2019/2020 Guide for Bachelor's and Master's Students

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2019/2020 Guide for Bachelor's and Master's Students Università della Svizzera italiana Guide for Bachelor’s Eng and Master’s students 2019/2020 Index Introduction The Faculties 2 Psychological Counselling Service 18 Bachelor programmes 2 SostA Project 18 Master programmes 3 Sport 18 USI in numbers 4 Start-Up 19 Contacts 4 Student Card 19 Study Areas 20 Studying Grants for Bachelor and Master programmes 5 at USI Academic Calendar 8 International Bureaucracy at a glance 25 Registration 8 students Visa 26 Fees 8 Residence permit 26 Certificates 9 Residents’ Registration Office 28 Health Insurance 29 Living Accessibility to the Campuses 11 Third-Party Liability Insurance (RC) 29 on the USI Alumni 11 campus ATM 12 Free time Useful Information 30 Career 12 and life outside Useful Links 32 Copy Center 12 of the campus Equal opportunities service 13 Food 13 How to Useful Information 33 Housing 13 reach us Maps of Public Transportation 34 International Relations and Study Abroad 14 Internet Connection/Wi-Fi 14 Campuses Maps 36 IT Help Desk 15 Languages Courses 15 Glossary 38 Laboratory for Models 15 Leave of absence 15 Contacts 44 Libraries 16 Lost and Found 16 Monthly Budget 16 Parking 17 Photography Laboratory 17 Printing 17 2 Introduction Master 3 programmes Mendrisio Campus Architecture** 120 ECTS, 4 sem. www.usi.ch/marc Lugano Campus Lingua, letteratura 120 ECTS, 4 sem. www.usi.ch/mlci e civiltà italiana Philosophy 120 ECTS, 4 sem. www.usi.ch/map Finance 90 ECTS, 3 sem. www.usi.ch/mfin Financial 120 ECTS, 4 sem. www.usi.ch/mfc Communication International Tourism 120 ECTS, 4 sem. www.usi.ch/mt Economia 120 ECTS, 4 sem. www.usi.ch/mepin e Politiche Jointly offered with Internazionali* the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milan) The Faculties Economics 90 ECTS, 3 sem. www.usi.ch/me Mendrisio Campus Villa Argentina Academy of Architecture Public Management 120 ECTS, 4 sem. www.usi.ch/pmp Largo Bernasconi 2 [email protected] and Policy** 6850 Mendrisio Management 120 ECTS, 4 sem. www.usi.ch/mmg Switzerland Marketing and 120 ECTS, 4 sem. www.usi.ch/mktg Lugano Campus Università della Faculty of Biomedical Sciences Transformative Svizzera italiana Office 406, Main Building Economy Via Buffi 13 [email protected] 6900 Lugano Corporate 120 ECTS, 4 sem. www.usi.ch/mcc Faculty of Communication Sciences Switzerland Communication Office 235, Main Building [email protected] Digital Fashion 120 ECTS, 4 sem. www.usi.ch/mdfc Communication* Jointly offered with Faculty of Economics the Université Paris 1 Office 234, Main Building Panthéon-Sorbonne [email protected] Communication, 120 ECTS, 4 sem. www.usi.ch/mcmh Faculty of Informatics Management and Office 120, Informatics Building Health [email protected] Cognitive Psychology 120 ECTS, 4 sem. www.usi.ch/mphc in Health Jointly offered with Communication* the Università Vita Bachelor Salute San Raffaele programmes (Milan) Media Management 120 ECTS, 4 sem. www.usi.ch/mmm Mendrisio Campus Architecture 180 ECTS, 6 sem. www.usi.ch/en/barc + 2 sem. of practice Informatics 120 ECTS, 4 sem. www.usi.ch/msi Lugano Campus Lingua, letteratura 180 ECTS, 6 sem. www.usi.ch/bllci Artificial Intelligence 120 ECTS, 4 sem. www.usi.ch/mai e civiltà italiana (only in Italian) Software and Data 120 ECTS, 4 sem. www.usi.ch/msde Communication 180 ECTS, 6 sem. www.usi.ch/en/bcom Engineering Sciences Management 120 ECTS, 4 sem. www.usi.ch/mmi Economics 180 ECTS, 6 sem. www.usi.ch/en/beco and Informatics Informatics* 180 ECTS, 6 sem. www.usi.ch/en/binf Financial Technology 120 ECTS, 4 sem. www.usi.ch/mft and Computing Medicine** 180 ECTS, 6 sem. www.usi.ch/en/bmed Computational 120 ECTS, 4 sem. www.usi.ch/mcs Science * Teaching language: English. ** Students are matriculated at USI but attend classes at University of Basel. Teaching language: German. All other Bachelor programmes are held in Italian. * One (or more) semester is offered by the partner university. ** Teaching languages: Italian and English. 4 5 USI 3 Campuses (Lugano, Mendrisio, Bellinzona) Studying at USI in numbers 5 Faculties 21 Institutes and labs 6 Bachelors 22 Masters 10 Doctoral programmes 11 Executive Masters 101 Countries represented 1/8 Teacher/student ratio 107 Partner universities 113 Annual research grants Grants for Bachelor and Master Programmes Contacts USI Università della Svizzera italiana Study Advisory Service Bursaries The Department of Education, Culture and Sport (Dipartimento Office 303 granted by the dell’Educazione, della cultura e dello sport - DECS) of the Canton Via Buffi 13 Canton Ticino of Ticino provides financial support to students who meet its 6900 Lugano residency requirements. The information brochure and the Switzerland application forms can be downloaded from the web page: tel + 41 58 666 4795 fax + 41 58 666 4759 www4.ti.ch/decs/sa/uast/sportello/formulari-e-opuscoli [email protected] www.usi.ch For further details, please contact the “Ufficio degli aiuti