THECANADIAN MINERALOGIST Yolurne f3, lndex Thls index is prepared by Dr. A, G. Plant of the Geological Survey of Canadn. Typing was kindly done by A. Fanell Author lndex Al{DERsoti,,r.8. wlth Dunnlng, C., 307 EllERT,!1.0. wlth llatklnson,0.H., 198 APPLEYARD,E.C. Si l ica-poor hastingsltic arnphlbolesfrcm EllING,R.C. A nu€rical appmachtorard the classification metasofiatic alkaline gneisses at l{olfe, eastern of conp'lex,orthorhorblc, rare-earth A8205-typel{b-Ta- ontario,342 Ti oxldes, 307 with l.litchell, S.1., 310 & Ehlnann,A..r. Anneallngstudy of netanict, AUl,lEt{T0,F., Mitchell, U.5., Fratta, H., Dostat, J. & orthofhornblc,rar€ earth, A8206-tyW,Nb-Ta-Ti oxldes, GustaJtls, A. Interaction between sea water and oceanic -, -layer tl{o as a function of tlrc and depth,305 FAYE:6.H. spectrumof fliz+ in garntertte - reply, 302 BALASUBMI'IAI{IAl-t,K.S. & Paropkarl, A.L. Mlireralogy and FEATI{ER,C.E. with Cabrl,1.,1., 117 genesis of bauxites of l,{agardaswadlplateau, Kolhapur FERGUSoN,R.B. with Curtls, 1., 62 Dlstrict, llaharashtraState (Indla), 2Zz with fhuthorne,F.C., l8l. 289,377 BARBER;D.1.1., Malone, P.G. & Larson, R.J. The effect of FISCHER,R., Pertllk, F. & ZerEnn,,r. Thecrystll struc- cobalt ion on nucleatlon of calclun carbonate in nodel ture of moselte, CaTe0z(C0e),383 seawater systens, 305 FLEET,14.E. The grouth habits ol olivine - a structural BAYLISS,P. Nomenclatureof the trioctahedral chlorites, interpretatlon,293 178 Growthhabits of cllnopyrorene, 336 vrlth Stout, M.2., 86 -{ith Misra, K.C., I BENTLEY,S.P. wlth Smalley, I.,J., 364 FoNG.C.C.K. kith Papezik,V.S., 370 mETTCHER,A.L. The role of uater fugaclty and oxygen fug- FoRTIER,S. e Donnay,G. Schorl reflnenent shorlng conpos- acity durlng anatexls ln the mntle, 305 itlon dependenceof the tou']tbllne structure, lZ3 B0GER,P.D. Geochemlcalstudles of Red Sea cores, 306 FRATTA,fil. rith Aumento,F., 305 BoNII{, B. illth ltartin, R.F., 310 FRoESE,E. & oasparrinl, E. l,letamorphiczones in the Snor CABRI, L.,J. & Feather, C.E, Platinrm-iron alloys: a nonen- Lakearea, llanitoba, 162 clature based on a study of natural and synthetic FRYER,B.J. & Edgar,A.D. l4ineral rar€ earth elefl€ntdis- alloys, ll7 trlbutlon ln eudialyte-bearingalkallne rock co[plexes, & Harris,D.C. Zoning ln os-Ir alloys and the 308 relation of the geologlcal and tectonlc environnEnt of FYFE,l,l.S. wlth Gupta,A.K., 361 the source rocks to the bulk Pt:Pt+I$os ratlo for GABE,E.J. with Rowland,J.F., 188 placers,266 rlth Rucklidge,J.C., l5 & Laflannne,J.H.c. Newdata on someminerals ln CASPARRINI,E. t{ith Froese,E., 162 the Pd-As-sb-Bl system, 306 GITTINS,J. uith Clrtis, 1., 62 Laflam, J.H.G., Stewart,J.M., Rowland,J.F. G00DELI,P.C. Elnary and ternary sulphosaltassemblages in & Chen, T.T. Newdata on sonrepalladium arsenldes and the Cu2S-Ag2S-PbS-AsrSr-SbrSe-Bi25isysten, 27 _ antlmonldes, 32] GREEN,D.H: Theroles of-water-aid cErdondloxide in the CERNY,P. & Turnock, A.C. Beryl from the granitic pegnatites uppermantle, 308 at Greer Lake, southeastern l,lanitoba, 55 GRICE,J.D. & Perrault, G. Thecrystal structure of tri- Rinaldl, R. & Surdam,R.D. Composltionalvarlablt- clinic neloganlte,209 ity in wellslte, 306 GRIFFIII,t'1.1. with Hogarth,0.D., 89 CHANG,L.L.Y. 