David Caldwell, Harry Xh fi liunttfig are* to-the south of dering its wealth o f material about Jenkins, Nancy Doherty, Don tho Kasinga Channel and in the For 3-Day Show ■ Oonnsctteut’s road system, the Porstrom and George Lnndberg. OVER 1000 GRANT STORES TO SERVE YOU COAST-TO-CQAST general area of Lalrea Bdward JStats Highway Department Appearing In a “ hula twist” will and George, they went into a sec- Production manager Roger I came im today t^th these atatis- he Sandra Guadano, Susan tlon that nas shoulder rh bntsh, Negro has named his staff for the ttea: Guadano, Betsy Hunter, .Robert a typical feeding_ grouni_ r for ele­ Manchester Community Players’ The stats has a road network of Arendt. Peter Mozzer,' Stanley phants. presentation of "The Pleasure of 18,806 ndlee or 37.3 feet of hlgh- Slossberg, Marcia Darwin, Carol The hunters had 375 magnum His Company.” They are, Barbara “way fo r every man, woman and Strickland, Joanne Jeski,. Alison rifles, the smallest I r .game Coleman, assistant to the director; ddM. Jacobs, David Reshicki- Richanl weapon toat can be ua< I in ele- Rick Gentiloorei state manager; i”li! V ie length o f the highway net- Reznlck and Katie Becker. phant hunting. and Mrs. Nancy Russell, business woric elves Connecticut’s 1,300,- A special guest will be Estelle, They spotted more than DO ele­ manager. .OOO vehicles 76.4 feet o f road formerly with the Ice Capades. phants tad several hippos by a The stage crew includes W il­ fm apiece BaHetln Board pond. liam Luettgens, Edwin (Julver, §§ii ig i The distribution of vehicles runs George O. Ross of Bolton Center i "But what WS didn’t know was Otis McCann, Arthur Holmes and siu: ftto 300,000 in Hartford County is among the officers of District' that there was an slsphsnt that Richard Reoknagel. Lights wlU be to 35,000 in Tolland County. 3 of the New England Selective was Isolated from the herd, and haiulled by Chris G s u d e t, and - And the high-way department Chef Roy Meador holds the he won in the culinary arts exhibit, fhe crucifixion window Breeding Association which will | near us, who apparently picked sound by Jean Allen. Working on looncluded with this thought for is one o f four on religious fliemes in this huge cathedral cake decorated in spun sugar. The parrot meet Monday at 7 p.m. at th e' our scent. He started running properties are Mrs. Dorothy Mc­ in the foreground is also made of spun sugar. (Herald photo by Satemis). o^torlng commuters: Turkey Hill School In East Granby. ch warned the herd and they Cann, Mrs. Arlene Culver,' Mrs. clearance! "When traffic concentration Xatampdded away from us,” YoungJoeephine MtUln and Mrs. Irene said. and congestion next face you dur- Morrisette; on makeup, Gloria Del­ the rush hours, remember I there’s 37.3 feet of road that’s G to /n ^ Blepbants havs excellent sense save 50% and even more on famous make apparel and furnishings for all! ls Fera, Donna Recknagel and of smell and hearing but their that somewhere in Connectieut all yours." KNOWN FOR VALUfS Tnidi Recknagel. Stage design Is sight poor. Hunters always try ft by Romr Negro, with special set iiili to get in a position where the wind is blowing away from the decor by Carolyn Janssen. elephant. Philip L. Burgess directs the Later Young and his friend play, which will be presented a big selection of ladies' famous make famous moke, long sleeve came to a clearing and spotted tomorrow, Friday and Satur­ ARTHURS day nights, at the W h 11 o n their prize—a big bull elephant “THE DRUG STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY!” Auditorium. Curtain time is at better handbags men's sport shirts 942 M A IN ST., M ANCHESTER, CORNER O P OT. JAM ES ST. with big tusks at the other edge Extra Special of the clearing. 8:30. Tke Manchester Register' slocks and skirts "We quietly maneuvered to a ed Nureee’ Association is the spon- place where we knew the wind eor of the show; all proceeds will OH SALE THURSDAY, FRIDAY L SATURDAY jiWas blowing right so he wouldn’t' . this group’s scholarship ^detect us.” • i'.' voluM to 12.98 2 oc » 5 Bargains YOUR FRIENDLY When Young got the elephant regular 4.98 to 24 GiLLtrrf broadside to him, he fired his SHOWER IN RIGHT GUARD first shot, hitting the beast Just ATLANTA, Ga. (A P ) — Mrs. regular $5 each above a leg, near the heart. Elwyn M. Settle and her dai|ghter Mostly one-of-a-kind handbags some slightly Handsomely tailored all wool skirts and DEODORANT The elephant ran off, snorting. Cunnle, feeling it was hardly falr . . . ::|H: fiP fih ilA scuffed from handling but all terrific values! slacks at 50% savings! Trim, tapered slacks Superb fabrics and tailoring in famous make shirts In Quality .,fi5lOSupir BIh The hunters and trackers chased for Laure Francea Meyer to get . . . it about three-quarters of a mile all the attention, decided to give Genuine leathers, novelty fabrics, ]>atents casual . . . slim, flare, pleat and gore skirts . . . with regular or button-down collars . . . plaids, stripes MILK OF MAGNESIA Bliiti before it collapsed. During this surprise shower for her fiance, . . . solids, plaids., tweeds, 10-18. time Young fired smother shot Alan C. Lee. and dressy styles. Shop early I and solid colors. Sizes S, M, L, XL. Reg. 49c, Walgreen, Pint Bottle. Volua 1MAS ® * into the heart and one into the The blushing Lee, startled but brain. game, opened presents remging MENSWEAR For Only...... I It is a custom -for the hunter from a mtn*slzed barbecue mlt . ' ONE LOT to cut off the coarse, stringy end ten to insect repellent spray. « M lin, MZIt S-4X tli:ni SPORT SHIRTS Values to $6.00 NOW $1.79 ’ acetate our entire stock of Shoppers' Special iiii misses' and juniors' sale of misses' sweaters tricot; ‘Eideilon* (SOX eet> ONE LOT HHH UTILITY rayon.) Laoattfana. Special group of famous maker sweaters ... wools, ban- in SWEATERS i PRICE lOOX Tib-knit i ;!! winter coats ions, bulkies, jacquards, slipons, cardigans, i men's sport coots ALL OTHER SWEATERS GREATLY REDUCED SMAVIN8 cotton; I cotton broad- novelties. Reg. 5.98-14.98. OFF cloth knit back. Smoor 2 ONE LOT—NOT ALL SIZES KIT -MZI CM! A AIATTRISS ioff h off Blue or Brown SHOES V ah m to $23.06 NOW $11.99 ZIPPO Deaignad t o aava jam dH- values to 69.98 regular 39.95 ANATOMICALLY Ian! Sea it, 'i M it todiqf. misses' sportswear coordinates SHOES Vataea to $14.96. NOW DESIGNED tot quality, uat bOlii fcir •iUH $8.39 LIGHTER Save one-half on exciting designer coats Exceptional values now on handsomely tai­ Ike erigbiel light In n,*tefaat ' i. you'd anpael j. ae!' pay ana i ill .Ihe whid lyee. Safi. tor erib alone.V JSVPSpQQMII’ right from our regular stock! Lush fleeces, A special group of sportswear tops, skirts, slacks, lored men’s sport coats, the famous labels in ALL WOOL SANITARY ^n$Mia------a- A-e_W-naaiiai ■aania NOW OPERATING I9S every garment! Pure wools and wool blends, ill imported tweeds, worsted failles, camels hair jamaicas odds and ends. i £ f NAPKINS eewtretlleg Wgh y o iih . . Boys' Popovers Reg. 98.08. NOW *4.99 COCOA ehrwme. lODouR! A # ' iin |i . . . slim and modified full silhouettes. Reg. 7.98-19.98. 2 OFT shorts, regulars and longs. Box of 12 Carries i| BRUSH <%eck pinaton atylo'ia Men's Popovers Reg. 90.06. NOW $5.79 Beg. 45o mamifaenmn guaranter.,, I aiiea 1 to 4. Pattala Ako SPRING Ererglaze«i>olkhad oottta. DOOR lavfali trian, $iaaa 1 to filL JACKETS i PRICE POCKET COMB couturier jewelry our entire stock of special group of MATS 'OKAkirOOS/ WAIHFASr POidS WINTER R EG . 10c 2 1 7 Maoblna washaUai lOOX WATCHBAND CLINIC Famous maker better costume jewelry, many hand- girls' dresses JACKETS Reg. $10.06. NOW $11.79 86 PROOF H too •ombed cottota, aoUda enfi ' fashioned pieces . . . stones, metals, tailored and housecoats atfk>aa- Comfortredt aiaaa dressy designs s(»ne matching sets. i r# WOOL BARKER'S FREE DELIVERY for childmi, toti, infimta . . . FROM 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. reg. 83-826. 2 OTT i off i off SPORT SHIRTS $,og ^ow $5.39 BLENDED We will pick up, compound and deliver 10UNCING BAST MANNS iiii ONE LOT 3.391your prescription promptly. Call os for Stock up now wbiUaaKlaia A- regulor 10.98 to 17.98 roqulor 5.98 to 12.98 WHISKEY FIFTH ■ aD your drug needs. are greater. Soft, ababd^ ■ / U 5pOrr C o o t s Vahien to $32.60. NOW $13.88 ant top quality birda^ M ' ' women's driving gloves Come choose from our complete selection of aotton. FuU $7 z 37 aiaa, ■ 3 % We’ve reduced a sparkling array of dressy and every­ AH Ragulor Sport Coots Grootfy Rodiicod beautiful duster robes . . . warm fleeces, Washable orlon knit gloves with, leather | day dresses for girls’, sizes 3 to 6x, 7 to 14 and pre- Pkg. of 6 piles and nylon quilts . . . assorted colors and ALL SUMMER DISH CLOTHS 69c palms. Assorted colors, size S, L. Reg. 2.98. 1 * 4 7 styles. Sizes 10 to 20. teen. Not every style and color in every size! III SUITS Values to $30.95. NOW *2 4 .9 9 REG. WEIGHT REG. $60.96. NEEDS DEPARTMENT NOW ___ ...... *5 5 .0 0 REG. $45.00. girls' 3-6x, 7-14, pre-teen SUITS NOW ___ $35.95 MAPER juniors', misses', petites' nylon tricot slips STERILIZER ONE LOT BAG Several styles of lovely lace frosted nylon slips by .8 bonk capaciqt winter jackets D«V*r pochn. fashion dresses Miss Youthform, white only, 32-40. ra SUITS VahMa to $60.00. NOW $23.99 I Rutt-rwistant pq P life-out rack. 2 Iwttie loops* Comparable values 5.98. A . 0 7 2 for $5 GAEARDINE Safety steam release vahrt. io ff TOPCOATS Reg. $31.98. NOW $22.99 ^off •■ly! 4*’® tabular 10.98 39.98 WOOL to famous maker slips Choose from our entire remaining stock of TOPCOATS Reg. $$835. NOW $28e99 Exciting dresaes youll wear now and on into warm winter jackets and car coats in sizes Spring! Casual and dressy styles lovely A very special group of slips by a top maker as­ ...... for all girls! Assorted styles and colors, bat PARKING in fabrics, beautiful colors and d ^ g n a ... many sorted styles and fabrics. ty q q tho M RCH Regular 6.98 value. A . 7 7 not in every size. PARKING LOT! famous labels!P-. 0 aafiyaof GOUGH SYRUP FOUMU PITCNEI BABY PABTS MEN'S kM aM tw eiL akHoraaMalo m m Heotkydfii ohMUi SHOP ■ribiaMIbMiia la!|2I*I?toCa many morn unadvertised Fair Days specials throughout the store... shop and save! Pull Over hradklSoB. apodiy------THE PAIR IS OPEN WEDNiSDAY. THURSDAY, FRIDAY NIGHTS TILL 9 — MONDAY, TUESDAY, SATURDAY, 10 A.M. to « f-M$ ^^JIIpeiCe-CORNBR OF BIRCH STREET ■4sa boale. 4 A-Si' M 7 l U i N a u ;^ ST. ak amiw

■ ‘ - Jf ’ ’f c ’



» i

M A N Y M O R I 1 , 9 , 4 I V I N 12 Of-A-KIND AT UNAOVIRTUIN • P l C t A L I O N I L O W A T R IO rx>:- P A l U L O U f l A V I N O f i PRICII W HOLE O R LEGS OF 2 IGULA2 isiiip 1 LAMB f T Y L l LAMB

J ;■# :: H !4lT|K|i ...... , 4 * 'if >> 3 f- SALT I ALL OHAIROO KLEIN- n!i»V?r SUGAR ELEOTlHO PLASTIO MiARi ptmio _ POURER, Mwm^ OR URQAS GAS ll"XirX8W"jr—(n»xlE''x8>A"i r*rr«itPEPPER « PURPGSI '.MARDNi 0 7 * SALT I KITOHIR 6 7 ' r.‘, f 67* “«•!- 0 7 BURHER 0 7 LAURORY O # » 7 SHIARS leiioppiSSSRfA" 6 7 ‘ « 7 ' RIDGE » ■ ■ tMOOTH” PEPPER SET BIBS BASKET STAND •LOOK pair HOLDER YOU OIT p ' ‘' ' LEO ROASTS '-.'’v "'V LOIN CHOPS RIB CHOPS >ssi^iiX' '. /i2^ , >! SHOULDER CHOPS SHANK ------N.' STEW m , l'>'' I BREAST "■* HANSEL LARGE fOZ. 12f«r EARLY DRAINBOARD NON- PLASTIC LARGE I PO. SHAM­ A ORETEL M Jm tt PLASTIO I SALTA • JLT^ SALAD A SHAM i t T i t r a y J L T * stick WEATHER O # HOBNAIL O # SAUOIR PEPPIR W # PRUiT ^ a v t BOTTOM O # «*T» O # ASS’T metal POO FORCASTER VASES SIT SET BOWL 0 7 I ; t u m b l e r s COAT r a c k COLORS BAKEWARE TRAY pipK MiATiD LEGS OF LA M B k ■ i i i P T l ^ i r ^ Loin Lamb Chops 9 8 i Rib Lamb Chops ■ ■ i EASY-TO-FIX _ . 5>' «s *SSW»»'4< BBL^IOBB ' >.•/ y.’AK PLASTIC I RUBBER IRONING 12 OZ. ^ BLANKET HOT 4 PC. ZIPPER SI PLASTIO S PO. Lamb Patties OVAL PLASTIC VINYL COASTERS Shoulder Lamb Chops 681 I:SHOE A BOARD PAD CRYSTAL 2 far AND PADS OR WASTE­ PLASTIO A SILICONE ^ i » g SUGAR SQUARE BOWL SET 0 7 SHOE rg IN STOR­ FREEZ u ,• . 1. BOOT SWEATER BASKET ARMOUR STAR OADDY 0 7 L COVER 0 7 POURER 0 7 BAGS COASTERS AGE BIN 6 7 ' ALL SET FOR StlW TIN a*ivA ' Lamb Shank 331 Canned Ham SPERRY AND BARNES wl ALL MEAT f i t” ,.. I LB. PKG. 'I , ' •• ■• Skinless Franks s'*"* '■ > rock Cornish Hens 51t. °» rd 69 ... S S-" V** '-'^s ; - i ' f EOWk ^ [)* fos-' I YOU QET I LB. CHOPS - STEW 4 BATH PLASTIO SI ASS'T QUEEN IRSULATID PKQ. Lamb Combination .SOOVER- M BATHTUB PLASTIC 10” BRASS THERMO- ^ Lliik Sausage ED SERV- MAT------OR ^ 4 PC. RE- CRYSTAL WASTE SPONGES K DUST PAN SIZE A SIZE TV I SHAPE OUPS 6 7 * ’ IINO DRAINBOARD A 7 0 FRIGER- A T * PRESCUT A 7 * PAPER 2 SOAP A T * A brush 6 7 ‘ TRAY S 7 ' i " t £ , . . i ...... [BOWLS W m M TRAY WJW ATORATOR SRT SET ^ " VASE BASKET DISHES SET SPONGES TABLE 88 OZ. CANS FRENI PROM OUR ON-THI-PREMISES OVENS IMPORTID ITALIAN '.... . PROGRESSO TOMATOES I Sf 8 OZ. W l p E ' I ” FAMILY SIZE PKQ. OB&lbUtWlTIjl lOE DREAM" PHILADELPHIA CREAM CHEESE i - - y ., - ^ t ' t ^ M - . . . .s -. . 41 OZ. ___ ' Ji 4>s''' ^ ■ffi-fef.:® BTL. * » l w 2uto) i f > * >.-.s'.{v}vwv. 'tf ’w n a ’^ ' v , ^ vC •> < A r i¥i«v!‘M4liWR 4 DESSERT I FOLD- ALL PURPOSI > COLORFUL 't. 2QT. ^ i-PAIR m,. ,„,.w , CERAMIO SELF- CASSEROLE j r v I WiSSOH OIL PLASTIO ^ a V A REFRIG- , I CHROME DISHES OR FOIL AVIAY ^ "RAROY LYRK " , TISSUE 0 7 ERATOR { 5 MIXING 0 7 OR 2 QT. 0 7 RUG I SHOE 67* BAKE PAN RUNNER 'DISPENSER BOTTLE RACK BOWLS SHELLS r a c k hiqr ggx MELT-A-WAY BROWN 8>/i OZ. JAR JARS ><# YELLOW 6 OZ. JAR V 4 < COFFEE PLUS SO EXTRA eULDEH’S MUSTARD




s;l-! ' c *' SaakaaM^rd ./%

1 vii' BCANCnESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CO l^., WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 80, 1068 m . ______^ ! ^ -- -. - . __ : - - • - - ^ ■' — MANCB^TBB H/mCHESTEE; CONK., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 80, 1968

