

Wellesley College Library Wellesley College ttMleden Colleoe

XLVIII 2 3 11 WELLESLEY, MASS., SEPTEMBER 23, 1939 No. 1 Miss McAfee Three Poets Will President McAfee 386 Members of '43 Arrive At Start Fall Series Offers Welcome Leads First English, Irish, American to New Students Wellesley for Freshmen Week Literary Figures Will Chapel Today President Mildred Helen McAfee Read to Students greeted the class of '43 as they as- Addresses, Teas, Meetings College Hears List of Phi sembled for the first time in Alum- Comprise The Katherine Lee Bates Fund nae Hall Wednesday morning, Sep- Program For Members and for Poet's Beta Kappa Readings, founded about tember 20. As individuals and as Incoming Students twenty-five years ago by Miss 1942 Honor Students a group entering into a new en- Eunice Smith, '98, 386 Freshmen arrived at Welles- will bring to the vironment, Miss McAfee urged the Helen McAfee college, ley for the annual Freshman President Mildred this autumn, three distin- incoming students to adjust them- Week undergraduates of the guished literary figures. on Tuesday, September 19. After reminded selves to views of their instructors of "confident Mr. Richard registering, some members of '43 Wellesley heritage Aldington, well and not be too bewildered by the permanent signi- known poet, novelist, and critic, will settled in their rooms to await the assurance in the abstractions of college courses af- beauty and good- come to Wellesley on October 2 in arrival of their roommates while ficance of truth, ter practical work in high school. chapel serv- Pendleton Hall, at 4:45 m. Mr. others started off on an hour's ness" at the opening p. Miss McAfee explained that Miss Aldington was one of the original search for the gym. Over the tea ice, Saturday, Sept. 23. Wellesley chose her freshmen not Associate Professor Imagist group, which was founded cups that afternoon the Freshmen Ruth Lindsay, so much for their sake, but for got acquainted by indulging of Botany and President of Eta by Amy Lowell and Ezra Pound. in the what they might contribute to the game, Massachusetts Chapter of Phi Mr. Aldington is in America to "Do You Know." Tuesday of college and the world in making it announced the newly give the annual lecture at Yale on night the Freshmen fortunate Beta Kappa happier and more effective. Then enough to the class of letter writers, once given by T. S. have alumnae mothers, elected members from she reminded the group that the an- Eliot while he was visiting at went to Tower Court to meet Miss 1940. Freshman honors were faculty wear invisible "ask-me" Knapp, the nounced by Miss Ella Keats Whit- Harvard. Dean of Freshmen, signs and welcome an opportunity and Mrs. Instruction. Miss Dr. Oliver Gogarty, Irish Free Ewing, the Dean of Resi- ing, Dean of to meet their students outside of State senator, dence, while others arranged Lucy Wilson, Dean of Students, poet, and wit, will class hours. read banners on their walls or unpacked read the prayer for time of war some of his own poems and Joining Miss McAfee in an in- plaids and August 1914 by Bishop speak of his friends, William more plaids. set forth in vitation for questions, Beth Bry- The new President of the Butler Yeats and A. E. Housman, 'They Also Serv« students assembled in Lawrence, then son '40, President of College Gov- Alumnae on October 9. Hall on Wednesday morn- Board of Trustees of the College. ernment, described the Senate, the ing to hear Mr. John Holmes of Tufts Col- addresses by President As the college enters its 65th House President's Council, and McAfee lege, whose Address to the Living and Beth Bryson, President session, President McAfee com- the court system. She urged care- received of College Government. Follow- in 1914 the New England Poetry Dr.Van Dusen To pared the college as it was ful selection of officers to repre- ing the Club's annual award for the best Assembly was a meeting of with the Wellesley of 1939 follow- sent '43. book Annual Text the Freshmen by house groups for improve- of poems published last year, In Give ing its many summer closing the assembly, Miss reading of will speak on October 16. The College Government ments. President McAfee re- Frances L. Knapp, Dean of Fresh- Poet's Work, an unusual anthology On "God Is Love" rules. After a Vocational Interest minded undergraduates of the "al- man, reminded '43 of their appoint- with comments by Mr. Holmes, Test, the 400 balanced tea cups most complete set" of tools at their ments during their first week at again will be out this spring. Two vol- In keeping with Wellesley tra- at a tea given by the disposal to make a good job of col- Wellesley. Christian umes of his poetry will appear dition, Dr. Henry P. Van Dusen Association on Tower living in a world that needs lege shortly. His work has appeared of the Union Theological Seminary Court Green. such efforts. As in the college of text frequently in the Atlantic, New in New York will take the The activity of Thursday's pro- the college of 1939 is con- Students to Hear 1914, "God is Love" as the theme of the gram was slightly lessened. Fol- world problems. Yet Yorker, Harper's and other peri- cerned with first Sunday Chapel service, Sun- lowing a brief address by Miss the midst of conflicting opinions, odicals, with poems and book Officers Of Barn in day, September 24 at 11 a. m. Knapp at an assembly in Pendle- Presi- even in our own community, When they return to their dormi- ton, the Freshmen Barnswallows will hold a mass toured the dent McAfee reminded undergrad- tories for Sunday dinner, Fresh- Library. 'heritage meeting for the entire college Mon- uates that "we have our men and Transfers will find the After the Personality day night, Sept. 25, at 7:30 p.m. Tests on invisible but steadfast.' same motif on souvenir place Friday morning came the News Holds Soda The purpose of the meeting will inimi- student is given the re- cards. table Welesley To each be to acquaint students with motor tests. The sponsibility to get to work seeking 400 passed the afternoon Fountain Contest Barn's activities, and there will be Sunday evening the class of '43 at the to find and vitalize truth, to create Athletic Association tea in an opportunity for them to sign will assemble in the Chapel for a the beauty, to know and Recreational Building. and appreciate News invites all hungry up for tryouts for various com- Vesper Service at 7:30 p.m. Chris- practice goodness. Here in Wel- Saturday big sisters Wellesleyites to join a contest mittees after the meeting. Com- tian Association, which is spon- greeted to the pursuit of little sisters and made lesley "dedicated to name the much talked of mittee heads who will explain the soring the service, extends a arrange- goodness" we ments to meet at the Campus truth, beauty and new soda fountain. Sugges- details of work in their different cordial invitation to all upper- Sup- problems pers. The Student Vaudeville may each solve our daily tions, signed with their authors' branches of dramatic activity are: classmen to attend. Miss Seal at perhaps 7.30 p. m. climaxed in a manner that may names, must be placed in the E. Creswell Blakeney '40, Head of Thompson of the Bible Department Freshman Week. Twelve Good Men and make ourselves and our college box outside the News office Business Board; Elinor Bancel '40, will give the principal address fol- True, an original skit, introduced contributors to a more effective provided for that purpose before Publicity; Betty Newman '41, Cos- lowing a few words of greeting the many members of the Freshman world. 