

Physics : Quantum Physics

Struppa, Daniele C., Tollaksen, Jeffrey M. (Eds.) Quantum Theory: A Two- Time Success Story Yakir Aharonov Festschrift

List of contributors is a who-is-who of contemporary quantum physics Covers topics of contemporary interest in the foundation of quantum physics Focusses on weak measurement, which is currently one of the hottest topics in physics Yakir Aharonov is one of the leading figures in the foundations of quantum physics. His contributions range from the celebrated Aharonov-Bohm effect (1959), to the more recent theory of weak measurements (whose experimental confirmations were recently ranked as the two most important results of physics in 2011). This volume will contain 27 original articles, Springer contributed by the most important names in quantum physics, in honor of Aharonov's 80-th birthday. Sections include "Quantum and reality," with contributions from Nobel 2014, XV, 406 p. 111 illus., 1st 28 illus. in color. Laureates David Gross and Sir Anthony Leggett and Yakir Aharonov, S. Popescu and J. edition Tollaksen; "Building blocks of Nature" with contributions from Francois Englert (co-proposer of the scalar boson along with ); "Time and Cosmology" with contributions from Leonard Susskind, P.C.W. Davies and James Hartle; "Universe as a Wavefunction," with Printed book contributions from Phil Pearle, Sean Carroll and ; "Nonlocality," with contributions Hardcover from Nicolas Gisin, Daniel Rohrlich, Ray Chiao and ; and finishing with multiple sections on weak values with contributions from A. Jordan, A. Botero, A.D. Parks, L. Johansen, F. Printed book Colombo, I. Sabadini, D.C. Struppa, M.V. Berry, B. Reznik, N. Turok, G.A.D. Briggs, Y. Gefen, P. Hardcover Kwiat, and A. Pines, among others. ISBN 978-88-470-5216-1 $ 249,99 Order online at springer.com/booksellers Available Springer Nature Customer Service Center LLC Discount group 233 Spring Street Professional Books (2) New York, NY 10013 USA Product category T: +1-800-SPRINGER NATURE Proceedings (777-4643) or 212-460-1500 Other renditions [email protected] Softcover ISBN 978-88-470-5863-7 Softcover ISBN 978-88-470-5218-5

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