

VOLUME L V. Z 545a STATE COLLEGE STATION, NORTH DAKOTA, FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 1940 NUMBER 22 LE GALLIENNE TO PERFORM HERE MONDAY NIGHT Naval Board BISON PICTURE Will Play In Ibsen Drama For Lyceum Noted Actress -- SCHEDULE Rev. I. L. Holt Will Examine To be taken in the YMCA To Be Convo To Appear In auditorium. Applicants Here Sunday 1-ledda Gabler YMCA Dugout Crew 1:30 p. m. Speaker Mon. Lutheran Students Assn 5:00 p. m. Selection Group To Exam- Appearance Of Methodist Earl Larimore Heads Tuesday ine Prospective Flyers Bishop Sponsored By Supporting Cast Of Alpha Phi Omega At NDAC March 6-7 7:20 p. m. Seven; Starts M 8 p.m. Carl Ben Eielson Flying Committee Of 100 For the purpose of interviewing Club 7:30 p. m. The Rt. Rev. Ivan Lee Holt, , America's out- and examining applicants for flight Co-op House 7:45 p. m. Methodist bishop of Dallas, Texas, standing portrayer of Ibsen's dramas training in the Naval Reserve, a Tau Delta Pi 8:00 p. will speak at convocation, Monday, will appear in "," Mon- selection board will meet at NDAC AIEE 8:15 p. m. March 4, in the Field House. day evening at eight o'clock in Fes- Bison Business Staff tival hall, on the 29th annual Lyceum March 6 and 7. 8:30 p. m. In Fargo as a member of the College graduates, and men who Spectrum Editorial Staff 8:45 p. m. series. Supporting Miss Le Gallienne Methodist Advance Movement of the will be a cast of seven, including have completed at least two years Saddle and Sirloin 9:00 p. m. reorganized Methodist church, Bish- of a four year college course, and Alpha Zeta 9:30 p. m. Earl Larimore of the New York op Holt's appearance at NDAC is Theater guild and various stage suc- between the ages of 20 and 27 years, Wednesday sponsored by the Committee of 100. may qualify. cesses. Bishop Holt for several years There are a considerable num- YWCA Cabinet, (retake) 7:00 p. m. Born in England and educated in was president of the Federal ber of openings at the present Scabbard and Blade— France, Miss Le Gallienne made her Council of the Churches of Christ time, according to Lieutenant (In uniform) 7:30 p. m. theatrical debut in 1914, with a Commander C. S. Smiley, U. S. Tryota 9:00 p. m. in America, sponsors of the Uni- small part in the English production versity Christian Mission that N., commanding officer of the Thursday of Maeterlinck's "Monna Vanna." A Naval Reserve Aviation Base in was on the NDAC campus re- year later she came to America only Spectrum Business Staff— cently. Minneapolis. (In Spectrum office) 4:30 p. rn. to be, as her first AmeriLn role, the Purpose of the selection board He has been pastor of St. John's part of a colored maid in "Mrs. Bol- meeting at NDAC at this time is to Methodist church, St. Louis, and one- tay's Daughters." time professor of Old Testament Lit- accommodate applicants who find it Following a rapid series of suc- impossible or inconvenient to travel cesses in New York and on tour, to Minneapaolis for an interview and Coast Guard Official Miss Le Gallienne in 1926 found- examination. ed the New York Civic Repertory Classes in elimination flight train- To Visit Campus Theater, and directed as well ing at the Minneapolis base begin the NDAC male students will have an as acted in all but two of the 15th of each month, after which, the opportunity to learn more about 33 plays produced. A free school successful student is sent to Pensaco- the United States CoaSt Guard, when of the theater established in con- la, Florida, for continued training Lieut. 0. C. B. Wev visits this cam- junction with the Repertory has •duty. EVA Le GALLIENNE, ONE OF THE NATION'S pus Wednesday, March 6. Lieut. Wev outstanding Ibsen provided many brilliant actors Salaries range from $54, plus will endeavor to show students the actresses, will play the title role in "Hedda Gabler" in Festival hall Mon- with their training. board and room for the one advantages of a career in the Coast day night, with Earl Larimore, member of the casts of several Broadway Forced by the depression to close month of preliminary training to Guard Service. Movies of life in stage successes , playing opposite. her theater in 1933, Miss Le Gal- $210 per month and lodging for the service and in the United States lienne went on tour with selections an Ensign during his three year's Coast Guard Academy at New Lon- from her repertory, still continuing service with the fleet. On com- don, , are to be shown, to star in New York productions. She pleting of the four year's active and fellows interested will be inter- Judges To Compete Social Science Group is backed on tour by the Legitimate duty, each Ensign is paid a bonus viewed at the men's dormitory. Theater Corporation of America. of $500. In Fort Worth Show Discuss Curriculum In addition to the above qualifica- Training consists of actual ser- Honors awarded Miss eL Gallienne The NDAC Livestock Judging team tions, each applicant must be unmar- vice and class-room study at New include, Honorary Degrees from will leave Monday noon for Fort Changes Tuesday ried and agreed to remain unmarried , with a four-year scientific Tufts, Russell Sage, Smith and Mt. Worth, Texas, where they will com- for a period of two years, must be a curriculum. The course is similar to Because of the conflicting basket- Holyoke colleges, and Brown uni- pete with middlewestern and south- citizen of the United States and must that offered in colleges, and a bache- ball game, the March meeting of Pi versity; the 1926 Pictorial Review western college teams in a judging pass a rigid physical examination. lor of science degree is given. Gamma Mu, national honorary so- prize of $5,000; the Gold Medal of contest to be held in connection with Examination will be conducted in the Every man entering the service BISHOP HOLT cial science fraternity, will be chang- the Society of Arts and Sciences, and the Southwest Livestock show being Health Center in the Men's Residence starts as lieutenant at $125 a month, ed from Wednesday to Tuesday of the 1934 medal of the Town Hall club staged in that city. of New York. Her autobiography, Hall. and promotion is by the merit sys- erature at Southern Methodist uni- next week. The meeting will be Animal husbandry students who will "At 33," reached the best-seller stage tem. Work of the service is clear- versity. Bishop Holt is a member held in the Fireside room of the col- make the trip are Bob Brastrup, Bis- of non-fiction books. ing icebergs, protecting fisheries and of the American Planning commit- lege YMCA, from 7:30 to 9:30. The Alaskan seals, patrolling our coasts, marck; Arlo Dietz Cogswell; Bill subject is "Social Studies Curriculum Theta Chi Group To tee for the Oxford and Edinburg Guy, Amenia. Arnold Holm, Pekin; and numerous other duties are well Economical Conference and also of Revision—Trends and Needs." Guests Iven Johnson, Fargo, and Lyle Rei- will be social science majors at Con- Be Convention Host known. the executive committee of the tan, Hastings. These students are cordia and MSTC. Credit Union Adds World Alliance for International all juniors in the school of agricul- Delegates will come from Theta Members of the committee on social Friendship. ture. Life Insurance Plan Chi chapters at the University of studies includes: chairman, Sam Tol- Graham Will Address Born in Arkansas, he was gradu- En route to the contest the