10 p.m., October 2. News tumes; Betty Jane Reeves '40, from Elizabeth Gregory '40, Pres- Class to Wellesley College at The members of 1940 elected to is offering to the winner of this Properties; Doris Bry '41, Scenery; ident of C. A. Mary Tiebout '41 the Freshman Vaudeville, held the Eta of Massachusetts Chapter contest, whose name will go Jean Simpson '40, Design; Betty will discuss the opportunities the evening of September 23 at of Phi Beta Kappa are: Charlotte down through Wellesley ages, Snavely '40, Lighting; Lee Sachs, which Freshmen have to do C. A. Alum- nae Hall. The scene of the play Damron, Carolyn Elley, Marilyn a grand prize of ten (10) so- '40, Drama; and Barbara Scott work. The service has been took place in a jury room. Evans, Margaret Gilkey, Natalie das! '40, Service. planned by Esther Williams '40. Mem- bers of Grow, Carol Lewis, Jaannette Lowe, the cast were: Cornelia Jones, Peggy Lucile Sheppard, Susan Swartz, Markham, Jeannette MacDonald, Nancy Constance Tuttle and Nancy Waite. Dobson, Bethia Curtis-Brown, The Katherine Coman Memorial Wellesleyites Describe Scenes, Julia Schmidt, European War Georgina Lukert, Mary Elwell, Prize for excellence in economics Claire Richter, Lois Jund, and social history was awarded to Margaret Crone, and Ruth Tremain. The Nancy R. Waite '40. Elizabeth 1 Tell of Hazardous Flights from Danger Zones play was directed by Laura Lee Van Wie '40 received the Daven- MacGillivray. Following the skit port Prize in speech. By Elisabeth Green the various college organizations The students from the class of gave the audience an inkling 1942 whose Wellesley felt the first rever- Clark, Chairman of the Depart- of academic record in the mare journey through the English their French, dramatic ability or lack of it. berations from the great blast of Channel with constant danger of ment of and Mile. Fran- (Con United on Page Col. U, 1) the Second World War as stu- running into mines. This sea voy- coise Ruet, also of the French facul- Department. Miss Clark returned dents, heads of houses, and age was climaxed when her liner, Societies Will Hold members returned this week on the Dutch liner Johan von Ibsen's Play to Star ty the Statendam, put in at strongly Teas for espe- Members Of with vivid accounts of personal fortified Southampton to pick up Oldenbarnevelt, which was Miss cially chartered the Classes of 1940, experiences in war-torn Europe. 245 extra passengers, and some of by American 1941 Recounting what was probably Embassy, and regularly runs to Shakespeare and Under the sponsorship of the the crew went on strike. The Tau Zeta Ep- the closest call of all, Miss Amy Java. The boat, Miss Clark re- silon societies Speech Department, Miss Eva Le voyage home was a classic, com- will hold their open Kelly, Head of Claflin Hall, de- ports, was very pleasant, but was house teas Wednesday, Gallienne will appear in Ibsen's plete with extra cots and the res- October 4, scribed flight through closed staffed largely with "little brown from to Hedda Gabler at Alumnae Hall on her cue of the crew of a torpedoed 3 6 p.m. in the society mobili- men" who spoke only Malay, wore October 26 at 8:30 p.m. Miss Le frontiers after the actual steamer, the British Winkleigh. houses. Agora, Alpha Kappa declaration of war by batik turbans, and ran around Chi, Phi Gallienne is supported by Earl zation and Miss Kelly came back with only Sigma, and Zeta Alpha France. Hastily abandoning lug- barefoot. Mile. Ruet's claim to will Larrimore and other actors of the one impression of the French peo- give their teas Thursday af- France, Miss fame is that she slept on a cot ternoon, legitimate stage. gage in southwestern ple: they are very depressed, but October 5, from 4 to 6 playroom the Kelly managed to reach Paris, very resolute, and grimly deter- in the children's of p.m., also in their houses. These Washington. where she spent several tense mined to "finish or be finished." teas are open to all Juniors and French Army Recruits days and tenser, blacked-out nights. Not yet back from Europe are Seniors who are interested in ap- Also caught in France was Suzanne Van Dyke '41, and Cecile plying for membership any so- M. Yves Charon, 'Cellist "Paris was deserted as if there Elizabeth Wasson '43, who was in Cote '41. Mr. John G. Pilley, an ciety either this year or next. had been a plague," Miss Kelly abroad with the Experiment in In- Mr. Yves Chardon, formerly in- English citizen, first cabled that The invitation teas of all the said. She went on to tell of the ternational Living, and spent the structor of 'cello in the Depart- he would be unable to return but six societies will be held in the sausage-balloon barrages, the blue- week before the war broke out ment of Music, has been called to now is expected back the second society houses Thursday, October painted, camouflaged railway sta- with a group of American stu- war as a member of the French week in October. Miss Mary L. 12, from 4 to 6 p.m. Invitations tions, the requisitioning of taxis dents in Paris, where conditions Army. His successor in the depart- Coolidge will head the Department to these teas are sent out by the ami buses, and many other util- limited their activities exclusively ment has not yet been named, of Education until he arrives. Mr. societies to the individual Juniors ities, including the property of the to shopping and going to the opera. W. Alexander Campbell of the Art and Seniors who have indicated people. "It was just as if the They sailed September 1 on the Department will not get back from on their application blanks especial Quartet Will Sing In curtain went down on one chap- He de France, taking a zigzag his far eastern wanderings until in those societies. In in history. Everything you course, and suffered a shortage Program of Spirituals October 2, while contact has yet depended upon was gone." Miss not oidy of cabins, but of food. to be established with Mile. Chris- sing- Kelly observed. Fortunately, the rough sea which The Hampton quartet of tiane Henry of the French Depart- announce- made most of the passengers sea- ers, already known to many Wel- After hearing the ment. Miss Sirarpie Der Nerses- News Tryouts Begin ment of war France, Miss Kelly sick, at the same time safeguard- lesley students from former con- in sian, head of the Department of Certs, will sing in Billinjrs Hall made her hazardous way through id thorn from submarine attack. Art. will return as soon as possible. October 2nd Friday, October 13 at 4:40 p.m. Belgium to Rotterdam via truck, Others whose adventures were Wellesley's academic life was Their program will consist mainly automobile, and, as a last resort, on the less seamy Bide, though (Continued on Page ',, Col. 2) <>f Negro spirituals. foot. Then followed a night- very picturesque, were Miss Ruth —