South Windsor Campbell, DeboriUi McCarthy, Copsntry Katluyn MoUoy. Maty Ellen Mrt- Keeps Hope Navy Plane State N ew s O b it u a r y toy, and Barbata Sperry, tappers. Regietered Nurses owt Mandiester Evening Herald Hits Ocean, Roundup Launch RN Club Soutk Windsor correspondent, For Place in Market AOm JVidfrlok (Biff) Tfix List Up $576,735; laorm Katz, telephone Mt 4-1768. MO, it HttWord S t, king-time (Gontit-iied from Page One) ploy* at the former Bon ionl Ob. Mrs. Judd Files has been named FIGHTING WORDS tran ftg*. ObA) 14 Aboard plant; WM found dead today itt (Oj^rttaed Itact On*) provide man to ba organlMd tato chairman of the norAinatlng com­ GAFFNEY, S.C. (AP)—Two ele HEALTH CAPSULES Gov. John Dempeey, wiioee of­ hla taonoN. ' ' new air asaault dIviBiana, ugbly $20,918,870 mittee of the newly organized RN mentary school youngsters having Dr. BQbert R. Keeney, medloal Club. She and her committee will • il’ dlMiplInM «< tM itome.9DtB«- by AHcliigl A- Petti, MJD. (Oonttnoed from Page One) fice overlooks the area In v ^ o h oonfrootatkm ot U.8. mlUtoiy mobUa units which would be as­ a dlso^eement were calling eaci tjr («( US7), noUUy in k cMBston the gathering was brtd. mune examlMr, Mid that death woe due farcM " signed about 480 hellooptars ^and present a slate of officers for elec­ other names. HOW CAN VOU PREVENT A downstaln and joined the party. to notunl eauees. Ttaompoon waa tion at the next meeting of the' "You're a Yankee,” Mid one of •grlenltiu«l ptdlcy.** ly before noon to lead a surface "Dur principal concern In the Army alnlanes. nurses on Feb. 27 at Pleasant 'Val­ FUNGUS INFECTION BETWEEN found In bed In a eeoond floor yean ahead muat be the dtngen Re said the Pentagon plana S I the boys. "Evmte of Um p u t' few. weeks VOUR TOES (ATHLETEfe search. ley CluWiouse. bedroom, fully dremed, 1^ Man- of ran K3BM or subraame- substantial increase In proeora- •oraigo . “ You’re a Russian,” retorted t The search was handicapped by To Publiah hetten Mrs; Robert Ordwsy Is chair­ have shown how many people FOOT) ol^eeter police adio InveoUnted a launon^. missile attack, and the ment of Army aircraft, to m- n i 4 ndt^ Uat ahowa 118,497,880 the other. worsening weather. Scattered rain NEWTOWN (A P )— Loula Uh- nelghbora oomplolnt that nw man for ragiataring will bT from 9 a.m man of the committee to draft a throughout Europe want us to with visibility of 10 miles gave main thrust of qur Mtorto should oreaaa troop mobility and prapara .yatt 'aatata; 81,801,790 In motor The first boy thought for a mo­ termeyer announced at Ma home had not tieen seen around the until 8:80 p.m. and 7:80 until 8 constitution and by-laws; and Mrs. ment and triumphantly declared, play a full part in the creation of way to freezing rain, fog and a here today that he will puhlWi a be redirected to moot these rls- for teata of the new unlta. vahlrtaa;' and ;8810,300 paraonal p.m. Thomas Kilgore is in charge of house tor aeveiml day*. tag threats,” McNamara said in “ And you’re a Republican.” This Can! European unity,” Heath said. visibility reduced to B miles. collection of lettera he received McNamara bore down hard an Briefs publicity. Sighted near the rafts were de­ Mm. Paul W. FulU, 80 HUhard a discussion of.U.S. air defenses. two programs certain to coma W8- ' propaiiy, aoooirding to ah an- Apparently the other youngster "The governments of the five from poet Robert EYoat over a pe­ St., colled police at ‘7:80 a.m. to­ Tbs Rotary Club wiU meet at Mrs. William Yoo is serving as Hi m bris and dye marker. “ In this area we ol’e in better der oongresalanal scrutiny. nounoamant. by Aaaeasor 9ernard could think of nothing worse. 5— our eompifttt of member states apart from France, riod of 60 yean. day and iHM she hadn't seen Mr. 6;45 p.m. today at Firat Congre­ secretary pro tern. "Well, you’re a Republican, too,” Among objects picked up were a ahslpe with respect to warnhw One is the R870, the 8,000-mUe- A. Dion. About 50 nurses attended the whose peoples together number piece of insulation and part of a The Newtown poet and antholo­ Thompson since last Friday, al­ than to active defense,” he said. gational Church. Theodore Wright, He shouted. ADDING maeMaM at though W son said be had seen in • hour reoonn^asance • strike Ebtamptloha to veterans and tha first meeting. TTiey decided to submarine detection unit of a type gist who haa served aa conauttant *Jt is now generally agreed that liine which , the . Air Force wants first selectmen of Andover and a 130 million, have clearly shown in English poetry to the library him Saturday. She said she saw . bilhd^W W 1 .880, an inoraaaa of club member, will give a talk on meet each month through May and that they are amongst those who carried on the rear of the plane. the Nike-Zeus system currently g> develop. The defense seor'etary morLOW PRICES! The debris was sighted by Coast of Congreaa aaid the volume wW several newspapers at the door, 18,880 Avar laat yaar. Aaaaaaor "Good Government In Andover.”. ’ set $1.60 dues for the remainder share with us a common view of Engaged being tested would not be effec­ ajiain turned thumbs .down on that paid tha'cxampUona thla yaar Guard Plane 1316 from the Floyd be published late this year. which prompted her to call police. tive against s sophlsUcsted Dion The First Congregational I of the year. The dues are payable the Europe we want to see. There The engagement of Miss Betty- program. He said the Pantagoh ■ ar aanpUto firat to real aatata; at the Feb. 27 meeting. sun Not Too Late to Give to Bennet Field Coast Guard station The book, “Letters from Robert Mr. Thompson had told Mrs. threat in the Ute 1960a or early Church Board of Christian Educa­ I is a foundation tor friendship and Jo Knox of (Columbia to Robert E. B\ilts in recent weeks Umt he had plana only to.compjete the provt- wbaraaa in ptWviOua yaara tiiia de- tion will conduct a deasart sale In good will in the future." in Brooklyn. Lt. Paul Resnlck pi­ Frost to Louis Untermeyer,” will 1970s." ously approved development a< Dance for Benefit YOUR UNITED FUND . . . loted the Coast Guard craft. present Rcibert Frost’s views of Judd of Newington has been an­ not been feeling well for quite a duoticui Has A n t been applied to the vestry after the worship serv­ Several students from the Wap- m m e Minister Harold Macmil­ while, she said. McNamara asked tor a |346-mll- three of the planaa. personal, .properjorty, then to motor ping branch of the Jane Hart Names of those aboard the Pa­ Ufe, Untermeyer disclosed tbday. nounced by her parents, Mr. and lion authorlaatlcm to press devel­ He said, aa ha has befoca, tbat ice at II a.m. Sunday. lan, edio had staked his reputa­ tuxent plane were withheld pend­ Ui Raymond Griffin and Pa­ are appHah flnlint to real ocauta; Transferred to Maine School of Dancing will participate tion on the success of the talks, THIS IS SOMETIMES .tUFFICULT, Mrs. James Wilson Knox, Erdonl trolman Robert Psrlzeau and opment of the NIke-X> an ad­ it would cost MO blUion to develop Ithe Uat t^Ulatcs 2,422 houses ing notification of their families. the R870, and the plane weuldn t Airman 3C. John 8. Federowtes, j in the school’s annual March of was certain to face a full-scale BUT KEEPING THE SKIN Killed by Train Rd., Ckdumbia. ^ Richard SulUvan went to the vanced antimissile missile which valued 811187,360, an increase ; Dimes benefit show Feb. 10 at 7 The cutter Absecon and the suit- wopld have an Improved radar be worth the money. son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester B .' MARLOWlS attack from the opposition Labor BETWEEN THE TOES CLEAN marine Carp were sweeping the DANBURY (AP) — An eldprly Her fiance la the eon of Mr. aqd house end fouiid the body. of 48 bouaaai and 87 buainaaa and Federowici of Behoof Bt., is being [ p.m. at the Lithuanian Hall, in party against a background of AMP PRV IS IMPORTANT. area 230 mile.s southeast of New Danlniry man was killed today by Mrs. Raymond A. Judd of Newing­ Mr. Thompson, who was In his system and a speedier rocket McNamara labeled the aan- Induatrial atnicturea valued at FIRST for EVERYTHINO! oeled Skybolt mlsatle pronam a reassigned to (Siarleaton AF Sta­ Hartford. 800,000 unemployed and a stagnat- POWPER AFTER BATHING York with Instructions to report a freight train at a New Haven ton. seventies, woriced for the Bon booster. He requerted a total of , $619,805. ' They include Gall Beaupre, Ml- Main St., Manchester $480 million tor antimlasUe re- complete flop. Ha said the Sky- tion, Maine, following ‘ his gradua­ Ing economy. HELPS. every four hours—or whenever Railroad croeaing. MiM Knox la a graduate of Blast Ami Oo. for mere than 4M1 years. Ihen are 140 fewer motor ve- tion from the United States Air chell Cerrlglone, Debbie Cuther, MI 9-6221 One effect could be a scaling they sighted anything. Hartford High School and la em­ During that time be played base­ aearch and development work. bolt had the lowest accuracy, re- hlolea on the h4w Hat than were Hm Mi CapniUt fiv u h*lpfiil infonMtiM. The victim was identified liability and yield of any w eur Force technical training course for Deborah Decker, Ann Katz, (Jarol down of British military commit­ , It b not intandcd to b« ol a ttagnetfk Mtuw Search planes earlier had sight­ ployed at the EBectro-MoUve Co., ball on the Bon Ami teams as a ” I believe that the matter of HitM In 1981, but they a n val­ Free Parnell and Main Bt. Harold Hue, about 75. strategic missiles.” radar repairmen at Keesler AFB, Levesque. Deborah Lockwood, Pat Parking ments to the defense of Eiuope. ed two llferafts. debris and some WlUimantic. pitcher and rl|^t fielder. He was antimissile defense la so impor­ ued higl^- The figure ia 8l>078,- Miss. Police said the man was struck tant that we must make every He said the administration plana Raymond, Janice Rider, Joanne Trade experts said Britain ^ s dye marker. 'They continued to Mr. Judd is serving in the U.S. an avid baseball rooter and horse 466 for 8.481 vehlclee. Airman Federowlcz was trained Sanford, Karen Snow and Carol as he walked into the railroad effort to develop im effective sys­ to retain a mixed strategic forde cne path now: K fierce fight to 008 not to be downhearted but to circle overhead, directing the sur­ crossing at Maple Ave. The New Navy, stationed at C^onset Point, lover. . Hid Hit records 196 head of to tune, operate and repair radar i Waltkua, rhythm dancers; Patricia win bigger markets overseas and work harder and longer to insure face craft to the area. R. I. .. At one time in his life, when tem, even if we canitot now make of manned bombers and mlasl)es eattle'and 42 horsea. equipment and associated auxiliary Haven freight was «n route from a decisim to procure and deploy at leaat through 1968. “ Ws hava a to spur industrial growth at home that their country comes out all The Coast Guard reported scat­ Maybrook, N. Y., to the Cedar Hill An early aumnier wedding la the late J. T. Robertson was own­ > Machilnary, water power and equipment. He Is a graduate of er of the firm, Thompson drove a It,” McNamara said. total of about 660 manned bomb­ Oirough more efficiency in indus­ right in the end. tered rain showers st the scene, yards in New Haven. planned. dams are valued at 8174,616 aa W in^am High School and attend­ try and harder work all around. but visibility extended 10 miles. team of horses and carriage for Re called for an I n c r ^ e of ers on 15-mihute ground alert and . compared to 874,886 laat year. ed the University of Connecticut. Macmillan took the news with The ceiling for the hovering 16,000 men in the .A ^ y ’s perma­ over 300 opbrational Atlas, Titan One suggestion was that the characteristic calmness. Robertson. Fhnersl arrangements ■ Coramarcial furniture ia valued He entered the service in Novem­ planes was 2,000 feet. The seas Peonage Trial Opens busy highway overpass which will are being made by the Holmee nent personnel ceiling to “ orga­ and Mlnuteman mlaitilea on government propose a grouping “ I am encouraged to think,” he take hundreds of thousands of at 88Bi7w>'7arm machinery at 82,- ber 1961. of countries based on the Com­ were moderate. NEW HAVEN (AP) — Selec­ Funeral Home, 400 Main Bt. nize provisional units to test some launchers and about. 144 Polaiia - 636, mechanics’ tools at $1,106, told the House of Commons, "that The Coast Guard at first reported dollars to rebuild. new concepts." , mlasilea In aubmarlnes," Mofta- monwealth, Britain’s partners in we shall deal with this as we al­ tion of a jury began today in the Killed in the accident wefe John cables and conduits at $396,406. fifanchester Evening Herald Cov­ the European Free Trade Associ­ survivors had been seen, but later The addltien^ strength Would mara aald. . cioods of manutocturers total entry correspondent, F. Pauline ways have when we have difficul­ said only the rafts, debris and U.S. District (tourt trial of a Mid- TrudeU, 44, of Troy, NJI., father ation and any Latin American ties to face. We shall face them as dlefield chicken farmer accused of of four, who was operating' the .8118,885, compared to $03,700 last Little, telephone 742-8231. countries that want to Join. marker were sighted. FiineralB year; 34 boats are listed cut $21,- a united country.” Search planes hovered over the having kept a Mexican family in truck, and Robert L. Mayer of ] While De Gaulle's lofty snub But Laborltes were sure to peonage. Stamford, Conn., driver o f the 230; and’ 10 per cent penalties on was directed at Britain, one Im' area while the Coast Guard cutter Osgood Says Rt. 6 Project charge in Parliament that the Absecon sind two Navy destroyers David I. Shackney, 61, ia charg­ car. Charles J. Plokett personal property not declared to­ Claims by Idle mediate result was to isolate the Trubell was trapped in the Funeral servleee for Charles J. tal $300, Last year this charge austere French statesman from Macmillan government mishan­ converged toward the scene. ed with having held a M ex ico dled the Common Market negotia­ The Absecon, which had been on family of seven in peonage and flaming car of the truck. Mayer Pickett of 613 Main St. were held Wag $746. his flva Common Market part­ tried to flee the flames which en- Not on Highest Priority List Farmer’a exennpUons total Up 4 in Week ners. tions, placed Britain in a position patrol, was expected to reach the Involimtary servitude on his farm. yesterday morning at the Wat- of international embarrassment site by about noon (BIST). A federal grand jury on July 17 guifed his car but fell dead a few kins-Weet Bhnexal Home, 142 B. $125,696, compared to $147,636 the The five—West Germany, Italy, and does not know where to turn charged that Luis Humverto Oros, feet short of a snow bank, his O nter St. The Rev. Clifford O. A State Highway Department^ tlon pending deolalons in ths new previous year. Unemployment claims filed,; in The Netherlands, Belgium and clothing afire. now that its policy has been tor­ KANSAS CITY. Mo. (AP) — A 42, his wife, four daughters and a Simpson, pastor of Center Con­ official aald today that while a sssaloh of the la$islatUre, sold Os­ The aaaeaoor has expressed ap- Manchester last week totaled Luxembourg—promptly called off pedoed. sleek prop-jet airliner, coming In The flames spread to a school gregational Chiurch, officiated. ' predation for public cooperation son were held at the Shackney highway project such aa tiie pro­ good.' ^ 1.221, an Increase of four over the a meeting of Common Maiiret fi­ for a landing at Kansas a t y Mu­ bus within moments after the BVederlo 'Werner was organist. in limiting visits to tl)at office nance ministers. The session was Macmillan refused to be drawn farm against their will. The Speaker said the department number filed the previous week. ! into a personal attack on De nicipal Airport, crashed into a driver evacuated its sixth occu­ posed Rt. 6 relocatiim is termed a ' tide month to morning hours al- to have discussed the flow of Shackney immediately denied Burial was in Bhrergreen Ceme­ plans priorities of projects accord­ The number of claims filed In Gaulle, but Duncan Sandys, the dike at the end of a runway Tues­ pants and fled himself. “priority,” other proposed high­ ing to on “efficiency rating sys­ lowlnjr v^nterrupted work on the American Investments into the the charges, pleaded innocent and Police said the tank truck ap­ tery. New Haven, yesterday after­ the rtate as a whole wa“- 42,§7i, a coltmial and comntbnwealth sec­ day night, killing all eight per­ asked for a quick trial by jury. noon. The Rev. Roland Nye, pastor way construotion m the state has tem," which, he said, does not al­ aibstnici a^ternoone. Common Market area, something sons aboard. parently crashed Into an abut­ ^ d n reporta .185 change In drop of 1,010. With 6,237, Bridge­ which arouses concern in France. retary, Called the French presi­ Government and defense law­ of Edgewood Congregational been given “highest priority." ways take hito account all oonsld- dent “ a misguided man who The four-engine Continental Air­ ment of the overpass and into the “A decision such aa this (which •eeiment notices have been mailed port had the most claims of any Representatives of the five said yers began sifting through a panel compact car while bursting into Church, New Haven, officiated at eratlons^ to taM>ayen. Any appeals on the town or city in (JonnecUcut seems to think that France is Eu­ lines Viscount, had seats for 69 projects to do first) has polKlcal, The rieloioatlon of R t 6 would they canceled the meeting rath­ of about 100 prospective juror to flames. committal services. ‘ chah^ rtivr be brought before At thla time last year, claims In rope and that he is France.” passengers but carried only five. find a jury of 12, plus alternates, as well as engineering, features eliminate much of the traffic that er than give the French an open­ All that was left was a mass of The fire spread to the overpass, Delegations from the Army . the b ( ^ of tax review. the state Increaied to 48,890 from ing to launch a criticism of Amer­ Macmillan may decide to hold a at 10:30 a.m. today. buckling steel girders and wreck­ Navy Club, American Legion and to It,” said wmiaita Osgood, u - passes through Manchester with­ tangled wreckage that burned slstant chief of planning with the The Board of Tax Review will 48,432. ican business practices. national election sooner than an­ U.S. District Court Judge M. ing the pavement. State public Order of Amaranth vialted the out intentions to stop, hs said. mtot Feb. 7, and 9 from 9 a.m. ticipated to see how much popu­ fiercely for 20 minutes. highway department. 