team Minnesota, Iowa university, the Uni- chinsky, senior in arts and sciences; ated from Vanderbilt university, and will visit the South Dakota State Teachers of NDAC now have the versity of North Dakota and possi- Dr. Elmer C. Darling, professor of AC Farmers Union received his Ph. D. at Chicago uni- college, Nebraska university, Kan- added inducement of an insurance bly the University of Montana to education and director of division of versity. He has been guest preacher sas State college and Oklahoma A & plan when they take advantage of the attend their regional convention slat- education; Dr. J. P. Johansen, profes- Chester Graham, secretary of the at Community church, Shanghai, and M. Arriving in Fort Worth in time Credit Union facilities. At a meet- ed at the NDAC chapter May 2, 3 sor of economics and sociology; Glenn Wisconsin Farmers Union, and state at several churches in England. for the contest on March 9, they will ing of representatives of the union on and 4. officers will be speakers at the NDAC Lawritson, assistant professor of edu- Wednesday, Feb. 28, the plan was During their sessions, they will return to Fargo March 14. Accom- Farmers Union local's annual ban- cation, Paul E. Zerby, assistant pro- discussed and the policy of taking out plan a program of legislation to be panying the team will be Coach Ford quet scheduled in Ceres hall Cafeteria PHOTOGRAPHERS! fessor of economics; James Greenlaw, life insurance on borrowers was de- presented at the next national con- Daugherty of the animal husbandry at 6:30 Saturday, Mar. 2. assistant rural sociologist. termined. This is an advantage to, vention in 1941, and will discuss Remember March 29 is the dead- department. both the borrower, by protecting his fraternity problems. College musical talent will be on line for entries in the Alpha Phi Dr. Darling will be the first spea- estate in case of death before repay- Business sessions are slated each the entertainment program. Students Gamma photo contest. Entries must NOTICE ker, giving a short review of trends ment of the debt, and to the other day, with a banquet ending the sec- and faculty members are invited to be accompanied with the 10 cent Panhellenic Council meeting in social studies in colleges. Mr. investors because the unpaid debt will ond and a formal ball on the last attend the dinner, sponsored to fa- registration fee and turned in to Monday at 5 p. m. In Old Main. Lawritson will then discuss the in- doctrination issue involved in hte not now be a total loss. evening. miliarize the college with personal Vernon Giles contest manager. Cash Gorman King is in charge, assisted and activities of the group. Tickets prizes will be awarded to winners. Since 1923, 16 colleges and univer- subject. Mr. Zerby will explain what In case of total disability the insur- by Einar Mickelson, Gordon Gray, may be obtained froth Harry Acha- Pictures must pertain to some phase sities have made ROTC optional or society does expect from social stu- ance plan works in a similar way; re- dies, and what it should expect. William Borderud and Albert Thor- mire or Lawrence Gilbertson, who are of campus life. abolished it altogeter. paying the debt for the borrower and waldson. in charge. Methods of teaching social studies relieving him of the burden. G. N. in the light of the proposed set-up by Lawritson, commenting upon the pro- the other speakers will then be dis- gram as it now stands says it is a vast To Lead Skirt, Sweater Prom March 8 Perfection In Showing, Fitting cussed by Dr. Darling. An open improvement over the previous set- forum in discussion of the subject, led up. by Tolchinsky, will be the conclud- Characterizes Stock Show ing features. Frosh Cabinet Elects A high degree of perfection in the the grand champions were as fol- fitting and showing of the animals lows: Swine, Curtis Berg; sheep, James Ford President in their various classes by students Curtis Loucks; beef, Everett Orth; Announce Ping Pong in agriculture and a packed eve- dairy, Philip Peterson; horses, James Ford, Reo Carr and Wal- ning of entertainment characterized Reuben Ruud; poultry, Hubert Tournament Awards lace Chase were elected to fill the this year's Little International as Strong. Grand champion exhibit in offices of president, vice president one of the most colorful that has the horticulture division was shown Medals will be awarded to winners and secretary, respectively, of the ever been presented by the students by George Johnson with the high of first place in the YMCA-sponsored freshman YMCA cabinet. Election of NDAC. honors in the agronomy division go- ping pong tournament and ping pong took place at the Feb. 18 meeting. Over 1,500 spectators showed ing to Fred Elliot. grand champion equipment will be presented to sec- In addition to electing officers, their unanimous appreciation of of the dog show was a tiny Pomer- ond and third place winners. Dupli- members of the cabinet engaged in the Amphion, Chorus, Bison anian, "Skippy," owned by Virginia cate prizes will be awarded for both a "gripe session," during which the Brevities talent, the Jim Dandy McMillan, of Fargo. singles and doubles competition, an- gripes concerning NDAC campus orchestra, Francis Daniels, im- nounces Clark Heggeness, manager. and college life were discussed. Main personator, Shirley Putz, vocal- NOTICE Contests will be held in the au- gripe of the evening centered on the ist, and the many other enter- All juniors in education will ditorium of the YMCA and several need for an extended orientation pro- tainment features. meet in Science Hall, room 319, tables will be provided so as to per- gram for AC students. Discussion of The milking contest, an annual on Wed., March 6 at 2:00 p.m. mit playing of more than one match this topic will be continued at the laugh producer for the evening, did for the purpose of making ar- at one time. Date for this tourna- next meeting of the cabinet on Wed- more than its share again this year. rangements for practice teach- ment is March 7, with the competi- nesday, March 6. After the grim totals had been duly ing next year. tion to begin at 7 p. m. Dan Stein, Joyce Kundert, Mary Betty Punton Pictured here are calculated and pro-rated it was found Anyone interested in entering the NOTICE and Rudolph Jenson, leaders of the grand march for the Skirt and Sweater that Belvidere Olson, Sheldon Co-ed, NOTICE tournament may sign up until Tues- Alpha Phi Omega meeting Prom in the Gym, March 6. Virgil DeCamp, Russell Gibson, Hi Fuller, was the proud owner of the coveted Student Commission meeting day on one of the bulletin boards Tuesday at 5:45 in Ceres hall. Tom Buck, Verne Hook and John LeDosquet, will be in line in the order cup annually presented to the cow Tuesday at 4 p. m. in the Alumni in Science hall, Morrill hall, Men's There will be initiation services named. Upper classmen are cordially invited to this "Swing Session," milking champ. office. Residence hall, the Dugout or the followed by a picture for the at which Babe Scott's orchestra will play. In the fitting and showing contests, —Art Lahlum, pres. YMCA office. Bison at 7:20. Samae 3E3 36 Will that be the score tonight? Whatever it is, you'll rate 100 percent with the girl friend if you take her to the gay POWERS COFFEE SNOT after the game. All the college crowd from both State and U will be there. Open till 1 a. m.

