
May 30, 2014

Mr. Riley O’Connor Chairman Live Nation 86 Manor Road East , M4S 1P8

And to:

Mr. Chief Executive Officer INK Entertainment 144 West, 7th Floor Toronto, Ontario M5S 1M4

Dear Sirs:

At its meeting of May 23, 2014, the Board of Governors of had before it the information attached with respect to the concert held at the Centre on Saturday May 17, 2014. Members of the Board had several questions about the operations of this concert and requested that you be invited to attend the next meeting of the Board on Wednesday, June 25, 2014 at 8:30 a.m. at Exhibition Place in Allstream Centre, Meeting Room 206A, to respond to the Board’s questions. In addition, the Board has directed that a Public Consultation be called and it is now organized on Monday, June 16, 2014 at 6:30 pm to 8 pm at Direct Energy Centre, Salon 103 to consider the general subject of Concerts.

Would you please contact Ms. Fatima Scagnol, Corporate Secretary at 416-263-3620 to confirm your attendance at these meetings or to let us know if we should be inviting other representatives from the Rogers venue or other organizations to respond to the Board’s questions.

Thank you for your consideration.

Yours truly

Dianne Young Chief Executive Officer



Exhibition Place, Toronto, Ontario M6K 3C3 Tel: (416)263-3600 www.explace.on.ca Thuroday. May 22. 2014 star.com to .34 A_M Wi GTA FREE SATURDAY STAR with a DIGITAL ACCESS SUBSCRIPTIO

HOla Ides,: on 29 sent to hospital from Avicii concert in ETA Onees Toronto Cetala The Ai,ni macoft kepl merritt I.MS srnmb]ant Saturday nigbL with at least 29 people Watt ending spot Caspilolto be towatorl tar illnesses related us aacolroi or dnags. l7.tatqalan Crime 3’ 5’I a fl ,0. nfl a YOUR TOeO,aO










A’. asyAs ntott&l’tO CVit S,indso, 01. riwajo p,. .-A. iBaosd atsacartato. RageisCflnn’ g.! tigit As .r0d20 pesç d Wail towArd. rust ID’, C’ess than In 5th reed doing top coiisjlrpton. Ton EMS 550. aoith’ in rat. ass %nt .ntt,d ac-_. — — By: Km Bear, Oust A.1n.. Sn:

The A’ In: c:reIt keptTororto EMS acrembling Satirdav night ,cth at least 29 people codIng so hi hospital it be Ircated cr illnesses rcla’.rd to alcohol oedmgs

‘rIta ttum her is unusually high, tatd duty offIcer George Eliadis. ft’s not typksl for tint 111003 people to require hiapitalizalion at that kind ofceocen,

MAP. tThat is cr1 frananmrre,or Rogers Centre load ila own media on age. bat staff reportedlY becotne ovensholotod by road repair aM the tambar of patrons requtno4 medocal assntana and EMS had to be called. *tnd According to media reports, one person sin arrested and at least one ath erwas treated for drug use, but the vast majority be:aitie dl to s’aMog degrees as a result of alcohol eotaumpflon..

Paramedics told pawo nswere getting tick before Avicli made hon stage. Anaaaabens of dirt3 dance contort eelcotoied appm.sonoately 10,000 hiCks fly th Oa,Oe ‘rho sold out electronic fasso of all ages. no minasols tar people piled into the Rogers Centre to tee the Swedish Di.

We wake ;ewocWW ed [tr ,oskf ..‘cue 5:. care wsceaap.d so fl. WnVnS, that fe? so awe, itt tanda’rt &d*nei mo Community Code of Ca,dIKe Fa’ halter k. ,.., frIckMiw a, Ncad gait&lee Dve M’ Tennis aiim Conditions

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28 Comments viafoura

At 2500 t’assc coga 0 be ins nas’oa 04 00 0.00100.

T0,TVTIYnCOn Rica flops’s 5oct50 cOrCaeN I5oIe Joe,O.sid.oars OJowotad.oot (tIps ne ‘5’ Oabo :5 Mtps’JAlnew.yaJtube.eitwMdl?vaCaniJ68EePS

JotyoByla corn TatneinCoaaRica IwadMr5. ‘aim ‘sae, not Se at ;n, roar Ia Pa hflptutarra.youlobe.too&wh?v=XcawttB€W8

Siar’Logici high’res Dn: Nod OsPIt two 5n mccc! Ce Soc It 200 r’ors For ow Lea bet IF me am S ,ems’ss’nro:t sIidsy.stsaIOco0s boo wapIw5o.r5 a,der30slllndasay A Swoost 01 car gel a4iec ol 2O.t sloe Ho5e,s Casts?

piptoy Mosly I Say — ‘fltd af F5 beebe for tw ‘osoateiss ee. 0’ey test to ‘e,epS dais DI 0Md no.50 nsI flrt to be (Se Roost CeNts sti’. atsissI ‘sq tie taO fram me L_0O 0’ — eisa Ca.

weB ‘ted 2 Boa Ford a Os roe nodel

ash’saa, t’ope aTafcflqcOTflle’da’a.’r’.oocs., B’5’lCiaC 20s5°s


a.e. sad a h%O I’m dose It teOg 40. ‘t. rn tow cson.g 5 sao,I 9 Its, a ad Beasts belorore a rant aids too. tit STMTPI€ sgotwk. SUN+) SUBSCRIBERS GET FULL ACCESS a Gor’t...... the feeders were checking lOs at tile ambulance’s door. Now that we’ve learned of th very rolatle NEWS GTA source, 8 is indeed difficult to understand why the Sun would fail TORONTO & to menhon this. sn’s it?

WIIWHIflSP,edlrfem.fkw&e. I a— Save up to 50% on TV SeMce [$9.950 IlADSL2 Ti Acanac-Inc.I Go read the article on it at CW Plenty ol n-meson of underage ND CHANNELS FREE PVR ‘htntonta*J concettgoers with mammc twrng angry about trw event being U ‘ I all-ages and parents berg irresponsible. 29 taken to hospital from Avicii concert at Rogers Ata J. - Centre Yes, because alas hrougncut the ages didnt sneak out to go to parties and consume too nuch alcohol or drugs. BY KEVIN CG*IOR TORO&r0 SUN FlRSrPasr-D: SUNDAY. MAY 18,201401.09 PM EDT I UPDATED; SUNDAY. MAY18 2014 0112 PM LOT Sass — a• TORONTO - Some corcert-goera look the party too tar Saturday ight at the sitar bas_ol mc. Rogers Centre Net very pubic cRhGK use. ti no-c Ton r.SugP etbebecamle ha’.. evoc_tec a search warrant on ha oOcc, , earrides. feeney Paramedics frantoofted 29 people to buaneu. bother Doug arid Satan altars her some’s wceses bong hospital rrom a sod-out concert by ton Narcotco. Sweeish 0,1 Avid’

Most became seal dy consuming son — —— Mid Few cv that you Iwow via? much alcohol Dr drugs nerore vie Too mudr aucobe on drugs can aNy rita, yore uoowege7 conceit officials said

Nte had avanstyc’ :Sesaes Iris is unusual aria we t’Dudat be vansponing Because swat ii rum halts and other aoo& nleooa Sourca that many away from a slte, said EMS depuly coorirnanoer George Eliadis said Sun as p Sr., vewayn duW.d a AudI pedmin. at th MIS Fan Cite Ca Octt.r 5 2013 Ia Newveekefty. The sic’s are expected to recover (Mike Lswde/Gattyb4a./Am ft05i O•ems tee ited.r.sy-v ‘-n Ben vase you sea got Rd. pue on ‘hour hocioum caduig? Toronto Police ssy carges — such at

public intolocation — nay he laid. — p-a — READER’S COMMENTS male why nay banreo rhesee,e ru from ody propeily. cc_rue .zr moved to ‘e’mratate men’. Good lucK By adding a comment on the aria you mpt con Kimns and conditons and ow nfluinia ties.

