FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1»«4 / A veraft Dally Net ProM Rtm For tiM WMk BndMl The Come Doubles Club of sued for tax free construction mann, sasodats professor of North Methodist Church will Building Permits in the amount of $4,800, for al­ Seminary Choir Old Testament at the seminary, lU ndi tt, 1964 The Wi About Town hold a square dance and dem­ terations to the town-owned vdll direct the all-male ohona. 1 «f ... onstration tomorrow at 8 p.m. Down in March Harrison St garage. He has done graduate work at TM LmUm of the Assumption at the church. Lee Pine of Man­ To Give Concert 13,931 will hold a military whist and Princeton Unlvenlty in New PARK RESTAURANT Mambtf of tho Audit chester will be the caller. Mem­ Building Inspector Thomas C. Jersey and Nsw Testamsnt ft.*-.-. setback card p a i^ Monday at bers are reminded that guests The laUMieran Theological 187 NORTH MAIN ST,—TEL. 649-810S Bartoo of OIrouUtloB t:lB p.m. in the church hall. Mr. are welcome to attend. Monahan reports that estimated K of C to View Seminary of Fhlladelpbla, Pa., ’nisdogy, and has been a fre­ and Mra J. Edward McKeever taxable construction coats in will give a concert Suixlay at quent lectura* on the Philadd- Maneheeter^A CUy of Village Charm Will supervise the playing. Tick­ Manchester last month were 28 8 p.in. in the Sanctuary of Oon- phia Orchestra series and at The Couples Club of Center per cent below those for the Film of Fair ets wUl be available at the door. Congregational Church will cctxlia Lutheran Church. the Phlladetphia Record Socie­ Opening Pina Special VOL. L X X X m , NO. 188 (TEN PAGES—TV SECTION) corresponding period last year. ty. Oub Scout Back 3«0, spon­ have a square dance tomorrow Permits were Issued for con­ The New York World’s Fair, Perhaps better known as the (ClAMlfled AdvertSrihig m e Eogo 0) at 8 p.m. in Woodruff Hall. Dick struction estimated at $125,113 its background and develop­ Mt. Airy Seminary Choir, its 'Die concert Is open to the PRICE SEVEN CENTS sored by the Manchester Asso- Zimmer of the Whirl-Aways public. In lieu of an admission ★ FREE BOTTLE OF COKE daUnn for the Help of Retard­ during March of this year, com­ ment, is the subject of a movie r ^ r to lr e includes all periods will be the caller. pared to $167,294 during March of church music, with a special charge, a free will offering will ed Children, will have a bake to be shown to a meeting of be taken. sale tomorrow at Mott's begin­ of 1963. emphasis on the Renaissance With Any She Pina To Go The Rev. Paul C. Kaiser, pas­ The total fees collected drop­ the Knights of Columbus at and Baroque periods. 'Itiose at­ ning at 0 a-m. tor of Concordia Lutheran ped proportionately, $866 last; the K of C Home at 8 p.m. tending wrill hear a diversified Twister Hits Texas Town Church, will conduct a service month, compared to $1,123.501 Monday. program with selections by Subcominittees and the exec­ Sunday at 6:40 a.m. in the for March of last year. | Allegri, Monteverdi, Gabrieli, ★ FREE COKE With Each utive committee for the Sports chapel at Manchester Memorial The movie has been prepared HEARING AID Might program of St. James’ Permits were Issued last i by Travelers Insurance Co. of Schuet* and Bach. Southern Pina Eaten On Pmmisst Hospital. The Rev. Joseph Dud­ month for only two dwellings, i Hartford, which is exhibiting folk hyms, Pennsylvania Ger­ BAHERIES U.S., Panama Move Holy Name Society will meet ley, associate pastor of Center plus two for garages, three fpr man spirituals contem­ tonight at 8 in the school hall. CongregatiOiiHl Churoh, will at the Fair. It will be intro­ Final plans will be made for business signs, and 32 for addi­ duced by Arthur Thayer, Ver­ porary works by Jennings and FINE PHARMACY SO qO A U DAY SATURDAY serve as hospital chaplain next tions and alterations to existing non, a K of C member and a Gassier will idso be incor­ the program. week. buildings. I Traveler’s employe. Refresh­ porated into the presentation. 064 CENTER ST.