


Charles G. Gross


Department of and Institute Tel 609-258-4430 Princeton University Fax 609-258-1113 Princeton, NJ 08544 E-Mail [email protected]


February 29, 1936, New York, NY

Education A.B. Harvard University, 1957, , Magna Cum Laude Ph.D. University of Cambridge, 1961, Psychology

Fellowships and Honors

1948 Eagle Scout 1953 Finalist, Westinghouse Science Talent Search 1954 Detur Prize, Harvard University 1957 Phi Beta Kappa 1957 National Science Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship 1957-59 Fulbright Scholarship, University of Cambridge 1959-61 National Institutes of Health Predoctoral Fellowship 1961-63 National Institutes of Health Postdoctoral Fellowship 1970-71 National Institutes of Health Special Fellowship 1970 Fellow, American Psychological Association 1971 Fellow, American Association for Advancement of Science 1972 Fellow, Third Intensive Study Program, Neuroscience Research Program 1989 Annual Lecture, Montreal Neurological Institute, Montreal 1990 Visiting Fellow, Magdalen College, University of Oxford 1994 Fellow, Society of Experimental Psychologists 1995 Visiting Scholar, Wolfson College, University of Oxford 1995 McDonnell-Pew Fellow in , University of Oxford 1996 Foreign Member, Brazilian Academy of Science 1998 Member, National Academy of Sciences 1999 Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences 1999 Distinguished Neuroscience Lecturer, University of Wisconsin 2000-2004 Faculty Fellow, Society of Fellows, Princeton University 2001 Sprague Lecturer, University of Pennsylvania 2003 Hebb Lecturer, McGill University 2005 American Psychological Association Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award 2010 Robert Tryon Lecturer, University of California, Berkeley

Academic Appointments

1959-1961 Supervisor in Psychology, Jesus and Selwyn Colleges, University of Cambridge 1961-1963 Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. Psychology, M.I.T. 1962-1963 Lecturer, Dept. Psychology, M.I.T. 1963-1965 Assistant Professor, Dept. Psychology, M.I.T. 1965-1968 Assistant Professor, Dept. Psychology, Harvard University 1968-1970 Lecturer, Dept. Psychology, Harvard University 2

1970- Professor, Dept. Psychology, Princeton University 2004-2008 Director of Graduate Studies, Dept. of Psychology, Princeton University 2005- Professor, Princeton Neuroscience Institute 2007-2013 Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Pediatrics, UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School 2013- Professor Emeritus, Dept. Psychology and Neuroscience Institute, Princeton University 2013-2014 Lecturer with Rank of Professor, Princeton University

Visiting Appointments

1961 Visiting , Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Warsaw 1963-1965 Visiting Lecturer, Dept. Psychology, Harvard University 1970 Visiting Scholar, Dept. -, University of California, Berkeley 1975-1976 Visiting Professor, Dept. Psychology, M.I.T. 1981 Visiting Scientist, Institute of Biophysics, University of Rio de Janeiro 1986 Visiting Professor, Depts. Biology and Psychology, Beijing University 1986 Fulbright Lecturer/Researcher, Institute of Biophysics, Univ. of Rio de Janeiro 1987 U.S. National Program Visiting Scientist, Shanghai Institute of Physiology 1988-1989 Visiting Scientist, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Neuroscience 1990, 1995 Visitor, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford 1990 Visiting Fellow, Magdalen College, Oxford 1995 Visiting Fellow, Wolfson College, Oxford 2011, 2013 Visiting Scholar, Dept. Psychology, University of California, Berkeley 2011, 2013 Biology Instructor, Prison University Project, San Quentin, CA 2014 Visiting Professor, Center for Neural Science, New York University 2014 Visiting Professor, NYU-Abu Dhabi and NYU-Shanghai 2015 Visiting Professor, University of California, Berkeley

Professional Activities

1969-1970 Psychological Sciences Fellowship Review Committee, N.I.M.H. 1970-1974 Experimental Psychology Study Section, N.I.H. 1971-1973 Chair, Ethics Committee, Div. 6, American Psychological Association 1974-1977 Program Committee, Eastern Psychological Association 1975-1977 Board of Scientific Affairs, American Psychological Association 1976-1979 Executive Committee, Div. 6, American Psychological Association 1977-1987 Board of Editors, Psychological Research 1979-1984 Executive Committee, International Neuropsychology Symposium 1981-1984 Editorial Board, Behavioral Research 1981 Distinguished Visitor Program, American Psychological Association 1983-1988 Associate Editor, Journal of Neuroscience 1984-1986 Forum on Research Management, Federation of Behavioral, Psychological and Cognitive Sciences 1985-1988 Lindsley Prize Selection Committee, 1987- Board of Associates, Neuropsychologia 1989- Research Advisor, Laboratory for Neural Information Processing, Frontier Research Program, Japan 1990-1992 Behavioral Neurobiology Subcommittee of Neuroscience Research Review Committee, N.I.M.H. 1991-1994 Advisor, Program on “The Senses”, WETA 1992-1993 Cognitive Functional Neuroscience Review Committee, N.I.M.H. 1993 Board of Visitors, Cognitive & Neural Science Review, Office of Naval Research 1996- Associate Editor, The Neuroscientist 1996-98 Electorate Nominating Committee, Sect. Psychology, A.A.A.S. 1997-2003 Committee on the , Society for Neuroscience 1998 Chair, Electorate Nominating Committee, Sect. Psychology, A.A.A.S. 3

1999, 2010, Member, Committee on the Troland Award, National Academy of Sciences 2001 Chair, Section Psychology, A.A.A.S. 2001-2003 Chair, Committee on History of Neuroscience, International Brain Research Organization 2002-2007 Associate Editor, Neuroreport 2003 Member, Committee on Neuroscience Award, National Academy of Sciences 2005-2006, 2012 Member, Committee on the Troland Award, National Academy of Sciences 2008 Member, NIMH Conte Center Review Committee

One-Person Photographic Exhibitions

1997 Forbes College, Princeton University 1998 Catskill Center for Photography, Woodstock, NY 2011 The Gallery at Chapin, Princeton, New Jersey 2012 Gallery 14, Hopewell, New Jersey 2013 Gallery 14, Hopewell, New Jersey 4


Griffin, D and C.G. Gross. Review of: G.T.V. Matthews, Bird Navigation (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1956), Quart. Rev.Biol., 1957, 32: 278-279.

