
March 7th by Lynne Belluscio The LeRoy Historical Society Ida Fuller was the first person to will kick off its Diamond Jubilee receive a Social Security check. year with a grand celebration at In LeRoy, a magnificent proj- the LeRoy House on March 7. ect was undertaken to record with Tickets are now available at $40 a camera, the people and places per person. If you are interested of LeRoy. LeRoy had 26 indus- in attending this gala evening, th tries. There were 1,192 students call the office at 768-7433 or 75 in high school and 8 rural school contact Anne Fox or Michele districts with three school buses Penepento, who are coordi- ANNIVERSARY that transported 50 students into nating the event. Town. A cash bar and appe- Politically there were tizers will be served LeRoy 1,607 registered Repub- between 5 and 6, licans and 500 Dem- followed by dinner. Historical Society ocrats. There were 114 The D&R Depot has 1940 2015 people on relief, 9 receiv- graciously agreed to ing funds from the gov- cater the evening and ernment sewing project Kent Auctioneers will and 15 were on the WPA be providing their ser- project. vices for the live auc- Andretti, Willie Stargell, Chuck Stewart. The classic film about The Village was served tion. Everyone is encouraged to Norris, James Caan, Cale Yar- the Great Depression “Grapes by 5 local grocery and meat stores wear a tie and to bring a borough, Herbie Hancock, Al of Wrath” starred . as well as five neighborhood handful of dollar bills that will be Pacino, Ricky Nelson, Bernard Spencer Tracy and Robert Young stores and four chain stores. used to gather votes. The winner Shaw, Tom Jones, Nancy Sinatra, starred in “North West Passage.” Fruits and vegetables were sold with the most votes, gets to keep Bruce Lee, Chuck Mangione, and Charles Boyer house to house and three dairies their money. Dionne Warwick, Frank Zappa, starred in “All This and Heaven provided pasteurized cream and Not only was 1940 the year that Ringo Starr, James Brolin, Mar- Too.” and Mick - milk. Town and Village work- the Historical Society ventured tin Sheen, Raquel Welch, John ey Rooney were in the musi- ers received 40 cents an hour. out to help preserve the com- Lennon, and Pele. cal “Strike up the Band.” Bing Twenty five people commuted munity’s heritage, it was also a Some great music was intro- Crosby, and Dorothy daily to Rochester. There were year that the LeRoy Rotary Club duced in the same year: In the Lamore starred in “Road to Sin- seven doctors, five lawyers, five began serving the community. Mood; A Nightingale Sang in gapore.” And the Western “Santa dentists, five chiropractors and The world was at war. Germany Berkley Square; Fools Rush In; Fe Trail” starred Errol Flynn and one osteopath. was invading Denmark, Belgium Imagination; Tuxedo Junction; Ronald Regan. Come join us for a nostalgic and France. Italy entered the war. It’s The Same Old Shillelagh; It cost 3 cents to send a first evening with good food, good Winston Churchill was elected I’m Nobody’s Baby; Maybe; class letter and unemployment company and good memories. Prime Minister of England and Trade Winds; Only Forever; The was at 14.6%. On January 31, yet there was a sense of normalcy Breeze and I; Indian Summer; that still prevailed. I’ll Never Smile Again; Because It was the year that M&Ms of You; , Bothered were introduced, as well as York and Bewildered; Blueberry Hill; Peppermint Patties. Tiffany’s Falling Leaves; Hi Diddle Dee in New York City became the Dee; High On a Windy Hill; How first fully air-conditioned store. High the Moon; The Last Time I Businesses that The first commercial flight with Saw Paris; Let There Be Love; pressurized cabins was made. and lest you forget - - Polka Dots ADVERTISE Jeep was introduced and plasma and Moonbeams. Stay in became known as a substitute Families would gather around for whole blood. The first Dairy the radio in the evening to hear Business Queen opened in Joliet, Illinois the latest news and “Superman” and the first McDonald’s opened and “Truth or Consequences” in Pasadena, California. Not to made their debut. And there be outdone, the original recipe were some great movies - - Walt for Kentucky Fried Chicken, Disney’s “Pinocchio” and “Fan- developed by Harland Sanders, tasia.” starred in was introduced. A long list of “North West Mounted Police” 585.768.2201 well-known people were born and starred in 1 Church St., LeRoy, NY 14482 in 1940: Jack Nicklaus, Fran “The Great Dictator.” The “Phil- www.leroyny.com