Alphabetical List

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Alphabetical List LIST L - MINERALS - ALPHABETICAL LIST Specific mineral Group name Specific mineral Group name acanthite sulfides asbolite oxides accessory minerals astrophyllite chain silicates actinolite clinoamphibole atacamite chlorides adamite arsenates augite clinopyroxene adularia alkali feldspar austinite arsenates aegirine clinopyroxene autunite phosphates aegirine-augite clinopyroxene awaruite alloys aenigmatite aenigmatite group axinite group sorosilicates aeschynite niobates azurite carbonates agate silica minerals babingtonite rhodonite group aikinite sulfides baddeleyite oxides akaganeite oxides barbosalite phosphates akermanite melilite group barite sulfates alabandite sulfides barium feldspar feldspar group alabaster barium silicates silicates albite plagioclase barylite sorosilicates alexandrite oxides bassanite sulfates allanite epidote group bastnaesite carbonates and fluorides alloclasite sulfides bavenite chain silicates allophane clay minerals bayerite oxides almandine garnet group beidellite clay minerals alpha quartz silica minerals beraunite phosphates alstonite carbonates berndtite sulfides altaite tellurides berryite sulfosalts alum sulfates berthierine serpentine group aluminum hydroxides oxides bertrandite sorosilicates aluminum oxides oxides beryl ring silicates alumohydrocalcite carbonates betafite niobates and tantalates alunite sulfates betekhtinite sulfides amazonite alkali feldspar beudantite arsenates and sulfates amber organic minerals bideauxite chlorides and fluorides amblygonite phosphates biotite mica group amethyst silica minerals birnessite oxides amosite bischofite chlorides analbite framework silicates bismuthinite sulfides analcime zeolite group bixbyite oxides anatase oxides boehmite oxides andalusite nesosilicates bohdanowiczite sulfides andesine plagioclase boracite borates and chlorides andradite garnet group borax borates anglesite sulfates bornite sulfides anhydrite sulfates borosilicates silicates anilite sulfides boulangerite sulfosalts ankerite carbonates bournonite sulfosalts annite mica group brannerite oxides anorthite plagioclase braunite nesosilicates anorthoclase alkali feldspar bravoite sulfides anthophyllite orthoamphibole briartite sulfides antigorite serpentine group britholite phosphates and britholite antiperthite feldspar group group apatite phosphates brochantite sulfates apophyllite sheet silicates bromellite oxides aquamarine ring silicates brookite oxides aragonite carbonates brucite oxides arfvedsonite clinoamphibole brushite phosphates argentite sulfides buergerite tourmaline group armalcolite oxides buserite oxides arsenopyrite arsenides and sulfides bustamite wollastonite group arsenosulfides sulfides bytownite plagioclase artinite carbonates cacoxenite phosphates asbestos silicates calaverite tellurides 2 LIST L - MINERALS - ALPHABETICAL LIST Specific mineral Group name Specific mineral Group name calcite carbonates corundum oxides cancrinite carbonates and framework cosalite sulfosalts silicates covellite sulfides canfieldite sulfosalts crandallite phosphates carbonado native elements cristobalite silica minerals carbonate apatite phosphates crocidolite clinoamphibole carnallite chlorides crocoite chromates carnelian silica minerals cronstedtite serpentine group carnotite vanadates crossite clinoamphibole carpholite chain silicates cryolite fluorides carrollite sulfides cryptomelane oxides cassiterite oxides cryptoperthite alkali feldspar cattierite sulfides cubanite sulfides celadonite mica group cummingtonite clinoamphibole celestine sulfates cuprite oxides celsian feldspar group cylindrite sulfosalts cerolite sheet silicates cymrite sheet silicates cerussite carbonates cyrtolite nesosilicates chabazite zeolite group dahllite carbonates and phosphates chalcanthite sulfates danburite framework silicates chalcedony silica minerals datolite datolite group chalcocite sulfides dawsonite carbonates chalcopyrite sulfides deerite chain silicates chalcostibite sulfosalts delafossite oxides chamosite chlorite group descloizite vanadates chaoite native elements diamond native elements charoite chain silicates diaspore oxides chevkinite chevkinite group dickite clay minerals chkalovite chain silicates digenite sulfides chlorapatite phosphates diopside clinopyroxene chlorite chlorite group djurleite sulfides chloritoid nesosilicates dolomite carbonates chlorophaeite silicates dravite tourmaline group chondrodite nesosilicates dufrenoysite sulfosalts chrome diopside clinopyroxene dumortierite nesosilicates chrome spinel oxides dyscrasite antimonides chromite oxides edenite clinoamphibole chrysoberyl oxides edingtonite zeolite group chrysocolla clay minerals ekanite sheet silicates chrysoprase silica minerals elbaite tourmaline group chrysotile