
Chi Deuteron Charge Constitution


Article I-Purpose ...... 2

Article II-Mission...... 2

Article III-Membership...... 2

Article IV-Officers...... 4

Article V- Recruitment, Rush, and Pledging...... 7

Article VI-Meetings...... 8

Article VII- Voting...... 8

Article VIII-Judicial Proceeding and Disciplinary Action...... 9

Article IX- Dues...... 9

Article -Amendment...... 10

Article I Purpose This document will serve as the supreme governing authority of the Gamma Deuteron charge of Theta Delta Chi fraternity. All protocol outlined reflects the most appropriate methods of operation for this individual charge. Furthermore, each of the following provisions seeks to support the best interests of each brother as well as ensure the stability and success of Gamma Deuteron as a whole.

Article II Mission The Gamma Deuteron Charge seeks to maintain a cohesive and loyal brotherhood which will continually strive towards moral, social, and academic excellence. We seek to broaden our scope and influence by continuing to recruit quality members on the University of Michigan campus. It is our ultimate goal that through the bonds of brotherhood our members will mutually benefit and grow as men. Through our collaborative efforts we will also be able to improve the Ann Arbor and campus communities.

Article III Membership Section I Eligibility Membership is open to all male University of Michigan students. Gamma Deuteron welcomes diversity and encourages all men fulfilling these basic criteria to participate in the rush process.

Section II Qualifications Brothers will be chosen at the conclusion of a rush process based on their merits and quality attributes alone. Members are expected to be dedicated and loyal to their fellow brothers and the charge as a whole from their initiation forward.

Section III Selection Members will be chosen after a series of social rush events where brothers will have the opportunity to meet and evaluate individuals as potential fits for our fraternity. Regardless of the manner that rush is conducted, a personal interview before at least six members of the fraternity, including two executive board members, must occur before giving a bid. The Executive Board will be in charge of officially voting on which rushes receive a final bid into Theta Delta Chi. In addition to the Executive Board, one representative from each pledge class, chosen by the respective pledge class, will sit with the Board in the decision making process. Each representative will meet with their own pledge class to discuss their decisions and thoughts, while one member of the Executive Board will sit in silence. Each representative must have attended at least ¾ of the rush events, and must be on good standings in the Fraternity as deemed by the Operations Officer.

Section IV Bid Withdrawal A bid can be withdrawn from a member at any point during their pledge term for any reason deemed necessary by the fraternity. Any brother at any formal meeting can call a vote for dismissal on such grounds. Only a simple majority vote will be necessary for a bid to be withdrawn.

Section V Housing It shall be understood that all members will live in fraternity housing. Unless extenuating circumstances apply as decided by the executive board, failure of a member to comply with fraternity housing will lead to a membership review for that brother. Each year, the executive board will determine an appropriate method to rank members’ priorities to select their rooming situations. This rooming selection prioritization method will take into account seniority, positions held in the fraternity, and participation in fraternity events. In the event that official fraternity housing cannot house all members, priority to live in other housing will be given to members with the highest ranks in the rooming selection prioritization method.

Section VI Good Standing All discussion in this document of brothers’ abilities to vote, run for office, and participate in meetings assumes that they retain good standing with the fraternity. To be in good standing, brothers must adhere to all fraternity rules and policies outlined in the constitution or otherwise adopted by the fraternity. Any violations will result in a loss of good standing. The executive board will determine on a case by case basis the amount of time or actions required by the brother in order to regain good standing. (a) Minimum Brotherhood Requirements In an effort to ensure the brotherhood is continually striving to improve one another intellectually, morally, and socially, all brothers must fulfill the following minimum requirements each semester: pay dues on time; complete 5 hours of community service (failure to complete service requirements will result in $25 added on to next semester’s dues per hour missed); attend one campus programming event, such as a speaker or panel discussion, approved by the executive board; maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.5, unless on an academic support plan approved by the Scholarship Chair; and have no unannounced meeting absence unless extenuating circumstances apply. (b) Personal Conduct Brothers are expected to always act in a gentlemanly behavior and exemplify the core values of Theta Delta Chi. If a brother is involved in an incident that violates any such value, responsibility to interpret whether he retains good standing will reside with the President. The Executive Board may also make the determination that the President does not retain good standing.

Article IV Officers Section I Positions A system of officers will be in place in order to ensure that charge responsibilities are fulfilled and that the provisions declared in this constitution are recognized and practiced. The available officer positions will be classified into one of two categories: The Executive Board and chair positions.