Gross, C.G. Pleasure centers: the brain and the control of men. Granta, 1958, 32: 15-17.

Gross, C. and L. Hudson. Undergraduate academic record of Fellows of the Royal Society. Nature, 1958, 182: 787 and 1178.

Gross, C.G., J.M. Oxbury, and L. Weiskrantz. The effect of meprobamate on auditory discrimination, delayed response and time interval estimation in rhesus monkeys. In: P.B. Bradley, P. Deniker, and C. Radouco- Thomas (Eds.), Neuropsychopharmacology, Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1959.

Gross, C.G. Understanding men and monkeys. Varsity, Jan. 17, 1959, p. 10.

Gross, C.G. and L. Weiskrantz. Note on luminous flux discrimination in monkey and man. Quart. J. Exp. Psychol., 1959, 11: 49-53.

Weiskrantz, L. and C.G. Gross. The effect of striate cortex lesions on visual behavior and a method for measuring perceptual deficits. Proc. Brit. Psychol. Soc., 1959, p. 13A.

Gross, C.G. (Ed.), Special Issue on Science. Cambridge Opinion, 1960, 19.

Gross, C.G. Science in paper covers. Cambridge Opinion, 1960, 19: 35-38.

Weiskrantz, L., L. Mihailovic, and C.G. Gross. Stimulation of frontal cortex and delayed alternation performance in the monkey. Science, 1960, 131: 1443-1444.

Lovell, M.R.C., C.G. Gross, and L. Weiskrantz. A note on the effects of gymnemic acid on taste . Anim. Behav., 1961, 9: 31-33.

Gross, C.G. Review of: R.H. Waters, D.A. Rethlingshafer, and W.E. Caldwell (Eds.), Principles of Comparative Psychology, (London: McGraw-Hill, 1960), Quart. J. Exp. Psychol., 1961, 13: 128.

Gross, C.G. and L. Weiskrantz. The effect of two "tranquilizers" on auditory discrimination and delayed response performance of monkeys. Quart. J. Exp. Psych., 1961, 13: 34-39.

Gross, C.G. and L. Weiskrantz. Evidence for dissociation of impairment on auditory discrimination and delayed response following lateral frontal lesions in monkeys. Exp. Neurol., 1962, 5: 453-476.

Weiskrantz, L., L.J. Mihailovic, and C.G. Gross. Effects of stimulation of frontal cortex and hippocampus on behavior in the monkey. Brain, 1962, 85: 487-504.

Gross, C.G. A comparison of the effects of partial and total lateral frontal lesions on test performance by monkeys. J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol., 1963, 56: 41-47.

Gross, C.G. Effect of deprivation on delayed response and delayed alternation performance by normal and brain operated monkeys. J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol., 1963, 56: 48-51.

Gross, C.G. Locomotor activity following lateral frontal lesions in rhesus monkeys. J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol., 1963, 56: 232-236.

Gross C.G. Discrimination reversal after lateral frontal lesions in monkeys. J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol., 1963, 56: 52- 55.

Meyer, V., C.G. Gross, and H.L. Teuber. Effect of knowledge of site of stimulation on the threshold for pressure sensitivity. Percept. Mot. Skills, 1963, 16: 637-640. 5

Chorover, S.L. and C.G. Gross. Caudate nucleus lesions: behavioral effects in the rat. Science, 1963, 141: 826-827.

Gross, C.G. and L. Weiskrantz. Some changes in behavior produced by lateral frontal lesions in the macaque. In: J.M. Warren and K. Akert (Eds.), The Frontal Granular Cortex and Behavior. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1964, pp. 74-98.

Gross, C.G., S.L. Chorover, and S.M. Cohen. Caudate, cortical, hippocampal and dorsal thalamic lesions in rats: alternation and Hebb-Williams maze performance. Neuropsychol., 1965, 3: 53-68.

Schneider, G.E. and C.G. Gross. Curiosity in the hamster. J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol., 1965, 59: 150-152.

Weiskrantz, L., C.G. Gross, and V. Baltzer. The beneficial effects of meprobamate on delayed response performance in the frontal monkey. Quart. J. Exp. Psychol., 1965, 17: 118-124.

Gross, C.G. and F.M. Carey. Transfer of learned response by RNA injection: failure of attempts to replicate. Science, 1965, 150: 1749.

Gross, C.G. Aspects of the delayed alternation deficit produced by electrical stimulation in monkeys. Psychon. Sci., 1965, 3: 501-502.

Gross, C.G. Learning set: comparison of Macaca mulatta and M. speciosa. Psychol. Rep., 1966, 18: 529-530.

Leonard, C., G.E. Schneider, and C.G. Gross. Performance on learning set and delayed-response tasks by tree shrews (Tupaia glis). J.Comp. Physiol. Psychol., 1966, 62: 501-504.

Gross, C.G. An inexpensive method of automatically presenting patterned and unpatterned monochromatic light. J. Exp. Anal. Behav., 1966, 9: 520.

