The Physiology of Growth by S
Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.26.298.417 on 1 August 1950. Downloaded from 417 THE PHYSIOLOGY OF GROWTH BY S. LEONARD SIMPSON, M.A., M.D., F.R.C.P. Consultant Endocrinologist, St. Mary's Hospital, etc.; Formerly Research Wor7Aer, Lister Institute Although clinical and experimental evidence postulated an antagonism between growth and had previously indicated that skeletal growth sex-stimulating hormones. Further observations depended upon the pituitary gland, it was not suggested that corpora lutea were formed before until I92I that Evans and Long, at the University ovulation occurred, and that his emulsions con- of California, demonstrated that a saline emulsion tained gonadotrophic luteinizing hormone. Al- made from the anterior pituitary lobe of fresh though Evans' original giant rats were apparently glands of cattle contained a growth hormone. The adipose, later work (Lee and Schaffer, 1934), hypophyses were thrown into 40 per cent. ethyl showed that there was a retention of nitrogen and alcohol, agitated with a glass rod, transferred to a relative excess of body protein. This was also two changes of sterile normal saline, and triturated true of the excess of tissue deposited in and with force and speed with ocean sand, diluted with around the abdomen. Evans stated in a recent saline, and decanted. The layers of sand, cell discussion in London that rats treated with pure fragments and opaque pink fluid permitted the growth hormone, unlike those in the initial latter to be decanted. This emulsion, when experiments with crude extracts, were not injected daily in doses of I to i ml.
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