The Canadian Mineralogist

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The Canadian Mineralogist THECANADIAN MINERALOGIST Yolurne f3, lndex Thls index is prepared by Dr. A, G. Plant of the Geological Survey of Canadn. Typing was kindly done by A. Fanell Author lndex Al{DERsoti,,r.8. wlth Dunnlng, C., 307 EllERT,!1.0. wlth llatklnson,0.H., 198 APPLEYARD,E.C. Si l ica-poor hastingsltic arnphlbolesfrcm EllING,R.C. A nu€rical appmachtorard the classification metasofiatic alkaline gneisses at l{olfe, eastern of conp'lex,orthorhorblc, rare-earth A8205-typel{b-Ta- ontario,342 Ti oxldes, 307 with l.litchell, S.1., 310 & Ehlnann,A..r. Anneallngstudy of netanict, AUl,lEt{T0,F., Mitchell, U.5., Fratta, H., Dostat, J. & orthofhornblc,rar€ earth, A8206-tyW,Nb-Ta-Ti oxldes, GustaJtls, A. Interaction between sea water and oceanic -, -layer tl{o as a function of tlrc and depth,305 FAYE:6.H. spectrumof fliz+ in garntertte - reply, 302 BALASUBMI'IAI{IAl-t,K.S. & Paropkarl, A.L. Mlireralogy and FEATI{ER,C.E. with Cabrl,1.,1., 117 genesis of bauxites of l,{agardaswadlplateau, Kolhapur FERGUSoN,R.B. with Curtls, 1., 62 Dlstrict, llaharashtraState (Indla), 2Zz with fhuthorne,F.C., l8l. 289,377 BARBER;D.1.1., Malone, P.G. & Larson, R.J. The effect of FISCHER,R., Pertllk, F. & ZerEnn,,r. Thecrystll struc- cobalt ion on nucleatlon of calclun carbonate in nodel ture of moselte, CaTe0z(C0e),383 seawater systens, 305 FLEET,14.E. The grouth habits ol olivine - a structural BAYLISS,P. Nomenclatureof the trioctahedral chlorites, interpretatlon,293 178 Growthhabits of cllnopyrorene, 336 vrlth Stout, M.2., 86 -{ith Misra, K.C., I BENTLEY,S.P. wlth Smalley, I.,J., 364 FoNG.C.C.K. kith Papezik,V.S., 370 mETTCHER,A.L. The role of uater fugaclty and oxygen fug- FoRTIER,S. e Donnay,G. Schorl reflnenent shorlng conpos- acity durlng anatexls ln the mntle, 305 itlon dependenceof the tou']tbllne structure, lZ3 B0GER,P.D. Geochemlcalstudles of Red Sea cores, 306 FRATTA,fil. rith Aumento,F., 305 BoNII{, B. illth ltartin, R.F., 310 FRoESE,E. & oasparrinl, E. l,letamorphiczones in the Snor CABRI, L.,J. & Feather, C.E, Platinrm-iron alloys: a nonen- Lakearea, llanitoba, 162 clature based on a study of natural and synthetic FRYER,B.J. & Edgar,A.D. l4ineral rar€ earth elefl€ntdis- alloys, ll7 trlbutlon ln eudialyte-bearingalkallne rock co[plexes, & Harris,D.C. Zoning ln os-Ir alloys and the 308 relation of the geologlcal and tectonlc environnEnt of FYFE,l,l.S. wlth Gupta,A.K., 361 the source rocks to the bulk Pt:Pt+I$os ratlo for GABE,E.J. with Rowland,J.F., 188 placers,266 rlth Rucklidge,J.C., l5 & Laflannne,J.H.c. Newdata on someminerals ln CASPARRINI,E. t{ith Froese,E., 162 the Pd-As-sb-Bl system, 306 GITTINS,J. uith Clrtis, 1., 62 Laflam, J.H.G., Stewart,J.M., Rowland,J.F. G00DELI,P.C. Elnary and ternary sulphosaltassemblages in & Chen, T.T. Newdata on sonrepalladium arsenldes and the Cu2S-Ag2S-PbS-AsrSr-SbrSe-Bi25isysten, 27 _ antlmonldes, 32] GREEN,D.H: Theroles of-water-aid cErdondloxide in the CERNY,P. & Turnock, A.C. Beryl from the granitic pegnatites uppermantle, 308 at Greer Lake, southeastern l,lanitoba, 55 GRICE,J.D. & Perrault, G. Thecrystal structure of tri- Rinaldl, R. & Surdam,R.D. Composltionalvarlablt- clinic neloganlte,209 ity in wellslte, 306 GRIFFIII,t'1.1. with Hogarth,0.D., 89 CHANG,L.L.Y. 