Vaughan, H.G., Jr. and C.G. Gross. Observations on visual evoked responses in unanesthetized monkeys. EEG Clin. Neurophysiol., 1966, 21: 405-406.

Gross, C.G., P.H. Schiller, C. Wells, and G.L. Gerstein. Single-unit activity and evoked potentials in temporal association cortex of the monkey. Proc. XVIII Inter. Cong. Psychol., 1966, Vol. I, pp. 318-319.

Gross, C.G. and L. Weiskrantz. Some changes in behavior produced by lateral frontal lesions in the Macaque. In: A.R. Luria and E.D. Homskaya (Eds.), Frontal Lobes and the Regulation of Psychological Processes. Moscow: Moscow University, 1966 (in Russian).

Gross, C.G., P.H. Schiller, C. Wells, and G.L. Gerstein. Single-unit activity in temporal association cortex of the monkey. J. Neurophysiol., 1967, 30: 833-843.

Gross, C.G. Review of: E. Gellhorn, Principles of Autonomic-Somatic Integration. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1967), Amer. Scientist, 1967, 55: 514A-515A.

Gross, C.G. General activity. In: L. Weiskrantz (Ed.), Analysis of Behavioral Change. New York: Harper and Row, 1968, pp. 91-106.

Gross, C.G. Review of: W.C. Corning and M.W. Baladan (Eds.), The Mind: Biological Approach to Its Functions. (New York: Wiley, 1968), Amer. Scientist, 1968, 56: 305A-306A.

Gross, C.G. Review of: J. Konorski, Integrative Activity of the Brain. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1967), Science, 1968, 160: 652-653.

Gerstein, G.L., C.G. Gross, and M. Weinstein. Inferotemporal evoked potentials during visual discrimination performance by monkeys. J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol., 1968, 65: 526-528. 6

Gross, C.G., P. Black and S.L. Chorover. Hippocampal lesions: effects on in rats. Psychon. Sci., 1968, 12: 165-166.

Schuster, R.H. and C.G. Gross. Maintained generalization gradients in the monkey. Psychon. Sci., 1969, 14: 215- 217.

Vaughan, H.G., Jr. and C.G. Gross. Cortical responses to light in unanesthetized monkeys and their alteration by lesions. Exp. Brain Res., 1969, 8: 19-36.

Gross, C.G. and H.P. Zeigler (Eds.), Readings in Physiological Psychology. Vol. I: and Sensory Processes. New York: Harper and Row, 1969.

Gross, C.G. and H.P. Zeigler (Eds.), Readings in Physiological Psychology. Vol. II: Motivation. New York: Harper and Row, 1969.

Gross, C.G. and H.P. Zeigler (Eds.), Readings in Physiological Psychology. Vol. III: Learning and Memory. New York: Harper and Row, 1969.

Gross, C.G. Review of: G.C. Quarton, T.L. Melnechuk, and F.O. Schmitt (Eds.), The : A Study Program. (New York: Rockefeller University Press, 1967), Contemp. Psychol., 1969, 14: 418-420.

Schwartzkroin, P.A., A. Cowey, and C.G. Gross. A test of an "efferent model" of the function of inferotemporal cortex in visual discrimination. EEG Clin. Neurophysiol., 1969, 27: 594-600.

Gross, C.G., D.B. Bender and C.E. Rocha-Miranda. Visual receptive fields of in inferotemporal cortex of the monkey. Science, 1969, 166: 1303-1306.

Cowey, A. and C.G. Gross. Effects of foveal prestriate and inferotemporal lesions on visual discrimination by rhesus monkeys. Exp. Brain Res., 1970, 11: 128-144.

Manning, F.J., C.G. Gross, and A. Cowey. Partial reinforcement: effects on visual learning after foveal prestriate and inferotemporal lesions. Physiol. Behav., 1971, 6: 61-64.

Gross, C.G., A. Cowey, and F.J. Manning. Further analysis of visual discrimination deficits following foveal prestriate and inferotemporal lesions in rhesus monkey. J.Comp.Physiol. Psychol., 1971, 76: 1-7.

Oscar-Berman, M., S.P. Heywood, and C.G. Gross. Eye orientation during visual discrimination learning by monkeys. Neuropsychol., 1971, 9: 351-358.

Gross, C.G., C.E. Rocha-Miranda, and D.B. Bender. Visual properties of neurons in inferotemporal cortex of the macaque. J. Neurophysiol., 1972, 35: 96-111.

Bender, D.B., C.E. Rocha-Miranda, C.G. Gross, S. Volman, and M. Mishkin. Effects of striate lesions and commissure section on the visualresponse of neurons in inferotemporal cortex. The Physiol., 1972, 15: 84.

Gross, C.G. Visual functions of inferotemporal cortex. In: R. Jung (Ed.), Handbook of Sensory Physiology, Vol. VII, Part 3B. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1973, pp. 451-482.

Gross, C.G. Inferotemporal cortex and vision. In: E. Stellar and J. Sprague (Eds.), Progress in Physiological Psychology, Vol. 5. New York: Academic Press, 1973, pp. 77-123.

Gross, C.G., D.B. Bender, and C.E. Rocha-Miranda. Inferotemporal cortex: a single unit analysis. In: F.O. Schmitt and F.G. Worden (Eds.), The Neurosciences: A Third Study Program. Cambridge: M.I.T. Press, 1974, pp. 229- 238.

