9783039118458 Intro 002.Pdf
Introduction Crypto-Public Domains within the Third Reich […] heroism […] is to venture wholly to be oneself, as an individual man, this definite individual man, alone before the face of God, alone in this tremendous exertion and this tremendous responsibility […]. — SØren Kierkegaard The Sickness unto Death (1848) This study concentrates on an analysis of public spheres in National Social- ist Germany in order to identify, locate, and investigate circumstances of possible resistance to Adolf Hitler’s regime. The plural use of the word “sphere” is programmatic, since in every society there exist several realms that can function as places of public discourse. We focus on the space of the crypto-public, defined as a politicized private sphere, as a potential realm for anti-state activism. Based on the activities of four organizations operating in Germany between 1933 and 1944—the Jüdischer Kulturbund Berlin ( Jewish Cultural Alliance Berlin), the Kreisauer Kreis (Kreisau Circle), the Scholl- Schmorell-Kreis (Scholl-Schmorell Circle),1 and the Schulze-Boysen/Harnack Organisation (Schulze-Boysen/Harnack Organization)—we analyze how this social locus functioned to foster resistance to National Socialism. We examine the artifacts of these groups—leaflets, pamphlets, politico- 1 Traditionally this group has been referred to as Weisse Rose (White Rose); yet, as Sönke Zankel has pertinently argued, that name is misleading, as the Weisse Rose comprised merely the beginning phase of the activities undertaken by the student group sur- rounding Hans Scholl and Alexander Schmorell (Sönke Zankel, Mit Flugblätter gegen Hitler. Der Widerstandskreis um Hans Scholl und Alexander Schmorell (Köln, Weimar, Wien: Böhlau Verlag, 2008) 13).
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