TDESDAT, JANUARY 1|t, 186t lEmntos ll^raUi --------- - '■ " am i memgr fo r NdsvstopiM ot wtQ Hospital Notes M artin Asks at tha $$,000 will bs niBE iMt Town ths and sbnlng oommls- -ijiimtvm tt 'WonMin Voten ADMITTED YESTERDAY: Mrs. $ 5 S ,0 0 0 fo r Moo f m d T n w town plaaning on- 9 AJaMe ___ _EV«bav« wan op*n oma mMttiwmMttnc tomtomor- Hilda Petersoif, Hartford; Mrs. ^-lesr, Edward Ryboxyk, rerignad M W tt S > in . at Mott’aMott’» Oommun-Cfemm Marilee Esada, Hebron; Mrs. Mas bsooms •Keounva dlraetor of tha Maneheater Radevelopment u t H m tty 9 2 l ' R «t M w l l^aiuilnc be Gardner, 18 Church St.; Mark S ew erF u n d s daoUMed^ by Mra.Mn. ’DorothyDorothy JacJacob- AbraiUs, 68 Doane St.; Mrs. Edith Agency, and until ths pla nning adft,(ft, pTMldentprealdent <H«t CNittolCl “ ■ Ration" Gaspa, 22 Arch St.; Elliott Earl, uad sonlhg 'commission finds n Otaeiml Managw Richard Mar­ Buooessor to hhn, the money ailo- Plamuiiclamuaf Ag«ncy:Agency; GHorace Brown, 22 Elizabeth Dr.; Michael Presuttl, State N ew s e hM M ooT f OommonityCommunity Development 37 CourUand St.; John Murdock, tin aaid today ha win aak tha oated for his a a l ^ will be un- ZMyialon, Connecticut Development 26 Walker St.; Joyce St. Pierre, board at direotoni Tuaaday, Fob. B, Oommluton: and Bdward By* 54 N. School St.; Miss Jeanntne to appropriate $55,000 to the aew- beiylt, director of Mancheater Re- Barrette, 354 Center St.; William or depaitment, in anticipation at Roundup davrtopment Agency. Stevenson, 66 W. Middle Tpke.; Maoaamonta and other reoelpta. 3 Shower* Held Britain Keeps Hope Mrs. Rhoda O’Leary, 1 Vine Dr., Thirty thouaand dollara will be The 80-80 Club of St. Mary'a Vernon; Ray Flke Jr., 116 Wad­ for operating esq^enaea and bond For Mis* Reagan PAINT BpUoopal Church wUl meet Friday dell Rd.; Stephen Trauber, Storrs; paymanta, he aeld, $15,000 wlU GOP for Chopping • t Neill Hall. A potluck will be Mrs. Bertha Bowden, Stafford bo for the S.: Alton St aanitary Mias Baveriy Rea(*nf $0 Lenox ■BE JACKSON, Miss. (AP)-^ M eNdltb toM the-newsmen he served at T p.m. there will be a Springs; Mary Kacmarczyk, 81 aowor Inatallarioty and the root St, was feted At three bridal bad talked with U.S. Atty. Qen. Kerr-Mills Charge urhiat party after a bualneas meet- Schaller Rd.; George Prouty, win be for part of the exponaea showere reoently. James Hi Meredltivfurid today Eehert F. Kennedy, but didn’t go nur. Membera are reminded to Storrs; Mrs. Shirley Banner, -49 of the Weat Side end Hackmatack H er Junior bridesmaids, Larsen's ho planB to o n ron for tho Into detail about their cenversa- bnoga cards. Salem Rd.; Brian Wilkie, 19 Wel­ B t Sewer projecta approved Jan. Oarol A- Qronki and Miss Patricia spring semaster at ths U n i- HARTFORD (AP) — Re­ come Pi.; Mark Barrett, Elling­ 15 by the dlreotom. A. Raagan, assisted by Mre. Am- H A m W A U M C . For Place in Market T ^ t y of Misaissippi. publican legislative leaders The Manchester Business and ton; Mrs. Anna Taylor, Coventry; The need for $30,000 ariaee, ho broee Raymond and Mrs. Edward 34 Depot Square, Mane The ae-year-4)ld M egn, tha ftrat made it plain today that they PMfeaslcnal a u b win meet to- Norman Rau, 51 Ellington Ave., ' Canit Encouraged aaid, becauae once again the pay- J. Cronin, ware hosteaaas fbr a n c M S4S-8$f« --•n d stiU the only—person at Ms morrow at S p.m. at the Whiton Rockville; Edwin Edwards, 18 cuaaov. s.c. ( a p ) - o em - will not cooperate in a quick Chamber Speaker menta on paat Inatallation of aew- mlsceUaneous diower for 50 gueats zees ever knowliiifty admitted as lege moved peacefully ■ ■“ Town Representative Pearl St.; Mrs. Louise LaCafta, 160 senSt Collsge momoved patch job on the state’s Kerr- and Atty. Paul WdlUam K. Osgood, assistant er lines are not being made by at Orange Halt » student at the ^ v e ra lty t mede through South- ■ Carolina'sC an flrtt puh- School St.; David DeMerchant, 61 Mills medical care for the Chxxdwrt be guest speakers. chief of planning for the State benefiting property ownere on the the bride-elect opened her gifts the nnhounoamant to newamen Ue -aiibool tmagratlgratlon Tussday but West Tries Highway Department, will be Wedgewood Dr.; W. (Jraig Heaton, beneath a pink and white umbrel­ -base. aged program. Rsfreshmente wUl be served. Hany Lane, Rockville; Mrs. Cor- aame timetable a* the bond pay- a collegeeoUege ottl(Wo ttliw saysi “I am sure gfuest speaker for the Manchester la. The hall was decorated with “ The Negro ie not going," he H ie G O P leaders said they re­ inne French, Vernon Trailer Court, menta come due. we plan to continue security for' Chamber of (Commerce tomorrow pink and white streamers and