Atrew apebamarnautar Comn.fl to, Uds Uwead en. now dosed. N Charges shriad be aid son egetyoare 01 mose teOri That ended op beam Oarsop.ted to We hosoth. You dent teed 00 get Wunk ce h5h to raw a aoed sicK Irygu eanI to act he an dot stay home and dolt swum. 26 Comments Toronlo So 0 Login

4 Fr

Avatar SN Aaalar Qeag. Vat Haidaa*’flnu I went to thms event and I can honestly say this night was one of the most shocking Ben who did you ate am your preheat bake Bob came along nights lye ever had, a little traumatIc even. I am of age and I go to a lot of events anc like this, I’ve always known about the use of drugs at them, and figured since —M Sn Guy

there were going to be people of all ages I ddnt expect to see most people on drugs. I You wo. S hive to Co thu’k ariuho, stored to . stee 50 isharoer’ ha person ‘a aNng. don’t know if I was magning this all but it seemed that most of the underage people there were not drinking...they were clearly on drugs. Some of them looked to be as As_K young as IS. I saw girls that young tripping out and puking all over the place. Security swedah thfl ‘has sore ii wasyr the CHEF that made arem al aide? also didn’t even look in my purse when I was going in and I saw people buying drugs everywhere I looked. The whole situation really bothered me and lam deeply disturbed. I would never go to an all ages again because seeing that many kids running around sweating and being unable to contro; themselves really scared me. I was -Fv!r rncredibly uncomfortable with it the whole time, You do reae it area ins so bad In Cfl other pearod but em dee here ma eseopehem rapottine a?

Avatar NolFitForTh.lntaqnfl Sr a• Sounds like fun. Go out listen to some music, and spend the night wondering if some kids going to die, fwur eeem. Yen Ned., sea’ we oract.ced ware I think arid also used our Ponds sot non bacK, this story has brought enough attent,cn to You should ask for your money Ocean r hapoen n’uch rice. the tact that it was not a sate environment, you may just succeed.

. Jolt, I so pay a,cy cops actuary etcetera to ares ShaeThrat ha event? St l.aa,rcaieacmec Avatar Geag. Von Hthd.nbsrg a out Sat5rdy Guards psmm to be eerlect,ye writ seteirerce aria erd0n’eflt how O’ta’a 558 think they can nearing for aerinsy and get Thinning of the herd shedausg Peotie in brave pep any value in return. hen oay to naoney’o’ pm/daly cops arid have ne eeaaton on value re’rr St cv n-e pay tech cop o- me dour to oversee me seaml arid acaaaly have met, bthing soctre vat hv reuw to them aid at eoa”a tar once Avatar AdenOhar The mority of those wnc were intoxicated looked underage. People were drinleng and Aseni J. consuming drugs in tine and in plain sight while waiting to enter the centre. Security did Nets story and proot Three events need tare ir the opel s400 ptoper medi care. otherwae Kids vet sot sneak off to aometv’e olse was awe. a very poor job at the doors, as most were let in without being searched. I could’ve lime to grow up sooeoy. walked right in with a 26er and I should’ve considering they cut off alcohol services at 10pm. I watched many servers selling dec50 to those with ID’s but watched as many of those with IDs hand alcohol off to melr frrends without ID’s right in ffont of the As__K Neio.aoniea Wi my Cirus says.: 500.0 arGo wish Moly servers. Poor management all around, made ft dtsappoinling for those wanting to enjoy the show and consume alcoho responsrb.y. A.iwuw ThE ALL 8SEP10 EVE

Oh vjhai e areas corseT .., think

Avatar i What are servers to do. run after people giving the beers? Leave the stash of liquor they are responsible foe’ and would be under investigation if it was stolen?

Avatar arkedat Funny frou’, you don’t mention that most of them were underage,

aotwalks’4r a Were you there? Tell us more or are you just being presumtuous?

Avatar arkeat Socia: media, people on twitter mostly. SUN+1 SUBSCRIBERS GET FULL ACCESS “0 STARliNG Coundilor Ciorgio Mammoliti speaks out against aIages shows


Tcron’o Counoltor Giorge Mammofiti S saying ‘I told you so’ after 29 ovenndulgfrig youth were sent Ia hospital teem a Rogers Centre all-ages event aver the weekend

Toronto pammeoios had 10 flnsp&t partygoors wFt fell ill to various degrees after consuming alcohol or drugs during

a sold-autconcert by Swedish OJ AVtIL

Mammolib has long been a attic of al-ages raves

Tho eerie promoter (of the Avdi concert) wants to bring 8.000 to Exhibition Place for raves,’ ,lammoljti said, adding such events have 10 be The crowd It pktsrnd durIng a Deeeeiber2ofl Avilcil pertasnce In Chloo. (GETTYIMAGES) Stopped.

Toronto EMS were celled to the Rogers Centre because the pniva’e paramedics hired to cover the event welt Article oveni-belmed by the number of people who needed to be hospitalized.

‘At the nest mc’ctng of city council I will be requesting a reponfrom daft on the ‘a.’,,n’i,iT•,DI If code of emergency services and hospeat ward beds retawo to is-a eve nt. I Monyrole said v rwset S He extiroatod the costofdea!’rgwith thosewhofei ii atthoshoo for an ovemignt stay a: an emergency ward, plus the tab ‘cc EMS care is be mare 8.1 - = than Slob DOD I He a’;arid ft —csçcnsiole to allow children to attend all ages everts Mam’tlcl-L - sail i—i [email protected] Report an ego, READERS COMMENTS

fip aoilç a ‘te en en eta, you acaw six — ani a&ises erd siune4ieta nies. rw — Cerm,.na for ened SS’ now closed. K You ever b to a nezer arcs a a a rear pri?

a —— - 42 Comments ye S is. rests viewer tat I wo/d sear ii cersercea vwdmce. kaiG Of cv it’edlflg to play rosey or reCess.

nsa. deapte berg at delano of such events with hureedv of thousands ofleSos ravens. can cast on 551 en °w on Good to see city counci getting ret prioniles straight yet again. Wny doesn’t that the nunter of lines .nylh’ng eve crve to Mt wows land it visa a H ai’head Mamilotti lust ban kids all together that should solve his problem. crar-ksd- sac,’ tad rrtst staned irJ Nevers title. never tare

