4.. A . t ■ \ Arcrag* D»Ujr Net Prew Run rw tiM Weak Ended The Weather Febninry ^ iM s .. Foreoaat of U. S. Weather Bnreua Mhtnyem toward evening, cloudy, 13,543 much colder tonight and Tneeday; Member of the Audit Loiv'tonljght IS to SO. High to* Mueen of Oliealntlon Manche$ter— A City of Village Chnrm morrow S8 to SO. VOL. LXXXI, NO. 106 (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1962 (dawifled Advertlelng on Page IS) PRICE FIVE CENTS U.S. Copter^ Ferry State News Over 20 Cars, Roundup Truck in Jam Vietnamese in Raid On Turnpike French Police Reveal Youth Accused BRIDGEPORT, (AP) — On Viet Cong Rebels More than ^20 veliicle.s 'piled In.Fatal Stabbing up in h6avy fog on the Con- necticut Turnpike today, in- SAIGON, South Viet Natn^thelr eflorU to clear the nation of -,-New Haven (AP)—An 18- juring at least four persons. year-old Wallingford youth is Plot to Upset Regime a Red ?guerrillaU( force now estima- state Police estimated that as (A P)—A U.S. helicopter com many as 25 to 28 vehicles were in- pany airlifted Vietnamese 0,000 men—five times .the being held on a murder charge number in the field two years ago. in a fatal stabbing in a board- volved in the chain reaction acci- troops on a raid Sunday to The 15 helicopters took off at dent on the eastbound and west- ing house yesterday. bound lanes near the Bridgeport- wipe out a strong Viet Copg dawn Sunday from Saigon ' and The youth, Ishmael Nieves, Communist force based at picked up the troops at Ca Mau, Stamford line, 150 miles southwest of that capi- said he stabbed Mrs. Charlotte . Four persons were admitted to Hung My, a village near the tal. Each helicopter is capable of Monk, 32,. in self-defense, accord- Bridgeport Hospital, but the extent De Gaulle southern tip of South Viet carrying 12 combat-equipped’ men. ing to police. of their injuries was not immedi- Nam. Most of the quarry es- In the three flights to Hung My, -She was dead on arrival at ately known. each thus carried a total of about Grace-New Haven Community The accident started In the west- caped. Hospital with seven stab wounds bound lane, when a car hit the Three rebels were captured. A three dozen. Hits Foes In the last stages of'the run in the chest. rear of a truck. Other vehicles large supply of medicine, 10 pounds Police said an argument broke bumped Into the first two. of documents and some homepiade (Continued on Page Five) out about 9 a.m. in the kitchen of State Police said a motorist in arms were seized. a rooming house owned by Mrs. the eastbound lane slowed down to In Algiers ' But the great majority of the Monk's sister. They said Nieves see the plleup, and similiap rear- village garrison—about 130 guer- told them that the two women end collisions occurred there. rilla troops—fled from freshly dug By 11:30 a.m., within about 90 foxholes into the nearby bamboo Students Stone started throwing glasses at him, minutes of the plleups, the lanes of PARIS (A)‘) — President groves as the fleet of V.S. copters and then Mrs. Monk rushed at him the turnpike were cleared of vehi- Charle.s de (.aulle said tonight roared down on them. with a kitchen knife. cles in both directions and traffic that despite "subversive and U.S. Em bassy He pulled out a switchblade rolled freely again. Of the 15 helicopters Involved, knife and stabbed her in self-de- criminal” resistance by right- -one was downed and another was All available state troopers from wing opponents, France in hit by parting fire. None of the fense, police quoted him as say- the Westport Barracks were dis- Americans and Vietnamese aboard In Indonesia ing. patched to the scene at the time of moving rapidly toward peace was injured. the crashes. in Algeria. The airborne assault force, JA■4a RTA.: Indonesia (AP)—A Fatally Injured The French president, in a moved into the attack in three studeifM mob: stoned the U.S. Em- HAMDEN (AP) — Peter Uller- radio-television speech to the successive waves, totaled one bat- bassy'and ripped down the Amerl- up, 75. wes fatally Injured when nation, declared he “positive- talion of Vietnamese Infantry and can fl,lag today, Injuring one em- he was hit by a car while cross- Inquest Starts a company of rangers—perhaps ploye. The action brought a vigor- ing Dlxw-ell Ave. at Morse St. last ly hoped" he would attain thin 000 men. ous American protest. night. He was taken to St. Raph- goal very soon. Be added that Only women, children and two The students, believed to be pro- ael's Hospital in New Haven On Deaths in France would soon make pub- eld men occupied the village by Communlst, were protesting be- where he died several hours