foreign pur- cash and carry system whereby Bella American -holes and assume News chasers lake title on College '40 Wellesley is the only al- C. S. 0., responsibility for transportation By Member 193* Since we have the largest stake, our IQgg ternative. Oh give me the wars of the good States' foreign policy, we Ptosockted Collegiate Press lives, in the United ages past silver-tongued in shaping it. We appeal When Mars to his Dbtributor of should have a hand gave blast, States to answer trumpet I iongress of the United Golle6icrfeDi6est to the And the legions of Rome in a close- OY our demands. ranked file -TPBB8BNTBO ton NATION*!. AOVCBTIBINO little Inc. Marched over to Gaul for a ntional Advertising Service, Representative while; College Publishers The Broad View a MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. With a catapult, lance, or a sling- • • S»" FMHC1ICO Frowns • and r.-.n BOSTON LOtANOILIS Times shot or two. Caps An article in last Sunday's New York They managed to scare the bar- the interesting information that in contained barians blue, open Thirst No More spite of war in Europe, Wellesley would And when they grew tired and '40 ready to go Holene Kozanjian his fall with a number of foreign students. We "Let's stop in at 'Alum' and Editor-in-Chief '40 marched back again with a Jane Strahon Wellesley stu- They initiate the new soda fountain," is Managing Editor '40 should like, however, to remind Virginia Hotchner chieftain in tow. going to be the Wellesley pass News Editor '40 the war and not in i Marilyn Evans dents that it it is because of word in the very near future, for Assistant News Editor '40 Dorothy Blum one. Julius Caesar would have found Editor of it that this fact is an important starving freshman and thirsty Feature Potterton '40 siite Elizabeth reprehensive upperclassmen have a new hang- Make-up Editor number of foreign students. We Constonce St. Onge [40 this fall with a Our bristling mole-holes of front- Literary Editor '40 out. Behind the mirrored panels Isobel Cumming Wellesley stu- Exchange Editor should like, however, to remind line defensive; at the west end of the ballroom Borbaro Walling '40 in form of a Cut Editor the war and not in Gone is attack the lies the mystery room that will Schwonke '40. Col Lew.s 40 dent- that it is because of A ociaie Editors Martha phalanx, '4 Elisabeth Green one. soon be filled with a chromium soda Doris Bry , 4 spite it that this fact is an important Assistant Editors of flotillas of lumbering Joseph.ne Bonomo 4 Replaced by fountain, beige and turquois tables Anne Blackmar 4 , Reporters Wright It means that here on the campus during the tanks: Nancy Siverd '41, Morgaret 41 and maple chairs. Here weary today if the Horseman of Beverly Andrews '42, Jean Pmanski 42 coming year we will have the opportunity of And Wellesleyites can refresh them- Pinonski '42. War and his cronies selves with coca-colas, sodas, ham- Joon on a small scale the understanding Buchanan 41 V.rgmia practicing skies on the fire-hoofed Assistant Reporters Natalie Rode in the burgers, and various kinds of 41, Helen we have all been Horn '41 Helaine Kaplan and interest in each other that ponies sandwiches. The sponsors, Mrs. '41, Charlotte Hanna '42, Dawn wear bullet-proof Simpson wishing the nations in Europe could exercise. They'd have to T. R. Covey and Miss Bertha Hill, '42. Ludington vests have left no stone Suson Swartz we are members of the Wellesley unturned in A,r Critic 40 The fact that against air- C And horses be spiked making it the glamour corner Willy. White ;41 of A A Representative community must never obscure from us the fact plane pests. E Gone H.ne 41 the college. Even a nickelodion C. A. Representative • '40, Beatrice Wokef.eld 40 that are also members of the larger world will furnish smooth rhythms for Drama Critics Betty Bierer we J0n How I long for an honour-fought dancing. Music C'" ic community. But Wellesley can open the doors ,V,"r. Websterwh? -4? hand-to-hand battle Photographers Grace Horner '42, Eleanor 42 for us to become the level-headed, well-informed, And the best we produce is That's What Yale Thinks tolerant citizens that the world has especial machine-gun rattle: Katherine Edwards '40 when the heroes Business Manager Yet thoughts of Yale's Frank Andrus, '39, puts Borbara Cohen '40 need of today. We must be broadminded and Advertising Manager death demobilized his masculine opinion of Wellesley Janet Chose '40 willing listen Circulation Manager unprejudiced in our opinions and to down, I remember, we're '41 Weighs me in print in the August issue of Advertising Manogers Adeloide de Beer Assistant to those whose experience has given them a more more civilized! Mademoiselle magazine. Accord- Lorraine Stanley '41. '41, Cohen 41 Caryl own. ing to him "Wellesley girls, as a Business Editors Ada Clark Anne accurate criterion for judgment than our '41, Borbara Prentice 41, Gloria group, are pleasant company, Hadsell, avail ourselves of our opportunities to Church '42, Virginia We must not at all the Bosetti '42. M. Cicely Press horn-rimmed glasses Tomo- Free Reid '42, Elizabeth Titus '42, Anne understand the temper and point of view of type one hears rumors of. As a '42, Courtney Prettymon '40. group sello representatives of cultures and countries foreign All contributions for this column they are seemingly the least Editors Janice Overfield '41, Nancy Assistant Business must be signed with the full name party-seeking of the female species, '42. so we can in some measure learn Stevenson '41, Betty Semple to us. In doing content at most of the author. Initials or numerals times with a ham- to understand the larger issue they represent. burger in one will be used if the writer so desires. hand and a pickle in other. except during ex- the . . . Loyalty to Wellesley Published weekly, September to June, It is our duty to make the world we live in The Editors do not hold them- board ol stu- and school vacation periods, by p sometimes becomes amlnaUons pei an obsession. (-..liege. Subscript s, two dollars our concern. In order to do this today we should selves responsible for statements dents of Wellesley This is copies, six cents each. All con- tiresome. Hint: never let annum in advance, single in this column. o.n,-,. by 11 ;..., A, M. Monday our tribSt?...." should I.., in 11.- NVw.. not only listen to the opinions of friends and the conversation turn Wellesley- .-li..uld be addressed to Helene Kazanjian. Contributions should be in the ,, the latest and wards. That's fatal." \n advertising matter should be In the business office by professor-, thus unconsciously narrowing our- sen! io hands of the Editors by vv A. M. P .m Monday All alumnae news should be com- Wellesley The Alumna.- Office, Wellesley, Mas* All business selves to the view. We must make time on Monday. munications and subscriptions should be sent to the Welles- Freshman Charm for radio broadcasts, follow the international . College News, Wellesley, Mass. the Entered as second-class matter. October l<». 1919, at Amherst's Mass., undei the news day by day, and hear and read the opinions advice to incoming Post office at Wellesley Branch, Boston, Societies Freshmen ,. for mailing al special on that illusive quality, , ,,i March 8, 1879. Acceptance ol October and theories of experts in many fields. By sifting rates of postage provided for In section 1103, Vet "fatal charm," with which to bowl l'.UO. To the Wellesley College News: :;, L917, authorized I iclobi r 30, and evaluating these we will at least arrive at over upper class rushers seems It seems fitting that there should which sound if a little novel. First item opinions we have worked out in our own appear in this first issue of News to be acquired is skill at the ancient minds and which have proved plausible and for the benefit of Juniors and Sen- Six Months To Live? game of "Do you know?" with no iors who are interested, some word reasonable to us. conscience about inventing a few about the systems of application officials who refused to be good names just to keep the ball Government for, and placing in societies. A rolling. Other ingredients of quoted have said thai the United States will Hello, Freshman! central committee, composed of Amherst charm are kidding, member from each society and horse world war within six months. one enter the second is to this laughs, and a spice of strong The News happy have opportunity a faculty or staff chairman, re- swear they say is true, the young men of the words because "Amherst men are If what of greeting all the incoming Freshmen in this ceives the applications of prospec- a worldly lot." will soon be marching off to face tive members and the votes of the United State- special Freshman Issue. We will be very happy the societies. There is an absolute Nazi guns. The generation that leads only this to feature 1943 in our News not week academic standard for eligibility New Magazine runs industries is not the government and the but every issue during the next four years. As approved by a committee of the that will in the trenches. We, college faculty and a standard of good Competition will shortly be felt one fight we consider the many fields both academic and citizenship as well. in the publishing world as a potent student-, and graduate- just -tailing careers, extra cnrricular which have been opened to 1943 No applicant is placed in a so- combine of literary lights from will be the first to go. Since we are to suffer, we Harvard, Princeton, this first week at Wellesley we are filled with ciety which does not vote for her, and Yale gets make our voices heard in a plea for or in a society for which she does to work on a new magazine which should pride to be a part of this community. A care- not apply. An applicant may en- they claim is to be a modest blend American neutrality. We must find the way fully selected group of scholars will direct 1943 numerate as many societies as she of Times, the New Yorker, and to keep America out of this war. The action Collier's. The in its academic life which begins next Monday. pleases in the order of her choice, bombshell will be christened takes in this special session to amend but she should be very careful to Harpy (Harvard, Prince- Congress These activities are enriched by the talks of include in her list only those soci- ton, Yale—get it?) in honor of its the neutrality act will send America either nearer outside lecturers during the coming year. A eties in which she feels she will Big Three parents. or farther from that war. Our very lives are find satisfaction. Since the Cen- well-rounded education, in our opinion is, how- tied to those decisions. Should we not then tral Committee members are pledg- ever, supplemented by extra cnrricular activi- ed to aDsolute secrecy, any appli- decide what we think America should do and Obituary ties. The latter can be one of the most valuable cant may feel free to state fully impress our opinions on our political leaders? frankly the reasons for her or most detrimental elements in a college career. and Funeral services were held choice. this neutrality" exists only. week for "Kennesaw," a "Strict on paper Our advice to the Freshman is to choose her Application cards and pledges member of the college, who died economic measures United States Whatever the extra cnrricular activities with care and modera- will be found in the Information quietly at the resident of Ruth Bureau; white cards for 1940, takes will help one belligerent against the tion, concentrating on the organization or or- Anderson '42 of Tower Court. orange cards for 1941. The pledge Reliable sources give in- others. If America continues the munitions acute ganization.- in which she is most vitally inter- should be read and marked and digestion as the cause of the she France embargo, hampers Great Britain and csted. It is much better to be a valuable mem- inwardly digested before being death which took place follow- have maintained a diversified life copied and signed. ing a tea party on Wednesday who economic ber of one organization than a dabbler in all of Last year's applications still iftemoon. Mr. Malcolm Holmes, while Germany was throwing eighty-five per them. hold for 1940 unless new ones are orchestra director and friend of cent resources of her industrial into munitions As an extra cnrricular activity News offers a filed or cancellations are sent to the deceased, pronounced an Britain's chief the Chairman of the Central Com- elaborate eulogy, followed by manufacture. advantage in this varied experience in every branch of college life. mittee. interment in the garden directly war, her navy, is nullified if she cannot use it to For Freshman who the loves the hustle of a All applications must be received behind Green Hall. Mr. Holmes ship munitions and material- of war from this newspaper office and who wants to be on the in- before noon on Monday, October 9. pointed out the moral to mem- country. They may be left at the Bureau of bers of Press Board who had side of college events News fulfills these wishes. Information, or sent to Mrs. Caro- assembled for the service. He Americans must realize that the United States reporter's The duties of interviewing, covering lyn N. Britton, Chairman of Cen- said, "with all due respect for tral Committee, Severance Hall. cannot maintain peacefully the present economic new- stories and writing features afford valuable my late friend, I firmly believe that if his eyes had not been and political structure in a world dominated by and exciting experienc. The work in making up Guest Night bigger than his stomach, he totalitarian Btates. Since whatever America the paper from the writing of headlines in the would be alive today." To the Wellesley College News: does will help one side against the other, the Dugout to actually setting up the pages at the Twin transfers from the Because of the crowded dining University of Texas acted as only way to escape war lies in giving material press keeps the News board in close touch with halls last year, we were forced to pall bearers, and warbled ap- aid to the Allies, Bui if American -hip- carry the changing trends in the newspaper world. resort to using tickets on "guest propriate dirges at the after- munitions to Britain and France, under inter- night," Tuesday and Friday. Even noon services. "Kennesaw" Our tryouts will begin the week of Oct. 2, then several of the houses relieved was well known as a gold pin- national law, German submarines can sink them. and we are looking forward to meeting news- the situation by allowing guests cis. Belligerent- can seize all contraband goods. A minded Freshmen at that time. (Continued on Page 3, Col. 1) V