8 The rate of Insured unemploy­ British Deputy Foreign Secre­ Joseph Blumenfeld of Hartford is works department officials con­ funeral home Monday night However, the department la wait­ to 8 P-m. 4t the Town Office Bulld- ment for claims filed lose week for tary Edward Heath, who led his lar support his policies still com­ Dead, In addition to the five He was guest speaker for about passengers, were the three crew presiding at the trial. demned the overpass and said it ing for funds to begin construction tng to hear appeals. unemployment during the week of country's fight in Brussels, said mand. He is required by law to Mrs. Mary Cargo 36 members of the Manchester of the new highway, he said. members. All eight bodies were would have to be rebuilt at a cost To Seilwt Courses Jan. lS-19 rose to 5 per cent from his government will be "in the call for an election sometime be­ PLAN SERVICE OUT of hundreds of thouscinds of dol­ F’uneral services for Mrs. Mary Chamber of Commerce at the Osgood used a map of the state closeirt contact” with the five for fore October, 1964. recovered. monthly Chamber luncheon at Beginning Feb. 6, Coventry High 4.9 per cent the previous week. A The victims Included: NEW HAVEN (A P )—The de- lars. Cargo of 18 Lenox St were held showing proposed conatructlon, in­ year ago, the rate was 6 per cent. the next few days “ and then de­ Demands are expected to be Cavey’s Restaurant. cluding Interstate routes for which School, rtudmta wUl select courses Capt. Joseph William Smith, 46, preasing details of how the New yesterday afternoon a(t the Holmes of gtody .for next year. Style Show Benefits Scholarship Fund cide what should be done.” raised in some political circles TE)AM IN FRACAS Funeral Home, 400 Main St. The The highway depar^ent can the federal govrtnment pays 90 that since British goods are to be Dallas Tex., the pilot. Haven Railroad mky have to let Bach grade at the school has ENTERPRISING DANE "We shall not turn our backs First officer 8. Clark George, commuter service lapse in West­ BRIDGEPORT (AP) —Bridge- Rev. J. S. Blaney of Elastem Naza- build only the projects tor which per cent ot the ' coat, and other NAESTVBD, Denmark (AP) — on Europe or the countries of the squeezed out of Ehiropean mar­ rene Oillege, Wollaston, Mass., of­ the state legislators allocate mon­ highways for which the federal been aoujgned a day on which all Models for a fashion showavet bow, Mrs. Frederick BarretiO Other models Include Miss El- kets, there is good reason to with­ 34, Dallas. chester County, N. Y., were told p>OPt police cars escorted the Jon­ etudanta in tbat grade are to reg­ Businessman Bent EUertsen has lenmary Fogarty, Miss Kathleen European Commtuiity,” he told a Hostess Arm Lewis, 26, daughter yesterday at a U.S. District Cburt athan Law High Scliool basket- ficiated. Ekirlal was in Blast C m e- ey, he said. There is about $2 bil­ and state governments ssch om^ written to the Kremlin offering to lanned by Gibbons Assembly, ls wearing a black wool faille British television audience. draw at least some of the British tery. lion in proposed highway construc- tribute 60 per cent ister. Parents are Invited to come Catholic Ladles of Columbus, Corinors, Mrs. Herbert Carvey. of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Lewis, hearing. bail team back to Milford last build an entire power plant in the suit with black and white Chinese Mrs, John Tierney, Miss Alicia AS SEEN IN MODERN BRIDE De Gaulle was pictured as cool Army of the Rhine. The British night after a 44-41 overtime vic­ Bearers were Frederick M. to the acbool for conferences dur­ Feb. 6 at 8 p.m. at St. James’ have reserved the right to do this Abilene, Tex. Fred J. Omer, vice president in ing the school day, according to Soviet Union. All he wants in re­ silk blouse, printed with Chinese Blanchfleld, Miss Patricia Little, in the tempest that raged about tory over Bullard-Havena here Wood, Edward Swain Sr., Kingsley turn is the embalmed body of School Hall, met at Mary Cheney in case of financial emergency. Passengers: charge of operations for the New Manchester Memorial Hospital Alfred "W. BouMen, public rela- characters, and bow that pulls Mrs, Jean-Lioulse-Hebert, Hebert, SILK ORGANZA and Chantilly lace in a romantic mood for the hap­ him. He was said to be confident Mary Arm Stewart, 21, Kansas Haven, was testifying in favor of ended in a distuihatice. B. Kuhney and Nelson Kilpatrick. Josef Stalin. Library recently to browse that the storm will die quickly, Newspaper headlines summed after a Short Illness.. Uona director. through the new fiction shelf. through a split In the suit collar. Mrs. Albert Dabrowski and Mrs. piest day of your life, chapel train, Sabrina neckline, long tapered up the spirit of the nation: City. Miss Stewart was on the a request to lease 60 new passen­ Police Capt. Robert McCone He lived in Manchester IS years, ” I look at It this way,” Ellert- Urbane House. leaving the Common Market un­ Mrs. Mary Ann MoGlnley There will also be evening reg­ sen says. “ The Russians have re­ Mrs. Howard Hampton, left. Is The jacket is lined with material sleeves. 96.00 scathed. Some sources in Paris public relations staff of the People ger coaches from the Port New said an unidentified player on the coming here frbm Durham. He SELLING that matches the blouse, and her Members of a scholarship com­ “ We Fight On...."now Forward” to People program. Her parents York Authority. Milford team was injured, but did The funeral of Mrs. Mary Ann istration hours for parents who moved Stalin’s body from Lenin’s wearing a “Strawberry Parfalt” maintained that France has not ....“ Forward in Unity’’....“ Into was employed q!t Aeitna Insiurance draped, turban Is fashioned of net mittee Include Mrs. James W, Tani. live In Wichita Palls Tex. Omer let H be known that the not require medical treatment. McOinley of 21 Oak S t was held Co., Hartford, ss an unden^tOr. tomb in Red Square, so wby can’t nubby wool three-piece suit. Its chairman; Mrs. Anne CJampbell, bolted the door forever on British Battle.” overblouse is designed with a with a velvet bow. Mon. thru Sat. 10-6 P.M. Any Evening By Appointment entry; that in months or perhaps Mrs. Elmer Russell, 70, Kansas bankrupt line has already devel­ McCone said a crowd of spec­ this morning from the W. P. He wad part marter qt 'Ttirtmn I have it? I waiit to exhibit it alli Mrs. James (Tomins, Miss Irene Statesmen In the five Common City, Kan. oped a plan by which Westchester tators rushed to the gymnasium Quish Funeral Home, 235 Main W ^ .wigb to register then. over the world. Th$t should give^ round neck and cap sleeves, the Proceeds of the fashion show ?( years Britain will be admitted to Market cquntrles which had Lodge of Masons, Hartford; a and card party will benefit a SulUvan, Miss Beatrice Sweeney, Call 527-5266 the trade community. Her son, Richard, 32, Kansas commuters would be gradually de­ floor In the last two seconds of St., with a solemn high Maas of member of the Scottish and York ' Curriculum guides describing me more than enough money to semi-fitted jacket has a self bow Miss Mary Fraher and Mrs. Jo­ Thursday till 9 P.M. backed the British did not dis­ City, Kan. prived of service. play and fought with players. requiem at St. James Church. various ooursaa will be given to buy a power plant.’” tie, and the skirt Is a modified scholarship fund at St. James' The United States exerted guise their feelings. Rite Masonic Bodies; Sphinx School. Sage-Alien’s will furnish seph Hammond. Names of the other two passen­ Decrepit passenger cars would "Gangs then congregated out­ The Rev. Joseph H. McCann Temple Shrine and a former mem­ tito studanta before their registra- 'The Kremlin has made no reply A-llne. Her multi-colored floral strong diplomatic pressure behind the clothes. (Herald photo by Pinto). the British drive for membership, The Brussels debacle aroused gers were withheld until next of be removed from service one by side the building near the Mil­ was celebrant, assisted by the Rev. ber of its band, Hartford; was a tkm date, Boulden said. to the otter. pillbox hat haa a deep green vei­ and the outcome, while expected, bitter disappointment among all kin were notified. one as they became unusable, more ford bus, making it necessary (tor Eugene F. Torpey, deacon, and member of St. Mary’s Eipiacopal caused bitter disappointment in major political groups in West Ger­ R. O. Ziegler, assistant chief of and more passengers would have the policemen to break up the the Rev. Dennis R. Hussey, sub- (Jhurch, and former treasurer of Washington. many, Britain’s staunchest cham­ air traffic tor the Federal Avia­ to stand up all the way In to New gatherings,” said McCone. deacon. Mrs. Raymond Mac- Manchester Council o f Ohurrtias.' The chairman of the Senate For­ pion, and threw a cloud of doubt tion Agency here, said the plane. York City, And finally (he num­ carone was org^anist and soloist- Survivors Include his -wife, M n. eign Relations Committee, Sen. J. over the fate of the new treaty of Flight 290 from Midland, Tex., ap­ ber of station stops would be cut AUTOMATED KINDNESS Burial was to St. James’ Cemfe- Irene Atwell (Jhapin; an aunt, William Fulbright, D-Ark., called cooperation with France. proached from north to south to­ to three— Port (Chester, New Ro­ NEW YORK (AP)—A mother tery. Father Torpey read the Mrs. U. S. Eidgerton, Maqcherter, the rejection a major setback but Outside the Common Market, ward the business district, just chelle and Mount Vernon, Omer returning from Pennsylvania to committal service. and an uncle, Bdihutyl Ohopln, not a permanent defeat for pros­ Norway’s foreign minister, Hal- across the Missouri River from said. Long Island recently had to Bearers were Eklward Ander­ Ontario, Calif. pects of a unified Atlantic com­ vard Lange, called the Brussels the airport. Federal Judge Robert P. Ander­ change trains at New 'York’s Penn son, Andrew Anderson, William munity. breakdown a serious setback for “ It made a normal approach son reserved decision on the peti­ Station with just four minutes to Anderson, James Anderson, Felix High-ranking U.S. officials said the aim of European economic imtll about 80 feet above the north tion to acquire the new coaches spare. Having only 10 of the 18 Farr and Eklward Oldford. 1 PRE-INVENTORY the United States is determined and political unity and the goal of end of the nmway,” Ziegler said, under a 30-year lease and to fi­ cents change she needed to call About Town to help build a unified Europe a binding North Atlantic alliance. “ at which time it appeared to nance the venture through a bond home and announce her arrival Mrs. Sigford G. Poison despite De Gaulle’s visions of de­ level off and climb slightly. It issue. time, she dialed the operator, said F^meral services for Mrs. Chris­ The Covenant Men, Trinity ONE DAY ONLY taching the continent from Amer­ PANCAKES, NOT PILLS proceeded over the runway until she was hurrying to catch a train, tine G. ItolsMi of 447 Adams St. Covenant Church, will elect offi­ ican as well as British Influence GOLD MINE, N.C. (AP) — It it reached the south end of the GOP TO REVAMP and aaked If she could call Port were held yesterday afternoon |n cers Friday at. 6:30 p.m. at a sup­ CLEARANCE Floor models-Some with small dents or scratches ~ All brand new fully guaranteed - Prices include and erecting it as a buffer be­ takes more than getting “ took field, when the nose appeared to HARTFORD (A P)—The Repub­ Washington collect. the chaprt of Ehnanuel Lutheran per meeting at the church. tween East and West. down with a sick spell” to stop drop sharply and the aircraft dis­ lican State Central Conunittee haa The operator dialed the num' Church. The Rev. C. Henry W t'rt taking Inventory and are drastically reducing France, the U.S. authorities William Newton NcCoy, who has appeared from view behind the approved a plan under which a ber and said, “ Busy. Wouldn’t you Anderson, pastor, officiated. Fred­ The Council of Church IVomen said, can only interrupt what lives in the North Carolina hills dike.” council of party memliera will be know. You got a teen-ager?” eric Werner was organist. will have its annual meeting and from itock all winter fashions! free delivery and installation plus one full year factory service on all ports and labor - Limited Washington feels la the logical all his 103 years. I chosen to revamp the state OOP’s "I have three of them—all Bearers were Richard Trotter, election of officers tomorrow at trend of history. | Known as Uncle Billy, he re­ MORA, N.M. (AP) — An Air organization. girls,” said the mothef. "It’s Charles Trotter, Elvald ESrickson, 7:46 p.m. at (Community Baptist Robert Schaller, president of The nations of th* British Com­ cently became ill and a doctor, Force B52 jet bomber carrying Under the plan adopted at a hopeless; I have to run or I’ll Harry Thoren, Iver Carlscm and Chiu'ch. Mrs. Hooks Johnston, di­ Manchester Motor Sales, which quantities. monwealth stood to gain economi­ predicted he wouldn’t last through! six men crashed and burned in meeting last nl^ht, 390 persons will miss my train. Thanks, anyway.” Linder Carlson. rector of religious education of handles the Oldsmobile line, cally by Britain’s defeat at Brus­ the night. 