_nr — • Never heard about this many people ODin9 at an AC/DC concert Sapewnofy gouge the eon sweet Siam I’ve we teen Ta sea a New Orasreancar basIc in EM vGa Very rewdy aced. H Hep Lea jsst ban this kind of crappy EDM. anew I pass on re9uisfly even though I tare access teal SO the ocrcstv. Give EOM a chalea a go to sine ol the snows sac i we tunnlos sea wet chanqe yam Tune. I’ve eeeq, e unparaileed Steven AMy aid dsposibon or the cooed [No Antnude porn wsnun the outum) makea it that much You know what you don’t see at EDM concerts/festivals? Violence. 40 betlet 000 people can party together and not one punch will be thrown or gun wilt be pulled. Regarding people OD’ing at concerts. the bulk c’ people fl— at an AC/DC concerts would be in their 40-SOs. You should have beer, at Ben Scott tot’ care of all that by hirreell. any of thy rock/metal concerts in the ID’s and Sot People were Ooiiig constantly One kid (back in 1988) drowned in aher dropping some bad acid at a Pink Floyd show. This is no different CMIDVMA.N

— Mamnno when you ease stopped kids lion sanving ait of conbel. venars nest urplarred teenaGe p’arsrcy maybe ye,. can ]iplate teds to stop having sex. You’s an idiot, Slave knit I am calling BS on the. i have been to a lot of cancels axed I never saw arle ) except los’ on. • mere. —

‘itu get a kit of Pot Heath at tk concerts. - - You am the cot K’dt under IS ao.ld lie brie ata rcararki lost ‘awe lien stteredrnq ‘ares arid tlacng the ask or beng am or the sidwflias ‘stto Not the Hard Core t’it, Grant’ and Meth Heeds that you get at these coap events kid another thing. l’he Moron parents wto let their teenagels or younger go to these thatgs shaid be kicked up arid never showed to have cfof&eri. .—reiuadns that be the concern of trw perenls ret the tax-payers’ AT .4er point to do we say, You kidt. your reacenstility’ and 155’ tee blame inhere it

a• Violence? Been to kits of Root ‘N Roll shows ieve” t’tv BOsI —°° and. goon the nLmrces the energy. ccc there is amaz,ng’ little. • Maywo cr.y count, ust needs to s..py 9000 ta’e dnu at tesa Gels ty save V site more t’a’ EDM o,.t I’ va recer cneoke

Now. the bcd< urban music isa nit of a d.4lemnt ste.y...That stuff go’’ es voleice and s lavo,aed by Street :evvl thugs who employ violerKe so. there are paxiderkeg elertre’lta in the .—Wow. Not are gorg To raves and takng &ugs. and you think that crowd and stage the maya of Terorto e reeponable? ‘mute either an dot, alLan riled voth hate. Either way, your potta shoulo ‘tern. sire a kid, yes, the OD’ing stuff happens at all kinds of shows I get warning, Cainion- Nothing to see here’ that.

My comment was just a sarcastic barb at a type of music tnat I can’t stand. a Violence? Been to lots of Rock N Roll shows (even in the 80aI. and, given the numbers. the energy etc. there is amazingly little. Ceia’r.’y some Maybe more than EDM. but. I’ve never checked

(Now. the blank uitap nt&c is a bin 01 adherent stay That stuff glo’if es too mrce. a’id s favo..’ec by st-yet evsl thugs wqo employ vitseane.... so. there are powdetheq thements In the cTh%-d and stage.. Wnat an idiot ma gury is s—P Paid. yes, the DOing s:t. happens a: all kinds & shows. (get mat. a — My comment ‘as ret a sa’cast c has-bat a type c’ muse t-a: ‘-e, s-rae-I asow teraows out of lbs I ojses - mtrth or -‘sot cant stand. I — vow had!

— n.’ .——Ban all raves? Not ltksiy, and its netlike all re attendees would be stsynng at tanne You ever oven to a punk show or n a rnoshpit? S cong mci’ homewode. you has OeM from city properly, where Wets events an had in busy. brighw a venues with police arid sanLanly they wit go bank to bidrig held lo dark, deserted industrial areas em ‘0 (acuity. Ooesthataoucd live an :ttproueflwnt? esckPeni- -:-‘ursu • p. a Yes lots. That’s violetn, but I would see it as consernsuaal violence. hand of flio — — like agreeing to play hockey or football. so 29 people out 01 how many thousands behaved Ike idiots? For that we should bat this? StGO.O9D? I’m mere concerned over the 512 mIlton snent on homeless s-e:ters Also, despite beIng as deserts of such events with hundreds of As br line t of the hospital space. that’s a province] cost Not a city cast thousands or feliow cantons, (can count a” half of my left hand. the number of tin-ms anything ever came to fist blows (and it was a

splryeraga4 . .. crunked’up sac,,’ taro that eta-ted ti. • - ft’s 29 errergeecies out of 20.000 spectators EMS were quoted as aawvg mat Movers knIfe, never guns. one person was arrested on dreg charges and at least one otha was seated br dreg use, bun the -‘ann nsayomy beceffie ill to sayeng degrees as a reaus ci alcohol co,s.wptnn —._ but ars .a Core 0mg pa-c inaamo — set more osoes &e-e San Surposogy enough he most vt&e”t show lee ever beer to was a New Order contest back in the SOs Very rowdy crowd. -‘p 4oe shoves .onsso- ‘egda’.yevn’tthail haveuccesstoa.ollhie KG concerts. OWe EDM a chance or go to one of the shows and I wil . k’ent ,ucwage Iris supoosed ‘0 dOthfl ‘tslia worse. 01 sore penbe 1,5: trying to guarantee you veil change your imrd. The e- etgy is tenoarsi trod a corRupt tils at ages as young as pots bte’ The teat Wang our lods need is ahoves -se therm wonder nIl be soon the dumbest —noes nabon on the each. • a tsa-oty I was use wooo.eo tO be a-resins. t c,se no: ,qg 1en- for Ford hoe I’d vote to, him osar any & the hens excuses ‘51.1mg agawatretp,lcon:venlotra4n Ga vote oeocle see S-ages’ and wssaee 3-yeas ode tr a crowd or 25-year ada.

Please noes: ma -a an a I agesoenera A:nnsacn tasted merit VtPtcrats are 9- age ‘mit--low reoured upon enesra. —From Rogers Cents’s seiroesenprisn .—loI...my bad Just to used to tatr nQ an antiC on almost anynhirig turned Ford bashing. being into a Cleaflsl, ma Angers Centre eoa tenawverr’ would not allow alcohol in the non-ViP Creers! secniovs. Even .n an al-ages’ eager. bets is sore age seqregat.ran.