'rrith Hoda, S.N., 388 GRUNDY,H.D. wlth Hawthorne,F.C., 9l CHA0,G.Y. lrith Chen, T,T., 22, 93 GUPTA,A.K. & Fyfe, H.S. Leucltesurvival: the alteration, CHAU,Y.K. Someslgnlficant chemical and biologlcal pro- to analcime,36.l cesses in geochemical studles, 307 GUSIA\,TIS,A. t{lth ArlrFnto,F., 305 CHEN,-T.T.& Chao, c.Y. x-ray crystallography of weloganlte, HALL,S.R. Crystal structures of the chalcopyrlteseries, 22 t6 & Chao, G.Y. Cordylite fron Mont St. Hllaire, Hith Rowland,J.F., 188 Quebec, 93 HANCoCK,R.C.V. wlth llandarino, J.A., 286 with Cabrl,1.J.,321 MRl,lON,K.A., Crocket, J.H. & Shaw, 0.t1. Tungsten ln lron !{lth Harris, D.C,, 402, 408, 4ll forniations,308 CRoCKET,J.H., HanN, A.A. & Hartwig, L.A, A note on the HARllS,A.A. wlth Crocket, J.H., 79 potential nineralogical appllcatlon of neutron radiog- HARRIS,D.C. & Chen, T.T. BenJaminite, reinstated as a raphy, 79 valid species, 402 fith NamDn, K.4., 308 Studies of type pavonite nnterial, CURTIS,1.,Glttins, J., Kocnan,V., Rucklidqe,J.C.. 408 Hawthorne, F.C. & Ferguson, R.B. Tm cryital strircture Gustavite: trc Canadlanoccur- reflnenents of a Pz/n tltanlan ferro-omphacite, 62 r€nces,4lI DEVIILIERS, ,l.P.R. ulth Mlhelik, P., 146 HARRIS,D-C. with Cabri, 1.J., 266 DoNNAY,G. lrith Fortier, S.,173 HARIUIG,L.A. with Crocket,J.H.. 79 DoNliAY,J.D.H. & Le Page, Y. Twin laws versus electnical ahq HARVEY,Y. with Perrault, 0., 68 optical characters in low quartz, 83 I{AUSEN,D.M. Petrologlc significance of r€verslble mSTAL, ,1. ulth Aurcnto, F., 305 reactionsbetween pyrlte and pyrrhotlte ln S0r, 308 lIJl{l{ING,C., Shepley, S., llheeler, R. & Anderson, J.B. HAWTHoRNE,F.C. & Ferguson,R.B. Anhydrcussulphates. I: Sedlmntary, geochmical and fossil diatom analysls of RefinerEnt of the crystal structure of celestlte uith sedimnt cores from Lake Macatawa:an assessreni of anappendlx onthe s*ucture mn's lmpact,307 ilrJliliitlli;lils. rr, with Wheeler,R., 314 Reflnemnt of the crystal struc ture of anhydrite, 289 EDGAR,A.D. with Fryer,8.J.,308 RefinenEntfinenEnt of the crystal EHLI'{AI{N,A.J. with Erdn9, R.C., I stnrcture of cryolite, 377 E|45LIE,R.F. Pymxene n€gacrysts frcm anorthosit.ic rocks: & Grundy,H.D. Resolutionof the Mdssbauer new clues to the sources and evolution of the parent spectrumof oxykaersutlte,9l rEgms, 138 with Cul"tls,1., 62 424 INDEX FOR VOLUMB 13 HELSEN,J.N. Tungstenand som-6other trace elenentsin PARoPKARI,A.I. rlith Ealasubramaniam'K.s., 222- 309 PERRAULT,G., Harvey,Y. & Pertsowsky'R' LaJofortierite' basalts and andesJtes, st-Hilaire' HESLoP,J.B. r,lth tlatkl4son,0.H.. 198 un nouveausilicate hydrat6de rangandsede IIIE|STRA,S.A. with Mlhalik, P., 146 P.Q.,68 HoUA,S.N. & Chang'L.L.Y. Phaser€lations ln the pseudo- ternary systen PbS-Cu2S-Sb2S3and the synthesis of PERILIK,F. with Flscher'R.' 383 PERTSoHSKY,R. with Perrault' G.' 68 neneqhinite,388 porder t{.1. Further data on lapis lazuli PETERSoN,R. The automatic evaluatlon of c-nay . H(EARTH,-0.0.