Section II The Executive Board The Executive Board will consist of the following positions: Office of the President, Vice President of Membership, Office of the Treasurer, Office of the Recording Secretary, Herald, Operations Officer and Social Chair. These positions will be held for a term of one year. The Executive Board will hold authority in decisions not explicitly stated in Article VII or may determine when involving the fraternity in these decisions is appropriate. (a) Office of the President The President will ensure that all fraternity decisions are enacted appropriately. He will be responsible for organization and delegation of specific tasks and will oversee all fraternity operations. The President will preside over meetings and facilitate discussion and decision-making. He is largely responsible for communication with outside organizations and he or his designee will act as the chief representative of the fraternity and a liaison to the national office. Although the President cannot alter the officer positions stated in the Constitution, he has the ability to create committees as necessary. (b) Office of the Vice President The Vice President is responsible for the welfare of internal membership and group unity. He will work closely with the President and act as an intermediary between brothers and the president when necessary. Additionally, the Vice President will oversee and participate in managing all chair positions not on the Executive Board. He will act as an instructor for the chairs, holding necessary meetings to provide them with guidance. In the event that the President resigns or is otherwise dismissed from office, the Vice President will assume the Presidential title and duties. (c) Office of the Treasurer The Treasurer will manage the fraternity’s monetary situation. He is responsible for maintaining a balanced budget, which details all fraternal transactions as well as collecting and depositing dues in a timely manner. The Treasurer will allocate funds efficiently to various areas of the fraternity based on the instruction from the Executive board. (d) Office of the Recording Secretary The Recording Secretary is in charge of all administrative manners. He must keep accurate records of attendance and the content discussed at official fraternity meetings as well as keep records of other relevant dealings. He will also maintain an updated roster of charge members and their information. The Recording Secretary will be responsible for reserving fraternity meeting space from the University for formal meetings. (e) Herald It shall be the duty of the Herald to open and close the meetings; to usher the candidate for initiation into the hall in due form, and to keep in order the regalia of the Charge. The Herald will also be responsible for insuring that fraternity rituals, tradition and values are practiced in accordance with Theta Delta Chi doctrine. Additionally, the Herald will be responsible for facilitating member education and related matters. (f) Operations Officer The Operations Officer is primarily responsible for the revising of bylaws and the addition of amendments to the constitution. He is also in charge of auditing the treasurer to ensure fiscal stability. Lastly, he will ensure that fraternity events run smoothly and cohesively. This includes, but is not limited to enforcing participation at mandatory fraternity events. (g) Social Chair The Social Chair will coordinate a variety of social events including weekly brotherhood events. He is also in charge of all relations with Pan-Hellenic organizations, including but not limited to serenades, mixers, and joint fraternity events. The social chair is also responsible for formulating a 4-member committee in charge of event coordination. This should include the Pledge Class President, the Pledge Class Vice President, a brother of age to purchase alcohol and 1 other brother.

Section III Chair Positions Chair positions will be as follows: Service Coordinator, Recruitment Chair, Pledge Education Chair, Advertising Chair, House Manager, Alumni Chair, Scholarship Chair and Risk Manager (Sergeant at Arms). Chair positions will serve terms of one semester, and one brother may not hold more than one position. (a) Service and Sustainability Chair The Service Coordinator works to ensure that Gamma Deuteron is actively participating in philanthropic work at all times. He will work with external organizations to plan productive philanthropy events or organize volunteer events independently. He will set minimum standards that brothers are expected to fulfill in terms of volunteering hours and ensure that each brother is working to meet that requirement. (b) Recruitment Chair The Recruitment Chair is in charge of efforts to recruit new members. He works closely with the advertising chair as well as the Vice President to increase awareness and interest in Theta Delta Chi, recruit members, and organize rush events. (c) Pledge Education Chair The Pledge Education Chair can be a dual position. A person can either run as the sole pledge education chair or on a ticket with two pledge education chairs. A brother however, may not run on more than one ticket per election. He or they are responsible for supervising the pledges for the duration of their pledge term. He or they must implement a comprehensive pledge program, which includes elements of Theta Delta Chi education, pledge and pledge/brother bonding, and Philanthropy. This program must set expectations for initiation and a measurable way of achieving that goal. (d) Advertising Chair The Advertising Chair works to create ways to promote the fraternity and its events on campus. Specific areas of promotion include but are not limited to rush, social events, and apparel design. He will also be responsible for sending out the Deut Toot to all alumni. The Advertising chair is also responsible for updating and maintaining the fraternity website unless otherwise specified by the President. (e) House Manager The House Manager needs to be a live-in brother. He is primarily responsible for the collection of rent and utilities. The House Manager will provide a system to ensure the cleanliness of the fraternity house, which will be evenly delegated among all active members. If a brother fails to fulfill cleaning responsibilities, the House Manager has the right bring the issue to the executive board, which will decide on disciplinary action. The House Manager is also responsible for organizing clean up after meals, social events, and brotherhood events. He will have extra keys to all of the rooms in the house ensuring the safety of the facility. The House Manager does not have the right to go into any locked brother room, unless the brother who lives in the room gives consent or there is an emergency that requires immediate attention as determined by the executive board. He will also keep documentation of damages to the house by brothers. (f) Alumni Relations Chair The Alumni Relations Chair is responsible for promoting and preserving a strong relationship with the alumni. This includes the organization all alumni events, including but not limited to Homecoming and alumni song night. (g) Scholarship Chair The Scholarship Chair is responsible for promoting the improvement of academics in the fraternity. It will be his duty to ensure an academic support plan for the brothers is being carried out as he sees fit. (h) Risk Manager (Sergeant at Arms) The risk manager will be responsible for making sure all social gatherings are safe for all who attend. He will appoint sober monitors for future parties and keep a running list of who has been a sober monitor in past parties. He will assure that all fraternity events adhere to S.E.M.P. rules. Lastly, the Risk Manager will try to ensure that no brother is driving over the legal limit, as stated by the State of Michigan or the location in which the event resides. If a brother is found doing so, the risk manager will bring the issue to the executive board and a proper punishment, as deemed by the executive board, will be enforced.

