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\ Arcrag* D»Ujr Net Prew Run rw tiM Weak Ended The Weather Febninry ^ iM s .. Foreoaat of U. S. Weather Bnreua Mhtnyem toward evening, cloudy, 13,543 much colder tonight and Tneeday; Member of the Audit Loiv'tonljght IS to SO. High to* Mueen of Oliealntlon Manche$ter— A City of Village Chnrm morrow S8 to SO.

VOL. LXXXI, NO. 106 (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1962 (dawifled Advertlelng on Page IS) PRICE FIVE CENTS U.S. Copter^ Ferry State News Over 20 Cars, Roundup Truck in Jam Vietnamese in Raid On Turnpike French Police Reveal Youth Accused BRIDGEPORT, (AP) — On Viet Cong Rebels More than ^20 veliicle.s 'piled In.Fatal Stabbing up in h6avy fog on the Con- necticut Turnpike today, in- SAIGON, South Viet Natn^thelr eflorU to clear the nation of -,-New Haven (AP)—An 18- juring at least four persons. year-old Wallingford youth is Plot to Upset Regime a Red guerrilla?U( force now estima- state Police estimated that as (A P)—A U.S. helicopter com many as 25 to 28 vehicles were in- pany airlifted Vietnamese 0,000 men—five times .the being held on a murder charge number in the field two years ago. in a fatal stabbing in a board- volved in the chain reaction acci- troops on a raid Sunday to The 15 helicopters took off at dent on the eastbound and west- ing house yesterday. bound lanes near the Bridgeport- wipe out a strong Viet Copg dawn Sunday from Saigon ' and The youth, Ishmael Nieves, Communist force based at picked up the troops at Ca Mau, Stamford line, 150 miles southwest of that capi- said he stabbed Mrs. Charlotte . Four persons were admitted to Hung My, a village near the tal. Each helicopter is capable of Monk, 32,. in self-defense, accord- Bridgeport Hospital, but the extent De Gaulle southern tip of South Viet carrying 12 combat-equipped’ men. ing to police. of their injuries was not immedi- Nam. Most of the quarry es- In the three flights to Hung My, -She was dead on arrival at ately known. each thus carried a total of about Grace-New Haven Community The accident started In the west- caped. Hospital with seven stab wounds bound lane, when a car the Three rebels were captured. A three dozen. Hits Foes In the last stages of'the run in the chest. rear of a truck. Other vehicles large supply of medicine, 10 pounds Police said an argument broke bumped Into the first two. of documents and some homepiade (Continued on Page Five) out about 9 a.m. in the kitchen of State Police said a motorist in arms were seized. a rooming house owned by Mrs. the eastbound lane slowed down to In Algiers ' But the great majority of the Monk's sister. They said Nieves see the plleup, and similiap rear- village garrison—about 130 guer- told them that the two women end collisions occurred there. rilla troops—fled from freshly dug By 11:30 a.m., within about 90 foxholes into the nearby bamboo Students Stone started throwing glasses at him, minutes of the plleups, the lanes of PARIS (A)‘) — President groves as the fleet of V.S. copters and then Mrs. Monk rushed at him the turnpike were cleared of vehi- Charle.s de (.aulle said tonight roared down on them. with a kitchen knife. cles in both directions and traffic that despite "subversive and U.S. Em bassy He pulled out a switchblade rolled freely again. Of the 15 helicopters Involved, knife and stabbed her in self-de- criminal” resistance by right- -one was downed and another was All available state troopers from wing opponents, France in hit by parting fire. None of the fense, police quoted him as say- the Westport Barracks were dis- Americans and Vietnamese aboard In Indonesia ing. patched to the scene at the time of moving rapidly toward peace was injured. the crashes. in Algeria. The airborne assault force, JA■4a RTA.: Indonesia (AP)—A Fatally Injured The French president, in a moved into the attack in three studeifM mob: stoned the U.S. Em- HAMDEN (AP) — Peter Uller- radio-television speech to the successive waves, totaled one bat- bassy'and ripped down the Amerl- up, 75. wes fatally Injured when nation, declared he “positive- talion of Vietnamese Infantry and can fl,lag today, Injuring one em- he was hit by a car while cross- Inquest Starts a company of rangers—perhaps ploye. The action brought a vigor- ing Dlxw-ell Ave. at Morse St. last ly hoped" he would attain thin 000 men. ous American protest. night. He was taken to St. Raph- goal very soon. Be added that Only women, children and two The students, believed to be pro- ael's Hospital in New Haven On Deaths in France would soon make pub- eld men occupied the village by Communlst, were protesting be- where he died several hours later. lic in detail her latest pro- the time the copter fleet last cause a Dutch plane carrying The driver of the car, Peter Vetro, touched down and three Vietna- troops to disputed West New Hospital Fire posals to end the more than 20, was charged by poltcv! with seven years of savage nation- mese army lutits. eadh with Amer- Guinea was allowed to refuel on negligent homicide. ican military advisers, closed in. U.S. soil. HARTFORD, Feb. 6 (AP)— An alist insurrection. L,t. Cbl. Robert B. Olson of The mob action came before re- Inquest on the Dec. * fire at Hart- De Gaulle scoffed at efforts Dallas, Tex., one of the advisers, ports reached here that the Girl, 7, Killed ford Hospital, which caused 18 of right-wing European activ- commented that. "Limited as we United States had withdrawn per- WEST HAVEN (AP) — Seven- deaths, was opened today by Hart- ware in msn, machines and com- mission for Dutch charter planes year-old Karen Hayden was killed ford County Coroner Louis W. ists, grouped in the clandes- munications, we Just could not carrying troops to use U.S. air-Vwhen she was hit by a car in front Schaefer. tine' Secret Army Organiza- does that ring tight enough.” fields at Anchorage, Alaska; Hono- of her home yesterday. She was It was held for convenience in a tion, to seize power in France. • Women who emerged from the lulu and Wake Island. the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. conference room at the institution, since many of the witnesses are He recalled previous unsuc- grass huts, some with naked babies At the Hague, a communique George Hayden. President Charles de Gaulle Is shown recording speech in Elysee Palace in Paris to- cessful efforts of the right- in their arms, gave questioners said Premier Jan de Quay of the hospital employes and official*. It day which will be heard by France tonight over radio and televi.sion on his progress little information about the Netherlands had expressed his deep 18 to 26 was expected to take at least two, toward ending the 7-year Algerian rebellion. (AP Photofax via radio from Paris.) wing Europeans in Algeria to strength and whereabouts of the disappointment and added that he day*. undermine the Paris govern- gusriUaa, and much of what they could- not understand the U.S. de- HARTFORD (AP) — The SUte The inquest was closed to the ment. did Bay was conflicting. cision. Motor Vehicle Department's dally public in accordance with Coroner "You can't really blame them," The Indonesian news agency record of automobile fatalities as Schaefer'a usual custom. This Is a Castro Blasts By DAVID MASON aaid MaJ. David Oalliher of Wash- Pia said Foreign Minlater Suban- of last midnight and ths totals on discretionary matter under the law. the same date last year:: State Police Commissioner l-<‘0 J. Cuba Charges OAS PARIS (AP)—Security of- ington, D.C. ‘Tf these women talk drio expressed regret about the at- Mulcahy was the first witness today, they'll probably die tomor- tack on the embassy although he 1961 1962 ficers announced today the ar- Killed ...... 18 26 called Into the conference room to Kennedy Ban row.” added 'he could "well understand testify. In his capacity as state fire rest of neVen Secret Army Or- Ihe misaion pointed up sharply the anger and Irritation of the In- Extended Forecagt marshal, he recently completed an ganization members caught tlw EToblnu fae«r by South Viet WINDSOR LOOKS (AP)—The exhaustive investigation of the fire. Swayed by U.S,. Gold On Cuba Trade with ^plans to overthrow the Nam and the United States in (GoBtinned ea Page Five) U.S. Weather Burlsau's extended Reports on both the inquest and government. The development Connecticut forecast for Tueeday the fire marshal's Investigation will HAVANNA (AP)—Cheered by through Saturday, 'Feb. lOi. be given to State Atty, John D. La- came as the nation awaited Bell*. who will make'them public in UNITBO NATIONH, N.Y, ♦bly's lOi-nation poUUcal commit-. a vast throng of Cubana and bol- President Charles de Gaulle's Temperatures averag^ two (AP)—IT.n, Ambasaadnr Adlal FBI Refuses Comment below normal be- the near future. , tee the United States went to the stered by a message from the speech tonight on Algeria, E. StevMisim told thn Unltist OAS conference at Punta del Esle, Kremlin, Fidel Castro brushed off jf: oolder Tueeday and re- Nations today that Cuba Is try- Unigury, to try to liquidate all which might touch off more coM throughout the pe- ing to ivrork the Alllanro for poasiblllty of negotiating a settle- Cuba's impending expulsion from violence. « normei high and low Progrrsa and that tha Amrrican ment with the Castro government. the Inter-American s.vslem Sun- Autliorltlca aald the arrest of the tbiMiWaturea: Jap Reds Hand rapiihllrs ara detarmlnad to aaa The United States, he said, went day night,and predicted his kind of men, identified a.s member* of Victim ’s Son Raps ■ A r t f oord. n 86 and 17; Naw Hav- that this doaa not happen. to the conference "carrying a bag revolution vvould sweep I.«Un the secret sniiy’s operations! ,.(fn 86 and 19; Bridgeport, 86 and of gold in one hand and a dagger— America "like a march of giants." headquarters, waa the most severe 3 P rotests to UNITED NA'nONS, N. Y. (AP) a bloody dagger in the other." A throng of Cubans Jamming Precipitation will average less —Chiba today denounced the recent The effort* of President Ken- Jose Marti Plaza roared approvicl (ContIniiiHl on Page Seven) Plane Bomb Story than one half Inch falling as rain anti-Castro action of the Organi- nedy to isolate Cuba from the rest as the bearded prime mlnl.ster as- or snow Thureday or Friday. Bob Kennedy zation of American States (OAS) of the western hemisphere, Garcia sailed F’reaident Kenned.v as liypo- as a flagrant violation of the U.N. declared, have "carrleairport with the bomb wrapped in Communist groups delivered pro- and pressure. The Oihan delegate recited a in Washington said the ban. chief- son of William Alien Taylor has , Mckage under hi* arm. WATBBBURY (APJ. — Union Cuban Delegate Mario Garcia- Bulletins discounted a convict's story that When young Taylor was inter- workera .went back to their Jobs test* today for U.S. Atty. Gen. long list of U.S. actions which he ly affecting tobacco, will deprive Robert F. Kennedy. Inchaustegul also accused the Ken- said proved not only wide-scale Castro's reglma of l.l,') million a T ^ lo r carried a bomb aboard a viewed, he said Spears' atory eon' today at the Benrua Watch Co. nedy administration of pushing Culled from AP Wires Natiwial Airline* plane which dis- where production of watch ca>(es The Japanese Reds, told Ken- U.S. Intervention in the internal af- year. tradlcts everything Spears had nedy's schedule was tight, oblig- plana for a "new aggraaslon" fairs of Cuba but are alao evidence ('astro shouted his defiance of appeared Into the Gulf of Mexico aald previously. He eaid that an in- liad been halted by a 3-week strike. against the regime of Prime Minis- two years age. vestigation had shown Spears The 230 members of Local 1251, ingly delivered theih written pro- of aggresalve plans. the Organization of American tests against "oppression of Ameri- ter Fidel Castro. States for its 14-1 vole at Punta ASKS DEMPSEY F.XPLAIN William Alien Taylor Jr., 19, practiced hypnosis and added that United Auto Workers, voted Sat- He called for U.N. action to He asserted that hundreds of Cu- TRUMBITIJ. (AP) — New- called Robert Vernon Spears' story urday to end the walkout, which can Communists" to a minor offici- ban refugees are being trained In del Este, Unigiiay. last week to his father could npt have carried a al of the U.S. Eipbassy. curb "these interferences" and man MarsllliiH, who seeks the a fabrication. 'bomb aboard the plane unless "he began Jan. 13, by accepting a new "these aggre.sainns agalnat our the United States, Guatemala. Pa- oust Cuba from llic hemisphere Spears, serving a sentence in David Osborn,' U.S. Embassy nama. Nic aragua and the Domini- family of nations until It breaks Republican gnl>ernutorinl nomi- was either hypnotized or drugged." 2-year contrict, ijrst secretary, said the attorney people." nation, CMlleqrt* circulated that leftist stu- clared that the base Is being used bly ran take "such action an laa. tion, although the negotiating for anti-Cuban purposes. speech came on the eve of K de- mav l>e iisefiili nr nerosaary.* S{>ears, 67.,a naturopath, was on earlier in an automobile accident dents were planning a demonstra- nic Cuban delegation was bac k- bate In (he U.,N. political commit- ■ . - ut ■ the passenger list for the flight. "but he never had any acute pain, committee Initially agreed to the tion Thursday at Waseda Univer- iMortur shell Just misse* Premier The plants that plan to move— move. ing a Communist resolution ap- tee on a ((ommunlst-sponsnred re- ami which, Marsllliis said, em - He had Insured his life for |121,- such as Spears describes. He had a sity, where Kennedy is scheduled Prinee Bonn Otim of Lao* as he pealing to the United States to end volution charging the U n I t'a d 000 and was arrested by FBI brace, which he had all but thrown Under the next pact, however, to meet student group*. One of- leaves basieged northwestern prov- ploy a total of more than 1,000 agents in a Phoenix, Arlz., motel away. It's still out here In the ga- a 5-eent-an-hour pay retroactive < workers—-are Princetmrn Mills ficial of the , Kennedy welcoming incial capital of Nam Tha after (Continued on Page Seven) (Ckintinued on Page Five) of tYaterInwn and tVatervllle, two months after the plane van- rage. I don't know why he would committee said a special police Inapeclion, his finance minister re- ished. have wanted a new one." (Continiied on Page Seven) escort had not been arranged. ports in Vientiane. anil A m erican'Screw Co. of WII- The BTBI has refused to com- Kennedy met Prime Minister llmiuitle. ment on Spears' story. i;.S. Navy flatly rejee.ts sugges- Hayato Ikeda today and assurefl tion that its nuclear siibmarines KIDNAPED BOY .SAFE Spears, serving a sentence for him that future U.S. economic ‘Biff Flip’ Cominjg Soon stealing the elder Taylor's car, have been snorkeling occa*ioffuilly I/ONDOiN (AP) — Celln Voh- ‘Boiler Room Operators’ policy under his brother’s direction to freshen their supplies of air. . . told Barker In a aeries of inter- will not neglect Japan. derA'ell, 17," son of wealthy Indus- views that he has asked Taylor, F. H. McGraw Co. of Hartfprd trialist iiiid nu’Ing car apnnsnr Economic Issues that have signs ofllrtal contra<'t with city 'Tony Vanilervell, told police to- an old'friend at Tampa and a caused some grumbling in Japan Rahu Swallows Sun, former fellow convict, to make a for F. Main St. \irhan renewal (lay he wan kldnH|ied from his Brokers Next- Target came up in the .flrst official call of' m-hiMd .Siinila.v night. Pnllee said bomb so that he could "take care” the U.S. attorney general's six-day project. of a woman witness against him visit to Japan. H oiisehreakers sleel $86(1 In he was found disheveled and in a Los Angeles abortionMtion case.ca cash and large quahtily of cloth-c ^Doomsday ’Postponed mmhiy and with both Ills hands tied at Stoke 5Iandevllle, Bnck- Spears said he came to Tampa (Continued on Page Two) Ing from home of Waterbury bual- to discuss the plans. Taylor, he In Tax Fraud Probe neasman Samuel Jarcho during Inghaihshlrr. By HE.N'KY H. BRADKHKR ■< The path of the eclipse lay over aald, told him he wanted to go to weekend, police report. TWO .W IEItICANS KIIJJCD Dallas to gat a brace for his in- WASHINGTON (AP)—A prom-«change and its member* by the NEW DELHI, India (AP( — tlic South Pacific, and .New Guinea 4 Americans Killed I.Auls Lauriter, Negro apecial was pliingecl Into 'Jarkne.ss. VIETIANE, LAOS (AP)— lured neck and asked to use Inent Wall Street figure closely Securities and Exchange Commis- assistant to Republican national Serpent Rahu had his /un but the . sptrs' airline ticket because he sion. world-beset as it may be with "It was so dark I cfmid not see An .\merlenn-plloted transport associated with the New York chairman, says in statement that plane was shot dimn by hostile found driving too painful. . Some sources said that if the With 14' Others in president Kennedy "may ■ awake earthly troubles—was still intaet the numbers of my camera." said Speanars said he last saw Taylor Stock Exchange la expected to be today. Jim Huxley, editor of the New fori'es Sunday while flying over case of the New York Stock Ex- to flnil that Negroes and other (he i’lalne lies Jarres on an air walking through the door to the the first target' of a federal drive change figure reache.* the courts, Peru Plane Crash minority grou|w are not * gi LA IIO.NOKI'J) duce a sensation in financial and grand larceny in 1938. of a Peruvian airliner In the moun- The evil Rahu swallowed lhe|Kn>bered at I.ae, on the east’ grippe. predicted today. But things coast of .New Guinea, and a ,Tap- WASHING'rO.N (AP) — (kin- business circled It was understood that the Jua- tains of central Peru. All 18 per- Secretary of Labor Arthur J. golese Prem ier Cyrllle Adoiila WASHINGTON (AP) — George If the nvemment adheres to Ude Dei>artment and the Internal came back to normalnnrmst aftersiiep an Bnescanesc team reported completecom pi siic- W. Romney says if he decides to sons aboard the plane were killed. Goldberg says government should cess in observing the eclip.se. arrived In \\ aslilngton tmlay and its tentative timetable, it was Revenue Service have developed The twin-engine DCS of the tSLke part in encouraging aria and eclipse lasting about three min- wa* given u red-enr|s-t reception saak the governorship of Michi- learned, evidence will be present- allegaUona that the individual in- utes . Rahu wa.s riglit on tunc aa he: *aa, "I will announce as a Re- Faucett Airlinee came down in a artists "but with very positive slithered acrDjs the heavens but | as an honuri-d guest of President ed to a federal {(rand Jury in New volved undeixtated his income heavy rainstorm shortly after tak- llmlta” . . .Lt. Col, John H. Glenn Hindu astrologers had preilicted Kenned.v. It is the first \1slt to pubUcan who raeognteM that tha York City later this week. A final and Inflated claimed deductions tliere were no report.* of the catas- Rapubllcan image needs improva- ing off from. Tlngo Maria. 135 Jr. tells President Kennedy he great calamities when six plan- trophe.* ast rologer* had predict- I Washington for Adoiila, who I* decision was being delayed pend- for contributions to charities and miles from Lima, on the Huallaga wishes newsmen would concentrate ets—Mercury, Venus, Mars, Ju- the I ..S. governm ent’s favorite mant" ing a q>ecial meeting of federal phllanthroples- piter, Saturn and Earth moved ed . ' for leoilershlp of a liniteil (Inngo, Romney, 56, president of Amer- prosecutors later today. River. Authorities said the plane on scientinc aspecta of his project- Swami Yugiiaj, one of 2.V) Hln- I The ori^nal evidence In many had been- forced to land by the ed flight Into mpaoe rather than his into conjunctions with each other dll holy men iondiii'l ing prayer | Kenned.v ' arranged a White ican Motors; said Suniday on a tele- Informants said at least a dozen ot the pending casee was uncov- and the sun and the moon over House liinelieoii III .Adoula's vision interview program — NBC bad weather. personal life. meeting.* in .New Delhi mourned: i tax fraud cases, including this ered by the Securities and Ebc- The American victim# were iden- the weekend. It happens only honor uud an overnight stay at Meet the Press - r that he will one, were being developed against change Cfommiarion. The widely Gaetano Cardinal Chcognani, 80, every century or two. "What a lerrihle time the aerjieiit | Bliilr House, the President’s make his decision this week. tifled as Dr, and Mrs. Jerome A. prefect of the yallcan Congrega- Rahu has r:ho.*en to deioiir our | guest house. brokers, underarriters. stock ma- varied inquiries involve allegations Uram of Newton, Mass.; and Dr. tion of Rites, dies at home today For aotronomers it was an in- protesting sun gist" On the GOP image, Romney nipulators, "boiler room opera- that two Wall Street lawyers failed triguing scientific phenomenon. aald: "I think the Republican par- and Mrs. Richard Block. Block and of heart attack.. .Kep. Adam Clay- In Ahmedahad, caiiilal of UKLIt'H IJIA I^ VOT’E tors” and Wall Street lawyers. to flle tax returns, that a broker his wife, Ma/garet. both 60 were ton 'Powell, D-N.Y., cxll* for break- But foi millions who believe in Giijerat Stale, about .lOO.OOd Hin- ty has been to6~ much . indentlified They said the intensive' work in did not report his full bustneas and the Influence of the stars it was S.\N JO.SK, Costa Kica (AP) as a business party, as a party in- protein chemtete who co-authored up of Department of Health, edu- dus attended propitiatory fire — Francisco J, Orllch, a sup- the securities area was similar peraoiMl income, that an - under- a book on proteins. cation and welfare and establish- frightening. Some feared the sacrifices conducted by 1,200 Brah- ’ fluenced importantly by one eco- to past income tax crackdowns writer wrote off large expenNs worst may still come.. porter of the C.S. ..\lllonce for nomic s^ m o it of the country, l Dr. Block was attached to the ment of new department of educa- min priffsts. ; Progress program, steadily In- arhich have Involved physicians, hrdid not incur, and that several Boyce-Thomjiaon Institute of New tion.. .Herbert Bloomberg, presi- Keith Robertson, director of Indtaii alrline.i operated one j think this is unfortunate and k daraiters, morticians, lawyers, hrokers claimed flcUtious travel I'reosed bis lead today In re- York City and was a consultant dent of WCXX>, Waterbury radio Britain's 1.000-member Aetherius flight to Bombay without a single | turns from Costa Rica’s preol- wrong. small businessmen'' and even tug- and entertainment expenses deduc- for the Borden Co. station, pleads not guilty In Fed- Society, spent a cold and rainy passengr. Other plane* in the ' . As for tha Democratic party. boat captains. tions. area flew almost empty. dentlal election. The National Romney said ha thouiht it "baa The Blocks resided In Scarsdale, eral Court to six counts of failure night with scores of hi* follow- IJberatlon party candidate, who Some of the invMtigatioflb have A number of the cases aim at N.Y. Block, who received his de- to comply with wage-hour laws. • ers atop a mountain praying. Katmandu, capital of Nepal, h M identified too much as a beat under aray for as loag as flagrant market swindlers. The grees from Yale, was the author Police Sgt. Anthony Ellers.' 39. He came down to warns "I be- looked like a ghost town except Is backed by former President union party and that actually three years. A large proportion managers of two stock manipula- of several books. found beaten to death In hU squad lieve that very soon the world will around the Hindu temples. All Jose Fljfueres, wan ooinfortebly iminn influence is too great.” involved Wall Street operations, tions ars being investigated for Uram, 35, was an assistant pro- car near quarry at Burlington, do a 'big flip' when the poles will shops were closed and streets de- In front of his old pollGcal lo*, . Romney left the Impreesion that but several center In other cities. failure to rep^ the exorbitant fessor of fotxl toxlcplogy at M a ^ - Wis. . . , Thirteen American mis- change places with the equator. serted. Fearful of earthquakes Republtoah Rafael Calderon ha probably will try for the gov- A number of the pending casee pnOts, as is a notorious Nsw York chusetts Institute of T^hnology. sionary women and children evac- And mind -you when the 'big flip’ that would bring their, homes tum- Ouardla, and ex-Pre*ldent OtUlo resulted from recent inveMga- ’^boOer room” propmtor 'who uated from Freabyteyian mlMlon comes. 75 per cent of the world's bling down on them, thousands of iriate of the National' Union' an rasa «g) tkns of tha American Stock Kx- iB OMMkliga stocks- .(CoBUxnad oa Paga Two) at Biganga In South Kaaai. population will, be killed.” Nepalese took shelter in tents. party. ( \ li.’im'!:-,.,: .

