Perichoresis THE THEOLOGICAL ]OURNAL or EMANUEL UMVERSITY OTORADEA VOLI.JME5 ISSUE1 2007 EMANI.JELI.JNIYERSTry PUBLISHING HOUSE BOARD OF EDITORS Prof. Dr. PAL'I,NEGRUT, The Rector of Emanuel University (Systematic Theology) Dr. Manrus D. CnucrRU, Editor-in-Chief (Patristics and Classical Languages) Dr. Dr. CoRNELT C. Sn4LT' Asst. Editor-in-Chief (Reformation Studies, Historical and Dognatic Theology) Dr. Bolce, Theological Editor (Old and New Testament Studies) EDITORIAL AD\'ISORS Prof. Dr. DIHC. JAMESMCMAHoN, Albert E[is Institute (APPlied Theology) hof. Dr, FRANKA. JAMFGIn, Reformed Theological Seminary (Reformation Studies) Prof. Dr. HAMILToN MooRE, tish Baptist College, Queerls University of Belfasi (BiblicalTheology) Asst. Prof, Dr. STEvENSvmr, Southwesterri-Biptist Theological Seminary (flomiletics and Pastoral Theology) MANAGING EDITOR Dr. D!. CoRNELT C. Sn.{u,r The theoloqical researchof Emanuel University is developed mairrly by The Faculty .,i fn"oto.i attd the Brian CriIfiths School of Management The researchactivity of tfr" i"*if,i.f fn"of"gy is carried out by the following departments: The Seminar of ftr"oloeicit Res"utci, The Cenhe foi Reformation studjes, The Centre for Mis- .ioi"aiJ st"ai"", fn" centre for Pastoral counselling, and the Billy Graham Chair of Evangelism, Peicharesists Dublished twice a year at the end of each acadernic semestre (March utti S.ot"-#t) by The Faculty of Theology and The Brian Griffitfu School of Vun"gL*"nt itt.otperation wiih colleagues and contributors from abroad Thus' the idias expressed in various articles may not rePresent the formal dogmatic confession ofEmaruel University and they should be acknowledged as such' For permission to reproduce information fuonPerichotesis, pleasewrite to the Boari of Editors at U'niversitatea Emanuel din Oradea/Emanuel University of OraJea, Facultatea de Teologie/The Faculty of Theology,St Nuflrului Nr' 8Z 410597Oradea, Bihor, Romfia/Romania, or to the Managing Editor at
[email protected].