Page Two THE SPECTRUM Friday, March 1, 1940

from which he came ; the ideal parent ; the THE SPECTRUM family as a social institution ; getting along with Official publication of the students of the North Dakota Agricultural College published every Friday during the school year. people; choosing a mate; the problems of court- ..Are sororities ship; the technique of modern marriage; mod- Member ern parenthood, and legislation and the family. and fraternities Pssocialed Colleepiate Press Marriage education, vital to men and women alike, is available on this campus. Distributor of Collegiate Digest SNOB REPRIMENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTMING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. • abandon cultural barriers? College Publishers Representative There was once invented by an ingenious 420 MADISON AYE. NEW YORK. N. Y. FACTORIES? CHICAGO • BOSTON • LOS ARGUES • s“ gaancisco idealist an international language, designed to MEMBER NORTH CENTRAL PRESS ASSOCIATION. enable all races to converse with one another. See pages 20 and 27 of Entered as second class matter at the Agricultural College Station This creation of Esperanto was idealistic and has this week's Saturday Under the Act of March 8, 1879. gained little ground. Its object was to tear Evening Post. On sale TELEPHONE 7463 down the cultural barriers between races ; the EDITORIAL STAFF motive behind it was the desire to aid in the dis- Wednesday. 50. Editor-in-chief DON BLOOMQUIST solution of war. Although its aim was a worthy Managing Editor ALBERT THORWALDSON one, its terms were too idealisticfor the practical News Editor _JANE BLAIR Editorial Editor_ BARBARA GWYTHER world. Sports Editor .SAM TOCCHINSKY We, too, should aim at the abandonment of Staff Artist. .MAURINE STEINER Greek-Barb Question SPORTS WRITERS—Jack Garry, Dwight Lewis, George Rulon, La- international cultural barriers. The English Verne Knutson, Ray Toman. speaking countries have long been proud of their Flames Anew In FEATURE WRITERS—Catherine Casselman, Betty Mae Iliff, Alex MacGibbon, Loran Ladwig. amiable relations and feeling; while on the other Weekly Magazine EDITORIAL WRITERS—Don Hoag, Albert Hinkle, Lorraine Nat- hand, those same English speaking nations dis- talin. Philadelphia, Feb. 28. — All col- NEWS REPORTERS—James Ford, Bill Narum, Bill Hank, Virgil play no similar feeling toward other nations, al- DeCamp, Jean Hoeft, Patricia Bjorklund, Dick Crockett, Vir- though their relations may be as close. Similar lege students—"Greeks" and "barbs" ginia McMillan, Betty Lou Pannebaker, Rosemary McMahon alike — will find food for thought and Betty Reimche, Lorraine Olson, Kenneth Neumann, Harriet cultures create a common ground on which Shigley. groups may meet and hatreds immediately tend, argument in the March 2 issue of The Saturday Evening Post, wherein are BUSINESS STAFF to dissolve. Esperanto is, undoubtedly, too presented divergent views on the Business Manager ABNER 0. SELVIG idealistic for human races to reach, but working SOLICITORS— Bill Borderud, Reo Carr, Emily Oram, Phil Scott Greek-letter organizations. toward international friendship as an ideal would Margaret Weymouth Jackson, her- with all probability be as valuable. self a Pi Beta Phi and former secre- • marriage course? of course However, opposing any such attempt is the "MUST BE A SIOUX LOOSE"—By Maurine Steiner tary to a college dean, concerns her- continuous flow of propaganda from our popular self fictionally with some of the less Contrary to common knowledge, NDAC publications. Two weeks ago a popular pictori- attractive aspects of the college soro- should be credited as being a pioneer in the pres- al magazine portrayed German men using the rity. In her short story, "Goon Castle" entation of courses in marriage and family rela- resources of their nation in war while their own — Mrs. Jackson tells of an attractive tionship. In 1926 Miss Alba Bales, Dean of girl who, upon failing to make a so- children starved behind the lines. A distorted, rority at her state university, comes Home Economics at that time, introduced a malnutrition-wracked child of Germany com- to the conclusion that her college ca- course in Home Economics for college men, in pared with the normal, healthy child of America NMI 611,1131[3n reer is ruined. But since there was order to give them an understanding of the served to animate any latent, antagonistic emo- more to Judith than her background, problems and opportunities in the home which tions of the readers toward German soldiers and Spring is still far away but that . .. Bill MacKinnon and Larry King she decides to see how the "other men should be able to share with women. An citizens. Such propaganda, counteracting any doesn't keep certain lads and lassies also have their fingers crossed in half" lives . . . a la domitory. What from getting ready for the big blow attempt was made to interpret the present day attempt at internationalism, is constantly con- hopes that the Tri Delts they took she finds in the "Goon Castle," con- when it does come, take for instance, young woman in her role as a wife and home- fronting the American public. tends Mrs. Jackson, is something too Jack Cronin and Shirley Putz, we out last weekend will appear on the many college students miss entirely. maker. The fact that the average enrollment scene . . . Bill Fowler and Tommy Propaganda is powerful, but once it has been hear that they are each looking for All the while that Mrs. Jackson is of each class for the first three years totaled evaluated it is full of loop holes. The majority new romances and Marion Anstett Stewart are looking forward to see- painting her picture of the problems 56 men, is evidence that the course was popu- of those who are able to evaluate it are only those and George Putz are due to be un- ing the Pi Phis again this weekend of the "Greeks" and the glories of the lar as well as successful. with a college education. Let us, therefore, be tangled any day now. Jane Broling because the girls were simply thrilled "barbs", Fred H. Turner, Dean of An article by Miss Bales on her new course, careful in our consideration of propaganda. It and Willie