Chesterville & District Lions Club

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Chesterville & District Lions Club JANUARY 24 Page 01_Layout 2 18-01-23 1:05 PM Page 1 RUSSELL PHARMACY GLAUER’S TOWING & RECOVERY 3 YEARS IN A ROW Accepting 110 Craig St., Russell, ON K4R 1C7 all auto Consistent Quality Home Cleaning Services Mon. - Fri. – 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.; Sat. – 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.; Sun. – Closed clubs HEAD OFFICE: 613-443-7781 EST. 2003 WWW.SSCCLEAN.CA Tel: (613) 445-5555 Fax: (613) 445-0382 24 HOUR SERVICE 613 229 7773 ADVERTISING DEADLINES CLASSIFIED ADS - FRIDAY @ 4 P.M. DISPLAY ADS (BOX) - THURSDAY @ 4 P.M. E-mail: l`]j][gj\[dYkkaÚ]\k8_eYad&[ge Ph.: 613-448-2321 Fax: 613-448-3260 Brie y e Winter fun SDG – Forget the Villager winter blahs, the weather challenges and join in the NEWS INSIDE fun at the various carnivals. PM40050631R8905 Volume 125, Number 28 Chesterville, Ontario Wednesday, January 24, 2018 Single Copy $1.00 (HST included) The Embrun Carnival continues from this past weekend until Sun., Jan. Jesse Winchester 28. Up next in February are carnivals located at teams up with Moose Creek (Feb. 1-4), Morewood (Feb. 2-4). Canadian Marionville (Feb. 2-4), Chesterville (Feb. 9-11) and Crysler (Feb. 14-18). Cancer Society Public skating Kalynn Sawyer Helmer continues at local outside Record Staff rinks and indoor arenas, as CORNWALL – On Sat., Jan. 20, well as new outdoor Jesse Winchester, former Ottawa skating trails in Metcalfe and Moose Creek (see Senator, teamed up with the inside for stories). Canadian Cancer Society to host the Get Fit with the Pros workout Lunar Eclipse sessions at Summit Fitness in OTTAWA – A total Cornwall. lunar eclipse will occur Continued on page 8 next week, in the morning of Wed., Jan. 31. This Exchange students being the second full moon of the same month, try their hands at it is called the “Blue Moon.” A lunar eclipse is broomball a safe event to look at as the moon simply slides Michelle O’Donohue into the earth’s shadow. Record Contributor Light refracted through FINCH –In the international our atmosphere turns the community, Canada is often lunar surface red, much associated with our national winter Family support means everything like we see red sunsets. sport, hockey. Living in SD&G Make-A-Wish – Eastern Ontario granted a wish on Fri., Jan. 19, for St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Although this eclipse is where broomball is a popular winter High School’s Grade 12 student Joshua Taylor to attend an upcoming soccer game in Paris, France, seen across North sport, it can be difficult to imagine America, western portions where his favourite soccer player Neymar Jr. is now playing with the Paris Saint Germain. Seen here that there are those who have never will see the entire event. before the balloons and a replica of the Eiffel Tower are Joshua Taylor (in his new Make-A-Wish t- “Unfortunately in Ottawa heard of the sport, let alone know shirt) with family members from left, Uncle Ron and Aunt Sharon Young, his father Rob Taylor, sister we will see the eclipse the rules. Two 15-year-old Sadie Taylor, mother Kari Taylor, and grandparents Janet and Doug Scharf. Carruthers photo begin as the sun sets in the international exchange students who west,” according to a arrived in Canada last September release from Gary Boyle, joined the Finch Youth Broomball The Backyard League