serpentine group electrum alloys cinnabar sulfides ellenbergerite nesosilicates clinochlore chlorite group emerald ring silicates clinoenstatite clinopyroxene emplecitite sulfosalts clinohumite nesosilicates and fluorides enargite sulfosalts clinohypersthene clinopyroxene enstatite orthopyroxene clinoptilolite zeolite group eosphorite phosphates clinozoisite epidote group epidote epidote group clintonite sheet silicates epistilbite zeolite group cobaltite arsenides and sulfides epsomite sulfates coesite silica minerals erionite zeolite group coffinite zircon group eskebornite selenides cohenite carbides ettringite sulfates colemanite borates euclase nesosilicates coloradoite tellurides eucryptite phenakite group columbite niobates eudialyte chlorides and ring silicates conichalcite arsenates euxenite niobates and tantalates cookeite chlorite group famatinite sulfosalts cooperite sulfides fassaite clinopyroxene copiapite sulfates faujasite zeolite group copper minerals fayalite olivine group copper sulfides sulfides feldspathoids silicates coquimbite sulfates ferberite tungstates cordierite ring silicates fergusonite niobates coronadite oxides ferrierite zeolite group corrensite sheet silicates ferrihydrite oxides LIST L - MINERALS - ALPHABETICAL LIST 3 Specific mineral Group name Specific mineral Group name ferrimolybdite molybdates hausmannite oxides ferrocarpholite chain silicates hauyne sodalite group ferrohastingsite clinoamphibole heazlewoodite sulfides ferropericlase oxides hectorite clay minerals ferropseudobrookite oxides hedenbergite clinopyroxene ferrosilicon silicides hedleyite tellurides and alloys ferrosilite orthypyroxene helvite sodalite group and sulfides florencite phosphates hematite oxides fluoborite borates and fluorides hemihedrite chromates fluor-phlogopite mica group fluorapatite phosphates hemimorphite sorosilicates fluorite fluorides hercynite oxides fluosilicates halides herderite phosphates foitite tourmaline group herzenbergite sulfides forsterite olivine group hessite tellurides francolite phosphates heterogenite oxides franklinite oxides heteromorphite sulfosalts freibergite sulfosalts heulandite zeolite group freieslebenite sulfosalts hexahydrite sulfates froodite bismuthides hibonite oxides fuchsite mica group hibschite hydrogarnet fullerene native elements hinsdalite phosphates and sulfates gadolinite datolite group hisingerite clay minerals gahnite oxides hoegbomite oxides galena sulfides hollandite oxides galenobismutite sulfosalts holmquistite orthoamphibole garnierite silicates hornblende clinoamphibole garrelsite nesosilicates howieite chain silicates garronite zeolite group hulsite borates gaylussite carbonates humite nesosilicates and fluorides gedrite orthoamphibole huntite carbonates gehlenite melilite group hureaulite phosphates geikielite oxides hyalite silicates genthelvite sodalite group and sulfides hyalophane feldspar group geocronite sulfosalts hydrobiotite sheet silicates germanates oxides hydroboracite borates germanite sulfosalts hydrogarnet garnet group gersdorffite arsenides and sulfides hydrogoethite oxides gibbsite oxides hydrogrossular garnet group gillespite sheet silicates hydromagnesite carbonates glauberite sulfates hydromica sheet silicates glauconite mica group hydrosodalite sodalite group glaucophane clinoamphibole hydrotalcite carbonates gmelinite zeolite group hydroxides oxides goethite oxides hydroxylapatite phosphates goyazite phosphates hypersthene orthopyroxene graftonite phosphates Iceland spar carbonates grandidierite nesosilicates idaite sulfides graphite native elements ikaite carbonates gratonite sulfosalts illite sheet silicates greenockite sulfides ilmenite oxides greigite sulfides ilvaite sorosilicates grossular garnet group imogolite clay minerals groutite oxides innelite sorosilicates grunerite clinoamphibole iron hydroxides oxides gudmundite sulfides iron minerals gustavite sulfosalts iron oxides oxides gypsum sulfates iron silicates silicates gyrolite sheet silicates iron sulfides sulfides haidingerite arsenates ixiolite niobates and tantalates halite chlorides jacobsite oxides halloysite clay minerals jade chain silicates halotrichite sulfates jadeite clinopyroxene hammarite sulfosalts jamesonite sulfosalts harkerite nesosilicates jarosite sulfates harmotome zeolite group jasper silica minerals hastingsite clinoamphibole joaquinite ring silicates 4 LIST L - MINERALS - ALPHABETICAL LIST Specific mineral Group name Specific mineral Group name johannsenite clinopyroxene lollingite arsenides jordanite sulfosalts lonsdaleite native elements jordisite sulfides loparite niobates joseite tellurides and sulfides ludwigite borates josephinite alloys luzonite sulfosalts jouravskite sulfates mackinawite sulfides julgoldite pumpellyite group magadiite sheet silicates
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