North Dundas Business Centre Launch Winchester Launch

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North Dundas Business Centre Launch Winchester Launch September 20 Page 01_Layout 2 17-09-19 3:10 PM Page 1 VISIT US FOR SENIOR’S DAY EVERY THURSDAY 613-448-1116 1-866-575-2728 66 Main Street South ST.ST. ISIDOREISIDORE PERTHPERTH Chesterville, ON K0C 1H0 LJ^ƵƐƐĞdžZĞƟƌĞŵĞŶƚ>ŝǀŝŶŐ 613-524-2079613-524-2079 KINGSTONKINGSTON DĂŶĂŐĞĚďLJŽŶŶĞĐƟŶŐĂƌĞ 1-800-465-49271-800-465-4927 KAZABAZUA,KAZABAZUA, QCQC NEW NEW ADVERTISING DEADLINES CLASSIFIED ADS FRIDAY @ 4 P.M. DISPLAY ADS (BOX) THURSDAY @ 4 P.M. E-mail: l `]j][gj\[dYkkaÚ]\k8_eYad&[ge e H`&2.)+%,,0%*+*) >Yp2.)+%,,0%+*.( Villager NEWS INSIDE Brie y PM40050631R8905 Volume 125, Number 10 Chesterville, Ontario Wednesday, September 20, 2017 Single Copy $1.00 (HST included) Films from books Walking a mile in SOUTH MOUNTAIN – The Friends of the Library have been showing a series another’s shoes MOUNTAIN – Local food banks of 10 films (adapted from books) at the South House of Lazarus (HOL) and Mountain Library Resource Community Food Share have Centre, on the third launched the Hunger Awareness Wednesday of each month Challenge, which runs Sept. 18 to from February to November 22 and involves hunger awareness at 2 p.m. Today’s feature is champions living solely off items High Fidelity, Oct. 18 is provided by the food bank for five Casino Royale, and Nov. 15 days. The purpose of the challenge is Chocolat. is to raise awareness about the issue of hunger faced by those living in Wine and cheese rural poverty. The champions will CHESTERVILLE – The Township of North Dundas have to be creative when it comes to and the North Dundas meal planning and preparation, to Chamber of Commerce are ensure their supplies do not run out holding the 7th Annual Wine before the five days are up. Each and Cheese networking champion is permitted only $10 to event this evening, Wed., spend on food throughout the week. Sept. 20, from 6 to 8 p.m., at Continued on page 2 the IDP Group building (former Nestlé plant) at 171 Dundas County Main St. It is a chance to try some local food, drink and Hospice celebrating to make new business 25 years of service connections. For details visit Candice Vetter Sharing pride over 175 years as a community s/7th-annual-wine-and- Record Staff On Sun., Sept. 17, numerous attendees at the Avonmore 175th anniversary celebrations gathered cheese-networking-event/. WILLIAMSBURG – The together on the marked lawn area reading 175, located on the other side of the fairgrounds coverall at RSVPs were expected by Dundas County Hospice is North Stormont Place, to participate in the aerial photograph by a drone recording the event overhead Mon., Sept.18. celebrating 25 years of service to as people waved and cheered for posterity. Garnett Last is the owner who operated the drone. This the residents of North and South photo will be included in a time capsule with other artefacts to be opened in 25 years. Blood donor clinic Courtesy Garnett Last photo (Inset Carruthers photo) WINCHESTER – Sept. Dundas and is hosting an open 21, 3:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. house at their office at 4353 County at the Joel Steele Rd. 31, Williamsburg, on Sun. Oct. Community Centre, 577 1, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. There will Another Avonmore celebration to remember Main Street West, be a short ceremony at 2 p.m. and a Muriel Carruthers Erin and Scott Hopkins provided information and Winchester. Canadian Blood visit from Nadine Volk of the Record Staff samples of the commemorative coins at tables in the Services reports “There are Champlain Hospice and Family AVONMORE – The 175th anniversary celebration hall and later in the coverall. Following the dinner, Scott 100,000 new donors needed Care Program. of Avonmore was a well-attended and resounding presented commemorative coins to the students from this year. There has never The three part-time staff success, thanks to the organizers, and the many Roxmore Public School who helped to design the coin. been a better time to start members are calling on all former volunteers and sponsors who worked so long and hard Numerous quilts were on display at the Presbyterian donating blood.” Book your staff, volunteers or clients, as well appointment at to bring the Sun., Sept. 17 festivities to the community. and United churches, including the 150th anniversary as the general public, to come out From the self-guided walking tour, the bus tours and quilt that was later auctioned at evening’s end. The and see what the hospice does, what drivers courtesy of Delaney Bus Lines, with local resident award-winning auctioneer Chad Simmons of North volunteering is about, and to show and historian-host Murray