Boehrs for the third time at the way those cute boys danced. Men at the University of Illinois on appeared in the Journal of Home Economics, is the greatest barrier confronting the advance are calling it quits. Jane is showing Our one and only socialite, Kenny other pages of the same issue of the June, 1929. Reprints were made of the article, of international cooperation ; it must be removed, interest in Larry Wagner and she Archer, has evidently been black Post, labors on a canvas of a differ- and sent to colleges from coast to coast by the for only by cooperation can the world hope for may not know it, but Ray Fritz a balled by the college co-eds . . . Last ent theme which depicts the fraterni- Journal. Miss Bales was praised, as a pioneer a FEW days of peace ! —D. G. H. weekend Jane Gilbert, a junior in ties and sororities as filling a real in the field of family relationship instruction and WARNING TO SENIORS high school claimed his attention for need in the social lives of college stu- All senior students must re- two nights. dents. for fitting young people in college to meet the In part, Dean Turner says, "Fra- social problems of family life. turn their picture proofs to Voss' Ike Hougland got so excited the • a bison booster Studio before a picture can be other day when Toddy Nelson said ternity or activity life is not essential This course was in existence ten years made up for the Bison. March yes to his bid to the Theta Chi to the student, but if there is no fra- ago. Apparently students are under the im- If you do not like NDAC 15 is the FINAL deadline to party that he just couldn't keep it ernity or sorority life there will be pression that it is no longer available, since a Or the speed at which it goes ; get pictures in the yearbook. to himself . . . My how thrilling, a substitute for it in some form, request has been made for one. True, there is If you do not like its scenery young love. either dormitories, organized houses, or group system." no course offered entitled "Marriage," but con- Or its instructors or its shows ; roommate of Larry's also has been The Croix de Guerre for gallantry sider the curriculum. A course entitled "Fam- If you do not like the people giving her the once over. Also we in action this week goes to the fel- ily Relationships," open to senior women, and low in the halls the other day who That the AC fascinates, - might add that Marjorie Fields and junior and senior men, is taught by Dean Alice There are cars and trains now leaving Bob Nickols have decided to ter- made this remark, quote "These 15c PARK I5c Haley, and is available in the spring term. Dr. For schools in forty-seven states. minate their romance. twelve o'clock classes last so darn Sunday — Tuesday (Mar. 3-5th) Johanson teaches a course entitled "The The UND gals will probably enter long I think I have at last weaned "LOVE AFFAIR" myself." Well we just got wind of a Family," covering the social and economic prob- If you cannot boost our state school our campus this weekend en masse if what we hear is true . . . Del bad odor from the dugout and shall lems encountered in married life. In his bacteri- Where we all must come each day ; have to investigate—so long. ology curriculum Dr. Nelson includes excellent Mounts has his heart set on a Tri News and Cartoon If you cannot use the sunshine Delt by the name of Jeanne Reff material on social diseases. All of these courses To make glad somebody's way ; are available to all college students in all de- If you cannot join in boosting, FARGO • 25( unta.200 partments. Then you must have knocking traits ; STARTING SUNDAY Miss Haley's "Family, Relationships" course Theater Previews ROX They are holding classes daily "HIS GIRL FRIDAY" Theatre offered this spring term will include the, follow- In schools of forty-seven states. "His Girl Friday," starring Cary ing topics: The college student and the family Rosalind Russell March 1-2 —Lorraine Olson. Grant, Rosalind Russell, and Ralph "CAPTAIN I, URY" with Bellamy tells the story of modern me- Every Thursday Night ginna Garrity passed not one but TWO tropolitan life in a newspaper office. Brian Aherne June Lange 9 P. M. Only boxes of candy Monday night — must The story concerns the struggles of WDAY Hayloft Jamboree Peek At The Greeks be because she has such an extra Grant to prevent his ex-wife from re- March 3-6 Sun.-Wed. beautiful sparkler. marrying someone else. This picture GRAND • 15c until 2:30 "WHEN TOMORROW COMES" Guests at the POP winter party: begins Saturday at the Fargo and Comes the inevitable .. . the par- ler who visited Lee Hartwell . . . Evangeline Schwartz, Evelyn John- plays through Tuesday. STARTING SUNDAY with Irene Dunne ties — and this weekend the THETA New SIG pledge, Bob Rohs .. . the son, Avis Iverson, Mercedes Nelson, "The Light That Failed," is the "RETURN OF DR. X" Chas. Boyer CHI'S will share the limelight with boys are having a mixer Saturday June Probstfield and Eunice Mae Sol- story of a great artist and adventurer, Wayne Morris the U game on Friday, March 1, fes- night too they tell me . . . At this berg . . .They entertained the THETA played by Ronald Colman, who is Rosemary Lane tival hall—Rudy Jensen in charge — point may I say that I'm being very CHIS on Wednesday . . . GAMMA driven to despair by the coolness of ISIS Theater guests will be most of Beta Gamma humble about putting this Very Im- PHI open house on Friday-4 to 6— his sweetheart, also an artist, who is Mar. 3-5 , Sun.-Tues. Chapter and Phi Delts from the U— portant item way down in this para- Newly installed officers are: Presi- jealous of his success. He decides "DARK VICTORY" Saturday night pledges throw the graph (the SIGS just turned their dent, Mary See; Janice Follett, Rec- to paint a portrait of a woman called STARTING SUNDAY with winter term party for SAE — some news in—tsk) but Jim Fahrer has ording Secretary; Ruth Gunvaldsen, "Melancholia" to show up a similar "GOODBYE MR. CHIPS" parted with the little symbol again— Corresponding Secretary; Agnes Gun- and George Brent place. painting his girl is making. For his Robert Donat and then again maybe I'm just plain valdsen, Treasurer; Betty Cosgriff, KAPPAS will entertain their fath- model he selects a guttersnipe named March 6-7 Wed.