^ , P A G E T W O MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1962 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, FEBRUARY’ 5. 1962 PAGE THREB tha scanery when it appears on day at Sperry’s Glen. Gary Jeaki of honor at a meeting tonight at How To Hold In addition, the Met has a "paint ^Aida^ Scores J^ap Reds Hand Bolton in Mlllerton, N. Y., and have lived Sheinw old on Bridge and Jan Roberts won honorable Fiano’s Restaurant. A buffet sup- Couple Observe in Manchester all their married bridge." This Is a bridge for scenic mention in the contest for having per will be Served at 6:45 p.m artists. New scenery is painted, and sold the second largest number of life. They have a son, Raymond FALSE TEETH Big Triumph 3 Protests to Ticketa will be available at the Silver Wedding Schdra of Vernon, and two grand- old 'scenery re-furblshed in the tickets for the show. ' door for the program. Moro Firmly to Ptoco “THE WAY same manner. An entire wall of Building Value children. Mr. ScH'ors is employed tell opponent ' Sooft M i M r A last-minute feature ;§aturday Bolton women and their hus- by Praft and Whitn-ey Aircraft, di- Dorour falsa tseth saner and *w- the set (back or side) Is'suspend- Both ihllB SB----- The Baby Has night was the appearance of, Nancy I Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Schors, 51 banaai br sUp^na. dropping flrweH* At Bushnell Bob Kennedy BLEASANT NEWS bands are Invited to a meeting on 'Green Rd., were honored by, 60 vision of United Aircraft Corp., blinc When jrou set. laush cr taint ed by ropes so that it oan be moved , CO N SID ER A ^ MOHIH R. Ludlngton, a 1960 Olympic I HEARD IT” up and down, and be worked on By Alfred Sheinwold At $233,700 ’’Investments" to be held tonight i friends and relatives at a dinner East Hartford, and is a member o f , Just sartnkl* a Itttle PAOiUlV on A A « 4 ^ bronze medaliat. tlie. 1956 U.S. at 8 at the Tolland County Agri- your pTates.Tnia alkalla* (neo-aeld) In general. By JOHN ORVBBR having y o u R S ^ (Ceiitiiiaed from Page One) We were put into this world t pairs championmpl and ladies cham- : party, Saturday night at the Brit- its Quarter Century Glub. powder holds false Meth more flrmlr Once again Hartford got grand be helpful. When an opponent s cultural Building on Rt. 30 in ish American Club in celebration Both Mr. and Mrs. Schors are and mora eoofortabir. No jsiounr. by John Gruber Scenic artists move from right to 0 74 Been Named.Lsse In ’61 Report lionon for New England in 1955. Rockville. Rooer.pastrtaata or tealtaf.Ooaa not opera In the truly- grand manner David Oeborn, U.S. Embassy obviously trying to find things ou 4*9S4 9 Si;;U* Ludihgton, who ia now a pro- of their 25th wedding anniversary. j members of Second Congregation- j left on the bridge doing their work, as the Connecticut (5pera Associa- aour. Cheeks "plat* odor* (dantur* flret sscretary, said the proposed tell him something m n KAor feMional figpire skating instructor I The couple was presented a all- ; al Church. Mrs. Schors is a m em -! hreathl. Oat FABTSRH tedar at and have, the setting moved up- tion offered "Aida" to an absolute-, Put yourself in the East seat. ward or downward to bring uncom- 8H-ci month* old quired. For the fiscal year ending th* entire cast, club members and iftive building, aiu} ia more than chestra], and principal rehearsals. not mean that Japan will be froz- warn m e arrived at her new home on Dec. 28. Her maternal scenery; The Met's paint bridge is poser with whom I attended ’ the diamond finesse. Sept. IS, 1960, the commlaaion is- townspeople who helped make the FRIG ID A IRE W A SH ERS A RE „ J t a theater. Usually, they are T^e ballet rehearsal room is equip- en out of the lucrative American South’s queen of diamond-s wins, ^I'andpyents are Mr. and Mr*. Harry J. Schaefer. Beaver Falls, show a complete success. very large, both in aduitorium and ped with bars and rnlrrors just as 45 feet above the floor with a clear performance. market. you had only three diamond*, h* aued 57 pertnit* including 18 for and he leads out the acc of tru^mps. « . H « paternal grandmother i* Mr*. Wilma Stroud, Greenfield. private hou*ea for a total of 8380,- , .\bant Town facilities. The stage must be big it w’ould he in a European opera hoist of 86 feet. Chicago's is 75 Further, Anton Quadagno proved Kennedy told the Japanese will have to give you credit for Tenn. She haa a brother, David, 2V4. feet above the floor with a clear once again that he is an excellent By his mode of play you should three hearts. 200. The board of education will meet enough to accommodate a cast of house, where ballet and opera leader the United States is seeking know that he has some sort of hundreds, if necessary, and the hoist of 140 feet. ’That is nearly operatic conductor. As- usual he Sure enough, declarer lead* th* Continuing its work on revismg tonight' at 8:30 at the school. An companies are invariably lodged in favorable trade treatment of Jap- tnimp problem. He cannot be wor- m WQoheel P>ederick, son of Mr. end Mr*. Frederick MIDWINTI orchestral pit should accommodate the same building. 14 stories, in case you didn't think kept the pace moving, and the an as well as itself in the EEC jack of heart* from dummy and zoning reguIatlMis, the commission executive session for evaluation about it. And working on a paint forces in excellent balance. And ried about the king of trumps lets it ride for a flneese. Your part- ®*"' Vernon. He wes born Jan. 29 at PLock- will meet Feb. 15 with a represent- of teachers w-ill be held from 8 to about 100 Instrumentalists. My recollection is that the Met Kennedy, an exnert and tireless since he has not tried a finesse. llls TOy Hoepitel. Hi* maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mr*. has a 50-foot opening, between the bridge seven stories up, is no Job Anthony Stivanello, as stage man- ner wins with the queeh of trumps, I ative of the State Development- 8:30 p.m. In this respect, Hartford's Bush- campaigner, whirled about Tokyo His problem must be the queen. I » y CasUeton. Vt. HU paternal grandparent* are Mr*. ment Commlaaion at the Commu- nell is barely adequate. The stage sides, of the proscenium arch, and for anyone troubled with vertigo. ager, achieved a triumph in han- all morning on behalf of his and South i« down one. j A meeting of the public build- South furrows his brow and If vou hadn't dropped the king Fsrker, West Springfield, Mass., and Elroy Parker, East nity Hall to discuss correlation of ing commission will ^ held at 8 la just about large enough; but the is 45 feet deep, from curtain line All true opera houses t(ave facili- dling the ,tremendous numbers of brother’* New Frontier program. moves his lips soundleesly. You Longmeadow, Mesa. stage participants, which number- of diamonds. South would have state atatutea with local regula- tonight at the (Community Hall. pit will accommodate only about 65, to back wall. This compares with ties for making their entire pro- In ' quick succesion, Kennedy know what ia going on because • 00*0 tion*. FU R N ITU and then with considerable squeez- 45 feet of opening and 35 feet of ductions from carpenter shops to ed over 150 during the triumphal visited the prime minister. For- known about your four diamonds. There will be a meetinjg of the scene. this is the way opponenU look Then he would have known you W EUzaheth, daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Gaetano Reign at Ice Show entire teaching staff of St, Maurice Inif. This limits.the operatic reper- depth at the Bushnell. But the dressmakers and tailors. There gre eign Minister Zentaro Kosaka, when they are busy counting the Fifty of these were from had only two heart*, and he would S' Franklin Ave., Hartford. He was bom Jan. 28 In Scott Roberts and Kathy O'Hara CSiurch tonight at 8 in the church toire which can be produced in Met has very little room at the also cMbler shops, wig shops elec- Justice Minister Koshiro Uekl and distribution. Hurtrort Hospita]. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mr*. Hartford. sides, for scenery and cast which chester. and comprised the Roiujd have refused the trump finesse. reigned as king and queen of th* hall. trical repair shops and so on. ’These both houses the Diet. Finally South cashes the ace of Dally Question Patar Pella, 174 Eldridge St. Her paternal grandmother i* Mr*. Of course the Bushnell Is not an is not on stage. In this respect, the are housed below the auditorium, Table Singers from the High diamonds and ruffs a low diamond Bebaatiana (3allo, Hartford. Skating Club of Bolton’s third an- Speaker of the Houae Anthony PRICED! School, directed by G. AUMrt Everywhere Kennedy went he Partner opens with one diamond, nual Ice show Saturday and Sun- Wallace of Simsbitry will be gueet opera house, arid does not pretend Bushnell Is much superior, having above the dreseing rooms, and so was greeted by crowds of eager in the dummy. This Is where you to be one. It is a general purpose almost 30 feet on one side, and Pearson, n iey did a bang-up Job, and the next player passes. You on, wherever they can be tucked young people. At the Justice Min- make your helpful play. You drop hold; Spades—K J 9-8; Hearts — - J?™***’ **®“ *Oi Alan, son of Mr. and Mr*. Robert Kudra. 78 \% auditorium, and is excellently suit- over 20 on the other. in. singing with precision and good the king of diamonds. N. Enn St, He was bom Jan. 31 at Manchester Memorial Hos- ed to ^ e needs of the area. The tone, and comporting themselves istry office girls dressed in blue 7 3- Diamonds—K 10 8 4; Cflube — You need more space off-stage The stage itself must have a frocks jumped up and down and This play carmot dost anything, ^ matamal grandparent* are Mr. and Mr*. Paul Wup- WE G IVE^.w r sheen stamps for EVERY DIME YOU SPEND '^ M k v stage. Incidentally, is about as than on, for not only must the with the aplomb of seasoned 'vet- 10 8 2. What do you say?- Aawfti, clear hoist to the ’’g^rid’’ equal to squealed. Kennedy stopped and since South can easily ruff out Answer: Bid one spade- Show a peillald, 90 Grandview St., Mancheater. His paternal grandpar- large as the Met's, and it has su- whole cast be accommodated off- that of the paint b rid ^ ; In other erans. your king after drawing trumpe are Mr. and Mrs. George Kudra. Stamfort, Conn. He has perior "carry-off’ room at the stage, but perhaps 3 or 4 sets of With numbers Ulw; these on shook hands with one of the girls. major suit rather than raise part- words, twice the height of the tall- Kennedy opened his airport ar- You can therefore make this kind two brothers, Robert Jon, 7. and Paul David, 5. sides, for storing the huge sets scenery, as well. "Pelleas" requires the stage. Stivanello managed to ner's minor AS est scenery. Above the grid are rival statement Sunday n l^ t with of play as naturally as though you D needed in opera. 9 sets, and ’'Boris’’ is almost a* dispose them so that there was For Sheinwold's 36-page booklet, huge vents, ,irequently with blow- brief greetings in Japanese but had started with only' three dia- A Pocket Guide to B^ldg^" send Gardiner, Kathy Lynn, daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Gene G. Gar- U HLE AS The Metropolitan in New York, bad. At the Met they have to stack plenty of room for twenty Jn a ’50!! ers, so that in case of fire, the stayed away from the language monds. diner, 87 Marble 3t., Mancheater. She waa born Jan. 30 at Man- scenery out on the sidewalk in the corps dehallet, and three principal 50c to Bridge Book, Manchester Is a true opera house, and is the whole thing becomes a huge sort 4 Am ericans K illed during his rounds today. This is your real reason foi Evening Herald, Box 3318,, Grand ehester Manorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparenta are Mr. : one you have probably seen, or are rain and snow, which accounts for dancers to present an excMlent Machine tool manufacturer of flreplace. vvith the flames roar- Mrs. Kennedy visited, a Catholic dropping the king. From the play Central Sta., N. Y, 17, N. Y. and Mr*. Charles J. Allen, Bradford, Vt. Her paternal grand- $0.55 the often bedraggled appearance of Frigidaire Imperial most likely to see. It is old and ing up the chimney, and separated hallet divertlssment, one o f the English language school end hsd of the black suits South should (Copyright 1962, General Fea- mother i* Mrs. Jame* P. McCarthy, North Kingstown, R. I. She t h ^ in the opera, all o f which With 14 Others in know that you sUrted with three from the auditorium by either an a reunion with Mother Anne ha* a brother, Mark Jeffrey, 3. Famoua Piree-rlng agitator laimdera with care. clubs and four spades. If he thinks tures Corp.) asbestos or a steeTHre curtain. were done with true excellence. Stoeple, the president of the acade- gears up for profits! Excluslva aomeraault washing action. Automatic Piston Im press^ Peru Plane Crash So much for what Is needed. I'll my, who taught her at the Con- Morin, Donald Steven, son of Mr. and Mrs, Eldward Morin, 177 safnty pin, atop and motor protector. Mechanism K Weak After tell ,vou about the ’’front" of aome SoenicaUy the production was vent of the Sacred Heart in New E. Middle Tpke. He was bom Jan. 30 at Manchester Memorial with 4 speed drive. Sealed transmission. Small Desna other houees In later article*. Hope beautiful, Md the coetuming was (Continued from. Page One) Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mr*. Antime Faymsait lavish and ccd ^ u l. T\> quote Mr. York (Jlty. She also visited a Costly delays in OUing orders need to be a you’ll enjoy them. crippled children's home. Domond, St. Ag;atha, Maine. His paternal grandparents are Mr. Piston again, ’^ e Met has noth- He and his wife, Anne, 38, moved and Mrs. Edward Morin, St. David. Maine. He has two brothers. serious preUera l o r this eenpany. Especially ing this companY-hMn’t got,'and to Newton last July from Bethea PWHp, 4, and John, 2H- T H E MEN tfonblssom* was the time spent checking price* this company has Upmething the da, Md., where Uram had Ixen a or THE LITTLE THEATRE OF MANCHESTER AS Met doesn't.. .enUiueiium.” 'This Is 30 Fete Cartiers Hansen, Chris Edward, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hansen, and specifications between one department and member of the nutrition studies UTTU AS certainly an accolade fnaon one of Present 151 Pearl St. He was bom Jan. 30 at Manchester Memorial Hos- anothar. Could we help? We sent a Comrauni- SAVE ^40!! Semper —FI America’s outstanding musicians. section of the National Institutes At HouseYYarming ^tal. His maternal grandparent-s are Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth He added, "I am tremendously of Health. He was a native of Plant, Bast Hartford. His paternal grandmother ia Mr*. Har- eations Conaultant to diagnoee the situation. He The Perfect Mate Impressed: this Is a wonderful ex- Philadelphia. The Urams leave Hette Hansen, 153 Pearl St., Manchester. Mr. and Mr*. Waype Cartier, 66 found that this company had simply ''out- $1.85 perience for me, seeing how really two children, Eric, 8, and Eileen, Feature for feature this Frigidaire Imparial 5, who were with Mrs. Uram's Deerfield DS,, tpere feted by 30 Modean, Paul David, aon of the Rev. and Mrs. Earl R. Modean. grown" its present telephone set up. His recom- D o n ' t f o r g o t l t ' « P a r r i s magnlflcently America can pro- friend* and relsiUvea Saturday eve- Dryer eomparea with the very hlgheat priced, duce ian opera.” mother in Boston. 88 Wenter Pi., Clifton, N. J. He was bom Jan. 29. His mater- mendatien: Install a new dial system to speed MODCI, yet It la' actually Important dollara ieaa. Dual A spokesman for MIT said the ning at 'a hoiis'e-warmtng party. ‘THE WOMEN’ nal grandmother is Mrs. Fred Fink. Albert-Lea, Minn. His pa- I s l a n d N i t t t o m o r r o w What more can I add to that’ DlA-62 cycle selector. 6 position correct drying for all A Week After two couples had been in Peru for The couple-was ^ven a large mir- By CLAIRE BOOTH ternal grandmother ia Mrs. Sigrrid Modean. 39 Cambridge St. He ap intra-company calling. Effeiency in handling He summed it up in words that ror for hanging above the fire- MODEL fabrics. Control panel lamp. Aul. and refreshments the buay wnefca ahead. Tailoring telephone serv- OR GET YO UR M O NEY B A CK ment again) the cast Included said the plane may have been were served. and Mra. Herman E. Chapman, Pasco, Wash. Mary Curtis-Verna as ''Alda"; struck by lightning. Thurs., Fn., Sat», Feb, 8-9-10 ie* to your nead* is this man's specialty, and Spodol AUowoneo Po H elp W ith InftoHatleii C e tts, Tee! Irene Krammarioh. In the role of Fire swept through the plane, CURTAIN 8:80 Brown, Jonathan Herbert, son of Mr and Mrs. Robert Brown. and bodies of the victims—15 16 Proctor Rd. He was bom Jan. 24 at Hartford Hospital His there's no charge for his aasistanr* Just call Amneris and Helena Sylvester as TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR , . maternal grandmother is Mrs. Eleanor Keefe. 165 St. John St, oar buainaat oAce. The Southern New England the priestess, to name the leading passengers and three crew mem- bers—were badly burned. Hla paternal grandmother is Mrs. Grace Brown, Enfield. He has TelephotM Company. A range with built-in glamour...without built-in expensel We*re at female roles. T;)ve male parts were two brothers. Rlriiard Leslie. 7. and David Jeffery, 5; and two sis- BONUS near at sung by William Wilderman as US H N EL n ters. Deborah Arm, 8 4 . and Nancy Eleanor, 3. Ramfls; Umberto Borso, in the your role of Radames; Joshua Hecht, as ’ Phone MI 8-78S2* the King of Egypt; Enzo Sardel- This WodnMday telephone S T A N L E Y W A R N E R t t fP FRIGID A IRE lo, as the King of Ethiopia; and BlISINESmS -eU a/e ^ M O N . , TU E S . I W E D . Vour order for drug needs and Harry Thayard, as a meesenger. H BUYS cosmetics will be taken care of Every last one was superb, and STATECE3 \ 1 .U N C H immediately. each seemed to inspire the others. AFTER SCHOOL MATINEE iProbably Irene l^ammarich re- Food is our business . . . Today and Tuesday, 3:30 pm. ceived the greatest applause by a and pleasing business shade. This was the first time she Shown St 4:00, 6:30 and 8:55 FREE has had a role here that really let men, our specialty. No- her show her talents, and the au- S e 6 ‘ L e v e l o v a n t f where will yoti\find such DELIVERY dience was letting her know they Overt* are above the coun- appreciated her in such a part D savory, flavory, \Tnouth- ter and alF controls aVd, even more than they had previous- watering dishes for noon- ye-hlgh! Cook without ly enjoyed ber in lees glamorous stooping! And all food* roles in the pssit. time appetites. Cook b o a u t i f u H y behind Cheers, huzzas and plaudits to pfflf bills^ those exclusive Glide-Up (SMdcftib Frank Pandolft*for a production o< 84a*s doors, surrounded by II St e a ks PRESCBIPnON PHAR5IACT "Alda" second to none in my ex- BANQUET ROOM mhehor-bright chromi in- 40” Model RCIB-645 perience! m Super-Right Quality U g / g M SOI MAIN BT.— s n 8-SS21 AVAILABLE FOR PARTIES: ta'Hor. You’re the chef de and FLAIR supporting GOOD TICKETS ALL PBICEB cuisine, with a FLAIR! n Orrh. or lUf B«]. 04.00. 0.00. S.OO. Your H FC m ana g er will be glad to help arra nge a Bill- storage cabinet. Ask CENTER ^ 3n d . B jU . 02.50, - 2.0# , 4.50. Payer Loan for you if you *11 just bring in your bills. He can about special storage Valentine Parly For Tol. K.«ienratioBU call Hartford SUNDAY DINNERS SERVED J A 54177 ‘ ’ even mail ch ecks to the NOW,.. Rall-To-You base cabinets to match SLICES m 13 NOON TO 8 P,M. C n h MONTH lY PAYN INTSCIIIDUll Tm jMD folks you owe at no extra Too got Cooking Topi your kitchen decor. LB Held for Pupils JO . I t 12 6 charg e. You m ay be co n f SejwU ttrm h Perwo ttrm h It^itdes «Way out Of sight IH |M To Bake, Broil or Fry lusimoll RAYBOLOER "FOOD FOB fident that h e’ll stan d 819# 1 6.72 ( 7.27 (10.05 818.46 w n ^ not In use — trims Frederic E. Werner and Mrs.. Tuos.*Sot., Fob. 13*17 Louise Recknagel of the Werner LTOMMY SANDS EVERY MOOD” by you- ^ and gtve fair, 3— 13.07 14.18 19.74 36.55 right up to cabinet front*.,: Studio entertained a large group Eventngs at 8:80 AVEY’S u n d e rst a n d in g a ssis t Mt 19.25 20.91 29.27 54.48 And it puts stu-fscf unit* SM 30.83 33.61 47.55 89.47 at new. comfort height- -4" of their piano students between Wednesday Matinee at 8 a n c e —in a n y futuro the ages of 6 and 11 at a Valentine ANNETTE Saturday Mstlhee at 2:30 36.41 39.74 56.48 106.80 lower than conventional IE e m erg ency as well. Parly aj. Tinker Hall yesterday rto i t b tt4 oo pmmU mmikh coimtsrhelght. Cook wlth-> tt^^rnmUt^mdimtimdttmtti.MmmtmiJrttkmft afternoon. ED WYNN I H [ S A S S IfS T C A l IH JO W H ' ‘ L i / t im tu rm n eo a t growp i t S % _ f t r oo M— 690 t0 f/## OP Ut t out stretching on Up-tbs to The afternoon was spent playing r m 99S m t m c A L t u T oo# 1% ptt oMsrift oo (OaO iimt # ik t OotooM *«e into tail pans CH UCK rafe i t m o a ila b ta o n a l l lo a n t 4o m ttm W $ t 0e oo# ooP 90 2m y OJOO. ••# a variety of games. FTizes went Tbetro SuN to4 D irt Oebory % t t 1 % 0tr taMiffe 00 tkti pm t f m MiooM to Richard Midlin, Gary Thireck. to mttti t i tlM to UW>. Sandra Boys, David Frost, Bay- AND ...s o eaty to raond Heller and Stephen Smyth. keep clean! . Ice cream and cookies were lOUSEHOLD FINANCE Door release* forward — served by Miss Karen Walters, SPECIA L the inside glass cleans a* iS T E A K niece of Mr. Werner,-and Mrs. Ed- eatily as the outsidel. Washing dishas ward Walters and Mrs. Ernest MANCHiniR UNOOMM PARKAM Super-Right Quality Tureck, sisters of Mr. Werner. it oaty lockiy... The party closed with distribu- 3t2 Middio Twjnpik* Waat HEA VY, CORN-FED tion of Valentines brought by each $ 1 .00 2nd Floor— MNch*ll 3-273S student attending. nROKKlMT STEER BEEF LB Priebu (lad. tax): Tari.^Thari. iMNt: II la ( Use, Tssl , Hwn.-1l I* I Wsd., fri.-IJI It Hma Sat. S9I Evoa. Orck. or Ut Hal. 0#.##. 5.5#. 4.5#. Sad Bal. 03.50. 8.##. t.5#. Prl.- 49 Series Planned ^1, Kvof. Orch. or lot Bal. 04.6#. And FLAIR Custom Imperial 6.00. 5.M. Sad Bal. 04.00. 3.50. 3.H. models give you the.se already- Wm . ma4. Orch. or lit Bd. 04.00. On Tooth Care Mssefsms; %M, S.OO. Sad Bal. 12.00. Sat. Mat. famous F'rigidaire cooking ad- Orch. or tot Bal. 06.0#. 4.6#. 4.00. vances 1 WEDNESDAY Sad Bal. 03.00. 2.6#. 2.0#. TOMATOES Dr. Carl A. Mikolowsky is chair- For Td. Bcierrationt call Hartford Cook-.Masfer Aulomatic man ot National Children's Dental "Roman Spring of Mrs, Stone” FISH FRY A T T H E Health Week for the Manchester ( A L L Y O U C A N E A T ) ^ a h k a d sL Oven Control—just set it! VINE RIPENED DSntal Society. When you come home from F r i e d F i s h L t m o n W t d Q O E r e t h i s A O " tin e / le-o < r n i r r t t o n o f P L A I R — U PLUMP & RED National Children's Dental .. “LIGGETT PHARMACISTS shopping, dinner’s done! 2 . 4 5 ‘ Health Week is from Feb. 4 to 11. H^al-.Minder .Surface Unit .t a m r f e d t u r e t ,' t p a c e - s a v i n g t i t e ! F r e n c h F r i e d P o t a t o e s C o i o s k i w lib;enioiislyrd**igned door In conjunction with the dental — \vatchos~lemperature aii- ( M o d e l R C IR - 6 X 5 ) society. The Herald Is printing a F r e s h l y B a k e d R o l l s a n d B u T t o r -J are PRESCRIPTION glides up to open, com- t o * s h o r n * h o o t i n g five-part series on dental health S f » E C I A L I S T S ” pletely out at your way! • lomaticall.v, prevent s n Special All Week! that Starts in column form else- It'S a Frigidaire exclusive! sexirching. e u r w a y I where In today's Herald under the if Spatter-Free Br:/iiit1g— e.\- title, ’ ’Your Dental Health.” EVERY FRID A Y RIGHT ' U » - \ Oiir phorNWwJsl eempewNds your clusive Radiant Wall Broil- r r a n K T o n s a u m e a t i k i n i i » picg I roe You get premium quality rrr VAYrrs praseripUew wM« paktstalrntfl eorel m W E C A T E R T O 5 P.M. to 9 P.M. er Grill keep.s spatters in MobUheat with RT-S8 ; . . U 0 matltr how miotrahlo the woithor You’ll feel like a queen IE most eodipletely effoetirs fuel < ^ Q ocm fM e* mutf b e p recise ly ateos- and oven-cleaning light. F A M I L I E S Frtsh Souorkrout skgI 83^ oil additive in um today. And WEDNE8DAT-THUBSDAT Frigidaire FLAIR electric Sinatra-J. Browse “CAN CAN” ENJOY ONE O f OUR DELICIOUS •te d . . . M gre d ienlt aiwst b e fresh, Automatic Meat Tender — yen get premium serviee. Au- yoi oM iopoai mi Baitly torvioo p ere, unlfonnly e ffectiv e . . . Ihe range glorifies any kitchen dial the "doneness” of tomatie deliveries . . . s bal- 4 eeasp o w id is ch eck e d o n d d ev b ie — new, old, large or small. roasts, Swordfish Steaks lb 59 snosd payment, pisn and many CO CKTI PA MIL k iSS SATISFYING™iBST IE DEUGHTFUL ch e ck e d f o r o cc o r o c y . . . W e ju st slide your old range Speed-Heat Surface I'nit— other extras designed to msk* Tofflptin^ Food r When toads are clogged and'temperatures low, Bantly t w**k *ft*r C A P'N JO H N 'S 1 LB ATMOSPHERE home heating rMlIy en*tf. E x a c tly W h o f th e D octo r out (giving you our big, big for fa.st heat when second.* down peyment Cod Fillets FRO ZE N PKG 39' CourtoifHuiy Sorvtd! for A TASTT SNACK AFTER 9 Club Hembera have warm homes. Bantly plans ahead. Club members’ tanks are refilled while there is still fuel O fd o fo d I trade-in allowance) and count. try one Of OUR DELICIOUS looz nnc Daily Loncheon Speelals! .•lide Flair, cabinet and all, Simplified Controls — .and II MobilheatRT-fS for four or five days heating. When a delivery IS •tfiduWttig supporting storage, cabinet in its place. No carpenter- A&P Frozen Peas PKGS rslmlons Baadwiches! scheduled, roads might be impassable. ( lutler-frec control panel. ing, no plastering, no tear- f ’osts little or, no more than (^ 1 • :25-10:25 Boslaessmea'a Luncheons GRID DLE C A K ES If a burner breaks down, we radio our service man near- ing up your kitchen. FLAIR other . first-quality electric Served Dally lS.aoon-1 pm. KRIOIDAIRE U •at that home. If anjrthing can get through, a Bantly looks built-in, but isn’t! ranges. T < t l (.1 fil (4At DOUBLE STAMPS WEDNESDAY WE GIVE serviee man will. tsm ees s e o v e d F pIomo • fftc flv o f t A U AA ^ S wi»«p M orkoH In ttib c«m m ufiity A vklw lty G R K N STA M PS WsdBssdsy. Thnnday, Eitday Try Bantly service. It costs no more than ordinary seiv- 1 i ••r, Alt, Ak*lMlt« Oovtrafti, CI§ar«ttM A ToliiicM Pr*ducti CHOOSE FROM OUR FOUR E f lS T U J O O D 6 pm. to B pm. lee. Phone MI 9-4695 or TR 6-3271. • r* •m M p t h t n PU ld t tt m p O ffo r. i O O UlA M jO HI R E CREDIT PLANS: H WsdBssday Night QUICK eXHTMTER and Ml OIIAT AIUNTIC A PA O K TU COMTANT. MC. MORIARTY A m t n r ffepban KUsabeth Taylw b FHBUy NIgM! BOOTH SERVICE (1) 86-Dey BcguUr Charga “Breakfast -Oar “Elephant i (8). 80, 60, 99 f-Payment Charga b Tsar K e i i t i F u r n i i u n : A t MANCHESTER Landmark for Hungry YOU MOn IeY " Walk” Flaa BROTHERS TiffanvV’ la Celar SHOPPING PARKADE Americans” IS ! C*kr i (8) Up T* Tw* Years Te Pay WEST MIDDLE TPKB. ^011*7 blHMlNLEli 1^00 SlNU 3:IS4iM-l*iU O N LY AT im ; 111") MAIN ST. MANCHESTER Ml 3-5135 O fSTA URA N T TEbMi i-om On Tolland Turnpike fiw th a d iL i - f (4) Tooag Homemalfer* Lay-A-Way 301*315 CoRfor St., Btaita M . "BABES IB TOTIABB” i Mile Off Oakhnd S t « r U T M a D O U E T U X N n ilZ a OPEN SUNDAY ALL DAT j u i N T L r o n c o . M c AMPLE FREE PARKING IN OUR OWN LOT NEXT TO STORE y- y

