October 20, 1939 Volume XVI Number 13 Representatives President Announces Thanksgiving Holidays Virginia Governor Speaks to Seniors
f._ SPECIAL FEATURES COMING EVENTS War Firsthand, Page 2 Pan-Hellenic Announces Rushing Senior-Soph Prom Next Saturday Rules, Page 3 Y. W. C. A. Tea Thursday L lib Established 1922 Harrisonburg, Va., Friday, October 20, 1939 Volume XVI Number 13 Representatives President Announces Thanksgiving Holidays Virginia Governor Speaks To Seniors Attend A.C.P. Thanksgiving holidays will be- gin Wednesday, November 22, In Class Day Observance Convention when classes end, according to an announcement made this week Traditional Class Day Barrett, Thomas Delegates by President Samuel P. Duke. Governor, Budget Director, Classes will resume on Monday, Ceremonies Observed and Budget Committee From schoolma'am; Taylor, on Successive Days Overton From Breeze November 27th, at 8:00 a. m. Inspect College With Governor James H. Price of "I am deeply interested in the ed- Anna Gordon Barrett and Betty McConneil Dies Virginia as speaker in the chapel ucational problems of Virginia," de- Thomas, editor and business man- service following the traditional ager of The Schoolma'am, the college clared Gov. James H. Price, in ad- gowning ceremony in Senior Hall, the dressing the student body and fac- yearbook, and Frances Taylor and Wednesday annual observance of Senior Class ulty members Wednesday night on Brooks Overton, who occupy the Madison Biology Professor Day began Wednesday night. the occasion of the annual Senior same respective positions on the col- Dies of Heart Failure Led by Almeda Greyard, class Day assembly. "One of my greatest lege newspaper, The Breeze, will rep- president, the seniors received their ambitions is to make adequate pro- rsent Madison College at the annual Wednesday Night caps and gowns from Dr.
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