WELLESLEY COLLEGE NEWS SEPTEMBER 23, 1939 East Meets Library Hours West On College Campus THE PEREGRINATING PRESS The library administration is pleased to announce the follow- Despite the vicissitudes of the ing changes in regard to the international situation, which has charging of reserved books caused the absence of several mem- which have been made in ac- bers of the faculty. Wellesley ters. They were greeted by Fresh- will 3{JERRY was in his glory ovev- cordance with the vote of the continue to be a miniature league men who inquired if they were hearing scraps of conversa- students, taken last June by of nations. Students 'TP upperclassmen. Upon being as- who come tion in the mad rush of Barn try- the Student Library Committee. from Canada, France, sured that the guests were mem- China, Man- outs. 1. To charge duplicate copies chukuo, Corea, the Bahi bers of 1941, the little sisters "Write down your name, house, from Saturday at 4:00 p.m. Switzerland, Spain. gasped reverently: "Oh, should we Argentina desires and experiences," asked until Monday at 8:40 a.m. former stand up?" Czecho-Slovakia and the Head Costumes. 2. To charge single copies from United States will of * * » attend classes possibly and lectures "Oh-h but I couldn't Saturday at 4:00 p.m. until conducted by profes- get all my experience on one mETURNING as Juniors and Sunday at 2:30 p.m. These Freshman Weak sors who come from France, Eng- l; "" 1 page," pleaded the anxious Fresh- Seniors, a group of Perry's books may be charged out - Germany and Italy, no mention man. friends felt that the photographer again on Sunday night after our own United States. p.m., due Monday at A. S. U. Members The American it * >> was making a mistake. "Don't 8:00 Plan for Freshmen repre thirty-four One Freshman was more agree- you want pictures of Freshmen?" 8:40 a.m. This means that American Peace Program states and the District of Columbia, able at a house tea in Perry's they asked him. "Oh, no," he re- students who go away for The National Executive Com- with New York tak- not take ing the lead and dormitory. When the Head of plied to the horror of nearby new the week-end may mittee at the American Student Massachusetts out single copies of reserved running a close second. House asked her how she liked students, "I want some cute girls." Union recently met to formulate a Hie i books. regnit. her tea, the member of 1943 re- * * * program to keep America out of continue to engage books plied: "I like it fine." 3. To war. "3&OU turn right at the next » * » in advance. The program culls for: amend- corner, right at the next to the CrT 4. It was voted request ment of the neutrality act to allow ponders over and right two blocks after that," €VEN now Perry librarian to open the library aid to forces opposing Hitler, mother accosted him was the Ask-Me's direction to a the who on Sunday evening instead through a cash and carry policy; her daughter's with a shy and shambling Fresh- mother seeking of Saturday evening. In re- an embargo on Japan; increased leads her right back man daughter in tow, asking how dorm. "That sponse to that request, the neighborly relations in the western 'exclaimed Perry. "I know," to get to the Student Exchange. here!' library hours have been es- hemisphere; America influence for friend, "but * * * sagely responded his tablished as follows: a just and lasting peace; and na- Ask-Me will by that time another Monday through Friday: tional unity, in line with President to another tale 3£ ESORTING stationed and maybe she - be here 8:10 a.m. 5:45 p.m. Roosevelt's plea based upon in- Permanent •^••V Freshmen, Perry tells Woving of the knows how to get there." - 7:15 p.m. 9:30 p.m. creased social security for all the All Branches of Beauty Culture of two Juniors to of the visit Saturday: people. "THE ORIGINAL" Elms to hunt out their little sis- Perry the Pressman 8:10 a.m. - 5:45 p.m. HARPER METHOD SHOP Sunday: 34 Waban Building-Wellcsley Sq. and 16, and a Guest Nights on December 15 2:30 p.m. - 5:45 p.m. To the Wellesley, Mass. third play on March 23, which will 7:15 p.m. -9:30 p.m. Anna M. Ryon Wei. 0442- (Continued from Page 2, Col. S) be comic, tragic, socially significant Wellesley any night, as long as there was a or fantastic, depending on the space for them. If all the houses reaction of the college to the first Hotel Wellesley Students were allowed to exchange guests two plays. In addition to these and on any night, the Tuesday and formal plays we are planning to Dining Room Friday night crowd would be put more emphasis on experimental Bring your millinery avoided. work. The acting committee will Home Cooked Food Our Specialty problems to Now, at the very beginning of be divided into groups of ten or Tel. 2261 J. W. Osberg, Mgr. STOP IN! to find such a twelve and will present informally the year, we can try / Fre* Authorized solution. 1940 in January what they consider to G*l your Conlo.l Blanki be their best and most interesting Entry lor "Wellesley' s Oldest will work in these work. Freshmen Insurance Agency" ENEFS 9 R MAOtC'MAMN Barnswallows Policy groups after they have presented their own plays on Saturday, FRED O. JOHNSON CO. 27 Central St. Wellesley To the Wellesley College News: ROYAL PORTABLE October fourteenth. INSURANCE Barnswallows is trying, this *10,000°2 We feel that a college Shattuck Building Wellesley We always have on hand year, to "put its house in order." should be primarily an experi- Telephone Wei. 0502 the largest assortment of For Names Instead of keeping up large com- CONTEST mental theatre in which the pro- mittees, whose member except for hand-tailored Millinery in ductions are as valuable to those or three times a year are Wellesley two connected with them as they are inactive, we will try by expanding interesting to the audience. Barn- Bags - Gloves - Scarfs our schedule to give each member swallows wants the college to learn Flowers and Monograms to do. course, as long as more Of something from each production. there is enough interest in to Barn This year we are striving for McCallum & Quaker support large committees, we will Plants Wellesley Business Service, (Continued on Page J,, Col. 2) Hosiery certainly have them ; but our effort Inc. this year will be toward greater - - To make the room brighter 79c $1.00 $1.15 59 Centrol Street Wellesley 104 5 activity for every member of Barn. DR. STANLEY E. HALL It is to this end that we have RICE'S FLOWER SHOP enlarged our plans to include DENTIST 95 CENTRAL ST. three formal productions : a comedy to Hathaway House Waban Blk. Wellesley Square Next on October 28, a more serious play Bookshop Tel. Wei. 0566-W Tel. Wei. 0303