t: • MANCHESTER EVEIiiNG HERAJUO, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, PEBRLARY 6, 1962 PAGE. FIVE POUR MANCHESTER EVENING HERAUD, MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY. FEBRUARY Woodslde Bt.; M n. Dolores Tou- loujiaa, (hiventry; Ckuul Steven- UJS. Copters F erry Castro Blasts son, 872 Parker 8 t ; Miss Olive Skating Report Students Stone Mrs. Jean Thomas, Charles and West Hartford a year «K9-,Th*y Kamienski, 388 W. Center St.; Vietnam^e in,Raid iia Alia Pakults and Adam Postem- Leon Meyers Marks had Uved In West Hartford for 24 Kennedy Ban Gary Grimm, Ekmt Hartford; Mrs. sky. years. Beulah Talamini, Stafford b r in g s ; On Viet Cong Unit U.S. Em bassy Sommer Besident Dies 45 Years Married Mr, Meyer recently retired from WILL Mrs. Mary Kaslauskas, 94 Mather Grfmd list Hits $6 Million, Word has- been received of the TV-Radio Tonight his Job a* department ihead of On Ciiba Trade S t; Mra. (tetherine Jordan and death of Ralph hbuxh of Drexel Mr. and M n. Vmm P. Meyer of shipping and supply from the Con- son, Bteat Hartford; Mrs. Jean (CoBthMwd from Page One) ' In Indonesia Hill,' Pa., a summer resident of necUcut General LUe Insurance 36 Clyde Rd., were guests of hon- Hansen and son, 151 Pearl S t; Increase Totals $244,804 Columbia for, more than 30 years. Oo. (Coatianed from Page Oae) Mra. Marilyn Gardiner and daugh- they skimmed only flve to 10 feet (Coattaoed from Page One) March was a teacher at Girard or at a 46th wedding anniversary ter, 37 Marble S t ; Mrs. Germaine above the village rice paddies. States la. planning aggrsaslon No skating, ice her- Th* town’* net grand lUt foj^loU (M more than last year) $769, long illness prebeding his death. 6:00 Ekirly Show (In proKrcss) to. lo t Hi(hllfhta home (m Saturday. against Chiba and meddling in her Tpke.; Mrs. Sandra Jeski and son. Capt. Jack Hutcheson of Lawton, n

are Mkely t® be aoBttBosd Ifiwofi*- that tha mllea have not dlmlnlRiad Windsor, March 20, 1681, a son of lanches. There were not even any ATnomoN ardor. 12th Circuit the late Andrew and Ida Clark llm trlfpatpr. big declarttions of war, or not Romney Considers out life. . .. ___ _ BDUnsniEN Stat^ News Today marks tbs firat. anniver- Radio Station Dickinson. Directors to Review Costs A ddld’s pdmaiy *«<*«*«“ Obituary French Police Reveal even any Very big iklrmlshee in roryouF eoBFHiiaMO tea wflt aary of hls meeting with Mercedita He was a retired interior decora- Race in Michigan be given the beat of bectuoe Smith, tha young lady who haa Court Cases tottih ig i|praUii the Uttie wars already being dslivar your o r d « ynuptly tor and a member of South Metho- they are needed; been racalvl^ I^bwad's Written Warned About diet Church, Oriental Masonic Of flearing Room Renovation^ (1) for idiewteg R o u n d u p Mra, Mary A. JetfOresa fUight attention. And. today Miss Smith (OaaWaaad tn as Phes Obs)' D1WEY4UCHMAN mano hesteb session Lodge of BroM Brook, Past Patron' Plot to Upset Regime In fAct, tar from being a week- (2) for appeerance received one doaen roeea to honor M ra Mary A . Jefferson, 87, of of the Order of Eastern Star Ware- The costa of renovating the had-i * 4. $T0 for the rubber base and (3) for good opeech haWs _ TSTMAINBT. (Ot i lanid trana Page O w ) Howard Watnock, 92, of no cer- Birch Program 270 W. Center :St., widow of Peter end of portentous disasten for axnorahlp but ha atoppod about aa the sUBtveriBry. tain addrOsB, pleaded guilty to house Point and a Past Patron of Inch short o f an actual daclara- ly ventilated, noisy hearing room preparation of the subfloor. (This la tits first in a asriea of (4) to preaerve space for the 'Hiraugh the good otOcm o f Mlsa tk Jefferson, dM yesterday In Charity (Jourt, Windsor Locks. (Oontinaed from Pago One) mankind, it seemed to have passed permanent teeth to May 1.1191 aad aaoUiar g emita being a common drunkard and waa Ekut Hartford of a heart attack, slons with the French on a cease- Uon. The induotriallat said it would in the Munldpal Building will be 6. $380 to i^alnt and finish the articlea on dental health pubhataed Laura A. .Johnson, prudent of LOS ANGELES (AP) — Radio Survivors include his wife, Mrs. fire and steps toward independence t* rather quietly and uneventfully. reviewed tomorrow night by the walls. (5) and for better health affeeUva thla May 1 wiU ba paid sentenced to 90 days in State Jail according to' Dr. Bklwln Griswold, blow to dats^iigainst the terrorist ba prasumptnous of him to make by The Manchester Evening Her- Hartford College, the roeea were at Hartford. station KPFK, which p 1 a a a to Lillian Barrett Dickinson; a slater, after 131 years o f French rule. But if we were the astrologers' a statement on his possible candi- Board of directora. 8. $2,160 for air conditioning. aa part eff tha Mgnlar pay nta. delivered aad Mias Smith probably acting medical examiner. Mrs. Imogens Chapman of West underground in France. The aecret lO N O Bvirr du jB not tha Ineoatlva plan. Robert E. Gorman, 23, o f 681 broodcaat reading! from tha Biue Should the rebel heirachy ap« o f India, we would not give up that dacy for prsoldaBt in U64 "be- The directors already appropri- 7. $560 to revamp the ventilating ald, in cooperation with the Man- WE CABB Y... becatna the most envied college Mrs. Jefferson was born tn Man- Hartford; two brothers, John Dick- army la sworn to prevent Algerian COLUMBIA, Ky. |AP) — W. L In addition, tha eentiaet guafaa- Porter St., waa fined ri50 for driv- cheater, June 16, 1874, and had prove the broad lines o f a settle- ated gSifiOO to renovate the room, system. che^er Dmtal Society, In ohsw- aoidiomore In the dty of Hartford. Book of the John Birch Society, inson of Coventry and ^ d r e w Dick, indep«idence. jf- quickly or that easily. cause of a number of faetom." BUI Banka Banks tumed 100 tma that IIH canta la pay raiaaa ing a m o m vehicle -while under the lived in town ell her life. She was ment reportetdly reached by nego- Romney said he had been non- but that was in November, before t. $280 for sprinklers. vance o f National Children's Den- says it wae warned by on anony- inaon of Hartford; and several A bomb believed laid by the tiators, final approval must still They, as well as ws, may have tal Health Week Feb. 4 through years old Sunday and he’s feeling won in 1957 and 19M alao will ra- Influence o f Uquor. He had been ar- a member of the (Jhurch of the As- ^1 partisan in politics for many yeara they had a detailed list o{ the Im- 9. $1,280 for lighting. S. S. HERCE mous caller: "If you commies Qlecea and nephews. secret army damaged a TV tower be given by the National' Revolu- made the mistake of looking tint provemente needed, and a detailed 10. $880 for three emergency 10.) fine, thank you. , , maia aa part eg tha flat pay rate. State Man Killed rested yesterday on a complaint sumption. Funeral lerricee will b« held at In the northern city o f Lille. This He declared himseB a Republican, BBNNETTSVILUS, S.C. (A P )— after driving his car off the road. broadcast the blue book, we're gon- tionary Council which serves as a for the external events, which in estimate o f coeta. l l ^ t units. 11. $300 to paint the Healthy Teeth.. .A H ^ ler T eat good, I aleep good, I feel FAMOUS FOODS Tha eontraet alao oontalna cartain Survivors include three aont, the Holmes Funeral Home, 400 la a tactic used by the secret army he said, on ^ because it was neces- Three persons were killed when a No accident occurred, police said. na bomb you out o f business.” Raymond J, Jefferaon of Port Jef- rebel parliament.' The estimates of costs now hall outside of the hearing room. Scbeol Child good and some of the wom«» even Improvementa in fringe bmtafita Main St., Thursday at 1 p.m. The to black out important speechbs by There were reports that should themselves rspresent no great de- sary under Michlcah law in order say I look good." Banka observed. ear skidded into the path of a truck Miss Ann DrlscoU o f Bast Acton, And the wife of actor Robert ferson, N.Y., Clifford T. Jefferson, range from $4,810 for a minimum Architect Arnold Lawrence was When you are getting your child Tha tenna were agreed upon Ryan said- eomebody called their Rev. Lawrence F. Almond, pastor De Gaulle. Transmission at Lille the rebel leaders turn down tha cisions at an. to qualify as a candidate for dele- He walks a mile to town once or W«Rm Fqrm WogoH two miles south of here yesterday. Maas., was fined $90 for needing. of Manchester and Nathan C. Jef- of South Methodist Church, will of- of unprovements to $8,000 for a a consultant for the engineering ready for school, one important after an 8-bour nMoUating home Sunday and warned "some- waa not Interhipted, however. cease-fire terms reportedly agreed The great decisions, the great gate to a state constitutional con- department which prepared the thing to consider is hls dental twice a week. He tays he has Friday. The mannerahlp gave the Thoaa kUled were John W. Wood- Jidio^ Burgoe, 29, o f Hartford, ferson of West Hartford; two ficiate. Burial will be In Whidsor- A bomb alao blew, in the doors mouKR or vention. thorough, job. all Jr., 32, Undan, N.C„ Jonathan thing might happen" to Ryan If on at the negotiating level, De ___ ASSOCIATIW PPRKSS If the propoeed air conditioning plans for the renovation. health. Dental care should be start- smoked a carton of eigaiettea a pact unanimdua andoraemant in a was' found guUty of operating a daughters, Mrs. Ann Rothman of vllle Cemetery, East Windsor. and smashed windows at the re- TBa turns In history, the great boons CoiwitiY Stera D. Batee, 21, Litchfield, Ckmn.. and motor vehicle without a license and he participated in the readings. Gaulle will go ahead without them n * AMoelatad Prw* 1*la aiclaalraly for the room la not Ihatslled, and ed before the child reaches school week "ever aince they were a voice 'vnto at a meeting the fd - Manchester imd Mrs. John Foley Friends may call at the funeral gional administrative headquarters antltM to tb« uaa or ^publication of and the great disasters In the his- At AUantic Oty, N-J., —Five Eva Lea Davis, 86, Spring Lake, was fined $60. He told the court he Ryan is in Europe. His reading al- to set up a provisional regime to there is a good poseifalHty that age as habits establlHied early nickel a pack.” Boim ss—an t-itM lowing day. of Burlington; 11 grandchildren home Wednesday from 7 to 9:30 at Gernoble, In the Alps. There all MWB dtapatelMa eradltad to It or tory of civilisation come first in of six Rambler dealers selected at N.C. Bates wls dlecharged from has been, driving seven years with- ready Is recorded on tape. chart Algeria's road to independ- Bot otbarwua credited In thia paper neither the bundbig depertment and 18 great-grandchildren. p.m, were scattered outbreaks of vio- ence. and alao the local newa pupllahed here. the mind and heart o f man, and random at the National Automo- Mrs. Tyler Heard TAliOOTIVlIXI!, OONN. tha army at Fort Bragg, N.C., on out a Ucense. Mn. Ryan hired two guards to The funeral will be held at the lence In Algeria. An rIsMa of republlcatloai of special bile Dealers Association conven- nor Uie general manager wlU rec- WtikotU Cominu0$ Saturday. Police said they were Cerrano lannotti, S3, of Hicks- watch her home. - Both De Gaulle and the rebels dlapatehea herein are also reaaread. are neither aeen nor heard nor ommend its installstlm, the cost John F. Tierney Funeral Home, Francis H. Bushnell The blows of the secret army were confronted by the vow of the tion say they believe American By Cosmopolitans N1IWHA.VSN (A P )—Tha atrika unable to detemlne who was driv- viUe, N. Y., was fined $76 for KPFK, a llstener-aupported FM 219 W. Center St., Wednesday at Francis H. Bushnell, 53, of Es- geigered nor measured as they would be $fi,S10. ing. station which carries no commer- oame despite elaborate security rightist underground army—to fUl aarrioo client of N. B. A. Sere- Motors President George- Ronuiey Only Beautiful Eyeglass* at tha New Haven Board aad Pa- speeding. 8:30 a.m., with a lolemn high Mass sex, died Friday In Acapulco, measurea' in both France and Al- Ice, tne. come. already has decided to run for gov- This price would include the lay- Mrs. Lucille Lutzker of Nor- cials, said It will begin a week- carry on the fight to prevent the PlrilUalMTS Repreaentatlvea: Tbe ing of a carpet to replace the More than 40 members o f the per Co, eonUinied today attar of requiem at the Church of the Mexico, after suffering two heart garia against violent reaction to rich territory from passing to Julias Mathewa Special Asency — Ns« For all we know, this weekend ernor of Michigan. membara o f tha p^Mtiaakara union Army Plane Down wich waa fined $46 for speeding. long series of programs about the -AaaumpUon at 9. Burial will be In attacks while on vacation. He waa present ba^y worn one. Cosmopolitan Club saw aUdes and Twenty-five dollar fines were or- society tonight. The Blue Book, De Gaulle’s radio and TV speech. Moslem rule. ToA Cblcaao Detmit and Boaton. may have been the fateful period The informal poll was conducted HEARING AID tumed down the lataat eompany NEWTOWN (AP)—Engine trou. St. James' Cemetery. the brother of Mrs. Everett T. Mc- latMBER AUDIT BURBAU OB If the directora decided to have heard a talk'1;y Mrs. John M. Tyler dered in the cases o f Gil G e r v ^ a primer of the society, wlU be He la expected to make some following Romney's appearance propoaaL ble brought an army plane down Friends may call at the funeral Kinney of Bolton Notch. report on progress toward ending CIRCDUATKINS ______o f time during which eome mind or just a bare floor, the prices of of Glastonbury about Nigeria at a 18, of Madawaeka, Maine, on s ^ read by Hollywood personalities Sunday night on a nathm l tele- meeting last Friday afternoon In with all these 4 benefits A vote wae taken yaeterday on for an emergency landing on a pri- home tonight from 7 to 9, and to- Born Oct. 4, 1908 tn Essex, he tha seven-year rebellion in Al- Coventry Hm Berald Prlntlns Company, Inc., consensus of minds turned brittle floor material from wMch they Complete arate chargee of operating an im- and sections will be discussed af- vision program. the Federation Room at Center the offer by Local 46L It waa re- vate air atrip yeaterday. None of morrow from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 waa the son Of Edward F. and .An- fforia. aasomes no financial reapansIMilty for and bored with the exhausting, could choose range from $250 tot regiztered motor v^icle ($26) and ter each reading. The sUtion said p.m. lypoaiapblcal errors appearlna In ad- The program was shown on two asphaK tile to $900 for rubber tile. Congregational Church. ZENITH ROYAL MEDALLION jected by a "fairly cloae" margin, the three men aboard were injured. nie Hayward Bushnell. He has French authorittei said the eertuements and other readM matter television sets at a rscepUon for REMODELING improper use of license plates the book will be treated objective- bean a member of the Essex Board endless, and seldom rewarding Mrs. Nunzio E. Agnello of 1 HEAR MORE—higher 4 NO OLD FASHIONED one union (rffielal oold. The 2-sngine plane was out of Ft. membera of the secret army were Driver Arrested In The Kancbeater BtsbIbii Herald. American Motors' dealers during Cost Breakdown ®*wgg, N.C., bound for an undis- ($26); Ralph Cote, 32, o f Coventry, ly. Mrs. Robert A. l.aCrolx of Tax Review for six years and five officers and two lawyers. processes of sanity and reason, and A complete breakdown of coots, Bouthrtngtoh, Hartford County vice fidelity dssigrll offers more CONNECTION NEC- It had been praaentod t o ' the for driving without a Ucense; and The homes of two San . Fernando Olanlay aarertlalns cloalns hours: the auto convention. sounds. ESSARY AT THE EAR- SERVICX; closed destination. The private Mra. Adrienne A. LaCroix, 46, of had-served 10 yeara previously as None Is well-known. They were Fbr Holiday—1 p.m Prldt^. veered, ^ e r so slightly but yet prepared by .Thomas Monahan, president o f the OonneoUcut Fed- memberehip without coBonent by Rene R. Lassard, 18, of 34 Arnott Valley "mlniatera, one a Lutheran After Rt. 31 Crash Of the six Interviewed, only 2 H E A R B E T T E R ON MOLD. Exclusive "Free- the union’s bargaining reprenenta- strip is owned by Robert E. Ful- 25 Overland S t, wife of Robert A. an assessor. He waa employed as arrested while meeting In an For Tuesday—I p.m Monday. just enough to tip the scale for the Frank Harris of San Diego, Calif., building inspector, kichKlee the eration of Women’s Chib, was RECREATION Rd., for disregarding a traffic sig- and one a. Ui.itarian, were stock clerk at Saunder’s Oarage apartment building in downtown For Wadnasday—1 p.m Tuesday. guest of honor. It was announced THE TELEPHONE with dom Ring,” available at tivea. ton Jr., who operates an engineer- LaO olx, died Saturday at St. For Tluirsday—1 p.m. Wednesday. subsequent action which will be said he couldn't tell whether Rom- following: ing firm bearing hls name close nal. bombed Thursday night while they In C—i • yme. Paris Saturday night. ^ y C. Ellsworth, 69, o f Daley that • a Hartford County meeting Tel-Mike feature. extra cost, gives new com- Both aldea faidioated they are Jamea McManus, 37, of ?28 Ly- participated In a panel discuaston Prancla Hospital In Hartford after For radar—1 p m. Thursday. ney had decided. 1. $820 tq remove the exieUng fort and convenlsnM. ROOMS by. • a abort lllneas; Besides Mrs. McKinney, he Is Authorities said documents seiz- Rd., VITUS arreted by Trooper Wil- For Sotnraay—1 p.m. Friday. out In the open and which can be o f the Federation will take place 2 SAVE MONEY.TOO.Ui ready to ait down for new negotia' dall St., was fined $10 for intoxi- of right-wing movements at a "If he does, I don't think It will north wall and replace It live feet to hX% longer battery! Mra, LaCroix waa born In Man- survived by his mother; three ed Included a list of police of- liam Ellert of the Stafford Springs Classified deadline; 10:1)0 *,m, > ___ measured, in the direction of some- In Southington April 6 and a state »7. *Wi ntrtiii t a w ml tiona but no date waa set. cation. Jewish synagogue In the West- day of pohneaMflSi eseeot Saturdar— hurt our business," said Harris, farther north at the railing of the than in origual modu. filwtM t f w ffiff tyfifilMfi iffidM A KITCHENS oheater, N.H., Oct, 4,1915, and had brothers of BSaaex and Deep River, ficers to be aasasslnated. Pollct • a m . ... , thing less dreary and more emo- who has been with AMC and its balcony. convention will meet in Bridgeport Some 300 union members went David C. Waring Howard McConneU, 54, of 222 wood section of Los Angeles. The who studied the! documents have State Police Troop, early Sunday WOODBURY (AP) — Funeral bombs did not cause serious dam- lived here 17 yeara. She was a and another sister of Essex. tionally satisfying. predecessor companies stece 1M2. 2. $500 for a suspended ceUlng May 2 and 8. on strike last Thuraday when there HiUlard St., was fined $10 for in- The funeral will be held Wednes- begun a aeries ot followup Inves- morning and charged with driving Uonday, February 5 'in it h , FORBES, INC. was a failure to reach agreement senicei will be held Wednesday age and no one waa Injured. TTie member of the Church of the A i- Emil W. Schwarz, a 10-year o f acoustical tile. Tea was served by the hospital- . QUINN'S .. toxication. A aecond charge, day at 2 p.m. at the Robinson and tigations. imder the influence o f liquor or JOHN V. P A N d E R A on new contract terms, particular tor David C. Waring, former aecre- evasion o f fare, was nolled. bom^ra have not been apprehend- aumption and the Ladiee of the As- Rambler dealer from ‘ Milwaukee, 3. $250 for asphalt tUe on the ity committee with Mrs. H. R. Tif- PHARMACY. INC. sumption. Wright ‘FSineral Home, Main St., Thousands of riot police, S3 drugs. said "He will run and it will hurt floor, or $500 for vinyl asbestos, fany in charge and Mrs. Erwin W. MI 9-5392—MI 9-1898 ly In regard to a eompany pro- tary and treasurer of Hollywood Bond forfeitures were ordered Trooper Ellert reported Ells- Behind The Stockpiles New Frontier F^ud Ml A« MN<, Ai D' . i 878 Main, St., Manchester Hose Inc., of New York City. Survivors, bcaidea her husband. Centerbrook. The -Rev. Charles* tanks, 100 squad cars and light us—after all he is American Mo- $900 for rubber tile, $800 for bat- Whltham as hostess. Mrs. I^ llp posal to drop a bonua pay plan in by Judge Joseph Dannehy In the Muliendore, paator of Centerbrook armered vehicles, waited on the worth was involved In an accident one department. Waring, 71, died In Waterbury following cases: U.S. NAZI REBUFFED Include her mother, Mra. Alec 'niere seems UtUe dispoaiUon, In We suggest that, if those who tors." tleship linoleum. Hoi way was program chairman. m Plourde of Cornwall, Ont. Can.; Oongregaticmal (Jhurch, will of- alert on the outskirts of Paris near Talcott Hill Rd. and Rt. 31 Union spokesmen say the end of Hospital yesterday after a lengthy Floyd Robinson Jr., 26, of Rox- LEWlSBURG, Pa. (AP) — at about 12:46 am . Snisworth was any quarter, to quarrel very defi- produce new folk songs for the hlf Illness. He retired In 1959 from the Shouting daflance at a jeering five sons, Robert W. LaCroix, ficiate. Burial will be In Center- TrooM took strategic positions In the plan would mean the loss of bury. Moss., $60 bond for speed- brook Cemetery, key Algerian cities to counter the driving north on Rt. 31 when hls nitely with the assertion, by Pres- parades find their inspiration run- up to $30 a week for 90 workers hosiery firm. ing; Joseph Axelrod, 45, Brook- crowd,^Jhe, self-styled coipmander Richard N; LaCroU, Michael P. o f the Alnerlcan Nazi party LaCroix, Mark L LaCroix and There will be no calling hours. threat of an uprising by the under- car went off the right aide of the ident Kennedy, that the naUon'a ning low, they prospect up along In the departihent. Survivors Include hlS widow, line, Mass., $50 bond for speeding; road and knocked down four fence Vivienne, of Woodbury, and a son, pledged yesterday an appeal to the David A. LaCroix; and three Friends may make memorial con- ground Secret Army Organization otoekpUing o f strategie materials The company, however, oay only Arthur ALzarian, 31, of Salem tributions to the Centerbrook Con- of Europeans fighting to keep Al- posts. No Injuries were reported. the New Frontier, up in the Com- Deryck H. Waring of Short Hill, Depot, N. H., Ernest Gatto Jr., 22 courts "so that I may apeak here daughters, Donna Jean LaCroix, has gene beyond the amounts end about 26 persona would be aflteoted In an orderly way." gregational Church In his name. geria French. Ellsworth poated a $500- bond monwealth of Massachusetts, and and it is wllHng to -make wage Worcester, Robert Penza, 28 Jacqueline A. LaCroix and Lise C. values originally projected, or like' George lincoln Rockwell. w)u> LaCroix, all at home; and a stater. For days high sources have for appearance In the 12th Circuit look into the feud brewing be- adjustmenta in their ' South Boston, Mass., Rldiard F. leaked the word that aeCret nego- Court's Manchester session on ly to be held rsasonable under pres Pierce, 24, Dorchester, Mase., Rich- formed the party more than three Sister 8t Claude of the Congrega- tween two of the great and famous years ago, waa rebuffed by the tiations between De Gaulle and March 5. ~ ent day conditions. Ifo one really ard Segall, 23, Brighton Maas., and tion of Notre Dams of Bourbon- political clans o f that state. Critically injured crowd when he arrived In this col- nals. 111. Funeralf the Algerian rebels toward a denlea, that la, that the impending Man Drives Raymond Wilson, 31, of Beverly, cease-fire are well advanced. Few It will be the McCormacks and ANOTHER W AY HOPKINTON, R J. (AP)—Fred- Mau., $35 bonds each for speed lege town deeplte requests that her The funeral will ba held tomor- invaatlgatlon will find the govern- stay away. observers, however believed that tha Kennedys that win ha found erick Fumegan, et. New London, ing. row at 9:80 a.m. at the John F. Frederick W. Moore the time had arrived when the Cuba Says OAS ment now owns more of certain (Jonn., was critically injured whan The case of Philip J. Nevera, 16, Almost screaming to be heard Tierney Funeral Home, 2l9 W. feuding there, just as if, In such a As He Lives, above the din, Rockwell declared The largely attended funeral of French president.who has dedi- ^ matarlals than It needs to, for se- his car ran off the Nooseneck Ex- of Bast Hartford, charged with Center St., followed by a solemn Frederick W. Moore, Baker Rd., cated himself to settling the rebel- Swayed by Gold great atate In such a wide country, theft of a motor vehicle on Dec. he had a right to speak ahywhere high Maas of requiem at the curity reasons. pressway yesterday- aad anytime. Vernon, was held Saturday after- lion, could announce a peace set- there were some compulslm upon state Police said Finnegan was 12, - was transferred to juvenile Church of the Assumption at 10. tlement. n o t leaves the question o f how Check Shows But federal and county officials noon at the Watkins-West Funeral (OenUnaed from Page One) the both of them to coma down, on the danger list at a hospital court authorities upon recommen- Burial will be In St. James' Ceme- De Gaulle is a leader who keeps this state of affairs came about, refused 'to let him speak on the tery. Home, 142 E. Center St. Hie Rev. each with Its youngest scion, to one in New London, with a broken dation from the Circuit Court's Laurence J. Vincent, associate paa- his own counsel. But there was By DORIAN FA tX Family Relations Bureau. steps o f tile United States Court- interference In the Internal af- and that, of course, Is the'point of place of honor and one only It houldtr and severaL broken ribs. house and the Union County Build- Friends may call at the funeral tor of Center Congregational growing speculation that he would Hls wife, Joss|9tlne,, also suffered GENEVA (A P )—"A man drivea Ramon V. Longtin, SO, of 27 home tonight from 7 to 9. fairs” of Cuba and "actions dlraet- the Inveetlgatlon. That la the area would taka for him. as he llvee," a U.N. suvey on traf- ing. Church, officiated. Fivderic Wer- express guarded optimism about a shoulder and Ho injuries and McCann Dr., charged with carry- Rockwell said he will file a writ the prospects for an Algerian aet- ed against the territorial Integrity In which the Kennedy admlnlatra- As for the Kenned}rs, they have fic accidents said today. John DuMel ner was organist. Burial was in was reported in fair condiUem. ing a dangeroua weapon In a mo- of mandamus in the federal court tlement. and political Independence of tlon may,; as