this year. They would Dream comes true for local student Astronomer. For more certainly tell you that they have no information visit his prior experience with the sport, Muriel Carruthers Before his arrival, Gabrielle Crete, an intern from website at though they are enjoying learning Record Staff Make-A-Wish, and a student herself at Algonquin www.wondersofastronom the ropes as they go. RUSSELL – Little did Grade 12 student Joshua College, was busy setting up for the reveal with a or on Twitter: Emiliano Saldaña Leos, from Taylor know what he was about to face when St. PowerPoint presentation, balloons, gift bags for Joshua, @astroeducator. Mexico, and Becky Stone, from Thomas Aquinas Catholic High School’s Principal and a cardboard replica of the Eiffel Tower. Australia, sat down with The Record Danny Palumbo called him to the office and then Crete explained that the Make-a-Wish Foundation to talk about their first impressions led him into the school’s auditorium on Fri., Jan. had reached a goal in 2017 of 46 wishes and this year of the sport, what the biggest 19. Waiting there were his family and friends, as the goal is 45. There are three criteria to be considered hurdles to learning the sport have well as other Grade 12 students and teachers, and for a wish to be granted: the person must be between been and what they enjoy most two representatives of the Make-A-Wish three and 17 years old, living with a life-threatening about playing in the Finch League. Foundation – Eastern Ontario Canada, for his wish illness, and never given a wish by another foundation. Continued on page 6 reveal. Continued on page 8 5IF0MEGPSE5FBN5IF5SVTUFE/BNFUP%PJU3JHIU G $157,500 $174,900 $275,000 Emily Blanchard Clayton Oldford Nathan Lang Sales Representative Broker Sales Representative FINCH – This 3 bedroom home has an amazing FINCH – Lovingly cared-for 3 bedroom, 1,250 CHESTERVILLE – So many possibilities! Come kitchen with all stainless steel appliances! sq. ft. home stands apart with its re-worked see this 3 bed 2 bath home with nished Call today for a FREE consulation Other features include a 2016 nat-gas furnace, interior to provide an open concept living! No basement, plus a separate space for an added insulation, and a large detached garage! rear neighbours, and lots of potential in the at-home business! Great for a daycare, salon, t8880-%'03%$" MLS #1086587 basement for extra living space! MLS#1080802 or inlaw suite! MLS # 1036575 JANUARY 24 Page 02_Layout 2 18-01-23 1:21 PM Page 1 Page 2 The Chesterville Record Wednesday, January 24, 2018 Dundas County Players hold General Assembly, elect new executive Carolyn Thompson Goddard – all re-elected; with Bernadette Martin, Lynne Jolicoeur Record Correspondent and Elizabeth Barton serving as Directors-at-large. WINCHESTER – Following a potluck dinner and social Upcoming productions in 2018 include The 39 Steps in hour, 20 plus members of the Dundas County Players April, a DCP caberet in June, followed by Marion Bridge Theatrical Society were present for the General Assembly in November. For more information on DCP, visit their at the Old Town Hall in Winchester on Jan. 21. website at A sneak preview of The 39 Steps, the upcoming DCP production, was presented, following which the General Assembly began with President Tony Glen providing a Meet the new DCP Executive recap of the previous year’s theatrical performances. These Following the Dundas County Players Theatrical