VIL FRESHMAN how about an evening snack IN WELLESLEY fruit crackers jam A MeM&qe to- ^tudenti GLENVIEW FARM MARKET We hove the Very Latest Beauty News ond the Finest Equipment to serve you Individually WON'T YOU DROP IN AND CONSULT US? the kev is "on the lateh' Mittel's will give you very Air-Conditioned prompt service. Have your garments done Mittel's at - on the JOSEPH VINCENT It's on eorly American custom to leave the key for complete satisfaction. HAIRDRESSERS lotch to extend o welcome to oil who come to visit. MITTEL'S STREET WELLESLEY 2787 From 9:30 to 5 every doy but Sunday Filene's "key" 37 CENTRAL ST. 85 CENTRAL is in full view! If you're a stronger in town, drop into this smort new store at number 50 Centrol Street and

help . . . tell Rent A Bicycle osk questions. We're always reody to you how to get to points of interest or give you advice on anything you ought to wear and where you ought New Balloon Tire $17.50 to go >to enjoy Wellesley ond hereobouts most. Come Slightly used 15.00 to look around, there's never any obliga- Slightly used standard in if just tion to buy! PHOTOGRAPHS tire 13.98 STUDIO TEL. WELLESLEY 0430 20 CHURCH STREET All used bicycles in good condition CHAIRS — BOUDOIR Covered with colorful cretonnes ond chintz $4.95 LAMPS Standing with table ottochment COMPLIMENTS $4.29 ANNUAL FALL EVENT Others $2.49-$3.69 Table and Desk $1.19-2.00 the J* of RADIOS General Electric $9.98 up Empress Suede Crepe Tennis Balls 3 for $1.25 WELLESLEY Tennis Racquets Silk Golf Balls 10c-75c STOCKINGS (luhs and other Spurting Golf Sheer ond clear stocking equipment BANK anstocrots that WEAR ond NATIONAL our complete Come in and see WEAR! Choose them now in 98 accessories to furnish line of new Foil colors ond SAVE. Sellers" at $1.19 your rooms Sale ends Monday, the 25th. 'Best

Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation < account and use a convenient "Charga-plate" at Filene's P. B. C0RKUM, Inc. Open a charge ——