every new adminis- The survey^ conducted by the tor vehicle, haa been referred to Centur Cemetery, East Hartford a former ambasaedor to Britain, Police said the car waa headed here to win permission to use loud John Dubiel, 69, of 480 Hlllatown Bearers were members of the He is also expected to denounce Cuba." t r a t is tries to do sooner or later, south on the Nooseneck Express- World Health Organization the Family Relations Bureau for and they have a Praaident, and (W HO), fotmd that habituai o f- speakers for a speech at a later Rd., died yeaterday at hls home af- Shrine (Jhanters, with whom Mr. the rightist Secret Army and The resolution, which Czecho- auoee^ In uncovering facte which way, veered across the center pre-sentence investigation. The ter a kmg lllneoa. slovakia and Romania Introduced, they have an Attorney General, fenders showed "marked intoler- ease is returnable to the court date. ' Moore had sung. make another rallying call for sup- discredit the preceding administra- strip, and landed on a graaa plot ance f«M: authority, vrore very ag' After arriving in thia town of Mr. Dubtel was bom in Poland port by declaring hla Fifth Re- called on the Cuban and U.S. gov- and all this without going Into bench on Feb. 26. and had lived here 41 years. A group representing the facul- tion. Suppose, for Instance, some east of the highway. The cause of greisiva and often had an unatame 5,000, Rockwell confronted Mayor public, which grew out of the Al- ernments to "settle their differ- their In-laws, and yet, apparently, the accident was not known. Cases continued: Survivors include hls wife, Mrs. ty of Verplanck School and a ences by peaceful means, through political crony o f Ktaenhower or of home bacicground." Until Thursday; Garvey Fox, 18, Thomas W. Summers on a street large delegation from the Shrine gerian crisis, has brought the nothing will do but that their young corner and asked "Where may Mary Parslak Dubiel; two sons, negotiations, without recourse to Divorced men, according to the of 31 Edgerton 8t., for c«mrt trial Chsinters attended the funeral. country stability and prosperity. Nixon represented some mining In- report, have the highest accident speak?” Joseph Dubiel of Bolton and Frank use of force.” Edward, who has to wait until next Urges Code of Ethies on charges of evading responsibil- Dubiel of East Hartford; two One of the Secret Army's favor- terests and waa able to bring it to rate, with a mortality record three "I am not going to pick out ite tactics la to sabotage radio and U.S. chief delegate Adlal B. Ste- month oven to be legal age for the MERIDEN (A P ) — An official ity and making a fhlse complaint daughters, Mrs. Joseph CipoUa of Mn. Leila Q, Trudeau venson was expected to address pass that the government sh sld times higher than presumably hap- to police. (He is free under a spot for you,” replied the mayor. The funeral of Mn. Letts Groves TV transmitters during Important office, must be the Democratic par- o f the Nationsd Education -Associ- Accompanied by nine associates East Hartford and Mrs. Leon Rob- the 104-natlon committee Tuesday, buy a lot more of that particular ation bee called for a nationwide py family members. Tha lowest $200 bond); Mrs. Ooncetta Hilde- Trudeau, 859^ Zion St., Hartford, government broadcasts, then run ty’s nominee for the United States rate waa found to be among driv- from hls party headquarters at Ar- erts of Glastonbury, and nine Hla delegation contended that the metal than it really needed, after code of teacher ethics. Dr. John brand of 54 Russell St., for court grandchildren. aiater of M n. Hattie -Jarvis and in Secret Army broadcasts on the assembly should not taka w y ac- Senate. ers in the 50-90 age group, partiC' lington, Va., Rockwell tried to M n. Ruby Rlvenberg, both of Man. aaraa wavelength. wtaltdt a fat commiaalon passed to H. Marvin, aoeooiate aecretary for trial on charge of making an Im- The funeral will be held tomor- tion on the Cuban complaint. The roster of the McCormacks Is ularly if married. proper turn which involved an ac- apeak at a. square’ containing a cheater, will be held tomorrow at To counter this tactic a heavy the political crony. That's the kind profeaeional ethics for the NEA, The investigators found no evi- ClvH War monument. row at 8 am. at the Newkirk and Committee chairman Mario Ame- hardly less handsome. There is said Saturday team en ooUegea cldm t; Jack Bhuttleworth, 21, of Whitney Funeral Home. 818 Bum- 11 a.m. at tha Holmes Funeral guard waa posted at the base of deo of .Argentina aimed to steer of stuff Inveetlgatlona thrive on. dence to support popular eonjae- Hie audience, many of them col- Home, 400 Main St. The Rev. Alex Congressman John W., who Is now might do more in teaching pro- York, Neb., for dlaposiUon on side Ave., East Hartford, with i the Eiffel Tower, which has an im- the committee -to a final vote ture on vriiether male o f female charges of evading responsiblUty lege students, began booing. H. EHsesser, poator of the Com portant TV relay installation atop There may be some such pay fessional behavior if they were driven are more accident prone. A heckler shouted "Go home.” requiem Mase at the Church o f the within 10 daya. The Czechoslovak- Speaker of that great House at and failure to pass right, both munity Baptist (Jhurch, will offi- It. Ouards were doubled around dirt waiting for the investigation guided by such a national code. The survey found that among Others joined in. Assumption at 9. Burial will be In Romanian resolution seemed un- Washington, which is quite a ways charges made from a motor vehi- St. James' Cemetery. ciate. Burial will be in Mt. Hope radio and television Installations the Kennedy administration Is now "Althoupi many states have the physically handlcappad Uie "There’s no use trying to make Cametciv, Talcottvllle. likely to pass. Some dlplomstf up for a young fellow who never their own code, they have so many deaf are "generally safe drivers— cle accident; and Louts A. Sites, Friends may call at the funeral In A lg eria believed some African, Asian or launching. 26, of Hartford, for disposition on a speech here now, but I shall re- Friends may call at the funeral was lace curtain and who had to variations it is diCflcult to deter- presumably they are cautious and turn,” Rockwell declared as he and home tonight from 7 to 9. An estimated 100 European dlu- middle-of-the-road Latin - Ameri- But what tha Investigation Is a charge of speeding. home tonight from 7 to 9. harda were arrested In the Alger- get his own schooling. And there mine on one specific code,” he and alert bocause they are aware hla followers departed by car. can country might introduce a more likely to uncover will proba- told a meeting of the Ethics Cam- of their handicap.” Until Feb. 15, David Woodbury, Mrs. David Goldberg ian capital in an effort to stall off mUder substitute with a better Is the celebrated and distinguished 22, of 88 Server St., for court trial M n. Ulllan M. Strickland bly be along the line suggested by mlssicm of the OmnecUcut Educa- The toll of traffic deaths In the Mrs. Esther Clark Goldberg, 46, The funeral of Mrs. Lillian M. some of the expected trouble. chance of getting by. Knocko McCormack, his brother, a tion Association. world—more than 100,000 a year— on cliargee of speeding and pems- of 82 Fisher Hill Rd., East Glas- Leaders of the Algerian rebel A UB. delegation source predict- A Herald TYlbnne editorial, which Ing In a no passing sone. Strickland, 37 Lillian Dr., waa held figure In his own right. axceeds that of all conimunlcalda Weekend Deaths tonbury, died this morning at Man- Saturday morning at the Holmes government were meeting In Tunis ed that the Communist resolution obssrvea: Until Feb. 19, Robert Barker. chester Memorial Hospital after a Apparent Suicide diaeasca put together, uie report FunenI Home, 400 Main 81. The to study reports of Its emissaries would be "soundly and roundly de- "But stockpiling, ilke the accu- And there Is Knocko's fine son, said. S3, Meriden, for plea to charge of short illness. who have bMn holding secret ses-' feated if ever brought to a vote." opeedtng; Richard W. Gutzmer, 67, NEW YORK (AP)—Max Rock- Rev. Laurence J. Vincent, as- mulation of armamants, repreaants and John's nephew, young EMdle, WESTPORT (AP)—Police are It gave no detailed statistics, but man, 73, retired subscription man- Mrs. Goldberg was born April 1, sociate pastor of Center Congrega- who Is already attorney general listing the death of Karl Godwin, estimated the total annual number of 43 Mather St, for plea to charge 1915, in Middletown, a daughter certain dangers. If the country Is of failure to drive right; Donald ager of the New York Herald tional Church, officiated. Burial for the state, and who might make painter and Illustrator, as an ap- of injured drivers,, cyclists and Tribune, died Saturday. Rockman, of the late Clarence and Georglana was in Center Cemetery, Colum- likely to need aluminum, let us say, parent suicide. Godwin, 98, had pedestrians at about 4 million, with Nolan, 23, Old Lyme, for plea to Jensen Clark. She was a practical a fine broth of a candidate for gov- charge of speeding; and Robert S. who retired three weeks ago, had bia. in case of war, and is building up been ailing for aevcral months. He at least one million of them seri- been with the Herald Tribune 43 nurse. Bearers were Kenneth Irish. Science Shrinks Piles ita inventories, why shouldn't It ernor If he would only turn his was found dead of a gunshot wound ously Injured. Reilly, 17, of North Branford, for Survivors include her husband; plea to charge of reckles.s driving. years and had served as circula- Walter Dent, Donald Strickland, build up a little faster, or a little fancy to it but who Insists, and In hls home here Saturday. Born in Intoxication—of pedestrians as tion manager and promotion man- David Goldberg; a daughter, Mrs. Harold Strickland. Raymond Canada, he had done Illustrations well as driven—was found to be EAST HARTFORD SESSION Rose Sullivan at home; a brother, New Way Without Surgety higher, U the aluminum industry Is with Knocko hls father and John Ten cases of Manchester youths, ager before becoming subscription Strickland and Leon 'Tatro. for the Reader's Digest and other the biggest sln^e cause of fatal manager. David Clark of Manchester; two Delegations from the Army and temporarily depressed? Or why his uncle with him, that he must charged with wilful injury to a national magazines. road accidents, ^ e report put the WASHINGTON (AP)—Eric Wal- sisters, Mrs. Carrie Buck of South Navy Auxiliary and VFW Auxil- Stops Itch—Relieves Pain shouldn't it buy more tin than it run for the United States Senate, limit of permisaible alcohol concen- private building were continued Glastonbury and Mrs. Amelia for plea until Feb. 13. They are ter Timm, 47, a senior official iary visited the funeral home Fri- T«H|, N. T. (SsMhll - For ths SO thorough that anffarari made really needs. If a friendly tin-pro- young Teddle Kennedy or no. tration in a driver’a bloodstream aa of the Central Intelligence Agency, Kllng o( East Haven; a grand- Fire Lost $10,000 David McAdam, 20, Herbert Doug- day evening. first tim* •cienc* hss found a new astonishing statamants Ilka "Pilta the amount y ,u get In about two died Saturday. Timm, who began daughter and several nieces and ducing country, like Bolivia, Is In Now if we could write the song, NORWALK (AP)—A fire broke an,>19, Lou Arcari. 23, Philip nephews.- hoaliag substance with tha aston- hsTo eaasod to ba a problem 1” been. his service with the government in Fiederiok O. Wellwood ishing abllitir to shrink hemor- The secret Is a new healing sub- acute straits because the world we obviously wouldn't be wasting out in the basement of Sanitary After that level, the investiga- Custer, 20, Donald Martin, 23, Funeral services will be held (Jleaners, 83 Railroad Ave., in 1939, v-dth the Federal Bureau of CXJVKNTRY — Funeral servicea rhoids, step Itching, and loliova atanc* (Blo-Djrn*0)—discoTary ot market for tin is weak?" our time suggesting it to the trade to n said they were "impresaed oy Paul Buck, 17, John Brainard, 24, Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the Wat- pain — without surgery. a world-ftmouB rataareh inatltut*. South' Norwalk, yesterday, causing the rapidity with which deteriora- Investigation, joined the U.8. For- for Frederick Chester Wellwood, The investigators are likely to We can merely sense certain pos- Anthony McAllister, 23. and Ray- eign Service after World War n kins-West Funeral Home, 142 E, 59, of Main St., who ^ e d Friday In ease after case, while gantljr 'Hiis subtUnes la now aTsilsblo damage estimated at $10,000. Fire tion occurs— ” Center 8t. The Rev. Qirl Slktberg, find that this kind of thing. In sibilities— the brooding and feuding mond O'Neill, 21, and John P. and was an attache In Stockholm at hls home, were heliTthls morn- roliaring pain, actual rsdnetibn In suppository or oialmsat form officials said the flames spread to The report gave the most danger- O’Neill. 17, brothers. pastor of the East Glastonbury under tb# name Proparaticn H». which the stockpiling program was between the clans, the ultimate the first floor of the one-story ous ages for all categories of road and Paris. Timpn, who joined the ing. (shrinkags) te^k place. (JIA In 1966, was born in Bay (hty, Methodist Church, will officiate. The Rev. Joseph Berard cele- Mott smasing of all-rstuIU wtr* At all drug eountara. used to stimulate the domestic showdown, some flnejilgh noon In brick building and caused damage users those between IS and 25 y ean Burial will be in Ea^t Cemetery, to clothing and equipment before and over 65. Mich. brated a high Mass of requiem at economy In time of recession, or to Copley Square, with the loser limp- Manchester. St. Mary's Church at 10 a.m. Rog- being put out. No one waa in the Seven Accidents NEW YORK (AP)—Isabel Lydia keep the diplomacy and the econo- ing away to some ambassadorship, Whitney, Amerlca'a first women Friends may call at the ftmeral er Gosselln waa organist and solo- building, at tha time, they said. home tomorrow from 7 to 9 p.m. my of some friendly nation from and with the Lodge clan, no Occur in Town fresco painter, died Friday after ist. Cause of the fire was undar in- Mr. Wellwood was born In Cov- going oft some deep end, happened alouches In their own right, await- veetlgatlon. an illness of several months. Miss About Town Whitney, a water-colorist as well 5Irs. Mary L. Corbeil entry, May 12, 1902, son of Wil- ing the outcome, schooling a scion Seven weekend motor vehicle Mrs. Mary Lovell Oorbell, 72, of many more times than once. In accidents were Investigated by as a fresco painter, frequently had liam L and Mary fihlen Shirdan such Instances, there may be some of their own. It could turn out no^ « Held in Fire Death The WUllng Workers, W8CS, of 1433 Hopewell Rd., South Glaston- Wellwood. He owned Wellwood's Manchester police, who arrested works exhibited in galleries and bury, sister of Mrs. Olive Wilson discontent with the end result, only to be a new song, but a whole NEW TfHUC (-AP)— A Norwalk, South Methodist Church will meet three drivers. No injuries were re- museums In the U nit^ States and Store In South Coventry. Wednesday at 1 p.m. in Cooper and Mrs. Irene English, both of Survivors Include hls wife, Mra. which is a surplus in our national new western^ serial to boot. Ocam., nurtt is baing htld by po- ported and vehicle damage was Canada- Manchester, died yesterday In Hall to work on quilts. Hoatewee minor. JERSBY CITY. • N.J. (AP)— Rom Baro Wellwood; four'sisters, stockpile, but no easy or automatic lice in tha death by fire of a wom- Hollywood, FIs. OF M A N C H E S T E R an friend. Mias Blen MacLeod, will be Mrs. daribel Carr and Mrs. Gayland R. Abrahamaon, 42, of James B. Elgap, 40, a regional vice Miss Annie Wellwood and Mrs. allegation of corruption In the Joseph Moore. Vernon Ave., Rockville, Saturday survivors, betides her sisters. Margaret Flaherty, both of Cov- 46, was accused of starting a fire president of the American News- Include two sons of Dover, Del., afternoon was charged with follow- entry. Mra. William Turner of original process A Thoug^ht for Today early Friday in the mat&cas of paper Guild for six years, died Sat- and South Glastonbury,,and eight The Sodality of the Bleaaed ing too close. The car he was driv- urday. Egan, who was born In Noroton,vru and Mrs. James Lawler O f one thing we can be sure. Mias Regiaa CahlU, 9 ^ Brooklyn, grandchildren. Sponsored by the Slaacbester whom Miss MacLeod was visiting. Sacrament, St. John's Polioh Na- ing atruck the rear of a vehicle op- Jersey City, was assistant adver- ot BiBradford, N. H.; a nephew and Whatever the worst Is, vye shall Council of Churches tional Catholic Church, will meet erated by Antoinette R. Gracsyck The funeral will be held at the foprr nieces. The two had an argument and tising production manager of the Lowe Funeral Home, 2534 Main bear of It That la the Immemorial MlSa MacLeod set the tte after her tomorrow at 7 p.m. at the church. of Hyde Ave., Rockville, which had New York .WorM-Telegram and Buurlal was In St. Mary's Ceme- —in. s p ite o f p o w s e lf! stopped on Main 8t., just south of St., Glastonbury, Thursday at 8:16 tery. Beareri were Harmon t way of new adminiatratlons, and It From the vvriting of Pascal: friend waa aelaap, poUca said. Of- Sun and had been with the news- -m. with' a requiem Mass at St. fleen oald Mioa CahlU waa badly The Women’s Home League of HUllard 8t. T)ia accident ocurrod paper since 1937. Ooritrane, Robert Flint, Herbert la Indeed something of an indirect "When I consider the short dura the Salvation Army will meet to- about 8:M, police said. Abraham- Augustlna’a Church, South Glas- Roee, Harry Ryan, William O'Brien tlon of my life, swallowed up In burned and probably diad of anoke CLEVELAND, Ohio (AP)—Ev- compliment to the Eisenhower ad- morrow at 2 p.m. in jimior hall. Bon haa been ordered to appear In. erett C. Williams, 73, retired Army tonbury, at 9. Burial will be in St. and Ernest LeDoyt. the eternity before and after, the jiolsonlng. Michael's .Om etery, Springfield, ministration that the Kennedy re- Mrs. Margaret Bell and Major Circuit Court 12, Mancheater Feb. colonel who participated in nego- little space which I fill, and even Myrtle Turkington will serve to- 19. Mass...... 'glme has had to wait this long be- can see, engulfed in the Infinite tiations for the surrender of Ba- Romance Anniversary fr^m ente. At 6 p,m. Saturday, Edmond J. taan to the Japanese during World Friends may call at the funeral fore deciding that the scandal ore immensity of spaces of which 1 am When it comes to saving money, aie you your own worst en ^ y? In spite of your best in- home tomorrow from 7 to 9 p.m. Boy Tampering -HARTFORD (AB)—A gentle- Symington, S3, pt 180 Autumn St., War II, died Sunday. WiUiama had In one particular location might he ignorant, and which know me not, tentions and firm resolve, you just can’t seem to get a regular savings program off the man nevar forgata thooe Impmtant Dauihters of American Vetar- in attempting to cut into a Une of and Wednesday from 8 to 6 and 7 been vice president of the Security to 9 p.m. _rlch enough to justify sinking a 1 am frightened. Who has put me dates which marie ths h a ^ t a o f ana AuxUiary will hold a kitchen traffic after paasing on the right. National Bank A Trtist Co. in Law- With Shell Hurt<| here? The eternal silence of these .The Rosary will be recited at the full shaft ground. B so, you haven’t tried the Hartford National Check-Savings Plan; the autom at hls ronuuMia. N o mattar what tha aodal Hiuradiw at 8 p.m. in the struck the ri|4>t front fender of a ton, O klai'xlnce retiring from the !| infinite spaces frightens me." ‘‘A obstacles, ba finds a way to^ovar- VFW Homa Members are remind- car driven by Mus. Isabel Valenti Army in lfi51. He waa born In Eng- funeral home Wednesday at 4 p.m. PhllUp E. Worka, 15. o f 45 Cone ^ realization of his need for God savings program that combines the ease and convooienoe o f your checking accoimt with the come them and elaarly atate hla ed to bring gjooeriea of Bolton. Symington was charged St., today waa reported In fairly ! L feelings. land. Mra. Frank W. Etanore and hls dependence upon God in with paeMng on the right and order- WASHINGTON (AP) — Big, good condition at Manchester Me- g pride and satisfaction of a growing savings account. . . lets you bufld a ravings program, ’ Andover -r- Mra. Mary Luretie Paat The Portents? this man led to hls taking serious Peter Dybwad. who gindtiated Mystic Ravlaw, Woman's Bene- ed to appear in court, in Manchea- Gan. Eklward -Montgomery, 73, a moriai Hospital after he waa acci- S ly the Christian faith. A strong surely ai^ steadily. Aak anyone at Hartf<»^ Natumal—and be sure to ask (write or phone, last Juno fiom Woolagnui Vntvsr- fit Aaeodatlon, wlU aooet tomorrow ter, Feb. 19. retired Army Cbemlcal Corps offi- Elmore, 80, of Bunker Hill Rd., dentally wounded In the face by a * Tbe period of the astrologlca] faith alwayrf^begina with doubt, otty. Is sudi a man. at 8 pjn. in Odd FeUbWa HaU for Albert F. Inpiacher, 77, of died yeaterday morning at her faulty 32 caliber shell. '1 a kltehen ooclaL Members art ro- cer, died Saturday. Montgomery emergency—that possible dooms- struggles along the way ^ t h the if you like) for our booklet called "A New And Diffarent Way to Save Money.” IVa got aU A letter a day ainoa ks’a bean hr TbompaonvUIe, was arrested about sarvad for a time during World home. Sha was the wife o f Frank Police reported that the youth, day decreed by the rare assem- nature of the self, and concludes Ghana with tbo Psaen Ootpo hava miiMM to bring groeeriea Jfra. 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon after he W. EUmore. yesterday afternoon had bben try- * W h y awake Harold Demfosy and Mlaa Ann firov# through a atop while War n os chief of ohamical war- blage o f six planets, the moon and with a benediction of peace. the iiacta you need. boon testinuay to Ida young lady fare for the European, theater. Af- Bom in L«c, Mass., on Oct. 16, ing to fire a homemade 22 caliber Rev. William G. Loiimer, Wolfram will serve refreehmenta. making a left hand turn out of S. 1881, Mrs. Elmore had lived In shell in a revolver he received from the sun all in erne portion of the Adams Bt, Into W. Center St. and ter hla retirement in 1949 he work- First Congregational Church ed for the American Cynamid Co. Andover for 45 years. She was a a friend two weeks ago. The shell rodlac—expired early this mom South Windsor.. Th« Friendahip Club, St. J<4m’a struck the side of a car driven by member of St. Mary's Church, did hot discharge. Works, police to a backache? PolUh National OothoUc Ohureh, Eniest P. Noske, S3, of 211 High In New York City until 1953. He ing, about the time most of us was born in Omaha (Coventry. said, then tampered with the shell! Personal Notices will meet tonight at 7 tat the fit. Irmlsdier. waa arrasted for Besides her husband, she is sur- and it went off. Money can’t buy bedding that is more basi- were about to enter upon the rou- church hiJL driving without a license and has tine o f a new week. BAZAARS, BAFFLES NET vived by a daughter, Mrs. Albert cally sound than Musco-Pedic and 'Verto-Rest poated a $50 Ixmd while I awaiting BREAK WITH CUBA DUE For most o f us it was merely a Momheni o f Hose and..Ladder HARTFORD (AP) — The Neumann of East Hartford, three Mattresses by Holman-Baker. Yet this fine court appearance on Feb. 19. grandchildren and three great- BUENOS AIRES. Argcatlna new day or a new week, and not a Co. No. 1 win meet tomdnraw at nreo other accidents, which onpenrlaed-part at Oaaaeetlcnt’s bedding costs mere pennies more than ordi- 2 ffa .tio n .a l braugtat no Ifijorits nor arrests, le ^ gambling bazaar* aad grandchildren. (AP) — Armed forees ehief- new life. W e.did not, many of us, floral tribatao. 8 pjn. at the taooe taeusa Pins St. talna who have demanded that nary, production-line mattresses. Orthopedic Bunbraneo of .. Marr'a ______and Bartford Kd. , occurred Saturday at about 11:45 rafflaa did a groas boaiaeaB of The funeral will ba held Wednes- ahare the anxiety of the unwise Oraroh la hor tm ----- aioaaaaoo aad a.m- on klofai at Pearl Sts.; at $$jnSJUSM last year, with 10$ day at 8:15 a.m. at Holmea Fu- Argeattna break dtplomaUc r»- surgeons outlined the bedding requirement rioa doriaa «e«at Seroav*- IMREE MnXlOM ON ^RIKB about 12 M p.m. on Center St still nareported. Bingo, neral home, 400 Main St., Man- latioaa with Cuba met again to- for back ailments. Holman-Baker designee) day. *11100(41 they made no an- were passing through any crisis. UHIOON (AT) Ah not at Ifictorla Rd., and at about also legal, is ooatrriM oaly lo- chester, with a requiem Mate at 9 mattresses to fit their suggestions . .. extra 1 p.m.' on Birch Mt. Rd. near cally and ao eoaepafablo ata- at S t Mary's ([Ihurch, Coventry. Bouarement, the go-alow attl- _ .otrika far Highland fit, when a car skid- tlsUea for it are cempiled. Ma- Burial WlU ba in S t Mary'a.Oeme- tiido of Preoldent Arturo Fron- firm Musco-Pedic for muscular disorders; ble astndogera had been predicting dad on a A patch of lea and jor Ooirell B. Shaw of tko State tery. dlzl'a odminlatratien toward Fi- ultra-firm Verto-Rest for bone ailments. And Irit a trao.^lhe latter car sraa PoUeo DMaloa o f PnbUe Safety Friends mny caU at tha funeral del Ooatro’a Ooinmunlat regime it is amazing how many folks with normal, bad not ei^ected they would take It was M «Mha*waltt towed away wUta moderate front gave oat tfio flgono fw the home tomorrow from 8 to 8 and In Cuba preeamaWy t waa the Boenoa Alrea newapapera, -healthy backs like this bjedding, t ^ . Try it plaoa. That was that There were haaaon aad raCles. The aet 7 to 9 pjn. anfit to On I f i t l imfiloa aad have beea foracaatfag a at Watkins tomorrow. Begin sleeping like a no Ug earthquakes, Tliere wsre no bazaars thus far raperted Hatris (Harry) Piektaain diplomatle break for oovera) king! Costa only $89.50 for each piece. big Oooda There were no big ship- 19«l roM «a filfifiltfflMS aad Bania (Barry) DieUnsoa, daya, quoted mlUtary oonreea wreeka There were no volcsnte ta ooly fiMSSAl. Tha 180 Summit fit. died tUa aa aaytng It will eomo Tlmraday. •nvUaaa Thsre wen no Ug ava- tsial valoo a( nfiaos iB Manchaotor ICamorlal / fiUSMfifiJfi. Mr. neklBSoa was horn fa Boat Manch^;ter evening herald, Manchester, conn, Monday, F ebruary s , i 962 ei g h t MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1962 DAII.Y CROSSWORD PUZZLE BUGGS RUNNY OUR BOARDING HOUSE MAJOR HOOPLB _ , 1 r ;RockviUe-Vemon Andover