later. lic in detail her latest pro- the time the copter fleet last cause a Dutch plane carrying The driver of the car, Peter Vetro, touched down and three Vietna- troops to disputed West New Hospital Fire posals to end the more than 20, was charged by poltcv! with seven years of savage nation- mese army lutits. eadh with Amer- Guinea was allowed to refuel on negligent homicide. ican military advisers, closed in. U.S. soil. HARTFORD, Feb. 6 (AP)— An alist insurrection. L,t. Cbl. Robert B. Olson of The mob action came before re- Inquest on the Dec. * fire at Hart- De Gaulle scoffed at efforts Dallas, Tex., one of the advisers, ports reached here that the Girl, 7, Killed ford Hospital, which caused 18 of right-wing European activ- commented that. "Limited as we United States had withdrawn per- WEST HAVEN (AP) — Seven- deaths, was opened today by Hart- ware in msn, machines and com- mission for Dutch charter planes year-old Karen Hayden was killed ford County Coroner Louis W. ists, grouped in the clandes- munications, we Just could not carrying troops to use U.S. air-Vwhen she was hit by a car in front Schaefer. tine' Secret Army Organiza- does that ring tight enough.” fields at Anchorage, Alaska; Hono- of her home yesterday. She was It was held for convenience in a tion, to seize power in France. • Women who emerged from the lulu and Wake Island. the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. conference room at the institution, since many of the witnesses are He recalled previous unsuc- grass huts, some with naked babies At the Hague, a communique George Hayden. President Charles de Gaulle Is shown recording speech in Elysee Palace in Paris to- cessful efforts of the right- in their arms, gave questioners said Premier Jan de Quay of the hospital employes and official*. It day which will be heard by France tonight over radio and televi.sion on his progress little information about the Netherlands had expressed his deep 18 to 26 was expected to take at least two, toward ending the 7-year Algerian rebellion. (AP Photofax via radio from Paris.) wing Europeans in Algeria to strength and whereabouts of the disappointment and added that he day*. undermine the Paris govern- gusriUaa, and much of what they could- not understand the U.S. de- HARTFORD (AP) — The SUte The inquest was closed to the ment. did Bay was conflicting. cision. Motor Vehicle Department's dally public in accordance with Coroner "You can't really blame them," The Indonesian news agency record of automobile fatalities as Schaefer'a usual custom. This Is a Castro Blasts By DAVID MASON aaid MaJ. David Oalliher of Wash- Pia said Foreign Minlater Suban- of last midnight and ths totals on discretionary matter under the law. the same date last year:: State Police Commissioner l-<‘0 J. Cuba Charges OAS PARIS (AP)—Security of- ington, D.C. ‘Tf these women talk drio expressed regret about the at- Mulcahy was the first witness today, they'll probably die tomor- tack on the embassy although he 1961 1962 ficers announced today the ar- Killed ..............................18 26 called Into the conference room to Kennedy Ban row.” added 'he could "well understand testify. In his capacity as state fire rest of neVen Secret Army Or- Ihe misaion pointed up sharply the anger and Irritation of the In- Extended Forecagt marshal, he recently completed an ganization members caught tlw EToblnu fae«r by South Viet WINDSOR LOOKS (AP)—The exhaustive investigation of the fire. Swayed by U.S,. Gold On Cuba Trade with ^plans to overthrow the Nam and the United States in (GoBtinned ea Page Five) U.S. Weather Burlsau's extended Reports on both the inquest and government. The development Connecticut forecast for Tueeday the fire marshal's Investigation will HAVANNA (AP)—Cheered by through Saturday, 'Feb. lOi. be given to State Atty, John D. La- came as the nation awaited Bell*. who will make'them public in UNITBO NATIONH, N.Y, ♦bly's lOi-nation poUUcal commit-. a vast throng of Cubana and bol- President Charles de Gaulle's Temperatures averag^ two (AP)—IT.n, Ambasaadnr Adlal FBI Refuses Comment below normal be- the near future. , tee the United States went to the stered by a message from the speech tonight on Algeria, E. StevMisim told thn Unltist OAS conference at Punta del Esle, Kremlin, Fidel Castro brushed off jf: oolder Tueeday and re- Nations today that Cuba Is try- Unigury, to try to liquidate all which might touch off more coM throughout the pe- ing to ivrork the Alllanro for poasiblllty of negotiating a settle- Cuba's impending expulsion from violence.
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