-Thurs mad because KAPPA pledge Marge Rushing Chairman, and Helen Wor- Greer Garson ers at potluck Friday night and go "Bessie." This picture begins on DRAMATIC SCHOOL" Nees has had it for two whole months ner, Publicity Chairman . . . Gamma to the game afterwards . . . Tex says Thursday and plays through Friday. with and nobody told me! . .. I'm telling Tau of KAPPA newly elected offi- that the freshman prom is really Luise Rainer and myself that it's purely an oversight. cers will be installed on Wednesday— GRAND— gonna be sumpin' and you fellas bet- STARTING SUNDAY New president is Dolores McDowell. "The Return of Doctor X," opens March 8-9 ter start lining yourselves up — that's Potluck guests of the week—KD, Fri.-Sat. Well, time is fleeing as time is at the Grand for a two day run be- "THE WOMEN" "SAFETY IN NUMBERS" what Tex says . . . POPS pledged Maurine and Margurite Steiner, Phyl- wont to do so I guess I'll write finis ginning Sunday. Humphrey Bogart with Evelyn Johnson of Leeds and Avis lis Carlson, Ruth Johnson and Eve- Norma Shearer for this week and go look up a nickel- has the lead along with Wayne Morris The Jones Family Iverson of Fargo on Tuesday . . . lyn Johnson .. . Alpha Gam, Duane Joan Crawford Pile, Paul Sorkness, Clifford Glotz- odean that has the tune "Confucious and Rosemary Lane. The story con- Down to the Powers after. cerns the terror of a city in the back, Danny and Ed Olsen, and Mr. Say" . I'm within about two nickels New THETA CHI pledge . . . Rich of learning it by heart . . . If I can clutches of a vampire doctor who Iliff . . . POP, Alta Balerud, Doro- (remember the "Millers") Callahan— add that one to my repertoire I might kills in order to get daily transfusions Mothers Club meets there Wednesday thy Halbeisen, Avis Iverson, Evange- stand a chance of being the life of the of blood. After the Game . . • — Onliest guest was Howard Chand- line Schwartz . . . GAMMA PHI Re- party— if I ever went to a party. (Continued on Page 4) Come to the Interior Lumber and .Fuel Company START YOUR SAVINGS ACCOUNT .. Retail Yards in the Red River Valley North Dakota— Minnesota— Hillsboro With NORTHWESTERN Golden Maid Perley Main Office: Fargo, North Dakota Gardner Dilworth Horace SAVINGS and LOAN Glyndon Quality Building Mapleton The largest Institution of its kind in North Dakota. Comstock FARGO In business for 47 years. Wolverton Materials Cafe 838 N. P. Ave. Reserve Fund : $275,000. Fuel and Fuel Oil Security : First Mortgages on Modern Homes. A Jolly Crowd Insures A Pleasant Evening J. H. GRANT, Vice President 11 Broadway FARGO, NORTH DAKOTA CRYSTAL BALLROOM -- Dance Tomorrow Night, Saturday, Mar. 2 Lee Williams and his Orchestra Friday, March 1, 1940 THE SPECTRUM Page Three

PECTRUM Sioux Praying Herman Larson, Vern Johnson Intramural Bowling Baby Bison Favored PORT League Standing Over 'U' Papooses PECULATIONS For Victory; To Play In Final Home Game Show Three Way Tie Tuesday Night S By SAM TOLCHINSKY When Bob Lowe's Thundering Herd Herd Is Calm meets the NDU Sioux tonight, it will Tied for first place in the intra- Once more the Baby Bison and Pa- We of the Spectrum sports staff mural bowling league are the Theta pooses are preparing to battle and really left ourselves wide open when not only mark the final home game of Win For Bison Tonight Chi's, Engineers and the KSC's who we picked the AC team to win the the season for the Bison but it will once more the AC freshman basket- series in four straight. We forgot Will Cinch Share Of mark finis to the home appearances of were awarded one extra game during ball team will go into the game favor- that a little thing like four infractions Conference Title Herman Larson, captain, and Vern the week because of the discovery of ed over their northern rivals. of the rules does a lot towards equal- an error in scoring a previous game. Gil Olson, around whom Coach Red By SAM TOLCHINSKY Johnson, shifty little guard, both izing a game. On January 30 the KSC quint was Jarrett has built his University frosh I will bet we really get a blast From up the river comes the omin- graduating in June. given credit for one win and two los- cage team, may not see much action in the University paper that will be ous rumble of more than 3,500 flat Loss by graduation will be the in the game to be played on the Sioux coming down along with the Sioux feet slapping the ground in the tradiz lightest the Herd has felt in many ses in their games with the ATO court next Tuesday evening. He was rooters this afternoon. At any rate tional Sioux Sun Dance in a prayer years. Two of the big three on the team. At that time each team handi- bothered by an ailing knee when the we deserve it for going so far out on for a second victory over the Bison AC team will be coming back for ser- future Sioux went down in defeat by the limb and unconditionally picking in the present NDAC-NDU basketball STANDINGS: the Baby Bison Feb. 20, by a score of vice next year. the Herd in four straight. series. Team- L 46 to 32. Barney Toman, former AC student Larson, third in the conference A win over the Herd will knock KSC 11 7 Reports from the northland are now attending the Forx school called the AC team out of undisputed pos- scoring race, will be difficult for Lowe Theta Chi 11 7 that his knee has not responded to me on that. Among other things he session of the conference title, and to replace. His cool floor play and Engineers 11 7 treatment and has even gone back on said that I should never pick the AC with the exception of Barney Toman, handling of the ball was just as valu- Sigma Chi 9 9 him. over the U without leaving an out for Steve Ward and a few other former SAE 9 9 For the AC everything is shaping myself. Well, Barney may be dis- able to the team as his scoring. AC students who have migrated to ATO 9 9 up nicely despite some severe trounc- appointed in me but I'm saying that Hailing from Pleasant Lake, Lar- the teacher's college up north, the SPD 7 11 ings administered by the varsity in the Herd is good enough to win the son was a star on the freshman team U students would like nothing better YMCA 4 