
■ I ■■ i I ;

ie a™A R C H Y IN G r e e c e Denfionstratrators take to stree iroves after teenI killed ki in'police shoeooting.'^^^^^l. m ~NA' nation » WORLD, A ll TT.Bl I ______[ME:s ^ m I ------75cenb M ondSfDecSsrzI* 2 0 0 8 ------— . Ma^cValeyjMn — “A tthecenteIter o t this issue islam a isunderstandinfing that w hile self-ddefense C*,tateemplo oyeepay, w l t h t h e kkilling i of an animlal a is legitim ate, the ll e g a l p o s s e s s i o n 0o f t h e animC al cannot OCI)ccurduetothem etlethod of take.” - belenefitsupj) in the air - VVirgil I r M oore, d e p u ty d irectsctor of the Idaho Dcpartmenn e n t o f Fisli in a le tte r to Johlohn Stevens ov er h o w h eEihot sl and killed a c o ^ 'OOcL c I 6 n M r b la n d P ark Hammon said, Tho Idaho; Ottit t e r s a y s s ta t e StoStatesman reported. “The governor said last year that a n n o t a ffo rd ’ 5bothi things move hand In ‘ca r hand. At this point, our numbers just aren't final ' p aay i increases yet." ™, Gov. C .L "Butch" O tter - • The»AMOcIated At Press has ha informed all Cabinet Coiq( ga r I ------m« members. department; BOlJOISE — The state's directors dii and agcncy heads;!; ' stmgiuggllng econothy has left diat dii "we just cannoi afford"; ■ I statete employee benefits up an an increase in pay.; I ^ . for• (del}ate, said Wayne Harrunon Hi said. ; I ^ . Hamiimmon, the governor's Otter ' has ordered all state! ^ flnaniance chief. departments de and ogencies;i] ■ StalState leaders have been to to cut 4 percent from their;r; W wor«irking (0 raise em ployee budgets, bu and to develop a!1! 9nds y while scaling back on plan pli to cut another 2 per-' riiliiH nelits. But Hammon said cent ce If needed. He also said;I; day that workers may sec he he wouldn’t ask for an;1; ses on hold, with no guar- increase in< In state employee^ tee that benefits will pay ps — a plan he’d been\ noin stable. pushing pi to bring publici 'I can't prom ise o n either cremployees’ pay into parity int. 1 can't say that there wlwith the private sector. Statd c n6 (raises), therefore . \ I ere is no benefit cut.” Please see STXIE, Page A2;i

)ffidals:Iincocoin County’sI Ome casernsolved !

rezone B2 acres in the coun­I- ]ountypays tyI for the fifth phase of itsIS Grcencut Subdivision.il. i8 , 0 0 0 in legal N S eighbor M ark Kimele objected and said thalal - counq^ordlnances'prohlbltlit 5 res; s u b d i^ s io n the zone change within oneie mileofaCAFO. [oes forward After public hearings In fifrionk o f Ihe county’sr’s BrNirfWaPopptoo Planning P and Zoning Ime^Newt writer Commission C and board ofS ------c county commissioners, thele A fight t>etween a subdivl-. board b approved the rezonele sionion developer and the o c n Aug. 27,2007, a nd decid­d- wnerofaconflned-animal ed e Kime’s CAFO perm it wasas •edlng operation in ,rn ot valid. Kime appealed to incoln County seems to court c soon after. ;; ave been resolved, with the Ih his decision, Issued July local tuklenDMMiaStmitmtt Moriu n a «U fairfHtf TliNim i f w m M jwM**fwi.Ei■ M l a M ^ ^ mWu5l!«Srl"^ rowounty onlv havii^ to pay 24 2 of this year, Sth Dlstrid atUttdPariiRteMvetr partart of the le ^ fees sought fudge I John K. Budersald th l October whMlw fu n d fortkeufetrefUspridocaadtM^for I I partt of ■I eM i bM h arih faM H o a at ar * violating th e CAFO county c commissioners vio|Oi f FU|iodQiaeefflcUs d < B tk ^ tlw ^ i M In pillpliaitobUoaatMM.iiateMIwtleB. for- la«altnMalM.StataFU| 0WT1iwner’s righw earlier this lated 1 Kime’s due procefi} ear. rightsf and ordered them sto Fish and Ga]la m e r u l e s T .F .,mnarican’tkeepco:ougarshotinseelf-defense >"s“Shoshone-based Leed Cor]k)rp. filed in M arch 2007 to Please see WKE. Page A2\2 Code and Idaho Fish By Andrew Wcda to the m ethod of itake." No. 2 After he shot sho the animal, to Idaho O nc Commission rule Tltiwf-Nawa writer shot from a shotjlotgunr Moore Stevens deanomed and tagged and Game w rote In the Nov.;nr. 25 letter. th e cougar and b r o u ^ t it to a n d wilii therefore stand.’ lid in the Nov. 25 let- A hunter who kllkilled a Stevens, his d£dad, and an his father’s homhor e in Ashton. Moore sal^ jclleve the officers cougar In sclf-dcfcn5rense will 11-year-old.boyy wwere stalked H e th en colli» lled Fish a n d ter. "I bcl A Hope IEMVriASTS| lile duck hunt- G am e to notU)itliy them of the involved 1u used p roper discrc* I not be allowed ownernershlpof by a cougar while tio iiin isissuing s a w arning In the cat’s pelt, but wllwill have ing Oct. .6 at[ IiIslatKj'Patic Incident- , handGamcom- thiscaMaj•and find ho h arm in the chance u> purchachase the Beservolr In easi:astem Idaho. Whennshai '^ e w H o p e a g i s t s I cumcntlng this inci- hide at an auciionsctfict for ncxi Wlille walking through th lim- cers airiyedi twotv days later, their docu h th ew am in g .” fo) spring. berland, the boy3oy noticed a they a g r ^ the cat was killed dent with i fter further discus. 'allenm enbackup John Sicvciis recciv:elved the cougar croucheched in brush In self-defenseise butI said It was But af« information fromn letters a b o u t 15 yardsds away and unlaw&tl forr StevensSt to have sionswiihth Stevens. M oore, in tr-up letter received BjrEirBMBcttIa w ritten by Virgilll IMoore, shouted a waminling. shot it withrith a shotgun, a follow-t ens via e-m ail and Titnnmea-Hewa wrttar______• H I o l i d a y s ; deputy director of the Idaho Stevens. ofTWliV in Falls, said Stevens sa id1 StevensSt was left by .Stever ;o the Ttmes-News Department of Fish Tlsl and he believed thehe cat would w ondering vrtiatvrtii he was sup-- faxed to day. said " ...to relieve TThe men at New Hope Game, on Nov. 25 nndindDec.3. have attacked ththe boy and posed to haveive done.( Wednesda iiislon over the tag- Tra.nansltion Center in IWln New Hope “At the center of' thithis Issue the dog h e was15 leading!i on a The offlcencers confiscated the confu the m o u n iain Uon FallFalls have m ade mistakes in is a misundcrstandUiding that leash If he didn'tIn't take quick the cat’s hidttiide and Issued ging o f tl Ife. ' Transition Center'r' f with the action. Prepplnping his 10- Stevens a warnraming. portion olof the w arning refer- life, whiie.self-defense w Some have been to prison al Is lef^ti- gauge shotgur5un, Stevens “The wamin;ning you received endng ththe lUce big game S ‘ 425 Second Ave. N., Idlling o f a n onloiai 1: or fallen Into drug and alco­ ssession of aimed at the catca and fired, for the cougargar being1 im prop- orf TMn Falls m ate, the legal posses ase see PDI. Page A2 hoihol abuse that threatened to th e anim al cannot ooccur o due killing the 100*po•pound female, erly tagged is correctc relative i Phom: 208-7330823 ruiiruin theh- lives for good. And> PrimwymlMien: Providesi ■ ...... Irt It’s at the center where they^ a piace to'live for men. . recover from substance^ transltk>nlng from prison, IM iM lBHH abiabuse and make strides* recovering from substancae IIIHttUHUI (OVtoward becoming produc­ abuse and the homeless. tive members of societyy Houn when donationa arte . wiio work and pay renL aoceptad: 9 a.m. to 5 -We help them get JobsI p.m. Monday through and gjve them a hand up,” saidsal< Karen Bach, d ire a o r of Needs: Perishable and non-

CLUBS aWDORtWHIW l^ N S oka County Highway District meetir«ting. and do today . ^ M lnK:mla Retired Educator!tonA uoclatlon 7|30 p.m.,O f district office, 50 S 225 W.,/., RRupert, ~ : 12.Gooutandbuya meeting, special ChristmasIS pipfogfam open w ell 43&6133112. ^ , 'Y ou can expxpcricncethe Nampa.Tickets Tic are 529.50. D c'tl2 retired educators, 11 a.m.,, Connor'sCc Cafe, HnjomuTnan School Board, 8 p.m., high school.set- -Sounds n n dIbsies lh of $39.50 andnd available at 442- few,, thenthe take them to die dl Central Community . Heybum, 43&6426. 150 UkLake St.W., 837-4777. airi.stmas"at7; 7 p.m. at the 3232 or rvww.lcdckcis.com.ww South ( local Chapter 1959 NARFE(^E (Natlooai Acti™ ,BulU Unlled Medctliodlst • ‘There’sc’s nodiing like a Actionion Partnership, 550 ihington St. S., ’IWin Falls, and Retired Federal Employee HEALTH AND WELIN^> . Church. 90a Mti^apicSt.ln warmblanlankel — unless you Washir vconc.T he Mission Informirmatlon: 733-7023. morrthly meeting, Christmaslas celebration,< collega{e ofi Southem Idaho’s Over 60 andUld Duhl.'Hiere will7111 bc songs, don't have < 11;30 a.m., Loong Hing Restteslautant. 1719 u nm nj ig workout poi-liyundtreaicats. Bring a can Committeetec of die First ------ng R t programs, a guided walking * 1avc)-ourown pickyou kimttcrly Road. Twin Fells, forto ell retired or s,„ training, 9 of food for thee food f pantry. Prcsbytcriairian Church Is col- Hnw stretching and gentle resistance trai fo active Federal employees, brirbring conned lood j o 3 , :ations: * ^or a differeirentkindof lectlngblarilankctsforlow- , m iu'u■tt sitaa’? Something ) a.m. at several Magic Valley locatii and homeless fami- thatt isis, tinlque to the area and . Item for Salvation Army andId $$10 Blit lor ( ; s(ym, | „ Gooding ISDB gym. Jerome Rec experience, Ninline Inch Nalls income ani /cU as blankets, thatt ntayni take people by stir- Chinese Auction (opiionel).1.733.9477. er, Shoshone High (old gym). Rupert» i t Civic ond'lire Bugperform pc at 8 lies, as well ; bags and baby blan- prise?x? E-mail I meal Oooding Uon's Club meeting,n«, lor men ond 5 ^ , Blaine bIj County Campus Gym andJ Rlnier P-ni. at the Idaliaho Center, sleeping bo )crsforkldslhrou^i, patmQm&magicvaliey.com. women interested In IdentifylrJlylns ond meeting lontary: 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Buhl 16200 Idaho ::entcrCe Blvd. in kct sleeper needs in the community, 6> p.ip.m.. Sally's. Main niddle „,u school gym; snd 11:30 a.m.m. 1to Street, now members welcom:eme, 934-4141. 1 9 .30 0 p.m.r at C.S.I. Burley Outreach CeiCcnter IWln Falls Chess Club/Magtetglc Valley C heu no ‘ cost. 732-6475. Club meeting, 6 to 9:30 p.m.).m.. Barnes i Noble . ^ , ;id ,i Fail| Proof Exercls« Class, 10 tot o : l l P p i t Booksellers, 1239 Polelinee RiRoad. Twin ftlls. , Blaine01 County Senior Connection,)n,721S. i F C ll _ (208) 733^186 or MOL®q.Ci*q.com. Av 1 Ave.. Hailey, no cost. 737-5988. olvcd \vidi the letters. But Civil Air Patrol. 7 p.m., Burleyirley Airport, 678- Rt and 1 ■30 to Cortta«dln»iMpageAl But Stevens Ste said he is resoivt Id Fail Proof Exercise Class, 10:30 lat bothered how die whethether there'll bc furihot-. • ■ 0043 Of 87S«880. Iric., 310 'Vlth unlawfulul weapon' will soiiiewhat 11'301lO a.m.. Ageless Senior Citizens. Iric cussion "is up to Mr... Syringa Uons Club, 7:30 p.m.}.m.. United Methodist Main Si 59g8 . be deleted onor the original issue, as1 he he secs It. has moved discus 1 St. N.. Kimberly, no cost, 737-598J warning for shooting Sicvenvens," Moore said. "Froro,, Church meeting room, 6055 H St., Rupert, 436- silvarSnrStMakera Fitness Program, innovatovatlve warning pricrior to being from a wa big gamene with on unlawful my’ si standpoint, hopefully,. 9862. else program designed specifically[ly forfi archived." exercisi 1 to a tag and posses- we’ll'II have successfully icare bencriciaries' unique healthhand at phys- iiem was > removed weapon lo py faxed lo the sion Issue.je . rcsolvjolvcd most of his concerns W VEffli aBEIT E “c e Cneeds’, 11:15 a.m. to noon. Twin, FallsFai • from the cop> 1 (or Timcs-Ncws. aUo on “Person;onally, I still think withtlh this (Dcc. 3) letier.” jnora, 8:30 a.m.. .YMCA,:a, 1751 EilMbeth Blvd.. no cost for Lincoln County commltalonai and $5 per •Wednesday. Another /' item, tliey shou'ould return die cat." WluVlien asked if he was sails- courthouse, 111 W. B, Shosiloshone. 886-2173. . Humanlana-insured or YMCA members and fiedci with the decision, s for non-insured. 733-4384. that Stevens hadh; been hum* he said. l\^ n ftllt County commltslouionera, 8:30 a.m., class f( c said it was never an Stcvervens said tlial for the most nd Fall Proof Exercise Class, 1:3030 p.m..i wafcrfoiv}wl without n Moore s courthouse, 425 Shoshone(ieSt.N.,736-J068. S Fit and >hethcr Stevens shot partrt h he was — "if they stay t lounge. Woodstone Assisted Living^Ing fiJcility, f^dtideral stamp. Issue whc Camat County commlaalonerHiera, 9 a.m.. court- 1° he warning cita* the cat InIn: self-defense. Il was tm ee t 66:45:< p.m. _ house, 715 G St., Rupert,t, 4:436-7111. m eals]l served and 7 p.m. meetings, Twinrwin Falls - C f o f AJ ______Twin Falls City Council, 55 p.ip.m., council cham- • Refornormed Church, 1631 Grandview DrivDrive N., O I C I I . V . ner of Grandview Drive North ond Pt bers, 305 Third Ave. E., 735735-7274. (cornei c»fa«ii™,piipigBAl perccntt mrr erit raises and a 3 ly the the lawmakers will make Ketchum Planning and ZonIroningCommlaion, Road),Id), 733«128. I increase in the salary dicdcB decision, J lammon said. HD Parent Support Group, for parerarents ol om dals havee said that given pcrcent in 5:30 p.m., City Hall. 480I E. Ave. N„ 726-7801. AO/HO or state workers. *If “If we are in a position dren wilh Attention Deficit/Hyperactiractivity the cconomy.y. they would not range for: Hailey City Council, 6 p.m.,n.. ICity Hail, 115 Main chiidre cly with another Hammcmon said state ana- whcrcicre salaries arc going up Disordorder. 6:30 p.m.. UNC, 1182 Eastlaistiand Dr. move quickly St. S.. 78&4221. plan to makece state cmloyees 'lysis re are expected to com- incrctcrcmcnlally slower, wc Ing Commission, 6:30 N..SteSte. C, Twin Fails. 733-1712. Hailey Planning and Zoning! pay m orc for fo their health pletcanein econom ic forecast in haveve 101 bc cognizant of dial irst Ave. S.. 788-5570. p.m., courthouse, 206 First bencdts, ancnother step to the next« twot vnscks a nd that andd maybe n make sure wc link Buhi City Council, 7 p.m.,., cccouncil chambers, TODAY’S DEADUNE more closelyy mirror the pri- he'll revic'view it and'm ake a rcc* withth Ihat,” said Otter 203 Broadway Ave. N.. 543->43-5650. okcsman Jon Hanian. ervatlon deadline for Dec. 9 TWentlisntleth vate sector, ommcndindadon to Otter. Ttie spoke Camaa County School Boardoard, 7 p.m., high Ve’re trying to level the ittury Club meeting, musical Christn•istmas pro- Last year,, ta salary survey forecast5t and1 recommcnda* "We’ri school, 610 Soldier Road,d. Fairfield.F 764-2242. oying field wilh die private m presented by Becka Stonemets.ts. nc»on.r showed slatlate em ployees’ ! ilon ill will be available, to die playir Dietrich City Council, 7 p.mp.m.. City Hail. 103 S. jram i ctor. (Otter) believes wc rm's Catering Room, 827 Main St.;t. WW., Twin salaries werecanavcrageoflS t public In In die first week fo sccto Main. 544-2102. »d a muld-year approach Is. 733-2552. percent behlnilnd markei sa la ^ lanuary,y, he1: said. need Hansen City Council, 7 p.m.i.m.. city Hall, 388 rates and thaliai Idaho’s salary The governor’s go oflice will togel gel whcrc wc need to." • Main, 423-5158. «i, Vh« structure wasas as much as 10 make Its Its recommendation The Thi state has roughly- ’ Jerome County Planning Commiuion,Coi 7 p.m. To havilave an event listed, please submit ;,000 employees. Including- rtn timo pcrcent bchlrilnd market rates, on salariarics and benefits to 26,00 courthouse, 300 N. Lincoln,:oin, 324-9116. namene of the event, a brief description, recom m ended 5 the LcgisIgisiaiurc, b ut ultimate- univeliverslty employees. Richfield City Council, 7 p.np.m., city offico, 180 place.ce. cost and contact number to ILTne-Suz- •I ” "•■port-. yv. Uneoln, 487-2755. Brovffi)vme by e-mail at sbrowne^magicvaicvalley.com: Vkliey School Board (Eden^en4l8zeltoo), 7 p.m., by fax.fax 7344538; or by maii, Times-Nej-News, T ,T * media center, 882 Valleyy RoadRc S., 829-5333. ro.Box .6 o 548. Twin Fails. ID 83303054£ e ______School Board,, 7 1p.m., administration beadiadiina Is noon, four days in advanceinceofthe^ iVKimc U lK f ^ . 2 0 1 Main Ave. W„ 7:733^900. eventjnt. npacsAl Countyy onlyc paid $8,028 of “That’s “Tl what I conccded to rccxamlnebolothKimc's permit Kime'si Ilegal fees. About a year yec ago before irial,’’ he and tlic naoizonc application. $13,00010 more were denied said,lid. "Here wc made ail dils He also ruledi:d that the county bccausesc the Judge did nol lime,me, and he’s still down to 99 would pay Kir: Mcxico is the dcadladllcst text,' analysis o r invcstlga- im Martinez, screameim ed as shc off all the paparties," Paul said, suit wa s to bc tion. In most placeices, jour- looked out thehe kitchcn “Mr. Klme gotgc what h e want- Montgorgomcry widi Lecd sold ^ a c e in the Am ericas tc Nate I'oppino may be ajournallsi, and amonging the nalists don't even rcrcport on window. Shc sawiw her hus- cd. and IJnciicoln County gol a die samiimc diing and pointed Nt hat die “rl^t-to-farm" rniacached at 208-735-3237 or ({cadllcst in the woworid. - killings they witnesscss. band's head bentnt ddown and few conflrmanations of our pro- out that : is in die development npo/[email protected]. ■phe New York-ba•based Ciudad luarcz., NMexico's thought he wasIS ssearching cedun:s, andnd' die subdivision clause is ments for Grecncui’s StaffSti writer Ariel Hansen C om m ittee to Proi’rotcct bloodiest city withith about for his cell p honene tto call his got approvedcd, albeit a bit late.* agn^cmc vntributeti to this report. loum aiists says at Icasieast 24 1,400 deaths this year.y«; Is an new spaper to report re; the Records show Lincoln other foifour phases. cont have b een killed since sl exception. Merc jouiournaiists gunshots, 2000, and seven haveIC vvan- continue to covcrr the(I daily Then shc realrealized he ished in the past ththree deaths, withoutit using wasn’t moving,ng. T heir years. bylines or photo ccredits. n daughter was shshaking In JTIU U>e_ I ______M any of the victimsus had Many use differeercn t cars the scat next to>him. hii . .. rcccnily reported onI policcpo and routes to get•t to1 work Martinez ranin o ut an d Comm edfnimx n p v A l IHI tics to cnrtcis. Somen c arc each day. A few wreei9(ia>iR*brtnlO«n Learn abo I fnr otkm ud al t loed rtttivttairatt ts a cook. NmnHOSpm...... n...TjS'inD M umttumi NewHiHnnp videsfoodfJ for their meals, u an n n M u ...... mn aa iMrmNmnrsai^wiso. Food doilonalions from the In Julyily and it renamed diaidian at the cenicr. NeMOcmts...... „,WSSMn «inr«(MSl«(.l«nr«.t>rl Transition'in Center, communif>ifv also help feed NcwH<’ Hope IVansition Center. At A 68, he works on counsel­ iMenucfta...... e7»n01er PutUCnSK.lMHMrrOlLa r’s residents. WiUliiliiam Smith, a resident ing Ing younger men to succeed ...... 67MM367 s e rie so f I KajftwklrahCtuvSxNu ...78 OOculQljiMcaRrrcmowapS'JSSr one of a si ntcr faced possible sincee FFebruary, has seen his and anc avoid the mistakes he AMOmSM SMcntC-tOttf n u n Cede. organlzatiotions that closure earlirlier this year when llfeimfmprove at die cenicr. made. ma IbMulMMWtBMHrtfa ... n icr owner put ihc Heaa came lo die center after help this ■ [5s,,'?;"™ "It has enabled m e lo findI cuaivDs ^ n«Oi»*d»»»oi»rtiicrWX E S you can hf - formerly callcd spcndliidlng 10 months in-jail peace pc: of mind," Smith said off ...... mmi lnpe — up for sale, for a1 drug-relatedd offense in theIhc center. "It has alsQj niiieiiW»»OrBftHMflB ...73 Chrlstman a s in a I’nn ot iini l; ul Maggie Davis of Blainene County. He’s now cncouniged unc me to Improve MUC CwiflfteMMUicc'ai*!'*' video inte:iterview, Kiughi the property workinking part-time as a cuslo- my life." ...... rJS-UOfr W I03,t«.343 4 tlopday,D»ca«bif«,2008 A3 ',M pn,M iFA ,H ibo LOCAL m tB ive th ain fe c c ■ H Magicvallilley.com. M y BuW’sK-Kidsholl o l d kTCH: a Video Story | H I canned food dri\r i v e abouout the Buhl stu- dentmts. r ■ 'ftBW rKoeli TlnwfrWww corretpoodentMrt___ ^ be helping the th community. JAKEERS Thefood.lsst:staying here and It saddens 8:year*;ar>old the Is; having a local b a r a n d GRILL G MakenaBybceiothlnksok s o m e ' impact." Id parent volun* o f her peers m ay go withrithout teer April ]ayr,ynes. _ lunas. food or gifts this Christm The club Is also gathering I Bybee, a third-gradeitder at sllghtly-used';d' coats, gloves ^Jaker'sGififtCards lentary Popplewcll Element and other wiwarm outerwear . .School in Buhl, Is hoplr>plng a for childrenI a n d adults alike, canned food drive spon- sp said ds liaison and 2 ^ . l' sored by the K-Kids CluClub is Klwanls Club member 'S? able to collcct enough ffood MicheUePatoIto o f Buhl. i items to help people In her m m m m ire a lot of stu- I 'community. dents In thele club this year, of Buhl About 10 percent o f I which Is cxc:xciting. Last year families were living inI pover-po So Here's thelie Deal... i we aboiout 25 members ty, according to 2000)0 U.S. i and this ear wc have over Census statistics. 70 members;rs; this club has a people or Every $100 in Gift: CardsC Purcliased, , "It's bad that som e pe' lot poterential for doing can’t afford to buy foo. It some at things," Palo Receive a $ 25 Giftm Card FREE! makes me feel kind of sad,"s said. r Bybee said. Is hOjloping parents of Bybee, secretary offth th e K - K-Klds Lib members are To get this dealde call, Kids, said she hopes stu- Inspired log!i get involved with lembers goonnneorjuslust drop by. denis who aren't mem the lis Club, which ' will-participate In thele ddri m eets lOon, W ednesdays itudents . In order to excite all stud atthcEICaz;iizador restaurant, e Buhl 733-8401100 at I'the school, the I way Ave. S. parent llSBroadwa www.Jakers.irs.com Klwanls Club — the pt think too many neniary club to the elemer c aware of what ^ 3 award people are 1598 Bkic U tes Bh^l¥d.N ,1W n falls group — is going to a' iKMr«tk*TMim Klwanls IsI or o what wc do," V *** classes that bring In iplmfl EkBMtsiy Sdwol MOds CfaibfaibldckedoRttt I Pato said. "I“The morc mcm- m ost item s w ith a jolzza Ttaiidiyi tb# Popph ■ cuMd food M n . Dull■TtaftbtdiblMiti«UdsdMerat«d itadaChriitmis bers'we ha\lave the m orc wc party. i- “It’s going to be a funLin thingt trHffcrtvOrMpt^n e t >p Hs iiMt fbr Bibri i p e o ^rMfbtUcbt Nj canaccompi n w t i l n ^ Qd drive Is the M |||| ll and I h ope we collecttalotof a I Parade.Htn,A»tyPriPite, 8, a ueond^fridK It tbt Kbeoi,ee L n sU sh largest K-K-Klds-sponsored ^ p || I. food," Bybee said. dMorttivtlMtne. actlvlty of th After the drive wrapraps up the need is ------Dec. 16, item s collectec:ted will holiday food baskeikets. dow nturn, th e I >c even greater Blair Kochch may be reachcd H H | be taken to the Westest End Last year, the associationas expected to be e s. at 20B-ig.316-260? or B O n Ministerial Associalciatlon’s filled 175 foodd and toy this Christmas, t lat th e kids will blalrkoch&g, food bank and dispersiersed in requesis. With thele (econom ic “It's neat th a t i Nppct, 7 3 4 - 2 9 0 0 f Ji0ti:i6tl»strttt-B«ri*y J60F«ll»Av#.TWInFa1l» ^ fetchuLim group (Mefe^deftmwfj I m m a a Building) (AaciifromCSI) r t » e i r > c i s

a d d r e ssses ! modeem

f o o d piractices r

By Kmn Bostick Fassino dressed two man- mient nequins oilisldeIc hom e s * 5 0 ~ — on Elkhom'Roadad in plastic • The frost w as alreaircady on bags and strunging reusable thepumpkln, but thatdat didn’t bags on a stringog alongside. stop 100 people w ho10 ccrowd- urging passers-bs-by to help W jBjwM Il cd‘into the audltorliorlum of themselves, Cheaper I f sd out a hun- I •' ‘ P<^ers Ketchum's Comnm m unity “We've handed KUDfl far." Fassino D IS C O U N T EYEWEARE Library from exploringinginno- dred bags so fa« Kt M BalU co M « d Mebai^ ould gain said. ’ KitebMtttUtKtl vative ways th (^ coul< Iw irtlMdiif I Mrfimet ia ScotMad. B l a m ore control over whsAThatthey Judd M cMaharu n of Wood enubriloacftarii eat. River OrganicsI InL Bellevue "Every tim e w c shishop for said he hasn'tt gotteng rich food, we cast a vote,Dte," said raising pesticideIde-free pro- Ketchum architectICt Dale duce, but his life h as been , Bates, noting th at footfood trav* enriched. W henn at hailstorm d s a n average o f 2,00C000 miles knocked him out'ut of business from farm to table.. ‘V"We just for a ’couple of weeks last saw a film about howljwltt^es summer, severi'erd people one gallon'of oll.to) piproduce pressed a few billsbl into hU ' one pound o f be e f....,..; Do we hand at a farmer’! market: want' to hprt the erenviron- "They said, 'Tl■This U w hat ment by supportingIng prac- we would have/e spent urith . . l u e it any- tices that poison o ur airi an d you this week. ,T ' - water? Or do we vrantml to1 sup- way,’" he recountinied. port o ur heallh?" Dick Springs, who began The discussion wasvas o ne of raising chlckcn:cns and her* a scHes .of ongoingig discusi-i Itage pigs a n d1 lamb It on his slons organized by a new Wood River Naivlatural Foods grassroou Ketchumm organl*< farm near Ganninnett. said he zation called Comiimmunity thinks Americaa isi making a Rising., The group isIs ppart of a shift avray from>m large a ^ - m ovem ent w ith ori|ori^ns In cultural modeldels to the Great Britain. European m odeldel of 200-acre The idea, said BaKBates, w ho farms. * co-founded th e localical group "Right now It' tough for w ith his wife, Peggyggy Bates, little guys likeike m yself to and Ketchum archiieiiltect Elron m ake a living,"," heti said. "But Schofleld, is to encencourage If just 10,000 o ol f th e 20,000 ■ ^ ■ ^ 1 communities to thiniliink about people who Uve/elnthls.coun* I cally, vre would ^ how to deal with challengescht ty shopped local RntyM(wr BIM flnUfhttn « m wrf owrVtr minimum waft. In fad o f econom ic a n d .e.ecological o ' do quite well." Jurtdv#vtr $10 m hout Earn mon Oit wmmtrvvMltitaylngnttun / J nature. • In relaKated efforts, wtth year pacn. Mitilng vKMkadon and HdclMVt and f m -We started byjy asking, Ketchum hass beent recog- ; ouideon. M n Ul at en t e( our 0OptnHoiMf | for hdp wtth M How is our tovm1 ggoing to nized by thet B British-based thioMMbM appBotlon and tht chanc*tiotM tc ttlhtrtghlptef^ M m survive high gasas prices? TVansltion Townw n Networic as wtiecaican MtMW your quettora. A What are we goingng to do if the third ofBdiIdol transition shipping food fronrom Chile town in the UiUnited States ■ Ijccomes unfeasibleIble?" said after Boulder.•r, Colo., and Bates. "...O)ur ur lifestyle. Sandpoint. OONTSlm u wlflchange.The qu(quesdoQis Atransltlontot town is a com- S C T S U N M ^ ^ how?’ munlty thatt commits( to f M . m lan for cUmaie A few Communlt]nlty Rising devising a plan rin IWln M t: started a change and peakpes oil—w hen PaetmetmbarlHnOmhoM: DKenbfnbtr16lntwtoy: JanuaiyTIn members also stt H rv'iM IlMOWrtctiktO ffkt bag” cam- global oil prodioducdon peaks iiMMHrtYM F BlMHr "bring your own ba lOvtrtmdAMnM MMWrnbt palgn, encouragingJig the use and begins todi>dedlne. 400«OWulPftrMt MMO »-l:00pjn. 4M-I.iM p jn . ArOO-iOOf of cloth grocery bagstags Instead To leam moinore about the 4tO(Vl ofpaperandplasdc.[tic. Com m unity RisingRls program. To encourage thal tha effort, visit wvw.ftv.communlty- \ ^ Keichum residentent Diana ilsing.com. ESPRJTCONSTRUCTlt Il io r5 ^ "M WwwiMipritgttBgtfccon

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M lloiidiy.D»wi*ir>,20M LOCAL______™ 1 Local bem[lefithdpssothersaccountry aiway T.FJ[Council to0 discuss ByBUirKoch Is Avenue projectp Tlma»New» correspondflnt wmm lals to slow traffic. FILER — In Colonel.icl. P r o j e c t t h a s Ity omcials have said Mexico, It isn’l uncom m onIto to s Avenue West needs to spot homes craftcd withith s p a i k e;e c d o u t c r y • en becausc it’s an "artc- cardboard or scrap wood,3d, strcet” — streets of said Tim Chondlcr. postor of f i r o m ll o o ' c a l r e s i d e n t s er priority arc consld* ian Filer's In 1 lis Nnmc Christian BylndS.1S.HopUn ered1 "collectors.""c The work Fellowship. Gelling enough T1me»N>wiowtwrtter______couldId cost morc than S2 to cat in Colonel, especially millionlion, and begin around for children, is also a chal­S. The Twin Falls City 2015,5, cityc docum ents have lenge. I is scheduled shown,wn. aiandlcr's congrcgalion is tonight to hear an update AlsoIso on the agcpda: dedlcaicd lo aileviating someme on the widening of Fails • ConsiderationCo to allow of ihat burden. Avenue West, a project not the city ci to apply for a In For the past two years, In expcctcd•d to begin construc- S<10,00i1,000 grant from the His Name has been raisinging tion forI sevet^ years but Idahoho D epartm ent of del money to build Casa del hasha already drawn Envirorironm cntal Q uality to let, Panan ouircach in Colonel, h opposition from helpp rcduccn the estimated which will provide food to homcownwners. S170.0(0,000 cost of upgrading those in need. opeipen house with resi* ihc city'scli] water facility plan. “The area is ogriculturaltra! dents wasvas held W ednesday • A 6t p.m. public hearing and the people make very lit­lit- Mm i M nnd prcsi•esentations will be on fees for sign perm its and lid. tle money,” Chandler suid. tuuincH Dy city officials and enforcbrcem ent. The City 'Once children are 9 or 10!JJ DaaiellePatroRe,aiw(nberofroflnHi>NameCbrittlanF. anda il Involved in the fumundraiser.' church's long- ng support o f two dozciyzen people signed a m entfnc (hnsugti( 2030. teered time and baked good.sods makes m e grateful forrwhatl w she said. "Wc allII s share a include ongoing md the people- peiillonn > opposing a four- City:ity Council meetings to selL Wliile jusl a few h uun- n ­ do have," said voluiluntecr responsibility to lakeakc care of Casa del I’an ani •xico. lane roadlad. Some said they’d bej^nj^n at 5 p.m. at 305 Tlilrd dred dollars was expectedJ tc10 Danielle Patrone. 14, also ali of people less fortunateste Ithan w e In Colonel, Mcxi ...... be comfonfortablc w ith a mid- Ave. E.E and arc open lo the be raised, every little bll goes[ocs- Filer. are." nay be rvachcd dle*turnlirnlng lane or street publicbllc. u long way, said voiuntceiteer Palronc’s grandmom other, Chandler said h e elo looks for- BUiir Koch ma 6-2607 or lieity Moorman. Teddy Keeton, owns5 ILion’s ward lo the constru’itructlon of at 208-3I6- “These people arc verycry. Gaie Gallery. She saidd being I Casa del Pan. The facilityfac: will hlairkoch&nmitii(liLcom. Jenromeman1 injured STH DISTRICT CO:OUKTNEWS