. easlteacateloged Ban everything! a He amse it’a-rrescorsble to allow children toattendail ages-events. Mammolit saiC

Creepahocta George is unclear on what all agea means Good for you Georgio. These guys don’t care it kios are using face b’s and getsng 5th Arithe’ Ford rasthun brain donor... n— - and interestthg which city courarildrs dons cam etrar.

a, c.al ether. tIll, gets around They shouidnt allow Ford out b-jr he :1 —He does-u give a t rca-s lansn about -re hot. —e Is :.ust posturi-Ig to, vown Ut’oerstand the fact of a 50 ‘monte 9r opal eteceon campaign toe sts-arss raricolova, what’s worse o eearng the pandering roe votes to- than long Sire rrusicioal politics are important and ewe-! they are rt parny besed. They need - neat ess’y sesna-’o Son ora’r too .ntocn aol o’ 20 OC(7 I ,45 hasoens C tw-neps a c’ge- te::c’i’ eercd, Why ha 2 rooms. 3roos, bun 10 5 haciacis W—romr:o regasd’evs o’ wtemnea Aye,- a pea-mwg a not.

hi Mammo:tu a empty pet-toning foe a ta-nos 5- joratozt from z to 29 on nrddgng youth &nsws M,Se 5 etciuev.ry to she OX g.oonda...

ow old were these outtr’ 14. 16 21 24? As usua. re reals-n tre tstans... and any deta 5 mm nigre decract fttm tie mo-a LIt angle a-a coTheirty absent nom the art ole ..-an—good set. insseo that

fri e,aetiafry ‘v5 front ite Pr who c’cooaed twreng a any pars, We a a-c vIto a ran 4n1 coslat For a change tr-e notnnally set centered e5oi:st kiamniolit,, has a states posses, Inn n up’eemsnt with. These azes more tlosey reaamble the antca of sobs corrplete separated from reason and unable to conra c-scour that’s store in ksewrm with aeld .—IrdOt Adults panic over drive-ins coiiuptng wait youth. beasts, Add the booze and illegal cerEals tome sand Of me drerra and you have Adults panic ova comic bodes ctsnupling that youth. the’ g’edetta far actors m straps betln’leey. rot a gatner.ng 0- tee young arc Igobe: Adults pan.c ova rods musIc wrruproe tact youth. impressionable nor, anyone likely 10 sitter ire ‘5510510 ci antisocial weduct. IS/Ga: Adults pan.c over inne cities co’iupting then youth. 19805: Adults na’ over wdeo games crnmpting the, youth. sees Adu :s pane over sara-c daycass corruotng tsr youth. a aelseanga dancing 2s: Adults pan:c dew Internet pornography co”sp:Ing ther youth. Curse that darned 20105: Adults panic over tiectronic dance muec corrupting their youth. . epesloonnar The mertaify 01 ‘not my kid is set pert sthpd .—o—In other ness: 20.ItO youths were also partying swm loud rust. atchol sf0 drugs. I agree this got totaity out or contral wit a big st to out health cam dollars hot the a. arid some of them oesrdosed on alcohol or dm05 and required 911 aasstance. The problm is not The Itee in general lathe underage pan of it, I 9515k Ia important to have these events because ns great foe Ire dry keep the unterage kids it ‘fe’uce 5 mat they were spread out amorg tht..sanda of home hosa’enls across but out or he c I5i

It Mammost was true to tsp’ ncithes. he totem also agitate foe a ban on home flarseere laseenenla It does not crane’ the age o’the peope evolved. t me event holder cannon manage

- sue’ oanis Pen they strove never be a owed to host an event esoecasy on Cay properly eras we cao:d be babe Its allowog the mutt.

• 25 peops need-’g ass tnt-ce would Mew taken We maiorey od pa-a ‘ed Os asa.leble o a The niCe-once a asian at the Fain boo,’ taxpayers a’elaoe.. . pay taxes-n tnt Ii’s cry PertØe moved n accidents bean osddren cralaparig else oty so I do ose. attadea. where e ti’s cry eou 0 id Oe out ob 10. Non to nwncn We ove&owag c’ enwgebcy ‘once

‘his is rdcaoaf ar • a Ttwrs a- aasatn5t on t woo d one to net peoa en or c.stm,e’r Ira-p Unless a’ event Inolem can reoo,xe a safery pLan that wad be passed by tie rn-ye 50SF-eec c,,ot.rg a -urF-,atse sojite at ‘tior’nat ran. emergency servIces I would say fosget it.

My au nlomt_ ocrion: I can CI F-C -oct tars onto an aneonee. [In sue ‘a City S ‘esoasable wan attendee flakes bad persona ceesorts and suffers ass consequence, theresa small chance they could en case against the event organ-zen heres a miczrscopic chanosihey could win a case agarat me City as building eater (410 if that were the case, me building owner would win a case aganst the event organizer) CONNECT LOCAL SITES NEWS ‘ VIDEO WEATHER TRAFFIC IN PICTURES MYNEWS


I Leaden c.i,p.li on Skffi cancen: Epwt. Woman Mild in D041g Ford defeeds Tim Hudak call. for Dance Protest Locals VIcta,la Day: Job., reminding people to parachute accident comment. against lnqulr Into cancelled boats mov, for debate., 0,11. Place a.. sun protection comb of Toronto Etoblcok. group home get plant. susp.nded cr0.. guaM I

Nearly 30 hospitalized after sold-out Avicii concert WATCH CTV TORONTO NEWS AND NATIONAL NEWS PROGRAMS WHENEVER & WHEREVER

A*eaabt. ‘Of 05 — flt&eM



Pa’a’’oc t. flmood a De’, v.ta became I .,‘- a anr-o r ar?Wc’ tttSIi lRocnCt”te Tetnto or Sa:Lday; May 17. fli4

Share- ‘‘‘“‘•‘‘‘ I”Fi”t’! 67 WTWOet 8’ If I’’’ Teat. ca C (IS)

10 years captive: Woman speaks out Jceh F [alt. Clv Toronlo after traumatic ordeal PubFShOC St.’iday. Way iS. 2014 5:15NA SOT Lasi upeatai Su,uay. May 15, 2014 1 45PM LOT

Alcohol or drug use sent 29 people to hospital with vanous degrees of illness on Saturday night after an Avicil concert at Toronto’s Rogers Centre.

Rogers Centre had its own medics for the sold out, all-ages electronic dance concert and EMS HIgh school .b.d.nfs BillIe J..n p.rfonna.n staff 20000-seal venue ouickly became was not on standby. oa’amedics said But at the goes tint ove’whel’ned’ by the number of sck patrons, and that’s when they cal’ed EMS to take over, oaramedics said.

Unoiunately we have a few kids. . excess ye alcohol and party:rg and they can’t handle it,’ EMS commander Peter Rotolo told CP24 on Saturday.

Five were in condition but au are expected RELATEO STORIES people serious to hilly recover, paramedics said. • Ailing Paul Mccaitney caicela 2 mo,t Tokyo cott cema Potce arrested one concerigoer and at least one other -n was treated for drug use, paramedics said.

PHOTOS Paramedics said people began failing ill Outside Rogers Centre before the Swedish 0J Avicii came oul on stage. Oa,s. 3: Can the Meet the only Can adlsn Canadiens win agaInst dioeentqr,fneatthe Ranger. In New York? World Cop “beres a lot of peop’e here and a few don’t spoil it ‘or the rest. Rotolo saId.