THAT *25 COMES a U STA TTH B L Grand List VbU HAVEA (AYMENT W o r k a d a y Business Rev, Mr. Jaxheimer <** ^ WEUflAMCe f tU C V fW DAV /TW C «E E M SMiilald Up $78,315 4Agraanant' Scarab. ot 4e rainy night in /(ia t ea r S'w .$oihisim(e 'RX) IWhM MBM A9DlJTT» 7Dafaatadat ANP SENDAI A CHECK bridfB "1 Muld nemo 100 people above^Franklln Park site. X propoeed showed a total 6t 685,370, an In- K«»2S,66AD/ 8Ua cooks S Vocation myMlf who are more deeerving project for low-income housing creaea of $78,015 over last year's ULaandma ossa • Coloed than I," said the Rev. David G. was withdrawn frofn the Franklin tt lOCttpin grand list Last year's increue YOUR ! MOTTS Jaxheimer Saturday. Park plane due to strong citlsen U Oooipsaa point Pannqriraol* The Rev. Mr. Jaxheimer, pastor was 184,579. MEmanatkm llWinnowt objection. SUPER MBofa ISLowjors naa 37 Sacred imaia of First Lutheran CSiurch, made However, the authority Is still The number Of taxable dwell- USoaknas ttda term 38It^nd the atatement after being named seeking a site for the low-income ings Inereassd by one to 585 for a 17 Chart nKceaaatra ascammonlata Man of the Year by the RockvlUe portion of the project. MARKETS ISCaaia kt 32Saitet seek R 81 Thar nafca Rotary Club for hia work in bring- “What a sneakv thing this was,” total assessment of $3,445,657. The S&H BY V. T. HAMLIN aSAika tronUa al l y OOP SOAadaat AaitM 84IUX ing to completion the housing for quipped the Re-^ Mr. Jaxheimer number of bams and eheds de- fai. C-THINK WED Iv e s-A N O w e'u. XtTnmls ptaqnn 34(S^e 38 Roams the elderly project in Rockville. when he first learned he was creased from 431 to 391 for a total 0ETTER 'THROW N A B O K aaatt aspalnfiit S7Fra)ied The award was a complete sur- chosen Man of the Year. After sessment of $143,277. Lioin/^ SEND IT OrOQARSPOR StUia boafaiass prise, he' said. listening to the citation, he said Autos, assessed at $473,035, in- TjpJI/fi , TO HIM? LUCKl «M anltlnd “It's one of outstanding things creased in number from 910 to stBidacaa "It's unusual for a man to hear his SAVER 28Non iHMtfnl that's happened to me," he said, own eulogy. 1,047; and this year there are four IT" 30 iropicat plant adding most of the credit should "But,’’ he went on, "I’m going to more horses, for a total of 10, and SlCaipantorauae go to Mrs. Jaxheimer. “If it write to Lion's International and 10 mors cattle, for a total of 37. it weren't for her, I'm sui-e I wouldn't tell them what a wonderful thing Exemptions this year total SI Expire be here." the Rotary has done for a Lion." $300,438, compared to last year's SSPronooB The award, an inscribed plaque BOOKS 34 Chair Past recipients of the Man of the figure of $187,229. 35Wcitais oas K coupled with a written statement Year award were present at the There has been no increase In 33HaUl laOnaiT of his achievement In book form, meeting, attended by an estimated the number of business buildings, TODWTHB SSBritkh diriaion was presented by Rdwin M. Lav- 80 Rotarians, wives and ruesta 25, assessed this year at $62,912, \ KEEP STILL?: 398Mha itt, a member of the nominating Besides Gibson, Seymour E. Lavitt, and no Increase In the number of FASTER ,40CoeklnaatanaIl committee. Herman G. Olson, Judge Harry H. mills, 4, assessed at $38,227. 41 Happen again , Lavitt was called to make the Lugg and Donald P. Berger nave '440an presentation by committee chair- While the assessed value of farm ' 48 Roman poet been chosen for the award. machinery decreased from $9,150 DOUBLE man Raymond E. Ramsdell. Lav- BY DICK TURNER ' 4 3 S e a n u i r e H Nat N. Schwedel was toastmas- last year to $7,750 this year, as- CARNIVAL doas thia itt Is special counsel for the Rock- ter. Speakers offering congratula' SONoUaman ville Housing Authority, headed Uona to the club on Us 15th an aessed value of boats %ent from SI Chaw by the Rev. Mr. Jaxheimer. $2,995 to $8,830. BY AL VERMEER SlBdit nlversary were Casson, New Ha- PRISCILLA’S POP SSBaRieliilf The presentation took place at ven Rotary President -Hilton C. Other assessments for this year DOQQONE IT. MAZEL!! M Used bs winter a dinner at the Shoreham Hotel Buley, And District Governor Law- Include; House lots, $265,025; land, X VDU KNOW WHAT ROSES nortamen In Hartford. The Rotary Club rence Fullerton of Springfield. $101,300; sand banks, $4,500; ma- ^ y T O M V S I N U S ' BSBqiaasa celebrated Its 15th anniversary as Buley presented the club with a chinery, $47,587; commercial fur- SSSodal npalait well. New Haven club banner and niture, $8,980; goods of manufac- AjilAH' DOWN John D. Casson of SuiTield, a Schwedel presented to Buley a RO' turers, $20,992; and taxable prop- /• Iflastnc card past district governor and prime tary wheel containing the New Ha' erty not previously mentioned, STUMPS ZPanla mover In establishment of the ven club's attendance record for $31,574. Rockville club in 1947, was the March, 1922. Schwedel said he The Republican Town Commit- main speaker. He reminisced on found the memento' in an antique tee will meet Thursday ni^ht at 8 the club's beginnings and reviewed at the Town Hall. All members SHORT RIBf BY FRANK O’N E A t shop and thought it should be re- Every the history of Rotary Internation- turned home, art urged to attend. al. Bulletin Board Edwin M. Lavitt of the Rockville Rotary du b presented the Rev. * The wardens, officers and ves- The Rev. Mr. Jaxheimer is the A box lunch ii scheduled tomor- David G. Jaxheimer with the Rotary’s Man of the Year award trymen of St. Peter’s Episcopal sixth recipient of the Man of the row by St. Bernard’s Women’s Saturday at a dinner In Hartford marking the occasion. T he Church will meet Wednesday at 8 Year award, etaited in 1958 when Guild at St.' Bernard's Hall. It plaque notes the award was presented for ''achievement, leader- p.m. In the church annex. 6 Ralph H. Gibson was chosen for will follow a regular guild meet- W ednesday his work in establishing the Rock- ing at 8 pm. ship and service" in the Vemon-Ellington-Tolland community Moaoheeter Evening HeiriM An- ville Area Chamber of Commerce. AOH Beta Potluok served by the Rockville Rotary Club. (Herald photo by Sater- dover oorreepondeat, Margery Mon- Achievement above and beyond The Ladies Auxiliary, AOH, have nls). tandon, telephone ragrtan 2-8813. the candidate’s normal field of alated a poUuck at 6:30 Thursday BY JOE CAMHUIJLL endeavor is the major factor in at the Moose Rooms. The regular ... choosing the Man of the Year, La- meeting will begin at 8. 147 E. Main St.; Bdan Grant, 127 vitt said. Hope Chapter of Eastern Star High St.; Jenny Plkul, 34 Flor- He cited the Rev. Mr. Jaxhelm- wUl present 25-year pins to eligible ence St.; Linda Parker. Phoenix er'e work for the housing author- members at its regular meeting to- St., Vernon; Mrs. Gertrude Wake- ity. The pastor, who was served in morrow at the Masonic Temple. field and daughter. West Willing- SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE •« S k parishes in Hartford, Brooklyn, N. Officers will wear colored gowns. ton; Ml'S. Joyce Reynolds and •liA m aflnlffAM Ilf Y„ and Freeport, L. I., had been Transportation may be obtained daughter, Win^orville; Kimberley In Rockville less than a year when by calling Harold C^rr or Edward Pelletier, Thompsonville; Richard LAST WEEK IT WAS1HE NORMANS, . 1ELL ME, DON'T You . he accepted appointment to the Williams. Wheeler, 142 High St.; Frank De- derm nwr it m-Me sncons. GETALONOV/nHANVONE?) authority. He has been chairman The executive board of the Ver- Marchi, Willima'ntlc; Edward No- TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY since the appointment In Febru- non Junior Woman’s Club will vak. 168 High St. ary, 1959. meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the Discharged Sunday: Marguerite liie appointment was made by home of Mrs. Robert E. Spillone Rldson, Morrow Rd., Tolland; Ha- then Mayor Herman G. Olson on on Elm Hill Rd„ Talcottvllle. zel Bernier, Wapplng Rd., EHling- the strength of the Rev. Mr. Jax- Ho epltol Notes ton. helmer's work in establishing Admitted Friday: Lorraine Birth Saturday: A son to Mr. housing project in that town. O'Brien, 14 Laurel St.; Natalie and Mrs. Marcel Casavant, 1087 Ids, 50 Prospect S t; Darrell Mor- Tolland Tpke., Buckland. CENTER CUT MAXWELL tWW»aA.t,TJ«.»,.U4.N«.eA ■ i Lavitt noted thu Rev. Mr. Jax- heimer has “taken a personal In- gan, 114 Orchard St.; EUta Little, 2f DaUey Clr.; Walter LaMonde, Vernon hews Is handled by The ’’Don't spoil it for him by tellins him about h. He's terest" in the development of the BY KEN BALD and JERRY BRONDPIELD Lakeview Terrace, Ellington. Herald's Rockrtlle Bureau, 6 W. JUDD SAXON only seen it twice before!” project. He personally toured prO' posed situs, talked to property Admitted Saturday: Howard Main SI., telephone TRemont HOUSE owners, secured the help of other Lovelamd, Maple St, Ellington: 5-SlSe or Mitchell 8-6797. clergy In negotiating with land' Beverley Stralkoekl, 78 Grand P O R K Ave.; Arthur Rother, 120 Orchard LITTLE SPORTS BY ROUSON owners, has talked at area gather- ings and churches on the need for St. housing for ijlderly and has taken Admitted Sunday: Karen Han- the lead In the work of the flve- sen, 8 Gaynor PI.; Edward Souo- Sleep Like Log Slip Stinach fiat 3 Tlmat Faitar COFFEE member housing group. ler, Metcalf Rd, Tolland; Ann Kreysig, Wlndsorville Rd., Broad Certified laboratory teste prort lELL^A N S tab- C H O P S -ttf O City officials call the housing kts neutraliu 3 times as much stomach acidity authority the most dedicated com- Brook; Jenny West, 30 Snlpaic in tnt minute as many Itadini diiestivt tablets. St; Jean HUl, 23 King St.; Get B E IL 'A N S today for the fastest known mittee in the city, Lavitt lald. relief. 35# at dnigplstt. Send postal to BELL* The project, which will rise on Andrew Wallbllllch, 51 Charter ANS. Oranieburp, N. Y. for liberal free um plK land off Franklin St. near the El- Rd.; Anita Jones, Vernon; Joan POUND lington line, “Is a reality,’’ Lavitt Oliphant, Brookside Lane, Ver- ONLY said, althouA the bricks and mor- non. 4 Eariy Amsricsn, CAN tar have yet to be put In place. Discharged Friday: Stanley Kemembar with Modtl 1-SC273. dM fiy finish It was during the calendar year Johnson 8r„ Gehrlnr Rd., Tolland: *199®" FM/AM Radio snd tlarM FM eptlenti B. C. BY JOHNNY HART 1981 that the plans for the project Bertha Matkof, 58 Spring St; were brought to completion. Minnie Davis, 28 Fox Hill Dr. BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE Under federal and state sponsor- Discharged Saturday: Winslow adilp, 104 units will bo built on the LauMeu, 11 High St.; Irene'Fecteau, FOUR MAGNAVOX speakers CHOCOLATES Projects sound from sides end front to surround you with TffiRE beautiful music NBMT-nME TORKMITM rwHE«.\ N E W ! TWl OCVM. ic® NO RECORD OR STYLUS WEAR IJUSTNOPC ICtSSSIKii) iTPOiStncauii; Real estate broker lands Keeps records and needle NEW Am-Fle Process iMAPOrUWTIP, ^ . niLcn*AREA. "MIRACLE MIX" a profitable helper! DIAMOND STYLUS— GUARANTEED 10 YRS. 1"^- Gives You a Bread SILVER SEAL WARRANTY This nol astate broker had a ashall, aata-man 1 AfliL iho Twk Ihmu 7rtw Im 1 year on parts plua 90-day aerriee with NO HOLES l”i5a.Seert BkNa* li^ business. This meamt that whenever be wee out ■howinc a houea to a proapact, ha raisaed any and a d e I i c i o u s MORTY MEEKLE BY DICK CAVALLl phone calls that came to the office. The broker V A L E N T I N E ’S pound cake texture. MICKEY FINN BY LANK LEONARD wee sure he wee loaing a let of potential buei- D A Y NOW YOUR RECORDS AKe you SURE R a w e r Na-siXTBB^ naea this way. He aakad ns fhr eieletenfe. We •FO LLO W M E PROMOaTQ?6 f3HCe: had ana of our Coananuaicatioiia Conaultania FEB. 14 PHIL9 IT W AS «KRHOW5ARE.ROrra<| dieeuaa the probiam with him. The Conanltant’a GIVE THE FAMOUS AW FUL CLOSE! OONVaeOATIONALISre/ CAN LAST A LIFETIME! (06THe NORMAN 6 KNIN5 lecommendatleai: leetelf Autocnatic, Aaawering OH^CNaZANDCXJr. and Recording Serviea. Thanks to this deviet, CHOCOLATES The Lighterst, True Tracking, Tonearrt tha phona la now automatically aasweted whan VALENTINE HEARTS HELLQTH e RE. the broker la out and each caller can leSve a NEW GERI-ANN P R e TTY O X O \ recorded msesaige. Reeult: H ie broker is lacur- ONLY ON MACNAVOX UPHS?eTOCW»{ y ing many more good leads by phone — and hia ig nT it ? butinate ehows it!.,. Perhapa one of our Com- Hear the Magnavox Mlcromatlc record player that eliminates act: t . I'O ' 1 avMJA municatioais Consultants can help your Ann cut record and stylua wear! So preclaa the pickup plays perfectly Jk eoete, improve effideney or build salea during at only one-tenth of an ounce pressure, baniahlng distortion and surface noise. Gives perfect pitch (certified to be within plus or “MIRACLE MIX” BREAD Mm. the weeks ahead. Tailoring telepbodo aarvioa to 1 minus 1% of absolute). Because there Is no diaccmible wear on CAPTAIN EASY BY LESLIE TURNLTl your peads ia his' spaeialty; there's no diarge for either record or diamond atylua, the stylus la guaranteed for ten MR. ABERNATHY BY RALSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY msHOnistfi. jusTTAor mmc w *] JU»TRaiAX,r his Mtistance. Just call our bueineas o6ka. The yeara. ^ Riunia mtxt vao(»0F LMMA vwmseAra PINE PHARMACY THEY INTRIGUED thatS very NO, I'O LIKE MXl TD INTRODUCE RRSCrU. NM NMioM VrntaslwAMii^^ Southern New England Telaphoot Company. COOP AFTERNOON, MR. ME SO MUCH I RATTERING.SIR- ME TO VO U R MODELl Marvou HMH VbU KMONN 664 CENTER STREET BROMBRANT. I JUST HAD TO COME WOULD I AROOMi THKI - RIGMtoVEP/ Y3U LIKE nwhwmtn, Magnificant Magnavox Starab*High Fidality Introductory Special SAWACOU.ECTION YWOKAYf J OFVtXJR ME TO FAIMTINSS pa in t A AT7HE , PICTURE ART I [U OFVOU-? (Regular 2 for 37c) MUSaiM. *8 9 ® “ .0*9 9 5 ® ® FULL POUND LOAF Many stylas and lixai to suit taita and budgat eii%£UAy clean 5 2-5 THE SIDRY OF MARTHA WAYNE BY WILSON SCRUGGS fuel oil Tested, Adjusted, Delivered, Guaranteed, Serviced DAVY JONES Bnxie JANE, M VIEW OF YOUIC v j DO «iOU KNOW WHAT BY LEFF and MeWILLlAMS G IV E S Y O U M O R I H E A T A T LESS C O S T By Our Own Mechanics POSmVB-Y SCAMOAIOUC CONDOCr THAT MEANS? NO _^VV, BOr, Y ANOIS MR. lU K , WHILE VDUR MOTHER A U D I WERE ' Allowance /. no wtes/ Famous For Service Since 1931 fiOUE, TM TAlOIJa Am i ALL HO TV' ^ RVMAMITt?/ Hf’U exRLOM?/^A Don't take chances iisa A-C trt^e-fUter- PRIVILESE' od clean fuel oil A-C odentiflc filtering proceee aeeuree yeu of first quelity oil, SHOP MOTT’S free of sediments. . . . d