Index Out from Dreams What's in a Name? Theories Forum Tea and The Special Committee for Forum will invite Freshmen and the Enlightenment of Fresh- Shakespeare Junior Month report on transfers to tea at 1 men offers its yearly House Thursday, September 28, at "It was the most fascinating, "Freshmen Names and How will de- •1 p.m. Board members interesting experience I ever had" They Grew." the activities of Interna- Welles- scribe commented Eleanor Beane, We find that the Class of tional Relations Club, American representative to New Eng- ley's 1943 is an extremely versatile C. G. Comment Student Union, House Representa- Eleanor land Junior Month. group. It boasts of several well tives and committees. a pro- found her enthusiasm for known figures; to wit, Crosby, Along about the first of next been President's Reception fession of social service had Dewey, Hoover, Shaw, and month, one of the most exciting President McAfee's reception of increased by her experience. Jeannette MacDonald. The events of the college year will oc- take new," she ex- the faculty and Alumnae will "Junior Month is musical world is represented by cur when the new soda fountain Hall jointly by the place this year in Alumnae plained. Financed two Bells, two Homers, and in Alumnae Hall will be open to and the October 3 at 830 p. m. Family Welfare Society a Trilling. Among the athletes students and ready for use. Along are given the Theatre Workshop colleges, eight girls we find two Falconers and a with the pleasure that comes with social work Department of Speech an- opportunity to observe Fast, while in the world of the new addition there are some The * . _^^^M| S serve as appren- nounces that Mr. Charles Ensign closely, and to industry there are a Miller and problems from C. G.'s point of to the Family Welfare work- arise Rogers will be the technical direc- tices two Mills. view. Questions will naturally during ers from June 15-July 15 with the as to the hours and the use of the tor for Theatre Workshop : t That the members of '43 are object of interpreting what they room. Students will want to be as the academic year 1939-1940. going to take their academic to Wellesley see to their colleges in the fall. free as possible in the use of it Mr. Rogers comes work seriously is also indicated "Ask Me" Another! The weeks of Junior Month are and will want it available at vari- from the Yale School of the by their names. Early prepa- in apportioned to include three days ous times. Just when those con- Drama, where he specialized ration for that sophomore Bi- Oenslager, Wellesleyites Relate observation of Social Legislation, venient times will come is, at design under Donato ble course is no doubt respon- University Crime and Crime Prevention, Medi- present, a bit difficult to figure and from Columbia Harrowing Experiences sible for the Biblical trend work cine, and Community Planning out. where he did his graduate found in two Moses and a Solo- (Continued from Page 1, Col. U) and Financing. "We visited such At its first meeting Senate in English. For the last two mon. institutions as the Courts, the reg- years he has designed productions will discuss the hours and the Meanwhile, Miss Myrtilla Avery Our statistics department Masquers where New England Reformatory for ulations regarding the use of the for the Amherst will take her place, Women, the Massachusetts Gen- submits the usual list of dup- room, and so student opinion must will continue to work this year. he not all that was disturbed by licate eral Hospital, and the New Eng- names; there are three be forthcoming quickly. How late Transfer's Tea recent events. Word came from Adamses but land Home for Little Wanderers," only one Daehn- at night should it be open ? Should Tower Court will be the scene Mrs. Elizabeth Martin, able pas- hardt, three Eleanor stated, "and watched so- Smiths but only we have waitresses at all hours of a tea for all 1941 Transfer try-cook of Tower Court and one Diefendorf, cial work in action." three Harrises or self-help? How should it be Students October 5 at 4:30 p. m. Severance, that she had been on Three days of each week are but only one Kulakofsky, and arranged for students to go up to :li torpedoed Athenia. had been finally four devoted to case work, and the girls Joneses, but only Alumnae after ten ? There are at badly bruised, and had lost all Miss McAfee Talks go out in pairs to handle some one Schneckenberger. other questions too. her money and possessions, includ- First Chapel; College of the less complicated cases help- Let C. G. know how you feel ing her passport. Somewhat re- ing families to budget their in- about this problem. Announces '42 Honors covered from this harrowing ad- comes so as to include more health- venture, she sailed September 20 Page 1, Col. 1) l •ontinued from ful food, and interesting parents from Galway, Ireland, and will past year entitles them to member- in sending children to Welfare HAVE FUN soon be back at her post, turn- ship on the Freshman Honor List camps. ing out the pecan rolls that have LEARN ADVERTISING Alice D. Bacon, Amy K. Many of the families will not earned her such acclaim. Benedict, Elizabeth M. Birdsall, take advantage of the services of- SPACE SELLING the because they Barbara J. Bishop, Gloria E. fered by Society LAYOUT Bosetti, Mary L. Brubaker, Nancy BariiswaHows' Policy object to the word "welfare" in COPYWRITING E. B. Bull, Ann H. Burnham, its title. To offset this difficulty (Continual frin, i Page J. Col. >) CIRCULATION Priscilla Carter, Jean L. Caven, the organization may become the greater unity within Barn, and Elizabeth W. Colby, Katherine H. Family Service Society. "You BILLING our first step in this direction has Coon, Louise Countryman, Mar- see," she explained, "what they ACCOUNTING been to engage Martin Manulis as jorie H. Curts, Elizabeth F. Dailey, really do is offer a service. They our director for the year, who will BUSINESS Dorothy C. Dann, Jane E. Denton, never visit people in their homes, BOARD OF NEWS act in the double capacity of J. claim that lives are being TRYOUTS — NEXT WEEK Blanche I. DePuy, Margaret and technical adviser and director. Dick, Barbara R. Eppstein, Lenore managed badly unless they are We feel also that a college E. Fromm, Rosalie I. Goldstein, asked to do so, carrying on their theatre should be the place Louise Greff, Murray L. Groh, where work through a clinic instead imagination and originality have Whatever the price Ann S. Hamilton, Charlotte E. where the people come voluntarily ATKINS free expression. And it is with Hanna, Mary Elizabeth Harper, to them. Then they offer advice there is prestige in these aims in mind that Barn- DRESSMAKING SHOP Ellen F. Holman and Mariko about straightening out emotional, swallows enters upon its 1939- your Ishiguro. financial, and physical difficulties." 1940 season. For your college room Also Dorothy S. Jacobs, Dorothea Elizabeth Van Wie. pillows, couch covers, draperies A. Jameson, Margaret A. Kahin, President of Barnswallows. made to order Muriel Larsen, Miriam Lashley, Gifts Ethel H. Link, Alice M. McGrillies, Also specializing in Recapture the glints in from Miriam Marcus, Jean M. Mon- cleoning, pressing, all alterations tague, Alice A. Moore, Sue Norton, your hair by Marinello Granville Leatherwood

85 Central St. Wellesley 1 392-M Dorothea \V. Olsen, Louise H. Oil Shampoo. 575 Washington St., Wellesley Ormond, Margaret L. Pfau, Eliza- A Reconditioning Process h K. Ralph, Elizabeth W. F. Reid, Hannah R. Schiller, Marjorie Telephone Wellesley 0442-W

Cleaners Free Daily recitals and lectures, art J* Call and // elcomt to Wellesley HATHAWAY HOUSE • Tailors Delivery I Come in soon ond get acquainted and music studios, library, gym- • Furriers Service TO 1943 with our store, here you will find the most complete store in Wel- nasium, swimming pool, squash Phone Wei. 0179 lesley, offering you the best in quality merchandise ot reason- courts. Seven hundred rooms in early and let us get acquainted. 25 Control St. Wellesley able prices. Come We have a most complete line of each with a radio. Smart resi- candy, tonics, cookies, fresh If you received the recent letter we wrote you, you already know that fruits, meats and groceries, also dential neighborhood. Cooperative bookshop. your favorite brand of cigarettes. Hathaway House is a Just phone Wellesley 2550 and When you see the upper class members collecting their 10% Patron- RADIO SERVICE we will deliver your order at no Tariff: you will extra charge. We will be glad From*2.50 per day-* 12 per week age Rebates you will realize that cooperation pays. We hope Wrile for dejcriptive booklet "C." at to have you open a charge ac- want to join Hathaway too. Our advice is — JOIN BEFORE YOU count. BUY so much as a pencil or bottle of ink. Let us help you plon your lunch- eons and Club suppers. Ross Electric Shop We hove Don't miss the exhibition of our Rental Collection of colored reproduc- on experienced hostess, who will tions of great paintings in the Art Building from September 20 to be glad to offer suggestions. Formerly Ask for Ido. October 8. You can rent three different pictures, one each term, for NEW YORK'S MOST EXCLUSIVE HOTEL Wellesley Electric Shop moderate fee. Ask for details at the bookshop. ECONOMY STORE RESIDENCE FOR YOUNG WOMEN a ^>k at Downstairs New Telephone LEXINGTONLEXINGTOt AVE. 63>d St.. WELLESLEY SQUARE JJEWYOWL We are opposite the College gate on Central St. 29 Central St. WEL. 2143 PHONE WELLESLEY 2550 WELLESLEY COLLEGE NEWS SEPTEMBER 23, 1939