(ailuro to purchase/invalidiiiddrtvert dl stop/lews the sccneM»o( an Occident; i n ^ Rcccnt octMty In Stn Oistnct Court inIn months prctoation. Vendeii; license: $200 (ine, $1000 sususpended; dismissed tjy (losea ATV crash1 Sunday Twin fiinj County included tlw tollffw-j«- Gcra/doAlvcrB2<>a8Bar.26.WciK mg; dnvir^wlhoutorMlcgCS: $500:00 fine. $75.50 costs: Ove days1 Jail,)oil, (our sus- ils County Staff Sgt. Perry osts:$7S pendod. credit (or limo sentserved: three FQONYSOdSNTENCtNOS Tltnes-NotiNowb______Falls C $300 suspended; $90.50 costs Bamhmhill said. Me was con* pubiK defender fee; 180 daysystall, )i 174 ■ months probation. James A. Owfrgs, 22.'!2.TWlnRHl8; (allure TWIN BOIS COUHIY oflender; ftvo ytars AJcrorrom e m an was trans- sciouslous but injured and llfe- reiOAYARRAiaNMENT- suspended, credil (cf time scm««d:dfh^ Robert J.Bolswt IB, Twinwin FFalls; pos- to register as s n ofli Raymond L Alger. 46, Twin fttlls; vtoio-Ola- ing prMlegcs suspended IBOctQ(M ;24 session o( drug paraphernalemalia;S500 penitentiary; one yoawdetcrmmate; ported1 to th e hospital Iliglitt?ltted lo St. Luke's Magic $85.50 costs: four years rndetermrn lion of a pnucUon order, obstnjctinfiUng (a months probation. r>ne. $300 suspended; $85. Sundayaly after he was injured Valleyllcy Mcdical Center, Odaysjail.90 costs; $250 public d poila officer: $1,000 t>ond; W j,33 Brody C.Meekhol. 18. Murtjweh two days work detail: 90 dai rash while riding his Bamliimhlll said. iprobatlon;no current wtui GoodingIr< County cases. In a cras prctrUI; public dafender oppdnied3 log wtthout p rM lc g es;^ fine(lno.$300 suspended: 12 months prot •rain vehiclc near ThcATVwas The found aboul suspended: $90.50 costs: 90 daysc alcohol: $277.89 resututlonuuon. JoeR.MaltosJr..26.fl. Twin Wis; Ir^ury all-terrai ^penrtentiary: Hagermam an, police said. 1500 feetfi beyond Skidmore DRIVWO UNOER THE jail. 88 suspended, credit (orirtkne tin Zachary R, Balanay. 18, TwmTwm foils: petit to children; eigm yea iO suspended: (our years detarnimainate: four years At ' about at 2:30 p.m. stucklick in a tree, Barnhill INFUIENCESENTCNCINQS served; hw days wortt detail;IllttMng O theft: $1,000 fine. *700 su Michael C. Smith. 29. Bellevw; drivingIving prMieges suspended 160 days:lays: 12 $75.60 cosu: 180 doysfS JailJail, 160 sus- rndetermrnate; $ U ( ne Skidmore was rid* said.Id. urxJerihoWlueoc#: $500 fine. S300,300 months probation, pended. credit for threeidaysserved; day costs: Judge granted Is ATV^Iong Sailor Skidmore, Skii who police tlon; sentenced to 1) suspended: i90.50 costs: 90 doyslys John R. Wrobel.44. Mn Falls:s: onoo 24 months probation, Road w hen h e w ent descr:iscrlbcd as about 30 years jes. hw or Justin L Smith. 30. Kimberlyibeny;(elony se

The Henett Fomrum I Asthrrhma & Allergy of Idahc10 presenis . ' K RIchaihard Henry, M.D., Boalard Certified Betilng u p th e Prcsldent-clicicct Barack Of du est argument for B y coming power•r and first m eedng betvjctwcen these Obama —- outspokenly ' In the best t should've been . Oklahoma was a doncrs. said, speakingg o f Florida’s 49 points a1 gamg e In die nine toughesiicst division — Ten years later, b Jan. ]i 8 In Oklahoma, whidhich bounced games. er, whlc standings. \ Miami-. . back from a lossDSS In O ctobcr O ther teams tci had their BCSstai e final DCS toTbxas. chances thisils season, and also ■ As expected, the fl esee BCS, P a g eA 6 ^ ^ ^ | I standings had Oklaldahom a at TWo team s vrith urlt one loss finished with w one loss: Please si I ] mm BI ^rBovri . ^iP P i'3 After missing a ; .'lhananistdiiDbftii^'^i' | H | B | tfflgSsVij^ n l a ' ch an ce tcto play for a doU-tac ^than/^'Six' nadonal title,t Alabama 'theFla Is headedsd to th e Sugar 'T b c u i ; I Bowl to fiface tinbeatcn ;'on)n a^ ^ iripvto' Utah. >io. 4 Crimson Tide (12*1:*1) was on top '.onliCkOldiUu^^wbli^H h ^^aab)u>V.' of the rananklngs undl a ! plsyMtheBGS tid e f ^ B i 31-20 lossss to Florida. <-

STLING PREVVIEW T w i n F a l l s w r e s ' BroncosI to play TCU inI Bruinisb acltkform (tore staitem eiidals Poinsettia c By Bradley Gab T1me»Uew» writer BowlI Dabcstani (oolook over the ByDnitiaUprayB] TWin rails High Schoolool wrestling program five seasons5 Qfago, and the V . ^ K | results cach Februaryy Ciconltlnuc to BOISE — The No. ,9 Boiseisc impress. Sincc 2003, IWiTWin Falls has State Broncos arc now offi­ffi. • qualified anywhere fron flvc cially the remainder of theh e wresilers lo ihe Classt 5A state tour* Bowl Championship equa­IB* noment wilh many brirbringing home tion. The N a 10 Ohio StateIte medals. Buckeyes jumped BSU andnd During the 2007-08{wrestling WI sea* will play Texas in die Fiestasta son. 10 Bruins m ade the state tour- Bowl. That leaves theho nameni and seven placcaced in the top Broncos (12-0) with an ar fi.’Oftliose 10, th e Druln:ulns will return acceptcd Invl*^^^^ fouTwrcsdcrs that werc/CTfs state plac- tadon to play^^^^^^ ■ ers and anodier threee thatth qualified T c X a for the event. Three of last1 season’s I C h r i s t i a n placers —iflao t Martlrirtlnez, Chancc University I n ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ V ilequa and Grayson StcStone — have the San D lcgo*^^^^ graduated. County Crcdlt Urdon\I There's no doubt to coach Polnsciila Bowl Dec. 23 aat Dabestanl's asscssmern e n t the Qualcom Siadlum In Sar;an m lddlew clghts will bibe the most Diego. competitive bunch as "Our prediction cam»me returning slate placersers wrestled at true,” DSU head coach Chri:iris 125 through 152 pound: Petersen said. ”Wc kepspt “WeTl have a fu lineup,” telling our team all year lon|mg Dabcstani said. "In1 sosi m e the that Ifwe took carc of buslisl* mlddlewclghts, we'll hihave thrcc or ness we'd be playing somene- four. I can tell you thtthat overall — where good, and playingI i a a n d I don’t like to makelake pro]cctions ■ Tlgreat opponent and tho»3 sc — but they’re strongtngcr than two ____ Cly ifthi1MiF>li»|kSdteol>reftS«lIk le«i frKtka aoM aaM m niTtandayaftanooiastteifbytoh 71 two things have dcflnltcl: years ago” when M>Martinez and wweneiii com e forih.” Stone werc runners*irs*up in their tWrantbifM fBNl S No. 11 TCU (10*2) playet weight classes. c Vrt) ”Salld” — a type of throww that he andarcbacktoc In the Pobiscttia bowl twi Todd Anderson hadad the best fin- to the top.p. '! Byears ago, beadng N ortherem nnlng th e ISO* Will Kcctcetcr. a junior, placcd third thinks tl wrill help him In his h stale If diesc Bruir tl Ish last season, winni for their first shi Illinois 37-7. The Broncocos pound championship[lip as a frcsh- a t 125 but)Ut will wresUe at 135 this quest. q B /idl Zak Slotten cam e in flftlifth at 152 Dabestanl's top w on die only m eedng witl m an. Ke will move up to 140, and season; HeHe said h is goals arc to get wthe Homed Frogs, 34-31 IIn b ut will b u m p up to 160 thhis i winter, sm art. TWin Ft he said that he expcciiccts to wfin an In top shaplapc-ond im prove his holds b B w l. He said that good defensem: g ot him m any m ore tl th e 2003 f tr th W orth Bow individual title againain-and knows Inordertoto peak at district and state h B jwi. to the medal podium, antmd added B ruins will bc In last year’s Poinsettia Bow what it takes to do0 It:l( ‘ lust work toum amlen er t time. ti aUtah beat Navy 35-32. that he'll need to stay offfT the bot* Gooding tomon hard a practice." Tyicr HIHlne lost the thlrd-placc tl imc tom m ore if he waiits to bbroach r th e ------Utah's win bi that gam Anderson's strengthgth last season 135-poundind match to finish fourth, ti helped die Utcs b c ^ n die di top 3. Bradley Gulre was keeping the matclatch fast-paced. He saidhe he might d rop to 125 for his ti season ranked higher thahan Donovan Jones. Jordan SSt talcyand 208-73S-3229 o so takedowns and scrscrambling will senior seascason and th a t h e w ants to BSU. The Utes arc now plajlay- Justin Elmer all quolIQcdd for state ' ley.com. again be the keys to getting back work onn 'what the Bruins call a ) Ing Alabama in the th

Please see BSU, Page)A6 ^ Patriilots ra iIly p asttSeahaiwks2^

ByGitflEBdl off racc, Cossel waswa 26 of 44 m ate Delon BraiBranch. AMOcUrtedPfwi writerHer for 268 yards passasslng a nd a CasscI, lookln>klng m ore like touchdown, w ldi n o the guy who) had hi consccu- — Matttt (Cassel turnovers. tive 400-yardI papassing gam es ^ 1 '* * rallied the New England En The l>atriols IN | S ID E : than die one: PPit lttsbu^ har* tohoMthiirfUbMfora Patriots wAen they/ neededm forged a three* ried Into fourur turnoversi In d's 33*10 loss at him most. way tie for first Full ™ Na New England’s: New England'ss flH-ln place lh the roundup ” & hom e last weekcck. w as 5-for*8 ;o compete this season, quarlerback calmlyly :stared AFC East lead * o n die declslwIslve drive that iilns and diose vying dow n blitzes for co:comple* after Brandon ------Ijcgan wldi 8:47 8:4 left a t die shot at suite m aintain tions vrith his team'sVs playoffj Merlwea'ther P ttfiM New EnglandId 29.: He con- top goal of wrestling down throws to V n R M H chances in th e babalancc. sackcd Seneca verted third-dw Falls should qualify , Then Sammy Morrisrls 1leaped Wallace widi 1-34 I * left a n d lab ar Gaffneyney and Wes F this February. The ) caught a sea* i i W A into the end zonec fromfi 1 Richard Seymour)ur recovered Welker, who ct begin the season at yard on fourth dowr3wn with the fumble to dinllnchiL son-hi^ 12: passespa for 134 lorrow. 2:44 remaining and an< th e The New Yorkrk 1Jets lost at yards. P iM ij: fUrd catch o f the Patriots rallied paspast the San Frandsca. MiamiW beat Welker's third tire may be reached at ed a sUfT-arm of Bate StalaalHM«ai (411le0 a l..-: Seatde Seahawks 24-24-21 on Buffalo In Torontim ta All dircc d rh « Induded i 9 o r b^lre9rruigicifal- safety Brian Ru:Russell o n a 25- •MntftaracMhvttNtDick-*• i; Sunday. team s arc 8-5. the Seahawks 6. dmtkattMHanUirarita One week after flcflopping New Englandid withstood yard play to the > . ’; I later. Morris vrith four turnovers'crs In a the loss of four foi Injured Thrcc runs Ii WMmHiclaicya«MrMMiNd : iir left guard for SMtHtSirtlika«ta' laelqrBanafd (W pnnvi home loss to Pittsbun)urgh that starters on dcfciifcnse and a jumped in off I agMFreaM«ataliBala«.B.BSU : ^■iriiftecklt Matt Caaatlli Ika MkiM al ail p.i^t New Englandd con the rare two-touchdoidown rccelv* V M leatavii 11*10. former team* Please seeee P«IS,I Page A6 S a ^ , k SSaalik. t o ^ l d e tail o f the AF(AFC play* Ing day from for Mi I

HraiNMEa^Mriots aiNafbetbalpM Tlt»Hm,TW aFih,ldito M Moad«D*c«abw8.2l)08 S ro irrs litansclclinch firsistAFC N F lLS(X)]IREBOAI\SD NO^.nnnt7pMto««* Mm«a S Mi DM S M2, tDmaMit e M. f FuniWL ^ jut ae B. SS sincc 2002 In whal thcyho|hope Is the Centrex: ito stay firmly In — ‘I ? nrsi of many ^oals rcacJlached this playoff com}nlcntion. Chad »Tm i s s !!S !SJ5SS | season. Pennington comompleted 23 passes, Sm Kerry Collins threw twctwo touch- including hisi fl final' 1 1 attem pts. s liiliii downs, and Chris johnsonson ran for and hit Andtonyjny Fasano for a 20- “ KS-'J 3» = 13() yards and a scorc assthe th Titans yard touchdownwn as the Dolphins jgj- itss fjs Jisiss Z«-»aSiI3EiL«4 SS2S. “ T I s ’ ! : T routed the Cleveland Brovrowns2H-9. (D-5) w on forr I the sb(th time in gqmi a \ t \ isss ta ussss s [«oi»»“iSr' Sunday, dlnchinj? n sccoixond con- seven games. Qt-roOweMMJO. ^ ^ ^ Kt - secutive playoff berth1 wwith the _____ ; I»-4W»fMl>MSlMi J! ffiggStSS Ot T« passed for 28S yards iiiii.W 440 1« MO = u two-Kame lead with threiIiree to play Shaun Hill pai SS!S ! !! SSajS tsr .2^! S « S S U M ^ for homc'lleid advantageage in the and two toitciidihdowns against New __ Arc playoffs, clinchcd:d a first- York's porous; scsecondary, and the s s r ! i! isiW round bye, and cclcbn>brated by 49ers sent ihc1C AFC East-leading gg W ll 1 as... ! jg isa a jsiIfl 140 i *Mi i MO i ^g ir sccond straight m10 344 to cham ps in the NFC WesA^csi. Orleans kept alialive It slim playoff ^ S SS ilS 8JS as Bb C 1 s 1»(MN6-CMM. J.Wr«« »40. HMm Kurt Warner threw forr279yards„ 2‘ hopes. Thomasaas scored his first i i S i the defense scored twiccicc and the touchdown on a 7-yard screen S ^ i“ =Ji £ Oirdinals clinched theirir ffirst divi- early In the fourlurih quarter. He also ""““ ■ssssr s beating the scored the wlnnnnlng touchdown on ““'"■SIT^ sion title In 33 years by bcj (wn a 5-yard toss sweep,sw a score he scl s s s s S s , s woeful Rams. - up with his 8818-j-yard kickoff retum « CAGLES »),G(A((rSl'S14 after Matt Ryan’im ’s I2 -yardscram 6 Ie g £ I-AST nUTHEJU'OBD.D. N.J. — had given thehe Falcons a 25-22 jgj; s a S a s k g 'Hie Glanis finally foundd scsom e big- lead, sss&SJ ’i.’g 'A a : ger distraclions thanm Ploxlco I es: j s k s T Hurrcss: Donovan McNab>Jabb. Brian BEARS 23, JAGUARS 10 ^ SSSSSKS!? E — Danical Manning SBimnkwwwtoU wot k T bM sas.'ssfs.B S* Westbrook and the desperate di CHICAGO — " “ " ■ a i s a s s l-agles. set the tone for'or a strong defensive t»n(»e»ri«C»Oln«,t30pm t«i« ______Oj tl PMfm Mdion iiui they still clinchedsd ithe NFC effort with ann iearly interception, — Sunday’s NFL Boxn » KT.M 0 T 7 0 - M (S l:asi when Dallas lost 1 to and Desmondnd Clark and Greg 1 . 1 " j j ^ Olsen cauglit: touchdowlo n passes. __ Z te a Pittsburgh. s r “ “ a s 1.SS % ***“ M a s . I sK sssrr"'” rM«e>m ;; » U 5 1 6 C0US3S35,BEI«AIS3 “■ VIKINGS 20, UONS 11 sarisgfem .* s Din'HOIT — The Lions Lio took INDIANAPOI>OL1S — Peyton ^ - a KtHcM»Oiwift^Mao,aa4. h another big step towardard making Manning threwrew for three touch- gjj ssssatwasaa. " linic Rhodes ran for i«u Nl-L history.'ilie Uonsi (0-13)(0 hail downs, Domini , g 1S»3 U3M ey did in a one and cornerback co Kelvin m-i . cliances to win. ns they ^ I • s r “ “ 3^J 3S two-point loss al Minne:inesota, bul Hayden’s Intercercepilon return pro- gJJ iSsfejssr “ r ” ^ s s s a s a . ^ £ couldn’t make enough1 plays,pi just duced another,er. •*« a8rjrK S«!!sia t a s ? J S » s as tlicy have failed to throliroughouia . miscrjiblc season. TEXANS24i24,nwras2i ^ s GREEN BAY.'^Y.Wls. — Playing his FMtam ^ IT » ' wk,u.m% ------^ S^ H ti S SOYS 13 first game in a monthr because ofa tcm STEELERS 20, COWBOY ESSfwSJmOnS^Sipw Pl'lTSRUHGH — Deshea knee injury,r. quarterbacki Matt S »rJ s ^ : nanwMMMBiu. snuncM us. X a 25-yurd Schaub marchcchcdilicTexanstoset Jg Townsend scored on a =_=yii=’ s k ; • S * “ ! interception return w ith 1:40 up Kris Browm'ivn's 40-yard field goal Mr 5 SW& “•“"t s s b JSU. gCom Ml Omm 37t. KoirWi 2^. remaining as the Stecleiclers scored on the final piplay o f th e game. Il jm Mn >17. C«M U7. SanMM 14. their only iwo touchdowiowns 24 sec- was the seciecond straight late k s s m F sI r a s f t J s S i ’*" s onds apart to rally frorntn a 10-point defensive meltlelldown at home by ^ J . ^ dcdcii. the Packers (5(5-B). whose playoff ^ I hopes pretty’ muchm disappeared. {!g J i ! : S s s s i S B i - K E s r u . ' 3S £ I BRONCOS 24, CHIEFSEFS17 Itiaw W1.MM I pi-rafMH.24a DliNVmi — lay Cuticjtle r guided RAVENS>24,RESSHHS10 2^ MSSM-CMMMnoMMlUM'lTa ^ si : “ 3” ' 1 1 the Droncos on a tiebrcitjrcaking 95- BALTIMORERE — Ed Reed set up a ^ tSrarmiGMU-itaL gDiM>«.U.£rbSX.(T«kmi yard touchdown drive• eaearly In the touchdown wlwith an Interception ^ J ! fourtlt quarter andd 's and scorcd on a 22-yard fumble ba sr“ " mS sSi i ^ “ ” ■ 4 5 ,,- . defense stuffed ({uarterbcrback return, part of a stifling effort by 2 Itint Tliigpen on fourlh-and*gd-goal. the Baltimorero defense In a 24-10 [g is s tjtu.i4a3 L~!IZ!!I,L victory Sundaylayni^it. • _ ! DOLPHINS 16,BIUiIU S3 “ s TOIIONTO — Miailiam i took —TbeAssocbtedPrets sr “Tp”*: s 1 !sS * =55 5 S s . ^ S nari&SHiSSSSX ; i 1lilimiimmW ^ r ...... *Hda^ cs x ; ' “ BSU_ ------sMssi,’!!!™ s '*'"*" ! . i M- CoaUnuedfnxnpiteAS !SSSSI- ^ 3?i! • dlls time aroui□und." JS wrawisuTBits taAOMi ' n«a>a a u sPUSHNS-OMM. CMM 23tt Rgrne 14. Sugar Bowl. The H omedicd Frogs boasi one of «i-niftoMU.u£r^ , MINMIMl M J» COm IL «Mmai 14. Rntwpi. P«Mt For the Broncos, it ma;may not have the besl defenfcnses In the nation, a s a r “is i IMS. Heart M2. IMMMrto »17. been what they dreamc(med. btu it is multi-facetedJd a team," Kyle Wilson s« r z S -5 get to play one of the be«best teams in said. “Theyf pplay multiple styles ^ i the nation. Wlien youu klook at this and formationions.We'll b e prepared. ISSSffi. fj S mS 'S F “ ffi =3 game, it Is a BCS game,me. really. It’s We’ve seen a Ilot this season. We'll ® i liMM 22 taWt nlwn (Slow kktv ourstyle o fa BCS game.Tie." be prepared1 fcfor it." nssaz E I I IMQMMr The matchup ccrtairtainly looks There didn'iJn'l seem to be much g ” 4 I Pwa HU MU mbg(ii447.H9ifeI-ll.MlBl«. ■ better than at least onele oof the other disappolntmenent on the Broncos’ ui BCS games. Tlie Poinsinsettia Bowl part. They won wi all their games. S 3. 11 team s In That's all dieyley could do. •■------!S.U h d m S ^ — • ja«IMmUck1.t^ pits the No. 9 a nd No. I (W B WtwwwiWwBra*»Ul. i . b-HwnaeMtrcRintcceSKwrUOiL the nation. The Orangelge Bowl plops "TWo yearsirs ago wc were right w a x j ^ a z n i No. 12 Cincinalti agaitgainst No. 19 whcrc we neeleeded to be." Petereen S SBSSa'iMsaKl ! (WRI j Virginia Tecli. said. "ThreeL> yiyears ago nobody was ’iinz ^ s "They’re definitely a BCSI team," sjiying we wervere ever going to go to “ J S W 21^ Petersen said. ‘ I thii:hink alt the aBCSgame.VWe w ent there and w c' «• s s : " * “7 J S ?: S ' S k . r ^ coaches around tlie concoim try know were able to do well there. This I (C-rshflRJiS?^ that. We rcinember plaplaying them thing will con:ontinue to changc. As g Mo-WH»0ii«41.tS~ ISSKS“ 3.SS (Bn H (BU N.T. CWk C«ni( <7 (K the last lime in a tremendously trci long as weve keep progressing, P.M1Uwi(Pny>l»;dt g llglit ball game. Wc! thougluU wc building tillsis |program, taking care W-eooala U (Miinn TMpM M. pm Mt. BCSZZ ft iiX ContaiedframtiaceAS ished third in the defensive d coordina- ^ s 2 r i J M MU UI5 BCS a nd AP rankings tor ti in 1996. J s _ s «(W : . Oklahoma won thele and will play Ohio Sloops’ arrival In ^ _ I tiebreaker. TexasIS Slate in the Flesia Gainesville C camc a -i I protested. Bowl. year y after ihc Gators I “They w ent to a And who outside o f got g pounded 62-24 Pats____ system wc all agreed•d Texas would argue by I Nebraska In the upon before the sea­il- that this title gam e Is Fiesia 1 Bowl w ith the CarikMdfrantHCBAS q son." Sloops said. “If'If a dream matchup, national r title on the downs for Seattle (2-11).. line, faked o ut formerlyy Seattle led 14-10 alt som eone didn't Ukece with tons of enter- line. li the tl scorc. which lost for th e sbcthI retired Junior Scau andJ halftim e a n d h ad 187r It. ihey should havevv tainnient potential? The boost Ihe new WaUace, making the consecutive time and iss then went 63 yards.i. yards of offense, ass decided to change it "Oklahoma’s a tra- defensive c coordina- ninth r start of his sU-year off to Its w orst start since; Branch then tippedJ many as its had in three; before the season,n, dllional power just lor I provided was a carecr c bccausc Matt a franchise-worst 2-14I Wallace's 4-yard touch­- games this season — and rd have played,'d like l-lorida is now," perfect ] complement Hasselbeck’s I back is season In 1992. down pass to himselfIf despite Hasselbeckc by whatever ruleses said Steve Spurrier, to i Spurrier's Fun ‘N’ h 1: u rting again, w as 20- The Seahawks led 14-- with his outstretched leftft missing his sb(th game: they wanted to playay th e form er Claiors Gun. ( and the Gators for-28 f wllh 212 yards 13 late in the third quar­- hand to ^ v e ScatUe a 21 • with a back injury and1 b>." coach who brought won \ their first passing r and a career- ter when Branch caughtI 13 lead going Into thee fourth-fifths of thec Insicad. Icxas fin-n- Stoops on as his national i title. high-tying i three touch- a short pass on ih e side-- fourth quarter. offensive Une out. I SPORTS lloBdqiD8CM^B,a08 MA7 Knickss win 1004-92 toi• extend]Pistons’s’ Sunda)ly slump)

NEW YORK — Chrisiris Duhon h ad 25 scored1 20 21 points, Steve Blake madedc ai Canadian head coachh on Wednesday points and nine assists, ass Quentin clutchI 3-polntcr3- w ith 8 seconds leftleft, w hen he replaced Samm Mitchell on an Richardson scorcd 23, and New York and th16 e Portland I lYall Blazers spollecilled interim basis. blew m ost of a 29*poipoint lead before Torontoto coach Jay Trlano’s homt3m e K» York Kakb for- liolding o n to snap ao three-gametl los- ' debutwith wl a 96-97 E ctory on Sundayday. CELnCS122,PACEfXRSU7.0T nrdWiboaCkaHihrf son- —Ray Rl Alien scorcd - ' Ing streak. lemfiainc iai O’Neal scorcd a season (21)lsf»Biedlqr 24 an d blocked six shots and anc a scasoh-hlgh 35 poinis. po and the Wlison Cliandicr and Al Harrington high 24 MrottPWoufonnniltd hit key 3-polntcrs for)r tlthe Knlcks, w ho Chris Bosh Bc added 19 points, b utJt iit Celtics pushed tlicirkvlnnlng wl strcak to dropped the Piston::ons to 0-5 on wasn't; enoughei to give TViano his firstfirs 12 straight — their lonjngcst since 19^6. H | | H /lnlriolutM(2S|iaI ' Sundays. win. ■ Kevin G drnett hadd 17 points, 20 tlMi■th•fo•rthqu^;r- Harrington finishedcd with 18 points A baskisket by Brandon Roy pulled1 thithe rebounds and five sleticols, Paul Pierce iMOftMrNMbM- nnd Chandler had 17 forI the Knlcks, Blazers:s even c at 95-95 with 48 sccond:m ds had 17 poinis and elgii;iit rebounds and Utallkanart points for Boston who avoided their flrstrst four-gameI skid left, utbut Bosh stepped back to sinkn k ai Eddie House had 15 pQ IbdlseR Squre )t ju m p er w ith 27 scconds toJ gcgo. (20-2). of the season. DavidI Lc

|J\S VEGAS — The Las Vegas Bowl has State S playing in Bobe but:t tl those conversa- _ , J ^ at the Eldon EvEvans Expo Center. Tlte camjmp, bccome a yearly ritualual for No. 17 BYU, b u t for tions ti fizzled In the last week. flffT C which has a longlor tradition of offering greireal I Arizona, its first bowliwl iin a decade is already a Boih M aryland and Nevadcrada flnlshcd their WM Instruction atIt a an affordable pricc, featunires torts Sho for hitting, pitching, calchirling i • holiday treat. Slseasons at 7-5. The Terrapinsins were ranked at inslruction for ■d M«lc V*T UWt to nmt>9M |i( ‘ It's Just great to bcbe back1 in this kind of sit- one o point, but lost thrcc ofif ththeir last four to Hcte StM and infleldandind oulfleldplay. uation," A rizona AtAthletics Director lim dose c the regular season. Inform ation:■n: *732-6650 or 734-62B5. ' Uvengood said Sundaiday. "it's a great day lo be oMs spaghetti feed I a Wildcat." G o l f Jeromele boosters meet Monda;lay Nmberiyhok Tlie Wildcats, wholio ranki 16lh nationally In IT Club will KIMBERLY—’— Tlie Klmberiy wrestling teai•am scoring, won theirr wway Into the game by \Wie finally proves she1 JEROMIME — Tlte Jerome B ooster < b eating A rizona StalState 31-10 on Saturday , m eet atIt 7 p.m.. Monday, in Roonlom 101 at Is hosting its sccondsec annual spaghetti dinmincr night. Arizona (7-5,5-‘,5-4 Pac-lOConfcrcnce) Is 0beloi«sonLPGA Jerom erHigh 1^ School. fundraiser fromam 4:30-7:^0 p.m.. Dec. 17 at tlthe m aking Its first bowlwl appearancec sincc 1998, DAYTONA BEACH. Fla.. —- Michelle Wie Kimberly Highgh School commons area. TlThe ?c7 w hen it beat Ncbras)raska 23-20 the Holiday hhas been playing LPGA Tourjr eventse sincc shc Club CS^nyon/CSl volleyball cost is $7 perrr pperson, S4 for children age a n d includes spaghetti, salailad. Bowl. was In the seventh grade, drav and under, am BYU Is looking for three straight wins In galleries g becausc ofheryouths r s c a m p nnears brcad. coke andm d drink. The dinner coincidi Idogs’ flrst confercncc maiclih oi f four years playing thetht Las Vegas Bowl, after earning e little respect from pla;players because of lERON^>ME — The Club Canyon/C/College of with the Bulldo beating UCLA 17-1616 lastli year. her h preferential treatment. Southerr:rn Idaho W inter VolleyballI CCamp will the season agaigainst Filer and Buhl, held at 6 *We lovc com ingg totc Las Vegas," said BYU In th e 62 tournam ents shehe hasI played over bc held1 I Dec. 29-30 at the Jerom e RecreationRi p.m. Athletics Director Tonrom Holmoe. "The coach- the tl last seven years, Wle rcccicccived 53 excmp- Center.. TThe cost Is S60 and the cam(mp is limit- Information:'in: Tlisnuo Albriglit at 539-61B1B6. ing staff and the pla>ilayers deserve a trcmen- tions II or invitations. cd to 400 athletes.i dous amount of crccrredit for what they have The next tim e th e 19-year-car-old from Hawaii ScssloiIons will run from 9 a.m . to 1 p.m.r cach Local bavell■IVE team occompllshcd." tltees il up, shc finally can feel like shc day. embers Tlic C ougars (10-210-2. 6*2 M ountain West belongs. h Informrmation: llm Cartisser at 404-)4.27«). seeHng mem LI-S — The Southern Idalaho .Conference) flnlshcdicd third in the Mountain Wie opened with threec sstraight bogeys TWIN FALU u b is seeking girls 16-18 y e ars rs' of Wtist behind Utah amand TCU. before t settling down In blusiilustcry conditions Blllin LittleL Dribblets holds Sisignups v.n.^.,.au., ) and under traveling vollcybiball .'O rganizers said ticktickets to the Dcc. 20 gam e Sunday S for a 2*ovcr 74,I, eeasily finishing • club competes within llIhe were already sold out;3ut; am a ong th e top 20 players at lthe Q-school to TWINN FALLS-Tlie Bruin Uttlcle 1Dribblers team. The c iln Volleyball A ssociation a ur nd BYU a n d Arizonana have never faced one bccome t a card-carrying’ memberm of the camp is scheduled from 8 to0 10 a.m ., Interm ountain urnam eni play in mid Febniala ry another in a bowl game,gan b ut Arizona is 11-9- LPGATbur. I Dec. 30-0-31 for boys and giris inn igrades K will begin tourr 1 In 21 gam es again;alnsi BYU dating back to "It’s a good feeling.' WieVie said. “1 rcally througliil 3. The competition campup for boys of2009. in: lay Bride al 420-2524 or jajay- 1936. BYU won the:he last m eeting. 20-7 in earned c it. 1 Ic^timateiy wewem through Q- and girl.srl.s in grades 4 through 8 iss scijcduleds< Information: 1 days. The bridecpai^magliaglclink.com. 2007. sschool. I took my medicine,ne. And I got U. It from 1010 a.m. to noon the same cl ffeels good. It’s like high schoohool graduation." deadlinene lo register is Dcc. 28. This year’syi cam ps will be heldl alat O’Leary idaho Prep D N ^atofaceMMaiybndlnH-Boiri i I Basketball Higli School. Tlic cost is $3S30. which MAGIC VALL rt. The K-3 nOWS 1011111?] BOISE — The Roadoady’s H um anitarian Bowl cs a camp ball and T-shirt, ney LS — Idaho Prep Basketball will'w let homeiovvn Boisesc SlateS go free on Sunday CSIIioMs ( booster luiKlKcheoii • will "I perform at halftim e oifthe f t Bmin TWIN FALLS be found al hold youth louroum om ents Dcc. 13, Jan. 17 ma n d and instead will haveave Nevada play M aryland girls ganimc on Jan. 8. Forms can be Igh school. Feb. 14 for boyso y s a nd girls in grades 4-8 frorom in th e Dec. 30 bowl'1 gamgt e on th e blue turf. TWIN FALLS — The Colleallege of Southem' Donnclliiliey Sports or T\vln Falls High id Buhl. The undefeated BrcBroncos, ranked No. 9 this Idaho I B ooster C lub will1 hhold its weekly Infomrmation: Matt Harr at 737-S7-5208. exl. IWin Falls a nd I Information:m: Call (360) 885-7810 o r vlsli vi: week, were hopingg ththe bowl gam e played In luncheon I at noon today inn RoomR 276 in the 3050. 3 HfP hiip://www.ld(.ldahoprcpbaskctball.com f their stadium wouldlid ni ot select th em leaving 1Taylor Building. CS! coaches'ICS will bc on hand CSI holohb winter can for morc informallilatlon. open the possibilityIty o f Boise State playUig tto ulk about their programsims. Anyone Inler- No. 11 TCU in theIC IPoinscllla Bovd In San cstcd c Is w clcom e to attendid anda bring lunch TWINN FALLS — The 25lh an n u al Southern1 Diego. T here was talk ofB oise State an d Ball ffrom the CSI cafeteria. Idaho BsBaseball Camp will b e heldI Dec.D 27-29 —- CeCoapiM fron IM nd win npoport!