1 rugged mountain country this be selected from all parts o f Con­ "What time are you due In Port The Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Center Congregational C%ur(^ haa announced the addition ot All Our Wool SKIRTS sels. It meant that they could go Saddened members of the fam-' morning about 10 miles north of necticut to form a party council Washington?” ask ^ the operator. Main St., was in charge of ar­ will, be guert speaker. Refresh­ John J. McLaughlin to his on selling their foodstuffs to the Uy who sat up late waiting for the Mora, northeast of Santa Fe. analogoua to a constitutionai con­ When the mother said, "Eight rangements. ments will be served. . salesforce. Mr. McLaughlin haa Big Family Size G-E Refrigerator-Freezer hungry British market, unhamp­ end, fell into a doze toward morn­ There was at least one survivor. vention. o’clock,” she added, "Go ahead been aaaociated with leading 6-99 Originally 8.99 to 14.98 ered by trade restrictions and tar­ ing- 1 Lt. Col. Nicholas Horanglc, an The state GOP chairman, A and make your train. I’ll keep Albert D. Cliaptn STAMPING OUT HUNGER dealers in the metropolitan G-E 220 Volt Electric Dryer iffs that British membership in the They were awakened by Uncle Air Force radar expert, parachut­ Searle Pinney of Brookfield, will trying.” Funeral services for Albeit ROME (AP) — The Food and area and has been in the auto community would have imposed. Billy, sitting up in bed calling for ed to safety. He was reported in name 100 of the council members, When the train got to Port Daniel Chapin of 80 Park 9t. will Agriculture Organization (FAO) business for more' than 30 ^Door OonsaisRM Aatomatie Defrost Prime Mini.ster John G. Diefen- his usual breakfast of bacon, eggs,' good condition at a Mora clinic. according to the plan. The other Washington, father was there to be held tomorrow at 1 p.m. at St. says 8l countires have promised years. A Manchester resident baker of Canada said no time biscuits and pancakes. j A spokesman at the clinic said 290 will TO selected by Republican meet mother. A teen-age daugh Mary’s Elpisoopal Ohui^. Burial to issue FVee.dom From Hunger since 1948, he resides at 14 should be lost in arranging Com-1 "He had seven pancakes that Horangic had no information of town committees. ter had finally got a break will be in Hillcrert Cemetery, stamps on Maroh 31. Part of the O'Leary Drive. monwealth trade discussions. ! morning,” his daughter reported. the other crew members. Bkich town will have at least one through message: "This la the Springfield, Mass. 'proceeds from the stamp sale will Lined Wool SLACKS Australian Prime Mini.ster Rob- ” He .said he needed the extra sup­ The six-engine bomber, based delegate. The larger towns will opeiator. Your mother will be In Friends may call at the Hohn^s go toward stimulating agricultur­ John McLaughlin •It G. Menzies scheduled a cabi­ at Walker Air Force Base near Port .Wetshington at eight o’clock.” Fhmeral Home, 400 Main St., to­ al production in countries where ply to get his strength back.” have one for each 3,000 votes cast recommends these cars net meeting Feb. 5 to take up Roswell, N.M. ,was on a routine tor governor in the 1962 eledtion. And ^ It w m ’t a collect call, ei­ night from 7 to 9. large percentages of the popula­ Originally 10.98 to 12.98 Diefenbaker's move for a confer­ FOSSIL UNBIABTHED training mission. A Federal Avia­ ther. Mr. Chapin died yesterday at tion are hungry. 8-49 ence. UTSUNOMIYA, Japan (AP) tion Agency radar crew said it 19 TO 28 '62 OLDSMOBILE In Communist capitals, the col­ A fossilized egg unearth^ at lost contact with the plane at HARTFORD (AP) — The State ^ Deluxe 98 HoUday Sedaa Bidluding many solid flsmnels in loden, black, camCl, brown. lapse of the plan for greater Eu­ a construotion site is at least about 5:10 d.m. The crew report­ Motor Vehicle I^partmmt’s dally 11Q97 ropean unity and the prospect of ed air turbulence in the area record of automobile fatalitlee as *62 OLDSMOBILE 20 milUoti years old, scientists B-68 StetiM Wagon the Western camp being thrown estimated Wednesday. No such shortly before the aircraft disap­ of last midnight and the totals into disarray was satisfying news. find has been reported pre­ peared. on the same date last year: A Pravda dispatch from Washing­ '62 OLDSMOBILE viously in Japan. 'liie fossil is No nuclear materials were on 1962 1963 Heavier than average? .) M ton said the United States helped F-85 Ontlaas Oenpe ■ ■ about the size of a hen’s egg. the plane, the Air Force said. Killed ...... 23 19 SW EA TER S FUR BLEND, SULKIES design the Common Market as a The wreckage was located about Utsunomlya University geolo­ Need complete girdle control? wall against communism, but that gists based their estimate of its 10,(XX) feet up on a ridge on the NAMES PESTICIDE UNIT '62 OLDSMOBILE It had turned against America. Sangre de Crlsto Mountain range. Deluxe 98 O w erttble Mmithly ^ A A WeeJdy fh: age on the earth stratum where HARTFORD (A P )—An eight- Originally 9.98 tu 12.98 Weekly Or N O M O N E Y Throughout Britain, a rallying it was found Jan. 19. They are State police reported rescue Want lightness, too? cry echoing the dark days of units had reached the scene. man committee has been created '61 OLDSMOBILE 1.50 6.50 making farther study of Its age to find out whether Connecticut World War n rose, exhorting Brit- and nature. Weather in the area was clear S-88 Convertible DOWN 12.00 but there was heavy snow on the needs more stringent laws gov­ ------IJ______erning the use of chemical pesti­ '61 OLDSMOBILE *:1 ground. cides. The missing aircraft, a four-en­ 88 4-Door Sedan The committee, named by Gov. " 'll G-E PORTABLE TV gine P3A Orion, left the Patuxent Jo)m Dempsey yesterday, is to ^mSTABLE WAIST” by NEMO* G-E UNDERCOUNTER Town Attaches Property^ River Naval Air Station in Mary­ '61 OLDSMOBILE UHF-VHF land at 7 :34 last night on anti­ submit its recommendations by 88 HoSday Sedan DRESSES DISHWASHER April 16. SPANDEX makes light of weighty problems 12 Pound G-E Automatic Washer submarine patrol and a training Dempsey named Anthony E. Bank Account, of Maguire mission. '61 OLDSMOBILE Wallace of Simsbury, former t . . sleeks you with a firm but gentle F-88 4-Door Sedan It last was heard from at 2:48 speaker of the State House of am. when it made radio contact touch. So feminine to look at, so 1 0 - 9 9 - 17-99-21-99 Tile Town of Manchester has at­•'I’the subject of a court hearing as Etepresentatlves, as committee '60 OLDSMOBILE 15 CUBIC FT. G-E CONSOLE TV tached for $10,000 the property with Patuxent. It was scheduled chairman. Wallace Is a Republi­ NO recently as two weeks ago, but no to return to Patuxent at 6 a.m. airy in hand, so free-and-easy Detaxe 98 HrtMay Sedan UHF-VHF, RECLAIMED owned by WUUam J. Maguire as a can. Originally 17.98 to 89.98 ' MONEY FREEZER 177 action was taken because Ma­ An extensive search began at wearing! And, best of all, such Step toward ending the confusion guire’s counsel, Atty. John D. La- that time by 40 Navy and Coast Others on the committee are '60 OLDSMOBILE DOWN .over his tax bills, some of which Belle, had filed a motion to with­ Prof. David M. Smith of the Yale wonderful controlling, front-to-back, 88 StnftM Wagon Itete back to 1956. Guard aircraft, the aircraft car­ School of Ftorestry; Neely Turner, draw from the case. rier Wasp, the submarine Cffrp and The town claims that Maguire, a 9 Maguire was advised to secure assistant director of the Ckxmec- side-to-side! Yet all so light, you CAR COATS Winter COATS destroyers. tlcut Agricultural Experiment OLDSMOBILE G-E AIR CONDITIONER 1 ^ 7 Ebutford resident who owns prop­ counsel. A Navy spokesman said the barely feel the firm front and 88 HoHday Sedan 18.8 CUBIC FT. erty in Manchester, owes $6,312.39 Assistant Town Counsel Arnold Station; V iliam C. Green, high­ 2 00 FREEZER 6000 BTU, RECLAIMED I / plane’s fuel would have been ex­ way department landscape engi­ 269 tn taxes dating beck as far as Klau requested the attachment on hausted by 9:30 a.m. Search back boning. White only. Ask for Styl* 17.9? to 29-99 39-9? to 79-99 Or 1056, and $1,135 in interest. Maguire’s property, to speed ac­ neer; Dr; FYanklln M. Foote, state planes spotted the life rafts and health commissioner. 1696. Also shorter skirt version - O r i(. i t M t o 1 2 t .0Ci Theae taxiss were “lawfully as- tion on the case. other objects at 9:45 a.m. MANOHESTER i.OO to 45.00 •eased taxee against the defend­ Also, James P. GalUgan, chief (Style 1695). Both, $16.95 A copy of the attariiment, filed of the fish division of the Board of ant." Um town claims, but Maguire With the town clerk yesterday, 8.00 AUTOMATIC •iaiMa they are not. UGHT8 FOR LIVES Fisheries and Game; Dr. Paul E. OLDSMOBILE G-E PORTABLE shows that three banks, the Con- ATLANTA, Ga. (AP) — The BAQB, Leader Trim. Orif., 8.98 to 16.98, NOW 6.99-9.99 WASHER Ha dalms that some ot bis prop- Waggoner, chief climatologist oi GOOD FITTING AS USUAL DISPOSALL neoUcut Bank and Trust Co., the new beacon (lashing over the At­ the Agricultural Ebeperiment Sta­ MOTOR SALES 22.00 arty la being esseaisil on a lot Hertford-National Bank and Trust lanta skyline is a Ufe-and-death BLAZE^ Flannel. Orig. 14.98.----- > ...... NOW 8.99 baM whan it Mwuld aaaeased on tion, and Dr. John R. (hittay, AT 512 WEST CENTER BT: Oo. and the Savings Bank of Man­ matter. chairman o f the plant science de­ an aereage chester, have been notified of the ■Hie “ life light” atop a bank SWiEATlilBIL Jacquard, Cardigan. Orig. 16.98 to 17.9B; OnSH THinUDAV OoUeotKm of the taxes baa been partment o f the University of Ml 9^665 action against Maguire. building sends out a green light (^nnecUcut. MIS-M11 - NOW 10.99, f AJLtotPJi; tauaging fire ainoo 1956, because of As agents of Maguire, they too to show no one has been killed in 713 Moin St. '*— 8|>P«ala made by Maguire OPEN EVENINGS SERVICE will have to appear in Hartford a traffic accident in Atlanta with­ CRASH KILLS TWO « r ' •t the mliiig of tne board of Court of Common Pleao March 5 pjbiCAB^ Nrlott. Orte. 0 ^ ...... N O W 8J9 n u B P a n o K * in the preceding 24 hours. SAUGUS, Maaa . . ______to dleckMe whether he or they When a deetih occurs, the bea CORSET SHOP M l 9 -9 1 2 3 MRU fiery crash o f a gaaoline truck Manchester a^OOBr have in their pomemhoa con flashes red 34 boiira ai Glazier’s STORE tor and a compact car haa takan. the m NAIN B7B£NT—MANCHESTER ttiM Ixtaig to 4te town. a (rtni remMer ot Um tragedy. Uvaa ot two man and ndnad a Read HoiMd Adm J , i ,

/■ IIANGHRSTBB EVENING HEBAIJ), BIANCHESTER, CONN.. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 80, 1968 PAGE V X B T I ^ - .fOUBTESBO? MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNE^AT, JANUARY 80, 1968 ■ ■ - ■ ■ '.Ml Tuckad Boauty ManeheBtar Parhmde Storaa SPORTS BY ROUSON OUH BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLB Babjr U Bing ar <)aeaa Look Wka* Ite WBI Bagr A saluU and a wocm waloom# to Dlacovar tor yourabtf Uu Anwe Bargains the new biUby comes from the In­ aiita a Mma has at GRAND W AY fant#’ Dopartmsnt o f W. T. Grant Groooty aadtfoa. Stopla o a f COMPANY, where pad’ll find ape- ury items, uaafiBjr pelced ciala on all the easenUal# and the more, are groups aa * ' m a d ,WHAT W iLLt 5A/1 i jvwfra listed by \! luxury turns to keep that precious tbU TEN CENT BAL_. _ ,____ TO THB MADAM WH»N ) IANnAUSU_T--.BAAPr newoomer in the pink of thriving maker^i drfiam for a (une.vSktp TiMtirt.) coai(|ltkm whether sleeping, awake, into GRAND W AT during thfnext •Mralilugf eating or being "aired” . To name few days surely. With nie tooney • MUtan NATWALUYIx -'I As LAIHO 0FTH& T* • -*liwriN— aiMaM Juat one featured item, a CRIB you cave, why not ^urgh'ion a THBOUN AND MA’TTRESS is 819.88 during VALBNTINB party, ooe|qpleto A»# W E N T O F F piTBSEMt Hert wiirrt lOPUfUe ACCIOENrAU.V% APOTTEt)FEPtN AND U A M M O m k infradiant this sale. Sterilizers and compleU with Um greetlnga, the gala props ^f?BQDe«t SOMBTEAAND uSli(auffis) Other Store* Around Toum LAYE’TTES plus all the acceeso- and the g ii^ li«e those ImsMed MbSiMi iTMi^aarlitapan ■ III Afaih Stremt Storaa Qulek*AndTpke: Waal; haa 44 VA- Even if a virus haa you feeling quality wrap-ups and should bb with ’Tbited Bubble Bath, U tor DOCl. VASE TO (50 WITH S S T o lM iy eaia SlDiipanioiiata , 4tUnaalMaki ^ Uka J ^ aL y w o rk main floor o f Watkina haa Juid surrounded by finest NURSERY 98c. Make ymm ewn "bed of reeee" )NIAMMBER,A ooma a VenoUaaut ylaaaadaaa bird |lIllAO THINS IN ADPITION TO ' eeartaor tMr* tTBand 41 Balia walar Take home an assortment to ber "CAKE BOX BAKERY." Mrs. Infants’ Department 'with money­ SALE ^ c e d , plus all the other »Blaek(lk.) 4IWaaad TCBi, who peoYMai all tha pol* and------a--- graceful------vale, vaia, IlSAIlSAO, O , i------ao eol- *^‘^**‘ PER . plaasa Uddies and grown-ups Hazel Clement has a talent and a saving and work-saving merchan­ striped and aoUd-oolored shaeis. .VIIHATUCCAME IN TO Blf/!) foKAY,WRAP^ Ifhaa, BtoOiaa, hfuahaa. It’a an MARK and SWEDEN are aah-; thinking up new cake ideas. Using now that D A C R O N -F O X E D J n ^ b la boy to maka aoma OPEN 24 hours a day to dispense 1^ . traya ao handaomo and alagantly cheer and warmth and goMwill /the same pure, wholesome in­ ‘Knitter's World’ OOMFOR’TBRS are 86.99 and ^eaty 'tor. bbOUU by doing a oraftad to pleaae a "him" or a around the clock. Enjoy "MR. gredients you do, she turns out 87.99 In a glorious selection ot good Job. Larry and Paula Dunn ha've s "har.” From FINLAND to wal-, AW MAV DONUT’ blend COFFEE in your yummy desserts from her kitchen- opened up a happy world for knit­ decorator prlnta Instinctively come that now baby la aS-pe; feed­ own home now that it la. available type range, just as you would do ters and have christened their new you’U be humming "In her Easter If you aava yagatalNa cooking ing art 16.76 (cup, pMte, cereal in your own home. Bake with your Bonnet” ee you catch sight of the liquid, ba aura to within a by-the-poimd. shop, "KNTTTEIR’S WORD D” , aaiumHiNKW bowl). Coffee muga that wiUaarva flrst Anger right hand, when you stocked with a complete line of GIRLS’ SPRING DRESSES, IJ day ar twa, ftafrigarata It, of dial Mitchell 3-9379, the "CAKE bursting forth tn Easter egg «BnUNBk«* souraa, In a ooverad container. up ataaming aoup aa wall, 6SA0, Note to new co(>ka: Keep white yarrs and related accessories anhancad with aportlng motif (akt, ae well as black pepper on hand. BOX BAKERY," open ’Tuesday to Here they will BLOCK your fin­ colors, sugared end sweetened f «G** golf, flahlng) ara dacorattva and Uea the. white pepper in a light- Saturday 10-6 and ’Thursday to 9 with lace and pinmforee. aiOMiaola Sijpping muahrooma in lemon JUNE ished garment, make BUTTON' /.7& uaaful. Start a ooUactlon. For tha colored dish when you don’t want p.m. OPEN SUNDAY ’TO NOON. HOLES and put FINISHING de­ 4iOii|iiitoa K biiMra cooking halpa to If butter and margarine wrap­ HlliMWrriiB them wbiia in color. pra>L«ntaA wadding or abowar, grains of black pepper to show. tails on your hand-knit apparel A L L Y OOP BY V. T. HAMLIN aSniMvalM you'U find traya from NORWAY, If the Date Has Been Set pers are saved, they can be u s^ Professional instruction will be for greasing pans. MAtOilipiMt lewal-toned enamel on atatnlaaa. FeeDng Bomantio or Patriotic? Then it’s time to plan the Wed­ available. Widen your horizon with MDmtM You A m Ninrei Alone Whatever your mood, there is a ding Reception and ElANO*S BRING ME \ ALU WHERE ARE TM (SaKie 1D THE THATS RIGHT No naad to faal bewildered, Jjl4. For Iha brida'a goIng.away a visit to "KNITTER’S WORUT TKCAUPH18 I T O U e O IK IS ? WHAT RBCONNOITER PRAGON? CARNIVAL BYDHX^^IkNER trip, a HANDBAG of U ^T H E R , February holiday to match it, so FIERTAURANT merits your top- Serving fried shrimp as an ap­ H0R9G/ J ARE \CXJ GO(NQ TH' ENEM Y/ when you urgently require ca- of-the-list attention, when it petizer? You can keep them hot MseBtttn hand-crafted, hand-tooled' In your don’t hesitate to entertain just be- If the butter tray in your re­ nable advice and aaaiatBnce re- oauee draperies seem dingy, the comes to a gracious setting in the In a slow oven tor at least fifteen gutUnf Rhanctal mattera. CON- (dioloe of design, 6M>M. Tha wal­ 8103 frigerator’s butter-keeper does minutes. let la |10. Tha sipparad-top clutch, slipcovers drab and party dress spacious banquet area, which can flBCfnOUT BANK AND TRUST be nicely partitioned if you wish, lO-M not have a cover, improvise one IFWM I6.BS. Allow two weeks for da- limp. Telephone your Invitations 80 the butter will not take on the tOTMtlAka COMPANY, with Ita qualifled then let "MARTINIZING ” the for the privacy of your smaller penonnal and ita dlvenrifled de* Uvary. BapaciaUy for 8L Valen­ group. Whatever you plsm. In the Gentle tucking on the waist flavor of other foods being stbreX The Inquirer SlittMa tine’s Day there airs ORKETINa ONE HOUR DRY (XEANING front adds a smart note to this 4 M m partmenbi can amooth your way, plant# at 20 Ekist Center Street way of refreshments, dainty or •ANMk i^ n it boiM to LOANS, MORT- CARDS to spall out your santl- hearty, PIANO’S RESTAURANT slim young beauty. The standaway menta eloquently, phia delightful and 299 West Middle Tpke. take collar is new and youthful. OAOBS, planning your BJ8TATB, over your work for you. The, min­ is equipped and experienced to • Mwl providing for your RETIRB- JEWELRY, the Butterfly pinaand handle all the details beautifully. No. 8108 with Patt-O-Rama Is from Waatem Oarmany earringa ute your back is turned, capable In sizes 10 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Bust IIIENT, guaranteeing your finan­ hands go to work for you, ^clean­ Why not plan to come for lunch­ cial PKACK-OF-MIND. You are and apray plna of spun gold. So eon or dinner soon and look over 81 to 40, Size 12, 82 biut, 8% yards ing, treating and breathing new of 86-lnch. Special l-S* invited to come and talk with one much to see, eo much beauty to the setting. OPEN SUNDAY absorb, YOUR QIBT GALLERY life into your garment# and house­ To order, send 40c In coins to: ^■ tb9 offioera. hold Mceasories. ALL WORK IS THROUGH SATURDAY. Satur­ OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS INVITES YOU. day evenings are especially gala Sue Burnett, ’The Manchester Eve­ O N E SIZE DQNE DN THE PREMISES ning Herald, 1160 AVE. OF Scrub thoae anap beana in cold wMoh exxx>i/nt# for the fast serv- with DANCING music planned for mter, (with a bruah) before their Milk stains wUl come out eaaUy occ. l»A«) 265(Hi your pleasure. AMERICAS, New York 86, N. Y, _• twurMfcW-TM m haO Ica Let the King at your house For Ist-clazs mailing add lOc PERMANENT enda iu« removed and they are if the garment Is soaked In cold diecover the joy or ■"MARTlNIZ- iliced. water before washing. Hare’s a aimj^-to-aew Jumper for each pattern. Print Name, Ad­ trimmad with a outa ambroldery ING” TWO HOUR SHIRT SERV­ Recipes sometimes specify that dress with Zone, Style N°. zniickUng veraes Iw ftiri helping yoir bsauCUy and i>reiervi dry cleaning machines installed. but the affectionate sentiments MONDAYS, TUESDAYS. WEDNESDAYS ONLY loverf Party goods Ineluda nap­ your home inslds and out. Cherish To Older, sfnd SSc In coins to:— tastes good. Anna (^bot, ‘Die Maiicheater Eve­ It’s at your service. Come try it. you kindle will warm the heart In­ kins, pittas, cups, bridge talUes your biggest Inv^tmont, your to eternity. LENOX PHARMACY, Complete New Air Conditioning System and tablCol^ss plus centerpieces home, as you 'drisss it up with ning Herald, 1180 AVE. OF- Does your family like vegetable AMIw ICAS, n e w YORK 86, N.Y. A . long sleeve is at its proper 299 East Center Street, Invites For Your Convenience— Off Street Parking and decorations with the hearts- quality PAINTS and WALLPA­ length if it covers the wrist pone. you to bring your VALENTINE purees? Green peas, spinach and For Ist-class mailing add 10c for carrots are some of the vegetables and-f)worS motif. Cello-packed PERS. Let color sweep from room When driving In upholstery CARD list here. No matter how And Our Salon Is At Street Floor Level valentlhea for gntde-schoolera to each pattern. Print Name, Address that do well treated this way. to room, fron> walls to osUlng. If with Zone and '^ttem Number. tacks, slip a rubber cap over the you hope to convey that "I love 390 MAIN STREET— PHONE MI 9-7666 aend .qre priced from Ic and up, you have more ideas than dol­ hammer to prevent damage to you” message, you’ll find the ex­ Bond 60c for the Big-Size Al­ Chopped fresh cranberries and oom pl^ With en-velopee. lars, JOHNSON PAINT CO, wUl the furiilture. act wording spelled out in the way bum filled with lovely desigiu, a grated orange rind make a flavor­ help you get started on a Do-it- pattama you wish it: with sophistication, LOVELY LADY BEAUTY SALON To prevent a coffee oream stain yourself project that aavsa money 'Mommy, What Can We Do?’ with gentle humor, with wprdly ful addition to a sweet muffin from ruining a tablecloth, grease aa it Mtlafles with that aottas of Caring for a live pet is aatis- wit, but always with resounding batter. • IMI by NEA, Uc. the spill wuh unsalted shortening TM Uf. VX P*». Off. 1-^ accomplishment. All through ths Mutual Funda fying fun for youngsters and their fondness. From the fabulous col­ before washing the tablecloth with For maximum safety, income parenU. Visit THE PET SHOP at lection of VALENTINE-BOXED detergent. hoiue, let your rooms display that loved and cared for look, when you and growth, you should check the DEPOT SiJUARE. Let your boy CHOCOLA’TES, there is a size BONNIE BY JOE CAMPBELL let protective W AX do the work advantage of MUTUAL FUNDS and girl decide which singing and an assortment to please. A few drops of clear fingemaU a'vailable at your New York Stock CANARY, which peppy PARA­ LENOX PHARMACY is OPEN polish appllM to the knots of a for you on your floors and furni­ Open rill 9 Thursday night . . . Monday thru Saturdenf ^*30 to 5:30 »ay« ‘I h«ard your looturo on th« oiiM lty of loaving i ture. Exchange member, SHEAR80N, KEET or colorful TROPICAL EVERY EVENING to 9 and kittana loot# in tha country and decided cord tied around a package wUl HAMMILL ft COMPANY, 913 FISH they would enjoy making a OPEN SUNDAY to 8 p.m. you ware rights" A good trick lor taking a child’s Main Street. Mitchell 9-2821. home for. How liapplly a clilld Semi-Aiiiwal Furniture Sale matures and develops when he haa Now In progress at WATKINS, mind off the fact that you arc tak' Spectaeular Arrangemente ing his temperature Is to lot him ^ An iced tea spoon makes a con- a reaponaAblllty for a living pet. Satisfy that longing for rare FREE PA R K IN G on main st. 936 Main Street, is the sale eager­ i venlent bixxhi for feeding a baby Even If you don’t buy anything, a and unusual blossoms in your ly awaited by homemakers. Come hold an egg timer and watch the sand trickle away the time. When he first begins to eat, the visit to THE PE7T SHOP ifl lots of home, now that FLOWER FASH­ In to browse and Inspect the of­ child wUl also be able to handle fun. ION, 85 East Center Street, or UM oar convanient parkkiK tot BEN CASEY ferings on all four floors. So much To heat up small amounts of It easUy. makes available to you the most comfort and boauty is sale-priced complete selection of ARTIFI­ now at WATKINS. leftovers, make partlUons of T o t u aluminum foil in a bidclng dish, up a make the knots bold securely. CIAL FLOWERS and greenery ANDXTHaueKT TO THKM PUY-ACIINS V NOT L put the leftovers In saoh section handle, it in Uneeed oil. A ■ ^ l y colored beach towel you’ll find anywhere. Fill your you PREscRiBep aiMPLY A WAY OF UFB, rriir may be used as a serviceable home with rich color, with showy AMRVBNINSOF' and all can be rewarmed at the MFa-wa MUBT PRoea FoaiNa Bsime time. Afan for the Heart! bedspread for a boy's bed. and lush tropical beauty. Bring in MUMOmoM RBAUTIW UNMRNaAm THfi Both FAIRWAYS have a com­ Serve Fancy loe Cream /our favorite container, buy the POaMBL MANNGRISNI5.ANP RBALniR6/ ' T e e n j A room will appear larger If the plete seleotion of VALENTINEiS Before ttie month of February assortment of blooms you like and B »l, ARB MORE plus heert-ehaped candies, har- baseboord Is painted me wsame is bVer,' pMn to serve fancy ROY­ the creative staff here will ar­ OlFFieULTID nvonizlhg paper tableware, cut-outs AL R3B CREAM from the War­ range them for you at NO EX­ I ^ •m. U. 8. pti. < HANDtaTTMH color as the rug. •>9d Mweegb* Syrnd CSSfvpawC. — lUlMONB. and aeali. Whatever the occasion, ren Street plant.' There is So much TRA CHARGE. Or, pick your bou­ Just tha Nudge You Need both FAIRWAYS come through eye-appeal and so much delicious quet first and then decide upon a with the daiidleet sdleetlohs. flavor in the festive STENCIL harmonizing container from the WIL’TON’S GIFT SHOP, 964 on main facing oak Our comparison shoppart prova: thaf w« SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’N E A L Main Street, Jogs you Into ^ving 3UCE18. These are big, individual choice selection here. Or, view the Mix cream cheese with chopped servings o t ice cream centering a many ARTIFICIAL FLO'WER 'AF C A N D Y a joyous party, by offering VA1<- ofFer the most desirable apparel by tha bast ^ABYNAT anchovies and use as a q>read for double heart in contrasting flavor, ARRANGEMEINTS on display and VouesoN AT LAST/ N(3W WE CAN HAVE m cO M E HOME,SON? 1EU. ME,| WELL,THE PIBSrlWMGWEHAVE N’TINE PARTY SHOP ITEMS small split, hot baking powder bis­ BO pretty and so glamorous tor buy the one you like best. What makers at tha lowest sale prices in good se­ tNetBPear at HALF PRICE, (cups, platea, last call! WS JUST RE1URNC0 ROAMME A REAL PROGRESSIVE MEDICAL ON A HOT TM cuits for company fare. 3i. Valentine’s Day. Or, if you are artistry and color! Whether you’re VWAt DID VOU l e a r n ABOUT I t> DO \S9tARTQIARSINE AKMsy napkins). Don’t miss seeing the lections . . and continue to offer the best in COLLEGE. A PRACTKE IN THIS TRIBE-Y -WE WHITE MANfe MEDtClNE? INSIEAD O P P IS^ CMCKOK^il HORSES. ROOF. lOONRSB KITCHEN serving 12 to 16 giseiate a dra­ demure or daring, there is an ar­ THBSaiNBA'nR collection of ANTIQUE VAIEN- poafpoae No Longer matic ICE CREAM CAKE would rangement here, or one can be ends Feb. 4th service! peOfWQCAfPfRAlB m a k e r s OP FINE CANDIES ’TINES, dating from 1880, in Oie Now is 'ijie time to trip your esthance your table to perfection. created for you, to suit your mood, K *■ window of l^LTON’S. shore of savings during the END- It may toe pensonallzed with name to strike a response. Delightful to FamouM fo r Old OF-ROIE SALE at MANCHES- and message as you ^>ecify. Beau­ have or to give an ARTIFICIAL orig. 8.98 fo 10.98 orig. $20. giris’ 2 to 6z. Heavy coatings of old wax may ’TSIR CARPET CENTER, 311 tiful to behold, delicious to eat, FLOWER ARRANGEMENT from MORTY MEEKLE BY DICK CATALLI Fathioned Goodness be removed from floors bv wip­ Main Street. AH first qusUity you’ll find ROYAL RJE (CREAM FLOWER FASHION gives endur­ girls' t o ftardnor’s soowsuits ing them with a clOth soaked in BROADLOOM in a diversified at fine grocery and drug stores. ing joy. 13.99 I STORES TO SERVE YOU! tu^ntlne. range of textures, colors, pat- tomo, you can save substantially HOLDir/WHVNar XM A BUXkHEAC) THINklHEAR/MV MANCHESTER If the bottom crust of a meat on the wanted ODD SIZES re­ Exercise to Fe^ Your. Best Bring Shoe Problems Here Stride-Rite orig. $30-135. sizes 7 to 14. L e rM E ^ e m e >WI-iAVMANC7r™ rCMLMiCAAa SHOPPING PARKADE pie is brushed with the white ef maining «B the rolls. Can you NASBIFT’ ARMS COMPANY, ORTHOPEIDIC WORK a# pre­ IHBABOUMbirf ^ WHATCD.VOD


MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, JANUARY SO, IMS rntm Performaiide at Free Throw Lane (20 for 23) Helps Diefeat Eqstern THE Ii First to Sign All

ar ■Ire the Dugout with the Managers,, No, 9- LossToiiight Battle of ‘Iron Men’ Won by Indians E A R L Y O S T New York Keane Sees Groat, the Ace, May Be Finish By HOWIE HOLCOMB Onlght. Although they trailed the^the start of the final quarter but^straight free throws to wrap It up.*turned Sa a teRllio eeecnd half dc-aSttlte paced the Viotecy, iVcne ed Step Forward for Bateball Yanks Sign charged-up Lancers for moat of Bristol tied H on bsiskets by Cap­ Only Eastern score to break the tensive He woundd ujup the locals hit double numbers as For Robinsem PoiM, that intangible that the first half, they never got rat­ tain Gary Palladtno and Paul charity line parade was PsUsdl- with 1’ tops for both the attack was vrell balancad over Major league baaeball moguls ijave 4*^55 makes fair teams good and tled and never got far behind. Riemer. It was knotted again at no’s pop with a few seconds Isft. cluba all who play^ (Juakiitabhka was toward regaining preatlge aa America a No. 1 * 1 ^ Stacking Cards in Shuffle 51-all and 53-aIl before McKenna’s Overall in the final period, the Bob lindsay (17). Palladino tops with nuie. Men MIAMI BEACH, FUu (AP) — good teams great, plus a Co-Captain Dave McKenna and adimtion of an expanded strike zone, effective te ia fttfitn. Sugar Ray Robinson meet! Ralph Fred McCurry flipped in baskets free throw with 2:10 to play gave Indisns'msde mtly one hesket, but (IS) and Pete Us (13) q>arksd Bununsry: apeetacnlar 20 for 28 per- the Indians a one-point edge. hit on 13 consecutive tries ftrotn the fired, up Lane«». It w«s the IfauiehMtar (M) The action of the W baU playto* rolea committa# By JOHNNY KEANE Dupas in a 10-round middlewaignt at the start of the second half to NEW YORK (AP)-r 3 McCurry 7 - U will hfivg a contented * roup of dinals for 1963, General Man­ champion, waa an underdog da- six times in the new few minutes Wethersfield ...... 7 4 .030 87 per cent. From the floor they 1 H sy ...... 3 M 13 new. etrlke zone reade ae ftfilowe: spite a 10-round weight advantage Ttiat win, combined with Malo­ as the teams exchanged field men” as Manchester used but five "Tbe atrlke fobe ie that m e t Habburd Speaks baseball playeri on hand when ager Bing Devine made the Maloney ...... 7 5 .583 players and Esatem six. Paul An­ were 21 for 82 or 84 per cent, over 26-year-old Dupas. Sugar ney’s upset victory over Wethere- goals on some terrific outside 10 TeU U n w a M over home plate edUeh ii between Big Oal Hubbard fannw'aM*be the squad reMrts for spring greatest trades since the Ray, 43, tumed pro hi 1940, tea Central ...... 6 6 .545 derson of the home elUb picked large improvement over the pMt EM««ia (U> fltid, puebed Msndiester's league . tUe top of the batber’a ehouMeta aitd now superrisor a t the w m i ki training at Mgaa, Ariz., next year Dupaa eeiebrated his Mxth lead to three full games with oiUy Hall ...... 