. V . - >> .1 w*.^*.*'* . » * — — > .

PAGE TEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, FEBRUARY, 8, 1962 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN'., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1962 PAGE eleven Boston College in Role of *SpoUei^ on fievo England Scene THE Bowlin; Yankee Gage Race Scrambled, Herald Angle Manors Gontinue Unbeaten, Win Two on Road j y Schoolboy BasketbaU Roundup mm EAKL YOST Glenney Stars Record 244 Bpsrto Editor Yale Gets Assist in Ivy Loop As Locals Up No Doubt A bout Mark Stuid«y 6«nd able to Journey South but no Indians Musl Win All, Brisk, cool morning was the official word hae come from the Take Part front office as yet regarding a In Boston by Uelses bo sto n (AP)— ^The B os-’^’Way in the eecond half and won at^week Colby had been ehad^ by^ Holy Cross will be at horns weather when I joined my family League Margin Boston University 63-61 with sec- against tough Seton Hall Wednes- junket around the training camps K'7J ton College "spoilers” have the foul line (31-41) for the weekly trip to church. . . . Ellington in Comeback Both had winning warmups, onds to go. day and Syracuse Saturday. » Schedule was clear after a previ- league basebaU teams Those unpredictable Eagles from (n Florida next month . . . With First weekend in February At Holiday deepened the Holy Cross- Massachusetts beating St. Peters Southern CJonnecticut 81, Bridge- ous hectic week In which I found BOSTON (AP)—An uncon- by the darkly handsome BC face Providence ^ d George-- basketball on the home stretch, was a big one for Manches- Providence controversy, Mas- of Jersey C8ty, N.-J., 94-76 at New port 80 — Archie Tracy hit the myself out every night. .. . Taking firmed runpor has it that the Uelses only nine days (ago in By FRANK CLINE winner from the free throw line town. BC (9-4) now' holds sur- advantage of the free day I turned seversi area baseball coaches ter’s Green Manor entry in the Washington. sachusetts has scrambled the York’s Madison Square Garden phoned and we talked of the pop- United States will ask Marine By EARL YOST and Rhody edging Colby, 85-74. with Just imder a minute to play. prise verdicts over Yale, Navy, to teevee In the afternoon for the Farmington Valley Basketball “ He'll do 17 feet eome day,” Next time Manchester High’s basketball team pulls the Yankee Conference race and ular spring and summer sport . . . John Uelses to lay aaide his Record field of 244 duckpin Yale Is back in a first place Ivy Also Pratt 66, Hartford 64 Pitt and the Crusaders. Sunday SpOrta Spectacular, the said his coach, Aubrey Dooley, trigger and things explode on them in this version of Yale owes Dartmouth a big assist Boston University now has re- Loo Fracchia, Little Lioague presi- League. ’The charges of Coach pole vaulting for awhile and bowlers participated in the an- tie after a 24 hour absence. The (Doubls overtime) and New Paltz Harlem Globetrotters being fea- who is a pretty fair vaiiUer In the Ivy League. gained the services of Larry Eisen- dent, reported all was running Tom Conran rack^ up two op- volunteer to go into orbit. sian roulette the tournament hopeful schoolboy quintets an- Elis, coming off a 71-49 clobbering (N. y .) 78,'<3uinnlplac-76. tured against the Washington himself, doing 15-5 while at nual Nick Tronsky Open Tour- That’s a capsule look at New berg, Paul Evans ftnd Steve Eberle well In mapping plans for the ponents, to run their perfect rec- The 24-year-oId German- nually play about’ this time of the year, they’ll be dead. At by Penn, beat Princeton 80-78 In Streaks on Line Generals on Die basketball court. Oklahoma State. nament last weekend at the EIngland college basketball this ViTho have in turn regained their 1*® campaign . . . Appointment ord to eight straight. And the Con- bom Uelsea could Dmost make least as far as taking part in thla^ overtime when sophomore Dick It was just routine, a good show What’s been responsible for Holiday I^nes jn Manchester Monday with the specter of that It was a great weekend for eligibility. sheet found me on the other side tractors______nearest challengers. Wind- It without a rocket. year's Class A event 4a concerned. Derby hit a 35-foot, two-handed streeiks. for anyone who saw Uis act for the turning Uelses born in Berlin, old post-midyear exam letdown Connecticut Coach Hugh Greer first time and boreaome for any of the river In the afternoon'^ W »or Locks, dropped a pair of de- Lance Corporal Uelsea, sta- into a champion after being with Jim Postern of New Brit- still haunting more than one coach. set shot with three seconds left. Massachusetts Institute of Tech- back home In time to.get In a lit-' cislons. < tioned at Quantico, \'a., uses says the Huskies will have to go one who has viewed the court jes- . - .. "j" only a mediocre vaulter a year 4XUL STANDINGS Rln walklnR off with top money. BC ended a Holy Choss winning But the big Blue needed a hand nology, not exactly pegged as a 1 a pole Instead o f rocket fuel. W. L. The Hardware City resident total- after good students who can play Urs more then twice. The Qea- J'?* ago? streak at nine games, 82-77, Sat- — and got it — from Dartmouth basketball stronghold, has run a STANDINGS And it doesn’t look as If Bristol Eastern ed 1.408 for his 10 Rames and col- basketball instead of the reverso erals were perfect stooges for the i Donent^fS?^*»n *‘^*'*‘*“’^ °P' , Uelsea himself doesn’t hsvs urday night. The one thing the which stunned Cornell 60-58 on winning streak to seven strsJght which heloed the N erro: »bow, enough men there’s any celling on his Bristol Central lected J750. Runner-up was Don by quietly sweeping through a from now on after squad mem- the an.awer. But he acknowl- inOK TRONSKY CHARLIE KEBART Eagles couldn’t take away was Sam Barton’s two free throws bers Walt Griffith, Dave King and astounding pole vaulting of Wethersfield .. Norton of Cheshire, like Postern, a SANDY NILES four-game roe4 trip. 2^“ater;n“hoopstera put tver over their^ show. Sfmr^amo^"' Manch^ter late. ». edges that it's been just one MANCWE.STER (Honored Pinner) (Out of Money) Jackie Foley's 84 points which with 40 seconds to go. Cornell Bill Della Salla lost their eUglbll- teams among neighborhood resi- Plauiville ...... 7 year that he’s been using a veteran of many years on the pol- (First I»cal Finisher) Connecticut (10-4) a n d St. Track meet from the West Coast, Uelsea straightened out the Hall ...... produced a new Holy Cross career went into the game with a 5-0 Ivy Ity to the books. dents . . . Late phone caller was Wlnd-sor Locks ...... 6 flberglas pole. ished lanes. Norton received J375 Anselm’s (9-2) have won five in which followed an hour later, was Hal Goodnough, the fine sports' Torrington ...... 6 record book Saturday night in Platt ...... scoring mark of 1,798. Previous mark, seven straight victories good viewing' and then I settled on the strength of a 1,393 total. a row. ITie Huslcles romped over Races at a glance speaker. w)w will get back into' Newington ...... 4 the Boston A.A. track meet. ”1 don’t want to lake any- Maloney ...... More than 1,000 bowling enthu- List of Winners holders Tommy H elns<^ (1,789) overall and a 14-2 season’s mark. back and read the latest periodi- thing away from John,” says and Bob Cousy (1.77B) rushed Dartmouth played anibuo tomorrow night hosting Maloney ners, in total pins, Sandy Niles Walt Berthold. Rockville $160 1365 seven. from b ^ n d for a 59-55 verdict in Harvard and Princeton 3-3, Colum- be remeasured. of Meriden. Friday the Injuns the team of Mary and John Simmons. The pair turned in a 710 15IV153-106-158-162-J23-129-124-128-122 a )>attle of small college powers. which could go a long way toward bia as well as Cornell; Harvard miles from Payne Parle in Sarasota Locks' two defeats, the locals now pole. I wouldn't be surprised if gaining 11th spot. He received Joe Debrosk*', Danbury $140 1360 The Friars now claim they de- determining their poeaible tourna- where t)w Chicago White Sox will Palmer in Groove So Uelses went out and he could have done 17 feet travel to West Hartford to taka IlOO for his 1,348 score. In the The Knights succeeded despite the lost to Cornell 89-69 and defeated Thursday boast a three game advantage in score to outdistance a fine field. Norm Vittner, Y lane mana- 136- 180-123-114-129<124-138-139>146-122serve the top regional ranking ment futures. set up spring training headquar- the atandings. vaulted 16 feet. \ inches in with one of these new poles.” on Hall in the latter's .chummy block awards. Jack Vittner scored ger, supervised the Friday night* Tony Firaro, Wapping $120 1319 Holy Cross (12-3) has enjoyed fact ace rebounder Walt Baumann Columbia 96-73; Brown lost to both Early arrival as he always la Boston on his first try at the mile bandbox where the Warriors 143-125-102-126-136-139-170-122-137-149 Providence Is at Syracuse teia. .Also, a not# of thanks fbr a Wethersfield gave the Manors And Nets Top Retired pole vaulter Don second high set, 678, In the second and Saturday action at the North moat of the campaign, point out fouled out with 16 mlnutes.remain- Princeton and Penn. Gtimes this on the morning following a rifle height. are always tough to best. 3. Ruth Oakman 121 103 96 320 Frank Mlcnllzzi. Rockville, Md. $120 1349 Ing. against Lemoyne tonight, then week: Frl.—Brown at Dartmouth, past favor from Jeff Taylor, who more than they bargained for yes- (Tarzan) Bragg is another dis- block and won $23. Bill Thurston End site. Ernie Oakman 107 128 118 353 157-154-140-126-110-102-127-140-170-123 they’ve beaten BC, 77-73. The lat- match was Oil Hunt, Manchester "I almost stopped on the believer. BOB HBALY Hank Sabla. Waterbury $120 1349 A field goal and free throw by comes home to face BC and Aa- Yale at Harvard. Sat. Brown at met all members of the Boston terday in Wethersfield. The home At Palm Springs pocketed a similar amount with ter may have more to say on that coach, with the results. Once again runway. Just before I got to "Vaulting,” he says, "used the highest single in the second W’lth each member of each team 673 148-164-163-134-136-101-139-127-116-121 Bob Jenkins at the finish gave sumpUon. The Friars appear to be Harvard, Yale at Dartmouth. Red Sox Winter Caravan on the the popular teacher has come up club started fast -and held a three- the takeoff pit,” Uelses con- CHARTER OAK C'ONrBRENOE The Rams (9-7) have four games VI Morton 99 98 130 317 Sandy Niles. Manchester $100 1248 in a rematch at Provldencs Thurs- Fairfield a 60-57 margin over better now that ‘"Twin Towers” bell players’ stop-over in Hart- to be 60 to 70 per cent the. ath- block, 178. rolling three games, the Simmons' John Morton 130 102 107 339 143-151-104-126-118-147-144-153-134-128 VERMONT STATE — St. with a winning team ... Routine point lead at half-time, 34-31. Fine fided afterward, ”I felt some- .Smithem DIvIslun to go ahd need them all to tale® day. Hadnot (6-10) and John Thomp- PALM SPRINGS. Calif. (AP) - lete and 30 to 40 per cent the 140.8 Average team saw Mary score 128, 115, 101 John Mvkelvn, Sim.sbury $90 1347 Stonehill. Michael’s 3-0, Vermont 2-1, Nor- ford . .T ic k e d across the railroad afternoon and at the dinne'r table shooting by Billy Stewart and The recent oft-repealed query, thing in my right leg at just W. U Pet. part in the Class B event. Tuesday 656 133-124-130-149-164-109-133-110-153-142 Race Tighter In other frantic finish games; son (6-11) aren’t on the floor as pole. Now It haa been com- Postern was the early leader —344 while John bested the little wich 1-2, Middlebury 0-3. Games tracks after dark and checked with 1 heard a full report, play -by Fergy Ferguson paced the home "What’s wrong with Arnold Palm- about my check mark. But I Portland ...... 9 0 1.000 the Rams visit Mlddlstown High Reggie Ghurekl 123 113 115 .351 John t'immmo. Bridpeport $82.50 1346 Massachusetts tightened the Colby 55 Northeastern 54 — At much together any more due to Don Cowles at the Y building, five. pletely reversed. The flberglas 2 .778 and Friday entertain Smith High with 707 after his first five-game maples like this, 114, 99, 153—366. Frank fjbureki 109 84 in 304 115- 116-111-149-158-148-133-136-138-143 this week; Wed.—St. Michael’s at play, from my son, Oeaii, who plays er's golf gam e?" seems pretty well west ahead an.vway, I think Avon ...... 7 Yankee Conference chase by the buzzer Northeastern was Thompson’s illness. Hadnot, a dis- Scoring Rampage polt should be declared Illegal.” . .556 of Slorrs. block bn games of 133, 130, 143, Second place went to Norma and Kd Kopcinskl. New Britain $82.60 1346 Vermont, Middlebury at Norwich. which was buaxing with activity with the freshman basketball team squelched. breaking my stride gave me a Rocky Hill ...... 6 665 110-132-167-128-133-136-123-138-166-121 luinding defending champion charged with a technical foul for- appointing 12. point scorer earlier '..Moo Moihardt, under contract Still down one point entering the "Bragg has his oplnloif and . .4 .500 143, 157. He came back to shoot Lee Country with 677 with Ruth VI Chapman 92 107 102 301 at East Hartford H igh... Sev- little extra lift.” Bacon Academy Losers of seven of their first Adam Bula. Portland $75 1343 Rhode Island its first loop loss 77- taklng a sixth time out and Colby In the season, suddenly has come MAINE STATE — Colby 5-0, fourth period, 64-53, the Manors Palmer playing like the Palmer .444 15®, 147, 145, 115, 134 for for a and Ernie Oakman third at 673. Bill Chapman 119 126 106 360 113-166-148-132-124-169-123-118-116-136 with the Chicago Cube, was busy eral long distance phone calls were However, though Uelses bow 1 have mine,” Uelsea said af- Cromwell ...... 4 eight starts, Coach Bob Healy's El- Tony Zanpryn. Bristol $72.60 1334 69 Saturday night at Amherst. The Captain Dave Thaxter converted alive with a flurry of points and Bowdoin 3-3, Maine 2-4, Bates 1-4. opened all faucets. Big Buzz of National Open and Masters .125 140.8 average. supervising the baskethall pro- received In my private office, one has history's only two 16-foot ter clearing 16-feet for the East Hampton .. ..1 lington shooters have made a re- Approximately $55 was realized 661 137- 13^128-137-137-129-157-136-120-119Redmen rallied from a three point the free throw. Colby had trailed rebounds wMch could spell a re- Game this week: Wed.—CJolby at Keeney, and two Jims—Morlarty fame in 1960, put on a dazzling second time. ‘'You have to go .009 Veteran Nick Tronsky. in whose Fanny Paganl 106 87 98 291 Wherry Giansanti. Wethersfield $69 1332 gram while Norm Vittner was from a college and the other from vaults, the mark la not recog- RIIAM ..« Inarkable comeback, winning six for the Manchester Association Ed Pagan!“ ni 130 121 106 356 deficit with an 11-polnt spurt mld- 29-18 at halftime. Earlier In the turn to the NTT as defender. Bates. and Glenney, went on a scoring birdie hunt to win the $50,000 Palm along with progress. After Honor the event was named, placed 130-124-149-135-121-128-122-136-124-164 looking after bowUng alley action a coach who is already lining up nized as a world record. The With its 10-game losing streak of their last seven decisions and fifth with 1,358 and won $175. for the Help of Retarded Children. Harrv Peters. Bristol $69 1332 rampage to ice the verdict by 11 Springs CIa.s.slc yesterday. all, the metal pole was In im- finally broken. RHAM (3-11) will 647 Cowles has done an outstanding officials for the 1962-63 schoolboy International Amateur Ath- are now only one game under the Third placement was Phil DiPallo All proceeds were earmarked for 129- 128-169-123-139-142-119-133-137-123 points. Keeney hooped 25 tallies, 13 He climaxed the five-round, 90- provement over bamboo.” be striving for Iwo more virtorles 8 Amy Plrkey 97 96 113 306 Ron Lapointe Bristol $65 1330 job as building director this sea- season... Thursday has been the letic Federation doe. not con- ..500 mark. Ellington (7-8) plays of Trumbull with 1^371, worth this fine cause. A1 Plrkry 117 113 109 339 123-135-161-119-138-115-103-151-169 136 ------Baseball Signings------son and he passes along credit to in the final stanza, and Morlarty hole marathon with a three-under sider Indoor records. The pend- Uelses gets his next chance before ringing down the curtain host to Stafford Tuesday night and Andy Onofrev. Stratford $62.60 1329 only consistent free night I’ve had par 69 for a total .score of 342, 17 $250. Tom Stirling of Hamden 645 Ms aides. Including Morhandt and had 10, Stewart led Wethersfield ing outdoor world vault stand- at once "Impossible" barrier on this year’s campaign. Two road Friday journeys to Granby. won $200 w-ith a 1,370 total. There 1. Mary Siinmena 133-122-147-117-137-122-115-150-139-167 Final Third of Season all winter and with square dance with 27. blows under par for the long haul - John Simmons 9. Marge Cushing 128 93 88 309 Joa Papann. Wethersfield $60 1328 Vittner—the ^og$ ’took over the ard la 15-10)4. set by George Friday night in the Philadel- games find the Sachems at Ool- Having clinched the mythical were 53 position prizes. John Cushing 99 116 118 332 Reds and Henry Satisfied, lesaons being offered at a neigh- Saturday in Wlnsted, the locals at the plush par 72 Bermuda Daviee last year and equaM phia inquirer meet. chesler Tuesday to face Bacon 116- 140-149-129-141-131-151-133-160- 89 gym at 8 o'clomi and Jim Sheldon, borhood school 1 decided to cast Little Three title amongst the trio Charlie Kebart, for year’s the Tony Ontrella. Wlnsted $67.60 1326 king Interested In dog obedience, had too many ,$3ins, despite the Dunes Country Club and four other Academy and over to Avon Friday. 181-120-123-135-123-134-147-123-143- 98 my lot, finding the experience both of catholic high schools in the area. Manchester town champion, re- 3. Norma Courtney 10. Jaan Bell 110 101 86 287 Toughest for Colleges handled the group. Jhn is a former fact aeveral key players were courses used in the tournament. Coventry (4-12) plays only ones Lea Courtney Fred Ziks. West Haven $54 1326 Bast Catholic will be trying to bet- newed many acquaintances but Art Bell 122 100 113 336 130- 149-111-148-132-128-118-124-131-164Gubs Sign All 37 Players enjoyable and a deviation from the miseing, Leo Cyr, Dan Pinto and Palmer started the round three this week visiting Lyman Memorial fine bakotbail player, a "Wg man” usual hectic pace. ter its sparkling 12-1 overall rec- was off form and had to settle for 632 Joe Svlvester. Bloomfield $54 1325 during his career. .Before the dogs Ken Lowd were the absentees. strokes behind the leader. Gene Mayer^s Ace Hard on Lloyd^s Tuesday. a 1,219 score. I 127-116-179-133-132-144-130-113-130-122 ord. Tuesday afternoon the Eagles I Sim Belli. New Haven $54 1326 NEW YORK (A P)— College basketball heads into its last barked, BUI Moorehouse and Jack Five players hit double figures Llltler. But he ran off a string of With six matches already under Manchester pinners out of the NEW YORK (AP)—Cincinnati^Uie White Sox got pltche^ John Friday of Coach Don Burns visit the Glas- 1 112-144-116-144-136-152-161-127-126-107 Crockett pnere busy in the gym with Frank Butkus leading the five successive birdies starting on their belts, Manchester’s undefeat- money bracket were Dave Saun- Dom Marchl. Newlnpton $52 1323 has signed Bill Henry, who Isn’t a Buzhardt ‘ and catcher Camileo " ' five weeks tonight, the final third of the season. It’s the stage PALM SPRINGS, Calif. (AP)-6>96-hole tournament. tonbury Frosh and Friday night Instructing youngsters in the Messenger for his brother-in- pack with 20. Dave Turkington the fifth hole, caught Littler on the ed rifle team will shoot twice this ders 1,260, Burt Claughsey 1,347, 126- 140-123-145-142-129-148-130-125-115wTlter like pitching partner Jim Carreon. of the year when conference competitions have turned into law, Vln Kohen, Jimmy Murray dropp^ In 17, Glenney 15. Keeney Former United States Open cham- Now the sponsors are wondering play home to Northwest Catholie. Ken Cole. Bristol $51 1322 Latman, a 25-year-old r 1 g t- proper fundamentals o f basketball eighth and went two ahead of week. Wednesday the Indian gun- Joe Genovesi 1,227, Jack Vittner 127- 118-148-157-154-121-113-132-139-108Brosnan but nevertheless authored real races, when the elite among the independents begin to climbed the staira-without breath- and Dom Pinto 10. pion Dick Mayer was $51,050 rich- what Uoyds will require as a hander acquired from the White . .Made the West Side Rsc just In Gene on the ninth. er today and Lloyds of London’s premium for underwriting the ners host Choate and Friday visit 1,223, Ed Kovis 1,148, Tom Colla Martv Powers. Mldflletown $50' 1317 an enviable record last season as show, when a single mistake can* ing heavy and deposited basketball Glenney, former Central College Did he think he had it sewed Hamden. 127-121-148-118-171-134-159-107-128-104 Sox, was a big surprise for the time t o . help Watkins play the famous bell, if it still rings, must gamble — If Lloyds Is still inter- 1.070, Bill Thurston 1,266, Howie the Reds won their first National wreck a team’s record. news from the West Side Rec. captain, was outstanding In both up at that point? Hampton 1.257, Tony Marinelll Bob Sfinphur.st. Devon $49 1311 League pennant in 20 years. Indians, posting a 13-5 record and by stunning Utah (6-1) 74-59 Sat* Civitan Club in the biggeM match be tolling a dirge, ested In the 193S classic. - / Chas, Velllrtte. Thnmaston $47 1308 With only a couple of exceptions, urday night, while Utah State (6- Kohen supervises the hoop play games. Coach Conran, who "You never have anything sewed CENTRAL VALLEY 1,204, E3d Bujauclus 1,191, Charlie 139-132-119-120-128-146-124-147-127-126 Henry, a 34-year-old fire-balling a 4.02 average after in months. Watkins, with CUff for youngsters at the West Side Lloyds for the third year gam- So little did the famous old firm John Orzel, Wethersfield $47 1308 the major confer^ces are having 1) edged Denver 83-79 in overtime. Gerbe having a line night, won the pressed into Mrvice Saturdaylup in this game,” said Palmer. "1 bled $50,000 against a hole In one think of the chances for a hole-ln- CONFERENCE Whelan 1.180, Town champ Larrj' righthander who teamed with beginning the season as a reliever. tight title Bcraps—battles that building. Murray, m fine basketball night, said Olenney’a rebounding,! learned that lesson in the Mas- Bates 1,174. Walt Hillnskl 1,081. 146-107-142-147-131-153-13M4S- 90*117 Broenan to form the nucleus of the Held hit .267 with 23 homers and With Utah out of post-season play first two games, d ro p i^ the third, being scored In the rich Palm ons in the five-day tournament W. L. Pet. TueiNlay, Feb. 6 Steve Drotar. Fairfield $47 1308 show every indication of going because of an NCAA penalty, the official, haa been forced to curtail hustle and defensive play was the , ters. 107-137-129-132-177-102-110-139-151-124 Reds’ formidable brigade, 78 RBI. but increased their American Springs golf classic and for the that Uie premium the first year I Plainville .. 0 1.000 Maloney at Manchester, T;45, down to the wire. Here’s how those Utah State game at CSU probably his whistle tooting due to a de- keynote to both triumphs. Arnold referred to his double- Robt. ("ovel, MIddlehnrn, Mass. $45 1306 and third baseman Mel Queen ink- Buzhardt. 6-18 last year, came League lead to six games over manding schedule at the Savings third year lost. was a mere $4,500. Glastonbury ..7 2 .778 Arena. Bothersome Backs 129- 148-153-128-116-117-132-127-128-118 races shape up: is the title key. Civitain. Buss Keeney, Snlta Mor- Next atari for the Manors will tiogey six in the 1961 Masters on For the three years, Lloyds is That was 1960 and Joe Canlp- Newington . . .6 3 .667 Rockville at Middletown. John Prafletto. Torrinplon $44 1304 ed their 1962 baseball contracts to the While Sox in an inter- Bank . . . Former UConn freahman be Saturday night in Rockville. the 18th when he lost to Gary 150-139-148-120-118-140-107-122-121-130 last weekend. league trade that sent first base- davaky and Jim Zuocardy, as spik- basketbaU coach, Ftlta Della Fera, now- out of pocket $113,200. bell hit an ace. The coat was booat- ROOKVIUJB ...4 5 .444 RHAM at Bacon Academy. BIO TEN—Mighty Ohio State BIG FIVE—UCLA (4-0) upended The k>cals will meet the Rockville Player. Mayer scored a hole-ln-one Sat- ed to $13,500 for 1961 and Don .. Stafford at Ellington. 8. Hit Boxinw Cards Tonv HarobelUs. PlalnvlUe $43 1303 Appearing in 47 games for the man Roy Sievers to the Philadel- ers, and line serving by Harold was an early visitor, just at 8 Windsor .... .8 5 .375 159-147-137-114-133-118-117-119-126-133 has beaten everybody in sight, in- nationally-ranked Southern CJali- City League All-Stars in a March This was Palmer's second win In urday, no one . else duplicated the January scored a hole-ln-one. SouUilngton .. .2 8 .200 Lyman Memorial at Ooventry. Joe LnMonlcn Torrinplon $41.60 1301 pennant-chasing Reds, Henry post- phia Phillies. Carreon batted .271 Tedford, marked the Clvltan third o'clock. Now a town director, Fritz cluding Northwestern 97-61 Satur- fomia (3-2) Friday night 73-59 and of Dimes )>eneflt. three $50,000 Desert Classics and feat yesterday, so he gets to keep The London company this year Middletown . .1 9 .100 East Catholic at Glaatonbury NEW YORK lAP) — Oh, those 134-108-123-122-148-122-136-145-149-114 ed a 2-1 record, led the club with a and could prove a threat to reg- day night, but hasn’t been able to gome win. played three sports both at Man- Gm a Masor (7() his first victory since the British Larkin Weedon. Balt . Md, $44.50 1301 2.21 and was has a home-and-home series the big pot — less taxes, of course did some tall' thinking but finally In an even more difficult posi- Frosh, 3:.30. aching backs! 1Z3-134-117-172-128-127-135-110-121-134 ular receiver Sherm Lollar, now 37 shake off dogged Wisconsin. The chester High and. during his under- p. B F. P(i. Open last July. credited with 16 saves. Queen, 19- against the Trojans weekend after Tuesday graduate daye at U<3onn . . . Trin- 8 Bulkus ...... 2 2-2 6 'That extra $1,050 comes from agreed to underwrite the thing tion toumsment-wiae. Is Cbarh IVednesday, Feb. 7 Back trouble last week forced Art Anderson Foxboro Mas,«, $40 1300 and still unsigned. Buckeyes are 6-0, the Badgers 5-0, Cyr ...... 2 6 Palmer .said an extensive ex- 98-124-170-148-126-134-114-118-134-134 year-old son of a former major next. The pressure is on USC. Mayer’s lOth-pIace finish In the again, this time for $18,800. John CanavnrI'a Rockvillq array Rifle Choate at Manchester. Ingemar Johansson to delay his The St. Louis Cardinals signed with a head-on meeting not on tap insuranceman John Lyons was ity Fieldhouie was the destination Lowd ...... 3 s hibition series abroad with Player, Murawskl. New Britain $37.60 1298 league pitcher, hit .266 with 14 at night for the City Series basket- Glenney ...... 3 comeback fight with Jamaican Joe 125-121-134-126-115-104-119-173-142-139 a quartet as shortstop until M&rch 3 at Ohio State. Wis- a visitor and we talked basketball, plus outside businc.ss demands. homers and 88 RBI at Topeka. SOUTHWEST—A scramble as us- ball game between Hartford and Keeney ...... ii 25 Bygraves. And now a back injury Vic Laorod Lakewood $37 50 1 298 and pitchers , Kerry Don consin beat Minnesota Saturday, in the "good old days,” when the Turkington ...... 1 3 had hampered his scoring. He 17(V143-114-149-117-122-118-140-119-176 While the Reds were getting ual, with Texas Tech (5-1), Texas Bulkeley. Fine officiating job in has knocked the Interesting Eddie McDaniel and Bill Wakefield pul 94-88. Armory 'was packed game after Morlarty ...... 4 plans to defend his British Open Stan Pawlak. FalrflHd $37 1 297 Nos. 17 and 18 to sign, the Chicago A&M and Rice (both 4-2) and a the prelim was turned in by Jim Dom Pinto ...... 1 Machen-CIeveland Williams heavy- 164-139-118-112-121-128-101-113-155-1<*6 game. John was one o f the most Cubs won the contract signing der- their names on the dotted line. couple of others right behind. Bresinski and Tom Mason, two lo- Dan Pinto ...... 4 9 title and appear with Player in weight scrap out of the box for Herb Sfanis Windsor I.orks $36 1394 Baltimore signed pitcher Hoyt WaSSOUBI VALLEY— Bradley Texas Tech kept in front by clip- loyal rooters, -never missing a Fortin ...... 0 0 South Africa But overall, such ac- 120-124-144-150-14.5-134-114-110-123-130 by by luring third baseman Ron game when the hoop aport flour- cal men. The feature was a thriller a while. John TJehatz East H.artford $35 129: Wilhelm, the Phils inked out- (7-1), Cincinnati (6-2) and Wichi- ping Arkansas 66-64 Saturday ~ tlvitles will be curtailed this year. M id-W in t e r C a sh and C a rry Sp e cials MARY NIMMONH S^to, the league’s sophomore of ished on an independent scale.. . . from start to finish between two 14 Totals ...... 31 Johansson apparently has recov- JOHN SIMMONS 110-119-158-148-133- 93-137-121-186-118 ttie year, into the fold. Santo sign- fielder Don Demeter, Washington ta (5-2) aren’t likely to settle their night. well coached, talented-laden Wetheriflrld (Ml ered from his aches and pains and Tonv Barber. Danlel.«on $.33,50 1291 came up with Infielder Harry three-way fight until late this Another Insuranceman, Frank 1 Couch ...... 1 QUANTITIES LIMITED SO HURRY—SOME ARE ONE-OF-A-KIND ITEMS 14.V138-123-127-107-143-11.5-132-13M 31 ed for an estimated $22,500, about Sheldon, visited for two minutes squads, Hartford winning by two 2 King ...... 1 ^ Eleven members of the Dnllio is scheduled to meet Bygraves, the Joe Russell, rmnslon $33 60 1291 Bright and pitcher EM Hobaugh month when Bradley and Wichita Jim Rlngo, center and offensive double his 1961 salary. IVY LEAGUE—Cornell got top- and said he had given up voUey- polnta in overtime. One of the fea- Renard ...... 1 4 Cowboys of the National Football former British Empire heavy- captain of the Green Bay Packers, 118-133-125-119-126 137-138-104-1.38-153 and Minnesota satisfied pitcher take on the Bearcats in back-to- 0 Stea’art ...... 10 37 League played college football in McCovey Injured, Walt Surowlerkl. Meriden $31,50 1290 Santo, also the last Cub to agree pled by Dartmouth 60-58 and _ala ball as a winter aport In favor of tures at Trinity is the excellent weight king, at Goteborg, Sweden, Danny McDevitt and Infield'er back games at Cincinnati. Satur- played his college football at Syra- 122- 1 l'>-155-124-1.31-i''2-i37-ni-145'^to 31 terms last year, hit at a .284 squeezed- by Princeton 80-78 in loe Bkating. Frank was a line staff of competent officials at the WlllTama ...... b Texas. A TL A S ECLIPSE Z E P H Y R A TL A S 10 " Friday night. cuse University. Clemente Honored Joe Cnrr Rrldpenort $31 50 1 290 clip during the 1961 campaign with George Banks. day night it was Cincinnati 77, overtime, leaving the Big Red and bench, scorer Charlie Horvath, 0 Murphy ...... 4 115-127-129-13?-l ?8-i 24-149-123-157-106 North Texas 50 and Bradley 72, St. spiker, flrst with Roto-Kl and la- 0 Bossid.v ...... 0 S. Karnnsiewlrz. Fall River. Mass, 23 home runs and 83 RBIs. He the Eli tied at 5-1. Each has eight ter St. Mary’s . .Talked bowling timer BUI Coyle and announcer 18 " R O TA R Y MOWER Louis 57. conference games left, including Jolm Kelly, plus Joe Gargan, the D RILL PRESS Band Saw SAN FRANCISCO, (AP)- Infleld- $30 1288 was the 37th to sign as the Cubs Rec Volleyball with Amy Plrkey, now a TV per 14 Totals ...... ~26 l$-\9 MtAR MANCHtSTMR CtNTRH 123- 14.3-138-124-122-120-139-116-139-124became the first NL club wtlh all two between themselves. man behind the entire program . . . er Willie McCovey of the San Joe TaMiera W Werwlek P T 82<1 1287 BIO EIGHT—(Mlorado (5-0) sonallty after being on the duckpin Reg. Price $64.50 PARKINS 130- 120*132-136-175-141-126-106-106-115parties satisfied for the fourth Gene Sturgeon, ranking Manches- Or««)ii MasBr (76) R«g. Price $S4.S0 Francisco Giants is nursing a has beaten Kansas State (5-1) once show last Sunday for one hour, P. B. F Pts Ed Gu-nre Meriden $28 1286 time in succession. OHIO VALLEY—Western Ken- ter whistle looter, was my part- 6ilf$ US Kdlf bruised knee he .suffered in an StandingH and they next tangle on State’s and Hip Correntl, major 'Spokes- 2 Butkuii ...... 8 4-6 20 131 - 92-112-149-164-132-136-117-117-136 Activity also was brisk among tucky (5-1) holds one victory over ner and turned in a Grade A job Conran ...... ; ...... 0 0-0 o R#9. Priew $59.9S— New auto accident here yesterday. Kip WlMix' D an ielson $27 1284 W. U Pet. man from the Holiday Lanee.... American League clubs with floor March 3. The Buffaloes whip- runnerup Morehead (6-2) and before a sellout crowd. Glennfy ...... 4 7-8 15 PITTSBURGH, (AP)-The Na- 162-133-14‘»-118-134-lfvvi 39-103-109-143 Liberty Mutual .... .28 8 .778 ped Oklahoma State 54-39 Satur- This must be a day for insurance K«rn^y ...... 6 0-0 12 ONLY 3 ’TO SELL B oh R ra d lev Rr|-to1 $26 1283 Cleveland and Chicago each ink- they’ll p^ay again Feb. 19. More- $OA.88 nnn tional League's leading hitter in 141-123-124-119-118-133-133-141-113-138 Gus's ...... 18 12 .600 day night and K-State downed people as Tom Conran, who Is also Turkinitton ...... 6 7-7 17 $ ' ing two key members. The In- head smothered East Tennessee 96- • Saturday Morlarty ...... 10-0 2 dewts New 1981, Roberto Clemente, has re- John niM arella M id dletow n $25 1283 East S ides...... 17 13 .567 Nebraska, 72-53. employed in that Held, stopped by New 143-119-156-1'»4-l 17-126-104-133-144-117 67 Saturday night, while Western Balky starter on my car result- Dom Pinto ...... S 0-0 lo Manchebteli LUM BER' ceived the top award given by the dians signed pitcher Barry Latman Firemen ...... 12 21 .364 to talk both business and sports... Fortin ...... 0 0-0 0 Mrlo Havrn ta*; and shortstop Woodle Held while Bob Donovan of Cheney Tech ful- ed In a late arrival at the desk. Dapper Dan Club of Pittsburgh. 124- 108 161-136-14'’ -! 65-107-123-116-101 St. Mary’s ...... 11 19 .367 Kenlu.-l You” ). r*How to Make Appointments thrnurh S A IR I SAW •pend for fuel Stop in now and see for yourself how 1,000 Trip l e “ S " Blue Tr a d in g Stamps* Many positions require little or m Ladies' Whit e no specialized education or ex- coupon and mall at once—TO- Phone Pewef”, etc;). And he also supplied vslu- iPiber Glass Home Insulation will add to your home 'Stam ps Issned upon payment of Orst fuel delivery. DAY. Y ^ Wul also get full de- - U P Reff. $44.95. perience. aUe suggestions about the best times to reach Figure Skates 'comfort the year ’round. tails bn (how yo(j can qualify But to get one of these jobs, yourself to pass these tests. various profewioiud people. Result: Judicious NOW . . . *37.10 MONTHLY OR BUDGET PAYMENTS List Price $15.95 you must pass a test. The com- Don’t delay—Act NOW! FREE IN S TA L L A TIO N use' of the telephone has helped, ring in more i " E LE CTR IC DRILL Special fro* EstimertM Convenient Monthly Payments GoaraateeA fer As Lent As Ye« OwB Year Oar salea, and business is rising steadily . . . Psr- 3 " RELT SANDER Ueatinn 24-Hour LINCX)LN SERVICE. Dept 15 Specialutt Burner Pekin, niinoia DIAL hapa ens of our Communications Consultants Reg. $89.95. e a s y caa help your flim cut costs, improve efficiency $ O A . 8 8 $ 0 . 4 4 Since 1935 Service I am very much Interested. Please send me absolutely FREE (1) A 1230 TE R M S NOW . . . Full 3 Amp. Capacity New list of U. S. Government positions and salaries; (2) Information or build sales during the busy weeks ahead. *70.40 on how to qualify for a U. S. Government J[ob. 6 A.M. to 10 A.M. Ref. $54.5(L'^ew MANCHESTER BRANCH TsUoriag tsls|dioiM service to your needs is True Oas la A Bsally BOLAND Name ...... Ags GoWI Buy tiiis asaa’s spedslty, and there’s no charge for OIL C O M P A NY Addreaa ...... Us sasbtaaea Just call our busineat office. The 369 CEHTfR STR C n TEL. Ml 3^320 City ...... A ...... Stats ...... NMITFOID 6ENEIAL TIEE CO. ; S e n l h e n New England Telephone Coropvny. 793 MAIN ST. Give Exact Directions to Tour H om e...... W I N F HAUGMKSrmft o r » anTHBMAy TO • r JL Manchester, Cenn. USI . e*.. . . • BLISH HARDWARE Co. t V