I iHONDAY DECEMBER 8 , 2 0 0 83 xZ A 8 ® ( NIO )N, OPIlCRUMP: (208) 735-3223 SCRUMP@MAGICVALLFl■EY.COM______TIMES-NEWS « OPINION OF EDITOR STEVE CRI EprroRiAL We’res a llo b)stetri(iciansin o w

ThefiiU-s■service id you know that I * Sarah Palin-halcrIters j are still trying to mX. small schoGlol ^ strict prove she didn’tilrtli ^vc to blrtl' —. h e r youngest son.7 Trig? r x DThese ilnfoll hot*wearersers arc \JJfl AIX,\ as obnoxious and unhlngilnged isfadiling osthcd/IllYuth cultisissts J ^ who Inslsi that Americaa / j f you’re old enough toh;0 have teenagers, th en ch an cered tlie jlhadl auoattacks y X i 1 \/-A your recollection of whcvhat h igh school curricu- on Itself. 'The presidentialitial I lum Is supposed to lookjo k iik e is p robably very cam paign may be over,r,b bi u t ( ______different tlian y our soon n o( r d a u ^ t e r ’s reality. there’s no expiration datelatc on Sure. Ihcy still teach1 history,hi art, French, Palln DeranBcment I Syndrome. and m etalw orking in high Spanish, m usic apd w ood- and _ l _____I ~ r U d d t oi m T X school, b ut fewer stu d en ts havlave time for those sub- jects. T hat's because o f th e seven-n- diirview: ELLE ' m year-old No Child Left Behind. SnialMdaho w hich placed such hea>^ em pl \ I sis on passing standardized...... schobl-dis--- achievement tests that science m ath a n d reading now domS ins i c •tricts.woh’t Idaho secondary school curricTicu- havethe: Jack Bogtlanski, a lawiw pro-\ lums. fcssor at Unvls and Clarklark And it’s only going to get m oon. money, the tin College In Portland, Ore.,)rc., '------1 vrtis bom in H aw aif^ so. facilities or stirred upTVig'IhJtherisnrism “These Internett rumorsr dencc" lo magiagnlfy inlo a blur Obama wi lims diat Obama's New siatc-mandatcd higli again this week wllh apea post are very bizarre. WcVe worked of meaninglessess pbcels — that and claim Jen ,s al grandm other told school graduation requirem en t h e p e ,, on his Web site exposingIng with Gov. Palln marany lim es will rationalizeIze IrTatlonallty. paternal g e saw O bam a bom In _ will kick in w h en freshm en b eginq much longer "Sarah Palln’s fake prcgni^gnancy In 2000. Our rcportirtcrs Palln could producepro Trig’s him sliest school in (he fall. belly." Armed with fronto>ntal worked h ero n local:atlonand umbilical cordird and It still Kenya, , and his supporters Beforc (hos'e stu d en ts c an,gn,d- gr toofferstu- photos of I’alin’s stomacilach. In the ^tudlo, and. I Iworked wouldn’t beenough. en; - Berg am r assert that Ihc — Bogdanskl declared: “Thi‘The with her myself. ShiJhewasdef- Alas.Truthcricrism thrives on further as; uate in 2013, they m u st takec aai n dents every- IcationofLivcBirtir ; March 26 photo Is thei siistnok- Inltely pregnant. ITouYo could both Ihc leftand ar right. “Certificat additional co m b in ed four creci :edbyObamawas ;" thingthey’ve' Ing gun. There really Isis nno see it in her belly aar nd h er Which brings;s us t to Ihc spate produced o f m aih a nd sclencc.T hat m ei lorfoi^ed.lliey claim chance that there’s a babbaby In face. The whole idejca that oflawsuits chaihallen^ng altered or sbc credHs o f m ath, a n increast:a s c o f given them e contemporaneous there who will be bornn 23Z Sarah Palin wasn’tt pregnantf f>resldem-eleclecl Barack that die ct two from the existing four-crci ncem ent in a Hawaii days later at six poundsds 1birth wilh Trig Is compleiIctcly. Obama’s U.S.5. cltlzcnship.c O n annotincu in thep ast aper of Obama's birth ■ requirem ent, a nd sbc credits ol > weight. And tliere rcallyJly Iis no absolutely absurd.”1.“ Friday, the U.SJ.S. Suprem e nevvspapg fTtcient evidence thal cnce, also a n increase from1 foifour They need to chancc that the child grcgrew so Shlrey was ignon)red. Profile Coun consldeidered o n e of Is InsufTtcl jbomthere.(Dlda - credits. IVvo credits c a n b e tak \ suddenly over the followlowing shots ofa hea^lyp’ pregnant those suits,filed file by New he was bo eteller place ll In the- in a school year, so th e increasI t s startlooking two w eeks.... Sarah Palli?alln Is Palln taken In Aprilrii 200B did* Jersey citizenn LeoL Donofrlo, fortunetel knowing he would mn’ are the equivalent of one extraictra for pditnsrs. not the mother." n’t satisfy the Fakee Belly1 who m aintain:ilns d iat O bam a paper knc aldeniT) And Ihey ' " n cc We’re all obstetriciansins mob, cither. The disclosuredfc is not a “natunural bom citi- forprcsldi year each o f m ath a n d sciencc • anyone who dis- now! thal Bristol was Inn factI prcg- zen“ bccause;e hish father held accuse an classes. wlth them of b e in g ...... This nonsense b e gan a n with ' nani witli her icon:mage British dtizenssnship. agrees wll Tlie additional science classasses m u st includc lab [id parcel of the grand '■ left-wing Internet rumoimors boyfriend’s child diddl n ot There m ayy be b th e seed o fa part an d ; work, t o a And stu d en ts will11 beb^ required to com plete J Install Emperor ■ • • thai Palln was rcally TrigFrig's quell the Insanity.f. NeitherI legitimate cononsdtutlonal plan to in a senior project. a and u.surplhem le of ■ grandmother and Ihatat sishe did a health asscssissmenl Issue lo explorlore here — how Obama at T he changes werc m ad e to {assure all students arc was covering up for thehe from Palin’s personanal physl- is the citlzcnshnshIp require* law. idcmic classes and better llcvelYigwasbom to ' involved in m eaningful a'cade “real" m other— her leeiicenagc clan aflirming her•r fiveI preg- m ent enforcetl:cd for prcslden- I bellevi I’alin.lbellcvc Barack"' prepared for the work force2 aar n d ed u catio n b eyond daughter, BristoL 'Thec con-cc nancies, n or did contemcc po- tial candidateslies, anyvniy? And Sarah I’ali a was bom In Hawaii. 1" high school, and m osl largercr IIdaho school districts splracy was hyped by^ TfTIte raneous hospital. accountsai o f at least Donofilofrio concedes Obama w e fire can m elt steel ■ ■ ' are ready for the changcs. excitable resld!sideni the birth or Palln’si’s accounts that ObamaI was w b o rn In believe fli Atlantic's ml bin Laden’s jlhadl ' - Things, however, vrili b e mcm orc c h a lle n ^ n g for womb-chascr Andreww of nurslnglVig. Hawaii. But: a Idangerously and that 1 - n o t Bush and ...... It m u st find th e resources Sullivan and later ampliipliflcd it’s only a matterleroftime large segmentm t of th e birth- crew — n smaller school districts tliat n .*y — perpetrated mass Ijy “rcspectable' joum•nallsts al beforc som eone accusesac ccrtlflcatc hurmntershave Cheney- 10 hire additional m atli a n d s(sciencc teachers, the cronS/Il.W halkind: IlkeCNN/WasWrjgton/’I/I Post Palin of planting fakefa breast lurched intoQ rabid n Ttulher murder o spacc for science labs a n d theth e m oney to e q u ip th em . iky consplracisi docs media reporter Howardard milk on her pump,ip. territory. Tliele most I proml- of kooky i So if you’re a school districtictv«th,say, 1,000 stu- lake me? Kurtz. As the fever swanvamps The plain truth1 will> never nent cnisaderIcr against ' thai maki dents, maybe you don’t offerer 1history, foreign lan* rolled, Alaska TV rcportiloner mollify aTVuiher.l-.There’s Obama^Amcin erican cltlzcn- I an s o r m u sic o n th e high dlcated columnist • guages, visual or industrial ar Cherie Shlrey stepped•d ftrlcts w ith a dw indling resources to buy or leaselea wildlife habitat"* wv ould b e and that spe;peaks to lack o f unlawful ;s to selfdefcnse."Th(i •• • range of good alternatives. property on which to Ih u n t eligible for Increacased odds transparencyicy and a lack o f com es t< Legislature needs t o ...... Actually, there will b e o nlly ly 'one option: Cooperate or fish. Tliey do, liowe\wcver. when drawing la(:ags In their Inform adon>n i about this pro- state Lc( take a m orc aggressive role - I and wilh institutions suchh own the game animlals als with- unll. gram. with other school districts an ining in the Fish and ' In o u r borders. The sp com e, b u t they’re n o t desigriigned to provide elective ike back the w arning,...... liabltat for wildlife.. PromPr percent set asidede of tags for mishandleded Ihis situation. to take I }ol students. m the hide and m ake a;' " classes to secondary school this rca.sonahle attemem pl by LAR the landovkrrAmcrssomc- Mr. Stevensns didi th e honest return i lal public apology to • ■; ' ___ the D eparim ent o fr FIsFish a nd how convinced1 ourc Fish ond act by reponorting th e incident formal | man...... Game lo bring landovdowners Game commlssl(sioncrs It was and the Fishish a nd Game did this ma ELLYADAMS and sportsm en togethaether for In the b*si Intereircst o f th e a gross Injusjustice by serving KELL a w arning. Oakltiklcy T i m e ss -N- e w s the benefit of all, ihlshis pro- sportsmen loghgive th e him wilh a V

Brad Hurd-----publisher SicSteve Crump . . . . Opinion editor,or Join the discussionm The member* of the edHodttorlal board and vrriters of edttortals ara BradI Hurd,Hu James Q. W r l ^ Voice yourr opiniono| with local bloggerers: Progressive Voice, CoConservative Corner andi InIr th e Middle. ~ Stove Crump, Bill Bttzenttenburg and Ruth S. Pierce. On the opinion 0 page at Maglcvalvailey.com.


Doonesbury By GarryinyTiuacBu Mallaid Flllmolo re By Bruce Tinsley..

B mxmuu^ V I I I D ^SfTUM noM ^mk Wwrntm ■ OMI'XCOi* V w u r n ■I ”r o u A n m u o u H sisr ■ tr u m ■ ^ B .B ouenKMSABOUT « ■ ■ ■ Tturmnwrm>«»»r»B«s,| w 1 ma u c e rsu T tK W f t e i W , I M V / y ^ 1 T O , /

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. ThM^MF^Uibo OPINION lloo

he creation myth of ------Taft was no ilameimethrower. bargain that : wwould change especiallyilly adept ai nursing presUcsldency. McCarthyism, m odem conscrvatisatism *rhough h e was an Isolation-I conservatism;n and the nationalll resentmr ents. He on1 the th other hand,'thrived. usually begitis with 1st and an opponennent of Republican PaParly. stum bleded onto the fact iliat McCicCarthyism was how BairyGoldwater, the JEAL Franklin D. Roosevcsevelt, h e Henceforth, c(conservatism many of)f thesell people in Repu•publicans won. George A rftona senator who was i IBIPn fuPPonwlAmctica'rica’s would be asmmuch aboul ■ postwarLT AmericaA were H.W.,W. Bush used ll to gel Tparty’s presidential stan- \DLE.K involvement in thethe \var after electoral slashsh-and-burn as frightenecned and looking for hlmsimself elected, terrifying . dard-bcarcr in 1S64 and Pearl t (arbor andd hihad even It would be ababout a policy scapegoatoats. voterIters with Willie I lonon. who. even though he lostistln li com e to accept tliethe basic agenda, In,awa;.vay, Goidwater was Andid his 1 son. u n d er th e lute- o ne o f th e biggest iandslid< I Instliutlons ofthele Newh Deal. W lien McCaCanhy began his less a fulfiuKillmcnt of - Ingege Of ( Katl Rove, got hlm - In American electoral hlstcilsio- Me was also no wimivinner. He investigationn (of tlie Army, he McCarthythy conservatism selfIf re-elected n by convincing ry, nevertheless wrestedJ thth e focuses on Ideologyf aiand had contested andnd lostI the set him self agiIgainst his own than a sliglilsli( diversion from voter)lers that lohn K c r^ was a party from its E astem esta!Stub- m ovement building, v>which Republican presidelidcntlal Republican ptpresident. In the ll. McCarilanhy’s real iielr was cowa)ward and a liar an d would lishmentwlng. few voters care about,ut, while nom ination toWenVcndcll . . end, h e was censuredc( In Nbcon,who wl malnsircamed handm d tlie nation over to ter* ' .But thcrc.ls another rent•endi- the McCunhy lale foabcuses Wlllkielnl940.ThoThomas 195-1 for his rerecklessness McCarthytliyismlnl96eby • rorlslirlsts — pure lion of tlie story of modeniem on electoral strategy,y, whichv Dewey in 1940 andmd Dwiglit toward his fellellow senators. substituliuling liberals, youth McCcIcCarthylsm. conservatism . In this tale,Je. is where Republicansns excel.i Elsenhower In 1952952, three His Iniempcrairance disgusted and minoinorltles for com m u- Republicans Re; continue lo - tiic real father of modemm McCarthy, Wisconsi:nsln's m en who were rega-egarded as them as muclich as it cm bold- nists andfid Intellectuals. In his push,ish the Idea that this is a • Republicanism is Joe junior stnaior, was thethi man morc moderate thathan he. ened his fans,IS, Goidwater 1972 re-el!-eleciion, playing cemc:nter-righl country, b ut the McCarthy. Tlie line doesn'tsn't w ho (Irst energized, conscr-co McCarthy was5 anotheran among them,n. relentlesscssly on those resent- realal electoral c bail h as been nln'lftom Goidwater to . vatlsm and made It: a forcei thing entirely. Wliai^lai h e But McCartlirthyism was m ents, NixonNi disassem bled angeiIger, recrim ination and Ronald Reagan to Georgege \W. to reckon with. Whenen he lacked in ideologygy heI m ade only just begiiginning. As his- the oldI RooseveltRc coalition, scapc:apegoating.TIie party Bush; It runs from McCartllanhy burst on the nationailoi scene up for in aggressionslon. torlan Rlcharcird 1 lofstadter peelingi offol Catholics, evan- belorclongs to McCarthy and his . to NUon to Bush and possossi- In 1950 waving his list o f Establishm ent j^epiRepublicans described It IrIn his essay. gelicalss andai working-class heirssirs — Rush U m baugh. bly now to Sarah Palin. ItIl alleged communistsis who were disdainful ofofhls h lac- "Tiie Paranoic3id Style In Dcmocrai:rais, and changed Sean.‘an Mannity, Bill O'Reilly ligiu h ad supposedly InfihrIhrated tics, but w hen thosiliose sam e American Poliolitlcs." Americanran politics. andid Palln. I h ’s in the genes. I call the “McCarthy genv.“e,“ Marry Truman’s Statete conservatives sawiw ttiie sup- McCarthyismm Is a way lo NUonin simplys mastered som ething deep in the DNDNA O epanm eni, conserv::rvatism port he eilciled frorfrom llie build support>rt by playing on what McCIcCarthy had NealNCi Cdbler is the author of the Republican Partyr tiiattii. w as as fcckless as Usts pri-p grassroots and thehe im edia the anxietiess i of Americans. authoredcd — demonize the or-Walt fW Disney: Vie dcK^mines how m ary congressional1 pipropo- attention h e gol,1, m any o f actively conviivincing them of opposlllolllon and polarize the lYitii. of the Antericaii Republicans run for ofnce,Ice. nem . Ohio Sen. Robcrbcrt Taft, them were impress'resscd. danger and ccconspiracy even, clectoraicrate to win. Imaguaghiation.” He wrott' this •The basic problem \vith1th known as "Mr. 'I^ftdccidcdtoei0 encourage where these: ddon’t exist. Reagan;anlsm essentially • comrimmcntaryforihe Los • the Goidwater tale Is thatrat iit Conservative.” McCarthy, sealingng a Faustian McCarthy,f. a Catholic, was died withlih the end of his /Uigengelcs limes. SpamI filters 1threatesn fi:ee;sp e e dio n thileWeb

pam was oncc a simsim- slon of writing a1 bobook for what might ((1 be asked to blockedd because t m y outUl any a chance of offering a 1 pie annoyance. Bullul itsI d iildren that incluieluded th e give up nextt month?r (fa Internetel protocol, | o r IP, defeiefense. exponential growth nent: "Al m y new sletter wrivrltcr should addressis was, v at the tim e I The Th 1950s anii-com niu- AMES ist blacklists, assenibled reports suggest thatlout aboul M C ^ queried the mention thee “beastly ‘ behav- pushedd “send." “: listed at nist I 90 perccnt of all e-m ail Is IQRATH (children's divisionon librarianI ior" o f the Bulush adm lnlstra- www.spaipamhaus.org. Thai wltln'llhoul due process, have .spam — has led e*mail fnoDTC V - '''I''what docs tion. Ifa literr;rary publlcotlon companyiny's Web site explains esserssentially returned in a users to build daunting V o t.w h o ls’ho t.- uses the bookok title "LolUa," ilm tlhle e firm f m aintains a newew form on the Internet. ram parts to btock unwant \T he inclusion1 of “young . o r If an invest2siment consult- databaseise of “IP addresses of Wha/hat’s a person do? It's get* messages and companieslies to — ______aflult," “getting nasnasty" a nd an t says the; “rising“i num ber verifiedd spam s sourees and tingng nasty i out Iherc online, Scirculate blacklists of /h o t" was like polsilolson. of low-pricedcd slocks is spamoperations opi (including andnd I'm I a little hot under alleged spammers. the copy through soniomc ' Indiscriminate spaspum-biock* swelling the2 ranksr of spammeiiiers, spam gangs and thele collar. c But p erhaps I’d O ne cannot fault peopli3ple spam-checking softwftware. Ing software would>uld spot Investors," willwi tliey be spamsuppon su[ services)." beittetter not say that. foe seeking ways to avoid)ld Surprisingly, my scon:on> cam e tliose words, Ignonnorc the con- am ong th e nextnc victims uf Spamhailaus supplies Its list unwanted or aggressive.e . back so h l^i that mainany sub- text an d group my newslet- this censorshship? free of: charge cli “to help e- JamesJai McGrath Morris Is solicitations, b ut the consonse- scribers might neverer receivei ter with unsolicitec:ited e-m ails W hut makekes this phe- mail adminlsirators dn better publ'uhllsher of the newsletter quences of some anti-spaspam th e Issue. from purveyors■> ofof; smut. nomcnon eve!ven m orc insldl- m anage>;e incoming I e-mail thehe Biographer's I Craft otul Is measures may not bc whtf/hai I contacted thexonrompany “Ifyou would1 ilklike to bring ous is that inin m ost cases, streamis." s.' tiWCiNe author of a forthcoming the people seeking prolecitec* that distributes myi newslet-ni down your spam-cin-chcck both the inteitended e-mall Thelist lis changes con.stant> blog,lography of Joseph Pulitzer, tio n from spam hud in ier, and a staff memboiber score,’’ Ihe stafferfer ihelpfully sender andI recipientsn ly.Whenen I checked again lieule wrote this commentary m ind. Som e efTorts lo blo'block explained that three;e setss o f Informed mo. ‘youyou will have rem ain unawiware of the ccn- later, Tiymy IP address was no foror Vte 7 Washington Post. unw anted e-messages arcare w ords among the IssiIssue’s to replace all thele nm entioned sorshlp thatIt spams niters longerro oi n It. In fact, w hen I threatening free speechh ono: m any ariicles couldd deraild text with some othother im pose. Onlyily rarely Is the ran my y IP 11 address through ""‘J the Internet. m y e-mall: a referencmce to words." In short.1.1 1' w ould sender inforrirmed w hen c- 125 of■ th th e m ost com m only Arts,f i Crafts Consider som e of myy "young adult." ocomjm m on need to censor my publlca- mail Is quaram nllned or used blacklists,blai it w as not recent experiences: I publubllsh classKicallon for boolooks tion to surm ountnt tthe vari- diverted, mallaking Hghting on a ny y of o them . But how & B a z a a r s a modest monlhly newsle,rslet* Intended for adolesccisceni ous spam blockers(crs at work back alm ostit impossible.I m anye-mall e-i senders know ier,ih e Biographer’s Craft,raft, readers; a sentencee inIr m y out there. This silentIt censorship is whetherier they are on these C ale nd a r ... ■ I that is sent electronicallyJlyto i editorial— “Speaking:lng of G ranted. It woulouldn't b c not th e onlyy way< the w ar blacklist;■isis or even know ! subscribers. My newsleiteSlier, legal matters. It's gett;etting th e end o f my newlewrsletter If I against spamim Is harm ing these typeslyp of lists exist? G tri rafters Don’t Forget as the nam e suggests, isIs n asty o u t there"—• referring re had lo replace "ho’hol," legitimate correspondence.co Worse,>, thell makers of these one ofthe last craft hardly conuwersial. to the growing numbmber of “nasty," a nd ‘youn3ung adult" I recently wnm ile e-mails to lists do0 notr contact those Last m onth, bcforc semsend- lawsuits; and a distintin* w ilh o ther words.ds. IBul If I two people! ata Columbia w hom1 they tli dam n, so shows w i be ing o ut th e new issue, I raran gulshed biographer’sit’s discus- surrender thosec wiwords now, University. MyM e-m ail was sendersrs arc j convicted with- December 13 I 1 0 a m - 5 p m LETTERS TO THEiE EDITOR Handcrafted kerns from seniors AmillBfiBnie execudve otder giabbibblng the future growUi. LociLocking this feeding off fe-federal largesse turkey.'.This TI alone should icU Owyhee Canyoidandinds by a up but to the hardjardy few is again. Informrmation about you thatlat tiie Initiative Is too Jerome J Senior Center fo r B lack Friday future president. Whil/hllc I senseless, ^ ' who is gettlnjing what Is harder slantedd towardti envlronmen- StUafewtaMeleft I w onder why the big; applaud efforts lobe;bc proac* I am dlsappolnteImed In the ' to com e by lhlhan a CIA lisl of lalradictticals. shopping day, the day oftcafter live, the Intiallve wenrent too ranching communnunity taking agents. Appeo!leascment didn't work _____S 2 4 - 5 6 4 2 ...... Thanksgiving is caili^ far. their 30 pieces ofslofslivcr.Isus- Crapo,appiparently wanting out soI wellwi for Neville ‘Black Friday." The area north of)f llthe hot pcct that m any oftheof i sanic sometliinglolo be named after Chambeiberiain, for they will /I, G r a n d y ’s C h r i s t m a s Let's get rid of Black springs where the rafrails p ut individuals thatI raidedrai the him, will neeiBed the help of only warrani morc. Friday. Let's call It Blue In would have beenn l(lolera* larder In the'Airr ForccFo range every liberalII isenator east of BILLSLBITZENBURG Friday or Green Friday—— ble for wilderness deslgna-dcj buy-off several yearsyea ago are the Mississipiippl to pass this Flier Craft Show anything but Black unlessless, o f lion with no more thanthi r ^ — — ^ 'D ec. 1 2 t h & 1 3 t h coursc, it would bc “blackack” quaner-m iie seibacki C o n te /niporary p Christiaian Music No Co'.ommerclals [ becausc of a highway acciicci* th e rim lo accommoc Dec.19th& 20th dent I wiuiessed in BoiseIse hunters. However, southsoi of Youi>ur C hristm as m uslsic station for D ecei: e m b e r . neax the Orchard exit too lhli e the hot springs Is a1 pipopular 8:30aiti-6pm freeyvay or becausc of the recreational and Unique handmade gifts doorma* who was iramplfnpled huntlng/flshlngarea-eanow in ^ to death in a New Yoric Wai-Wa multiple use. & Holiday Decor M an store w hen he let ca|eager As ihe M a^c ValleyJcy grows, Located a t shoppers in. this area will becomcme needed )ACK STREETER for servicing rccieuiiciiional Snake River Sprinkler M ountain Home needs. Wilderness isist hardly a GardenCenter boon to local businesnesses 1675E.4100N.Buhl Owykee Initiative whereas muiUple use is the bedrock where manymy local ^ From B u h ll .7 5 m iles E. Uanowncactkm businesses are bullLjLMulUplc I R a d i o Ft- o r U f e The Owyhee Initiativeirc use draws tourists andan work- 9 0 . 7 1 j__on_Hiio>30 _____ reminds me of the comicnicgag erstoavallcywithm. S c o t t Wiwe e k d a y s o s r ai c d l o .n e t where robbers are confroifront- outdoor opportunltlc " , Tk S ^ E W S cd by a guard poindng'agun a s Look around andd sa ✓ W e w e lc o m e IDAHOAUaiONI www.auctionsldahi ^ a l i f o r m ^ M.Icrome SJ^SSSfSSjWlLjWttt«iCllOI!lt,dlUtI^W H | ' TUESDAY,DEC9.S INBMN B>elnTwl ^ dilbterAudMogbtCBSttff — HarrisHearit^ Househoki*1bi^.A S2I W w l i l r t w t Oumigeous Oddities. - ^ - Z S Z E E , MT>wA«MiidMogbt OB Stiff______% ~ ■ patients. KLAAS AUCTION I 209-324452)ickAucdom " b < « liiiihilrtijUfalwaadTWInfafctDbeair lrt www.klaiuucdonalley.eom B«taiyCU$U 'Ib ilnd out more, dickIS I«I P ' oauninuma^aaUe,22»£-moit • ' n Burley • Hallty 2508Addls<»Isoii Avb. E. 733-0601 1 5 3 4 O v e ria n d A ve. ■678-5200 408 H«lnSts'78M a96 H H AUCTION SAUSI tg m a m jiUHoUon 735-3222* JhoOonemaglaelle, . 1 mo OBITUARIES B^ielveneGiGoodman Blackbu)um DvDwight Hans Felt Gararison (Gaiy) LanenMJeppesen„ itonlo. He loved die out:. )wlght Hans EastEnd,'andldhew^avolun- SALT• LAKE CITY . — Antoi • EMMETT Bessie Ivcr:vcne than 30 years as distriitrictscc- RUPEOT — Dwij )ors. especially camping- pert, passed leer Qre fighuIter fdr over 20 Garlsonn '—(Gary) Lance doon 87 retary. She also workC':ked lire- Felt, 83, of Rupcn Idi his family at Redflsh ' Goodman Blackburn. 6 2008 at his years. He wasis also a chartcr Jcppcscn,en, a 38-year-old for- with :adc. lessljr In other roless ffor the avray Dcc. 6, 200 ike, biking, going on , years of age, of Cascadi m em ber of diedi R upert Elks m er Burlcirley’ resident, p assed Lake, ' in School Board. Lon{sng Pin home, alks, being with his boys Idaho, passed away I o m Dec. 13, Club ond wasv, die Past away Dec)ec. 5, O IB IH R Emmeit, Idaho, on FridaIday, League, Valley Countynty com- Dwight was bom id collecting Star Wars ny public 2008 In McHcnry,ry, N.D., th e President of IBEW. He 2008 Inn ISalt H ^^H H Dec. 5. 2008, from naturitural missloners, and many iping, fishing and Lake City,ity. icmorabllla. m e full cle<^on8. Bessie wasIS t a long* son of Arnold and n d ChrysdnaI enjoyed campi Garlson is survived-Jtt • causes, after living a life ft t n t v ^ g i n h^RV. b . Garisi s o j i Ga ofscrvlcctooihers. - time, active memberBrbfTTie i Felt. ^ iree sons. Chandler Lar®*, Dwight Is 81survived by his was b o rn I ^ ^ H H ^ 26, C hurch of Jesus Ch):hrisi of He gradu- H ippesen. Max Unerriir • Be&sifi was bom Dec. 2 wife, Arlene FeFelt: his five chil- Aug. 20, Fepp< 0,thc Laitcr*day Saints. Shetie served ated from the H | sppcsen and Noah Uam ^ 1920.InMurtaugh.Idaho,tt dren, D an Fel•elt. Bev Griffldi, 1970 In ^ K ^ ^ H bom her church and othertiers with local high K ippcscn; his parents, weal- seventh of 10 children boi Debbie (Lero>w ) U hrich, Bob Boise, IdtIdaho, ^ ^ ^ ^ H Ulam dedicated devodon tpi'ipidlom school in nd Phyllis Jeppesen: ■yne’’ to Annie Moy«a andWUlla Fell, and Davavid (Kelly) Felt; th e sonon o f and She Bessie was preced;cdcdrin McHenry. B rother Tony (Melody) N athaniel Goodman. Sl ■ seven grandidchildren and Ncol andmd Phyllis Jeppesen. brotl Elvin death by her parentents; h e r N.D. He then matrie'd- a a u d lu s EIv nine great-]t-grandchUdren; He gradiaduated from Buriey Jcppippesen; one sl6t^r City, husband; three sons,s, George,C served two- Jmbcrly Koepnick; and'hiS' Blackbum In-Sali Lake Cli o ne sister Jaclickie Page a n d a High ScjS c h o o l.in 1988. H e KimI 1945. M ilton and Shawn';i'; and; i by and-a-haif leccs and pcphews. ’ U tah ; on Aug. 29,- 194 nephew Ken:n Page b o th o f ' w ent on>n toi d ie U niversity o f nleci Ig a flvc brothers and three thr sis- years In the ™ He was preceded in death; Immediately Inheriting Ig World W ar Duluth, Minn.in. U tah anand graduated with He n left lers. Shc Is survived(d by h er U.S. Navy during \ y his grandparents, Archie- • family of seven children 1( ' in d ie U.S. He was preireceded in dead) his badachelor's degree in byh Ith of children. Kenneth,, Russell. P II, later serving in nd Alice Staplcy, Carl and' motherless by the death He manled by his parentsIts.. commurlunlcation. He mar- and ; first Reid, Donald Kay, Dla)laneand Army reserves. Ht lilda Jeppesen; arid- hls Pesul Williams. Elvin's fli Oct. 17. 1946 M emorialI scrviccs will ried KrisWstine Roberts, ihey Hiid :fa ra -. ■nm; ^randchildredren; 130 Arienc Blazing, Oci u nt B arbara Stapley. w ifi ft)r a few years, the far Inn. be held 6 pp.m. Thursday, had direiirec children and they aunt daho,' great-ipiandchlldrcn;n; and a In Rochester. Minn, Funeral services will b'e ily lived in Eden, Idah ked for th e D ec II, at HoHansen M ortuary were laicater divorced. In high Fu red by rapidly growing nimiimibcr of Dwight worked idd 1 p.m. Wedncsdtiy,' mation as th e in Rupert wiwidi Pastor John school1 hhe worked for Jack held iUdrcn;as Bureau of Redamai )ec.-10, a t th e Buriey LDS the Union; Psci%:;BaUroj lan a t th e Ziulkowskl. offldaling, o widi Hollandnd at Sav Mor Drug Dec. While In-Eden.-another-M iger sister. Chief Electrician :nd Ward w ith B ishop B rent' ' and redred in military rileses by die Mini- and lateiIter as a social worker 2nd m‘. I n r ^ J o ^ / M u ^ r of St.L G( cor^ ' Minidoka Dam and j!c officiating. Burial 'WUl Spencer (U m ll» n i. ter moving to Cassia Veiciarlans. at th e! I University of Utah Lee M arch 1948, the- fomamily 'Uiahlv- • .■ 1982. Shortly after ollow at die Pleasant View: led bodi die The familyily w ould like to HospitalHal a n d a t H ighland folic moved to Cascade, whcwhere The funeral will bbe e held at Rupert he joined :emcicry. Friends m ay c4lf 3 Department thank MinInidoka Home Ridge HHospital in Midvale, Cetr Elvin continued wiih thec rarail- 1130 a.m. Friday, De<5 ec 12. a t Rupert City Fire Di [\icsday evening from 0’T6 t End Fire Health andd Hospice. Dr. Utah. H«He was a member of Tuc: road. In 1953, Ihc lastt stson, the- South Slope WaiVard LDS and the East 1 ! p.m. at Hansen Payne c was able to Margo Saundndcrs and all die the Chuhurch of Jesus Christ 8 p Shawn was bom lo the fanfami- Chapel, 1001 E Secor» n d St. in Departm ent. He w (Mortuary 321 E ast M ain ipialn for die personal at Cour)trysldeO Carc o f Latteuter-day Saints and Mor scadc Emmett, wilh a viewiiwing from serve as the Capw >ircct in Buriey. “ ly. Bessie lived in Casca nt Captain for and Rehab. servedd a mission In San Sire • and Smlthls I^rry. Idaho.10, Ifor 10 until 11:15 a.mm. . at the city and Assistant C nearly the next 60 years.rs. ForI same location; Inicrmrm entw ill the last three years, shcichad h be held at ll:3t taken up residencee In Saturday, Dcc. 13. m cE S EmmcK, In the Cottages,,cs, an . Riverside . Ccmeteii ' t DEM NOI Heybum. Services an assisted living facility. rvice — S hoshone Toonc,}, S95. of Gooding, died R | aul‘Junior’ Git^i , Bessie was employedcd by .• 'th e direction ‘ of M e r i i n W/ .. O ( t U e y . ; . \ Sunday,ly. Dec. 7, 2008 at die the CaiM de School Distrlistrict, lonc Rehab and Living GOODING—Raul G “Junlo^ ELBA - MO, ’ • Shoshon retiring in 1993 after mi :r in Shoshone. Gli,GU, 48, of Gooding, ' 1 Ottley. 85, of""a E ,S Lucile!r S D a c k m a h Sundaj', Dec. 7. 2008 aiTifs Saturday, Dec. 6,2008,6, Z at the icraJ arrangem ents an? Sun Ing and will be rcsliresidence. __ Intcrmoumain[ M edical FlFunk pending i(Chuck/C8)1^mason announiunced by Dcmaray Arrangements A are penOlBjT ChariesBuirasI Center In M urray,'ay, Utah, from and will b e announcciTUBy.’. FAIRFIELELD — L udle Funeralral Service — Gooding and Charles Surras (Chuck/CJc/CB) r r“ ^------results of a fall. Dcmaray's Gooding Chapel. s pending and Spackman Funk. 74. of Chapel,cl. Der Thomason was bom Aug,ug. 19. The funeral is p< inccd by th e Fairfield, didled Saturday, Dec. 1925 in Jerome, Idaho, will ,be announc ncrolHomcof 6. 2008 atit the Shoshone C Diane Denise ; and Rasmussen Funcr G a i y S m i t h C ornelius (Nealy) o . Rehab and1 LivingI C enter in nason. Burley. Florence Corbin Thomas K Shoshone. SHOSO SH O N E-G ary SmiOi, l a r i s o n Chuck was raised and c ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H W arrangem ents are 72, off Lewiston,L Idaha died attended the first el;eight H H R S nily Uhrig p e X “a nd w ill be Sunday,ay, D cc 7, 2008 at die GOODING G — Dlartc grades of school in the! faifarm- Denise Larison, S2,''"tJfi i Maxine annolinccdd by Dcmaray Shoshoitione Rehab an d Living Dei Ing community of FallsIs CCity, H ------H Gooding, Idaho, died'I' i of Shoshone, Funeral; Sirvlce ^ — Gooding Centersr IIn Shoshone. Go( Idaho. He graduated1 fromfr Manager’s office. In 1 Sunday, Dec. 7. 2008 aetherr Dec. 6,2008 at Chapel ^ Localcal arrangements are Sur Jerome High School In1 1£1943. was prom oted to the M axine Emil pcndiniling and wriil be residence. resi • w here he lettered In footlootball of W estern U.S. Arrangements arc pending'V SHOSHONE ^ lunced by Dcmaray A and was the class presideiIdem. Manager based ingcmcnts arc RoMs MI . T o o n e “ and wiU be announccd-by nl966.CB EmUyUhrig,72,olid Tvill be iral Servicc — Shoshone anc Immediately upon grad;radua- Sacramenio, Calif. 1 Dcmaray's G ooding Chap^el.-' tjy Dcmaray GOODIN(NG — R ose M. Chapel.Id. Dei tion. Chuck enlisted In in the In 1970 and due helo position . died Saturday, Dei Army Air Corps. After schtichool- health problems,i.S. Sales her home. in th e Funeral arrang< ing in Amarillo, Texas.s, FFort, asked to be relicvcc M onmouth, N.J. and WaiWarner office and was ic*ass^ However, pending and) U‘ Robins APB Ga., Chuckick was Boise. Subscqucndy,to ongoing announced by assigned to the 14th AirIr ForceFl Chuck had the firsIS, C huck Ascension Episcopal Churchi'it'’ ■ togusIawsU of Mortuary In TWin Falls. Walnutm t Creek, Calif., and for- As< id the Chlna-Burma-Int-lndla- open-heart surgery yofTWin Falls, servicc at 37!371 Easdand Drive N. in TWin'fV' ortaliserviceat:'-' • - ' .J '• .....‘ meriyo Dgloeer-.. Luke’s. In 1980, Ch Falls. . • Servicesat Farnsworth .. ScoitThonomas C h e g tn u jo f 4:30 p.p.m. Saturday at die Fal a nd Insm im cni^ Lanijmdlng given long-termdy. < In 1974. ■ Spcclolisl in the corp'sJ’s IB-25 and in 1981 wasIrst g of two lapcl, 1343 S. ■ ■ ■ ■ I bom ber group. Of thec nmany retirement. In ery's 1! at SL Cary Lee Bogi301C. accounts from the war,ar, per- began a part-timeChuck w a a ••-Jerome, tnem drk haps the most memornorable association withI disability. 10 a.m. todayrin at Kadlec of was w hen CB's planene w as Markedng Inc. ofs given full M ortuary Chapi::allf., an d for- shot down by Japanese;e forcesfa Oty,Utah. 1962, CB Lincoln in Jcrom perished. the war." auH yvir vim ^ im , iltM M tte ctf ...... Tensions continueC( to bbuild between In[ndla, Pakistai