Buerger, A.A., C.G. Gross, and C.E. Rocha-Miranda. Effects of ventral putamen lesions on discrimination learning by monkeys. J. Comp. Physiol. Psych., 1974, 86: 440-446. 7

Gross, C.G., D.B. Bender, C.A. Curcio, and M. Mishkin. Role of forebrain commissures in integration of visual half-fields by inferotemporal neurons. Fed. Proc., 1974, 33: 433.

Gross, C.G. Biology and pop-biology: sex and sexism. In: E. Tobach, J. Gianutsos, H.R. Topoff, and C.G. Gross (Eds.), The Four Horsemen: Racism, Sexism, Militarism and Social Darwinism. New York: Behavioral Publications, 1974, pp. 67-80.

Gross, C.G. Forward to: V. Franks and V. Burtle (Eds.), Women in Therapy. New York: Brunner/Mazel, 1974.

Oscar-Berman, M., S. Heywood, and C.G. Gross. The effects of posterior cortical lesions on eye orientation during visual discrimination by monkeys. Neuropsychol., 1974, 12: 175-182.

Rocha-Miranda, C.E., D.B. Bender, C.G. Gross, and M. Mishkin. Visual activation of neurons in inferotemporal cortex depends on striate cortex and forebrain commissures. J. Neurophysiol., 1975, 38: 475-49l.

Gross, C.G. Review of: E.S. Valenstein. Brain Control. (New York: John Wiley, 1973), Tech. Rev., 1975, 77: 66.

Baker, R., K.L. Klothen, and C.G. Gross. Foveal lesions do not ameliorate the visual discrimination deficit that follows foveal prestriate lesions. Physiol. Psych., 1975, 3: 365-368.

Gross, C.G., M. Lewis, and D. Plaisier. Inferior temporal cortex lesions do not impair discrimination of lateral mirror images. Neurosci. Abs., 1975, 1: 74.

Seacord, L., C.G. Gross, and M. Mishkin. Role of inferior temporal cortex in preceptual equivalence of stimuli in the left and right visual fields. Neurosci. Abs., 1975, 1: 73.

MacKinnon, D. A., C.G. Gross, and D.B. Bender. A visual deficit after superior colliculus lesions in monkeys. Acta Neurobiol. Exper., 1976, 36: 169-180.

Gross, C.G. Review of: J. Money and P. Tucker. Sexual Signatures: On Being a Man or Woman. (Boston: Little, Brown, 1975), Signs, 1976, 1: 742-744.

Desimone, R. and C.G. Gross. Absence of retinotopic organization in inferior temporal cortex. Neurosci. Abs., 1976, 2: 1108.

Gross, C.G. Psychological round table in the 1960s. Amer. Psychol., 1977, 32: 1120-1121.

Gross, C.G., D.B. Bender, and M. Mishkin. Contributions of the corpus callosum and the anterior commissure to the visual activation of inferior temporal neurons. Brain Res., 1977, 131: 227-239.

Gross, C.G. and M. Mishkin. The neural basis of stimulus equivalence across retinal translation. In: S. Harnad, R. Doty, J. Jaynes, L. Goldstein, and G. Krauthamer (Eds.), Lateralization in the . New York: Academic Press, 1977, pp. 109-122.

Bruce, C.J., R. Desimone, and C.G. Gross. Large visual receptive fields in a polysensory area in the superior temporal sulcus of the macaque. Neurosci. Abs., 1977, 3: 554.

Gross, C.G., C.E. Rocha-Miranda and D.B. Bender. Visual properties of neurons in inferotemporal cortex of the macaque. In: J.G. Zylerbaum (Ed.), Bases Psicofisologicas de la Perception Visual. Mexico: Editorial Trillas, 1977 (in Spanish).

Gross, C.G. and M.H. Bornstein. Left and right in science and art. Leonardo, 1978, 11: 29-38.

Bornstein, M. H., C.G. Gross, and J.Z. Wolf. Perceptual similarity of mirror images in infancy. Cognition, 1978, 6: 89-116.

Butter, C.M., C. Weinstein, D.B. Bender, and C.G. Gross. Localization and detection of visual stimuli following superior colliculus lesions in rhesus monkeys. Brain Res., 1978, 156: 33-49. 8

Desimone, R., J. Fleming, and C.G. Gross. Cortical afferents to inferior temporal cortex in the macaque. Assoc. Res. in Vis. & Opthal. Abs., 1978, 17: 292.

Gross, C.G. Inferior temporal lesions do not impair discrimination of rotated patterns in monkeys. J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol., 1978, 92: 1095-1109.

Desimone, R., C. Bruce, and C.G. Gross. Neurons in the superior temporal sulcus of the macaque still respond to visual stimuli after removal of striate cortex. Neurosci. Abs., 1979, 5: 781.

Gattass, R. and C.G. Gross. A visuotopically organized area in the posterior superior temporal sulcus of the macaque. Assoc. Res. Vis. & Opthal. Abs., 1979, 18: 184.

Gattass, R., J.H. Sandell, and C.G. Gross. V2 in the macaque: visuotopic organization and extent. Neurosci. Abs., 1979, 5: 786.

Gross, C.G., D.B. Bender, and G.L. Gerstein. Activity of inferior temporal neurons in behaving monkeys. Neuropsychol., 1979, 17: 215-229.

Gross, C.G. and Bornstein, M.H. Mirror image confusion. Leonardo, 1979, 12: 262.

Sandell, J.H. C.G. Gross, and M.H. Bornstein. Color categories in macaques. J. Comp. Physiol. Psych., 1979, 93: 626- 635.

Seacord, L., C.G. Gross, and M. Mishkin. Role of inferior temporal cortex in interhemispheric transfer. Brain Res., 1979, 167: 259-272.