14 practice scrimmages. next two unless the referees step in than to present the title to SDS. four years ago. As a sophomore he CAPTAIN HERMAN LARSON Paul Odonovich and Lloyd Fercho and say our big three foul too much. But the consensus of opinion on was a regular on a weak Bison team capped itself unofficially. Don will start at forward with either Jim By the way, I wish some ardent the AC campus is not one of worry. A teammate of his was Lloyd Troseth INTRAMURAL BASKETBALL Sealander, secretary of the league, in `angburn or Jim Fletcher at cen- U supporter would explain why Especially about the game to be play- who missed the following year of re-checking the scores discovered that ter. Starting guards will be Bud Lem Herting took the ball away ed tonight at the AC field house. school before coming back to parti- STANDINGS cipate this year. the KSC scorer had given the ATO's Johnson and Edsel Boe. from the AC and gave it to the The Thundering Herd has begun DIVISION A U in this case. Captain Herman to ramp and roar during practice this As a junior, Larson held his posi- Kappa Sigs 10 0 1.000 too much of a bonus. The true Larson threw the ball in from week and for the first time since they tion despite the presence of many YMCA 7 3 .700 result was two wins instead of one won two games from the YMCA team out of bounds under the basket. won over the vaunted Bismarck sophomores on the team. He was a Coopes 7 3 .700 for the KSC team. who bowled 2,063. It slipped and rolled off the ends steady, capable ball player but it was Dugout 4 6 .400 Phantoms, have looked like the team Last Tuesday the Engineers crept The two leading teams ran into dif- of his fingers, hit the bottom of Kappa Psi 3 7 .300 which should be conference champs. into a first place tie by sweeping their ficulty. The Theta Chi's lost two the backboard and bounced into Dorm 3 8 .273 If Coach Lowe doesn't lose two or three games with the SAE team out of three to the ATO trundlers, the court. Cliff Nygard was right SAE 2 9 .182 there and took control of the ball. three men with broken bones, or be- which last week was in second place. and the KSC boys bowed to the SPD But Herting called it back and DIVISION B The Sigma Chi's, bowling ony 2,038 bowlers twice also. gave it to the U out of bounds. There will be an all-college Alpha Gamma Rho 8 1 .889 If someone will explain the ruling dance in the Field House after Gym 8 2 .800 to me it will save a lot of work the game. 25 cents per couple. Sigma Chi 7 • 3 .700 on my part. Theta Chi 6 5 .545 I'm always leaving myself wide cause of fouls, the Thundering Herd Mech. Eng. 3 6 .333 open by taking cracks at people but will be in good shape and may find Sigma Phi Delta 1 8 .111 here is one I just can't resist. I the Sioux vulnerable in more than one Alpha Tau Omega 1 9 .100 noticed that the box score in the way. Grand Forks Herald gave Fred Gran Lowe has been experimenting with not until this year that he blossomed credit for only one field goal in the Vern Johnson at forward and John into one of the team's stars. Sioux victory. Having sat at the Abbott back at guard, just in case With Vernon 'Chink' Johnson, the official's table and kept score myself they are needed. He will stick with story has been different. „Although I knew that was wrong. So I com- his starting lineup of the past few a letter winner in track for the past pared C. D. Locklin's box score with games, Larson and Abbott at for- two years he was delegated to three the box score of Eugene Fitzgerald, wards, Arnold Johnson at center and years of intramural ball before var- Fargo Forum sports editor. Here is Tanberg and Nygard as guards, to sity ball. He has seen a lot of ac- what I found out. open the game. tion this year and probably ranks as Locklin gives Larry Tanberg credit However he will be able to shift his VERN 'CHINK' JOHNSON surprise number 1 this season. for 2 field goals and 4 free throws. players more this week with the re- Fitzgerald says Larry got only 3 free turn of Pat Twomey, reserve center, throws and 2 field goals. Locklin to the bench. Pat has been out for gives only 1 bucket and 2 free throws two weeks with a bad knee and the YOU GET THESE EXTRAS to Captain Larson. Fitz very gen- team has missed him. Arrow ties are cut so they tie into perfect knots erously gives him three free throws. For the Sioux, it is rumored they with our . and their special lining resists wrinkles ! On the University side of the ledger will be coming down south minus the Locklin has 7 goals from the floor and services of Norman Leafe, who start- 2 free throws for Stevenson. Fitz- ed against the AC last week. ARROW TRUMP SHIRT r.. gerald is satisfied to give him only 6 Coach Letich, however, has found and 2. Homme gets 1 and 1 from a capable lineup with Gran at center, the Grand Forks paper and only 1 Stevenson and Homme, forwards, and field goal from the Fargo paper. Gran Lutgen and Peterson, guards. is given 3 buckets and 2 free throws by Fitzgerald and only 1 bucket but NOTICE 3 free throws by Locklin. The Sigma Chi basketball And since Fitzgerald always checks teams of the AC and the Univer- his score with the official scorer after sity will meet tomorrow morning a game, the only thing I can assume at 10 a. m. at the fieldhouse. is that Locklin is wrong. It doesn't matter in the final outcome of the entered through a second story win- game, but all of these tabulations of the individual scoring is based on dow. Officials for tonight's game You'll have to go a long way to find better newspaper reports. If Locklin has will be Rudy Harris again, and fabrics or patterns in a $1 tie ! Arrow Ties been making mistakes like that all Les Barnard of Minneapolis, who season, it is liable to change the lead the way in style ! will be officiating at his first Bi- scoring race so that our Arnold John- Go see your Arrow dealer today and take son-Sioux clash: son may be beaten out of his top posi- EXTRA your pick of spring Arrow ties—you'll be tion, or it may even lower the total SillurvEss crazy about 'em ! $1. others at $1.50. of his chief competitor. Then again, that may have been the only game eri . Dance Programs c.olan ar w bases been Locklin was wrong in scoring. o ca's favorite LI There are lots of memories maker for 77 . ". Arrow Tip after the disastrous game at the C U. Outstanding is the discovery We can give you suggestions for 1°redaCOPlieZeellY of a cornerstone of a certain novel and attractive Programs building on the Sioux campus and Folders. marked TEACHERS COLLEGE MCDDDDX. No further proof CONFUCIUS SAYS .. . than that should be needed when Knight Printing Co. Only $2 we talk of the Normal School at Wise man buys his . . 