College Notes Engaged

Beth Bryson '40 to William C. Ramsey III, Dartmouth '34, Har- vard Law School *38. G. B. Shmv Brings War Presents College Announces Married Issues to Footlights Latest Saroyan Drama Betty Jane Wright ex-'40 to James '39 Concert Series N. Piatt. Geneva, a fancied page of history The first of the current Theatre Joan Sargent ex-'41 to T. 0. Hunt- The Wellesley Author Discloses Neic in three acts, by Bernard Shaw. Guild plays opens in Boston the College Concert er, Harvard '39. Series for Constable & Company, Ltd. Lon- evening of October 6 with the pre- 1939, under the manage- Aspects V. S. Life ment of of don. 1939. $2.00. sentation of William Saroyan's Mr Malcolm Holmes, opens The Strangest Places by Leonard October opus, The Time of Your Life. Ed- 31 with a recital by Em- Faculty Notes Brace and Com- Geneva, in all its satirical manuel J. Ross, Harcourt, splen- die Dowling shares the lead hon- Feuermann, 'cellist. M'r. pany, New York, 1939. $2.00. dour and Shavian aptness of phrase ors with Miss Julie Haydon. Feuermann has been heard both accomplishes three things in the witli the Boston Engaged The Guild will present Outward and the New York Leonard Q. Ross, creator course of its fanciful unfolding. It Philharmonic Orchestras in this Mr. Edward B. Greene, Assistant of H*Y*M*A*N K*A*P*L*A*N, Bound as its second offering on or effects a revealing characteriza- country. Professor in the Music makes a new bid for the palms about October 23. Depart- tion of certain world leaders prom- In the following ment and Director of the Choir, of literary humorist with a set of concert, Novem- inent in the European crisis. It ber 23, Adolph to Miss Jane B. Adams, Smith fiction sketches. The "places" he Busch and Ru- points up in ironical relief the im- dolph Serkin '35. describes and their inhabitants are Cinerna will give a joint re- possibility of reconciling the in- cital of music for unknown to most Americans except violin and piano. Married terests of the countries involved. Colonial Theatre — Sept. 24: Their superb musicianship by hearsay. Which of us, for ex- is well Miss Mary Louise Lastly it manages to give an idea Wizard of Oz. with Judy Gar- Barrett of the known to concert audiences in the ample, has ever visited St. Louis Physics Department to Mr. Serge of what the League of Nations and land; also Mr. Moto. Sept. United States. Cemetery No. 1 where the dead are P. Morosoff. World Court could do, with a little 27: Our Leading Citizen, The Jooss Ballet buried in tiered walls fi, ling-cabinet presents Miss Marjoiie I. cooperation, while showing at the with Bob Burns. Oct. 1: Greene '35, As- fashion, watched the judges in Wellesley with the third event of or the utter helplessness of sistant in the Education Depart- same time Angels Wash Their Faces, the series, New York's Family Court mend in its fourth American ment, to Mr. Donald A. the present institutions. with Dead End Kids; also Un- Eaton. marital breaks? tour. Its repertory consists of nine Through a curious chain of cir- expected Father, with Mischa original ballets, three of which will Mr. Ross has a keen eye; no Auer. cumstances a young English girl be presented in this country slightest oddity of detail escapes for the Alumnae Notes sets the wheels of international law Community Playhouse — Sept. first time. His ranges from sub- him. humour in action and causes a certain Sig- 25-27: On Borrowed Time, Composer as well as pianist tle, understanding satire through with Lionel Barrymore; also is Engaged nor Bombardone, a General Flanco, Sergei the hilarious to the ridiculous. He Rachmaninoff, artist for the a Herr Battler, and one British Maisie, with Ann Sothern. evening Caroline Conklin '39 to Rev. Rob- includes a delicious sketch of of February 14 at Welles- Sir Midlander to appear in court Sept. 28-30: Mutiny on the ert Beattie of St. John's Epis- society's dilemma ley. Washington on charges of starting war. The Bounty, with Clark Gable, copal Church. when, at their first opera in four Kerstin Thorberg, contralto, will judge holds war to be murder and . Oct. 2-4: Sylvia H. Cohen '39 to Jerome Sey- years, the musicians refused to give the final concert of the year. its incipients to be worthy of capi- Goodbye Mr. Chips, with Rob- mour Goldsmith, Brown '37. play to them unless paid in cash! Mme. Thorberg's appearance at tal punishment. Bombardone pro- ert Donat; also March of would "see America Wellesley will mark her first solo For those who tests that war makes men; Battler Time. first" in some of its less prosaic concert near Boston, although she says he is "a man of peace" but Loew's State—Sept. 20: The Davenport & Company, aspects, the book will prove an in- has been heard here in opera. adds that his peace must be "vol- Women, with Norma Shearer, Inc. guide. Those who prefer fallible untary," not "intimidated." "Not Joan Crawford, Rosalind Rus- reading about "atmosphere" rather STOCKS — BONDS until I am armed to the teeth and sell; also The Man That Could Best Sellers than experiencing it first-hand ready to face all the world in arms Not Hang (To be held in- as reported by the New Yorfc 572 Washington St. will be thoroughly amused. Herald Tribune and Hathaway is my Pacifism worth anything." definitely). Boston Wellesley Worcester O. 40 House Bookshop! By C. S. agrees. "Admir- The Englishman Metropolitan — Sept. 21: The Fiction able," he says. "Precisely our Old Maid, with , The Grapes of Wrath Hathaway Shows Large British opinion." Miriam Hopkins, George by John Steinbeck DR. F. WILBUR;) MOTTLEY Collection of Prints Bernard Shaw wrote Geneva Brent. Sept. 28: The Rains Non-Fiction DENTIST For all its ironi- Came, with , Ty- over a year ago. Inside Asia A wide variety of artists are despair and hope- also Stop, Look, Colonial Building cal humor, the rone Power; by John Gunther represented in the Rental Collec- lessness for the future which the and Love. 23 Central St., Wellesley tion of Prints on display in the playwright foresaw at its writing Keith Memorial — Sept. 21: Telephone Wellesley 1212-M Farnsworth Art Museum under the are more real for us today. But When Tomorrow Comes, with Hathaway House auspices of its greatest significance lies in the , Charles Boyer; Co-ed Beauty Parlor Bookshop. The collection will be clarity with which the points of also The Adventures of Sher- on exhibition until October. conflict, the roots of the present lock Holmes. Sept. 28: Fifth Shampoo and Wave 85c Among the French prints are stated. Mr. Shaw seemed crisis, are Avenue Girl, with Ginger Permanents S3-S5 several by Degas, notably his Two to believe then that the struggle Rogers; also Full Confession, Dancers, Repetition, and The would not be solely one of democ- with Victor McLaglen. Washington St. Above Liggett's Dancer. The tropical landscapes racy against the "isms," but, once Paramount — Sept. 21: Thou- for which Gaugin is well known again, of empire against .empire. sand Dollars a Touchdown, WE LLES LEY are represented by his Mountains One wonders whether future his- with Joe E. Brown, Martha and Martinique. French modern tories will bear out his prophecy. Raye; also Charlie Chan on "The College Girls it champions in the strong '40 art finds By C. S. O. Treasure Island. Sept. 28: at the contrasts of Derain's Blue Oak and What a Life, with Jackie Passion"" the more delicate treatments of Cooper, Betty Field; also Miss 1943 is getting a head Cezanne. There are one or two Triangle Shop her upper class sisters Television Spy. reproductions by Monet and Renoir. start on those inevitable questions ask- Among the works of the older for 22 Church Street you going to do masters are included Botticelli's ing "What are after college?" The Strong Vo- Date Dresses Flora, Titian's Duke of Norfolk, Ladies' Toilor Furs Remodeled Wellesley test given this and Leonardo's austere St. Anne cational Interest from $14.90 Personnel Bureau is and the Virgin. year by the you will Freshmen realize find El Greco's superb storm scene an effort to help N. CAR their abilities and interests early entitled Toledo is one of the most Cardigans careers. Norms LONG impressive in the collection. in their college Dresses and Skirts Altered Formals determined by Among the Dutch masterpieces are for this test were from $6.50 many and Made to Order Breughal's famous Winter, Ver- consulting the interests of from $16.90 business women, Cleansing ond Light Bright Wools meer's Delft, and four sprightly professional and Dyeing were typi- prints by Van Gogh. and determining which from $7.95 occupations. Wellesley 1039-W Rockwell Kent's Mt. Equinox cal of the various Charge Accounts Welcome their looms large among the American Now when Freshmen check 548 WASHINGTON STREET Gay Formals from $16.95 favorite subjects, voca- Central St. Wellesley pieces, exquisite in its sharpness hobbies, WELLESLEY, MASS. 40 spe- Hosiery and fine attention to detail. Diego tional likes and dislikes, and Gotham Gold Stripe knowledge, they will Rivera is represented by the vig- cial bits of Bureau orous, patterned modern work, indicate to the Personnel interests Lettuce Field. along just what lines their by C. S. O. '40 probably lie. Wellesley Concert Fund oucutne $tudM A Malcolm H. Holmes, Manager assistance in Do you know that you can now have expert Announces a limited number of seats available for arranging your college room? Just telephone Mrs. Burack. the 1939-1940 series of She will help you with all your "decorating" problems, at a surprisingly low cost. FIFE CONCERTS IN JLUMNJE HALL DRAPERIES CURTAINS BEDSPREADS FURNITURE SLIPCOVERS Cello; October 31st I. EMMANUEL FEUERMANN, Wellesley 3071 572 Washington Street Piano; November 23rd II. BUSCH AND SERKIN, Violin and