Gross, C.G. Biology and pop-biology: Sex and sexism. In: E. Tobach, J. Gianutsos, H.P. Topoff and C.G. Gross (Eds.), The Four Horsemen: Racism, Sexism, Militarism and Social Darwinism. Tokyo: Shim yoo-sha, 1979 (in Japanese).

Desimone, R. and C.G. Gross. Visual areas in the temporal cortex of the macaque. Brain Res., 1979, 178: 363-380.

Desimone, R., J. Fleming, and C.G. Gross. Prestriate afferents to inferior temporal cortex: an HRP study. Brain Res., 1980, 184: 41-55.

Desimone, R., T.D. Albright, C.G. Gross, and C. Bruce. Responses of inferior temporal neurons to complex visual stimuli. Neurosci. Abs., 1980, 6: 581.

Gross, C.G. Properties of inferior temporal neurons in the macaque. Proc. XXVII Int. Cong. Phys. Sci., 1980, 14: 129.

Desimone, R. and C.G. Gross. Visual properties of inferior temporal cortex in the macaque. Exp. Brain Res., 1980, 41: A18-A19.

Gross, C. Visual properties of inferior temporal neurons and their afferent bases. Neurosci. Lett., 1980, 5: S16.

Gross, C.G. Review of: M. Gardner, The Ambidextrous Universe, (NewYork: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1979), Leonardo, 1980, 15: 159.

Gross, C.G. and R. Desimone. Properties of inferior temporal neurons in the macaque. Adv. Physiol. Sci., 1981, 17: 287-289.

Bruce, C., R. Desimone, and C.G. Gross. Visual properties of neurons in a polysensory area in superior temporal sulcus of the macaque. J. Neurophysiol., 1981, 46: 369-384.

Gattass, R. and C.G. Gross. Visual topography of striate projectionzone (MT) in posterior superior temporal sulcus of the macaque. J. Neurophysiol., 1981, 46: 621-638. 9

Albright, T.D., R. Desimone, and C.G. Gross. Organization of directionally selective cells in Area MT of macaques. Neurosci. Abs., 1981, 7: 832.

Gross, C.G. Ibn al-Haytham on eye and brain, vision and perception. Bull. Islamic Med., 1981, 1: 309-312.

Sousa, A.P.B., R. Gattass, and C.G. Gross. Limites anatomicos e topografia das projecoes visuais da area V4 do macaco. Ciencia Cultura, 1981, 33: 846.

Barber, G., R. Gattass, and C.G. Gross. Efeito de lesoes da area MT do macaco no desempenho de atividade motora sob orientacao visual. Ciencia cultura, 1981, 33: 847.

Gattass, R., C.G. Gross and J.H. Sandell. Visual topography of V2 in the macaque. J. Comp. Neurol. 1981, 20l: 519- 539.

Bornstein, M.H., K. Ferdinandsen, and C.G. Gross. Perception of symmetry in infancy. Dev. Psych., 1981, 17: 82-86.

Bender, D.B. and C.G. Gross. Backward masking in monkeys after foveal prestriate and inferior temporal cortex lesions. Physiol. Psychol., 1981, 9: 257-259.

Gross, C.G., C.J. Bruce, R. Desimone, J. Fleming and R. Gattass. Cortical visual areas of the temporal lobe: three areas in the macaque. In: C.N. Woolsey (Ed.), Cortical Sensory Organization, Vol. 2, Multiple Visual Areas. New York: Humana Press, 1981, pp. 187-216.

Desimone, R., E.L. Schwartz, T.D. Albright, and C.G. Gross. Inferior temporal neurons selective for stimulus shape. Assoc. Res. Vis. Opthl. Abs., 1982, 22: 238.

Gross, C.G., L.G. Ungerleider, J.M. Allman, R. Desimone. Functions of extra-striate visual cortex. Neurosci. Abs., 1982, 8: 503.

Albright, T.D. and C.G. Gross. Direction and orientation selectivity of neurons in area MT of macaques. Neurosci. Abs., 1982, 8: 811.

Covey, E., R. Gattass, and C.G. Gross. A new visual area in the parieto-occipital sulcus of the macaque. Neurosci. Abs., 1982, 8: 681.

Schwartz, E.L., R. Desimone, T.D. Albright, and C.G. Gross. Shape recognition and inferior temporal neurons. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 1983, 80: 5776.

Colby, C.L., R. Gattass, C.R. Olson, and C.G. Gross. Cortical afferents to visual area PO in the macaque. Neurosci. Abs. 1983, 9: 152.

Gross, C.G., C.J. Bruce, and R. Desimone. The superior temporal polysensory area in the macaque. Proc. XXIX Int. Cong. Phys. Sci., 1983, 15: 286.

Sousa, A.P.B., R. Gattass, and C.G. Gross. Afferentes da area visual V4 do Macacca fascicularis. Ciencia Cultura, 1983, 35: 287.

Gross, C.G., R. Desimone, T.D. Albright, and E.L. Schwartz. Inferior temporal cortex as a visual integration area. In: F. Reinoso-Suarez and C. Ajmone Marsan (Eds.), Basic Archicortical & Cortical Association Levels of Neural Integration, New York: Raven Press, 1984, pp. 291-315.

Albright, T., R. Desimone, C.G. Gross. Columnar organization of directionally selective cells in visual area MT of the macaque. J. Neurophysiol., 1984, 51: 16-31.

Desimone, R., T. Albright, C.G. Gross, and C. Bruce. Stimulus selective properties of inferior temporal neurons in the macaque. J. Neurosci., 1984, 4: 2051-2062. 10

Fenstemaker, S., C. R. Olson and C.G. Gross. Afferent connections of macaque visual area TEO. Assoc. Res. Vis. & Opthal. Abs. 1984, 25: 238.