619 N. P. Avenue Dial 7359 the Forx. Come in today and get this extra special shirt Spring Suit and Overcoat early .. . The big nickel trophy that the Sioux football team won last fall is missing from the trophy case. Better selection to The stand on which it used to rest Globe Clothing Co. is on display at the Theta Chi Seeds • • • choose from at house but the nickel is nowhere Ceresan for Grain, Semesan Bell 102 Broadway FARGO, NORTH DAKOTA to be seen. for Potatoes, Semesan Jr. for Siegel's . . . Si el Sitting in the Dacotah Garden Corn, Formaldehyde for Grain. — Room with Pat Dustin and Billie See your local dealer and insist 424 Front Street clothing co. Therkelson (I promised them I on Seeds from .. . "OUT OF THE HIGH RENT DISTRICT" would put their names in print) watching the amateur show, I "A GAY PLACE" .. . got a kick out of listening to Magill & Co. Manny Marget, sports announcer FARGO SEED HOUSE over KVOX, sing a song. It Everyone Is Heard To Talk Of The STUDENTS . wasn't bad at all. I wonder if he got a prize? ? ? Casey Finnegan is going to attempt Your proof must be returned imme. to make the Sioux team feel at home BROADWAY tonight. He is having extra bleach- SHOE SERVICE diately or your picture will not ers erected under the baskets to ac- Where Old Shoes and Friendly commodate the overflow crowd. Stu- Le Chateau Mechanics meet .. . dents had better come early and avoid appear in the those seats. 512 Broadway FARGO In Such Terms. Some novel ways of getting in- Et I S 0 N to a game free were uncovered last weekend. A couple of the "Expert Watch and Jewelry Gloss prints for Fraternity or Sorority groups must boys borrowed uniforms and Repairing" be called for at the Studio and handed in personally. horns and played in John How- Pay us a visit after the game tonight ard's band without anyone being WIMMERS the wiser. , Fargo Jewelry Mfg. Co. and you'll say the same. "VOSS" PORTRAITS are BEAUTIFUL. And there is a rumor that some AC "Walk a flight and buy Right" _. sympathizer scaled the wall and

New Top Coats Are Here You can trade in your old Also New Spring Suits and TED EVANSON Top Coat as down Spring Hats. 319 Broadway CLOTHINU Fargo, N. D. payment.

Page Four THE SPECTRUM Friday, March 1, 1940 Women's Sports Bison Brevities Tickets To Phi Mu's To Have Theater Previews YMCA Opens Coffee (Continued From Page Two) Forum Series Tuesday By EUNICE WARNER Anniversary Party STATE— First in this year's series of Coffee Go On Sale Today At 4 Celebrating the eighty-eighth an- Forums sponsored by the YMCA, The Camp Leadership class pres- niversary of the founding of Phi Mu Susannah of the Mounties," with Abner Selvig, Bison Brevities ticket with Andrew Petersen in charge, is eented marionettes they have made. sorority, local members will hold a comes to the State sales manager, has made final ar- scheduled for Tuesday at 4 p .m. in Among the marionettes represented program and dinner at the Graver rangements for his extensive cam- Friday and Saturday. The film de-' the Fireside room. were Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Hotel March 4 at 7 p. m. paign upon which rests the finan- picts the struggle between the In- "Which Way Out ?" is the topic for Butch and Josie, Sleeping Beauty, Phi Mu, second oldest of the na- cial fate of the show. dians and the Canadian Mounties at discussion. Three student speakers and prize fighters. tional Greek letter sororities, was will present the capitalistic, com- The ticket sales contest will the time the Canadian Pacific Rail- * * * * founded March 4, 1852 at Wesleyan road was pushing west. Randolph munistic and socialistic points of open tonight at 4 p. m. with rep- college in Macon, Ga. The ping pong tournament is get- Scott and Margaret Lockwood are the view, followed by questions from resentatives of the competing Each under-graduate and alumna ting under way with the second and featured players in the film. the floor. Free coffee will be organizations getting final in- will bring a penny for each year of third round of both the singles and served. structions from Selvig and Busi- the sorority's age. In general charge "Goodbye Mr, Chips," deals with the doubles being played this week. the story of an English schoolmaster ness Manager Myrle Anderson of the banquet is Betty Olson, as- * * * * at a meeting in the Brevities of- sisted_ by Jessie Gibb and Margaret who comes to a big school as a young Students Attention ... Outstanding attraction in the gym fice at 3 o'clock. Pile. New officers will be announc- man, becomes loved and respected, meets a beautiful girl who dies leaving this week is the annual inter-sorority Any organization on the campus ed at the banquet. You can get a Haircut — Tonic— basketball tournament, Ceres Hall is eligible to compete for the two him with a great kindness in his heart Double massage — Shampoo — and the Independents also being rep- victory trophies offered; the contest for all of his charges. He shapes the Oil — All for .. . resented. Captains of the teams is not for fraternities and sororities New Dressing Room careers of future great men and are as follows: Gamma Phi Beta, Bet- only. One of the trophies will be pilots the school during the world $1.00 ty Carnine; Kappa Kappa Gamma, given to the women's organization Nears Completion war. The cast is headed by Robert Kathleen Benson; Phi Omega Pi, selling the most tickets, and the other Donat and Greer Carson, and comes Work is nearing completion on Sunday at the State. SAM 'NELSON'S June Pfau; Alpha Gamma Delta, Ma- to the outstanding men's group. The the new Festival hall dressing room, rie Letness; Kappa Delta, Loretta contest closes April 2 at four o'clock. being