BtBmuUkihini the attackers. Pakistdstanl Infor- TheWaahlngton Pott mation minister Sherry Rehmon said in a istatement NBV DEUII. Indiadia — diat die call came fn ver* India's foreign mn lnlnister illed official phoneIC num r ber of accused Pakistan on SuiSunday the Indian Minlinistry of of trying to detlect alteritention lixtem al Affairs.”.” The call from the role of its cidzeiizens in prom pted Prcsldenlent Asif Ali iasi.iponth's terror attacttack in Zardarl to put die: air al force on Mumbai t)y leaking wordord of a high alert, hooN phone coll to th e News of the a call ll was flrst Pakistani president'ss ofllccc reported in e the Pakistani ■ I"M| that forced its air forcece tot go newspaper Dawnm over the oahi^ alert weekend, and wawas subsc* .Xiip episode underscirscored quendy pickcd upup by odier T i tiic Wgh level of tensionion that Pakistani media, on remains between thehe two Sunday, Mukheijeeee ieleased a nudear>armed nationsIS nneariy statem ent saying’ heh« had first twro weeks after die attacttack. as learned of the callUfiom“dilrd fi ^ India continues lo c hiilgcthat ^ c counuics,” and ths die call a Pakistani terror grouplupw ith Vkrasahoax. past,des to the govemiim m ent “We immediateljtely clariflcd vtra.^n»ponsibIe and PakistanPok to those friends, andan wc also insists that it wasas not made It dear to diedi< Pakistan invplyed. audwrities, diat I Ihad m ade k **Oaring thecali. whichchcamc I no such telephoihone call,’* dcj roU fln kMita tlm n Ijr prebibnn oitiUt tiM Ibt ArWeOt (hhmMnttr ef TtettMU dnfn cittbnM SSndir. RMs bnka Oft Sndi; I. He added d rr^ . 28 as die attodlockvms Mukherjee said. I eapU t t dMMMtraton prDtdWilktMalpelcttboeltafcfatNH tl NiCviilUbwittipmloMatgM.U. siQPunfolding. thei caller< that It is “worryiirying diat a aUmdly Identified himsimselfas ncighlwring suitee mightn even Inaiah foreign MirMinister consideracdngontinthcbasisof m m PrdAfib Mukherjee andd d:direat* such a hoax call,. utr; y to give it J H ened that India wouldi irm ount credibility widi odier od states, ■ ■ m d milirary acUon t uunless and confuse thele public; by ■ ■ W 1 against releasing die storyry lnI p iu t- I Pakistan took acdon ag nardliyiriGnBCVU district of hors, music child,Ud,"hcsald.“Thcuddngof began be to die down latee Obama]predicts Riots brcireakoutin « nd restaurants Is seen life! isis somedilng diat is not Sunday, Su after several hours of>f inaichlst^ home base, excusdisable In a democracy." running ru batties betweenn reek cities I stores, banks and PoliPolice said die two ofllcers police pc and rioters. Inn ly will wonr c p n sre ablaze. Involisolved claimed diey were Thessaloniki, Tl a large Aree ^onom^ after teeisenkilled ^ riodng was some of attaciackedt^agroupofyouths could co be seem burning at thec ^ m r V W U n right away die mostist severe Greece has and,d, when they confronted d di t / s university. ligHiigetMTImw ______“Il’s going to I g

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KeaEdwinlt,R 87,woi1uoatg I: ■ttbmiikts F TbandqrattheI ^ Twin FaOi ' nted Edwardtto OM ■ valUsgcHe to9 i CrtarendB b«bra|oI>Ii«l f . ^ t SOwrSaealien. I ] EWMOfiCMfeor I taTI>i»4tm I

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I t9 ntM naoN ^ »Nh| Ray Oni 68,I, wewerin Ort dviig a SOfttSMakan1 sniorI axardta data M Thwtdai^ Iat tba IMaFalli YMCA.'How I waiwaOi itnliM, itaad itraiikt,'bo utju r ExerciS'ise class impi)roves I MagicVcM ey seniorsrs’lives

ByMeBtuDavfin "I used to wawalk like this,' B I TlmtfrHews writerr said partlclpan>ant flay Orr, 68, TlMlMaFalsdatt as he bent att theth waist and I veriatoloosoa Tliere are no mlaclio ad guyS lurched forwarvard.‘NowIwaik ■ndasaadraittt in (his nincss class.S.S. HardlyI straight, standnd straight." ofMdoaTkinday. 3&yonc Is breakingsrigasweat, BothOrramtmd classmate a n d no one Is n Edwards, 87, BaspingforbreailJJl startcirted the doss in 2 j begging Instruc-IC- Marc Neither (orlbra Bailey toI coulculd walk without Slop. Hveryonc a ean» n c . Now, bodi smiled os ilicy keepe p up easily vrith I? vvavclheir3- lo5-5- thee ItInstructor In pound wulglits Inn classiss and can walk conlrolled circles« with1th minimal around ihelr bod­d- probt)blcms. ies. ThThat's the goal of But this class ih epprogram, has changed Its Martartln said. The Drain, M artin said, 'This happens^ the ' " participants’ lives,BS, oxen:erclsesare hour. Eachich instructor is cer- th e bn lc, ranging from classic tirlime: ‘Maybe 1 cancbrne In.i^' m d both inlW in FallsIls RqrOrr dcslgsigned to make tiflcdwlthiith the national Music, to Sinatra, plays d u d n g twtwice a week," said ' and in similar [------1 dall)ally functions SllverSncalleakers organization pop to workoui. The Instruc- ClCharleen Mabry,YMCA classcs across the1C ■ casir, doted, but organizes wo^orkouts by a map a n d ' Please see»e«0Qn8,PageB2. ^ staned lookingIg ata fitness gadgets a fewV minutesn with the qulck-startIt date, displays routes o n a I V . 'V______B H i»ritw i,W ir»h,idii» . K Mflidiy,0iCM*

eariy parenting. BrBring two ■ r r ? J pillows, a blanket ond.om ifpos- slble, a support persecrson. Fee Is S5. Regisi[Ulster: 324- s i !' ' 6133. t ■ Childbirth refreshei;her

■. Cliildbirlli Irefresher V course, 6:30-9 p.np.m. Wed- m nesday, in the loblohby at St. I Luke's downlown 660 Shoshone St. E. in l\vin Cancer su n iv n s party tour of the Women'en's and Tails. Canccr Sunlivors’ Chrisirlst- Infant Center.. Childbirth prcparalaratlon m as l*arty and Ornamciment Wear comfortable clothing:ck brealliing techniqueq u e s lixchangc will be heldd a; t bring two pillows and.id. if pos- reviewed, along witl a video 7 p.m. ■niesday, In Uie SajSage slble, a support personon. tour of th e Wom« Hoorn nt St. Luke's Maglagic Q jsl Is S60. I>reR‘gLsigLstmtlon Infant Center. Valley Mcdical CcnieiIter’s required: 732-31‘10. CosiisS20. Pre-rcf Kduciition Cen(cr. 5(586 required: 732-3148. Addison Ave. VV. in 1\vln VallI'nJis. ‘Baby and Me’ Bring a treat to share> arnnd Abhdmet’s suppor iin oriinment Tor u g!gift Sl. Benedicts Family 1 exchange. Medical Center's “BalJaby and AWielmcr's Suppcpport Group Information: Mary ai 73734* Me’ classes, 11 a.m.,m.-noon meetings. . 6-7 1766 or Andy at 737-2000.0. Tuesdays, al Jerome1C Public Wednesday and < Library, 100 rirst Ave.c. EE. Salurday, at Rosettaelta A.ssisted daatad abet'dattag ■ foottall fanBe,»aaBtoedbriloctsniBtn. e,' This week's topic: Living. 1177 Eastridtridge Court JbiUii Hotplnr^ft_ pancrus lajgry, cauM by a cki About childbirth E^rifM.iaWasUaitoB.'lt'iwK 'Bcf^nnlng DisciplineIne." The in 1\vin Falls, heneoitoCblhblMrea^ Ntticoal Medkal Ceiter a*andtargNallartfaiEkbelbMgac^rii »#'ie got all Mtti of pbytMo^ Prepared childbirth classtQsscs, sosslon Is fbr parentsts o< f chll- O pen to TwI[Win 1-alls IlkefractDrins]( yoor bone, «bert W t beaM la tlx weeks,' Ekbelbener uM. 'Yoa'r 6:30-9 p.m. Thursdays,. lhthis ■ dren from Infancy through tl Couniy residentsIS vw ho have d j coDteqoencmeet to tbe paacreai beitf lajind/ti: week to Ian. 22. in the lobbylobi toddler years, family member:3 c rs wilh at Sl. Ijike's downlown carcam- f'rcc: 324-6133. Alzheimer's. pus, 660 Shoshone SL E 'lii' ...... ■Kcservotions:734-F34-9422. i\vin Tails. No class willIll be1 About Infant c are "Todofor}vu"iSf.isalUtlngof iurgeon held Dcc. 25 and la n .l. \ j l l Ulldren’shi Lospitalsi Topics: wellness off thell Tlic Infant carc claslass of Sl. Iieallli-relaled onalllIlly,5 n ie pancreas was tliele doctorsi at Children's theie kidneys I shut down and does. Unforttrtunaiely. it’s not a NadonallalMcdicalCcntcrwho le the body lurches toward CatdknedftnninfBBl nicccc personality, realizedxl thatt Justin's pancreas muUlultl-organ failure. jone from the angry Eichelbcrger Elc a it a six-inch ■ has call tlie pancreas had gor Confusing: Tlic watch h lo the psychopathic Indsidslon straight up from ' two buttons and a bezel that'sthe the ‘angry oorgan." One sur- organ lc }ok 1 saw said that organIntent Int on going out in a Justiiistln's bellybullon. A dani- sensitive to touch: navlgatijating ' ■ , gery lexthool ■cons avoid cven blazeo of f glory — and laking agedged pancreas can start ito. m enus involves a frustratirating | • Q most surgc( (thal Is, touching) Iustlnwith wl it. sapoaponlfy, literally turn to a combination of pushingg bbi iii. ! increas unless ‘ It's. aa badI Injury, tliat's die mus:lushy soap. Justin's mom, ions and tapping and swi the pani s'vip* necessary. problemcm ," said M artin Kim:im Murphy, remembers ing the bc7.el. Tlie mennenus ; , nlficr full of nitro- EichelbeIbcrger, the Children's Eich'Jchelberger telling her that i themselves aren'tintultive.ive. so I ’■ Like a the poncrcas Is Hospitalitalsurgeonwhotrootcd thettic dssuc was similar lo cot- : reading the whole manualmal is ' ^ glycerin, lli ’ you don't wanl to Justin.. ‘It's ‘ 1 not like fracturing lagcage cheese. But the surgeon a must. sometliing y your boibone, where it's healed ras was able to remove die tall of I som etim es you in six: weeks. w You've got all thehe pancreas,| taking care not Nike + iPod Sport KH,$;,S 2 9 musi.'When•n he wras 12, Justin sorts ofof] physiological conse- todi0 damage die nearby spleen. ifVicnna.Va.. tack- quenccjCCS to the pancreas TheTie healcd-up remainder of This is an Inexpensivere wway led another•r boy during a pre- being[injured.'* In thhe ej pancreas would retum lo to gel excited again abc s pancreas is a thin norrlormal function. walking and running with on season 3iball game. In the The i 1 that produces During Di Justin's four doys In nlPod process. Justisiin took a dented organ existing iPod Nano or an IF Ties — amylase, lipase Inteintensive care, and the three Touch. When synched witw itha hool to thee Iabdomen. He lay enzyme: at help b r e ^ up sugars wcelvceks in a recovery ward, die . your nn the grou3und thinking he'd — diat 1 sensor In your shoe, y< carbohydrates In our leanearn at Children's monitored lime, ^ gotten the: windw knocked out an d cai iI>od's scrcen show s «ir In essence. It's a little ils his enzymes and tended to pace and calorics burnedned. A MM of him, butlUt when the pain food. In factory, and n atu re drai:Irains in his abdomen. He voice Interrupts the muskusic to didn't go awiway, Justin and his acid fa ioned It just where wenvent home weakened and announce when you Harr)rry, realized thai positlor 1 w ant such a volatile withvlth m onths o f healing in reached a goal or have;a a fe I w Ig else was going you'd v, cstablisillshmcni: well at the fronront o f him. but go home he m inutes left In a tim ed wcwork- 5 Initially thought back ofof the abdomen, pro- lid. did. out. Doctors I tin might have lected.d. But Justin's freak Justin's Ju 16 now, a high Setup with my firsl-geni;enera- . that Jusili y had severed the pan- schcichool sophomore who's on tion Nano was simpleipic: I ^ cracked a rib. Then they injury h ; near a dua through he the wrestling and lacrosse plugged the gadget IntoIto th e thougln hhe might have creas n h enzymes travel to the tearearns. He loved foolball biit iPod and t a p ^ the senso bmlsed hisis pancreas. In fact, which e S - I looked like! a total lenum. The pancreas wasvas Just line wiih walking my shoe, selected the 'ba: Iustln hadnd fractured the duoden inlo overdrive, spilling iway awa from It. 'W hen I was in v^rorkout and hit th e ro 1C handlebars angry organan. W hen he fell on w ent In ! toad. doofusweajlarinc ' mes through the breach, ihc the hospital, my dad said. (You don't need tape If if ;you , . ° and one for my hcihelmet. Wlicn the other b

C Rotator Cuff 1010 1 Shoulder is A eommtm ioitrt*iifpaintiniuptofU < ^ ------atf,Ut*ntalereHfflmpitptlhtbOMOf \ By Unda Searing ui)biflMtand Acnmton \ Special to TtM a breeding WsshliigtonPost ■ s-r.T=_I 0ura* , ' ___ — ^ u ick groundfor f e ^ aches, pains id y

ByHomniSdmider Ttw Waihlntton Port

I could ' blam e tthe S w weightlifting — the ben ■ presses and overhead milltiLilltary lifts, (hat p ut th e shouI<}uldcr upder pressure. I could blaiblame t^ami'twisdng t get di:three j IP Fish consumpiption may t^ n n a week from m y olkiaikido buddies. s-r I J-j III Instead . I’ve decidedcd to i i f W i , winV st£tave ' off kidneyy problems ' blame Douglas Engelbart,in, thei I______man who, perhaps unwittijitdng- . , Safety andI Health when motioion causcs the ■ synovial fluid — TH E QUESTKJTION ly, has put a genemdon>onof Rotator cuf■iff Administration rccommcn- rc secretion of s; nl kidney dlsc:ise in |)L‘o> , rotator cuffs, shoulders-s sand dodons, how manyany of us still hence all thi:hc twisting and -Mig/llglit eating fish help pruveni I ' other body parts ot risk, In the Composed of four muslukles hunch over ourir keyboards?k contortions; of i a stondard plcwiwith diabcies? 19Ms, ^ g e lb a rt invcht(^ the and several tendons,s. the't That position preventspre die yoga session,I. THIS STUDUDY coniputer mouse, an Ingen- Ing fola'of cuff covers thethe top of muscles of th e upper u and The concepept is Imponont, eople to 75) years old): lous dcvicc diat evolved1 intoint a the arm bone (humenjems) and mJddlc back fromm doingc their but mcdlcal1 experts( say It Is ItI analyzedai d ata on 22.3M peop iting revealed the level of • cheap, mass-producedd ands stabilizes the shouldeiIder. Uke jobs— panofw hiclhich is to sup- often lost onn people w ho are 517r ofol th em hod diabetes. Tusilni irine. considered an early • pretty much unavoidablelie loolt the hip, the shouldererl^a I ponihescapu!a(th1 (the shoulder having troublible. The intuitive the! proteinpi albumin In their urin wilhdiubeies who report- .' of m odem office life. It is,1 1 balknd-socket joint,t, blade) and synclTichronlze it response is> m i orc like "if it signon of kidney disease. Pcopk* will g of flsii a week were four , feel, a likely culprit foro r die designed to offer a widewli widi die m odonI ofthe of arm. If hurts, leave ItIt alone." In foci, cd caleating less dian one serving ol sslve protein levels (called nagging pain diat has dcvcl*de^ movement.I. you use your armsms and hands in die case ofof joint problems- limesICS m ore likely to have uxccsslv rslstenl olbuminurlo) ihnn weiwerc those \vhose weekly - oped in my r i ^ t shouldeiIdcr in The muscles of the rotatorrot while in th is position, po! the ond arthritistis. motion and persls rvinf’.s of fis)]. In noii-db- the past yeor or so. cirff help l//t and rotfititfite the rotator cuff muscliisdes end up actlWtyarecrj:ridcaJ. dietIt JiJncludcxi MO or more sen ’liJ wccn the amount of Hsh Of course, maybe alld l the arm. A tom rotator cuffcut Is a under duress, "Biom echalanlcally ll con bedcslies, n o link was found bciwci other stuff has hod a n ag{acera- common, painful Injur)jury Multiply stress2ss ond bad only get wcvorsc." said lay eatencn and urine proieln levels. vadng role. Dul w hen I dilnkdi among adults, habits over a1 (coupic of Greenstein. headh of the local WHOMAYDEAFFJ=FECTED7 about how 1 have usedcd my ------decades, odd poor poc posture SponandSph3inc Rehab cUnlcs. are especially susceplilile , r i ^ t and left arm s overwr die In my case, weariT ando tear and a dccUnc inin bloodI Dow. "Ifyou feel diethi poin and don't Pco\»3plc with diabetes, who are gar in the blond can. in years, the m ouse isIs the on the AC joint, wherewh die assodatcdwidia^a^g.andthe dothcocdvit]ity, you are losing to klckidney disease. Excess sugar . the tiny liilies in tlie kid- most- prom inent dlfTereicrcnce pan of the shouldcIdcr blade shoulder becomeslesobreeding out it is gololng to catch up cssenlence, poison die nephrons, th' ising them to break down • between diem. callcd die acrorrdonI mmeets the ground for achcsais and pains. with you. it't w o n t be (while neysys idial Alter the blood, causln; lam by nature left-hanilanded clavicle, has worn away a< die Fortunately, rotator ro cuff you're) Ufdngng weights at the ondd possiblyp fall complexly: and have spent a lifctlfedme cushion of cardloge;e betweenl Injuries d o lo n o t t typically gym; it will be b geidng some- throwing bails, s w i n ^ig g ten*t die two bones, the! conditiono involve the typee oo f full tears thing out o: f thecupboord.'* d CAVEATSITS ! :ame from quesilonnaires nis rackets ond othecvenvise known as osicoorthritiritis. More dial baseball pitch!tchers or other The rccominunended excrcis- DaiData on fish consum ption cum cipont.s. i'actors not luken favoring my left side whevhen it problematic (at leasi•ast in my odiictes suffer(or (or thot might cs ore. howvcver, e poinsloidng compm pleted by ihe sludy panlcipi I or medication, may Iiave comcs to octivity. BuBut 1 case) Is die rotatorrcuffiaset. a occur in a severee weight w room and tediouss —• not ones that Inio.0 account,s such as lifestyle or ady did not difrercniiate . "mouse” widi the rightt h:hand of four small museiscles that trauma), and hereforedier don't vkrill leave youou spent and feel- affcctected die results. The- study iabetes. Nearly all partici- — loo often widi diele armi help hold the armrm In the require surgery.’. InsteadIn they Ing as If you'm'vc pushed your betwitw een Type 1 and Type 2 dialu le nndlngs apply to other extended and the shoulloulder shoulder sockci andid stabilize can be treated Aithwid on asson* body to ItsI Umlts.1 Quite die pantsn ts w ere white: whether the f twisted in exacdy the.. wrongwr it os It moves. mcm of rehabllltaIltadon strate- contrary, thehey Involve light raccs;es is unclear. ways. WhylsdieshouideIdersovul* gles. weights arand poicntlolly FIND THISI STUDYST Undertroined., WeaVeaker. ncrable? In m y sccondd sr across die body. • sone. The physical diera|crapy is sockci, and the weige i ^ t of die extending th e aarm m in front of In m y casese.thisisaUtofixo underway. body on lop of it heihelps stabl- die head, direadiiading it under problem. Thrhe same types of ■ H | .‘If you want a surefireJ wayw] to llze die whole mectiechanism. die body and dierh e n Ufdng it to exercises can a (should!) be. start a conversadon widi iih: any- The shoulder, by conontrast,has die sky. done by aanyone who is one older dian 40, talkk alabout acomparativelyshalllollowsock- ’Yoga .is ouiour enemy." healthy to> mi ue sure their .shouldert. Maybe halfalf vrill ct wilh connecdve! tissued diat KenncUy saidI jrofadnl ExpdoKt Ptoducb &klteoniliKdSwke r f m Another • , E fe ii-fMl-. S

I QuaB«vP>«*>cts

C ustom ized T Gount N E W Y E A R S! S ^ vB r ^ Varicose V dns an( )LUTIONSFOO R 2 0 0 9 D avid A lohnsoi caloriesS. M owshipHaina E S T A B UISH S t A N EMERGENC4 C Y F U N D ' \ t a d i l a r S {^IkwardSeiMUer The list can b t h o s e Tbe Wtthfanten Port ______loaded from prevcnum. pn A n em efQirgency fund is for tl sph.s&edu/tools/cc • NoHospttoIlzallon-Sat* Offlce /compendl. unexDeCttctra events that aree n o t You can get a roughIgh csil- um.htm. • No Generol A n esth e^\ ' mate of. die calorics youyoi will Tb estimate caloi ly planned for in liftf e . Y o u ;• Short Recuperation PMi cxpej)^ in many acthdivides find your acdvityrs.s (01 widi a simple form ulala ddevel- est ddng to il) o nI Uiedi list and . s h o u l d hnave a 3 montfis w ortr t h o f • MlnlmoHy InvoUve SufjJ oped by physiolo^stss uausing a muldply its METrr value by . .r > Endovenous Loser T n ^ ^ ^ H ^ l o n Therapy , yjudsdck known as the yourwel^tinkiloglograms.For inCOITie IFif you are a d u a l i rn c o m e ]• Procedures May B e .i^wH^lnsuronce W Metabolic Equivalentent, or example, take a vro j r 6 m onths if only'

•f T i ■ ■ Tto>tliwi,TWir»h,l^« M Mo«dm>K«»bir»,200SlOt COMICS ByE Rick Kifkman & Jerry ScottI B.C. ______By5 Johnny H alt Baby Blueues ?|3uiuIewT5«Wft.TUfTI |...WTPUTC»«WTTlEColECoiDfieiM ( 5 o ,M B e - - .W H A r e > c ...yWPTMAtfl1 WW^ H 6 H W 6 (fJ S mTO S ! IWPTW6TV,TW tNTUEU«K6,A»lt>CVis v i s w B o w j . «5A/Wg KAP*JA8<50T 6H0VP&MYPACIFAC6INTOA > VJSIW. J j MWEY-/« ^ . J 6mAP»K60f^ 0liepsA/4DTH6 W]» e s ? L — « e « r . r I ' n I r t P ------° r—s i ^ ^P ( ByM otlW olker Blondle By Dean Vtiung & Stan Drakes BeetleW^2 Bailey U-l'....'.------5 = 2 2 I PACT. yOLR Excuses HA\« ) I WIlf THA«(VOU. ) /'y c x jso f \ / WHArSTHEMATTER, I F T fiOM, I |BUMSrE*0.9. 00i VO) KNOW HOW I | I It W PA . B u n c ? S66M TO KAV AM excuse POQ NOT IhTnirv’ )■ BUM5TEA0,:. S ^ IT, BOSS J T006H6UV?CUT ' U&uS> HAN0W60UTirr KVG. I V YOURSELF SHAVING? I NO... BUT MV RAZOR ) • FAT CWMTM.r*^r-«^7^oo, I; PL V IS HUINEP' y w a s w E V H S V / ^ 1 t Dllbert______erberrles By Phil Frank and Joe Tfoisp50 I f Oe any ef m hJWhJv ""^Ah'h^u ti IlHDWHwUsOTian^who!) OOGBERTS TECH SUPI ^PORT NOUl HOLD U) ______^ ------, flvotiim ateuJ- Wleur Vcs, Dujfy?J bitofSf a Suaesafi/Dy jaisted the I SNOOP INTO rpjrk fait class pn^' S ------^ hwpethefttie H a l Uiitntct>.^et biiksSbis WAY I REMOTELY•LV PERSONAL FIU IH IL E S O W ttr jnUnxU'j-^ ■i«n_ I fncfltv ftw n » Cirtiin 'frf^et TAKE OVER YOURUP* P IL F E R Y O UTO R IY^ I m n c f- COMPUTER TO0 ACCOUNTS ANO DIAGNOSE THEIE YOUR COMPUTEI I ILLEGAU By ScoU Adams The Eldei PROBLEM? E A SPAM SER',N O T U R N S \ \ / '^OL f TER INTO i ^ Mi S O A R E 15% O F Y O U R r— I P E R S O N A L * FILES. BUT ‘X PI r-^ fOU DONT SEE J= =iJw laA diI ME GETTING t ------md Ernest______By Bob TTiavess For Better or For W(Worse ALL HUFFY. ,------I I I V E R H .H e'asm x I m I HyBROT>«RSCDM»»Q ______^ s p ia iH O FOR CHWSTHftS, vji-mtMB'n«prreR, u CONNIES MPiRRieD?N0|-HE T i l . j-m if iOMCTHWe FTOM f- i£flopp»owryuFe convin ■ vm fOO!> 6H0UP ] | 0FLme.NK}Krs, ^ He'&e ON IT, POfS |i By Lynn Johnston Frank am HOTmAUITA f

THINK »T rto^ 'tflLfiNCfI>“ I* WTTHOOR^^^B •ivwcesf HIM >. s u p s t r ; ! K10S.DOQ 'S s e H N __ _ • . . * < 2-8 hfflTO w e^^^^ r.