ll' 1 S' MANCHESTra EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1962 PAGE THIRTEEN MANCHESTER EX^NING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, FEBRITARY 8, 1M4 HoiurtB For Salt 72 H ou m For Sale PAGE TWELVE Houses For Ssk 72 Rockmle-VettlOn tq» 4:80 p.m. and Saturday from 9 p XSt KOUTH rd.—Off Spring 8L Covent a.m. to noon. Thaise are the reg- TaleottvUle ApsrtmtBts— Fist*— 1 room polonlal, 1% baths, 2 fire- Spur LEVEU-For those accua- MANCHESTER—5 room ranch ad- Police Arrests 121 BaildinK— Contracting 14 THERE OU6HTA BE A LAW BY FAGALY and SHORTEN Honsshold Goods 51 tomed to the finer thinfg all one ular houra at the town offices. Tenements 6.1 places, 2-car garage, dishwasher, jacent Bowers School, priced rea- Car Fire Slows WHAT DO YOU n«e<5? Mor* room, 80’ koTPonfr' electric range. gsrbage disposal, built-in ovan and has^ien In- aonable.,. Call owqer, MI 9-S828. Edwin H. Edwards, 42, of 613 Manchester Evening HeroM Oov- gosd condition, hardly used. Gray TWO ROOM u«|lm ant, heat, gas ' surface uplt, laege family room eluded in this lovely 8*^ room' Sykes Honors Building Agent rec rooms or •tUci finished, addi* ju a r A aflw MOM ra rr on nuH VERNON—$700 (town assumet this Main BL yasterday was charged entiw correapondent, F. Pauline tiona,' storage qabinets. built-lna, kltcheh set, modem design, oxcM- stove and refrigerator famished. with Hraplace. porch, paUo with * contluslve to U nie, teiaphone PRgrtm *6281. Highway Traffic CLASSIFIED ON JUNOM Flltsr HWS CUT, lent condition, reasonable price «»OM who enjoy split level livuig mortg^e (ki 5 itx>m ranch. Look with operating a motor vehicle bookcaae. ceramic Ule bath, tot- TONVt hol O rr now; t a « « a Adults only. Xn 8-6888. barbecue, trees. , ameaite drive. Earned by 102 for the two. Call after « :80, JA Charles I*esperance, MI 9-7620. at Us beat. On beautifully lano- today, 'Tongren Agency, MI 8-6821. Hired by Town Firemen of Cb. 3 raaponded t© a t..,'ca counters. If you have a leaky TAM ANOTHBR AifTW MAP* waped spacious lot. 2-csr garage. while his Hcenae is umtor suspen- roof Or a house to build, call us iN*r iM-,/*iAfa# j 8-791*. VERNON—5 room ranch 8 bed- sion. Ha was arnasted on a com- call for a car fire near tha Mila FIVE ROOM apartm ent^ second , gBC ROOM r a n c h , 6 years old. In the high Sykas Junior H i^ Sehool honor Bernard A. Dion of Willimantic Tax Collection and I’m sure we can help you. Ml ftoH DirANCa N«xT 50s. Phllbrick Agency, M 9-8464 rooms largo lot near school. Ton- plaint, and posted a $250 bond Hill Rd. exit on Rt. 15' at 4 p.m. ADVERTISING hot wa look SDC ROOMS of furniture, most of floor. 1814 Ford 8t. Tel. Ml 8-47M. Bowers Bcnool. all rooms better has been appointed town building 34382 after 5 p.m. • ; : AT gren Agency,'MX 3-6831. roil for tha second quartar lists while awaiting appearance In Cir- Saturday. However, the lire had it only 2 years old, many maple than averaga im size, entire base- Inspector. He will begin his work . ______OAOOIf JUNIOR IWMAT A TWO ROOM apartment and bath, 102' pufills. , ' ' cuit Court 13, Manchester, Feb. Reaches 96.7% been brought under control whan BATHROOMS tiled. remodeling, LAUfl>f TfM'O. erVi4«N pieces, eopperware, linen, dishes, ment flntsheU off into largajamlly BOWERS SCHOOL larea—6 rtx>m for the town on Feb. 12 and will they arrived at the scene. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS additions, recreation rooms, all silverware, lanm. clocks, mower, electricity and heat, 160. 180 C «b room 4% 66 -mortgafe, priced lor Forty-two Grade 8 pupils made 1*. Hi a a o w a u f; SPECIAL ranch, finiihed heated rec room, serve a probationary period of six Weekend mall brought the Extensive damage resulted to 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. types of carpentry. Also, fall-out tricycle, etc You name It, I've ter St. Call Ml 8-2457, 9-B only ouick sale, $16,900. PtaUbrick honors, 11 of them the high honor Ahthony A. Micoletti, 17, of mOnlh.a. garage, convenient to all schools, East HaHfprd, and Dennis W. Mc- amount of taxes paid before the the^rear end of the car, Deputy shelters built. Call MI 9-4391. got It. MI 8-7789. Agency. Ml 9-8464 churches and ahopping. Ideal loca- roll. There were. 60 Grade 7 pu- TO RENT—Small headed apart* VALUES pils listed, 34 of them (m the high Otmntll, 19, of 51 Bretton Rd., A special town meeting in Oc- deadline of Feb. 1 to $6,180,789.78, Chief Vytau Chenlerka reported. YOUNG COUPLE ment. TeL MI 8-5117 • between » t : :80. ONE BLOCK from Main St. 6 room tion for children. $17,900. Call own- early yesterday morning w- the date on the Golden Rule Club of Talcott- MONTHLY PAYMENTS rage, completely modem, tremen- For Rl. 5 Signs which provisions of (he new build- A penalty of one h'alf of one *^*^'^B*^PREOIA’rtD D I A L M l 3-2711 i replaced, specializing in Bended 822.14 porch, attached garage 1\ acres $2,000. Joseph Barth, Broker, MI Hanson, Cathy Hubla'rd, Mark Ire- per cent each month is added to ville Chinch, will be held at th* dous opportunity. Only 119.500. 9-0320, land, Joseph Kayan, Ellen Kirk, ing code will become effective. home of Mrs. Robert Tucker at 8 . built-up and shingle roofing. ; "WESTINOHOUSE” REF. Carltcn W. Hutchins. Ml 9-5132. $100 monthly, taxes $340. Just a each payment not received by, or FOUR ROOM apartment. MI and Karen Kloter. Th^ zoning boSrd of appeals has Dion, who Is S3 years old, Is p.m. Tomorrow. Refreshmenta will I Coughlin Roofing Company, Man- , 3-5838. short distance from the Vernon not postmarked before midnight Chester. 8n 3-7707. •’CALORIC” RANGE 112.600 — ROCKVILLE. S room Circle, Also, Gary Lee, Edward,'Linton, granted permission for the erection married and has two cjiildren, be aerved. The public Is Invited. CENTER ST.—Four room apart- Alan, 1.8, and Debra, 9. The fam- on, Feb. i. The penalty is com- •’EMERSON” TELEVISION ; ranch, large, living room, cabmet Suburban For Sale 75 Victoria Lonsdale, Denise Marley, of two signs as requested by Jo- puted as of Jan. 1. when payment ment, second floor, heat, ga-age, 38 acres in Andover, cabin, pond. Linda McLeod, Marie Mecca, Lloyd seph. B. Vinick, Raymond B. Porlas ily lives at 384 Prospect St. In Wll- Manchester Evening Herald Tal- BLONDE BEDROOM 885. Call MI 8-5064. kitchen beautifully landscaped was originally due. TROUBLE REACHINO OUR ADVERTISER? Roofing and Chimneys 16-A LIVING ROOM SUITE lot. shown by appointment. ANDOVER—Seven room cape built Munro, Mary Palmer, Donna Rich- and Oscar -Porisa of 19 Lincoln Umantic. cottvllle correspondent, M n r r I a 2 Bolton Rd. in Vernon, in 1720. Excellent for restoratioi'. Dion was graduated from St- 'The taxes are on all real and 5-PC. DINETTE SET MANCHESTER—A two room and • Marlon E. Robertson. Realtbr, Ml ard, Marianne Rteder, Leslie Sal- St., Eaat Hartford. They a-*ked personal property listed In the Oc- Slmnncelll, telephone Mitchell ! ROOFING—Specializing repairing $3,500, 150x300. l ’,4 baths, outbuildings. thiee Mary's School in Wllllmantii’. at- 3-2882. MAYTAG WASmSR 3 room apartment available on 3-5953. mon, Susann Sa.vles, Viola Schtatz, permission to erect two signs oh tober i 960 grand list, and are M-Hour Amwsring Ssnits roofs of all kinds, new roofs, gut- acres—only $13,900. T. J. Crockett tended Windham Regional School HOOVER VACUUM Center St., heat and hot water 5 room Ranch, Coventry Dennis Shea, Robie Shimoda, Wil- the former Kaaheta property, one used to finance the town’s opera- I ter work, chimneys cleaned, re- FLORENCE ST.-^7 room ‘ home th large Realtor, i n 3-1577. liam Stark and Lawrence Thayer. for tw'o-and-one-half years and has Business Opportunities 32 Rdp Wanted—Female 85 Articles For Sale 45 SEALT BOXSPRING furnished, rentals from 860 per lot. an each side of Rt. 5. The signs tions for the 1981-62 fiscal year. F in to Hsrald Readsri paired. Aluminum siding. 30 month up immediate occupancy. excellent condition inside and out, In grade 7, high honors went will be 8 by 16 feet. the equivalent of three years’ , rears' cxperienre. Free estimates. 8EALT MATTRESS study at Windham High School. ALL IN ONE STORE GROCERY STORE!—Selling fresh PART-TIME medical assistant for TURPENTINE, pure steam dis- Call Mr. Werbner, Jarvis Realty 'enclosed porch, one-car garage, to: Judith Brown. Theodore Cad- The appeal was granted on the Call Howiey, 8U 3-5881, Ml 8-0783. Also Included “ Mohawk" priced for quick sale, $13,900. Phil- Wanted— Real Estate 77 man,'David Carter. Cathlecn He has had 16 years experience Want tafonnatton on one of our classified sdverMsements? No meat and produce, good location doctor'a effict, 5 aftemoona and tilled, special this week, $1.19 per Rugs, End Tables. Cocktail Co., MI 3-4112. Jack ]. Lappen dondiUon that the signs be non- with parkliig area. MI 3-7894. 3 evenings a week. Write Box H, gallon. Sherwin-Williams, 981 brick Agency, MI 9-8464. Connor, Kenneth DelPonte, Sarah llluminated and advertise the *sle in the construction field and is SHO P FOR ALL YOUR answer at the telephone listed? Simply rail the Tables, Lamps, Smoker, Dishes WISH SOMEONE to handle youf presently employed by a Manches- Herald. Main St. Silverware, lUtchen Csblneta Englehart, Ann Foley, Alan For- or lease of the property. The Does BLADDER Heating and Plumbing 17 FOUR ROOMS, first floor, conven- are yo u looking for something in real estate? Call me at Ml 9-0370 tier, Margaret Htrth, Susan Hor- ter contractor. His basic occupa- Mirrors, Pictures, Pot» and Pane Real Estate aiid can't find it? Call , Agency for prompt and courteous service algns should be located approxi- MATERNITY NEEDS MANCHESTER A NSW ERING SERVICE $6,000 SALARY YEARLY TWO CAPABLE typist-clerks, mod- SNOW BLOWERS - From 179.96 ient location, 880. MI 3-6518. toni Lee Hunt, Karen Kilpatrick, tion is carpentry. He also has had IPLUMBINO AND heating - re- And Pew Other Items Tongren Agency, MI 3-6321. Any- 8 Bissell St. MI 9-4506 Joseph Barth. Broker. mately equi-distanl from the BLOUSE.S. SKIRTS. SLACKS, Be your own boM and work only em down town office, part-time and up. Parta and servies Capi- and Terry Kloters. experience in plumbing, electrical IRRITATION Ml 9.0500 modeling Installations, repairs. Phone Me Immediately DUPLEX for rent. 8 large rooma, thing in Real Estate. MI 4-1*94' MI 4-0149 northerly and southerly boundary BRAS, GIRDLES, 34 houn a week in nation’• No. 1 and full-Ume. Apply to Mrs. Bax- tol Equipment Co., 88 Main St. Also, Barbara Landeen, Karen line.* of the property, t’he ZBA said. and heating work and has been MAftorA K 15.E eomnon YOU Kldno? NE orR VBloddtrOUS lr«1 All work guaranteed, 28 years ex- Hartford CHapel 7-0356 S bedrooms, central heating and CASH WATTINQ lor property own- associated with his father, Eugene SWEATERS and SWIMSUITS and leave your messatre. You'll hear from our auverttser In Jig self-service business, coin operated ter, at Federal Cred ' redit Bureau,^ 808 Houra 7-5 daily, 7-9 Thursday, 7-4 OAK STREETT (area) - Six room VERPLANCK SCHOOL-6 room ers. Please call us befort you buy Magnuson. Stephen M a r c h a m, rttftUoiu ofton oocur and bof moko for penence. 24-hour service. Call Main St. Saturday. See It Day Or Night 1-car garage, 8105 monthly. Call Legion Dance Slated J. Dion of Willimantic, dealing in (onoo ond norreiu troo$ too froquonu time without spendlnf all evenlnf at the telephone. laundries, located in busy shopping Cape .Cod. Garage, combination Or sell. Speedy service. J. D. Thomas Mllkie, Martha Newton, burolnc or llehlni urlaotlon both able local insurance company, purchase, aizes 8x10 to 14-18. 99c tation. I ’ll send my auto for you! CLEAN LOCA-nON, duplex 4 room "up, 3 rooms dowm, full basement, water oil'heat, near bus line, good lak, Kathleen Shea, David Stark. sor a Valentine Teen-Age Record oebo ond fool old, tirod. doprooood. In Plumbing. Installation and repair. No Obligation I excellent heating system. It you condition, good buy. Charles Lcs- ASK US about our cash offer for Raymond Walker and Linda St the Town Office Building on Boeh irritollofi. OTRrniZ viroIIf brlnvo Gltuier's Lost and Found 1 Auto Driving School 7-.\ hours 8:15-4:15, 5 days weekly. each. Sizes 16x30 and 18x34. *1.49 apartment, bath, pantry, hot Hop Feb. 10 at the Legion Hall. Main St. each Monday, Tuesday, foot. roUxlnt ooafori bF corbiM irrl* MI 9-5125. want privacy plus, look this over. perance, MI 9-7620. your property. No red tape. Hon- Young. toting go rail in otroac. odd urlno and bF Coraet and Uniform Shop AVAILABLE 2-bay service station Good starting salary. Evening in- each. Sherwin-Williams 981 Main A— E—R—T— S water, MI 9-1051. Jerry Bishop of WDRC will be disc Thursday and Friday from 9 s.m. giving onolgoolc pain roliof. Oot CT8TBZ FOUND—One large black and w-hlte Prepare for drivers test. on well traveled highway, private Excellent value for *15,200. T. J. est value. H. J. Bradley. Ml 3-7379. General honors ware won by: 681 Main St.— Maiirheeter terviews by appointment. Call MI St. 43-46 ALLYN ST HARTFORD $17,800. FIVE ROOM ranch with jockey. Records and WDRC hats at drtiggliU- Ctioor op and fool bottor foot. male dog. Call Bolton Dog War- Ages 16 to 60. Driving and class brand gasoline, good op^rtunity 8-1124 or Ml 8-1125, Mrs Lubas. Crockett, Realtor. MI 3-1577. Su.san Albom, Margaret Barlow, will be given away. The Futuras Radio-TV Repair Services 18 Open Every Night Till 9 SEVEN ROOM duplex, oil heat, 78 porch, large kitchen with bullt-lns, HELP! DUE to many recent aalea, den, MI 9-7601. _ room. Three Instructors. No wait- with moderate Investment. Call Timothy BelottL Elaine Blfolck, will be among the guests for the Cheatnut St. Call BU 9-0261. MANCHESTER — 1960 American tiled bath, fireplace, combination our liatbiga are low. Buyers are ing. Manchester Driving Acade- TV SERVICE!—All maksa. Honest, Crown Petroleum Co., JA 5-3108 or VACA'nON PLANS ahead? Earn a BOY'8 BIJtCK figure akates, size ' waiting for all' tyi»es of property. Ian Bland, Nicholas Caros, Chris- evening, and dancing will be from NOTICE IS HEREBY given than my Pl 2-7249. write 92 Walnut St., Hartford, good Income cloee to home repre- T. 18. Tel. MI 3-6814 after 8:80. Colonial. 13x23 ll'sing room, knotty windows.and doors, home in excel- topher Casadei, Linda Darlco, WII Economics'. High qusdlty parts. SOLID MAHOGANY 4 poster dou- CHARTER OAK ST. SlJj, 4 rooms lent condition. One owner. Full It selling buying or tradifig, call 8 to 11 p.m. There will also be Pass Book No. SS 9271, issued by Conn. senting Avon Cosmetics. Friendly, ble bed complete. MI 8-0057. pine recreation room, bar. handy liam Fagan, Valeric Fargo, Mau MORTLOCK'S Driving School—Of- Guaranteed 90 days Famous for first floor. Ml 9-6928 or inquire at location. Only $17,900. Carlton W. basement, hot water oil heat, re- at once n e e Inspections upon re- door prizes and refreshments. The Savings Bank of Manchester service slncr 1981. Phans Ml pleasant and profitable work reen Oinolfi, Gail Grant, Gloria has been lost and application has fice, 443 Main St.. Manchester. BOY’S ICE akates size 8, excellent 81 Charter Oak. Hutchins, MI 9-5132. cessed cast iron radiators. City quest. Gall the Ellsworth Mitten Elementary School Menus 9-4587. Potterton's. 160 Osntar St. quickly puts 88 In your pockets. Agency, Realtors. Member of MLS Hambach, David Hayss, Sandra been made to said bank for pay- Leamliw correcUy "May Save Help Wanted— Female 35 Call BU 9-4932 for interview in condition, 88.50. iH 9-8706. water and sewerage. Near achool, Tuesday — American chop suey. ^aiii^inDoio Your U fe.” Driver education Wearinx Apparel— Furs 57 NEW ADDITION to house, quiet MODERN LIVING, frbnt-to-back bua line, quiet nelimborhood. Quick service, MI 86930. Helenski, Sandra Hess and Deb- buttered green beans, carrot ment of the amount of deposit. TELERGSION antennas and rotor your home. neighborhood, 3used 8 davi. cost 8200 will Smith. Realtors. MI 9-8952 MI near Post Office, schools and shop- Nelson, Joseph Nestk, Nancy and butter, cookies, milk; Friday— chia. Dog Warden, Ml 8-8594. fering class, oom and behind guaranteed. Call Ml 6-U16. sell for 8100. Call MI 8-7479 after 36969; ping. Philbrick Agency, MI 9-8484. Warrantee Deed* O'Flinn, Cathy-Ann Petorino, Su- wheel instruction for teenagers. Computation aon’a Motor Lodge in Hartford. 8 p.m. DUE TO ILLNESS Frank’s An- ' three room duplex, stove and tuna long john.s. buttered peas, po- (BUtler 9-54041 on Tuesday, Feb. 8 Donald T. Porter to Georg’e J. san Pfalzgraf, Karolee Pbltras, tato chips, fruit cocktail, milk. MI 9-6078, tique Shop at 420 Lake St. will be : refrigerator, automatic heat, off SIX ROOM ranch—One-car garage, RADIO-TV RB3>AIRS. any make, only, between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. closed until further notice. i Hartford Rd. MI 9-0009. '.CUSTOM BUILT 8' room Ranch, and Georgette M. Bosch, property James Purnell, Gail Reilly, Cath- LOST—LONG ^ r of black kid tree pickup and delivery on small MAGNUS 12 chord electric organ, large living room with fireplace, I ’ i tiled bath*, ^built-ins, corner at 139 Vernon St. Wapping Church Note* 1-732*. Clerk erine Tantillo and Margaret Ty- gloves. Call Ml 8-7 radios, phonographa. Hours 6-10 SIX FRIENDLY women needed excellent condition. Walnut cabi- hot formal dining room, family size fireplace, family room with«cathe- Roger R. and Lorraine G. Morel Wednesday, the Junior Choir will net with matching table. MI 9-1948. MODERN 5 rooms, heat ler. rehearae at 7 p.m.; the Senior Business Services Offered 13 p.m. B A B R a «o and T\’. Ml right away to help start shop-bv- 5S water, stove, refrigerator, park- kitchen ' 2 ' bedr(»ma, 1V4 bath*, dral ceiling, city utilities, patio, to Bruce and Joyce MacArthur, Excellent opportunit.v for Wanted— ^To Buy hot water oil heat. Excellent loca- Choir at 8. EVERY WEDNESDAY IS 9-5582. Ml 8-14T9. mali club. You help your friends, Ing. Call MI 9-0728. recreation room with fireplace, property at 31 Kenwood Dr. Announcements ALL KINDS of clocks repaired. An- tion, trees' galore. Charles Lea- tiques included. Work ^sranteed. qualified High School gradu- they save money. You get famous WE BUY, SELL or Irads sntlqus enclosed breezeway, attached ga- Adoption of Trade Name products free. Send today for de- Building: Materials 47 rage. landscaped yard 91x194.'' :,perance. MI 9-7620. Marcel W. and Gerard F. Co- Concert Directors Manchester Evening Herald INCOME TAXES prepared in your Ml 9-1962 ate — well known Hartford and used furniture, china, glaaa, Millinery, Dressmaking 19 tails. free 278-page catalog. No sUvsr. picture frames and old FOUR ROOM apartment, third Marion E. Rqbertson.Rober Realtor. MI deera, doing bu.sinesa as the Ad- South Windsor correspondent, home or by appointment. Ejcper- company — complete benefit BETTER BUYS AT floor. Call after 6 p.m. MI 9-1762. 8-5953. C A ? ^ 4 finished rooms, close but Laura Katz, telephona Mitchell CHAIN SAW work — Trses cut. ALTERATIONS — dressmaking, obligation. Popular Club, Dept. coins, old dolts and guns, hobby vance Precision Machine Co., 218 To Meet Thursday lenced tax work, 24-hour service. program. Write Box C, Her- E852. Lvnbrook, N. Y. NATIONAL quiet tocatlon, nice yard, garage, 4-1758. Call MI 3-4728. Reasonable ralet,. Call PI 2-7558 suits, quick service and reason- .collections, attic contents or whole Hartford Rd. DOUBLE STAMP DAY Combination Doors From 815.95 ea. BOLTON—WllltomsyllltaiT Road. 5’4 room good-sized rooms, rec room in between 1:30-4:80 or any Ume able. Ml 3-8688. ald, advising education and eetates. Furniture Repair Service .Marriage IJeenHC Ping Pong Table Tops 811.95 ea. TalcottvlUe, Conn. Tel. Ml 8-7449. Furnished Apartments 63-A Brick ranch 2 years old, heated cellar, oil hot water heat, .fairly The board of directors of tha AT STOP & SHOP FEDEIRAL INCOME taxes prepar- Saturday or Sunday. experience. priced at $14,900. Robert Wolver- Leonard David Pierson, 97 Math- Mauohester Comniunity' Ooncerta Help Wanted— Male 36 Disappearing Stairways 823.95 ea. breczeway, oil hot water heat, full er St., to Minnie Mabel Dodd, Au- ed with your saxingg In mind. DRESSMAKING and alterations, ton Agency, MI 3-1914. will meet Thursday night to plan RANG! SHARPENTNG Service - Saws, Exotic Wall Paneling-^ PROMPT AND courteoue eervlce CENTRAL on bus line—8 room fur- basement,'1-oar garage, large lot gusta, N.J. Reasonable rates. E J Bsyles. straight hems, *1. Call Mrs. Le- the membership (mmpaTgri for next Tel. MI 9-8246. j knives, axes, shears, skates, elerc. MI 3-1*92 or MI 3-6098 any DIE MAKERS wanted, full or part- Prefiniahed From 21c sq. ft. for your scrap Iron and metal In nished apartment, heat and hot with trees, owners anxious. Phil- any amount or tlze. Pipes, fur- water. Call Newinigton MO 6-9188. brick Agency, MI 9-8464. COLONIAL, CHARM—Quality con- year’s ooncert series. I rotary blades Quick service, Capl. time. R N. PART-TIME. C«U MI 9-8851. time mornings, all fringe benefits, Knotty Pln^- Paneling—all 8 ft. struction by Gambolati just off lUlL Oil INCOME TAX returns prepared by tol Equipment Co.. 88 Main St.. SKcellent working conditions. Ap I4e sq. ft. naces. machinery, copper, brass, The meeting will be held at the Manchester. Hours daily 7-5, ply Gunver Manufacturing Co.. Mahogany Paneling etc. Call MI 3-3809. BIX ROOM RANCH—2-csr garage, Porter Street. 3 bedrooms, attach- horn*' of the concert president, former Internal Revenue agent In 17r sq. ft. ed garage, new and completely Bajeks Celebrate GASOLINf the convenience of your home for Thursday 7-9. Saturday 7-4. Ml Moving— ^Trucking- 234 Hartford Rd. Birch Paneling 26e sq. ft. CLEAN, attractive 1 room furnish- -1 bathji tiled, fireplace, built-ins, Robert Murditok, 32 Harlan St., Speeialt for Monday, Taesday & Wednesday! ed apartment. Tel. MI 9-7743. city utilities, porch. large family j contemporary. Beechler - Smith, Individual and business. MI 9-8938. 3-7958. Storage 20 Special 2x4 •50c ea. 25th Anniversary at 8:30 o’clock. MANCHESTER and suburbs — Dutch Door* room with fireplace, laundry l Realtors, MI 9-8952, MI 36969. Stenographer 833.95 ea. Rooms W'ithout Board 59 ; TWO ROOM apartment, furniahad, . I^on Harold of the Now Yortt mCOMB TAX returns prepared by SAM’S UPHOLSTERY Retlrad Sales work with well known com- Ceiling Tile 9c sq. ft. room, large lot, trees. Charles I-es-1 City office o f Community Concerts MANCHEISTEH Moving and Truck- cabins for one or two, private bath and pcrance, MI 9-7620, VERNON—5 room ranch, walkout Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bajek. 26 auditor. Business and individual. from the shop. Can taka care of ing Company. Local and long dla- pany. 8500 monthly starting in- Cedar"Ooset Lining 20c sq. ft. ROOMS TO RENT, also will attend th# meeting, said BANTLY OIL all your upholstering needs at Exceptional opportunity for come, plus other benefits. Can with efficiency Scranton Motel. entrance, utilitiea, near Cheney’s, basement. fireplace, lovely Bari'.v R d , celebrated their 25th Accounting services. Raymond tance moving, packing and stor- CASH 'N CARRY Murdock, to help the directors ! IMT \ N \ , l\l Girard, hfl 9-8008. great savings. Call CH 3-3878. qualified High School or Jun- lead to management position with. Call MI 9-0836 after 8 224 Charter Oak. MI 8-836*. CH MAIN STREET shopping —custom | ground.*, neap bus. Tongren Agen- wedding anniversary yesterday af- age. Reguigr service throughout Nobody, But Nobody, Undersells brick and frame ranch, huge I cy, MI 3-6321. plaa the campaign. ior College graduate—assign- In five years. No experience neces- Nations! 6-4738. ternoon at the Polish National .'' '1 i ! X - I i:i I I TAX PROBLEMS? Call PI 2-8807 OUSMA APPLIANCE Servtcs—Ra- New England state* and Florida. NICE LARGE front room for gen- kitchen, 3 bedr(x>m8, immaculate t Attendance at the oonoerts ia Ml 8-6583. ment is most interesting. sary. Write Sales Manager, Box BUC3KLEY SCHOOL—*14,900 , 6 Home in Hartford. and have your return prepared for palra all makes refrigerators, 154, So, Windham. Conn. NATIONAL LUMBER. INC. tlenjan. Call after 5 p.m. MI SOUTH COVENTRY—4 room fur- condition reasonably priced. Carl-1 A dinner party for about 30 for members only, and the mem- TFL Ml l r l i i l l 9.4595 you. You always save more than it freezers, washing machines, dry- Hartford concern — 5-day 381 S T A T E S T R E E T 9-4986. 21 Church Street. nished apartment, utilitiea, heated ton W Hutchins, MI 9-8132. | room older Colonial in nice condi- bership campaign is' field once a MANCHESTER Package DeUvery. NORTH HAVEN, CONN.- tion, wall-to-wall carpeting, com- guests was ^ven by the couple’s costs. era ranges, oil and gas bumeta. week— full benefit program— garage. Call PI 3-8494 after 8:80 brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and year. ROCKVILLE TR 5-3271 MI 9-0055. All work gtiaranteed. Light tmcklng and package deliv- REGISTERED CHestnut 8-2147 ONE ROOM to rent, or!vats sn- and weekends. SPLIT-LEinEL, 7 rooma. I'.i baths, [ bination aluminum windows, 1-csr ery. Refrigerators, washers and free parking. Box D, Herald. trance, near bus and mills. 116 family room, modern kitchen with j garage, lot 300 feet deep, assum- Mrs. William Radzewicz of East stove moving specialty. Folding PHARMACIST Hartford. Personals 3 LAWN MOWERS-Sharpened and Cooper HUl St., Ml 9-0898. 272 MAIN ST.—Pleasant, furnished bullt-lns, one-car garage,' large able mortgage. Elva Tyler, Real- repaired aales and service, pick chairs for rent. MI 9-0752 Diamonds— W' atches— 8 rooms and bath, first floor, tot, $19,500. Phllbrick Agency, Ml tor, MI 9-4489, MI 9-5051. Mrs. Bajek, 'Ihe former Mi.ss Due to expansion plans we need ROOM FOR lady or gentleman. Amelia Bala of Suffield, and Mr. or k hops heat, li^ta, gas. ELE!C?rROLUX Sales and Sendee, up ana delivery. Complete line of THE AUSTIN A, CHAMBERS O''-. another pharmaciat preferaly In 48 9-8464. P C Accounting Jewelry Kitchen privilegea. quiet. Inquire ANDOVER, large house, aluminum Bajek were married Feb. 6. 1937, bonded representative. Alfred Voro riders, reels, and rotaries, Moring. parking, storage local Manchester-Rockirille area, insur- garden and lawn supplies. L A M 324 Charter Oak St.. MI 3-8868, CH TWO-FAMILIES—We have them. A .siding. Ideal for large family. in SL Adelberfs Church. Thomp- FRESH Amell, 306 Henry St. Tel. va and long distance. Agenta for ance, Blue Cross, vacation and LEONARD W. YOST. Jswslera - Special Tuesday Only Equipment Oorponitlon, Route 83. Repairs, ad.lusts watches ejm rt- 8-4788. Business Locations new one (41^ and 4',i flat): older $12,800, Joseph Barth Broker, MI sonville. They have lived in Man- 8-0450. Lyons Van Llne.s, Inc., world-wide other company benefits. Apply Mr. chester 12 years. Vernon, Conn. TR 5-780P. Department Byrnes. ly. Reasonable prices. Open 'Tues- For Rent 61 8 and 4 flat for only $16,900; a 8 9-0320, movers. Free eatimates. MI 3.5187. FURNISHED ROOMS, - complete and 8 duplex on Foster St. for The couple has two children, WANTED—Ride to vicinity Under- Good opportunity — High day through Saturday, Thursday light housekeeping facilitlM. Cen- COMPLETE, compact ranch — 3 CENTER wood. Hartford, first shift, from FLOORS WASHED and waxed,: evenings. 139 Spruce S't. MI 9-4387. STORE near Main 8t. at 16 Btreh $18,400; 5 and 6 flat (nice one), for Richard, 23, a teacher in Darien, windows cleaned, painting, paper-' School graduate — Hartford ARTHUR DRUG trally located. Children accepted- bedrooms, fireplace, garage, coun- and Jo-Ann, 12. Woodbridge St. MI 3-5054 jifter 6 Painting— Papering '21 943 Main St. Manchester at. 3,000 aq. f t , parUag. Apply $20,000; and a 6 and 8 on Walnut Ing, walls washed, odd jobs Hand.v ' j concern— full benefits— 5-day limited, Mrs. Dorsey. 14 Arch St., Marlow's. 867 Main. St. for $22,000,, TU J. -Crookett, try atmosphere, friendly neigh- Mr. Bajek Is a television techni- Manchester. RIDE WANTED momings from .Man Service. Phone Ml 3-8948. ' j PAirJTING, papering, floor sand- week. Write Box A, Herald, G arden-Farm — Dairy Realtor, Ml 36577. bors, assumable mortgage at $110 cian. CUTS! Winter and Center St. to P.nil- ing. remodeling. Call Mr. C arles, EXPERIENCED tool and gauge EDCCELIJINT STORE tor oav bulal- per month. Beechler-Smith Real- '59 FORD road Station, Hartford 8:30. Call .SNOW PLOWING.~day^nd nighl I giving experience and educa- Products 50 COMFORTABLE heated room for neas or office, apartment Includ- custom; BUILT 8 room Colonial, tors, MI 9-8952, MI 3-6969. ,\n 9-0726. makers. PleMe apply at B A 8 gentleman, Main St. location. Ml Xn 3-2075. I service. Rales according to lob tion. Gaga Co., Mitchell Dr. between 9-8 ed. 476 Main St. VO 6 6 «6 . 66. 2 fireplaces, large cabinet kitchen, The Fine$t 1 and or conditions Ml 9-5850 all PAIN’nNG AND MACS. BALDWINS. SUrka. Romes. 9-0841 or see Superintendent at 4 I’ j baths, screened porch, swim- MANCHESTER —Excellent 2-fam- paperhanging, p.m. Greenings, No. 1 size tl.40. No. 2 i hours. Good clean workmanshipship at rea-ret COVENTRY — Good home In ex- Pearl St. minR pool, garage, corner lot ily duplex with 2-car garage, con- change for housework, rare of utility 75c. Bunce Farm, 629 West STORE FOR rent. 348 N. Main St. venient location, beautiful yard. 2.D O O R SEDAN Meat You'll Automobiles For Sale 4 ' B l’SINE.S.S-professional acroiints. sonable rates. 80 years in Man CLAIMS and O.S. A D. aaaiotant to 90x178.' Shown by appointment. chestei. Raymond Fisks. MI sehool aged ehild, some salsrv’. PI department head. Clasa I motor! Center. MT 9- 5229, 9- 8, $21,900, Trim 6 room Cape, breeze- If your re<'civablrs need action. i NICE ROOM for rent In nice home, Marion E. Robertson, Realtor. Ml Radio, heater, atondord Ever Eat! OLDER CARS mechanics spe- 9-92.37 2-7031. carrier in the Rockville area. Call' 8-5953. way' and garage, rec room, fire- BOGANA phone Ml 9-5317 any hour. AAA FOR THE freshest eggs in town, reasonable, MI 9-9043. STORES available in choice shop- place, good location, *15,200f Well trsnsmhwlon, V-8. Ex- cials, flxlt yourself cars, always CH 9-7871 or TR 6-3881 for ap- come to or call Manchester Poul- TrMto Mark IToff. Reimbursement Service, 869 Main EXTERIOR and Interior pointing. AGGRESSIVE phone solicitors, pointment. ping center locations in Manches- BXCEIX.E24T LOCA'HON— 6 room ! maintained 6 room Cape, fire- cellent condition. a good selection. Look behind our St Bonded. try Farm. 472 Keeney St., MI ROOM FOR rent near Center, heat ter, For information call the Jar- office. Douglas Motors. 333 Main. Paperhanging. Wallpaper books. part-time, day or night hourly and hot water. Call MI 3-8547, 35 colonial, 1>4 baths, fireplace, dish-! place, formal dining room, lovely Wallpaper removed. Ceilings. plus commission. Miss Joan, BU 9-9904. We deliver free. vis Realty Co., Managing Agenta, COATS Foster 81. washer, garbage dis^sal, re c' cabinet kitchen. $14,900. 7 room NEED A C.4R and hid your credit ! Household .Services ! Floors. Good clean workmanship. 9-1545 any time. DRIVERS for school buses. 7:*0-9 MI 8-4112; room, wall to wall carpeting, 2-car i ranch, 2 baths. 2-car garage. AA Srst^ tff hiy ^Oc! turned down? Short on down pay . O f f e r e d Fnllv insured. Reasonable ratee. a m.I 3-3:30 p.m. Call MI 8-3414. gaiage, amesite drive, excellent zone, spacious kitchen with built- Farm fresh flavor! I-eo Pelletier. MI 9-6878 or MI SEWING MACHINE operators. .8 Household Goods 51 Dry Cle a ntd MANY OTHERS AT SIMILAR SAVINGS ment? Bankrupt? Reposseaalon'' FURNISHED ROOM near Main St. I Honsen For Rent 65 condition throughout, near bus. Ins., park-like yard with view, Don't give up! See Honest IXiug- WEAVING of Burns, motli holes! 9-5082 a m.-4:30 p.m. experienced pre- ACTUAL JOBS in U S'., Europe, MI 9-3170, 9 Hazel St. •chool.' Charles'Lesperance. MI *33.600 Over 90 other listings. The m las, get the lowdown on the lowest I and lorn, clothing, hosiery rune, ferred. Apply Kaklar Toy Co., 80 So. America. Write Emplo.vment TAPE RECORDERS for rent Mar- ,* 7620. Elsie Meyer Agency. Realtors. For Loss Than $2 LOW BANK RATES INTERIOR painting, decorating, Hilliard St., Manrhester. Information Center, Room 474, 789 COVENTRY LAKE — Vi room down and smallest payments any- handbags repaired zipper re- low’s, t67 Main. Gall MI 9-6231. house, winterized, one mlnuta MI 9-5524, MT 3-6930. FRENCH GREEN where. Not a small loan or finance placements. umbrellaa repaired.! ceilings, wallpapering, floor sand- Boylaton Street, Boston 18, Mass. Apartments— Flats— $11,500—2 bedroom ranch, ceilai, ing and refinishing. Clean work- RN'S ON ALI- shifts for Chronic from beach. Call Mi 9-0838. double garage, trees, near bus, BOLTON-6 room ranch, 2-car ga- with a full 8 Hi. load of company plan Douglas Motors. ’ men’s shirt collars reversed and i Disease and TB units. Low coat PART-TIME evenings— outstand- Three Rooms of Furniture Tenements ' 63 833 Main St. replaced Marlow's Little Mend- manship. No Jnb too small. John stores. Carlton W. Hutchins, MI rage. 4 large bedrooms, baths, '^Ifrfaille, MI 9-5750. quarters available. Uberal vaca- ing opportunity. Men needed for FROM MODEL HOME 2>i ROOM COTTAGE, ifurnlzhed or PEPPERS ing Shop GENERAL RENTAL agency, J. D. unfurnished, ga* heat, hot water, 9-.M32. fireplace with raised hearth, hot winter garmenta— at FRIES ,J956 PLYMOUTH Belvedere, 4-d^'r tion, sick leave, time and a half dignified work in the Manchester water oil, patio, acre lot. excellent CEILING refinlshed, painting, wall- overtime pay. and many other area. If selected, you will be Cost Over $700 Realty, 470 Main Street, MT adults. New Bolton Rd., MI 8-6889, MANCHESTER: ' sedan, good condition, 8.395 MI F’LAT FINISH Holland window 3-5129 SAVE TIME—On display, more condition, wall to wall carpeting, 3-1893. shades made '-o measure All papering Wallpaper books on re- benefits. 40 hour week. Minimum guaranteed $44 for a I6-hour week. NEVER BEEN USED than 150 pictures with prices of quest Fuliv insured. Csll Edward assumable mortgage. Asking metal Venetian blind.s at a new starting salary $185.53 bi-weekly, i Must have car and very neat ap- ROCKVILLE— Apartment! newly Houses For Sale 72 homes in Manchester and vtcintij'. *17,500, Goodchild-Bartlett Reslty, STOP ^ CLEAN 1957 CUSTOM Ford.'2-door. Fordo, low price Keys made while vou P-. Price. Ml 9-1003. Director of Nursing. Cedarerest' pearance. Call AD 8-5855. Sale Price $388 Carlton W. Hutchins. Ml 9-5132 decorated, dinette, kitchenette, Realtors. BU 9-0939. MI 8-7925. 417 MAIN STREET PLYMOUTH matic, radio, 6 cylinder, ll^ t blue. wait Marlow's. Hospital, Newington 11, Connecti- bedroom, tile bathroom appli- BOLTON — Two pleasant hemes. MI 3-1016. I cut. Tel. MI 8-4613. HIGH SCHOOL boy wanted for gen. Pay Only $4 Week One a seven room colonial with T m E E BEDROOM ranch, large MANCHE.STER PLYMOUTH-VAUAVr RALES and SERVICE eral store work. Apply Larsen's ances, $65 per month.,. Gall Ml SO WINDSOR SI 6.900 WASHER REFRIGERATOR re-! Klectrical Services 2’2 3-1869. TR 5-8485. attached two-car garage, 'ni# . living rt»m , fireplate, nice yard, Bof. jfm 1955 FORD COm'ER'nBLE. fair pairs Prompt, economical, expert, i c’PFV s’ dTrMaTva—P^^n.r,.___ Hardware, 34 Depot Square. Sacrificing complete , bedroom,______convenient location. Owner trans- 8 Bedroom BRAND NEW, Ranch Open All Day, Every Day ROUTE 88. TA LoO TTV n-U :— MI 8-2708—TB 5-8010 other a compact ranch with ga- nearing completion. Mahogany fire- condition, new tirpg and top Call guaranteed^ Phor.e NO 9-45r. P of-; complete Hvmg room ai^ THREE ROOMS heated on atoi rage selling for $14,750 ( 82BOO and ferred—aniUoug to sell.' Call Dis- MI 9-1423 Ice On all types of electrical «1r Audograph > place living room wall. Birch cabl- Lota Of- Free Porkiag OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9:00 z jy terton’s, 180 Center St. decorator furniture from model dia- St., available now. for mioralled you can assume 1st . mortgage). coe Agency, Ml 9-0826. ing Licensed and Insured Wilson Situations Wanted— play home. We will give you free ineted kitchen. Large lot. Call MrS; Eleclncai Co., Manchester Ml couple or slMle lady. Call beh^«leen T, J. Crockett. Realtor, Vd 8-1577. SA.M’S UPHOI^TERY - ReUred Female •38 delivery and free storage up to one 5:80-7:30. Ml 8-6441.' \ Manchester^ iW n Cap« - in Hunter. M? 9-3695, MI 9-5808 for ap- 1954 DODGE, 2-door, radio, healer, from the shop. Cai, lake care 9-4817.< Glastonbury. ME 8-7876. Operator year. quiet location, nice yard with pointm»''t. snenv tlre.a, $150, Call MT 9-2610. all your uph6lsterU«upho' needs Hartford company has fine i ______i THRXIE ROOM apartment. Hast,, trees, upstairs finished in knotty ______| great savinga.finga. CaU 3-2378. NORMAN’S pine, dining room, fireplace. 3 1980 FORD Galaxie 4-door, private- Private Instructions 28 opportunity for experiilnc^ | done in my home. Ml stove refrigerator Gables, 1181 BARROWS 448 H AR TFO R D ROAD Main St. m 9-5339. 9-5. bedroonaa, Screened RJirch. garage, K I 1« I .1 M I ly owned, trade accepted, whole- RADIO-TV REPAIRS au makea. ~ transcriptionist—5-da.v week! _____ ^______SEPTIC TANKS very dean, imkaedlate occupancy, sale price, clean, information, 5U ! Cars, phonographa changers. MI 8-1634 PRIVATE PIANO instnictiona —complete benefit program—i__. __ .• Before oeiore you uuy buy rumn furniture any- AND $15,900. Robert Wolverton Agency. and 9-5833, TR 5-8535, Honest, econunilcai. Guaranteed 90 MI 3-1914. day*. Famous for servica for 80 9-5892. ^ee parking. Write Box EJ whero-ahop at Norman’. STRIKE IT RICH! EXTRA/iSTAMPS for children. MI 9-8080. PLUMED SEWERS 1951 BUICK station wagon, good years. Phone MI 9-4.587. Potter- Herald. ^ L u s i TO SPARE—5<4 robm pld- WALLACE i O Y A LL Y O U W A N T! N O COUPONS NECESSARY! condition. $9,5. Also kitchen sink, KENMORE automatic washing m a-: ADDITIONS ton’s Bonds— Stocks— WOULD LIKE typing or other chine, good condition, 860. MI «r home, fireplace, ..dining.- room, Unlike bowling, flnanclal ''ttrlkea” are seldom *20. hn 9-5750. MachiM Gltaaai Salta 58 E. Center 8t. Ml 26S06 U ia ttoao* wtm ysa koy titra Staoipi wbts y*a bay a 46 ex caa ai 100 HYeRADE’S SHOULDER KLEAR FLOOR WAX UraMaapt uhta yea bay a okg *1 Ulta ttaaiM «6*a yea bay a li n taa al vvwivcnon Agency, isu HYGRADE CORNED BEEF HASH a m.-11 a.m., and 7 a.m.-I p.m. Could handle" dne-wotnan office. INC. (^ioijiaj. It muat be eeen. Every- CURRENT ANNUAL DIVIDEND 50 SOL FAR VEAL STEAKS shift*. Contact Mister Donut, 365 Beat of references. Call after 5:80 BC S-WS7 thing ia just as you'd expect to find Cilta Slsagi wbea y*a bay Middle Tpke , W. General UtKINNEY BROS. M^CHESTBR-i^BaiuUfut 6 room Ura 2Iaaa* «bea yaa bay a 12 ei yki MI 9-0719. 16-Tear Service On AB Cape, excellent condition, nice lo- —complete In. every detail, includ- SBww og t DIwomI C# . ing carpeting, 1% baths, recrea- HY6RADES PARTY LOAF GOODHUE'S BREAD DOUGH Baofhig and SMHng cation; aluminum aiding plus -it 'Ct 25 186-ISS Peari i t ~ M I S-SStS ^any extras. A special at'$14,900. tion h)om, and attic. Elva Tyler, txtra Uaapt wbea yea bay a ykg ei Electric Realtor. MI 96469, MI 2-8051, Iztra ttaape wbea yea boy a okg W Short w a y .^ b -^ e w 6 beilroom ARM DALE COOKIES ranch; full price $13,490; $490 S A V I M G S 50 00RER*S PEPPER BEEF STEAKS FURNACE down. Many more priced from NORTH COVENTRY — * room litra Itaoiai adMS yM bay Iwa II *i ctsi Eilia Siaayt «b*n yea bvy a ykg el ON TOUR BUILDING $4,900 up. Osirthe raisworth Mit- Cape, 813,900. Coil PI 2-65I6. lvOA.1V T lie ten Agency,-^Realtors, MI 3-6980 or 25 SHOW'S CLAM CHOWDER NEPCO ALL BEEF FRANKFORTS PRORI.BMSI hn 9-3824.. • - Eilri Slaoiat wbta y*a bay a LIKE NEW lilra ttioiae adMa yaa bay a gfeg at in v e st yo ur future in 2-f*mUy: '•zaasT riasaeiat ' laeTlTaTteV •OLPAK VEAL OUTLETS STOP A SHOP PINEAPPLE PIE living. Unique igyqut makes this room ranch home wlthla 50 8-5 dimlex mon* adantabla than IdtoQe’a thraw ^ tiw Bowera Ichool Ufa Staaa* yaa bay aar a«*-babsd STOP A SHOP URGE FEATHERLIOHT SPONGE LOAF quality construction, all efty con- 8 bedroomk; cerhnMc bath, cellar. venieiicaa. Bcechlsi^niith, fteal- roroge. Owtiery hooe jnmhoaed tora, k a 96M3. MI 86069. farger home, n ice ' reduced. Eve- tmjoW mrr Years ahead and still out front with Top Value Stamps! lIIAiirc l U l i r V tH U M D A Y f A J L 6a SP -M ^ W E D . CLOSED A T MOON PAGE FOtlRTEEM MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1962