On Sunday, Toronto city councilior Giorgio Mammoiib blamed promoter ink Ente’ta-nTent for making to concert “ititI,i WEEKLY FLYERS AT an all-ages event. A,i O7Vs dl *l1Oly Urn Is “&s: Faca on r- Øay, 0;: 12, 2)12 Taxas - . The Soundtrack 0f Your Ufe (/ nvsor/Ja&Punlwtl) it doesn’t matter whether these ‘This only proves that Should’s Stop at Your Back or government . • events are held on privately owned lands, 0 Door. - - they are dangerous events to hold as all-ages,’ allowing 4 ,,‘Jj‘-Oe&Earxtu. 2O14-32e kids to be present,” he said in a news release.

Mammoliti said he’ll ask city council to bill Ink Entertainment for the cost of sending EMS to deal LeVi Spend More lime In The wrdi the illnesses. ExpIres: -, Oeel 2014-0528 He also Named parents for sending their underage children to the concert unaccompanied, ‘‘4r

1 wait to Cal out all the rresponsibie parerts who wojc eL tbei dos go acne to an event of this natUre,” Mammoliti said in the statement. -They say ittakes a iHage to raise a cnild ano. as a member of that vViage, I want to ston the irresponsible deostons made by other parents,” ‘03 wept rateen’nene [Faa. Adam Cassidy * Top Cemmeder 0,1st’ kulwd in Sea, crash on Highway 21 Toronto nightline. I n asia-tied ot Mammoth is moron who is c’usading against The clv ‘e ircemmenes ths. S writing up this 65 press op br nm. - Re.Wy - Like £ nfl Follow Post. May16 at 2’44pm Weqnan who died in parachute accidsnt eisa passionate about skydiving ‘ Miguel MG * Top Conmiente’ 4 eiaw, rSCenwnsfld 0*. rm glad In ‘me [Pa orly one w’o wants to tell Mammdiei to shut up already. TIC iaunchn Intenmis rnflstbr bus tRophy Like ii 4- ray 18 at 3 OSpm andoewe by driver & the fed of your mores tot—mend 0* * Maker Y.ke*fr, fop Cerninwuter - A bazknghe at RAZaIGA warren cau,I on camersseaat’ng donabon Regardless of what no ea5e. Wnat should bathe sokiton’ bat 9 ,asenwterd [nit • Reply - Like - May 8 at 3 33pm onp.

Canana AM: ritny plate flag in Boston Rthe.,1 KSaia • ‘a eynta’e Parson -ecornenwu .1 , Mates’ Yeliseyen Possibly (more) soluntee’ crews going around banding out water. situations, We can t - for darigernut informative pamphlets, advice and watching eat fl Ford says ‘neigt nonrl.ood is up in anna’ L stop people from making stuo decisions bat we can wake sure everyone is taken horn. cam of o peeps reatannu.nd lila. ReplyLikeIii.Moy9a19,ilan

1 nmre

Remo Agonno - Follow - Works at The BocoaDoom Room How ridiculous. I really done know what a going on witn politicians in Toronto Axe tney going to ask the LCBO to pay the expenses too, how bout one liquo’ distributor or manulactu’e’7 Maybe MOST POPULAR she police or pornaps tie parents of Ibete child-en. This article is stupid Watched Reply - Like’ &5 Follow Post May16 at 7:f5pm Read

fl Caroline Jacobson’ Windsor. Ontario ffl Consume Alen: Destination wedding dIsaster kid Inn revenue generated by loursm f’om concerts like this do nothing. nght TO city clv News Toronto for Thursday, May 22, 1 council? Inanks to ‘nornin 9 reye Rogers Centre m a Noon . . 2014 Reply’Like’ 1 May flat 630pm CA’ Vanceunc Langley RCNP linsatigaling

Je.wny Foog - \otts at The Avengers assault It 5 not no parents trmt are responsible, its the kids. Parents do the r best to keep tre wes our of troucto, hat wnet the thtd does not listen. te’e ‘art mtch to 00 t’tsr rI civ Newt Ctnr.l: 10 yaws is captisaty Rej4-Lie-t”5-FohbwP Maylgat :3/pm 1 C1Y Toronto- Minis0 canoeists hoe, OTA ars CE CWN.nasi.Tomntoforwe*neaday, May21. James Hayes - Toronto, Onarle [ 2014 Pieaso Co compa”atreo loots at downtown Ow yrnisnos, o’fl tin ng aTb4lance calls pr-capita in rekitio to this event. otne’wise This is ast politcal posturing of tie wv-st iced- The (fl LIVEl: ROdP update into asIa, at illegal easels fratconcen weninoasaynangma’wasa-ea4’merwconcenandlgordnu’tt .sodidaksof klos...mis is’’t new. wnat is new is tnat to-nell-tint That this is wo’se today ito event ired EMS

and vine -eedeo trey cared ri Toronto Ambulance - The any md ts boa tawn ca’e of by a eesponsbo o’ganiiatiert that didi t medIate for tear of ihe bad press itho p’ess didn

disappoint), - but it was batter than in my day Reply-Like’ tD a- Follow Post ‘May 19 at 1O.Om

Sophia Stamp- Follow Td’onto, Ontario Mammoldi a right-all ages events don t work

Reply - Like-? 3-Follow Post - May16 at 6:36pm

Miguel MG- * Top conamentor Since by definition Mammolili cant be correct about anyehing, he must be wrong here.

Reply - Like May ‘9 at 949am

Jashea Flawaki - Fri low It Aioysus Gonzv ‘a Secondary &hois- lisa subscribe’s realistically if it wasn tall ages tie concen wouldn’t have sold out in the lirse place f all the a producer was thinking sma,i...and secondly its 29 people compared to the 20000 who ware Inc-c, these events we designed tar at ages lust because everyone would have been I B there ati’l wojldne nave -none a ditto-once tithe nmberof people hcaaitoized ‘54’,- Reply - LIce Follow Post May 19 at 11:23’s.,,

f4 - O811r Pwtloe * Top Ca’ananw - CMd Ed,acwor, Head &mpitafor at Rody O’opper Stopper They snould be enforcing bener. Staiding pa’orts for dnugsiweepawktcotd and a’rosting those wt’e are cauqght Reps’ Like D Foaow Post ‘.tay 19 at 620pm

Alex Digeab -Owne’/Ge’wal Manager at Sv-aay F ‘sCars 1u, 14 yea’ old da_g’ter took a sip at watt’ from a lean ie at the ce”cen win-n nnn,ules she was comolotey out of ‘It’ ‘nonds admtted it- to tie .rfimna’y at “0 Roge’s Centre S”.e was quicley wnnen off as a hind tnat got d-unk After an hour or trying to explain tnat ale had not willingly ingested anything and after C othe’ girls came in wieh me exact same story tne Rogers Centre team apologized and concedod her the nod been anugged in line The team then promptly let her sit on the floor until the end of the show witn ne mends until their ride tnowed up. No conlact home I nave a cal into Inc Centre- Many poor decisions made that evening. Interesting choices made by the adults.