—049-8814 In addition, a permit Was is-' ments will be served. The Rev. Robert E. Bome- Mias Rhea Powell, daughter TOe Women’s Auxiliary of of Mr. and Mrs. G. Murray the Fire and Police Junior Ath­ Poweil, T9l Center St., was re­ letic Association will meet and cently elected co-diairman of elect officers Monday at 8 p.m. the 'Step-Singing Group” at To Re-establish Tie at the home of Mrs. Bryce Car­ WUiimantie State College. penter, 371 Spring St. Itie British American Cliib The Rev. Robert K. Shimoda, from the s i g n ^ c T that puts money to work for people Vaughn Seen wtU bold a dance tomorrow pastor of Talcottville Congrega­ from 9 pm. to 1 am. for mem­ tional Church, wdll be In charge bers and guests at the club­ of radio broadcasts sponsored LBJ Ch oice house. Hie orchestra of Dick by the Manchester Ministerial Lewis win fumiah the music. Association on Station WINF Sunday at 7:35 a.m. and daily comes this important announcement... For Diolomat Mentbers of the Ladies of St. next week at 7:30 am. and 6:30 James will meet at 7:45 tonight p.m. at the Holmes Fimeral Home, WASHINGTON (AP) — 400 Main St., to pay respects to Stephen M. Farrell, electron­ The United State.s and Pa­ the late Edward J. IXmlow, ics technician seaman of the nama are moving quickly whose Mster, Miss EUzaheth U.S. Navy, ward of Richard J. to restore normal diplo- IMmtow, is a member. Farrell of 15 Pearl St., was pro­ moted to his present rate re­ mafe relations and are ex­ Manchester Junior Square cently while serving aboard the pected to open ta'k.s soon on Dance Club will hold a dance attack aircraft carrier USS their differences over the tonight at the Waddell School Ranger, operating out of Ala­ Panama Ca.nal. gym from 7:45 to 10:30. Bob meda, Calif. He Is a graduate of A new a<rreement oledjrlng Williams will be guest caller. Manchester High School, and th m to work out a "jusf nncl entered the service in 1962. fair ’ settlement was concluded Members of the Emblem al- a meet*na' of the Club wiU meet tonight at 8:30 Cub Scout Pack 114 com­ tlon of American States Friday. at the Holmes Funeral Home, mittee will meet Monday at 8 Twister’s path is shown in contrast of demolished houses and untouched ones. (AP Photofax.) It fina'ly brought to an end the 400 Main St., to pay respects to p.m. at the home of Mrs. Keith crisis in U.S.-Panama relations Mrs. Raymond Bean, a member. MerrlH, 91 IMane Dr. which began three months ago' with an argument over fljdng I 'TniHteStefpe,” a film wiU be flags In the Panama C»nal Zone' shown Sunday at 6:30 p.m. at and eruoted into mob violence: that cost more than a score of i R*g. 2,50 Faith Baptist Church, Cannon lives. Relations between the Rd., Eaat Hartford. Miaa Oon- countries were severed Jan. 17. LADIES' & MEN'S stanoe Adams of the Child President Johnson said the i Evangelist Association of day of agreement was “a great LEATHER WALLETS Greater Hartford, will speak. day for the American people, The public is invited. Raftaah- for Panama, for all the Western iATURDAT ONLY ments will be served. Hemis]:9iere and for all free-! dom-Iovlng people everywhere." The Motherhood of Mary "Panama can be contldent, as 1.88 Mothers’ Circle will meet Mon­ we are confident,’’ Johnson told day at 8 p.m. at the home of Latin American ambassadors Mrs. Bernard McDonnell, 184 and U.S. officials at the White Tobacco Pouch Ludlow Rd. Mrs. Harry Oarr House in late afternoon, " ^ a t 1101 MAIN STREET will be co-hostess. Members are we each desire an agreement reminded to bring articles for that protects the interests and the rummage sale. recognizes the needs of both our Conversation Pieces nations." Gov John N. Dempsey, left, and Howard Wolfanger, manager of new Burrouaho Pom After the agreement had been opened yesterday in Tolland stand before some voluble conversation nlecea » UmiS- signed with considerable fan­ “Shenipsit Liquid” and a gold-plate^ rn^Sie c ^ v ^ r ^ ^ f e ’^ n tiC 276 OAKLAND ST. fare, Johnson spoke by tele­ aqua, is from Tolland which provides water for the nlant The cover phone with President Roberto Rockvll e wWch has installed sewerage lines to the V 30 b u i l E ’ l^ th coZ nem o«S qoari of Panama. OPEN 7 DAYS A few hours later Panama GOV.(totTDimSs^^officia*^t^ Pempiey officiated atoTth the formal Opening.manufacturer (Herald photo of by b Freeman.) ^ forms in the awa. PERO For Your Convenience! named Miguel Moreno Jr., its ambassador to the Organization of American States, as its new NO NEED TO envoy to Washington. FISH AROUND — Jobnaon Is elec ted to an­ Overthrown Gonlart Reds Advised nounce a new ambassador to W* havt EVERY Panama In a day or so. Indica­ PRODUCE, both In and tions are the appointment will go U.S. Is Firm to Jack Hood Vaughn, 43, Latin On Uruguay Ranch out of sooson! American director of the Peace But Amicable Corps who has had long experi­ RIO DE JANEIRO, _____ ence in international affairs and Brazil^Mazzilll 64, moved swiftly with Navel Tomatoes Mac Apples (AP)—Deposed leftist President U.S.
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