6 6 .546 four quick perscmals and sat out two Starts. Eastern made only flve r Pu. Y WPOiBTfi palmiest days of David Finally McKenna and Co-Cap- IrS 13 end hli kneae vdwn be aaeumae bte Mue in the AmeitoM lM *ah M birthday. five Ulta left on the schedule. Only P latt ...... 8 « .500 much of the seoemd quarter and all or eight tree throws while they tMa to say about the change: month—if nothing else. Two vpaapa urace .recorded last Harum. taln Paul Quey put two-pointers outsoored the Red and White 25-21 1-1 13 natural stance. Ths umpire shall Sliortitop had long been a “He'fl been around longer, but a complete collapse can prevent Eastern ...... 5 7 .417 of the third session. He finally M 17 detarmibe tbe etrlke zone aooord- The Oubs, a perennial first' night as league leading Gardm together and Manchester enjoyed .417 fouled out with one second to pUy. from the floor. M 3 "The change w m k M * M bg ce wlmier In the ccntract-eign- trouble spot for the St. Louis he hasn’t had that many more the Tribe from claiming the Conard ...... 5 7 ing to the batter’e uauel . stanee Grove fell by the wayeiae, P a g ^ a thin margin until the three- .. . 0 11 .000 McCurry was the Indians’ high . The Indian jajrvees made it 11 M S peraUtant oomptstaila fMin the league but a consistent eec« Caterers plnnihg tfie first lose of club so we got , a fight* than I have,” said Ekipas, ehMl^onahlp. Windham ...... (M 4 when be BWinga at a pitob." pMcben, managem and the jpim K who dropped a 15-round title de­ quarter mark when they were in scorer with 18. His IS points in the straijght as they oame from behind ond-dlvlslon finisher in the fall,U m year on them. 36 to 16. TTte knowing ballplayer, from Pitts­ The Indians, who had not been that tbe otrike sone had Mviak cision to welterweight champion up to par In their last two out- front, 47-45. Then, with the pressure on, Man­ first half kept the Tribe in the in the final period to win 44-41. T i ii TUa la tbe blggaat step beeebaU, Tuesday became the first major win put Pagani'a |n eeoohd place burgh. In addition to being one of ball game. McKenna, who had 14, Paid QuarsUtschka and Randy half 33-30 Baaters. long known and reoogniaed m duihig the pant savenl' league leant to sigh all their play* Emile Griffith last June. tnga, were back la the groove last Ih e lead increased to 49-45 at chester shooters made eight with a 7-8 record. Manchester the thily great playmakers. Groat Robinson, discounting tha ex­ Axaerica’a national paatUme, baa f^paoUng tor the lOnoMi aotaa ere tor 1668. Travel Serylcee moved up a notch gives us the leadership we lacked taken in an effort to reoapturathe oommllltM, CborUa le g a r, Mere- perience acquired while winning This morke the fourth straight in the standingrs aa they dumped on the field. all 12.5 amateur fight*, has rolled lofty rating It bNd for yeara Pro- toiy, said, "Thla Mioald gtos tha season the Cuba have beaten all Tedford’e Restaurant, 27-19. The Cardinals required more feaaloaal football. National Laague pitchers more oonfUtanee In the up 142 victories in 166 pro liouta. other clubs In getting their play­ Pagani's great defensive play power so the Cubs were kind Ninety-seven, three more than Du­ veiaion, baa inoreaeed Re popular­ future. Bvoiyane c n the pliflrbig ers' signatures on the dotted line. led them to victory. They enough to fork over George Alt­ Rally by South Windsor ndea oonunlttee ww In aneoid •threw e ring around lilgh scoring pas' ■victory total, came on knock­ Wilt Goes on Spree ity with leapt end bounda during It's the fifth year in a row that man, the No. 6 hitter in the Na­ outs. The New Orleans veteran haa rrtsnt yeara end In many quartan with the proposed chsaga." they've had all their players OharUe Brai^ott and limited the tional League last season, who UitUe fireball, to six points. John scored 16 KO« in 11 fight*. Bach the^igriMem are given blUing over The strike sons won sMorad signed before any other National fits nioely into right field. h€u) been stopped once. Stops Ellington, 54-42 beathaU aa tbe No. 1 aport In tbe prior to the otait of tha 1600 am- L«Mve team. Brett led Pagani’s 'with 10 points To obtain those two .300 hit­ and Jim Sproul contributed nine Robinson hopes a victory ever Unttad SUtea. son to Include the arm to tte But what Btorts out so optimls- ters, we had to give up pitchers Dupaa will be the first of two Against Small Guy top of the knee area. The rixika New BasehaU Strike Zone and played a great floor game. Profeaaional baseball, realising Ucolly doesn’t olwaye wind up so Larry Jackson and Lindy Mc- stepping atones to a title match For the third time in the past four games, Ellington High acne for 1863 h not new hgr any This is how the new itrlke zone affects Mickey Il^antIe. well. Owner Phil Wrtgley’e Bruins Travel Servlcea fought an up­ Daiiiel, shortstop amd the impaet of pro football, after hill batUe to 'Win Ms game. They against middleweight champ Dick couldn’t handle a late rally by the opposition and last night a 12-year wait decided to combat meene. It will be the «m e aa in It is now between the top of the shoulders and the knees have finlahed In the second divi­ catcher Jimmy Schaffer. To be T ^er. NEW YORK (AP)—Wilt Chamberlain, the National Bas­ fetoa in beoeball oinoe tha opart had to overcome a 12-10 halftime dropped a 64-42 basketball decisifm to South Windsor. the rhnel aport for fan Interaet and when the batter assumes, his natural stanee. Formerly sion without foil for the post 16 lead by Tedford’s to 'win. A great frank, we figure to miss only "We gat by this one.” Sugar Ray ketball Association’s leading scorer, complained today that woe kiventod by Abner Dohbleday seasons and It’ll be Whitlow's task Jackson and McDaniel, who left us said, "and then we tackle Wllfie The Purple IDiighta led at the# ------^ ^ ' oame np with the etrlke zone until tbe ebenge to r the 1600 eeor the strike zone was between the am plta and the top p t rSbounifing - Job by Artie dark, he'didn’t like the idea of having peewees of 6-feet-6 guard­ change. with the help ef the unique 12- a little short In pitching, despite Greavee. Tiger ha* promioed a half, 24-20, but fell behind when the knees. Umpires say the change could make a (luier- mon coaching staff, to try and wKo aooounted for eight points ing him. ^ reserve Denny Murphy came off The two aporta, baaeball and also, attributed much to the win. the fact th at Diomedes Olivo, a tMle shot to the winner o f that ence of as much as a foot. rectify the situation. Don dtilders led aU scorers wMh superior relief worker also came one. And my sc)ie

A rT V,-.' I . ■ r'■■'■ .-..v -J -’V' - ■*■ ■; ." '')*!,

VBSNiia&AY, jAinM xr u m A Tfrage Dafly N et l^reiM B o x iB ^^g|tor gtf gttittfl Ijimtld The Weathtf *! ' .'.'Iff 1^1". ' ' ivwtika Waritaidii-' V Jaaaary 28, liM ft V. g. Waalhlt - pii J neweet ooal nHiea, undeittouB^ • to the tho t t d any oc about T,aoo pspulaWtw. 3 Feared Dead control. Four other mineai. trdre •ddeh , afpeficod t» hsnro been ltd. sMrtad prodootiMt in IMU About Town bospltaHied. auftertaic from amoke braufht under eontrot. About 1 3 ,9 1 2 Om it, eoM tealght, lew In Mine Blaze Inhalation. . Bkw^sr. the .Ore whidi had worksro woro ssnt to ths ailno to vatu , i f u R waa fm * i Ow ■era. Friday tshr aat allgh llyl a fira hrake out Tueaday ha tha Opnad atwut 4txr feet 'alonf the oroot she wood- and cenorOto waUs Now BM&nd kakapo, a parrot, Meober of tha Aaftt warmer, hl^ aear M.. -■ | ' > v . y r u o t o T . BnUlvan, 1S4 IMaae was satinet Then four wore Ihiieaii e( Obealaltaa Dr„ Ml attaodiaf « wlucational Freeman Goal .Oo.’a Ort«^ No. I mlae’a lowermost tuanel, sany to­ at vailoua points to out otf ths atr Uuneh§»t9r< A City o f VUlagB Charm A i BBNTON. nil I a P)—Three mta- mine near' Beaton. Neariy all 10 day aproad'to othar asetiana. food- supply and aftiothar ths- firs. ' tarod in Fiordland, an arsa ^ M m iB ir tac r m Mtate a{ipt«la- en were feared killed today la a «ra at Tala ITnlveralty, New men in the mine woro ovaeuatod. tnr on coal resldus. tlM adas, -wideh amplo^ ahoiit mountains, forsats and laksa in fire, smolderuic In one of BlinoU’ A few miners remained 640.feet T l f ^ ottloiala said thrao minors 860 msO in - ***is aouQisnt nunola sbuUrwaafom Now Bsalaad. ntvw . It la Jatatly ^xMisoMd by (T W B ^ PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1968 (Olaerffled ▲dverllsliig eo Fage 18) (ha AisaNoan inatitute of Real VOL. LXXXII, NO. 108 PRICE FIVE GENTS Batata Appraiaara, tha Amarican Wglit Way AaaociaUon and tha Mdelaty of Raaldantial Ap- ■nriaan. Ha ta angagad la aco* Progress Made ■dMihi raaaarch fo r tha State MAIN ST. E n r o l l s ; State News jgjjrtiway O^artMant, In coopera- tton with tha U.S. Buraan of Pub- MANCHESTER In Staike Talk? Ha Roada, and tha U.B. Dapart- OPEN THDRSDJIY ami FRIDAY Roundup ■Miit of CORunerea. U.S. Chides Canada Phone Ml 3-4123 W agner Says B a r s N e g r o Tha Goldan Ag;a C9ub will meat iliiil iViday at 2 pjn. at tha Senior NOW ~ PLENTY of FREE MAIN STREET PARKING, plus FREE M R K IN G REAR of OUR STORE Otiaan Room, former Howell NEW YORK (AP)—Mayor floe is located, got into a oar with Dempsey Renames Cheney Technical School, School Robert F. Wagner today re- OXFORD, Mis*. (AP)—t Negro James H. Meredith another Negro, and rode away. S t Plana will be discueaed for a jrted progress toward set- He refused to answer newsmen’s 13 Commissioners lOth anniveraary oalebration Feb. went through the lengthy Recruiter Sing the city’a 66-day news- qUEgtiOnS. M. process of fogistering for hi* Msredlth want Orough the rou­ HARTFORD (AP)— Gov. M. Sgt. Matthew S. Malek, 127 ptiper blackout after an extra*^ tine of registering and conferred For Lack second semestSr at the Uni­ -Plan The prealdent’a eonunlttea of Vernon St., will begin his duties as ordinary 18-hour City Hall ne­ with several of hta professors and John N. Dempsey nominated Junior Omtury Club will have a U.S. Air Force recruiter for this versity of Misrissippi today. 18 state commissioners for gotiating session. The university turned away an­ teoulty advisors. ooffae Boclal tonight at 8:30, for area Friday. He will serve the But he said “The parties are At noon, he went to the student reappointment today. now membera and sponsors, at communities of Manchester, Glas­ other Negro wito appeared at the oafaterta for lunch. Pre-Inventory •tUl a long w ay from settling this regtatrar’e office. The nominations included Dr. tlM borne of Mm. Allan Schubert, tonbury, Marlborough, Hebron, d l ^ t e . ” Military civUtan police held Wilfred Bloomberg of Newington, 13 Cannan Rd. Mrs. Charles Mc- Columbia, Andover, Coventry, Tol­ There were no incidents. Mili­ the campus In a tight guard of Wagner said several issues in tary policemen and campus police commissioner of mental health, Blunt Note kanaia, Mm. Fred Blish ni, and land, Ellington, Stafford and Som­ watchful caution. who had a run-in with the governor Mrs. John Aronson will serve as THE SEASON'S MOST EXCITING CLEARANCE . . . DRASTIC REDUCTIONS . . . LIMITED QUANTITIES the controversy between publish­ kei^ a watchful guard Over the ers. ers and strikii^ printers had been All was quiet as Meredith earlier this week about his long He will interview applicants cam pus. vacations. settled. The second Negro to try to en­ moved through the first lines for May Spur each 'Tuesday from 1 to 5 p.m. at MENSWEAR.. MAIN FLOOR CHILDREN’S WEAR. . . UDIES’ SPORTSWEAR... NOTIONS...LOWER FLOOR Several others, he sold, had preregistration material. The governor sent the nomina­ Miaa Barbara Ann Johnson, —.Ml. . I I f i roll, Dewey R oosevelt Qreene, 22, the Army and Navy Club, Main been declared “by the parties to of OreOnwood, Miss., appeared on Thira armed military police­ tions to the Democratically-con­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Her­ St., Manchester, and at other times trolled Senate. They need to ^ man V. Johnaon, 51 Kensington MAIN FLOOR STREET FLOOR bs readily susceptible of settle­ the campus shortly before noon man took up stations on the root at 630 Asylum Ave., Hartford. He MEN’S ALL-WEATHER COATS . . . ZIP- CLOSEOUT SALE m ent.’ ’ of the university library, across confirmed by only one house of the V ote C all 0t., la prompter for a musical and went to the reitatrar'a office. General Assembly. may be called at his home eve­ OUT ORLON PILE LINING. The mayor said two critical is­ Registrar Robert Bills said he the street from the gymnasium oomady, "Aoiythlng Goes,” by nings. 50% AND MORE OfT Besides Bloomberg, those renom­ Ode Portw, to be presented Feb. reg. 29.99...... NOW 2 3 .9 9 sues remained unsolved. He did turned Glreene away for the same where reglstraUon is under way. He and his family recently re­ not Identify them, nor did he s m c - Other military policemen stood inated for tour-year terms begin­ WASHINGTON (AP) — 14, 15 and 16 at Carleton College, black, olive, 36 to 46 . , . regular, long, short. reason he rejected his earlier ning March 1 were: turned from- England where he CHILDREN’S FAMOUS BRAND NAME SUNDRY HARDWARE and Ify which issues had been settled. written application—that he was at ths university’s gates. The United States, apparent­ Northfield, Minn., where she is e served as non-commissioned offi­ Joseph N. Gill of Mansfield, com­ nopbomore. She la a graduate of A resumption of negotiations unqualified. Jeeps patrolled the area. ly taking sharp issue with Ca­ cer in charge of career control U DIES’ PROPORTIONED Was scheduled for noon Friday. Ohmpus poHce barred newsmen missioner of agriculture and na­ Manchester High School. SNOWSUITS ELECnOG ITEMS Blits said he told Qreene he had tural resources. nadian Prime Minister J(riin branch of Uie Statue of Liberty The marathon talks began short­ sent a telegram Wednesday In­ from uie immediate area of the W ing. registration. Philip Hewes of Avon, bank G. Diefenbaker, has declared Directors of Omar Shrine Club LENGTH SLACKS ly before 4 p.m. Wednesday and forming him he wouldn’t be ac­ commissioner. In addition to his military du­ reg. 14.99...... NOW 8 .7 7 cepted, and asking him not to Meredith arrived on the cam- bluntly that Cfuiada's defense will meat at the Washington So- 20% OFF reg. to 7.99...... NOW switch and outlet plates, reg. 15e. NOW 8 4 continued until almost 10 a.m. Attllio R. Frassinelli of Stafford ala] Cltib Friday night at 8 ties, he served as vice president 4 .9 9 The mayor Issued this state­ appear on the campus. lus at midmomlng, checked in at forces should be equii^jed and secretary of Arnold Page boys' and girls’ styles, water repellent 30% wool, 20% dacron, fully lined and Springs, commissioner of consum­ o ’clock . OUR ENTIRE STOCK poplin with detachable hoods, orlon pile ahockproof fusea. reg. 86e NOW 1$4 box m ent: He said Qreene told him he ‘S dorm itory, and then—In the with nuclear weapons. High Twelve International Club, unllned, solid colors, plaids, checka company of two federal marshals er protection. , MEN’S FAMOUS BRAND NAME lined, quilted down-hill pants, sizes 3 to tweeds, short, average and tali' sizes “As a result of the continuous hod not received the telegram. George J. Conkllng of North Although North American de­ Hie Cosmopolitan Club will Lakenheath Royal Air Force Sta­ 8x. clothealine pulleys, reg. 69c, > .NOW 354 meetings I have conducted with Bills said he advised Greene he and campus Police Chief Burnes fense systems “using nuclear tap- tion, England. He is a member of 10 to 20. Tatum—headed for the registra­ Haven, commissioner of finance meet PYiday in the Federation SUITS... TOPCOATS... the parties since last Saturday) could appeal the rejection to the and control. able weapons” are necessary for Mystic Lodge of Masons, Pitts­ the Issues in the dispute have university’s committee on admis­ tion area. Room at Center Congregational 1 1 j|ii!il|pijjiyp!Hi|iiiHPIiini clothesline pulleys, reg. 2.89. NOW UOO Franklin M. Foote of Newing­ effective protection against the Church. Deesert will be served at field. Mass., and Seneca Consisto­ been sharply narrowed and de­ sions, if he wished. The university—still mindful of Soviet Union's nuclear tiomitor ry, Valley of Frankfort Am Main. SPORT COATS the disorder last fall following ton, commissioner of health. 