'rrith Hoda, S.N., 388 GRUNDY,H.D. wlth Hawthorne,F.C., 9l CHA0,G.Y. lrith Chen, T,T., 22, 93 GUPTA,A.K. & Fyfe, H.S. Leucltesurvival: the alteration, CHAU,Y.K. Someslgnlficant chemical and biologlcal pro- to analcime,36.l cesses in geochemical studles, 307 GUSIA\,TIS,A. t{lth ArlrFnto,F., 305 CHEN,-T.T.& Chao, c.Y. x-ray crystallography of weloganlte, HALL,S.R. Crystal structures of the chalcopyrlteseries, 22 t6 & Chao, G.Y. Cordylite fron Mont St. Hllaire, Hith Rowland,J.F., 188 Quebec, 93 HANCoCK,R.C.V. wlth llandarino, J.A., 286 with Cabrl,1.J.,321 MRl,lON,K.A., Crocket, J.H. & Shaw, 0.t1. Tungsten ln lron !{lth Harris, D.C,, 402, 408, 4ll forniations,308 CRoCKET,J.H., HanN, A.A. & Hartwig, L.A, A note on the HARllS,A.A. wlth Crocket, J.H., 79 potential nineralogical appllcatlon of neutron radiog- HARRIS,D.C. & Chen, T.T. BenJaminite, reinstated as a raphy, 79 valid species, 402 fith NamDn, K.4., 308 Studies of type pavonite nnterial, CURTIS,1.,Glttins, J., Kocnan,V., Rucklidqe,J.C.. 408 Hawthorne, F.C. & Ferguson, R.B. Tm cryital strircture Gustavite: trc Canadlanoccur- reflnenents of a Pz/n tltanlan ferro-omphacite, 62 r€nces,4lI DEVIILIERS, ,l.P.R. ulth Mlhelik, P., 146 HARRIS,D-C. with Cabri, 1.J., 266 DoNNAY,G. lrith Fortier, S.,173 HARIUIG,L.A. with Crocket,J.H.. 79 DoNliAY,J.D.H. & Le Page, Y. Twin laws versus electnical ahq HARVEY,Y. with Perrault, 0., 68 optical characters in low quartz, 83 I{AUSEN,D.M. Petrologlc significance of r€verslble mSTAL, ,1. ulth Aurcnto, F., 305 reactionsbetween pyrlte and pyrrhotlte ln S0r, 308 lIJl{l{ING,C., Shepley, S., llheeler, R. & Anderson, J.B. HAWTHoRNE,F.C. & Ferguson,R.B. Anhydrcussulphates. I: Sedlmntary, geochmical and fossil diatom analysls of RefinerEnt of the crystal structure of celestlte uith sedimnt cores from Lake Macatawa:an assessreni of anappendlx onthe s*ucture mn's lmpact,307 ilrJliliitlli;lils. rr, with Wheeler,R., 314 Reflnemnt of the crystal struc ture of anhydrite, 289 EDGAR,A.D. with Fryer,8.J.,308 RefinenEntfinenEnt of the crystal EHLI'{AI{N,A.J. with Erdn9, R.C., I stnrcture of cryolite, 377 E|45LIE,R.F. Pymxene n€gacrysts frcm anorthosit.ic rocks: & Grundy,H.D. Resolutionof the Mdssbauer new clues to the sources and evolution of the parent spectrumof oxykaersutlte,9l rEgms, 138 with Cul"tls,1., 62 424 INDEX FOR VOLUMB 13 HELSEN,J.N. Tungstenand som-6other trace elenentsin PARoPKARI,A.I. rlith Ealasubramaniam'K.s., 222- 309 PERRAULT,G., Harvey,Y. & Pertsowsky'R' LaJofortierite' basalts and andesJtes, st-Hilaire' HESLoP,J.B. r,lth tlatkl4son,0.H.. 198 un nouveausilicate hydrat6de rangandsede IIIE|STRA,S.A. with Mlhalik, P., 146 P.Q.,68 HoUA,S.N. & Chang'L.L.Y. Phaser€lations ln the pseudo- ternary systen PbS-Cu2S-Sb2S3and the synthesis of PERILIK,F. with Flscher'R.' 383 PERTSoHSKY,R. with Perrault' G.' 68 neneqhinite,388 porder t{.1. Further data on lapis lazuli PETERSoN,R. The automatic evaluatlon of c-nay . H(EARTH,-0.0.