Reply - Like - Foaow Post-May 20 st 1:55pm

Linda Yuen - Vict& British Columbia Who takes a sip of water from a stranger? Reply -Like a May2Oll36pm

Alex Dlget.is - Ow’at’Gerier& pr ‘in at me Cars If that was a serious question Linda and you are sincerely interested I gJess the answer would be my 14 year old daugnter Shea doing fine thanks br asking.

Reply - Like- May 20 at t’ 46pnt

BC Oil? Ouilington Centwh kig’n School My n wet no tNt concern and enoyod it he’s’L and vet with tO frauds It was all over Inc —ign senod.. ho was ‘eis-y su’p’isod at tie fact he won, [eve’ searched on the way :nto the concert, v/ny is it w’,en go :c a 4ays gs”c em stneo and my purse? A concert that is attracting teenage’s are at owed ust to waR i..doaan t make sense, Reply L&e-Folow Post .sdsyst’2:A,m

Mejesa O’Aiesaa,&t- Follow- Investment Consuftant at TO Canaoa I’ust comoletely ag-os wall Mamnnohb for once, These type cf events sno0ld not be dl ages. Young kids w”c cannot cone’& their assumption pun a nod ras on cur dy oance festivals. Reply- Ll- Foaew Post’ Muy 20 at 2 0/pm

Athena l4eeflquei Ouzuman ReIn’s Ctesa5cation kialyst at L.hgston irse-natlonel I def ninety agree wtth banning tie all ages. Lve’ynhing else is hogwasn.

fl Reply’ Like - Follow Post - May 9 at 30/pm


Submit Thne ire 0%

Avicil’s Toronto Show Ends with 29 Hospitalizations DANCE FOR US, WELL DANCE FOR YOU riv,Wchelled,u on Ma;’ 18,2014

ai,ciin ii it at. a a rain

OuSt because we ge Avidi out of tine hospital, dcesni mean we neec fans ar listeners in to repace him, bul accord ng to CIV Toronto News, 29 neene were sort to the hosotaJ due to alonhol or dug-related Inesses after Avidis conceit at Toronto’s Rogers Centre en Saturday Nigb.

This #TRUETOUR show was an All Age Event, and EMS commander Peter Rotolo said, DAILY TDP 10 “Unfortunately we have a few kids.. excessive alcohol and partying and they cant handle it.”

• YiEDI nrc,s P[cr€ Qii(aw te ws ik According to paramedics live people were in serious condition, but all are expected to fully recover. Further painting a picture of the context and scene of last nights concert, paramedics said people •t Pows PLo at taxi Most Dierp’ began falling ill outside Rogers Centre before AvicH even came out on stage. • 1e C,onrnokPts Rome ftWLpt el .Q.

* Ceasras Prrnicos Roacc rg For lack ot New P... Rogers Centre provided its own medics for the concert, so EMS was not on standby, but the staff at the 20,000-seat venue quickly became “overwhelmed’ by the number of sick patrons and called •5rgoPaers-fie1Ycj Dutlfr’ai.. upon EMS to for assistance. • Ser $ Th72f0 geflos a: 5q

We hope for quick recovery for all individuals involved. “MW ard Seb3cJ4rhgrcsotee’ne_ .SeirDSu 1Crirfewn[yin’oir’c




___1 .1 Play an 808 on a Poiter Roblion Here’s what a mibik’saCube with a amlounces Worlds’ $737000 dub

Di Mag Canada, Main Sews 29 hosp,tdItaNi duriia TOlOfl[O Aviui Show 29 HOSPITALIZED DURING TORONTO AVICII SHOW

Oats posted. May 16.2014


It senma that the incredible hype for Saturday nights sold-out, all-ages Avicir show in Ibronto took a turn tot the worse, as 29 concert-goers were transported to the hospital from the Hogers Centre to he treated for the effects of alcohol and thugs.

Toronto EMS Commender Pet Hotobo tohd CP24 that they started receiving several 911 caNs for treatment of patients who ovethosed’ on alcohol betore Avicii even came on stage. According to Rotolo, most of the patients were treatec for excessive alcohol consumption, and at least one Flrk+ person was treated for drug use.

the event had hired its own private medical professanals to palroi the twenty thousand party boweve ADV!R11SE .a patrons; the medical staff became over’fld withal be emergency cases, so 9 - was cailed for Toronto EMS to assume command. One arrest was aiso made in connection wfh the incident. MOST READ POSTS Hve patients were in serious conditon o: everyone a expected to make a lull recovery. 29 hospitalIzed during paramedics told CP24. Toronto AvicF Show

You’re an overpaid, untalented, cake-throwing cunt: Seth Troxier to H fflIXfl’109 WORDS VIDEO MUSIC EVENTS TECH ASi-1lON SHOP

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49,847 people lke Moeneg. a U

lWeets •Folow

Mbe,iag 36w dMixmag 29 people were reportedly hospitalised at an Avicil gig ‘n Toronto on Saturday night, T’s is bg S:’eaplhotrand nwonrnecot OJOYWELLBOY on @BThlcnControl. Its exc.2Ne Toronto mecia outet Cr? News reports that most were sent to hospitai due to excessve alconol and its SUJNNNG nwnnag.net/wo’dslnews4re... consumption white one coocedgoer at 1e Rogers Centre was treated for drug use Expand

41ev It is betreved that Rogers Centre meo’cs originally Irealed those that te]l ill, five who were in SlnTheTiot serious condition, but had to call upon the Toronto Emergency Medicat Services (EMS) when they I mind iinlnn In Oixnnc rpswx nf Heirs-n The became overwhelmed. tweet to OMuxmag

To’onto city councitlor G orgio Manimoliti p acec :e Dlane with promoter tnk Enteiairvnent. qJesioning the decision to make tan all-ages event Recommendations

1a M.xmag I HAS DAVID GUA BEEN This only proves That it doesn’t mailer whether these events are held on privately owned or — CAUGHT FAKING fl 2.3 S S people rew minted government lands, they are dangerous events to hotd as all-ages. alowing kids to be present. this. Nuns9 TWIflER REPORTEDLY I I One arrest is also said to have taken place at the event, j CONSIDERING DEAL TO BUY SOUNDCLOuD Walt Addario teconmends thus.


1.337 people like this. im: of I fEfl Be tie your’r ends WTwost c

2012 (1796) COMMENTS 2011 (lies) 2010 (1043)

14 tOflflOfltb Addacoewneat 2009 (1926) 2007 (99i Michael V. Gossan * Top Conmenter 2006 (102) You could say they....Goi turned up to death. flr’ 2000(1) Reply- iJce,we, 27 Foiiowpewt-May ft : 11:42am

Timny Detached - Oornck wood secondary school Miydahsbotbe weanng teadploees?

•1 I r4 Rsç1y Lice F&ldw Pt - May 19 at 11 ZSam - Hike OjNks bi FoBow * Top Com’nenler a lies accesozing lol

Reply - Uke I’S May ‘9 at’ 38cm a Cyrus Green Fabricato, at Zone C,eaiianp •FlT, good to get a little reminder of v,hy unsubbed from Mixeag yea’s ago Reply-Uke-i5 May ‘9at4S2pwn ______

• Barry Challis. . United Kingdom • 29 people wore Pealed for bleeding oars, also known sad ears syndrome Reply-like-.’ 2-FollowPost-Mayl9atl2:06pm

David Bamfom - Kirkinlitoch High School Must have boon an overdose of Cheese

Reply - like - Follow Poet May 20 at 3:1 3am

Nicky P - Powbiossom Private School This only proves 29 morons attended.