. lEtt^nittg ii^raUi

T , TTis sKecutlve board ^ the Rob- Maaohester G ra i^ msmlMn have been Invited to visit Goodwill ertson FTA will meet tonight at 8 ' >St. James’ Schciol About Town at the school. <3Mnge at the GlasboHbuiy O m g e Six Directors Tour Sites Hall tomorrow at 8 p.m. Dedicates Library MuichMter Iiods^ of Maaons Walter Howe, TJ.S. Ambassador Proposed ior Firehouses wlU meet tomorrow at 7 :30 p.m. at to Chile from 1968 to 1961, will Mertibers of the Ladies of the A new library, which 8 t Jamea' Lumbi er deal er the M ^ n ic Temple. The entered speak Thursday at the'first of four Aasumption_wlU_mMt tonight' at School Niildren helped to finance awrentice degree will be confer- meetings on U.S. Policy in South 7:30 at the John F. 'Hsmey Funer- ' Six town directors, accompanledAreplaca Hose Co. 1,^located behind m ___ T J ma mIm BseVAAl hy selling Christmias cards for two red, with Junior Warden Carl. C. America, arranged by the Service al Home, 219 W. Center St., to re- by Fire Chief W. Clifford Mason Lincoln School years, was dedicated last night fU solves knotty proUems! Bureau for Women's Organiza- the Rosary for the late Mrs. The Harrison St. propeny Is too Hultgren presiding. There will be and General Manager RIchsud the school a social hour and refreshments. tions, in Centinel Hill Hall, Hart' Cdrienne A. LaCroix, a ^former far away from the Center the di- Martin, made a tour of the vaiioua The Rev. John D. Regan o f St. ford, from 10:1S a.m. to 2 p.m. The member. rectors' feel and the Madison St. James' paririi, principal of the This lumber dealer’s eustwnan wem enmplaln- meeting is djpen to the public, v M sites for the town's two proposed site, while a desirable location, school, blessed the new library, ing about dslaya when ealliiig about aupplisa of Itanbera of Mizpah Circle, luncheon reservations must- be Daughters of Union Veterans of firehouses Saturday afternoon. they thought to be too expensive. whtdi has about 1,000 boolu nmv building materials. Also, out-of-town business WSCS, o f South Methodist Church, made by tomorrow. the Civil War will meet tomorrow General Manager Martin has said will Bieet tomorrow at 1- p.m. at The group visited the McKee Bt. and has room for a total of 2,050. was not as good as it should ba. When Iw adced at 8. p.m. at the home of Mrs. that to buy a lot on the com er of ' The blessing of the library was the home of Mrs. Robert J. Boyoe, .u s for help, ws sent a Ommwnieations Ccasnlt- The Mountain Laurel Chapter of Maude Shearer, 118 Russell SL A site, the three sites In question for B. Center vid Madison Sts. might part of the first parent-teachers Steep Hollow Lane. Mrs. M. cost between $75,000 and $90,000. the Sweet Adelines. Ific., vrtll per- p^nny auction will be held. the Center area flrehduse, and meeting' of the year. The library ant fas study the situation. The Consultant's Philip Susag, president of the Nor- form for the Ladlei Guild' of St. The third proposed location for is a remodeled classroom in the TCOommendationa: 1) Install a push-button tde- t four existing firehouses. the Center station, the property ad- wich EMstrict WSCS, will discuss Roee Church, East Hartford, to- older section of the school. “Latin America Speaks." Hostess- Manchester Emblem Club will Mayor Harold A. Turkington, jacent to the M u n lci^ Building phono system between the oAce, m ill storage night at 8 In St- Rose School au- obeerve Past Presidents’ Night at Democratic Director Francis Ma- parking lot, would be more expen. Sister Thomas Miriam of the Or- sheds and other work areas. 2) Install aztenslon es wUl be Mrs. Edith WetheieU ditortum. Manchester members of a meeting Wednesday at 8 p.m. at honey, and Republican Director siv4 than the Madison St. property. der of Sisters of Mercy, a Grade 2 phones at strategic locationa in dte oflioe, salee and Mrs. Boyoe. the group are Miss Barbara Cran- the K of C Home. Mrs. John Zie- Eric Anderson did not make the Mayor Turkington has saillaid the teacher, will be librarian. Many area mid mill. 3) Advertiaa Use fintt’a phone . dall, Mrs.‘ Truman Crandall, Mrs. mak and Mrs. Albert LsUiberte are tour. purchase would be a good long of the books were ordered from Sunset Council, Degree of Po- Oris A. Tatro, Mrs. James Tatro, number in the Yellow Pagse in iU lisatls^ axeae cahontas, will meet tonight at 7:30 co-chairmen in charge of a social The board looked at the McKee range investment. the Palus Press with funds from Mrs. George Washburn. Mrs. Omar hour after the meeting. St. property, about which there is Construction costs of the new the Christmas card sale and a book eiviced by the lumber dealer and invite cia- la Tinker Hall. Members not in- A. Glngras, Miss Beth Harrison stalled at the January meeting will no controversy, snd found it a de- fire houses has also brought much fair In June. fansers fas call eoUeet Result: The intercom ^ be installed tonight. Refreshments and Mrs. Robert Gordon. The Stanley Circle. South Methodist sirable location for one of the new debate on the board. The two sta- At the parents-teachers meeting. saves the dealer many tripa to the aheds and Mountain' Laurel Chapter meets will be served after the meeting. Church, will meet toniorrow at 8 firehouses. The property was pur- tions are estimated to cost $660,- Father Regan discussed the need mill.'Extension phones keep him in touch with each Thursday evening at 8 p.m. p.m. at the home oAMrs. Mildred for yard mothers and parents later chased 10 years a^o, and Is intend- 000, considerably more than was ciutomers wbsrsver he is. And, with his phone at' the Irish American Home, B9 Wssley, 20 Academy St. Hostesses ed for conslrucUon of a firehouse originally thought. Mayor Turking- had private consulti^lona with Grove St-, Hartford, for rehearsal. will be Mrs. William Heins and their childrein’B teacher number listed in outlying diiectoriea, former to replace Hose Co. 1 at Plrre St. ton has expressed hope that the Mrs. Herbert Sargent. and Hartford Rd., also visited by cost could be reduced conelder- prospects are calling in orders and becoming Mrs. Florence Streeter, past the group. ably. steady customeis . . . Perhaps one of our Com- There will be a meeting of the DellaFera said that both the president, will repiresent Anderson The town is considering three munications Consultants can help }rour firm cut Shea Auxiliary, VFW. as a dele- British American Club tomorrow sites for ths center area station, cost of the firehouses and their lo- eosis, improve efficiency or build salee during the gate to the VFW auxiliary con- at 8 p.m. "* one at E. Center and Harrison Sts., cation are of equal importance. FREEDaiVERY weeks shead. Tailoring telephone service to your one at E. Center and Madison Sts., He added that it should be re- ference and women's forum on na- We Will Deliver AnyUilng! tlionsU seouiity at the Hotel Statler The Manchester Lions Club will and a third adjacent to the Mu- membered that the town is not 'needs is his specialty; there’s no charge for hie in WashlngtOT, D.C., Wednesday meet tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. at nicipal Building parking lot, ex- building for now, but for the next assistance. Just call our busineee office. The ARTHUR’S through Saturday. the Hob Nob Restaurant. K. Jo- tendingmi to TYotter “ St.“ 20 to 30 years. Southern New England Telephone Company. Discussion of the firehouses is MI $-1506 seph Dannhauser, president of the The Center area firehouse will Connecticut Eye bank, will speak house fire headquarters, now at scheduled for the board of di- The Army-Navy Auxiliary will and show a film. the Spruce St. station, and will rectors meeting tomorrow night. hold a card party tonight at 8 at

the clubhouse.

Anderson Shea Post, VFW, will

meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the Vnndow.ibadet of lovely Du Pont VFW Post Home. “ Tontine" are eaiy to waeh. Will look like new. Won't creek, fray or

pinhole. Available in many attrac- tive colon. Just call ui. We will be (lad to meaiure your window! and We Can’t Sell Ice Cubes To The Eskimos-But We Have

give you a free eetimate for new "Tontine." LECLERC



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