Rodman, H.R., T.D. Albright and C.G. Gross. Interaction between direction and speed selectivities of neurons in visual area MT of the macaque. Assoc. Res. In Vis. & Opthal. Abs., 1984, 25: 279.

Holmes, E.J. and C.G. Gross. Effects of inferior temporal lesions on discrimination of stimuli differing in orientation. J. Neurosci., 1984, 4: 3063-3068.

Holmes, E.J. and C.G. Gross. Stimulus equivalence after inferior temporal lesions in monkeys. Behav. Neurosci., 1984, 98: 898-901.

Chagas, C., R. Gattass and C.G. Gross (Eds.), Pattern Recognition Mechanisms. Vatican City: Pontifica Academia Scientiarum, 1985, and Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1985.

Gross, C.G., R. Desimone, T.D. Albright, and E.L. Schwartz. Inferior temporal cortex and pattern recognition. In: C. Chagas, R. Gattass, and C.G. Gross (Eds.), Pattern Recognition Mechanisms. Vatican City: Pontifica Academia Scientiarum, 1985, and Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1985, pp. 179-201.

Gross, C.G. On Gall's reputation and some recent "New Phrenology", Behav. Brain Sci., 1985, 8: 16-18.

Rodman, H., C.G. Gross, and T.D. Albright. Removal of striate cortex does not abolish reponsiveness of neurons in visual area MT of the macaque. Neurosci. Abs., 1985, 11: 1246.

Fenstemaker, S., T.D. Albright, and C.G. Gross. Organization and neuronal properties of visual area TEO. Neurosci. Abs., 1985, 11: 1012.

Albright, T.D., R.A. Charles, and C.G. Gross. Inferior temporal neurons do not seem to code shape by the method of Fourier. Neurosci. Abs., 1985, 11: 1013.

Fisher, C.M., M. Bornstein, and C.G. Gross. Left-right coding and skills related to beginning reading. J. Dev. and Behav. Ped., 1985, 6: 279-283.

Bruce, C., R. Desimone, and C.G. Gross. Both striate cortex and superior colliculus contribute to visual properties of neurons in the superior temporal polysensory area of the macaque. J. Neurophysiol., 1986, 55: 1057- 1075.

Rodman, H.R., C.G. Gross, and T.D. Albright. Responses of neurons in visual area MT after removal of the superior collicuus. Neurosci. Abs., 1986, 12: 1369.

Albright, T.D., H.R. Rodman, and C.G. Gross. Type II MT neurons show pattern-motion direction selectivity. Neurosci. Abs., 1986, 12: 1369.

Fenstemaker, S.B., A.M. Sauceda, T.D. Albright, and C.G. Gross. A comparison of subcortical afferents to visual cortical areas V4, TEO and IT in the macaque. Neurosci. Abs., 1986, 12: 1364.

Gross, C.G. Phrenology. In: G. Adelman (Ed.), Encylopedia of Neuroscience. Boston: Birkhauser, 1987, pp. 948-950.

Rodman, H. and C.G. Gross. Temporal cortex. In: G. Adelman (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Neuroscience. Boston: Birkhauser, 1987, pp. 1194-1196.

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Miller, E.K., P.M. Gochin, C.G. Gross, and G.L. Gerstein. Attenuation of responses of IT neurons in alert monkeys by addition of a second stimulus. Neurosci. Abs., 1989, 15: 163.

Colombo, M., M.R. D'Amato, H.R. Rodman, and C.G. Gross. The effects of auditory association cortex lesions on auditory delayed matching-to-sample behavior in monkeys. Neurosci. Abs., 1989, 15: 302.

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Rodman, H.R., C.G. Gross, and T.D. Albright. Afferent basis of visual response properties in Area MT of the macaque: II. Effects of superior colliculus removal. J. Neurosci., 1989, 10: 1154-1164.

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Gochin, P.M., M. Colombo, G. Dorfman, G.L. Gerstein, and C.G. Gross. Neural ensemble measurement of stimulus selectivity in inferior temporal cortex. Neurosci. Abs., 1992, 18: 147.

Graziano, M., and C.G. Gross. Coding of extra-personal visual space in body-part centered coordinates. Neurosci. Abs., 1992, 18: 593.

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Rodman, H.R., S.P. O’Scalaidhe, and C.G. Gross. Response properties of neurons in temporal cortical visual areas of infant monkeys. J. Neurophysiol., 1993, 70: 1115-1136.

Gross, C.G. The hippocampus minor and man’s place in nature. Hippocampus, 1993, 3: 403-415.

Colombo, M., A.E. Eickhoff, and C.G. Gross. The effects of inferior temporal and dorsolateral frontal lesions on serial-order behavior and visual imagery in monkeys. Brain Res.: Cog. Brain Res., 1993, 1:211-217.

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Moore, T., H.R. Rodman, A.B., Repp, and C.G. Gross. Comparison of residual visual function after damage to striate cortex in infancy and adulthood. Neurosci. Abs., 1993, 19: 1801.

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Gochin, P.M., M. Colombo, G., Dorfman, G.L. Gerstein, and C.G. Gross. Neural ensemble coding in inferior temporal cortex. J. Neurophysiol., 1994, 71:2325-2337.

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Colombo, M., and C.G. Gross. Responses of inferior temporal and hippocampal neurons during delayed matching-to-sample in monkeys (Macaca fascicularis). Behav. Neurosci. 1994, 108: 443-455.

Graziano, M.S.A., and C.G. Gross. The representation of extra-personal space: a possible role for bimodal visual- tactile neurons. In: M.S. Gazzaniga (Ed.), The Cognitive Neurosciences, MIT Press, 1994, pp. 1021-1034.