Reply like Follow Poet - May19 at 350pm

Hewlque Sousa t3 Follow - Escola de Fortnagio Turistica 0 tIololc-i’a- 133 crto.s ifs a conce’t or sj’vivor?

Reply- like - Follow Poet - May19 at 7:11pm

Thomas Nonhlence - Teacher at The Asions Academy- 1&onsTEFL Pussyo lea

r Reply like - Follow Poet - May19 at 6:19pm

Boys Mike Fa.,efl * fop Commenter - tiamifton High Scnool pussys!

Reply- like - Follow Poet - May19 at 3:31pm

, Thibaud Metiger ist Follow - Co-Founder at Sm-b This Sound Actially ye jist dent gives lick Reply-like-.’ 10-FollowPoet-May2Oat2:lBpm — a — Ton Ramo. - Works at Tne United Djs of M,erica — ActuaRy mis only p’oves what has always boon proved. Alcohol is a bad drug. ft Reply like • 3 FoiowPoet-May l9at 1145am

SebastIan Gunm Novoa - Follow hlt/Nnnv.youtube.conVwatch?v-XCawtJ6BE8fl

fl Reply like 5’ 2- Folow Post - May19 at 11:28am

* Sheshfto El No Mu..flto- is Follow- Top Comniente’ - Untvo,sided Xochkalco I love it now its always someone elsos fault that morons get nit. O Reply - like - s’ 2 - Follow Post - May 19 at 250pm fl rtcn.-. 16 ØWORDS, aMUSIC. EVENTS. iVIDED, SPHOTO. CONTACT ‘C Os 29 sent to hospital from Avicii concert in Toronto LIVING I IL HEALTHIER - S.’ TAKE THE QUIZ , i*.jfl Sickkids I F>

Be our 5Guest I

oust /0’I ut home decor

TIOf TYPE am n lee Asc concol tept sec-to EMS aaantlng SatLsdsy a qht, vMa: sst 22 Deope .sóng up in 5O5P1& 0 St treslec Or illnesses muted to alcohol or drucs

That number is unusually high. sa:d duly oticer Gsor0e Lad’s Its not typ’cai tcrehai many peopleto Im5ure hospitalization at that kInd of concert.

Hogers Centre had as own medics on sUe, bul cleft reportedly became overwhelmed by the imimberot patrons requinng medicut assistance and EMS had to be called Joss&Main Antreding to maim reports. one person was arrested aid at east one other was treated for onig use, but the vast maist’ly

became iii to vazyillg degrees as a result ol alcarol consumption. -

l’ssnwd’cs said patrons were getting sick be’,re Asic’ macat on stage , mmornc 0 The sold-out electronic dance concert welcomed fans Dl alt ages. Approximately 20000 people piled ‘to The Hcgers Centre to

- the Swr,d,sh Pd 1989 ACID HOUSE RAW


L0 Rtvrnis 8*

MNca Roeirn - Le roLes. uucr. Ta iSa wjbeat.a The soa-ois orec dea nt _auo.,sj m d Pim Cl ta Pa Lice -slit Foaaw Post May is a:

Israel Jixier Chavez Ua.c P,arewiVJ Wi Stur tssee”nee AvkIi... obCm PZ

n Reels LAo ‘1 ‘j Mey icr, 725am

Russell Seolt H1 Rd,deon H Sctooi area knietOseaAe nt the probam. Tim rely way be a the troola it ha herds set the drsigs P-4 tinsel Reply Lea ii? ,‘ayit473m

ta-aol Juujor Chavez- Misc ThodutcsrnJ at 5yeie’t Rocorangs Rossel Soon Roberts, 15 yea-s ago poø iesw.1 eerg ii if,. w.d..giotnl panes I sheet to.

fl SCOt, Lee 2- rci - May Is an eA4pn Via.viOrn

Mkkey HIw.man * Tap Conere’srw lqoraen Cceg. I isas at this riosi rut ban Ins-mr seen that mamyitdam. I bw*mg. bEeth1oa ma. redo, smoking ens prony 11 erich werHbirg that gnen CC/coca, tee Pn.d eraiwi ifwinolvis and Cease-s a agesi Rapt, Lila.: 14 Follow Po- May is a, 6.4iprr.

Maisi. ‘e.hd* 5.99.’ 0 Gsa race Sr seas Sc—Joc a;t .yseJ w.mt.d*gy Si - - aMtm. tng at than aye air)o’e rants a 0:0 E - :rda-! Roe5- c-ce 1)2 Var i9 530am

MCay Iiwsms * lap Corswls Aqrqir Ca (90

irealy edrl I edt-nest to be tat asbote i owsabrii. baamkhrg I kIte aft because II evetyone else a berg h. Sm I sue a bia’n Rely Eta tie Vat tcgSOm

Mat h 4ebs - Ottawa. a-ac

-- isa 102 9a- leg 9 O2om

ss 2 inoiw

ei,.n A - ,. 01 seen t thee ieiagn Tomoirow Weld is do no it r Pie aim tidal

SI Rapt, Like - a) Foloepost May its liOSper ByAudraw.oederor Wy 19, 2314 Erail ‘FoIIow

Over the weekend, satire and rcallty mirrored themselves a little too closely.

On Saturday Night Live’s season finale, host Andy Samberg produced a pitch perfect excoriation of contemporary EDM culture. lie portrayed an overpaid Ill named “Dawineii,” likely modeled after Swedish superstar DJ Tim Bergling, a.ka. Avicii, and spooled a culture where thc DJ does little actual music-making, and the audience just waits for the bass to drop. When the bass does drop, several fans’ heads literally explode.

That same night, in Toronto, Bergling played a gig at Rogers Centre, where 29 people were hospitalized.

While no heads exploded, seven! coneertgoers were thought to have become ill after Thverdosthg” on alcohol and/or drugs. Toronto EMS claimed they transported io people to the hospital, but the Rogers Centre also had its owii medics on standby for the sold-out, all ages show, and other reports claim 29 people were sent to the hospital, after the venue become ovenchelmed” with sick fans. ‘lhcrc i’as one arrest.

‘!‘hcre were no reported deaths, but member did place the blame with the promoter for making it all ages. In a press release, he said:

‘This only proves that it doesn’t matter whether these events are held on privately owned or government lands, they are dangerous events to hold as ‘all-ages,’ allowing kids to be present.”

Bergling didn’t mention the incident in his tweets from the night, but it’s possible he didn’t find out about it.

Tim BerglingØ S Follow . 3Avicii

Torontooooo! Every show lye had here in Canada has been amazing and tonight ny meant alot to me! Thank you for all your love and support!! 4:08AM 18Vay2014 1410 R[.VE m 2.447,v.c.Rirs 4 U *

lie was likely too busy idling it” at the Rogers Centre.