Section IV Eligibility Initiated brothers in good standing may campaign for chair offices. Brothers must serve at least one active semester before they may campaign for an Executive Board position. Additionally, brothers must be able to confidently conclude that they will be able to effectively serve their entire term of office. Brothers who know they will be away from the University for an extended period of time or who are not enrolled students are not permitted to run.

Section V Election Executive Board elections will take place in November and the newly elected officer will actively begin their term at the commencement of the second semester/winter term. Chair elections will occur in December however, an additional election will occur in April for the chair positions for fall semester. Voting for officers will take place in the manner discussed in Article VII. A majority rather than plurality is needed for an officer to be elected. If there are more than two candidates and no candidate receives a majority there will be a run-off election between the top two vote getters. In the event of a tie at any point, even if it is for the second place vote getter (assuming the first place vote getter did not receive a majority), the officers will re-vote on the candidates that previously received a tie. All members are forbidden to discuss balloting results beyond the winner following elections. Those eligible will be permitted to run for multiple positions but can only hold the first office to which they are elected. Positions will be determined in the following order: Office of the President, Vice President of Membership, Office of the Treasurer, Office of the Recording Secretary, Herald, Operations Officer, Social Chair, Service Coordinator, Recruitment Chair, Pledge Education Chair, Advertising Chair, House Manager, Alumni Chair, Scholarship Chair and Risk Manager (Sergeant at Arms).

Section VI Reelection There will be no term limit that a brother may serve for chair positions. Executive Board positions will be limited to a maximum of two terms of office.

Section VII Removal All officer positions are subject to removal by the voting method discussed in Article VII. Officers may also resign from their position at any time. In either of these cases, an election which will take place at the following meeting to replace that office and as many subsequent elections as necessary will occur to fill any positions let vacant. To be eligible to fill a vacant position one may already hold office but can only run for a position higher than their in the hierarchy listed in Section V. All non-officers who qualify to run for election may also run. In the case of the resignation or removal of the President, the Vice President will obtain the Presidential title and duties and the office of the Vice President will be up for election in the manner just described.

Article V Recruitment, Rush, and Pledging Section I Recruitment Brothers are expected to actively participate in the recruitment of new brothers throughout their time as a student at the University of Michigan. It is each brother’s responsibility to make efforts to expand and strengthen the Gamma Deuteron charge.

Section II Rush The time that rush will commence, its duration, and the details of specific rush events will be determined at the beginning of each semester.

Section III Pledging A pledge process is mandatory for all brothers following their acceptance of a bid. During this time pledges will prove their dedication and commitment to the fraternity, come to know their fellow pledges and active brothers, and receive education on the traditions, values, and history of Theta Delta Chi. Pledging must be a period of no less than eight weeks.

Article VI Meetings Section I Attendance Brothers will be expected to attend weekly meetings. Prior notification of absence is mandatory, and must be passed by the President or Secretary as reasonable terms to miss the meeting. In the event that a brother fails to notify the President or Secretary of their absence, $25 will be added to their dues for the following semester.

Section II Meeting time Formal meetings will take place once weekly at a mutually agreed upon time determined at the beginning of each semester. During the semester meeting times can be altered as necessary. Other meetings such as officer-only meetings can be arranged at any time.

Section III Meeting Location Meetings are closed to all non-members and must be held in a closed room or facility.