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Gross, C.G., and M.S.A. Graziano. Multiple representations of space in the brain. The Neuroscientist , 1994, 1: 43-50.

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Moore, T., H.R. Rodman, A.B. Repp, and C.G. Gross. Localization of visual stimuli after striate cortex damage in monkeys: Parallels with human blindsight. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 1995, 92: 8215-8218.

Moore, T., A.B. Repp, H.R. Rodman, and C.G. Gross. Preserved motion discrimination in monkeys with early lesions of striate cortex. Neurosci. Abs., 1995, 21: 1651.

Graziano, M.S.A., and C.G. Gross. Multiple pathways for processing visual space. In: T. Inui and J. McClelland (eds.), Attention and Performance, Vol. 16, MIT Press, 1996, pp. 181-207.

Colombo, M., H. R. Rodman, and C.G. Gross. The effects of superior temporal cortex lesions on processing and retention of auditory information in monkeys (Cebus Apella). J. Neurosci., 1996, 16: 4501-4517.

Graziano, M.S.A., C.G. Gross, and T. Fernandez. A comparision of bimodal, visual-tactile neurons in parietal Area 7B and ventral premotor cortex of the monkey brain. Neurosci. Abs., 1996, 22: 398.

Nakamura, K., H.H. Chung, M.S.A. Graziano, and C.G. Gross. The representation of eye position in the parieto- occipital sulcus in the monkey. Neurosci. Abs. , 1996, 22: 1620.

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Graziano, M.S.A., and C.G. Gross. Vision, movement, and the monkey brain. In: A. Mikami, (Ed.), The Association Cortex-Structure and Functionn. Amsterdam: Overseas Publishers Association, 1997, pp. 219-232.

Gross, C.G. Leonardo daVinci on the brain and eye. The Neuroscientist, 1997, 3:347-354.

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Colombo, M., T. Fernandez, K. Nakamura, and C.G. Gross. Functional differentiation along the anterior-posterior axis of the hippocampus in monkeys. J. Neurophysiol., 1998, 80: 1002-1005.

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Gross, C.G., Hans-Lukas Teuber. In R.A. Wilson and F.C. Keil (Ed.) MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences, Cambridge: MIT Press, 1999, pp. 832-833.

Nakamura, K., Chung, H.H., Graziano, M.S.A., and Gross, C.G. Dynamic representation of eye position in the parieto-occipital sulcus. J. Neurophysiol., 1999, 81:2374-2385.

Gross, C. G. A hole in the head. The Neuroscientist, 1999, 5:263-269.

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Gould, E., Reeves, A., Fallah, M., Tanapat, P., Gross, C.G., and Fuchs, E. Hippocampal in adult Old World primates. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 1999, 96:5263-5267.

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Azzopardi P, Fallah M, Regenbogen SE, Gross CG, Rodman HR Response latencies of neurons in cortical areas MT and MST in monkeys with striate cortex lesions. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 1999, 40: Suppl. 640.

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Moore, T., Fallah, M. Gross C.G. The role of oculomotor mechanisms in directing spatial attention. Neurosci. Abs., 2000, 30: 967.

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Moore, T., Rodman, H. R. and Gross, C. G. (2001) Recovery of visual function following damage to striate cortex in monkeys. In: B.de Gelder, E. De Haan & C. Heywood (Eds.), Varieties of unconscious processing: new findings and new comparisons (pp. 35-51). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Gould, E., Vail, N., Wagers, M., Gross, C.G. Adult-generated hippocampal and neocortical neurons in macaques have a transient existence. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 2001, 98, 10910-10917.

Gould, E. and Gross, C.G., Neurogenesis in Adult Mammals: Some Progress and Problems. J. Neurosci., 2002, 22: 619-23.

Graziano, M.S.A., Alisharan, S.E., Hu, X., and Gross, C.G. The clothing effect: Tactile neurons in the precentral gyrus do not respond to the touch of the familiar primate chair. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 2002, 99: 11930- 11933.

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Gross, C. G., and Taylor, C. S. R. Twitches versus Movements: a story of motor cortex. Neuroscientist, 9:332-342, 2003.

Azzopardi, P., Rodman, H. R., Moore, T., and Gross, C. G. Response latencies of neurons in visual areas MT and MST of monkeys with striate cortex lesions. Neuropsychologia, 2003, 41:1738-1756.

Gross, C. G., Moore, T., and Rodman, H. R. Visually-guided behavior after V1 lesions in young and adult monkeys and its relation to blindsight in humans. Prog. Brain Res. 2004, 144: 279-294.

Graziano, M. S. A., Gross C. G., Taylor C. S. R. and Moore T. (2004) A system of multimodal areas in the primate brain. In: C. Spence & J. Driver (Eds.), Crossmodal Space and Crossmodal Attention (pp. 51-69). London: Oxford University Press.

Graziano, M. S. A., Gross, C. G., Taylor C. S. R.and Moore T. (2004) Bimodal neurons for the control of defensive movements. In: G. Calvert, C. Spence, and B. Stein, (Eds.), The Handbook of Multisensory Processes (pp. 443- 452). Cambridge: MIT Press.

Vaina, L. M., and Gross, C. G. (2004) Perceptual deficits in patients with impaired recognition of biological motion after temporal lobe lesions. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 101: 16947-51.

Gross, C. G. (2004) Agy, Látás, Emilékezet: Mesék az idegtudomány történetéböl. Budapest: Typotex.

Gross, C. G. (2005) Donald R. Griffin. Bio. Mem. Natl. Acad. Sci., 86: 1-20.