& Grlffin, detennin- frcm Latiuot' Italy, 89 dtttrictlon pattems and the constructlon of Thecomposltlon of the lead atlve curves-for mineral conPositions'3ll ,JA!,fB0R,J.L. & Plant, A.G. silver sulphantlnnnlde'rcbinsonlte, 415 PEIRUK,ll|. Mineralogyand geologyof the ZgounGr JEFFRIES,D.s. & stumn.l{. Thenetal adsorptionchdnistry deoosit ln l'lorocco,43 of buserite, 309 KISSIN,S.A. & 0wens'D.R. Ne|{data on stannlte and r€lated DYrochloresfrom oka, Quebec'282 sulphideminerals, 309 ilonazite frcn the MountPleasant KoCl.lAN,V. !{ith Curtis,1.,62 deDoslt. NeuErunswlck' 298 Rucklidge,,1.C.' l5 PINSEi\IT.R.H. & Smith, D.E.!1.The developnent of - with trom leEe KRA![ER,J.R. Mlneralogicalaspects of environnFntalPrcb- carbonate-bearingbiotite lsogradassenglages lems,309 JauneCache, Brialsh Columbla'Canada' l5l UlFLAlolE.J.H.G. with Cabri, 1.,i., 306' 321 PIRIE,J. titobllizatlonln a mlgmatitefmm the Grenville LAGACHE,M. ilith tilartln, R.F., ?75 province,Quebec,311 LAKSHl4Ali,S.V.J. with Reddy,8.,1.' 300 PLAi'lT.A.G. with Jambor,J.L.' 4]5 U|R50N,R.J. with Barber, 0.M., 305 PREIIITT,C.T. wlth RaJanani,V.,75 LE PAGE,Y. with Donnay,,1.D.H., 83 RAJAIIANI;v. & Prewltt, c.T. Refinenent of the structure MACEK,J.,1. Concernlngthe constructlonof the optical of CoqSc,-nln. 75 orlentation diagramof acid and intemedlate plagio- nru.lSoEn, composltions of coexlstl ng Pyrrhotites' clases by A.5. Marfunin, 105 pentlandites.1nd pyrites at SPargoville' l{estern t4Al-0NE,P.G. with Barber, D.M., 305 Australia,.|33 R.G.V. REDDY.B.J. & LakshrBn,S.V.,l. 0ptical absorptlonspectrtnn MANDARINo,,1.A.. Mitchell' R.S. & Hancock, - te] I uri te-carbonate fron Moctezuma' of'Nl2+ in garnlerite dlscusslon'300 lilrcseite, a calciun and Sonora, l.lexlco, 286 REDDY,G.L. & Wurty, M.S. Anphibolitesfron Kudem Hith Stunttan,B.D., 313 Atrirakuruareas, Anantapur'Dlstrict, AndhraPradesh' tlAI{NIt'{G,P.G. Charge-transferProcesses and the origin of southIndia.205 colour and pleochroismof sometitanlum-rich vesuv- RINALDI,R. wlth f,ern!, P.' 306 ianites, ll0 R0BERT,-J.-1.An expeiirnentalstudy of PhlogopJtesolld Itl8ssbauerstudies of the reduction spots ln so]utlons ln the systen K20-Mg0-A1203-s102-H20.Solu- lJelshpurple roofing slates' 358 billty of titaniumin phlogopltesolld solutlons'Jlz M.J. 0ptical-absorptionand R0I{LAND.-J.F..Gabe, E.J. & Hall' S.R. Thecrystal struc- & Tricker, (Cosbs) paracostiblte (Cosbs)' !,lSssbauersDectral stud'iesof lron and titanlum site- turei of costiblte and populationsin vesuvianites,259 188 i,iARTIN,R.F. & Bonin' B. A petrogeneticmodel for the with Cabri' t.,J.' 321 assQciationhypersolvus granlte-subsolvus granite, 310 RUCKLIDGE,J.C., Kocmn,V.' I'lhitlow,5.H. & Gabe,E.J. & Lagache.M. cell edgesand infrared spectra Thecrystal structures of three CanadJanvesuvlanitesl of synthetlc leucltes and pollucites in the system l5 KAISi c0a-RbAl Sl rOn-CsAl SirOn' 275 with curtis, L.' 62 constialnts on mdels for wet SASSEVILLE,D.R. with Slatt, R.M.,312 MCBIRI'IEY,'A:R.Geol6gic 418 rclting of calc-alkallnem$Tns, 310 SCOTT.J.D. & Nowacki,l'1.
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