told Ms news conference. *T, gard the $100 yearly deductible * 1 the annual report of Man- Vernon; Mrs. Ethel Moske, Tunnel The S. Alton S t aenltaiy aewer a w ^ s . ” { To Regain at noon at Covey’s Restaurant. requiroe an epproprialtion becauae white wedding bells. A bride doU James H. Meredith, am goliig.” Joa fOtotman, Cleaftaon public feature of the program as some­ dhsaber MenvHlal Hospital on Page He will use maps and charts to Rd., Vernon; Richard Lineham, was the centerpiece for a buffet A Good Time To Bnj b S of last n^lA’s Herald, there was It u a aupplement to an esclatlng He reed a statement betore n relatians cMet, said by security thing that should be done away illustrate a talk on the future ex­ Newington; Mrs. Sheila Walsh, Am- tabla SB error on the comparison sta- ston; Richard Norton, Wapping; line for which benefiting property battery of neammen and televisioa he mebnt an addition to the usual with entirely— not only after the pressway system in the capitol re­ Guests attended from North During Oor Mid-Winter CBIYIGTM* tlaUca. The lellt hand coiumn Ralph Fletcher Sr., South Windsor. ownera have already been comptemant of officers assigned first year, as proposed by State Firm Grip gion. Chelmsford, Mass., Blast Hartford aboold have been the 1962 figures, ADMITTED TODAY: George aeeaed. Meredith said he had “pondered to the eanmus. Welfare Commissioner Bernard and Manchester. and the right band oolumn the Members of the chamber and Hunt. Ctolchester. Dlreetora approved the ImtaUa- the queeMon for. several days” and Meanwhile, Harvey B. Gantt, Shapiro. thedr gruests are invited to hear Miss Gail Bumbem, 33 Bissell bad taken into consideration ths House Majority Leader Louis i t n f l g u M BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A daugh­ Uon of aanitBiy sewers in eight 30, tha firat Nsgro student at LONDON (AP)—Britain’s the talk and attend the monthly West Side streets for $67,000 and St., was hostess at a personal SPECIALS feeUnm' of people. In this country Clamaon, signsd up for Ms olaases Paduia of Norwalk and Senate Mi- ter to Mr. and Mrs. Joel Levy, 49 shower for 26 at her home. She Chief negotiator in Common noon luncheon. Cushman Dr.; a daughter to Mr. the installation of a'sanitaiy sewer . and' nrqughout ths wbvid. today to complete his enrollment.. I nority Leader Peter P. Mariani w — M ary Hobtn, daughter of was assisted by her mother, Mrs. Market talks said today the Osgood studied at George Wash­ and Mrs. Gregory Maloney, Weth­ in Hackmaitack St. for $36,000, ON “I welidied this against my own Gimtt, a transfer student from ! Groton also made it plain that lA '. and M n . Thomas Hobin, 86 Margwet Bumluun. Miss Burn- ington University in Washington, ersfield; twin daughters to Mr. and but the sanitary sewer reserve . pwBcnal position,” be said. Iowa ■ Stole University, want j they did not regard it as emer­ FrenCh veto of British mem­ Benton S t, has completed her barn ’Will be the maid of honor at Meredith arrived at the news gency legislation. oAdterm vocation and has re­ D. C. Before joining the highway Mrs. Gregory McGinness, Vernon fund Is approximately $10,000 through a oitoday orientation pro­ bership “ is a bitter blow to (Herald photo by Satemi*) the wedding. ALUMINtii .«yif?i'6nce in the Negrq MjMonle timed to WUlimantic State Col- department in 1939, he worked for ’Trailer Court, Vernon. short of this total. gram for new atudents without ta- I They said they would try to all those who believe in true Mrs. Murdock accepts award from Dr. Barry. BoQi the W est Side and Hack­ Emerald and w illo w green Temple smiling and wasses. M .a eldant Tuesday a apokeaman said. legev where ehe is a sophomore. various federal agencies in Wash­ BIRTH ’TODAY: A daughter to arrange a hearing ^ l y next week European unity, but it is not ington and for the Maryland Sitate Mr. and Mrs. George Hodson, 478 matack St. projects wiU eventual­ streamers and pink and whits dark suit and tie. Gantt's second night on campus on all bills deslgnea to change the wedding bells decorated the house • DOOR OANOPIES The Mailmam’s will meet to­ Highway Department. Gardner St. ly finance themselves, through as­ to W as'as'uneventful as the first. A Kerr-Mllls program, and specifical­ a mortal one.” From 1949-53, he was chief car­ sessments on benefiting property and a buffet table. Ms dsoision known at a news oont tight network ripte highway Deputy Foreign Minister Ed­ night at 8 at the home of Mrs DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: at ly those that would eliminate the tographer for the Connecticut owners.
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