III. JOOSS BALLET, January 12, 1940

Wellesley 1561 IV. RACHMANINOFF, Piano; February 14th 12th V. KERSTIN THORBORG, Contralto; March

the Five Concerts: Shoppe Prices of Remaining Reserved Sea«t Tickets for Rae's Vanity at the $8 00 and $5.50. Applications for tickets may be made College, Concert Fund Office: Room 7, Billings Hall, Wellesley mornings from 10-12:30 (Well. 03201. 61 Central Street Wellesley, Mass. WELLESLEY COLLEGE NEWS SEPTEMBER 23, 1939 CLEMENT A WELCOME TO STUDENTS DWIGHT R. Calendar FROM DENTIST Room No. 8 Morton Block Flower Sunday. TRYOUTS College Restaurant Sunday, Sept. 24: Crier The 572 Washington Street •11:00 M.m. Memorial Chapel. Preacn- Campus Van Dusen. I nlo.. and Tea Room (over Setter's) c-. Dr. Henry P. "•«- \..rk ( K>. Theological Seminary, New . will 79 CENTRAL ST. Wellesley Sq. Wei. 1018 •2:30-5:00 p.m. Tli.- Art Museum '7:30 p.m.. be open to the public. BUSINESS BOARD Chapel. Chrlstlnn Associa- Memorial SALE—Bicycle In fair condl- tion Vesper Service open to all. FOB tlon. See Martha Lydecker, 219 Week of Sept. 25 Monday. Sept. 2.1: 8:10 a.m. Pound- enove. distribu- ers Hall. For new students, of cards of admission to cla Wednesday, Oct. 4: »8:16 a.m. tion academic 8:40 a.m. Beginning of the Morning Chapel. Miss Seal Thompson Tea EDITORIAL BOARD year. 3:45-4:45 p.m. Faculty will lead. koom, 342 Green Hall. The Bntrf Miss Faculty Tea Thursday, Oct. 6: 'S.-IS a.m. the daily teas of the Elizabeth Gregory '40 will lead. Week of Oct. 2 Club. MiTES: •Wellesley College Art Tuesday. Sept. 2(1: *S ;15 a.m. Morn- Museum. Through October 8, Hatha- McAfee will lead. Ins Chapel. Miss way House rental collection of prints Wednesday, Sept, 27: »8:16 a.m. SHOP Dean Wilson will on "exhibition. Exhibition of students" Morning Chapel. work. WELIesley 1982 lead. •Open to the public. Thursday. Sept. 88: •8:16 a.m. MESDAMES STYLISTS Knnpp will Morning Chapel. Dean Campus Crier Ads Custom Gowns - Coats - Dresses FOR lead, Accepted at News Office RESTYLING - ALTERATIONS Friday, Sept. 29: •SI", a.m. Morn- SHOPPING SERVICE ing Chapel. Dean Ewlng Will lead. Ttcenty-five cents St. Wellesley Saturday, Sepl. 30: '8:15 a.m. Morn- 572 Washington WELLESLEY ing Chapel. President McAfee will lead. Tel. Wellesley 1544 Sunday, Oct. 1: *U:00 a.m. Me- morial Chapel. Pi earner. Dr. Julius VILLAGE GIRLS Seulye Blxler. HAIRDRESSiNG SHOP Monday. Oct, 2: »8 ;15 a.m. Morning EIGHT CHURCH STREET Chapel. President McAfee will lead. invites you to 9 Touraine welcomes you and Tnesilaj. Oct. 8: "S :15 a.m. Morn- WELLESLEY ing Chapel. Miss McDowell will lead. McLellait s visit its modern shop, conveniently located Five and specializing in Wellesley Orange Mart and Hosiery — Gloves — Underwear Sportswear — Dresses — Corsets FRUITS Ten Cent We Will Be Happy to Open a Charge SWEET CIDER ICED ORANGE JUICE Store Account for You 97 Central Street Tel. 2297

LADIES CUSTOM TAILOR WELLESLEY 1 A N N E L L 1 ( 60 CENTRAL STREET Specialize Only in Ladies Tailoring ; SQUARE Remodelling and Fur Work Expertly Done 1 BOSTON BROOKLINE CAMBRIDGE

Wc ban Block Room 21 Wellesley Square 1

Copyright 1939, Liggett & Myus Tobacco Co,