,SiBi,i i:l t’,r i’’k(iI$ $ I 1:&tN ) ) 18 Nii’ 2014

l7fl’,’S 22i:;3Iirs • UI *

EJ’;:tr. (I Iii i. Ii ‘1 i< I(il,. lb coninonts - Iiwfyn a

Ii. 4 peDpbc istei’ iitj Kelly Patton Matins Agullera Zarges 9 Yesterday at 8:51am May 18 at 12 .O2pm Anyone take any pictures at Avid that T-rex Iho

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O Jordan Barkovitz likes this.

O View lOmore comments NavMarwah

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‘5 528 people like this.

ArousaAlamç 17 hours ago- Liko’’524 Mayleatla06pm Like Oi Matthew Vano wow.... i thought they said 30 people sent to hospital for intotion’ Mahad Jama Only level to that show was OTL the pic Ed Moore posted. That girl boc1s ice shes on something ole elol MaylSatl2.tgpmUke Oi 15 hours ago Like David Nyambi Sean Marshall Bath sails I, 15 hours ago- Like ‘52

Roman Soler May 18 at 9:58am

Went last second to the avicH rave”. 1) skydome sucks for anything edm related 2) 90 percent of the crowd was under 19. 3) their liquor license was suspended by the time I got there (10:30)4) the amount of ambulances on blue Jays way was ridiculous 6) avicii sucked, was a Mashup between his tracks and ‘bangers” and he didni play evels lol 6) the only thing I actually enjoyed w1lere the flame bursts Here’s a photo to recap the shitty 1.5 hours I was there. Alex Clerk I May18 at 7:17pm’ New Dundee I felt like I was at a daycare last night

Ro3qst LISPU 4— m.thestnrcony#’Jgta E fl

star corn

Visit Canada’s 41 job site. WOSK090LIS

29 sent to hospital from Avicii conceit in Toronto

.s,,-, I’. IL’. ii Jproo%crA.ti

clionl dfl”l,wrrdftèwI Cat,,..,


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‘, 75 people like this. O 34 people hke this.

View 43 more wmment 0 View 22 more comments Iwanaki Chris 0.06% of attendees Yesterday at 2:15am Like DanI Babekov Mirko ThantatilIDs W May l8at 1054am 4 May 1/ at 6-5/pr, Toronto Edm events should only be 19. It anybody warns to have a good laugh please go outsde me rogers centre! Like Co’rmeni Wtt is going on Imfao!?!? Like Commrt 6 162 people eke this 6 41 people ttke this. U Visa proirtus nmns sot 72 Shaai flukus Exce,t OP dceant go to Gte Haggles them aboUt ceVW C View prevtotss ,enen1s Sot 55 charge IMfl Sexton I everyone of girls in that bathroom Catted Yesteiday at 10:47am Like 6i ] bet those her ‘ratchet’ and then immediately took a seIne Li Phobic Dubz go to western or any university town and see how marty people MaylIatg2Spm-Uke Oi got white girt wasted on Inn regular. doesn matter it ft 19 plus. some people iust doni know when to stop. yori doni here about it beceuse what are they Troy L Bennett Is her arm supposed to hand that fly? going to do? ban people Irom going to university? people get tucked up fi May I/at 9:31pm -Like. 63 everwrhere, ft’s ife. media hss put the spot light on the music scene atm and op has fallen for it, noob Sandrin Fernando Kyle Urneback as a teen, as a high schooter. en they go to rave or a SOM test/show. A good chunk don’t care who plays they Yesterday at 10:56am Like -62 just go so they can get their hands on some MDMA or blew or w.e and get tucked up. Vincenzo So-fly Vegas VII Oani Babekov please give and Weary The others go br the artist and for me music but to the too drugs are their first another chance, dance music wants nothing to to aim you priority. Then you got a small percentage mat enjoy music. Yesterday at 11:06am- Like MaylOatIl-5Bpm Like

Write a a,mment...

Den Levy — taannegnn May teat 7:17pm E - May 1 7 at 9:32pm - Toronto Zlatko is at it again! When I went to sound academy to, Dada Life Compound last month dur-ng One’s set I sat down to take a breather in tie bathroom cause I csuCn sit anywhere else, and I had been feeling a Ittle nauseous that morning.. Non-stop I had guys walking by me asking if I was teeing alright Mien I was pedectly fine, not puking at all, and I was shocked by how good people were being aheut it and respected. Rut on the Flip stde when you look at it through this image, I’m baffled, who can walk by take pictures and ignore this? Sure she s probably 16, but it’s not an excuse to ignore it and not help

her get better. — at Rogers Centre.

Muzik fences in public art No ooe at city haS noticed when Itusik, at Exhibition Place, erected a fence around 20 massive sculptures created by late Cutathait artist ElI. Lox.

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6 6 people like this.

Dan nice More reasons to haycoemuak k!’l MaylaafT3epm-Uke ói Jesse Ship VThat is he at? a Yesterday at 2:55am Like C .t..a* Shin Mew Maca wither ha Chelsea Solange Glrard gj May tSar 2:Xpm

Lice - Con qiort 30 oeople hospita-ised out of 45,000. ChilI the tuck out.

uke Ccrrynenl 6 S4peopletethis.

2 97 people lice mis.

O View preitious comments tot 765 DavId Nyambi ‘ 7 Nathaniel S. Oubysh Apebges - - I just so happened to road most ot what t. May17 at 10:49pm- Edited was written above, which brought ma to the toliowing nondusron; most of what you said was immature. Not only were you answering your own idiotic qusseons, With all the Avich posts about people getting carted off by paramedics, I’m you were responaing to everything that we... See More still wondering how this is sort of a behaviour is real a shock to people in Yesterdayat 12:14pm- Like -62 2014. The same thing happens at events that are 19+, if not more so, yet Chan.lSthovffd.ThANKyOu!!t” people are claiming that this is an issue with “kids”. The larger issue Yeaterdsy at 12:16pm- Like hem is J the fact that people are hieling their addiction to drugs just to ha present at Sam be Castro Woeeaehhhh sometimes, 29 kids get a bud feeling, yeah. an event, listening to music which they probably don’t care for, then ending A feeling that they never never never never had before no nocoo its not a good up in a hospital. We’re supposed to feel bad for that? K. Like anything in teeth9, yeah. life, people need to learn through error. It’s an opportunity for them to Yesterday at 122/pm Ike 64 mature. Write acorwnent... The EDM scene is over-saturated with people who have the lQ of peacock. This is what happens. Life goes on.

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iS 277 peop 5 Ike the.

U View previous comments 3of 197 Nathan Mckinlay It the kids were doing drugs responsibly instead of bingoing on a’thol they wou.dnl have ‘tad this kiod of a problem. Only now that EOM has gone mainstream ft sufiers from the same late of other atohd-tadsn gerres and events.,.

May l8st 10:42pm . Like -6i Julia Rthb dad rtysmts my niggs May tRal tl.OSpn Like Jske Matte Unao David! This reminds meet our long talks in European history back in the day!

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