October 20, 1939 Volume XVI Number 13 Representatives President Announces Thanksgiving Holidays Virginia Governor Speaks to Seniors
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f._ SPECIAL FEATURES COMING EVENTS War Firsthand, Page 2 Pan-Hellenic Announces Rushing Senior-Soph Prom Next Saturday Rules, Page 3 Y. W. C. A. Tea Thursday L lib Established 1922 Harrisonburg, Va., Friday, October 20, 1939 Volume XVI Number 13 Representatives President Announces Thanksgiving Holidays Virginia Governor Speaks To Seniors Attend A.C.P. Thanksgiving holidays will be- gin Wednesday, November 22, In Class Day Observance Convention when classes end, according to an announcement made this week Traditional Class Day Barrett, Thomas Delegates by President Samuel P. Duke. Governor, Budget Director, Classes will resume on Monday, Ceremonies Observed and Budget Committee From schoolma'am; Taylor, on Successive Days Overton From Breeze November 27th, at 8:00 a. m. Inspect College With Governor James H. Price of "I am deeply interested in the ed- Anna Gordon Barrett and Betty McConneil Dies Virginia as speaker in the chapel ucational problems of Virginia," de- Thomas, editor and business man- service following the traditional ager of The Schoolma'am, the college clared Gov. James H. Price, in ad- gowning ceremony in Senior Hall, the dressing the student body and fac- yearbook, and Frances Taylor and Wednesday annual observance of Senior Class ulty members Wednesday night on Brooks Overton, who occupy the Madison Biology Professor Day began Wednesday night. the occasion of the annual Senior same respective positions on the col- Dies of Heart Failure Led by Almeda Greyard, class Day assembly. "One of my greatest lege newspaper, The Breeze, will rep- president, the seniors received their ambitions is to make adequate pro- rsent Madison College at the annual Wednesday Night caps and gowns from Dr. Henry A. vision for our youth." Associated Collegiate PreBS Conven- Dr. Carl H. McConneil, member of Converse and Miss Helen Marbut, Gov. Price visited Madison College tion to be held October 26-28 in Des the Madison College science faculty, class big brother and sister, assist- Moines, Iowa, In addition to the died at 8:30 Wednesday night at with Dr. Rowland Egger, director of ed by the Sophomore Class officers. the Budget, and members of the usual editorial and business man- Rockingham Memorial Hospital of Following the gowning service at Governor's advisory committee on the agers roundtables, the convention heart failure during a blood trans- 7:00 p. m. the class proceeded to program features addresses by J. N. fusion. budget who are making a tour of Wilson Hall for the assembly, at state institutions. "Ding" Darling, nationally syndi- Born November 1, 1897, at Milli- which Governor Price spoke. Dr. gan, Tennessee, Dr. McConneil was a "It is my intention to make every cated cartoonist and conservation Samuel P. Duke, president' of the effort to make the teaching profes- leader, and Gardener Cowles, Jr., ex- son of Dr. John Preston McConneil, college, introduced the speaker. president emeritus of Radford State sion more attractive," Gov. Price ecutive editor, Des Moines Register Gwendolyn Huffman presented a Teachers College. His studies at said, "and I hope the General Assem- ■and Tribune, and president, Look vocal solo. Milllgan College were interrupted by bly will ai# us by putting teachers' magazine. Thursday's program began with a the World War, during which he salaries on a satisfactory basis. Sal- The social highlights of the con- special Senior breakfast at 7:15 a. served with the American Expedi- aries should be more commensurate vention include a dance Thursday m. At luncheon the class was hon- tionary Forces in France. with services rendered." night sponsored by the Drake Univer- ored with favors presented by the After the close of the war. Dr. sity chapters of Theta ,Sigma PI, other classes. Free textbooks and teacher retire- McConneil attended Lynchburg Col- women's journalistic sorority, and The Senior Banquet at 6:00 p. m. ment urged with increasd salaries as lege, receiving his B.S. degree in Sigma Delta Chi, professional Jour- was the first to be held in the new the three-point program of the Vir- 1924. From the University of Vir- nalistic fraternity; a luncheon at the Senior Dining Hall. Guests of honor ginia Education Association—are ginia he received his M.S. and Ph.D. Meredith Publishing Company and included Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Converse, "important," said the Governor, "but degrees, the latter in 1930. the convention banquet and dance in Miss'. Helen Marbut, Dr. and Mid. we expect to devote our attention to Before his appointment to the the Main Ballroom of the Hotel Fort Samuel P. Duke, Mrs. Annie Bailey salaries first and then to the remain- science department of Madison Col- Des Moines on Friday; and the Iowa Cook, Miss Clara G. Turner, Miss ing problems in order. lege in 1937, Dr. McConneil taught State College vs. University of Mis- Ruth Hudson, MargueMte Bell, Anna "In my inaugural address," stated at Radford State Teachers College, souri football game on Saturday. Jane Pence; Sophomore officers: the Governor, "I said I wanted to put the University of Virginia, Lynch- The Madison delegation will leave Evelyn Jefferson, Jane Sites, Cath- proper emphasis on the intangible burg College, and Hartwick College Tuesday, October 24, returning to erine Funkhouser, Eleanor Hart, resources of Virginia, upon the needs at Oneonta, New York. campus the following Monday. They Catherine Curling, Nettie Lee Gar- of those who have not been represent- Dr. McConneil worked under Dr. will travel by train with stops at Cin- nett, Antoinette Eastham; Senior Governor James H. Price, who Jovan Hadzi at the University of ed in the state, but who are entitled cinnati and Chicago—en route. Res- Class officers: Meda Greyard, Marcel- spoke here Wednesday night at the Ljubljana In Jugoslavia, Dr. Max to the services of Virginia. ervations have been made for their la Richardson, Charlotte Heslop, annual Senior service, and Almeda Hartman at the Kaiser Wilhelm In- "With the state's high school grad- accommodations at the Hotel Fort Geraldine Ailstock, Dorothy Moore, Greyard, class president, who led the stitute for Biology, Berlin-Dalheim, Des Moines during the convention. Peggy Weller, and Winifred Rew. Seniors in the observance of class uating 15,000 to 16,000 young people Germany, and Dr. Faure Freniet at^ o Committees in charge of arrange- day. each year, the destinies of the youth tnv-vuii^« de France in Paris. He ments for Senior Day were: Banquet, of Virginia pFobably lie in the hands also worked with Dr. Hjalman Brook Scribblers Conduct Charlotte Heslop, Ellen Miner; Place at the University of Oslo in Norway. of the teachers," Gov. Price declared. cards, Ellen Fairlamb; Line-up for He attended the Zoological Con- Schoolma'am "We jointly have an opportunity Monday Chapel gowning, Winifred Rew, Peggy Well- gresses in Lisbon in 1935 and in to render a great service to the er; Decoration, Marcella Richardson; Padua, Italy, in 1930. Scribblers, an honorary society for Chapel program, Margaret Young; Ranks High state," the Governor concluded. Dr. McConneil made an extensive creative writing, will be In charge of Properties, Winifred Rew, Geraldine o study of the reproduction of the the assembly hour Monday. The pro- Ailstock. Columbia Scholastic Press gram will consist of the reading of (Continued on Page Four) Association Gives Annual Spilman Reelected original works written by members First Class Rating of the club. LeGallienne-A Great Woman Says Alexander District G President "Yapindar," a short story of an The 1939 Schoolma'am, according African locale, will be read by Julia Woollcott; Earle Larimore Leading Man to a rating just received from the Miss Ethel Spilman. Supervisor Ann Flohr. Two familiar essays will of the Harrisonburg Junior High Eva Le Gallienne, proclaimed by cast are Marion Evenson, Alice John, Columbia Scholastic Press Associa- be given: Mary J. Wright, Chief School, was re-elected President of critics as "one of the first ladles of Matthew Smith, Katherine Squire, tion of New York, is ranked as a first- Scribe, will read "Your Slip's Show- District G of the Virginia Education the theatre," will star in two of the and James Spottswood. class college yearbook. The Colum- ing," and Mike Lyne will read "The Association at a meeting held in classic dramas of Ibsen, Hedda Gab- The Master Builder, to *e present- bia judges granted the Madison an- Rape of the Lock." Waynesboro on Saturday. ler and The Master Builder, as the ed at 8:00 p. m., is one of the most nual a score of 860 out of 1,000 A sonnet "To My Thoughts" will opening number of the Madison Col- perfectly constructed of all the Ibsen possible points, 140 points higher Approximately 500 teachers at- be given by Frances Wright. Two tended this meeting, and according lege Lyceum Course on November 2. dramas. James O'Donnell Bennett, than the rating given by the critical other poems will be read by Marie Miss Le Gallienne is known as distinguished critic of the Chicago service of the University of Min- to Dr. W. J. Gifford, Dean of the Smith and Vern Wilkerson. America's foremost exponent of Ib- Record Herald, says, "The Master nesota. The 1939 Schoolma'am com- College, from 75 to 80 per cent of the women teachers present were sen's immortal plays. The plays are Builder is in its essentials an ex- peted for the first time with annuals former students at Madison College. productions of the Legitimate The- tremely simple, lovely allegory cast representing colleges with an enroll- Miss Cleveland Makes 1 o atre Corporation of America. in the realistic manner, which depicts ment of more than 1,000 students. Donation to Fund Of Hedda Gabler, which will be the warping of the nature of a man The staff of the 1939 annual was Marshalls Receive Master of presented as a,matinee performance who forgets his ideals, and the ulti- headed by Jane Logan, editor-in- v Arts Degrees in Music Miss Elizabeth Cleveland, profes- at 3:00 p.