By Chris BrowneTie ( Gatflelil' th^Horrible ^ ' OKHH,N

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______a a i = s S B ^ B ^ tMPW&rt'g I HI and Lols By Greg Evan:in s iSlKSwCViWH] ,------□ rn njoTi7i£5i3v*rvsrrsiAT iwAs^isT ’\ r ~ r : - \A 1 TuiMcwsoFy. T r WHV C?oeSNt AMANyeoPVevER \1 ______By SMOWNG tUTV rC t t i J tool! HI)!] ] TKMCKIS I « £ . . . ) sctocesN-r W ISH AMVTHIM5*i S AROlWP H6RE 2 j S t J

d o n 't FORfiETfl R yffi' li ro PEED THE \ 5YSKM S je l i p z u . Pickles Is Rose By Fat Brafl■ady r n tUAT4 WHERE I jwmwdwnggHjl8 ! | | ^ « r yr »»MMet7A toroF roo.g|^gflBl »? V ^ Q L lM lb •mePEMClLt£A9 I UOU) — ' f\VMAHPU)HE{]

By Brian C rane Rose Is OU}lSOIti&Ut<£ I fwBMIi

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By Brant Parker & Johnny HH{ e rt Non Sequttur B y W iley Vizard of Id iTM^I EvT I Dennis the Menace E WlTUTloNlkL ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 WE'PUKEA- ^ T l SNAME5?> FP6PPYAWC; / n m r a u \ * L ____ = ^ g R S I^ UC£K5E -li— ^ AtJP 5H£'$ /«N$1PEP6P \ EX«RBlTM^ LE&W- F ^ N Y JUST ume) V l f J 5 I N ? V o ( ^ipSS By Hank Ketcham The Wl

I'l uwj_ I E l E lT r=rr=T]y^ By Jim Borgman and Jerry SoS c o tt

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*6oME P a n e CAU. ‘EM ^ . BUrtCAlL’£MSAfmLOFl V

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I December , B ^ i l l l 8,l(liho______•_____ Tim es-Ncw;:ws Classifieds 733-09)931 ext. 2______M«kU 82008 5

■ Tim^es-News in PartnershifI p w i t h H O O F hi!i;c(tjobs- maspevtdkyieomm

s s m r e i f s

3 place a d s, call (208))8) 733-0931, ext 2;; Come( see us a t 13:l32 Fairfield stre et,t , Twin■ Falls r visit us online at wvwww.magicvalley.ee;om «Hours: Mondaday-Friday 8:00aiT)Tt i T S t O O p m . H |^ ! F B B lEOAL K OIKE NOnceOFTRUStEE-SEE'S SALE PUBUC NOT!m c E r — ~ “ NOTICE OF PUBUCIC HHEARINQ Idaho Codo 45-1506 Todays d8le:November10.dsl« NOTICE ISS H HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Idaho Adkins planned and takenI by b' your govemrrwnl 200e FUo No.: 7090.22047 Sal.Salo date and time Codo 45-805305 that Oregon Trail Storage, 47t are contained In public nolle* thereby notified that on the iSthdeyday ol December. 2008. at 10:00 OoMUtno): Match 12.20099 at 1 1 « ) AM Sale South Parkrk Avenue West. Twin Fate, wii ycor right to know and to bi 'S’i S - S T l ”! the Twin F als County Board ot CommissionersCoa will hokl a public k x w n : outsldo the mainn entrancee ol the roposaessthetho contents ot tho following units: your government is doing, i CossJQ County Courthouso, 14Sl4580verland.Avo. KelMy Jontiinta. UnH A-21. tost knovm address: ig to ccnskier the establishment»nt ot fees and lee Inaeases. *>**■ charges all dUzans to be in Board ol County Commissioners Burity. ID 8331B Proporty addnjddross: 30 Ranch® i480Allamic.lie. Twin Foils, ID 83301. n to read and study ESent to Idaho Code §31-870 a Boot Dr Bur>»y. ID »3318 Sucnuoi I senrkMS ptovWed by the Counly issor Truslee: North- Boktt.t, LUnH C-1, lost Inown address: PO » Ottse citizens who mpose and colled tees for those ser wost Tfusloo Servlcas, Inc.. on Bd vatoiem lax revenues and the win Falls, ID 83303. seek lunher Inlormation to.exaroise ei their right to I would otherwise be funded by ad v tlon P.O. Box 997 Bolevuo, V « reasonably related to, but shall access public records and publicpi meetings. leescollc»lleded pursuant thereto shall be re 58&-t900 Deod of Tmsl Inloi Docombof 8 and 15.2008 A U T not excwiceed the adual cost ot the servicervlca being rendered. Tbe tees grantor Brad Back, an unmorrln t w ™ " a s ' IMPORTAI e ed to b e in o ea se d are: trusleo: Rrst Ametlcan TMo9 CompanyCi O ^lnol ^ Please address ali legal adveiS S n g t o : bofwllciary; Option One Mortg,0fXjaE>0 Corpornlwn NOTICE! 01OF OPPORTUNrTY TO REQUESTT LEGAL ADVER1BTBWQ Rocording dale: Soptemberr 7,20067,: Rocordor's A PUBLIBLIC COMMEKT PERIOD ON A •Nows F orT rwla * tu rtr's Office ThoT1tnt»-N< PnpoMd Instrument number: 31074747 Countv; Cassia p£fPERMfl APPLICATION AND .P0B O X64648 Sum owing on the obtgotiorti. lncr*m(*)or >OSED PERMrTTO CONSTRUCT Twin Falla, IdIdaho to, 2000: $64,435,76 BecauM PttMrtF*#H OfCTMM(-) ToltlNwrFM 83303-0541 Non-suHldiHk:lent lunds charges,-ar>d olher charges Iht inca wllh Sectkxt, Rule: day lo day. Ihe omount due on tm a lltoto dwckcckdierge '$ 20.00X) «$S.00 ' $25.00 may be grooler. Henco, H you ontrol of Air Pdlution in idaho, noticece itis l*oal««iTwolev*ll’•llty.ecm jrven that K & T Steel CorporationIlon. Deadline tor legal ads: 3 daysdo pnor to pubika- _ . shewn above, on ad)uslmenlnl maym be necessary h»'«>y O/v# tttlDMV Ils. has applied to the Depanmeni o r for Sunday, noon on allor wo receive your chock.: FoiFor lurlhorlnlorma- TwinFalls. nl dl lion, noon on Wednesday fc iftk:ient lunds don wrilo or call the Successosssor Trustee al the Environman:wnloi QuaUly (DEO) (or a pemtilwl Iclo Thursday for Monday, noon ek charge $0.00X +$25.00 $25.00 address or telephone numberbor provkied above, constnjct,I, P P-2008.0191, for its fadilly in TwirTwin day and Wednesday, nocz-rjX T; “SS Basis ol detatil: failure to makeu k e payments whon Falls. Thee lodiiy,U which is a svuctural sleei1 ancand Thursday and noon on TueiLwsday t e Ffkl.y and _ , due. R eose take noBco thol Iho Successor steel lanknk manufadurer. Is located at 32i322 Salurday. HoSday deadikiein«» may vaiy. II you 30 -f$200.00 $200,00 Tnistoo will mO fli puble Mcik««tioft to highoat DtamondI Avenue Ai West. Twfn FaNs. (daho.o. ^A nave any quesfioRS cad Bu6y, Ri hgal c M ; al '’"•UnSing Preyed’ $0.00 Udder tor cortllM lunds or ««“equ ' ' ' public comn>mment period ort ths proposed permlermit 208-735-3324,______orty described above. The pro rovlded if a written request Is 8ubmltte< ' *Thecostiost Is $200.00 (or on Individual orr a ccouple sharing Uw same book, klenliliod to compty with IC 6i tore December 23. 2008. and diredec!|!!^ B0ARD0FTW1NFAL A $50-00)-00 non-relundable deposit is duee at registration. warranted to be cor ro d The prt COUUtSSION Weber. Department ot Environmenia wring wll take place In the Count>unty Commlsstoners' Otfkw, 425 saiptkin Is: Lol 3 In Block 1 c UNUTES OF MEETMG^ B S s Y N O P S t S 1410 N. Hilton. Boise, Idaho 83706 hone St. North, Fourth Floor, Twinfl FcFans, Idaho. tatos Subdhflston. k>calod Innlho8E1/4NE1/4 Ih' A comploto set ol mkiutos nMlkeseD - of'Soctton 27. Township 1010 &South. Range 22 J255; orr fifaye.weberddeq.idah0.90v., or vli County Courthouso, TvrIn Fl likesell. Chairman E4st of tho Bolso MerMlan. CaiCassia County, Ida- hnp^/Www.dw.deq.ldaho.gov. Please relerencem thi A llrrtied number of Commisi“ L::: ho. OS tho same platted En Iho iolfldal plal Ihero- companyt namena and permit number when send ovailobloatwww.twintallscoi 5T: ol.'how of record In the OfficeCO ofo tho Recorder ol ing Ihe requ»quest. itina Glascock said Counly. The sale Is subjclubject to conditions. The permitit appfa( calion malerials submHled byyU'o thi Odi-Approved consent cokitikindor KristinaaGIascodt, G Oerk rules aixl procedures as desoioscrlbod ol the sale facility arere avaUabie for public review on' Uh O d 2-Approvod copier loot30S0 tor Prosoudor's and which con bo reviewedd at www northwost- OEG websJ»bsile. All information regarding ihlithis Otnce. hekl tax deed sole PUBLISH:SH: Monday, November 24,200808 tnJSfSb.com or USA-Foredosuosure.com. Tho solo r n M IronIrom this notice forward will 'onlyy bit» Od3*Transforred land to City»tyol Twin Falls Monday, December 8,200808 Is mode without representatlntatioa warrant or I al httpyMvnv.deqidaho.gov. Ofl 6-Approvod poling placecos. opprovod ICRMP I - covenant ol any kind. ITS. (TS 70M.22047) eled to sign on to DEQ's list sen/e> anand nomination 1002.102456-FQ elednxiic Informalion aulomaUcallyIly aat O d 7-Approvod 21 Indlgerrent coses, denied 6 coses, accepted tentatl'atlve setilement ol PUBUSH: November 24. Dec 1. rw.deq.ldaho.gov. lis 8th day ol December. 2008. oocounts, approved sp«ipedal ossessnwrts. Faye Weberier denied roconsWeratkjn oon Onego appeal. ATF4M0ft04»9e>eo ^ m d JABG lundlng,g. approved consent nUtNe.4O70e0«22. )ouooo(2064 nominotlon lor Copltal Oofeiifense Fund - 10:30 o\:Iock A.M.. ol saidI day.da' in Iho oflteo of ” Oct 14-Approvod 15 M lgegent coses, denied 7 orp. located 011411 T.S No- 142991-09 AJIIanco Title & Escrow Corp. E cases; opprovod hanging0 boskol s p o n s o r ^ . Foils Avonuo East. Suite ,3,S.T»^F*,D 131! DEO TRUSTEES NOTICE OF SALE » Is made lo ihal certain tmst dee approved cont/ad with ESS S3301, IL -lfonns Alllanco Tllle & Esaow CorpCorp., a s successor mode byy NNorma Q. Shaw, a single woman a nation for WealherUa- tiusloo, wUI sea at publc ouctliuctlon. 10 Ihe highest granlor(s)s) k10 Twin Falls Title a s truslee. In lave lion Doy. met in execuUvessesaton s ■■■ bktdor, (or cash. casMers choccheck, cenitled ctMCk ol Morlgagiloge Electnwic Regisuollon Systems5**2^ ir O d 21.Approved 20 Indigeigent cases, denied 6 ^ or tellers cheek. (Irom aI bonkba wNch has a aa benafidifidary, recorded October IS, 2006 1 »ni wtth Coluntla Point bnnch In the community atIt the she ol the sale), no. 2006*06>026536 m book, page, m the dfldi O d 23kApproved changet order for Coroner's ------money order. Slate ol Idahcdaho chock or local records of Twin Falls County. Idaho, covertn'•™*9 Office remodel; opproved>d Resolullon lor n e w ______government chedi. or a s hh equivBlenlec in lawful the foikiwlnwing-descrtbed real property sHualeded I111 Planning and Zoning Iorm;rms; approved controd C M money ol tho United Slates.B . ion paynWo at the said counlyxity and state, to wit: Lol 2 In bkck *4 1oj w(h Aeromodetors; apprevroved appointments to j |d o | ku same time of salo, the ioOowiilowing d escried rw i conyon TrtTrtf s subdivision no. 1, a plannedd unNur Fair Board, approved malilalnunanee agreenwnt « q ,_ proporty. slluatod In tho C:om ou iy of Twin Falls, dev^omment, ei twin (ale county. Idaho, accordin)nfing foreopler,appm 'edplatanamendment t o Cottorv © PUuzzles 2 by Pappocom Stale of Idaho, and detcritfedt tat thereof, according to the plat lhereiih all ^ 2^Approveo second sramendments (or L>l's; Q sr; phis late chargee; togathsr with < STREET ADDRESS OF;IF; 617 Broadway Ihereanar; iw.~ approved Sepiember accounts payable, O uent sums advanced by beneflda 8| Avonut North, Buhl, ID B3316. B3: MAY SOME- aubsequan 3 4 5|9! approved September mlnut»jtos ------TIMES BE ASSOOATED3 V> WITH SAID REAL pursuantIt t to the larma and condtlons of sa O d 30-Approved Resdutkjrion for Nottonal Forest PROPERTY. deed ofIf tmt sl MontMy Paymenl $1,084.! Related Safety-Net Paymenls, Pi approved ______If Ihe successlul bUder cannemnol provUe Ihe bU Monthlyr Ls Late Charge S48.88 By reason of)tsakl sa Aaslgnment ol LeasehoMold Inlerest, approved ____ Ia_ZIZ prlco by m a n s ol one oed herein above. If pavabla.I, said sums being the toOowinawing: 204,681.00; Safe PlaceM 48,451.87; Capital the high bidder Is unsuecei«c e« f(i in chaining ».S9 with Interest (hereon at the ratsraiaol Projeds Fund 34.358.7272; TF Co Extension payment a s (Steeled whhlnn 10 mhuioa, the sale S . per annun, from September 1, 2002007, 447.83; Weeds 3,470.84;14; Parks & Recreation ____ T T 4 I|7 win be ro^tekl immediatelylyondanybkltvthe oi ^ ^ ^ 7ikf. plus monthly late charges ot S48J(48.88 20.288.20; SoUd Waste 481488.840.18; Ad Valorem * Ngh bidder from Ste previ( LkJ;to- 49,457,89; Distrld Courtjrt 32.174.03: Indigent O »giming Octobtf 1.2007 untl pakl; t I 'J[ roitclod. sn in acaxdancers.’s/i.s with title expenses, costs, trustee'sk feilees Fund 222.589.70; Pubik:k: Hea») 1.958.50; TF ^ ]Z_ 7 8 45-1502 e t Sec. omeys fees Incurred herein by reasonM n ol Co PubSc Heolth & Weltaiifare 11,602.91; County ------Said sale wUI bo made witl ilauN; and any further sums advancedi ^ b i v Boat License 1.760.S0.50; Justtoe F trd werramy regardkig title, poss tefidary or the beneSciary'a successor 507.473X»; Juvenie Conectlon Cc Ad Funds Islel i brances lo satisfy the obOgalkgallon secured by and » Grant 16.761^5; Boat '------I for protection of the above-desolbi 10,341.51; Tobacco Tax C pursuant to the power of salisale conferred In the 110316.87; Adult Sub- w e> >perty and ha Inlerest in It. Thebeneid Grant Walenways Match 1 EASY # 9 6 deed ol inisl o*ecuted byy PhaydraPI L Ar¥*er- raalprope. stance Abuse Grant 6.43(t39.3fl; Siotus Offender tmstee or their successors In intare •on, an unmanted personrsoo. aa Grant# lo [Y and tm Senricss 8.09&95; FifthI Distrld D SOS 3.293.66; , Alliance Tiilo & Escrow Co^.. Coi as Successor nave eledleded and do hereby elect to causaf ti II '’* ParVi-Grants 13.81; SFP-:p.Twln F als 1.65739; R llII inll the grid so that eveiyy ry tsou tmst deed and the ei^enses•J*.®' 1.618.56; Juvenile Probaibatton Mse. 20,19030; Thatiat's a!) there is to tt. There'sre's no math Invoived- Benefldary. recorded Augusigust 13, 2003 a s In- the sole,le. includiiv the compensattons ofw i VOCA Mediation Grantt :3,05920; Dmg Court -ri,aie grid has nunabers, butt ne.Inw.at, pageigeB -12. ARB. OR ARE NOT. PRESSESENTLY RESPONSI- nt eentrance ot First American TideI CoCom- PUBLISH; Decembor 8. 20C•008 - — W.E FOR THIS OBLIGATION^ON. Danv260'60 Third Avenue Noilh in the Oty of)ITwln Tv Tbe defauH lor wMch Ihis saktale b to b e made is kxinly ol Twin FaUs SUIe ot I d ^>:how- : ho toawe to: jbeequant lo the recording of sakl NotlNotkM Make principal and Ineresi pa^ ault Ihe original sale proceedings» «*arsm A W A Y ■;T O MAK]: E on said Deed of Tmst and H was $13,750.00 10- by order ol the Court or by prociMdin«dk>gs Tho original loan amouni w the Nalontf BanUuplcy Ad or forrottwr ott gether wtlh Interest Ihereonon ata the rate of 6.75% per annum, as evUencedid irin Promlasay Nole reasons. The berwtici^ dd not partipartteJ. dalodAugust1Z2003. Payr’oyments a/e In default I obtaining such stay. Sold stay wfMler- u I lor the months of June 2002006 thru 4 induding ANY. of .Trust Tm iffis-NjEWS» Dated: November 16,2008, Trustee« a o CAL-WESTERN RECON- E a ^ Twin Falls. . .73S-d046 NCE CORPORATION P.O. BOX 22(22004 H now for more Alliance Title & Escrow Corp.“ VEYANCI Call Oui1*y. R u p v rr. P a u l. . .6i77-d7a? 7 7 a c AJON ^ CA6202^0004 (619)590-9200 i By: Bobbi OldfieU. Tnot Offict “ ^ Informationtn about routes KImbvrty, n, Duhl, F1l*r. . -70Sr0 5 ^2 4 1 Phone:(877)947-1563 nature/by:lAjy: Matia Delalo(TeR-20e5e4 avaitablele In your area. Qoodlno,<3, Shoihon», HolUe||U«/, Jerom*. . .709-03022 ' PUBUSH; November 24. Dec[>ec 1,6 and 16,2008 PUBUSH;IH: December a 15 snd 22.2008 H., ______TWin Falls, Idaho B6 Monctoy,Deccinbg8, 202008i ______Timtics e -N cws Classifiedss 733-0931 CXI. 2 208 107 - 05 206 D entatal Assistant ' Ptegnancy c« Datt]1 ^ D r iv e rs _ r a o m i ^ Family Healthh S. Call or lax PaU Training publlcoilon. 'mem.m This poeHton • .**’1^']?'^ I------— ------J Proirofesslopi: S2".'= to 636-2440 Western Staiss Busu , . Moior aediiMeblt Involvoa Ini conducting lie send reiumeto: 1 0 1 C - Tiallto Call 208-733-6003 cords, ond cosh puWte pt opinion poBs couS."?;V Dairy ------^' accepted. m FAMILY HIHEALTH SERVICES LoslandRwnd ±M ‘" ‘pK bS * ™ ’ S « m i ' 1667 E31I m ent *794 Eastland Drive I DRIVER j 733-0031 e x t i FRosoarch oflors; TW kxatkm. HR Departmei FOUND Black U b. 1^ -,51! , ID 633S6 hirtng K E J f n g ...... Tlmes^lews .pi■B.xlMo.voni.g, “ 535 TwinFjn Falls, Idaho 83301 molo, wilh pmk collnr. ^ . Eiperlencod I------1 ^ jopto. Export- M«„L BO W hr consBliaiton 206 is pralerrod. No1 phone ph< calls, please. youno (too- In Spring- 0 years " oxportonco ^ * . . Side Dump Olivers daio nfon. or • J a drug froo EOB/Dn(Drug Free Workplace :ompoihivD Rolos J jn V C •UptoStZanhotf worttpkI placo thni 200^31-3386 Woaroadobt ' •Casuol worMng olfeisacoI competithro FOUND U b l1 yolow, roBot ro agonev . — — foqulrod. Musi bo ihelppeoplo/ilolor DRIVER 1 abtetocommunlcoio010 1 onvironmont on salary/wlthboftu#. wl: U i q w l c 1 chocolate. Hoyburn Wo hol juts Include ^ 1 Co-ops CAREOIVER •Monthly *M Iniorvlowor , Benefits oroQ. Cai! to Idsnilty. banknipicyrollof bar VolteyC® Ik. health 67M 142 or 670-0442 undor i Iho - hasanimmm m ^ a te verbal and wiltton.1. Jeromo 1"Baptlsl Pre- hcentivos Inc J 01k,i — — ------bankruptcy bani codo. opening school b now Nrlng •Abeolutoly .Al no sale* FOUND lots ot misc. May. Sudweeki 4 F/r Propi r : . ' for an Infani Room . or sollcilinB hams loll Irom Browning Deliveryv^ver. D l330AddlsonAvsWiW Careghior. Exp.ls •Hoallhbonolits .u ovo. You moy f D eckth C hrlttm u In the 733-7160 Magic Valk^dteyaroa. Mon-Frie-e prel. Call Katherine OVMO ^ . ■ NIflhlTInieSKy. ------— Musi1 bo soil Dmg Fioo workplacoCO I 208-324-7633 ■o.ppjv«opb,o« •“ ■'SS halls witl Claim ni iho Kimbotly ^ motlvaiodI arxand ablo to _ .. ofllce at 640 emok>vm Nursorie* Otlico. ]a work undeindorljttlo DRIVERS I IQENERAL ^ I Meadow* Or. Sta 12 iiS^'fSJS b e t t e r jc ' supon^siorsion, CDL Soldier MounUln Ski in u Twin Pane or oalJ orr FOUND Ml ol koyB In ) w/Haimotatandcloan a *TO P G U N11 Resort is now ”ueat2(l8^73fr2>51 | basebaU fidd noar 3 M L ~ ‘ drivtng rocordroo roq. nunewv^ACAOtwriwr acCQptIng appUcattons L-=! f a , la , la CSI. Plooso coll and 4 8 ^ vvo olferoifo a Class “A" CDL •Caleteriahelp — doscrlbo. B76-2503 ___ PRO: tlvo salary Irulruotlon •UftAttendanU MEMEDICAL * o r i M O M L S X l t •Ski« Snowbovd RN’s LOST QoWon U b In S;Sr 735^56 ihovJdnliyolEastZT* p ^, j M I W * Indude 401> -_ | Instructors 1Are you kioking for a new dial)liallenge? 1 Riveer Ridge P o r h l» .« n i U ^ insuranceince, paU In Buitoy. IW year oW = S r Wooes DOE We have an opening in oi rly Sunbridge) nouiorod malo whh n ^ i. vacation noii/cB a We are an EOE VVenliiator Care Unit lor that SpcS a l R N s s s - i ^ :p. Please email rosumo stripo down his noso, 2 0 8 .2 3 1 -8 8 5 S wo a drugu SI J S c Soil MoUvatod Exp. that enjoys caring for a small ( woaring o gtoon col- I. _ uo tree worK Q jp 10 InfoOaoldlsr „ lpn rnIN. 12 hour NOC ==■ ploco, M patients wHh Specfal RemiratorS S T Z d l / lar.200-676.9046_ — w/ClassACDL mountaln.com or fax ^ We are hiring for Full-Time3 Nights,Ni 2 - ,NTA FOR HIRE www.v^liyco (206)764-2368 or call 2-10 CNAs 12 hour sNfts, we olfer excellen LOST Rod Hoclor Vory Vci roasonabto. ‘ (206)764-2626 | ’ j llcal Records Asst. 11/25, fomaio. Iii yrs Co» on yourS a» i 20^24-8644 paciws Specialist ______Burlty, ID 83318 n v . RIOGE with block collof. U si UTTLErTLEOEMSnowon. lARUa:iaiuwi.nATinN ci:m i H )IBng 6 vwoks lo 6 - • toplaceyourada www.ROI&NVxom _ Irom Borgof o;oa on rolBnj 1,2 lob#267 Equal r u s Grt.j u iIk Xty in hfi ThonksgWng. Family yoofioars. ICCP. no rogls- 208-733-0931 OW. 2 ulion roo. 736-0362 B UIY Y ITI AAAAAAA Opportunity Employer . . . M l o J / i " hoortbrokon. tmtfoi I IOME I 640 Filer Ave Wcit.VciLTwln Falk, Phone; 208-734-8645^ Call 20M20-6474 SELL '% p s i ------Mi-ALtH& >p Consuttant l ^ S l ’i ^ IMARKETINGS ~ A T IMiw ^ NBedAgtoSlsimlst/CdnsuKant for targe Allteeti Inc,at^ a bk)technology company in NEVE W S farm, dullduties to indude: Are you looking for a dynamicmicand the animalI feefeed industry, is tooMng for a CLASSSSIFIEO Coordinate irrlgatk)ation and lertility program, rewarding place to work')rk? Territory' MaMarketing Coordinator to I - ] WIL lemenl. and ptenling for Idaho Home Heallh & Hos{ospice implement thehe > m h k _ NEE C l i E E D ir^ludtludes benefits. accepting resumes foror at of the localI TwTwin Falls. ID olfice but does Plo aMI MndMl resume to PiPull'TIme RN Aaalstant Branchnch Director require travelivel telh wiihin and ouislde ol BUVJY IT! Lanco:e FFunk Farms 4 a Part-Time RN, Case MaiManager thithe local region. 2 0 0 out ol our Buhl office. SELLL L I T l fax 80S-;08-22S-5553 or P.O Box 310, Amiftmerlcan Falls, iP 83211 | IHH&H l^ offers pakl premiumsI foifor medical The idealsal icandidate will have a and dental, continuing educaiicatk)n and backgroundjnd In Animal Sdence and Em plinm git ! ' GREAT incentive bonus progn>grams to aR Business, MarkMarketing or Communicatk>ns. stall plus a COMPETITIVEE SALARY.S Quafiftoattons:ons: ability lo multi-task, enjoy Come be a part ol a caring envenvironment! work withith eevents, experience In a PUBLIC SERVICE M Apply at 826 Eastlandj DriveD marketing envirnvlronmant, excellent oral and MESSAGE o rtm atl rM um estoto written convninmunkation skills, and proven Federal haathorOidahohomehealthilth.com. organizaUomional skills. AblHy to speak in Employmoni ______EOE Spanisenish would be a plus. InlormaitonInic Is tioo, ROIRomombof. rw or\o I Rteumteahotihould be swit te tho follow- cancar prombo you a | oCUSTOMER SERVICE (ng addresaisa (noi phone calls pioaso): letferal}ob.lotf. For Ireo RREPRESENTATIVE , Manoella AlviUvea, malvoaOalltechxom. Intormation about - - Faxi■ax; (559)226-0409. 14/7 fodoialjobs. Northwvest - Classified Ad Coll Career PRODUCCTS ^ rARM CHIOIT SCKVICIS tc thaD E S America Placement Connoctlon. H I P i H I JJorthwest Farm Credit Serviifvices, an magicvalley.com ‘476-757-3000 agricultural cooperative thatjtprovkies p ' finandng and related senricPrices lo ^ S e a i r s agricultural producers, is seekingsec a Good Ho. Grom prico. Customer Seralce Represeiitenlallva to work in their Twin Falls,.IDolftae. ID preparation ince Repair Technicians This position assists In the pre loWng to immedialely fill two and processing al loan maki is: one to provWe superior ♦servidng transactk>ns. Greets ( sen/ice repairing relrlgerators, as they visit the olfice and re: S fa?“ “ 2Se"”AC, AC, healing appliances; the account inquiries. Respons repair TVs & home electronics processing customer^ transj sKOOdtorep r customers homes in Ihe Orders and maintains oHIce s Performs intermediate to ad' Is area. Prevtous experience For lineJ i a d s dericat duties such as word pr pplances or home electronics D, CFC/Unwersal prelerred for , R ciprcscntativcs p r from cach oof f ouri departments establishing and mainlainiiigKS answering telephones. Posltioi»fcnreqiiros ch. Teamwork skills, excellent . -1 p.m . willII bcb on hand to answ er allill ofc your questions. service, good driving record is Tues. ■ Sat. - Ngh school dipkxna or equivalivatenlvvBhZ ^ S S i years of related office expe Saturday availability required, >e18yearsol age .to apply, the day beb e f o r e . ForDr m orc inform ation call 20208-324-4739 or Must have excellent ccmput customer servtee sUlls. Ability t 'today through email to log on to ivtviv.iiiaho//tilkjilkproducts.cotn j ® and prforitlze work. Experten ntraOsaarahc.com. For Sun. & M o n . V _ finandal institution desirabi3 bleand We otter excexcellent compensation and accounting background benjenefidai. >ng with Ihe opportunity to wori'iXo\'MoioVRouii'...... Induding customer senrice,J, documenta-d i • Wronglei Ave. i Acc»t activities lor an existingI I 7.?.5:.0046...... j...... Associates In business admirministratwn, j prosoeispecthre customer territory. otitee management or relatectied fiekl, and ftprospe 3 r»Moteit’Rooi»...... 6iti Avei’E.'...... 1-2 yrs related exp. Requirelires excelent Ideal canc Pony Rodlocker i Avolioble i . 6th6ih Ave. E. andidates wll demonstrate interpersonal, communlcatk>rtton,Of^niza- excelent communicatkxicon skills. exNbit a (Kv« )ou.«lfn. can ac»ut »a familyI Ivnlioxn thi> ■ S1100-S1300 I j • LLocustoci Sl. ttonai, and time managemernent skils. a s professtonaional temperament & possess a holkby Kawn wiih ihU traJiiiradiiiimal iiK'kinf: limw j I • MQlMQUtlce St. pi«jri.l. 1lK<.'luiicrri>r ufcly. a manr aikl Uil j SHOSHONE I i TWIN TV FALLS I m»d. i...... ?;W ;3302...... i i...... 7.W.-.834.^.; ...... I Salisbuty Management SerServices, a SalesJ Associates As lor Seastrom I'ull 'i/r tuiimu male ihc pii'icil| fi»>—Mtnply dvisk>nolMStar,lsde(»c(Scaled to Manuladurinuring assist customers that useI F diiA w 'w :...... I tia^v the pifrt* h1.I. itil> ihcni OUI. \and. iVMourtc*‘St,"N.‘...... i i’»Foiij provkJing the highest qualityI managementm our standardlard Ine ol washers, spring dipss iMfmhlr and fint«h wiili vaniiJuii»h 01 paiiK. I'hr lom- i • Modrono Sf, N. i i • Wc*nice Orel* consulting services to our customerscus in and other9r hardwarehi related to the auto- I • Duvot Courts ||»Rlm'RlmVlew Lone W. i • I'lrlrd iiKkm; Ikkm' m tasuo'aei 4-1 iikIic.« long In 1' mrai Nonh America to helpIp tithom grow nwlK/e, aeronauticalaerc and manufacturingI iiKlK« tall. i • Heybum Av». E. = • • Sun«Sunwoy : and prosper. ^ , Industries,les. In addHion. they deal with 11k plan incliKki lomi'leliiplclr Mfi. by-.lri. diifc- I TWINFAaS ii TWIN TV FALLS ' ! Send resume, letier of interestest, and salary custom manulacturedma parts frt»n both tiixu uith 16 phiibu. rull-»/). nc».elK-»uirli...... 70, ...... 1...... 7.55:*M,4...... or e-mail resume to clip & vihI *1 vhrck (u: >tinclui^yiMJi lumc. r a r i u j s BSBURY ' hS,rOaeastrom-mfg.com l-llild Kcilaivf adikrM and Ilr nanif i»f | T imES:NEWS l ^ i 'M A N AJAGEMENt i or apply tn person at: - .u»o Octaik l>r. SU. 107 llilillil» nfWtpiptr. Allow 456 Seastrom SUeet «Kri(iHidt.CA9Mf6 1-2l-2M»kcry. Twin Falls, ID 63301 Cull !«)»• for mure . .73MW4 Orc,P(800) 8 ^ U - B I L D , ' p«i. M . . .6T747U . . a^TTN:S HR Department T. ■•Wld.COttt.om ^ hilontu7»ii(/(»rt ulwul routes H NO PHONEPH CALLS, PLEASE 6uM.nKTfMfc..7JMM« l'-»l HttckCtliCuuninlif ar uviiil■ulluhtc In your area. 600*09! M Mem*.. .795.33CQ Equal Opportunity EmptoyerS(iiS07-344-S029| Drugug IFree Wakplace/EOE