included On This Day in April 2017, Nanny Featherbottom Society’s General Assembly at the Old Town Hall in and the Neighbour’s Corpse in June 2017, the Summer Winchester on Jan. 21, the new executive gathered for Youth Production of You’re A Good Man Charlie Brown this photo. From left, in front, are President Tony Glen, followed by The Great American Trailer Park Musical in Webmaster and Secretary JP Leduc and Treasurer Aaron November of last year. Dellah; in the back row are Vice-President James Perkins, The 2018 DCP Executive include Tony Glen, President; Sponsors and Patrons, Caroline Roberts, and Directors- James Perkins, Vice-President; Mat Kelly, 2nd Vice- at-large Lynn Jolicoeur and Elizabeth Barton. Absent President; JP Leduc, Webmaster and Secretary; Aaron from the photo is Mat Kelly. Thompson Goddard photo Dellah, Treasurer; Caroline Roberts, Sponsors and Patrons 57:-?77, ?16<-:+):61>)4 :MAD<<A>>=J=FL:MAD<:=LL=J .MJZ]IZa ;gf[j]l]>gjek>gjMk]afJ]ka\]flaYdYf\;gee]j[aYdKljm[lmj]k 217$5,21(: +20(:$55$17< 5WZM_WWL+WUU]VQ\a+MV\ZM 352*5$0 :mad\]jkg^A;>AfkmdYl]\;gf[j]l] :dg[cOYddk>gmf\Ylagfk +RVWHGE\WKH0RUHZRRG5$DQG0RUHZRRG)LUH'HSDUWPHQW 55&+(67(59,//(21.2&+ J]ka\]flaYd;gee]j[aYd;mklge:madl@ge]k9\\alagfk J]fgnYlagfkG^Ú[]J]fgnYlagfkKmkh]f\]\;]adaf_k ;+0-,=4-7.->-6<; L]d2.)+%,,0%+*,1$>Yp2.)+%,,0%+)++$;]dd2.)+%/1,%,./1 .ZQLIa.MJZ]IZa SPSP &ULEEDJH7RXUQDPHQW SPSP )LUHPHQ)DPLO\%LQJR SUHVHQWHGE\7KH&KHVWHUYLOOH SPSP 6NDWLQJ 7RERJJDQLQJ 'LVWULFW/LRQV&OXE SPSP &DQWHHQ 5HJLVWUDWLRQDQGSD\PHQW SPSP %DU%HYHUDJHV RFFXUVDWVWDUWRIHYHQW '97831()7-+2)('%&-2)87 DPSP &DQWHHQ 1%29*%'896)(3246)1-7)7*6)))78-1%8)7 SPSP 6KRZFDVH6LOHQW$XFWLRQ 6IN (ERMIPPI4SQEMRZMPPI SPSP 5DIÀH :LQQHU SPSP )DPLO\6NDWH QSVI[SSHOMXGLIRW$FIPPRIXGE DQQRXQFHGGXULQJVXSSHURQSPSP )DPLO\6NDWH 'SYRX]6SEH&S\1SVI[SSH32/%6 6DWXUGD\DWSPSPSP &KLOL6XSSHU 3OHDVHSXUFKDVH WLFNHWVLQDGYDQFH ;I\]ZLIa.MJZ]IZa SP :LQQHUDQQRXQFHG %<(56&$53(175<,1& DPDP )LUHPHQ%UHDNIDVW SP )LUHZRUNV 0DFKLQH6KHGV&XVWRP%XLOW+RPHV DPSP RQ+RFNH\ SP )DPLO\'DQFH ,&))RXQGDWLRQV5HQRYDWLRQV$GGLWLRQV SPSP RQ+RFNH\ SP 0LGQLJKW6QDFN 5RRIV'HFNV%DUQV SPHQG %DU%HYHUDJHV DP 6LOHQW$XFWLRQHQGV &RQFHVVLRQ&U\VOHU21 SPSP /RJ6DZLQJ&RPSHWLWLRQ .HQ )D[ .HYLQ ;]VLIa.MJZ]IZa SPSP 7XJRI:DU %XLOGLQJWUXVWRQHSURMHFWDWDWLPH $OOGD\ )UHH.LGV$FWLYLWLHV DP 6SHFLDO&DUQLYDO6HUYLFHDW7KH $OOGD\ 7RERJJDQLQJ 0RUHZRRG3UHVE\WHULDQ&KXUFK $OOGD\ &DUQLYDO3KRWR%RRWK 3OHDVHFRQWDFW'HYRQWRUHJLVWHUIRUWKH 9F<J=E=F9J<KGFK 8QWLOSP 5DIÀH ?J9AF=D=N9LGJK RQ+RFNH\DWE\HUV#KRWPDLOFRP /LFHQVHG(OHYDWRU *UDLQ'HDOHU 8QWLOPLGQLJKW 6LOHQW$XFWLRQ RU (OHYDWRU6HUYLFH)RU&RUQ 6R\EHDQ SPSP )DFH3DLQWLQJVSRQVRUHGE\ 3XUFKDVLQJ 6WRUDJH 3OHDVHFRQWDFW7KH0RUHZRRG5$DW 2IIHULQJ%DVLF)RUZDUG&RQWUDFWVDOVR&RPSHWLWLYH'U\LQJ5DWHV 7KH0RUHZRRG3UHVE\WHULDQ0RUHZRRG5$#JPDLOFRPRU 7UDQVSRUW$YDLODEOH)RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQFDOO &KXUFK RXU)DFHERRNSDJHIRUDQ\LQIRUPDWLRQ (OHYDWRU+RPH $QGUH0D[ (& $5587+(56 && & SONS 025(:22'7,5( WATER HAULAGE &RPSOHWH)DUP7LUH6HUYLFH • SWIMMING POOL FILLING 5HWDLO :KROHVDOH • TRUCK & SPRAY BAR RENTALS )LUHVWRQH&HUWL¿HG'HDOHU • ROAD CONSTRUCTION 13758 COULTHART RD., CRYSLER, ON &KHVWHUYLOOH 'LVWULFW/LRQV&OXE )D[ Email: [email protected] -RUGDQ+RGJH3UHVLGHQW 0RUHZRRG2QWDULR TEL: 613-448-1244 CELL: 613-223-2241 FKHVWHUYLOOHOLRQV#JPDLOFRP 1(:$1'86(' )$50(48,30(17 %DQQHUV%LOOERDUGV 75$&7256 1HRQ6LJQV %$&.+2(6 &XVWRP6LJQV &202)$50(48,30(17 7UXFN/HWWHULQJ &2817<52$':,1&+(67(521.&.
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