1 pjn. Military whist will be play­ chrome soap dish. reg. 99o. . .NOW 494 fined. Several Issues have been Qreene then left without further Howard S. Ives of North Ston- bomber fleet, the State Depart­ ed. Members are reminded to bring Germany. e MICHAELS STERN ONE RACK settled. Several others have been com m ent, Eillls said. Meredith's arrival—made elabor- ment said Wednesday night, the Sgt. Malek will accept qualified ONE TABLE . . . LADIES COTTON ington, highway commissioner. wrapped gifts. A program com­ e CRICKE'fEER • J * F ccAonial mailboxes, reg. 7.98. NOW 3.99 declared by the parties to be Qreene came out of the Lyceum Alfred N. Premo of Hartford, in­ Canadian government has failed mitted headed by Mrs. Philip Hoi- male and female applicants for en­ CHILDREN’S DRESSES BLOUSES, reg. 8.99 and 5.99. readily susceptible of settlement; Building, where the registrar’s of- (Continued on Page Five) to come up with a practical plan. listment In the U.S. Air Force sport coats . . . were 29.95 to 39.95. surance commissioner. way, Is in charge of arrangements. NOW 2 .8 8 and 3 .8 8 vacuum bottle refills, reg. 1.79. NOW 254 but two critical issues remain un­ Renato E. Rlcciutl of Waterbury, The nuclear weapons Issue has Mim Marion Wakhbum will serve technical schools. Officer Training NOW 23.95 ‘0 31.95 white and solid colora resolved. been hotly debated in the Parlia­ School, which includes pilot train­ reg. 2.99 to 8.99...... NOW 1.88 to 4 .8 8 labor commissioner. •a hosteas. suits . . . were 50.00 to 89.95. JUST 8 WAGNER CARPBTEFJl RUG “ Since these meetings have now ment at Ottawa In recent days ing for males, and Navigator RAYON SHIFT DRESSES. John J. Tynan of Middletown, NOW 40.00 71.95 sizes 3 to 6x . . . 7 to 14. SHAMPOO KITS. reg. 8.96. NOW 4 .5 0 covered an Intensive period of ap­ commissioner of motor v^lclee. and has become a problem in Hia Fellowcraft Club, Man- School for males only. reg. 4.99...... NOW proximately 75 hours in a five- Canadian domestic politics, to The sergeant will assist quali­ topcoats . , . were 45.00 to 65.00. 2 .9 9 a s. Held Mulling •nmothy J. MurjAy Jr. of Hart­ flbestar Lodge of Masons, will sizes 10 to 18 400 YDS. UPHOLSTERY AND DRAP­ day span, I have decided to af­ ford, commissioner of public such circumstances a U.S. gov­ meet Monday at 7:30 p.m. at the fied registered nurses, physical ford Uie parties the opportunity ernment declaration ia highly unu­ therapists (female only), occupa­ NOW 2 9 .9 0 to 5 2 .0 0 nihiHimtnnrmil imnnimiminmni ERY TRIMMING, reg. to 22o yd. w orks. Masonic Temple. Cards will be :::u: LADIES’ BULKY ORLON SWEATERS, of a day of adjournment to re­ John L. Sullivan of New Brit­ sual. In Ottawa, there was wide­ played after a business meeting. tional therapists and dietitians in free expert alterations in our own Shop. NOVNOW 54 yd. flect on and reconsider their po­ spread speculation the U.S. criti­ submitting applications for ap­ CHILDREN’S BAMBURY reg. 6,99 and 7.99...... NOW 3 .9 9 ain tax commissioner. iiiiii cardigsn and Chanel styled, sizes 84 to 40. moss frings, loop fringe, ball fringe,e, pl^ng. sitions. Europe Arms Cut Bernard Shapiro of West Hart­ cism would spark a general elec­ Advertisement- pointment at commissioned offi­ !« tion call and a campaign fought cers in the Air Force. ford, welfare commissioner. You are never alone. No need to COATS and COAT SETS SPECIAL GROUP LADIES’ ALL WOOL HAND HOOKED CHAIR PADS, (Goariimed on Page Twelve) on nuclear defense issues. reg. 1.69...... NOW 8 9 4 Hie statement. Issued by the feel bewildered, when you urgent- A n d over SLIM SKIRTS, reg. 10.99 to 14.99. WA8HINQTON (AP) — Am eri-« South America cannot be divided Testimony Begin* W require capable advice and as- reg. 24.99 to 29.99. without fatal weakness. State Department and delivered 20% OFF can officials are reported warning NHJW HAVEN (AP) — Testi­ mrtance regarding financial mat­ NOW 1 6 .6 6 to 1 9 .9 9 NOW 2 .8 8 CLEAR PLASTIC UPHOLSTERED the Buropean allies that if they Some authorities contend, how­ Danish Premier Jens Otto Krag, left, and British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan eOiake hands to­ to the Canadian Embassy, Is also ter*. Connecticut Bank and Trust OUR ENTIRE SELECTION OF seat lined. . .plaids and checks. . . sizes 10 U .S. Mission mony begian today In the trial of day at Admiralty House in London after meeting to discuss continental and world trade problems. unusual because it is sMpped of Rockville Driver and 12 only. FURNITURE COVERS...... NOW 9 2 4 allow French President’ Charles ever, there ta a chance American Company, with its qualified per­ FAMOUS HUBBARD sizes 3 to 6x. . .7 to 14. sofas, love seats, boudoir chairs. de GauUs to seise leaderehlp the commitments to Blurope will be David I. Shackney, accused of Denmark is a British partner in (he seven-nation Ekiropean Free Trade Association. (AP Photo­ ordinary diplomatic language and sonnel and its diversified depart­ Charged in Crash united States may be forced to reappraised If De Gaulle gets his bolding a Mexican family in in­ fa x ). lays down the Washington view ment* can smooth your way, when DRESS SLACKS Starts to Study cut its defense commitments in way. voluntary servitude on his chicken ------of the North American defense St comes to Loans, Mortgages, Burope. The Buropean governments farm in Middlefleld. problem in sharp, simple sen­ planning your Estate, providing A Rockville man was arrested were 8.99 to 17.99. NOW 7.19 to 14.39 m Hie go'vemment had to dust off tences. free expert alterations in our own shop. LINGERIE. . . MAIN FLOOR EDgh ranking U.S. officials ex­ have been advised to heed grow. for your Retirement, guaranteeing this morning after en accident on GIRLS’ COTTON QUILT ROBES, Congo Plight pect De Gaulle may try to slash Ing congreeslonal unhappiness on some ancient statute books to find British Move “The Soviet bomber fleet will your financial Peace-of-Mind. You Lake Rd. Ill MODESS and KOTEX the close American and Buropean the Allies' failure to carry a big­ charges to file against Shackney. Testimony on Cuba remain at least tiiroughout this •re Invited to come and talk with Trooper James Hall of the Ool- reg. 6.99...... NOW 3 .8 8 LADIES’ FLANNELETTE AND COTTON It ta the first time since Civil War decade a significant element in sizes 6 to 14, Box of 12. reg. 46c LB10POliDVIIX.E, the Congo ties aa the next step after hta veto ger share of the cold war burden. one of the officers. chesrter Troop charged Romeo CHALLTS SLEEPWEAR, reg. 4.00 to 6.00. Senate Democratic Lieader Mike days that anyone has been tried in To Find New the Soviet sh^e force,” the state­ Bergeron, 70, of 91 W^dsor Ave (AP) — A six-man U.S. mission of Britain's membershtj) )n the NOW 3 for 1.00 ■Rived here today to seek a way Common Msriret. Mansfield of Montana has sug­ OcmeoUcut for peonage and in- ment said. “An effective conti­ Rockville, with failure to keep MEN'S FAMOUS BRAND CHILDREN’S RIPON SLIPPER SOCKS, NOW 2 .9 9 nental defense agatnat this aem- pajamas (tailored and ski), Icmg and waltz I d stanch the economic hemorr- He seems to beUqvq. U.8. offl- gested to the 8^eiSU Relations Totuntary servitude. right Bltm the car he was driving reg. 2.50...... NOW 1 .3 9 OoB^ttee that if me Western A UR. District Court Jury of 12 May Be Published mcxi threat ia necessary.” S-P-E-C-I-A-L was in head-on oollieion with one NAME LONG SLEEVE gow n s. . . 34 to 40. JUST 8 ADJUSTOMATIC DRESS hwe bleeding the Congo to deatli. otata said Wednesday; thit he eaa Trade Lanes sizes 6 to 7 only. ^Harlan Cleveland, U.S. assistant Buropeans do not do more for was obosen yesterday to try The atatment said that al- Hds Thurs., Fri. and Sht. driven toy Mrs. WUma Grenon of FORMS, reg. 7.99. ...NOW 5 .9 9 demoltah American influence in thou^ the Western alllanoe needs i l l large size only. ■aorstary o f etatq^ heaf Kilraps but rs(sln tita United States KhsMoirii', who in addition to run­ LONDON (AP) — Brits^ took Indies’ Du Pont Lake Rd. at 10 am. SPORT SHIRTS tiloQd iS r toother look at Its ning a farm, teaches at B’nol the first tentative steps today in more conventional forces, conven­ Mrs. Bergeron, passenger in her CHILDREN’S 2-PANT SNOW SUITS, group, said he also will U,B. nuclear strengtE^ - • WASHINGTON (AP)—The State-^committeeman, said there were commitments, a . > J^aoto School In Now Haven. a drive to strengthen its world tional forces are no alternative husband’s car, was treated at reg. 5.00 to 5.95...... NOW 3 .9 9 reg. 17.99...... NOW 12.88 • ontbaok in U.M. military But U.S. diplomats and tment was reported today "a number of unreconellables’’ In “to effectiv* NATO •r'lMlnaHtaSaf NYLON waterproof nylon pants for play . . . poplin for FABRICS...LOWER FLOOR ■trength follow ing the end e< are understood to be' AJthtoM' ths'Keimddy odralhls- kkBetmeot rsturnsd by-4 the possibility of releaa- the testimony. Secretary of State trade and rebuild its flagging Windham (Community Memorial orlon and wool knits and wovens. amall, defense arrangements using nu- ^ dreas . . . solid pants . . . plaid orlon pile lined tanga Province’s sesslan. TbI the word among tha tauito i* Sbvlously trying to rally fefiaral skand jury lost sonuner a^ ttlg long-secret testimony taken in Dean Rusk, Allen W. Dulles, then economy out of the wreckage of Hospital and released. Trooper medium, large and extra large. iotllpdsitlon to the French presi> oused Shackney of keaptng Luis its Common Market hopes. clear-capable weapms systems.” Hall said. No other Injiuies were jacket. . .sizes 4 to 6. 60% AND MORE OFF PLASTIC FLOW­ world organization has mors than “thby wont be glile to'IMP* a . iM l senatorial Investigation of director of the Central Intelligence LIFTS 4 mR, Watolngton authorities atm Humberto Oroa, 42, his wife and British planners looked around NORAD is the Joint U.S.-Csndalan Ob Spiked Heels reported. 20,0b0 men under arms here, and both w ^ . ” the Cuban invasion disaster. Agency, and Adm. Arleigh A. ERS. reg. 89c to 2.99 . .N OW 2 0 4 to 1.0 0 Presideiit lOSmedye Vlsw 10 Ifope that De Gaulle’s own po five children on the chicken farm tor freer outlets for the nation’s defense system against Soviet |1A0 Atteched The trooper said Bergeron, who the United States pays tha 1>ig- The testim ony, recorded in Burke, then chief of naval opera­ bom bers. DARK TONE gest port of the biU. defense e( WSitaRi Borape and, etea wfll evantually isolate hii under conditions almilar to Slav- tions, were among the witnesses. commerce, denied unlimited ac­ was drlvli^ south on Lake Rd.. ety. closed door sessions by the Senate cess to the rich markets of the The statement did not refer to pulled out to pass a parked oar During their lO-day stay the Hlckenlooper said releEise of the SPECIAL GROUP MEN’S LONG Oroe otaimed he end his family Forelgin Relatimis Committee, was Ehiropean Community by the col­ Diefenbaker by name, but re­ SAM YULYES on a alight curve, and struck Mrs. WINTER COTTONS Americana Will be told of these said to have produced unanimity testimony had been discussed by ferred to various points made In Bm m Side As WattdM SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS. LADIES’ HOSIERY and grave problems: had to work 12 to IS hours a day, lapse of the Brussels negotiations. Grenon’s car head-on. reg. 99c lo 1.49 yd. NOW 784 y^* BED and BATH ACCESSORIES seven days a week and were not among high administration offi­ Foreign Relations Cfommlttee The first top-level move in the the Canadian Parliament’s nu­ 28 OAK STREET Bergeron has been summoned to reg. 4.00 and 5.00...... NOW 2 .8 8 1. Runaway Inflation, duo to cials that no U.S. air cover was members. But he said no formal ailtowad to leave the farm. British offensive was a meeting clear weapons debate, in which the Manchester session of Circuit ACCESSORIES. -. MAIN FLOOR reg. sec. . .36” dan river plaid and political imrest and massiva gov- promised invading refugees. action had been taken. It was Diefenbaker has participated. small, medliun, large Md extra large. novelty woven patterns LOWER FLOOR Voluntary Controls Oroe aald be bad rigned a con- set for later today between Prime Court 12 on Feb. 18. arnment deficits, has booitad learned, however, that the tran­ reg. 99c. . .36” fine drip batik prints llilll But senators who heard the of­ Minister Harold Macmillan and In Ottawa, the Social Credit prices In Leopoldville more than traot that provided for promising ficials or read the record said it script has been sent to State De­ Party leader, Robert Thompson, CLEARANCE . . . ALBA SEAMED AND reg. 1.29. . .46” texture cotton prints 06 per cent In the last year. him payment at the snd of a two- Premier Jens Otto Krag of Den­ reg. 99c. . .36” peter pan solid color ililii ill remained unclear whether three partment officials for renewed mark. one of Britain's partners called the 1T.8. etatement “ a SEAMLESS NYLONS, reg. 1.00, 1.15, 2. L«ek of goods to b«v in tlie yesr p«1od. non-U.S. air strikes had been study. polished cotton Judge M. Joeeph Bbunenfeld In the Ehiropean Free Trade Asso­ LADIES’ SPORTSWEAR... 1.85 p r ...... NOW 6 6 4 iHi SLIGHTLY IRREGULAR Interior la destroying the Inoen- On Crops Proposed planned and RD (A P)—ReqxibUoan emOAGO (AP)—The pracl- compulrary controls. pose heavy penalties on overpro­ being excluded from the Europe- deot of the American Fhim SPECIAL GROUP quilted vinyl plastic with fiberglaa insulaUon earnings, are a mystery. legislative leaders have Indicated -1 GENUINE LEATHER 86” PLAID GINGHAMS reg. 89c. 8. Thousands of tons of ooffae, Ih a special farm message to ducers. 'Aese programs would 8U1 Community. Bureau Federation said today ha . . . blue or green. have required producer approval they don’t Intiend to nieh Into a Krag was expected to give Mac- 1 ALL WOOL or DACRON NOW 6 8 4 s, palm oU and other produce Oongrees, )ie attached no price conference with Democrats over doubts that Pieeldent Kew- valuai to 14.99 aree being smuggled out ef the tag to hta pnipoeals. But an ad- at referendums. 