K \ TWn Fans, Idaho ______Tim cs-Ncw:ws Classifieds 733-09)931 ext. 2______Mondanday, December 8,2008 B7 211 . ' ,i A C ROSS I [2 [3” " p ' ' n H | 9 lio 111 112 |13 .M e d f c a l...... ; ScS c h o 6 1 v . <,i i n i ^ iC oninifiixdal 1 Natural balm U 16 aoomomWENDEu” A^PrapOty. 5 Tax All advtrUtlng I M BSilHHHBig Naw3SS4aq.aQ.tt.homo "■■''■■= = . “ — — — h sut>i»a to m t ~ o n 2 ld n fao ^ 9 Alan and Tt” iw »pap«i‘s ▼^ ▼ Y T T W T W baih*.4>i4>bdrma. Nathan urgarago. YOU sell your stamHuxlol Q LUSSIFIEDS A a itoumaco. , AC, property? 14 Inter 20 ^ 21 I acetptaneo. ,, t pays to raad tho carpotad throughout.thri CIa u HIm U •15 Forest unit Tha T tn tfN a w s ! 0.000. Cm] 16 Utopias J ^ f9Strvesth9rigt\Uo ■ 733-0631 ext. 2 « » t afib«vlaf« , ^ ; 17 Give a little to placa your ad HOMjiNSPEJPECnONS >««<>0m*9evM»,»in daellntofpmpatiy „ J pocttoneo.eem —“ push • Oe-733-0931...... oirt. 2 PorBuyarsaBi.ga8 split floor plan, new flroplaco,,? ,5 8 l8 q .ft • carpollacuzziln\n 31 Open a purse, 60 61 62 64 -216 \\ - A A ollKflngsig gpac^ master baih. ^ perh ap s ^^Ttddss ' - ' V N ' l Landscapo.ip o JT c a r carport storago shod. I ovago.$2. S279.900. laJ9». spadousJ 32 Persian ruler e r — ------— I 2165Sottt(otttonLano larxbcapod lot Jal 35 Sempervivum TRADES I I RnandngAigAvaHatito 290 Flltr Avo. W. 39 Mineral spring . WafilQd ExperWncsd 5A/7 J- RrslFodordoral Bank »17 In Cameo 1 69------W»ld«rs and rS3-4222 Estates. $37,900.>• 40 Bad actor PipaFIUera Cla::lassified Ad " Sikfor Call 206*280-1911 or 41 C ustom ers i2 w o e i ShockoyShMtMetoI musaenor 206404-4103 ; Poul,l0.43e-60S5 Placement "“j Sma r Dally I ‘------— '' I 42 Sailor’s org. p(»-8mploym«ntdnJ0 mnaglcvaltey.com ag 43 Org. of Federerer Saturday’s PuzzlePt Solved tostreqiiiBd. I ■■ S S S S T — ^ TWINFALU te 44 Make cun-ent 5 Inc., abroad Forsalob)i^ in HealEstote Approx 161I600sq.n. :. W antoH 45 Submissive 6 Ambler and ■ I I I I I H b I ^ I s b d m;zbatti,f>*w j z t 46 Hearty Llndros Read the H Vinyvpain'lalnt. basa* ------= menl Con:c»n*SwKh SEaVOUR —I enjoyment 7 Trial setting haavydu- dirty W/p^, HOUSE FAST 48 Narc's org. 8 Ache Classifieds H OW. stovo,M ,& rofi5, Wo Buy Houses FancodbJdbackyard A-iS«Hou»wFiiieom 50 Exactly alike 9 F em ale dog run. 1-800-775-7793)3 54 Slumgullion protagonists Every Day! * Raducodii»d^>B])«upiiM<) QppociunMes p,FodoralTrada tarns, last6 te m o a.ro n t •om*dn>»igoniJi»r»n*(r»n*^ verse 30 Miami pro 41 Pie fillers 55 Art stan d Commission, 1** I 56 Mrs. Flintstone LAWN CARE Xt. 71 Sm ack 32 Puppeteer 45 Female prison BUSINESS lor sals. Washington. O.C. Lewis montlors 57 Lower oneself 20S80orcaaihe , g a g ; a r Abl«toprolltov«i 20! — DOWN 33 Really couldn'tt • 47 Psychotic 60 Before, before SSOOOInasshortas NNatk«al Fraud l o e .736-6242 73i an hour. Would bo a lnlomwt»n i^io Contor. 1 I Ill-treat stan d 49 Superiative 61 Coifs $149,000. g iu t small buslnMs 2 Enticed • 34 Plenty of suHix 62 Disney comedy opportunity. 1= Ilka now! ^ H U L l i a ^ H opanmarkal, ------' 4bdmi. IH 125 3 Body part 36 Disencumber 51 Data disk about a mule a m u a tm . 3“ AvoW.N. 308-4477. 4 Cilium 37 Shooter pellet1 52 Smell 64 At least one 20e-731-«e62or U m 208-734-3031 m m m r ^ rm'--r- •... ■ . “ 6oa ■:x„= ' , VENDING SmaU Busk BUHL noss lor saw In Sun , , uofaniisb . USACRESJust 1^ m U i ta A ^iii^ ttottnciitihsd ValHy. S5000. Cal for Jr? i l ^ 1; lnloaoe-738-2430 L HOUSINQ I r % H c 6S i i '2 S S S J ? 6 0 0 3 bdrm. 2 b a n homo OPPORTIRTUNITIE8 I------■ 304 ^ dou- KIMBERLY For rent orr haaN^pasturo. aji ^ MUie« a i a*eiii»' U ifiipitdied U3URLEY County, nlco. BUHL Nk 1 JEROME Lovely !, Investments oONLY 1128,000. no>»NI sntn*w«papor It c C n ftM iM I l m M 2 bdrm. 2 bam, Ig « » • *& retng.. W/D hu wUo 2 boditM^oom. $450/mo. 2. (W FttH aue- CHiiiiMWW *— « p, IDHA OK 2 ^!a»u£ellances bdrm. 1 bam. oould boI ' = • CMCallJimrtghtno*! lamily room, flroplaco. , tiitfinwkesll- rots. roq. S475 mo. S395.CalC«"W »0»18 laundry • rcSSn!n shed', uMd "■ DRACO Q . iSo no business. Avail. 12/1.' ^ ^ BU$300 dep. 676*3066 700 Aden Avo. INVESTMENT BARKER a imtsHn or ClassHted . I seoo * 704 Main S t N. REALTORS ------ZSC ------1 1 bdmi, CORP idon taMd on D op^rtm W lt " " b S S J T " ! ; dep. 208^24-281,2876 206*4204463 ■ CASH lor Daadsol ____[Call 6434371 meo,«tor.ti>r.iteotcn.iex, ClasslBod Sales ^ d edep. p 639*6366 je r q m e Newer“ h T — KIMBERLY TruslMorlQagssand ouRl . t»T«al uakii. Ftoprmntattvos aro URLEY 1 IW o W M ^ WAN 2 & 3 3300 sqft. 10501S o ^ 3 u r g e 2 bdrm RMlEstata Contracts. •vaitawot.om^ p s n i c SrmByard. Boautltui 4 bodroorn, homos, wood car garage. 5 !2L I Call today tor a Ira*, 3 bath brtd< homo “ 8«0am.5:C0pm ,a»'2 S : « « 7 |» . .23^77 no-obUffaaenqoolB. '! EQUAl. HOUSINa , garage, no 3.5 bat^ prtvata wtlh doublo oanga. OUotrrOiafiofl. Monday-Ftfclay'* OPPORTVKmES f FofflonL~ !!21rU«Ing. 308-0206 2 acres, open {206)739-3821 300 LANDLORDS • n plan, r u p e RT 3 bdrm. r 1 MbtMMM Calourotnco " • AB real w tato advor* \ o&- w t t»m. 706 soum 0 Sl ^ ------r wim s j i - n s Exp Profossional HAOERMI wmmt tno egt in Twin FaOs” tistng in thb news- ' 04-9377. Rjfrig. rtovo included. ^ 1 Property room, 2 I ng Mtn ptrenti 73^0931 exi 2 ' paper is sub)oct to Management subdtvisk W/0 hookup. S475-i- M M on: peg- dmDr. $153,900. Ay tho lair housing act now looking ID add condlflcn fs s B B S oODINOr s a monm* $300 dopoatt' Ciyi601.731-08e8 nenMpe^le [r:T>Ti'./«18i^'» : vthlch makes It Ule- proporttesto ing ^ $8C p m s X SHOSHONE1 Call206-31^24^ cuiuxworeniv t--' gol to advertise aiiy ourport>dk>.3 pootL 6 6 ntorSh i lease NewhomosSi >. lOODINO Hanchotta • aw w owm *' 16, 2 disolmlnaOon based management plans to For appllcaBon app cai bdrrmwim2bi2^bfths SHOSHONE 2 houses, Homo and 20 aaa s. _ counttv lor rent 3 4 4 btfrm.f npepsriMlAot on raca. color, rea- , chooso tom, 208-639-i3M199. ‘"iS*'''!!??*” m bams, gw d loca- 1/2 rrtlo u n o Wood gton. sax, handcap, f i iccapt any EN 2 bdrm. 2 B ^ d T r 3 ^ ton. $675 monm, 1“ R^^R^or Irontago. 2100 famllol status, ot montronttooimi 55 S550. I n d ^ s ® 8 V P ^ rtte i 41ast*$250sociiity/ sq. a . 3 bdrm. 2 bath iS lT invhM - BUHL 1 bdrm. 1 bam.l e C t national origin or an m homo, noods somo ton .oi mttne lew. Out potok. w S doposit Cal eveningsI Intention to make SJSI’ige;oo' $ 5 0 0 ^ : 2 0 » W 1 6 7 I 208466-7011. • worK 2 hort* bams, r* a « iI v*an tm ¥ n In- $375 * $300 deposit " any such preference w — d d w I I ■■ Call 206412-1678 15 watar sharos, - r — llmitalton or dlsalml- 2 bdrm SHOSHONE Romod-- )t ■»rinMd n CAREY 3 bdrm. 2 bam. natim. TamlBal sta­ imaB pet olod townhouso. 33 b uhl no snwUng or pets, JEROME . dM oSt bdim. 2 bam, large abdrniw/bsmtssso tus Inciodas cWdren . ME 2 bdrm 1 oK. S42S « di » basement $800 mo, twtK aiapplancao In- 4234926 or 4104199410 covered pallo. fencedj ....sdibpiC-, ^mGEmuM 1 SSKS« o i d ^ ^ ^ 2 bdm i dMO in $450^ under the age ot 18 **dop,.l*& la»l ctudod.Vd. W/D hookups. ------yard, 1 btock to) flonniKiiKUDTos-trM 2bdrmincou)lry$47 Bving wim patents or — 20»678*3422 Large “ '■’1 school. Loaso orf ■^astradha--; | | ne rwr«ar al Barker Raaltora legal custodian; ” |K«BERLV“ lease optton 10 buy.>. M777. The Call 643-4371>50 pregnant women " CJ PROPERTY Avaltoblo 12/15. I liieptwrw ------450 and people securing . MANAOEMENT PUBUC SERVICE I U : toTMttoenno BUHL 3 b«m . 1 b«l 76ftno.«dop. 208-928-7164 9 H cnooso ______TWIN FALLS Park Ptaca SubdM- I ♦ $650 depoail>ra f under 1& — Big profits usuady ™ trom 714-4001 JEROMEUE 2 bdrm. $1,100. 1.900 sq. ftI aion. Lol s i n .43, ------pots. 206*64349:■1 i*: maanWg risks, ■TTjr This newspaper wUI www.clpropo.com $450 monm, me 2 bdrm FofsalaorronL o n t Now townhouso. 2 bod-. ™ B H ^731-0937 00 sq ft.. room. 2.5 bam. Oulett Botorayoudo j not knowingly ac- > r$385mcnm. beauttful 3300 s r s j r m H RLER 1 bdrm. 1 bam * ^ 3206-639-7611. ^ ^ 6bodroom .3i I. busin«ss with a bath. tat 2200 sq.tL sin- T” ™■ W P W ‘ BUHL 3 bdrm. 1 ceptanyai^Jrtblng » ■ ------home wim 's3SSfinij K S«u«S.f company, ehack H f gla l a v o i homo, 3 CV 1. ^ ^ , . bath. W/0 hookuf for real estate $200Mposlt * JEROME andfn* froo. Can be rentedd -ALLS $600 month f S4i basement and out vrth fta Battar g | (685 sq. ft.), TWW FAL which Is In vidatton J206-733-0936 (day)or I bbam,petok. a l ishodScaroairoaraoe, furnished. Bom 320-»■ lormal dining room, *» otekafvtdg* d ti doposil 212 r------A of the tow. Our read* pn208>733-7003(ovea.) $475 4-$4-$300depca«. “J ^ * V targ r o as te t 0919 for more Into. , BusirwssBifaau, ^ Matoa* S. 208-944-4828 9T cofings, control Eata 1. IH ers are hereby In- ti 206*1 ibinets. . For Irao InformaSon J,, OOOOWQ Spacious 3 cu s^ S lb h vacuum aystam okups, formed that alt s niorlsps TWN FALLS-NEW- about avoiding BUHL Nk». . . . I , I ME 3 bdrm. 2 ffvoughout hcuso. 1S,6821 _S400 dweling advertised 2C moble homes throughout.jt.Sale 8 3bdtrn.2Hbam. inv«&nent s?ains. vsultod vsi cottngs in 1625 Car) A''* in tWs newspaper at«mo wim flropioca, c e ^ ^ e p 6.900. 2 ear garage, gas Mkihen appb. 2 car iS575. No pots. price $276.9( . wriia to Iho Fodaral King iv| room, tray $ « 5____ are avaHaWe on an — term. 324-6903 RenBl pricae$1300. $1 SreplBce, Trado Commission, coiiings coi n mastor 2M-73 g s S a i a^ . aerial opportunity O' »2817 SeBng betelMtevLk. , Nosneidng, Pots bdnn 4 lormat dWng ' ' ' ' 85S.TS:SS ^ 1 c o st considered. Lease/ • Washington. O.C, ”

‘ O p e n H o ul s e e M a p I 1 * ^ ' ' 1F eatured HM o m e s

I - _____ ✓ IM ortgage CI alculator ■D w ✓ 1F eatured B u i l d e r s 1F e a t u r e d L e n d e r s mes-News i i i i i !1 1 5 s i i i i g a i i i masinallay.tomI i d i i IWn Fint, lda|i»,... BS Monddop.208-731-«343 1 sq. fi„ S145.000. bath, appls. IncInduded smoklng/pots. j TWIN FALLS Noar g y p J s 4M * ■ 5^75 + deposit. ' /ent, the point of the dea:eal is m yIf ^ A 2 TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm \M 0sq.fl.jSll5,000. s a 601 East IS*. S Porrino School. $500 7 ^ 1 ’rent, whon your S300 dop. \ No t o ^ k - 354 Orchalara, , month+ S400 security le play, not the bidding,ig. How ♦► ^A K J 8 6 4 houso for fcnt at ^ 7 7 0 Call2064586. , shlo O u ld y o u ta c k le sbc n o - tru u m r p ? 4f ,i (Q 4 3 • S47S/mo. + S350dop, , i E E i r m^ s TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm. I1 • ...... Then right way to lookk at t t h e - TWIN FALLS Rcniois to pay ubis. 1 FAILS p . n ™ I 3S0'd1us » " '’• ‘“• and Is that the chances of devel- Vulnerable: NeilN either - • 206-260-1676 _ ^ lachod garogo, con-• Newer 2&3bdrm.. Klrm 2 bnlh. Ig i , , tral hoat/AC. W/D> 2 bath apartments. OpUp in g a n y p r e s s u r e f r o m thhe e heart Dealer: South1 TWIN PALLS 2 bdim, 2 maaprBpr suho, cul-l Call 212-167 hookup a applioncos. Cornofot4th& g yJit jj are negligible at bestL 5 S o y o u baih, QOS hoot, control do-sac.sac. privacy, Ig pmgq , boaooioom .ro- S650 mo, + $500 dop. olr. contra! location. foncod DW. AC. 208-731-6010 f hfiould o focus on playing clu;lubs for The bidding: S700/mo. +■ utilltlos & Ind toin montha rant! tWOvo tricks. Three lines that S700 dop. 260-7441 DW & I S iE S " * ' twin FALLS 2 bdrm, W esl s t North East ------t o t K ’fic S ^ ^ i t:all 208-326-40 2 bath duplax with; Starting 015625 b ee 'considered are leadijJgIg to the 2 NT POBS • a month 4-deposil. IS P a s s TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm, 2 08-736-1262. I RLER 3 bdrm.n. 2 bath, bimt. garogo. groat ); cashing the ace, then1 leadingle 3* p„„ bath. all oppllancos ^ - • ^all20M61-1^ IS 6NT All pass;-• — appls, 1 carr aaroso,g locaiion, Looso $635 ) the queen; or leadingg tI o t h e ind. W/0 S650/mo. ♦ ■JT rr'eiFALLS : wator, soworvor and mo. No pots/smoking, S6S0 dop. 731-0920 i TWIN PALLS Novw GUC or 3 bdim. 2 both garbogo paidlaid, no 306-6189 or 734-6169 ^ ueen immediately. Can youyc see Opening lead: SpS p a d e 10 ' ------30, I .1 — '4-Pku.3bdrm.2bath. . uiHi'hich of these lines is best ■ •TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm. lorront.ont.S950-$1100 smoking, $600, garage. W/0 hookups, ';** kitchon appls. laun- www.lifW.1006«spor»- 206-326-6046047 TWIN FALLS 2 316 *4 Lanore SL Wn]'hy? r tT H T H E A C E S , dry, storage, rw smok- •• wood,Inlo wo FILER Apoi bdrm, 2 both, upper . . ! LEAD WIT ; unltofo4-plo*. vSih $675 +$500 deposit. The ^ Tirst two lines are no10 b e t t e r Inkpots. S500. WWW.130,1308pafkmoad- cloan 1 bodioi No smoking, *1.3 12 II K htlp://sleolmgl.com ows.lnlo o« bnih, no smoWr lan SO percent chances, 2Q8420-2663 r l h i u South holds: Call 206-73S-0473 206-SOS-260-0648 S350mo,*S25i jck, a doubleton honor»r imight ^ , TWIN FALLS Nico ♦ J 9 7 4 3 ' FALLS Nowor 3 Call 206-731-4s r ' TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm,. TWIN FAi 3 bdrm. 2 both, COIome clattering down, bibut not ^V ; 2 W/0 hookup, foncod. bdrm. 2 I 1 bdrm storogo. No smok- ’■ f fILER Largo 1 garago, AC. wator, h ee i re .) ♦ Q 10C5 storogo shod, inclds appIs,8 S< ' S7M corxJo, S49515 do- Inglpots S650 4- do- sower ind. $650 + wator ond garbogo, dop. 26: IS posit. 367 0 m S t $500 dop. 733-7818. A far better way to pUp la y t h e X* Q < 7 3 S570 mo, + S200 dop. Call961-0068 961 . 208-423-461.4557 206-420-8061 lubs is to lead low towaivard the ^ ...... Call206-539-1466^ iJ IT S Twin Falla Rantala n n i ;S to t h e S o u t h W e!st s t North East ' ' PALLS Nico lo- I------e n o e n n ueen and, if that loses I EHT I TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm.'• 2.3A 50drm s iJ-“ • I V l A TWIN FALLS 3 6 4 cation,rn, huge hnced ing, to finesse the 10. Thisiisisa75 ^ jt , 3 bdrm. 1 bath. NowAvillafcIlihln ' has large® Apts/Houses ^ . P a s s 3 N T bdrm homos. 2 car yard, 3 I .•"'® walk-ln ctosot. 2 lull Varkius Locations p eereent l chance becauseI e,each of 2* garage, somo oppts. no pots,lots. $625 > SSOO Clem ' bathrooms, W/D, all1 Call lor dotoila yQ ^ percent All pass lonccd yords. No dop, 208-212-1676206 1 BedTOoirXMn applianoos, AC 6 our fm esses has a 50 pe Jderly, forced air hoot, no c hh « a n c e to w in . Y o u lo s e o n l) FALLS Nk» to- ' U no-trump, should-- in. 3 bdrm. 2 bath, Kindle»pp*dM d o r P<»9- smoking in-»• twlnlalHrontals.com TW‘WO cards are badly plac"a'Sl'IS ANSWER: A t, Call 206-73W473 cation. 3 5 2 skJo. S650/mo. + dop. ingleton in partner’s - 2 carir garago.gi AC. no Disabled liere is no better pro.spectId In the youlradasini 206-721-0690 TWIN PALLS 111.® might lead the unhid • TWIN FALLS pots.. $650 » S600 RM itBm c or 206-720-1264 suit? H ere, I mi 3 bdrm 2 baih. rwwbr dop. 20® Spadous 1 bdrm opt, oWa n d . Onlncom. on m u s t su it, b u t m y ddiamonds ia are not im- , homo. Handicap oc- ; r r r r 'T TWIN FALLS for ront. S3S0/month. The ' club com bination FALLS RENT- Poplar &Dve/ 11 h a v e n o s id e - e n tr y , cosslblo. S1300/mo f 2 bedroom duplex. . 206-736-2296 JjQ^ave been som ething offa a blind pressiyeandri SlOOO/dop. Plfst. last 'O-uvv'OWN HOMES. All 733 E. 22 atre«Stn washor/dryor hookup, l jartner has a five- , TWIN FALU Studk) ‘ cpot, n r for in the m atch neittilither de- so unless par ♦ dop. Upon movo In. pricoJ ranges, roi Floxiblo OuJflu D 83316«■ one block (rom CSl, IS. 1st 6 mos. rom apt. No smokkig, X e line carder, a diamamond is unlikely to.,. 2167CandlowoodAvo. orms. 1 AOQ Neod to fai contract. drugs. ak»hol or pels. Clarer ia followed this sim ple li 206-M»9266 ^0 withwit 10% down. D (0 - W,$545 £ ' a month. be the killingng shot. I’d lead a. for inveniory & i . $300 + S300doposil. TWIN PALLS 3 bdrm, 1 dQUjHs. SSOO deposit. 208-734-4226 heart, but kno>^low whom to blam e if lils. ID Troohouso I r r0 * - 206-421-2163 - both, foncod yard, 474 p,oportliKjrtioJ.LLC ^ - TWIN FALLS I w a s w ro n g . Van Bvron SeOO/tno. W6-735-6242 206- ______TWIN FALLS 2 bod-J Tho Falls Apis/Pheas- ♦ S400 dop. Wator & ^ r r r ^ -Z:t — room, 2 baih. $575= ontVtewTownhomes sowor paid. 734-6677 I FALLS Sawtooth QOODINQ 1 b& h>rto'WotrWotr>iuibJ««rq>Ip,Tticl.«>r, 1. Bost In icwn. 1 bath. S400 m ® l,2,a3bdrm. T . i r pets Of smoking, WolB,- woUwt knywinIKIT3 ■4mIcwu. Uyuu vrotidtifcc TWIN FALLS 3 bdrm. 2 MoiIculousIojIo 3 bdrm,, 3 $300 deposit. Nopols.S415-S525 «!'• Call 208-308-1310 to coiilact Unbtty)try Wolll. e mall tiim »l . „ bath on 1 acto, AC. bath.1. 2 2 car garago, ablo Doc, 20*. _ & up 734-6600 bsmt $6S0 4 dop. 24000 sq,sq ft. on 1 lovol. Catl 206-306-10^6604 TWIN FALLS ^ • TWIN FALLS Vory C«{iyrUl>t2w(.UuU• pets. $600 mo, + dep. 1. 7-;^ . nta) yard, garago. bdrmm houso h S400 ♦ No pots. S67 » v , . . ■ , 7 0 3 - ” ... now windows and $1500 doposh. d Refer- pkjs utilities.s S! r Cdl 208-490-1960 . nUnm U v^ddc/k / doors, vrood loors. oncos.:ns. 206-731-0161 posit. Call 306- 61M29-4764 TWIN FALLS Vory qui- S600 mo. 736-1007 - ot 2 bdrm, 1 bath, no : R W : 4 FALLS Spa- HEYBURN Newer No 2 TWIN FALLS 3 bdrm, pets. $525 + S300 ------P o ^ t ^ TWIN FALLS 3 bdrm, elouaua :3 bdrm 2 bnth. bdtm townhouswuso.W/D 2bath.garngo. homo 2H miha W. ol oppfs, g dop. 206-212-1676 f— ils, garage, S650 hookups, no0 smoking/si no smoking/pols. IN FALLS I tw in FALLSLS Condo 3 HBFER8 Fancy ^ blac I E Q U I N E T.F. 21405 Hwy 30, Cul-d*-*j»-a*e 3 bdrm, 2 pots. $475 mo. mi 670- 349 Momingsido Dr WENDELL 1 Lovoly, Iko 734-4334 bdrm, 3 bathlaih, g a ra ^ , ^red hoifors. 50 heahead S6S0 * dop. No smok- bath,^ at garage. S950 , 6697 or 801-381-380-7685 208-539-3697 new, quiet 2 bedroom, ^ice»Offteoofflotall 1 gated commtnmuNtyv^h Angus. Start catvir Ing/pots, W/D. liro- ThaMg “S Paul SIruchon »drm $225 TWIN PALLS Availablola 1 bath In triplex, all soaipacos. Locattons P<»'- rwar ™ the i- ol February w/4 placo, big kitc h o ri.------3 appliancos, W/D irv 1 $375 mo. MW. Vory Ig, cloan. 3 In TF 4 Jerome. canyon. (Boh3« ^ ^C o st- day ported. T rim m in g sauna & hardwood tuim „ duded. No pots. va H FALLS Voryl JOO mo. 2 bdrm. 2 both apt noar Vartoua Sizes at « ) 206-736-<36^234 435-730-1697r WocanhandtoaO fkwrs. 206-431.7367 ^00». 3 3 bdmi, 2 bath. 5 206-720-7601 cGreat Prtoes. . or 206-696-363333 your trimming Of 206-260-0093 garagerago. appls, AC. bdrm S375,53539.7611 CSI. No pets. S650. 734-9704 or 320-7S99*9 . ■ -J . '610 _____ noods. TWIN PALLS 3 bdrm,, Kod. yaid caro in- H FALLS Offico (or ' S t i f fiU a j t t r ■ H aPERs 30 years oxporionoe, now Insido. roody Doc 1 no smoWng/pots TWIN FALLS Beautifulj J : R b d n i s R ) t - 'i ™ SIt. ' 344 2 - Avo .. Registered Angus,us. Call 206-734-3976' '' 1-, 1 Largo baZ^ DW. »50*^50*dep 733-6269 No Mono'ney & spadous duplex In rth. 2200 sq ft, with • ' .W fllo9 M 0 0 8 6 ' good quolity 4 podigrcjigreo Of 206-366-3976 • — * Mov»-In huQO tiroplaco. no r— , »-In excolont condition & 'king. " 208-423-4010or I now. prime tocatloni Largo : mag. HORSE 10 yr old OH- dogsftffloking $650 + WHY1YRENTWHEN F I S TWIN FALLS Ctoan Cont*■tact20M20-4668 t^IN FALLSLS 2000 sq. 206-63»4t0e Iv. mai S500 dop. Soo at 260 you nay down open Kvlng & dining _____ more, good on Iral 'OU CAN BUYI •niunUI room, lovoly kitchen,n fum rooms. No dop. MJSO With of- Buena Vista thon cal mctcv rides, p a ^ s out gamo'.T'', tercy Housing Is ? J T l "2009. S with all appliances.■s, Relilg, microwave, gngy Hankins fid i — 734-S216or306-1S52 now, or 421-2832 C O N N E C TT is not gun shy. '3 bdrm. family room, 2 masteror utls, cabto & Intomotmplox, 500 aq, fl, 734-9288 or • $500/of(ef. 431-2213. :: TWIN EAUL6 3 boa- If garage, suites & patio roomm pd.WeoWy& monthly, 5550*50 mo, 608 East- , . . . .- „ . WITH noat/air, whh gas BBO. Loadsis 731-2812 or366-0086 room. 2 bath, gas (Iro- fJiXKSS' conwlho.: id.208.T31-6163 ' 1':"-'j;® ” • JCUSTOMERSqS |H0R8EPANEL8^7||’' «kups. ol storogo. gorage,e. Also Buriay/Hupart ■ placo. (oTKod yard. s w ; ™ ' r n Used 14 ton 6 -m lL . S1100i-dop.Pos8ibk) XJnd, extra parking area 6^ 206-436«63 tedTO WHO NEED M-oomi.abmh taffiuS 12‘ panels, 2 lan 6-1 • pots. No smoking, II court. fenccd yard. 595K TWIN FALLS i P f f l e n t -' - Y O U R rail 12' panels wilhH" 326-6663 Of 404-3169 P i S i l S o»d a yarts. Mountain Viow Or.>f- Mkaowavo. refrlgoratoroniinei;cialj ..;v.; ''Riei] . SE R V IC E bow gates, S750n 124-6969, $650 deposit. Rofer-»; Woekly/monthly rates. TWIN FALLS 4 bdrm. 2 Ineoms r t . s s s ' • takes Iho tot 2B" Oaks oncos ro ^ io d . CallJ l CapHUoM ■18^CT~~I AdvafUaa In tha*’• green 5-raU 14'H both, largo VIctOflan, Noel jnnedySt 733-9666 or 733-9633 uplo looking B ualneaa4 nIco yard, no potaf Nodeodownpaymom (TigorOra W 208-73J-6<52. JEflOlIOME Offtoe space Young w p l ^ gates, $ 6 0 e a c h o l|> .. m e In the Sarvlce Olrectory;ofy green 5-ralI ICU smoking. S69S. 535 , ^ 1 TWIN FALLS MOTEC 7000 jsq. ft. warehouse ™>"I5 rA v o N . 666-2636 Fun*undodbyUSDA |_ iBthAve no Daily and weekly ralos. 220000 aq, fl. $1295 country •rtthcoftalorwith t 33^>931 « t 2.2 gate $40 oach.,5H . ire area. groon 7-roa 20*H jral KIMBERLY 3 b i-i Qukil, 733-8620. inth. 1 month free ' TWIN PAULS 4 bdrm. 2 t I It with lyoa/lease. on $500- fc— panels, $75 oach.D < \ bath. S625 SSS m -S m m I’" TFWotalxom fO"** bath, 2 cor garogo. ; all 206-6394048 $700'S.X mc . V ■ 703',r:-. Galvanlzod w ato tj'- landscaped, foncod, ^J, o n deposit. No0 ptpots. Call TWIN FALLS Ooan 2 , e 0 6 T ^ ar 208-324-4048 u i , ‘ troughs 2x2x3. S40 r 206-212-1676 S920M». + S920dcp. c ai ?76. bdrm. somo utils, W/O sag' HarseandB each, 2x2x4 S 4 5 j ' 734-9966 or32W1821 Interviow- hookup no pota/smok-I MoblleHo^ ^ IBERLY 7500 sq. ft. ------ead), 2x2x5. S 5 0 | dmi.rarxio. 'ng. S595*an >8-2etM670 geUIng, 7 yoarara dd.o fc— i—^ dop, Watornmsh paid. ' or & irash. No pots. I23-632S and quiot 2 bdrm IN FALLS groat rohing hoT SHOT -oe 20' 206-420-1212 om your rental? apta, and town- tef. req. 826-6231 TWIN prospect, sire los ft irtoase. 1600»qfl Classifieds Kim berly Now r 3 homos. Starting alt JEROME 3 b(km, 2 tasUo, bronze modf"odoV nock, used only 1 TWIN PALLS 863 Ar- bedroom. 2 bath, 2 S550.Nosmoklr^ Ice space In profes- rowwood Cl. Nowor 3 I bath, $600 mo. $400 Iton, rom reining,g, t(rom ygo, In >07. Q,oa, C a n ! car garago.igo, $600 or pots, 206-639- lonal canyon devel- . bdm». 2 both. 2 car 733. dep. 2 bdrm, 1 bath. pment. Sl5,75/sqn. halter, supertofr robvro {Wton, $7700. Cal 733-0931 «xL 2 month >$600W ^ ^ S i t . 6913 or 639-0900) $525 mo. $400 dop. ing horse, APHC pl garogo, sprinkJor sys- tauwd*i>KiciM»cvimy,eam Call 206-539-’ r could be split Into _ SiSS® 206-969-0697 lom, rolrig. stovo, = i No pets/smoklng. 600 sqft spaces at 7 lA l A champion, CartadI = = ^ TWIN FALLS Prtaulll- U U reining champk MARE AOHA 15 year DAV. gas hoat. In- ■ ------SU512Aqtt. Call 280- • 603 NMdanEcoEcorwmlc ,u „ . , apt. ______grand sire, drei okJ.noodsaltttoTCC.'‘ P*- TWIN FALLS 1 ond 2 6800 I------trh ld ip H A p fg . SUmtjlu. kjaso & refs. $450 ^ (inder. 407333 S Hall T S BJadt 4 wNie poin! S7S0 mo. -f $750 dop! RD D I ' , bdrm.. W/0, atorago. medal- broko to M a. ' No potsMmoWng, dep. 206-324-4332. IN FALLS New V, ” ', '7 0 : •' ■. Fame bronze med flflH D m d o C Movo in by'Dcccmber De 1— -1 _ ntoo A qutot park. No ,„duc- $<00/o(loroart. Call 206-280^962 SOO sq, n. ware- lion, broiuo prodi - ■ ■ — 3t'anddo1 deduct twin FALLS Greatoat pots. S360-SM 4 Mse with 600 aq. ft. .U C V BS ll i p C K / tton plaque. woiW 4 206-96W697 ' k)caik)n!l Prbtino 3 $375 dop, 73^0438 ^ TWIN FALLS Almost BURLErley /r u f e r t fioo. S70Wmonth. n i -n l i, i t v ' - nattonal champbimpten, , 7 0 4 - , new 3 bdtm 2 bath, in - Studioudios&lBdrm $200ino bdrm, 1 bath, 2300 TVflN FALLS 1 bdrm ____ !208-639-7426 ., leading sire of mod Magk; Valkiy Ranch, -PiooC00 Cablo & Wl-Pi trom yvuruM« 1 lull ^ *!J'‘ mobile home, very i r r ; : ------lion winnors, hai P W s a n d P e t no smoking. S650 mo, -NoDo>Doposit month’s!' " • dean, groat locatton TWIN ” FALLS Primed, oi arifA NMQUS Q BULL point oamora 4 M Vsrentl w r " ; isi opportunity, vary - 0811206-731-4060. -Fumisimished/all uUls pd LaurelI P>fkPi $685. or 2 bdrm.• 1* in cory quiet paik. 1 >esign9l50 d a ss winnors, S1£ iayloeaaon.cttner —' -Wintciinter Specials ApartmaiI a * ': bath, ovet 2000 sq, ft., mie (rom CSL W/D in- ^ brod, $950, 206-732-8249 ______ALASKAN HUSKY TWIN PALLS Beautiful .wook)ooWy-Monthly l76Maurk:c ™ duded, $400ftiio. + 01 Blue ® Lakes and Ad- '’^ ^ 4 son. 3000 sq, ft. . n , T —! yea, Pupplos (or sakj. . now townhouso. 3 208-436-6383 20 jwln Falls 73 $300 deposit. No bdrm, 2 bath. 2 cor . 1600.208:420-9686 gLACj leking. *50. g Q 4 Fabulous’ “ 1 J f ___ smoking. 734-4346 ^161 UJQUS Bulls rand» siodi gekt garogo-Wotor. sower, ear dds sea- ground work do(Jorw. Call 206429-6786 apartments TWIN FALLS U rge“ ’ 1 TWIN FALLS Skylano TWINriN FALLS Shop & 1 4 2 year gaibago paid. Uwn UnfmiliiniUKdApU. ^ bdrm. wak-in cknot. ,U«J 4 EPD^ $200.208-308-891' AUSTRALIAN SHEP- maintonanoo provld- .« Still time lo pot up a offio(ftaJ, 1,000 sq, ft. "’«« m d U m i l a s h o s'honeIE nico, quiot $425, +* Christmas troo in your Jh0|wp w/625 sq, tt. of- availabto. HERO ASCA reg. 3 od. Near now Hospi------,, - 1 bdrm. 1 bothbo' opts. S2S0 dep- 736-9107 ir'aalo. COW HORSES Oar lal. High School ond T j ^ I__ coiy clean 1 bdrm, 1 '■oo-».l-mofioe,S675 rod tri. 1 blad( tri, 1 BION UpstairsAlown for ront.ran ’ •• ~ ~ 10. 2263 WrIgW Ave. 208-639-139-2627 maraa. Ronch he Walmart- $650 moot^ —I bath homo. No W/0 fno- - — os. Rope horsesL . ^ '<*1 8 airs duplex, all elec- $89 rrtovo-lna-ln special TWIN FALLS , hookups, S360 mo + 06-6169 Of 734-6189 ------S650 deposit. Loaso . ic. *rofiig. stove, $675 Call 208-73^ ANGUS Barrel horses, Poi -734-4001. MOVE-JN SPECIAL $400 dop. Credit & ------1 1 ^ 7006 or 731-0127 " ; option ovalabk), Ono 10, ' 136. W. Maiket. wv^xjpropirop«.eom $100 otf Heifers 442 2 1hoad, bred Yearlings. 2 4 3 month ffoo with y«or lardtord checks req. birth weight, okli, ^foodmares,ros.tho BEAOLES Reg, 1 (e< 08-673-6684 Iv msg -p^i^.LS 1 bdrm. n « t month rant to tow bif looso. - Call 733-4607. ______^______Anoua bul:twils. Feb, loDowIng btoodlirodlines. male, dowormod and Kalhy 206-S40-1167 eUHL'lHLCo*y2bdrmap- ap I MartJi,Aprl\prli 10 caB. on ihair papers,ra, Doc [ shots. Must gol $200 . cafrlaga Lana Apta.^ iTWIN FALLS Ron 420-3086. pij.wIs. water incl. $475 smoUng/pets 2510 Whispering 7 3M 932or2or»34-6161 Bar, Doc Quixi3uixote. 643-9263 or 421-266S IIN PALLS Cul-d»- httpy/slMlfflelmglcom Pin»Drlv« ■ Cash Outxote9 Rio, I . TWIN FALLS BaW O ac 2 bdrm appls Call 208-731-736-0473 BOER QOAlOAT 1 year (NCHA 520.000roo +) BIRD CAGES 4 largo NEW 3 bdrni. 3 bath. . oU. Guardlard donkeys. Doc Sug. Doc’sia Pn- F aquarhjms, reptiglow bonus room. 2 car -8arago 8 $575 month p»iis.LS 1 bdrm. Affordable 2 4 3 tafij ‘ 1 HMH llie neighborhood 1 onini/eii Troutmanin hardwood scrtptton. Doc: Tarl, 1 lamps 48* 4 36-. $20-- - garago. londscapod. It/carpet, gas bdrm ,2baihapu. ,, Doc $75.206-731-9788 podoss, no Laundry hookups. rockofs.32i326-4622 Doc's Htekory, 1 fully f0fw«l. 2134 sq. ------Olono. Doc^ C • YMCA $395 • oarage w/ooch aptpL 595 s. V/asNngton3n S tre e t ------' BLUE HEELER Pups. fL Available Doc. m . FER BEEF King Frtu. Bu Call 206-366-0169 732-6406 Two playgrounds.s. 10,195 square foot warehouse,w( oex tef , awesome mom 4 dad, rai graaa fad Chex. Peppy ! ------Rtnoss Room 480 square (oot office,:J,2 tn )c k lev e l all natural | L pJfu S50 oad». Call 208- TWIN FALLS ctoan 2* applsppls. carport $550 TWIN FALLS.LS 1 bdrm.. Catl208-736-21111 shipping dKks, 1 grourajnd level door, is smaller,>r, itastier, and Badger, Mr. San F L bdrm, 2 bath, don. Clossose to Ponino 3 ra n ^ & rofrlg. refr Somo , _ 2.08 acres, enclosedJ compound.c ealtWul.Bom. py, Peptoboonsr ______s'hoot, W/D ? = . < a > arvl prosessed Nitro Dual OC, Doc, Mr, dock, garogo. otc, prI- bdimdim 2 bath appls utils. O as'h t 20' ceiUngs. SS500 monthIth. 3-5 yf lease. " S ^ J v 'S arago $650 month. hook-up, No> pets- ^ ', H or whole. Peppy Olona, vato NE oioa $795 No game ______Celt 206-709-6 smoldng/pot 734-3110 The>heMgmL 733^)739 $425 ♦dop.'3p, 734-8611 L— ^ 06-306-1661 735-8377 Of 490-10-1663 ( ______

