CHORALE' Cided to Discontinue Advertising Italy ’-— ------Tens Millions of Dollars Public Bordering on Poland
, i ■•' *1 X :r » FACE TWENTY-POUR WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1«, IMS r ■ ipattrhipBtifr lEoimbts H^ralb Ararafe Dally |fet PrM Ron For «M Week IMod Members of the Golden 'Age Auw U, USS The Wsathar Ckib will assemble at 9:16 a.m. to Frailer, daughter of Mir. and Mrs. Fnredisl of B, & Wruther ZoreMi About Town morrow tn ' the Senior Citizens Graduates 5 Town Dancers Edward Frasier, 66 OMver Rd.; Room on School St. Ihe bus for I Patty Aoeto, daughter of Mr. and FREE DEUVERY 13,828 IClM Z«nta Osola, daiighter of the picnic at Roger WllUams Park, STATE TECH INSTITUTE In Canton Show Mrs. Anthony Aoeto, 197 Olien- V «f the Audit Ohnnoe o f showers tonight, Mr. and M n. Arvida Onola, 4S R. I., will leave promptly at 9:30. wood St.; Kairen Kopecki, daugh y A.M. M y PAi. Low SS to 66. Fiidny suMigr h f Doan* 8 t, and Mlaa Oeraldine Two Manchester residents were ter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kopecki, of ObwolMMon Five students of the Gertrude High ’TO. ▼«nK«, dauffitar of Mr. and Mrs. The ' Lutheran Women’s Mis graduated from the Hartford State 141 Crestwaod Dr., and Oeamgia ARTHUR DRUR ManeheMi€ii^~^A City o f Vittago C harm WUUam CSiarlea VenKe, 19D Wood' sionary League of Zion Evangel Technical Institute at its 16th Com Tyieo' School of Dance are appear Flavell, daughter of Mrs. Georgs bridK* St., raoently were pledged ical Lutheran Church will meet mencement held yesterday at 2 ing In "The King and I,” which Flavell, 662 Woodbrldge St, to Oaimna Beta Chapter of Delta tonight at 7:30 in the assembly started last night and will con VOL.
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