Mhler of Wood- Offensive, with Seemingly Genuine Other Three Years, Therefore, the Brought in to Air Their Vlewa
TDESDAT, JANUARY 1|t, 186t lEmntos ll^raUi --------- - '■ " am i memgr fo r NdsvstopiM ot wtQ Hospital Notes M artin Asks at tha $$,000 will bs niBE iMt Town ths and sbnlng oommls- -ijiimtvm tt 'WonMin Voten ADMITTED YESTERDAY: Mrs. $ 5 S ,0 0 0 fo r Moo f m d T n w town plaaning on- 9 AJaMe ___ _EV«bav« wan op*n oma mMttiwmMttnc tomtomor- Hilda Petersoif, Hartford; Mrs. ^-lesr, Edward Ryboxyk, rerignad M W tt S > in . at Mott’aMott’» Oommun-Cfemm Marilee Esada, Hebron; Mrs. Mas bsooms •Keounva dlraetor of tha Maneheater Radevelopment u t H m tty 9 2 l ' R «t M w l l^aiuilnc be Gardner, 18 Church St.; Mark S ew erF u n d s daoUMed^ by Mra.Mn. ’DorothyDorothy JacJacob- AbraiUs, 68 Doane St.; Mrs. Edith Agency, and until ths pla nning adft,(ft, pTMldentprealdent <H«t CNittolCl “ ■ Ration" Gaspa, 22 Arch St.; Elliott Earl, uad sonlhg 'commission finds n Otaeiml Managw Richard Mar Buooessor to hhn, the money ailo- Plamuiiclamuaf Ag«ncy:Agency; GHorace Brown, 22 Elizabeth Dr.; Michael Presuttl, State N ew s e hM M ooT f OommonityCommunity Development 37 CourUand St.; John Murdock, tin aaid today ha win aak tha oated for his a a l ^ will be un- ZMyialon, Connecticut Development 26 Walker St.; Joyce St. Pierre, board at direotoni Tuaaday, Fob. B, Oommluton: and Bdward By* 54 N. School St.; Miss Jeanntne to appropriate $55,000 to the aew- beiylt, director of Mancheater Re- Barrette, 354 Center St.; William or depaitment, in anticipation at Roundup davrtopment Agency.
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