' ‘ i ' > Ite^aDt, Idaho ______Tim cs-NcwsWS Classitlcds 733-09931^ ext. 2______Monday,lay, December 8,2008 B9 ' THEFAM nyClRCItCUS By Bil K( Amoroilussalesi imandelijivers PYTHON Snake whh cage. V SlOO. \ 208466-984S incomfoiiitablycdose \ 7 0 5 ^ pitch Ul > 2 ^ Z r, ask about common Inior- V “ ’O " ' I DEAR ABBY: Onco n me ~ I -with her. a: 9 ) .. irode reprcsuntativc I'U coll D e a r esw th air th have nothing lo du with — vtsiis our ofllcc and fllns w her gramanddilid, although you : ^ 7 1 BALER 1 iry 10 Iccep him at a disian A b b y should expect exi to listen lo some j , -- sI j 1 Hosston 4655. i I floodcondltkja hi' always tries (o move dosi ncM« abourtout her major pnroccupu- " ^ J 206439-2627. __ and diangcs Ills volcc to I .J e a n n e non.- I “0 / I y n ) -V. I CASE W14 Whool«i and scduclivc. I ^ l month' DktinM. If sistrong It doesn't happen,, your yi state lalior years dowrown the line when she's less ' y 9100 hrs. S86.OOO. > r ( Call 206-7314144. scares me. I had tny dialrIr backed board o r ) the federal liqtial preoccupUjpled wllh the little ones. — upallihewayugaliistmyct’ comput- limployment Opportunlly Because,0 you< have u circle of i J y INTERNATIONAL . er desk. I decldcd Ihat the tl next Commission shoul3uld be notified. friends,, concenlratccoi more on them /J 1466 Tractor. 4 ijot- ■ l i - a ’*'* and lcs.ssonUmafornow. or •mM xmkK I f g tom plow. Intams-,5. ifmehccameinlwouldmanakosure j j j f c Uonal swolhor 14'.4'. I had a co-worker closeI! Iby. Hut DEAR ABBY: Ono Or of my long- • l y Straw for sale. Smalloil wlien I did. he dldn'i act thelh same time friends, ‘ limcna." : sends e-moll DEAR[t A ABBY: For yeanj I hnvi* , „ bales. 20B-539-6036 way. I have a feellns he wiwon't aci constantly tellingigme n to'checkout seen youou print lellers nt holiday “Deck th e hallss \with balls of follv" V JOHN DEERE <02020 up again until we're alone,a. the baby Web pageIge." She’s a grand- lime thatlat toffer gift suggestions for , ■ iroaor with cab andnd I loaliie the idea of belniIng alone modier and 1 can'tn't seem lo engage seillore. 7 0 4 - 704 704►4V toador. New engine.®- with him In a room. I liesesllale lo her In tuiy other■ topic 1u{ of conversa- l.ast yoayear my dnuglili'r gave me iw) P o t cluich. transmissten. PetsandPet Feu^andPet Pets,and • newer tiros. S12.000., ■ ask a male co-worker to0 step In tlon anymorc. 'nmlltere Is rarely any the best. vaI. vaccinaied. toash - weeks, oki.• Call C 208- 208-306-0813 ' INBEAUFO•ORT, S.C. dieri; tiie lat.-stt haby li iiiHlate on deatiedJup! u| or208-e44*i020. & houiiwuso troinod, vory 320-6798- DEAR HAD IT: If youu liaven't ilie Web site. Lena Le Is now on I am 70,70, and w1ien 1 walked tn. 1 »x»ly-837-6571 LABS C h o:daio c ^ pup- BOSTON TERRIER already done so, documetlenl whal grandchild No. 2,2, sos this has been fdt like; 1 \H’lis living In a fairy lale. puppies, purobrod. FflEEU;EUbir(xpoppl«i. reg. 6 wks H a V G i a i l l dowdaws fomovod. 10 a ( Its, 5 males V tu tA has gone on cadi time IIHob has going on for tluYH.';eeyeani. All 1 hadid I lo do wus sll down and ' isivacdnailons. wksok » iS io Unatossiuo. a au ifeea. _ come inlo your offlcc. Tnnninkly, he I'm rcady to drifiIrlft away from our enjoy I.It. mfllcs & (omatos. 208208<26-4227 208-280-210-2062 ' ■■■- sounds morc lhan a Hilittle hit friendship becausiluse we no longer -G E N E IN ^ ALFALFA 200 ion of Cdl209-539.1>63 communicate andnd I fed site's stuck N NEW CUMBERLAND, PA. ;e U b. chocolaie, / S c r £ «*“ *«" 2nd BOSTON TERRIER 3 fomalos. 4 males. wKlllsaiilmalret 208-368-2 small boles. S160 por»r AKC fog.. I" shots. „ ' ton/S6 por bate o.com. Fosters iHAfia a p s i dowomted, dowclaws neadsr PSO AKC 208-934-6666 tofnoved, nvailatilo - 7 4 „ p t o — IF DECEMBER 8 IS liuatlon lo handle. S e s ’ bom ALFALFA HAY laao.ssso. f r e;E e f Flotiwolor cross mato, 5 mali BIRTHDAY: Wllh die sonIS OROSCOPE RPIO (Oct. 23-Nov, 21): You pptos 10 0 good -ii/iw oe. MalMalH S3S0 >»><»' oPPf"- wwwJ)o*lonterrlar pupple 60 tons. 3rd and 401, treadierous Saturn at odi change your luck If you Inl- chrlstmsipupple*. . hottie.me. Reody lor andromolesS your part of the »>dlac, youout.3 W *leraldlildlneSaunden lb!uLm°>methlngnewrlgliinow,bui ' blegspoLcom or . Chrijlririjlmos. Call 208- 208-388-2tsss ""'"O' ------206-7314001 __ Ik* prepared lo in-ad very1 ccarefully. ______I' L _ J ll mightu nnot bo for tlic better. Aim . 20»63M 3»0 731.M1-8S16or312-1148 MALTESE Pu| HAY H2) ’ ‘O" >»""•OS. Work hard, bo punriual anand avoid you a lot of troublitble and conipllca- for thee Ibest and hlgiiest and BOSTON TERRIERS — ^ r Sell ail or part. S165 a 6 weeks okJ. AKC rog- -GERMAN w SSL*!; 5 ® adding to your tiebi load.1. Give> no lions In the end bccausebe ofhldilim remainI fo(focused on making perma- ? ton. 144 Exit 147. one any tvason lu orltlclIclxe you. details. Conccnlnntrate on being a nent Imprnprovoments. IsiMod, 3 males ortd 3 sFTTHEFHE3U)S i -/ f S i 206-639-1667 (emakts. $500. • 40S4 or 308-1 — tjspeclally In January, Mailatdi' and team player andid someone's lust SAGITTITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. CaIia0M23-419O ^ HAY 70 ton, 3rd crop. i w m A A d u ^ MINI OACHS-HSHUNDS jmon bales, no rah. fiinc.YouwllHlndancasy'y way out friend, 21): Younu may cringe when conlaci- ^ itlcoinniivnUiiuk'. Beautiful shoshort W rs. ,Q,t 109, covered.Bd' of a predicament duringg i the llrst CANCER (Iun— ter. Your i i i ^ work andI ddiligence -project or Initiate]te a crucial cliange. Only timeIme will lell. Tills is a gooment. Mind you|iourmanneri.Hierelsadls- ' joks. Fomalos 208443-60 ^ your duty lo transmit, oror at least VIRGO (Aug. 23-Scpt.‘22):23 Don't tlnctllkdlkdlhood that you could for- ' jo o ^ o f d ^^ JT jJS w ; S150. f motos S300. 206-308-0 find somethingposlllvi! tosDsaylfyou give In to an lldiyiJiy trigger finger. A get thatII oodier prople liave a rlglil ■; 111 lor Inlo 731-0053. PARAKEETS! i B U o M s S g ^ ^ musl cormct someone's ml:nlsiake. valuable relationionship might be to holdd oiopposing views. Don't gel ' puppies. CKC reg. OOLDE away by your beliefs or liy LDEN RETRIEV- ‘1 '^ ™ '®rax ^ 3x2. All I For Santor Honesf ■ l IAURUS(AprlI20-May2y20):l)eal turned lopsy-tur\urvy by what will swepl aw : 2 mules. 3 females. eRSW AKC reg. 6 l l with a surprise. I’relendI yyou'tc In turn out to Dc aI morcm tempest In a unattalnaJnable political ideals. ; Con email moropkj- weela r 2 yrs oW. I f w w w n e ^ ^ }eks dd. 1 • shots 4 tanging of teacup. Strive for«or cooperation, nol PISCES:ES (Feb. 19-March 20): |iurcs.S350.431-1W a| dewor«yormod. Fematos J Undon watdilng tiie dtai ISO, mates S300, S4Q.206-734'r34-1669 9 tl^ guard. Certain pararts may aggravation, from>m oihers. Stick lowo what you know. You might CHIHUAHUA 1 yt oM S'0 f ’ papers moke POMERANIAHIAN Pure- B fllljll.lilm lBjfl diangc, but tvsl assuredI tithat pro- UBRA (Sept.. 23-Oct. Z 22): Live hove theh e urge lo cxperimefit with lomoJo, bctgo/browa lor. 208-219-3443 bred pupptes3tes, cute 4 I M M M B Q lH lections are in place andI wwell oiled and let live. TheIC attractives person somethin;hlng new or try innovative r w/aroen eyes. Very ... s, not rogb- llilW I H B W H f W nlMdlsposltlon.SIZS. JACKF:KmiS8ELL S traditions are trspectod. who Is on youritf mind m lf^l be m ethods)ds jusl for fun. but ihLs :: 208-432-6304 Purel>u(obred pupptos. '• “ h d . gTRAW Good beanMn GEMINI (May 2 M ulune i 20 ): thinking aboutt you, yi as well. You could soisomehow pul you in the J*®®*- straw. 600 2 string CHIHUAHUA 8 mo. old IJJA Although new ideas soundndnxpcdl- might tw oblc to to smooth things dogliouselUse with someone near and S350(»cl,. 20M 3-770 bates. 600 2 string mtle party pup. S2S0 If there Is an awk- dear. 4-4767 or 3084478 puQ fgniato,to btodL 3 bates wt>eat straw.a!j ent on the surface. Ihey mimay cause over gracefully If i will.how tor Chrlsi- I. purebred, 806-731-7120 mas. boautilul dog. LABB A>AKC reg. pupptes * :: M8-368-249S bom)m '11-21. 8 choco- a. S300 In- T.8.C H«y RafliVlnB 10 4 2 yellow. Mom ^» t canter. 2 stacks of stralghi Today is Monday, Dcc isco and several suburbs suf- CHiHUAHUA !“’« * las moved. t^y oday N HISTORY S Ma power biackoul; It was :;8'weeks.mak>. dw cdate and won- ^ 343td day of 200& Then T IN )rfulfamifyarKlhunt. « l l 208-084314666 2^604639 purebred. $200..Cal dayslcfllnthc year. ______I more (hi(han seven hours before Potbte 436-6904 ‘"0«>gdOQ. 866-7107 Today's Highlight in HisUstory: In 1900, rocki slstar John Lennon clectrldtyIdty was fully restored. CHIHUAHUAS Adulls LABBlBBiadi puppies. r e On Dec. U, 1941, (hele United was shot to deathIth outside his New Five yet! years ago: President Cicorgc SSO, PuppkJS $100. pw<*''»ebred. 9 weeks okJ. ^ : Stoles entered .W'orid WWar II os YorkCltyapartme:menibuUdlngbyan W. Bushish signed a $400 billion All colors, makis & fo- ” tot"offw ! _ Congress dedaced warir against apparently deranjangcd fan. Medicateare ovcrhoul bill thal includ- nWftS, 702-682-9949 Ca»' >084406. HORSE PASTURE lapan, a day after the altackal on in )902. a man[lan demanding an cd a preprescription drug plan for , CHINESE PUO 1 yoar l“ " - ___n SCHNAUZERER pupptes available !>eail llartwr. end to n u d earr weaponsw hdd the seniors.s . (Congress approved li'gis- '' o k l" male. rwt ( \ y ? ^ for Chrlslmatmas, rMdy 206-316-2413 On this date: . Washington Monlonumcpt hostoge, lailontosto stem the Hood of unwant- neutered. AKC rog., . /T 1 'Lfl 12«We. Ml a L ey e message.___ In 177G, duringng the .dtrcatenlng (o) b blow 1( up wllh cd junkik re-mail known as ’spam." brt«8o.S300. 6 toy. Dad Is a 208-73V7487 ^ nevoiutlonary War, George ejtploslves h e d:lalmcd a l werc inside U.S. Rep!tep. Kill lanklow resigned nl. Chooso r> Congress just ofter ^Ing . C0CKAT1ELS 2 males . Washington's retreatingng orm y, a van. After oI 10-hourll standoff, from Co 4 1 femakt. Fot lombs AB cross pupptos. ! crossed the Delaware Rl\Hlver from Norman D. Mnyeaycr was shot dead convldedned In the traffic dead) of a (Of sale, vril delhror to CWChtistmas spedail euiw ttm i I New Jersey Into l*ennsyivavanla. by police; ll tummed e out there were ‘ molorcytrcydist, Randy Scott, In Scornw^ Meat. 208- S ^ n a k o ^ e r. Dakota. A Greek anli-tenor- Three fernate a J In 105-1, Pope Plus5 K pro- no explosives, South Da 324-8834 or 386-3471 oun convicted IS members P W t e « ^ Just In U n dolmed the Catholic dogngm aofthe In 1987, l*rtl*rcsldcnt Ronald Ism cour COCKER SPANIEL 202064894909 CMstmasI m Immactdalc Conceptionon, which Reagan and Sovlc>vlc( leader Mikhail of the : N( November 17 ccll for their pupptos. AKC rog. U m S300 each. l l holds thal Mary, the mimother of S.Gorhachevslgnigned a treaty al die roles In a nearly 30-year killing boautilul butt, males & B Pupptosp need • $2S0eachlc h ' l ' s ^ l al sin from White House callcalling for dcstmc- campalgialgn. lemales, 1* shots. (y^ne Jesus, was free of original une. 3 months old, 1 dewclawed.wLCashI N tJil n concep- tlon of Intermediadlatc-range nuclear Ones )year ogo: Iho Justire dewdaws removed & veomsitew. 1 black, ask- 208439-1394186 I the moment of her own taisdodiod. Also will a jS12S. 206-280- I “H tlon. missiles. Departmirtmcnl and CIA announced a ' havo puppies ready- 9,23123 Of 637-9123 f S i ^ S In 1(1G3, President /\Abraham In 1993. Presidsldent BUI ain to n Joint inqtnqulry Into the spy agcnc/s , fafChrbtrtias, ------s pian for signed into U.S.I.S. law die North dcs(rudlg„ 8 weeo o«. CatN324-S«;”i PHOTOS from the BIU a in to n ^ defilefendcis fotcefully Iowa. Skiers,Skli flrc-calers and an ice ewdaws removed. government moved fn Chesapooke' cross I I Hava you forgotten (Mnese mainland to 1-orbrmosa as pleaded his casesc beforeI th'cHouse sculptortor joined In worldwide puppy, mate, 10-11 > » )DLE Pups, to ptek-up your t o y POODL . the Com m unists press*ssed Ihelr Judldary, Con>)imnltiee.. The demonstinstratlons to draw attention weeks oW, 1* shots. P«rf« . Taking da- birthday photos? rt nilcd d u t pdlcc to globalibal warming. Florida q u a r-' Call 206-643-6410 rserve yours w e have aorne, attacks. Supreme Court r ad l I*rlme cannol seardiI ppeople and tliclr IctbackJc Tlm’ Tebow bccamc the FREE Bbo Tidi. pup- BRAOOODLE8 now. Ready In 197S, form er Israel pies 8 BooeteCockor CKC;KC reg. Ftb pups. 20“. S350-S-S oo^ 'tS; ,t Minister Golda Mclr■ died in. cars after merelylyUckcdngthemfor I first sojsophomore to win lhe, a t In 5ne for Christ- FbIs20»4».104.4725 youdon’tw antus Spaniel pupptos, 15 to toss. These canin lerusalematagcBO. routine tramcc violations. San ilelsmanlanTVophy. w eks ok». 312-2372 ;SSS';icn.»m iEO POINT* beoldieduDal FREE. to sec ™ w g s tS w S ™ CatsAlUttorv 2C Call for details. '■ g r iT Z ; iBRADOR cress p a r ^ 643 a0»-293-77O3 6434602 FREE German Wko ^SJiiS: ‘S f'K £ Haired hunters. 3 >e- unllnH Christmas. Cal EH A K C r« males. 1 mato. Return joe-j0 ^ 3 2 6 ^ 0 1 ------SSTpSS Ihem « you don't Dke o E w unlim i USED APPLIANCES .BRAOOR ReWav- gtteom aoa-06-404-4728 Al types and models.ris. ftWW.WW.WW th«n. 208-843-9912 ^ MJ I I |TT iS m M «8. H adrilS YORKSWRE to n j ™ S ? . S S . f FREE kittens ond Tom sorieiarias of shots 4 E R S l n ^ cats. Free to serious dewotowormed. .Realty femato $10 uie paper trained reg. odorab pot owners and kjvhg cuio. C.II20«-^I14 homes. 324-g565. SI;i50.208-7344396. 50. to go 12^6.: ______TtehiFli»,1

gD iBM Bffi} WANTED MU b s rtor r“E S te3 ------1 DARK^ ROOM fl Equip a ^ S , t7S KMO PIL. OININQ TABLE OUuOlass 6 LBQH BED solid i~ Saundof S . A T V s a B u y I B " S 3P Mattraaa 4 » P * melal wUh,Hh 4 wood, brand new, sHI . color/Dlaek A - . i couch -In box. Ust $699. h H |DOW.^AUL;TiONj g « S d l l t l ™ aaver w Sleptslept on.,on. chairs. $160.7'couc I Enlarger. Soun- WANTED Hamam Radk) i W h B t U S ^ poo 1S76 S249. 20S~(20«i50, dersLPILPL Power sup- equipment, tubes,tube vin- I W f f itV l f ' bul (208)467.1712 ply. B«Besaler dgltal tage electron!ironies A I- Times-News ™< M n Orthooa. ENTERTAINMENT www.dewtMueBoaoom timer.'. Saurtders£ VT- stereo gear,ar. Dont I Check us out 4 ^ - aassified CornmmMfto 140 adhadtustoble easel, toss It out Iipeycashl pa> 1 1 Only want ^ EraaM no*/ Sounderidors LPL nega- Jimmy 20S-941 :all 420-6350. Draaaar, S75. Relar tlve il!^'pOL>R,S,= J ^ Will fill every ; f Orgw. • SlOOOtofte 90. kk) sU« 4-wheel-<’I . A m r d A u c H ^ S ’ildJ jm ps or «r. used, very Utile.', BEDROOUo u OBOUP need. == ------R R E PU C E INSERT. & ^ b m a i s a i s ers. (2 fl H ^ a . $1000.206-736.9997t COA:O A l, Lump A Slok- Ul an wood 7 r = = = s S ^ = S Heritage, wood.bum- set. DovetaH K i [no, 20^ 8- ja?t2 7 4 YAMAHA 'Oe Qrluly.,K Call Today ar. Bulk Of baggod. 8 . Brand n«w Mcora'a Inc. Hanaen. WM\ 66110r7344212 j ot chemical ■ n i = 208-733-0931 208-423-55a3, • SOO. sol S699. = f iS§bo.'S.,S5S5'J' 8-4204350. ^ ^ ■ E iiS SS1. tToo< many olher WANTED FURNACE on flred. IS to Pst. $635. Roller Harrow,n».A» = ? ? H3?:UT A SPLTT Rr»------ArmstronQ Furnace AaXfslvIca t . (206)6904)284 734-1201207 Iv maaaaga' style. I f or visit us wxwood. S115 a pickup SEOROOM Co. '112,000 BTU. _ M 7 ^ ‘ **■ ■ online at i“| $250 SIOO/Dffer. 844.1103 -ir.n-i L A M I N AM 1 TE FLOORING | , »»< 7fr67 pick up. 324<7007 t,ox Rotall laldh ' ■ Remodel I Rfli^1555555 S450g s w “ -S 'S S T FURNACE Upflow, g nightjSlSlrnS*’ too m u*l Sn HARLEY DAVID8W S i 'S ' 126,000 BTU. SIOO. tf 70-8-oaify •go'sWS run- ‘06 EkKtra GtfiT ,,p S S i . OBNVBB, , W Q as log set, vsrt libi, h ning or nott 206436-2C Standard engine w S ', r .® s s mo ; S , DOS A 100% shot off. i 20M77-23W fni Jj PONQ table. $70. 3931 or 312.392.3913 ' 2 saddles, q u l^ ifeI- . ' 0278 S100.40asllonw «ur TREADMILL ^ iattlo ^ ------lease bMs. Musmtt RREWOO01 cord $75 b o a o ^ . 2 ll2 J heater, LPga*. $50. , iib a l table, $70. ■ " ‘ : ’ $11,000 or besl o B C S,.,S'S Creek, oxceDem corv Orm, best> offer. WANTED spltt, delivered A 2 m b ^joning: aw-721-7382 ^ alKkod. Calf 208- szrs/oHer. ^ ' ! t Christmas QlftsI Tractors njnni ALL AMERICAN D09 4 2 M I9 1 ' •.. , W/8 ' PELLET BTOVE Whi- ! II2064204336 repalr/ialvasilvage; H n p n A . ; ^ : Ear ¥lnyl.;,l«(wln«... T r; — X T - - — chairs (brown taposi ioY------Bob,M»^a.8764746 ■ ■ 0 0 ^ (24) 8 W Brand n«w, FIBSnREWOOD C u t''In blNiNQ R R6 0 M SET bode w/leathor Saeab lSS.pff;T:A'S g fflU3two.Sl200. chunks. $lOO/eord. Ook. 2 2 leavesi A 8 Bkch f li^ w/blac/blacit, ka peOela for $165. ^ S C S I ’S W«NTBO U.S. Coin You pick up North of choirs, excolbni ex con- sn50.20e-420-M-Mee e Call 208.733-7B02. | 293m20or293-4121 Voi .COLLEC- iSSB r X::! ------Ru|Rupert 43M 617. Ex- dllkin. S450$45 733.6651 r and gokll HARLEY DAV1D&0N1 STEEL BUILOINQS tnitra tofspiHAdeUvery. ------MATTRESS A BOBOX TEMPSTAR Furnace A ^ VAIR HOCKEY Call 206-316.J16.1063 7 9 ShoveW Bdj Fflctoty Doals. Can Twin. AC & Room hot water - tf HREWOOD ENTERTAIIrAINMENT $130 Ful pr Tw CHRISTMAS ^TREES . JTABLE * ' 80*, " I — mustseetoeppctd-i- cfoci. www.scg-flfp. ^ 3 Dieoo ” piasllc neater. aJi 3 years old, C xnaso II200-637-6571. We buy JinkHbatteries. W " 'a j ^ ^ S ^ o o " " 20M32-4Se3 , own Christmas Tree «rethan. . -Of20e.324.e2B4 O^fllWasa doors, can- — — m Burtey. 679.1576. POOUAI «* TV. perfect KIAHRESS 81SET WOOD INSERT 23HX ' JAIR HOCKEY a n iS n e ™ol there. ^ .HONDA 110,2 spd. My37 Trying to tnd ■ gooo — ILE Harvard, ilko Chockusoi au(omobilo7Cn«ckoui FIREFIREWOOD cond. New Nev S1100 will Memory Foam.n. AS, 29W X 23D. s. 206-733-29441 nycur SIM Wiy. 7334031 324324-2800 Of 731-4S0« Of20e-5 offer. 20e404-23B7 repiJfs.73>oe31. n ninga, 734-687S. Insured lo proii W-3204866 420-6350 Ihe way NEWSTAR '06 Motor-sr------:----- QUILTT IFRAME Rynn ““ 'S ! ’.™ ? i].tvaiDm Now lothesmonmelter. cycle Enduro. 'funsAS 1334696. great. $1300Ja«ar.ar» ■____ ' sail inin original box! ^ 1 ^ J S-$100, now only m d Drive 2064C4-1977 S75.2&.206-934-4167 6-«Mon.F SCOOTER Only T 2 M-Tv years dd. Ike now.IW. ROPINQNQ SAOOLE, $ ie 00*Her. Cal'Jofk» ■ B H K Hardlyfly used. Pakl ; i a m f l feW details 206420-tee7rTr- W K r - $950.B,selS475..Lock. ft gun ( ^ n e t with broWNINQi 22 SUZUW ■>» iif' L 1<00. tooks rough; .. 2 n,n.|irom,n.»«jSI.9? lir e c tio ry 1INQ MACHINE 206-734466'3*57 or $1600,206412-661^:15= ilna 630 wtth case 20M04-114-1146 WANTED w ntN W lM firiB ilaaa w — r t l K M i t 7 Wi « n « i . 2 r s serviceiSfS ? : S >rw4 iim w Excelent oondlUorvt—n— only.2C STEPS>S fifor troler. metal justabie comb,ynb. Model YAMAHA '01 XZ250ii l l — — i a '; [ l M |3 (famew with railing, x. WUh extra[tra ' chokes. Great condHion, loUsu H t f l B M i ffW lB y -ptatfomform 735*X4T & S2500. BrBrowning of extras, low heulS; Ngh. 3 steps, STS. citorl Whiteilte LlgtNn- runs great. Musi Sell.on. I.BlN & TfeiffI P A lM U n O 208>73.731-6063 nig 20 gage}e o over and $2200.2084084CM ' 155 I j i r mtNDTTEuii nEH m cm nn BrtatlorAIntvior. i^SMtSStON fits BtehAABatii t aaaOBal>uUaMaaa MIN -] jI ’^ i Sm ^’ YAMAHA'07 YZ 450F«F. ritMEitimilM Dodge. $1000. 3 $1000.206-76 HeoMCUtttiAg _ iMBodala f t Mal l iaMwiataa SensajiBCrtawa. 'StoS^ 31» DC >-766.1006. Excellent oond. :Murius»' Windowa and Door Ptiniin vnmM» \. wheel 1 Gorand. sen, S4SOO/o(for.-Oal HdldtrOMalng W Y « S T t t ! w . 0.S' Qas goB canS3 °“"= .qm SQf^fu' WbidsirWtiUng BaplaeaouBt HaBlbi •OT-MONE" KlTtinEii»iI«». ^ igflekl Rem 3164100after4p;m.fl'- M ^orCraditCaRto UowlBff. l«wn6«tlea.Tiraa R M E M satM . I $1000.00.206.6394699 270. BW MartMartW Rem WiBmin9 .P a n d i« HmlitenaM AflOifKad.' Oacoti CelltOMOS-lSn TviFl7 , enlertoltvnent orl & SKB J CaUramaXbted i208-73^8618 W bulov M ribw glfdtot | centejn'ter, DVD/VCfl <™P ? i'? -. Rekiading? i ^ '^ t B G u S A U ^ «»4<»/4104ml SCEMaS I«afl omb^.speakora, gear. 206.733-733-1602 ...... » K m l i comt — — CaU Slaha s s s . “-T S fiS r' ■u'w. r REM‘NQT0NSIN SPIO nOtntlPlCE |4»»44Uta /iiu n cu>»«I4W I K i M i i 20640M 330 lOgaufte.aie.auto. DRIFT BOATWo«)ia Bomcuumio ^ like new, 4 bo* If^.. E .p « l« O M l * - w lO M IM M I •*“ “ older, but beautlU? ir steel shot $ fin Lowi«M. SaSaniodala.Uiehaaa. I E F good cond. R ea*,.10. tc WfJOB ■— 20M20-710-7996 fiah. $1895ADtfer,-< r ; RMEftlaaiM. toalteoema,u pcrehaa, SaddiddantfalA ;— I nBBK D BRl ^SeuBTO^Mi rirte, 7334601 Of 404464AtC- Sarrica pwTidadte daok».tenln». \ T O n i W l T Tettadjva SAIQA306iifte {miraA lelBtlOBS $350 or bestjest Offer. ■ Moratlcfia W afapcaU ans. S 5 S S S S . ^ UO, now $145. CallafterSDrSM pm Calllahakak • n so d a U A a a n io a . New« Concertha ( Ao- a06-733.« lOMll-MM B a g A b au a d ~ Hidioted. '’ISS S T F tM d w m rh a a d cordlor STAR PO 45 46 caliber •abO>0Ma41UU TwwitaAtaioaa. noudaUag. r a p t o a i a i ^ » c y Cometriw. $120. CaH pbui with 4 maga- a ftO M lM C M BieaetilSM Twia °lDiy^WalfATasttra. $900..X).AsktorScott. light weightc|ht carty gun 473 hra. Immacufstede, 2060304600 ^ Of gun wrti <7M0« BniiTi f T u r I n a r . I 20< writer Jeff uhknate, white waia A r o n PIANOS409 .Like new. $617/offor. boat $13,900. _ I -* LnmciiE r344270 206-293-6667;..- „ S iS s L . S S■ a d A b n n a d f T lU U T IlX9|U« a , I Cla«iapa,waad FteDauaa Lwerner Baby Grand. C * '” »-734j CB# 10000 UndKm>aDari9Hign onttiaff.flMmbadi Can . EjUngkngton uprHJrt. and WANTED TOEro BUY TERRY 79 Bass bbsl taaTaslnxlBg. -tadbMUDatknitlen B d o t tia r e d d jc ^ lyer plarw. For par- 250 iberttfle. fiberglass, 2 “s IHfl i - aa tt04N l 'nU.I patra O s ltm a B d “ s s s r a iara 206-7334906 ^ — ^ Soo•.Rnn^, c^SiaaV^ MTJugrr.TJiHi — AM boAtdBoteg. TaiifaaiH^Hw TRUMPIMPET Selman, 206-423.4^ . 7 Shi ■ "j* t084t0-4WI . i q«wBato KKPMB8 ARrflba SalaB ap. new,w, whh ^ case. $95. t-7'^gB lM S ^ jo b a aS^SSSSSi w MoreU Plano Ao- u ! i f S S S S & C « M ts u tlo a C aUU 4 « M 4 4 4 aad^ S g d tog BorarSdl Newh s a B s ; *»«» ^ TM Iiwa^H cordo(Ilon, $155. New n n a ^ ^ er short shaft itiMoi •KootbDalia , ILMiaiuiiwM'liTawn deluxeluxe VIotIn w/case, iMBSWCMWH M gra $1500.206431-^&• •n ta d O saa o a I "' WW n S im S i f«adatl.off. Ruqs. =ssssSSSbsB I RBnmsonuo u i>oiu' ^ IMaadngtetha . \ hvtdiafToar l-U S E ^ E ^ lOTCOWCKB g r i ®sSiiS;'' ^ SsS". a S S jS - MTi COJUTAUOUOH ] ’SS L * dafiny I Selection ' fadaderA&rtarior tlena » g 5 s a . _ | >6294460 |__M M t2jl52^ SonoMa CooBtartop •lamodi t » ' J ? a Ortfamri, Padea, KMK«, •NUaoaS a aAAAAAA, QOOSEOECC SklaiwUt^ SHELLS Dodge .7'.- a r a « . l -I PatohMo MjMaM — Bl Uigeasaoi Maff,daeka.iiMdei = Z = a g M a a B s $250. reg- . h.,S?S5S» * IDILBOMB Wmdoanraljc WaUBapaix MluBW W iBO Crt 20643'1-4314101 “ *•*■ “ ***■ W^Coaftucto I utMaSM Mae * ^ ^ 7 ! , V - uiarcabs.'67-WUSeSol f j l H ' qufcktor best offer. ftftanvWotk. “S“. 206412.t62rr UonaadandiBaBrad b “>ssisr m BCM218M p" m s B E S B t a i SH " " S S S " ^ I COMPRESSOR' ^ H | H |»agalMKt>4< u d S d . SdU* , SflS4»l-lBtl Kwptow. g g g r o ^ S Sapain. Addition, - n a O leb a . Topptafl, tama ew or L ...... t u - m - u a I WW N«rCflU(netiOD. f Call Osvf p:^nlag,’«a^ 206-471-0066 BBHBIjiW! COACHMAN '99rTS LargaandanaU SOUTH R1H~1 cS desel. Low tn ittli IMnOCtil Anba Alandaea I T w m r a i M ” ! ^ BLE SAW Gerwai. ■■ ______Piojoett.BaiffBglha •H K M O D E f ja a r. $1,200. OSHA n s S M MagloVaHar.Weod 1 ’ W4«t n o u o E P L U f l b O M «r- !i2!JE = d v'SSiJrJSl •Howa'ftinar ddar. 28'. $150. i Q C0 l 0 KwftUiniCaaBU 7 tO M 2»44n labatebidteiD ^ ding worUMnch. -I 42»6066or{(tf6ii8 r ^ k . I sstates, oU pottery ncK), sUe ie NEED •B»»odal. MBwaunpyl TevatUbomfii ' C a a u tm M pictures, horse tack. 4x4. 4: ..., cyl . . , . . . 5 SIERRA*96fifthweei BaaidaBtlaLfaaind 14' power Hkle. o< •fteoWa*eednfl coalastamCaipaRirr, totmtnkm I wnsoro I ew9 iltis, toys. Indan noocc, 6! ICE4018 H H i ^ IT'-IO' UoaDaadAlMH*d FfaiUtnidiWak,TIla, i|xin)teipipaei MobOaWaldtaig and pict cowboy kerns, mats oft rt a s ' B U Y m ryTnnmraiBt ?«q>. OdBU magazines. de. o r ^ 3 $7900. CaB 20*173 A lapatr. 6400 or 206.73140: S E L L IT! ’utM uS u ■&TXI1.IIM (M l Dan*nw Q sditT W ak. Cali anc 206-3244721 Paid S1Z0 of20»63»4Tai I ael$7200. c u m u aKOTO c m il 4D441Mn laaoia^lBiaa. ' AvtlbblaMbom.' CaU ; t08.ttl.QCT Of Lde R e a d T J w