Pinsk, M. A., Moore, T., Richter, M. C., Gross, C. G., and Kastner, S. (2005) Methods for functional magnetic resonance imaging in normal and lesioned behaving monkeys. J. Neurosci. Methods, 143: 179-195.

Pinsk, M. A., DeSimone, K., Moore, T., Gross, C. G., and Kastner S. (2005) Representations of faces and body parts in macaque temporal cortex: a functional MRI study. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 102: 6996-7001.

Kozorovitskiy, Y., Gross, C.G., Kopil, C., Battaglia, L., McBreen, M., Stranahan, A.M., and Gould, E. (2005) Experience induces structural and biochemical changes in the adult primate brain. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 102: 17478-17482. 18

Croxson, P.L., Johansen-Berg, H., Behrens, T.E., Robson, M.D., Pinsk, M.A., Gross, C.G., Richter, W., Richter, M.C., Kastner, S., and Rushworth, M.F. (2005) Quantitative investigation of connections of the prefrontal cortex in the human and macaque using probabilistic diffusion tractography. J. Neurosci., 25: 8854-8866.

Gross, C. G. (2005) Processing the facial image: a brief history. American Psychologist, 60: 755-763.

Gross, C.G. Seeing sense: A look back at work that established the link between eye and brain. Review of: Hubel, D.H. and Wiesel, T.N. Brain and Visual Perception: The Story of a 25-Year Collaboration. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004). Nature, 2005, 434: 1069-1070.

Ramnani, N., Behrens, T.E., Johansen-Berg, H., Richter, M.C., Pinsk, M.A., Andersson, J.L., Rudebeck, P., Ciccarelli, O., Richter, W., Thompson, A.J., Gross, C.G., Robson, M.D., Kastner, S. and Matthews, P.M. The evolution of prefrontal inputs to the cortico-pontine system: Diffusion imaging evidence from macaque monkeys and humans. Cereb. Cortex, 2006, 16: 811-818.

Gross, C.G. and Ghazanfar, A.A. A mostly sure-footed account of the hand. Review of: Mountcastle, V.B. Neural Mechanisms of Somatic Sensation, (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2005) Science, 2006, 312: 1314.

Gross, C.G. On the snail trail. Review of: Kandel, E.R. In Search of Memory, (New York: Norton, 2006) (London) Times Literary Supplement, Jul 14, 2006.

Gross, C.G. The discovery of motor cortex and its background in the 18th and early 19th centuries. J. Hist. Neurosci., 2007 16: 320-331.

Leuner, B., Kozorovitskiy, Y., Gross, C.G., and Gould, E. Diminished adult neurogenesis in the marmoset brain precedes old age. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2007, 104: 17169-17173.

Gross, C.G. Phrenology. In: DeSouza, J. (Ed.) New Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, 4th Ed., 2007, Oxford: Elsevier.

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Gross, C.G. Single neuron studies of inferior temporal cortex. 2008, Neuropsychologia, 45: 841-852.

Gross C. G., Inferior Temporal Cortex. Scholarpedia, 2008, 3(12): 7294.

Gross, C.G. Autobiographical memoir. In: Squire, L. R. (Ed.), The History of Neuroscience in Autobiography. Vol. 6. 2009, Oxford: Elsevier.

Gross, C. G. Three before their time: Neuroscientists whose ideas were ignored by their contemporaries. Exp. Brain Res., 2009, 192: 321-324.

Pinsk, M.A., Arcaro, M., Weiner, K.S., Kalkus, J.F., Inati, S.J., Gross, C.G. and Kastner, S. Neural representation of faces and body parts in macaque and human cortex: A comparative fMRI study. J. Neurophysiol., 2009, 101: 2581-2600.

Gross, C. G. Wait: A memoir of a red diaper baby. Boulevard, 2009, 25(1): 60-86.

Gross, C. G. Early steps toward animal rights. Review of K. Shevelow, For the Love of Animals: The Rise of the Animal Protection Movement. (New York: Henry Holt, 2008). Science, 2009, 324: 466-467.

Gross, C. G. A Hole in the Head: More Tales in the History of Neuroscience. 2009, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Gross, C. G. Making sense of printed symbols. Review of: Dehaene, S. Reading in the Brain: The Science and Evolution of a Human Invention (New York: Viking, 2009). Science, 2010, 327: 524-525.

Gross, C. G. Alfred Russell Wallace and the Evolution of the Human Mind. Neuroscientist, 2010, 16: 496-507. 19

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Gross, C.G. Photographs. Boulevard, 2011, 26(3): 87-90.

Gross, C.G. Malpighi’s cortical glands. Cortex, 2011, 47: 903-904.

Gross, C. G., Viennese , Art, and Freud. Review of Kandel, E., The Age of Insight: The Quest to Understand the Unconscious in Art, Mind, and Brain. (Random House, 2012). Science, 2012, 336: 1232.

Gross, C.G. Disgrace: On Marc Hauser. The Nation, Jan. 9/16, 2012, pp. 25-32.

Gross, C.G. Bartley Gore Hoebel (1935-2011). American Psychologist, 2012, 67: 161

Gross, C. G., Revolutions in Neuroscience. J. Cog. Neurosci., 2013, 25:4-13.

Gross, C.G., The Long and Short of Memory: What the modern science of memory owes to the amnesiac patient H.M. The Nation, Nov. 4, 2013, pp.27 ‑31,

Gross, C.G.. Charlie’s Lab. J. Cog. Neurosci., 2014, 195

Gross, C.G., Historical Aspects of Neurology.Oxford Textbook in Clinical Neurology: Cognitive Neurology and Dementia ed. M. Husain and J. Schott (Oxford: Oxford University Press, in press)