20 Years Ago Today miltan a firsthand report on Pres­ nedy*s (arm program propoaala I STRETCH CLOVES HEAVY QUALITY MATTRESBCOVERS. Kennedy also recommended use the reejpportionment iaeue. ident (Jharles de Gaulle's offer to n 46” SOLID COLOR BROADCLOTH AND Congo, d( the central gov- ministration spokesman estimated House Speaker J. Tyler Patter- have been fully evahmted b»- ill and COTTON SKIRTS reg. 4.29...... NOW 1 .9 9 eram ent taxes and foreign ear- that new pngmms for feed grains, of payments to solvo a cotton mar­ help Denmark join the Common oanee e t the iPreeldenPe preoo* '* reg. 6.00 and 6.00...... NOW 2 .9 9 SPORT CLOTH, reg. 99c to 1.29. for twin size foam mattress. keting problem. Under the present eon arid yesterday that the OOP Market wMout Britain. i i reg. 7.99 to 10.99. NOW 4 .8 8 rency. milk and cotton would reduce an­ is “interested in many other oon- oupatton with grave Intenintfoa- NOW 6 8 4 8. Much foreign aid has haen nual federal farm costa between cotton ^ setup, foreign buyers get Half Starved Germans Krag expressed great concern •I praMeme. “ W e hope tho* hs sllm and pleated styles. Hip I and 8 button length. . .black. . . U.S. cotton at much lower prices troverstal ismies which will require over the dashing of Britain's 6.90 lili riM A ($ and 7) B (7H to 8H). ODD HEAVY LOOP RtGS AND BAtH used to plug leaks In the eccnotny |S00 million and $600 million a compromise and a reconcUiation of wfl] reootMUer amay o t tiw 46” PRINTED RAYON CREPES, reg. 99c! year. than domestic users. Hence, the Common Market dream. He said reoonmiendatfaae oontalned to !Hi« ’ •>! a - .'j: r,,, M At SBtS. reg. 2.69 to 8.99.. rather than to cure economlo Ills. political differencee if this session JUST 47 PAIRS! NOW T. Ths central government tanks Farm aid programs have bepn domestic users have been placed he could not immediately see his his mrasa*e»” Oharies B. Min- 6 8 4 NOW and 2 -7 7 at a price disadvantage In textile is to be a produotive one.” country reaching a point where lif 1.77 coaUng about $8 billion a year. Patterson arid he had received Surrendered to USSR man, SulUvaiv BL, eaid to a (OomUuaed on Pago Two) Under hta new recommenda- markets tod use of cotton at it would have to choose between • heavy orlon pile lining :n:t; CLOSEOUT . . . JUSt 11 ELECTRIC home has declined. VAN RAALTE KIDSKIN PALM (Oontinued on Page Five) • most with zipper front AUTOMATIC BLANKETS. . .NOW 8J 8 The President would leave un­ EDITOR’S NOTE—Eddy Gil-d>what must be one of the most (CaBtlntied on Page Four) mULER FEAB0 MUNICH • black only LADIES' BULKY GLOVES, reg. 3.99...... NOW 2 .9 9 WINDOW SHADES, BLINDS and dual and single control . . . blue and pink. touched legislation enacted in 1938 more has returned to the Soviet hopeless and despsrate messages WASHINOTON (AP) — Or. whlta, blank, baige, acrylic fiber. . .8 button authorising mandatory production Union, to see some of the areas ot war. Edward Teller, often eaDed MM • broken sizes 6 to 10, N and M ORLON CARDIGANS controls on cotton, rice, tobacco length. , .amall, medium, large. CURTAINS. . . LOWER FLOOR Vice President’s Power he covered as a Pulitzer Prize “Never in history has a German father of (he H-bonab, eald to­ reg. 10.99 to 14.99. .. .NOW 5.99 and peanuts. Likewise, be made correspondent in the years 1941- field marshal surrendered.’’ U.S. Studying day tto» Soviet Union wanta the no control proposals for livestock, Neither this nor his elevatimi to Untie* Statee to sign a Munich- sizes 34 to 40. Ki-:: News Tidbits 53. This la the first of a series of HOME furnishings:.. poultry, fruits and vegetables— dispatches the AP correspondent field marshal rallied Von Paulus. type wnelear toot ban treaty. “1. WOMEN'S and TEENS' Subject of Hot Debate products now produced without from the AP Wires will file from time to time. Subse­ With Soviet artillery poimding Manned Plane hope that patriotic niingrraenuni MEN’S ACCESSORIES 20" to 36" LOWER FLOOR any limitations. quent stories Will tell how the So- the German positions and disaster ef beth parttee will > leeist tha. FAMOUS MAKE DRESSS and CASUAL Hliil In the case of wheat, be threw riet Union looks 10 years after ais apparent as the Soviet winter preeeiire at a pubHo frightened the full weight of his office be­ For Orbiting VENETIAN BUNDS Dy JACK BELL I »aon wouldn’t tell the Senate to fdt Pershing artillery missile sched­ Stalin’s death. Von Paulus had turned to his chief by erlsee and mleird by tte MEN’S LINED LEATHER GLOVES, JUST 6 FOLDING CARD TABMIS. ~ hind a new mandatory wheat con­ mtoaga ed penee," the nUelsns Vt PRICF SALE reg. 2.99...... NOW 1 .4 9 WASHmOTON (AP) — How about the business ef voting on a uled for operational deployment of staff, Maj*. Gen. Schmidt, and reg. 4J)0 end 5.00...... N O W 2 .9 9 reg.■ 8.99. .NOW |^„49 trol progiram to be submitted to in Western Burope later this year By EDDY GILMORE asked: By FRED 8. HOFFMAN physietat eald to a btM state­ all steel slats, tapes asuofa pow er does a vice president motion to olMT the way for a a grower referendum in the ment raliBstd by a SPORTSWEAR. SEPARATES AND deeoe or fur lined. . .black, brown, gray. . . have? change in the Senate anti-flUbuater scores SStii snooess In 46 test STALINGRAD, now Volgograd, "W hat shall w,s do now ?” WASHINGTON (AP)—The De­ ■mill, medium or large: JUST 9 18" HANDCUT CRYSTAL sprli^. This plan is opposed by launchings . . . 38 mlasUe parta “In God’s name,” replied fense Department is backing re­ ot Hamm RepabUeans. COORDINATES, reg. 17.99 to 29.99. Ibis questim, wblch lias In­ rule by majcrlty vote. the Influential American Farm U.S.S.R.' (AP)—Twenty years ago SHOES BOUDOIR LAMPS, reg. 6.99. NOW 3.50 trigued holders of the office since If he kept en refusing, they In­ workers overcome when carbon Schmidt, "send for the Russians.” search that may produce by the Bureau Federation which wants STATE PK «lina> NOW 8.99 to 14.99 MEN’S LEATHER PALM DRIVING the republic was young, came up timated, Joluison would be just a monoxide fumes from a gas heat­ today, weary, frostbitten and half- He did and surrendered. late 1960s or early 1970s a piloted leas government in farming. ing system enters a factory air starved pnits of Hitler's once un­ By Feb. 2, the last German sol­ spaceplane able to take off from HARTFORD (AP)- GLOVES, reg. 2.99...... NOW 2 ,3 9 WASHABLE RAYON DRAPERIES. JUST 2 BLOND OAK FINISHED DESKS, In the Senate Wednesday. ■figurehead.' ot Local S7», UAW (Uafto* An­ MO) and fur blend black. . .amall, mraum, reg. 8.99...... NOW 1 .9 7 AVS*reg. 1 ASsayef* 2 j .•••eg 9 9 . ; rrr.-.NOW 6 .4 9 ▼lee prealdoita generally have f ills raraised the: rice president’e conditioner system In Crawforda- beatable army surrendered in the dier had surrendered at Stalin an airfield, fly into orbit and then values to 14.99 (OsoHnned on Page five) vlUe, Ind. bloodstained ruins of Stalingrad. grad. land. te W orken), APXeOK>, nt (to- 'HUrga. Boral and modsm prints dn whits ground. . . •cratch reatetant, alccdiol proof . . . aa ia. not been very compUmentary hackles, and Unimping his desk oobe Bfannfaetnria* Oe., hfra LADIES’ COATS and DRESSES 88”, 7S”, 81” lengths. about the office. (or empliasta he retorted: Japanese Prime Minlater Hayato The capitulation of the once I can't remember the exact The Air Force project, known MEN’S FAMOUS BRAND DRESS Ikeda says 'visits by U.S. nuclear- proud Wehrmacht was a great date, but it must have been just as "Advanced Hypersonic Manned Mt iq> a plehet Eaa to Inndet Jolm Nance Garner enoe called “ This ta not a quesUon et tiM State Labor Deportasent to SHIRTS, reg. 4.50 add 6.00. CAPE COD RUFFLED CURTAINS. it “a qw*** tire on the '•utomo- whether tha rice president ta a powered submarines will be per­ turning point in the most terrible after this that soldiers of Soviet Aircraft, ” would be a big step SECOND FLOOR Orville Hodge mitted to Japanese ports so long war in history. Gen. Chuikov, one of the victors beyond the Dynasoar manned Wethersfield. TIm donenstratten reg. 8.49...... NOW 1 .9 9 of government.” Harry B. figurehead, It ta a question of was acainat a rattag moda 6.00 NOW 3.99 * for 10.00 Itoman found it “about as uaeflil whether the rice presiaent ta go­ as they are not nuclear-armed For <]rermany, the battle of Stal­ of Stalingrad, led us to Von Paul- space glider, which would be discontinued stylen and pattema from regular pastels and white. . .cottons or 100% rayon... SUPCOVERS.. .LOWER FLOOR enrUer this week by Stoto as a cow’s fifth teat." Alben W. ing to arrogate to himself respon- . . . Richard Nixon’s office con­ ingrad was perhaps Its gravest us' wooden house. After six or basted into orbit by a huge Titan I to d t . . .b rok en a iies 14H to IfiVfc. 4S” and 83” length. A Leaves Prison firms he will appear on the Jack n i rocket. bar Oommlsaloner Benato Bi SAVE Vi AND MORE! Vt PRICE S ALE Baridey thought It called for slbUity tod a power which he defeat ever. elriit minutes, the door opened. Rlootatt denytog 20* oalea astos- STUDIO COUCH COVERS, reg. 14.99. Paar TV show March 8 over NBC For the Soviet army. It was the Still in his uniform, Von Paulus Secretary of Defense Robert 8. ONLY 12 SHAjmJNG VELON WINDOW “four years of sUance.” doea not have. bers JobiMW fur henellts t o ^ SPECIAL GROUP MISSES', JUNIORS' San. Jacob K. Javita, R-N.T., “The queatian ta, simply stated: CHESfiOR. ni. (AP) — Menard in first public appearance since Us supreme victory. stiffly walked forward a few McNamara referred to the proj­ N O W 9 .9 9 ect Wednesday in one ptaragraph lag *117,000. Tte eempenaaMM ' • oalfsldn AND WOMEN'S DRESSES. SHADES, reg. 2.49...... NOW 1 .4 9 8 Btppw etuhUma . . . wlaa, gray, brawn, g% n told hia ' colleagues Wednesday Does the ri(ta president choose to Penitentiary loses Its most prom' defeat liiat November In California For a targe port ot the F ree paces. was reqpestod by the anion dar­ waterproof and lire resistant. heavy eetton tweed. that under the cenatitufian .Hw appoint himself a dictator of the Inent prisoner today, former H' gubematcMtal race. World—staggered by an almost Over to m e side of the house, of his lengthy report to the House ing its nine month strike sgstoet • patenta reg. 10.99 to 29.99. . .NOW 5 .4 9 to 1 4 .9 9 Armed Services Committee. BOYS* and YOUTHS’ vice president can be about as Senate to carry out the function Unois Auditor Orville Hodge, who Sen. Stuart Symington, D-Mo., unbroken s^es of Nazi and Jap­ an unending stream of German Jaeobe from SepA 12*1 to Sana, 86 PLASTIC COATED CLOTH WINDOW closing the Senate’s investigation prisoners straggled silently down "This is an extremely advanced • suedes SHAGMOOR UNTRIMMED WINTER DIVANOLA SLIP COVERS, reg. 11.99. a man aa he wants to be. prescribed b y toe conaUtaUon, the In 1968 pleaded guilty to looting anese victories—it was the mo­ 1MB. SHADES...... N O W 1.59 He said he could tell the Senate rules and Uie precedent of ths tiu state treasury o f $000,000. of overflowing $8.8 billion natkmri ment when allied victory became the short west bank of the Volga concept which envisages an air­ • every heel height! COATS, reg. 69.99...... NOW 4 8 .0 0 FLEECE LINED LEATHER DEESS •sleeted irregulars of 2.99. . N O W 5.49 to quit talking about any conatitu- Senate?” Hodge, e Republican auditor, defense stockpiles, estimates tax­ more than a hopeful dream. and across the Ice and a timber craft that can take off from a regular and petite ataea. heavy cotton tweed wadiable pra ahrunk. TO RBORUn NEGRO VliATHRi GLOVES, reg. 2.99...... NOW 2 .3 9 tional question and get to vottaig. Jolmson added that "aa anxious turns hta back on the brownstone payers are stmde “to the tune of Twenty years ago this corres­ bridge to prison camps. conventional airstrip and fly di­ WINSTON - SALEM. K. O. • blade Mack, w ^ra. . .alaea 14 to 18. $4 biUlon.” . . . National Safety pondent—with a few other news­ The field marshal gave his men rectly into orbit and return," • brown 86” PLASTIC WINDOW SHADES. MODERN CLUB CHAIR SUP COVERS. Not so, replied t^ee President as I am to choke off debate at buildings of the ancient prison on (AP) — Wake Foreet Oeltafa reg. 1.69...... NOW 1 ,1 9 I^don B. Johnson. Umes, this rice president Is never the bulk of the Mississippi River Council aays traffic accidents in men stationed in the Soviet Union a long, dismal look.. Then his gaze McNamara said. athletto offlolalB said Wedheaday • grem BOYS’ FLiySCE LINED LEATHER WF- 9-W ...... NOW 4 .9 9 Jofaasan, noting Ironically that gtang to choke it oft except in ac­ 0H years after he entered It, pa- U .S. killed 41,000 perwins In 1982, —slogged through the snow to a slow ly turned to us. Before ■ deciding whether to first quality . .. wMU,jgreen, beige. start on a very costly develop­ they wlU actively roendt Nefpa PLAY G LQ^S. reg: 2^29. . . .N OW T .5 9 tomplalnta against him usually cordance with the rides of the Kled by Ctov. Otto Kerner, a Dem­ an all-time high, and Injured 1.5 small wooden house. One ot us who spoke German athleteo. Oenoh BUy Hlas- began what we hoped would be an ment, McNamara said, Air Force FUR TRIMMED. CLOPAY CLOTH WINDOW SHADES. have been that be used every Senate.” ocrat. million others. Within that house, in under­ braad mnda ths t i ounce of power be poaseased, aald Sen. Kenneth B. Keating, standable dejection, sat Friedrich Interview : scientists are setting out to scflvs reg. 2.29...... N O W 1 .7 9 Senate DamoeraUe Leader Mika Tho 68-year-oId onetime polltl- JOYCE.. .SANDLER.. .QUEEN QUAUTY Wm vice praaidant can prealda Mansfield of Montana Jumped up etan told The Aaaoctated Press R-N.T., arid today a large vessel von Paulus. A tall, gaunt soldier "What ta your name?” certain basic problems. WINTER DRESS COATS ft*t quality. . .white, gneB. belg*, ^ , Di^HES...lA)W ER^^I^^ “Von Paulus,” be replied in a These m^blsms Invtfivs prapul- m sat ^ % 0 F F over Uie B m te but can’t toll It to UMt Johnwn ^taVaaisd Wsdnsaday night that probably arrived In OUba last Friday and of the - old German army, Von M arytani. discontinued styles MINK OR SQUiRRED COLLARS, what to do or when to do I t to worry Otat any oxtraord*”— hta hardest trial ta yst to come: nnloaded cargo ot annameato . . . Paulus had commanded Stler’s flat voles utterly without emotion. sion and the structurs of a eUR ENTIRE SiXJCK / “Why for so long did you refuse winged spaceplane that would have a Nsgm ] not all available in all sizes 5«% AlW M0lteOFFr ; U IIW Y 9- LUNCHilON Javlta and Sens. Jostidi S. Oiufc powars would b o tfoosdsd to Facliig hta neighbors In his home Three young East Germans, sent broken legions, encircled in a next ssason i Oaaab reg. 69.99 to 79.95. D-Pa., and CIiffiim teg. 86e;...... ,NOW 394 ing through the aflnosphere at up Tom Nugent saM ! NOW 4 8 .0 0 to 5 8 .0 0 BOYS' AND YOUTHS’ WINTER ] N .J., contended the rice prerident aU “I know when I get back,” he horns by their Oommimlat bosses Stalingrad. At that the muscles in the field ■ - ■ rmt*-**'*® ■ ■ haa braad eonsUtuUenal powars U 'Only a mattar of hours before marshal’s face tightensd and his to 18,000 m llee an hour. N egro ■ JACKETS, reg. 14-99 tG2B.99. liVBJlkY; GOVERmi BUTTER DI ■rid, “thin wlU be pjMple who in reooipiittOQ of their efforts, trem flis Mamd. AUi aALBBnNAL MmruotoMt *• ha would Ja ri naa ttMm. make use of ths vacations to sa> Von Paulus gavs im. Hitler made KOW II^telOJP (jiflP i!)?:W f- l - 7 l r . M thap SMilk Wss tOAlMd-Mto 0* HM'.IPHh M ia M mnA M