Section IV Quorum Quorum will be understood as 2/3 of all brothers in good standing on the official fraternity roster present. Quorum will be required for voting issues discussed in Article VII.

Article VII Voting Section I Issues For the sake of democracy in charge operations, voting will be the means for which the following issues are determined: Officer Elections and removal, presenting bids, excommunicating pledges or brothers and amending the constitution. Voting is not limited to these areas however these are the only circumstances where a vote is paramount. In determining other issues such as allocation of fraternity funds, decisions will reside with the executive board unless the executive board agrees that the fraternity should be responsible for that decision.

Section II Voting method Voting on any of the above issues will be conducted by secret ballot. Voting may only take place at formal weekly member meetings. If the vote is prearranged, such as will be the case with officer elections, following a discussion of the candidates a motion to vote must be called and those in favor will raise their hands. The vote will occur once 3⁄4 of the membership are in favor of the vote. In the cases of excommunicating brothers, retracting bids, and removing officers, any brother may call for a vote to make a determination on the matter. Once discussion of the issue has ended, a brother other than the one who called for the vote initially must call for a motion to vote and continue with the method described above. Since these are not prearranged votes, informal balloting materials will be used. Ballots will always be collected and counted by the acting President and Recording Secretary who will announce decisions.

Article VIII Judicial Proceedings and Disciplinary Action Section I Grounds for Proceedings If a brother deliberately or continuously acts in violation of the fraternity rules outlined in this constitution or otherwise adopted by the fraternity, or through his actions detracts from to the well being of the charge, this shall constitute grounds for disciplinary action or removal. Similarly, brothers not in good standing will be subject to disciplinary action or removal.

Section II Proceedings A member will be subject to judicial review by the executive board if 3⁄4 of the brotherhood feel that a member should be deactivated. This will again be determined by a vote called at any regular member meeting. If a case reaches the Executive Board, following discussion of the circumstances, 5 of the 7 Executive Board members must agree that the brother should be deactivated. For cases of lesser magnitude, the Executive Board may call for other disciplinary action to be taken which will allow a brother to redeem himself after his violation. If a member of the Executive Board is the one under judicial review, then 5 of the remaining 6 board members must feel that he should be removed.

Article IX Dues Section I Amount Determination Dues will be determined at the beginning of each semester by the Executive Board. Dues amounts should be universal for all members with the exception of pledges who may be subject to different amounts. Senior discounts or special considerations in unique cases may occasionally be allowed at the discretion of the Treasurer after he consults the Executive Board.

Section II Minimum dues At the absolute minimum, the amount requirement of dues must support fees owed to the national office and the Intra-Fraternity Council.

Section III Collection Dues will be paid in full by cash or check in United States legal tender in a timely manner. Payment should be delivered directly to the Treasurer or however, he deems most efficient.

Section IV Due Payment Disciplinary Actions Dues must be paid by the second meeting of the fall and winter semesters (which will be referred to as the deadline for dues), unless notified otherwise by the President or Treasurer. This is contingent on the fraternity being notified of the amount for dues one week before the first meeting. If this does not occur, all deadlines are moved back so that the first deadline is two meetings after the fraternity is notified of the amount for dues. If paid after the deadline, dues will increase by 5% up until the end of the month, or two additional meetings after the deadline, whichever comes later. If dues are not paid by this time, then 15% will be added to the dues liability amount and the brother will be subject to a review of their membership standing in Theta Delta Chi by the Executive Board. If dues are not paid one month from the date the 15% is added, the brother's membership in Theta Delta Chi will come under vote by the fraternity, as outlined in Article VIII Section II of the Theta Delta Chi Constitution.

Exceptions can be made by the Treasurer if there are financial circumstances which require a payment plan. The member must discuss said payment plan with the treasurer at least one full week before the due date for all members’ dues. If the treasurer deems a brother's circumstances as not requiring a payment plan and said brother still feels they do, they can appeal to the Executive Board as a whole, of which they will require 2/3 of the vote, similar to Article VIII Section II of the Theta Delta Chi Constitution.

Article X Amendment Section I Proposal for amendment This document or individual areas of its contents are subject to revision, addition or deletion at any time. Amendments can be proposed in writing by any brother in good standing at any formal meeting, but it is preferred the amendment is brought to the Operations Officer initially. Proposals for amendments may be debated at the initial meeting or at any subsequent meetings, but an amendment cannot be voted on at the same meeting it was proposed.

Section II Adoption An amendment to the Constitution shall be adopted by a vote of 85 percent of all present Charge members in good standing in the presence of a quorum. Passed Amendments to the Constitution shall be made public to all Charge members, Charge advisors, appropriate members of Theta Delta Chi International, and appropriate University officials.