Barkley and his assistant Stormont, led the bidding for the 150th anniversary their support for the hospice. Harmony Koiter, to the afternoon tea and champagne punch quilt and the 1901 Roxborough Exhibition Avonmore “We’re hoping people from our reception, the community heritage dinner, and later evening poster. The winners of the respective items were Earl earlier years will come out – anyone auction, the day’s events provided something for everyone. Canham with a bid of $360 for the quilt and Jim Wert, associated with us in the past,” said Displays of historical items, scrapbooks, photos and at $410 for the poster. Canham donated the quilt back Linda Johnson, Director of Client clothing, including sports attire of past Avonmore teams, to the organizers for a future fundraiser. Continued on page 3 were centrally located in the North Stormont Place hall. Continued on page 8 ooo&\mhmak^gj\&[geooo&\mhmak^gj\&[geooo&\mhmak^gj\&[geooo&\mhmak^gj\&[geooo&\mhmak^gj\&[geooo&\mhmak^gj\&[geooo& LQ 2YHU V LFOH ooo&\mhmak^gj\&[ge 9HK 6WRFN 5,',&8/286'(02&/($5$1&(²(YHU\WKLQJPXVWJRDVDS *()-DAF;GDFEC;9O< *()/=K;9H=K=,O< K^l^ko^Pabm^IeZmbgnf%+1%*0,df%LMDC))0.2=''''''''''''' +.$/(( ;eZ\d%Lihkm%GZob`Zmbhg%Khh_%*2%22/dfLMD:/22.-=' ' +*$111 *().>GJ<>G;MKK=K=<9F *(),>G;MKK=@9L;@:9;C K^]KZ\^%:nmhfZmb\%*2%010df%LMD+*-/)+=''''''''''''''''')/$11- Hq_hk]Pabm^%:nmhfZmb\%*2%*.0df%LMD++.1/-'''''''''''')+$1(( *()->A=KL9K=K=<9F *().=K;9H=K=,O< FZ`g^mb\%:nmhfZmb\%*2%2-/df%LMD*+-.0.='''''''''''''''')*$1(( >e^\mkb\Lib\^%:nmhfZmb\%*2%.,0df%LMD;+/-0)' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' *-$111 *().>G;MKK=@9L;@:9;C *()->A=KL9K=@9L;@:9;C ;en^<Zg]r%:nmhfZmb\*2%0/+df%LMD+))*0.=' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' )1$111 Mnq^]h;eZ\d%:nmhfZmb\%*2%)0*df%LMD*+00),=' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ),$1(( "9ddhja[]kYj]hdmk@KLYf\da[]fkaf_& ooo&\mhmak^gj\&[ge .(+KL&AKA<GJ=KL&$;9KK=DE9F$GFL&)%000%0)1%)/1-ooo&\mhmak^gj\&[ge September 20 Page 02_Layout 2 17-09-19 2:54 PM Page 1 Page 2 The Chesterville Record Wednesday, September 20, 2017 noted Nash. “Although the Onasanya was nervous Hunger (CP) Holiday Train fills about taking on the them for a couple of challenge because he did Fred Penner at the Old Town Hall Awareness months it is up to us to rely on a food bank in the Carolyn Thompson share when we can to help past and the memories are Goddard Challenge our neighbours in need. difficult to dig up. He Record Correspondent The number of users are explained he lost his job WINCHESTER – Fred Continued from the front increasing and many of our and after the savings were Penner was on stage at the A total of 11 champions seniors are going without depleted, he turned to the have risen to the challenge: food as they struggle to food bank to eat. Old Town Hall in Merrickville-Wolford stay in their homes due to “My wife and I used to Winchester on Sept. 15 as Mayor David Nash, rising costs.” share a small can of beans part of the Festival of Linking Hands Coordinator Duncan said he wanted for dinner,” said Onasanya. Small Halls which seeks Sandy Casselman, to be a champion because “We used to count the to bring “big music to community activist Kim it’s something different that broccoli on each head to small places” according to Sheldrick, Winchester will offer a new plan for meals. It was information on their District Memorial Hospital perspective when it comes tough.” Eventually, he w e b s i t e CEO Cholly Boland, North to the local food banks. found a new job and things (thefestivalofsmall Grenville Deputy Mayor The hardest part for him improved. “You get Barb Tobin, North will be meal planning and through it and I am still North Dundas Arts Grenville Councillor Frank preparation. “My biggest here today, but I wanted to Council Ann Brady said Onasanya, North Dundas thing is being out and do this because I had the festival came to the Good Neighbour Mike about all the time, so forgotten what it was like.” Barkley, North Dundas planning ahead will be Every month, the HOL Old Town Hall for the first Councillor Tony Fraser, tricky,” said Duncan. Food Bank serves over 100 time in 2016. She thanked North Dundas Mayor Eric Tobin said the reason local families. all the local businesses, Duncan, South Dundas she wanted to participate is Approximately 40 per cent organizations and Fred Penner is pictured with Laura Herbert-Sauve of Mayor Evonne Delegarde to walk another person’s of those clients are children volunteers for the South Mountain, who has been a fan of Penner since incredible support shown and Kemptville District journey. “We get very and 10 per cent are seniors. childhood. Hospital Foundation comfortable in our own To follow the journeys to the event.
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