allo studio”: USI Università della Svizzera italiana www4.ti.ch/decs/sa/uast/ufficio Academy of Architecture Villa Argentina Largo Bernasconi 2 Bursaries Swiss students residing in other cantons can apply for educational 6850 Mendrisio granted by other funding from the competent cantonal office, which can be found Switzerland Swiss cantons through the following web site: tel + 41 58 666 5000 fax + 41 58 666 5868 http://borsedistudio.educa.ch/it [email protected] www.arc.usi.ch Boursaries The Foundation for the Lugano Faculties of the Università della granted by the Svizzera italiana awards: Foundation for 20 one-off scholarships of CHF 4’000 each to first-year Bachelor the Lugano students who obtained their high-school degree and who at the Faculties of the moment of graduation had legal residence in the German- or Università della French-speaking cantons of Switzerland; Svizzera italiana 5 three-year scholarships for students admitted to the first year of the Bachelor in Economics; 5 three-year scholarships for students admitted to the first year of the Bachelor in Communication Sciences; 15 annual scholarships (5 for each of the 3 years of study) to students enrolled in the Bachelor in Italian language, literature and culture; 6 60 one-off scholarships of CHF 4’000 each to the students Zonta Club The Zonta Club Lugano Foundation awards several scholarships 7 admitted to the first year of a USI Master programme; Lugano to Swiss students or foreign students living in Ticino with a 10 two-year scholarships for students admitted to the first year of Foundation C residence permit who are attending a Bachelor’s or a Master’s one of the Masters offered by the Faculty of Informatics; Degree Programme: 5 two-year scholarships for students admitted to the first year of the Master in Italian language, literature and culture; http://lugano.zonta.ch/fondazione The regulations and application forms are available at: IBSA Every year, the IBSA Foundation for Scientific Research offers www.usi.ch/en/bachelor-tasse-e-borse-di-studio Foundation scholarships to Bachelor students in medicine who are studying at for scientific USI partner universities (University of Basel, ETH Zurich, Universi- research ty of Zurich). More information on how to apply for an IBSA Equal The Equal Opportunities Service of USI offers (through open scholarship can be found on the web page: Opportunities competition) one scholarship worth CHF 4’000 for a female Service student admitted to the first year of the Bachelor in Informatics: www.biomed.usi.ch/en/study/study-medicine/fees-and- scholarships www.usi.ch/en/binf-tasse-e-borse-di-studio Ente Turistico Ente Turistico del Luganese, the destination management Private For scholarships granted by private foundations to students del Luganese organisation of Lugano, has decided to grant one scholarship to a foundations enrolled in the Academy of Architecture, please refer to: student admitted to the first year of the USI Master in International for the Academy Tourism starting in September 2019. For details on how to apply, of Architecture www.arc.usi.ch/en/academy/borse-di-studio please visit the web page: www.usi.ch/en/mt-fees-and-grants Leonardo Swiss and foreign students enrolled at USI can apply for a scholar- Foundation ship granted by the Leonardo Foundation. The application form can Ente Turistico del Luganese: be downloaded from the web page www.luganoregion.com/en www4.ti.ch/decs/sa/uast/cosa-facciamo/fondazioni-private SODESKA The SODESKA Foundation offers 5 scholarships worth CHF 4’000 Foundation each to Swiss students to support them during their studies at USI: For information on other private foundations present in Ticino, please refer to: www.usi.ch/en/bachelor-tasse-e-borse-di-studio www4.ti.ch/decs/sa/uast/cosa-facciamo/fondazioni-private Reginaldus The Reginaldus Foundation awards several scholarships for Further information: Foundation outstanding academic performance to Swiss and foreign students Faculties of Economics, Communication Sciences and Informatics: from Lugano campus who intend to stay at the Aristotle College. [email protected] Faculty of Biomedical Sciences: For further information, please contact: [email protected]. [email protected] Academy of Architecture: www.aristotlecollege.ch [email protected] 8 Academic Certificates The website www.attestati.lu.usi.ch is the portal where students of 9 Autumn 16.09.2019 Courses start Calendar Semester 2019 20.12.2019 Courses end the Faculties of Communication Sciences, Economics, and 2019-2020 Informatics can generate and download a series of certificates: Spring 17.02.2020 Courses start certificate of attendance (the document that certifies enrolment at Semester 2020 10-19.04.2020 Easter break USI); 29.05.2020 Courses end statement for the Cantonal migration office; Exams 07.01-01.02.2020 Winter session request form for military service deferment; Sessions 02.06-04.07.2020 Summer session certificates for requesting gainful employment during studies.
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