\ C l a s s i f i e d ly 300 mies. g 'ajrl Every TWterii«,>(mi;) Times-Newss Classifieds( 733-093.1}1 ext, 2 MoBdiRD.^DecwtberS,^ BU


SCRAMBLED V ^ D GAME MELS™-ly Mike Arglilon and J«tt Knurtk iothoso tour Jumbles, /■ ■" H*UC«ARK'01 ■ ^ S V CHEVY *96 SDverwlo,h FO ^ lo each square, = » • Endo#«d25' 4W 0,6.5 diesel, met-t- wArtBIt g ordinary wonis. ^ :XTV/»lodimaof PARTSrs FOR SALE B I ^ H al factory flat bod, 56 cond. •with lots rtfflitfM. Chovyvy 350,J 327. 283. apeed, need* dutch,1, $2000100.435.827.6746 ----- ^ SS800. Now a $2500 or trade for L * CHBVY'04 Colo D *91 F150 XLT. I------P T ^ , .fiMi.2oa43J-ai3«-. , S i mOO... . TlrtO. 400 LS 2.71 t pk( f c ^ T ««««*■ 208-3W--^ ^ H orS R R ''?5“ = = = ^ ^ = ^ = ^ (mns., I I. nice camper ' [ T c ^ cib. PV _ 4X4, aulo trans. power j Ubin.Ii SlOOO/olfer. k . A . 0-S900.420-2149 PM.CD.$13fl< ;a kjduM ndowt, $6954 r n ^ f o . W 46. OODOE '02 Dakota >-73>6439 ®5SHBhl r stodcfs68ioea "Snow PABTSr s FOR SALE •SISSSSSe" X '^ T i Jof9. hoods. Bohts, » " 8 Ur«o(n.. V BM ID '96 F-150. 4X4, I .Machines HI WlDPtJKAUIT AT., EddoE Bauer EdK TWAlAHR |. O *■ EX /oSteJ SmalleyJ(^ >. vew doan 81 ex- '------1/ m ^ ^ : . T , s r s .0 200.7364460 Ira aetM of tires. $5900. f ] ;,c t^ .m -7 0 9 0 ' CHEVY <04 - SD - ■ one ownor. $12,500 orbettoffer. 20845»0307 m u 1 - • PARTSre FOR SALE. wW ’ 208-734<334 , [ '’CKocIc us out O Transm!iwnisslons. Iran*. C8MS. ongirw*, S9000A>ffOf.' 73 731-7213' DODQE -04 1500, off. j ~ h eLBIT u ' ^ _. road package. AC, Ino part*, axles, T----7-^ r«W—| WHA’HAT PAP HAP TO 208-734-7090 | | | j j j j ^ ^t Q S t K i B5K mllos,-si: KNOW WHEN HE $12,OOOA>tfor. Extended cab. flare. ExtCI Cab, Powerstroke . ,, runI K.CHANGEP THE 208.839-262r _ tide, AT, 4*4, CD. dieteitel,M S speed, 4x4, i s r U8Ck, SLP big T1HES(2S (2) Coopor UIGHT &ULB. bo^ihoiw and plpos. studda DODQE'04 4*4,4 doorsr $9495. $790( 6 208-324-0069 20 i SLP »U$, n lo r dutch 246/7(H kHorado loog bed, deaei. 6 iO 308-643^598 CfBW Cab, 4*44*4, aulo, 8p9od,28Kmllo*,Ilk«(0 28118 Unooln, Jtrome 2811SIS Unooln, Jerotne ' ^u / M ' I' 1 NowI arrangean tho circled lottors and moro. S150.2,0.aW-64>4890 t t . PW. PL. T J lotormHm the surprise answer, as cyi73t-2486 K ? H ‘SS!P r*ewl $28^00 ' whools, • $s^eeq, 20e-308-4082 _ SnuUi7lj^3n Siuiullqr]|!^& n iffc / I , I,. I suggestgested by the abovo cartoon. YAMAHA '03 Mounliith ‘ -• J . " . ' :•;;••• 'j ' stock#7a2474; VlpR-.with 388 mItos. A l l t l f l ■=T5t ' DOOQE >04 R1500» FORD '02 F<)50 Crew pORD $380(VoHflr. Y am rti ,• Quad Cab, long box,*■ Cab, XLT Lariat. 4*4, ext a w m ue^ exc. condikin. dark rxxTi’nic x m '66" Mountain Max S&i '•« Powentroko, 87K ml. cC, 86K I milet, shel, (Answers lomonow) I5o m gieen, 38K niBes, w/t§00 mllos. $2500/ _ 2 0 8 - 7 3 ^ <■ $17,000.731-4643 $520(JOOtofler. 733.1366 JVEL UPLIFT UNLOAD = = = $20,000.388.0442 — I. Saturday's. i Jumble*: QUMMY NOVEI EVY'51 3100 I m a H B B B B ' I Answer: What the dimbers»rs tachlovod whon thoy & “ro2i!''5S.ni; roadm Jthe aummtnmH-AXOFTY-QOAL paWoflor. Storm Boautlful »uck. Danoor frtltor. 4 . f l ^ H l placo. drtvo ontoft. J"" s s is s r - ■ ■ ww Ures. round CHEVY'd3C36 S ^ o n a . Wll u l . OODQE IX ZSOOQuU P«'>b.4K4.V8. Cab, tfwn bed, 4x4.4 cab, 4x4, Power- poRD one owner, < nor. w l S S r o d , ,***^ -.1 '97.XM Dodge Oako ARIZONA *08 S5000000 or botl oltor. w 4, V8. AC, OOK ao. 208-7314730 ■II208-308-4692 cruBO. * im• kUtotoKi k».7»®S II mBes, orw owner,. j j a u a g ^ '''O6bton0ck25', Call»______and nmiI* good. — g m %t?u;^.'r^room r 22.000 QVW. $8850. ill mainialned ’H m B■ I H | H to store ttufi unde»ndor. { a P S s B ^ H S l D '66 Mustano, 600.2084934687 9M:*8110r3584362 fO W 1^7971 S 3 1 $600A)ffer. 358-5197 ly drhwr. S6SOO. FOfi0'04F-250XLT, CAflOOUATE'08 Might|ht ( consider trade. CHEVY *93 SlSUverado Crew,4WD,PL,PW, 9 S 'OOMartcLT 6xlO'on:losedtrtfer. 208-67i1-67(M429 eve. 1500 Exl. CaCab, new $19,916. ■ ■g M jH 4*4, va, auto, air, t H S g i H f l ® ® * QMC'07 Envoy, extra ■ • - ' S2.B00. ------' tiro*, 4*4. exo Stod(l678049A j ^ B # iM « t lo r 358-2362 F0RID D 73 7 Mustang Origlful owner AMFU. 6 nk». W u $15,995, ner $6200.' C *04 Sierra SLT 2 H 'r ? h * i >>->1 Now $12,967. #60632 Gran(irando Edelbtoefc 208-73440M50 ttv. mag- H B H H B H H ■ J i CARGO TRAILER 'OS MTODUMAMT ^ iramax dtoaei, crew ^ ^ ^ r^fdd&catburelcr, , ... — b, tong bed, heated Woll* Cargo 6V10' 302 3S autoniatic, Quad 4*4 SLT. 8 ttia. Bko now. Uf B 208.7364480 lesihnher^aeau. fully ffc JB L .(or unffntehed E S ^ ^ H year/8CK Powertr^nlin ------«dedl $21,825. V a r s ^ “ " s s r . " ” JieeO/oHor. S2000000 crbe*t oner. YI 208-733-7700 warranty, Cumrrin*, R I f l l E i S H X le o e R d T F CASHTODAYI »M 2(M 22a 208-4S0.423.8886 Jack aulo. power W/UM. i? lS? j^ It, HONDA '06 Plot EX, cniise, Stodc - dfoffl^ flatt)4di tartdon Idy ------■ «dh seals. PU PW,I, AC,A lOOl.iOKled. $12,550. ^alwlthbeawrtal. I ^ H llSUnoelaJwem* Check uus * c u t« CD ft CMtette, beai to< Stocfcf2C166093 &ZSQt>.20»-326<3301 ^ ^ " ^ O r S s k s ■ciw*ii»«wi tnde,oniy.$6950. 802NCoDeg«RllBW.tlnglo r X “ ACK 208.731^0M' ^ ^ n d e d cab, ca 4*4. IC‘87 W ton pickup, axl#.S325. I ^ FOHO-OBMSO 275 s . klaho St.. CO. Rurw,, butt)i needa fXKt bo*, runs good. '•'^80J(Me62 I = extcab,4*4.Pow- Wendel 20e-636.10( new engine. S ■ 'erstiokedeseUT, S B ! i1283000 ! Ext I — TrrngfaMtgooTTiST I new 1 20»4244l ■ AC.hilpo*«,CD, MiomcM? Cheek oui orSe spd; aUHg CHEVY '87 Suburb I 28118 Uneoh.etovJeroRM ■ Aiminum bniah , d m K2500. 148K mih thtcUtiKMlMrlM I ' ■ M f-rtV . ' SLT, Quad cab. Cum.■ guard, one «mer, j tette, 4x4.4. Reek Bot- newtlrBS,$1800^ft er, CD, one owner. ""J CONNECT » i t8 U n c<*■•5™ o h „3Sr»&0.; ntoe truck. $9,900. p s 19 Call 208.7384776 1 a o M W ia a JEEP ’94 Cherokee, VVITH Sm iO qr^ $8050. m 4x4. Bank Repo. Tak. '• FORO 7 4 F-250 360 | E CUSTOMERS ------______ir« bkls 12/IOiTO. erulne. AT, 4x4, dto. E 28116Uneol Padn- 67M626 or 8834632 WHONEED = “ mond plated tool box, { ■ [ m i i v J ^ CHRYSLER-Ol Pac YOUR . J- rool mounted apot P I|H H Smilky^ rtde, nLortSagfor sEfTincE ; H B K Ighto. S2200Mlar. H ■ 20MB»<286 ■ xlc^.«t*pslde^ ------low,kwpriosl$880 AIRCRAn Ordsr you ■ AdvAtfverSaelhttw.. d o o o E'OIRi 208-42X722^ SUVs rt6»ro9“Chali««r BualniMlmMa>a««lo* Ouad Cab.b. Cummin*I ?4S ? ' " * ' s S g ^ (tor yourmfg I XZ5Z7B410 B | j j | M sibt bumbar). CorUd ^ H JadcWhlo 734«283 ^ 7^ v ,Sisrwo. s “"«g*JSi™- l u n i M I H Check us out» 28ll8Unoe*i,Jerem* a s i i s u S S n cun*flood.S19l8. ■C4l20».78»«m MsSorW mpilll e 8tod(f67602e8 ™ "^NOTICE I W ,1 ^ SaOeil^ -rr.__-r- ~ CfWC«b,ilb,Hi10.paw- n wiiii TYriBii ' - *f w/UMfl surv :::x>M*inKi = = '^JSssSIJSd • Aiiimiciu I ^ ■ 5 5 ^ £ potk ■ M roof. $23,729. .^.AdvartlMra M $1B,4M WANTEOn ■ 206-7904480 Mi your veNde lor knmedUe / > adforacojraeytha CASHTODAYIq j ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ms ^ 1 JM td iy lttu n * .' bu) f io P W . r n J i J ! power sun- • - FORD -81 Explonr SS! iM , ;n>QT1mM-N«wtwl mai PU AMAWCD, aloy M C U S ’ OTnUCKSil wMxtrw. tteOQtor ;g|^bom«parta>lo tin,2 ! ' SneM S l fO Y leaoier, L K T WANTED T 2 ^ ' M»d d u l I irvsNoielor wll eontidir ndes'ff- $12,875. r j w e c *ni;iSMO.#306a medtatt 20MI8 88I< iii>po(i(!^’tfrn(ft ^ lEvr m si«»)o 'Jlhew^Jrwl A ffyjgt ‘r^ d p M x i o n « , MM. OnSl*. E S i , ^ '•• af™SRsr‘ f ?JSE! j«y ««:. oon- S S j , „ . Twifl F8to;;Mri*■bo . B12 Mofldayi Deccmbeiiber8,2008 ______Timcs-es-Ncws Classifieds 7>733-0931 ext. 2 J T l i i i r e d a y ...... F r td a y Today: Cloudy wUi o low0w itcottetod (Oin and trxw showers.9rs, T o d ay ...... TTonight TUesdai gwaafTfii..iili« JU I ta High* 30810 tho lowef 40s.40s Tonight: Bocomlna poil^'itflfjr ctoudy Lows In tho mid 20*. Ttomorrow! Polity ckxjtfydy and0 cool. Highs X s to tho lowor <109. I T \SSLiK3siu-v!MmmI 8T.acg sorty Waiimrartd parly artfy doixty tldoi tfld cool on Tuatdoy' TitivtMMdPndplMenM)on «*W IMDugh S pn y*Mrd«|i ■ 5 i M oonrise U.V.INDEX . M o o n P h a s e e s and Moonset TottiKKjKloM.nto** TeolgM’alffn TIOll Mewrtiiij:.lww»:--t^.m«e** V«*> ■ ’'5SIw3»rire!nc. BOISE'ISE- CloudywllhilowMtitaiidiiint::v« ^ . i O Itoen^i M7PU- UeeoMt: 4:21 K>n Jin 4 “ 25SS«63i' MOW «how«rt etily. Pi'lly cloudyludy DM12 Dm IS Own i|lw»liy,;wi^a'X»»W ^ m m .jrasagsa, lonlghl. «iaffliiiEiM iia3 MIOW .Tedn ToaemaertBW W*4i«*d«y _ ,J r tl ti'mMTcw J'ffli’irL”.oW S S f f 1MfyHlflWLDm4l » 4 l/tn } tl t o n CRy . HI low Hilo1 lo W HI to W CIlT HI 'S'.WU ScB .«/r. MF/'" !R> w S NORTHERN UT/jt a h 8-K iii'''S'STS’S-(■S'S'S-S'S *"'^'"^*”‘* 55*^ ” «£6&.S£&oSk..«K!i«r!rtj«i I Offlj}. Cloudy and eoldsrf wlwith a DtflW:. - 4 0 » k r « 'S 52^Tr-l!52-''-'S'5ri B C y chanca lor mow «ho'thowoil ci>M> M » h »rsE ts Sgf sr-'-'s s sl: ’£ « « .M nnrRNWi.r^^ . « .»BperttiSI/v.^'HH: R -.r«>*a«ir| OS* A loday. Sunny on Tuoi !'?l S S g '5 S r ’ ‘'S S21 M O « l i M C lr . M 14h M srsosneMJmMO 82tS«> t4«i W “"'^SS'S'Sf . « Pi 'nn.'.''M .... * ' MHpt S .BniMMsar- .. s7S:.aiii is STS;sE"K 2a'"'_;!sr*i «M * 1^ ^ ...... A sissss * m iTIrSiaii w'Sm gwa MapM.in ■ ■PEHI 17 M C tr TiMseBS 7SeSpeWM> « S p e W « | ■vri Bl 39 20 nic 37 13 s.s:a■l'a(^s7.M.^:laM’ •IF'SSS^-■ i.1 h 10 2pe VMw9Gn.DC 17 a 32 p P e 47 47( waapc w K -n iv M i- ^ r n r n m m m m h 3 s , 1 1 M!sssi;s1 sa - Si MOM: a i'1 7 ;S -fSS « '» SsE, 3 =S " SS € E S B ! s r s . s : ■“-20 -10 0 10 20 30 . 40_S0_6( I ■ ;sggsi" ss? -SJ ^ SSS1”" SSSfSS !Sg s s f ss R B ^ B | | Q B | ^ H i S 3 T " S i U . £s . .S l s t s f ? niot W , m S«UWCity,UT4l 2fl li 4< 27 n B T I spMMHK- ai'U rnB• ais I r s f S s r * - 4 - •A VHt«d«rV*W«EBr«rUlmTM: eOMTMiMi Um: lO«£urMyr, »{iSis-.io TTT I »w. •iM(M«on(. MT 23 3 b 23i - 12 s f '^g i s r wMtrwt key: bUiart. c-d ■»«*» r6>' mMwuir etOK»r. ini.( m od«y ToBorrow E j ^ K S ^ F StMtona»naiy MW. ^ V S 'l l e e 'a 21 • Tcwie 24 » Valid to a p,m. today vM ■ssi'5S‘? rr'-'5 2> * * r ' YiMwdn'kNctleMtlulUrtfflM. ~~ ■ 17 !■ sa 11 po. m r«w . - t«K^p.- S-ttli- 189MdlwlAmi»Vll»WHt...... 7 3 5 15-8^ sr* Sn 4 pc JO -7 ■ OiwlMwrRI BMOMI-MOWiHaOMIMl.iaiOFM I 1009 . 101010 • ■ ■;’;5;'ioia;’.' 1 0 1 0 :,.-ioip.'- ' ■; ',*ip; %'■- Suldoiku Answer: ::-::^AptbsL> 1 ! 2 L _ ____ VattusandBoses Ambs 1: Auttos ^ 5 8 7 I 2 4 1 3 I 9 ' ; 6 = DOE '90 Grand Car- n FOflO'04Tauni8, pris- HoSlONOA '01 CIvIe D( S U S S a S VW *01 Jetta VR-6. VI , sun- Wl. well kept, runa tine oondtk)n, 18,500 UxLooka & drives great. leather, k>adod, s gas 1 2 9 3 7 : 6 8;5;4 EC., looks nlco, wood mles, loaded, metalBc DaiDark blue, 5 apd, 2* I gold, low mios, gray, $9500 308-2425 ddoor « coupe. Sunroof, ^ ^ ^ ^ B 'm itoage.sreoo. ■ ^ B B 208-4204723a___ 6 4 ■ 3 9 IsiiB ' 5 7 1 2 : 1 1176/oner. CHEVY'07Ma»m m A/C. 124K mitos. R j ^ ^ B »-5002or421-0369 automolte. oK“‘f. CO, $5995,208-358-3151 { 5 ^ 5 5I 7 '05 5 Maxima VW *04 Touragee ve, l9 2 6|8;7 ' ^ i J ! ! 3 T 4 5 | 9 o ube, S$12,999. r o ® l ^ n B E H H i sunroof.if, spdtof, dark gray, 6 cyln'Inder, looking for Stocki7F2974i97418CP B B I ^ B i l wheels,I, CO.Ci $16,999. gas. toalher, k»cNded, 8 5 , 2 7 6 ; 4 9 1 i 3 V f6C872600D exc cond. Only-iy.39K 46,000 m l« . S3900: stodc 150 V ans J206- 208-293-5567 iw w m m m m ml. $21,500. Cal S 7^9:6 8 1 - 3 5 1 4 ^ 2 iOTDADTtaSd' ^ H ] FORD '01 Muitai>ang= FORO w Mustang, ^LX.lX 16K mitos, CD. ■8:7 2';6j5 a)8-7334776 ^ ^ B B H 9 3 |1 4'8 B B P convertible, low. loW la V6, CO. PW, PU AC. AC, AC PW, PU automat- und PS. cruise. 2SK mitos, mles, Mach aourt < Maxkna 2 6 5 1 i33 9 4 7 8 Chock on us out <9 system, 6 disc. $7S0C» 0 . O(K ngnB R gn ^ Y Soli yourvoNdo for ^WANTEDVANSII I a'^SSSr mleage car. oni Jdlyourvehfclelor ------M ^ B h S k OLDS'03^ Immedlato ^ H■ b R S ^ H B I VVasS I CASHTODAYl Now 57986 RSIt I f Buymgol years, C,CASH TODAYI 9 |B Acaiict ietor makes ond modois Buying an yeare. AtfTO»»BKPtA«a___ FORO'86 Probe 4 cyl, &HONDA -91 Accord EX ___ ^ i j V6 1-aOO-S7^124fl. I makes ™ and modds 275 s. Idaho St.,i t autff trans. vory dean, ■coupe, ■ 5 spd, air. PW, MJPWDUKAUFP CASHTODAYU l ^i^.**ouW maiic,' V6 l-aQO-574-1248. Wendea 206-536-190 $1945. StOCk#8M9a PU AMffWCD, laoo- ” ^ 1• W 5 7 7 0 0 cnolno. PW, PUJ t CHRYSLER *97 Town ------ry aloy wheels. o & s cruiso. SH.M5. 4 Country, fully load- : vi'ioipy;.';'' S2986.n059A BSBVS 1-600-574-1j>48 Slocfcl3C67419B !4a-‘ I e d 112K maos, excel- s b f J lont condrtlon. $3700. ^ t b s . . ' cSI:“ BOKIPk Power- B ^ ^ ^ BH ^ BB 208-73W480 32ft-52Mor420-3309 = = = train warrant)Tsnty, auto. WARNING.Q. . I KSSSHB IUM. cndse, ■ FORD *95 Taurus-Sho l802NColegeRd,TF i 0103*951•95 98. power W henpurdiaiiXditto. 20>-7333o73 HS 3 to ehooswoae Irom 3 1 Just reduced, forest 208-737-1200 everythini >.sur«' FORO'05 Crown Vk»i thing, comfort- vehide. makesi U B E ^ ^ B $10,999 B green, AT. PU. PW, W ridel Rode Bot- that the thle 1^:|n In' tte ria,33Kmles.leatN HONDA '93 Accord, lelton H ? sunroof, 24 mpg. _ >{1dtn.a $1995. name of Iho aell SL, S2600/o(fer. S e e ^ a KOauto, AC. cass.. 4 dr, “ " 1 ^ taOBH 1 H B H B u n Z* owner. 157K rri. » « 4 4 0 6 9 Under Idaho ma 9 DODQE‘05 Grand TO i.iu test drive at CO'S at to tr- B Caravan, PW. PU *UO«'OtA41.eT » " exc, m in t records. 28t 1SULincoln, n( Jerome veMdecode-t Qoattro. 5 speed. ,Call2fl8-733 Qaraoe, klaho & Mam 7 o ib e : ■ sow go rear seat, $29S0.208-326«e7. k>aded. 107K m U e s .------" _ - i — InTwhFataorcaO «, ■ tearair.^KmLeKc ^ 208-544-7633 m s $; S ’S ' " cond. S8000/o«ar S9.000. 4M-18SS ■ S S ' SUZUKI •07XL7, SoeatSITEosigate k ^ K B^ |^ 8 1 275 S. Idaho St., theaeltor'T' Wendell 206-63fr19( « « » . ® -!IssistL_.‘ r :,999. 5®®50.a 208-733-7700 gma11>i m on new 360 engine. iduit’ B Riinsgreatseoo. ~ ” * ^ S . Idaho a . i ’ HYUNDAI • '97 Elantra, ------! ne(s) ~ 275 s. Idaho St.. S l I I ] WendeP 20a-536-1900 _ - pakJandnaree m 839-2643 0T53M M 3 ^ AirroB^oim aci andaddresaofofthe Vorxtel 208-538-1900 w.The mm J . ? * " ' ”™.".'?; 8-733.5776 275 S. Idaho St., M U K u jwwpudiaser. Wendell206-S36-19 SepNa, 4 cyl. $975. BBI MIolsatomusiust be AWD. 3- PaikAvenue.S3000. Must sell. 7334277 B ^ B K&KAuto I OatsHIISlflM l ll k - l ’i 'H U T T ~ ----- T PONTUC 3ff: tow soat. roof rack, al­ letime 734-3745 or 736-7200 p r tv » a te lA d d sffo r Am.V6. loy whoolt. S17.995. S SIt i have - t y A d t M I K S S ' S ri^mevnoLCTl CARS WANTEDII I ' A utos Oftsr FORD-DSFreesiar fSell | your voNde for etyour Von, 2SK miles. AC. iqulre ”SS*iSiI PW, PU L— I AMfl^WCD, tear spoll- i " CD. PUPW. dual sw ­ Fo S to tBSS e S T? • 208-733i353T ing doors, Iko now ,c/SSoAYr “itSK ’ er. Ilnted glass, kjcal I 5 : condiilon. only ' s S t S . SE trade, $8986. #2100 ■ V g g i j B t ! TOYOTA ’85 «Hurro>™ ' Sll,SOO. ,a<.eptod. S i5 .% £ K o 9 - CheckusoutO • pYOU runs, nowor ttros, EFI l-flOO-574-1248. ■fW iiiwiw« iT S 1 ^ . . 83K mL siver, dean. VW/07J07Jena2.8, slack- ’ » - - - - FORO ■07 Fusion. F CHRYSLER '05 Town good cond. new front k auto, PW, PU ;. r . - 'v l O l Z i & Countiv. roar ai tires. $2200 31M 630 A M/FMCD, W fadory ™i!oIalrTWrpUAM/ ~ . 1.1 warrarttarty, 1 owner, CO, aulM . Itoc S rtomat- fMjCD. IOOK miles, HrrSUBBHI <99 $t5,7SC WasS9098. automatic, ai air, $0995. Call 208-708-733-5778 $13,900 i.750.«095 #5RisoeooeDC . certified Honda war- 7 Edipse,.l09K miles. — ■ S9999 Now $6897. <13e060A f,Four to choOM Irom; ______” FORO Pony Sloe Ji*;;;;; Assist ranty $17,777 «096A *>sun roof, toather kite- I B I l^mevROLrn ^ rtor. amk»ersary edi- B i j i m n " v c a r s a le s “ iS T s M S c Vlr> - W • &>ll< tton. PW/PU $3,900. 802NCNCo«a0eRd,TF feasonabtotrd IS . I h r ^^OrSales Call 206-308-5499 M M93 Call 206-733-5776m 20S-733-7700 2 0 8 -7 3 3 ^ B 55100.206» « - 7 IM » ) ; Wcn

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