& Grlffin, detennin- frcm Latiuot' Italy, 89 dtttrictlon pattems and the constructlon of Thecomposltlon of the lead atlve curves-for mineral conPositions'3ll ,JA!,fB0R,J.L. & Plant, A.G. silver sulphantlnnnlde'rcbinsonlte, 415 PEIRUK,ll|. Mineralogyand geologyof the ZgounGr JEFFRIES,D.s. & stumn.l{. Thenetal adsorptionchdnistry deoosit ln l'lorocco,43 of buserite, 309 KISSIN,S.A. & 0wens'D.R. Ne|{data on stannlte and r€lated DYrochloresfrom oka, Quebec'282 sulphideminerals, 309 ilonazite frcn the MountPleasant KoCl.lAN,V. !{ith Curtis,1.,62 deDoslt. NeuErunswlck' 298 Rucklidge,,1.C.' l5 PINSEi\IT.R.H. & Smith, D.E.!1.The developnent of - with trom leEe KRA![ER,J.R. Mlneralogicalaspects of environnFntalPrcb- carbonate-bearingbiotite lsogradassenglages lems,309 JauneCache, Brialsh Columbla'Canada' l5l UlFLAlolE.J.H.G. with Cabri, 1.,i., 306' 321 PIRIE,J. titobllizatlonln a mlgmatitefmm the Grenville LAGACHE,M. ilith tilartln, R.F., ?75 province,Quebec,311 LAKSHl4Ali,S.V.J. with Reddy,8.,1.' 300 PLAi'lT.A.G. with Jambor,J.L.' 4]5 U|R50N,R.J. with Barber, 0.M., 305 PREIIITT,C.T. wlth RaJanani,V.,75 LE PAGE,Y. with Donnay,,1.D.H., 83 RAJAIIANI;v. & Prewltt, c.T. Refinenent of the structure MACEK,J.,1. Concernlngthe constructlonof the optical of CoqSc,-nln. 75 orlentation diagramof acid and intemedlate plagio- nru.lSoEn, composltions of coexlstl ng Pyrrhotites' clases by A.5. Marfunin, 105 pentlandites.1nd pyrites at SPargoville' l{estern t4Al-0NE,P.G. with Barber, D.M., 305 Australia,.|33 R.G.V. REDDY.B.J. & LakshrBn,S.V.,l. 0ptical absorptlonspectrtnn MANDARINo,,1.A.. Mitchell' R.S. & Hancock, - te] I uri te-carbonate fron Moctezuma' of'Nl2+ in garnlerite dlscusslon'300 lilrcseite, a calciun and Sonora, l.lexlco, 286 REDDY,G.L. & Wurty, M.S. Anphibolitesfron Kudem Hith Stunttan,B.D., 313 Atrirakuruareas, Anantapur'Dlstrict, AndhraPradesh' tlAI{NIt'{G,P.G. Charge-transferProcesses and the origin of southIndia.205 colour and pleochroismof sometitanlum-rich vesuv- RINALDI,R. wlth f,ern!, P.' 306 ianites, ll0 R0BERT,-J.-1.An expeiirnentalstudy of PhlogopJtesolld Itl8ssbauerstudies of the reduction spots ln so]utlons ln the systen K20-Mg0-A1203-s102-H20.Solu- lJelshpurple roofing slates' 358 billty of titaniumin phlogopltesolld solutlons'Jlz M.J. 0ptical-absorptionand R0I{LAND.-J.F..Gabe, E.J. & Hall' S.R. Thecrystal struc- & Tricker, (Cosbs) paracostiblte (Cosbs)' !,lSssbauersDectral stud'iesof lron and titanlum site- turei of costiblte and populationsin vesuvianites,259 188 i,iARTIN,R.F. & Bonin' B. A petrogeneticmodel for the with Cabri' t.,J.' 321 assQciationhypersolvus granlte-subsolvus granite, 310 RUCKLIDGE,J.C., Kocmn,V.' I'lhitlow,5.H. & Gabe,E.J. & Lagache.M. cell edgesand infrared spectra Thecrystal structures of three CanadJanvesuvlanitesl of synthetlc leucltes and pollucites in the system l5 KAISi c0a-RbAl Sl rOn-CsAl SirOn' 275 with curtis, L.' 62 constialnts on mdels for wet SASSEVILLE,D.R. with Slatt, R.M.,312 MCBIRI'IEY,'A:R.Geol6gic 418 rclting of calc-alkallnem$Tns, 310 SCOTT.J.D. & Nowacki,l'1.
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