constructed to accommodate "Calling Philo Vance," with James Barber Shop Brandt; Phi Nu, Helen Slingsby; A faculty committee will check visiting lyceum artists and Brevities Stephenson, Marget Stevenson, Hen- 301 Broadway Ceres Hall, Cheryl Hanson; Independ- the results of the contest to in- talent. Funds for the project were ry O'Neil, and Edward Prophey starts In basement of the Coffee Shop Wednesday. ents, Jessamine Haas. sure proper distribution of prizes. ANN MURPHY, script girl for the contributed by four campus organiza- * * * * No tickets sold by an employee of the Bison Brevities, is shown above. She tions, Women's Senate, Senior Staff, business staff will be allowed to Results of the first inter-sorority will shoulder most of the burden for Blue Key, and 'the Board of Pub- count. basketball game are as follows: Inde- directing the speaking cast of The lic Speaking Control, to aid A. G. Ticket prices have been set at 50 pendents won over the Pops Tuesday, Blue Key Turns. Arvold, originator of the plan. cents for students and 75 cents for BIG RED GROCERY and the Kappa Delta's defeated the Large, lighted mirrors and plumb- adults at each of the evening per- AND Phi Mu's. • More games are slated ing facilities are features of the new formances; and 25 cents at the spe- Hook; Kappa Sigma Chi, Kenny for next week. dressing room, which will be available MEAT MARKET cial matinee. All seats will be re- Neumann; Sigma Chi, Tommy Ste- * * * * for Eva Le Gallienne and her com- served for the evening performances, wart, and Sigma Phi Delta, Harry pany. Telephone 5565 FARGO, N. D. Members of the Women's Riffle and ticket purchasers must call the Woll. Ttam are to shoot a shoulder to Brevities office to make reservations. shoulder match against the Fargo A ticket does not guarantee a seat Women's Athletic Club on the AC unless the holder has called for res- range Sunday. This is a yearly match, ervations ahead of time. Spring Clothes.. the losers taking the winners to Organizations entered in the sales dinner. Members of the rifle team contest to date and their represen- The Time Has Come To Chesterfield's are Helen Restvedt, Betty Green- tatives are: Sigma Alpha Epsilon, shields, Vera Woodridge, Betty Carn- Don Husted; Theta Chi, K. Anderson; BUY THAT SPRING SUIT ine, Valdis Knudsen, Margaret Fair- Alpha Gamma Delta, June Persing- Be Sure To Stop At ... ley, Betty Lou Johnson, Jo Erickson, er; Gamma Phi Beta, Eleanor Ber- Twin Pleasures are Harriet Shigley, and Evelyn Olson. gan; Kappa Delta, Allis Larson; The A. C. also shot postal matches Phi Mu, Mary Matze; Phi Omega Pi, MEL HAGEN'S Wednesday against Cornell, Lousiana Helen Greenland; Kappa Kappa University, Kentucky University, Gamma, Mary McCannel; Ceres Hall, For the very Latest of Styles South Dakota University and Coe Lois Loren; Kappa Psi, James Han- College. son; Alpha Gamma Rho, Dick 103 Broadway FARGO * * * * Crockett; Alpha Tau Omega, Verne This week's honors in riflery go to .Rea/Mialfters Margaret Fairley, 99; Hollace Beall, 97; Vera Wooldridge, 97; Lois Hefti, Buy a $5.50 Mealbook 95; Ruth Kellesvig, 95. STUDENTS! erred m 95; Ruth Kellsvig, 95. for $5.00 NOTICE VIKING CAFE Entries in the YMCA ping-pong tournament Tnust be in by Tues- day„ March 5. .Beifer lade

Will all members of the YMCA Recreational Equipment .. . hockey team meet at the rink Badminton Sets Each $3.35 You can't mistake the tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'clock to have pictures taken. Table Tennis Sets Each $1.00 Shuffleboard Sets Each $4.25 extra pleasure you get Athletic Handbooks for Archery, Tennis, Riding, Swim- from Chesterfields. New York Hairdressing ming, Speedball, Field Hockey Each .25 Because of their right Academy NORTHERN SCHOOL SUPPLY CO. 8th St. and N. P. Avenue FARGO, N. D. combination of the world's Finger Wave 15c Shampoo 15c best cigarette tobaccos, Manicure 15c Facial 25c Chesterfields give you a Arch 15c Henna Pack 25c Beat the 'EY cooler, better-tasting and Any 3 15c services for 30c on Mon., Tues., Wed. and Thurs. Try our New 10c Special on Extra definitely milder smoke. York Oil Permanent Wave $1.00. All work by students under super- Heavy Malted Milks vision of licensed instructors. You can't buy a better cigarette

chd aNal col Trade Bison Bowl cileasley Dial 5950 Leslie H. Schroeder, in your old Pen Prop. on a . . . New Waterman Ideal Pen .. . Liberal Allowance

Satisfaction Guaranteed ':... or your money OPPORTUNITIES stage and screen Opportunities are of value only to those who are prepared to make EASLIES TWINS, pleasure, it's refunded When the 11 your use of them. The business world offers more opportunities to train- skating stars, perform for which to ten which is • •you • ed workers than all other lines of work put together. impossible pleasures almost For a short time only If interested in a course in business training, call at the office or but you can't mistake the twin Chesterfield's REAL MILDNESS and write for catalog. • get in Interstate Business College BETTER TASTE. Office Specialties FARGO, NORTH DAKOTA

Company EVERYDAY SCIENCE One of the most interesting publications offered by our Washington information Bureau is a booklet titled EVERYDAY SCIENCE that answers in the language of Fargo's Pen Headquarters the layman hundreds of questions about the stars, the weather, animals, plants; the natural features of the earth and the study of the mind. Whether young or old, you will find in this helpful 48-page booklet many fascinating facts whose existence 115 Broadway Dial 5533 you have probably never even suspected. And you will get real pleasure, too, in knowing the how and why of so many ordinary things. Send for your copy today. Ten Cents postpaid. USE THIS COUPON THE FARGO FORUM INFORMATION BUREAU FREDERIC J. HASKIN, Director DAKOTA PHOTO Washington, D. C. I enclose herewith TEN CENTS in coin (carefully wrapped in paper) for a copy EN-GRAM c Co. of the booklet, EVERYDAY SCIENCE. ILLU.ITRATOR, D N E R_/* he Cook;-7 .. ette)--Tastlizg ENGRAVER! LITHO PLATE MAKER/ Name Street or Rural Route FARGO NO. DAK. City State DEFINITELY :MILbER Cigar-ette (Mail to Washington, D. C.) Copyright 1940, LxGorrr & MYERS TOBACCO